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File metadata and controls

50 lines (33 loc) · 2.97 KB

Tynkki clone using AngularJS 1.4, the SASS version of the Bootstrap CSS framework and angular-ui-router. Dependencies are managed with npm and the application is built and served to the browser using Node.js + Gulp + Express.


First, you should have Node.js installed. Node is used in Tynkki to build the stylesheets for the application, and to serve it to the browser. Install the latest Node.js release from the Node.js homepage, or from the package manager if you have Linux.

You should also have Git installed. Again, use the package manager in Linux, or get it from the home page.

Both the git command line tools and node must be in PATH. In other platforms this is usually the case automatically, in Windows you might need to add the directory with node.exe and npm.cmd manually in Advanced system settings -> Environment variables.

Then, open a terminal (in Windows, Git Bash), and type:

git clone
cd tynkki
npm install -g gulp # if you don't have gulp already installed globally
npm install

Leave the terminal open, with gulp running. Now you should be able to access the application at http://localhost:2806/.


The application code resides in the app subdirectory with the following structure:

  • app/index.html: Entry point to the application, loads the Javascript code, the CSS stylesheet and has the global layout HTML.
  • app/js: Javascript code
  • app/templates: Angular template HTML for views and directives
  • app/scss: Stylesheet sources, preprocessed with Sass to generate the CSS stylesheet used by the browser.
  • app/scss/_bootstrap-variables.scss: Settings for adjusting the look'n'feel of Bootstrap
  • app/build: Where the build system builds the resulting CSS stylesheet. Do not edit directly!

The server subdirectory has a very tiny (<10 lines of code) web server implementation that currently just serves the application to the browser at http://localhost:2806/.

The file Gulpfile.js contains the build system for the application. The default task, which can be run by executing gulp anywhere in the project folder, builds the application's CSS stylesheet from the SCSS sources and serves the application's files to the browser via the server. The stylesheet is rebuilt whenever the SCSS source files are changed.

The npm package manager reads project dependencies from the package.json file and installs them when you type npm install. Typically, one doesn't edit this file directly, but uses the npm install --save <dep> and npm uninstall --save <dep> commands to install/uninstall dependency libraries and update the package.json file accordingly.


Olli Salli