Francesco Cogno first published the azure_sdk_for_rust crate in January of 2016. The initial commit to was December of 2015. It supported Azure Storage and Azure Cosmos DB services. azure_sdk_for_rust 0.12.0 was last published in June of 2019.
Francesco split up azure_sdk_for_rust in June of 2019 and published:
- azure_sdk_core
- azure_sdk_auth_aad
- azure_sdk_cosmos
- azure_sdk_storage_core
- azure_sdk_storage_account
- azure_sdk_storage_blob
- azure_sdk_storage_table
- azure_sdk_storage_queue
They were last published in September of 2020 before moving the code to in October of 2020.
The above crates have become:
- azure_core
- azure_identity
- azure_data_cosmos
- azure_storage
- azure_storage
- azure_storage_blobs
- azure_data_tables
- azure_storage_queues
They were first published in January of 2022.
Guy Waldman initial commit at and publish of azure-sdk-keyvault was in May of 2020. In was added to this repository in October of 2020 and has become azure_security_keyvault.
Cameron Taggart initial commit at was in April of 2020. The initial 100 generated control plane services committed into Azure SDK for Rust was in October of 2020.