These resources are loosely ordered by how well-suited they are for developers who have never studied a statically-typed language like Java, C, etc.
- Kelley Robinson - Demystifying Scala
- ScalaBridge
- Learn Scala in Y Minutes
- Read through this, skimming over the parts that don't make sense to you yet. Just get a sense of what the language looks like and make note of some of the basic building blocks.
- Scala Tutorials
- Python to Scala
- Noel Welsh - Essential Scala: Six Core Principles for Learning Scala
- Tour of Scala
- Scala Style Guide
- Just Enough Scala for Spark
- Functional Programming in Scala
- Kojo
- Lightbend's Scala 101
- Scala Quest
- SBT intro (coming soon)
- Maven intro (coming soon)
- ScalaTest User Guide
- Hands-on Scala.js