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This is my weblog and my little corner on the internet. See here for more information about me. I've build many big sites in my professional career, so I figured a small weblog should be possible. To be honest this is probably already incarnation number 4 (see old version) of the site. Hope you enjoy.
The first few years I ran my personally crafted blogging system, which was great because I could experiment with it as a software developer. After my spare time became too scarce I moved it all over to a Wordpress blog. Maintaining that became too hard though: keeping up with all the security patches alone is too much work.
So the current iteration of the site you are looking at is completely statically generated. Here is the software I use:
- The Engine
- For the engine I use Jekyll
- I have since modified Jekyll quite a bit, particularly the build system, based on Rake
- JavaScript, using jQuery in combination with Google Closure to compile my own JavaScript's
- The production environment
- Hosted by
- Disqus for the commenting system, where enabled
- The development environment
- Git and Github to maintain all the data
- Backing up Github
- I use VIM to author all the articles and any coding needed
- I use Aspell with an English dictionary
- Design inspiration
- Color scheme from kuler
- Background image from
- CSS: 960gs Grid system
Like most people that get started with Jekyll, I looked at the Github repositories out there and build off of one that comes closest to what I want. I did the same thing and want to acknowledge the work Bryan Matthew Warren has done. You will find his work on Github. In addition, in early 2014 I switched to the Balzac Jekyll theme developed by Cole Townsend.
Herjen Oldenbeuving did an initial review and gave me some valuable feedback.
My writing, photographs, graphics, and any other original content is covered by a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. In simple terms, you can reuse whatever you like from this site for non-commercial purposes, so long as you give me an attributive credit in the form of a link back to this site and do not modify the work. I would also appreciate it if you let me know how and where you're using my work.
Anything else is strictly copyrighted by me, unless it is copyrighted by a third party:
- Google Analytics tags
- Disqus integration
- Similar things like the above
So if you decide to make a derivative work based on my stuff, do not reuse these.