From e567f59cee028625dbf24cd8e20eb36acc979929 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Aakash Singh Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2024 09:07:00 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 01/36] Fix pdf previews (#8405) --- package-lock.json | 22 +++++++++++++++++++++- package.json | 3 ++- public/pdf.worker.min.js | 21 --------------------- src/Components/Common/PDFViewer.tsx | 2 +- vite.config.mts | 19 +++++++++++++++++++ 5 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 public/pdf.worker.min.js diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json index d67882e7191..7fa1431548a 100644 --- a/package-lock.json +++ b/package-lock.json @@ -99,7 +99,8 @@ "uuid": "^10.0.0", "vite": "^5.2.11", "vite-plugin-checker": "^0.6.4", - "vite-plugin-pwa": "^0.20.0" + "vite-plugin-pwa": "^0.20.0", + "vite-plugin-static-copy": "^1.0.6" }, "engines": { "node": ">=20.12.0" @@ -23916,6 +23917,25 @@ "url": "" } }, + "node_modules/vite-plugin-static-copy": { + "version": "1.0.6", + "resolved": "", + "integrity": "sha512-3uSvsMwDVFZRitqoWHj0t4137Kz7UynnJeq1EZlRW7e25h2068fyIZX4ORCCOAkfp1FklGxJNVJBkBOD+PZIew==", + "dev": true, + "license": "MIT", + "dependencies": { + "chokidar": "^3.5.3", + "fast-glob": "^3.2.11", + "fs-extra": "^11.1.0", + "picocolors": "^1.0.0" + }, + "engines": { + "node": "^18.0.0 || >=20.0.0" + }, + "peerDependencies": { + "vite": "^5.0.0" + } + }, "node_modules/vite/node_modules/@types/estree": { "version": "1.0.5", "resolved": "", diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 19992713a73..eeb5d36bc22 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -135,7 +135,8 @@ "uuid": "^10.0.0", "vite": "^5.2.11", "vite-plugin-checker": "^0.6.4", - "vite-plugin-pwa": "^0.20.0" + "vite-plugin-pwa": "^0.20.0", + "vite-plugin-static-copy": "^1.0.6" }, "browserslist": { "production": [ diff --git a/public/pdf.worker.min.js b/public/pdf.worker.min.js deleted file mode 100644 index 863506eb72f..00000000000 --- a/public/pdf.worker.min.js +++ /dev/null @@ -1,21 +0,0 @@ -/** - * @licstart The following is the entire license notice for the - * JavaScript code in this page - * - * Copyright 2023 Mozilla Foundation - * - * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); - * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. - * You may obtain a copy of the License at - * - * - * - * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software - * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, - * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. - * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and - * limitations under the License. - * - * @licend The above is the entire license notice for the - * JavaScript code in this page -*/var e = { d: (t, i) => { for (var a in i) e.o(i, a) && !e.o(t, a) && Object.defineProperty(t, a, { enumerable: !0, get: i[a] }) }, o: (e, t) =>, t) }, __webpack_exports__ = globalThis.pdfjsWorker = {}; e.d(__webpack_exports__, { WorkerMessageHandler: () => WorkerMessageHandler }); const t = !("object" != typeof process || process + "" != "[object process]" || process.versions.nw || process.versions.electron && process.type && "browser" !== process.type), i = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0], a = [.001, 0, 0, .001, 0, 0], s = 1.35, r = .35, n = .25925925925925924, o = 1, g = 2, c = 4, h = 8, l = 16, C = 64, Q = 256, E = "pdfjs_internal_editor_", u = 3, d = 9, f = 13, p = 15, m = { PRINT: 4, MODIFY_CONTENTS: 8, COPY: 16, MODIFY_ANNOTATIONS: 32, FILL_INTERACTIVE_FORMS: 256, COPY_FOR_ACCESSIBILITY: 512, ASSEMBLE: 1024, PRINT_HIGH_QUALITY: 2048 }, y = 0, w = 4, b = 1, D = 2, F = 3, S = 1, k = 2, R = 3, N = 4, G = 5, x = 6, M = 7, U = 8, L = 9, J = 10, H = 11, Y = 12, v = 13, K = 14, T = 15, q = 16, O = 17, W = 20, X = "Group", j = "R", Z = 1, V = 2, z = 4, _ = 16, $ = 32, AA = 128, eA = 512, tA = 1, iA = 2, aA = 4096, sA = 8192, rA = 32768, nA = 65536, oA = 131072, gA = 1048576, IA = 2097152, cA = 8388608, hA = 16777216, lA = 1, CA = 2, BA = 3, QA = 4, EA = 5, uA = { E: "Mouse Enter", X: "Mouse Exit", D: "Mouse Down", U: "Mouse Up", Fo: "Focus", Bl: "Blur", PO: "PageOpen", PC: "PageClose", PV: "PageVisible", PI: "PageInvisible", K: "Keystroke", F: "Format", V: "Validate", C: "Calculate" }, dA = { WC: "WillClose", WS: "WillSave", DS: "DidSave", WP: "WillPrint", DP: "DidPrint" }, fA = { O: "PageOpen", C: "PageClose" }, pA = { ERRORS: 0, WARNINGS: 1, INFOS: 5 }, mA = { NONE: 0, BINARY: 1 }, yA = 1, wA = 2, bA = 3, DA = 4, FA = 5, SA = 6, kA = 7, RA = 8, NA = 9, GA = 10, xA = 11, MA = 12, UA = 13, LA = 14, JA = 15, HA = 16, YA = 17, vA = 18, KA = 19, TA = 20, qA = 21, OA = 22, PA = 23, WA = 24, XA = 25, jA = 26, ZA = 27, VA = 28, zA = 29, _A = 30, $A = 31, Ae = 32, ee = 33, te = 34, ie = 35, ae = 36, se = 37, re = 38, ne = 39, oe = 40, ge = 41, Ie = 42, ce = 43, he = 44, le = 45, Ce = 46, Be = 47, Qe = 48, Ee = 49, ue = 50, de = 51, fe = 52, pe = 53, me = 54, ye = 55, we = 56, be = 57, De = 58, Fe = 59, Se = 60, ke = 61, Re = 62, Ne = 63, Ge = 64, xe = 65, Me = 66, Ue = 67, Le = 68, Je = 69, He = 70, Ye = 71, ve = 72, Ke = 73, Te = 74, qe = 75, Oe = 76, Pe = 77, We = 80, Xe = 81, je = 83, Ze = 84, Ve = 85, ze = 86, _e = 87, $e = 88, At = 89, et = 90, tt = 91, it = 1, at = 2; let st = pA.WARNINGS; function getVerbosityLevel() { return st } function info(e) { st >= pA.INFOS && console.log(`Info: ${e}`) } function warn(e) { st >= pA.WARNINGS && console.log(`Warning: ${e}`) } function unreachable(e) { throw new Error(e) } function assert(e, t) { e || unreachable(t) } function createValidAbsoluteUrl(e, t = null, i = null) { if (!e) return null; try { if (i && "string" == typeof e) { if (i.addDefaultProtocol && e.startsWith("www.")) { const t = e.match(/\./g); t?.length >= 2 && (e = `http://${e}`) } if (i.tryConvertEncoding) try { e = stringToUTF8String(e) } catch { } } const a = t ? new URL(e, t) : new URL(e); if (function _isValidProtocol(e) { switch (e?.protocol) { case "http:": case "https:": case "ftp:": case "mailto:": case "tel:": return !0; default: return !1 } }(a)) return a } catch { } return null } function shadow(e, t, i, a = !1) { Object.defineProperty(e, t, { value: i, enumerable: !a, configurable: !0, writable: !1 }); return i } const rt = function BaseExceptionClosure() { function BaseException(e, t) { this.constructor === BaseException && unreachable("Cannot initialize BaseException."); this.message = e; = t } BaseException.prototype = new Error; BaseException.constructor = BaseException; return BaseException }(); class PasswordException extends rt { constructor(e, t) { super(e, "PasswordException"); this.code = t } } class UnknownErrorException extends rt { constructor(e, t) { super(e, "UnknownErrorException"); this.details = t } } class InvalidPDFException extends rt { constructor(e) { super(e, "InvalidPDFException") } } class MissingPDFException extends rt { constructor(e) { super(e, "MissingPDFException") } } class UnexpectedResponseException extends rt { constructor(e, t) { super(e, "UnexpectedResponseException"); this.status = t } } class FormatError extends rt { constructor(e) { super(e, "FormatError") } } class AbortException extends rt { constructor(e) { super(e, "AbortException") } } function bytesToString(e) { "object" == typeof e && void 0 !== e?.length || unreachable("Invalid argument for bytesToString"); const t = e.length, i = 8192; if (t < i) return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, e); const a = []; for (let s = 0; s < t; s += i) { const r = Math.min(s + i, t), n = e.subarray(s, r); a.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, n)) } return a.join("") } function stringToBytes(e) { "string" != typeof e && unreachable("Invalid argument for stringToBytes"); const t = e.length, i = new Uint8Array(t); for (let a = 0; a < t; ++a)i[a] = 255 & e.charCodeAt(a); return i } function string32(e) { return String.fromCharCode(e >> 24 & 255, e >> 16 & 255, e >> 8 & 255, 255 & e) } function objectSize(e) { return Object.keys(e).length } class FeatureTest { static get isLittleEndian() { return shadow(this, "isLittleEndian", function isLittleEndian() { const e = new Uint8Array(4); e[0] = 1; return 1 === new Uint32Array(e.buffer, 0, 1)[0] }()) } static get isEvalSupported() { return shadow(this, "isEvalSupported", function isEvalSupported() { try { new Function(""); return !0 } catch { return !1 } }()) } static get isOffscreenCanvasSupported() { return shadow(this, "isOffscreenCanvasSupported", "undefined" != typeof OffscreenCanvas) } static get platform() { return "undefined" != typeof navigator && "string" == typeof navigator?.platform ? shadow(this, "platform", { isMac: navigator.platform.includes("Mac") }) : shadow(this, "platform", { isMac: !1 }) } static get isCSSRoundSupported() { return shadow(this, "isCSSRoundSupported", globalThis.CSS?.supports?.("width: round(1.5px, 1px)")) } } const nt = Array.from(Array(256).keys(), (e => e.toString(16).padStart(2, "0"))); class Util { static makeHexColor(e, t, i) { return `#${nt[e]}${nt[t]}${nt[i]}` } static scaleMinMax(e, t) { let i; if (e[0]) { if (e[0] < 0) { i = t[0]; t[0] = t[2]; t[2] = i } t[0] *= e[0]; t[2] *= e[0]; if (e[3] < 0) { i = t[1]; t[1] = t[3]; t[3] = i } t[1] *= e[3]; t[3] *= e[3] } else { i = t[0]; t[0] = t[1]; t[1] = i; i = t[2]; t[2] = t[3]; t[3] = i; if (e[1] < 0) { i = t[1]; t[1] = t[3]; t[3] = i } t[1] *= e[1]; t[3] *= e[1]; if (e[2] < 0) { i = t[0]; t[0] = t[2]; t[2] = i } t[0] *= e[2]; t[2] *= e[2] } t[0] += e[4]; t[1] += e[5]; t[2] += e[4]; t[3] += e[5] } static transform(e, t) { return [e[0] * t[0] + e[2] * t[1], e[1] * t[0] + e[3] * t[1], e[0] * t[2] + e[2] * t[3], e[1] * t[2] + e[3] * t[3], e[0] * t[4] + e[2] * t[5] + e[4], e[1] * t[4] + e[3] * t[5] + e[5]] } static applyTransform(e, t) { return [e[0] * t[0] + e[1] * t[2] + t[4], e[0] * t[1] + e[1] * t[3] + t[5]] } static applyInverseTransform(e, t) { const i = t[0] * t[3] - t[1] * t[2]; return [(e[0] * t[3] - e[1] * t[2] + t[2] * t[5] - t[4] * t[3]) / i, (-e[0] * t[1] + e[1] * t[0] + t[4] * t[1] - t[5] * t[0]) / i] } static getAxialAlignedBoundingBox(e, t) { const i = this.applyTransform(e, t), a = this.applyTransform(e.slice(2, 4), t), s = this.applyTransform([e[0], e[3]], t), r = this.applyTransform([e[2], e[1]], t); return [Math.min(i[0], a[0], s[0], r[0]), Math.min(i[1], a[1], s[1], r[1]), Math.max(i[0], a[0], s[0], r[0]), Math.max(i[1], a[1], s[1], r[1])] } static inverseTransform(e) { const t = e[0] * e[3] - e[1] * e[2]; return [e[3] / t, -e[1] / t, -e[2] / t, e[0] / t, (e[2] * e[5] - e[4] * e[3]) / t, (e[4] * e[1] - e[5] * e[0]) / t] } static singularValueDecompose2dScale(e) { const t = [e[0], e[2], e[1], e[3]], i = e[0] * t[0] + e[1] * t[2], a = e[0] * t[1] + e[1] * t[3], s = e[2] * t[0] + e[3] * t[2], r = e[2] * t[1] + e[3] * t[3], n = (i + r) / 2, o = Math.sqrt((i + r) ** 2 - 4 * (i * r - s * a)) / 2, g = n + o || 1, c = n - o || 1; return [Math.sqrt(g), Math.sqrt(c)] } static normalizeRect(e) { const t = e.slice(0); if (e[0] > e[2]) { t[0] = e[2]; t[2] = e[0] } if (e[1] > e[3]) { t[1] = e[3]; t[3] = e[1] } return t } static intersect(e, t) { const i = Math.max(Math.min(e[0], e[2]), Math.min(t[0], t[2])), a = Math.min(Math.max(e[0], e[2]), Math.max(t[0], t[2])); if (i > a) return null; const s = Math.max(Math.min(e[1], e[3]), Math.min(t[1], t[3])), r = Math.min(Math.max(e[1], e[3]), Math.max(t[1], t[3])); return s > r ? null : [i, s, a, r] } static #A(e, t, i, a, s, r, n, o, g, c) { if (g <= 0 || g >= 1) return; const h = 1 - g, l = g * g, C = l * g, Q = h * (h * (h * e + 3 * g * t) + 3 * l * i) + C * a, E = h * (h * (h * s + 3 * g * r) + 3 * l * n) + C * o; c[0] = Math.min(c[0], Q); c[1] = Math.min(c[1], E); c[2] = Math.max(c[2], Q); c[3] = Math.max(c[3], E) } static #e(e, t, i, a, s, r, n, o, g, c, h, l) { if (Math.abs(g) < 1e-12) { Math.abs(c) >= 1e-12 && this.#A(e, t, i, a, s, r, n, o, -h / c, l); return } const C = c ** 2 - 4 * h * g; if (C < 0) return; const Q = Math.sqrt(C), E = 2 * g; this.#A(e, t, i, a, s, r, n, o, (-c + Q) / E, l); this.#A(e, t, i, a, s, r, n, o, (-c - Q) / E, l) } static bezierBoundingBox(e, t, i, a, s, r, n, o, g) { if (g) { g[0] = Math.min(g[0], e, n); g[1] = Math.min(g[1], t, o); g[2] = Math.max(g[2], e, n); g[3] = Math.max(g[3], t, o) } else g = [Math.min(e, n), Math.min(t, o), Math.max(e, n), Math.max(t, o)]; this.#e(e, i, s, n, t, a, r, o, 3 * (3 * (i - s) - e + n), 6 * (e - 2 * i + s), 3 * (i - e), g); this.#e(e, i, s, n, t, a, r, o, 3 * (3 * (a - r) - t + o), 6 * (t - 2 * a + r), 3 * (a - t), g); return g } } const ot = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 728, 711, 710, 729, 733, 731, 730, 732, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8226, 8224, 8225, 8230, 8212, 8211, 402, 8260, 8249, 8250, 8722, 8240, 8222, 8220, 8221, 8216, 8217, 8218, 8482, 64257, 64258, 321, 338, 352, 376, 381, 305, 322, 339, 353, 382, 0, 8364]; function stringToPDFString(e) { if (e[0] >= "ï") { let t; if ("þ" === e[0] && "ÿ" === e[1]) { t = "utf-16be"; e.length % 2 == 1 && (e = e.slice(0, -1)) } else if ("ÿ" === e[0] && "þ" === e[1]) { t = "utf-16le"; e.length % 2 == 1 && (e = e.slice(0, -1)) } else "ï" === e[0] && "»" === e[1] && "¿" === e[2] && (t = "utf-8"); if (t) try { const i = new TextDecoder(t, { fatal: !0 }), a = stringToBytes(e), s = i.decode(a); return s.includes("") ? s.replaceAll(/\x1b[^\x1b]*(?:\x1b|$)/g, "") : s } catch (e) { warn(`stringToPDFString: "${e}".`) } } const t = []; for (let i = 0, a = e.length; i < a; i++) { const s = e.charCodeAt(i); if (27 === s) { for (; ++i < a && 27 !== e.charCodeAt(i);); continue } const r = ot[s]; t.push(r ? String.fromCharCode(r) : e.charAt(i)) } return t.join("") } function stringToUTF8String(e) { return decodeURIComponent(escape(e)) } function utf8StringToString(e) { return unescape(encodeURIComponent(e)) } function isArrayEqual(e, t) { if (e.length !== t.length) return !1; for (let i = 0, a = e.length; i < a; i++)if (e[i] !== t[i]) return !1; return !0 } function getModificationDate(e = new Date) { return [e.getUTCFullYear().toString(), (e.getUTCMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, "0"), e.getUTCDate().toString().padStart(2, "0"), e.getUTCHours().toString().padStart(2, "0"), e.getUTCMinutes().toString().padStart(2, "0"), e.getUTCSeconds().toString().padStart(2, "0")].join("") } let gt = null, It = null; const ct = 0, ht = 1, lt = 2, Ct = 3, Bt = 4, Qt = 5, Et = 6, ut = 7, dt = 8, ft = Symbol("CIRCULAR_REF"), pt = Symbol("EOF"); let mt = Object.create(null), yt = Object.create(null), wt = Object.create(null); class Name { constructor(e) { = e } static get(e) { return yt[e] ||= new Name(e) } } class Cmd { constructor(e) { this.cmd = e } static get(e) { return mt[e] ||= new Cmd(e) } } const bt = function nonSerializableClosure() { return bt }; class Dict { constructor(e = null) { this._map = Object.create(null); this.xref = e; this.objId = null; this.suppressEncryption = !1; this.__nonSerializable__ = bt } assignXref(e) { this.xref = e } get size() { return Object.keys(this._map).length } get(e, t, i) { let a = this._map[e]; if (void 0 === a && void 0 !== t) { a = this._map[t]; void 0 === a && void 0 !== i && (a = this._map[i]) } return a instanceof Ref && this.xref ? this.xref.fetch(a, this.suppressEncryption) : a } async getAsync(e, t, i) { let a = this._map[e]; if (void 0 === a && void 0 !== t) { a = this._map[t]; void 0 === a && void 0 !== i && (a = this._map[i]) } return a instanceof Ref && this.xref ? this.xref.fetchAsync(a, this.suppressEncryption) : a } getArray(e, t, i) { let a = this._map[e]; if (void 0 === a && void 0 !== t) { a = this._map[t]; void 0 === a && void 0 !== i && (a = this._map[i]) } a instanceof Ref && this.xref && (a = this.xref.fetch(a, this.suppressEncryption)); if (Array.isArray(a)) { a = a.slice(); for (let e = 0, t = a.length; e < t; e++)a[e] instanceof Ref && this.xref && (a[e] = this.xref.fetch(a[e], this.suppressEncryption)) } return a } getRaw(e) { return this._map[e] } getKeys() { return Object.keys(this._map) } getRawValues() { return Object.values(this._map) } set(e, t) { this._map[e] = t } has(e) { return void 0 !== this._map[e] } forEach(e) { for (const t in this._map) e(t, this.get(t)) } static get empty() { const e = new Dict(null); e.set = (e, t) => { unreachable("Should not call `set` on the empty dictionary.") }; return shadow(this, "empty", e) } static merge({ xref: e, dictArray: t, mergeSubDicts: i = !1 }) { const a = new Dict(e), s = new Map; for (const e of t) if (e instanceof Dict) for (const [t, a] of Object.entries(e._map)) { let e = s.get(t); if (void 0 === e) { e = []; s.set(t, e) } else if (!(i && a instanceof Dict)) continue; e.push(a) } for (const [t, i] of s) { if (1 === i.length || !(i[0] instanceof Dict)) { a._map[t] = i[0]; continue } const s = new Dict(e); for (const e of i) for (const [t, i] of Object.entries(e._map)) void 0 === s._map[t] && (s._map[t] = i); s.size > 0 && (a._map[t] = s) } s.clear(); return a.size > 0 ? a : Dict.empty } clone() { const e = new Dict(this.xref); for (const t of this.getKeys()) e.set(t, this.getRaw(t)); return e } } class Ref { constructor(e, t) { this.num = e; this.gen = t } toString() { return 0 === this.gen ? `${this.num}R` : `${this.num}R${this.gen}` } static fromString(e) { const t = wt[e]; if (t) return t; const i = /^(\d+)R(\d*)$/.exec(e); return i && "0" !== i[1] ? wt[e] = new Ref(parseInt(i[1]), i[2] ? parseInt(i[2]) : 0) : null } static get(e, t) { const i = 0 === t ? `${e}R` : `${e}R${t}`; return wt[i] ||= new Ref(e, t) } } class RefSet { constructor(e = null) { this._set = new Set(e?._set) } has(e) { return this._set.has(e.toString()) } put(e) { this._set.add(e.toString()) } remove(e) { this._set.delete(e.toString()) } [Symbol.iterator]() { return this._set.values() } clear() { this._set.clear() } } class RefSetCache { constructor() { this._map = new Map } get size() { return this._map.size } get(e) { return this._map.get(e.toString()) } has(e) { return this._map.has(e.toString()) } put(e, t) { this._map.set(e.toString(), t) } putAlias(e, t) { this._map.set(e.toString(), this.get(t)) } [Symbol.iterator]() { return this._map.values() } clear() { this._map.clear() } *items() { for (const [e, t] of this._map) yield [Ref.fromString(e), t] } } function isName(e, t) { return e instanceof Name && (void 0 === t || === t) } function isCmd(e, t) { return e instanceof Cmd && (void 0 === t || e.cmd === t) } function isDict(e, t) { return e instanceof Dict && (void 0 === t || isName(e.get("Type"), t)) } function isRefsEqual(e, t) { return e.num === t.num && e.gen === t.gen } class BaseStream { constructor() { this.constructor === BaseStream && unreachable("Cannot initialize BaseStream.") } get length() { unreachable("Abstract getter `length` accessed") } get isEmpty() { unreachable("Abstract getter `isEmpty` accessed") } get isDataLoaded() { return shadow(this, "isDataLoaded", !0) } getByte() { unreachable("Abstract method `getByte` called") } getBytes(e) { unreachable("Abstract method `getBytes` called") } peekByte() { const e = this.getByte(); -1 !== e && this.pos--; return e } peekBytes(e) { const t = this.getBytes(e); this.pos -= t.length; return t } getUint16() { const e = this.getByte(), t = this.getByte(); return -1 === e || -1 === t ? -1 : (e << 8) + t } getInt32() { return (this.getByte() << 24) + (this.getByte() << 16) + (this.getByte() << 8) + this.getByte() } getByteRange(e, t) { unreachable("Abstract method `getByteRange` called") } getString(e) { return bytesToString(this.getBytes(e)) } skip(e) { this.pos += e || 1 } reset() { unreachable("Abstract method `reset` called") } moveStart() { unreachable("Abstract method `moveStart` called") } makeSubStream(e, t, i = null) { unreachable("Abstract method `makeSubStream` called") } getBaseStreams() { return null } } const Dt = /^[1-9]\.\d$/; function getLookupTableFactory(e) { let t; return function () { if (e) { t = Object.create(null); e(t); e = null } return t } } class MissingDataException extends rt { constructor(e, t) { super(`Missing data [${e}, ${t})`, "MissingDataException"); this.begin = e; this.end = t } } class ParserEOFException extends rt { constructor(e) { super(e, "ParserEOFException") } } class XRefEntryException extends rt { constructor(e) { super(e, "XRefEntryException") } } class XRefParseException extends rt { constructor(e) { super(e, "XRefParseException") } } function arrayBuffersToBytes(e) { const t = e.length; if (0 === t) return new Uint8Array(0); if (1 === t) return new Uint8Array(e[0]); let i = 0; for (let a = 0; a < t; a++)i += e[a].byteLength; const a = new Uint8Array(i); let s = 0; for (let i = 0; i < t; i++) { const t = new Uint8Array(e[i]); a.set(t, s); s += t.byteLength } return a } function getInheritableProperty({ dict: e, key: t, getArray: i = !1, stopWhenFound: a = !0 }) { let s; const r = new RefSet; for (; e instanceof Dict && (!e.objId || !r.has(e.objId));) { e.objId && r.put(e.objId); const n = i ? e.getArray(t) : e.get(t); if (void 0 !== n) { if (a) return n; (s ||= []).push(n) } e = e.get("Parent") } return s } const Ft = ["", "C", "CC", "CCC", "CD", "D", "DC", "DCC", "DCCC", "CM", "", "X", "XX", "XXX", "XL", "L", "LX", "LXX", "LXXX", "XC", "", "I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX"]; function toRomanNumerals(e, t = !1) { assert(Number.isInteger(e) && e > 0, "The number should be a positive integer."); const i = []; let a; for (; e >= 1e3;) { e -= 1e3; i.push("M") } a = e / 100 | 0; e %= 100; i.push(Ft[a]); a = e / 10 | 0; e %= 10; i.push(Ft[10 + a]); i.push(Ft[20 + e]); const s = i.join(""); return t ? s.toLowerCase() : s } function log2(e) { return e <= 0 ? 0 : Math.ceil(Math.log2(e)) } function readInt8(e, t) { return e[t] << 24 >> 24 } function readUint16(e, t) { return e[t] << 8 | e[t + 1] } function readUint32(e, t) { return (e[t] << 24 | e[t + 1] << 16 | e[t + 2] << 8 | e[t + 3]) >>> 0 } function isWhiteSpace(e) { return 32 === e || 9 === e || 13 === e || 10 === e } function isNumberArray(e, t) { return Array.isArray(e) && (null === t || e.length === t) && e.every((e => "number" == typeof e)) } function lookupMatrix(e, t) { return isNumberArray(e, 6) ? e : t } function lookupRect(e, t) { return isNumberArray(e, 4) ? e : t } function lookupNormalRect(e, t) { return isNumberArray(e, 4) ? Util.normalizeRect(e) : t } function parseXFAPath(e) { const t = /(.+)\[(\d+)\]$/; return e.split(".").map((e => { const i = e.match(t); return i ? { name: i[1], pos: parseInt(i[2], 10) } : { name: e, pos: 0 } })) } function escapePDFName(e) { const t = []; let i = 0; for (let a = 0, s = e.length; a < s; a++) { const s = e.charCodeAt(a); if (s < 33 || s > 126 || 35 === s || 40 === s || 41 === s || 60 === s || 62 === s || 91 === s || 93 === s || 123 === s || 125 === s || 47 === s || 37 === s) { i < a && t.push(e.substring(i, a)); t.push(`#${s.toString(16)}`); i = a + 1 } } if (0 === t.length) return e; i < e.length && t.push(e.substring(i, e.length)); return t.join("") } function escapeString(e) { return e.replaceAll(/([()\\\n\r])/g, (e => "\n" === e ? "\\n" : "\r" === e ? "\\r" : `\\${e}`)) } function _collectJS(e, t, i, a) { if (!e) return; let s = null; if (e instanceof Ref) { if (a.has(e)) return; s = e; a.put(s); e = t.fetch(e) } if (Array.isArray(e)) for (const s of e) _collectJS(s, t, i, a); else if (e instanceof Dict) { if (isName(e.get("S"), "JavaScript")) { const t = e.get("JS"); let a; t instanceof BaseStream ? a = t.getString() : "string" == typeof t && (a = t); a &&= stringToPDFString(a).replaceAll("\0", ""); a && i.push(a) } _collectJS(e.getRaw("Next"), t, i, a) } s && a.remove(s) } function collectActions(e, t, i) { const a = Object.create(null), s = getInheritableProperty({ dict: t, key: "AA", stopWhenFound: !1 }); if (s) for (let t = s.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) { const r = s[t]; if (r instanceof Dict) for (const t of r.getKeys()) { const s = i[t]; if (!s) continue; const n = []; _collectJS(r.getRaw(t), e, n, new RefSet); n.length > 0 && (a[s] = n) } } if (t.has("A")) { const i = []; _collectJS(t.get("A"), e, i, new RefSet); i.length > 0 && (a.Action = i) } return objectSize(a) > 0 ? a : null } const St = { 60: "<", 62: ">", 38: "&", 34: """, 39: "'" }; function* codePointIter(e) { for (let t = 0, i = e.length; t < i; t++) { const i = e.codePointAt(t); i > 55295 && (i < 57344 || i > 65533) && t++; yield i } } function encodeToXmlString(e) { const t = []; let i = 0; for (let a = 0, s = e.length; a < s; a++) { const s = e.codePointAt(a); if (32 <= s && s <= 126) { const r = St[s]; if (r) { i < a && t.push(e.substring(i, a)); t.push(r); i = a + 1 } } else { i < a && t.push(e.substring(i, a)); t.push(`&#x${s.toString(16).toUpperCase()};`); s > 55295 && (s < 57344 || s > 65533) && a++; i = a + 1 } } if (0 === t.length) return e; i < e.length && t.push(e.substring(i, e.length)); return t.join("") } function validateFontName(e, t = !1) { const i = /^("|').*("|')$/.exec(e); if (i && i[1] === i[2]) { if (new RegExp(`[^\\\\]${i[1]}`).test(e.slice(1, -1))) { t && warn(`FontFamily contains unescaped ${i[1]}: ${e}.`); return !1 } } else for (const i of e.split(/[ \t]+/)) if (/^(\d|(-(\d|-)))/.test(i) || !/^[\w-\\]+$/.test(i)) { t && warn(`FontFamily contains invalid : ${e}.`); return !1 } return !0 } function validateCSSFont(e) { const t = new Set(["100", "200", "300", "400", "500", "600", "700", "800", "900", "1000", "normal", "bold", "bolder", "lighter"]), { fontFamily: i, fontWeight: a, italicAngle: s } = e; if (!validateFontName(i, !0)) return !1; const r = a ? a.toString() : ""; e.fontWeight = t.has(r) ? r : "400"; const n = parseFloat(s); e.italicAngle = isNaN(n) || n < -90 || n > 90 ? "14" : s.toString(); return !0 } function recoverJsURL(e) { const t = new RegExp("^\\s*(" + ["app.launchURL", "", ""].join("|").replaceAll(".", "\\.") + ")\\((?:'|\")([^'\"]*)(?:'|\")(?:,\\s*(\\w+)\\)|\\))", "i").exec(e); if (t?.[2]) { const e = t[2]; let i = !1; "true" === t[3] && "app.launchURL" === t[1] && (i = !0); return { url: e, newWindow: i } } return null } function numberToString(e) { if (Number.isInteger(e)) return e.toString(); const t = Math.round(100 * e); return t % 100 == 0 ? (t / 100).toString() : t % 10 == 0 ? e.toFixed(1) : e.toFixed(2) } function getNewAnnotationsMap(e) { if (!e) return null; const t = new Map; for (const [i, a] of e) { if (!i.startsWith(E)) continue; let e = t.get(a.pageIndex); if (!e) { e = []; t.set(a.pageIndex, e) } e.push(a) } return t.size > 0 ? t : null } function isAscii(e) { return /^[\x00-\x7F]*$/.test(e) } function stringToUTF16HexString(e) { const t = []; for (let i = 0, a = e.length; i < a; i++) { const a = e.charCodeAt(i); t.push((a >> 8 & 255).toString(16).padStart(2, "0"), (255 & a).toString(16).padStart(2, "0")) } return t.join("") } function stringToUTF16String(e, t = !1) { const i = []; t && i.push("þÿ"); for (let t = 0, a = e.length; t < a; t++) { const a = e.charCodeAt(t); i.push(String.fromCharCode(a >> 8 & 255), String.fromCharCode(255 & a)) } return i.join("") } function getRotationMatrix(e, t, i) { switch (e) { case 90: return [0, 1, -1, 0, t, 0]; case 180: return [-1, 0, 0, -1, t, i]; case 270: return [0, -1, 1, 0, 0, i]; default: throw new Error("Invalid rotation") } } function getSizeInBytes(e) { return Math.ceil(Math.ceil(Math.log2(1 + e)) / 8) } class Stream extends BaseStream { constructor(e, t, i, a) { super(); this.bytes = e instanceof Uint8Array ? e : new Uint8Array(e); this.start = t || 0; this.pos = this.start; this.end = t + i || this.bytes.length; this.dict = a } get length() { return this.end - this.start } get isEmpty() { return 0 === this.length } getByte() { return this.pos >= this.end ? -1 : this.bytes[this.pos++] } getBytes(e) { const t = this.bytes, i = this.pos, a = this.end; if (!e) return t.subarray(i, a); let s = i + e; s > a && (s = a); this.pos = s; return t.subarray(i, s) } getByteRange(e, t) { e < 0 && (e = 0); t > this.end && (t = this.end); return this.bytes.subarray(e, t) } reset() { this.pos = this.start } moveStart() { this.start = this.pos } makeSubStream(e, t, i = null) { return new Stream(this.bytes.buffer, e, t, i) } } class StringStream extends Stream { constructor(e) { super(stringToBytes(e)) } } class NullStream extends Stream { constructor() { super(new Uint8Array(0)) } } class ChunkedStream extends Stream { constructor(e, t, i) { super(new Uint8Array(e), 0, e, null); this.chunkSize = t; this._loadedChunks = new Set; this.numChunks = Math.ceil(e / t); this.manager = i; this.progressiveDataLength = 0; this.lastSuccessfulEnsureByteChunk = -1 } getMissingChunks() { const e = []; for (let t = 0, i = this.numChunks; t < i; ++t)this._loadedChunks.has(t) || e.push(t); return e } get numChunksLoaded() { return this._loadedChunks.size } get isDataLoaded() { return this.numChunksLoaded === this.numChunks } onReceiveData(e, t) { const i = this.chunkSize; if (e % i != 0) throw new Error(`Bad begin offset: ${e}`); const a = e + t.byteLength; if (a % i != 0 && a !== this.bytes.length) throw new Error(`Bad end offset: ${a}`); this.bytes.set(new Uint8Array(t), e); const s = Math.floor(e / i), r = Math.floor((a - 1) / i) + 1; for (let e = s; e < r; ++e)this._loadedChunks.add(e) } onReceiveProgressiveData(e) { let t = this.progressiveDataLength; const i = Math.floor(t / this.chunkSize); this.bytes.set(new Uint8Array(e), t); t += e.byteLength; this.progressiveDataLength = t; const a = t >= this.end ? this.numChunks : Math.floor(t / this.chunkSize); for (let e = i; e < a; ++e)this._loadedChunks.add(e) } ensureByte(e) { if (e < this.progressiveDataLength) return; const t = Math.floor(e / this.chunkSize); if (!(t > this.numChunks) && t !== this.lastSuccessfulEnsureByteChunk) { if (!this._loadedChunks.has(t)) throw new MissingDataException(e, e + 1); this.lastSuccessfulEnsureByteChunk = t } } ensureRange(e, t) { if (e >= t) return; if (t <= this.progressiveDataLength) return; const i = Math.floor(e / this.chunkSize); if (i > this.numChunks) return; const a = Math.min(Math.floor((t - 1) / this.chunkSize) + 1, this.numChunks); for (let s = i; s < a; ++s)if (!this._loadedChunks.has(s)) throw new MissingDataException(e, t) } nextEmptyChunk(e) { const t = this.numChunks; for (let i = 0; i < t; ++i) { const a = (e + i) % t; if (!this._loadedChunks.has(a)) return a } return null } hasChunk(e) { return this._loadedChunks.has(e) } getByte() { const e = this.pos; if (e >= this.end) return -1; e >= this.progressiveDataLength && this.ensureByte(e); return this.bytes[this.pos++] } getBytes(e) { const t = this.bytes, i = this.pos, a = this.end; if (!e) { a > this.progressiveDataLength && this.ensureRange(i, a); return t.subarray(i, a) } let s = i + e; s > a && (s = a); s > this.progressiveDataLength && this.ensureRange(i, s); this.pos = s; return t.subarray(i, s) } getByteRange(e, t) { e < 0 && (e = 0); t > this.end && (t = this.end); t > this.progressiveDataLength && this.ensureRange(e, t); return this.bytes.subarray(e, t) } makeSubStream(e, t, i = null) { t ? e + t > this.progressiveDataLength && this.ensureRange(e, e + t) : e >= this.progressiveDataLength && this.ensureByte(e); function ChunkedStreamSubstream() { } ChunkedStreamSubstream.prototype = Object.create(this); ChunkedStreamSubstream.prototype.getMissingChunks = function () { const e = this.chunkSize, t = Math.floor(this.start / e), i = Math.floor((this.end - 1) / e) + 1, a = []; for (let e = t; e < i; ++e)this._loadedChunks.has(e) || a.push(e); return a }; Object.defineProperty(ChunkedStreamSubstream.prototype, "isDataLoaded", { get() { return this.numChunksLoaded === this.numChunks || 0 === this.getMissingChunks().length }, configurable: !0 }); const a = new ChunkedStreamSubstream; a.pos = a.start = e; a.end = e + t || this.end; a.dict = i; return a } getBaseStreams() { return [this] } } class ChunkedStreamManager { constructor(e, t) { this.length = t.length; this.chunkSize = t.rangeChunkSize; = new ChunkedStream(this.length, this.chunkSize, this); this.pdfNetworkStream = e; this.disableAutoFetch = t.disableAutoFetch; this.msgHandler = t.msgHandler; this.currRequestId = 0; this._chunksNeededByRequest = new Map; this._requestsByChunk = new Map; this._promisesByRequest = new Map; this.progressiveDataLength = 0; this.aborted = !1; this._loadedStreamCapability = Promise.withResolvers() } sendRequest(e, t) { const i = this.pdfNetworkStream.getRangeReader(e, t); i.isStreamingSupported || (i.onProgress = this.onProgress.bind(this)); let a = [], s = 0; return new Promise(((e, t) => { const readChunk = ({ value: r, done: n }) => { try { if (n) { const t = arrayBuffersToBytes(a); a = null; e(t); return } s += r.byteLength; i.isStreamingSupported && this.onProgress({ loaded: s }); a.push(r);, t) } catch (e) { t(e) } };, t) })).then((t => { this.aborted || this.onReceiveData({ chunk: t, begin: e }) })) } requestAllChunks(e = !1) { if (!e) { const e =; this._requestChunks(e) } return this._loadedStreamCapability.promise } _requestChunks(e) { const t = this.currRequestId++, i = new Set; this._chunksNeededByRequest.set(t, i); for (const t of e) || i.add(t); if (0 === i.size) return Promise.resolve(); const a = Promise.withResolvers(); this._promisesByRequest.set(t, a); const s = []; for (const e of i) { let i = this._requestsByChunk.get(e); if (!i) { i = []; this._requestsByChunk.set(e, i); s.push(e) } i.push(t) } if (s.length > 0) { const e = this.groupChunks(s); for (const t of e) { const e = t.beginChunk * this.chunkSize, i = Math.min(t.endChunk * this.chunkSize, this.length); this.sendRequest(e, i).catch(a.reject) } } return a.promise.catch((e => { if (!this.aborted) throw e })) } getStream() { return } requestRange(e, t) { t = Math.min(t, this.length); const i = this.getBeginChunk(e), a = this.getEndChunk(t), s = []; for (let e = i; e < a; ++e)s.push(e); return this._requestChunks(s) } requestRanges(e = []) { const t = []; for (const i of e) { const e = this.getBeginChunk(i.begin), a = this.getEndChunk(i.end); for (let i = e; i < a; ++i)t.includes(i) || t.push(i) } t.sort((function (e, t) { return e - t })); return this._requestChunks(t) } groupChunks(e) { const t = []; let i = -1, a = -1; for (let s = 0, r = e.length; s < r; ++s) { const r = e[s]; i < 0 && (i = r); if (a >= 0 && a + 1 !== r) { t.push({ beginChunk: i, endChunk: a + 1 }); i = r } s + 1 === e.length && t.push({ beginChunk: i, endChunk: r + 1 }); a = r } return t } onProgress(e) { this.msgHandler.send("DocProgress", { loaded: * this.chunkSize + e.loaded, total: this.length }) } onReceiveData(e) { const t = e.chunk, i = void 0 === e.begin, a = i ? this.progressiveDataLength : e.begin, s = a + t.byteLength, r = Math.floor(a / this.chunkSize), n = s < this.length ? Math.floor(s / this.chunkSize) : Math.ceil(s / this.chunkSize); if (i) {; this.progressiveDataLength = s } else, t); && this._loadedStreamCapability.resolve(; const o = []; for (let e = r; e < n; ++e) { const t = this._requestsByChunk.get(e); if (t) { this._requestsByChunk.delete(e); for (const i of t) { const t = this._chunksNeededByRequest.get(i); t.has(e) && t.delete(e); t.size > 0 || o.push(i) } } } if (!this.disableAutoFetch && 0 === this._requestsByChunk.size) { let e; if (1 === { const t = - 1; || (e = t) } else e =; Number.isInteger(e) && this._requestChunks([e]) } for (const e of o) { const t = this._promisesByRequest.get(e); this._promisesByRequest.delete(e); t.resolve() } this.msgHandler.send("DocProgress", { loaded: * this.chunkSize, total: this.length }) } onError(e) { this._loadedStreamCapability.reject(e) } getBeginChunk(e) { return Math.floor(e / this.chunkSize) } getEndChunk(e) { return Math.floor((e - 1) / this.chunkSize) + 1 } abort(e) { this.aborted = !0; this.pdfNetworkStream?.cancelAllRequests(e); for (const t of this._promisesByRequest.values()) t.reject(e) } } class ColorSpace { constructor(e, t) { this.constructor === ColorSpace && unreachable("Cannot initialize ColorSpace."); = e; this.numComps = t } getRgb(e, t) { const i = new Uint8ClampedArray(3); this.getRgbItem(e, t, i, 0); return i } getRgbItem(e, t, i, a) { unreachable("Should not call ColorSpace.getRgbItem") } getRgbBuffer(e, t, i, a, s, r, n) { unreachable("Should not call ColorSpace.getRgbBuffer") } getOutputLength(e, t) { unreachable("Should not call ColorSpace.getOutputLength") } isPassthrough(e) { return !1 } isDefaultDecode(e, t) { return ColorSpace.isDefaultDecode(e, this.numComps) } fillRgb(e, t, i, a, s, r, n, o, g) { const c = t * i; let h = null; const l = 1 << n, C = i !== s || t !== a; if (this.isPassthrough(n)) h = o; else if (1 === this.numComps && c > l && "DeviceGray" !== && "DeviceRGB" !== { const t = n <= 8 ? new Uint8Array(l) : new Uint16Array(l); for (let e = 0; e < l; e++)t[e] = e; const i = new Uint8ClampedArray(3 * l); this.getRgbBuffer(t, 0, l, i, 0, n, 0); if (C) { h = new Uint8Array(3 * c); let e = 0; for (let t = 0; t < c; ++t) { const a = 3 * o[t]; h[e++] = i[a]; h[e++] = i[a + 1]; h[e++] = i[a + 2] } } else { let t = 0; for (let a = 0; a < c; ++a) { const s = 3 * o[a]; e[t++] = i[s]; e[t++] = i[s + 1]; e[t++] = i[s + 2]; t += g } } } else if (C) { h = new Uint8ClampedArray(3 * c); this.getRgbBuffer(o, 0, c, h, 0, n, 0) } else this.getRgbBuffer(o, 0, a * r, e, 0, n, g); if (h) if (C) !function resizeRgbImage(e, t, i, a, s, r, n) { n = 1 !== n ? 0 : n; const o = i / s, g = a / r; let c, h = 0; const l = new Uint16Array(s), C = 3 * i; for (let e = 0; e < s; e++)l[e] = 3 * Math.floor(e * o); for (let i = 0; i < r; i++) { const a = Math.floor(i * g) * C; for (let i = 0; i < s; i++) { c = a + l[i]; t[h++] = e[c++]; t[h++] = e[c++]; t[h++] = e[c++]; h += n } } }(h, e, t, i, a, s, g); else { let t = 0, i = 0; for (let s = 0, n = a * r; s < n; s++) { e[t++] = h[i++]; e[t++] = h[i++]; e[t++] = h[i++]; t += g } } } get usesZeroToOneRange() { return shadow(this, "usesZeroToOneRange", !0) } static _cache(e, t, i, a) { if (!i) throw new Error('ColorSpace._cache - expected "localColorSpaceCache" argument.'); if (!a) throw new Error('ColorSpace._cache - expected "parsedColorSpace" argument.'); let s, r; if (e instanceof Ref) { r = e; e = t.fetch(e) } e instanceof Name && (s =; (s || r) && i.set(s, r, a) } static getCached(e, t, i) { if (!i) throw new Error('ColorSpace.getCached - expected "localColorSpaceCache" argument.'); if (e instanceof Ref) { const a = i.getByRef(e); if (a) return a; try { e = t.fetch(e) } catch (e) { if (e instanceof MissingDataException) throw e } } if (e instanceof Name) { const t = i.getByName(; if (t) return t } return null } static async parseAsync({ cs: e, xref: t, resources: i = null, pdfFunctionFactory: a, localColorSpaceCache: s }) { const r = this._parse(e, t, i, a); this._cache(e, t, s, r); return r } static parse({ cs: e, xref: t, resources: i = null, pdfFunctionFactory: a, localColorSpaceCache: s }) { const r = this.getCached(e, t, s); if (r) return r; const n = this._parse(e, t, i, a); this._cache(e, t, s, n); return n } static _parse(e, t, i = null, a) { if ((e = t.fetchIfRef(e)) instanceof Name) switch ( { case "G": case "DeviceGray": return this.singletons.gray; case "RGB": case "DeviceRGB": return this.singletons.rgb; case "CMYK": case "DeviceCMYK": return this.singletons.cmyk; case "Pattern": return new PatternCS(null); default: if (i instanceof Dict) { const s = i.get("ColorSpace"); if (s instanceof Dict) { const r = s.get(; if (r) { if (r instanceof Name) return this._parse(r, t, i, a); e = r; break } } } throw new FormatError(`Unrecognized ColorSpace: ${}`) }if (Array.isArray(e)) { const s = t.fetchIfRef(e[0]).name; let r, n, o, g, c, h; switch (s) { case "G": case "DeviceGray": return this.singletons.gray; case "RGB": case "DeviceRGB": return this.singletons.rgb; case "CMYK": case "DeviceCMYK": return this.singletons.cmyk; case "CalGray": r = t.fetchIfRef(e[1]); g = r.getArray("WhitePoint"); c = r.getArray("BlackPoint"); h = r.get("Gamma"); return new CalGrayCS(g, c, h); case "CalRGB": r = t.fetchIfRef(e[1]); g = r.getArray("WhitePoint"); c = r.getArray("BlackPoint"); h = r.getArray("Gamma"); const l = r.getArray("Matrix"); return new CalRGBCS(g, c, h, l); case "ICCBased": const C = t.fetchIfRef(e[1]).dict; n = C.get("N"); const Q = C.get("Alternate"); if (Q) { const e = this._parse(Q, t, i, a); if (e.numComps === n) return e; warn("ICCBased color space: Ignoring incorrect /Alternate entry.") } if (1 === n) return this.singletons.gray; if (3 === n) return this.singletons.rgb; if (4 === n) return this.singletons.cmyk; break; case "Pattern": o = e[1] || null; o && (o = this._parse(o, t, i, a)); return new PatternCS(o); case "I": case "Indexed": o = this._parse(e[1], t, i, a); const E = t.fetchIfRef(e[2]) + 1, u = t.fetchIfRef(e[3]); return new IndexedCS(o, E, u); case "Separation": case "DeviceN": const d = t.fetchIfRef(e[1]); n = Array.isArray(d) ? d.length : 1; o = this._parse(e[2], t, i, a); const f = a.create(e[3]); return new AlternateCS(n, o, f); case "Lab": r = t.fetchIfRef(e[1]); g = r.getArray("WhitePoint"); c = r.getArray("BlackPoint"); const p = r.getArray("Range"); return new LabCS(g, c, p); default: throw new FormatError(`Unimplemented ColorSpace object: ${s}`) } } throw new FormatError(`Unrecognized ColorSpace object: ${e}`) } static isDefaultDecode(e, t) { if (!Array.isArray(e)) return !0; if (2 * t !== e.length) { warn("The decode map is not the correct length"); return !0 } for (let t = 0, i = e.length; t < i; t += 2)if (0 !== e[t] || 1 !== e[t + 1]) return !1; return !0 } static get singletons() { return shadow(this, "singletons", { get gray() { return shadow(this, "gray", new DeviceGrayCS) }, get rgb() { return shadow(this, "rgb", new DeviceRgbCS) }, get cmyk() { return shadow(this, "cmyk", new DeviceCmykCS) } }) } } class AlternateCS extends ColorSpace { constructor(e, t, i) { super("Alternate", e); this.base = t; this.tintFn = i; this.tmpBuf = new Float32Array(t.numComps) } getRgbItem(e, t, i, a) { const s = this.tmpBuf; this.tintFn(e, t, s, 0); this.base.getRgbItem(s, 0, i, a) } getRgbBuffer(e, t, i, a, s, r, n) { const o = this.tintFn, g = this.base, c = 1 / ((1 << r) - 1), h = g.numComps, l = g.usesZeroToOneRange, C = (g.isPassthrough(8) || !l) && 0 === n; let Q = C ? s : 0; const E = C ? a : new Uint8ClampedArray(h * i), u = this.numComps, d = new Float32Array(u), f = new Float32Array(h); let p, m; for (p = 0; p < i; p++) { for (m = 0; m < u; m++)d[m] = e[t++] * c; o(d, 0, f, 0); if (l) for (m = 0; m < h; m++)E[Q++] = 255 * f[m]; else { g.getRgbItem(f, 0, E, Q); Q += h } } C || g.getRgbBuffer(E, 0, i, a, s, 8, n) } getOutputLength(e, t) { return this.base.getOutputLength(e * this.base.numComps / this.numComps, t) } } class PatternCS extends ColorSpace { constructor(e) { super("Pattern", null); this.base = e } isDefaultDecode(e, t) { unreachable("Should not call PatternCS.isDefaultDecode") } } class IndexedCS extends ColorSpace { constructor(e, t, i) { super("Indexed", 1); this.base = e; this.highVal = t; const a = e.numComps * t; this.lookup = new Uint8Array(a); if (i instanceof BaseStream) { const e = i.getBytes(a); this.lookup.set(e) } else { if ("string" != typeof i) throw new FormatError(`IndexedCS - unrecognized lookup table: ${i}`); for (let e = 0; e < a; ++e)this.lookup[e] = 255 & i.charCodeAt(e) } } getRgbItem(e, t, i, a) { const s = this.base.numComps, r = e[t] * s; this.base.getRgbBuffer(this.lookup, r, 1, i, a, 8, 0) } getRgbBuffer(e, t, i, a, s, r, n) { const o = this.base, g = o.numComps, c = o.getOutputLength(g, n), h = this.lookup; for (let r = 0; r < i; ++r) { const i = e[t++] * g; o.getRgbBuffer(h, i, 1, a, s, 8, n); s += c } } getOutputLength(e, t) { return this.base.getOutputLength(e * this.base.numComps, t) } isDefaultDecode(e, t) { if (!Array.isArray(e)) return !0; if (2 !== e.length) { warn("Decode map length is not correct"); return !0 } if (!Number.isInteger(t) || t < 1) { warn("Bits per component is not correct"); return !0 } return 0 === e[0] && e[1] === (1 << t) - 1 } } class DeviceGrayCS extends ColorSpace { constructor() { super("DeviceGray", 1) } getRgbItem(e, t, i, a) { const s = 255 * e[t]; i[a] = i[a + 1] = i[a + 2] = s } getRgbBuffer(e, t, i, a, s, r, n) { const o = 255 / ((1 << r) - 1); let g = t, c = s; for (let t = 0; t < i; ++t) { const t = o * e[g++]; a[c++] = t; a[c++] = t; a[c++] = t; c += n } } getOutputLength(e, t) { return e * (3 + t) } } class DeviceRgbCS extends ColorSpace { constructor() { super("DeviceRGB", 3) } getRgbItem(e, t, i, a) { i[a] = 255 * e[t]; i[a + 1] = 255 * e[t + 1]; i[a + 2] = 255 * e[t + 2] } getRgbBuffer(e, t, i, a, s, r, n) { if (8 === r && 0 === n) { a.set(e.subarray(t, t + 3 * i), s); return } const o = 255 / ((1 << r) - 1); let g = t, c = s; for (let t = 0; t < i; ++t) { a[c++] = o * e[g++]; a[c++] = o * e[g++]; a[c++] = o * e[g++]; c += n } } getOutputLength(e, t) { return e * (3 + t) / 3 | 0 } isPassthrough(e) { return 8 === e } } class DeviceCmykCS extends ColorSpace { constructor() { super("DeviceCMYK", 4) } #t(e, t, i, a, s) { const r = e[t] * i, n = e[t + 1] * i, o = e[t + 2] * i, g = e[t + 3] * i; a[s] = 255 + r * (-4.387332384609988 * r + 54.48615194189176 * n + 18.82290502165302 * o + 212.25662451639585 * g - 285.2331026137004) + n * (1.7149763477362134 * n - 5.6096736904047315 * o + -17.873870861415444 * g - 5.497006427196366) + o * (-2.5217340131683033 * o - 21.248923337353073 * g + 17.5119270841813) + g * (-21.86122147463605 * g - 189.48180835922747); a[s + 1] = 255 + r * (8.841041422036149 * r + 60.118027045597366 * n + 6.871425592049007 * o + 31.159100130055922 * g - 79.2970844816548) + n * (-15.310361306967817 * n + 17.575251261109482 * o + 131.35250912493976 * g - 190.9453302588951) + o * (4.444339102852739 * o + 9.8632861493405 * g - 24.86741582555878) + g * (-20.737325471181034 * g - 187.80453709719578); a[s + 2] = 255 + r * (.8842522430003296 * r + 8.078677503112928 * n + 30.89978309703729 * o - .23883238689178934 * g - 14.183576799673286) + n * (10.49593273432072 * n + 63.02378494754052 * o + 50.606957656360734 * g - 112.23884253719248) + o * (.03296041114873217 * o + 115.60384449646641 * g - 193.58209356861505) + g * (-22.33816807309886 * g - 180.12613974708367) } getRgbItem(e, t, i, a) { this.#t(e, t, 1, i, a) } getRgbBuffer(e, t, i, a, s, r, n) { const o = 1 / ((1 << r) - 1); for (let r = 0; r < i; r++) { this.#t(e, t, o, a, s); t += 4; s += 3 + n } } getOutputLength(e, t) { return e / 4 * (3 + t) | 0 } } class CalGrayCS extends ColorSpace { constructor(e, t, i) { super("CalGray", 1); if (!e) throw new FormatError("WhitePoint missing - required for color space CalGray");[this.XW, this.YW, this.ZW] = e;[this.XB, this.YB, this.ZB] = t || [0, 0, 0]; this.G = i || 1; if (this.XW < 0 || this.ZW < 0 || 1 !== this.YW) throw new FormatError(`Invalid WhitePoint components for ${}, no fallback available`); if (this.XB < 0 || this.YB < 0 || this.ZB < 0) { info(`Invalid BlackPoint for ${}, falling back to default.`); this.XB = this.YB = this.ZB = 0 } 0 === this.XB && 0 === this.YB && 0 === this.ZB || warn(`${}, BlackPoint: XB: ${this.XB}, YB: ${this.YB}, ZB: ${this.ZB}, only default values are supported.`); if (this.G < 1) { info(`Invalid Gamma: ${this.G} for ${}, falling back to default.`); this.G = 1 } } #t(e, t, i, a, s) { const r = (e[t] * s) ** this.G, n = this.YW * r, o = Math.max(295.8 * n ** .3333333333333333 - 40.8, 0); i[a] = o; i[a + 1] = o; i[a + 2] = o } getRgbItem(e, t, i, a) { this.#t(e, t, i, a, 1) } getRgbBuffer(e, t, i, a, s, r, n) { const o = 1 / ((1 << r) - 1); for (let r = 0; r < i; ++r) { this.#t(e, t, a, s, o); t += 1; s += 3 + n } } getOutputLength(e, t) { return e * (3 + t) } } class CalRGBCS extends ColorSpace { static #i = new Float32Array([.8951, .2664, -.1614, -.7502, 1.7135, .0367, .0389, -.0685, 1.0296]); static #a = new Float32Array([.9869929, -.1470543, .1599627, .4323053, .5183603, .0492912, -.0085287, .0400428, .9684867]); static #s = new Float32Array([3.2404542, -1.5371385, -.4985314, -.969266, 1.8760108, .041556, .0556434, -.2040259, 1.0572252]); static #r = new Float32Array([1, 1, 1]); static #n = new Float32Array(3); static #o = new Float32Array(3); static #g = new Float32Array(3); static #I = (24 / 116) ** 3 / 8; constructor(e, t, i, a) { super("CalRGB", 3); if (!e) throw new FormatError("WhitePoint missing - required for color space CalRGB"); const [s, r, n] = this.whitePoint = e, [o, g, c] = this.blackPoint = t || new Float32Array(3);[this.GR, this.GG, this.GB] = i || new Float32Array([1, 1, 1]);[this.MXA, this.MYA, this.MZA, this.MXB, this.MYB, this.MZB, this.MXC, this.MYC, this.MZC] = a || new Float32Array([1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1]); if (s < 0 || n < 0 || 1 !== r) throw new FormatError(`Invalid WhitePoint components for ${}, no fallback available`); if (o < 0 || g < 0 || c < 0) { info(`Invalid BlackPoint for ${} [${o}, ${g}, ${c}], falling back to default.`); this.blackPoint = new Float32Array(3) } if (this.GR < 0 || this.GG < 0 || this.GB < 0) { info(`Invalid Gamma [${this.GR}, ${this.GG}, ${this.GB}] for ${}, falling back to default.`); this.GR = this.GG = this.GB = 1 } } #c(e, t, i) { i[0] = e[0] * t[0] + e[1] * t[1] + e[2] * t[2]; i[1] = e[3] * t[0] + e[4] * t[1] + e[5] * t[2]; i[2] = e[6] * t[0] + e[7] * t[1] + e[8] * t[2] } #h(e, t, i) { i[0] = 1 * t[0] / e[0]; i[1] = 1 * t[1] / e[1]; i[2] = 1 * t[2] / e[2] } #l(e, t, i) { i[0] = .95047 * t[0] / e[0]; i[1] = 1 * t[1] / e[1]; i[2] = 1.08883 * t[2] / e[2] } #C(e) { return e <= .0031308 ? this.#B(0, 1, 12.92 * e) : e >= .99554525 ? 1 : this.#B(0, 1, 1.055 * e ** (1 / 2.4) - .055) } #B(e, t, i) { return Math.max(e, Math.min(t, i)) } #Q(e) { return e < 0 ? -this.#Q(-e) : e > 8 ? ((e + 16) / 116) ** 3 : e * CalRGBCS.#I } #E(e, t, i) { if (0 === e[0] && 0 === e[1] && 0 === e[2]) { i[0] = t[0]; i[1] = t[1]; i[2] = t[2]; return } const a = this.#Q(0), s = (1 - a) / (1 - this.#Q(e[0])), r = 1 - s, n = (1 - a) / (1 - this.#Q(e[1])), o = 1 - n, g = (1 - a) / (1 - this.#Q(e[2])), c = 1 - g; i[0] = t[0] * s + r; i[1] = t[1] * n + o; i[2] = t[2] * g + c } #u(e, t, i) { if (1 === e[0] && 1 === e[2]) { i[0] = t[0]; i[1] = t[1]; i[2] = t[2]; return } const a = i; this.#c(CalRGBCS.#i, t, a); const s = CalRGBCS.#n; this.#h(e, a, s); this.#c(CalRGBCS.#a, s, i) } #d(e, t, i) { const a = i; this.#c(CalRGBCS.#i, t, a); const s = CalRGBCS.#n; this.#l(e, a, s); this.#c(CalRGBCS.#a, s, i) } #t(e, t, i, a, s) { const r = this.#B(0, 1, e[t] * s), n = this.#B(0, 1, e[t + 1] * s), o = this.#B(0, 1, e[t + 2] * s), g = 1 === r ? 1 : r ** this.GR, c = 1 === n ? 1 : n ** this.GG, h = 1 === o ? 1 : o ** this.GB, l = this.MXA * g + this.MXB * c + this.MXC * h, C = this.MYA * g + this.MYB * c + this.MYC * h, Q = this.MZA * g + this.MZB * c + this.MZC * h, E = CalRGBCS.#o; E[0] = l; E[1] = C; E[2] = Q; const u = CalRGBCS.#g; this.#u(this.whitePoint, E, u); const d = CalRGBCS.#o; this.#E(this.blackPoint, u, d); const f = CalRGBCS.#g; this.#d(CalRGBCS.#r, d, f); const p = CalRGBCS.#o; this.#c(CalRGBCS.#s, f, p); i[a] = 255 * this.#C(p[0]); i[a + 1] = 255 * this.#C(p[1]); i[a + 2] = 255 * this.#C(p[2]) } getRgbItem(e, t, i, a) { this.#t(e, t, i, a, 1) } getRgbBuffer(e, t, i, a, s, r, n) { const o = 1 / ((1 << r) - 1); for (let r = 0; r < i; ++r) { this.#t(e, t, a, s, o); t += 3; s += 3 + n } } getOutputLength(e, t) { return e * (3 + t) / 3 | 0 } } class LabCS extends ColorSpace { constructor(e, t, i) { super("Lab", 3); if (!e) throw new FormatError("WhitePoint missing - required for color space Lab");[this.XW, this.YW, this.ZW] = e;[this.amin, this.amax, this.bmin, this.bmax] = i || [-100, 100, -100, 100];[this.XB, this.YB, this.ZB] = t || [0, 0, 0]; if (this.XW < 0 || this.ZW < 0 || 1 !== this.YW) throw new FormatError("Invalid WhitePoint components, no fallback available"); if (this.XB < 0 || this.YB < 0 || this.ZB < 0) { info("Invalid BlackPoint, falling back to default"); this.XB = this.YB = this.ZB = 0 } if (this.amin > this.amax || this.bmin > this.bmax) { info("Invalid Range, falling back to defaults"); this.amin = -100; this.amax = 100; this.bmin = -100; this.bmax = 100 } } #f(e) { return e >= 6 / 29 ? e ** 3 : 108 / 841 * (e - 4 / 29) } #p(e, t, i, a) { return i + e * (a - i) / t } #t(e, t, i, a, s) { let r = e[t], n = e[t + 1], o = e[t + 2]; if (!1 !== i) { r = this.#p(r, i, 0, 100); n = this.#p(n, i, this.amin, this.amax); o = this.#p(o, i, this.bmin, this.bmax) } n > this.amax ? n = this.amax : n < this.amin && (n = this.amin); o > this.bmax ? o = this.bmax : o < this.bmin && (o = this.bmin); const g = (r + 16) / 116, c = g + n / 500, h = g - o / 200, l = this.XW * this.#f(c), C = this.YW * this.#f(g), Q = this.ZW * this.#f(h); let E, u, d; if (this.ZW < 1) { E = 3.1339 * l + -1.617 * C + -.4906 * Q; u = -.9785 * l + 1.916 * C + .0333 * Q; d = .072 * l + -.229 * C + 1.4057 * Q } else { E = 3.2406 * l + -1.5372 * C + -.4986 * Q; u = -.9689 * l + 1.8758 * C + .0415 * Q; d = .0557 * l + -.204 * C + 1.057 * Q } a[s] = 255 * Math.sqrt(E); a[s + 1] = 255 * Math.sqrt(u); a[s + 2] = 255 * Math.sqrt(d) } getRgbItem(e, t, i, a) { this.#t(e, t, !1, i, a) } getRgbBuffer(e, t, i, a, s, r, n) { const o = (1 << r) - 1; for (let r = 0; r < i; r++) { this.#t(e, t, o, a, s); t += 3; s += 3 + n } } getOutputLength(e, t) { return e * (3 + t) / 3 | 0 } isDefaultDecode(e, t) { return !0 } get usesZeroToOneRange() { return shadow(this, "usesZeroToOneRange", !1) } } function hexToInt(e, t) { let i = 0; for (let a = 0; a <= t; a++)i = i << 8 | e[a]; return i >>> 0 } function hexToStr(e, t) { return 1 === t ? String.fromCharCode(e[0], e[1]) : 3 === t ? String.fromCharCode(e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3]) : String.fromCharCode(...e.subarray(0, t + 1)) } function addHex(e, t, i) { let a = 0; for (let s = i; s >= 0; s--) { a += e[s] + t[s]; e[s] = 255 & a; a >>= 8 } } function incHex(e, t) { let i = 1; for (let a = t; a >= 0 && i > 0; a--) { i += e[a]; e[a] = 255 & i; i >>= 8 } } const kt = 16; class BinaryCMapStream { constructor(e) { this.buffer = e; this.pos = 0; this.end = e.length; this.tmpBuf = new Uint8Array(19) } readByte() { return this.pos >= this.end ? -1 : this.buffer[this.pos++] } readNumber() { let e, t = 0; do { const i = this.readByte(); if (i < 0) throw new FormatError("unexpected EOF in bcmap"); e = !(128 & i); t = t << 7 | 127 & i } while (!e); return t } readSigned() { const e = this.readNumber(); return 1 & e ? ~(e >>> 1) : e >>> 1 } readHex(e, t) { e.set(this.buffer.subarray(this.pos, this.pos + t + 1)); this.pos += t + 1 } readHexNumber(e, t) { let i; const a = this.tmpBuf; let s = 0; do { const e = this.readByte(); if (e < 0) throw new FormatError("unexpected EOF in bcmap"); i = !(128 & e); a[s++] = 127 & e } while (!i); let r = t, n = 0, o = 0; for (; r >= 0;) { for (; o < 8 && a.length > 0;) { n |= a[--s] << o; o += 7 } e[r] = 255 & n; r--; n >>= 8; o -= 8 } } readHexSigned(e, t) { this.readHexNumber(e, t); const i = 1 & e[t] ? 255 : 0; let a = 0; for (let s = 0; s <= t; s++) { a = (1 & a) << 8 | e[s]; e[s] = a >> 1 ^ i } } readString() { const e = this.readNumber(), t = new Array(e); for (let i = 0; i < e; i++)t[i] = this.readNumber(); return String.fromCharCode(...t) } } class BinaryCMapReader { async process(e, t, i) { const a = new BinaryCMapStream(e), s = a.readByte(); t.vertical = !!(1 & s); let r = null; const n = new Uint8Array(kt), o = new Uint8Array(kt), g = new Uint8Array(kt), c = new Uint8Array(kt), h = new Uint8Array(kt); let l, C; for (; (C = a.readByte()) >= 0;) { const e = C >> 5; if (7 === e) { switch (31 & C) { case 0: a.readString(); break; case 1: r = a.readString() }continue } const i = !!(16 & C), s = 15 & C; if (s + 1 > kt) throw new Error("BinaryCMapReader.process: Invalid dataSize."); const Q = 1, E = a.readNumber(); switch (e) { case 0: a.readHex(n, s); a.readHexNumber(o, s); addHex(o, n, s); t.addCodespaceRange(s + 1, hexToInt(n, s), hexToInt(o, s)); for (let e = 1; e < E; e++) { incHex(o, s); a.readHexNumber(n, s); addHex(n, o, s); a.readHexNumber(o, s); addHex(o, n, s); t.addCodespaceRange(s + 1, hexToInt(n, s), hexToInt(o, s)) } break; case 1: a.readHex(n, s); a.readHexNumber(o, s); addHex(o, n, s); a.readNumber(); for (let e = 1; e < E; e++) { incHex(o, s); a.readHexNumber(n, s); addHex(n, o, s); a.readHexNumber(o, s); addHex(o, n, s); a.readNumber() } break; case 2: a.readHex(g, s); l = a.readNumber(); t.mapOne(hexToInt(g, s), l); for (let e = 1; e < E; e++) { incHex(g, s); if (!i) { a.readHexNumber(h, s); addHex(g, h, s) } l = a.readSigned() + (l + 1); t.mapOne(hexToInt(g, s), l) } break; case 3: a.readHex(n, s); a.readHexNumber(o, s); addHex(o, n, s); l = a.readNumber(); t.mapCidRange(hexToInt(n, s), hexToInt(o, s), l); for (let e = 1; e < E; e++) { incHex(o, s); if (i) n.set(o); else { a.readHexNumber(n, s); addHex(n, o, s) } a.readHexNumber(o, s); addHex(o, n, s); l = a.readNumber(); t.mapCidRange(hexToInt(n, s), hexToInt(o, s), l) } break; case 4: a.readHex(g, Q); a.readHex(c, s); t.mapOne(hexToInt(g, Q), hexToStr(c, s)); for (let e = 1; e < E; e++) { incHex(g, Q); if (!i) { a.readHexNumber(h, Q); addHex(g, h, Q) } incHex(c, s); a.readHexSigned(h, s); addHex(c, h, s); t.mapOne(hexToInt(g, Q), hexToStr(c, s)) } break; case 5: a.readHex(n, Q); a.readHexNumber(o, Q); addHex(o, n, Q); a.readHex(c, s); t.mapBfRange(hexToInt(n, Q), hexToInt(o, Q), hexToStr(c, s)); for (let e = 1; e < E; e++) { incHex(o, Q); if (i) n.set(o); else { a.readHexNumber(n, Q); addHex(n, o, Q) } a.readHexNumber(o, Q); addHex(o, n, Q); a.readHex(c, s); t.mapBfRange(hexToInt(n, Q), hexToInt(o, Q), hexToStr(c, s)) } break; default: throw new Error(`BinaryCMapReader.process - unknown type: ${e}`) } } return r ? i(r) : t } } const Rt = new Uint8Array(0); class DecodeStream extends BaseStream { constructor(e) { super(); this._rawMinBufferLength = e || 0; this.pos = 0; this.bufferLength = 0; this.eof = !1; this.buffer = Rt; this.minBufferLength = 512; if (e) for (; this.minBufferLength < e;)this.minBufferLength *= 2 } get isEmpty() { for (; !this.eof && 0 === this.bufferLength;)this.readBlock(); return 0 === this.bufferLength } ensureBuffer(e) { const t = this.buffer; if (e <= t.byteLength) return t; let i = this.minBufferLength; for (; i < e;)i *= 2; const a = new Uint8Array(i); a.set(t); return this.buffer = a } getByte() { const e = this.pos; for (; this.bufferLength <= e;) { if (this.eof) return -1; this.readBlock() } return this.buffer[this.pos++] } getBytes(e, t = !1) { const i = this.pos; let a; if (e) { this.ensureBuffer(i + e); a = i + e; for (; !this.eof && this.bufferLength < a;)this.readBlock(t); const s = this.bufferLength; a > s && (a = s) } else { for (; !this.eof;)this.readBlock(t); a = this.bufferLength } this.pos = a; return this.buffer.subarray(i, a) } reset() { this.pos = 0 } makeSubStream(e, t, i = null) { if (void 0 === t) for (; !this.eof;)this.readBlock(); else { const i = e + t; for (; this.bufferLength <= i && !this.eof;)this.readBlock() } return new Stream(this.buffer, e, t, i) } getBaseStreams() { return this.str ? this.str.getBaseStreams() : null } } class StreamsSequenceStream extends DecodeStream { constructor(e, t = null) { let i = 0; for (const t of e) i += t instanceof DecodeStream ? t._rawMinBufferLength : t.length; super(i); this.streams = e; this._onError = t } readBlock() { const e = this.streams; if (0 === e.length) { this.eof = !0; return } const t = e.shift(); let i; try { i = t.getBytes() } catch (e) { if (this._onError) { this._onError(e, t.dict?.objId); return } throw e } const a = this.bufferLength, s = a + i.length; this.ensureBuffer(s).set(i, a); this.bufferLength = s } getBaseStreams() { const e = []; for (const t of this.streams) { const i = t.getBaseStreams(); i && e.push(...i) } return e.length > 0 ? e : null } } class Ascii85Stream extends DecodeStream { constructor(e, t) { t && (t *= .8); super(t); this.str = e; this.dict = e.dict; this.input = new Uint8Array(5) } readBlock() { const e = this.str; let t = e.getByte(); for (; isWhiteSpace(t);)t = e.getByte(); if (-1 === t || 126 === t) { this.eof = !0; return } const i = this.bufferLength; let a, s; if (122 === t) { a = this.ensureBuffer(i + 4); for (s = 0; s < 4; ++s)a[i + s] = 0; this.bufferLength += 4 } else { const r = this.input; r[0] = t; for (s = 1; s < 5; ++s) { t = e.getByte(); for (; isWhiteSpace(t);)t = e.getByte(); r[s] = t; if (-1 === t || 126 === t) break } a = this.ensureBuffer(i + s - 1); this.bufferLength += s - 1; if (s < 5) { for (; s < 5; ++s)r[s] = 117; this.eof = !0 } let n = 0; for (s = 0; s < 5; ++s)n = 85 * n + (r[s] - 33); for (s = 3; s >= 0; --s) { a[i + s] = 255 & n; n >>= 8 } } } } class AsciiHexStream extends DecodeStream { constructor(e, t) { t && (t *= .5); super(t); this.str = e; this.dict = e.dict; this.firstDigit = -1 } readBlock() { const e = this.str.getBytes(8e3); if (!e.length) { this.eof = !0; return } const t = e.length + 1 >> 1, i = this.ensureBuffer(this.bufferLength + t); let a = this.bufferLength, s = this.firstDigit; for (const t of e) { let e; if (t >= 48 && t <= 57) e = 15 & t; else { if (!(t >= 65 && t <= 70 || t >= 97 && t <= 102)) { if (62 === t) { this.eof = !0; break } continue } e = 9 + (15 & t) } if (s < 0) s = e; else { i[a++] = s << 4 | e; s = -1 } } if (s >= 0 && this.eof) { i[a++] = s << 4; s = -1 } this.firstDigit = s; this.bufferLength = a } } const Nt = -1, Gt = [[-1, -1], [-1, -1], [7, 8], [7, 7], [6, 6], [6, 6], [6, 5], [6, 5], [4, 0], [4, 0], [4, 0], [4, 0], [4, 0], [4, 0], [4, 0], [4, 0], [3, 1], [3, 1], [3, 1], [3, 1], [3, 1], [3, 1], [3, 1], [3, 1], [3, 1], [3, 1], [3, 1], [3, 1], [3, 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1792], [12, 1984], [12, 1984], [12, 2048], [12, 2048], [12, 2112], [12, 2112], [12, 2176], [12, 2176], [12, 2240], [12, 2240], [12, 2304], [12, 2304], [11, 1856], [11, 1856], [11, 1856], [11, 1856], [11, 1920], [11, 1920], [11, 1920], [11, 1920], [12, 2368], [12, 2368], [12, 2432], [12, 2432], [12, 2496], [12, 2496], [12, 2560], [12, 2560], [10, 18], [10, 18], [10, 18], [10, 18], [10, 18], [10, 18], [10, 18], [10, 18], [12, 52], [12, 52], [13, 640], [13, 704], [13, 768], [13, 832], [12, 55], [12, 55], [12, 56], [12, 56], [13, 1280], [13, 1344], [13, 1408], [13, 1472], [12, 59], [12, 59], [12, 60], [12, 60], [13, 1536], [13, 1600], [11, 24], [11, 24], [11, 24], [11, 24], [11, 25], [11, 25], [11, 25], [11, 25], [13, 1664], [13, 1728], [12, 320], [12, 320], [12, 384], [12, 384], [12, 448], [12, 448], [13, 512], [13, 576], [12, 53], [12, 53], [12, 54], [12, 54], [13, 896], [13, 960], [13, 1024], [13, 1088], [13, 1152], [13, 1216], [10, 64], [10, 64], [10, 64], [10, 64], [10, 64], [10, 64], [10, 64], [10, 64]], Lt = [[8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], [8, 13], [11, 23], [11, 23], [12, 50], [12, 51], [12, 44], [12, 45], [12, 46], [12, 47], [12, 57], [12, 58], [12, 61], [12, 256], [10, 16], [10, 16], [10, 16], [10, 16], [10, 17], [10, 17], [10, 17], [10, 17], [12, 48], [12, 49], [12, 62], [12, 63], [12, 30], [12, 31], [12, 32], [12, 33], [12, 40], [12, 41], [11, 22], [11, 22], [8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], [8, 14], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 10], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 11], [7, 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[3, 1], [3, 1], [3, 4], [3, 4], [3, 4], [3, 4], [3, 4], [3, 4], [3, 4], [3, 4], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 3], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2], [2, 2]]; class CCITTFaxDecoder { constructor(e, t = {}) { if (!e || "function" != typeof throw new Error('CCITTFaxDecoder - invalid "source" parameter.'); this.source = e; this.eof = !1; this.encoding = t.K || 0; this.eoline = t.EndOfLine || !1; this.byteAlign = t.EncodedByteAlign || !1; this.columns = t.Columns || 1728; this.rows = t.Rows || 0; this.eoblock = t.EndOfBlock ?? !0; = t.BlackIs1 || !1; this.codingLine = new Uint32Array(this.columns + 1); this.refLine = new Uint32Array(this.columns + 2); this.codingLine[0] = this.columns; this.codingPos = 0; this.row = 0; this.nextLine2D = this.encoding < 0; this.inputBits = 0; this.inputBuf = 0; this.outputBits = 0; this.rowsDone = !1; let i; for (; 0 === (i = this._lookBits(12));)this._eatBits(1); 1 === i && this._eatBits(12); if (this.encoding > 0) { this.nextLine2D = !this._lookBits(1); this._eatBits(1) } } readNextChar() { if (this.eof) return -1; const e = this.refLine, t = this.codingLine, i = this.columns; let a, s, r, n, o; if (0 === this.outputBits) { this.rowsDone && (this.eof = !0); if (this.eof) return -1; this.err = !1; let r, o, g; if (this.nextLine2D) { for (n = 0; t[n] < i; ++n)e[n] = t[n]; e[n++] = i; e[n] = i; t[0] = 0; this.codingPos = 0; a = 0; s = 0; for (; t[this.codingPos] < i;) { r = this._getTwoDimCode(); switch (r) { case 0: this._addPixels(e[a + 1], s); e[a + 1] < i && (a += 2); break; case 1: r = o = 0; if (s) { do { r += g = this._getBlackCode() } while (g >= 64); do { o += g = this._getWhiteCode() } while (g >= 64) } else { do { r += g = this._getWhiteCode() } while (g >= 64); do { o += g = this._getBlackCode() } while (g >= 64) } this._addPixels(t[this.codingPos] + r, s); t[this.codingPos] < i && this._addPixels(t[this.codingPos] + o, 1 ^ s); for (; e[a] <= t[this.codingPos] && e[a] < i;)a += 2; break; case 7: this._addPixels(e[a] + 3, s); s ^= 1; if (t[this.codingPos] < i) { ++a; for (; e[a] <= t[this.codingPos] && e[a] < i;)a += 2 } break; case 5: this._addPixels(e[a] + 2, s); s ^= 1; if (t[this.codingPos] < i) { ++a; for (; e[a] <= t[this.codingPos] && e[a] < i;)a += 2 } break; case 3: this._addPixels(e[a] + 1, s); s ^= 1; if (t[this.codingPos] < i) { ++a; for (; e[a] <= t[this.codingPos] && e[a] < i;)a += 2 } break; case 2: this._addPixels(e[a], s); s ^= 1; if (t[this.codingPos] < i) { ++a; for (; e[a] <= t[this.codingPos] && e[a] < i;)a += 2 } break; case 8: this._addPixelsNeg(e[a] - 3, s); s ^= 1; if (t[this.codingPos] < i) { a > 0 ? --a : ++a; for (; e[a] <= t[this.codingPos] && e[a] < i;)a += 2 } break; case 6: this._addPixelsNeg(e[a] - 2, s); s ^= 1; if (t[this.codingPos] < i) { a > 0 ? --a : ++a; for (; e[a] <= t[this.codingPos] && e[a] < i;)a += 2 } break; case 4: this._addPixelsNeg(e[a] - 1, s); s ^= 1; if (t[this.codingPos] < i) { a > 0 ? --a : ++a; for (; e[a] <= t[this.codingPos] && e[a] < i;)a += 2 } break; case Nt: this._addPixels(i, 0); this.eof = !0; break; default: info("bad 2d code"); this._addPixels(i, 0); this.err = !0 } } } else { t[0] = 0; this.codingPos = 0; s = 0; for (; t[this.codingPos] < i;) { r = 0; if (s) do { r += g = this._getBlackCode() } while (g >= 64); else do { r += g = this._getWhiteCode() } while (g >= 64); this._addPixels(t[this.codingPos] + r, s); s ^= 1 } } let c = !1; this.byteAlign && (this.inputBits &= -8); if (this.eoblock || this.row !== this.rows - 1) { r = this._lookBits(12); if (this.eoline) for (; r !== Nt && 1 !== r;) { this._eatBits(1); r = this._lookBits(12) } else for (; 0 === r;) { this._eatBits(1); r = this._lookBits(12) } if (1 === r) { this._eatBits(12); c = !0 } else r === Nt && (this.eof = !0) } else this.rowsDone = !0; if (!this.eof && this.encoding > 0 && !this.rowsDone) { this.nextLine2D = !this._lookBits(1); this._eatBits(1) } if (this.eoblock && c && this.byteAlign) { r = this._lookBits(12); if (1 === r) { this._eatBits(12); if (this.encoding > 0) { this._lookBits(1); this._eatBits(1) } if (this.encoding >= 0) for (n = 0; n < 4; ++n) { r = this._lookBits(12); 1 !== r && info("bad rtc code: " + r); this._eatBits(12); if (this.encoding > 0) { this._lookBits(1); this._eatBits(1) } } this.eof = !0 } } else if (this.err && this.eoline) { for (; ;) { r = this._lookBits(13); if (r === Nt) { this.eof = !0; return -1 } if (r >> 1 == 1) break; this._eatBits(1) } this._eatBits(12); if (this.encoding > 0) { this._eatBits(1); this.nextLine2D = !(1 & r) } } this.outputBits = t[0] > 0 ? t[this.codingPos = 0] : t[this.codingPos = 1]; this.row++ } if (this.outputBits >= 8) { o = 1 & this.codingPos ? 0 : 255; this.outputBits -= 8; if (0 === this.outputBits && t[this.codingPos] < i) { this.codingPos++; this.outputBits = t[this.codingPos] - t[this.codingPos - 1] } } else { r = 8; o = 0; do { if ("number" != typeof this.outputBits) throw new FormatError('Invalid /CCITTFaxDecode data, "outputBits" must be a number.'); if (this.outputBits > r) { o <<= r; 1 & this.codingPos || (o |= 255 >> 8 - r); this.outputBits -= r; r = 0 } else { o <<= this.outputBits; 1 & this.codingPos || (o |= 255 >> 8 - this.outputBits); r -= this.outputBits; this.outputBits = 0; if (t[this.codingPos] < i) { this.codingPos++; this.outputBits = t[this.codingPos] - t[this.codingPos - 1] } else if (r > 0) { o <<= r; r = 0 } } } while (r) } && (o ^= 255); return o } _addPixels(e, t) { const i = this.codingLine; let a = this.codingPos; if (e > i[a]) { if (e > this.columns) { info("row is wrong length"); this.err = !0; e = this.columns } 1 & a ^ t && ++a; i[a] = e } this.codingPos = a } _addPixelsNeg(e, t) { const i = this.codingLine; let a = this.codingPos; if (e > i[a]) { if (e > this.columns) { info("row is wrong length"); this.err = !0; e = this.columns } 1 & a ^ t && ++a; i[a] = e } else if (e < i[a]) { if (e < 0) { info("invalid code"); this.err = !0; e = 0 } for (; a > 0 && e < i[a - 1];)--a; i[a] = e } this.codingPos = a } _findTableCode(e, t, i, a) { const s = a || 0; for (let a = e; a <= t; ++a) { let e = this._lookBits(a); if (e === Nt) return [!0, 1, !1]; a < t && (e <<= t - a); if (!s || e >= s) { const t = i[e - s]; if (t[0] === a) { this._eatBits(a); return [!0, t[1], !0] } } } return [!1, 0, !1] } _getTwoDimCode() { let e, t = 0; if (this.eoblock) { t = this._lookBits(7); e = Gt[t]; if (e?.[0] > 0) { this._eatBits(e[0]); return e[1] } } else { const e = this._findTableCode(1, 7, Gt); if (e[0] && e[2]) return e[1] } info("Bad two dim code"); return Nt } _getWhiteCode() { let e, t = 0; if (this.eoblock) { t = this._lookBits(12); if (t === Nt) return 1; e = t >> 5 == 0 ? xt[t] : Mt[t >> 3]; if (e[0] > 0) { this._eatBits(e[0]); return e[1] } } else { let e = this._findTableCode(1, 9, Mt); if (e[0]) return e[1]; e = this._findTableCode(11, 12, xt); if (e[0]) return e[1] } info("bad white code"); this._eatBits(1); return 1 } _getBlackCode() { let e, t; if (this.eoblock) { e = this._lookBits(13); if (e === Nt) return 1; t = e >> 7 == 0 ? Ut[e] : e >> 9 == 0 && e >> 7 != 0 ? Lt[(e >> 1) - 64] : Jt[e >> 7]; if (t[0] > 0) { this._eatBits(t[0]); return t[1] } } else { let e = this._findTableCode(2, 6, Jt); if (e[0]) return e[1]; e = this._findTableCode(7, 12, Lt, 64); if (e[0]) return e[1]; e = this._findTableCode(10, 13, Ut); if (e[0]) return e[1] } info("bad black code"); this._eatBits(1); return 1 } _lookBits(e) { let t; for (; this.inputBits < e;) { if (-1 === (t = return 0 === this.inputBits ? Nt : this.inputBuf << e - this.inputBits & 65535 >> 16 - e; this.inputBuf = this.inputBuf << 8 | t; this.inputBits += 8 } return this.inputBuf >> this.inputBits - e & 65535 >> 16 - e } _eatBits(e) { (this.inputBits -= e) < 0 && (this.inputBits = 0) } } class CCITTFaxStream extends DecodeStream { constructor(e, t, i) { super(t); this.str = e; this.dict = e.dict; i instanceof Dict || (i = Dict.empty); const a = { next: () => e.getByte() }; this.ccittFaxDecoder = new CCITTFaxDecoder(a, { K: i.get("K"), EndOfLine: i.get("EndOfLine"), EncodedByteAlign: i.get("EncodedByteAlign"), Columns: i.get("Columns"), Rows: i.get("Rows"), EndOfBlock: i.get("EndOfBlock"), BlackIs1: i.get("BlackIs1") }) } readBlock() { for (; !this.eof;) { const e = this.ccittFaxDecoder.readNextChar(); if (-1 === e) { this.eof = !0; return } this.ensureBuffer(this.bufferLength + 1); this.buffer[this.bufferLength++] = e } } } const Ht = new Int32Array([16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15]), Yt = new Int32Array([3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 65547, 65549, 65551, 65553, 131091, 131095, 131099, 131103, 196643, 196651, 196659, 196667, 262211, 262227, 262243, 262259, 327811, 327843, 327875, 327907, 258, 258, 258]), vt = new Int32Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 65541, 65543, 131081, 131085, 196625, 196633, 262177, 262193, 327745, 327777, 393345, 393409, 459009, 459137, 524801, 525057, 590849, 591361, 657409, 658433, 724993, 727041, 794625, 798721, 868353, 876545]), Kt = [new Int32Array([459008, 524368, 524304, 524568, 459024, 524400, 524336, 590016, 459016, 524384, 524320, 589984, 524288, 524416, 524352, 590048, 459012, 524376, 524312, 589968, 459028, 524408, 524344, 590032, 459020, 524392, 524328, 59e4, 524296, 524424, 524360, 590064, 459010, 524372, 524308, 524572, 459026, 524404, 524340, 590024, 459018, 524388, 524324, 589992, 524292, 524420, 524356, 590056, 459014, 524380, 524316, 589976, 459030, 524412, 524348, 590040, 459022, 524396, 524332, 590008, 524300, 524428, 524364, 590072, 459009, 524370, 524306, 524570, 459025, 524402, 524338, 590020, 459017, 524386, 524322, 589988, 524290, 524418, 524354, 590052, 459013, 524378, 524314, 589972, 459029, 524410, 524346, 590036, 459021, 524394, 524330, 590004, 524298, 524426, 524362, 590068, 459011, 524374, 524310, 524574, 459027, 524406, 524342, 590028, 459019, 524390, 524326, 589996, 524294, 524422, 524358, 590060, 459015, 524382, 524318, 589980, 459031, 524414, 524350, 590044, 459023, 524398, 524334, 590012, 524302, 524430, 524366, 590076, 459008, 524369, 524305, 524569, 459024, 524401, 524337, 590018, 459016, 524385, 524321, 589986, 524289, 524417, 524353, 590050, 459012, 524377, 524313, 589970, 459028, 524409, 524345, 590034, 459020, 524393, 524329, 590002, 524297, 524425, 524361, 590066, 459010, 524373, 524309, 524573, 459026, 524405, 524341, 590026, 459018, 524389, 524325, 589994, 524293, 524421, 524357, 590058, 459014, 524381, 524317, 589978, 459030, 524413, 524349, 590042, 459022, 524397, 524333, 590010, 524301, 524429, 524365, 590074, 459009, 524371, 524307, 524571, 459025, 524403, 524339, 590022, 459017, 524387, 524323, 589990, 524291, 524419, 524355, 590054, 459013, 524379, 524315, 589974, 459029, 524411, 524347, 590038, 459021, 524395, 524331, 590006, 524299, 524427, 524363, 590070, 459011, 524375, 524311, 524575, 459027, 524407, 524343, 590030, 459019, 524391, 524327, 589998, 524295, 524423, 524359, 590062, 459015, 524383, 524319, 589982, 459031, 524415, 524351, 590046, 459023, 524399, 524335, 590014, 524303, 524431, 524367, 590078, 459008, 524368, 524304, 524568, 459024, 524400, 524336, 590017, 459016, 524384, 524320, 589985, 524288, 524416, 524352, 590049, 459012, 524376, 524312, 589969, 459028, 524408, 524344, 590033, 459020, 524392, 524328, 590001, 524296, 524424, 524360, 590065, 459010, 524372, 524308, 524572, 459026, 524404, 524340, 590025, 459018, 524388, 524324, 589993, 524292, 524420, 524356, 590057, 459014, 524380, 524316, 589977, 459030, 524412, 524348, 590041, 459022, 524396, 524332, 590009, 524300, 524428, 524364, 590073, 459009, 524370, 524306, 524570, 459025, 524402, 524338, 590021, 459017, 524386, 524322, 589989, 524290, 524418, 524354, 590053, 459013, 524378, 524314, 589973, 459029, 524410, 524346, 590037, 459021, 524394, 524330, 590005, 524298, 524426, 524362, 590069, 459011, 524374, 524310, 524574, 459027, 524406, 524342, 590029, 459019, 524390, 524326, 589997, 524294, 524422, 524358, 590061, 459015, 524382, 524318, 589981, 459031, 524414, 524350, 590045, 459023, 524398, 524334, 590013, 524302, 524430, 524366, 590077, 459008, 524369, 524305, 524569, 459024, 524401, 524337, 590019, 459016, 524385, 524321, 589987, 524289, 524417, 524353, 590051, 459012, 524377, 524313, 589971, 459028, 524409, 524345, 590035, 459020, 524393, 524329, 590003, 524297, 524425, 524361, 590067, 459010, 524373, 524309, 524573, 459026, 524405, 524341, 590027, 459018, 524389, 524325, 589995, 524293, 524421, 524357, 590059, 459014, 524381, 524317, 589979, 459030, 524413, 524349, 590043, 459022, 524397, 524333, 590011, 524301, 524429, 524365, 590075, 459009, 524371, 524307, 524571, 459025, 524403, 524339, 590023, 459017, 524387, 524323, 589991, 524291, 524419, 524355, 590055, 459013, 524379, 524315, 589975, 459029, 524411, 524347, 590039, 459021, 524395, 524331, 590007, 524299, 524427, 524363, 590071, 459011, 524375, 524311, 524575, 459027, 524407, 524343, 590031, 459019, 524391, 524327, 589999, 524295, 524423, 524359, 590063, 459015, 524383, 524319, 589983, 459031, 524415, 524351, 590047, 459023, 524399, 524335, 590015, 524303, 524431, 524367, 590079]), 9], Tt = [new Int32Array([327680, 327696, 327688, 327704, 327684, 327700, 327692, 327708, 327682, 327698, 327690, 327706, 327686, 327702, 327694, 0, 327681, 327697, 327689, 327705, 327685, 327701, 327693, 327709, 327683, 327699, 327691, 327707, 327687, 327703, 327695, 0]), 5]; class FlateStream extends DecodeStream { constructor(e, t) { super(t); this.str = e; this.dict = e.dict; const i = e.getByte(), a = e.getByte(); if (-1 === i || -1 === a) throw new FormatError(`Invalid header in flate stream: ${i}, ${a}`); if (8 != (15 & i)) throw new FormatError(`Unknown compression method in flate stream: ${i}, ${a}`); if (((i << 8) + a) % 31 != 0) throw new FormatError(`Bad FCHECK in flate stream: ${i}, ${a}`); if (32 & a) throw new FormatError(`FDICT bit set in flate stream: ${i}, ${a}`); this.codeSize = 0; this.codeBuf = 0 } getBits(e) { const t = this.str; let i, a = this.codeSize, s = this.codeBuf; for (; a < e;) { if (-1 === (i = t.getByte())) throw new FormatError("Bad encoding in flate stream"); s |= i << a; a += 8 } i = s & (1 << e) - 1; this.codeBuf = s >> e; this.codeSize = a -= e; return i } getCode(e) { const t = this.str, i = e[0], a = e[1]; let s, r = this.codeSize, n = this.codeBuf; for (; r < a && -1 !== (s = t.getByte());) { n |= s << r; r += 8 } const o = i[n & (1 << a) - 1], g = o >> 16, c = 65535 & o; if (g < 1 || r < g) throw new FormatError("Bad encoding in flate stream"); this.codeBuf = n >> g; this.codeSize = r - g; return c } generateHuffmanTable(e) { const t = e.length; let i, a = 0; for (i = 0; i < t; ++i)e[i] > a && (a = e[i]); const s = 1 << a, r = new Int32Array(s); for (let n = 1, o = 0, g = 2; n <= a; ++n, o <<= 1, g <<= 1)for (let a = 0; a < t; ++a)if (e[a] === n) { let e = 0, t = o; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { e = e << 1 | 1 & t; t >>= 1 } for (i = e; i < s; i += g)r[i] = n << 16 | a; ++o } return [r, a] } #m(e) { info(e); this.eof = !0 } readBlock() { let e, t; const i = this.str; let a, s, r = this.getBits(3); 1 & r && (this.eof = !0); r >>= 1; if (0 === r) { let t; if (-1 === (t = i.getByte())) { this.#m("Bad block header in flate stream"); return } let a = t; if (-1 === (t = i.getByte())) { this.#m("Bad block header in flate stream"); return } a |= t << 8; if (-1 === (t = i.getByte())) { this.#m("Bad block header in flate stream"); return } let s = t; if (-1 === (t = i.getByte())) { this.#m("Bad block header in flate stream"); return } s |= t << 8; if (s !== (65535 & ~a) && (0 !== a || 0 !== s)) throw new FormatError("Bad uncompressed block length in flate stream"); this.codeBuf = 0; this.codeSize = 0; const r = this.bufferLength, n = r + a; e = this.ensureBuffer(n); this.bufferLength = n; if (0 === a) -1 === i.peekByte() && (this.eof = !0); else { const t = i.getBytes(a); e.set(t, r); t.length < a && (this.eof = !0) } return } if (1 === r) { a = Kt; s = Tt } else { if (2 !== r) throw new FormatError("Unknown block type in flate stream"); { const e = this.getBits(5) + 257, i = this.getBits(5) + 1, r = this.getBits(4) + 4, n = new Uint8Array(Ht.length); let o; for (o = 0; o < r; ++o)n[Ht[o]] = this.getBits(3); const g = this.generateHuffmanTable(n); t = 0; o = 0; const c = e + i, h = new Uint8Array(c); let l, C, Q; for (; o < c;) { const e = this.getCode(g); if (16 === e) { l = 2; C = 3; Q = t } else if (17 === e) { l = 3; C = 3; Q = t = 0 } else { if (18 !== e) { h[o++] = t = e; continue } l = 7; C = 11; Q = t = 0 } let i = this.getBits(l) + C; for (; i-- > 0;)h[o++] = Q } a = this.generateHuffmanTable(h.subarray(0, e)); s = this.generateHuffmanTable(h.subarray(e, c)) } } e = this.buffer; let n = e ? e.length : 0, o = this.bufferLength; for (; ;) { let i = this.getCode(a); if (i < 256) { if (o + 1 >= n) { e = this.ensureBuffer(o + 1); n = e.length } e[o++] = i; continue } if (256 === i) { this.bufferLength = o; return } i -= 257; i = Yt[i]; let r = i >> 16; r > 0 && (r = this.getBits(r)); t = (65535 & i) + r; i = this.getCode(s); i = vt[i]; r = i >> 16; r > 0 && (r = this.getBits(r)); const g = (65535 & i) + r; if (o + t >= n) { e = this.ensureBuffer(o + t); n = e.length } for (let i = 0; i < t; ++i, ++o)e[o] = e[o - g] } } } const qt = [{ qe: 22017, nmps: 1, nlps: 1, switchFlag: 1 }, { qe: 13313, nmps: 2, nlps: 6, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 6145, nmps: 3, nlps: 9, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 2753, nmps: 4, nlps: 12, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 1313, nmps: 5, nlps: 29, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 545, nmps: 38, nlps: 33, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 22017, nmps: 7, nlps: 6, switchFlag: 1 }, { qe: 21505, nmps: 8, nlps: 14, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 18433, nmps: 9, nlps: 14, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 14337, nmps: 10, nlps: 14, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 12289, nmps: 11, nlps: 17, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 9217, nmps: 12, nlps: 18, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 7169, nmps: 13, nlps: 20, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 5633, nmps: 29, nlps: 21, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 22017, nmps: 15, nlps: 14, switchFlag: 1 }, { qe: 21505, nmps: 16, nlps: 14, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 20737, nmps: 17, nlps: 15, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 18433, nmps: 18, nlps: 16, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 14337, nmps: 19, nlps: 17, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 13313, nmps: 20, nlps: 18, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 12289, nmps: 21, nlps: 19, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 10241, nmps: 22, nlps: 19, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 9217, nmps: 23, nlps: 20, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 8705, nmps: 24, nlps: 21, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 7169, nmps: 25, nlps: 22, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 6145, nmps: 26, nlps: 23, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 5633, nmps: 27, nlps: 24, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 5121, nmps: 28, nlps: 25, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 4609, nmps: 29, nlps: 26, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 4353, nmps: 30, nlps: 27, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 2753, nmps: 31, nlps: 28, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 2497, nmps: 32, nlps: 29, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 2209, nmps: 33, nlps: 30, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 1313, nmps: 34, nlps: 31, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 1089, nmps: 35, nlps: 32, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 673, nmps: 36, nlps: 33, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 545, nmps: 37, nlps: 34, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 321, nmps: 38, nlps: 35, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 273, nmps: 39, nlps: 36, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 133, nmps: 40, nlps: 37, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 73, nmps: 41, nlps: 38, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 37, nmps: 42, nlps: 39, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 21, nmps: 43, nlps: 40, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 9, nmps: 44, nlps: 41, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 5, nmps: 45, nlps: 42, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 1, nmps: 45, nlps: 43, switchFlag: 0 }, { qe: 22017, nmps: 46, nlps: 46, switchFlag: 0 }]; class ArithmeticDecoder { constructor(e, t, i) { = e; this.bp = t; this.dataEnd = i; this.chigh = e[t]; this.clow = 0; this.byteIn(); this.chigh = this.chigh << 7 & 65535 | this.clow >> 9 & 127; this.clow = this.clow << 7 & 65535; this.ct -= 7; this.a = 32768 } byteIn() { const e =; let t = this.bp; if (255 === e[t]) if (e[t + 1] > 143) { this.clow += 65280; this.ct = 8 } else { t++; this.clow += e[t] << 9; this.ct = 7; this.bp = t } else { t++; this.clow += t < this.dataEnd ? e[t] << 8 : 65280; this.ct = 8; this.bp = t } if (this.clow > 65535) { this.chigh += this.clow >> 16; this.clow &= 65535 } } readBit(e, t) { let i = e[t] >> 1, a = 1 & e[t]; const s = qt[i], r = s.qe; let n, o = this.a - r; if (this.chigh < r) if (o < r) { o = r; n = a; i = s.nmps } else { o = r; n = 1 ^ a; 1 === s.switchFlag && (a = n); i = s.nlps } else { this.chigh -= r; if (0 != (32768 & o)) { this.a = o; return a } if (o < r) { n = 1 ^ a; 1 === s.switchFlag && (a = n); i = s.nlps } else { n = a; i = s.nmps } } do { 0 === this.ct && this.byteIn(); o <<= 1; this.chigh = this.chigh << 1 & 65535 | this.clow >> 15 & 1; this.clow = this.clow << 1 & 65535; this.ct-- } while (0 == (32768 & o)); this.a = o; e[t] = i << 1 | a; return n } } class Jbig2Error extends rt { constructor(e) { super(e, "Jbig2Error") } } class ContextCache { getContexts(e) { return e in this ? this[e] : this[e] = new Int8Array(65536) } } class DecodingContext { constructor(e, t, i) { = e; this.start = t; this.end = i } get decoder() { return shadow(this, "decoder", new ArithmeticDecoder(, this.start, this.end)) } get contextCache() { return shadow(this, "contextCache", new ContextCache) } } const Ot = 2 ** 31 - 1, Pt = -(2 ** 31); function decodeInteger(e, t, i) { const a = e.getContexts(t); let s = 1; function readBits(e) { let t = 0; for (let r = 0; r < e; r++) { const e = i.readBit(a, s); s = s < 256 ? s << 1 | e : 511 & (s << 1 | e) | 256; t = t << 1 | e } return t >>> 0 } const r = readBits(1), n = readBits(1) ? readBits(1) ? readBits(1) ? readBits(1) ? readBits(1) ? readBits(32) + 4436 : readBits(12) + 340 : readBits(8) + 84 : readBits(6) + 20 : readBits(4) + 4 : readBits(2); let o; 0 === r ? o = n : n > 0 && (o = -n); return o >= Pt && o <= Ot ? o : null } function decodeIAID(e, t, i) { const a = e.getContexts("IAID"); let s = 1; for (let e = 0; e < i; e++) { s = s << 1 | t.readBit(a, s) } return i < 31 ? s & (1 << i) - 1 : 2147483647 & s } const Wt = ["SymbolDictionary", null, null, null, "IntermediateTextRegion", null, "ImmediateTextRegion", "ImmediateLosslessTextRegion", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "PatternDictionary", null, null, null, "IntermediateHalftoneRegion", null, "ImmediateHalftoneRegion", "ImmediateLosslessHalftoneRegion", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "IntermediateGenericRegion", null, "ImmediateGenericRegion", "ImmediateLosslessGenericRegion", "IntermediateGenericRefinementRegion", null, "ImmediateGenericRefinementRegion", "ImmediateLosslessGenericRefinementRegion", null, null, null, null, "PageInformation", "EndOfPage", "EndOfStripe", "EndOfFile", "Profiles", "Tables", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, "Extension"], Xt = [[{ x: -1, y: -2 }, { x: 0, y: -2 }, { x: 1, y: -2 }, { x: -2, y: -1 }, { x: -1, y: -1 }, { x: 0, y: -1 }, { x: 1, y: -1 }, { x: 2, y: -1 }, { x: -4, y: 0 }, { x: -3, y: 0 }, { x: -2, y: 0 }, { x: -1, y: 0 }], [{ x: -1, y: -2 }, { x: 0, y: -2 }, { x: 1, y: -2 }, { x: 2, y: -2 }, { x: -2, y: -1 }, { x: -1, y: -1 }, { x: 0, y: -1 }, { x: 1, y: -1 }, { x: 2, y: -1 }, { x: -3, y: 0 }, { x: -2, y: 0 }, { x: -1, y: 0 }], [{ x: -1, y: -2 }, { x: 0, y: -2 }, { x: 1, y: -2 }, { x: -2, y: -1 }, { x: -1, y: -1 }, { x: 0, y: -1 }, { x: 1, y: -1 }, { x: -2, y: 0 }, { x: -1, y: 0 }], [{ x: -3, y: -1 }, { x: -2, y: -1 }, { x: -1, y: -1 }, { x: 0, y: -1 }, { x: 1, y: -1 }, { x: -4, y: 0 }, { x: -3, y: 0 }, { x: -2, y: 0 }, { x: -1, y: 0 }]], jt = [{ coding: [{ x: 0, y: -1 }, { x: 1, y: -1 }, { x: -1, y: 0 }], reference: [{ x: 0, y: -1 }, { x: 1, y: -1 }, { x: -1, y: 0 }, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: 1, y: 0 }, { x: -1, y: 1 }, { x: 0, y: 1 }, { x: 1, y: 1 }] }, { coding: [{ x: -1, y: -1 }, { x: 0, y: -1 }, { x: 1, y: -1 }, { x: -1, y: 0 }], reference: [{ x: 0, y: -1 }, { x: -1, y: 0 }, { x: 0, y: 0 }, { x: 1, y: 0 }, { x: 0, y: 1 }, { x: 1, y: 1 }] }], Zt = [39717, 1941, 229, 405], Vt = [32, 8]; function decodeBitmap(e, t, i, a, s, r, n, o) { if (e) { return decodeMMRBitmap(new Reader(, o.start, o.end), t, i, !1) } if (0 === a && !r && !s && 4 === n.length && 3 === n[0].x && -1 === n[0].y && -3 === n[1].x && -1 === n[1].y && 2 === n[2].x && -2 === n[2].y && -2 === n[3].x && -2 === n[3].y) return function decodeBitmapTemplate0(e, t, i) { const a = i.decoder, s = i.contextCache.getContexts("GB"), r = []; let n, o, g, c, h, l, C; for (o = 0; o < t; o++) { h = r[o] = new Uint8Array(e); l = o < 1 ? h : r[o - 1]; C = o < 2 ? h : r[o - 2]; n = C[0] << 13 | C[1] << 12 | C[2] << 11 | l[0] << 7 | l[1] << 6 | l[2] << 5 | l[3] << 4; for (g = 0; g < e; g++) { h[g] = c = a.readBit(s, n); n = (31735 & n) << 1 | (g + 3 < e ? C[g + 3] << 11 : 0) | (g + 4 < e ? l[g + 4] << 4 : 0) | c } } return r }(t, i, o); const g = !!r, c = Xt[a].concat(n); c.sort((function (e, t) { return e.y - t.y || e.x - t.x })); const h = c.length, l = new Int8Array(h), C = new Int8Array(h), Q = []; let E, u, d = 0, f = 0, p = 0, m = 0; for (u = 0; u < h; u++) { l[u] = c[u].x; C[u] = c[u].y; f = Math.min(f, c[u].x); p = Math.max(p, c[u].x); m = Math.min(m, c[u].y); u < h - 1 && c[u].y === c[u + 1].y && c[u].x === c[u + 1].x - 1 ? d |= 1 << h - 1 - u : Q.push(u) } const y = Q.length, w = new Int8Array(y), b = new Int8Array(y), D = new Uint16Array(y); for (E = 0; E < y; E++) { u = Q[E]; w[E] = c[u].x; b[E] = c[u].y; D[E] = 1 << h - 1 - u } const F = -f, S = -m, k = t - p, R = Zt[a]; let N = new Uint8Array(t); const G = [], x = o.decoder, M = o.contextCache.getContexts("GB"); let U, L, J, H, Y, v = 0, K = 0; for (let e = 0; e < i; e++) { if (s) { v ^= x.readBit(M, R); if (v) { G.push(N); continue } } N = new Uint8Array(N); G.push(N); for (U = 0; U < t; U++) { if (g && r[e][U]) { N[U] = 0; continue } if (U >= F && U < k && e >= S) { K = K << 1 & d; for (u = 0; u < y; u++) { L = e + b[u]; J = U + w[u]; H = G[L][J]; if (H) { H = D[u]; K |= H } } } else { K = 0; Y = h - 1; for (u = 0; u < h; u++, Y--) { J = U + l[u]; if (J >= 0 && J < t) { L = e + C[u]; if (L >= 0) { H = G[L][J]; H && (K |= H << Y) } } } } const i = x.readBit(M, K); N[U] = i } } return G } function decodeRefinement(e, t, i, a, s, r, n, o, g) { let c = jt[i].coding; 0 === i && (c = c.concat([o[0]])); const h = c.length, l = new Int32Array(h), C = new Int32Array(h); let Q; for (Q = 0; Q < h; Q++) { l[Q] = c[Q].x; C[Q] = c[Q].y } let E = jt[i].reference; 0 === i && (E = E.concat([o[1]])); const u = E.length, d = new Int32Array(u), f = new Int32Array(u); for (Q = 0; Q < u; Q++) { d[Q] = E[Q].x; f[Q] = E[Q].y } const p = a[0].length, m = a.length, y = Vt[i], w = [], b = g.decoder, D = g.contextCache.getContexts("GR"); let F = 0; for (let i = 0; i < t; i++) { if (n) { F ^= b.readBit(D, y); if (F) throw new Jbig2Error("prediction is not supported") } const t = new Uint8Array(e); w.push(t); for (let n = 0; n < e; n++) { let o, g, c = 0; for (Q = 0; Q < h; Q++) { o = i + C[Q]; g = n + l[Q]; o < 0 || g < 0 || g >= e ? c <<= 1 : c = c << 1 | w[o][g] } for (Q = 0; Q < u; Q++) { o = i + f[Q] - r; g = n + d[Q] - s; o < 0 || o >= m || g < 0 || g >= p ? c <<= 1 : c = c << 1 | a[o][g] } const E = b.readBit(D, c); t[n] = E } } return w } function decodeTextRegion(e, t, i, a, s, r, n, o, g, c, h, l, C, Q, E, u, d, f, p) { if (e && t) throw new Jbig2Error("refinement with Huffman is not supported"); const m = []; let y, w; for (y = 0; y < a; y++) { w = new Uint8Array(i); if (s) for (let e = 0; e < i; e++)w[e] = s; m.push(w) } const b = d.decoder, D = d.contextCache; let F = e ? -Q.tableDeltaT.decode(p) : -decodeInteger(D, "IADT", b), S = 0; y = 0; for (; y < r;) { F += e ? Q.tableDeltaT.decode(p) : decodeInteger(D, "IADT", b); S += e ? Q.tableFirstS.decode(p) : decodeInteger(D, "IAFS", b); let a = S; for (; ;) { let s = 0; n > 1 && (s = e ? p.readBits(f) : decodeInteger(D, "IAIT", b)); const r = n * F + s, S = e ? Q.symbolIDTable.decode(p) : decodeIAID(D, b, g), k = t && (e ? p.readBit() : decodeInteger(D, "IARI", b)); let R = o[S], N = R[0].length, G = R.length; if (k) { const e = decodeInteger(D, "IARDW", b), t = decodeInteger(D, "IARDH", b); N += e; G += t; R = decodeRefinement(N, G, E, R, (e >> 1) + decodeInteger(D, "IARDX", b), (t >> 1) + decodeInteger(D, "IARDY", b), !1, u, d) } let x = 0; c ? 1 & l ? x = G - 1 : a += G - 1 : l > 1 ? a += N - 1 : x = N - 1; const M = r - (1 & l ? 0 : G - 1), U = a - (2 & l ? N - 1 : 0); let L, J, H; if (c) for (L = 0; L < G; L++) { w = m[U + L]; if (!w) continue; H = R[L]; const e = Math.min(i - M, N); switch (C) { case 0: for (J = 0; J < e; J++)w[M + J] |= H[J]; break; case 2: for (J = 0; J < e; J++)w[M + J] ^= H[J]; break; default: throw new Jbig2Error(`operator ${C} is not supported`) } } else for (J = 0; J < G; J++) { w = m[M + J]; if (w) { H = R[J]; switch (C) { case 0: for (L = 0; L < N; L++)w[U + L] |= H[L]; break; case 2: for (L = 0; L < N; L++)w[U + L] ^= H[L]; break; default: throw new Jbig2Error(`operator ${C} is not supported`) } } } y++; const Y = e ? Q.tableDeltaS.decode(p) : decodeInteger(D, "IADS", b); if (null === Y) break; a += x + Y + h } } return m } function readSegmentHeader(e, t) { const i = {}; i.number = readUint32(e, t); const a = e[t + 4], s = 63 & a; if (!Wt[s]) throw new Jbig2Error("invalid segment type: " + s); i.type = s; i.typeName = Wt[s]; i.deferredNonRetain = !!(128 & a); const r = !!(64 & a), n = e[t + 5]; let o = n >> 5 & 7; const g = [31 & n]; let c = t + 6; if (7 === n) { o = 536870911 & readUint32(e, c - 1); c += 3; let t = o + 7 >> 3; g[0] = e[c++]; for (; --t > 0;)g.push(e[c++]) } else if (5 === n || 6 === n) throw new Jbig2Error("invalid referred-to flags"); i.retainBits = g; let h = 4; i.number <= 256 ? h = 1 : i.number <= 65536 && (h = 2); const l = []; let C, Q; for (C = 0; C < o; C++) { let t; t = 1 === h ? e[c] : 2 === h ? readUint16(e, c) : readUint32(e, c); l.push(t); c += h } i.referredTo = l; if (r) { i.pageAssociation = readUint32(e, c); c += 4 } else i.pageAssociation = e[c++]; i.length = readUint32(e, c); c += 4; if (4294967295 === i.length) { if (38 !== s) throw new Jbig2Error("invalid unknown segment length"); { const t = readRegionSegmentInformation(e, c), a = !!(1 & e[c + zt]), s = 6, r = new Uint8Array(s); if (!a) { r[0] = 255; r[1] = 172 } r[2] = t.height >>> 24 & 255; r[3] = t.height >> 16 & 255; r[4] = t.height >> 8 & 255; r[5] = 255 & t.height; for (C = c, Q = e.length; C < Q; C++) { let t = 0; for (; t < s && r[t] === e[C + t];)t++; if (t === s) { i.length = C + s; break } } if (4294967295 === i.length) throw new Jbig2Error("segment end was not found") } } i.headerEnd = c; return i } function readSegments(e, t, i, a) { const s = []; let r = i; for (; r < a;) { const i = readSegmentHeader(t, r); r = i.headerEnd; const a = { header: i, data: t }; if (!e.randomAccess) { a.start = r; r += i.length; a.end = r } s.push(a); if (51 === i.type) break } if (e.randomAccess) for (let e = 0, t = s.length; e < t; e++) { s[e].start = r; r += s[e].header.length; s[e].end = r } return s } function readRegionSegmentInformation(e, t) { return { width: readUint32(e, t), height: readUint32(e, t + 4), x: readUint32(e, t + 8), y: readUint32(e, t + 12), combinationOperator: 7 & e[t + 16] } } const zt = 17; function processSegment(e, t) { const i = e.header, a =, s = e.end; let r, n, o, g, c = e.start; switch (i.type) { case 0: const e = {}, t = readUint16(a, c); e.huffman = !!(1 & t); e.refinement = !!(2 & t); e.huffmanDHSelector = t >> 2 & 3; e.huffmanDWSelector = t >> 4 & 3; e.bitmapSizeSelector = t >> 6 & 1; e.aggregationInstancesSelector = t >> 7 & 1; e.bitmapCodingContextUsed = !!(256 & t); e.bitmapCodingContextRetained = !!(512 & t); e.template = t >> 10 & 3; e.refinementTemplate = t >> 12 & 1; c += 2; if (!e.huffman) { g = 0 === e.template ? 4 : 1; n = []; for (o = 0; o < g; o++) { n.push({ x: readInt8(a, c), y: readInt8(a, c + 1) }); c += 2 } = n } if (e.refinement && !e.refinementTemplate) { n = []; for (o = 0; o < 2; o++) { n.push({ x: readInt8(a, c), y: readInt8(a, c + 1) }); c += 2 } e.refinementAt = n } e.numberOfExportedSymbols = readUint32(a, c); c += 4; e.numberOfNewSymbols = readUint32(a, c); c += 4; r = [e, i.number, i.referredTo, a, c, s]; break; case 6: case 7: const h = {}; = readRegionSegmentInformation(a, c); c += zt; const l = readUint16(a, c); c += 2; h.huffman = !!(1 & l); h.refinement = !!(2 & l); h.logStripSize = l >> 2 & 3; h.stripSize = 1 << h.logStripSize; h.referenceCorner = l >> 4 & 3; h.transposed = !!(64 & l); h.combinationOperator = l >> 7 & 3; h.defaultPixelValue = l >> 9 & 1; h.dsOffset = l << 17 >> 27; h.refinementTemplate = l >> 15 & 1; if (h.huffman) { const e = readUint16(a, c); c += 2; h.huffmanFS = 3 & e; h.huffmanDS = e >> 2 & 3; h.huffmanDT = e >> 4 & 3; h.huffmanRefinementDW = e >> 6 & 3; h.huffmanRefinementDH = e >> 8 & 3; h.huffmanRefinementDX = e >> 10 & 3; h.huffmanRefinementDY = e >> 12 & 3; h.huffmanRefinementSizeSelector = !!(16384 & e) } if (h.refinement && !h.refinementTemplate) { n = []; for (o = 0; o < 2; o++) { n.push({ x: readInt8(a, c), y: readInt8(a, c + 1) }); c += 2 } h.refinementAt = n } h.numberOfSymbolInstances = readUint32(a, c); c += 4; r = [h, i.referredTo, a, c, s]; break; case 16: const C = {}, Q = a[c++]; C.mmr = !!(1 & Q); C.template = Q >> 1 & 3; C.patternWidth = a[c++]; C.patternHeight = a[c++]; C.maxPatternIndex = readUint32(a, c); c += 4; r = [C, i.number, a, c, s]; break; case 22: case 23: const E = {}; = readRegionSegmentInformation(a, c); c += zt; const u = a[c++]; E.mmr = !!(1 & u); E.template = u >> 1 & 3; E.enableSkip = !!(8 & u); E.combinationOperator = u >> 4 & 7; E.defaultPixelValue = u >> 7 & 1; E.gridWidth = readUint32(a, c); c += 4; E.gridHeight = readUint32(a, c); c += 4; E.gridOffsetX = 4294967295 & readUint32(a, c); c += 4; E.gridOffsetY = 4294967295 & readUint32(a, c); c += 4; E.gridVectorX = readUint16(a, c); c += 2; E.gridVectorY = readUint16(a, c); c += 2; r = [E, i.referredTo, a, c, s]; break; case 38: case 39: const d = {}; = readRegionSegmentInformation(a, c); c += zt; const f = a[c++]; d.mmr = !!(1 & f); d.template = f >> 1 & 3; d.prediction = !!(8 & f); if (!d.mmr) { g = 0 === d.template ? 4 : 1; n = []; for (o = 0; o < g; o++) { n.push({ x: readInt8(a, c), y: readInt8(a, c + 1) }); c += 2 } = n } r = [d, a, c, s]; break; case 48: const p = { width: readUint32(a, c), height: readUint32(a, c + 4), resolutionX: readUint32(a, c + 8), resolutionY: readUint32(a, c + 12) }; 4294967295 === p.height && delete p.height; const m = a[c + 16]; readUint16(a, c + 17); p.lossless = !!(1 & m); p.refinement = !!(2 & m); p.defaultPixelValue = m >> 2 & 1; p.combinationOperator = m >> 3 & 3; p.requiresBuffer = !!(32 & m); p.combinationOperatorOverride = !!(64 & m); r = [p]; break; case 49: case 50: case 51: case 62: break; case 53: r = [i.number, a, c, s]; break; default: throw new Jbig2Error(`segment type ${i.typeName}(${i.type}) is not implemented`) }const h = "on" + i.typeName; h in t && t[h].apply(t, r) } function processSegments(e, t) { for (let i = 0, a = e.length; i < a; i++)processSegment(e[i], t) } class SimpleSegmentVisitor { onPageInformation(e) { this.currentPageInfo = e; const t = e.width + 7 >> 3, i = new Uint8ClampedArray(t * e.height); e.defaultPixelValue && i.fill(255); this.buffer = i } drawBitmap(e, t) { const i = this.currentPageInfo, a = e.width, s = e.height, r = i.width + 7 >> 3, n = i.combinationOperatorOverride ? e.combinationOperator : i.combinationOperator, o = this.buffer, g = 128 >> (7 & e.x); let c, h, l, C, Q = e.y * r + (e.x >> 3); switch (n) { case 0: for (c = 0; c < s; c++) { l = g; C = Q; for (h = 0; h < a; h++) { t[c][h] && (o[C] |= l); l >>= 1; if (!l) { l = 128; C++ } } Q += r } break; case 2: for (c = 0; c < s; c++) { l = g; C = Q; for (h = 0; h < a; h++) { t[c][h] && (o[C] ^= l); l >>= 1; if (!l) { l = 128; C++ } } Q += r } break; default: throw new Jbig2Error(`operator ${n} is not supported`) } } onImmediateGenericRegion(e, t, i, a) { const s =, r = new DecodingContext(t, i, a), n = decodeBitmap(e.mmr, s.width, s.height, e.template, e.prediction, null,, r); this.drawBitmap(s, n) } onImmediateLosslessGenericRegion() { this.onImmediateGenericRegion(...arguments) } onSymbolDictionary(e, t, i, a, s, r) { let n, o; if (e.huffman) { n = function getSymbolDictionaryHuffmanTables(e, t, i) { let a, s, r, n, o = 0; switch (e.huffmanDHSelector) { case 0: case 1: a = getStandardTable(e.huffmanDHSelector + 4); break; case 3: a = getCustomHuffmanTable(o, t, i); o++; break; default: throw new Jbig2Error("invalid Huffman DH selector") }switch (e.huffmanDWSelector) { case 0: case 1: s = getStandardTable(e.huffmanDWSelector + 2); break; case 3: s = getCustomHuffmanTable(o, t, i); o++; break; default: throw new Jbig2Error("invalid Huffman DW selector") }if (e.bitmapSizeSelector) { r = getCustomHuffmanTable(o, t, i); o++ } else r = getStandardTable(1); n = e.aggregationInstancesSelector ? getCustomHuffmanTable(o, t, i) : getStandardTable(1); return { tableDeltaHeight: a, tableDeltaWidth: s, tableBitmapSize: r, tableAggregateInstances: n } }(e, i, this.customTables); o = new Reader(a, s, r) } let g = this.symbols; g || (this.symbols = g = {}); const c = []; for (const e of i) { const t = g[e]; t && c.push(...t) } const h = new DecodingContext(a, s, r); g[t] = function decodeSymbolDictionary(e, t, i, a, s, r, n, o, g, c, h, l) { if (e && t) throw new Jbig2Error("symbol refinement with Huffman is not supported"); const C = []; let Q = 0, E = log2(i.length + a); const u = h.decoder, d = h.contextCache; let f, p; if (e) { f = getStandardTable(1); p = []; E = Math.max(E, 1) } for (; C.length < a;) { Q += e ? r.tableDeltaHeight.decode(l) : decodeInteger(d, "IADH", u); let a = 0, s = 0; const f = e ? p.length : 0; for (; ;) { const f = e ? r.tableDeltaWidth.decode(l) : decodeInteger(d, "IADW", u); if (null === f) break; a += f; s += a; let m; if (t) { const s = decodeInteger(d, "IAAI", u); if (s > 1) m = decodeTextRegion(e, t, a, Q, 0, s, 1, i.concat(C), E, 0, 0, 1, 0, r, g, c, h, 0, l); else { const e = decodeIAID(d, u, E), t = decodeInteger(d, "IARDX", u), s = decodeInteger(d, "IARDY", u); m = decodeRefinement(a, Q, g, e < i.length ? i[e] : C[e - i.length], t, s, !1, c, h) } C.push(m) } else if (e) p.push(a); else { m = decodeBitmap(!1, a, Q, n, !1, null, o, h); C.push(m) } } if (e && !t) { const e = r.tableBitmapSize.decode(l); l.byteAlign(); let t; if (0 === e) t = readUncompressedBitmap(l, s, Q); else { const i = l.end, a = l.position + e; l.end = a; t = decodeMMRBitmap(l, s, Q, !1); l.end = i; l.position = a } const i = p.length; if (f === i - 1) C.push(t); else { let e, a, s, r, n, o = 0; for (e = f; e < i; e++) { r = p[e]; s = o + r; n = []; for (a = 0; a < Q; a++)n.push(t[a].subarray(o, s)); C.push(n); o = s } } } } const m = [], y = []; let w, b, D = !1; const F = i.length + a; for (; y.length < F;) { let t = e ? f.decode(l) : decodeInteger(d, "IAEX", u); for (; t--;)y.push(D); D = !D } for (w = 0, b = i.length; w < b; w++)y[w] && m.push(i[w]); for (let e = 0; e < a; w++, e++)y[w] && m.push(C[e]); return m }(e.huffman, e.refinement, c, e.numberOfNewSymbols, e.numberOfExportedSymbols, n, e.template,, e.refinementTemplate, e.refinementAt, h, o) } onImmediateTextRegion(e, t, i, a, s) { const r =; let n, o; const g = this.symbols, c = []; for (const e of t) { const t = g[e]; t && c.push(...t) } const h = log2(c.length); if (e.huffman) { o = new Reader(i, a, s); n = function getTextRegionHuffmanTables(e, t, i, a, s) { const r = []; for (let e = 0; e <= 34; e++) { const t = s.readBits(4); r.push(new HuffmanLine([e, t, 0, 0])) } const n = new HuffmanTable(r, !1); r.length = 0; for (let e = 0; e < a;) { const t = n.decode(s); if (t >= 32) { let i, a, n; switch (t) { case 32: if (0 === e) throw new Jbig2Error("no previous value in symbol ID table"); a = s.readBits(2) + 3; i = r[e - 1].prefixLength; break; case 33: a = s.readBits(3) + 3; i = 0; break; case 34: a = s.readBits(7) + 11; i = 0; break; default: throw new Jbig2Error("invalid code length in symbol ID table") }for (n = 0; n < a; n++) { r.push(new HuffmanLine([e, i, 0, 0])); e++ } } else { r.push(new HuffmanLine([e, t, 0, 0])); e++ } } s.byteAlign(); const o = new HuffmanTable(r, !1); let g, c, h, l = 0; switch (e.huffmanFS) { case 0: case 1: g = getStandardTable(e.huffmanFS + 6); break; case 3: g = getCustomHuffmanTable(l, t, i); l++; break; default: throw new Jbig2Error("invalid Huffman FS selector") }switch (e.huffmanDS) { case 0: case 1: case 2: c = getStandardTable(e.huffmanDS + 8); break; case 3: c = getCustomHuffmanTable(l, t, i); l++; break; default: throw new Jbig2Error("invalid Huffman DS selector") }switch (e.huffmanDT) { case 0: case 1: case 2: h = getStandardTable(e.huffmanDT + 11); break; case 3: h = getCustomHuffmanTable(l, t, i); l++; break; default: throw new Jbig2Error("invalid Huffman DT selector") }if (e.refinement) throw new Jbig2Error("refinement with Huffman is not supported"); return { symbolIDTable: o, tableFirstS: g, tableDeltaS: c, tableDeltaT: h } }(e, t, this.customTables, c.length, o) } const l = new DecodingContext(i, a, s), C = decodeTextRegion(e.huffman, e.refinement, r.width, r.height, e.defaultPixelValue, e.numberOfSymbolInstances, e.stripSize, c, h, e.transposed, e.dsOffset, e.referenceCorner, e.combinationOperator, n, e.refinementTemplate, e.refinementAt, l, e.logStripSize, o); this.drawBitmap(r, C) } onImmediateLosslessTextRegion() { this.onImmediateTextRegion(...arguments) } onPatternDictionary(e, t, i, a, s) { let r = this.patterns; r || (this.patterns = r = {}); const n = new DecodingContext(i, a, s); r[t] = function decodePatternDictionary(e, t, i, a, s, r) { const n = []; if (!e) { n.push({ x: -t, y: 0 }); 0 === s && n.push({ x: -3, y: -1 }, { x: 2, y: -2 }, { x: -2, y: -2 }) } const o = decodeBitmap(e, (a + 1) * t, i, s, !1, null, n, r), g = []; for (let e = 0; e <= a; e++) { const a = [], s = t * e, r = s + t; for (let e = 0; e < i; e++)a.push(o[e].subarray(s, r)); g.push(a) } return g }(e.mmr, e.patternWidth, e.patternHeight, e.maxPatternIndex, e.template, n) } onImmediateHalftoneRegion(e, t, i, a, s) { const r = this.patterns[t[0]], n =, o = new DecodingContext(i, a, s), g = function decodeHalftoneRegion(e, t, i, a, s, r, n, o, g, c, h, l, C, Q, E) { if (n) throw new Jbig2Error("skip is not supported"); if (0 !== o) throw new Jbig2Error(`operator "${o}" is not supported in halftone region`); const u = []; let d, f, p; for (d = 0; d < s; d++) { p = new Uint8Array(a); if (r) for (f = 0; f < a; f++)p[f] = r; u.push(p) } const m = t.length, y = t[0], w = y[0].length, b = y.length, D = log2(m), F = []; if (!e) { F.push({ x: i <= 1 ? 3 : 2, y: -1 }); 0 === i && F.push({ x: -3, y: -1 }, { x: 2, y: -2 }, { x: -2, y: -2 }) } const S = []; let k, R, N, G, x, M, U, L, J, H, Y; e && (k = new Reader(, E.start, E.end)); for (d = D - 1; d >= 0; d--) { R = e ? decodeMMRBitmap(k, g, c, !0) : decodeBitmap(!1, g, c, i, !1, null, F, E); S[d] = R } for (N = 0; N < c; N++)for (G = 0; G < g; G++) { x = 0; M = 0; for (f = D - 1; f >= 0; f--) { x ^= S[f][N][G]; M |= x << f } U = t[M]; L = h + N * Q + G * C >> 8; J = l + N * C - G * Q >> 8; if (L >= 0 && L + w <= a && J >= 0 && J + b <= s) for (d = 0; d < b; d++) { Y = u[J + d]; H = U[d]; for (f = 0; f < w; f++)Y[L + f] |= H[f] } else { let e, t; for (d = 0; d < b; d++) { t = J + d; if (!(t < 0 || t >= s)) { Y = u[t]; H = U[d]; for (f = 0; f < w; f++) { e = L + f; e >= 0 && e < a && (Y[e] |= H[f]) } } } } } return u }(e.mmr, r, e.template, n.width, n.height, e.defaultPixelValue, e.enableSkip, e.combinationOperator, e.gridWidth, e.gridHeight, e.gridOffsetX, e.gridOffsetY, e.gridVectorX, e.gridVectorY, o); this.drawBitmap(n, g) } onImmediateLosslessHalftoneRegion() { this.onImmediateHalftoneRegion(...arguments) } onTables(e, t, i, a) { let s = this.customTables; s || (this.customTables = s = {}); s[e] = function decodeTablesSegment(e, t, i) { const a = e[t], s = 4294967295 & readUint32(e, t + 1), r = 4294967295 & readUint32(e, t + 5), n = new Reader(e, t + 9, i), o = 1 + (a >> 1 & 7), g = 1 + (a >> 4 & 7), c = []; let h, l, C = s; do { h = n.readBits(o); l = n.readBits(g); c.push(new HuffmanLine([C, h, l, 0])); C += 1 << l } while (C < r); h = n.readBits(o); c.push(new HuffmanLine([s - 1, h, 32, 0, "lower"])); h = n.readBits(o); c.push(new HuffmanLine([r, h, 32, 0])); if (1 & a) { h = n.readBits(o); c.push(new HuffmanLine([h, 0])) } return new HuffmanTable(c, !1) }(t, i, a) } } class HuffmanLine { constructor(e) { if (2 === e.length) { this.isOOB = !0; this.rangeLow = 0; this.prefixLength = e[0]; this.rangeLength = 0; this.prefixCode = e[1]; this.isLowerRange = !1 } else { this.isOOB = !1; this.rangeLow = e[0]; this.prefixLength = e[1]; this.rangeLength = e[2]; this.prefixCode = e[3]; this.isLowerRange = "lower" === e[4] } } } class HuffmanTreeNode { constructor(e) { this.children = []; if (e) { this.isLeaf = !0; this.rangeLength = e.rangeLength; this.rangeLow = e.rangeLow; this.isLowerRange = e.isLowerRange; this.isOOB = e.isOOB } else this.isLeaf = !1 } buildTree(e, t) { const i = e.prefixCode >> t & 1; if (t <= 0) this.children[i] = new HuffmanTreeNode(e); else { let a = this.children[i]; a || (this.children[i] = a = new HuffmanTreeNode(null)); a.buildTree(e, t - 1) } } decodeNode(e) { if (this.isLeaf) { if (this.isOOB) return null; const t = e.readBits(this.rangeLength); return this.rangeLow + (this.isLowerRange ? -t : t) } const t = this.children[e.readBit()]; if (!t) throw new Jbig2Error("invalid Huffman data"); return t.decodeNode(e) } } class HuffmanTable { constructor(e, t) { t || this.assignPrefixCodes(e); this.rootNode = new HuffmanTreeNode(null); for (let t = 0, i = e.length; t < i; t++) { const i = e[t]; i.prefixLength > 0 && this.rootNode.buildTree(i, i.prefixLength - 1) } } decode(e) { return this.rootNode.decodeNode(e) } assignPrefixCodes(e) { const t = e.length; let i = 0; for (let a = 0; a < t; a++)i = Math.max(i, e[a].prefixLength); const a = new Uint32Array(i + 1); for (let i = 0; i < t; i++)a[e[i].prefixLength]++; let s, r, n, o = 1, g = 0; a[0] = 0; for (; o <= i;) { g = g + a[o - 1] << 1; s = g; r = 0; for (; r < t;) { n = e[r]; if (n.prefixLength === o) { n.prefixCode = s; s++ } r++ } o++ } } } const _t = {}; function getStandardTable(e) { let t, i = _t[e]; if (i) return i; switch (e) { case 1: t = [[0, 1, 4, 0], [16, 2, 8, 2], [272, 3, 16, 6], [65808, 3, 32, 7]]; break; case 2: t = [[0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 2, 0, 2], [2, 3, 0, 6], [3, 4, 3, 14], [11, 5, 6, 30], [75, 6, 32, 62], [6, 63]]; break; case 3: t = [[-256, 8, 8, 254], [0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 2, 0, 2], [2, 3, 0, 6], [3, 4, 3, 14], [11, 5, 6, 30], [-257, 8, 32, 255, "lower"], [75, 7, 32, 126], [6, 62]]; break; case 4: t = [[1, 1, 0, 0], [2, 2, 0, 2], [3, 3, 0, 6], [4, 4, 3, 14], [12, 5, 6, 30], [76, 5, 32, 31]]; break; case 5: t = [[-255, 7, 8, 126], [1, 1, 0, 0], [2, 2, 0, 2], [3, 3, 0, 6], [4, 4, 3, 14], [12, 5, 6, 30], [-256, 7, 32, 127, "lower"], [76, 6, 32, 62]]; break; case 6: t = [[-2048, 5, 10, 28], [-1024, 4, 9, 8], [-512, 4, 8, 9], [-256, 4, 7, 10], [-128, 5, 6, 29], [-64, 5, 5, 30], [-32, 4, 5, 11], [0, 2, 7, 0], [128, 3, 7, 2], [256, 3, 8, 3], [512, 4, 9, 12], [1024, 4, 10, 13], [-2049, 6, 32, 62, "lower"], [2048, 6, 32, 63]]; break; case 7: t = [[-1024, 4, 9, 8], [-512, 3, 8, 0], [-256, 4, 7, 9], [-128, 5, 6, 26], [-64, 5, 5, 27], [-32, 4, 5, 10], [0, 4, 5, 11], [32, 5, 5, 28], [64, 5, 6, 29], [128, 4, 7, 12], [256, 3, 8, 1], [512, 3, 9, 2], [1024, 3, 10, 3], [-1025, 5, 32, 30, "lower"], [2048, 5, 32, 31]]; break; case 8: t = [[-15, 8, 3, 252], [-7, 9, 1, 508], [-5, 8, 1, 253], [-3, 9, 0, 509], [-2, 7, 0, 124], [-1, 4, 0, 10], [0, 2, 1, 0], [2, 5, 0, 26], [3, 6, 0, 58], [4, 3, 4, 4], [20, 6, 1, 59], [22, 4, 4, 11], [38, 4, 5, 12], [70, 5, 6, 27], [134, 5, 7, 28], [262, 6, 7, 60], [390, 7, 8, 125], [646, 6, 10, 61], [-16, 9, 32, 510, "lower"], [1670, 9, 32, 511], [2, 1]]; break; case 9: t = [[-31, 8, 4, 252], [-15, 9, 2, 508], [-11, 8, 2, 253], [-7, 9, 1, 509], [-5, 7, 1, 124], [-3, 4, 1, 10], [-1, 3, 1, 2], [1, 3, 1, 3], [3, 5, 1, 26], [5, 6, 1, 58], [7, 3, 5, 4], [39, 6, 2, 59], [43, 4, 5, 11], [75, 4, 6, 12], [139, 5, 7, 27], [267, 5, 8, 28], [523, 6, 8, 60], [779, 7, 9, 125], [1291, 6, 11, 61], [-32, 9, 32, 510, "lower"], [3339, 9, 32, 511], [2, 0]]; break; case 10: t = [[-21, 7, 4, 122], [-5, 8, 0, 252], [-4, 7, 0, 123], [-3, 5, 0, 24], [-2, 2, 2, 0], [2, 5, 0, 25], [3, 6, 0, 54], [4, 7, 0, 124], [5, 8, 0, 253], [6, 2, 6, 1], [70, 5, 5, 26], [102, 6, 5, 55], [134, 6, 6, 56], [198, 6, 7, 57], [326, 6, 8, 58], [582, 6, 9, 59], [1094, 6, 10, 60], [2118, 7, 11, 125], [-22, 8, 32, 254, "lower"], [4166, 8, 32, 255], [2, 2]]; break; case 11: t = [[1, 1, 0, 0], [2, 2, 1, 2], [4, 4, 0, 12], [5, 4, 1, 13], [7, 5, 1, 28], [9, 5, 2, 29], [13, 6, 2, 60], [17, 7, 2, 122], [21, 7, 3, 123], [29, 7, 4, 124], [45, 7, 5, 125], [77, 7, 6, 126], [141, 7, 32, 127]]; break; case 12: t = [[1, 1, 0, 0], [2, 2, 0, 2], [3, 3, 1, 6], [5, 5, 0, 28], [6, 5, 1, 29], [8, 6, 1, 60], [10, 7, 0, 122], [11, 7, 1, 123], [13, 7, 2, 124], [17, 7, 3, 125], [25, 7, 4, 126], [41, 8, 5, 254], [73, 8, 32, 255]]; break; case 13: t = [[1, 1, 0, 0], [2, 3, 0, 4], [3, 4, 0, 12], [4, 5, 0, 28], [5, 4, 1, 13], [7, 3, 3, 5], [15, 6, 1, 58], [17, 6, 2, 59], [21, 6, 3, 60], [29, 6, 4, 61], [45, 6, 5, 62], [77, 7, 6, 126], [141, 7, 32, 127]]; break; case 14: t = [[-2, 3, 0, 4], [-1, 3, 0, 5], [0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 3, 0, 6], [2, 3, 0, 7]]; break; case 15: t = [[-24, 7, 4, 124], [-8, 6, 2, 60], [-4, 5, 1, 28], [-2, 4, 0, 12], [-1, 3, 0, 4], [0, 1, 0, 0], [1, 3, 0, 5], [2, 4, 0, 13], [3, 5, 1, 29], [5, 6, 2, 61], [9, 7, 4, 125], [-25, 7, 32, 126, "lower"], [25, 7, 32, 127]]; break; default: throw new Jbig2Error(`standard table B.${e} does not exist`) }for (let e = 0, i = t.length; e < i; e++)t[e] = new HuffmanLine(t[e]); i = new HuffmanTable(t, !0); _t[e] = i; return i } class Reader { constructor(e, t, i) { = e; this.start = t; this.end = i; this.position = t; this.shift = -1; this.currentByte = 0 } readBit() { if (this.shift < 0) { if (this.position >= this.end) throw new Jbig2Error("end of data while reading bit"); this.currentByte =[this.position++]; this.shift = 7 } const e = this.currentByte >> this.shift & 1; this.shift--; return e } readBits(e) { let t, i = 0; for (t = e - 1; t >= 0; t--)i |= this.readBit() << t; return i } byteAlign() { this.shift = -1 } next() { return this.position >= this.end ? -1 :[this.position++] } } function getCustomHuffmanTable(e, t, i) { let a = 0; for (let s = 0, r = t.length; s < r; s++) { const r = i[t[s]]; if (r) { if (e === a) return r; a++ } } throw new Jbig2Error("can't find custom Huffman table") } function readUncompressedBitmap(e, t, i) { const a = []; for (let s = 0; s < i; s++) { const i = new Uint8Array(t); a.push(i); for (let a = 0; a < t; a++)i[a] = e.readBit(); e.byteAlign() } return a } function decodeMMRBitmap(e, t, i, a) { const s = new CCITTFaxDecoder(e, { K: -1, Columns: t, Rows: i, BlackIs1: !0, EndOfBlock: a }), r = []; let n, o = !1; for (let e = 0; e < i; e++) { const e = new Uint8Array(t); r.push(e); let i = -1; for (let a = 0; a < t; a++) { if (i < 0) { n = s.readNextChar(); if (-1 === n) { n = 0; o = !0 } i = 7 } e[a] = n >> i & 1; i-- } } if (a && !o) { const e = 5; for (let t = 0; t < e && -1 !== s.readNextChar(); t++); } return r } class Jbig2Image { parseChunks(e) { return function parseJbig2Chunks(e) { const t = new SimpleSegmentVisitor; for (let i = 0, a = e.length; i < a; i++) { const a = e[i]; processSegments(readSegments({},, a.start, a.end), t) } return t.buffer }(e) } parse(e) { throw new Error("Not implemented: Jbig2Image.parse") } } class Jbig2Stream extends DecodeStream { constructor(e, t, i) { super(t); = e; this.dict = e.dict; this.maybeLength = t; this.params = i } get bytes() { return shadow(this, "bytes", } ensureBuffer(e) { } readBlock() { if (this.eof) return; const e = new Jbig2Image, t = []; if (this.params instanceof Dict) { const e = this.params.get("JBIG2Globals"); if (e instanceof BaseStream) { const i = e.getBytes(); t.push({ data: i, start: 0, end: i.length }) } } t.push({ data: this.bytes, start: 0, end: this.bytes.length }); const i = e.parseChunks(t), a = i.length; for (let e = 0; e < a; e++)i[e] ^= 255; this.buffer = i; this.bufferLength = a; this.eof = !0 } } function convertToRGBA(e) { switch (e.kind) { case b: return convertBlackAndWhiteToRGBA(e); case D: return function convertRGBToRGBA({ src: e, srcPos: t = 0, dest: i, destPos: a = 0, width: s, height: r }) { let n = 0; const o = e.length >> 2, g = new Uint32Array(e.buffer, t, o); if (FeatureTest.isLittleEndian) { for (; n < o - 2; n += 3, a += 4) { const e = g[n], t = g[n + 1], s = g[n + 2]; i[a] = 4278190080 | e; i[a + 1] = e >>> 24 | t << 8 | 4278190080; i[a + 2] = t >>> 16 | s << 16 | 4278190080; i[a + 3] = s >>> 8 | 4278190080 } for (let t = 4 * n, s = e.length; t < s; t += 3)i[a++] = e[t] | e[t + 1] << 8 | e[t + 2] << 16 | 4278190080 } else { for (; n < o - 2; n += 3, a += 4) { const e = g[n], t = g[n + 1], s = g[n + 2]; i[a] = 255 | e; i[a + 1] = e << 24 | t >>> 8 | 255; i[a + 2] = t << 16 | s >>> 16 | 255; i[a + 3] = s << 8 | 255 } for (let t = 4 * n, s = e.length; t < s; t += 3)i[a++] = e[t] << 24 | e[t + 1] << 16 | e[t + 2] << 8 | 255 } return { srcPos: t, destPos: a } }(e) }return null } function convertBlackAndWhiteToRGBA({ src: e, srcPos: t = 0, dest: i, width: a, height: s, nonBlackColor: r = 4294967295, inverseDecode: n = !1 }) { const o = FeatureTest.isLittleEndian ? 4278190080 : 255, [g, c] = n ? [r, o] : [o, r], h = a >> 3, l = 7 & a, C = e.length; i = new Uint32Array(i.buffer); let Q = 0; for (let a = 0; a < s; a++) { for (const a = t + h; t < a; t++) { const a = t < C ? e[t] : 255; i[Q++] = 128 & a ? c : g; i[Q++] = 64 & a ? c : g; i[Q++] = 32 & a ? c : g; i[Q++] = 16 & a ? c : g; i[Q++] = 8 & a ? c : g; i[Q++] = 4 & a ? c : g; i[Q++] = 2 & a ? c : g; i[Q++] = 1 & a ? c : g } if (0 === l) continue; const a = t < C ? e[t++] : 255; for (let e = 0; e < l; e++)i[Q++] = a & 1 << 7 - e ? c : g } return { srcPos: t, destPos: Q } } class JpegError extends rt { constructor(e) { super(e, "JpegError") } } class DNLMarkerError extends rt { constructor(e, t) { super(e, "DNLMarkerError"); this.scanLines = t } } class EOIMarkerError extends rt { constructor(e) { super(e, "EOIMarkerError") } } const $t = new Uint8Array([0, 1, 8, 16, 9, 2, 3, 10, 17, 24, 32, 25, 18, 11, 4, 5, 12, 19, 26, 33, 40, 48, 41, 34, 27, 20, 13, 6, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 57, 50, 43, 36, 29, 22, 15, 23, 30, 37, 44, 51, 58, 59, 52, 45, 38, 31, 39, 46, 53, 60, 61, 54, 47, 55, 62, 63]), Ai = 4017, ei = 799, ti = 3406, ii = 2276, ai = 1567, si = 3784, ri = 5793, ni = 2896; function buildHuffmanTable(e, t) { let i, a, s = 0, r = 16; for (; r > 0 && !e[r - 1];)r--; const n = [{ children: [], index: 0 }]; let o, g = n[0]; for (i = 0; i < r; i++) { for (a = 0; a < e[i]; a++) { g = n.pop(); g.children[g.index] = t[s]; for (; g.index > 0;)g = n.pop(); g.index++; n.push(g); for (; n.length <= i;) { n.push(o = { children: [], index: 0 }); g.children[g.index] = o.children; g = o } s++ } if (i + 1 < r) { n.push(o = { children: [], index: 0 }); g.children[g.index] = o.children; g = o } } return n[0].children } function getBlockBufferOffset(e, t, i) { return 64 * ((e.blocksPerLine + 1) * t + i) } function decodeScan(e, t, i, a, s, r, n, o, g, c = !1) { const h = i.mcusPerLine, l =, C = t; let Q = 0, E = 0; function readBit() { if (E > 0) { E--; return Q >> E & 1 } Q = e[t++]; if (255 === Q) { const a = e[t++]; if (a) { if (220 === a && c) { const a = readUint16(e, t += 2); t += 2; if (a > 0 && a !== i.scanLines) throw new DNLMarkerError("Found DNL marker (0xFFDC) while parsing scan data", a) } else if (217 === a) { if (c) { const e = p * (8 === i.precision ? 8 : 0); if (e > 0 && Math.round(i.scanLines / e) >= 5) throw new DNLMarkerError("Found EOI marker (0xFFD9) while parsing scan data, possibly caused by incorrect `scanLines` parameter", e) } throw new EOIMarkerError("Found EOI marker (0xFFD9) while parsing scan data") } throw new JpegError(`unexpected marker ${(Q << 8 | a).toString(16)}`) } } E = 7; return Q >>> 7 } function decodeHuffman(e) { let t = e; for (; ;) { t = t[readBit()]; switch (typeof t) { case "number": return t; case "object": continue }throw new JpegError("invalid huffman sequence") } } function receive(e) { let t = 0; for (; e > 0;) { t = t << 1 | readBit(); e-- } return t } function receiveAndExtend(e) { if (1 === e) return 1 === readBit() ? 1 : -1; const t = receive(e); return t >= 1 << e - 1 ? t : t + (-1 << e) + 1 } let u = 0; let d, f = 0; let p = 0; function decodeMcu(e, t, i, a, s) { const r = i % h; p = (i / h | 0) * e.v + a; const n = r * e.h + s; t(e, getBlockBufferOffset(e, p, n)) } function decodeBlock(e, t, i) { p = i / e.blocksPerLine | 0; const a = i % e.blocksPerLine; t(e, getBlockBufferOffset(e, p, a)) } const m = a.length; let y, w, b, D, F, S; S = l ? 0 === r ? 0 === o ? function decodeDCFirst(e, t) { const i = decodeHuffman(e.huffmanTableDC), a = 0 === i ? 0 : receiveAndExtend(i) << g; e.blockData[t] = e.pred += a } : function decodeDCSuccessive(e, t) { e.blockData[t] |= readBit() << g } : 0 === o ? function decodeACFirst(e, t) { if (u > 0) { u--; return } let i = r; const a = n; for (; i <= a;) { const a = decodeHuffman(e.huffmanTableAC), s = 15 & a, r = a >> 4; if (0 === s) { if (r < 15) { u = receive(r) + (1 << r) - 1; break } i += 16; continue } i += r; const n = $t[i]; e.blockData[t + n] = receiveAndExtend(s) * (1 << g); i++ } } : function decodeACSuccessive(e, t) { let i = r; const a = n; let s, o, c = 0; for (; i <= a;) { const a = t + $t[i], r = e.blockData[a] < 0 ? -1 : 1; switch (f) { case 0: o = decodeHuffman(e.huffmanTableAC); s = 15 & o; c = o >> 4; if (0 === s) if (c < 15) { u = receive(c) + (1 << c); f = 4 } else { c = 16; f = 1 } else { if (1 !== s) throw new JpegError("invalid ACn encoding"); d = receiveAndExtend(s); f = c ? 2 : 3 } continue; case 1: case 2: if (e.blockData[a]) e.blockData[a] += r * (readBit() << g); else { c--; 0 === c && (f = 2 === f ? 3 : 0) } break; case 3: if (e.blockData[a]) e.blockData[a] += r * (readBit() << g); else { e.blockData[a] = d << g; f = 0 } break; case 4: e.blockData[a] && (e.blockData[a] += r * (readBit() << g)) }i++ } if (4 === f) { u--; 0 === u && (f = 0) } } : function decodeBaseline(e, t) { const i = decodeHuffman(e.huffmanTableDC), a = 0 === i ? 0 : receiveAndExtend(i); e.blockData[t] = e.pred += a; let s = 1; for (; s < 64;) { const i = decodeHuffman(e.huffmanTableAC), a = 15 & i, r = i >> 4; if (0 === a) { if (r < 15) break; s += 16; continue } s += r; const n = $t[s]; e.blockData[t + n] = receiveAndExtend(a); s++ } }; let k, R = 0; const N = 1 === m ? a[0].blocksPerLine * a[0].blocksPerColumn : h * i.mcusPerColumn; let G, x; for (; R <= N;) { const i = s ? Math.min(N - R, s) : N; if (i > 0) { for (w = 0; w < m; w++)a[w].pred = 0; u = 0; if (1 === m) { y = a[0]; for (F = 0; F < i; F++) { decodeBlock(y, S, R); R++ } } else for (F = 0; F < i; F++) { for (w = 0; w < m; w++) { y = a[w]; G = y.h; x = y.v; for (b = 0; b < x; b++)for (D = 0; D < G; D++)decodeMcu(y, S, R, b, D) } R++ } } E = 0; k = findNextFileMarker(e, t); if (!k) break; if (k.invalid) { warn(`decodeScan - ${i > 0 ? "unexpected" : "excessive"} MCU data, current marker is: ${k.invalid}`); t = k.offset } if (!(k.marker >= 65488 && k.marker <= 65495)) break; t += 2 } return t - C } function quantizeAndInverse(e, t, i) { const a = e.quantizationTable, s = e.blockData; let r, n, o, g, c, h, l, C, Q, E, u, d, f, p, m, y, w; if (!a) throw new JpegError("missing required Quantization Table."); for (let e = 0; e < 64; e += 8) { Q = s[t + e]; E = s[t + e + 1]; u = s[t + e + 2]; d = s[t + e + 3]; f = s[t + e + 4]; p = s[t + e + 5]; m = s[t + e + 6]; y = s[t + e + 7]; Q *= a[e]; if (0 != (E | u | d | f | p | m | y)) { E *= a[e + 1]; u *= a[e + 2]; d *= a[e + 3]; f *= a[e + 4]; p *= a[e + 5]; m *= a[e + 6]; y *= a[e + 7]; r = ri * Q + 128 >> 8; n = ri * f + 128 >> 8; o = u; g = m; c = ni * (E - y) + 128 >> 8; C = ni * (E + y) + 128 >> 8; h = d << 4; l = p << 4; r = r + n + 1 >> 1; n = r - n; w = o * si + g * ai + 128 >> 8; o = o * ai - g * si + 128 >> 8; g = w; c = c + l + 1 >> 1; l = c - l; C = C + h + 1 >> 1; h = C - h; r = r + g + 1 >> 1; g = r - g; n = n + o + 1 >> 1; o = n - o; w = c * ii + C * ti + 2048 >> 12; c = c * ti - C * ii + 2048 >> 12; C = w; w = h * ei + l * Ai + 2048 >> 12; h = h * Ai - l * ei + 2048 >> 12; l = w; i[e] = r + C; i[e + 7] = r - C; i[e + 1] = n + l; i[e + 6] = n - l; i[e + 2] = o + h; i[e + 5] = o - h; i[e + 3] = g + c; i[e + 4] = g - c } else { w = ri * Q + 512 >> 10; i[e] = w; i[e + 1] = w; i[e + 2] = w; i[e + 3] = w; i[e + 4] = w; i[e + 5] = w; i[e + 6] = w; i[e + 7] = w } } for (let e = 0; e < 8; ++e) { Q = i[e]; E = i[e + 8]; u = i[e + 16]; d = i[e + 24]; f = i[e + 32]; p = i[e + 40]; m = i[e + 48]; y = i[e + 56]; if (0 != (E | u | d | f | p | m | y)) { r = ri * Q + 2048 >> 12; n = ri * f + 2048 >> 12; o = u; g = m; c = ni * (E - y) + 2048 >> 12; C = ni * (E + y) + 2048 >> 12; h = d; l = p; r = 4112 + (r + n + 1 >> 1); n = r - n; w = o * si + g * ai + 2048 >> 12; o = o * ai - g * si + 2048 >> 12; g = w; c = c + l + 1 >> 1; l = c - l; C = C + h + 1 >> 1; h = C - h; r = r + g + 1 >> 1; g = r - g; n = n + o + 1 >> 1; o = n - o; w = c * ii + C * ti + 2048 >> 12; c = c * ti - C * ii + 2048 >> 12; C = w; w = h * ei + l * Ai + 2048 >> 12; h = h * Ai - l * ei + 2048 >> 12; l = w; Q = r + C; y = r - C; E = n + l; m = n - l; u = o + h; p = o - h; d = g + c; f = g - c; Q < 16 ? Q = 0 : Q >= 4080 ? Q = 255 : Q >>= 4; E < 16 ? E = 0 : E >= 4080 ? E = 255 : E >>= 4; u < 16 ? u = 0 : u >= 4080 ? u = 255 : u >>= 4; d < 16 ? d = 0 : d >= 4080 ? d = 255 : d >>= 4; f < 16 ? f = 0 : f >= 4080 ? f = 255 : f >>= 4; p < 16 ? p = 0 : p >= 4080 ? p = 255 : p >>= 4; m < 16 ? m = 0 : m >= 4080 ? m = 255 : m >>= 4; y < 16 ? y = 0 : y >= 4080 ? y = 255 : y >>= 4; s[t + e] = Q; s[t + e + 8] = E; s[t + e + 16] = u; s[t + e + 24] = d; s[t + e + 32] = f; s[t + e + 40] = p; s[t + e + 48] = m; s[t + e + 56] = y } else { w = ri * Q + 8192 >> 14; w = w < -2040 ? 0 : w >= 2024 ? 255 : w + 2056 >> 4; s[t + e] = w; s[t + e + 8] = w; s[t + e + 16] = w; s[t + e + 24] = w; s[t + e + 32] = w; s[t + e + 40] = w; s[t + e + 48] = w; s[t + e + 56] = w } } } function buildComponentData(e, t) { const i = t.blocksPerLine, a = t.blocksPerColumn, s = new Int16Array(64); for (let e = 0; e < a; e++)for (let a = 0; a < i; a++) { quantizeAndInverse(t, getBlockBufferOffset(t, e, a), s) } return t.blockData } function findNextFileMarker(e, t, i = t) { const a = e.length - 1; let s = i < t ? i : t; if (t >= a) return null; const r = readUint16(e, t); if (r >= 65472 && r <= 65534) return { invalid: null, marker: r, offset: t }; let n = readUint16(e, s); for (; !(n >= 65472 && n <= 65534);) { if (++s >= a) return null; n = readUint16(e, s) } return { invalid: r.toString(16), marker: n, offset: s } } class JpegImage { constructor({ decodeTransform: e = null, colorTransform: t = -1 } = {}) { this._decodeTransform = e; this._colorTransform = t } parse(e, { dnlScanLines: t = null } = {}) { function readDataBlock() { const t = readUint16(e, s); s += 2; let i = s + t - 2; const a = findNextFileMarker(e, i, s); if (a?.invalid) { warn("readDataBlock - incorrect length, current marker is: " + a.invalid); i = a.offset } const r = e.subarray(s, i); s += r.length; return r } function prepareComponents(e) { const t = Math.ceil(e.samplesPerLine / 8 / e.maxH), i = Math.ceil(e.scanLines / 8 / e.maxV); for (const a of e.components) { const s = Math.ceil(Math.ceil(e.samplesPerLine / 8) * a.h / e.maxH), r = Math.ceil(Math.ceil(e.scanLines / 8) * a.v / e.maxV), n = t * a.h, o = 64 * (i * a.v) * (n + 1); a.blockData = new Int16Array(o); a.blocksPerLine = s; a.blocksPerColumn = r } e.mcusPerLine = t; e.mcusPerColumn = i } let i, a, s = 0, r = null, n = null, o = 0; const g = [], c = [], h = []; let l = readUint16(e, s); s += 2; if (65496 !== l) throw new JpegError("SOI not found"); l = readUint16(e, s); s += 2; A: for (; 65497 !== l;) { let C, Q, E; switch (l) { case 65504: case 65505: case 65506: case 65507: case 65508: case 65509: case 65510: case 65511: case 65512: case 65513: case 65514: case 65515: case 65516: case 65517: case 65518: case 65519: case 65534: const u = readDataBlock(); 65504 === l && 74 === u[0] && 70 === u[1] && 73 === u[2] && 70 === u[3] && 0 === u[4] && (r = { version: { major: u[5], minor: u[6] }, densityUnits: u[7], xDensity: u[8] << 8 | u[9], yDensity: u[10] << 8 | u[11], thumbWidth: u[12], thumbHeight: u[13], thumbData: u.subarray(14, 14 + 3 * u[12] * u[13]) }); 65518 === l && 65 === u[0] && 100 === u[1] && 111 === u[2] && 98 === u[3] && 101 === u[4] && (n = { version: u[5] << 8 | u[6], flags0: u[7] << 8 | u[8], flags1: u[9] << 8 | u[10], transformCode: u[11] }); break; case 65499: const d = readUint16(e, s); s += 2; const f = d + s - 2; let p; for (; s < f;) { const t = e[s++], i = new Uint16Array(64); if (t >> 4 == 0) for (Q = 0; Q < 64; Q++) { p = $t[Q]; i[p] = e[s++] } else { if (t >> 4 != 1) throw new JpegError("DQT - invalid table spec"); for (Q = 0; Q < 64; Q++) { p = $t[Q]; i[p] = readUint16(e, s); s += 2 } } g[15 & t] = i } break; case 65472: case 65473: case 65474: if (i) throw new JpegError("Only single frame JPEGs supported"); s += 2; i = {}; i.extended = 65473 === l; = 65474 === l; i.precision = e[s++]; const m = readUint16(e, s); s += 2; i.scanLines = t || m; i.samplesPerLine = readUint16(e, s); s += 2; i.components = []; i.componentIds = {}; const y = e[s++]; let w = 0, b = 0; for (C = 0; C < y; C++) { const t = e[s], a = e[s + 1] >> 4, r = 15 & e[s + 1]; w < a && (w = a); b < r && (b = r); const n = e[s + 2]; E = i.components.push({ h: a, v: r, quantizationId: n, quantizationTable: null }); i.componentIds[t] = E - 1; s += 3 } i.maxH = w; i.maxV = b; prepareComponents(i); break; case 65476: const D = readUint16(e, s); s += 2; for (C = 2; C < D;) { const t = e[s++], i = new Uint8Array(16); let a = 0; for (Q = 0; Q < 16; Q++, s++)a += i[Q] = e[s]; const r = new Uint8Array(a); for (Q = 0; Q < a; Q++, s++)r[Q] = e[s]; C += 17 + a; (t >> 4 == 0 ? h : c)[15 & t] = buildHuffmanTable(i, r) } break; case 65501: s += 2; a = readUint16(e, s); s += 2; break; case 65498: const F = 1 == ++o && !t; s += 2; const S = e[s++], k = []; for (C = 0; C < S; C++) { const t = e[s++], a = i.componentIds[t], r = i.components[a]; r.index = t; const n = e[s++]; r.huffmanTableDC = h[n >> 4]; r.huffmanTableAC = c[15 & n]; k.push(r) } const R = e[s++], N = e[s++], G = e[s++]; try { const t = decodeScan(e, s, i, k, a, R, N, G >> 4, 15 & G, F); s += t } catch (t) { if (t instanceof DNLMarkerError) { warn(`${t.message} -- attempting to re-parse the JPEG image.`); return this.parse(e, { dnlScanLines: t.scanLines }) } if (t instanceof EOIMarkerError) { warn(`${t.message} -- ignoring the rest of the image data.`); break A } throw t } break; case 65500: s += 4; break; case 65535: 255 !== e[s] && s--; break; default: const x = findNextFileMarker(e, s - 2, s - 3); if (x?.invalid) { warn("JpegImage.parse - unexpected data, current marker is: " + x.invalid); s = x.offset; break } if (!x || s >= e.length - 1) { warn("JpegImage.parse - reached the end of the image data without finding an EOI marker (0xFFD9)."); break A } throw new JpegError("JpegImage.parse - unknown marker: " + l.toString(16)) }l = readUint16(e, s); s += 2 } if (!i) throw new JpegError("JpegImage.parse - no frame data found."); this.width = i.samplesPerLine; this.height = i.scanLines; this.jfif = r; this.adobe = n; this.components = []; for (const e of i.components) { const t = g[e.quantizationId]; t && (e.quantizationTable = t); this.components.push({ index: e.index, output: buildComponentData(0, e), scaleX: e.h / i.maxH, scaleY: e.v / i.maxV, blocksPerLine: e.blocksPerLine, blocksPerColumn: e.blocksPerColumn }) } this.numComponents = this.components.length } _getLinearizedBlockData(e, t, i = !1) { const a = this.width / e, s = this.height / t; let r, n, o, g, c, h, l, C, Q, E, u, d = 0; const f = this.components.length, p = e * t * f, m = new Uint8ClampedArray(p), y = new Uint32Array(e), w = 4294967288; let b; for (l = 0; l < f; l++) { r = this.components[l]; n = r.scaleX * a; o = r.scaleY * s; d = l; u = r.output; g = r.blocksPerLine + 1 << 3; if (n !== b) { for (c = 0; c < e; c++) { C = 0 | c * n; y[c] = (C & w) << 3 | 7 & C } b = n } for (h = 0; h < t; h++) { C = 0 | h * o; E = g * (C & w) | (7 & C) << 3; for (c = 0; c < e; c++) { m[d] = u[E + y[c]]; d += f } } } let D = this._decodeTransform; i || 4 !== f || D || (D = new Int32Array([-256, 255, -256, 255, -256, 255, -256, 255])); if (D) for (l = 0; l < p;)for (C = 0, Q = 0; C < f; C++, l++, Q += 2)m[l] = (m[l] * D[Q] >> 8) + D[Q + 1]; return m } get _isColorConversionNeeded() { return this.adobe ? !!this.adobe.transformCode : 3 === this.numComponents ? 0 !== this._colorTransform && (82 !== this.components[0].index || 71 !== this.components[1].index || 66 !== this.components[2].index) : 1 === this._colorTransform } _convertYccToRgb(e) { let t, i, a; for (let s = 0, r = e.length; s < r; s += 3) { t = e[s]; i = e[s + 1]; a = e[s + 2]; e[s] = t - 179.456 + 1.402 * a; e[s + 1] = t + 135.459 - .344 * i - .714 * a; e[s + 2] = t - 226.816 + 1.772 * i } return e } _convertYccToRgba(e, t) { for (let i = 0, a = 0, s = e.length; i < s; i += 3, a += 4) { const s = e[i], r = e[i + 1], n = e[i + 2]; t[a] = s - 179.456 + 1.402 * n; t[a + 1] = s + 135.459 - .344 * r - .714 * n; t[a + 2] = s - 226.816 + 1.772 * r; t[a + 3] = 255 } return t } _convertYcckToRgb(e) { let t, i, a, s, r = 0; for (let n = 0, o = e.length; n < o; n += 4) { t = e[n]; i = e[n + 1]; a = e[n + 2]; s = e[n + 3]; e[r++] = i * (-660635669420364e-19 * i + .000437130475926232 * a - 54080610064599e-18 * t + .00048449797120281 * s - .154362151871126) - 122.67195406894 + a * (-.000957964378445773 * a + .000817076911346625 * t - .00477271405408747 * s + 1.53380253221734) + t * (.000961250184130688 * t - .00266257332283933 * s + .48357088451265) + s * (-.000336197177618394 * s + .484791561490776); e[r++] = 107.268039397724 + i * (219927104525741e-19 * i - .000640992018297945 * a + .000659397001245577 * t + .000426105652938837 * s - .176491792462875) + a * (-.000778269941513683 * a + .00130872261408275 * t + .000770482631801132 * s - .151051492775562) + t * (.00126935368114843 * t - .00265090189010898 * s + .25802910206845) + s * (-.000318913117588328 * s - .213742400323665); e[r++] = i * (-.000570115196973677 * i - 263409051004589e-19 * a + .0020741088115012 * t - .00288260236853442 * s + .814272968359295) - 20.810012546947 + a * (-153496057440975e-19 * a - .000132689043961446 * t + .000560833691242812 * s - .195152027534049) + t * (.00174418132927582 * t - .00255243321439347 * s + .116935020465145) + s * (-.000343531996510555 * s + .24165260232407) } return e.subarray(0, r) } _convertYcckToRgba(e) { for (let t = 0, i = e.length; t < i; t += 4) { const i = e[t], a = e[t + 1], s = e[t + 2], r = e[t + 3]; e[t] = a * (-660635669420364e-19 * a + .000437130475926232 * s - 54080610064599e-18 * i + .00048449797120281 * r - .154362151871126) - 122.67195406894 + s * (-.000957964378445773 * s + .000817076911346625 * i - .00477271405408747 * r + 1.53380253221734) + i * (.000961250184130688 * i - .00266257332283933 * r + .48357088451265) + r * (-.000336197177618394 * r + .484791561490776); e[t + 1] = 107.268039397724 + a * (219927104525741e-19 * a - .000640992018297945 * s + .000659397001245577 * i + .000426105652938837 * r - .176491792462875) + s * (-.000778269941513683 * s + .00130872261408275 * i + .000770482631801132 * r - .151051492775562) + i * (.00126935368114843 * i - .00265090189010898 * r + .25802910206845) + r * (-.000318913117588328 * r - .213742400323665); e[t + 2] = a * (-.000570115196973677 * a - 263409051004589e-19 * s + .0020741088115012 * i - .00288260236853442 * r + .814272968359295) - 20.810012546947 + s * (-153496057440975e-19 * s - .000132689043961446 * i + .000560833691242812 * r - .195152027534049) + i * (.00174418132927582 * i - .00255243321439347 * r + .116935020465145) + r * (-.000343531996510555 * r + .24165260232407); e[t + 3] = 255 } return e } _convertYcckToCmyk(e) { let t, i, a; for (let s = 0, r = e.length; s < r; s += 4) { t = e[s]; i = e[s + 1]; a = e[s + 2]; e[s] = 434.456 - t - 1.402 * a; e[s + 1] = 119.541 - t + .344 * i + .714 * a; e[s + 2] = 481.816 - t - 1.772 * i } return e } _convertCmykToRgb(e) { let t, i, a, s, r = 0; for (let n = 0, o = e.length; n < o; n += 4) { t = e[n]; i = e[n + 1]; a = e[n + 2]; s = e[n + 3]; e[r++] = 255 + t * (-6747147073602441e-20 * t + .0008379262121013727 * i + .0002894718188643294 * a + .003264231057537806 * s - 1.1185611867203937) + i * (26374107616089405e-21 * i - 8626949158638572e-20 * a - .0002748769067499491 * s - .02155688794978967) + a * (-3878099212869363e-20 * a - .0003267808279485286 * s + .0686742238595345) - s * (.0003361971776183937 * s + .7430659151342254); e[r++] = 255 + t * (.00013596372813588848 * t + .000924537132573585 * i + .00010567359618683593 * a + .0004791864687436512 * s - .3109689587515875) + i * (-.00023545346108370344 * i + .0002702845253534714 * a + .0020200308977307156 * s - .7488052167015494) + a * (6834815998235662e-20 * a + .00015168452363460973 * s - .09751927774728933) - s * (.0003189131175883281 * s + .7364883807733168); e[r++] = 255 + t * (13598650411385307e-21 * t + .00012423956175490851 * i + .0004751985097583589 * a - 36729317476630422e-22 * s - .05562186980264034) + i * (.00016141380598724676 * i + .0009692239130725186 * a + .0007782692450036253 * s - .44015232367526463) + a * (5.068882914068769e-7 * a + .0017778369011375071 * s - .7591454649749609) - s * (.0003435319965105553 * s + .7063770186160144) } return e.subarray(0, r) } _convertCmykToRgba(e) { for (let t = 0, i = e.length; t < i; t += 4) { const i = e[t], a = e[t + 1], s = e[t + 2], r = e[t + 3]; e[t] = 255 + i * (-6747147073602441e-20 * i + .0008379262121013727 * a + .0002894718188643294 * s + .003264231057537806 * r - 1.1185611867203937) + a * (26374107616089405e-21 * a - 8626949158638572e-20 * s - .0002748769067499491 * r - .02155688794978967) + s * (-3878099212869363e-20 * s - .0003267808279485286 * r + .0686742238595345) - r * (.0003361971776183937 * r + .7430659151342254); e[t + 1] = 255 + i * (.00013596372813588848 * i + .000924537132573585 * a + .00010567359618683593 * s + .0004791864687436512 * r - .3109689587515875) + a * (-.00023545346108370344 * a + .0002702845253534714 * s + .0020200308977307156 * r - .7488052167015494) + s * (6834815998235662e-20 * s + .00015168452363460973 * r - .09751927774728933) - r * (.0003189131175883281 * r + .7364883807733168); e[t + 2] = 255 + i * (13598650411385307e-21 * i + .00012423956175490851 * a + .0004751985097583589 * s - 36729317476630422e-22 * r - .05562186980264034) + a * (.00016141380598724676 * a + .0009692239130725186 * s + .0007782692450036253 * r - .44015232367526463) + s * (5.068882914068769e-7 * s + .0017778369011375071 * r - .7591454649749609) - r * (.0003435319965105553 * r + .7063770186160144); e[t + 3] = 255 } return e } getData({ width: e, height: t, forceRGBA: i = !1, forceRGB: a = !1, isSourcePDF: s = !1 }) { if (this.numComponents > 4) throw new JpegError("Unsupported color mode"); const r = this._getLinearizedBlockData(e, t, s); if (1 === this.numComponents && (i || a)) { const e = r.length * (i ? 4 : 3), t = new Uint8ClampedArray(e); let a = 0; if (i) !function grayToRGBA(e, t) { if (FeatureTest.isLittleEndian) for (let i = 0, a = e.length; i < a; i++)t[i] = 65793 * e[i] | 4278190080; else for (let i = 0, a = e.length; i < a; i++)t[i] = 16843008 * e[i] | 255 }(r, new Uint32Array(t.buffer)); else for (const e of r) { t[a++] = e; t[a++] = e; t[a++] = e } return t } if (3 === this.numComponents && this._isColorConversionNeeded) { if (i) { const e = new Uint8ClampedArray(r.length / 3 * 4); return this._convertYccToRgba(r, e) } return this._convertYccToRgb(r) } if (4 === this.numComponents) { if (this._isColorConversionNeeded) return i ? this._convertYcckToRgba(r) : a ? this._convertYcckToRgb(r) : this._convertYcckToCmyk(r); if (i) return this._convertCmykToRgba(r); if (a) return this._convertCmykToRgb(r) } return r } } class JpegStream extends DecodeStream { constructor(e, t, i) { let a; for (; -1 !== (a = e.getByte());)if (255 === a) { e.skip(-1); break } super(t); = e; this.dict = e.dict; this.maybeLength = t; this.params = i } get bytes() { return shadow(this, "bytes", } ensureBuffer(e) { } readBlock() { if (this.eof) return; const e = { decodeTransform: void 0, colorTransform: void 0 }, t = this.dict.getArray("D", "Decode"); if ((this.forceRGBA || this.forceRGB) && Array.isArray(t)) { const i = this.dict.get("BPC", "BitsPerComponent") || 8, a = t.length, s = new Int32Array(a); let r = !1; const n = (1 << i) - 1; for (let e = 0; e < a; e += 2) { s[e] = 256 * (t[e + 1] - t[e]) | 0; s[e + 1] = t[e] * n | 0; 256 === s[e] && 0 === s[e + 1] || (r = !0) } r && (e.decodeTransform = s) } if (this.params instanceof Dict) { const t = this.params.get("ColorTransform"); Number.isInteger(t) && (e.colorTransform = t) } const i = new JpegImage(e); i.parse(this.bytes); const a = i.getData({ width: this.drawWidth, height: this.drawHeight, forceRGBA: this.forceRGBA, forceRGB: this.forceRGB, isSourcePDF: !0 }); this.buffer = a; this.bufferLength = a.length; this.eof = !0 } } var oi, gi = (oi = "undefined" != typeof document ? document.currentScript?.src : void 0, function (e = {}) { var t, i, a = Object.assign({}, e); new Promise(((e, a) => { t = e; i = a })); a.decode = function (e, t) { const i = e.length, s = a._malloc(i); a.HEAPU8.set(e, s); const r = a._jp2_decode(s, i, t ? 1 : 0); a._free(s); if (r) { const { errorMessages: e } = a; if (e) { delete a.errorMessages; return e } return "Unknown error" } const { imageData: n } = a; a.imageData = null; return n }; var s, r = Object.assign({}, a), n = "./this.program", o = ""; "undefined" != typeof document && document.currentScript && (o = document.currentScript.src); oi && (o = oi); o = o.startsWith("blob:") ? "" : o.substr(0, o.replace(/[?#].*/, "").lastIndexOf("/") + 1); var g, c, h, l, C, Q = a.print || console.log.bind(console), E = a.printErr || console.error.bind(console); Object.assign(a, r); r = null; a.arguments && a.arguments; a.thisProgram && (n = a.thisProgram); a.quit && a.quit; a.wasmBinary && (g = a.wasmBinary); function tryParseAsDataURI(e) { if (isDataURI(e)) return function intArrayFromBase64(e) { for (var t = atob(e), i = new Uint8Array(t.length), a = 0; a < t.length; ++a)i[a] = t.charCodeAt(a); return i }(e.slice(b.length)) } function updateMemoryViews() { var e = c.buffer; a.HEAP8 = h = new Int8Array(e); a.HEAP16 = new Int16Array(e); a.HEAPU8 = l = new Uint8Array(e); a.HEAPU16 = new Uint16Array(e); a.HEAP32 = new Int32Array(e); a.HEAPU32 = C = new Uint32Array(e); a.HEAPF32 = new Float32Array(e); a.HEAPF64 = new Float64Array(e) } var u, d = [], f = [], p = [], m = 0, y = null, w = null, b = "data:application/octet-stream;base64,", isDataURI = e => e.startsWith(b); function instantiateSync(e, t) { var i, a = function getBinarySync(e) { if (e == u && g) return new Uint8Array(g); var t = tryParseAsDataURI(e); if (t) return t; if (s) return s(e); throw 'sync fetching of the wasm failed: you can preload it to Module["wasmBinary"] manually, or will do that for you when generating HTML (but not JS)' }(e); i = new WebAssembly.Module(a); return [new WebAssembly.Instance(i, t), i] } var D, callRuntimeCallbacks = e => { for (; e.length > 0;)e.shift()(a) }, F = (a.noExitRuntime, e => { var t = (e - c.buffer.byteLength + 65535) / 65536; try { c.grow(t); updateMemoryViews(); return 1 } catch (e) { } }), S = {}, getEnvStrings = () => { if (!getEnvStrings.strings) { var e = { USER: "web_user", LOGNAME: "web_user", PATH: "/", PWD: "/", HOME: "/home/web_user", LANG: ("object" == typeof navigator && navigator.languages && navigator.languages[0] || "C").replace("-", "_") + ".UTF-8", _: n || "./this.program" }; for (var t in S) void 0 === S[t] ? delete e[t] : e[t] = S[t]; var i = []; for (var t in e) i.push(`${t}=${e[t]}`); getEnvStrings.strings = i } return getEnvStrings.strings }, k = [null, [], []], R = "undefined" != typeof TextDecoder ? new TextDecoder("utf8") : void 0, UTF8ArrayToString = (e, t, i) => { for (var a = t + i, s = t; e[s] && !(s >= a);)++s; if (s - t > 16 && e.buffer && R) return R.decode(e.subarray(t, s)); for (var r = ""; t < s;) { var n = e[t++]; if (128 & n) { var o = 63 & e[t++]; if (192 != (224 & n)) { var g = 63 & e[t++]; if ((n = 224 == (240 & n) ? (15 & n) << 12 | o << 6 | g : (7 & n) << 18 | o << 12 | g << 6 | 63 & e[t++]) < 65536) r += String.fromCharCode(n); else { var c = n - 65536; r += String.fromCharCode(55296 | c >> 10, 56320 | 1023 & c) } } else r += String.fromCharCode((31 & n) << 6 | o) } else r += String.fromCharCode(n) } return r }, printChar = (e, t) => { var i = k[e]; if (0 === t || 10 === t) { (1 === e ? Q : E)(UTF8ArrayToString(i, 0)); i.length = 0 } else i.push(t) }, UTF8ToString = (e, t) => e ? UTF8ArrayToString(l, e, t) : "", N = { f: (e, t, i) => l.copyWithin(e, t, t + i), b: e => { var t = l.length, i = 2147483648; if ((e >>>= 0) > i) return !1; for (var a, s, r = 1; r <= 4; r *= 2) { var n = t * (1 + .2 / r); n = Math.min(n, e + 100663296); var o = Math.min(i, (a = Math.max(e, n)) + ((s = 65536) - a % s) % s); if (F(o)) return !0 } return !1 }, c: (e, t) => { var i = 0; getEnvStrings().forEach(((a, s) => { var r = t + i; C[e + 4 * s >> 2] = r; ((e, t) => { for (var i = 0; i < e.length; ++i)h[t++] = e.charCodeAt(i); h[t] = 0 })(a, r); i += a.length + 1 })); return 0 }, d: (e, t) => { var i = getEnvStrings(); C[e >> 2] = i.length; var a = 0; i.forEach((e => a += e.length + 1)); C[t >> 2] = a; return 0 }, e: (e, t, i, a) => { for (var s = 0, r = 0; r < i; r++) { var n = C[t >> 2], o = C[t + 4 >> 2]; t += 8; for (var g = 0; g < o; g++)printChar(e, l[n + g]); s += o } C[a >> 2] = s; return 0 }, g: function _jsPrintWarning(e) { const t = UTF8ToString(e); (a.warn || console.warn)(`OpenJPEG: ${t}`) }, h: function _setImageData(e, t) { a.imageData = new Uint8ClampedArray(a.HEAPU8.subarray(e, e + t)) }, a: function _storeErrorMessage(e) { const t = UTF8ToString(e); a.errorMessages ? a.errorMessages += "\n" + t : a.errorMessages = t } }, G = function createWasm() { var e = function getWasmImports() { return { a: N } }(); function receiveInstance(e, t) { G = e.exports; c = G.i; updateMemoryViews(); !function addOnInit(e) { f.unshift(e) }(G.j); !function removeRunDependency(e) { m--; a.monitorRunDependencies?.(m); if (0 == m) { if (null !== y) { clearInterval(y); y = null } if (w) { var t = w; w = null; t() } } }(); return G } !function addRunDependency(e) { m++; a.monitorRunDependencies?.(m) }(); if (a.instantiateWasm) try { return a.instantiateWasm(e, receiveInstance) } catch (e) { E(`Module.instantiateWasm callback failed with error: ${e}`); i(e) } u || (u = "data:application/octet-stream;base64,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"); return receiveInstance(instantiateSync(u, e)[0]) }(); G.j, a._malloc = G.k, a._free = G.l, a._jp2_decode = G.n, G._emscripten_stack_restore, G._emscripten_stack_alloc, G.emscripten_stack_get_current; w = function runCaller() { D || run(); D || (w = runCaller) }; function run() { if (!(m > 0)) { !function preRun() { if (a.preRun) { "function" == typeof a.preRun && (a.preRun = [a.preRun]); for (; a.preRun.length;)e = a.preRun.shift(), d.unshift(e) } var e; callRuntimeCallbacks(d) }(); if (!(m > 0)) if (a.setStatus) { a.setStatus("Running..."); setTimeout((function () { setTimeout((function () { a.setStatus("") }), 1); doRun() }), 1) } else doRun() } function doRun() { if (!D) { D = !0; a.calledRun = !0; !function initRuntime() { callRuntimeCallbacks(f) }(); t(a); a.onRuntimeInitialized && a.onRuntimeInitialized(); !function postRun() { if (a.postRun) { "function" == typeof a.postRun && (a.postRun = [a.postRun]); for (; a.postRun.length;)e = a.postRun.shift(), p.unshift(e) } var e; callRuntimeCallbacks(p) }() } } } if (a.preInit) { "function" == typeof a.preInit && (a.preInit = [a.preInit]); for (; a.preInit.length > 0;)a.preInit.pop()() } run(); return a }); const Ii = gi; class JpxError extends rt { constructor(e) { super(e, "JpxError") } } class JpxImage { static #y = null; static decode(e, t = !1) { this.#y ||= Ii({ warn }); const i = this.#y.decode(e, t); if ("string" == typeof i) throw new JpxError(i); return i } static cleanup() { this.#y = null } static parseImageProperties(e) { let t = e.getByte(); for (; t >= 0;) { const i = t; t = e.getByte(); if (65361 === (i << 8 | t)) { e.skip(4); const t = e.getInt32() >>> 0, i = e.getInt32() >>> 0, a = e.getInt32() >>> 0, s = e.getInt32() >>> 0; e.skip(16); return { width: t - a, height: i - s, bitsPerComponent: 8, componentsCount: e.getUint16() } } } throw new JpxError("No size marker found in JPX stream") } } class JpxStream extends DecodeStream { constructor(e, t, i) { super(t); = e; this.dict = e.dict; this.maybeLength = t; this.params = i } get bytes() { return shadow(this, "bytes", } ensureBuffer(e) { } readBlock(e) { if (!this.eof) { this.buffer = JpxImage.decode(this.bytes, e); this.bufferLength = this.buffer.length; this.eof = !0 } } } class LZWStream extends DecodeStream { constructor(e, t, i) { super(t); this.str = e; this.dict = e.dict; this.cachedData = 0; this.bitsCached = 0; const a = 4096, s = { earlyChange: i, codeLength: 9, nextCode: 258, dictionaryValues: new Uint8Array(a), dictionaryLengths: new Uint16Array(a), dictionaryPrevCodes: new Uint16Array(a), currentSequence: new Uint8Array(a), currentSequenceLength: 0 }; for (let e = 0; e < 256; ++e) { s.dictionaryValues[e] = e; s.dictionaryLengths[e] = 1 } this.lzwState = s } readBits(e) { let t = this.bitsCached, i = this.cachedData; for (; t < e;) { const e = this.str.getByte(); if (-1 === e) { this.eof = !0; return null } i = i << 8 | e; t += 8 } this.bitsCached = t -= e; this.cachedData = i; this.lastCode = null; return i >>> t & (1 << e) - 1 } readBlock() { let e, t, i, a = 1024; const s = this.lzwState; if (!s) return; const r = s.earlyChange; let n = s.nextCode; const o = s.dictionaryValues, g = s.dictionaryLengths, c = s.dictionaryPrevCodes; let h = s.codeLength, l = s.prevCode; const C = s.currentSequence; let Q = s.currentSequenceLength, E = 0, u = this.bufferLength, d = this.ensureBuffer(this.bufferLength + a); for (e = 0; e < 512; e++) { const e = this.readBits(h), s = Q > 0; if (e < 256) { C[0] = e; Q = 1 } else { if (!(e >= 258)) { if (256 === e) { h = 9; n = 258; Q = 0; continue } this.eof = !0; delete this.lzwState; break } if (e < n) { Q = g[e]; for (t = Q - 1, i = e; t >= 0; t--) { C[t] = o[i]; i = c[i] } } else C[Q++] = C[0] } if (s) { c[n] = l; g[n] = g[l] + 1; o[n] = C[0]; n++; h = n + r & n + r - 1 ? h : 0 | Math.min(Math.log(n + r) / .6931471805599453 + 1, 12) } l = e; E += Q; if (a < E) { do { a += 512 } while (a < E); d = this.ensureBuffer(this.bufferLength + a) } for (t = 0; t < Q; t++)d[u++] = C[t] } s.nextCode = n; s.codeLength = h; s.prevCode = l; s.currentSequenceLength = Q; this.bufferLength = u } } class PredictorStream extends DecodeStream { constructor(e, t, i) { super(t); if (!(i instanceof Dict)) return e; const a = this.predictor = i.get("Predictor") || 1; if (a <= 1) return e; if (2 !== a && (a < 10 || a > 15)) throw new FormatError(`Unsupported predictor: ${a}`); this.readBlock = 2 === a ? this.readBlockTiff : this.readBlockPng; this.str = e; this.dict = e.dict; const s = this.colors = i.get("Colors") || 1, r = this.bits = i.get("BPC", "BitsPerComponent") || 8, n = this.columns = i.get("Columns") || 1; this.pixBytes = s * r + 7 >> 3; this.rowBytes = n * s * r + 7 >> 3; return this } readBlockTiff() { const e = this.rowBytes, t = this.bufferLength, i = this.ensureBuffer(t + e), a = this.bits, s = this.colors, r = this.str.getBytes(e); this.eof = !r.length; if (this.eof) return; let n, o = 0, g = 0, c = 0, h = 0, l = t; if (1 === a && 1 === s) for (n = 0; n < e; ++n) { let e = r[n] ^ o; e ^= e >> 1; e ^= e >> 2; e ^= e >> 4; o = (1 & e) << 7; i[l++] = e } else if (8 === a) { for (n = 0; n < s; ++n)i[l++] = r[n]; for (; n < e; ++n) { i[l] = i[l - s] + r[n]; l++ } } else if (16 === a) { const t = 2 * s; for (n = 0; n < t; ++n)i[l++] = r[n]; for (; n < e; n += 2) { const e = ((255 & r[n]) << 8) + (255 & r[n + 1]) + ((255 & i[l - t]) << 8) + (255 & i[l - t + 1]); i[l++] = e >> 8 & 255; i[l++] = 255 & e } } else { const e = new Uint8Array(s + 1), l = (1 << a) - 1; let C = 0, Q = t; const E = this.columns; for (n = 0; n < E; ++n)for (let t = 0; t < s; ++t) { if (c < a) { o = o << 8 | 255 & r[C++]; c += 8 } e[t] = e[t] + (o >> c - a) & l; c -= a; g = g << a | e[t]; h += a; if (h >= 8) { i[Q++] = g >> h - 8 & 255; h -= 8 } } h > 0 && (i[Q++] = (g << 8 - h) + (o & (1 << 8 - h) - 1)) } this.bufferLength += e } readBlockPng() { const e = this.rowBytes, t = this.pixBytes, i = this.str.getByte(), a = this.str.getBytes(e); this.eof = !a.length; if (this.eof) return; const s = this.bufferLength, r = this.ensureBuffer(s + e); let n = r.subarray(s - e, s); 0 === n.length && (n = new Uint8Array(e)); let o, g, c, h = s; switch (i) { case 0: for (o = 0; o < e; ++o)r[h++] = a[o]; break; case 1: for (o = 0; o < t; ++o)r[h++] = a[o]; for (; o < e; ++o) { r[h] = r[h - t] + a[o] & 255; h++ } break; case 2: for (o = 0; o < e; ++o)r[h++] = n[o] + a[o] & 255; break; case 3: for (o = 0; o < t; ++o)r[h++] = (n[o] >> 1) + a[o]; for (; o < e; ++o) { r[h] = (n[o] + r[h - t] >> 1) + a[o] & 255; h++ } break; case 4: for (o = 0; o < t; ++o) { g = n[o]; c = a[o]; r[h++] = g + c } for (; o < e; ++o) { g = n[o]; const e = n[o - t], i = r[h - t], s = i + g - e; let l = s - i; l < 0 && (l = -l); let C = s - g; C < 0 && (C = -C); let Q = s - e; Q < 0 && (Q = -Q); c = a[o]; r[h++] = l <= C && l <= Q ? i + c : C <= Q ? g + c : e + c } break; default: throw new FormatError(`Unsupported predictor: ${i}`) }this.bufferLength += e } } class RunLengthStream extends DecodeStream { constructor(e, t) { super(t); this.str = e; this.dict = e.dict } readBlock() { const e = this.str.getBytes(2); if (!e || e.length < 2 || 128 === e[0]) { this.eof = !0; return } let t, i = this.bufferLength, a = e[0]; if (a < 128) { t = this.ensureBuffer(i + a + 1); t[i++] = e[1]; if (a > 0) { const e = this.str.getBytes(a); t.set(e, i); i += a } } else { a = 257 - a; const s = e[1]; t = this.ensureBuffer(i + a + 1); for (let e = 0; e < a; e++)t[i++] = s } this.bufferLength = i } } class Parser { constructor({ lexer: e, xref: t, allowStreams: i = !1, recoveryMode: a = !1 }) { this.lexer = e; this.xref = t; this.allowStreams = i; this.recoveryMode = a; this.imageCache = Object.create(null); this._imageId = 0; this.refill() } refill() { this.buf1 = this.lexer.getObj(); this.buf2 = this.lexer.getObj() } shift() { if (this.buf2 instanceof Cmd && "ID" === this.buf2.cmd) { this.buf1 = this.buf2; this.buf2 = null } else { this.buf1 = this.buf2; this.buf2 = this.lexer.getObj() } } tryShift() { try { this.shift(); return !0 } catch (e) { if (e instanceof MissingDataException) throw e; return !1 } } getObj(e = null) { const t = this.buf1; this.shift(); if (t instanceof Cmd) switch (t.cmd) { case "BI": return this.makeInlineImage(e); case "[": const i = []; for (; !isCmd(this.buf1, "]") && this.buf1 !== pt;)i.push(this.getObj(e)); if (this.buf1 === pt) { if (this.recoveryMode) return i; throw new ParserEOFException("End of file inside array.") } this.shift(); return i; case "<<": const a = new Dict(this.xref); for (; !isCmd(this.buf1, ">>") && this.buf1 !== pt;) { if (!(this.buf1 instanceof Name)) { info("Malformed dictionary: key must be a name object"); this.shift(); continue } const t =; this.shift(); if (this.buf1 === pt) break; a.set(t, this.getObj(e)) } if (this.buf1 === pt) { if (this.recoveryMode) return a; throw new ParserEOFException("End of file inside dictionary.") } if (isCmd(this.buf2, "stream")) return this.allowStreams ? this.makeStream(a, e) : a; this.shift(); return a; default: return t }if (Number.isInteger(t)) { if (Number.isInteger(this.buf1) && isCmd(this.buf2, "R")) { const e = Ref.get(t, this.buf1); this.shift(); this.shift(); return e } return t } return "string" == typeof t && e ? e.decryptString(t) : t } findDefaultInlineStreamEnd(e) { const { knownCommands: t } = this.lexer, i = e.pos; let a, s, r = 0; for (; -1 !== (a = e.getByte());)if (0 === r) r = 69 === a ? 1 : 0; else if (1 === r) r = 73 === a ? 2 : 0; else if (32 === a || 10 === a || 13 === a) { s = e.pos; const i = e.peekBytes(15), n = i.length; if (0 === n) break; for (let e = 0; e < n; e++) { a = i[e]; if ((0 !== a || 0 === i[e + 1]) && (10 !== a && 13 !== a && (a < 32 || a > 127))) { r = 0; break } } if (2 !== r) continue; if (!t) { warn("findDefaultInlineStreamEnd - `lexer.knownCommands` is undefined."); continue } const o = new Lexer(new Stream(i.slice()), t); o._hexStringWarn = () => { }; let g = 0; for (; ;) { const e = o.getObj(); if (e === pt) { r = 0; break } if (e instanceof Cmd) { const i = t[e.cmd]; if (!i) { r = 0; break } if (i.variableArgs ? g <= i.numArgs : g === i.numArgs) break; g = 0 } else g++ } if (2 === r) break } else r = 0; if (-1 === a) { warn("findDefaultInlineStreamEnd: Reached the end of the stream without finding a valid EI marker"); if (s) { warn('... trying to recover by using the last "EI" occurrence.'); e.skip(-(e.pos - s)) } } let n = 4; e.skip(-n); a = e.peekByte(); e.skip(n); isWhiteSpace(a) || n--; return e.pos - n - i } findDCTDecodeInlineStreamEnd(e) { const t = e.pos; let i, a, s = !1; for (; -1 !== (i = e.getByte());)if (255 === i) { switch (e.getByte()) { case 0: break; case 255: e.skip(-1); break; case 217: s = !0; break; case 192: case 193: case 194: case 195: case 197: case 198: case 199: case 201: case 202: case 203: case 205: case 206: case 207: case 196: case 204: case 218: case 219: case 220: case 221: case 222: case 223: case 224: case 225: case 226: case 227: case 228: case 229: case 230: case 231: case 232: case 233: case 234: case 235: case 236: case 237: case 238: case 239: case 254: a = e.getUint16(); a > 2 ? e.skip(a - 2) : e.skip(-2) }if (s) break } const r = e.pos - t; if (-1 === i) { warn("Inline DCTDecode image stream: EOI marker not found, searching for /EI/ instead."); e.skip(-r); return this.findDefaultInlineStreamEnd(e) } this.inlineStreamSkipEI(e); return r } findASCII85DecodeInlineStreamEnd(e) { const t = e.pos; let i; for (; -1 !== (i = e.getByte());)if (126 === i) { const t = e.pos; i = e.peekByte(); for (; isWhiteSpace(i);) { e.skip(); i = e.peekByte() } if (62 === i) { e.skip(); break } if (e.pos > t) { const t = e.peekBytes(2); if (69 === t[0] && 73 === t[1]) break } } const a = e.pos - t; if (-1 === i) { warn("Inline ASCII85Decode image stream: EOD marker not found, searching for /EI/ instead."); e.skip(-a); return this.findDefaultInlineStreamEnd(e) } this.inlineStreamSkipEI(e); return a } findASCIIHexDecodeInlineStreamEnd(e) { const t = e.pos; let i; for (; -1 !== (i = e.getByte()) && 62 !== i;); const a = e.pos - t; if (-1 === i) { warn("Inline ASCIIHexDecode image stream: EOD marker not found, searching for /EI/ instead."); e.skip(-a); return this.findDefaultInlineStreamEnd(e) } this.inlineStreamSkipEI(e); return a } inlineStreamSkipEI(e) { let t, i = 0; for (; -1 !== (t = e.getByte());)if (0 === i) i = 69 === t ? 1 : 0; else if (1 === i) i = 73 === t ? 2 : 0; else if (2 === i) break } makeInlineImage(e) { const t = this.lexer, i =, a = Object.create(null); let s; for (; !isCmd(this.buf1, "ID") && this.buf1 !== pt;) { if (!(this.buf1 instanceof Name)) throw new FormatError("Dictionary key must be a name object"); const t =; this.shift(); if (this.buf1 === pt) break; a[t] = this.getObj(e) } -1 !== t.beginInlineImagePos && (s = i.pos - t.beginInlineImagePos); const r = this.xref.fetchIfRef(a.F || a.Filter); let n; if (r instanceof Name) n =; else if (Array.isArray(r)) { const e = this.xref.fetchIfRef(r[0]); e instanceof Name && (n = } const o = i.pos; let g, c; switch (n) { case "DCT": case "DCTDecode": g = this.findDCTDecodeInlineStreamEnd(i); break; case "A85": case "ASCII85Decode": g = this.findASCII85DecodeInlineStreamEnd(i); break; case "AHx": case "ASCIIHexDecode": g = this.findASCIIHexDecodeInlineStreamEnd(i); break; default: g = this.findDefaultInlineStreamEnd(i) }if (g < 1e3 && s > 0) { const e = i.pos; i.pos = t.beginInlineImagePos; c = function getInlineImageCacheKey(e) { const t = [], i = e.length; let a = 0; for (; a < i - 1;)t.push(e[a++] << 8 | e[a++]); a < i && t.push(e[a]); return i + "_" + String.fromCharCode.apply(null, t) }(i.getBytes(s + g)); i.pos = e; const a = this.imageCache[c]; if (void 0 !== a) { this.buf2 = Cmd.get("EI"); this.shift(); a.reset(); return a } } const h = new Dict(this.xref); for (const e in a) h.set(e, a[e]); let l = i.makeSubStream(o, g, h); e && (l = e.createStream(l, g)); l = this.filter(l, h, g); l.dict = h; if (void 0 !== c) { l.cacheKey = "inline_img_" + ++this._imageId; this.imageCache[c] = l } this.buf2 = Cmd.get("EI"); this.shift(); return l } #w(e) { const { stream: t } = this.lexer; t.pos = e; const i = new Uint8Array([101, 110, 100]), a = i.length, s = [new Uint8Array([115, 116, 114, 101, 97, 109]), new Uint8Array([115, 116, 101, 97, 109]), new Uint8Array([115, 116, 114, 101, 97])], r = 9 - a; for (; t.pos < t.end;) { const n = t.peekBytes(2048), o = n.length - 9; if (o <= 0) break; let g = 0; for (; g < o;) { let o = 0; for (; o < a && n[g + o] === i[o];)o++; if (o >= a) { let a = !1; for (const e of s) { const t = e.length; let s = 0; for (; s < t && n[g + o + s] === e[s];)s++; if (s >= r) { a = !0; break } if (s >= t) { if (isWhiteSpace(n[g + o + s])) { info(`Found "${bytesToString([...i, ...e])}" when searching for endstream command.`); a = !0 } break } } if (a) { t.pos += g; return t.pos - e } } g++ } t.pos += o } return -1 } makeStream(e, t) { const i = this.lexer; let a =; i.skipToNextLine(); const s = a.pos - 1; let r = e.get("Length"); if (!Number.isInteger(r)) { info(`Bad length "${r && r.toString()}" in stream.`); r = 0 } a.pos = s + r; i.nextChar(); if (this.tryShift() && isCmd(this.buf2, "endstream")) this.shift(); else { r = this.#w(s); if (r < 0) throw new FormatError("Missing endstream command."); i.nextChar(); this.shift(); this.shift() } this.shift(); a = a.makeSubStream(s, r, e); t && (a = t.createStream(a, r)); a = this.filter(a, e, r); a.dict = e; return a } filter(e, t, i) { let a = t.get("F", "Filter"), s = t.get("DP", "DecodeParms"); if (a instanceof Name) { Array.isArray(s) && warn("/DecodeParms should not be an Array, when /Filter is a Name."); return this.makeFilter(e,, i, s) } let r = i; if (Array.isArray(a)) { const t = a, i = s; for (let n = 0, o = t.length; n < o; ++n) { a = this.xref.fetchIfRef(t[n]); if (!(a instanceof Name)) throw new FormatError(`Bad filter name "${a}"`); s = null; Array.isArray(i) && n in i && (s = this.xref.fetchIfRef(i[n])); e = this.makeFilter(e,, r, s); r = null } } return e } makeFilter(e, t, i, a) { if (0 === i) { warn(`Empty "${t}" stream.`); return new NullStream } try { switch (t) { case "Fl": case "FlateDecode": return a ? new PredictorStream(new FlateStream(e, i), i, a) : new FlateStream(e, i); case "LZW": case "LZWDecode": let t = 1; if (a) { a.has("EarlyChange") && (t = a.get("EarlyChange")); return new PredictorStream(new LZWStream(e, i, t), i, a) } return new LZWStream(e, i, t); case "DCT": case "DCTDecode": return new JpegStream(e, i, a); case "JPX": case "JPXDecode": return new JpxStream(e, i, a); case "A85": case "ASCII85Decode": return new Ascii85Stream(e, i); case "AHx": case "ASCIIHexDecode": return new AsciiHexStream(e, i); case "CCF": case "CCITTFaxDecode": return new CCITTFaxStream(e, i, a); case "RL": case "RunLengthDecode": return new RunLengthStream(e, i); case "JBIG2Decode": return new Jbig2Stream(e, i, a) }warn(`Filter "${t}" is not supported.`); return e } catch (e) { if (e instanceof MissingDataException) throw e; warn(`Invalid stream: "${e}"`); return new NullStream } } } const ci = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; function toHexDigit(e) { return e >= 48 && e <= 57 ? 15 & e : e >= 65 && e <= 70 || e >= 97 && e <= 102 ? 9 + (15 & e) : -1 } class Lexer { constructor(e, t = null) { = e; this.nextChar(); this.strBuf = []; this.knownCommands = t; this._hexStringNumWarn = 0; this.beginInlineImagePos = -1 } nextChar() { return this.currentChar = } peekChar() { return } getNumber() { let e = this.currentChar, t = !1, i = 0, a = 1; if (45 === e) { a = -1; e = this.nextChar(); 45 === e && (e = this.nextChar()) } else 43 === e && (e = this.nextChar()); if (10 === e || 13 === e) do { e = this.nextChar() } while (10 === e || 13 === e); if (46 === e) { i = 10; e = this.nextChar() } if (e < 48 || e > 57) { const t = `Invalid number: ${String.fromCharCode(e)} (charCode ${e})`; if (isWhiteSpace(e) || -1 === e) { info(`Lexer.getNumber - "${t}".`); return 0 } throw new FormatError(t) } let s = e - 48, r = 0, n = 1; for (; (e = this.nextChar()) >= 0;)if (e >= 48 && e <= 57) { const a = e - 48; if (t) r = 10 * r + a; else { 0 !== i && (i *= 10); s = 10 * s + a } } else if (46 === e) { if (0 !== i) break; i = 1 } else if (45 === e) warn("Badly formatted number: minus sign in the middle"); else { if (69 !== e && 101 !== e) break; e = this.peekChar(); if (43 === e || 45 === e) { n = 45 === e ? -1 : 1; this.nextChar() } else if (e < 48 || e > 57) break; t = !0 } 0 !== i && (s /= i); t && (s *= 10 ** (n * r)); return a * s } getString() { let e = 1, t = !1; const i = this.strBuf; i.length = 0; let a = this.nextChar(); for (; ;) { let s = !1; switch (0 | a) { case -1: warn("Unterminated string"); t = !0; break; case 40: ++e; i.push("("); break; case 41: if (0 == --e) { this.nextChar(); t = !0 } else i.push(")"); break; case 92: a = this.nextChar(); switch (a) { case -1: warn("Unterminated string"); t = !0; break; case 110: i.push("\n"); break; case 114: i.push("\r"); break; case 116: i.push("\t"); break; case 98: i.push("\b"); break; case 102: i.push("\f"); break; case 92: case 40: case 41: i.push(String.fromCharCode(a)); break; case 48: case 49: case 50: case 51: case 52: case 53: case 54: case 55: let e = 15 & a; a = this.nextChar(); s = !0; if (a >= 48 && a <= 55) { e = (e << 3) + (15 & a); a = this.nextChar(); if (a >= 48 && a <= 55) { s = !1; e = (e << 3) + (15 & a) } } i.push(String.fromCharCode(e)); break; case 13: 10 === this.peekChar() && this.nextChar(); break; case 10: break; default: i.push(String.fromCharCode(a)) }break; default: i.push(String.fromCharCode(a)) }if (t) break; s || (a = this.nextChar()) } return i.join("") } getName() { let e, t; const i = this.strBuf; i.length = 0; for (; (e = this.nextChar()) >= 0 && !ci[e];)if (35 === e) { e = this.nextChar(); if (ci[e]) { warn("Lexer_getName: NUMBER SIGN (#) should be followed by a hexadecimal number."); i.push("#"); break } const a = toHexDigit(e); if (-1 !== a) { t = e; e = this.nextChar(); const s = toHexDigit(e); if (-1 === s) { warn(`Lexer_getName: Illegal digit (${String.fromCharCode(e)}) in hexadecimal number.`); i.push("#", String.fromCharCode(t)); if (ci[e]) break; i.push(String.fromCharCode(e)); continue } i.push(String.fromCharCode(a << 4 | s)) } else i.push("#", String.fromCharCode(e)) } else i.push(String.fromCharCode(e)); i.length > 127 && warn(`Name token is longer than allowed by the spec: ${i.length}`); return Name.get(i.join("")) } _hexStringWarn(e) { 5 != this._hexStringNumWarn++ ? this._hexStringNumWarn > 5 || warn(`getHexString - ignoring invalid character: ${e}`) : warn("getHexString - ignoring additional invalid characters.") } getHexString() { const e = this.strBuf; e.length = 0; let t, i, a = this.currentChar, s = !0; this._hexStringNumWarn = 0; for (; ;) { if (a < 0) { warn("Unterminated hex string"); break } if (62 === a) { this.nextChar(); break } if (1 !== ci[a]) { if (s) { t = toHexDigit(a); if (-1 === t) { this._hexStringWarn(a); a = this.nextChar(); continue } } else { i = toHexDigit(a); if (-1 === i) { this._hexStringWarn(a); a = this.nextChar(); continue } e.push(String.fromCharCode(t << 4 | i)) } s = !s; a = this.nextChar() } else a = this.nextChar() } return e.join("") } getObj() { let e = !1, t = this.currentChar; for (; ;) { if (t < 0) return pt; if (e) 10 !== t && 13 !== t || (e = !1); else if (37 === t) e = !0; else if (1 !== ci[t]) break; t = this.nextChar() } switch (0 | t) { case 48: case 49: case 50: case 51: case 52: case 53: case 54: case 55: case 56: case 57: case 43: case 45: case 46: return this.getNumber(); case 40: return this.getString(); case 47: return this.getName(); case 91: this.nextChar(); return Cmd.get("["); case 93: this.nextChar(); return Cmd.get("]"); case 60: t = this.nextChar(); if (60 === t) { this.nextChar(); return Cmd.get("<<") } return this.getHexString(); case 62: t = this.nextChar(); if (62 === t) { this.nextChar(); return Cmd.get(">>") } return Cmd.get(">"); case 123: this.nextChar(); return Cmd.get("{"); case 125: this.nextChar(); return Cmd.get("}"); case 41: this.nextChar(); throw new FormatError(`Illegal character: ${t}`) }let i = String.fromCharCode(t); if (t < 32 || t > 127) { const e = this.peekChar(); if (e >= 32 && e <= 127) { this.nextChar(); return Cmd.get(i) } } const a = this.knownCommands; let s = void 0 !== a?.[i]; for (; (t = this.nextChar()) >= 0 && !ci[t];) { const e = i + String.fromCharCode(t); if (s && void 0 === a[e]) break; if (128 === i.length) throw new FormatError(`Command token too long: ${i.length}`); i = e; s = void 0 !== a?.[i] } if ("true" === i) return !0; if ("false" === i) return !1; if ("null" === i) return null; "BI" === i && (this.beginInlineImagePos =; return Cmd.get(i) } skipToNextLine() { let e = this.currentChar; for (; e >= 0;) { if (13 === e) { e = this.nextChar(); 10 === e && this.nextChar(); break } if (10 === e) { this.nextChar(); break } e = this.nextChar() } } } class Linearization { static create(e) { function getInt(e, t, i = !1) { const a = e.get(t); if (Number.isInteger(a) && (i ? a >= 0 : a > 0)) return a; throw new Error(`The "${t}" parameter in the linearization dictionary is invalid.`) } const t = new Parser({ lexer: new Lexer(e), xref: null }), i = t.getObj(), a = t.getObj(), s = t.getObj(), r = t.getObj(); let n, o; if (!(Number.isInteger(i) && Number.isInteger(a) && isCmd(s, "obj") && r instanceof Dict && "number" == typeof (n = r.get("Linearized")) && n > 0)) return null; if ((o = getInt(r, "L")) !== e.length) throw new Error('The "L" parameter in the linearization dictionary does not equal the stream length.'); return { length: o, hints: function getHints(e) { const t = e.get("H"); let i; if (Array.isArray(t) && (2 === (i = t.length) || 4 === i)) { for (let e = 0; e < i; e++) { const i = t[e]; if (!(Number.isInteger(i) && i > 0)) throw new Error(`Hint (${e}) in the linearization dictionary is invalid.`) } return t } throw new Error("Hint array in the linearization dictionary is invalid.") }(r), objectNumberFirst: getInt(r, "O"), endFirst: getInt(r, "E"), numPages: getInt(r, "N"), mainXRefEntriesOffset: getInt(r, "T"), pageFirst: r.has("P") ? getInt(r, "P", !0) : 0 } } } const hi = ["Adobe-GB1-UCS2", "Adobe-CNS1-UCS2", "Adobe-Japan1-UCS2", "Adobe-Korea1-UCS2", "78-EUC-H", "78-EUC-V", "78-H", "78-RKSJ-H", "78-RKSJ-V", "78-V", "78ms-RKSJ-H", "78ms-RKSJ-V", "83pv-RKSJ-H", "90ms-RKSJ-H", "90ms-RKSJ-V", "90msp-RKSJ-H", "90msp-RKSJ-V", "90pv-RKSJ-H", "90pv-RKSJ-V", "Add-H", "Add-RKSJ-H", "Add-RKSJ-V", "Add-V", "Adobe-CNS1-0", "Adobe-CNS1-1", "Adobe-CNS1-2", "Adobe-CNS1-3", "Adobe-CNS1-4", "Adobe-CNS1-5", "Adobe-CNS1-6", "Adobe-GB1-0", "Adobe-GB1-1", "Adobe-GB1-2", "Adobe-GB1-3", "Adobe-GB1-4", "Adobe-GB1-5", "Adobe-Japan1-0", "Adobe-Japan1-1", "Adobe-Japan1-2", "Adobe-Japan1-3", "Adobe-Japan1-4", "Adobe-Japan1-5", "Adobe-Japan1-6", "Adobe-Korea1-0", "Adobe-Korea1-1", "Adobe-Korea1-2", "B5-H", "B5-V", "B5pc-H", "B5pc-V", "CNS-EUC-H", "CNS-EUC-V", "CNS1-H", "CNS1-V", "CNS2-H", "CNS2-V", "ETHK-B5-H", "ETHK-B5-V", "ETen-B5-H", "ETen-B5-V", "ETenms-B5-H", "ETenms-B5-V", "EUC-H", "EUC-V", "Ext-H", "Ext-RKSJ-H", "Ext-RKSJ-V", "Ext-V", "GB-EUC-H", "GB-EUC-V", "GB-H", "GB-V", "GBK-EUC-H", "GBK-EUC-V", "GBK2K-H", "GBK2K-V", "GBKp-EUC-H", "GBKp-EUC-V", "GBT-EUC-H", "GBT-EUC-V", "GBT-H", "GBT-V", "GBTpc-EUC-H", "GBTpc-EUC-V", "GBpc-EUC-H", "GBpc-EUC-V", "H", "HKdla-B5-H", "HKdla-B5-V", "HKdlb-B5-H", "HKdlb-B5-V", "HKgccs-B5-H", "HKgccs-B5-V", "HKm314-B5-H", "HKm314-B5-V", "HKm471-B5-H", "HKm471-B5-V", "HKscs-B5-H", "HKscs-B5-V", "Hankaku", "Hiragana", "KSC-EUC-H", "KSC-EUC-V", "KSC-H", "KSC-Johab-H", "KSC-Johab-V", "KSC-V", "KSCms-UHC-H", "KSCms-UHC-HW-H", "KSCms-UHC-HW-V", "KSCms-UHC-V", "KSCpc-EUC-H", "KSCpc-EUC-V", "Katakana", "NWP-H", "NWP-V", "RKSJ-H", "RKSJ-V", "Roman", "UniCNS-UCS2-H", "UniCNS-UCS2-V", "UniCNS-UTF16-H", "UniCNS-UTF16-V", "UniCNS-UTF32-H", "UniCNS-UTF32-V", "UniCNS-UTF8-H", "UniCNS-UTF8-V", "UniGB-UCS2-H", "UniGB-UCS2-V", "UniGB-UTF16-H", "UniGB-UTF16-V", "UniGB-UTF32-H", "UniGB-UTF32-V", "UniGB-UTF8-H", "UniGB-UTF8-V", "UniJIS-UCS2-H", "UniJIS-UCS2-HW-H", "UniJIS-UCS2-HW-V", "UniJIS-UCS2-V", "UniJIS-UTF16-H", "UniJIS-UTF16-V", "UniJIS-UTF32-H", "UniJIS-UTF32-V", "UniJIS-UTF8-H", "UniJIS-UTF8-V", "UniJIS2004-UTF16-H", "UniJIS2004-UTF16-V", "UniJIS2004-UTF32-H", "UniJIS2004-UTF32-V", "UniJIS2004-UTF8-H", "UniJIS2004-UTF8-V", "UniJISPro-UCS2-HW-V", "UniJISPro-UCS2-V", "UniJISPro-UTF8-V", "UniJISX0213-UTF32-H", "UniJISX0213-UTF32-V", "UniJISX02132004-UTF32-H", "UniJISX02132004-UTF32-V", "UniKS-UCS2-H", "UniKS-UCS2-V", "UniKS-UTF16-H", "UniKS-UTF16-V", "UniKS-UTF32-H", "UniKS-UTF32-V", "UniKS-UTF8-H", "UniKS-UTF8-V", "V", "WP-Symbol"], li = 2 ** 24 - 1; class CMap { constructor(e = !1) { this.codespaceRanges = [[], [], [], []]; this.numCodespaceRanges = 0; this._map = []; = ""; this.vertical = !1; this.useCMap = null; this.builtInCMap = e } addCodespaceRange(e, t, i) { this.codespaceRanges[e - 1].push(t, i); this.numCodespaceRanges++ } mapCidRange(e, t, i) { if (t - e > li) throw new Error("mapCidRange - ignoring data above MAX_MAP_RANGE."); for (; e <= t;)this._map[e++] = i++ } mapBfRange(e, t, i) { if (t - e > li) throw new Error("mapBfRange - ignoring data above MAX_MAP_RANGE."); const a = i.length - 1; for (; e <= t;) { this._map[e++] = i; const t = i.charCodeAt(a) + 1; t > 255 ? i = i.substring(0, a - 1) + String.fromCharCode(i.charCodeAt(a - 1) + 1) + "\0" : i = i.substring(0, a) + String.fromCharCode(t) } } mapBfRangeToArray(e, t, i) { if (t - e > li) throw new Error("mapBfRangeToArray - ignoring data above MAX_MAP_RANGE."); const a = i.length; let s = 0; for (; e <= t && s < a;) { this._map[e] = i[s++]; ++e } } mapOne(e, t) { this._map[e] = t } lookup(e) { return this._map[e] } contains(e) { return void 0 !== this._map[e] } forEach(e) { const t = this._map, i = t.length; if (i <= 65536) for (let a = 0; a < i; a++)void 0 !== t[a] && e(a, t[a]); else for (const i in t) e(i, t[i]) } charCodeOf(e) { const t = this._map; if (t.length <= 65536) return t.indexOf(e); for (const i in t) if (t[i] === e) return 0 | i; return -1 } getMap() { return this._map } readCharCode(e, t, i) { let a = 0; const s = this.codespaceRanges; for (let r = 0, n = s.length; r < n; r++) { a = (a << 8 | e.charCodeAt(t + r)) >>> 0; const n = s[r]; for (let e = 0, t = n.length; e < t;) { const t = n[e++], s = n[e++]; if (a >= t && a <= s) { i.charcode = a; i.length = r + 1; return } } } i.charcode = 0; i.length = 1 } getCharCodeLength(e) { const t = this.codespaceRanges; for (let i = 0, a = t.length; i < a; i++) { const a = t[i]; for (let t = 0, s = a.length; t < s;) { const s = a[t++], r = a[t++]; if (e >= s && e <= r) return i + 1 } } return 1 } get length() { return this._map.length } get isIdentityCMap() { if ("Identity-H" !== && "Identity-V" !== return !1; if (65536 !== this._map.length) return !1; for (let e = 0; e < 65536; e++)if (this._map[e] !== e) return !1; return !0 } } class IdentityCMap extends CMap { constructor(e, t) { super(); this.vertical = e; this.addCodespaceRange(t, 0, 65535) } mapCidRange(e, t, i) { unreachable("should not call mapCidRange") } mapBfRange(e, t, i) { unreachable("should not call mapBfRange") } mapBfRangeToArray(e, t, i) { unreachable("should not call mapBfRangeToArray") } mapOne(e, t) { unreachable("should not call mapCidOne") } lookup(e) { return Number.isInteger(e) && e <= 65535 ? e : void 0 } contains(e) { return Number.isInteger(e) && e <= 65535 } forEach(e) { for (let t = 0; t <= 65535; t++)e(t, t) } charCodeOf(e) { return Number.isInteger(e) && e <= 65535 ? e : -1 } getMap() { const e = new Array(65536); for (let t = 0; t <= 65535; t++)e[t] = t; return e } get length() { return 65536 } get isIdentityCMap() { unreachable("should not access .isIdentityCMap") } } function strToInt(e) { let t = 0; for (let i = 0; i < e.length; i++)t = t << 8 | e.charCodeAt(i); return t >>> 0 } function expectString(e) { if ("string" != typeof e) throw new FormatError("Malformed CMap: expected string.") } function expectInt(e) { if (!Number.isInteger(e)) throw new FormatError("Malformed CMap: expected int.") } function parseBfChar(e, t) { for (; ;) { let i = t.getObj(); if (i === pt) break; if (isCmd(i, "endbfchar")) return; expectString(i); const a = strToInt(i); i = t.getObj(); expectString(i); const s = i; e.mapOne(a, s) } } function parseBfRange(e, t) { for (; ;) { let i = t.getObj(); if (i === pt) break; if (isCmd(i, "endbfrange")) return; expectString(i); const a = strToInt(i); i = t.getObj(); expectString(i); const s = strToInt(i); i = t.getObj(); if (Number.isInteger(i) || "string" == typeof i) { const t = Number.isInteger(i) ? String.fromCharCode(i) : i; e.mapBfRange(a, s, t) } else { if (!isCmd(i, "[")) break; { i = t.getObj(); const r = []; for (; !isCmd(i, "]") && i !== pt;) { r.push(i); i = t.getObj() } e.mapBfRangeToArray(a, s, r) } } } throw new FormatError("Invalid bf range.") } function parseCidChar(e, t) { for (; ;) { let i = t.getObj(); if (i === pt) break; if (isCmd(i, "endcidchar")) return; expectString(i); const a = strToInt(i); i = t.getObj(); expectInt(i); const s = i; e.mapOne(a, s) } } function parseCidRange(e, t) { for (; ;) { let i = t.getObj(); if (i === pt) break; if (isCmd(i, "endcidrange")) return; expectString(i); const a = strToInt(i); i = t.getObj(); expectString(i); const s = strToInt(i); i = t.getObj(); expectInt(i); const r = i; e.mapCidRange(a, s, r) } } function parseCodespaceRange(e, t) { for (; ;) { let i = t.getObj(); if (i === pt) break; if (isCmd(i, "endcodespacerange")) return; if ("string" != typeof i) break; const a = strToInt(i); i = t.getObj(); if ("string" != typeof i) break; const s = strToInt(i); e.addCodespaceRange(i.length, a, s) } throw new FormatError("Invalid codespace range.") } function parseWMode(e, t) { const i = t.getObj(); Number.isInteger(i) && (e.vertical = !!i) } function parseCMapName(e, t) { const i = t.getObj(); i instanceof Name && ( = } async function parseCMap(e, t, i, a) { let s, r; A: for (; ;)try { const i = t.getObj(); if (i === pt) break; if (i instanceof Name) { "WMode" === ? parseWMode(e, t) : "CMapName" === && parseCMapName(e, t); s = i } else if (i instanceof Cmd) switch (i.cmd) { case "endcmap": break A; case "usecmap": s instanceof Name && (r =; break; case "begincodespacerange": parseCodespaceRange(e, t); break; case "beginbfchar": parseBfChar(e, t); break; case "begincidchar": parseCidChar(e, t); break; case "beginbfrange": parseBfRange(e, t); break; case "begincidrange": parseCidRange(e, t) } } catch (e) { if (e instanceof MissingDataException) throw e; warn("Invalid cMap data: " + e); continue } !a && r && (a = r); return a ? extendCMap(e, i, a) : e } async function extendCMap(e, t, i) { e.useCMap = await createBuiltInCMap(i, t); if (0 === e.numCodespaceRanges) { const t = e.useCMap.codespaceRanges; for (let i = 0; i < t.length; i++)e.codespaceRanges[i] = t[i].slice(); e.numCodespaceRanges = e.useCMap.numCodespaceRanges } e.useCMap.forEach((function (t, i) { e.contains(t) || e.mapOne(t, e.useCMap.lookup(t)) })); return e } async function createBuiltInCMap(e, t) { if ("Identity-H" === e) return new IdentityCMap(!1, 2); if ("Identity-V" === e) return new IdentityCMap(!0, 2); if (!hi.includes(e)) throw new Error("Unknown CMap name: " + e); if (!t) throw new Error("Built-in CMap parameters are not provided."); const { cMapData: i, compressionType: a } = await t(e), s = new CMap(!0); if (a === mA.BINARY) return (new BinaryCMapReader).process(i, s, (e => extendCMap(s, t, e))); if (a === mA.NONE) { const e = new Lexer(new Stream(i)); return parseCMap(s, e, t, null) } throw new Error(`Invalid CMap "compressionType" value: ${a}`) } class CMapFactory { static async create({ encoding: e, fetchBuiltInCMap: t, useCMap: i }) { if (e instanceof Name) return createBuiltInCMap(, t); if (e instanceof BaseStream) { const a = await parseCMap(new CMap, new Lexer(e), t, i); return a.isIdentityCMap ? createBuiltInCMap(, t) : a } throw new Error("Encoding required.") } } const Ci = [".notdef", "space", "exclam", "quotedbl", "numbersign", "dollar", "percent", "ampersand", "quoteright", "parenleft", "parenright", "asterisk", "plus", "comma", "hyphen", "period", "slash", "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "colon", "semicolon", "less", "equal", "greater", "question", "at", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "bracketleft", "backslash", "bracketright", "asciicircum", "underscore", "quoteleft", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "braceleft", "bar", "braceright", "asciitilde", "exclamdown", "cent", "sterling", "fraction", "yen", "florin", "section", "currency", "quotesingle", "quotedblleft", "guillemotleft", "guilsinglleft", "guilsinglright", "fi", "fl", "endash", "dagger", "daggerdbl", "periodcentered", "paragraph", "bullet", "quotesinglbase", "quotedblbase", "quotedblright", "guillemotright", "ellipsis", "perthousand", "questiondown", "grave", "acute", "circumflex", "tilde", "macron", "breve", "dotaccent", "dieresis", "ring", "cedilla", "hungarumlaut", "ogonek", "caron", "emdash", "AE", "ordfeminine", "Lslash", "Oslash", "OE", "ordmasculine", "ae", "dotlessi", "lslash", "oslash", "oe", "germandbls", "onesuperior", "logicalnot", "mu", "trademark", "Eth", "onehalf", "plusminus", "Thorn", "onequarter", "divide", "brokenbar", "degree", "thorn", "threequarters", "twosuperior", "registered", "minus", "eth", "multiply", "threesuperior", "copyright", "Aacute", "Acircumflex", "Adieresis", "Agrave", "Aring", "Atilde", "Ccedilla", "Eacute", "Ecircumflex", "Edieresis", "Egrave", "Iacute", "Icircumflex", "Idieresis", "Igrave", "Ntilde", "Oacute", "Ocircumflex", "Odieresis", "Ograve", "Otilde", "Scaron", "Uacute", "Ucircumflex", "Udieresis", "Ugrave", "Yacute", "Ydieresis", "Zcaron", "aacute", "acircumflex", "adieresis", "agrave", "aring", "atilde", "ccedilla", "eacute", "ecircumflex", "edieresis", "egrave", "iacute", "icircumflex", "idieresis", "igrave", "ntilde", "oacute", "ocircumflex", "odieresis", "ograve", "otilde", "scaron", "uacute", "ucircumflex", "udieresis", "ugrave", "yacute", "ydieresis", "zcaron"], Bi = [".notdef", "space", "exclamsmall", "Hungarumlautsmall", "dollaroldstyle", "dollarsuperior", "ampersandsmall", "Acutesmall", "parenleftsuperior", "parenrightsuperior", "twodotenleader", "onedotenleader", "comma", "hyphen", "period", "fraction", "zerooldstyle", "oneoldstyle", "twooldstyle", "threeoldstyle", "fouroldstyle", "fiveoldstyle", "sixoldstyle", "sevenoldstyle", "eightoldstyle", "nineoldstyle", "colon", "semicolon", "commasuperior", "threequartersemdash", "periodsuperior", "questionsmall", "asuperior", "bsuperior", "centsuperior", "dsuperior", "esuperior", "isuperior", "lsuperior", "msuperior", "nsuperior", "osuperior", "rsuperior", "ssuperior", "tsuperior", "ff", "fi", "fl", "ffi", "ffl", "parenleftinferior", "parenrightinferior", "Circumflexsmall", "hyphensuperior", "Gravesmall", "Asmall", "Bsmall", "Csmall", "Dsmall", "Esmall", "Fsmall", "Gsmall", "Hsmall", "Ismall", "Jsmall", "Ksmall", "Lsmall", "Msmall", "Nsmall", "Osmall", "Psmall", "Qsmall", "Rsmall", "Ssmall", "Tsmall", "Usmall", "Vsmall", "Wsmall", "Xsmall", "Ysmall", "Zsmall", "colonmonetary", "onefitted", "rupiah", "Tildesmall", "exclamdownsmall", "centoldstyle", "Lslashsmall", "Scaronsmall", "Zcaronsmall", "Dieresissmall", "Brevesmall", "Caronsmall", "Dotaccentsmall", "Macronsmall", "figuredash", "hypheninferior", "Ogoneksmall", 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"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "space", "a1", "a2", "a202", "a3", "a4", "a5", "a119", "a118", "a117", "a11", "a12", "a13", "a14", "a15", "a16", "a105", "a17", "a18", "a19", "a20", "a21", "a22", "a23", "a24", "a25", "a26", "a27", "a28", "a6", "a7", "a8", "a9", "a10", "a29", "a30", "a31", "a32", "a33", "a34", "a35", "a36", "a37", "a38", "a39", "a40", "a41", "a42", "a43", "a44", "a45", "a46", "a47", "a48", "a49", "a50", "a51", "a52", "a53", "a54", "a55", "a56", "a57", "a58", "a59", "a60", "a61", "a62", "a63", "a64", "a65", "a66", "a67", "a68", "a69", "a70", "a71", "a72", "a73", "a74", "a203", "a75", "a204", "a76", "a77", "a78", "a79", "a81", "a82", "a83", "a84", "a97", "a98", "a99", "a100", "", "a89", "a90", "a93", "a94", "a91", "a92", "a205", "a85", "a206", "a86", "a87", "a88", "a95", "a96", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "a101", "a102", "a103", "a104", "a106", "a107", "a108", "a112", "a111", "a110", "a109", "a120", "a121", "a122", "a123", "a124", "a125", "a126", "a127", "a128", "a129", "a130", "a131", "a132", "a133", "a134", "a135", "a136", "a137", "a138", "a139", "a140", "a141", "a142", "a143", "a144", "a145", "a146", "a147", "a148", "a149", "a150", "a151", "a152", "a153", "a154", "a155", "a156", "a157", "a158", "a159", "a160", "a161", "a163", "a164", "a196", "a165", "a192", "a166", "a167", "a168", "a169", "a170", "a171", "a172", "a173", "a162", "a174", "a175", "a176", "a177", "a178", "a179", "a193", "a180", "a199", "a181", "a200", "a182", "", "a201", "a183", "a184", "a197", "a185", "a194", "a198", "a186", "a195", "a187", "a188", "a189", "a190", "a191", ""]; function getEncoding(e) { switch (e) { case "WinAnsiEncoding": return pi; case "StandardEncoding": return fi; case "MacRomanEncoding": return di; case "SymbolSetEncoding": return mi; case "ZapfDingbatsEncoding": return yi; case "ExpertEncoding": return Ei; case "MacExpertEncoding": return ui; default: return null } } const wi = [".notdef", "space", "exclam", "quotedbl", "numbersign", "dollar", "percent", "ampersand", "quoteright", "parenleft", "parenright", "asterisk", "plus", "comma", "hyphen", "period", "slash", "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "colon", "semicolon", "less", "equal", "greater", "question", "at", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "bracketleft", "backslash", "bracketright", "asciicircum", "underscore", "quoteleft", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "braceleft", "bar", "braceright", "asciitilde", "exclamdown", "cent", "sterling", "fraction", "yen", "florin", "section", "currency", "quotesingle", "quotedblleft", "guillemotleft", "guilsinglleft", "guilsinglright", "fi", "fl", "endash", "dagger", "daggerdbl", "periodcentered", "paragraph", "bullet", "quotesinglbase", "quotedblbase", "quotedblright", "guillemotright", "ellipsis", "perthousand", "questiondown", "grave", "acute", "circumflex", "tilde", "macron", "breve", "dotaccent", "dieresis", "ring", "cedilla", "hungarumlaut", "ogonek", "caron", "emdash", "AE", "ordfeminine", "Lslash", "Oslash", "OE", "ordmasculine", "ae", "dotlessi", "lslash", "oslash", "oe", "germandbls", "onesuperior", "logicalnot", "mu", "trademark", "Eth", "onehalf", "plusminus", "Thorn", "onequarter", "divide", "brokenbar", "degree", "thorn", "threequarters", "twosuperior", "registered", "minus", "eth", "multiply", "threesuperior", "copyright", "Aacute", "Acircumflex", "Adieresis", "Agrave", "Aring", "Atilde", "Ccedilla", "Eacute", "Ecircumflex", "Edieresis", "Egrave", "Iacute", "Icircumflex", "Idieresis", "Igrave", "Ntilde", "Oacute", "Ocircumflex", "Odieresis", "Ograve", "Otilde", "Scaron", "Uacute", "Ucircumflex", "Udieresis", "Ugrave", "Yacute", "Ydieresis", "Zcaron", "aacute", "acircumflex", "adieresis", "agrave", "aring", "atilde", "ccedilla", "eacute", "ecircumflex", "edieresis", "egrave", "iacute", "icircumflex", "idieresis", "igrave", "ntilde", "oacute", "ocircumflex", "odieresis", "ograve", "otilde", "scaron", "uacute", "ucircumflex", "udieresis", "ugrave", "yacute", "ydieresis", "zcaron", "exclamsmall", "Hungarumlautsmall", "dollaroldstyle", "dollarsuperior", "ampersandsmall", "Acutesmall", "parenleftsuperior", "parenrightsuperior", "twodotenleader", "onedotenleader", "zerooldstyle", "oneoldstyle", "twooldstyle", "threeoldstyle", "fouroldstyle", "fiveoldstyle", "sixoldstyle", "sevenoldstyle", "eightoldstyle", "nineoldstyle", "commasuperior", "threequartersemdash", "periodsuperior", "questionsmall", "asuperior", "bsuperior", "centsuperior", "dsuperior", "esuperior", "isuperior", "lsuperior", "msuperior", "nsuperior", "osuperior", "rsuperior", "ssuperior", "tsuperior", "ff", "ffi", "ffl", "parenleftinferior", "parenrightinferior", "Circumflexsmall", "hyphensuperior", "Gravesmall", "Asmall", "Bsmall", "Csmall", "Dsmall", "Esmall", "Fsmall", "Gsmall", "Hsmall", "Ismall", "Jsmall", "Ksmall", "Lsmall", "Msmall", "Nsmall", "Osmall", "Psmall", "Qsmall", "Rsmall", "Ssmall", "Tsmall", "Usmall", "Vsmall", "Wsmall", "Xsmall", "Ysmall", "Zsmall", "colonmonetary", "onefitted", "rupiah", "Tildesmall", "exclamdownsmall", "centoldstyle", "Lslashsmall", "Scaronsmall", "Zcaronsmall", "Dieresissmall", "Brevesmall", "Caronsmall", "Dotaccentsmall", "Macronsmall", "figuredash", "hypheninferior", "Ogoneksmall", "Ringsmall", "Cedillasmall", "questiondownsmall", "oneeighth", "threeeighths", "fiveeighths", "seveneighths", "onethird", "twothirds", "zerosuperior", "foursuperior", "fivesuperior", "sixsuperior", "sevensuperior", "eightsuperior", "ninesuperior", "zeroinferior", "oneinferior", "twoinferior", "threeinferior", "fourinferior", "fiveinferior", "sixinferior", "seveninferior", "eightinferior", "nineinferior", "centinferior", "dollarinferior", "periodinferior", "commainferior", "Agravesmall", "Aacutesmall", "Acircumflexsmall", "Atildesmall", "Adieresissmall", "Aringsmall", "AEsmall", "Ccedillasmall", "Egravesmall", "Eacutesmall", "Ecircumflexsmall", "Edieresissmall", "Igravesmall", "Iacutesmall", "Icircumflexsmall", "Idieresissmall", "Ethsmall", "Ntildesmall", "Ogravesmall", "Oacutesmall", "Ocircumflexsmall", "Otildesmall", "Odieresissmall", "OEsmall", "Oslashsmall", "Ugravesmall", "Uacutesmall", "Ucircumflexsmall", "Udieresissmall", "Yacutesmall", "Thornsmall", "Ydieresissmall", "001.000", "001.001", "001.002", "001.003", "Black", "Bold", "Book", "Light", "Medium", "Regular", "Roman", "Semibold"], bi = 391, Di = [null, { id: "hstem", min: 2, stackClearing: !0, stem: !0 }, null, { id: "vstem", min: 2, stackClearing: !0, stem: !0 }, { id: "vmoveto", min: 1, stackClearing: !0 }, { id: "rlineto", min: 2, resetStack: !0 }, { id: "hlineto", min: 1, resetStack: !0 }, { id: "vlineto", min: 1, resetStack: !0 }, { id: "rrcurveto", min: 6, resetStack: !0 }, null, { id: "callsubr", min: 1, undefStack: !0 }, { id: "return", min: 0, undefStack: !0 }, null, null, { id: "endchar", min: 0, stackClearing: !0 }, null, null, null, { id: "hstemhm", min: 2, stackClearing: !0, stem: !0 }, { id: "hintmask", min: 0, stackClearing: !0 }, { id: "cntrmask", min: 0, stackClearing: !0 }, { id: "rmoveto", min: 2, stackClearing: !0 }, { id: "hmoveto", min: 1, stackClearing: !0 }, { id: "vstemhm", min: 2, stackClearing: !0, stem: !0 }, { id: "rcurveline", min: 8, resetStack: !0 }, { id: "rlinecurve", min: 8, resetStack: !0 }, { id: "vvcurveto", min: 4, resetStack: !0 }, { id: "hhcurveto", min: 4, resetStack: !0 }, null, { id: "callgsubr", min: 1, undefStack: !0 }, { id: "vhcurveto", min: 4, resetStack: !0 }, { id: "hvcurveto", min: 4, resetStack: !0 }], Fi = [null, null, null, { id: "and", min: 2, stackDelta: -1 }, { id: "or", min: 2, stackDelta: -1 }, { id: "not", min: 1, stackDelta: 0 }, null, null, null, { id: "abs", min: 1, stackDelta: 0 }, { id: "add", min: 2, stackDelta: -1, stackFn(e, t) { e[t - 2] = e[t - 2] + e[t - 1] } }, { id: "sub", min: 2, stackDelta: -1, stackFn(e, t) { e[t - 2] = e[t - 2] - e[t - 1] } }, { id: "div", min: 2, stackDelta: -1, stackFn(e, t) { e[t - 2] = e[t - 2] / e[t - 1] } }, null, { id: "neg", min: 1, stackDelta: 0, stackFn(e, t) { e[t - 1] = -e[t - 1] } }, { id: "eq", min: 2, stackDelta: -1 }, null, null, { id: "drop", min: 1, stackDelta: -1 }, null, { id: "put", min: 2, stackDelta: -2 }, { id: "get", min: 1, stackDelta: 0 }, { id: "ifelse", min: 4, stackDelta: -3 }, { id: "random", min: 0, stackDelta: 1 }, { id: "mul", min: 2, stackDelta: -1, stackFn(e, t) { e[t - 2] = e[t - 2] * e[t - 1] } }, null, { id: "sqrt", min: 1, stackDelta: 0 }, { id: "dup", min: 1, stackDelta: 1 }, { id: "exch", min: 2, stackDelta: 0 }, { id: "index", min: 2, stackDelta: 0 }, { id: "roll", min: 3, stackDelta: -2 }, null, null, null, { id: "hflex", min: 7, resetStack: !0 }, { id: "flex", min: 13, resetStack: !0 }, { id: "hflex1", min: 9, resetStack: !0 }, { id: "flex1", min: 11, resetStack: !0 }]; class CFFParser { constructor(e, t, i) { this.bytes = e.getBytes(); = t; this.seacAnalysisEnabled = !!i } parse() { const e =, t = new CFF; this.cff = t; const i = this.parseHeader(), a = this.parseIndex(i.endPos), s = this.parseIndex(a.endPos), r = this.parseIndex(s.endPos), n = this.parseIndex(r.endPos), o = this.parseDict(s.obj.get(0)), g = this.createDict(CFFTopDict, o, t.strings); t.header = i.obj; t.names = this.parseNameIndex(a.obj); t.strings = this.parseStringIndex(r.obj); t.topDict = g; t.globalSubrIndex = n.obj; this.parsePrivateDict(t.topDict); t.isCIDFont = g.hasName("ROS"); const c = g.getByName("CharStrings"), h = this.parseIndex(c).obj, l = g.getByName("FontMatrix"); l && (e.fontMatrix = l); const C = g.getByName("FontBBox"); if (C) { e.ascent = Math.max(C[3], C[1]); e.descent = Math.min(C[1], C[3]); e.ascentScaled = !0 } let Q, E; if (t.isCIDFont) { const e = this.parseIndex(g.getByName("FDArray")).obj; for (let i = 0, a = e.count; i < a; ++i) { const a = e.get(i), s = this.createDict(CFFTopDict, this.parseDict(a), t.strings); this.parsePrivateDict(s); t.fdArray.push(s) } E = null; Q = this.parseCharsets(g.getByName("charset"), h.count, t.strings, !0); t.fdSelect = this.parseFDSelect(g.getByName("FDSelect"), h.count) } else { Q = this.parseCharsets(g.getByName("charset"), h.count, t.strings, !1); E = this.parseEncoding(g.getByName("Encoding"), e, t.strings, Q.charset) } t.charset = Q; t.encoding = E; const u = this.parseCharStrings({ charStrings: h, localSubrIndex: g.privateDict.subrsIndex, globalSubrIndex: n.obj, fdSelect: t.fdSelect, fdArray: t.fdArray, privateDict: g.privateDict }); t.charStrings = u.charStrings; t.seacs = u.seacs; t.widths = u.widths; return t } parseHeader() { let e = this.bytes; const t = e.length; let i = 0; for (; i < t && 1 !== e[i];)++i; if (i >= t) throw new FormatError("Invalid CFF header"); if (0 !== i) { info("cff data is shifted"); e = e.subarray(i); this.bytes = e } const a = e[0], s = e[1], r = e[2], n = e[3]; return { obj: new CFFHeader(a, s, r, n), endPos: r } } parseDict(e) { let t = 0; function parseOperand() { let i = e[t++]; if (30 === i) return function parseFloatOperand() { let i = ""; const a = 15, s = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", ".", "E", "E-", null, "-"], r = e.length; for (; t < r;) { const r = e[t++], n = r >> 4, o = 15 & r; if (n === a) break; i += s[n]; if (o === a) break; i += s[o] } return parseFloat(i) }(); if (28 === i) { i = e[t++]; i = (i << 24 | e[t++] << 16) >> 16; return i } if (29 === i) { i = e[t++]; i = i << 8 | e[t++]; i = i << 8 | e[t++]; i = i << 8 | e[t++]; return i } if (i >= 32 && i <= 246) return i - 139; if (i >= 247 && i <= 250) return 256 * (i - 247) + e[t++] + 108; if (i >= 251 && i <= 254) return -256 * (i - 251) - e[t++] - 108; warn('CFFParser_parseDict: "' + i + '" is a reserved command.'); return NaN } let i = []; const a = []; t = 0; const s = e.length; for (; t < s;) { let s = e[t]; if (s <= 21) { 12 === s && (s = s << 8 | e[++t]); a.push([s, i]); i = []; ++t } else i.push(parseOperand()) } return a } parseIndex(e) { const t = new CFFIndex, i = this.bytes, a = i[e++] << 8 | i[e++], s = []; let r, n, o = e; if (0 !== a) { const t = i[e++], g = e + (a + 1) * t - 1; for (r = 0, n = a + 1; r < n; ++r) { let a = 0; for (let s = 0; s < t; ++s) { a <<= 8; a += i[e++] } s.push(g + a) } o = s[a] } for (r = 0, n = s.length - 1; r < n; ++r) { const e = s[r], a = s[r + 1]; t.add(i.subarray(e, a)) } return { obj: t, endPos: o } } parseNameIndex(e) { const t = []; for (let i = 0, a = e.count; i < a; ++i) { const a = e.get(i); t.push(bytesToString(a)) } return t } parseStringIndex(e) { const t = new CFFStrings; for (let i = 0, a = e.count; i < a; ++i) { const a = e.get(i); t.add(bytesToString(a)) } return t } createDict(e, t, i) { const a = new e(i); for (const [e, i] of t) a.setByKey(e, i); return a } parseCharString(e, t, i, a) { if (!t || e.callDepth > 10) return !1; let s = e.stackSize; const r = e.stack; let n = t.length; for (let o = 0; o < n;) { const g = t[o++]; let c = null; if (12 === g) { const e = t[o++]; if (0 === e) { t[o - 2] = 139; t[o - 1] = 22; s = 0 } else c = Fi[e] } else if (28 === g) { r[s] = (t[o] << 24 | t[o + 1] << 16) >> 16; o += 2; s++ } else if (14 === g) { if (s >= 4) { s -= 4; if (this.seacAnalysisEnabled) { e.seac = r.slice(s, s + 4); return !1 } } c = Di[g] } else if (g >= 32 && g <= 246) { r[s] = g - 139; s++ } else if (g >= 247 && g <= 254) { r[s] = g < 251 ? (g - 247 << 8) + t[o] + 108 : -(g - 251 << 8) - t[o] - 108; o++; s++ } else if (255 === g) { r[s] = (t[o] << 24 | t[o + 1] << 16 | t[o + 2] << 8 | t[o + 3]) / 65536; o += 4; s++ } else if (19 === g || 20 === g) { e.hints += s >> 1; if (0 === e.hints) { t.copyWithin(o - 1, o, -1); o -= 1; n -= 1; continue } o += e.hints + 7 >> 3; s %= 2; c = Di[g] } else { if (10 === g || 29 === g) { const t = 10 === g ? i : a; if (!t) { c = Di[g]; warn("Missing subrsIndex for " +; return !1 } let n = 32768; t.count < 1240 ? n = 107 : t.count < 33900 && (n = 1131); const o = r[--s] + n; if (o < 0 || o >= t.count || isNaN(o)) { c = Di[g]; warn("Out of bounds subrIndex for " +; return !1 } e.stackSize = s; e.callDepth++; if (!this.parseCharString(e, t.get(o), i, a)) return !1; e.callDepth--; s = e.stackSize; continue } if (11 === g) { e.stackSize = s; return !0 } if (0 === g && o === t.length) { t[o - 1] = 14; c = Di[14] } else { if (9 === g) { t.copyWithin(o - 1, o, -1); o -= 1; n -= 1; continue } c = Di[g] } } if (c) { if (c.stem) { e.hints += s >> 1; if (3 === g || 23 === g) e.hasVStems = !0; else if (e.hasVStems && (1 === g || 18 === g)) { warn("CFF stem hints are in wrong order"); t[o - 1] = 1 === g ? 3 : 23 } } if ("min" in c && !e.undefStack && s < c.min) { warn("Not enough parameters for " + + "; actual: " + s + ", expected: " + c.min); if (0 === s) { t[o - 1] = 14; return !0 } return !1 } if (e.firstStackClearing && c.stackClearing) { e.firstStackClearing = !1; s -= c.min; s >= 2 && c.stem ? s %= 2 : s > 1 && warn("Found too many parameters for stack-clearing command"); s > 0 && (e.width = r[s - 1]) } if ("stackDelta" in c) { "stackFn" in c && c.stackFn(r, s); s += c.stackDelta } else if (c.stackClearing) s = 0; else if (c.resetStack) { s = 0; e.undefStack = !1 } else if (c.undefStack) { s = 0; e.undefStack = !0; e.firstStackClearing = !1 } } } n < t.length && t.fill(14, n); e.stackSize = s; return !0 } parseCharStrings({ charStrings: e, localSubrIndex: t, globalSubrIndex: i, fdSelect: a, fdArray: s, privateDict: r }) { const n = [], o = [], g = e.count; for (let c = 0; c < g; c++) { const g = e.get(c), h = { callDepth: 0, stackSize: 0, stack: [], undefStack: !0, hints: 0, firstStackClearing: !0, seac: null, width: null, hasVStems: !1 }; let l = !0, C = null, Q = r; if (a && s.length) { const e = a.getFDIndex(c); if (-1 === e) { warn("Glyph index is not in fd select."); l = !1 } if (e >= s.length) { warn("Invalid fd index for glyph index."); l = !1 } if (l) { Q = s[e].privateDict; C = Q.subrsIndex } } else t && (C = t); l && (l = this.parseCharString(h, g, C, i)); if (null !== h.width) { const e = Q.getByName("nominalWidthX"); o[c] = e + h.width } else { const e = Q.getByName("defaultWidthX"); o[c] = e } null !== h.seac && (n[c] = h.seac); l || e.set(c, new Uint8Array([14])) } return { charStrings: e, seacs: n, widths: o } } emptyPrivateDictionary(e) { const t = this.createDict(CFFPrivateDict, [], e.strings); e.setByKey(18, [0, 0]); e.privateDict = t } parsePrivateDict(e) { if (!e.hasName("Private")) { this.emptyPrivateDictionary(e); return } const t = e.getByName("Private"); if (!Array.isArray(t) || 2 !== t.length) { e.removeByName("Private"); return } const i = t[0], a = t[1]; if (0 === i || a >= this.bytes.length) { this.emptyPrivateDictionary(e); return } const s = a + i, r = this.bytes.subarray(a, s), n = this.parseDict(r), o = this.createDict(CFFPrivateDict, n, e.strings); e.privateDict = o; 0 === o.getByName("ExpansionFactor") && o.setByName("ExpansionFactor", .06); if (!o.getByName("Subrs")) return; const g = o.getByName("Subrs"), c = a + g; if (0 === g || c >= this.bytes.length) { this.emptyPrivateDictionary(e); return } const h = this.parseIndex(c); o.subrsIndex = h.obj } parseCharsets(e, t, i, a) { if (0 === e) return new CFFCharset(!0, Ri.ISO_ADOBE, Ci); if (1 === e) return new CFFCharset(!0, Ri.EXPERT, Bi); if (2 === e) return new CFFCharset(!0, Ri.EXPERT_SUBSET, Qi); const s = this.bytes, r = e, n = s[e++], o = [a ? 0 : ".notdef"]; let g, c, h; t -= 1; switch (n) { case 0: for (h = 0; h < t; h++) { g = s[e++] << 8 | s[e++]; o.push(a ? g : i.get(g)) } break; case 1: for (; o.length <= t;) { g = s[e++] << 8 | s[e++]; c = s[e++]; for (h = 0; h <= c; h++)o.push(a ? g++ : i.get(g++)) } break; case 2: for (; o.length <= t;) { g = s[e++] << 8 | s[e++]; c = s[e++] << 8 | s[e++]; for (h = 0; h <= c; h++)o.push(a ? g++ : i.get(g++)) } break; default: throw new FormatError("Unknown charset format") }const l = e, C = s.subarray(r, l); return new CFFCharset(!1, n, o, C) } parseEncoding(e, t, i, a) { const s = Object.create(null), r = this.bytes; let n, o, g, c = !1, h = null; if (0 === e || 1 === e) { c = !0; n = e; const t = e ? Ei : fi; for (o = 0, g = a.length; o < g; o++) { const e = t.indexOf(a[o]); -1 !== e && (s[e] = o) } } else { const t = e; n = r[e++]; switch (127 & n) { case 0: const t = r[e++]; for (o = 1; o <= t; o++)s[r[e++]] = o; break; case 1: const i = r[e++]; let a = 1; for (o = 0; o < i; o++) { const t = r[e++], i = r[e++]; for (let e = t; e <= t + i; e++)s[e] = a++ } break; default: throw new FormatError(`Unknown encoding format: ${n} in CFF`) }const g = e; if (128 & n) { r[t] &= 127; !function readSupplement() { const t = r[e++]; for (o = 0; o < t; o++) { const t = r[e++], n = (r[e++] << 8) + (255 & r[e++]); s[t] = a.indexOf(i.get(n)) } }() } h = r.subarray(t, g) } n &= 127; return new CFFEncoding(c, n, s, h) } parseFDSelect(e, t) { const i = this.bytes, a = i[e++], s = []; let r; switch (a) { case 0: for (r = 0; r < t; ++r) { const t = i[e++]; s.push(t) } break; case 3: const n = i[e++] << 8 | i[e++]; for (r = 0; r < n; ++r) { let t = i[e++] << 8 | i[e++]; if (0 === r && 0 !== t) { warn("parseFDSelect: The first range must have a first GID of 0 -- trying to recover."); t = 0 } const a = i[e++], n = i[e] << 8 | i[e + 1]; for (let e = t; e < n; ++e)s.push(a) } e += 2; break; default: throw new FormatError(`parseFDSelect: Unknown format "${a}".`) }if (s.length !== t) throw new FormatError("parseFDSelect: Invalid font data."); return new CFFFDSelect(a, s) } } class CFF { constructor() { this.header = null; this.names = []; this.topDict = null; this.strings = new CFFStrings; this.globalSubrIndex = null; this.encoding = null; this.charset = null; this.charStrings = null; this.fdArray = []; this.fdSelect = null; this.isCIDFont = !1 } duplicateFirstGlyph() { if (this.charStrings.count >= 65535) { warn("Not enough space in charstrings to duplicate first glyph."); return } const e = this.charStrings.get(0); this.charStrings.add(e); this.isCIDFont && this.fdSelect.fdSelect.push(this.fdSelect.fdSelect[0]) } hasGlyphId(e) { if (e < 0 || e >= this.charStrings.count) return !1; return this.charStrings.get(e).length > 0 } } class CFFHeader { constructor(e, t, i, a) { this.major = e; this.minor = t; this.hdrSize = i; this.offSize = a } } class CFFStrings { constructor() { this.strings = [] } get(e) { return e >= 0 && e <= 390 ? wi[e] : e - bi <= this.strings.length ? this.strings[e - bi] : wi[0] } getSID(e) { let t = wi.indexOf(e); if (-1 !== t) return t; t = this.strings.indexOf(e); return -1 !== t ? t + bi : -1 } add(e) { this.strings.push(e) } get count() { return this.strings.length } } class CFFIndex { constructor() { this.objects = []; this.length = 0 } add(e) { this.length += e.length; this.objects.push(e) } set(e, t) { this.length += t.length - this.objects[e].length; this.objects[e] = t } get(e) { return this.objects[e] } get count() { return this.objects.length } } class CFFDict { constructor(e, t) { this.keyToNameMap = e.keyToNameMap; this.nameToKeyMap = e.nameToKeyMap; this.defaults = e.defaults; this.types = e.types; this.opcodes = e.opcodes; this.order = e.order; this.strings = t; this.values = Object.create(null) } setByKey(e, t) { if (!(e in this.keyToNameMap)) return !1; if (0 === t.length) return !0; for (const i of t) if (isNaN(i)) { warn(`Invalid CFFDict value: "${t}" for key "${e}".`); return !0 } const i = this.types[e]; "num" !== i && "sid" !== i && "offset" !== i || (t = t[0]); this.values[e] = t; return !0 } setByName(e, t) { if (!(e in this.nameToKeyMap)) throw new FormatError(`Invalid dictionary name "${e}"`); this.values[this.nameToKeyMap[e]] = t } hasName(e) { return this.nameToKeyMap[e] in this.values } getByName(e) { if (!(e in this.nameToKeyMap)) throw new FormatError(`Invalid dictionary name ${e}"`); const t = this.nameToKeyMap[e]; return t in this.values ? this.values[t] : this.defaults[t] } removeByName(e) { delete this.values[this.nameToKeyMap[e]] } static createTables(e) { const t = { keyToNameMap: {}, nameToKeyMap: {}, defaults: {}, types: {}, opcodes: {}, order: [] }; for (const i of e) { const e = Array.isArray(i[0]) ? (i[0][0] << 8) + i[0][1] : i[0]; t.keyToNameMap[e] = i[1]; t.nameToKeyMap[i[1]] = e; t.types[e] = i[2]; t.defaults[e] = i[3]; t.opcodes[e] = Array.isArray(i[0]) ? i[0] : [i[0]]; t.order.push(e) } return t } } const Si = [[[12, 30], "ROS", ["sid", "sid", "num"], null], [[12, 20], "SyntheticBase", "num", null], [0, "version", "sid", null], [1, "Notice", "sid", null], [[12, 0], "Copyright", "sid", null], [2, "FullName", "sid", null], [3, "FamilyName", "sid", null], [4, "Weight", "sid", null], [[12, 1], "isFixedPitch", "num", 0], [[12, 2], "ItalicAngle", "num", 0], [[12, 3], "UnderlinePosition", "num", -100], [[12, 4], "UnderlineThickness", "num", 50], [[12, 5], "PaintType", "num", 0], [[12, 6], "CharstringType", "num", 2], [[12, 7], "FontMatrix", ["num", "num", "num", "num", "num", "num"], [.001, 0, 0, .001, 0, 0]], [13, "UniqueID", "num", null], [5, "FontBBox", ["num", "num", "num", "num"], [0, 0, 0, 0]], [[12, 8], "StrokeWidth", "num", 0], [14, "XUID", "array", null], [15, "charset", "offset", 0], [16, "Encoding", "offset", 0], [17, "CharStrings", "offset", 0], [18, "Private", ["offset", "offset"], null], [[12, 21], "PostScript", "sid", null], [[12, 22], "BaseFontName", "sid", null], [[12, 23], "BaseFontBlend", "delta", null], [[12, 31], "CIDFontVersion", "num", 0], [[12, 32], "CIDFontRevision", "num", 0], [[12, 33], "CIDFontType", "num", 0], [[12, 34], "CIDCount", "num", 8720], [[12, 35], "UIDBase", "num", null], [[12, 37], "FDSelect", "offset", null], [[12, 36], "FDArray", "offset", null], [[12, 38], "FontName", "sid", null]]; class CFFTopDict extends CFFDict { static get tables() { return shadow(this, "tables", this.createTables(Si)) } constructor(e) { super(CFFTopDict.tables, e); this.privateDict = null } } const ki = [[6, "BlueValues", "delta", null], [7, "OtherBlues", "delta", null], [8, "FamilyBlues", "delta", null], [9, "FamilyOtherBlues", "delta", null], [[12, 9], "BlueScale", "num", .039625], [[12, 10], "BlueShift", "num", 7], [[12, 11], "BlueFuzz", "num", 1], [10, "StdHW", "num", null], [11, "StdVW", "num", null], [[12, 12], "StemSnapH", "delta", null], [[12, 13], "StemSnapV", "delta", null], [[12, 14], "ForceBold", "num", 0], [[12, 17], "LanguageGroup", "num", 0], [[12, 18], "ExpansionFactor", "num", .06], [[12, 19], "initialRandomSeed", "num", 0], [20, "defaultWidthX", "num", 0], [21, "nominalWidthX", "num", 0], [19, "Subrs", "offset", null]]; class CFFPrivateDict extends CFFDict { static get tables() { return shadow(this, "tables", this.createTables(ki)) } constructor(e) { super(CFFPrivateDict.tables, e); this.subrsIndex = null } } const Ri = { ISO_ADOBE: 0, EXPERT: 1, EXPERT_SUBSET: 2 }; class CFFCharset { constructor(e, t, i, a) { this.predefined = e; this.format = t; this.charset = i; this.raw = a } } class CFFEncoding { constructor(e, t, i, a) { this.predefined = e; this.format = t; this.encoding = i; this.raw = a } } class CFFFDSelect { constructor(e, t) { this.format = e; this.fdSelect = t } getFDIndex(e) { return e < 0 || e >= this.fdSelect.length ? -1 : this.fdSelect[e] } } class CFFOffsetTracker { constructor() { this.offsets = Object.create(null) } isTracking(e) { return e in this.offsets } track(e, t) { if (e in this.offsets) throw new FormatError(`Already tracking location of ${e}`); this.offsets[e] = t } offset(e) { for (const t in this.offsets) this.offsets[t] += e } setEntryLocation(e, t, i) { if (!(e in this.offsets)) throw new FormatError(`Not tracking location of ${e}`); const a =, s = this.offsets[e]; for (let e = 0, i = t.length; e < i; ++e) { const i = 5 * e + s, r = i + 1, n = i + 2, o = i + 3, g = i + 4; if (29 !== a[i] || 0 !== a[r] || 0 !== a[n] || 0 !== a[o] || 0 !== a[g]) throw new FormatError("writing to an offset that is not empty"); const c = t[e]; a[i] = 29; a[r] = c >> 24 & 255; a[n] = c >> 16 & 255; a[o] = c >> 8 & 255; a[g] = 255 & c } } } class CFFCompiler { constructor(e) { this.cff = e } compile() { const e = this.cff, t = { data: [], length: 0, add(e) { try { } catch { = } this.length = } }, i = this.compileHeader(e.header); t.add(i); const a = this.compileNameIndex(e.names); t.add(a); if (e.isCIDFont && e.topDict.hasName("FontMatrix")) { const t = e.topDict.getByName("FontMatrix"); e.topDict.removeByName("FontMatrix"); for (const i of e.fdArray) { let e = t.slice(0); i.hasName("FontMatrix") && (e = Util.transform(e, i.getByName("FontMatrix"))); i.setByName("FontMatrix", e) } } const s = e.topDict.getByName("XUID"); s?.length > 16 && e.topDict.removeByName("XUID"); e.topDict.setByName("charset", 0); let r = this.compileTopDicts([e.topDict], t.length, e.isCIDFont); t.add(r.output); const n = r.trackers[0], o = this.compileStringIndex(e.strings.strings); t.add(o); const g = this.compileIndex(e.globalSubrIndex); t.add(g); if (e.encoding && e.topDict.hasName("Encoding")) if (e.encoding.predefined) n.setEntryLocation("Encoding", [e.encoding.format], t); else { const i = this.compileEncoding(e.encoding); n.setEntryLocation("Encoding", [t.length], t); t.add(i) } const c = this.compileCharset(e.charset, e.charStrings.count, e.strings, e.isCIDFont); n.setEntryLocation("charset", [t.length], t); t.add(c); const h = this.compileCharStrings(e.charStrings); n.setEntryLocation("CharStrings", [t.length], t); t.add(h); if (e.isCIDFont) { n.setEntryLocation("FDSelect", [t.length], t); const i = this.compileFDSelect(e.fdSelect); t.add(i); r = this.compileTopDicts(e.fdArray, t.length, !0); n.setEntryLocation("FDArray", [t.length], t); t.add(r.output); const a = r.trackers; this.compilePrivateDicts(e.fdArray, a, t) } this.compilePrivateDicts([e.topDict], [n], t); t.add([0]); return } encodeNumber(e) { return Number.isInteger(e) ? this.encodeInteger(e) : this.encodeFloat(e) } static get EncodeFloatRegExp() { return shadow(this, "EncodeFloatRegExp", /\.(\d*?)(?:9{5,20}|0{5,20})\d{0,2}(?:e(.+)|$)/) } encodeFloat(e) { let t = e.toString(); const i = CFFCompiler.EncodeFloatRegExp.exec(t); if (i) { const a = parseFloat("1e" + ((i[2] ? +i[2] : 0) + i[1].length)); t = (Math.round(e * a) / a).toString() } let a, s, r = ""; for (a = 0, s = t.length; a < s; ++a) { const e = t[a]; r += "e" === e ? "-" === t[++a] ? "c" : "b" : "." === e ? "a" : "-" === e ? "e" : e } r += 1 & r.length ? "f" : "ff"; const n = [30]; for (a = 0, s = r.length; a < s; a += 2)n.push(parseInt(r.substring(a, a + 2), 16)); return n } encodeInteger(e) { let t; t = e >= -107 && e <= 107 ? [e + 139] : e >= 108 && e <= 1131 ? [247 + ((e -= 108) >> 8), 255 & e] : e >= -1131 && e <= -108 ? [251 + ((e = -e - 108) >> 8), 255 & e] : e >= -32768 && e <= 32767 ? [28, e >> 8 & 255, 255 & e] : [29, e >> 24 & 255, e >> 16 & 255, e >> 8 & 255, 255 & e]; return t } compileHeader(e) { return [e.major, e.minor, 4, e.offSize] } compileNameIndex(e) { const t = new CFFIndex; for (const i of e) { const e = Math.min(i.length, 127); let a = new Array(e); for (let t = 0; t < e; t++) { let e = i[t]; (e < "!" || e > "~" || "[" === e || "]" === e || "(" === e || ")" === e || "{" === e || "}" === e || "<" === e || ">" === e || "/" === e || "%" === e) && (e = "_"); a[t] = e } a = a.join(""); "" === a && (a = "Bad_Font_Name"); t.add(stringToBytes(a)) } return this.compileIndex(t) } compileTopDicts(e, t, i) { const a = []; let s = new CFFIndex; for (const r of e) { if (i) { r.removeByName("CIDFontVersion"); r.removeByName("CIDFontRevision"); r.removeByName("CIDFontType"); r.removeByName("CIDCount"); r.removeByName("UIDBase") } const e = new CFFOffsetTracker, n = this.compileDict(r, e); a.push(e); s.add(n); e.offset(t) } s = this.compileIndex(s, a); return { trackers: a, output: s } } compilePrivateDicts(e, t, i) { for (let a = 0, s = e.length; a < s; ++a) { const s = e[a], r = s.privateDict; if (!r || !s.hasName("Private")) throw new FormatError("There must be a private dictionary."); const n = new CFFOffsetTracker, o = this.compileDict(r, n); let g = i.length; n.offset(g); o.length || (g = 0); t[a].setEntryLocation("Private", [o.length, g], i); i.add(o); if (r.subrsIndex && r.hasName("Subrs")) { const e = this.compileIndex(r.subrsIndex); n.setEntryLocation("Subrs", [o.length], i); i.add(e) } } } compileDict(e, t) { const i = []; for (const a of e.order) { if (!(a in e.values)) continue; let s = e.values[a], r = e.types[a]; Array.isArray(r) || (r = [r]); Array.isArray(s) || (s = [s]); if (0 !== s.length) { for (let n = 0, o = r.length; n < o; ++n) { const o = r[n], g = s[n]; switch (o) { case "num": case "sid": i.push(...this.encodeNumber(g)); break; case "offset": const r = e.keyToNameMap[a]; t.isTracking(r) || t.track(r, i.length); i.push(29, 0, 0, 0, 0); break; case "array": case "delta": i.push(...this.encodeNumber(g)); for (let e = 1, t = s.length; e < t; ++e)i.push(...this.encodeNumber(s[e])); break; default: throw new FormatError(`Unknown data type of ${o}`) } } i.push(...e.opcodes[a]) } } return i } compileStringIndex(e) { const t = new CFFIndex; for (const i of e) t.add(stringToBytes(i)); return this.compileIndex(t) } compileCharStrings(e) { const t = new CFFIndex; for (let i = 0; i < e.count; i++) { const a = e.get(i); 0 !== a.length ? t.add(a) : t.add(new Uint8Array([139, 14])) } return this.compileIndex(t) } compileCharset(e, t, i, a) { let s; const r = t - 1; if (a) s = new Uint8Array([2, 0, 0, r >> 8 & 255, 255 & r]); else { s = new Uint8Array(1 + 2 * r); s[0] = 0; let t = 0; const a = e.charset.length; let n = !1; for (let r = 1; r < s.length; r += 2) { let o = 0; if (t < a) { const a = e.charset[t++]; o = i.getSID(a); if (-1 === o) { o = 0; if (!n) { n = !0; warn(`Couldn't find ${a} in CFF strings`) } } } s[r] = o >> 8 & 255; s[r + 1] = 255 & o } } return this.compileTypedArray(s) } compileEncoding(e) { return this.compileTypedArray(e.raw) } compileFDSelect(e) { const t = e.format; let i, a; switch (t) { case 0: i = new Uint8Array(1 + e.fdSelect.length); i[0] = t; for (a = 0; a < e.fdSelect.length; a++)i[a + 1] = e.fdSelect[a]; break; case 3: const s = 0; let r = e.fdSelect[0]; const n = [t, 0, 0, s >> 8 & 255, 255 & s, r]; for (a = 1; a < e.fdSelect.length; a++) { const t = e.fdSelect[a]; if (t !== r) { n.push(a >> 8 & 255, 255 & a, t); r = t } } const o = (n.length - 3) / 3; n[1] = o >> 8 & 255; n[2] = 255 & o; n.push(a >> 8 & 255, 255 & a); i = new Uint8Array(n) }return this.compileTypedArray(i) } compileTypedArray(e) { return Array.from(e) } compileIndex(e, t = []) { const i = e.objects, a = i.length; if (0 === a) return [0, 0]; const s = [a >> 8 & 255, 255 & a]; let r, n, o = 1; for (r = 0; r < a; ++r)o += i[r].length; n = o < 256 ? 1 : o < 65536 ? 2 : o < 16777216 ? 3 : 4; s.push(n); let g = 1; for (r = 0; r < a + 1; r++) { 1 === n ? s.push(255 & g) : 2 === n ? s.push(g >> 8 & 255, 255 & g) : 3 === n ? s.push(g >> 16 & 255, g >> 8 & 255, 255 & g) : s.push(g >>> 24 & 255, g >> 16 & 255, g >> 8 & 255, 255 & g); i[r] && (g += i[r].length) } for (r = 0; r < a; r++) { t[r] && t[r].offset(s.length); s.push(...i[r]) } return s } } const Ni = getLookupTableFactory((function (e) { e.A = 65; e.AE = 198; e.AEacute = 508; e.AEmacron = 482; e.AEsmall = 63462; e.Aacute = 193; e.Aacutesmall = 63457; e.Abreve = 258; e.Abreveacute = 7854; e.Abrevecyrillic = 1232; e.Abrevedotbelow = 7862; e.Abrevegrave = 7856; e.Abrevehookabove = 7858; e.Abrevetilde = 7860; e.Acaron = 461; e.Acircle = 9398; e.Acircumflex = 194; e.Acircumflexacute = 7844; e.Acircumflexdotbelow = 7852; e.Acircumflexgrave = 7846; e.Acircumflexhookabove = 7848; e.Acircumflexsmall = 63458; e.Acircumflextilde = 7850; e.Acute = 63177; e.Acutesmall = 63412; e.Acyrillic = 1040; e.Adblgrave = 512; e.Adieresis = 196; e.Adieresiscyrillic = 1234; e.Adieresismacron = 478; e.Adieresissmall = 63460; e.Adotbelow = 7840; e.Adotmacron = 480; e.Agrave = 192; e.Agravesmall = 63456; e.Ahookabove = 7842; e.Aiecyrillic = 1236; e.Ainvertedbreve = 514; e.Alpha = 913; e.Alphatonos = 902; e.Amacron = 256; e.Amonospace = 65313; e.Aogonek = 260; e.Aring = 197; e.Aringacute = 506; e.Aringbelow = 7680; e.Aringsmall = 63461; e.Asmall = 63329; e.Atilde = 195; e.Atildesmall = 63459; e.Aybarmenian = 1329; e.B = 66; e.Bcircle = 9399; e.Bdotaccent = 7682; e.Bdotbelow = 7684; e.Becyrillic = 1041; e.Benarmenian = 1330; e.Beta = 914; e.Bhook = 385; e.Blinebelow = 7686; e.Bmonospace = 65314; e.Brevesmall = 63220; e.Bsmall = 63330; e.Btopbar = 386; e.C = 67; e.Caarmenian = 1342; e.Cacute = 262; e.Caron = 63178; e.Caronsmall = 63221; e.Ccaron = 268; e.Ccedilla = 199; e.Ccedillaacute = 7688; e.Ccedillasmall = 63463; e.Ccircle = 9400; e.Ccircumflex = 264; e.Cdot = 266; e.Cdotaccent = 266; e.Cedillasmall = 63416; e.Chaarmenian = 1353; e.Cheabkhasiancyrillic = 1212; e.Checyrillic = 1063; e.Chedescenderabkhasiancyrillic = 1214; e.Chedescendercyrillic = 1206; e.Chedieresiscyrillic = 1268; e.Cheharmenian = 1347; e.Chekhakassiancyrillic = 1227; e.Cheverticalstrokecyrillic = 1208; e.Chi = 935; e.Chook = 391; e.Circumflexsmall = 63222; e.Cmonospace = 65315; e.Coarmenian = 1361; e.Csmall = 63331; e.D = 68; e.DZ = 497; e.DZcaron = 452; e.Daarmenian = 1332; e.Dafrican = 393; e.Dcaron = 270; e.Dcedilla = 7696; e.Dcircle = 9401; e.Dcircumflexbelow = 7698; e.Dcroat = 272; e.Ddotaccent = 7690; e.Ddotbelow = 7692; e.Decyrillic = 1044; e.Deicoptic = 1006; e.Delta = 8710; e.Deltagreek = 916; e.Dhook = 394; e.Dieresis = 63179; e.DieresisAcute = 63180; e.DieresisGrave = 63181; e.Dieresissmall = 63400; e.Digammagreek = 988; e.Djecyrillic = 1026; e.Dlinebelow = 7694; e.Dmonospace = 65316; e.Dotaccentsmall = 63223; e.Dslash = 272; e.Dsmall = 63332; e.Dtopbar = 395; e.Dz = 498; e.Dzcaron = 453; e.Dzeabkhasiancyrillic = 1248; e.Dzecyrillic = 1029; e.Dzhecyrillic = 1039; e.E = 69; e.Eacute = 201; e.Eacutesmall = 63465; e.Ebreve = 276; e.Ecaron = 282; e.Ecedillabreve = 7708; e.Echarmenian = 1333; e.Ecircle = 9402; e.Ecircumflex = 202; e.Ecircumflexacute = 7870; e.Ecircumflexbelow = 7704; e.Ecircumflexdotbelow = 7878; e.Ecircumflexgrave = 7872; e.Ecircumflexhookabove = 7874; e.Ecircumflexsmall = 63466; e.Ecircumflextilde = 7876; e.Ecyrillic = 1028; e.Edblgrave = 516; e.Edieresis = 203; e.Edieresissmall = 63467; e.Edot = 278; e.Edotaccent = 278; e.Edotbelow = 7864; e.Efcyrillic = 1060; e.Egrave = 200; e.Egravesmall = 63464; e.Eharmenian = 1335; e.Ehookabove = 7866; e.Eightroman = 8551; e.Einvertedbreve = 518; e.Eiotifiedcyrillic = 1124; e.Elcyrillic = 1051; e.Elevenroman = 8554; e.Emacron = 274; e.Emacronacute = 7702; e.Emacrongrave = 7700; e.Emcyrillic = 1052; e.Emonospace = 65317; e.Encyrillic = 1053; e.Endescendercyrillic = 1186; e.Eng = 330; e.Enghecyrillic = 1188; e.Enhookcyrillic = 1223; e.Eogonek = 280; e.Eopen = 400; e.Epsilon = 917; e.Epsilontonos = 904; e.Ercyrillic = 1056; e.Ereversed = 398; e.Ereversedcyrillic = 1069; e.Escyrillic = 1057; e.Esdescendercyrillic = 1194; e.Esh = 425; e.Esmall = 63333; e.Eta = 919; e.Etarmenian = 1336; e.Etatonos = 905; e.Eth = 208; e.Ethsmall = 63472; e.Etilde = 7868; e.Etildebelow = 7706; e.Euro = 8364; e.Ezh = 439; e.Ezhcaron = 494; e.Ezhreversed = 440; e.F = 70; e.Fcircle = 9403; e.Fdotaccent = 7710; e.Feharmenian = 1366; e.Feicoptic = 996; e.Fhook = 401; e.Fitacyrillic = 1138; e.Fiveroman = 8548; e.Fmonospace = 65318; e.Fourroman = 8547; e.Fsmall = 63334; e.G = 71; e.GBsquare = 13191; e.Gacute = 500; e.Gamma = 915; e.Gammaafrican = 404; e.Gangiacoptic = 1002; e.Gbreve = 286; e.Gcaron = 486; e.Gcedilla = 290; e.Gcircle = 9404; e.Gcircumflex = 284; e.Gcommaaccent = 290; e.Gdot = 288; e.Gdotaccent = 288; e.Gecyrillic = 1043; e.Ghadarmenian = 1346; e.Ghemiddlehookcyrillic = 1172; e.Ghestrokecyrillic = 1170; e.Gheupturncyrillic = 1168; e.Ghook = 403; e.Gimarmenian = 1331; e.Gjecyrillic = 1027; e.Gmacron = 7712; e.Gmonospace = 65319; e.Grave = 63182; e.Gravesmall = 63328; e.Gsmall = 63335; e.Gsmallhook = 667; e.Gstroke = 484; e.H = 72; e.H18533 = 9679; e.H18543 = 9642; e.H18551 = 9643; e.H22073 = 9633; e.HPsquare = 13259; e.Haabkhasiancyrillic = 1192; e.Hadescendercyrillic = 1202; e.Hardsigncyrillic = 1066; e.Hbar = 294; e.Hbrevebelow = 7722; e.Hcedilla = 7720; e.Hcircle = 9405; e.Hcircumflex = 292; e.Hdieresis = 7718; e.Hdotaccent = 7714; e.Hdotbelow = 7716; e.Hmonospace = 65320; e.Hoarmenian = 1344; e.Horicoptic = 1e3; e.Hsmall = 63336; e.Hungarumlaut = 63183; e.Hungarumlautsmall = 63224; e.Hzsquare = 13200; e.I = 73; e.IAcyrillic = 1071; e.IJ = 306; e.IUcyrillic = 1070; e.Iacute = 205; e.Iacutesmall = 63469; e.Ibreve = 300; e.Icaron = 463; e.Icircle = 9406; e.Icircumflex = 206; e.Icircumflexsmall = 63470; e.Icyrillic = 1030; e.Idblgrave = 520; e.Idieresis = 207; e.Idieresisacute = 7726; e.Idieresiscyrillic = 1252; e.Idieresissmall = 63471; e.Idot = 304; e.Idotaccent = 304; e.Idotbelow = 7882; e.Iebrevecyrillic = 1238; e.Iecyrillic = 1045; e.Ifraktur = 8465; e.Igrave = 204; e.Igravesmall = 63468; e.Ihookabove = 7880; e.Iicyrillic = 1048; e.Iinvertedbreve = 522; e.Iishortcyrillic = 1049; e.Imacron = 298; e.Imacroncyrillic = 1250; e.Imonospace = 65321; e.Iniarmenian = 1339; e.Iocyrillic = 1025; e.Iogonek = 302; e.Iota = 921; e.Iotaafrican = 406; e.Iotadieresis = 938; e.Iotatonos = 906; e.Ismall = 63337; e.Istroke = 407; e.Itilde = 296; e.Itildebelow = 7724; e.Izhitsacyrillic = 1140; e.Izhitsadblgravecyrillic = 1142; e.J = 74; e.Jaarmenian = 1345; e.Jcircle = 9407; e.Jcircumflex = 308; e.Jecyrillic = 1032; e.Jheharmenian = 1355; e.Jmonospace = 65322; e.Jsmall = 63338; e.K = 75; e.KBsquare = 13189; e.KKsquare = 13261; e.Kabashkircyrillic = 1184; e.Kacute = 7728; e.Kacyrillic = 1050; e.Kadescendercyrillic = 1178; e.Kahookcyrillic = 1219; e.Kappa = 922; e.Kastrokecyrillic = 1182; e.Kaverticalstrokecyrillic = 1180; e.Kcaron = 488; e.Kcedilla = 310; e.Kcircle = 9408; e.Kcommaaccent = 310; e.Kdotbelow = 7730; e.Keharmenian = 1364; e.Kenarmenian = 1343; e.Khacyrillic = 1061; e.Kheicoptic = 998; e.Khook = 408; e.Kjecyrillic = 1036; e.Klinebelow = 7732; e.Kmonospace = 65323; e.Koppacyrillic = 1152; e.Koppagreek = 990; e.Ksicyrillic = 1134; e.Ksmall = 63339; e.L = 76; e.LJ = 455; e.LL = 63167; e.Lacute = 313; e.Lambda = 923; e.Lcaron = 317; e.Lcedilla = 315; e.Lcircle = 9409; e.Lcircumflexbelow = 7740; e.Lcommaaccent = 315; e.Ldot = 319; e.Ldotaccent = 319; e.Ldotbelow = 7734; e.Ldotbelowmacron = 7736; e.Liwnarmenian = 1340; e.Lj = 456; e.Ljecyrillic = 1033; e.Llinebelow = 7738; e.Lmonospace = 65324; e.Lslash = 321; e.Lslashsmall = 63225; e.Lsmall = 63340; e.M = 77; e.MBsquare = 13190; e.Macron = 63184; e.Macronsmall = 63407; e.Macute = 7742; e.Mcircle = 9410; e.Mdotaccent = 7744; e.Mdotbelow = 7746; e.Menarmenian = 1348; e.Mmonospace = 65325; e.Msmall = 63341; e.Mturned = 412; e.Mu = 924; e.N = 78; e.NJ = 458; e.Nacute = 323; e.Ncaron = 327; e.Ncedilla = 325; e.Ncircle = 9411; e.Ncircumflexbelow = 7754; e.Ncommaaccent = 325; e.Ndotaccent = 7748; e.Ndotbelow = 7750; e.Nhookleft = 413; e.Nineroman = 8552; e.Nj = 459; e.Njecyrillic = 1034; e.Nlinebelow = 7752; e.Nmonospace = 65326; e.Nowarmenian = 1350; e.Nsmall = 63342; e.Ntilde = 209; e.Ntildesmall = 63473; e.Nu = 925; e.O = 79; e.OE = 338; e.OEsmall = 63226; e.Oacute = 211; e.Oacutesmall = 63475; e.Obarredcyrillic = 1256; e.Obarreddieresiscyrillic = 1258; e.Obreve = 334; e.Ocaron = 465; e.Ocenteredtilde = 415; e.Ocircle = 9412; e.Ocircumflex = 212; e.Ocircumflexacute = 7888; e.Ocircumflexdotbelow = 7896; e.Ocircumflexgrave = 7890; e.Ocircumflexhookabove = 7892; e.Ocircumflexsmall = 63476; e.Ocircumflextilde = 7894; e.Ocyrillic = 1054; e.Odblacute = 336; e.Odblgrave = 524; e.Odieresis = 214; e.Odieresiscyrillic = 1254; e.Odieresissmall = 63478; e.Odotbelow = 7884; e.Ogoneksmall = 63227; e.Ograve = 210; e.Ogravesmall = 63474; e.Oharmenian = 1365; e.Ohm = 8486; e.Ohookabove = 7886; e.Ohorn = 416; e.Ohornacute = 7898; e.Ohorndotbelow = 7906; e.Ohorngrave = 7900; e.Ohornhookabove = 7902; e.Ohorntilde = 7904; e.Ohungarumlaut = 336; e.Oi = 418; e.Oinvertedbreve = 526; e.Omacron = 332; e.Omacronacute = 7762; e.Omacrongrave = 7760; e.Omega = 8486; e.Omegacyrillic = 1120; e.Omegagreek = 937; e.Omegaroundcyrillic = 1146; e.Omegatitlocyrillic = 1148; e.Omegatonos = 911; e.Omicron = 927; e.Omicrontonos = 908; e.Omonospace = 65327; e.Oneroman = 8544; e.Oogonek = 490; e.Oogonekmacron = 492; e.Oopen = 390; e.Oslash = 216; e.Oslashacute = 510; e.Oslashsmall = 63480; e.Osmall = 63343; e.Ostrokeacute = 510; e.Otcyrillic = 1150; e.Otilde = 213; e.Otildeacute = 7756; e.Otildedieresis = 7758; e.Otildesmall = 63477; e.P = 80; e.Pacute = 7764; e.Pcircle = 9413; e.Pdotaccent = 7766; e.Pecyrillic = 1055; e.Peharmenian = 1354; e.Pemiddlehookcyrillic = 1190; e.Phi = 934; e.Phook = 420; e.Pi = 928; e.Piwrarmenian = 1363; e.Pmonospace = 65328; e.Psi = 936; e.Psicyrillic = 1136; e.Psmall = 63344; e.Q = 81; e.Qcircle = 9414; e.Qmonospace = 65329; e.Qsmall = 63345; e.R = 82; e.Raarmenian = 1356; e.Racute = 340; e.Rcaron = 344; e.Rcedilla = 342; e.Rcircle = 9415; e.Rcommaaccent = 342; e.Rdblgrave = 528; e.Rdotaccent = 7768; e.Rdotbelow = 7770; e.Rdotbelowmacron = 7772; e.Reharmenian = 1360; e.Rfraktur = 8476; e.Rho = 929; e.Ringsmall = 63228; e.Rinvertedbreve = 530; e.Rlinebelow = 7774; e.Rmonospace = 65330; e.Rsmall = 63346; e.Rsmallinverted = 641; e.Rsmallinvertedsuperior = 694; e.S = 83; e.SF010000 = 9484; e.SF020000 = 9492; e.SF030000 = 9488; e.SF040000 = 9496; e.SF050000 = 9532; e.SF060000 = 9516; e.SF070000 = 9524; e.SF080000 = 9500; e.SF090000 = 9508; e.SF100000 = 9472; e.SF110000 = 9474; e.SF190000 = 9569; e.SF200000 = 9570; e.SF210000 = 9558; e.SF220000 = 9557; e.SF230000 = 9571; e.SF240000 = 9553; e.SF250000 = 9559; e.SF260000 = 9565; e.SF270000 = 9564; e.SF280000 = 9563; e.SF360000 = 9566; e.SF370000 = 9567; e.SF380000 = 9562; e.SF390000 = 9556; e.SF400000 = 9577; e.SF410000 = 9574; e.SF420000 = 9568; e.SF430000 = 9552; e.SF440000 = 9580; e.SF450000 = 9575; e.SF460000 = 9576; e.SF470000 = 9572; e.SF480000 = 9573; e.SF490000 = 9561; e.SF500000 = 9560; e.SF510000 = 9554; e.SF520000 = 9555; e.SF530000 = 9579; e.SF540000 = 9578; e.Sacute = 346; e.Sacutedotaccent = 7780; e.Sampigreek = 992; e.Scaron = 352; e.Scarondotaccent = 7782; e.Scaronsmall = 63229; e.Scedilla = 350; e.Schwa = 399; e.Schwacyrillic = 1240; e.Schwadieresiscyrillic = 1242; e.Scircle = 9416; e.Scircumflex = 348; e.Scommaaccent = 536; e.Sdotaccent = 7776; e.Sdotbelow = 7778; e.Sdotbelowdotaccent = 7784; e.Seharmenian = 1357; e.Sevenroman = 8550; e.Shaarmenian = 1351; e.Shacyrillic = 1064; e.Shchacyrillic = 1065; e.Sheicoptic = 994; e.Shhacyrillic = 1210; e.Shimacoptic = 1004; e.Sigma = 931; e.Sixroman = 8549; e.Smonospace = 65331; e.Softsigncyrillic = 1068; e.Ssmall = 63347; e.Stigmagreek = 986; e.T = 84; e.Tau = 932; e.Tbar = 358; e.Tcaron = 356; e.Tcedilla = 354; e.Tcircle = 9417; e.Tcircumflexbelow = 7792; e.Tcommaaccent = 354; e.Tdotaccent = 7786; e.Tdotbelow = 7788; e.Tecyrillic = 1058; e.Tedescendercyrillic = 1196; e.Tenroman = 8553; e.Tetsecyrillic = 1204; e.Theta = 920; e.Thook = 428; e.Thorn = 222; e.Thornsmall = 63486; e.Threeroman = 8546; e.Tildesmall = 63230; e.Tiwnarmenian = 1359; e.Tlinebelow = 7790; e.Tmonospace = 65332; e.Toarmenian = 1337; e.Tonefive = 444; e.Tonesix = 388; e.Tonetwo = 423; e.Tretroflexhook = 430; e.Tsecyrillic = 1062; e.Tshecyrillic = 1035; e.Tsmall = 63348; e.Twelveroman = 8555; e.Tworoman = 8545; e.U = 85; e.Uacute = 218; e.Uacutesmall = 63482; e.Ubreve = 364; e.Ucaron = 467; e.Ucircle = 9418; e.Ucircumflex = 219; e.Ucircumflexbelow = 7798; e.Ucircumflexsmall = 63483; e.Ucyrillic = 1059; e.Udblacute = 368; e.Udblgrave = 532; e.Udieresis = 220; e.Udieresisacute = 471; e.Udieresisbelow = 7794; e.Udieresiscaron = 473; e.Udieresiscyrillic = 1264; e.Udieresisgrave = 475; e.Udieresismacron = 469; e.Udieresissmall = 63484; e.Udotbelow = 7908; e.Ugrave = 217; e.Ugravesmall = 63481; e.Uhookabove = 7910; e.Uhorn = 431; e.Uhornacute = 7912; e.Uhorndotbelow = 7920; e.Uhorngrave = 7914; e.Uhornhookabove = 7916; e.Uhorntilde = 7918; e.Uhungarumlaut = 368; e.Uhungarumlautcyrillic = 1266; e.Uinvertedbreve = 534; e.Ukcyrillic = 1144; e.Umacron = 362; e.Umacroncyrillic = 1262; e.Umacrondieresis = 7802; e.Umonospace = 65333; e.Uogonek = 370; e.Upsilon = 933; e.Upsilon1 = 978; e.Upsilonacutehooksymbolgreek = 979; e.Upsilonafrican = 433; e.Upsilondieresis = 939; e.Upsilondieresishooksymbolgreek = 980; e.Upsilonhooksymbol = 978; e.Upsilontonos = 910; e.Uring = 366; e.Ushortcyrillic = 1038; e.Usmall = 63349; e.Ustraightcyrillic = 1198; e.Ustraightstrokecyrillic = 1200; e.Utilde = 360; e.Utildeacute = 7800; e.Utildebelow = 7796; e.V = 86; e.Vcircle = 9419; e.Vdotbelow = 7806; e.Vecyrillic = 1042; e.Vewarmenian = 1358; e.Vhook = 434; e.Vmonospace = 65334; e.Voarmenian = 1352; e.Vsmall = 63350; e.Vtilde = 7804; e.W = 87; e.Wacute = 7810; e.Wcircle = 9420; e.Wcircumflex = 372; e.Wdieresis = 7812; e.Wdotaccent = 7814; e.Wdotbelow = 7816; e.Wgrave = 7808; e.Wmonospace = 65335; e.Wsmall = 63351; e.X = 88; e.Xcircle = 9421; e.Xdieresis = 7820; e.Xdotaccent = 7818; e.Xeharmenian = 1341; e.Xi = 926; e.Xmonospace = 65336; e.Xsmall = 63352; e.Y = 89; e.Yacute = 221; e.Yacutesmall = 63485; e.Yatcyrillic = 1122; e.Ycircle = 9422; e.Ycircumflex = 374; e.Ydieresis = 376; e.Ydieresissmall = 63487; e.Ydotaccent = 7822; e.Ydotbelow = 7924; e.Yericyrillic = 1067; e.Yerudieresiscyrillic = 1272; e.Ygrave = 7922; e.Yhook = 435; e.Yhookabove = 7926; e.Yiarmenian = 1349; e.Yicyrillic = 1031; e.Yiwnarmenian = 1362; e.Ymonospace = 65337; e.Ysmall = 63353; e.Ytilde = 7928; e.Yusbigcyrillic = 1130; e.Yusbigiotifiedcyrillic = 1132; e.Yuslittlecyrillic = 1126; e.Yuslittleiotifiedcyrillic = 1128; e.Z = 90; e.Zaarmenian = 1334; e.Zacute = 377; e.Zcaron = 381; e.Zcaronsmall = 63231; e.Zcircle = 9423; e.Zcircumflex = 7824; e.Zdot = 379; e.Zdotaccent = 379; e.Zdotbelow = 7826; e.Zecyrillic = 1047; e.Zedescendercyrillic = 1176; e.Zedieresiscyrillic = 1246; e.Zeta = 918; e.Zhearmenian = 1338; e.Zhebrevecyrillic = 1217; e.Zhecyrillic = 1046; e.Zhedescendercyrillic = 1174; e.Zhedieresiscyrillic = 1244; e.Zlinebelow = 7828; e.Zmonospace = 65338; e.Zsmall = 63354; e.Zstroke = 437; e.a = 97; e.aabengali = 2438; e.aacute = 225; e.aadeva = 2310; e.aagujarati = 2694; e.aagurmukhi = 2566; e.aamatragurmukhi = 2622; e.aarusquare = 13059; e.aavowelsignbengali = 2494; e.aavowelsigndeva = 2366; e.aavowelsigngujarati = 2750; e.abbreviationmarkarmenian = 1375; e.abbreviationsigndeva = 2416; e.abengali = 2437; e.abopomofo = 12570; e.abreve = 259; e.abreveacute = 7855; e.abrevecyrillic = 1233; e.abrevedotbelow = 7863; e.abrevegrave = 7857; e.abrevehookabove = 7859; e.abrevetilde = 7861; e.acaron = 462; e.acircle = 9424; e.acircumflex = 226; e.acircumflexacute = 7845; e.acircumflexdotbelow = 7853; e.acircumflexgrave = 7847; e.acircumflexhookabove = 7849; e.acircumflextilde = 7851; e.acute = 180; e.acutebelowcmb = 791; e.acutecmb = 769; e.acutecomb = 769; e.acutedeva = 2388; e.acutelowmod = 719; e.acutetonecmb = 833; e.acyrillic = 1072; e.adblgrave = 513; e.addakgurmukhi = 2673; e.adeva = 2309; e.adieresis = 228; e.adieresiscyrillic = 1235; e.adieresismacron = 479; e.adotbelow = 7841; e.adotmacron = 481; = 230; e.aeacute = 509; e.aekorean = 12624; e.aemacron = 483; e.afii00208 = 8213; e.afii08941 = 8356; e.afii10017 = 1040; e.afii10018 = 1041; e.afii10019 = 1042; e.afii10020 = 1043; e.afii10021 = 1044; e.afii10022 = 1045; e.afii10023 = 1025; e.afii10024 = 1046; e.afii10025 = 1047; e.afii10026 = 1048; e.afii10027 = 1049; e.afii10028 = 1050; e.afii10029 = 1051; e.afii10030 = 1052; e.afii10031 = 1053; e.afii10032 = 1054; e.afii10033 = 1055; e.afii10034 = 1056; e.afii10035 = 1057; e.afii10036 = 1058; e.afii10037 = 1059; e.afii10038 = 1060; e.afii10039 = 1061; e.afii10040 = 1062; e.afii10041 = 1063; e.afii10042 = 1064; e.afii10043 = 1065; e.afii10044 = 1066; e.afii10045 = 1067; e.afii10046 = 1068; e.afii10047 = 1069; e.afii10048 = 1070; e.afii10049 = 1071; e.afii10050 = 1168; e.afii10051 = 1026; e.afii10052 = 1027; e.afii10053 = 1028; e.afii10054 = 1029; e.afii10055 = 1030; e.afii10056 = 1031; e.afii10057 = 1032; e.afii10058 = 1033; e.afii10059 = 1034; e.afii10060 = 1035; e.afii10061 = 1036; e.afii10062 = 1038; e.afii10063 = 63172; e.afii10064 = 63173; e.afii10065 = 1072; e.afii10066 = 1073; e.afii10067 = 1074; e.afii10068 = 1075; e.afii10069 = 1076; e.afii10070 = 1077; e.afii10071 = 1105; e.afii10072 = 1078; e.afii10073 = 1079; e.afii10074 = 1080; e.afii10075 = 1081; e.afii10076 = 1082; e.afii10077 = 1083; e.afii10078 = 1084; e.afii10079 = 1085; e.afii10080 = 1086; e.afii10081 = 1087; e.afii10082 = 1088; e.afii10083 = 1089; e.afii10084 = 1090; e.afii10085 = 1091; e.afii10086 = 1092; e.afii10087 = 1093; e.afii10088 = 1094; e.afii10089 = 1095; e.afii10090 = 1096; e.afii10091 = 1097; e.afii10092 = 1098; e.afii10093 = 1099; e.afii10094 = 1100; e.afii10095 = 1101; e.afii10096 = 1102; e.afii10097 = 1103; e.afii10098 = 1169; e.afii10099 = 1106; e.afii10100 = 1107; e.afii10101 = 1108; e.afii10102 = 1109; e.afii10103 = 1110; e.afii10104 = 1111; e.afii10105 = 1112; e.afii10106 = 1113; e.afii10107 = 1114; e.afii10108 = 1115; e.afii10109 = 1116; e.afii10110 = 1118; e.afii10145 = 1039; e.afii10146 = 1122; e.afii10147 = 1138; e.afii10148 = 1140; e.afii10192 = 63174; e.afii10193 = 1119; e.afii10194 = 1123; e.afii10195 = 1139; e.afii10196 = 1141; e.afii10831 = 63175; e.afii10832 = 63176; e.afii10846 = 1241; e.afii299 = 8206; e.afii300 = 8207; e.afii301 = 8205; e.afii57381 = 1642; e.afii57388 = 1548; e.afii57392 = 1632; e.afii57393 = 1633; e.afii57394 = 1634; e.afii57395 = 1635; e.afii57396 = 1636; e.afii57397 = 1637; e.afii57398 = 1638; e.afii57399 = 1639; e.afii57400 = 1640; e.afii57401 = 1641; e.afii57403 = 1563; e.afii57407 = 1567; e.afii57409 = 1569; e.afii57410 = 1570; e.afii57411 = 1571; e.afii57412 = 1572; e.afii57413 = 1573; e.afii57414 = 1574; e.afii57415 = 1575; e.afii57416 = 1576; e.afii57417 = 1577; e.afii57418 = 1578; e.afii57419 = 1579; e.afii57420 = 1580; e.afii57421 = 1581; e.afii57422 = 1582; e.afii57423 = 1583; e.afii57424 = 1584; e.afii57425 = 1585; e.afii57426 = 1586; e.afii57427 = 1587; e.afii57428 = 1588; e.afii57429 = 1589; e.afii57430 = 1590; e.afii57431 = 1591; e.afii57432 = 1592; e.afii57433 = 1593; e.afii57434 = 1594; e.afii57440 = 1600; e.afii57441 = 1601; e.afii57442 = 1602; e.afii57443 = 1603; e.afii57444 = 1604; e.afii57445 = 1605; e.afii57446 = 1606; e.afii57448 = 1608; e.afii57449 = 1609; e.afii57450 = 1610; e.afii57451 = 1611; e.afii57452 = 1612; e.afii57453 = 1613; e.afii57454 = 1614; e.afii57455 = 1615; e.afii57456 = 1616; e.afii57457 = 1617; e.afii57458 = 1618; e.afii57470 = 1607; e.afii57505 = 1700; e.afii57506 = 1662; e.afii57507 = 1670; e.afii57508 = 1688; e.afii57509 = 1711; e.afii57511 = 1657; e.afii57512 = 1672; e.afii57513 = 1681; e.afii57514 = 1722; e.afii57519 = 1746; e.afii57534 = 1749; e.afii57636 = 8362; e.afii57645 = 1470; e.afii57658 = 1475; e.afii57664 = 1488; e.afii57665 = 1489; e.afii57666 = 1490; e.afii57667 = 1491; e.afii57668 = 1492; e.afii57669 = 1493; e.afii57670 = 1494; e.afii57671 = 1495; e.afii57672 = 1496; e.afii57673 = 1497; e.afii57674 = 1498; e.afii57675 = 1499; e.afii57676 = 1500; e.afii57677 = 1501; e.afii57678 = 1502; e.afii57679 = 1503; e.afii57680 = 1504; e.afii57681 = 1505; e.afii57682 = 1506; e.afii57683 = 1507; e.afii57684 = 1508; e.afii57685 = 1509; e.afii57686 = 1510; e.afii57687 = 1511; e.afii57688 = 1512; e.afii57689 = 1513; e.afii57690 = 1514; e.afii57694 = 64298; e.afii57695 = 64299; e.afii57700 = 64331; e.afii57705 = 64287; e.afii57716 = 1520; e.afii57717 = 1521; e.afii57718 = 1522; e.afii57723 = 64309; e.afii57793 = 1460; e.afii57794 = 1461; e.afii57795 = 1462; e.afii57796 = 1467; e.afii57797 = 1464; e.afii57798 = 1463; e.afii57799 = 1456; e.afii57800 = 1458; e.afii57801 = 1457; e.afii57802 = 1459; e.afii57803 = 1474; e.afii57804 = 1473; e.afii57806 = 1465; e.afii57807 = 1468; e.afii57839 = 1469; e.afii57841 = 1471; e.afii57842 = 1472; e.afii57929 = 700; e.afii61248 = 8453; e.afii61289 = 8467; e.afii61352 = 8470; e.afii61573 = 8236; e.afii61574 = 8237; e.afii61575 = 8238; e.afii61664 = 8204; e.afii63167 = 1645; e.afii64937 = 701; e.agrave = 224; e.agujarati = 2693; e.agurmukhi = 2565; e.ahiragana = 12354; e.ahookabove = 7843; e.aibengali = 2448; e.aibopomofo = 12574; e.aideva = 2320; e.aiecyrillic = 1237; e.aigujarati = 2704; e.aigurmukhi = 2576; e.aimatragurmukhi = 2632; e.ainarabic = 1593; e.ainfinalarabic = 65226; e.aininitialarabic = 65227; e.ainmedialarabic = 65228; e.ainvertedbreve = 515; e.aivowelsignbengali = 2504; e.aivowelsigndeva = 2376; e.aivowelsigngujarati = 2760; e.akatakana = 12450; e.akatakanahalfwidth = 65393; e.akorean = 12623; e.alef = 1488; e.alefarabic = 1575; e.alefdageshhebrew = 64304; e.aleffinalarabic = 65166; e.alefhamzaabovearabic = 1571; e.alefhamzaabovefinalarabic = 65156; e.alefhamzabelowarabic = 1573; e.alefhamzabelowfinalarabic = 65160; e.alefhebrew = 1488; e.aleflamedhebrew = 64335; e.alefmaddaabovearabic = 1570; e.alefmaddaabovefinalarabic = 65154; e.alefmaksuraarabic = 1609; e.alefmaksurafinalarabic = 65264; e.alefmaksurainitialarabic = 65267; e.alefmaksuramedialarabic = 65268; e.alefpatahhebrew = 64302; e.alefqamatshebrew = 64303; e.aleph = 8501; e.allequal = 8780; e.alpha = 945; e.alphatonos = 940; e.amacron = 257; e.amonospace = 65345; e.ampersand = 38; e.ampersandmonospace = 65286; e.ampersandsmall = 63270; e.amsquare = 13250; e.anbopomofo = 12578; e.angbopomofo = 12580; e.angbracketleft = 12296; e.angbracketright = 12297; e.angkhankhuthai = 3674; e.angle = 8736; e.anglebracketleft = 12296; e.anglebracketleftvertical = 65087; e.anglebracketright = 12297; e.anglebracketrightvertical = 65088; e.angleleft = 9001; e.angleright = 9002; e.angstrom = 8491; e.anoteleia = 903; e.anudattadeva = 2386; e.anusvarabengali = 2434; e.anusvaradeva = 2306; e.anusvaragujarati = 2690; e.aogonek = 261; e.apaatosquare = 13056; e.aparen = 9372; e.apostrophearmenian = 1370; e.apostrophemod = 700; = 63743; e.approaches = 8784; e.approxequal = 8776; e.approxequalorimage = 8786; e.approximatelyequal = 8773; e.araeaekorean = 12686; e.araeakorean = 12685; e.arc = 8978; e.arighthalfring = 7834; e.aring = 229; e.aringacute = 507; e.aringbelow = 7681; e.arrowboth = 8596; e.arrowdashdown = 8675; e.arrowdashleft = 8672; e.arrowdashright = 8674; e.arrowdashup = 8673; e.arrowdblboth = 8660; e.arrowdbldown = 8659; e.arrowdblleft = 8656; e.arrowdblright = 8658; e.arrowdblup = 8657; e.arrowdown = 8595; e.arrowdownleft = 8601; e.arrowdownright = 8600; e.arrowdownwhite = 8681; e.arrowheaddownmod = 709; e.arrowheadleftmod = 706; e.arrowheadrightmod = 707; e.arrowheadupmod = 708; e.arrowhorizex = 63719; e.arrowleft = 8592; e.arrowleftdbl = 8656; e.arrowleftdblstroke = 8653; e.arrowleftoverright = 8646; e.arrowleftwhite = 8678; e.arrowright = 8594; e.arrowrightdblstroke = 8655; e.arrowrightheavy = 10142; e.arrowrightoverleft = 8644; e.arrowrightwhite = 8680; e.arrowtableft = 8676; e.arrowtabright = 8677; e.arrowup = 8593; e.arrowupdn = 8597; e.arrowupdnbse = 8616; e.arrowupdownbase = 8616; e.arrowupleft = 8598; e.arrowupleftofdown = 8645; e.arrowupright = 8599; e.arrowupwhite = 8679; e.arrowvertex = 63718; e.asciicircum = 94; e.asciicircummonospace = 65342; e.asciitilde = 126; e.asciitildemonospace = 65374; e.ascript = 593; e.ascriptturned = 594; e.asmallhiragana = 12353; e.asmallkatakana = 12449; e.asmallkatakanahalfwidth = 65383; e.asterisk = 42; e.asteriskaltonearabic = 1645; e.asteriskarabic = 1645; e.asteriskmath = 8727; e.asteriskmonospace = 65290; e.asterisksmall = 65121; e.asterism = 8258; e.asuperior = 63209; e.asymptoticallyequal = 8771; = 64; e.atilde = 227; e.atmonospace = 65312; e.atsmall = 65131; e.aturned = 592; e.aubengali = 2452; e.aubopomofo = 12576; e.audeva = 2324; e.augujarati = 2708; e.augurmukhi = 2580; e.aulengthmarkbengali = 2519; e.aumatragurmukhi = 2636; e.auvowelsignbengali = 2508; e.auvowelsigndeva = 2380; e.auvowelsigngujarati = 2764; e.avagrahadeva = 2365; e.aybarmenian = 1377; e.ayin = 1506; e.ayinaltonehebrew = 64288; e.ayinhebrew = 1506; e.b = 98; e.babengali = 2476; e.backslash = 92; e.backslashmonospace = 65340; e.badeva = 2348; e.bagujarati = 2732; e.bagurmukhi = 2604; e.bahiragana = 12400; e.bahtthai = 3647; e.bakatakana = 12496; = 124; e.barmonospace = 65372; e.bbopomofo = 12549; e.bcircle = 9425; e.bdotaccent = 7683; e.bdotbelow = 7685; e.beamedsixteenthnotes = 9836; e.because = 8757; e.becyrillic = 1073; e.beharabic = 1576; e.behfinalarabic = 65168; e.behinitialarabic = 65169; e.behiragana = 12409; e.behmedialarabic = 65170; e.behmeeminitialarabic = 64671; e.behmeemisolatedarabic = 64520; e.behnoonfinalarabic = 64621; e.bekatakana = 12505; e.benarmenian = 1378; = 1489; e.beta = 946; e.betasymbolgreek = 976; e.betdagesh = 64305; e.betdageshhebrew = 64305; e.bethebrew = 1489; e.betrafehebrew = 64332; e.bhabengali = 2477; e.bhadeva = 2349; e.bhagujarati = 2733; e.bhagurmukhi = 2605; e.bhook = 595; e.bihiragana = 12403; e.bikatakana = 12499; e.bilabialclick = 664; e.bindigurmukhi = 2562; e.birusquare = 13105; e.blackcircle = 9679; e.blackdiamond = 9670; e.blackdownpointingtriangle = 9660; e.blackleftpointingpointer = 9668; e.blackleftpointingtriangle = 9664; e.blacklenticularbracketleft = 12304; e.blacklenticularbracketleftvertical = 65083; e.blacklenticularbracketright = 12305; e.blacklenticularbracketrightvertical = 65084; e.blacklowerlefttriangle = 9699; e.blacklowerrighttriangle = 9698; e.blackrectangle = 9644; e.blackrightpointingpointer = 9658; e.blackrightpointingtriangle = 9654; e.blacksmallsquare = 9642; e.blacksmilingface = 9787; e.blacksquare = 9632; e.blackstar = 9733; e.blackupperlefttriangle = 9700; e.blackupperrighttriangle = 9701; e.blackuppointingsmalltriangle = 9652; e.blackuppointingtriangle = 9650; e.blank = 9251; e.blinebelow = 7687; e.block = 9608; e.bmonospace = 65346; e.bobaimaithai = 3610; e.bohiragana = 12412; e.bokatakana = 12508; e.bparen = 9373; e.bqsquare = 13251; e.braceex = 63732; e.braceleft = 123; e.braceleftbt = 63731; e.braceleftmid = 63730; e.braceleftmonospace = 65371; e.braceleftsmall = 65115; e.bracelefttp = 63729; e.braceleftvertical = 65079; e.braceright = 125; e.bracerightbt = 63742; e.bracerightmid = 63741; e.bracerightmonospace = 65373; e.bracerightsmall = 65116; e.bracerighttp = 63740; e.bracerightvertical = 65080; e.bracketleft = 91; e.bracketleftbt = 63728; e.bracketleftex = 63727; e.bracketleftmonospace = 65339; e.bracketlefttp = 63726; e.bracketright = 93; e.bracketrightbt = 63739; e.bracketrightex = 63738; e.bracketrightmonospace = 65341; e.bracketrighttp = 63737; e.breve = 728; e.brevebelowcmb = 814; e.brevecmb = 774; e.breveinvertedbelowcmb = 815; e.breveinvertedcmb = 785; e.breveinverteddoublecmb = 865; e.bridgebelowcmb = 810; e.bridgeinvertedbelowcmb = 826; e.brokenbar = 166; e.bstroke = 384; e.bsuperior = 63210; e.btopbar = 387; e.buhiragana = 12406; e.bukatakana = 12502; e.bullet = 8226; e.bulletinverse = 9688; e.bulletoperator = 8729; e.bullseye = 9678; e.c = 99; e.caarmenian = 1390; e.cabengali = 2458; e.cacute = 263; e.cadeva = 2330; e.cagujarati = 2714; e.cagurmukhi = 2586; e.calsquare = 13192; e.candrabindubengali = 2433; e.candrabinducmb = 784; e.candrabindudeva = 2305; e.candrabindugujarati = 2689; e.capslock = 8682; e.careof = 8453; e.caron = 711; e.caronbelowcmb = 812; e.caroncmb = 780; e.carriagereturn = 8629; e.cbopomofo = 12568; e.ccaron = 269; e.ccedilla = 231; e.ccedillaacute = 7689; e.ccircle = 9426; e.ccircumflex = 265; e.ccurl = 597; e.cdot = 267; e.cdotaccent = 267; e.cdsquare = 13253; e.cedilla = 184; e.cedillacmb = 807; e.cent = 162; e.centigrade = 8451; e.centinferior = 63199; e.centmonospace = 65504; e.centoldstyle = 63394; e.centsuperior = 63200; e.chaarmenian = 1401; e.chabengali = 2459; e.chadeva = 2331; e.chagujarati = 2715; e.chagurmukhi = 2587; e.chbopomofo = 12564; e.cheabkhasiancyrillic = 1213; e.checkmark = 10003; e.checyrillic = 1095; e.chedescenderabkhasiancyrillic = 1215; e.chedescendercyrillic = 1207; e.chedieresiscyrillic = 1269; e.cheharmenian = 1395; e.chekhakassiancyrillic = 1228; e.cheverticalstrokecyrillic = 1209; e.chi = 967; e.chieuchacirclekorean = 12919; e.chieuchaparenkorean = 12823; e.chieuchcirclekorean = 12905; e.chieuchkorean = 12618; e.chieuchparenkorean = 12809; e.chochangthai = 3594; e.chochanthai = 3592; e.chochingthai = 3593; e.chochoethai = 3596; e.chook = 392; e.cieucacirclekorean = 12918; e.cieucaparenkorean = 12822; e.cieuccirclekorean = 12904; e.cieuckorean = 12616; e.cieucparenkorean = 12808; e.cieucuparenkorean = 12828; = 9675; e.circlecopyrt = 169; e.circlemultiply = 8855; e.circleot = 8857; e.circleplus = 8853; e.circlepostalmark = 12342; e.circlewithlefthalfblack = 9680; e.circlewithrighthalfblack = 9681; e.circumflex = 710; e.circumflexbelowcmb = 813; e.circumflexcmb = 770; e.clear = 8999; e.clickalveolar = 450; e.clickdental = 448; e.clicklateral = 449; e.clickretroflex = 451; = 9827; e.clubsuitblack = 9827; e.clubsuitwhite = 9831; e.cmcubedsquare = 13220; e.cmonospace = 65347; e.cmsquaredsquare = 13216; e.coarmenian = 1409; e.colon = 58; e.colonmonetary = 8353; e.colonmonospace = 65306; e.colonsign = 8353; e.colonsmall = 65109; e.colontriangularhalfmod = 721; e.colontriangularmod = 720; e.comma = 44; e.commaabovecmb = 787; e.commaaboverightcmb = 789; e.commaaccent = 63171; e.commaarabic = 1548; e.commaarmenian = 1373; e.commainferior = 63201; e.commamonospace = 65292; e.commareversedabovecmb = 788; e.commareversedmod = 701; e.commasmall = 65104; e.commasuperior = 63202; e.commaturnedabovecmb = 786; e.commaturnedmod = 699; e.compass = 9788; e.congruent = 8773; e.contourintegral = 8750; e.control = 8963; e.controlACK = 6; e.controlBEL = 7; e.controlBS = 8; e.controlCAN = 24; e.controlCR = 13; e.controlDC1 = 17; e.controlDC2 = 18; e.controlDC3 = 19; e.controlDC4 = 20; e.controlDEL = 127; e.controlDLE = 16; e.controlEM = 25; e.controlENQ = 5; e.controlEOT = 4; e.controlESC = 27; e.controlETB = 23; e.controlETX = 3; e.controlFF = 12; e.controlFS = 28; e.controlGS = 29; e.controlHT = 9; e.controlLF = 10; e.controlNAK = 21; e.controlNULL = 0; e.controlRS = 30; e.controlSI = 15; e.controlSO = 14; e.controlSOT = 2; e.controlSTX = 1; e.controlSUB = 26; e.controlSYN = 22; e.controlUS = 31; e.controlVT = 11; e.copyright = 169; e.copyrightsans = 63721; e.copyrightserif = 63193; e.cornerbracketleft = 12300; e.cornerbracketlefthalfwidth = 65378; e.cornerbracketleftvertical = 65089; e.cornerbracketright = 12301; e.cornerbracketrighthalfwidth = 65379; e.cornerbracketrightvertical = 65090; e.corporationsquare = 13183; e.cosquare = 13255; e.coverkgsquare = 13254; e.cparen = 9374; e.cruzeiro = 8354; e.cstretched = 663; e.curlyand = 8911; e.curlyor = 8910; e.currency = 164; e.cyrBreve = 63185; e.cyrFlex = 63186; e.cyrbreve = 63188; e.cyrflex = 63189; e.d = 100; e.daarmenian = 1380; e.dabengali = 2470; e.dadarabic = 1590; e.dadeva = 2342; e.dadfinalarabic = 65214; e.dadinitialarabic = 65215; e.dadmedialarabic = 65216; e.dagesh = 1468; e.dageshhebrew = 1468; e.dagger = 8224; e.daggerdbl = 8225; e.dagujarati = 2726; e.dagurmukhi = 2598; e.dahiragana = 12384; e.dakatakana = 12480; e.dalarabic = 1583; e.dalet = 1491; e.daletdagesh = 64307; e.daletdageshhebrew = 64307; e.dalethebrew = 1491; e.dalfinalarabic = 65194; e.dammaarabic = 1615; e.dammalowarabic = 1615; e.dammatanaltonearabic = 1612; e.dammatanarabic = 1612; e.danda = 2404; e.dargahebrew = 1447; e.dargalefthebrew = 1447; e.dasiapneumatacyrilliccmb = 1157; e.dblGrave = 63187; e.dblanglebracketleft = 12298; e.dblanglebracketleftvertical = 65085; e.dblanglebracketright = 12299; e.dblanglebracketrightvertical = 65086; e.dblarchinvertedbelowcmb = 811; e.dblarrowleft = 8660; e.dblarrowright = 8658; e.dbldanda = 2405; e.dblgrave = 63190; e.dblgravecmb = 783; e.dblintegral = 8748; e.dbllowline = 8215; e.dbllowlinecmb = 819; e.dbloverlinecmb = 831; e.dblprimemod = 698; e.dblverticalbar = 8214; e.dblverticallineabovecmb = 782; e.dbopomofo = 12553; e.dbsquare = 13256; e.dcaron = 271; e.dcedilla = 7697; e.dcircle = 9427; e.dcircumflexbelow = 7699; e.dcroat = 273; e.ddabengali = 2465; e.ddadeva = 2337; e.ddagujarati = 2721; e.ddagurmukhi = 2593; e.ddalarabic = 1672; e.ddalfinalarabic = 64393; e.dddhadeva = 2396; e.ddhabengali = 2466; e.ddhadeva = 2338; e.ddhagujarati = 2722; e.ddhagurmukhi = 2594; e.ddotaccent = 7691; e.ddotbelow = 7693; e.decimalseparatorarabic = 1643; e.decimalseparatorpersian = 1643; e.decyrillic = 1076; = 176; e.dehihebrew = 1453; e.dehiragana = 12391; e.deicoptic = 1007; e.dekatakana = 12487; e.deleteleft = 9003; e.deleteright = 8998; = 948; e.deltaturned = 397; e.denominatorminusonenumeratorbengali = 2552; e.dezh = 676; e.dhabengali = 2471; e.dhadeva = 2343; e.dhagujarati = 2727; e.dhagurmukhi = 2599; e.dhook = 599; e.dialytikatonos = 901; e.dialytikatonoscmb = 836; e.diamond = 9830; e.diamondsuitwhite = 9826; e.dieresis = 168; e.dieresisacute = 63191; e.dieresisbelowcmb = 804; e.dieresiscmb = 776; e.dieresisgrave = 63192; e.dieresistonos = 901; e.dihiragana = 12386; e.dikatakana = 12482; e.dittomark = 12291; e.divide = 247; e.divides = 8739; e.divisionslash = 8725; e.djecyrillic = 1106; e.dkshade = 9619; e.dlinebelow = 7695; e.dlsquare = 13207; e.dmacron = 273; e.dmonospace = 65348; e.dnblock = 9604; e.dochadathai = 3598; e.dodekthai = 3604; e.dohiragana = 12393; e.dokatakana = 12489; e.dollar = 36; e.dollarinferior = 63203; e.dollarmonospace = 65284; e.dollaroldstyle = 63268; e.dollarsmall = 65129; e.dollarsuperior = 63204; e.dong = 8363; e.dorusquare = 13094; e.dotaccent = 729; e.dotaccentcmb = 775; e.dotbelowcmb = 803; e.dotbelowcomb = 803; e.dotkatakana = 12539; e.dotlessi = 305; e.dotlessj = 63166; e.dotlessjstrokehook = 644; e.dotmath = 8901; e.dottedcircle = 9676; e.doubleyodpatah = 64287; e.doubleyodpatahhebrew = 64287; e.downtackbelowcmb = 798; e.downtackmod = 725; e.dparen = 9375; e.dsuperior = 63211; e.dtail = 598; e.dtopbar = 396; e.duhiragana = 12389; e.dukatakana = 12485; = 499; e.dzaltone = 675; e.dzcaron = 454; e.dzcurl = 677; e.dzeabkhasiancyrillic = 1249; e.dzecyrillic = 1109; e.dzhecyrillic = 1119; e.e = 101; e.eacute = 233; = 9793; e.ebengali = 2447; e.ebopomofo = 12572; e.ebreve = 277; e.ecandradeva = 2317; e.ecandragujarati = 2701; e.ecandravowelsigndeva = 2373; e.ecandravowelsigngujarati = 2757; e.ecaron = 283; e.ecedillabreve = 7709; e.echarmenian = 1381; e.echyiwnarmenian = 1415; e.ecircle = 9428; e.ecircumflex = 234; e.ecircumflexacute = 7871; e.ecircumflexbelow = 7705; e.ecircumflexdotbelow = 7879; e.ecircumflexgrave = 7873; e.ecircumflexhookabove = 7875; e.ecircumflextilde = 7877; e.ecyrillic = 1108; e.edblgrave = 517; e.edeva = 2319; e.edieresis = 235; e.edot = 279; e.edotaccent = 279; e.edotbelow = 7865; e.eegurmukhi = 2575; e.eematragurmukhi = 2631; e.efcyrillic = 1092; e.egrave = 232; e.egujarati = 2703; e.eharmenian = 1383; e.ehbopomofo = 12573; e.ehiragana = 12360; e.ehookabove = 7867; e.eibopomofo = 12575; e.eight = 56; e.eightarabic = 1640; e.eightbengali = 2542; e.eightcircle = 9319; e.eightcircleinversesansserif = 10129; e.eightdeva = 2414; e.eighteencircle = 9329; e.eighteenparen = 9349; e.eighteenperiod = 9369; e.eightgujarati = 2798; e.eightgurmukhi = 2670; e.eighthackarabic = 1640; e.eighthangzhou = 12328; e.eighthnotebeamed = 9835; e.eightideographicparen = 12839; e.eightinferior = 8328; e.eightmonospace = 65304; e.eightoldstyle = 63288; e.eightparen = 9339; e.eightperiod = 9359; e.eightpersian = 1784; e.eightroman = 8567; e.eightsuperior = 8312; e.eightthai = 3672; e.einvertedbreve = 519; e.eiotifiedcyrillic = 1125; e.ekatakana = 12456; e.ekatakanahalfwidth = 65396; e.ekonkargurmukhi = 2676; e.ekorean = 12628; e.elcyrillic = 1083; e.element = 8712; e.elevencircle = 9322; e.elevenparen = 9342; e.elevenperiod = 9362; e.elevenroman = 8570; e.ellipsis = 8230; e.ellipsisvertical = 8942; e.emacron = 275; e.emacronacute = 7703; e.emacrongrave = 7701; e.emcyrillic = 1084; e.emdash = 8212; e.emdashvertical = 65073; e.emonospace = 65349; e.emphasismarkarmenian = 1371; e.emptyset = 8709; e.enbopomofo = 12579; e.encyrillic = 1085; e.endash = 8211; e.endashvertical = 65074; e.endescendercyrillic = 1187; e.eng = 331; e.engbopomofo = 12581; e.enghecyrillic = 1189; e.enhookcyrillic = 1224; e.enspace = 8194; e.eogonek = 281; e.eokorean = 12627; e.eopen = 603; e.eopenclosed = 666; e.eopenreversed = 604; e.eopenreversedclosed = 606; e.eopenreversedhook = 605; e.eparen = 9376; e.epsilon = 949; e.epsilontonos = 941; e.equal = 61; e.equalmonospace = 65309; e.equalsmall = 65126; e.equalsuperior = 8316; e.equivalence = 8801; e.erbopomofo = 12582; e.ercyrillic = 1088; e.ereversed = 600; e.ereversedcyrillic = 1101; e.escyrillic = 1089; e.esdescendercyrillic = 1195; e.esh = 643; e.eshcurl = 646; e.eshortdeva = 2318; e.eshortvowelsigndeva = 2374; e.eshreversedloop = 426; e.eshsquatreversed = 645; e.esmallhiragana = 12359; e.esmallkatakana = 12455; e.esmallkatakanahalfwidth = 65386; e.estimated = 8494; e.esuperior = 63212; e.eta = 951; e.etarmenian = 1384; e.etatonos = 942; e.eth = 240; e.etilde = 7869; e.etildebelow = 7707; e.etnahtafoukhhebrew = 1425; e.etnahtafoukhlefthebrew = 1425; e.etnahtahebrew = 1425; e.etnahtalefthebrew = 1425; e.eturned = 477; e.eukorean = 12641; e.euro = 8364; e.evowelsignbengali = 2503; e.evowelsigndeva = 2375; e.evowelsigngujarati = 2759; e.exclam = 33; e.exclamarmenian = 1372; e.exclamdbl = 8252; e.exclamdown = 161; e.exclamdownsmall = 63393; e.exclammonospace = 65281; e.exclamsmall = 63265; e.existential = 8707; e.ezh = 658; e.ezhcaron = 495; e.ezhcurl = 659; e.ezhreversed = 441; e.ezhtail = 442; e.f = 102; e.fadeva = 2398; e.fagurmukhi = 2654; e.fahrenheit = 8457; e.fathaarabic = 1614; e.fathalowarabic = 1614; e.fathatanarabic = 1611; e.fbopomofo = 12552; e.fcircle = 9429; e.fdotaccent = 7711; e.feharabic = 1601; e.feharmenian = 1414; e.fehfinalarabic = 65234; e.fehinitialarabic = 65235; e.fehmedialarabic = 65236; e.feicoptic = 997; e.female = 9792; e.ff = 64256; e.f_f = 64256; e.ffi = 64259; e.f_f_i = 64259; e.ffl = 64260; e.f_f_l = 64260; = 64257; e.f_i = 64257; e.fifteencircle = 9326; e.fifteenparen = 9346; e.fifteenperiod = 9366; e.figuredash = 8210; e.filledbox = 9632; e.filledrect = 9644; e.finalkaf = 1498; e.finalkafdagesh = 64314; e.finalkafdageshhebrew = 64314; e.finalkafhebrew = 1498; e.finalmem = 1501; e.finalmemhebrew = 1501; e.finalnun = 1503; e.finalnunhebrew = 1503; e.finalpe = 1507; e.finalpehebrew = 1507; e.finaltsadi = 1509; e.finaltsadihebrew = 1509; e.firsttonechinese = 713; e.fisheye = 9673; e.fitacyrillic = 1139; e.five = 53; e.fivearabic = 1637; e.fivebengali = 2539; e.fivecircle = 9316; e.fivecircleinversesansserif = 10126; e.fivedeva = 2411; e.fiveeighths = 8541; e.fivegujarati = 2795; e.fivegurmukhi = 2667; e.fivehackarabic = 1637; e.fivehangzhou = 12325; e.fiveideographicparen = 12836; e.fiveinferior = 8325; e.fivemonospace = 65301; e.fiveoldstyle = 63285; e.fiveparen = 9336; e.fiveperiod = 9356; e.fivepersian = 1781; e.fiveroman = 8564; e.fivesuperior = 8309; e.fivethai = 3669; e.fl = 64258; e.f_l = 64258; e.florin = 402; e.fmonospace = 65350; e.fmsquare = 13209; e.fofanthai = 3615; e.fofathai = 3613; e.fongmanthai = 3663; e.forall = 8704; e.four = 52; e.fourarabic = 1636; e.fourbengali = 2538; e.fourcircle = 9315; e.fourcircleinversesansserif = 10125; e.fourdeva = 2410; e.fourgujarati = 2794; e.fourgurmukhi = 2666; e.fourhackarabic = 1636; e.fourhangzhou = 12324; e.fourideographicparen = 12835; e.fourinferior = 8324; e.fourmonospace = 65300; e.fournumeratorbengali = 2551; e.fouroldstyle = 63284; e.fourparen = 9335; e.fourperiod = 9355; e.fourpersian = 1780; e.fourroman = 8563; e.foursuperior = 8308; e.fourteencircle = 9325; e.fourteenparen = 9345; e.fourteenperiod = 9365; e.fourthai = 3668; e.fourthtonechinese = 715; e.fparen = 9377; e.fraction = 8260; e.franc = 8355; e.g = 103; e.gabengali = 2455; e.gacute = 501; e.gadeva = 2327; e.gafarabic = 1711; e.gaffinalarabic = 64403; e.gafinitialarabic = 64404; e.gafmedialarabic = 64405; e.gagujarati = 2711; e.gagurmukhi = 2583; e.gahiragana = 12364; e.gakatakana = 12460; e.gamma = 947; e.gammalatinsmall = 611; e.gammasuperior = 736; e.gangiacoptic = 1003; e.gbopomofo = 12557; e.gbreve = 287; e.gcaron = 487; e.gcedilla = 291; e.gcircle = 9430; e.gcircumflex = 285; e.gcommaaccent = 291; e.gdot = 289; e.gdotaccent = 289; e.gecyrillic = 1075; e.gehiragana = 12370; e.gekatakana = 12466; e.geometricallyequal = 8785; e.gereshaccenthebrew = 1436; e.gereshhebrew = 1523; e.gereshmuqdamhebrew = 1437; e.germandbls = 223; e.gershayimaccenthebrew = 1438; e.gershayimhebrew = 1524; e.getamark = 12307; e.ghabengali = 2456; e.ghadarmenian = 1394; e.ghadeva = 2328; e.ghagujarati = 2712; e.ghagurmukhi = 2584; e.ghainarabic = 1594; e.ghainfinalarabic = 65230; e.ghaininitialarabic = 65231; e.ghainmedialarabic = 65232; e.ghemiddlehookcyrillic = 1173; e.ghestrokecyrillic = 1171; e.gheupturncyrillic = 1169; e.ghhadeva = 2394; e.ghhagurmukhi = 2650; e.ghook = 608; e.ghzsquare = 13203; e.gihiragana = 12366; e.gikatakana = 12462; e.gimarmenian = 1379; e.gimel = 1490; e.gimeldagesh = 64306; e.gimeldageshhebrew = 64306; e.gimelhebrew = 1490; e.gjecyrillic = 1107; e.glottalinvertedstroke = 446; e.glottalstop = 660; e.glottalstopinverted = 662; e.glottalstopmod = 704; e.glottalstopreversed = 661; e.glottalstopreversedmod = 705; e.glottalstopreversedsuperior = 740; e.glottalstopstroke = 673; e.glottalstopstrokereversed = 674; e.gmacron = 7713; e.gmonospace = 65351; e.gohiragana = 12372; e.gokatakana = 12468; e.gparen = 9378; e.gpasquare = 13228; e.gradient = 8711; e.grave = 96; e.gravebelowcmb = 790; e.gravecmb = 768; e.gravecomb = 768; e.gravedeva = 2387; e.gravelowmod = 718; e.gravemonospace = 65344; e.gravetonecmb = 832; e.greater = 62; e.greaterequal = 8805; e.greaterequalorless = 8923; e.greatermonospace = 65310; e.greaterorequivalent = 8819; e.greaterorless = 8823; e.greateroverequal = 8807; e.greatersmall = 65125; e.gscript = 609; e.gstroke = 485; e.guhiragana = 12368; e.guillemotleft = 171; e.guillemotright = 187; e.guilsinglleft = 8249; e.guilsinglright = 8250; e.gukatakana = 12464; e.guramusquare = 13080; e.gysquare = 13257; e.h = 104; e.haabkhasiancyrillic = 1193; e.haaltonearabic = 1729; e.habengali = 2489; e.hadescendercyrillic = 1203; e.hadeva = 2361; e.hagujarati = 2745; e.hagurmukhi = 2617; e.haharabic = 1581; e.hahfinalarabic = 65186; e.hahinitialarabic = 65187; e.hahiragana = 12399; e.hahmedialarabic = 65188; e.haitusquare = 13098; e.hakatakana = 12495; e.hakatakanahalfwidth = 65418; e.halantgurmukhi = 2637; e.hamzaarabic = 1569; e.hamzalowarabic = 1569; e.hangulfiller = 12644; e.hardsigncyrillic = 1098; e.harpoonleftbarbup = 8636; e.harpoonrightbarbup = 8640; e.hasquare = 13258; e.hatafpatah = 1458; e.hatafpatah16 = 1458; e.hatafpatah23 = 1458; e.hatafpatah2f = 1458; e.hatafpatahhebrew = 1458; e.hatafpatahnarrowhebrew = 1458; e.hatafpatahquarterhebrew = 1458; e.hatafpatahwidehebrew = 1458; e.hatafqamats = 1459; e.hatafqamats1b = 1459; e.hatafqamats28 = 1459; e.hatafqamats34 = 1459; e.hatafqamatshebrew = 1459; e.hatafqamatsnarrowhebrew = 1459; e.hatafqamatsquarterhebrew = 1459; e.hatafqamatswidehebrew = 1459; e.hatafsegol = 1457; e.hatafsegol17 = 1457; e.hatafsegol24 = 1457; e.hatafsegol30 = 1457; e.hatafsegolhebrew = 1457; e.hatafsegolnarrowhebrew = 1457; e.hatafsegolquarterhebrew = 1457; e.hatafsegolwidehebrew = 1457; e.hbar = 295; e.hbopomofo = 12559; e.hbrevebelow = 7723; e.hcedilla = 7721; e.hcircle = 9431; e.hcircumflex = 293; e.hdieresis = 7719; e.hdotaccent = 7715; e.hdotbelow = 7717; e.he = 1492; e.heart = 9829; e.heartsuitblack = 9829; e.heartsuitwhite = 9825; e.hedagesh = 64308; e.hedageshhebrew = 64308; e.hehaltonearabic = 1729; e.heharabic = 1607; e.hehebrew = 1492; e.hehfinalaltonearabic = 64423; e.hehfinalalttwoarabic = 65258; e.hehfinalarabic = 65258; e.hehhamzaabovefinalarabic = 64421; e.hehhamzaaboveisolatedarabic = 64420; e.hehinitialaltonearabic = 64424; e.hehinitialarabic = 65259; e.hehiragana = 12408; e.hehmedialaltonearabic = 64425; e.hehmedialarabic = 65260; e.heiseierasquare = 13179; e.hekatakana = 12504; e.hekatakanahalfwidth = 65421; e.hekutaarusquare = 13110; e.henghook = 615; e.herutusquare = 13113; e.het = 1495; e.hethebrew = 1495; e.hhook = 614; e.hhooksuperior = 689; e.hieuhacirclekorean = 12923; e.hieuhaparenkorean = 12827; e.hieuhcirclekorean = 12909; e.hieuhkorean = 12622; e.hieuhparenkorean = 12813; e.hihiragana = 12402; e.hikatakana = 12498; e.hikatakanahalfwidth = 65419; e.hiriq = 1460; e.hiriq14 = 1460; e.hiriq21 = 1460; e.hiriq2d = 1460; e.hiriqhebrew = 1460; e.hiriqnarrowhebrew = 1460; e.hiriqquarterhebrew = 1460; e.hiriqwidehebrew = 1460; e.hlinebelow = 7830; e.hmonospace = 65352; e.hoarmenian = 1392; e.hohipthai = 3627; e.hohiragana = 12411; e.hokatakana = 12507; e.hokatakanahalfwidth = 65422; e.holam = 1465; e.holam19 = 1465; e.holam26 = 1465; e.holam32 = 1465; e.holamhebrew = 1465; e.holamnarrowhebrew = 1465; e.holamquarterhebrew = 1465; e.holamwidehebrew = 1465; e.honokhukthai = 3630; e.hookabovecomb = 777; e.hookcmb = 777; e.hookpalatalizedbelowcmb = 801; e.hookretroflexbelowcmb = 802; e.hoonsquare = 13122; e.horicoptic = 1001; e.horizontalbar = 8213; e.horncmb = 795; e.hotsprings = 9832; = 8962; e.hparen = 9379; e.hsuperior = 688; e.hturned = 613; e.huhiragana = 12405; e.huiitosquare = 13107; e.hukatakana = 12501; e.hukatakanahalfwidth = 65420; e.hungarumlaut = 733; e.hungarumlautcmb = 779; e.hv = 405; e.hyphen = 45; e.hypheninferior = 63205; e.hyphenmonospace = 65293; e.hyphensmall = 65123; e.hyphensuperior = 63206; e.hyphentwo = 8208; e.i = 105; e.iacute = 237; e.iacyrillic = 1103; e.ibengali = 2439; e.ibopomofo = 12583; e.ibreve = 301; e.icaron = 464; e.icircle = 9432; e.icircumflex = 238; e.icyrillic = 1110; e.idblgrave = 521; e.ideographearthcircle = 12943; e.ideographfirecircle = 12939; e.ideographicallianceparen = 12863; e.ideographiccallparen = 12858; e.ideographiccentrecircle = 12965; e.ideographicclose = 12294; e.ideographiccomma = 12289; e.ideographiccommaleft = 65380; e.ideographiccongratulationparen = 12855; e.ideographiccorrectcircle = 12963; e.ideographicearthparen = 12847; e.ideographicenterpriseparen = 12861; e.ideographicexcellentcircle = 12957; e.ideographicfestivalparen = 12864; e.ideographicfinancialcircle = 12950; e.ideographicfinancialparen = 12854; e.ideographicfireparen = 12843; e.ideographichaveparen = 12850; e.ideographichighcircle = 12964; e.ideographiciterationmark = 12293; e.ideographiclaborcircle = 12952; e.ideographiclaborparen = 12856; e.ideographicleftcircle = 12967; e.ideographiclowcircle = 12966; e.ideographicmedicinecircle = 12969; e.ideographicmetalparen = 12846; e.ideographicmoonparen = 12842; e.ideographicnameparen = 12852; e.ideographicperiod = 12290; e.ideographicprintcircle = 12958; e.ideographicreachparen = 12867; e.ideographicrepresentparen = 12857; e.ideographicresourceparen = 12862; e.ideographicrightcircle = 12968; e.ideographicsecretcircle = 12953; e.ideographicselfparen = 12866; e.ideographicsocietyparen = 12851; e.ideographicspace = 12288; e.ideographicspecialparen = 12853; e.ideographicstockparen = 12849; e.ideographicstudyparen = 12859; e.ideographicsunparen = 12848; e.ideographicsuperviseparen = 12860; e.ideographicwaterparen = 12844; e.ideographicwoodparen = 12845; e.ideographiczero = 12295; e.ideographmetalcircle = 12942; e.ideographmooncircle = 12938; e.ideographnamecircle = 12948; e.ideographsuncircle = 12944; e.ideographwatercircle = 12940; e.ideographwoodcircle = 12941; e.ideva = 2311; e.idieresis = 239; e.idieresisacute = 7727; e.idieresiscyrillic = 1253; e.idotbelow = 7883; e.iebrevecyrillic = 1239; e.iecyrillic = 1077; e.ieungacirclekorean = 12917; e.ieungaparenkorean = 12821; e.ieungcirclekorean = 12903; e.ieungkorean = 12615; e.ieungparenkorean = 12807; e.igrave = 236; e.igujarati = 2695; e.igurmukhi = 2567; e.ihiragana = 12356; e.ihookabove = 7881; e.iibengali = 2440; e.iicyrillic = 1080; e.iideva = 2312; e.iigujarati = 2696; e.iigurmukhi = 2568; e.iimatragurmukhi = 2624; e.iinvertedbreve = 523; e.iishortcyrillic = 1081; e.iivowelsignbengali = 2496; e.iivowelsigndeva = 2368; e.iivowelsigngujarati = 2752; e.ij = 307; e.ikatakana = 12452; e.ikatakanahalfwidth = 65394; e.ikorean = 12643; e.ilde = 732; e.iluyhebrew = 1452; e.imacron = 299; e.imacroncyrillic = 1251; e.imageorapproximatelyequal = 8787; e.imatragurmukhi = 2623; e.imonospace = 65353; e.increment = 8710; e.infinity = 8734; e.iniarmenian = 1387; e.integral = 8747; e.integralbottom = 8993; e.integralbt = 8993; e.integralex = 63733; e.integraltop = 8992; e.integraltp = 8992; e.intersection = 8745; e.intisquare = 13061; e.invbullet = 9688; e.invcircle = 9689; e.invsmileface = 9787; e.iocyrillic = 1105; e.iogonek = 303; e.iota = 953; e.iotadieresis = 970; e.iotadieresistonos = 912; e.iotalatin = 617; e.iotatonos = 943; e.iparen = 9380; e.irigurmukhi = 2674; e.ismallhiragana = 12355; e.ismallkatakana = 12451; e.ismallkatakanahalfwidth = 65384; e.issharbengali = 2554; e.istroke = 616; e.isuperior = 63213; e.iterationhiragana = 12445; e.iterationkatakana = 12541; e.itilde = 297; e.itildebelow = 7725; e.iubopomofo = 12585; e.iucyrillic = 1102; e.ivowelsignbengali = 2495; e.ivowelsigndeva = 2367; e.ivowelsigngujarati = 2751; e.izhitsacyrillic = 1141; e.izhitsadblgravecyrillic = 1143; e.j = 106; e.jaarmenian = 1393; e.jabengali = 2460; e.jadeva = 2332; e.jagujarati = 2716; e.jagurmukhi = 2588; e.jbopomofo = 12560; e.jcaron = 496; e.jcircle = 9433; e.jcircumflex = 309; e.jcrossedtail = 669; e.jdotlessstroke = 607; e.jecyrillic = 1112; e.jeemarabic = 1580; e.jeemfinalarabic = 65182; e.jeeminitialarabic = 65183; e.jeemmedialarabic = 65184; e.jeharabic = 1688; e.jehfinalarabic = 64395; e.jhabengali = 2461; e.jhadeva = 2333; e.jhagujarati = 2717; e.jhagurmukhi = 2589; e.jheharmenian = 1403; e.jis = 12292; e.jmonospace = 65354; e.jparen = 9381; e.jsuperior = 690; e.k = 107; e.kabashkircyrillic = 1185; e.kabengali = 2453; e.kacute = 7729; e.kacyrillic = 1082; e.kadescendercyrillic = 1179; e.kadeva = 2325; e.kaf = 1499; e.kafarabic = 1603; e.kafdagesh = 64315; e.kafdageshhebrew = 64315; e.kaffinalarabic = 65242; e.kafhebrew = 1499; e.kafinitialarabic = 65243; e.kafmedialarabic = 65244; e.kafrafehebrew = 64333; e.kagujarati = 2709; e.kagurmukhi = 2581; e.kahiragana = 12363; e.kahookcyrillic = 1220; e.kakatakana = 12459; e.kakatakanahalfwidth = 65398; e.kappa = 954; e.kappasymbolgreek = 1008; e.kapyeounmieumkorean = 12657; e.kapyeounphieuphkorean = 12676; e.kapyeounpieupkorean = 12664; e.kapyeounssangpieupkorean = 12665; e.karoriisquare = 13069; e.kashidaautoarabic = 1600; e.kashidaautonosidebearingarabic = 1600; e.kasmallkatakana = 12533; e.kasquare = 13188; e.kasraarabic = 1616; e.kasratanarabic = 1613; e.kastrokecyrillic = 1183; e.katahiraprolongmarkhalfwidth = 65392; e.kaverticalstrokecyrillic = 1181; e.kbopomofo = 12558; e.kcalsquare = 13193; e.kcaron = 489; e.kcedilla = 311; e.kcircle = 9434; e.kcommaaccent = 311; e.kdotbelow = 7731; e.keharmenian = 1412; e.kehiragana = 12369; e.kekatakana = 12465; e.kekatakanahalfwidth = 65401; e.kenarmenian = 1391; e.kesmallkatakana = 12534; e.kgreenlandic = 312; e.khabengali = 2454; e.khacyrillic = 1093; e.khadeva = 2326; e.khagujarati = 2710; e.khagurmukhi = 2582; e.khaharabic = 1582; e.khahfinalarabic = 65190; e.khahinitialarabic = 65191; e.khahmedialarabic = 65192; e.kheicoptic = 999; e.khhadeva = 2393; e.khhagurmukhi = 2649; e.khieukhacirclekorean = 12920; e.khieukhaparenkorean = 12824; e.khieukhcirclekorean = 12906; e.khieukhkorean = 12619; e.khieukhparenkorean = 12810; e.khokhaithai = 3586; e.khokhonthai = 3589; e.khokhuatthai = 3587; e.khokhwaithai = 3588; e.khomutthai = 3675; e.khook = 409; e.khorakhangthai = 3590; e.khzsquare = 13201; e.kihiragana = 12365; e.kikatakana = 12461; e.kikatakanahalfwidth = 65399; e.kiroguramusquare = 13077; e.kiromeetorusquare = 13078; e.kirosquare = 13076; e.kiyeokacirclekorean = 12910; e.kiyeokaparenkorean = 12814; e.kiyeokcirclekorean = 12896; e.kiyeokkorean = 12593; e.kiyeokparenkorean = 12800; e.kiyeoksioskorean = 12595; e.kjecyrillic = 1116; e.klinebelow = 7733; e.klsquare = 13208; e.kmcubedsquare = 13222; e.kmonospace = 65355; e.kmsquaredsquare = 13218; e.kohiragana = 12371; e.kohmsquare = 13248; e.kokaithai = 3585; e.kokatakana = 12467; e.kokatakanahalfwidth = 65402; e.kooposquare = 13086; e.koppacyrillic = 1153; e.koreanstandardsymbol = 12927; e.koroniscmb = 835; e.kparen = 9382; e.kpasquare = 13226; e.ksicyrillic = 1135; e.ktsquare = 13263; e.kturned = 670; e.kuhiragana = 12367; e.kukatakana = 12463; e.kukatakanahalfwidth = 65400; e.kvsquare = 13240; e.kwsquare = 13246; e.l = 108; e.labengali = 2482; e.lacute = 314; e.ladeva = 2354; e.lagujarati = 2738; e.lagurmukhi = 2610; e.lakkhangyaothai = 3653; e.lamaleffinalarabic = 65276; e.lamalefhamzaabovefinalarabic = 65272; e.lamalefhamzaaboveisolatedarabic = 65271; e.lamalefhamzabelowfinalarabic = 65274; e.lamalefhamzabelowisolatedarabic = 65273; e.lamalefisolatedarabic = 65275; e.lamalefmaddaabovefinalarabic = 65270; e.lamalefmaddaaboveisolatedarabic = 65269; e.lamarabic = 1604; e.lambda = 955; e.lambdastroke = 411; e.lamed = 1500; e.lameddagesh = 64316; e.lameddageshhebrew = 64316; e.lamedhebrew = 1500; e.lamfinalarabic = 65246; e.lamhahinitialarabic = 64714; e.laminitialarabic = 65247; e.lamjeeminitialarabic = 64713; e.lamkhahinitialarabic = 64715; e.lamlamhehisolatedarabic = 65010; e.lammedialarabic = 65248; e.lammeemhahinitialarabic = 64904; e.lammeeminitialarabic = 64716; e.largecircle = 9711; e.lbar = 410; e.lbelt = 620; e.lbopomofo = 12556; e.lcaron = 318; e.lcedilla = 316; e.lcircle = 9435; e.lcircumflexbelow = 7741; e.lcommaaccent = 316; e.ldot = 320; e.ldotaccent = 320; e.ldotbelow = 7735; e.ldotbelowmacron = 7737; e.leftangleabovecmb = 794; e.lefttackbelowcmb = 792; e.less = 60; e.lessequal = 8804; e.lessequalorgreater = 8922; e.lessmonospace = 65308; e.lessorequivalent = 8818; e.lessorgreater = 8822; e.lessoverequal = 8806; e.lesssmall = 65124; e.lezh = 622; e.lfblock = 9612; e.lhookretroflex = 621; e.lira = 8356; e.liwnarmenian = 1388; e.lj = 457; e.ljecyrillic = 1113; e.ll = 63168; e.lladeva = 2355; e.llagujarati = 2739; e.llinebelow = 7739; e.llladeva = 2356; e.llvocalicbengali = 2529; e.llvocalicdeva = 2401; e.llvocalicvowelsignbengali = 2531; e.llvocalicvowelsigndeva = 2403; e.lmiddletilde = 619; e.lmonospace = 65356; e.lmsquare = 13264; e.lochulathai = 3628; e.logicaland = 8743; e.logicalnot = 172; e.logicalnotreversed = 8976; e.logicalor = 8744; e.lolingthai = 3621; e.longs = 383; e.lowlinecenterline = 65102; e.lowlinecmb = 818; e.lowlinedashed = 65101; e.lozenge = 9674; e.lparen = 9383; e.lslash = 322; e.lsquare = 8467; e.lsuperior = 63214; e.ltshade = 9617; e.luthai = 3622; e.lvocalicbengali = 2444; e.lvocalicdeva = 2316; e.lvocalicvowelsignbengali = 2530; e.lvocalicvowelsigndeva = 2402; e.lxsquare = 13267; e.m = 109; e.mabengali = 2478; e.macron = 175; e.macronbelowcmb = 817; e.macroncmb = 772; e.macronlowmod = 717; e.macronmonospace = 65507; e.macute = 7743; e.madeva = 2350; e.magujarati = 2734; e.magurmukhi = 2606; e.mahapakhhebrew = 1444; e.mahapakhlefthebrew = 1444; e.mahiragana = 12414; e.maichattawalowleftthai = 63637; e.maichattawalowrightthai = 63636; e.maichattawathai = 3659; e.maichattawaupperleftthai = 63635; e.maieklowleftthai = 63628; e.maieklowrightthai = 63627; e.maiekthai = 3656; e.maiekupperleftthai = 63626; e.maihanakatleftthai = 63620; e.maihanakatthai = 3633; e.maitaikhuleftthai = 63625; e.maitaikhuthai = 3655; e.maitholowleftthai = 63631; e.maitholowrightthai = 63630; e.maithothai = 3657; e.maithoupperleftthai = 63629; e.maitrilowleftthai = 63634; e.maitrilowrightthai = 63633; e.maitrithai = 3658; e.maitriupperleftthai = 63632; e.maiyamokthai = 3654; e.makatakana = 12510; e.makatakanahalfwidth = 65423; e.male = 9794; e.mansyonsquare = 13127; e.maqafhebrew = 1470; e.mars = 9794; e.masoracirclehebrew = 1455; e.masquare = 13187; e.mbopomofo = 12551; e.mbsquare = 13268; e.mcircle = 9436; e.mcubedsquare = 13221; e.mdotaccent = 7745; e.mdotbelow = 7747; e.meemarabic = 1605; e.meemfinalarabic = 65250; e.meeminitialarabic = 65251; e.meemmedialarabic = 65252; e.meemmeeminitialarabic = 64721; e.meemmeemisolatedarabic = 64584; e.meetorusquare = 13133; e.mehiragana = 12417; e.meizierasquare = 13182; e.mekatakana = 12513; e.mekatakanahalfwidth = 65426; e.mem = 1502; e.memdagesh = 64318; e.memdageshhebrew = 64318; e.memhebrew = 1502; e.menarmenian = 1396; e.merkhahebrew = 1445; e.merkhakefulahebrew = 1446; e.merkhakefulalefthebrew = 1446; e.merkhalefthebrew = 1445; e.mhook = 625; e.mhzsquare = 13202; e.middledotkatakanahalfwidth = 65381; e.middot = 183; e.mieumacirclekorean = 12914; e.mieumaparenkorean = 12818; e.mieumcirclekorean = 12900; e.mieumkorean = 12609; e.mieumpansioskorean = 12656; e.mieumparenkorean = 12804; e.mieumpieupkorean = 12654; e.mieumsioskorean = 12655; e.mihiragana = 12415; e.mikatakana = 12511; e.mikatakanahalfwidth = 65424; e.minus = 8722; e.minusbelowcmb = 800; e.minuscircle = 8854; e.minusmod = 727; e.minusplus = 8723; e.minute = 8242; e.miribaarusquare = 13130; e.mirisquare = 13129; e.mlonglegturned = 624; e.mlsquare = 13206; e.mmcubedsquare = 13219; e.mmonospace = 65357; e.mmsquaredsquare = 13215; e.mohiragana = 12418; e.mohmsquare = 13249; e.mokatakana = 12514; e.mokatakanahalfwidth = 65427; e.molsquare = 13270; e.momathai = 3617; e.moverssquare = 13223; e.moverssquaredsquare = 13224; e.mparen = 9384; e.mpasquare = 13227; e.mssquare = 13235; e.msuperior = 63215; e.mturned = 623; = 181; e.mu1 = 181; e.muasquare = 13186; e.muchgreater = 8811; e.muchless = 8810; e.mufsquare = 13196; e.mugreek = 956; e.mugsquare = 13197; e.muhiragana = 12416; e.mukatakana = 12512; e.mukatakanahalfwidth = 65425; e.mulsquare = 13205; e.multiply = 215; e.mumsquare = 13211; e.munahhebrew = 1443; e.munahlefthebrew = 1443; e.musicalnote = 9834; e.musicalnotedbl = 9835; e.musicflatsign = 9837; e.musicsharpsign = 9839; e.mussquare = 13234; e.muvsquare = 13238; e.muwsquare = 13244; e.mvmegasquare = 13241; e.mvsquare = 13239; e.mwmegasquare = 13247; e.mwsquare = 13245; e.n = 110; e.nabengali = 2472; e.nabla = 8711; e.nacute = 324; e.nadeva = 2344; e.nagujarati = 2728; e.nagurmukhi = 2600; e.nahiragana = 12394; e.nakatakana = 12490; e.nakatakanahalfwidth = 65413; e.napostrophe = 329; e.nasquare = 13185; e.nbopomofo = 12555; e.nbspace = 160; e.ncaron = 328; e.ncedilla = 326; e.ncircle = 9437; e.ncircumflexbelow = 7755; e.ncommaaccent = 326; e.ndotaccent = 7749; e.ndotbelow = 7751; e.nehiragana = 12397; e.nekatakana = 12493; e.nekatakanahalfwidth = 65416; e.newsheqelsign = 8362; e.nfsquare = 13195; e.ngabengali = 2457; e.ngadeva = 2329; e.ngagujarati = 2713; e.ngagurmukhi = 2585; e.ngonguthai = 3591; e.nhiragana = 12435; e.nhookleft = 626; e.nhookretroflex = 627; e.nieunacirclekorean = 12911; e.nieunaparenkorean = 12815; e.nieuncieuckorean = 12597; e.nieuncirclekorean = 12897; e.nieunhieuhkorean = 12598; e.nieunkorean = 12596; e.nieunpansioskorean = 12648; e.nieunparenkorean = 12801; e.nieunsioskorean = 12647; e.nieuntikeutkorean = 12646; e.nihiragana = 12395; e.nikatakana = 12491; e.nikatakanahalfwidth = 65414; e.nikhahitleftthai = 63641; e.nikhahitthai = 3661; e.nine = 57; e.ninearabic = 1641; e.ninebengali = 2543; e.ninecircle = 9320; e.ninecircleinversesansserif = 10130; e.ninedeva = 2415; e.ninegujarati = 2799; e.ninegurmukhi = 2671; e.ninehackarabic = 1641; e.ninehangzhou = 12329; e.nineideographicparen = 12840; e.nineinferior = 8329; e.ninemonospace = 65305; e.nineoldstyle = 63289; e.nineparen = 9340; e.nineperiod = 9360; e.ninepersian = 1785; e.nineroman = 8568; e.ninesuperior = 8313; e.nineteencircle = 9330; e.nineteenparen = 9350; e.nineteenperiod = 9370; e.ninethai = 3673; e.nj = 460; e.njecyrillic = 1114; e.nkatakana = 12531; e.nkatakanahalfwidth = 65437; e.nlegrightlong = 414; e.nlinebelow = 7753; e.nmonospace = 65358; e.nmsquare = 13210; e.nnabengali = 2467; e.nnadeva = 2339; e.nnagujarati = 2723; e.nnagurmukhi = 2595; e.nnnadeva = 2345; e.nohiragana = 12398; e.nokatakana = 12494; e.nokatakanahalfwidth = 65417; e.nonbreakingspace = 160; e.nonenthai = 3603; e.nonuthai = 3609; e.noonarabic = 1606; e.noonfinalarabic = 65254; e.noonghunnaarabic = 1722; e.noonghunnafinalarabic = 64415; e.nooninitialarabic = 65255; e.noonjeeminitialarabic = 64722; e.noonjeemisolatedarabic = 64587; e.noonmedialarabic = 65256; e.noonmeeminitialarabic = 64725; e.noonmeemisolatedarabic = 64590; e.noonnoonfinalarabic = 64653; e.notcontains = 8716; e.notelement = 8713; e.notelementof = 8713; e.notequal = 8800; e.notgreater = 8815; e.notgreaternorequal = 8817; e.notgreaternorless = 8825; e.notidentical = 8802; e.notless = 8814; e.notlessnorequal = 8816; e.notparallel = 8742; e.notprecedes = 8832; e.notsubset = 8836; e.notsucceeds = 8833; e.notsuperset = 8837; e.nowarmenian = 1398; e.nparen = 9385; e.nssquare = 13233; e.nsuperior = 8319; e.ntilde = 241; = 957; e.nuhiragana = 12396; e.nukatakana = 12492; e.nukatakanahalfwidth = 65415; e.nuktabengali = 2492; e.nuktadeva = 2364; e.nuktagujarati = 2748; e.nuktagurmukhi = 2620; e.numbersign = 35; e.numbersignmonospace = 65283; e.numbersignsmall = 65119; e.numeralsigngreek = 884; e.numeralsignlowergreek = 885; e.numero = 8470; e.nun = 1504; e.nundagesh = 64320; e.nundageshhebrew = 64320; e.nunhebrew = 1504; e.nvsquare = 13237; e.nwsquare = 13243; e.nyabengali = 2462; e.nyadeva = 2334; e.nyagujarati = 2718; e.nyagurmukhi = 2590; e.o = 111; e.oacute = 243; e.oangthai = 3629; e.obarred = 629; e.obarredcyrillic = 1257; e.obarreddieresiscyrillic = 1259; e.obengali = 2451; e.obopomofo = 12571; e.obreve = 335; e.ocandradeva = 2321; e.ocandragujarati = 2705; e.ocandravowelsigndeva = 2377; e.ocandravowelsigngujarati = 2761; e.ocaron = 466; e.ocircle = 9438; e.ocircumflex = 244; e.ocircumflexacute = 7889; e.ocircumflexdotbelow = 7897; e.ocircumflexgrave = 7891; e.ocircumflexhookabove = 7893; e.ocircumflextilde = 7895; e.ocyrillic = 1086; e.odblacute = 337; e.odblgrave = 525; e.odeva = 2323; e.odieresis = 246; e.odieresiscyrillic = 1255; e.odotbelow = 7885; e.oe = 339; e.oekorean = 12634; e.ogonek = 731; e.ogonekcmb = 808; e.ograve = 242; e.ogujarati = 2707; e.oharmenian = 1413; e.ohiragana = 12362; e.ohookabove = 7887; e.ohorn = 417; e.ohornacute = 7899; e.ohorndotbelow = 7907; e.ohorngrave = 7901; e.ohornhookabove = 7903; e.ohorntilde = 7905; e.ohungarumlaut = 337; e.oi = 419; e.oinvertedbreve = 527; e.okatakana = 12458; e.okatakanahalfwidth = 65397; e.okorean = 12631; e.olehebrew = 1451; e.omacron = 333; e.omacronacute = 7763; e.omacrongrave = 7761; e.omdeva = 2384; = 969; e.omega1 = 982; e.omegacyrillic = 1121; e.omegalatinclosed = 631; e.omegaroundcyrillic = 1147; e.omegatitlocyrillic = 1149; e.omegatonos = 974; e.omgujarati = 2768; e.omicron = 959; e.omicrontonos = 972; e.omonospace = 65359; = 49; e.onearabic = 1633; e.onebengali = 2535; e.onecircle = 9312; e.onecircleinversesansserif = 10122; e.onedeva = 2407; e.onedotenleader = 8228; e.oneeighth = 8539; e.onefitted = 63196; e.onegujarati = 2791; e.onegurmukhi = 2663; e.onehackarabic = 1633; e.onehalf = 189; e.onehangzhou = 12321; e.oneideographicparen = 12832; e.oneinferior = 8321; e.onemonospace = 65297; e.onenumeratorbengali = 2548; e.oneoldstyle = 63281; e.oneparen = 9332; e.oneperiod = 9352; e.onepersian = 1777; e.onequarter = 188; e.oneroman = 8560; e.onesuperior = 185; e.onethai = 3665; e.onethird = 8531; e.oogonek = 491; e.oogonekmacron = 493; e.oogurmukhi = 2579; e.oomatragurmukhi = 2635; e.oopen = 596; e.oparen = 9386; e.openbullet = 9702; e.option = 8997; e.ordfeminine = 170; e.ordmasculine = 186; e.orthogonal = 8735; e.oshortdeva = 2322; e.oshortvowelsigndeva = 2378; e.oslash = 248; e.oslashacute = 511; e.osmallhiragana = 12361; e.osmallkatakana = 12457; e.osmallkatakanahalfwidth = 65387; e.ostrokeacute = 511; e.osuperior = 63216; e.otcyrillic = 1151; e.otilde = 245; e.otildeacute = 7757; e.otildedieresis = 7759; e.oubopomofo = 12577; e.overline = 8254; e.overlinecenterline = 65098; e.overlinecmb = 773; e.overlinedashed = 65097; e.overlinedblwavy = 65100; e.overlinewavy = 65099; e.overscore = 175; e.ovowelsignbengali = 2507; e.ovowelsigndeva = 2379; e.ovowelsigngujarati = 2763; e.p = 112; e.paampssquare = 13184; e.paasentosquare = 13099; e.pabengali = 2474; e.pacute = 7765; e.padeva = 2346; e.pagedown = 8671; e.pageup = 8670; e.pagujarati = 2730; e.pagurmukhi = 2602; e.pahiragana = 12401; e.paiyannoithai = 3631; e.pakatakana = 12497; e.palatalizationcyrilliccmb = 1156; e.palochkacyrillic = 1216; e.pansioskorean = 12671; e.paragraph = 182; e.parallel = 8741; e.parenleft = 40; e.parenleftaltonearabic = 64830; e.parenleftbt = 63725; e.parenleftex = 63724; e.parenleftinferior = 8333; e.parenleftmonospace = 65288; e.parenleftsmall = 65113; e.parenleftsuperior = 8317; e.parenlefttp = 63723; e.parenleftvertical = 65077; e.parenright = 41; e.parenrightaltonearabic = 64831; e.parenrightbt = 63736; e.parenrightex = 63735; e.parenrightinferior = 8334; e.parenrightmonospace = 65289; e.parenrightsmall = 65114; e.parenrightsuperior = 8318; e.parenrighttp = 63734; e.parenrightvertical = 65078; e.partialdiff = 8706; e.paseqhebrew = 1472; e.pashtahebrew = 1433; e.pasquare = 13225; e.patah = 1463; e.patah11 = 1463; e.patah1d = 1463; e.patah2a = 1463; e.patahhebrew = 1463; e.patahnarrowhebrew = 1463; e.patahquarterhebrew = 1463; e.patahwidehebrew = 1463; e.pazerhebrew = 1441; e.pbopomofo = 12550; e.pcircle = 9439; e.pdotaccent = 7767; = 1508; e.pecyrillic = 1087; e.pedagesh = 64324; e.pedageshhebrew = 64324; e.peezisquare = 13115; e.pefinaldageshhebrew = 64323; e.peharabic = 1662; e.peharmenian = 1402; e.pehebrew = 1508; e.pehfinalarabic = 64343; e.pehinitialarabic = 64344; e.pehiragana = 12410; e.pehmedialarabic = 64345; e.pekatakana = 12506; e.pemiddlehookcyrillic = 1191; e.perafehebrew = 64334; e.percent = 37; e.percentarabic = 1642; e.percentmonospace = 65285; e.percentsmall = 65130; e.period = 46; e.periodarmenian = 1417; e.periodcentered = 183; e.periodhalfwidth = 65377; e.periodinferior = 63207; e.periodmonospace = 65294; e.periodsmall = 65106; e.periodsuperior = 63208; e.perispomenigreekcmb = 834; e.perpendicular = 8869; e.perthousand = 8240; e.peseta = 8359; e.pfsquare = 13194; e.phabengali = 2475; e.phadeva = 2347; e.phagujarati = 2731; e.phagurmukhi = 2603; e.phi = 966; e.phi1 = 981; e.phieuphacirclekorean = 12922; e.phieuphaparenkorean = 12826; e.phieuphcirclekorean = 12908; e.phieuphkorean = 12621; e.phieuphparenkorean = 12812; e.philatin = 632; e.phinthuthai = 3642; e.phisymbolgreek = 981; e.phook = 421; e.phophanthai = 3614; e.phophungthai = 3612; e.phosamphaothai = 3616; e.pi = 960; e.pieupacirclekorean = 12915; e.pieupaparenkorean = 12819; e.pieupcieuckorean = 12662; e.pieupcirclekorean = 12901; e.pieupkiyeokkorean = 12658; e.pieupkorean = 12610; e.pieupparenkorean = 12805; e.pieupsioskiyeokkorean = 12660; e.pieupsioskorean = 12612; e.pieupsiostikeutkorean = 12661; e.pieupthieuthkorean = 12663; e.pieuptikeutkorean = 12659; e.pihiragana = 12404; e.pikatakana = 12500; e.pisymbolgreek = 982; e.piwrarmenian = 1411; e.planckover2pi = 8463; e.planckover2pi1 = 8463; = 43; e.plusbelowcmb = 799; e.pluscircle = 8853; e.plusminus = 177; e.plusmod = 726; e.plusmonospace = 65291; e.plussmall = 65122; e.plussuperior = 8314; e.pmonospace = 65360; e.pmsquare = 13272; e.pohiragana = 12413; e.pointingindexdownwhite = 9759; e.pointingindexleftwhite = 9756; e.pointingindexrightwhite = 9758; e.pointingindexupwhite = 9757; e.pokatakana = 12509; e.poplathai = 3611; e.postalmark = 12306; e.postalmarkface = 12320; e.pparen = 9387; e.precedes = 8826; e.prescription = 8478; e.primemod = 697; e.primereversed = 8245; e.product = 8719; e.projective = 8965; e.prolongedkana = 12540; e.propellor = 8984; e.propersubset = 8834; e.propersuperset = 8835; e.proportion = 8759; e.proportional = 8733; e.psi = 968; e.psicyrillic = 1137; e.psilipneumatacyrilliccmb = 1158; e.pssquare = 13232; e.puhiragana = 12407; e.pukatakana = 12503; e.pvsquare = 13236; e.pwsquare = 13242; e.q = 113; e.qadeva = 2392; e.qadmahebrew = 1448; e.qafarabic = 1602; e.qaffinalarabic = 65238; e.qafinitialarabic = 65239; e.qafmedialarabic = 65240; e.qamats = 1464; e.qamats10 = 1464; e.qamats1a = 1464; e.qamats1c = 1464; e.qamats27 = 1464; e.qamats29 = 1464; e.qamats33 = 1464; e.qamatsde = 1464; e.qamatshebrew = 1464; e.qamatsnarrowhebrew = 1464; e.qamatsqatanhebrew = 1464; e.qamatsqatannarrowhebrew = 1464; e.qamatsqatanquarterhebrew = 1464; e.qamatsqatanwidehebrew = 1464; e.qamatsquarterhebrew = 1464; e.qamatswidehebrew = 1464; e.qarneyparahebrew = 1439; e.qbopomofo = 12561; e.qcircle = 9440; e.qhook = 672; e.qmonospace = 65361; e.qof = 1511; e.qofdagesh = 64327; e.qofdageshhebrew = 64327; e.qofhebrew = 1511; e.qparen = 9388; e.quarternote = 9833; e.qubuts = 1467; e.qubuts18 = 1467; e.qubuts25 = 1467; e.qubuts31 = 1467; e.qubutshebrew = 1467; e.qubutsnarrowhebrew = 1467; e.qubutsquarterhebrew = 1467; e.qubutswidehebrew = 1467; e.question = 63; e.questionarabic = 1567; e.questionarmenian = 1374; e.questiondown = 191; e.questiondownsmall = 63423; e.questiongreek = 894; e.questionmonospace = 65311; e.questionsmall = 63295; e.quotedbl = 34; e.quotedblbase = 8222; e.quotedblleft = 8220; e.quotedblmonospace = 65282; e.quotedblprime = 12318; e.quotedblprimereversed = 12317; e.quotedblright = 8221; e.quoteleft = 8216; e.quoteleftreversed = 8219; e.quotereversed = 8219; e.quoteright = 8217; e.quoterightn = 329; e.quotesinglbase = 8218; e.quotesingle = 39; e.quotesinglemonospace = 65287; e.r = 114; e.raarmenian = 1404; e.rabengali = 2480; e.racute = 341; e.radeva = 2352; e.radical = 8730; e.radicalex = 63717; e.radoverssquare = 13230; e.radoverssquaredsquare = 13231; e.radsquare = 13229; e.rafe = 1471; e.rafehebrew = 1471; e.ragujarati = 2736; e.ragurmukhi = 2608; e.rahiragana = 12425; e.rakatakana = 12521; e.rakatakanahalfwidth = 65431; e.ralowerdiagonalbengali = 2545; e.ramiddlediagonalbengali = 2544; e.ramshorn = 612; e.ratio = 8758; e.rbopomofo = 12566; e.rcaron = 345; e.rcedilla = 343; e.rcircle = 9441; e.rcommaaccent = 343; e.rdblgrave = 529; e.rdotaccent = 7769; e.rdotbelow = 7771; e.rdotbelowmacron = 7773; e.referencemark = 8251; e.reflexsubset = 8838; e.reflexsuperset = 8839; e.registered = 174; e.registersans = 63720; e.registerserif = 63194; e.reharabic = 1585; e.reharmenian = 1408; e.rehfinalarabic = 65198; e.rehiragana = 12428; e.rekatakana = 12524; e.rekatakanahalfwidth = 65434; e.resh = 1512; e.reshdageshhebrew = 64328; e.reshhebrew = 1512; e.reversedtilde = 8765; e.reviahebrew = 1431; e.reviamugrashhebrew = 1431; e.revlogicalnot = 8976; e.rfishhook = 638; e.rfishhookreversed = 639; e.rhabengali = 2525; e.rhadeva = 2397; e.rho = 961; e.rhook = 637; e.rhookturned = 635; e.rhookturnedsuperior = 693; e.rhosymbolgreek = 1009; e.rhotichookmod = 734; e.rieulacirclekorean = 12913; e.rieulaparenkorean = 12817; e.rieulcirclekorean = 12899; e.rieulhieuhkorean = 12608; e.rieulkiyeokkorean = 12602; e.rieulkiyeoksioskorean = 12649; e.rieulkorean = 12601; e.rieulmieumkorean = 12603; e.rieulpansioskorean = 12652; e.rieulparenkorean = 12803; e.rieulphieuphkorean = 12607; e.rieulpieupkorean = 12604; e.rieulpieupsioskorean = 12651; e.rieulsioskorean = 12605; e.rieulthieuthkorean = 12606; e.rieultikeutkorean = 12650; e.rieulyeorinhieuhkorean = 12653; e.rightangle = 8735; e.righttackbelowcmb = 793; e.righttriangle = 8895; e.rihiragana = 12426; e.rikatakana = 12522; e.rikatakanahalfwidth = 65432; e.ring = 730; e.ringbelowcmb = 805; e.ringcmb = 778; e.ringhalfleft = 703; e.ringhalfleftarmenian = 1369; e.ringhalfleftbelowcmb = 796; e.ringhalfleftcentered = 723; e.ringhalfright = 702; e.ringhalfrightbelowcmb = 825; e.ringhalfrightcentered = 722; e.rinvertedbreve = 531; e.rittorusquare = 13137; e.rlinebelow = 7775; e.rlongleg = 636; e.rlonglegturned = 634; e.rmonospace = 65362; e.rohiragana = 12429; e.rokatakana = 12525; e.rokatakanahalfwidth = 65435; e.roruathai = 3619; e.rparen = 9389; e.rrabengali = 2524; e.rradeva = 2353; e.rragurmukhi = 2652; e.rreharabic = 1681; e.rrehfinalarabic = 64397; e.rrvocalicbengali = 2528; e.rrvocalicdeva = 2400; e.rrvocalicgujarati = 2784; e.rrvocalicvowelsignbengali = 2500; e.rrvocalicvowelsigndeva = 2372; e.rrvocalicvowelsigngujarati = 2756; e.rsuperior = 63217; e.rtblock = 9616; e.rturned = 633; e.rturnedsuperior = 692; e.ruhiragana = 12427; e.rukatakana = 12523; e.rukatakanahalfwidth = 65433; e.rupeemarkbengali = 2546; e.rupeesignbengali = 2547; e.rupiah = 63197; e.ruthai = 3620; e.rvocalicbengali = 2443; e.rvocalicdeva = 2315; e.rvocalicgujarati = 2699; e.rvocalicvowelsignbengali = 2499; e.rvocalicvowelsigndeva = 2371; e.rvocalicvowelsigngujarati = 2755; e.s = 115; e.sabengali = 2488; e.sacute = 347; e.sacutedotaccent = 7781; e.sadarabic = 1589; e.sadeva = 2360; e.sadfinalarabic = 65210; e.sadinitialarabic = 65211; e.sadmedialarabic = 65212; e.sagujarati = 2744; e.sagurmukhi = 2616; e.sahiragana = 12373; e.sakatakana = 12469; e.sakatakanahalfwidth = 65403; e.sallallahoualayhewasallamarabic = 65018; e.samekh = 1505; e.samekhdagesh = 64321; e.samekhdageshhebrew = 64321; e.samekhhebrew = 1505; e.saraaathai = 3634; e.saraaethai = 3649; e.saraaimaimalaithai = 3652; e.saraaimaimuanthai = 3651; e.saraamthai = 3635; e.saraathai = 3632; e.saraethai = 3648; e.saraiileftthai = 63622; e.saraiithai = 3637; e.saraileftthai = 63621; e.saraithai = 3636; e.saraothai = 3650; e.saraueeleftthai = 63624; e.saraueethai = 3639; e.saraueleftthai = 63623; e.sarauethai = 3638; e.sarauthai = 3640; e.sarauuthai = 3641; e.sbopomofo = 12569; e.scaron = 353; e.scarondotaccent = 7783; e.scedilla = 351; e.schwa = 601; e.schwacyrillic = 1241; e.schwadieresiscyrillic = 1243; e.schwahook = 602; e.scircle = 9442; e.scircumflex = 349; e.scommaaccent = 537; e.sdotaccent = 7777; e.sdotbelow = 7779; e.sdotbelowdotaccent = 7785; e.seagullbelowcmb = 828; e.second = 8243; e.secondtonechinese = 714; e.section = 167; e.seenarabic = 1587; e.seenfinalarabic = 65202; e.seeninitialarabic = 65203; e.seenmedialarabic = 65204; e.segol = 1462; e.segol13 = 1462; e.segol1f = 1462; e.segol2c = 1462; e.segolhebrew = 1462; e.segolnarrowhebrew = 1462; e.segolquarterhebrew = 1462; e.segoltahebrew = 1426; e.segolwidehebrew = 1462; e.seharmenian = 1405; e.sehiragana = 12379; e.sekatakana = 12475; e.sekatakanahalfwidth = 65406; e.semicolon = 59; e.semicolonarabic = 1563; e.semicolonmonospace = 65307; e.semicolonsmall = 65108; e.semivoicedmarkkana = 12444; e.semivoicedmarkkanahalfwidth = 65439; e.sentisquare = 13090; e.sentosquare = 13091; = 55; e.sevenarabic = 1639; e.sevenbengali = 2541; e.sevencircle = 9318; e.sevencircleinversesansserif = 10128; e.sevendeva = 2413; e.seveneighths = 8542; e.sevengujarati = 2797; e.sevengurmukhi = 2669; e.sevenhackarabic = 1639; e.sevenhangzhou = 12327; e.sevenideographicparen = 12838; e.seveninferior = 8327; e.sevenmonospace = 65303; e.sevenoldstyle = 63287; e.sevenparen = 9338; e.sevenperiod = 9358; e.sevenpersian = 1783; e.sevenroman = 8566; e.sevensuperior = 8311; e.seventeencircle = 9328; e.seventeenparen = 9348; e.seventeenperiod = 9368; e.seventhai = 3671; e.sfthyphen = 173; e.shaarmenian = 1399; e.shabengali = 2486; e.shacyrillic = 1096; e.shaddaarabic = 1617; e.shaddadammaarabic = 64609; e.shaddadammatanarabic = 64606; e.shaddafathaarabic = 64608; e.shaddakasraarabic = 64610; e.shaddakasratanarabic = 64607; e.shade = 9618; e.shadedark = 9619; e.shadelight = 9617; e.shademedium = 9618; e.shadeva = 2358; e.shagujarati = 2742; e.shagurmukhi = 2614; e.shalshelethebrew = 1427; e.shbopomofo = 12565; e.shchacyrillic = 1097; e.sheenarabic = 1588; e.sheenfinalarabic = 65206; e.sheeninitialarabic = 65207; e.sheenmedialarabic = 65208; e.sheicoptic = 995; e.sheqel = 8362; e.sheqelhebrew = 8362; e.sheva = 1456; e.sheva115 = 1456; e.sheva15 = 1456; e.sheva22 = 1456; e.sheva2e = 1456; e.shevahebrew = 1456; e.shevanarrowhebrew = 1456; e.shevaquarterhebrew = 1456; e.shevawidehebrew = 1456; e.shhacyrillic = 1211; e.shimacoptic = 1005; e.shin = 1513; e.shindagesh = 64329; e.shindageshhebrew = 64329; e.shindageshshindot = 64300; e.shindageshshindothebrew = 64300; e.shindageshsindot = 64301; e.shindageshsindothebrew = 64301; e.shindothebrew = 1473; e.shinhebrew = 1513; e.shinshindot = 64298; e.shinshindothebrew = 64298; e.shinsindot = 64299; e.shinsindothebrew = 64299; e.shook = 642; e.sigma = 963; e.sigma1 = 962; e.sigmafinal = 962; e.sigmalunatesymbolgreek = 1010; e.sihiragana = 12375; e.sikatakana = 12471; e.sikatakanahalfwidth = 65404; e.siluqhebrew = 1469; e.siluqlefthebrew = 1469; e.similar = 8764; e.sindothebrew = 1474; e.siosacirclekorean = 12916; e.siosaparenkorean = 12820; e.sioscieuckorean = 12670; e.sioscirclekorean = 12902; e.sioskiyeokkorean = 12666; e.sioskorean = 12613; e.siosnieunkorean = 12667; e.siosparenkorean = 12806; e.siospieupkorean = 12669; e.siostikeutkorean = 12668; e.six = 54; e.sixarabic = 1638; e.sixbengali = 2540; e.sixcircle = 9317; e.sixcircleinversesansserif = 10127; e.sixdeva = 2412; e.sixgujarati = 2796; e.sixgurmukhi = 2668; e.sixhackarabic = 1638; e.sixhangzhou = 12326; e.sixideographicparen = 12837; e.sixinferior = 8326; e.sixmonospace = 65302; e.sixoldstyle = 63286; e.sixparen = 9337; e.sixperiod = 9357; e.sixpersian = 1782; e.sixroman = 8565; e.sixsuperior = 8310; e.sixteencircle = 9327; e.sixteencurrencydenominatorbengali = 2553; e.sixteenparen = 9347; e.sixteenperiod = 9367; e.sixthai = 3670; e.slash = 47; e.slashmonospace = 65295; e.slong = 383; e.slongdotaccent = 7835; e.smileface = 9786; e.smonospace = 65363; e.sofpasuqhebrew = 1475; e.softhyphen = 173; e.softsigncyrillic = 1100; e.sohiragana = 12381; e.sokatakana = 12477; e.sokatakanahalfwidth = 65407; e.soliduslongoverlaycmb = 824; e.solidusshortoverlaycmb = 823; e.sorusithai = 3625; e.sosalathai = 3624; e.sosothai = 3595; e.sosuathai = 3626; = 32; e.spacehackarabic = 32; e.spade = 9824; e.spadesuitblack = 9824; e.spadesuitwhite = 9828; e.sparen = 9390; e.squarebelowcmb = 827; e.squarecc = 13252; e.squarecm = 13213; e.squarediagonalcrosshatchfill = 9641; e.squarehorizontalfill = 9636; e.squarekg = 13199; e.squarekm = 13214; e.squarekmcapital = 13262; e.squareln = 13265; e.squarelog = 13266; e.squaremg = 13198; e.squaremil = 13269; e.squaremm = 13212; e.squaremsquared = 13217; e.squareorthogonalcrosshatchfill = 9638; e.squareupperlefttolowerrightfill = 9639; e.squareupperrighttolowerleftfill = 9640; e.squareverticalfill = 9637; e.squarewhitewithsmallblack = 9635; e.srsquare = 13275; e.ssabengali = 2487; e.ssadeva = 2359; e.ssagujarati = 2743; e.ssangcieuckorean = 12617; e.ssanghieuhkorean = 12677; e.ssangieungkorean = 12672; e.ssangkiyeokkorean = 12594; e.ssangnieunkorean = 12645; e.ssangpieupkorean = 12611; e.ssangsioskorean = 12614; e.ssangtikeutkorean = 12600; e.ssuperior = 63218; e.sterling = 163; e.sterlingmonospace = 65505; e.strokelongoverlaycmb = 822; e.strokeshortoverlaycmb = 821; e.subset = 8834; e.subsetnotequal = 8842; e.subsetorequal = 8838; e.succeeds = 8827; e.suchthat = 8715; e.suhiragana = 12377; e.sukatakana = 12473; e.sukatakanahalfwidth = 65405; e.sukunarabic = 1618; e.summation = 8721; e.sun = 9788; e.superset = 8835; e.supersetnotequal = 8843; e.supersetorequal = 8839; e.svsquare = 13276; e.syouwaerasquare = 13180; e.t = 116; e.tabengali = 2468; e.tackdown = 8868; e.tackleft = 8867; e.tadeva = 2340; e.tagujarati = 2724; e.tagurmukhi = 2596; e.taharabic = 1591; e.tahfinalarabic = 65218; e.tahinitialarabic = 65219; e.tahiragana = 12383; e.tahmedialarabic = 65220; e.taisyouerasquare = 13181; e.takatakana = 12479; e.takatakanahalfwidth = 65408; e.tatweelarabic = 1600; e.tau = 964; e.tav = 1514; e.tavdages = 64330; e.tavdagesh = 64330; e.tavdageshhebrew = 64330; e.tavhebrew = 1514; e.tbar = 359; e.tbopomofo = 12554; e.tcaron = 357; e.tccurl = 680; e.tcedilla = 355; e.tcheharabic = 1670; e.tchehfinalarabic = 64379; e.tchehinitialarabic = 64380; e.tchehmedialarabic = 64381; e.tcircle = 9443; e.tcircumflexbelow = 7793; e.tcommaaccent = 355; e.tdieresis = 7831; e.tdotaccent = 7787; e.tdotbelow = 7789; e.tecyrillic = 1090; e.tedescendercyrillic = 1197; e.teharabic = 1578; e.tehfinalarabic = 65174; e.tehhahinitialarabic = 64674; e.tehhahisolatedarabic = 64524; e.tehinitialarabic = 65175; e.tehiragana = 12390; e.tehjeeminitialarabic = 64673; e.tehjeemisolatedarabic = 64523; e.tehmarbutaarabic = 1577; e.tehmarbutafinalarabic = 65172; e.tehmedialarabic = 65176; e.tehmeeminitialarabic = 64676; e.tehmeemisolatedarabic = 64526; e.tehnoonfinalarabic = 64627; e.tekatakana = 12486; e.tekatakanahalfwidth = 65411; e.telephone = 8481; e.telephoneblack = 9742; e.telishagedolahebrew = 1440; e.telishaqetanahebrew = 1449; e.tencircle = 9321; e.tenideographicparen = 12841; e.tenparen = 9341; e.tenperiod = 9361; e.tenroman = 8569; e.tesh = 679; e.tet = 1496; e.tetdagesh = 64312; e.tetdageshhebrew = 64312; e.tethebrew = 1496; e.tetsecyrillic = 1205; e.tevirhebrew = 1435; e.tevirlefthebrew = 1435; e.thabengali = 2469; e.thadeva = 2341; e.thagujarati = 2725; e.thagurmukhi = 2597; e.thalarabic = 1584; e.thalfinalarabic = 65196; e.thanthakhatlowleftthai = 63640; e.thanthakhatlowrightthai = 63639; e.thanthakhatthai = 3660; e.thanthakhatupperleftthai = 63638; e.theharabic = 1579; e.thehfinalarabic = 65178; e.thehinitialarabic = 65179; e.thehmedialarabic = 65180; e.thereexists = 8707; e.therefore = 8756; e.theta = 952; e.theta1 = 977; e.thetasymbolgreek = 977; e.thieuthacirclekorean = 12921; e.thieuthaparenkorean = 12825; e.thieuthcirclekorean = 12907; e.thieuthkorean = 12620; e.thieuthparenkorean = 12811; e.thirteencircle = 9324; e.thirteenparen = 9344; e.thirteenperiod = 9364; e.thonangmonthothai = 3601; e.thook = 429; e.thophuthaothai = 3602; e.thorn = 254; e.thothahanthai = 3607; e.thothanthai = 3600; e.thothongthai = 3608; e.thothungthai = 3606; e.thousandcyrillic = 1154; e.thousandsseparatorarabic = 1644; e.thousandsseparatorpersian = 1644; e.three = 51; e.threearabic = 1635; e.threebengali = 2537; e.threecircle = 9314; e.threecircleinversesansserif = 10124; e.threedeva = 2409; e.threeeighths = 8540; e.threegujarati = 2793; e.threegurmukhi = 2665; e.threehackarabic = 1635; e.threehangzhou = 12323; e.threeideographicparen = 12834; e.threeinferior = 8323; e.threemonospace = 65299; e.threenumeratorbengali = 2550; e.threeoldstyle = 63283; e.threeparen = 9334; e.threeperiod = 9354; e.threepersian = 1779; e.threequarters = 190; e.threequartersemdash = 63198; e.threeroman = 8562; e.threesuperior = 179; e.threethai = 3667; e.thzsquare = 13204; e.tihiragana = 12385; e.tikatakana = 12481; e.tikatakanahalfwidth = 65409; e.tikeutacirclekorean = 12912; e.tikeutaparenkorean = 12816; e.tikeutcirclekorean = 12898; e.tikeutkorean = 12599; e.tikeutparenkorean = 12802; e.tilde = 732; e.tildebelowcmb = 816; e.tildecmb = 771; e.tildecomb = 771; e.tildedoublecmb = 864; e.tildeoperator = 8764; e.tildeoverlaycmb = 820; e.tildeverticalcmb = 830; e.timescircle = 8855; e.tipehahebrew = 1430; e.tipehalefthebrew = 1430; e.tippigurmukhi = 2672; e.titlocyrilliccmb = 1155; e.tiwnarmenian = 1407; e.tlinebelow = 7791; e.tmonospace = 65364; e.toarmenian = 1385; e.tohiragana = 12392; e.tokatakana = 12488; e.tokatakanahalfwidth = 65412; e.tonebarextrahighmod = 741; e.tonebarextralowmod = 745; e.tonebarhighmod = 742; e.tonebarlowmod = 744; e.tonebarmidmod = 743; e.tonefive = 445; e.tonesix = 389; e.tonetwo = 424; e.tonos = 900; e.tonsquare = 13095; e.topatakthai = 3599; e.tortoiseshellbracketleft = 12308; e.tortoiseshellbracketleftsmall = 65117; e.tortoiseshellbracketleftvertical = 65081; e.tortoiseshellbracketright = 12309; e.tortoiseshellbracketrightsmall = 65118; e.tortoiseshellbracketrightvertical = 65082; e.totaothai = 3605; e.tpalatalhook = 427; e.tparen = 9391; e.trademark = 8482; e.trademarksans = 63722; e.trademarkserif = 63195; e.tretroflexhook = 648; e.triagdn = 9660; e.triaglf = 9668; e.triagrt = 9658; e.triagup = 9650; e.ts = 678; e.tsadi = 1510; e.tsadidagesh = 64326; e.tsadidageshhebrew = 64326; e.tsadihebrew = 1510; e.tsecyrillic = 1094; e.tsere = 1461; e.tsere12 = 1461; e.tsere1e = 1461; e.tsere2b = 1461; e.tserehebrew = 1461; e.tserenarrowhebrew = 1461; e.tserequarterhebrew = 1461; e.tserewidehebrew = 1461; e.tshecyrillic = 1115; e.tsuperior = 63219; e.ttabengali = 2463; e.ttadeva = 2335; e.ttagujarati = 2719; e.ttagurmukhi = 2591; e.tteharabic = 1657; e.ttehfinalarabic = 64359; e.ttehinitialarabic = 64360; e.ttehmedialarabic = 64361; e.tthabengali = 2464; e.tthadeva = 2336; e.tthagujarati = 2720; e.tthagurmukhi = 2592; e.tturned = 647; e.tuhiragana = 12388; e.tukatakana = 12484; e.tukatakanahalfwidth = 65410; e.tusmallhiragana = 12387; e.tusmallkatakana = 12483; e.tusmallkatakanahalfwidth = 65391; e.twelvecircle = 9323; e.twelveparen = 9343; e.twelveperiod = 9363; e.twelveroman = 8571; e.twentycircle = 9331; e.twentyhangzhou = 21316; e.twentyparen = 9351; e.twentyperiod = 9371; e.two = 50; e.twoarabic = 1634; e.twobengali = 2536; e.twocircle = 9313; e.twocircleinversesansserif = 10123; e.twodeva = 2408; e.twodotenleader = 8229; e.twodotleader = 8229; e.twodotleadervertical = 65072; e.twogujarati = 2792; e.twogurmukhi = 2664; e.twohackarabic = 1634; e.twohangzhou = 12322; e.twoideographicparen = 12833; e.twoinferior = 8322; e.twomonospace = 65298; e.twonumeratorbengali = 2549; e.twooldstyle = 63282; e.twoparen = 9333; e.twoperiod = 9353; e.twopersian = 1778; e.tworoman = 8561; e.twostroke = 443; e.twosuperior = 178; e.twothai = 3666; e.twothirds = 8532; e.u = 117; e.uacute = 250; e.ubar = 649; e.ubengali = 2441; e.ubopomofo = 12584; e.ubreve = 365; e.ucaron = 468; e.ucircle = 9444; e.ucircumflex = 251; e.ucircumflexbelow = 7799; e.ucyrillic = 1091; e.udattadeva = 2385; e.udblacute = 369; e.udblgrave = 533; e.udeva = 2313; e.udieresis = 252; e.udieresisacute = 472; e.udieresisbelow = 7795; e.udieresiscaron = 474; e.udieresiscyrillic = 1265; e.udieresisgrave = 476; e.udieresismacron = 470; e.udotbelow = 7909; e.ugrave = 249; e.ugujarati = 2697; e.ugurmukhi = 2569; e.uhiragana = 12358; e.uhookabove = 7911; e.uhorn = 432; e.uhornacute = 7913; e.uhorndotbelow = 7921; e.uhorngrave = 7915; e.uhornhookabove = 7917; e.uhorntilde = 7919; e.uhungarumlaut = 369; e.uhungarumlautcyrillic = 1267; e.uinvertedbreve = 535; e.ukatakana = 12454; e.ukatakanahalfwidth = 65395; e.ukcyrillic = 1145; e.ukorean = 12636; e.umacron = 363; e.umacroncyrillic = 1263; e.umacrondieresis = 7803; e.umatragurmukhi = 2625; e.umonospace = 65365; e.underscore = 95; e.underscoredbl = 8215; e.underscoremonospace = 65343; e.underscorevertical = 65075; e.underscorewavy = 65103; e.union = 8746; e.universal = 8704; e.uogonek = 371; e.uparen = 9392; e.upblock = 9600; e.upperdothebrew = 1476; e.upsilon = 965; e.upsilondieresis = 971; e.upsilondieresistonos = 944; e.upsilonlatin = 650; e.upsilontonos = 973; e.uptackbelowcmb = 797; e.uptackmod = 724; e.uragurmukhi = 2675; e.uring = 367; e.ushortcyrillic = 1118; e.usmallhiragana = 12357; e.usmallkatakana = 12453; e.usmallkatakanahalfwidth = 65385; e.ustraightcyrillic = 1199; e.ustraightstrokecyrillic = 1201; e.utilde = 361; e.utildeacute = 7801; e.utildebelow = 7797; e.uubengali = 2442; e.uudeva = 2314; e.uugujarati = 2698; e.uugurmukhi = 2570; e.uumatragurmukhi = 2626; e.uuvowelsignbengali = 2498; e.uuvowelsigndeva = 2370; e.uuvowelsigngujarati = 2754; e.uvowelsignbengali = 2497; e.uvowelsigndeva = 2369; e.uvowelsigngujarati = 2753; e.v = 118; e.vadeva = 2357; e.vagujarati = 2741; e.vagurmukhi = 2613; e.vakatakana = 12535; e.vav = 1493; e.vavdagesh = 64309; e.vavdagesh65 = 64309; e.vavdageshhebrew = 64309; e.vavhebrew = 1493; e.vavholam = 64331; e.vavholamhebrew = 64331; e.vavvavhebrew = 1520; e.vavyodhebrew = 1521; e.vcircle = 9445; e.vdotbelow = 7807; e.vecyrillic = 1074; e.veharabic = 1700; e.vehfinalarabic = 64363; e.vehinitialarabic = 64364; e.vehmedialarabic = 64365; e.vekatakana = 12537; e.venus = 9792; e.verticalbar = 124; e.verticallineabovecmb = 781; e.verticallinebelowcmb = 809; e.verticallinelowmod = 716; e.verticallinemod = 712; e.vewarmenian = 1406; e.vhook = 651; e.vikatakana = 12536; e.viramabengali = 2509; e.viramadeva = 2381; e.viramagujarati = 2765; e.visargabengali = 2435; e.visargadeva = 2307; e.visargagujarati = 2691; e.vmonospace = 65366; e.voarmenian = 1400; e.voicediterationhiragana = 12446; e.voicediterationkatakana = 12542; e.voicedmarkkana = 12443; e.voicedmarkkanahalfwidth = 65438; e.vokatakana = 12538; e.vparen = 9393; e.vtilde = 7805; e.vturned = 652; e.vuhiragana = 12436; e.vukatakana = 12532; e.w = 119; e.wacute = 7811; e.waekorean = 12633; e.wahiragana = 12431; e.wakatakana = 12527; e.wakatakanahalfwidth = 65436; e.wakorean = 12632; e.wasmallhiragana = 12430; e.wasmallkatakana = 12526; e.wattosquare = 13143; e.wavedash = 12316; e.wavyunderscorevertical = 65076; e.wawarabic = 1608; e.wawfinalarabic = 65262; e.wawhamzaabovearabic = 1572; e.wawhamzaabovefinalarabic = 65158; e.wbsquare = 13277; e.wcircle = 9446; e.wcircumflex = 373; e.wdieresis = 7813; e.wdotaccent = 7815; e.wdotbelow = 7817; e.wehiragana = 12433; e.weierstrass = 8472; e.wekatakana = 12529; e.wekorean = 12638; e.weokorean = 12637; e.wgrave = 7809; e.whitebullet = 9702; e.whitecircle = 9675; e.whitecircleinverse = 9689; e.whitecornerbracketleft = 12302; e.whitecornerbracketleftvertical = 65091; e.whitecornerbracketright = 12303; e.whitecornerbracketrightvertical = 65092; e.whitediamond = 9671; e.whitediamondcontainingblacksmalldiamond = 9672; e.whitedownpointingsmalltriangle = 9663; e.whitedownpointingtriangle = 9661; e.whiteleftpointingsmalltriangle = 9667; e.whiteleftpointingtriangle = 9665; e.whitelenticularbracketleft = 12310; e.whitelenticularbracketright = 12311; e.whiterightpointingsmalltriangle = 9657; e.whiterightpointingtriangle = 9655; e.whitesmallsquare = 9643; e.whitesmilingface = 9786; e.whitesquare = 9633; e.whitestar = 9734; e.whitetelephone = 9743; e.whitetortoiseshellbracketleft = 12312; e.whitetortoiseshellbracketright = 12313; e.whiteuppointingsmalltriangle = 9653; e.whiteuppointingtriangle = 9651; e.wihiragana = 12432; e.wikatakana = 12528; e.wikorean = 12639; e.wmonospace = 65367; e.wohiragana = 12434; e.wokatakana = 12530; e.wokatakanahalfwidth = 65382; e.won = 8361; e.wonmonospace = 65510; e.wowaenthai = 3623; e.wparen = 9394; e.wring = 7832; e.wsuperior = 695; e.wturned = 653; e.wynn = 447; e.x = 120; e.xabovecmb = 829; e.xbopomofo = 12562; e.xcircle = 9447; e.xdieresis = 7821; e.xdotaccent = 7819; e.xeharmenian = 1389; e.xi = 958; e.xmonospace = 65368; e.xparen = 9395; e.xsuperior = 739; e.y = 121; e.yaadosquare = 13134; e.yabengali = 2479; e.yacute = 253; e.yadeva = 2351; e.yaekorean = 12626; e.yagujarati = 2735; e.yagurmukhi = 2607; e.yahiragana = 12420; e.yakatakana = 12516; e.yakatakanahalfwidth = 65428; e.yakorean = 12625; e.yamakkanthai = 3662; e.yasmallhiragana = 12419; e.yasmallkatakana = 12515; e.yasmallkatakanahalfwidth = 65388; e.yatcyrillic = 1123; e.ycircle = 9448; e.ycircumflex = 375; e.ydieresis = 255; e.ydotaccent = 7823; e.ydotbelow = 7925; e.yeharabic = 1610; e.yehbarreearabic = 1746; e.yehbarreefinalarabic = 64431; e.yehfinalarabic = 65266; e.yehhamzaabovearabic = 1574; e.yehhamzaabovefinalarabic = 65162; e.yehhamzaaboveinitialarabic = 65163; e.yehhamzaabovemedialarabic = 65164; e.yehinitialarabic = 65267; e.yehmedialarabic = 65268; e.yehmeeminitialarabic = 64733; e.yehmeemisolatedarabic = 64600; e.yehnoonfinalarabic = 64660; e.yehthreedotsbelowarabic = 1745; e.yekorean = 12630; e.yen = 165; e.yenmonospace = 65509; e.yeokorean = 12629; e.yeorinhieuhkorean = 12678; e.yerahbenyomohebrew = 1450; e.yerahbenyomolefthebrew = 1450; e.yericyrillic = 1099; e.yerudieresiscyrillic = 1273; e.yesieungkorean = 12673; e.yesieungpansioskorean = 12675; e.yesieungsioskorean = 12674; e.yetivhebrew = 1434; e.ygrave = 7923; e.yhook = 436; e.yhookabove = 7927; e.yiarmenian = 1397; e.yicyrillic = 1111; e.yikorean = 12642; e.yinyang = 9775; e.yiwnarmenian = 1410; e.ymonospace = 65369; e.yod = 1497; e.yoddagesh = 64313; e.yoddageshhebrew = 64313; e.yodhebrew = 1497; e.yodyodhebrew = 1522; e.yodyodpatahhebrew = 64287; e.yohiragana = 12424; e.yoikorean = 12681; e.yokatakana = 12520; e.yokatakanahalfwidth = 65430; e.yokorean = 12635; e.yosmallhiragana = 12423; e.yosmallkatakana = 12519; e.yosmallkatakanahalfwidth = 65390; e.yotgreek = 1011; e.yoyaekorean = 12680; e.yoyakorean = 12679; e.yoyakthai = 3618; e.yoyingthai = 3597; e.yparen = 9396; e.ypogegrammeni = 890; e.ypogegrammenigreekcmb = 837; e.yr = 422; e.yring = 7833; e.ysuperior = 696; e.ytilde = 7929; e.yturned = 654; e.yuhiragana = 12422; e.yuikorean = 12684; e.yukatakana = 12518; e.yukatakanahalfwidth = 65429; e.yukorean = 12640; e.yusbigcyrillic = 1131; e.yusbigiotifiedcyrillic = 1133; e.yuslittlecyrillic = 1127; e.yuslittleiotifiedcyrillic = 1129; e.yusmallhiragana = 12421; e.yusmallkatakana = 12517; e.yusmallkatakanahalfwidth = 65389; e.yuyekorean = 12683; e.yuyeokorean = 12682; e.yyabengali = 2527; e.yyadeva = 2399; e.z = 122; e.zaarmenian = 1382; e.zacute = 378; e.zadeva = 2395; e.zagurmukhi = 2651; e.zaharabic = 1592; e.zahfinalarabic = 65222; e.zahinitialarabic = 65223; e.zahiragana = 12374; e.zahmedialarabic = 65224; e.zainarabic = 1586; e.zainfinalarabic = 65200; e.zakatakana = 12470; e.zaqefgadolhebrew = 1429; e.zaqefqatanhebrew = 1428; e.zarqahebrew = 1432; e.zayin = 1494; e.zayindagesh = 64310; e.zayindageshhebrew = 64310; e.zayinhebrew = 1494; e.zbopomofo = 12567; e.zcaron = 382; e.zcircle = 9449; e.zcircumflex = 7825; e.zcurl = 657; e.zdot = 380; e.zdotaccent = 380; e.zdotbelow = 7827; e.zecyrillic = 1079; e.zedescendercyrillic = 1177; e.zedieresiscyrillic = 1247; e.zehiragana = 12380; e.zekatakana = 12476; = 48; e.zeroarabic = 1632; e.zerobengali = 2534; e.zerodeva = 2406; e.zerogujarati = 2790; e.zerogurmukhi = 2662; e.zerohackarabic = 1632; e.zeroinferior = 8320; e.zeromonospace = 65296; e.zerooldstyle = 63280; e.zeropersian = 1776; e.zerosuperior = 8304; e.zerothai = 3664; e.zerowidthjoiner = 65279; e.zerowidthnonjoiner = 8204; e.zerowidthspace = 8203; e.zeta = 950; e.zhbopomofo = 12563; e.zhearmenian = 1386; e.zhebrevecyrillic = 1218; e.zhecyrillic = 1078; e.zhedescendercyrillic = 1175; e.zhedieresiscyrillic = 1245; e.zihiragana = 12376; e.zikatakana = 12472; e.zinorhebrew = 1454; e.zlinebelow = 7829; e.zmonospace = 65370; e.zohiragana = 12382; e.zokatakana = 12478; e.zparen = 9397; e.zretroflexhook = 656; e.zstroke = 438; e.zuhiragana = 12378; e.zukatakana = 12474; e[".notdef"] = 0; e.angbracketleftbig = 9001; e.angbracketleftBig = 9001; e.angbracketleftbigg = 9001; e.angbracketleftBigg = 9001; e.angbracketrightBig = 9002; e.angbracketrightbig = 9002; e.angbracketrightBigg = 9002; e.angbracketrightbigg = 9002; e.arrowhookleft = 8618; e.arrowhookright = 8617; e.arrowlefttophalf = 8636; e.arrowleftbothalf = 8637; e.arrownortheast = 8599; e.arrownorthwest = 8598; e.arrowrighttophalf = 8640; e.arrowrightbothalf = 8641; e.arrowsoutheast = 8600; e.arrowsouthwest = 8601; e.backslashbig = 8726; e.backslashBig = 8726; e.backslashBigg = 8726; e.backslashbigg = 8726; e.bardbl = 8214; e.bracehtipdownleft = 65079; e.bracehtipdownright = 65079; e.bracehtipupleft = 65080; e.bracehtipupright = 65080; e.braceleftBig = 123; e.braceleftbig = 123; e.braceleftbigg = 123; e.braceleftBigg = 123; e.bracerightBig = 125; e.bracerightbig = 125; e.bracerightbigg = 125; e.bracerightBigg = 125; e.bracketleftbig = 91; e.bracketleftBig = 91; e.bracketleftbigg = 91; e.bracketleftBigg = 91; e.bracketrightBig = 93; e.bracketrightbig = 93; e.bracketrightbigg = 93; e.bracketrightBigg = 93; e.ceilingleftbig = 8968; e.ceilingleftBig = 8968; e.ceilingleftBigg = 8968; e.ceilingleftbigg = 8968; e.ceilingrightbig = 8969; e.ceilingrightBig = 8969; e.ceilingrightbigg = 8969; e.ceilingrightBigg = 8969; e.circledotdisplay = 8857; e.circledottext = 8857; e.circlemultiplydisplay = 8855; e.circlemultiplytext = 8855; e.circleplusdisplay = 8853; e.circleplustext = 8853; e.contintegraldisplay = 8750; e.contintegraltext = 8750; e.coproductdisplay = 8720; e.coproducttext = 8720; e.floorleftBig = 8970; e.floorleftbig = 8970; e.floorleftbigg = 8970; e.floorleftBigg = 8970; e.floorrightbig = 8971; e.floorrightBig = 8971; e.floorrightBigg = 8971; e.floorrightbigg = 8971; e.hatwide = 770; e.hatwider = 770; e.hatwidest = 770; e.intercal = 7488; e.integraldisplay = 8747; e.integraltext = 8747; e.intersectiondisplay = 8898; e.intersectiontext = 8898; e.logicalanddisplay = 8743; e.logicalandtext = 8743; e.logicalordisplay = 8744; e.logicalortext = 8744; e.parenleftBig = 40; e.parenleftbig = 40; e.parenleftBigg = 40; e.parenleftbigg = 40; e.parenrightBig = 41; e.parenrightbig = 41; e.parenrightBigg = 41; e.parenrightbigg = 41; = 8242; e.productdisplay = 8719; e.producttext = 8719; e.radicalbig = 8730; e.radicalBig = 8730; e.radicalBigg = 8730; e.radicalbigg = 8730; e.radicalbt = 8730; e.radicaltp = 8730; e.radicalvertex = 8730; e.slashbig = 47; e.slashBig = 47; e.slashBigg = 47; e.slashbigg = 47; e.summationdisplay = 8721; e.summationtext = 8721; e.tildewide = 732; e.tildewider = 732; e.tildewidest = 732; e.uniondisplay = 8899; e.unionmultidisplay = 8846; e.unionmultitext = 8846; e.unionsqdisplay = 8852; e.unionsqtext = 8852; e.uniontext = 8899; e.vextenddouble = 8741; e.vextendsingle = 8739 })), Gi = getLookupTableFactory((function (e) { = 32; e.a1 = 9985; e.a2 = 9986; e.a202 = 9987; e.a3 = 9988; e.a4 = 9742; e.a5 = 9990; e.a119 = 9991; e.a118 = 9992; e.a117 = 9993; e.a11 = 9755; e.a12 = 9758; e.a13 = 9996; e.a14 = 9997; e.a15 = 9998; e.a16 = 9999; e.a105 = 1e4; e.a17 = 10001; e.a18 = 10002; e.a19 = 10003; e.a20 = 10004; e.a21 = 10005; e.a22 = 10006; e.a23 = 10007; e.a24 = 10008; e.a25 = 10009; e.a26 = 10010; e.a27 = 10011; e.a28 = 10012; e.a6 = 10013; e.a7 = 10014; e.a8 = 10015; e.a9 = 10016; e.a10 = 10017; e.a29 = 10018; e.a30 = 10019; e.a31 = 10020; e.a32 = 10021; e.a33 = 10022; e.a34 = 10023; e.a35 = 9733; e.a36 = 10025; e.a37 = 10026; e.a38 = 10027; e.a39 = 10028; e.a40 = 10029; e.a41 = 10030; e.a42 = 10031; e.a43 = 10032; e.a44 = 10033; e.a45 = 10034; e.a46 = 10035; e.a47 = 10036; e.a48 = 10037; e.a49 = 10038; e.a50 = 10039; e.a51 = 10040; e.a52 = 10041; e.a53 = 10042; e.a54 = 10043; e.a55 = 10044; e.a56 = 10045; e.a57 = 10046; e.a58 = 10047; e.a59 = 10048; e.a60 = 10049; e.a61 = 10050; e.a62 = 10051; e.a63 = 10052; e.a64 = 10053; e.a65 = 10054; e.a66 = 10055; e.a67 = 10056; e.a68 = 10057; e.a69 = 10058; e.a70 = 10059; e.a71 = 9679; e.a72 = 10061; e.a73 = 9632; e.a74 = 10063; e.a203 = 10064; e.a75 = 10065; e.a204 = 10066; e.a76 = 9650; e.a77 = 9660; e.a78 = 9670; e.a79 = 10070; e.a81 = 9687; e.a82 = 10072; e.a83 = 10073; e.a84 = 10074; e.a97 = 10075; e.a98 = 10076; e.a99 = 10077; e.a100 = 10078; e.a101 = 10081; e.a102 = 10082; e.a103 = 10083; e.a104 = 10084; e.a106 = 10085; e.a107 = 10086; e.a108 = 10087; e.a112 = 9827; e.a111 = 9830; e.a110 = 9829; e.a109 = 9824; e.a120 = 9312; e.a121 = 9313; e.a122 = 9314; e.a123 = 9315; e.a124 = 9316; e.a125 = 9317; e.a126 = 9318; e.a127 = 9319; e.a128 = 9320; e.a129 = 9321; e.a130 = 10102; e.a131 = 10103; e.a132 = 10104; e.a133 = 10105; e.a134 = 10106; e.a135 = 10107; e.a136 = 10108; e.a137 = 10109; e.a138 = 10110; e.a139 = 10111; e.a140 = 10112; e.a141 = 10113; e.a142 = 10114; e.a143 = 10115; e.a144 = 10116; e.a145 = 10117; e.a146 = 10118; e.a147 = 10119; e.a148 = 10120; e.a149 = 10121; e.a150 = 10122; e.a151 = 10123; e.a152 = 10124; e.a153 = 10125; e.a154 = 10126; e.a155 = 10127; e.a156 = 10128; e.a157 = 10129; e.a158 = 10130; e.a159 = 10131; e.a160 = 10132; e.a161 = 8594; e.a163 = 8596; e.a164 = 8597; e.a196 = 10136; e.a165 = 10137; e.a192 = 10138; e.a166 = 10139; e.a167 = 10140; e.a168 = 10141; e.a169 = 10142; e.a170 = 10143; e.a171 = 10144; e.a172 = 10145; e.a173 = 10146; e.a162 = 10147; e.a174 = 10148; e.a175 = 10149; e.a176 = 10150; e.a177 = 10151; e.a178 = 10152; e.a179 = 10153; e.a193 = 10154; e.a180 = 10155; e.a199 = 10156; e.a181 = 10157; e.a200 = 10158; e.a182 = 10159; e.a201 = 10161; e.a183 = 10162; e.a184 = 10163; e.a197 = 10164; e.a185 = 10165; e.a194 = 10166; e.a198 = 10167; e.a186 = 10168; e.a195 = 10169; e.a187 = 10170; e.a188 = 10171; e.a189 = 10172; e.a190 = 10173; e.a191 = 10174; e.a89 = 10088; e.a90 = 10089; e.a93 = 10090; e.a94 = 10091; e.a91 = 10092; e.a92 = 10093; e.a205 = 10094; e.a85 = 10095; e.a206 = 10096; e.a86 = 10097; e.a87 = 10098; e.a88 = 10099; e.a95 = 10100; e.a96 = 10101; e[".notdef"] = 0 })), xi = getLookupTableFactory((function (e) { e[63721] = 169; e[63193] = 169; e[63720] = 174; e[63194] = 174; e[63722] = 8482; e[63195] = 8482; e[63729] = 9127; e[63730] = 9128; e[63731] = 9129; e[63740] = 9131; e[63741] = 9132; e[63742] = 9133; e[63726] = 9121; e[63727] = 9122; e[63728] = 9123; e[63737] = 9124; e[63738] = 9125; e[63739] = 9126; e[63723] = 9115; e[63724] = 9116; e[63725] = 9117; e[63734] = 9118; e[63735] = 9119; e[63736] = 9120 })); function getUnicodeForGlyph(e, t) { let i = t[e]; if (void 0 !== i) return i; if (!e) return -1; if ("u" === e[0]) { const t = e.length; let a; if (7 === t && "n" === e[1] && "i" === e[2]) a = e.substring(3); else { if (!(t >= 5 && t <= 7)) return -1; a = e.substring(1) } if (a === a.toUpperCase()) { i = parseInt(a, 16); if (i >= 0) return i } } return -1 } const Mi = [[0, 127], [128, 255], [256, 383], [384, 591], [592, 687, 7424, 7551, 7552, 7615], [688, 767, 42752, 42783], [768, 879, 7616, 7679], [880, 1023], [11392, 11519], [1024, 1279, 1280, 1327, 11744, 11775, 42560, 42655], [1328, 1423], [1424, 1535], [42240, 42559], [1536, 1791, 1872, 1919], [1984, 2047], [2304, 2431], [2432, 2559], [2560, 2687], [2688, 2815], [2816, 2943], [2944, 3071], [3072, 3199], [3200, 3327], [3328, 3455], [3584, 3711], [3712, 3839], [4256, 4351, 11520, 11567], [6912, 7039], [4352, 4607], [7680, 7935, 11360, 11391, 42784, 43007], [7936, 8191], [8192, 8303, 11776, 11903], [8304, 8351], [8352, 8399], [8400, 8447], [8448, 8527], [8528, 8591], [8592, 8703, 10224, 10239, 10496, 10623, 11008, 11263], [8704, 8959, 10752, 11007, 10176, 10223, 10624, 10751], [8960, 9215], [9216, 9279], [9280, 9311], [9312, 9471], [9472, 9599], [9600, 9631], [9632, 9727], [9728, 9983], [9984, 10175], [12288, 12351], [12352, 12447], [12448, 12543, 12784, 12799], [12544, 12591, 12704, 12735], [12592, 12687], [43072, 43135], [12800, 13055], [13056, 13311], [44032, 55215], [55296, 57343], [67840, 67871], [19968, 40959, 11904, 12031, 12032, 12255, 12272, 12287, 13312, 19903, 131072, 173791, 12688, 12703], [57344, 63743], [12736, 12783, 63744, 64255, 194560, 195103], [64256, 64335], [64336, 65023], [65056, 65071], [65040, 65055], [65104, 65135], [65136, 65279], [65280, 65519], [65520, 65535], [3840, 4095], [1792, 1871], [1920, 1983], [3456, 3583], [4096, 4255], [4608, 4991, 4992, 5023, 11648, 11743], [5024, 5119], [5120, 5759], [5760, 5791], [5792, 5887], [6016, 6143], [6144, 6319], [10240, 10495], [40960, 42127], [5888, 5919, 5920, 5951, 5952, 5983, 5984, 6015], [66304, 66351], [66352, 66383], [66560, 66639], [118784, 119039, 119040, 119295, 119296, 119375], [119808, 120831], [1044480, 1048573], [65024, 65039, 917760, 917999], [917504, 917631], [6400, 6479], [6480, 6527], [6528, 6623], [6656, 6687], [11264, 11359], [11568, 11647], [19904, 19967], [43008, 43055], [65536, 65663, 65664, 65791, 65792, 65855], [65856, 65935], [66432, 66463], [66464, 66527], [66640, 66687], [66688, 66735], [67584, 67647], [68096, 68191], [119552, 119647], [73728, 74751, 74752, 74879], [119648, 119679], [7040, 7103], [7168, 7247], [7248, 7295], [43136, 43231], [43264, 43311], [43312, 43359], [43520, 43615], [65936, 65999], [66e3, 66047], [66208, 66271, 66176, 66207, 67872, 67903], [127024, 127135, 126976, 127023]]; function getUnicodeRangeFor(e, t = -1) { if (-1 !== t) { const i = Mi[t]; for (let a = 0, s = i.length; a < s; a += 2)if (e >= i[a] && e <= i[a + 1]) return t } for (let t = 0, i = Mi.length; t < i; t++) { const i = Mi[t]; for (let a = 0, s = i.length; a < s; a += 2)if (e >= i[a] && e <= i[a + 1]) return t } return -1 } const Ji = new RegExp("^(\\s)|(\\p{Mn})|(\\p{Cf})$", "u"), Hi = new Map; const Yi = !0, vi = 1, Ki = 2, Ti = 4, qi = 32, Oi = [".notdef", ".null", "nonmarkingreturn", "space", "exclam", "quotedbl", "numbersign", "dollar", "percent", "ampersand", "quotesingle", "parenleft", "parenright", "asterisk", "plus", "comma", "hyphen", "period", "slash", "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine", "colon", "semicolon", "less", "equal", "greater", "question", "at", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "bracketleft", "backslash", "bracketright", "asciicircum", "underscore", "grave", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "braceleft", "bar", "braceright", "asciitilde", "Adieresis", "Aring", "Ccedilla", "Eacute", "Ntilde", "Odieresis", "Udieresis", "aacute", "agrave", "acircumflex", "adieresis", "atilde", "aring", "ccedilla", "eacute", "egrave", "ecircumflex", "edieresis", "iacute", "igrave", "icircumflex", "idieresis", "ntilde", "oacute", "ograve", "ocircumflex", "odieresis", "otilde", "uacute", "ugrave", "ucircumflex", "udieresis", "dagger", "degree", "cent", "sterling", "section", "bullet", "paragraph", "germandbls", "registered", "copyright", "trademark", "acute", "dieresis", "notequal", "AE", "Oslash", "infinity", "plusminus", "lessequal", "greaterequal", "yen", "mu", "partialdiff", "summation", "product", "pi", "integral", "ordfeminine", "ordmasculine", "Omega", "ae", "oslash", "questiondown", "exclamdown", "logicalnot", "radical", "florin", "approxequal", "Delta", "guillemotleft", "guillemotright", "ellipsis", "nonbreakingspace", "Agrave", "Atilde", "Otilde", "OE", "oe", "endash", "emdash", "quotedblleft", "quotedblright", "quoteleft", "quoteright", "divide", "lozenge", "ydieresis", "Ydieresis", "fraction", "currency", "guilsinglleft", "guilsinglright", "fi", "fl", "daggerdbl", "periodcentered", "quotesinglbase", "quotedblbase", "perthousand", "Acircumflex", "Ecircumflex", "Aacute", "Edieresis", "Egrave", "Iacute", "Icircumflex", "Idieresis", "Igrave", "Oacute", "Ocircumflex", "apple", "Ograve", "Uacute", "Ucircumflex", "Ugrave", "dotlessi", "circumflex", "tilde", "macron", "breve", "dotaccent", "ring", "cedilla", "hungarumlaut", "ogonek", "caron", "Lslash", "lslash", "Scaron", "scaron", "Zcaron", "zcaron", "brokenbar", "Eth", "eth", "Yacute", "yacute", "Thorn", "thorn", "minus", "multiply", "onesuperior", "twosuperior", "threesuperior", "onehalf", "onequarter", "threequarters", "franc", "Gbreve", "gbreve", "Idotaccent", "Scedilla", "scedilla", "Cacute", "cacute", "Ccaron", "ccaron", "dcroat"]; function recoverGlyphName(e, t) { if (void 0 !== t[e]) return e; const i = getUnicodeForGlyph(e, t); if (-1 !== i) for (const e in t) if (t[e] === i) return e; info("Unable to recover a standard glyph name for: " + e); return e } function type1FontGlyphMapping(e, t, i) { const a = Object.create(null); let s, r, n; const o = !!(e.flags & Ti); if (e.isInternalFont) { n = t; for (r = 0; r < n.length; r++) { s = i.indexOf(n[r]); a[r] = s >= 0 ? s : 0 } } else if (e.baseEncodingName) { n = getEncoding(e.baseEncodingName); for (r = 0; r < n.length; r++) { s = i.indexOf(n[r]); a[r] = s >= 0 ? s : 0 } } else if (o) for (r in t) a[r] = t[r]; else { n = fi; for (r = 0; r < n.length; r++) { s = i.indexOf(n[r]); a[r] = s >= 0 ? s : 0 } } const g = e.differences; let c; if (g) for (r in g) { const e = g[r]; s = i.indexOf(e); if (-1 === s) { c || (c = Ni()); const t = recoverGlyphName(e, c); t !== e && (s = i.indexOf(t)) } a[r] = s >= 0 ? s : 0 } return a } function normalizeFontName(e) { return e.replaceAll(/[,_]/g, "-").replaceAll(/\s/g, "") } const Pi = getLookupTableFactory((function (e) { e["Times-Roman"] = "Times-Roman"; e.Helvetica = "Helvetica"; e.Courier = "Courier"; e.Symbol = "Symbol"; e["Times-Bold"] = "Times-Bold"; e["Helvetica-Bold"] = "Helvetica-Bold"; e["Courier-Bold"] = "Courier-Bold"; e.ZapfDingbats = "ZapfDingbats"; e["Times-Italic"] = "Times-Italic"; e["Helvetica-Oblique"] = "Helvetica-Oblique"; e["Courier-Oblique"] = "Courier-Oblique"; e["Times-BoldItalic"] = "Times-BoldItalic"; e["Helvetica-BoldOblique"] = "Helvetica-BoldOblique"; e["Courier-BoldOblique"] = "Courier-BoldOblique"; e.ArialNarrow = "Helvetica"; e["ArialNarrow-Bold"] = "Helvetica-Bold"; e["ArialNarrow-BoldItalic"] = "Helvetica-BoldOblique"; e["ArialNarrow-Italic"] = "Helvetica-Oblique"; e.ArialBlack = "Helvetica"; e["ArialBlack-Bold"] = "Helvetica-Bold"; e["ArialBlack-BoldItalic"] = "Helvetica-BoldOblique"; e["ArialBlack-Italic"] = "Helvetica-Oblique"; e["Arial-Black"] = "Helvetica"; e["Arial-Black-Bold"] = "Helvetica-Bold"; e["Arial-Black-BoldItalic"] = "Helvetica-BoldOblique"; e["Arial-Black-Italic"] = "Helvetica-Oblique"; e.Arial = "Helvetica"; e["Arial-Bold"] = "Helvetica-Bold"; e["Arial-BoldItalic"] = "Helvetica-BoldOblique"; e["Arial-Italic"] = "Helvetica-Oblique"; e.ArialMT = "Helvetica"; e["Arial-BoldItalicMT"] = "Helvetica-BoldOblique"; e["Arial-BoldMT"] = "Helvetica-Bold"; e["Arial-ItalicMT"] = "Helvetica-Oblique"; e["Arial-BoldItalicMT-BoldItalic"] = "Helvetica-BoldOblique"; e["Arial-BoldMT-Bold"] = "Helvetica-Bold"; e["Arial-ItalicMT-Italic"] = "Helvetica-Oblique"; e.ArialUnicodeMS = "Helvetica"; e["ArialUnicodeMS-Bold"] = "Helvetica-Bold"; e["ArialUnicodeMS-BoldItalic"] = "Helvetica-BoldOblique"; e["ArialUnicodeMS-Italic"] = "Helvetica-Oblique"; e["Courier-BoldItalic"] = "Courier-BoldOblique"; e["Courier-Italic"] = "Courier-Oblique"; e.CourierNew = "Courier"; e["CourierNew-Bold"] = "Courier-Bold"; e["CourierNew-BoldItalic"] = "Courier-BoldOblique"; e["CourierNew-Italic"] = "Courier-Oblique"; e["CourierNewPS-BoldItalicMT"] = "Courier-BoldOblique"; e["CourierNewPS-BoldMT"] = "Courier-Bold"; e["CourierNewPS-ItalicMT"] = "Courier-Oblique"; e.CourierNewPSMT = "Courier"; e["Helvetica-BoldItalic"] = "Helvetica-BoldOblique"; e["Helvetica-Italic"] = "Helvetica-Oblique"; e["Symbol-Bold"] = "Symbol"; e["Symbol-BoldItalic"] = "Symbol"; e["Symbol-Italic"] = "Symbol"; e.TimesNewRoman = "Times-Roman"; e["TimesNewRoman-Bold"] = "Times-Bold"; e["TimesNewRoman-BoldItalic"] = "Times-BoldItalic"; e["TimesNewRoman-Italic"] = "Times-Italic"; e.TimesNewRomanPS = "Times-Roman"; e["TimesNewRomanPS-Bold"] = "Times-Bold"; e["TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalic"] = "Times-BoldItalic"; e["TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalicMT"] = "Times-BoldItalic"; e["TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT"] = "Times-Bold"; e["TimesNewRomanPS-Italic"] = "Times-Italic"; e["TimesNewRomanPS-ItalicMT"] = "Times-Italic"; e.TimesNewRomanPSMT = "Times-Roman"; e["TimesNewRomanPSMT-Bold"] = "Times-Bold"; e["TimesNewRomanPSMT-BoldItalic"] = "Times-BoldItalic"; e["TimesNewRomanPSMT-Italic"] = "Times-Italic" })), Wi = getLookupTableFactory((function (e) { e.Courier = "FoxitFixed.pfb"; e["Courier-Bold"] = "FoxitFixedBold.pfb"; e["Courier-BoldOblique"] = "FoxitFixedBoldItalic.pfb"; e["Courier-Oblique"] = "FoxitFixedItalic.pfb"; e.Helvetica = "LiberationSans-Regular.ttf"; e["Helvetica-Bold"] = "LiberationSans-Bold.ttf"; e["Helvetica-BoldOblique"] = "LiberationSans-BoldItalic.ttf"; e["Helvetica-Oblique"] = "LiberationSans-Italic.ttf"; e["Times-Roman"] = "FoxitSerif.pfb"; e["Times-Bold"] = "FoxitSerifBold.pfb"; e["Times-BoldItalic"] = "FoxitSerifBoldItalic.pfb"; e["Times-Italic"] = "FoxitSerifItalic.pfb"; e.Symbol = "FoxitSymbol.pfb"; e.ZapfDingbats = "FoxitDingbats.pfb"; e["LiberationSans-Regular"] = "LiberationSans-Regular.ttf"; e["LiberationSans-Bold"] = "LiberationSans-Bold.ttf"; e["LiberationSans-Italic"] = "LiberationSans-Italic.ttf"; e["LiberationSans-BoldItalic"] = "LiberationSans-BoldItalic.ttf" })), Xi = getLookupTableFactory((function (e) { e.Calibri = "Helvetica"; e["Calibri-Bold"] = "Helvetica-Bold"; e["Calibri-BoldItalic"] = "Helvetica-BoldOblique"; e["Calibri-Italic"] = "Helvetica-Oblique"; e.CenturyGothic = "Helvetica"; e["CenturyGothic-Bold"] = "Helvetica-Bold"; e["CenturyGothic-BoldItalic"] = "Helvetica-BoldOblique"; e["CenturyGothic-Italic"] = "Helvetica-Oblique"; e.ComicSansMS = "Comic Sans MS"; e["ComicSansMS-Bold"] = "Comic Sans MS-Bold"; e["ComicSansMS-BoldItalic"] = "Comic Sans MS-BoldItalic"; e["ComicSansMS-Italic"] = "Comic Sans MS-Italic"; e.Impact = "Helvetica"; e["ItcSymbol-Bold"] = "Helvetica-Bold"; e["ItcSymbol-BoldItalic"] = "Helvetica-BoldOblique"; e["ItcSymbol-Book"] = "Helvetica"; e["ItcSymbol-BookItalic"] = "Helvetica-Oblique"; e["ItcSymbol-Medium"] = "Helvetica"; e["ItcSymbol-MediumItalic"] = "Helvetica-Oblique"; e.LucidaConsole = "Courier"; e["LucidaConsole-Bold"] = "Courier-Bold"; e["LucidaConsole-BoldItalic"] = "Courier-BoldOblique"; e["LucidaConsole-Italic"] = "Courier-Oblique"; e["LucidaSans-Demi"] = "Helvetica-Bold"; e["MS-Gothic"] = "MS Gothic"; e["MS-Gothic-Bold"] = "MS Gothic-Bold"; e["MS-Gothic-BoldItalic"] = "MS Gothic-BoldItalic"; e["MS-Gothic-Italic"] = "MS Gothic-Italic"; e["MS-Mincho"] = "MS Mincho"; e["MS-Mincho-Bold"] = "MS Mincho-Bold"; e["MS-Mincho-BoldItalic"] = "MS Mincho-BoldItalic"; e["MS-Mincho-Italic"] = "MS Mincho-Italic"; e["MS-PGothic"] = "MS PGothic"; e["MS-PGothic-Bold"] = "MS PGothic-Bold"; e["MS-PGothic-BoldItalic"] = "MS PGothic-BoldItalic"; e["MS-PGothic-Italic"] = "MS PGothic-Italic"; e["MS-PMincho"] = "MS PMincho"; e["MS-PMincho-Bold"] = "MS PMincho-Bold"; e["MS-PMincho-BoldItalic"] = "MS PMincho-BoldItalic"; e["MS-PMincho-Italic"] = "MS PMincho-Italic"; e.NuptialScript = "Times-Italic"; e.SegoeUISymbol = "Helvetica" })), ji = getLookupTableFactory((function (e) { e["Adobe Jenson"] = !0; e["Adobe Text"] = !0; e.Albertus = !0; e.Aldus = !0; e.Alexandria = !0; e.Algerian = !0; e["American Typewriter"] = !0; e.Antiqua = !0; e.Apex = !0; e.Arno = !0; e.Aster = !0; e.Aurora = !0; e.Baskerville = !0; e.Bell = !0; e.Bembo = !0; e["Bembo Schoolbook"] = !0; e.Benguiat = !0; e["Berkeley Old Style"] = !0; e["Bernhard Modern"] = !0; e["Berthold City"] = !0; e.Bodoni = !0; e["Bauer Bodoni"] = !0; e["Book Antiqua"] = !0; e.Bookman = !0; e["Bordeaux Roman"] = !0; e["Californian FB"] = !0; e.Calisto = !0; e.Calvert = !0; e.Capitals = !0; e.Cambria = !0; e.Cartier = !0; e.Caslon = !0; e.Catull = !0; e.Centaur = !0; e["Century Old Style"] = !0; e["Century Schoolbook"] = !0; e.Chaparral = !0; e["Charis SIL"] = !0; e.Cheltenham = !0; e["Cholla Slab"] = !0; e.Clarendon = !0; e.Clearface = !0; e.Cochin = !0; e.Colonna = !0; e["Computer Modern"] = !0; e["Concrete Roman"] = !0; e.Constantia = !0; e["Cooper Black"] = !0; e.Corona = !0; e.Ecotype = !0; e.Egyptienne = !0; e.Elephant = !0; e.Excelsior = !0; e.Fairfield = !0; e["FF Scala"] = !0; e.Folkard = !0; e.Footlight = !0; e.FreeSerif = !0; e["Friz Quadrata"] = !0; e.Garamond = !0; e.Gentium = !0; e.Georgia = !0; e.Gloucester = !0; e["Goudy Old Style"] = !0; e["Goudy Schoolbook"] = !0; e["Goudy Pro Font"] = !0; e.Granjon = !0; e["Guardian Egyptian"] = !0; e.Heather = !0; e.Hercules = !0; e["High Tower Text"] = !0; e.Hiroshige = !0; e["Hoefler Text"] = !0; e["Humana Serif"] = !0; e.Imprint = !0; e["Ionic No. 5"] = !0; e.Janson = !0; e.Joanna = !0; e.Korinna = !0; e.Lexicon = !0; e.LiberationSerif = !0; e["Liberation Serif"] = !0; e["Linux Libertine"] = !0; e.Literaturnaya = !0; e.Lucida = !0; e["Lucida Bright"] = !0; e.Melior = !0; e.Memphis = !0; e.Miller = !0; e.Minion = !0; e.Modern = !0; e["Mona Lisa"] = !0; e["Mrs Eaves"] = !0; e["MS Serif"] = !0; e["Museo Slab"] = !0; e["New York"] = !0; e["Nimbus Roman"] = !0; e["NPS Rawlinson Roadway"] = !0; e.NuptialScript = !0; e.Palatino = !0; e.Perpetua = !0; e.Plantin = !0; e["Plantin Schoolbook"] = !0; e.Playbill = !0; e["Poor Richard"] = !0; e["Rawlinson Roadway"] = !0; e.Renault = !0; e.Requiem = !0; e.Rockwell = !0; e.Roman = !0; e["Rotis Serif"] = !0; e.Sabon = !0; e.Scala = !0; e.Seagull = !0; e.Sistina = !0; e.Souvenir = !0; e.STIX = !0; e["Stone Informal"] = !0; e["Stone Serif"] = !0; e.Sylfaen = !0; e.Times = !0; e.Trajan = !0; e["Trinité"] = !0; e["Trump Mediaeval"] = !0; e.Utopia = !0; e["Vale Type"] = !0; e["Bitstream Vera"] = !0; e["Vera Serif"] = !0; e.Versailles = !0; e.Wanted = !0; e.Weiss = !0; e["Wide Latin"] = !0; e.Windsor = !0; e.XITS = !0 })), Zi = getLookupTableFactory((function (e) { e.Dingbats = !0; e.Symbol = !0; e.ZapfDingbats = !0; e.Wingdings = !0; e["Wingdings-Bold"] = !0; e["Wingdings-Regular"] = !0 })), Vi = getLookupTableFactory((function (e) { e[2] = 10; e[3] = 32; e[4] = 33; e[5] = 34; e[6] = 35; e[7] = 36; e[8] = 37; e[9] = 38; e[10] = 39; e[11] = 40; e[12] = 41; e[13] = 42; e[14] = 43; e[15] = 44; e[16] = 45; e[17] = 46; e[18] = 47; e[19] = 48; e[20] = 49; e[21] = 50; e[22] = 51; e[23] = 52; e[24] = 53; e[25] = 54; e[26] = 55; e[27] = 56; e[28] = 57; e[29] = 58; e[30] = 894; e[31] = 60; e[32] = 61; e[33] = 62; e[34] = 63; e[35] = 64; e[36] = 65; e[37] = 66; e[38] = 67; e[39] = 68; e[40] = 69; e[41] = 70; e[42] = 71; e[43] = 72; e[44] = 73; e[45] = 74; e[46] = 75; e[47] = 76; e[48] = 77; e[49] = 78; e[50] = 79; e[51] = 80; e[52] = 81; e[53] = 82; e[54] = 83; e[55] = 84; e[56] = 85; e[57] = 86; e[58] = 87; e[59] = 88; e[60] = 89; e[61] = 90; e[62] = 91; e[63] = 92; e[64] = 93; e[65] = 94; e[66] = 95; e[67] = 96; e[68] = 97; e[69] = 98; e[70] = 99; e[71] = 100; e[72] = 101; e[73] = 102; e[74] = 103; e[75] = 104; e[76] = 105; e[77] = 106; e[78] = 107; e[79] = 108; e[80] = 109; e[81] = 110; e[82] = 111; e[83] = 112; e[84] = 113; e[85] = 114; e[86] = 115; e[87] = 116; e[88] = 117; e[89] = 118; e[90] = 119; e[91] = 120; e[92] = 121; e[93] = 122; e[94] = 123; e[95] = 124; e[96] = 125; e[97] = 126; e[98] = 196; e[99] = 197; e[100] = 199; e[101] = 201; e[102] = 209; e[103] = 214; e[104] = 220; e[105] = 225; e[106] = 224; e[107] = 226; e[108] = 228; e[109] = 227; e[110] = 229; e[111] = 231; e[112] = 233; e[113] = 232; e[114] = 234; e[115] = 235; e[116] = 237; e[117] = 236; e[118] = 238; e[119] = 239; e[120] = 241; e[121] = 243; e[122] = 242; e[123] = 244; e[124] = 246; e[125] = 245; e[126] = 250; e[127] = 249; e[128] = 251; e[129] = 252; e[130] = 8224; e[131] = 176; e[132] = 162; e[133] = 163; e[134] = 167; e[135] = 8226; e[136] = 182; e[137] = 223; e[138] = 174; e[139] = 169; e[140] = 8482; e[141] = 180; e[142] = 168; e[143] = 8800; e[144] = 198; e[145] = 216; e[146] = 8734; e[147] = 177; e[148] = 8804; e[149] = 8805; e[150] = 165; e[151] = 181; e[152] = 8706; e[153] = 8721; e[154] = 8719; e[156] = 8747; e[157] = 170; e[158] = 186; e[159] = 8486; e[160] = 230; e[161] = 248; e[162] = 191; e[163] = 161; e[164] = 172; e[165] = 8730; e[166] = 402; e[167] = 8776; e[168] = 8710; e[169] = 171; e[170] = 187; e[171] = 8230; e[179] = 8220; e[180] = 8221; e[181] = 8216; e[182] = 8217; e[200] = 193; e[203] = 205; e[207] = 211; e[210] = 218; e[223] = 711; e[224] = 321; e[225] = 322; e[226] = 352; e[227] = 353; e[228] = 381; e[229] = 382; e[233] = 221; e[234] = 253; e[252] = 263; e[253] = 268; e[254] = 269; e[258] = 258; e[260] = 260; e[261] = 261; e[265] = 280; e[266] = 281; e[267] = 282; e[268] = 283; e[269] = 313; e[275] = 323; e[276] = 324; e[278] = 328; e[283] = 344; e[284] = 345; e[285] = 346; e[286] = 347; e[292] = 367; e[295] = 377; e[296] = 378; e[298] = 380; e[305] = 963; e[306] = 964; e[307] = 966; e[308] = 8215; e[309] = 8252; e[310] = 8319; e[311] = 8359; e[312] = 8592; e[313] = 8593; e[337] = 9552; e[493] = 1039; e[494] = 1040; e[672] = 1488; e[673] = 1489; e[674] = 1490; e[675] = 1491; e[676] = 1492; e[677] = 1493; e[678] = 1494; e[679] = 1495; e[680] = 1496; e[681] = 1497; e[682] = 1498; e[683] = 1499; e[684] = 1500; e[685] = 1501; e[686] = 1502; e[687] = 1503; e[688] = 1504; e[689] = 1505; e[690] = 1506; e[691] = 1507; e[692] = 1508; e[693] = 1509; e[694] = 1510; e[695] = 1511; e[696] = 1512; e[697] = 1513; e[698] = 1514; e[705] = 1524; e[706] = 8362; e[710] = 64288; e[711] = 64298; e[759] = 1617; e[761] = 1776; e[763] = 1778; e[775] = 1652; e[777] = 1764; e[778] = 1780; e[779] = 1781; e[780] = 1782; e[782] = 771; e[783] = 64726; e[786] = 8363; e[788] = 8532; e[790] = 768; e[791] = 769; e[792] = 768; e[795] = 803; e[797] = 64336; e[798] = 64337; e[799] = 64342; e[800] = 64343; e[801] = 64344; e[802] = 64345; e[803] = 64362; e[804] = 64363; e[805] = 64364; e[2424] = 7821; e[2425] = 7822; e[2426] = 7823; e[2427] = 7824; e[2428] = 7825; e[2429] = 7826; e[2430] = 7827; e[2433] = 7682; e[2678] = 8045; e[2679] = 8046; e[2830] = 1552; e[2838] = 686; e[2840] = 751; e[2842] = 753; e[2843] = 754; e[2844] = 755; e[2846] = 757; e[2856] = 767; e[2857] = 848; e[2858] = 849; e[2862] = 853; e[2863] = 854; e[2864] = 855; e[2865] = 861; e[2866] = 862; e[2906] = 7460; e[2908] = 7462; e[2909] = 7463; e[2910] = 7464; e[2912] = 7466; e[2913] = 7467; e[2914] = 7468; e[2916] = 7470; e[2917] = 7471; e[2918] = 7472; e[2920] = 7474; e[2921] = 7475; e[2922] = 7476; e[2924] = 7478; e[2925] = 7479; e[2926] = 7480; e[2928] = 7482; e[2929] = 7483; e[2930] = 7484; e[2932] = 7486; e[2933] = 7487; e[2934] = 7488; e[2936] = 7490; e[2937] = 7491; e[2938] = 7492; e[2940] = 7494; e[2941] = 7495; e[2942] = 7496; e[2944] = 7498; e[2946] = 7500; e[2948] = 7502; e[2950] = 7504; e[2951] = 7505; e[2952] = 7506; e[2954] = 7508; e[2955] = 7509; e[2956] = 7510; e[2958] = 7512; e[2959] = 7513; e[2960] = 7514; e[2962] = 7516; e[2963] = 7517; e[2964] = 7518; e[2966] = 7520; e[2967] = 7521; e[2968] = 7522; e[2970] = 7524; e[2971] = 7525; e[2972] = 7526; e[2974] = 7528; e[2975] = 7529; e[2976] = 7530; e[2978] = 1537; e[2979] = 1538; e[2980] = 1539; e[2982] = 1549; e[2983] = 1551; e[2984] = 1552; e[2986] = 1554; e[2987] = 1555; e[2988] = 1556; e[2990] = 1623; e[2991] = 1624; e[2995] = 1775; e[2999] = 1791; e[3002] = 64290; e[3003] = 64291; e[3004] = 64292; e[3006] = 64294; e[3007] = 64295; e[3008] = 64296; e[3011] = 1900; e[3014] = 8223; e[3015] = 8244; e[3017] = 7532; e[3018] = 7533; e[3019] = 7534; e[3075] = 7590; e[3076] = 7591; e[3079] = 7594; e[3080] = 7595; e[3083] = 7598; e[3084] = 7599; e[3087] = 7602; e[3088] = 7603; e[3091] = 7606; e[3092] = 7607; e[3095] = 7610; e[3096] = 7611; e[3099] = 7614; e[3100] = 7615; e[3103] = 7618; e[3104] = 7619; e[3107] = 8337; e[3108] = 8338; e[3116] = 1884; e[3119] = 1885; e[3120] = 1885; e[3123] = 1886; e[3124] = 1886; e[3127] = 1887; e[3128] = 1887; e[3131] = 1888; e[3132] = 1888; e[3135] = 1889; e[3136] = 1889; e[3139] = 1890; e[3140] = 1890; e[3143] = 1891; e[3144] = 1891; e[3147] = 1892; e[3148] = 1892; e[3153] = 580; e[3154] = 581; e[3157] = 584; e[3158] = 585; e[3161] = 588; e[3162] = 589; e[3165] = 891; e[3166] = 892; e[3169] = 1274; e[3170] = 1275; e[3173] = 1278; e[3174] = 1279; e[3181] = 7622; e[3182] = 7623; e[3282] = 11799; e[3316] = 578; e[3379] = 42785; e[3393] = 1159; e[3416] = 8377 })), zi = getLookupTableFactory((function (e) { e[227] = 322; e[264] = 261; e[291] = 346 })), _i = getLookupTableFactory((function (e) { e[1] = 32; e[4] = 65; e[5] = 192; e[6] = 193; e[9] = 196; e[17] = 66; e[18] = 67; e[21] = 268; e[24] = 68; e[28] = 69; e[29] = 200; e[30] = 201; e[32] = 282; e[38] = 70; e[39] = 71; e[44] = 72; e[47] = 73; e[48] = 204; e[49] = 205; e[58] = 74; e[60] = 75; e[62] = 76; e[68] = 77; e[69] = 78; e[75] = 79; e[76] = 210; e[80] = 214; e[87] = 80; e[89] = 81; e[90] = 82; e[92] = 344; e[94] = 83; e[97] = 352; e[100] = 84; e[104] = 85; e[109] = 220; e[115] = 86; e[116] = 87; e[121] = 88; e[122] = 89; e[124] = 221; e[127] = 90; e[129] = 381; e[258] = 97; e[259] = 224; e[260] = 225; e[263] = 228; e[268] = 261; e[271] = 98; e[272] = 99; e[273] = 263; e[275] = 269; e[282] = 100; e[286] = 101; e[287] = 232; e[288] = 233; e[290] = 283; e[295] = 281; e[296] = 102; e[336] = 103; e[346] = 104; e[349] = 105; e[350] = 236; e[351] = 237; e[361] = 106; e[364] = 107; e[367] = 108; e[371] = 322; e[373] = 109; e[374] = 110; e[381] = 111; e[382] = 242; e[383] = 243; e[386] = 246; e[393] = 112; e[395] = 113; e[396] = 114; e[398] = 345; e[400] = 115; e[401] = 347; e[403] = 353; e[410] = 116; e[437] = 117; e[442] = 252; e[448] = 118; e[449] = 119; e[454] = 120; e[455] = 121; e[457] = 253; e[460] = 122; e[462] = 382; e[463] = 380; e[853] = 44; e[855] = 58; e[856] = 46; e[876] = 47; e[878] = 45; e[882] = 45; e[894] = 40; e[895] = 41; e[896] = 91; e[897] = 93; e[923] = 64; e[1004] = 48; e[1005] = 49; e[1006] = 50; e[1007] = 51; e[1008] = 52; e[1009] = 53; e[1010] = 54; e[1011] = 55; e[1012] = 56; e[1013] = 57; e[1081] = 37; e[1085] = 43; e[1086] = 45 })); function getStandardFontName(e) { const t = normalizeFontName(e); return Pi()[t] } function isKnownFontName(e) { const t = normalizeFontName(e); return !!(Pi()[t] || Xi()[t] || ji()[t] || Zi()[t]) } class ToUnicodeMap { constructor(e = []) { this._map = e } get length() { return this._map.length } forEach(e) { for (const t in this._map) e(t, this._map[t].charCodeAt(0)) } has(e) { return void 0 !== this._map[e] } get(e) { return this._map[e] } charCodeOf(e) { const t = this._map; if (t.length <= 65536) return t.indexOf(e); for (const i in t) if (t[i] === e) return 0 | i; return -1 } amend(e) { for (const t in e) this._map[t] = e[t] } } class IdentityToUnicodeMap { constructor(e, t) { this.firstChar = e; this.lastChar = t } get length() { return this.lastChar + 1 - this.firstChar } forEach(e) { for (let t = this.firstChar, i = this.lastChar; t <= i; t++)e(t, t) } has(e) { return this.firstChar <= e && e <= this.lastChar } get(e) { if (this.firstChar <= e && e <= this.lastChar) return String.fromCharCode(e) } charCodeOf(e) { return Number.isInteger(e) && e >= this.firstChar && e <= this.lastChar ? e : -1 } amend(e) { unreachable("Should not call amend()") } } class CFFFont { constructor(e, t) { = t; const i = new CFFParser(e, t, Yi); this.cff = i.parse(); this.cff.duplicateFirstGlyph(); const a = new CFFCompiler(this.cff); this.seacs = this.cff.seacs; try { = a.compile() } catch { warn("Failed to compile font " + t.loadedName); = e } this._createBuiltInEncoding() } get numGlyphs() { return this.cff.charStrings.count } getCharset() { return this.cff.charset.charset } getGlyphMapping() { const e = this.cff, t =, { cidToGidMap: i, cMap: a } = t, s = e.charset.charset; let r, n; if (t.composite) { let t, o; if (i?.length > 0) { t = Object.create(null); for (let e = 0, a = i.length; e < a; e++) { const a = i[e]; void 0 !== a && (t[a] = e) } } r = Object.create(null); if (e.isCIDFont) for (n = 0; n < s.length; n++) { const e = s[n]; o = a.charCodeOf(e); void 0 !== t?.[o] && (o = t[o]); r[o] = n } else for (n = 0; n < e.charStrings.count; n++) { o = a.charCodeOf(n); r[o] = n } return r } let o = e.encoding ? e.encoding.encoding : null; t.isInternalFont && (o = t.defaultEncoding); r = type1FontGlyphMapping(t, o, s); return r } hasGlyphId(e) { return this.cff.hasGlyphId(e) } _createBuiltInEncoding() { const { charset: e, encoding: t } = this.cff; if (!e || !t) return; const i = e.charset, a = t.encoding, s = []; for (const e in a) { const t = a[e]; if (t >= 0) { const a = i[t]; a && (s[e] = a) } } s.length > 0 && ( = s) } } function getUint32(e, t) { return (e[t] << 24 | e[t + 1] << 16 | e[t + 2] << 8 | e[t + 3]) >>> 0 } function getUint16(e, t) { return e[t] << 8 | e[t + 1] } function getInt16(e, t) { return (e[t] << 24 | e[t + 1] << 16) >> 16 } function getInt8(e, t) { return e[t] << 24 >> 24 } function getFloat214(e, t) { return getInt16(e, t) / 16384 } function getSubroutineBias(e) { const t = e.length; let i = 32768; t < 1240 ? i = 107 : t < 33900 && (i = 1131); return i } function parseCmap(e, t, i) { const a = 1 === getUint16(e, t + 2) ? getUint32(e, t + 8) : getUint32(e, t + 16), s = getUint16(e, t + a); let r, n, o; if (4 === s) { getUint16(e, t + a + 2); const i = getUint16(e, t + a + 6) >> 1; n = t + a + 14; r = []; for (o = 0; o < i; o++, n += 2)r[o] = { end: getUint16(e, n) }; n += 2; for (o = 0; o < i; o++, n += 2)r[o].start = getUint16(e, n); for (o = 0; o < i; o++, n += 2)r[o].idDelta = getUint16(e, n); for (o = 0; o < i; o++, n += 2) { let t = getUint16(e, n); if (0 !== t) { r[o].ids = []; for (let i = 0, a = r[o].end - r[o].start + 1; i < a; i++) { r[o].ids[i] = getUint16(e, n + t); t += 2 } } } return r } if (12 === s) { const i = getUint32(e, t + a + 12); n = t + a + 16; r = []; for (o = 0; o < i; o++) { t = getUint32(e, n); r.push({ start: t, end: getUint32(e, n + 4), idDelta: getUint32(e, n + 8) - t }); n += 12 } return r } throw new FormatError(`unsupported cmap: ${s}`) } function parseCff(e, t, i, a) { const s = new CFFParser(new Stream(e, t, i - t), {}, a).parse(); return { glyphs: s.charStrings.objects, subrs: s.topDict.privateDict?.subrsIndex?.objects, gsubrs: s.globalSubrIndex?.objects, isCFFCIDFont: s.isCIDFont, fdSelect: s.fdSelect, fdArray: s.fdArray } } function lookupCmap(e, t) { const i = t.codePointAt(0); let a = 0, s = 0, r = e.length - 1; for (; s < r;) { const t = s + r + 1 >> 1; i < e[t].start ? r = t - 1 : s = t } e[s].start <= i && i <= e[s].end && (a = e[s].idDelta + (e[s].ids ? e[s].ids[i - e[s].start] : i) & 65535); return { charCode: i, glyphId: a } } function compileGlyf(e, t, i) { function moveTo(e, i) { t.add(ht, [e, i]) } function lineTo(e, i) { t.add(lt, [e, i]) } function quadraticCurveTo(e, i, a, s) { t.add(Ct, [e, i, a, s]) } let a = 0; const s = getInt16(e, a); let r, n = 0, o = 0; a += 10; if (s < 0) do { r = getUint16(e, a); const s = getUint16(e, a + 2); a += 4; let g, c; if (1 & r) { if (2 & r) { g = getInt16(e, a); c = getInt16(e, a + 2) } else { g = getUint16(e, a); c = getUint16(e, a + 2) } a += 4 } else if (2 & r) { g = getInt8(e, a++); c = getInt8(e, a++) } else { g = e[a++]; c = e[a++] } if (2 & r) { n = g; o = c } else { n = 0; o = 0 } let h = 1, l = 1, C = 0, Q = 0; if (8 & r) { h = l = getFloat214(e, a); a += 2 } else if (64 & r) { h = getFloat214(e, a); l = getFloat214(e, a + 2); a += 4 } else if (128 & r) { h = getFloat214(e, a); C = getFloat214(e, a + 2); Q = getFloat214(e, a + 4); l = getFloat214(e, a + 6); a += 8 } const E = i.glyphs[s]; if (E) { t.add(Qt); t.add(ut, [h, C, Q, l, n, o]); compileGlyf(E, t, i); t.add(Bt) } } while (32 & r); else { const t = []; let i, g; for (i = 0; i < s; i++) { t.push(getUint16(e, a)); a += 2 } a += 2 + getUint16(e, a); const c = + 1, h = []; for (; h.length < c;) { r = e[a++]; let t = 1; 8 & r && (t += e[a++]); for (; t-- > 0;)h.push({ flags: r }) } for (i = 0; i < c; i++) { switch (18 & h[i].flags) { case 0: n += getInt16(e, a); a += 2; break; case 2: n -= e[a++]; break; case 18: n += e[a++] }h[i].x = n } for (i = 0; i < c; i++) { switch (36 & h[i].flags) { case 0: o += getInt16(e, a); a += 2; break; case 4: o -= e[a++]; break; case 36: o += e[a++] }h[i].y = o } let l = 0; for (a = 0; a < s; a++) { const e = t[a], s = h.slice(l, e + 1); if (1 & s[0].flags) s.push(s[0]); else if (1 & s.unshift(; else { const e = { flags: 1, x: (s[0].x + / 2, y: (s[0].y + / 2 }; s.unshift(e); s.push(e) } moveTo(s[0].x, s[0].y); for (i = 1, g = s.length; i < g; i++)if (1 & s[i].flags) lineTo(s[i].x, s[i].y); else if (1 & s[i + 1].flags) { quadraticCurveTo(s[i].x, s[i].y, s[i + 1].x, s[i + 1].y); i++ } else quadraticCurveTo(s[i].x, s[i].y, (s[i].x + s[i + 1].x) / 2, (s[i].y + s[i + 1].y) / 2); l = e + 1 } } } function compileCharString(e, t, i, a) { function moveTo(e, i) { t.add(ht, [e, i]) } function lineTo(e, i) { t.add(lt, [e, i]) } function bezierCurveTo(e, i, a, s, r, n) { t.add(ct, [e, i, a, s, r, n]) } const s = []; let r = 0, n = 0, o = 0; !function parse(e) { let g = 0; for (; g < e.length;) { let c, h, l, C, Q, E, u, d, f, p = !1, m = e[g++]; switch (m) { case 1: case 3: case 18: case 23: o += s.length >> 1; p = !0; break; case 4: n += s.pop(); moveTo(r, n); p = !0; break; case 5: for (; s.length > 0;) { r += s.shift(); n += s.shift(); lineTo(r, n) } break; case 6: for (; s.length > 0;) { r += s.shift(); lineTo(r, n); if (0 === s.length) break; n += s.shift(); lineTo(r, n) } break; case 7: for (; s.length > 0;) { n += s.shift(); lineTo(r, n); if (0 === s.length) break; r += s.shift(); lineTo(r, n) } break; case 8: for (; s.length > 0;) { c = r + s.shift(); l = n + s.shift(); h = c + s.shift(); C = l + s.shift(); r = h + s.shift(); n = C + s.shift(); bezierCurveTo(c, l, h, C, r, n) } break; case 10: d = s.pop(); f = null; if (i.isCFFCIDFont) { const e = i.fdSelect.getFDIndex(a); if (e >= 0 && e < i.fdArray.length) { const t = i.fdArray[e]; let a; t.privateDict?.subrsIndex && (a = t.privateDict.subrsIndex.objects); if (a) { d += getSubroutineBias(a); f = a[d] } } else warn("Invalid fd index for glyph index.") } else f = i.subrs[d + i.subrsBias]; f && parse(f); break; case 11: return; case 12: m = e[g++]; switch (m) { case 34: c = r + s.shift(); h = c + s.shift(); Q = n + s.shift(); r = h + s.shift(); bezierCurveTo(c, n, h, Q, r, Q); c = r + s.shift(); h = c + s.shift(); r = h + s.shift(); bezierCurveTo(c, Q, h, n, r, n); break; case 35: c = r + s.shift(); l = n + s.shift(); h = c + s.shift(); C = l + s.shift(); r = h + s.shift(); n = C + s.shift(); bezierCurveTo(c, l, h, C, r, n); c = r + s.shift(); l = n + s.shift(); h = c + s.shift(); C = l + s.shift(); r = h + s.shift(); n = C + s.shift(); bezierCurveTo(c, l, h, C, r, n); s.pop(); break; case 36: c = r + s.shift(); Q = n + s.shift(); h = c + s.shift(); E = Q + s.shift(); r = h + s.shift(); bezierCurveTo(c, Q, h, E, r, E); c = r + s.shift(); h = c + s.shift(); u = E + s.shift(); r = h + s.shift(); bezierCurveTo(c, E, h, u, r, n); break; case 37: const e = r, t = n; c = r + s.shift(); l = n + s.shift(); h = c + s.shift(); C = l + s.shift(); r = h + s.shift(); n = C + s.shift(); bezierCurveTo(c, l, h, C, r, n); c = r + s.shift(); l = n + s.shift(); h = c + s.shift(); C = l + s.shift(); r = h; n = C; Math.abs(r - e) > Math.abs(n - t) ? r += s.shift() : n += s.shift(); bezierCurveTo(c, l, h, C, r, n); break; default: throw new FormatError(`unknown operator: 12 ${m}`) }break; case 14: if (s.length >= 4) { const e = s.pop(), a = s.pop(); n = s.pop(); r = s.pop(); t.add(Qt); t.add(dt, [r, n]); let o = lookupCmap(i.cmap, String.fromCharCode(i.glyphNameMap[fi[e]])); compileCharString(i.glyphs[o.glyphId], t, i, o.glyphId); t.add(Bt); o = lookupCmap(i.cmap, String.fromCharCode(i.glyphNameMap[fi[a]])); compileCharString(i.glyphs[o.glyphId], t, i, o.glyphId) } return; case 19: case 20: o += s.length >> 1; g += o + 7 >> 3; p = !0; break; case 21: n += s.pop(); r += s.pop(); moveTo(r, n); p = !0; break; case 22: r += s.pop(); moveTo(r, n); p = !0; break; case 24: for (; s.length > 2;) { c = r + s.shift(); l = n + s.shift(); h = c + s.shift(); C = l + s.shift(); r = h + s.shift(); n = C + s.shift(); bezierCurveTo(c, l, h, C, r, n) } r += s.shift(); n += s.shift(); lineTo(r, n); break; case 25: for (; s.length > 6;) { r += s.shift(); n += s.shift(); lineTo(r, n) } c = r + s.shift(); l = n + s.shift(); h = c + s.shift(); C = l + s.shift(); r = h + s.shift(); n = C + s.shift(); bezierCurveTo(c, l, h, C, r, n); break; case 26: s.length % 2 && (r += s.shift()); for (; s.length > 0;) { c = r; l = n + s.shift(); h = c + s.shift(); C = l + s.shift(); r = h; n = C + s.shift(); bezierCurveTo(c, l, h, C, r, n) } break; case 27: s.length % 2 && (n += s.shift()); for (; s.length > 0;) { c = r + s.shift(); l = n; h = c + s.shift(); C = l + s.shift(); r = h + s.shift(); n = C; bezierCurveTo(c, l, h, C, r, n) } break; case 28: s.push((e[g] << 24 | e[g + 1] << 16) >> 16); g += 2; break; case 29: d = s.pop() + i.gsubrsBias; f = i.gsubrs[d]; f && parse(f); break; case 30: for (; s.length > 0;) { c = r; l = n + s.shift(); h = c + s.shift(); C = l + s.shift(); r = h + s.shift(); n = C + (1 === s.length ? s.shift() : 0); bezierCurveTo(c, l, h, C, r, n); if (0 === s.length) break; c = r + s.shift(); l = n; h = c + s.shift(); C = l + s.shift(); n = C + s.shift(); r = h + (1 === s.length ? s.shift() : 0); bezierCurveTo(c, l, h, C, r, n) } break; case 31: for (; s.length > 0;) { c = r + s.shift(); l = n; h = c + s.shift(); C = l + s.shift(); n = C + s.shift(); r = h + (1 === s.length ? s.shift() : 0); bezierCurveTo(c, l, h, C, r, n); if (0 === s.length) break; c = r; l = n + s.shift(); h = c + s.shift(); C = l + s.shift(); r = h + s.shift(); n = C + (1 === s.length ? s.shift() : 0); bezierCurveTo(c, l, h, C, r, n) } break; default: if (m < 32) throw new FormatError(`unknown operator: ${m}`); if (m < 247) s.push(m - 139); else if (m < 251) s.push(256 * (m - 247) + e[g++] + 108); else if (m < 255) s.push(256 * -(m - 251) - e[g++] - 108); else { s.push((e[g] << 24 | e[g + 1] << 16 | e[g + 2] << 8 | e[g + 3]) / 65536); g += 4 } }p && (s.length = 0) } }(e) } const $i = []; class Commands { cmds = []; add(e, t) { if (t) if (isNumberArray(t, null)) this.cmds.push(e, ...t); else { warn(`Commands.add - "${e}" has at least one non-number arg: "${t}".`); const i = => "number" == typeof e ? e : 0)); this.cmds.push(e, ...i) } else this.cmds.push(e) } } class CompiledFont { constructor(e) { this.constructor === CompiledFont && unreachable("Cannot initialize CompiledFont."); this.fontMatrix = e; this.compiledGlyphs = Object.create(null); this.compiledCharCodeToGlyphId = Object.create(null) } getPathJs(e) { const { charCode: t, glyphId: i } = lookupCmap(this.cmap, e); let a, s = this.compiledGlyphs[i]; if (!s) { try { s = this.compileGlyph(this.glyphs[i], i) } catch (e) { s = $i; a = e } this.compiledGlyphs[i] = s } this.compiledCharCodeToGlyphId[t] ??= i; if (a) throw a; return s } compileGlyph(e, t) { if (!e || 0 === e.length || 14 === e[0]) return $i; let i = this.fontMatrix; if (this.isCFFCIDFont) { const e = this.fdSelect.getFDIndex(t); if (e >= 0 && e < this.fdArray.length) { i = this.fdArray[e].getByName("FontMatrix") || a } else warn("Invalid fd index for glyph index.") } const s = new Commands; s.add(Qt); s.add(ut, i.slice()); s.add(Et); this.compileGlyphImpl(e, s, t); s.add(Bt); return s.cmds } compileGlyphImpl() { unreachable("Children classes should implement this.") } hasBuiltPath(e) { const { charCode: t, glyphId: i } = lookupCmap(this.cmap, e); return void 0 !== this.compiledGlyphs[i] && void 0 !== this.compiledCharCodeToGlyphId[t] } } class TrueTypeCompiled extends CompiledFont { constructor(e, t, i) { super(i || [488e-6, 0, 0, 488e-6, 0, 0]); this.glyphs = e; this.cmap = t } compileGlyphImpl(e, t) { compileGlyf(e, t, this) } } class Type2Compiled extends CompiledFont { constructor(e, t, i, a) { super(i || [.001, 0, 0, .001, 0, 0]); this.glyphs = e.glyphs; this.gsubrs = e.gsubrs || []; this.subrs = e.subrs || []; this.cmap = t; this.glyphNameMap = a || Ni(); this.gsubrsBias = getSubroutineBias(this.gsubrs); this.subrsBias = getSubroutineBias(this.subrs); this.isCFFCIDFont = e.isCFFCIDFont; this.fdSelect = e.fdSelect; this.fdArray = e.fdArray } compileGlyphImpl(e, t, i) { compileCharString(e, t, this, i) } } class FontRendererFactory { static create(e, t) { const i = new Uint8Array(; let a, s, r, n, o, g; const c = getUint16(i, 4); for (let e = 0, h = 12; e < c; e++, h += 16) { const e = bytesToString(i.subarray(h, h + 4)), c = getUint32(i, h + 8), l = getUint32(i, h + 12); switch (e) { case "cmap": a = parseCmap(i, c); break; case "glyf": s = i.subarray(c, c + l); break; case "loca": r = i.subarray(c, c + l); break; case "head": g = getUint16(i, c + 18); o = getUint16(i, c + 50); break; case "CFF ": n = parseCff(i, c, c + l, t) } } if (s) { const t = g ? [1 / g, 0, 0, 1 / g, 0, 0] : e.fontMatrix; return new TrueTypeCompiled(function parseGlyfTable(e, t, i) { let a, s; if (i) { a = 4; s = getUint32 } else { a = 2; s = (e, t) => 2 * getUint16(e, t) } const r = []; let n = s(t, 0); for (let i = a; i < t.length; i += a) { const a = s(t, i); r.push(e.subarray(n, a)); n = a } return r }(s, r, o), a, t) } return new Type2Compiled(n, a, e.fontMatrix, e.glyphNameMap) } } const Aa = getLookupTableFactory((function (e) { e.Courier = 600; e["Courier-Bold"] = 600; e["Courier-BoldOblique"] = 600; e["Courier-Oblique"] = 600; e.Helvetica = getLookupTableFactory((function (e) { = 278; e.exclam = 278; e.quotedbl = 355; e.numbersign = 556; e.dollar = 556; e.percent = 889; e.ampersand = 667; e.quoteright = 222; e.parenleft = 333; e.parenright = 333; e.asterisk = 389; = 584; e.comma = 278; e.hyphen = 333; e.period = 278; e.slash = 278; = 556; = 556; e.two = 556; e.three = 556; e.four = 556; e.five = 556; e.six = 556; = 556; e.eight = 556; e.nine = 556; e.colon = 278; e.semicolon = 278; e.less = 584; e.equal = 584; e.greater = 584; e.question = 556; = 1015; e.A = 667; e.B = 667; e.C = 722; e.D = 722; e.E = 667; e.F = 611; e.G = 778; e.H = 722; e.I = 278; e.J = 500; e.K = 667; e.L = 556; e.M = 833; e.N = 722; e.O = 778; e.P = 667; e.Q = 778; e.R = 722; e.S = 667; e.T = 611; e.U = 722; e.V = 667; e.W = 944; e.X = 667; e.Y = 667; e.Z = 611; e.bracketleft = 278; e.backslash = 278; e.bracketright = 278; e.asciicircum = 469; e.underscore = 556; e.quoteleft = 222; e.a = 556; e.b = 556; e.c = 500; e.d = 556; e.e = 556; e.f = 278; e.g = 556; e.h = 556; e.i = 222; e.j = 222; e.k = 500; e.l = 222; e.m = 833; e.n = 556; e.o = 556; e.p = 556; e.q = 556; e.r = 333; e.s = 500; e.t = 278; e.u = 556; e.v = 500; e.w = 722; e.x = 500; e.y = 500; e.z = 500; e.braceleft = 334; = 260; e.braceright = 334; e.asciitilde = 584; e.exclamdown = 333; e.cent = 556; e.sterling = 556; e.fraction = 167; e.yen = 556; e.florin = 556; e.section = 556; e.currency = 556; e.quotesingle = 191; e.quotedblleft = 333; e.guillemotleft = 556; e.guilsinglleft = 333; e.guilsinglright = 333; = 500; e.fl = 500; e.endash = 556; e.dagger = 556; e.daggerdbl = 556; e.periodcentered = 278; e.paragraph = 537; e.bullet = 350; e.quotesinglbase = 222; e.quotedblbase = 333; e.quotedblright = 333; e.guillemotright = 556; e.ellipsis = 1e3; e.perthousand = 1e3; e.questiondown = 611; e.grave = 333; e.acute = 333; e.circumflex = 333; e.tilde = 333; e.macron = 333; e.breve = 333; e.dotaccent = 333; e.dieresis = 333; e.ring = 333; e.cedilla = 333; e.hungarumlaut = 333; e.ogonek = 333; e.caron = 333; e.emdash = 1e3; e.AE = 1e3; e.ordfeminine = 370; e.Lslash = 556; e.Oslash = 778; e.OE = 1e3; e.ordmasculine = 365; = 889; e.dotlessi = 278; e.lslash = 222; e.oslash = 611; e.oe = 944; e.germandbls = 611; e.Idieresis = 278; e.eacute = 556; e.abreve = 556; e.uhungarumlaut = 556; e.ecaron = 556; e.Ydieresis = 667; e.divide = 584; e.Yacute = 667; e.Acircumflex = 667; e.aacute = 556; e.Ucircumflex = 722; e.yacute = 500; e.scommaaccent = 500; e.ecircumflex = 556; e.Uring = 722; e.Udieresis = 722; e.aogonek = 556; e.Uacute = 722; e.uogonek = 556; e.Edieresis = 667; e.Dcroat = 722; e.commaaccent = 250; e.copyright = 737; e.Emacron = 667; e.ccaron = 500; e.aring = 556; e.Ncommaaccent = 722; e.lacute = 222; e.agrave = 556; e.Tcommaaccent = 611; e.Cacute = 722; e.atilde = 556; e.Edotaccent = 667; e.scaron = 500; e.scedilla = 500; e.iacute = 278; e.lozenge = 471; e.Rcaron = 722; e.Gcommaaccent = 778; e.ucircumflex = 556; e.acircumflex = 556; e.Amacron = 667; e.rcaron = 333; e.ccedilla = 500; e.Zdotaccent = 611; e.Thorn = 667; e.Omacron = 778; e.Racute = 722; e.Sacute = 667; e.dcaron = 643; e.Umacron = 722; e.uring = 556; e.threesuperior = 333; e.Ograve = 778; e.Agrave = 667; e.Abreve = 667; e.multiply = 584; e.uacute = 556; e.Tcaron = 611; e.partialdiff = 476; e.ydieresis = 500; e.Nacute = 722; e.icircumflex = 278; e.Ecircumflex = 667; e.adieresis = 556; e.edieresis = 556; e.cacute = 500; e.nacute = 556; e.umacron = 556; e.Ncaron = 722; e.Iacute = 278; e.plusminus = 584; e.brokenbar = 260; e.registered = 737; e.Gbreve = 778; e.Idotaccent = 278; e.summation = 600; e.Egrave = 667; e.racute = 333; e.omacron = 556; e.Zacute = 611; e.Zcaron = 611; e.greaterequal = 549; e.Eth = 722; e.Ccedilla = 722; e.lcommaaccent = 222; e.tcaron = 317; e.eogonek = 556; e.Uogonek = 722; e.Aacute = 667; e.Adieresis = 667; e.egrave = 556; e.zacute = 500; e.iogonek = 222; e.Oacute = 778; e.oacute = 556; e.amacron = 556; e.sacute = 500; e.idieresis = 278; e.Ocircumflex = 778; e.Ugrave = 722; e.Delta = 612; e.thorn = 556; e.twosuperior = 333; e.Odieresis = 778; = 556; e.igrave = 278; e.ohungarumlaut = 556; e.Eogonek = 667; e.dcroat = 556; e.threequarters = 834; e.Scedilla = 667; e.lcaron = 299; e.Kcommaaccent = 667; e.Lacute = 556; e.trademark = 1e3; e.edotaccent = 556; e.Igrave = 278; e.Imacron = 278; e.Lcaron = 556; e.onehalf = 834; e.lessequal = 549; e.ocircumflex = 556; e.ntilde = 556; e.Uhungarumlaut = 722; e.Eacute = 667; e.emacron = 556; e.gbreve = 556; e.onequarter = 834; e.Scaron = 667; e.Scommaaccent = 667; e.Ohungarumlaut = 778; = 400; e.ograve = 556; e.Ccaron = 722; e.ugrave = 556; e.radical = 453; e.Dcaron = 722; e.rcommaaccent = 333; e.Ntilde = 722; e.otilde = 556; e.Rcommaaccent = 722; e.Lcommaaccent = 556; e.Atilde = 667; e.Aogonek = 667; e.Aring = 667; e.Otilde = 778; e.zdotaccent = 500; e.Ecaron = 667; e.Iogonek = 278; e.kcommaaccent = 500; e.minus = 584; e.Icircumflex = 278; e.ncaron = 556; e.tcommaaccent = 278; e.logicalnot = 584; e.odieresis = 556; e.udieresis = 556; e.notequal = 549; e.gcommaaccent = 556; e.eth = 556; e.zcaron = 500; e.ncommaaccent = 556; e.onesuperior = 333; e.imacron = 278; e.Euro = 556 })); e["Helvetica-Bold"] = getLookupTableFactory((function (e) { = 278; e.exclam = 333; e.quotedbl = 474; e.numbersign = 556; e.dollar = 556; e.percent = 889; e.ampersand = 722; e.quoteright = 278; e.parenleft = 333; e.parenright = 333; e.asterisk = 389; = 584; e.comma = 278; e.hyphen = 333; e.period = 278; e.slash = 278; = 556; = 556; e.two = 556; e.three = 556; e.four = 556; e.five = 556; e.six = 556; = 556; e.eight = 556; e.nine = 556; e.colon = 333; e.semicolon = 333; e.less = 584; e.equal = 584; e.greater = 584; e.question = 611; = 975; e.A = 722; e.B = 722; e.C = 722; e.D = 722; e.E = 667; e.F = 611; e.G = 778; e.H = 722; e.I = 278; e.J = 556; e.K = 722; e.L = 611; e.M = 833; e.N = 722; e.O = 778; e.P = 667; e.Q = 778; e.R = 722; e.S = 667; e.T = 611; e.U = 722; e.V = 667; e.W = 944; e.X = 667; e.Y = 667; e.Z = 611; e.bracketleft = 333; e.backslash = 278; e.bracketright = 333; e.asciicircum = 584; e.underscore = 556; e.quoteleft = 278; e.a = 556; e.b = 611; e.c = 556; e.d = 611; e.e = 556; e.f = 333; e.g = 611; e.h = 611; e.i = 278; e.j = 278; e.k = 556; e.l = 278; e.m = 889; e.n = 611; e.o = 611; e.p = 611; e.q = 611; e.r = 389; e.s = 556; e.t = 333; e.u = 611; e.v = 556; e.w = 778; e.x = 556; e.y = 556; e.z = 500; e.braceleft = 389; = 280; e.braceright = 389; e.asciitilde = 584; e.exclamdown = 333; e.cent = 556; e.sterling = 556; e.fraction = 167; e.yen = 556; e.florin = 556; e.section = 556; e.currency = 556; e.quotesingle = 238; e.quotedblleft = 500; e.guillemotleft = 556; e.guilsinglleft = 333; e.guilsinglright = 333; = 611; e.fl = 611; e.endash = 556; e.dagger = 556; e.daggerdbl = 556; e.periodcentered = 278; e.paragraph = 556; e.bullet = 350; e.quotesinglbase = 278; e.quotedblbase = 500; e.quotedblright = 500; e.guillemotright = 556; e.ellipsis = 1e3; e.perthousand = 1e3; e.questiondown = 611; e.grave = 333; e.acute = 333; e.circumflex = 333; e.tilde = 333; e.macron = 333; e.breve = 333; e.dotaccent = 333; e.dieresis = 333; e.ring = 333; e.cedilla = 333; e.hungarumlaut = 333; e.ogonek = 333; e.caron = 333; e.emdash = 1e3; e.AE = 1e3; e.ordfeminine = 370; e.Lslash = 611; e.Oslash = 778; e.OE = 1e3; e.ordmasculine = 365; = 889; e.dotlessi = 278; e.lslash = 278; e.oslash = 611; e.oe = 944; e.germandbls = 611; e.Idieresis = 278; e.eacute = 556; e.abreve = 556; e.uhungarumlaut = 611; e.ecaron = 556; e.Ydieresis = 667; e.divide = 584; e.Yacute = 667; e.Acircumflex = 722; e.aacute = 556; e.Ucircumflex = 722; e.yacute = 556; e.scommaaccent = 556; e.ecircumflex = 556; e.Uring = 722; e.Udieresis = 722; e.aogonek = 556; e.Uacute = 722; e.uogonek = 611; e.Edieresis = 667; e.Dcroat = 722; e.commaaccent = 250; e.copyright = 737; e.Emacron = 667; e.ccaron = 556; e.aring = 556; e.Ncommaaccent = 722; e.lacute = 278; e.agrave = 556; e.Tcommaaccent = 611; e.Cacute = 722; e.atilde = 556; e.Edotaccent = 667; e.scaron = 556; e.scedilla = 556; e.iacute = 278; e.lozenge = 494; e.Rcaron = 722; e.Gcommaaccent = 778; e.ucircumflex = 611; e.acircumflex = 556; e.Amacron = 722; e.rcaron = 389; e.ccedilla = 556; e.Zdotaccent = 611; e.Thorn = 667; e.Omacron = 778; e.Racute = 722; e.Sacute = 667; e.dcaron = 743; e.Umacron = 722; e.uring = 611; e.threesuperior = 333; e.Ograve = 778; e.Agrave = 722; e.Abreve = 722; e.multiply = 584; e.uacute = 611; e.Tcaron = 611; e.partialdiff = 494; e.ydieresis = 556; e.Nacute = 722; e.icircumflex = 278; e.Ecircumflex = 667; e.adieresis = 556; e.edieresis = 556; e.cacute = 556; e.nacute = 611; e.umacron = 611; e.Ncaron = 722; e.Iacute = 278; e.plusminus = 584; e.brokenbar = 280; e.registered = 737; e.Gbreve = 778; e.Idotaccent = 278; e.summation = 600; e.Egrave = 667; e.racute = 389; e.omacron = 611; e.Zacute = 611; e.Zcaron = 611; e.greaterequal = 549; e.Eth = 722; e.Ccedilla = 722; e.lcommaaccent = 278; e.tcaron = 389; e.eogonek = 556; e.Uogonek = 722; e.Aacute = 722; e.Adieresis = 722; e.egrave = 556; e.zacute = 500; e.iogonek = 278; e.Oacute = 778; e.oacute = 611; e.amacron = 556; e.sacute = 556; e.idieresis = 278; e.Ocircumflex = 778; e.Ugrave = 722; e.Delta = 612; e.thorn = 611; e.twosuperior = 333; e.Odieresis = 778; = 611; e.igrave = 278; e.ohungarumlaut = 611; e.Eogonek = 667; e.dcroat = 611; e.threequarters = 834; e.Scedilla = 667; e.lcaron = 400; e.Kcommaaccent = 722; e.Lacute = 611; e.trademark = 1e3; e.edotaccent = 556; e.Igrave = 278; e.Imacron = 278; e.Lcaron = 611; e.onehalf = 834; e.lessequal = 549; e.ocircumflex = 611; e.ntilde = 611; e.Uhungarumlaut = 722; e.Eacute = 667; e.emacron = 556; e.gbreve = 611; e.onequarter = 834; e.Scaron = 667; e.Scommaaccent = 667; e.Ohungarumlaut = 778; = 400; e.ograve = 611; e.Ccaron = 722; e.ugrave = 611; e.radical = 549; e.Dcaron = 722; e.rcommaaccent = 389; e.Ntilde = 722; e.otilde = 611; e.Rcommaaccent = 722; e.Lcommaaccent = 611; e.Atilde = 722; e.Aogonek = 722; e.Aring = 722; e.Otilde = 778; e.zdotaccent = 500; e.Ecaron = 667; e.Iogonek = 278; e.kcommaaccent = 556; e.minus = 584; e.Icircumflex = 278; e.ncaron = 611; e.tcommaaccent = 333; e.logicalnot = 584; e.odieresis = 611; e.udieresis = 611; e.notequal = 549; e.gcommaaccent = 611; e.eth = 611; e.zcaron = 500; e.ncommaaccent = 611; e.onesuperior = 333; e.imacron = 278; e.Euro = 556 })); e["Helvetica-BoldOblique"] = getLookupTableFactory((function (e) { = 278; e.exclam = 333; e.quotedbl = 474; e.numbersign = 556; e.dollar = 556; e.percent = 889; e.ampersand = 722; e.quoteright = 278; e.parenleft = 333; e.parenright = 333; e.asterisk = 389; = 584; e.comma = 278; e.hyphen = 333; e.period = 278; e.slash = 278; = 556; = 556; e.two = 556; e.three = 556; e.four = 556; e.five = 556; e.six = 556; = 556; e.eight = 556; e.nine = 556; e.colon = 333; e.semicolon = 333; e.less = 584; e.equal = 584; e.greater = 584; e.question = 611; = 975; e.A = 722; e.B = 722; e.C = 722; e.D = 722; e.E = 667; e.F = 611; e.G = 778; e.H = 722; e.I = 278; e.J = 556; e.K = 722; e.L = 611; e.M = 833; e.N = 722; e.O = 778; e.P = 667; e.Q = 778; e.R = 722; e.S = 667; e.T = 611; e.U = 722; e.V = 667; e.W = 944; e.X = 667; e.Y = 667; e.Z = 611; e.bracketleft = 333; e.backslash = 278; e.bracketright = 333; e.asciicircum = 584; e.underscore = 556; e.quoteleft = 278; e.a = 556; e.b = 611; e.c = 556; e.d = 611; e.e = 556; e.f = 333; e.g = 611; e.h = 611; e.i = 278; e.j = 278; e.k = 556; e.l = 278; e.m = 889; e.n = 611; e.o = 611; e.p = 611; e.q = 611; e.r = 389; e.s = 556; e.t = 333; e.u = 611; e.v = 556; e.w = 778; e.x = 556; e.y = 556; e.z = 500; e.braceleft = 389; = 280; e.braceright = 389; e.asciitilde = 584; e.exclamdown = 333; e.cent = 556; e.sterling = 556; e.fraction = 167; e.yen = 556; e.florin = 556; e.section = 556; e.currency = 556; e.quotesingle = 238; e.quotedblleft = 500; e.guillemotleft = 556; e.guilsinglleft = 333; e.guilsinglright = 333; = 611; e.fl = 611; e.endash = 556; e.dagger = 556; e.daggerdbl = 556; e.periodcentered = 278; e.paragraph = 556; e.bullet = 350; e.quotesinglbase = 278; e.quotedblbase = 500; e.quotedblright = 500; e.guillemotright = 556; e.ellipsis = 1e3; e.perthousand = 1e3; e.questiondown = 611; e.grave = 333; e.acute = 333; e.circumflex = 333; e.tilde = 333; e.macron = 333; e.breve = 333; e.dotaccent = 333; e.dieresis = 333; e.ring = 333; e.cedilla = 333; e.hungarumlaut = 333; e.ogonek = 333; e.caron = 333; e.emdash = 1e3; e.AE = 1e3; e.ordfeminine = 370; e.Lslash = 611; e.Oslash = 778; e.OE = 1e3; e.ordmasculine = 365; = 889; e.dotlessi = 278; e.lslash = 278; e.oslash = 611; e.oe = 944; e.germandbls = 611; e.Idieresis = 278; e.eacute = 556; e.abreve = 556; e.uhungarumlaut = 611; e.ecaron = 556; e.Ydieresis = 667; e.divide = 584; e.Yacute = 667; e.Acircumflex = 722; e.aacute = 556; e.Ucircumflex = 722; e.yacute = 556; e.scommaaccent = 556; e.ecircumflex = 556; e.Uring = 722; e.Udieresis = 722; e.aogonek = 556; e.Uacute = 722; e.uogonek = 611; e.Edieresis = 667; e.Dcroat = 722; e.commaaccent = 250; e.copyright = 737; e.Emacron = 667; e.ccaron = 556; e.aring = 556; e.Ncommaaccent = 722; e.lacute = 278; e.agrave = 556; e.Tcommaaccent = 611; e.Cacute = 722; e.atilde = 556; e.Edotaccent = 667; e.scaron = 556; e.scedilla = 556; e.iacute = 278; e.lozenge = 494; e.Rcaron = 722; e.Gcommaaccent = 778; e.ucircumflex = 611; e.acircumflex = 556; e.Amacron = 722; e.rcaron = 389; e.ccedilla = 556; e.Zdotaccent = 611; e.Thorn = 667; e.Omacron = 778; e.Racute = 722; e.Sacute = 667; e.dcaron = 743; e.Umacron = 722; e.uring = 611; e.threesuperior = 333; e.Ograve = 778; e.Agrave = 722; e.Abreve = 722; e.multiply = 584; e.uacute = 611; e.Tcaron = 611; e.partialdiff = 494; e.ydieresis = 556; e.Nacute = 722; e.icircumflex = 278; e.Ecircumflex = 667; e.adieresis = 556; e.edieresis = 556; e.cacute = 556; e.nacute = 611; e.umacron = 611; e.Ncaron = 722; e.Iacute = 278; e.plusminus = 584; e.brokenbar = 280; e.registered = 737; e.Gbreve = 778; e.Idotaccent = 278; e.summation = 600; e.Egrave = 667; e.racute = 389; e.omacron = 611; e.Zacute = 611; e.Zcaron = 611; e.greaterequal = 549; e.Eth = 722; e.Ccedilla = 722; e.lcommaaccent = 278; e.tcaron = 389; e.eogonek = 556; e.Uogonek = 722; e.Aacute = 722; e.Adieresis = 722; e.egrave = 556; e.zacute = 500; e.iogonek = 278; e.Oacute = 778; e.oacute = 611; e.amacron = 556; e.sacute = 556; e.idieresis = 278; e.Ocircumflex = 778; e.Ugrave = 722; e.Delta = 612; e.thorn = 611; e.twosuperior = 333; e.Odieresis = 778; = 611; e.igrave = 278; e.ohungarumlaut = 611; e.Eogonek = 667; e.dcroat = 611; e.threequarters = 834; e.Scedilla = 667; e.lcaron = 400; e.Kcommaaccent = 722; e.Lacute = 611; e.trademark = 1e3; e.edotaccent = 556; e.Igrave = 278; e.Imacron = 278; e.Lcaron = 611; e.onehalf = 834; e.lessequal = 549; e.ocircumflex = 611; e.ntilde = 611; e.Uhungarumlaut = 722; e.Eacute = 667; e.emacron = 556; e.gbreve = 611; e.onequarter = 834; e.Scaron = 667; e.Scommaaccent = 667; e.Ohungarumlaut = 778; = 400; e.ograve = 611; e.Ccaron = 722; e.ugrave = 611; e.radical = 549; e.Dcaron = 722; e.rcommaaccent = 389; e.Ntilde = 722; e.otilde = 611; e.Rcommaaccent = 722; e.Lcommaaccent = 611; e.Atilde = 722; e.Aogonek = 722; e.Aring = 722; e.Otilde = 778; e.zdotaccent = 500; e.Ecaron = 667; e.Iogonek = 278; e.kcommaaccent = 556; e.minus = 584; e.Icircumflex = 278; e.ncaron = 611; e.tcommaaccent = 333; e.logicalnot = 584; e.odieresis = 611; e.udieresis = 611; e.notequal = 549; e.gcommaaccent = 611; e.eth = 611; e.zcaron = 500; e.ncommaaccent = 611; e.onesuperior = 333; e.imacron = 278; e.Euro = 556 })); e["Helvetica-Oblique"] = getLookupTableFactory((function (e) { = 278; e.exclam = 278; e.quotedbl = 355; e.numbersign = 556; e.dollar = 556; e.percent = 889; e.ampersand = 667; e.quoteright = 222; e.parenleft = 333; e.parenright = 333; e.asterisk = 389; = 584; e.comma = 278; e.hyphen = 333; e.period = 278; e.slash = 278; = 556; = 556; e.two = 556; e.three = 556; e.four = 556; e.five = 556; e.six = 556; = 556; e.eight = 556; e.nine = 556; e.colon = 278; e.semicolon = 278; e.less = 584; e.equal = 584; e.greater = 584; e.question = 556; = 1015; e.A = 667; e.B = 667; e.C = 722; e.D = 722; e.E = 667; e.F = 611; e.G = 778; e.H = 722; e.I = 278; e.J = 500; e.K = 667; e.L = 556; e.M = 833; e.N = 722; e.O = 778; e.P = 667; e.Q = 778; e.R = 722; e.S = 667; e.T = 611; e.U = 722; e.V = 667; e.W = 944; e.X = 667; e.Y = 667; e.Z = 611; e.bracketleft = 278; e.backslash = 278; e.bracketright = 278; e.asciicircum = 469; e.underscore = 556; e.quoteleft = 222; e.a = 556; e.b = 556; e.c = 500; e.d = 556; e.e = 556; e.f = 278; e.g = 556; e.h = 556; e.i = 222; e.j = 222; e.k = 500; e.l = 222; e.m = 833; e.n = 556; e.o = 556; e.p = 556; e.q = 556; e.r = 333; e.s = 500; e.t = 278; e.u = 556; e.v = 500; e.w = 722; e.x = 500; e.y = 500; e.z = 500; e.braceleft = 334; = 260; e.braceright = 334; e.asciitilde = 584; e.exclamdown = 333; e.cent = 556; e.sterling = 556; e.fraction = 167; e.yen = 556; e.florin = 556; e.section = 556; e.currency = 556; e.quotesingle = 191; e.quotedblleft = 333; e.guillemotleft = 556; e.guilsinglleft = 333; e.guilsinglright = 333; = 500; e.fl = 500; e.endash = 556; e.dagger = 556; e.daggerdbl = 556; e.periodcentered = 278; e.paragraph = 537; e.bullet = 350; e.quotesinglbase = 222; e.quotedblbase = 333; e.quotedblright = 333; e.guillemotright = 556; e.ellipsis = 1e3; e.perthousand = 1e3; e.questiondown = 611; e.grave = 333; e.acute = 333; e.circumflex = 333; e.tilde = 333; e.macron = 333; e.breve = 333; e.dotaccent = 333; e.dieresis = 333; e.ring = 333; e.cedilla = 333; e.hungarumlaut = 333; e.ogonek = 333; e.caron = 333; e.emdash = 1e3; e.AE = 1e3; e.ordfeminine = 370; e.Lslash = 556; e.Oslash = 778; e.OE = 1e3; e.ordmasculine = 365; = 889; e.dotlessi = 278; e.lslash = 222; e.oslash = 611; e.oe = 944; e.germandbls = 611; e.Idieresis = 278; e.eacute = 556; e.abreve = 556; e.uhungarumlaut = 556; e.ecaron = 556; e.Ydieresis = 667; e.divide = 584; e.Yacute = 667; e.Acircumflex = 667; e.aacute = 556; e.Ucircumflex = 722; e.yacute = 500; e.scommaaccent = 500; e.ecircumflex = 556; e.Uring = 722; e.Udieresis = 722; e.aogonek = 556; e.Uacute = 722; e.uogonek = 556; e.Edieresis = 667; e.Dcroat = 722; e.commaaccent = 250; e.copyright = 737; e.Emacron = 667; e.ccaron = 500; e.aring = 556; e.Ncommaaccent = 722; e.lacute = 222; e.agrave = 556; e.Tcommaaccent = 611; e.Cacute = 722; e.atilde = 556; e.Edotaccent = 667; e.scaron = 500; e.scedilla = 500; e.iacute = 278; e.lozenge = 471; e.Rcaron = 722; e.Gcommaaccent = 778; e.ucircumflex = 556; e.acircumflex = 556; e.Amacron = 667; e.rcaron = 333; e.ccedilla = 500; e.Zdotaccent = 611; e.Thorn = 667; e.Omacron = 778; e.Racute = 722; e.Sacute = 667; e.dcaron = 643; e.Umacron = 722; e.uring = 556; e.threesuperior = 333; e.Ograve = 778; e.Agrave = 667; e.Abreve = 667; e.multiply = 584; e.uacute = 556; e.Tcaron = 611; e.partialdiff = 476; e.ydieresis = 500; e.Nacute = 722; e.icircumflex = 278; e.Ecircumflex = 667; e.adieresis = 556; e.edieresis = 556; e.cacute = 500; e.nacute = 556; e.umacron = 556; e.Ncaron = 722; e.Iacute = 278; e.plusminus = 584; e.brokenbar = 260; e.registered = 737; e.Gbreve = 778; e.Idotaccent = 278; e.summation = 600; e.Egrave = 667; e.racute = 333; e.omacron = 556; e.Zacute = 611; e.Zcaron = 611; e.greaterequal = 549; e.Eth = 722; e.Ccedilla = 722; e.lcommaaccent = 222; e.tcaron = 317; e.eogonek = 556; e.Uogonek = 722; e.Aacute = 667; e.Adieresis = 667; e.egrave = 556; e.zacute = 500; e.iogonek = 222; e.Oacute = 778; e.oacute = 556; e.amacron = 556; e.sacute = 500; e.idieresis = 278; e.Ocircumflex = 778; e.Ugrave = 722; e.Delta = 612; e.thorn = 556; e.twosuperior = 333; e.Odieresis = 778; = 556; e.igrave = 278; e.ohungarumlaut = 556; e.Eogonek = 667; e.dcroat = 556; e.threequarters = 834; e.Scedilla = 667; e.lcaron = 299; e.Kcommaaccent = 667; e.Lacute = 556; e.trademark = 1e3; e.edotaccent = 556; e.Igrave = 278; e.Imacron = 278; e.Lcaron = 556; e.onehalf = 834; e.lessequal = 549; e.ocircumflex = 556; e.ntilde = 556; e.Uhungarumlaut = 722; e.Eacute = 667; e.emacron = 556; e.gbreve = 556; e.onequarter = 834; e.Scaron = 667; e.Scommaaccent = 667; e.Ohungarumlaut = 778; = 400; e.ograve = 556; e.Ccaron = 722; e.ugrave = 556; e.radical = 453; e.Dcaron = 722; e.rcommaaccent = 333; e.Ntilde = 722; e.otilde = 556; e.Rcommaaccent = 722; e.Lcommaaccent = 556; e.Atilde = 667; e.Aogonek = 667; e.Aring = 667; e.Otilde = 778; e.zdotaccent = 500; e.Ecaron = 667; e.Iogonek = 278; e.kcommaaccent = 500; e.minus = 584; e.Icircumflex = 278; e.ncaron = 556; e.tcommaaccent = 278; e.logicalnot = 584; e.odieresis = 556; e.udieresis = 556; e.notequal = 549; e.gcommaaccent = 556; e.eth = 556; e.zcaron = 500; e.ncommaaccent = 556; e.onesuperior = 333; e.imacron = 278; e.Euro = 556 })); e.Symbol = getLookupTableFactory((function (e) { = 250; e.exclam = 333; e.universal = 713; e.numbersign = 500; e.existential = 549; e.percent = 833; e.ampersand = 778; e.suchthat = 439; e.parenleft = 333; e.parenright = 333; e.asteriskmath = 500; = 549; e.comma = 250; e.minus = 549; e.period = 250; e.slash = 278; = 500; = 500; e.two = 500; e.three = 500; e.four = 500; e.five = 500; e.six = 500; = 500; e.eight = 500; e.nine = 500; e.colon = 278; e.semicolon = 278; e.less = 549; e.equal = 549; e.greater = 549; e.question = 444; e.congruent = 549; e.Alpha = 722; e.Beta = 667; e.Chi = 722; e.Delta = 612; e.Epsilon = 611; e.Phi = 763; e.Gamma = 603; e.Eta = 722; e.Iota = 333; e.theta1 = 631; e.Kappa = 722; e.Lambda = 686; e.Mu = 889; e.Nu = 722; e.Omicron = 722; e.Pi = 768; e.Theta = 741; e.Rho = 556; e.Sigma = 592; e.Tau = 611; e.Upsilon = 690; e.sigma1 = 439; e.Omega = 768; e.Xi = 645; e.Psi = 795; e.Zeta = 611; e.bracketleft = 333; e.therefore = 863; e.bracketright = 333; e.perpendicular = 658; e.underscore = 500; e.radicalex = 500; e.alpha = 631; e.beta = 549; e.chi = 549; = 494; e.epsilon = 439; e.phi = 521; e.gamma = 411; e.eta = 603; e.iota = 329; e.phi1 = 603; e.kappa = 549; e.lambda = 549; = 576; = 521; e.omicron = 549; e.pi = 549; e.theta = 521; e.rho = 549; e.sigma = 603; e.tau = 439; e.upsilon = 576; e.omega1 = 713; = 686; e.xi = 493; e.psi = 686; e.zeta = 494; e.braceleft = 480; = 200; e.braceright = 480; e.similar = 549; e.Euro = 750; e.Upsilon1 = 620; e.minute = 247; e.lessequal = 549; e.fraction = 167; e.infinity = 713; e.florin = 500; = 753; e.diamond = 753; e.heart = 753; e.spade = 753; e.arrowboth = 1042; e.arrowleft = 987; e.arrowup = 603; e.arrowright = 987; e.arrowdown = 603; = 400; e.plusminus = 549; e.second = 411; e.greaterequal = 549; e.multiply = 549; e.proportional = 713; e.partialdiff = 494; e.bullet = 460; e.divide = 549; e.notequal = 549; e.equivalence = 549; e.approxequal = 549; e.ellipsis = 1e3; e.arrowvertex = 603; e.arrowhorizex = 1e3; e.carriagereturn = 658; e.aleph = 823; e.Ifraktur = 686; e.Rfraktur = 795; e.weierstrass = 987; e.circlemultiply = 768; e.circleplus = 768; e.emptyset = 823; e.intersection = 768; e.union = 768; e.propersuperset = 713; e.reflexsuperset = 713; e.notsubset = 713; e.propersubset = 713; e.reflexsubset = 713; e.element = 713; e.notelement = 713; e.angle = 768; e.gradient = 713; e.registerserif = 790; e.copyrightserif = 790; e.trademarkserif = 890; e.product = 823; e.radical = 549; e.dotmath = 250; e.logicalnot = 713; e.logicaland = 603; e.logicalor = 603; e.arrowdblboth = 1042; e.arrowdblleft = 987; e.arrowdblup = 603; e.arrowdblright = 987; e.arrowdbldown = 603; e.lozenge = 494; e.angleleft = 329; e.registersans = 790; e.copyrightsans = 790; e.trademarksans = 786; e.summation = 713; e.parenlefttp = 384; e.parenleftex = 384; e.parenleftbt = 384; e.bracketlefttp = 384; e.bracketleftex = 384; e.bracketleftbt = 384; e.bracelefttp = 494; e.braceleftmid = 494; e.braceleftbt = 494; e.braceex = 494; e.angleright = 329; e.integral = 274; e.integraltp = 686; e.integralex = 686; e.integralbt = 686; e.parenrighttp = 384; e.parenrightex = 384; e.parenrightbt = 384; e.bracketrighttp = 384; e.bracketrightex = 384; e.bracketrightbt = 384; e.bracerighttp = 494; e.bracerightmid = 494; e.bracerightbt = 494; = 790 })); e["Times-Roman"] = getLookupTableFactory((function (e) { = 250; e.exclam = 333; e.quotedbl = 408; e.numbersign = 500; e.dollar = 500; e.percent = 833; e.ampersand = 778; e.quoteright = 333; e.parenleft = 333; e.parenright = 333; e.asterisk = 500; = 564; e.comma = 250; e.hyphen = 333; e.period = 250; e.slash = 278; = 500; = 500; e.two = 500; e.three = 500; e.four = 500; e.five = 500; e.six = 500; = 500; e.eight = 500; e.nine = 500; e.colon = 278; e.semicolon = 278; e.less = 564; e.equal = 564; e.greater = 564; e.question = 444; = 921; e.A = 722; e.B = 667; e.C = 667; e.D = 722; e.E = 611; e.F = 556; e.G = 722; e.H = 722; e.I = 333; e.J = 389; e.K = 722; e.L = 611; e.M = 889; e.N = 722; e.O = 722; e.P = 556; e.Q = 722; e.R = 667; e.S = 556; e.T = 611; e.U = 722; e.V = 722; e.W = 944; e.X = 722; e.Y = 722; e.Z = 611; e.bracketleft = 333; e.backslash = 278; e.bracketright = 333; e.asciicircum = 469; e.underscore = 500; e.quoteleft = 333; e.a = 444; e.b = 500; e.c = 444; e.d = 500; e.e = 444; e.f = 333; e.g = 500; e.h = 500; e.i = 278; e.j = 278; e.k = 500; e.l = 278; e.m = 778; e.n = 500; e.o = 500; e.p = 500; e.q = 500; e.r = 333; e.s = 389; e.t = 278; e.u = 500; e.v = 500; e.w = 722; e.x = 500; e.y = 500; e.z = 444; e.braceleft = 480; = 200; e.braceright = 480; e.asciitilde = 541; e.exclamdown = 333; e.cent = 500; e.sterling = 500; e.fraction = 167; e.yen = 500; e.florin = 500; e.section = 500; e.currency = 500; e.quotesingle = 180; e.quotedblleft = 444; e.guillemotleft = 500; e.guilsinglleft = 333; e.guilsinglright = 333; = 556; e.fl = 556; e.endash = 500; e.dagger = 500; e.daggerdbl = 500; e.periodcentered = 250; e.paragraph = 453; e.bullet = 350; e.quotesinglbase = 333; e.quotedblbase = 444; e.quotedblright = 444; e.guillemotright = 500; e.ellipsis = 1e3; e.perthousand = 1e3; e.questiondown = 444; e.grave = 333; e.acute = 333; e.circumflex = 333; e.tilde = 333; e.macron = 333; e.breve = 333; e.dotaccent = 333; e.dieresis = 333; e.ring = 333; e.cedilla = 333; e.hungarumlaut = 333; e.ogonek = 333; e.caron = 333; e.emdash = 1e3; e.AE = 889; e.ordfeminine = 276; e.Lslash = 611; e.Oslash = 722; e.OE = 889; e.ordmasculine = 310; = 667; e.dotlessi = 278; e.lslash = 278; e.oslash = 500; e.oe = 722; e.germandbls = 500; e.Idieresis = 333; e.eacute = 444; e.abreve = 444; e.uhungarumlaut = 500; e.ecaron = 444; e.Ydieresis = 722; e.divide = 564; e.Yacute = 722; e.Acircumflex = 722; e.aacute = 444; e.Ucircumflex = 722; e.yacute = 500; e.scommaaccent = 389; e.ecircumflex = 444; e.Uring = 722; e.Udieresis = 722; e.aogonek = 444; e.Uacute = 722; e.uogonek = 500; e.Edieresis = 611; e.Dcroat = 722; e.commaaccent = 250; e.copyright = 760; e.Emacron = 611; e.ccaron = 444; e.aring = 444; e.Ncommaaccent = 722; e.lacute = 278; e.agrave = 444; e.Tcommaaccent = 611; e.Cacute = 667; e.atilde = 444; e.Edotaccent = 611; e.scaron = 389; e.scedilla = 389; e.iacute = 278; e.lozenge = 471; e.Rcaron = 667; e.Gcommaaccent = 722; e.ucircumflex = 500; e.acircumflex = 444; e.Amacron = 722; e.rcaron = 333; e.ccedilla = 444; e.Zdotaccent = 611; e.Thorn = 556; e.Omacron = 722; e.Racute = 667; e.Sacute = 556; e.dcaron = 588; e.Umacron = 722; e.uring = 500; e.threesuperior = 300; e.Ograve = 722; e.Agrave = 722; e.Abreve = 722; e.multiply = 564; e.uacute = 500; e.Tcaron = 611; e.partialdiff = 476; e.ydieresis = 500; e.Nacute = 722; e.icircumflex = 278; e.Ecircumflex = 611; e.adieresis = 444; e.edieresis = 444; e.cacute = 444; e.nacute = 500; e.umacron = 500; e.Ncaron = 722; e.Iacute = 333; e.plusminus = 564; e.brokenbar = 200; e.registered = 760; e.Gbreve = 722; e.Idotaccent = 333; e.summation = 600; e.Egrave = 611; e.racute = 333; e.omacron = 500; e.Zacute = 611; e.Zcaron = 611; e.greaterequal = 549; e.Eth = 722; e.Ccedilla = 667; e.lcommaaccent = 278; e.tcaron = 326; e.eogonek = 444; e.Uogonek = 722; e.Aacute = 722; e.Adieresis = 722; e.egrave = 444; e.zacute = 444; e.iogonek = 278; e.Oacute = 722; e.oacute = 500; e.amacron = 444; e.sacute = 389; e.idieresis = 278; e.Ocircumflex = 722; e.Ugrave = 722; e.Delta = 612; e.thorn = 500; e.twosuperior = 300; e.Odieresis = 722; = 500; e.igrave = 278; e.ohungarumlaut = 500; e.Eogonek = 611; e.dcroat = 500; e.threequarters = 750; e.Scedilla = 556; e.lcaron = 344; e.Kcommaaccent = 722; e.Lacute = 611; e.trademark = 980; e.edotaccent = 444; e.Igrave = 333; e.Imacron = 333; e.Lcaron = 611; e.onehalf = 750; e.lessequal = 549; e.ocircumflex = 500; e.ntilde = 500; e.Uhungarumlaut = 722; e.Eacute = 611; e.emacron = 444; e.gbreve = 500; e.onequarter = 750; e.Scaron = 556; e.Scommaaccent = 556; e.Ohungarumlaut = 722; = 400; e.ograve = 500; e.Ccaron = 667; e.ugrave = 500; e.radical = 453; e.Dcaron = 722; e.rcommaaccent = 333; e.Ntilde = 722; e.otilde = 500; e.Rcommaaccent = 667; e.Lcommaaccent = 611; e.Atilde = 722; e.Aogonek = 722; e.Aring = 722; e.Otilde = 722; e.zdotaccent = 444; e.Ecaron = 611; e.Iogonek = 333; e.kcommaaccent = 500; e.minus = 564; e.Icircumflex = 333; e.ncaron = 500; e.tcommaaccent = 278; e.logicalnot = 564; e.odieresis = 500; e.udieresis = 500; e.notequal = 549; e.gcommaaccent = 500; e.eth = 500; e.zcaron = 444; e.ncommaaccent = 500; e.onesuperior = 300; e.imacron = 278; e.Euro = 500 })); e["Times-Bold"] = getLookupTableFactory((function (e) { = 250; e.exclam = 333; e.quotedbl = 555; e.numbersign = 500; e.dollar = 500; e.percent = 1e3; e.ampersand = 833; e.quoteright = 333; e.parenleft = 333; e.parenright = 333; e.asterisk = 500; = 570; e.comma = 250; e.hyphen = 333; e.period = 250; e.slash = 278; = 500; = 500; e.two = 500; e.three = 500; e.four = 500; e.five = 500; e.six = 500; = 500; e.eight = 500; e.nine = 500; e.colon = 333; e.semicolon = 333; e.less = 570; e.equal = 570; e.greater = 570; e.question = 500; = 930; e.A = 722; e.B = 667; e.C = 722; e.D = 722; e.E = 667; e.F = 611; e.G = 778; e.H = 778; e.I = 389; e.J = 500; e.K = 778; e.L = 667; e.M = 944; e.N = 722; e.O = 778; e.P = 611; e.Q = 778; e.R = 722; e.S = 556; e.T = 667; e.U = 722; e.V = 722; e.W = 1e3; e.X = 722; e.Y = 722; e.Z = 667; e.bracketleft = 333; e.backslash = 278; e.bracketright = 333; e.asciicircum = 581; e.underscore = 500; e.quoteleft = 333; e.a = 500; e.b = 556; e.c = 444; e.d = 556; e.e = 444; e.f = 333; e.g = 500; e.h = 556; e.i = 278; e.j = 333; e.k = 556; e.l = 278; e.m = 833; e.n = 556; e.o = 500; e.p = 556; e.q = 556; e.r = 444; e.s = 389; e.t = 333; e.u = 556; e.v = 500; e.w = 722; e.x = 500; e.y = 500; e.z = 444; e.braceleft = 394; = 220; e.braceright = 394; e.asciitilde = 520; e.exclamdown = 333; e.cent = 500; e.sterling = 500; e.fraction = 167; e.yen = 500; e.florin = 500; e.section = 500; e.currency = 500; e.quotesingle = 278; e.quotedblleft = 500; e.guillemotleft = 500; e.guilsinglleft = 333; e.guilsinglright = 333; = 556; e.fl = 556; e.endash = 500; e.dagger = 500; e.daggerdbl = 500; e.periodcentered = 250; e.paragraph = 540; e.bullet = 350; e.quotesinglbase = 333; e.quotedblbase = 500; e.quotedblright = 500; e.guillemotright = 500; e.ellipsis = 1e3; e.perthousand = 1e3; e.questiondown = 500; e.grave = 333; e.acute = 333; e.circumflex = 333; e.tilde = 333; e.macron = 333; e.breve = 333; e.dotaccent = 333; e.dieresis = 333; e.ring = 333; e.cedilla = 333; e.hungarumlaut = 333; e.ogonek = 333; e.caron = 333; e.emdash = 1e3; e.AE = 1e3; e.ordfeminine = 300; e.Lslash = 667; e.Oslash = 778; e.OE = 1e3; e.ordmasculine = 330; = 722; e.dotlessi = 278; e.lslash = 278; e.oslash = 500; e.oe = 722; e.germandbls = 556; e.Idieresis = 389; e.eacute = 444; e.abreve = 500; e.uhungarumlaut = 556; e.ecaron = 444; e.Ydieresis = 722; e.divide = 570; e.Yacute = 722; e.Acircumflex = 722; e.aacute = 500; e.Ucircumflex = 722; e.yacute = 500; e.scommaaccent = 389; e.ecircumflex = 444; e.Uring = 722; e.Udieresis = 722; e.aogonek = 500; e.Uacute = 722; e.uogonek = 556; e.Edieresis = 667; e.Dcroat = 722; e.commaaccent = 250; e.copyright = 747; e.Emacron = 667; e.ccaron = 444; e.aring = 500; e.Ncommaaccent = 722; e.lacute = 278; e.agrave = 500; e.Tcommaaccent = 667; e.Cacute = 722; e.atilde = 500; e.Edotaccent = 667; e.scaron = 389; e.scedilla = 389; e.iacute = 278; e.lozenge = 494; e.Rcaron = 722; e.Gcommaaccent = 778; e.ucircumflex = 556; e.acircumflex = 500; e.Amacron = 722; e.rcaron = 444; e.ccedilla = 444; e.Zdotaccent = 667; e.Thorn = 611; e.Omacron = 778; e.Racute = 722; e.Sacute = 556; e.dcaron = 672; e.Umacron = 722; e.uring = 556; e.threesuperior = 300; e.Ograve = 778; e.Agrave = 722; e.Abreve = 722; e.multiply = 570; e.uacute = 556; e.Tcaron = 667; e.partialdiff = 494; e.ydieresis = 500; e.Nacute = 722; e.icircumflex = 278; e.Ecircumflex = 667; e.adieresis = 500; e.edieresis = 444; e.cacute = 444; e.nacute = 556; e.umacron = 556; e.Ncaron = 722; e.Iacute = 389; e.plusminus = 570; e.brokenbar = 220; e.registered = 747; e.Gbreve = 778; e.Idotaccent = 389; e.summation = 600; e.Egrave = 667; e.racute = 444; e.omacron = 500; e.Zacute = 667; e.Zcaron = 667; e.greaterequal = 549; e.Eth = 722; e.Ccedilla = 722; e.lcommaaccent = 278; e.tcaron = 416; e.eogonek = 444; e.Uogonek = 722; e.Aacute = 722; e.Adieresis = 722; e.egrave = 444; e.zacute = 444; e.iogonek = 278; e.Oacute = 778; e.oacute = 500; e.amacron = 500; e.sacute = 389; e.idieresis = 278; e.Ocircumflex = 778; e.Ugrave = 722; e.Delta = 612; e.thorn = 556; e.twosuperior = 300; e.Odieresis = 778; = 556; e.igrave = 278; e.ohungarumlaut = 500; e.Eogonek = 667; e.dcroat = 556; e.threequarters = 750; e.Scedilla = 556; e.lcaron = 394; e.Kcommaaccent = 778; e.Lacute = 667; e.trademark = 1e3; e.edotaccent = 444; e.Igrave = 389; e.Imacron = 389; e.Lcaron = 667; e.onehalf = 750; e.lessequal = 549; e.ocircumflex = 500; e.ntilde = 556; e.Uhungarumlaut = 722; e.Eacute = 667; e.emacron = 444; e.gbreve = 500; e.onequarter = 750; e.Scaron = 556; e.Scommaaccent = 556; e.Ohungarumlaut = 778; = 400; e.ograve = 500; e.Ccaron = 722; e.ugrave = 556; e.radical = 549; e.Dcaron = 722; e.rcommaaccent = 444; e.Ntilde = 722; e.otilde = 500; e.Rcommaaccent = 722; e.Lcommaaccent = 667; e.Atilde = 722; e.Aogonek = 722; e.Aring = 722; e.Otilde = 778; e.zdotaccent = 444; e.Ecaron = 667; e.Iogonek = 389; e.kcommaaccent = 556; e.minus = 570; e.Icircumflex = 389; e.ncaron = 556; e.tcommaaccent = 333; e.logicalnot = 570; e.odieresis = 500; e.udieresis = 556; e.notequal = 549; e.gcommaaccent = 500; e.eth = 500; e.zcaron = 444; e.ncommaaccent = 556; e.onesuperior = 300; e.imacron = 278; e.Euro = 500 })); e["Times-BoldItalic"] = getLookupTableFactory((function (e) { = 250; e.exclam = 389; e.quotedbl = 555; e.numbersign = 500; e.dollar = 500; e.percent = 833; e.ampersand = 778; e.quoteright = 333; e.parenleft = 333; e.parenright = 333; e.asterisk = 500; = 570; e.comma = 250; e.hyphen = 333; e.period = 250; e.slash = 278; = 500; = 500; e.two = 500; e.three = 500; e.four = 500; e.five = 500; e.six = 500; = 500; e.eight = 500; e.nine = 500; e.colon = 333; e.semicolon = 333; e.less = 570; e.equal = 570; e.greater = 570; e.question = 500; = 832; e.A = 667; e.B = 667; e.C = 667; e.D = 722; e.E = 667; e.F = 667; e.G = 722; e.H = 778; e.I = 389; e.J = 500; e.K = 667; e.L = 611; e.M = 889; e.N = 722; e.O = 722; e.P = 611; e.Q = 722; e.R = 667; e.S = 556; e.T = 611; e.U = 722; e.V = 667; e.W = 889; e.X = 667; e.Y = 611; e.Z = 611; e.bracketleft = 333; e.backslash = 278; e.bracketright = 333; e.asciicircum = 570; e.underscore = 500; e.quoteleft = 333; e.a = 500; e.b = 500; e.c = 444; e.d = 500; e.e = 444; e.f = 333; e.g = 500; e.h = 556; e.i = 278; e.j = 278; e.k = 500; e.l = 278; e.m = 778; e.n = 556; e.o = 500; e.p = 500; e.q = 500; e.r = 389; e.s = 389; e.t = 278; e.u = 556; e.v = 444; e.w = 667; e.x = 500; e.y = 444; e.z = 389; e.braceleft = 348; = 220; e.braceright = 348; e.asciitilde = 570; e.exclamdown = 389; e.cent = 500; e.sterling = 500; e.fraction = 167; e.yen = 500; e.florin = 500; e.section = 500; e.currency = 500; e.quotesingle = 278; e.quotedblleft = 500; e.guillemotleft = 500; e.guilsinglleft = 333; e.guilsinglright = 333; = 556; e.fl = 556; e.endash = 500; e.dagger = 500; e.daggerdbl = 500; e.periodcentered = 250; e.paragraph = 500; e.bullet = 350; e.quotesinglbase = 333; e.quotedblbase = 500; e.quotedblright = 500; e.guillemotright = 500; e.ellipsis = 1e3; e.perthousand = 1e3; e.questiondown = 500; e.grave = 333; e.acute = 333; e.circumflex = 333; e.tilde = 333; e.macron = 333; e.breve = 333; e.dotaccent = 333; e.dieresis = 333; e.ring = 333; e.cedilla = 333; e.hungarumlaut = 333; e.ogonek = 333; e.caron = 333; e.emdash = 1e3; e.AE = 944; e.ordfeminine = 266; e.Lslash = 611; e.Oslash = 722; e.OE = 944; e.ordmasculine = 300; = 722; e.dotlessi = 278; e.lslash = 278; e.oslash = 500; e.oe = 722; e.germandbls = 500; e.Idieresis = 389; e.eacute = 444; e.abreve = 500; e.uhungarumlaut = 556; e.ecaron = 444; e.Ydieresis = 611; e.divide = 570; e.Yacute = 611; e.Acircumflex = 667; e.aacute = 500; e.Ucircumflex = 722; e.yacute = 444; e.scommaaccent = 389; e.ecircumflex = 444; e.Uring = 722; e.Udieresis = 722; e.aogonek = 500; e.Uacute = 722; e.uogonek = 556; e.Edieresis = 667; e.Dcroat = 722; e.commaaccent = 250; e.copyright = 747; e.Emacron = 667; e.ccaron = 444; e.aring = 500; e.Ncommaaccent = 722; e.lacute = 278; e.agrave = 500; e.Tcommaaccent = 611; e.Cacute = 667; e.atilde = 500; e.Edotaccent = 667; e.scaron = 389; e.scedilla = 389; e.iacute = 278; e.lozenge = 494; e.Rcaron = 667; e.Gcommaaccent = 722; e.ucircumflex = 556; e.acircumflex = 500; e.Amacron = 667; e.rcaron = 389; e.ccedilla = 444; e.Zdotaccent = 611; e.Thorn = 611; e.Omacron = 722; e.Racute = 667; e.Sacute = 556; e.dcaron = 608; e.Umacron = 722; e.uring = 556; e.threesuperior = 300; e.Ograve = 722; e.Agrave = 667; e.Abreve = 667; e.multiply = 570; e.uacute = 556; e.Tcaron = 611; e.partialdiff = 494; e.ydieresis = 444; e.Nacute = 722; e.icircumflex = 278; e.Ecircumflex = 667; e.adieresis = 500; e.edieresis = 444; e.cacute = 444; e.nacute = 556; e.umacron = 556; e.Ncaron = 722; e.Iacute = 389; e.plusminus = 570; e.brokenbar = 220; e.registered = 747; e.Gbreve = 722; e.Idotaccent = 389; e.summation = 600; e.Egrave = 667; e.racute = 389; e.omacron = 500; e.Zacute = 611; e.Zcaron = 611; e.greaterequal = 549; e.Eth = 722; e.Ccedilla = 667; e.lcommaaccent = 278; e.tcaron = 366; e.eogonek = 444; e.Uogonek = 722; e.Aacute = 667; e.Adieresis = 667; e.egrave = 444; e.zacute = 389; e.iogonek = 278; e.Oacute = 722; e.oacute = 500; e.amacron = 500; e.sacute = 389; e.idieresis = 278; e.Ocircumflex = 722; e.Ugrave = 722; e.Delta = 612; e.thorn = 500; e.twosuperior = 300; e.Odieresis = 722; = 576; e.igrave = 278; e.ohungarumlaut = 500; e.Eogonek = 667; e.dcroat = 500; e.threequarters = 750; e.Scedilla = 556; e.lcaron = 382; e.Kcommaaccent = 667; e.Lacute = 611; e.trademark = 1e3; e.edotaccent = 444; e.Igrave = 389; e.Imacron = 389; e.Lcaron = 611; e.onehalf = 750; e.lessequal = 549; e.ocircumflex = 500; e.ntilde = 556; e.Uhungarumlaut = 722; e.Eacute = 667; e.emacron = 444; e.gbreve = 500; e.onequarter = 750; e.Scaron = 556; e.Scommaaccent = 556; e.Ohungarumlaut = 722; = 400; e.ograve = 500; e.Ccaron = 667; e.ugrave = 556; e.radical = 549; e.Dcaron = 722; e.rcommaaccent = 389; e.Ntilde = 722; e.otilde = 500; e.Rcommaaccent = 667; e.Lcommaaccent = 611; e.Atilde = 667; e.Aogonek = 667; e.Aring = 667; e.Otilde = 722; e.zdotaccent = 389; e.Ecaron = 667; e.Iogonek = 389; e.kcommaaccent = 500; e.minus = 606; e.Icircumflex = 389; e.ncaron = 556; e.tcommaaccent = 278; e.logicalnot = 606; e.odieresis = 500; e.udieresis = 556; e.notequal = 549; e.gcommaaccent = 500; e.eth = 500; e.zcaron = 389; e.ncommaaccent = 556; e.onesuperior = 300; e.imacron = 278; e.Euro = 500 })); e["Times-Italic"] = getLookupTableFactory((function (e) { = 250; e.exclam = 333; e.quotedbl = 420; e.numbersign = 500; e.dollar = 500; e.percent = 833; e.ampersand = 778; e.quoteright = 333; e.parenleft = 333; e.parenright = 333; e.asterisk = 500; = 675; e.comma = 250; e.hyphen = 333; e.period = 250; e.slash = 278; = 500; = 500; e.two = 500; e.three = 500; e.four = 500; e.five = 500; e.six = 500; = 500; e.eight = 500; e.nine = 500; e.colon = 333; e.semicolon = 333; e.less = 675; e.equal = 675; e.greater = 675; e.question = 500; = 920; e.A = 611; e.B = 611; e.C = 667; e.D = 722; e.E = 611; e.F = 611; e.G = 722; e.H = 722; e.I = 333; e.J = 444; e.K = 667; e.L = 556; e.M = 833; e.N = 667; e.O = 722; e.P = 611; e.Q = 722; e.R = 611; e.S = 500; e.T = 556; e.U = 722; e.V = 611; e.W = 833; e.X = 611; e.Y = 556; e.Z = 556; e.bracketleft = 389; e.backslash = 278; e.bracketright = 389; e.asciicircum = 422; e.underscore = 500; e.quoteleft = 333; e.a = 500; e.b = 500; e.c = 444; e.d = 500; e.e = 444; e.f = 278; e.g = 500; e.h = 500; e.i = 278; e.j = 278; e.k = 444; e.l = 278; e.m = 722; e.n = 500; e.o = 500; e.p = 500; e.q = 500; e.r = 389; e.s = 389; e.t = 278; e.u = 500; e.v = 444; e.w = 667; e.x = 444; e.y = 444; e.z = 389; e.braceleft = 400; = 275; e.braceright = 400; e.asciitilde = 541; e.exclamdown = 389; e.cent = 500; e.sterling = 500; e.fraction = 167; e.yen = 500; e.florin = 500; e.section = 500; e.currency = 500; e.quotesingle = 214; e.quotedblleft = 556; e.guillemotleft = 500; e.guilsinglleft = 333; e.guilsinglright = 333; = 500; e.fl = 500; e.endash = 500; e.dagger = 500; e.daggerdbl = 500; e.periodcentered = 250; e.paragraph = 523; e.bullet = 350; e.quotesinglbase = 333; e.quotedblbase = 556; e.quotedblright = 556; e.guillemotright = 500; e.ellipsis = 889; e.perthousand = 1e3; e.questiondown = 500; e.grave = 333; e.acute = 333; e.circumflex = 333; e.tilde = 333; e.macron = 333; e.breve = 333; e.dotaccent = 333; e.dieresis = 333; e.ring = 333; e.cedilla = 333; e.hungarumlaut = 333; e.ogonek = 333; e.caron = 333; e.emdash = 889; e.AE = 889; e.ordfeminine = 276; e.Lslash = 556; e.Oslash = 722; e.OE = 944; e.ordmasculine = 310; = 667; e.dotlessi = 278; e.lslash = 278; e.oslash = 500; e.oe = 667; e.germandbls = 500; e.Idieresis = 333; e.eacute = 444; e.abreve = 500; e.uhungarumlaut = 500; e.ecaron = 444; e.Ydieresis = 556; e.divide = 675; e.Yacute = 556; e.Acircumflex = 611; e.aacute = 500; e.Ucircumflex = 722; e.yacute = 444; e.scommaaccent = 389; e.ecircumflex = 444; e.Uring = 722; e.Udieresis = 722; e.aogonek = 500; e.Uacute = 722; e.uogonek = 500; e.Edieresis = 611; e.Dcroat = 722; e.commaaccent = 250; e.copyright = 760; e.Emacron = 611; e.ccaron = 444; e.aring = 500; e.Ncommaaccent = 667; e.lacute = 278; e.agrave = 500; e.Tcommaaccent = 556; e.Cacute = 667; e.atilde = 500; e.Edotaccent = 611; e.scaron = 389; e.scedilla = 389; e.iacute = 278; e.lozenge = 471; e.Rcaron = 611; e.Gcommaaccent = 722; e.ucircumflex = 500; e.acircumflex = 500; e.Amacron = 611; e.rcaron = 389; e.ccedilla = 444; e.Zdotaccent = 556; e.Thorn = 611; e.Omacron = 722; e.Racute = 611; e.Sacute = 500; e.dcaron = 544; e.Umacron = 722; e.uring = 500; e.threesuperior = 300; e.Ograve = 722; e.Agrave = 611; e.Abreve = 611; e.multiply = 675; e.uacute = 500; e.Tcaron = 556; e.partialdiff = 476; e.ydieresis = 444; e.Nacute = 667; e.icircumflex = 278; e.Ecircumflex = 611; e.adieresis = 500; e.edieresis = 444; e.cacute = 444; e.nacute = 500; e.umacron = 500; e.Ncaron = 667; e.Iacute = 333; e.plusminus = 675; e.brokenbar = 275; e.registered = 760; e.Gbreve = 722; e.Idotaccent = 333; e.summation = 600; e.Egrave = 611; e.racute = 389; e.omacron = 500; e.Zacute = 556; e.Zcaron = 556; e.greaterequal = 549; e.Eth = 722; e.Ccedilla = 667; e.lcommaaccent = 278; e.tcaron = 300; e.eogonek = 444; e.Uogonek = 722; e.Aacute = 611; e.Adieresis = 611; e.egrave = 444; e.zacute = 389; e.iogonek = 278; e.Oacute = 722; e.oacute = 500; e.amacron = 500; e.sacute = 389; e.idieresis = 278; e.Ocircumflex = 722; e.Ugrave = 722; e.Delta = 612; e.thorn = 500; e.twosuperior = 300; e.Odieresis = 722; = 500; e.igrave = 278; e.ohungarumlaut = 500; e.Eogonek = 611; e.dcroat = 500; e.threequarters = 750; e.Scedilla = 500; e.lcaron = 300; e.Kcommaaccent = 667; e.Lacute = 556; e.trademark = 980; e.edotaccent = 444; e.Igrave = 333; e.Imacron = 333; e.Lcaron = 611; e.onehalf = 750; e.lessequal = 549; e.ocircumflex = 500; e.ntilde = 500; e.Uhungarumlaut = 722; e.Eacute = 611; e.emacron = 444; e.gbreve = 500; e.onequarter = 750; e.Scaron = 500; e.Scommaaccent = 500; e.Ohungarumlaut = 722; = 400; e.ograve = 500; e.Ccaron = 667; e.ugrave = 500; e.radical = 453; e.Dcaron = 722; e.rcommaaccent = 389; e.Ntilde = 667; e.otilde = 500; e.Rcommaaccent = 611; e.Lcommaaccent = 556; e.Atilde = 611; e.Aogonek = 611; e.Aring = 611; e.Otilde = 722; e.zdotaccent = 389; e.Ecaron = 611; e.Iogonek = 333; e.kcommaaccent = 444; e.minus = 675; e.Icircumflex = 333; e.ncaron = 500; e.tcommaaccent = 278; e.logicalnot = 675; e.odieresis = 500; e.udieresis = 500; e.notequal = 549; e.gcommaaccent = 500; e.eth = 500; e.zcaron = 389; e.ncommaaccent = 500; e.onesuperior = 300; e.imacron = 278; e.Euro = 500 })); e.ZapfDingbats = getLookupTableFactory((function (e) { = 278; e.a1 = 974; e.a2 = 961; e.a202 = 974; e.a3 = 980; e.a4 = 719; e.a5 = 789; e.a119 = 790; e.a118 = 791; e.a117 = 690; e.a11 = 960; e.a12 = 939; e.a13 = 549; e.a14 = 855; e.a15 = 911; e.a16 = 933; e.a105 = 911; e.a17 = 945; e.a18 = 974; e.a19 = 755; e.a20 = 846; e.a21 = 762; e.a22 = 761; e.a23 = 571; e.a24 = 677; e.a25 = 763; e.a26 = 760; e.a27 = 759; e.a28 = 754; e.a6 = 494; e.a7 = 552; e.a8 = 537; e.a9 = 577; e.a10 = 692; e.a29 = 786; e.a30 = 788; e.a31 = 788; e.a32 = 790; e.a33 = 793; e.a34 = 794; e.a35 = 816; e.a36 = 823; e.a37 = 789; e.a38 = 841; e.a39 = 823; e.a40 = 833; e.a41 = 816; e.a42 = 831; e.a43 = 923; e.a44 = 744; e.a45 = 723; e.a46 = 749; e.a47 = 790; e.a48 = 792; e.a49 = 695; e.a50 = 776; e.a51 = 768; e.a52 = 792; e.a53 = 759; e.a54 = 707; e.a55 = 708; e.a56 = 682; e.a57 = 701; e.a58 = 826; e.a59 = 815; e.a60 = 789; e.a61 = 789; e.a62 = 707; e.a63 = 687; e.a64 = 696; e.a65 = 689; e.a66 = 786; e.a67 = 787; e.a68 = 713; e.a69 = 791; e.a70 = 785; e.a71 = 791; e.a72 = 873; e.a73 = 761; e.a74 = 762; e.a203 = 762; e.a75 = 759; e.a204 = 759; e.a76 = 892; e.a77 = 892; e.a78 = 788; e.a79 = 784; e.a81 = 438; e.a82 = 138; e.a83 = 277; e.a84 = 415; e.a97 = 392; e.a98 = 392; e.a99 = 668; e.a100 = 668; e.a89 = 390; e.a90 = 390; e.a93 = 317; e.a94 = 317; e.a91 = 276; e.a92 = 276; e.a205 = 509; e.a85 = 509; e.a206 = 410; e.a86 = 410; e.a87 = 234; e.a88 = 234; e.a95 = 334; e.a96 = 334; e.a101 = 732; e.a102 = 544; e.a103 = 544; e.a104 = 910; e.a106 = 667; e.a107 = 760; e.a108 = 760; e.a112 = 776; e.a111 = 595; e.a110 = 694; e.a109 = 626; e.a120 = 788; e.a121 = 788; e.a122 = 788; e.a123 = 788; e.a124 = 788; e.a125 = 788; e.a126 = 788; e.a127 = 788; e.a128 = 788; e.a129 = 788; e.a130 = 788; e.a131 = 788; e.a132 = 788; e.a133 = 788; e.a134 = 788; 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e["Courier-Bold"] = { ascent: 629, descent: -157, capHeight: 562, xHeight: 439 }; e["Courier-Oblique"] = { ascent: 629, descent: -157, capHeight: 562, xHeight: 426 }; e["Courier-BoldOblique"] = { ascent: 629, descent: -157, capHeight: 562, xHeight: 426 }; e.Helvetica = { ascent: 718, descent: -207, capHeight: 718, xHeight: 523 }; e["Helvetica-Bold"] = { ascent: 718, descent: -207, capHeight: 718, xHeight: 532 }; e["Helvetica-Oblique"] = { ascent: 718, descent: -207, capHeight: 718, xHeight: 523 }; e["Helvetica-BoldOblique"] = { ascent: 718, descent: -207, capHeight: 718, xHeight: 532 }; e["Times-Roman"] = { ascent: 683, descent: -217, capHeight: 662, xHeight: 450 }; e["Times-Bold"] = { ascent: 683, descent: -217, capHeight: 676, xHeight: 461 }; e["Times-Italic"] = { ascent: 683, descent: -217, capHeight: 653, xHeight: 441 }; e["Times-BoldItalic"] = { ascent: 683, descent: -217, capHeight: 669, xHeight: 462 }; e.Symbol = { ascent: Math.NaN, descent: Math.NaN, capHeight: Math.NaN, xHeight: Math.NaN }; e.ZapfDingbats = { ascent: Math.NaN, descent: Math.NaN, capHeight: Math.NaN, xHeight: Math.NaN } })); class GlyfTable { constructor({ glyfTable: e, isGlyphLocationsLong: t, locaTable: i, numGlyphs: a }) { this.glyphs = []; const s = new DataView(i.buffer, i.byteOffset, i.byteLength), r = new DataView(e.buffer, e.byteOffset, e.byteLength), n = t ? 4 : 2; let o = t ? s.getUint32(0) : 2 * s.getUint16(0), g = 0; for (let e = 0; e < a; e++) { g += n; const e = t ? s.getUint32(g) : 2 * s.getUint16(g); if (e === o) { this.glyphs.push(new Glyph({})); continue } const i = Glyph.parse(o, r); this.glyphs.push(i); o = e } } getSize() { return this.glyphs.reduce(((e, t) => e + (t.getSize() + 3 & -4)), 0) } write() { const e = this.getSize(), t = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(e)), i = e > 131070, a = i ? 4 : 2, s = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer((this.glyphs.length + 1) * a)); i ? s.setUint32(0, 0) : s.setUint16(0, 0); let r = 0, n = 0; for (const e of this.glyphs) { r += e.write(r, t); r = r + 3 & -4; n += a; i ? s.setUint32(n, r) : s.setUint16(n, r >> 1) } return { isLocationLong: i, loca: new Uint8Array(s.buffer), glyf: new Uint8Array(t.buffer) } } scale(e) { for (let t = 0, i = this.glyphs.length; t < i; t++)this.glyphs[t].scale(e[t]) } } class Glyph { constructor({ header: e = null, simple: t = null, composites: i = null }) { this.header = e; this.simple = t; this.composites = i } static parse(e, t) { const [i, a] = GlyphHeader.parse(e, t); e += i; if (a.numberOfContours < 0) { const i = []; for (; ;) { const [a, s] = CompositeGlyph.parse(e, t); e += a; i.push(s); if (!(32 & s.flags)) break } return new Glyph({ header: a, composites: i }) } const s = SimpleGlyph.parse(e, t, a.numberOfContours); return new Glyph({ header: a, simple: s }) } getSize() { if (!this.header) return 0; const e = this.simple ? this.simple.getSize() : this.composites.reduce(((e, t) => e + t.getSize()), 0); return this.header.getSize() + e } write(e, t) { if (!this.header) return 0; const i = e; e += this.header.write(e, t); if (this.simple) e += this.simple.write(e, t); else for (const i of this.composites) e += i.write(e, t); return e - i } scale(e) { if (!this.header) return; const t = (this.header.xMin + this.header.xMax) / 2; this.header.scale(t, e); if (this.simple) this.simple.scale(t, e); else for (const i of this.composites) i.scale(t, e) } } class GlyphHeader { constructor({ numberOfContours: e, xMin: t, yMin: i, xMax: a, yMax: s }) { this.numberOfContours = e; this.xMin = t; this.yMin = i; this.xMax = a; this.yMax = s } static parse(e, t) { return [10, new GlyphHeader({ numberOfContours: t.getInt16(e), xMin: t.getInt16(e + 2), yMin: t.getInt16(e + 4), xMax: t.getInt16(e + 6), yMax: t.getInt16(e + 8) })] } getSize() { return 10 } write(e, t) { t.setInt16(e, this.numberOfContours); t.setInt16(e + 2, this.xMin); t.setInt16(e + 4, this.yMin); t.setInt16(e + 6, this.xMax); t.setInt16(e + 8, this.yMax); return 10 } scale(e, t) { this.xMin = Math.round(e + (this.xMin - e) * t); this.xMax = Math.round(e + (this.xMax - e) * t) } } class Contour { constructor({ flags: e, xCoordinates: t, yCoordinates: i }) { this.xCoordinates = t; this.yCoordinates = i; this.flags = e } } class SimpleGlyph { constructor({ contours: e, instructions: t }) { this.contours = e; this.instructions = t } static parse(e, t, i) { const a = []; for (let s = 0; s < i; s++) { const i = t.getUint16(e); e += 2; a.push(i) } const s = a[i - 1] + 1, r = t.getUint16(e); e += 2; const n = new Uint8Array(t).slice(e, e + r); e += r; const o = []; for (let i = 0; i < s; e++, i++) { let a = t.getUint8(e); o.push(a); if (8 & a) { const s = t.getUint8(++e); a ^= 8; for (let e = 0; e < s; e++)o.push(a); i += s } } const g = []; let c = [], h = [], l = []; const C = []; let Q = 0, E = 0; for (let i = 0; i < s; i++) { const s = o[i]; if (2 & s) { const i = t.getUint8(e++); E += 16 & s ? i : -i; c.push(E) } else if (16 & s) c.push(E); else { E += t.getInt16(e); e += 2; c.push(E) } if (a[Q] === i) { Q++; g.push(c); c = [] } } E = 0; Q = 0; for (let i = 0; i < s; i++) { const s = o[i]; if (4 & s) { const i = t.getUint8(e++); E += 32 & s ? i : -i; h.push(E) } else if (32 & s) h.push(E); else { E += t.getInt16(e); e += 2; h.push(E) } l.push(1 & s | 64 & s); if (a[Q] === i) { c = g[Q]; Q++; C.push(new Contour({ flags: l, xCoordinates: c, yCoordinates: h })); h = []; l = [] } } return new SimpleGlyph({ contours: C, instructions: n }) } getSize() { let e = 2 * this.contours.length + 2 + this.instructions.length, t = 0, i = 0; for (const a of this.contours) { e += a.flags.length; for (let s = 0, r = a.xCoordinates.length; s < r; s++) { const r = a.xCoordinates[s], n = a.yCoordinates[s]; let o = Math.abs(r - t); o > 255 ? e += 2 : o > 0 && (e += 1); t = r; o = Math.abs(n - i); o > 255 ? e += 2 : o > 0 && (e += 1); i = n } } return e } write(e, t) { const i = e, a = [], s = [], r = []; let n = 0, o = 0; for (const i of this.contours) { for (let e = 0, t = i.xCoordinates.length; e < t; e++) { let t = i.flags[e]; const g = i.xCoordinates[e]; let c = g - n; if (0 === c) { t |= 16; a.push(0) } else { const e = Math.abs(c); if (e <= 255) { t |= c >= 0 ? 18 : 2; a.push(e) } else a.push(c) } n = g; const h = i.yCoordinates[e]; c = h - o; if (0 === c) { t |= 32; s.push(0) } else { const e = Math.abs(c); if (e <= 255) { t |= c >= 0 ? 36 : 4; s.push(e) } else s.push(c) } o = h; r.push(t) } t.setUint16(e, a.length - 1); e += 2 } t.setUint16(e, this.instructions.length); e += 2; if (this.instructions.length) { new Uint8Array(t.buffer, 0, t.buffer.byteLength).set(this.instructions, e); e += this.instructions.length } for (const i of r) t.setUint8(e++, i); for (let i = 0, s = a.length; i < s; i++) { const s = a[i], n = r[i]; if (2 & n) t.setUint8(e++, s); else if (!(16 & n)) { t.setInt16(e, s); e += 2 } } for (let i = 0, a = s.length; i < a; i++) { const a = s[i], n = r[i]; if (4 & n) t.setUint8(e++, a); else if (!(32 & n)) { t.setInt16(e, a); e += 2 } } return e - i } scale(e, t) { for (const i of this.contours) if (0 !== i.xCoordinates.length) for (let a = 0, s = i.xCoordinates.length; a < s; a++)i.xCoordinates[a] = Math.round(e + (i.xCoordinates[a] - e) * t) } } class CompositeGlyph { constructor({ flags: e, glyphIndex: t, argument1: i, argument2: a, transf: s, instructions: r }) { this.flags = e; this.glyphIndex = t; this.argument1 = i; this.argument2 = a; this.transf = s; this.instructions = r } static parse(e, t) { const i = e, a = []; let s = t.getUint16(e); const r = t.getUint16(e + 2); e += 4; let n, o; if (1 & s) { if (2 & s) { n = t.getInt16(e); o = t.getInt16(e + 2) } else { n = t.getUint16(e); o = t.getUint16(e + 2) } e += 4; s ^= 1 } else { if (2 & s) { n = t.getInt8(e); o = t.getInt8(e + 1) } else { n = t.getUint8(e); o = t.getUint8(e + 1) } e += 2 } if (8 & s) { a.push(t.getUint16(e)); e += 2 } else if (64 & s) { a.push(t.getUint16(e), t.getUint16(e + 2)); e += 4 } else if (128 & s) { a.push(t.getUint16(e), t.getUint16(e + 2), t.getUint16(e + 4), t.getUint16(e + 6)); e += 8 } let g = null; if (256 & s) { const i = t.getUint16(e); e += 2; g = new Uint8Array(t).slice(e, e + i); e += i } return [e - i, new CompositeGlyph({ flags: s, glyphIndex: r, argument1: n, argument2: o, transf: a, instructions: g })] } getSize() { let e = 4 + 2 * this.transf.length; 256 & this.flags && (e += 2 + this.instructions.length); e += 2; 2 & this.flags ? this.argument1 >= -128 && this.argument1 <= 127 && this.argument2 >= -128 && this.argument2 <= 127 || (e += 2) : this.argument1 >= 0 && this.argument1 <= 255 && this.argument2 >= 0 && this.argument2 <= 255 || (e += 2); return e } write(e, t) { const i = e; 2 & this.flags ? this.argument1 >= -128 && this.argument1 <= 127 && this.argument2 >= -128 && this.argument2 <= 127 || (this.flags |= 1) : this.argument1 >= 0 && this.argument1 <= 255 && this.argument2 >= 0 && this.argument2 <= 255 || (this.flags |= 1); t.setUint16(e, this.flags); t.setUint16(e + 2, this.glyphIndex); e += 4; if (1 & this.flags) { if (2 & this.flags) { t.setInt16(e, this.argument1); t.setInt16(e + 2, this.argument2) } else { t.setUint16(e, this.argument1); t.setUint16(e + 2, this.argument2) } e += 4 } else { t.setUint8(e, this.argument1); t.setUint8(e + 1, this.argument2); e += 2 } if (256 & this.flags) { t.setUint16(e, this.instructions.length); e += 2; if (this.instructions.length) { new Uint8Array(t.buffer, 0, t.buffer.byteLength).set(this.instructions, e); e += this.instructions.length } } return e - i } scale(e, t) { } } function writeInt16(e, t, i) { e[t] = i >> 8 & 255; e[t + 1] = 255 & i } function writeInt32(e, t, i) { e[t] = i >> 24 & 255; e[t + 1] = i >> 16 & 255; e[t + 2] = i >> 8 & 255; e[t + 3] = 255 & i } function writeData(e, t, i) { if (i instanceof Uint8Array) e.set(i, t); else if ("string" == typeof i) for (let a = 0, s = i.length; a < s; a++)e[t++] = 255 & i.charCodeAt(a); else for (const a of i) e[t++] = 255 & a } class OpenTypeFileBuilder { constructor(e) { this.sfnt = e; this.tables = Object.create(null) } static getSearchParams(e, t) { let i = 1, a = 0; for (; (i ^ e) > i;) { i <<= 1; a++ } const s = i * t; return { range: s, entry: a, rangeShift: t * e - s } } toArray() { let e = this.sfnt; const t = this.tables, i = Object.keys(t); i.sort(); const a = i.length; let s, r, n, o, g, c = 12 + 16 * a; const h = [c]; for (s = 0; s < a; s++) { o = t[i[s]]; c += (o.length + 3 & -4) >>> 0; h.push(c) } const l = new Uint8Array(c); for (s = 0; s < a; s++) { o = t[i[s]]; writeData(l, h[s], o) } "true" === e && (e = string32(65536)); l[0] = 255 & e.charCodeAt(0); l[1] = 255 & e.charCodeAt(1); l[2] = 255 & e.charCodeAt(2); l[3] = 255 & e.charCodeAt(3); writeInt16(l, 4, a); const C = OpenTypeFileBuilder.getSearchParams(a, 16); writeInt16(l, 6, C.range); writeInt16(l, 8, C.entry); writeInt16(l, 10, C.rangeShift); c = 12; for (s = 0; s < a; s++) { g = i[s]; l[c] = 255 & g.charCodeAt(0); l[c + 1] = 255 & g.charCodeAt(1); l[c + 2] = 255 & g.charCodeAt(2); l[c + 3] = 255 & g.charCodeAt(3); let e = 0; for (r = h[s], n = h[s + 1]; r < n; r += 4) { e = e + readUint32(l, r) >>> 0 } writeInt32(l, c + 4, e); writeInt32(l, c + 8, h[s]); writeInt32(l, c + 12, t[g].length); c += 16 } return l } addTable(e, t) { if (e in this.tables) throw new Error("Table " + e + " already exists"); this.tables[e] = t } } const ta = [4], ia = [5], aa = [6], sa = [7], ra = [8], na = [12, 35], oa = [14], ga = [21], Ia = [22], ca = [30], ha = [31]; class Type1CharString { constructor() { this.width = 0; this.lsb = 0; this.flexing = !1; this.output = []; this.stack = [] } convert(e, t, i) { const a = e.length; let s, r, n, o = !1; for (let g = 0; g < a; g++) { let a = e[g]; if (a < 32) { 12 === a && (a = (a << 8) + e[++g]); switch (a) { case 1: case 3: case 9: case 3072: case 3073: case 3074: case 3105: this.stack = []; break; case 4: if (this.flexing) { if (this.stack.length < 1) { o = !0; break } const e = this.stack.pop(); this.stack.push(0, e); break } o = this.executeCommand(1, ta); break; case 5: o = this.executeCommand(2, ia); break; case 6: o = this.executeCommand(1, aa); break; case 7: o = this.executeCommand(1, sa); break; case 8: o = this.executeCommand(6, ra); break; case 10: if (this.stack.length < 1) { o = !0; break } n = this.stack.pop(); if (!t[n]) { o = !0; break } o = this.convert(t[n], t, i); break; case 11: return o; case 13: if (this.stack.length < 2) { o = !0; break } s = this.stack.pop(); r = this.stack.pop(); this.lsb = r; this.width = s; this.stack.push(s, r); o = this.executeCommand(2, Ia); break; case 14: this.output.push(oa[0]); break; case 21: if (this.flexing) break; o = this.executeCommand(2, ga); break; case 22: if (this.flexing) { this.stack.push(0); break } o = this.executeCommand(1, Ia); break; case 30: o = this.executeCommand(4, ca); break; case 31: o = this.executeCommand(4, ha); break; case 3078: if (i) { const e =; this.seac = this.stack.splice(-4, 4); this.seac[0] += this.lsb - e; o = this.executeCommand(0, oa) } else o = this.executeCommand(4, oa); break; case 3079: if (this.stack.length < 4) { o = !0; break } this.stack.pop(); s = this.stack.pop(); const e = this.stack.pop(); r = this.stack.pop(); this.lsb = r; this.width = s; this.stack.push(s, r, e); o = this.executeCommand(3, ga); break; case 3084: if (this.stack.length < 2) { o = !0; break } const g = this.stack.pop(), c = this.stack.pop(); this.stack.push(c / g); break; case 3088: if (this.stack.length < 2) { o = !0; break } n = this.stack.pop(); const h = this.stack.pop(); if (0 === n && 3 === h) { const e = this.stack.splice(-17, 17); this.stack.push(e[2] + e[0], e[3] + e[1], e[4], e[5], e[6], e[7], e[8], e[9], e[10], e[11], e[12], e[13], e[14]); o = this.executeCommand(13, na, !0); this.flexing = !1; this.stack.push(e[15], e[16]) } else 1 === n && 0 === h && (this.flexing = !0); break; case 3089: break; default: warn('Unknown type 1 charstring command of "' + a + '"') }if (o) break } else { a <= 246 ? a -= 139 : a = a <= 250 ? 256 * (a - 247) + e[++g] + 108 : a <= 254 ? -256 * (a - 251) - e[++g] - 108 : (255 & e[++g]) << 24 | (255 & e[++g]) << 16 | (255 & e[++g]) << 8 | (255 & e[++g]) << 0; this.stack.push(a) } } return o } executeCommand(e, t, i) { const a = this.stack.length; if (e > a) return !0; const s = a - e; for (let e = s; e < a; e++) { let t = this.stack[e]; if (Number.isInteger(t)) this.output.push(28, t >> 8 & 255, 255 & t); else { t = 65536 * t | 0; this.output.push(255, t >> 24 & 255, t >> 16 & 255, t >> 8 & 255, 255 & t) } } this.output.push(...t); i ? this.stack.splice(s, e) : this.stack.length = 0; return !1 } } function isHexDigit(e) { return e >= 48 && e <= 57 || e >= 65 && e <= 70 || e >= 97 && e <= 102 } function decrypt(e, t, i) { if (i >= e.length) return new Uint8Array(0); let a, s, r = 0 | t; for (a = 0; a < i; a++)r = 52845 * (e[a] + r) + 22719 & 65535; const n = e.length - i, o = new Uint8Array(n); for (a = i, s = 0; s < n; a++, s++) { const t = e[a]; o[s] = t ^ r >> 8; r = 52845 * (t + r) + 22719 & 65535 } return o } function isSpecial(e) { return 47 === e || 91 === e || 93 === e || 123 === e || 125 === e || 40 === e || 41 === e } class Type1Parser { constructor(e, t, i) { if (t) { const t = e.getBytes(), i = !((isHexDigit(t[0]) || isWhiteSpace(t[0])) && isHexDigit(t[1]) && isHexDigit(t[2]) && isHexDigit(t[3]) && isHexDigit(t[4]) && isHexDigit(t[5]) && isHexDigit(t[6]) && isHexDigit(t[7])); e = new Stream(i ? decrypt(t, 55665, 4) : function decryptAscii(e, t, i) { let a = 0 | t; const s = e.length, r = new Uint8Array(s >>> 1); let n, o; for (n = 0, o = 0; n < s; n++) { const t = e[n]; if (!isHexDigit(t)) continue; n++; let i; for (; n < s && !isHexDigit(i = e[n]);)n++; if (n < s) { const e = parseInt(String.fromCharCode(t, i), 16); r[o++] = e ^ a >> 8; a = 52845 * (e + a) + 22719 & 65535 } } return r.slice(i, o) }(t, 55665, 4)) } this.seacAnalysisEnabled = !!i; = e; this.nextChar() } readNumberArray() { this.getToken(); const e = []; for (; ;) { const t = this.getToken(); if (null === t || "]" === t || "}" === t) break; e.push(parseFloat(t || 0)) } return e } readNumber() { const e = this.getToken(); return parseFloat(e || 0) } readInt() { const e = this.getToken(); return 0 | parseInt(e || 0, 10) } readBoolean() { return "true" === this.getToken() ? 1 : 0 } nextChar() { return this.currentChar = } prevChar() {; return this.currentChar = } getToken() { let e = !1, t = this.currentChar; for (; ;) { if (-1 === t) return null; if (e) 10 !== t && 13 !== t || (e = !1); else if (37 === t) e = !0; else if (!isWhiteSpace(t)) break; t = this.nextChar() } if (isSpecial(t)) { this.nextChar(); return String.fromCharCode(t) } let i = ""; do { i += String.fromCharCode(t); t = this.nextChar() } while (t >= 0 && !isWhiteSpace(t) && !isSpecial(t)); return i } readCharStrings(e, t) { return -1 === t ? e : decrypt(e, 4330, t) } extractFontProgram(e) { const t =, i = [], a = [], s = Object.create(null); s.lenIV = 4; const r = { subrs: [], charstrings: [], properties: { privateData: s } }; let n, o, g, c; for (; null !== (n = this.getToken());)if ("/" === n) { n = this.getToken(); switch (n) { case "CharStrings": this.getToken(); this.getToken(); this.getToken(); this.getToken(); for (; ;) { n = this.getToken(); if (null === n || "end" === n) break; if ("/" !== n) continue; const e = this.getToken(); o = this.readInt(); this.getToken(); g = o > 0 ? t.getBytes(o) : new Uint8Array(0); c =; const i = this.readCharStrings(g, c); this.nextChar(); n = this.getToken(); "noaccess" === n ? this.getToken() : "/" === n && this.prevChar(); a.push({ glyph: e, encoded: i }) } break; case "Subrs": this.readInt(); this.getToken(); for (; "dup" === this.getToken();) { const e = this.readInt(); o = this.readInt(); this.getToken(); g = o > 0 ? t.getBytes(o) : new Uint8Array(0); c =; const a = this.readCharStrings(g, c); this.nextChar(); n = this.getToken(); "noaccess" === n && this.getToken(); i[e] = a } break; case "BlueValues": case "OtherBlues": case "FamilyBlues": case "FamilyOtherBlues": const e = this.readNumberArray(); e.length > 0 && e.length, 0; break; case "StemSnapH": case "StemSnapV":[n] = this.readNumberArray(); break; case "StdHW": case "StdVW":[n] = this.readNumberArray()[0]; break; case "BlueShift": case "lenIV": case "BlueFuzz": case "BlueScale": case "LanguageGroup":[n] = this.readNumber(); break; case "ExpansionFactor":[n] = this.readNumber() || .06; break; case "ForceBold":[n] = this.readBoolean() } } for (const { encoded: t, glyph: s } of a) { const a = new Type1CharString, n = a.convert(t, i, this.seacAnalysisEnabled); let o = a.output; n && (o = [14]); const g = { glyphName: s, charstring: o, width: a.width, lsb: a.lsb, seac: a.seac }; ".notdef" === s ? r.charstrings.unshift(g) : r.charstrings.push(g); if (e.builtInEncoding) { const t = e.builtInEncoding.indexOf(s); t > -1 && void 0 === e.widths[t] && t >= e.firstChar && t <= e.lastChar && (e.widths[t] = a.width) } } return r } extractFontHeader(e) { let t; for (; null !== (t = this.getToken());)if ("/" === t) { t = this.getToken(); switch (t) { case "FontMatrix": const i = this.readNumberArray(); e.fontMatrix = i; break; case "Encoding": const a = this.getToken(); let s; if (/^\d+$/.test(a)) { s = []; const e = 0 | parseInt(a, 10); this.getToken(); for (let i = 0; i < e; i++) { t = this.getToken(); for (; "dup" !== t && "def" !== t;) { t = this.getToken(); if (null === t) return } if ("def" === t) break; const e = this.readInt(); this.getToken(); const i = this.getToken(); s[e] = i; this.getToken() } } else s = getEncoding(a); e.builtInEncoding = s; break; case "FontBBox": const r = this.readNumberArray(); e.ascent = Math.max(r[3], r[1]); e.descent = Math.min(r[1], r[3]); e.ascentScaled = !0 } } } } function findBlock(e, t, i) { const a = e.length, s = t.length, r = a - s; let n = i, o = !1; for (; n < r;) { let i = 0; for (; i < s && e[n + i] === t[i];)i++; if (i >= s) { n += i; for (; n < a && isWhiteSpace(e[n]);)n++; o = !0; break } n++ } return { found: o, length: n } } class Type1Font { constructor(e, t, i) { let a = i.length1, s = i.length2, r = t.peekBytes(6); const n = 128 === r[0] && 1 === r[1]; if (n) { t.skip(6); a = r[5] << 24 | r[4] << 16 | r[3] << 8 | r[2] } const o = function getHeaderBlock(e, t) { const i = [101, 101, 120, 101, 99], a = e.pos; let s, r, n, o; try { s = e.getBytes(t); r = s.length } catch { } if (r === t) { n = findBlock(s, i, t - 2 * i.length); if (n.found && n.length === t) return { stream: new Stream(s), length: t } } warn('Invalid "Length1" property in Type1 font -- trying to recover.'); e.pos = a; for (; ;) { n = findBlock(e.peekBytes(2048), i, 0); if (0 === n.length) break; e.pos += n.length; if (n.found) { o = e.pos - a; break } } e.pos = a; if (o) return { stream: new Stream(e.getBytes(o)), length: o }; warn('Unable to recover "Length1" property in Type1 font -- using as is.'); return { stream: new Stream(e.getBytes(t)), length: t } }(t, a); new Type1Parser(, !1, Yi).extractFontHeader(i); if (n) { r = t.getBytes(6); s = r[5] << 24 | r[4] << 16 | r[3] << 8 | r[2] } const g = function getEexecBlock(e, t) { const i = e.getBytes(); if (0 === i.length) throw new FormatError("getEexecBlock - no font program found."); return { stream: new Stream(i), length: i.length } }(t), c = new Type1Parser(, !0, Yi).extractFontProgram(i); for (const e in i[e] =[e]; const h = c.charstrings, l = this.getType2Charstrings(h), C = this.getType2Subrs(c.subrs); this.charstrings = h; = this.wrap(e, l, this.charstrings, C, i); this.seacs = this.getSeacs(c.charstrings) } get numGlyphs() { return this.charstrings.length + 1 } getCharset() { const e = [".notdef"]; for (const { glyphName: t } of this.charstrings) e.push(t); return e } getGlyphMapping(e) { const t = this.charstrings; if (e.composite) { const i = Object.create(null); for (let a = 0, s = t.length; a < s; a++) { i[e.cMap.charCodeOf(a)] = a + 1 } return i } const i = [".notdef"]; let a, s; for (s = 0; s < t.length; s++)i.push(t[s].glyphName); const r = e.builtInEncoding; if (r) { a = Object.create(null); for (const e in r) { s = i.indexOf(r[e]); s >= 0 && (a[e] = s) } } return type1FontGlyphMapping(e, a, i) } hasGlyphId(e) { if (e < 0 || e >= this.numGlyphs) return !1; if (0 === e) return !0; return this.charstrings[e - 1].charstring.length > 0 } getSeacs(e) { const t = []; for (let i = 0, a = e.length; i < a; i++) { const a = e[i]; a.seac && (t[i + 1] = a.seac) } return t } getType2Charstrings(e) { const t = []; for (const i of e) t.push(i.charstring); return t } getType2Subrs(e) { let t = 0; const i = e.length; t = i < 1133 ? 107 : i < 33769 ? 1131 : 32768; const a = []; let s; for (s = 0; s < t; s++)a.push([11]); for (s = 0; s < i; s++)a.push(e[s]); return a } wrap(e, t, i, a, s) { const r = new CFF; r.header = new CFFHeader(1, 0, 4, 4); r.names = [e]; const n = new CFFTopDict; n.setByName("version", 391); n.setByName("Notice", 392); n.setByName("FullName", 393); n.setByName("FamilyName", 394); n.setByName("Weight", 395); n.setByName("Encoding", null); n.setByName("FontMatrix", s.fontMatrix); n.setByName("FontBBox", s.bbox); n.setByName("charset", null); n.setByName("CharStrings", null); n.setByName("Private", null); r.topDict = n; const o = new CFFStrings; o.add("Version 0.11"); o.add("See original notice"); o.add(e); o.add(e); o.add("Medium"); r.strings = o; r.globalSubrIndex = new CFFIndex; const g = t.length, c = [".notdef"]; let h, l; for (h = 0; h < g; h++) { const e = i[h].glyphName; -1 === wi.indexOf(e) && o.add(e); c.push(e) } r.charset = new CFFCharset(!1, 0, c); const C = new CFFIndex; C.add([139, 14]); for (h = 0; h < g; h++)C.add(t[h]); r.charStrings = C; const Q = new CFFPrivateDict; Q.setByName("Subrs", null); const E = ["BlueValues", "OtherBlues", "FamilyBlues", "FamilyOtherBlues", "StemSnapH", "StemSnapV", "BlueShift", "BlueFuzz", "BlueScale", "LanguageGroup", "ExpansionFactor", "ForceBold", "StdHW", "StdVW"]; for (h = 0, l = E.length; h < l; h++) { const e = E[h]; if (!(e in s.privateData)) continue; const t = s.privateData[e]; if (Array.isArray(t)) for (let e = t.length - 1; e > 0; e--)t[e] -= t[e - 1]; Q.setByName(e, t) } r.topDict.privateDict = Q; const u = new CFFIndex; for (h = 0, l = a.length; h < l; h++)u.add(a[h]); Q.subrsIndex = u; return new CFFCompiler(r).compile() } } const la = [[57344, 63743], [1048576, 1114109]], Ca = 1e3, Ba = ["ascent", "bbox", "black", "bold", "charProcOperatorList", "composite", "cssFontInfo", "data", "defaultVMetrics", "defaultWidth", "descent", "fallbackName", "fontMatrix", "isInvalidPDFjsFont", "isType3Font", "italic", "loadedName", "mimetype", "missingFile", "name", "remeasure", "subtype", "systemFontInfo", "type", "vertical"], Qa = ["cMap", "defaultEncoding", "differences", "isMonospace", "isSerifFont", "isSymbolicFont", "seacMap", "toFontChar", "toUnicode", "vmetrics", "widths"]; function adjustWidths(e) { if (!e.fontMatrix) return; if (e.fontMatrix[0] === a[0]) return; const t = .001 / e.fontMatrix[0], i = e.widths; for (const e in i) i[e] *= t; e.defaultWidth *= t } function amendFallbackToUnicode(e) { if (!e.fallbackToUnicode) return; if (e.toUnicode instanceof IdentityToUnicodeMap) return; const t = []; for (const i in e.fallbackToUnicode) e.toUnicode.has(i) || (t[i] = e.fallbackToUnicode[i]); t.length > 0 && e.toUnicode.amend(t) } class fonts_Glyph { constructor(e, t, i, a, s, r, n, o, g) { this.originalCharCode = e; this.fontChar = t; this.unicode = i; this.accent = a; this.width = s; this.vmetric = r; this.operatorListId = n; this.isSpace = o; this.isInFont = g } get category() { return shadow(this, "category", function getCharUnicodeCategory(e) { const t = Hi.get(e); if (t) return t; const i = e.match(Ji), a = { isWhitespace: !!i?.[1], isZeroWidthDiacritic: !!i?.[2], isInvisibleFormatMark: !!i?.[3] }; Hi.set(e, a); return a }(this.unicode), !0) } } function int16(e, t) { return (e << 8) + t } function writeSignedInt16(e, t, i) { e[t + 1] = i; e[t] = i >>> 8 } function signedInt16(e, t) { const i = (e << 8) + t; return 32768 & i ? i - 65536 : i } function string16(e) { return String.fromCharCode(e >> 8 & 255, 255 & e) } function safeString16(e) { e > 32767 ? e = 32767 : e < -32768 && (e = -32768); return String.fromCharCode(e >> 8 & 255, 255 & e) } function isTrueTypeCollectionFile(e) { return "ttcf" === bytesToString(e.peekBytes(4)) } function getFontFileType(e, { type: t, subtype: i, composite: a }) { let s, r; if (function isTrueTypeFile(e) { const t = e.peekBytes(4); return 65536 === readUint32(t, 0) || "true" === bytesToString(t) }(e) || isTrueTypeCollectionFile(e)) s = a ? "CIDFontType2" : "TrueType"; else if (function isOpenTypeFile(e) { return "OTTO" === bytesToString(e.peekBytes(4)) }(e)) s = a ? "CIDFontType2" : "OpenType"; else if (function isType1File(e) { const t = e.peekBytes(2); return 37 === t[0] && 33 === t[1] || 128 === t[0] && 1 === t[1] }(e)) s = a ? "CIDFontType0" : "MMType1" === t ? "MMType1" : "Type1"; else if (function isCFFFile(e) { const t = e.peekBytes(4); return t[0] >= 1 && t[3] >= 1 && t[3] <= 4 }(e)) if (a) { s = "CIDFontType0"; r = "CIDFontType0C" } else { s = "MMType1" === t ? "MMType1" : "Type1"; r = "Type1C" } else { warn("getFontFileType: Unable to detect correct font file Type/Subtype."); s = t; r = i } return [s, r] } function applyStandardFontGlyphMap(e, t) { for (const i in t) e[+i] = t[i] } function buildToFontChar(e, t, i) { const a = []; let s; for (let i = 0, r = e.length; i < r; i++) { s = getUnicodeForGlyph(e[i], t); -1 !== s && (a[i] = s) } for (const e in i) { s = getUnicodeForGlyph(i[e], t); -1 !== s && (a[+e] = s) } return a } function isMacNameRecord(e) { return 1 === e.platform && 0 === e.encoding && 0 === e.language } function isWinNameRecord(e) { return 3 === e.platform && 1 === e.encoding && 1033 === e.language } function convertCidString(e, t, i = !1) { switch (t.length) { case 1: return t.charCodeAt(0); case 2: return t.charCodeAt(0) << 8 | t.charCodeAt(1) }const a = `Unsupported CID string (charCode ${e}): "${t}".`; if (i) throw new FormatError(a); warn(a); return t } function adjustMapping(e, t, i, a) { const s = Object.create(null), r = new Map, n = [], o = new Set; let g = 0; let c = la[g][0], h = la[g][1]; for (const C in e) { let Q = e[C]; if (!t(Q)) continue; if (c > h) { g++; if (g >= la.length) { warn("Ran out of space in font private use area."); break } c = la[g][0]; h = la[g][1] } const E = c++; 0 === Q && (Q = i); let u = a.get(C); "string" == typeof u && (u = u.codePointAt(0)); if (u && !(l = u, la[0][0] <= l && l <= la[0][1] || la[1][0] <= l && l <= la[1][1]) && !o.has(Q)) { r.set(u, Q); o.add(Q) } s[E] = Q; n[C] = E } var l; return { toFontChar: n, charCodeToGlyphId: s, toUnicodeExtraMap: r, nextAvailableFontCharCode: c } } function createCmapTable(e, t, i) { const a = function getRanges(e, t, i) { const a = []; for (const t in e) e[t] >= i || a.push({ fontCharCode: 0 | t, glyphId: e[t] }); if (t) for (const [e, s] of t) s >= i || a.push({ fontCharCode: e, glyphId: s }); 0 === a.length && a.push({ fontCharCode: 0, glyphId: 0 }); a.sort((function fontGetRangesSort(e, t) { return e.fontCharCode - t.fontCharCode })); const s = [], r = a.length; for (let e = 0; e < r;) { const t = a[e].fontCharCode, i = [a[e].glyphId]; ++e; let n = t; for (; e < r && n + 1 === a[e].fontCharCode;) { i.push(a[e].glyphId); ++n; ++e; if (65535 === n) break } s.push([t, n, i]) } return s }(e, t, i), s =[1] > 65535 ? 2 : 1; let r, n, o, g, c = "\0\0" + string16(s) + "\0\0" + string32(4 + 8 * s); for (r = a.length - 1; r >= 0 && !(a[r][0] <= 65535); --r); const h = r + 1; a[r][0] < 65535 && 65535 === a[r][1] && (a[r][1] = 65534); const l = a[r][1] < 65535 ? 1 : 0, C = h + l, Q = OpenTypeFileBuilder.getSearchParams(C, 2); let E, u, d, f, p = "", m = "", y = "", w = "", b = "", D = 0; for (r = 0, n = h; r < n; r++) { E = a[r]; u = E[0]; d = E[1]; p += string16(u); m += string16(d); f = E[2]; let e = !0; for (o = 1, g = f.length; o < g; ++o)if (f[o] !== f[o - 1] + 1) { e = !1; break } if (e) { y += string16(f[0] - u & 65535); w += string16(0) } else { const e = 2 * (C - r) + 2 * D; D += d - u + 1; y += string16(0); w += string16(e); for (o = 0, g = f.length; o < g; ++o)b += string16(f[o]) } } if (l > 0) { m += "ÿÿ"; p += "ÿÿ"; y += "\0"; w += "\0\0" } const F = "\0\0" + string16(2 * C) + string16(Q.range) + string16(Q.entry) + string16(Q.rangeShift) + m + "\0\0" + p + y + w + b; let S = "", k = ""; if (s > 1) { c += "\0\0\n" + string32(4 + 8 * s + 4 + F.length); S = ""; for (r = 0, n = a.length; r < n; r++) { E = a[r]; u = E[0]; f = E[2]; let e = f[0]; for (o = 1, g = f.length; o < g; ++o)if (f[o] !== f[o - 1] + 1) { d = E[0] + o - 1; S += string32(u) + string32(d) + string32(e); u = d + 1; e = f[o] } S += string32(u) + string32(E[1]) + string32(e) } k = "\0\f\0\0" + string32(S.length + 16) + "\0\0\0\0" + string32(S.length / 12) } return c + "\0" + string16(F.length + 4) + F + k + S } function createOS2Table(e, t, i) { i ||= { unitsPerEm: 0, yMax: 0, yMin: 0, ascent: 0, descent: 0 }; let s = 0, r = 0, n = 0, o = 0, g = null, c = 0, h = -1; if (t) { for (let e in t) { e |= 0; (g > e || !g) && (g = e); c < e && (c = e); h = getUnicodeRangeFor(e, h); if (h < 32) s |= 1 << h; else if (h < 64) r |= 1 << h - 32; else if (h < 96) n |= 1 << h - 64; else { if (!(h < 123)) throw new FormatError("Unicode ranges Bits > 123 are reserved for internal usage"); o |= 1 << h - 96 } } c > 65535 && (c = 65535) } else { g = 0; c = 255 } const l = e.bbox || [0, 0, 0, 0], C = i.unitsPerEm || 1 / (e.fontMatrix || a)[0], Q = e.ascentScaled ? 1 : C / Ca, E = i.ascent || Math.round(Q * (e.ascent || l[3])); let u = i.descent || Math.round(Q * (e.descent || l[1])); u > 0 && e.descent > 0 && l[1] < 0 && (u = -u); const d = i.yMax || E, f = -i.yMin || -u; return "\0$ô\0\0\0Š»\0\0\0ŒŠ»\0\0ß\x001\0\0\0\0" + String.fromCharCode(e.fixedPitch ? 9 : 0) + "\0\0\0\0\0\0" + string32(s) + string32(r) + string32(n) + string32(o) + "*21*" + string16(e.italicAngle ? 1 : 0) + string16(g || e.firstChar) + string16(c || e.lastChar) + string16(E) + string16(u) + "\0d" + string16(d) + string16(f) + "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0" + string16(e.xHeight) + string16(e.capHeight) + string16(0) + string16(g || e.firstChar) + "\0" } function createPostTable(e) { return "\0\0\0" + string32(Math.floor(65536 * e.italicAngle)) + "\0\0\0\0" + string32(e.fixedPitch ? 1 : 0) + "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0" } function createPostscriptName(e) { return e.replaceAll(/[^\x21-\x7E]|[[\](){}<>/%]/g, "").slice(0, 63) } function createNameTable(e, t) { t || (t = [[], []]); const i = [t[0][0] || "Original licence", t[0][1] || e, t[0][2] || "Unknown", t[0][3] || "uniqueID", t[0][4] || e, t[0][5] || "Version 0.11", t[0][6] || createPostscriptName(e), t[0][7] || "Unknown", t[0][8] || "Unknown", t[0][9] || "Unknown"], a = []; let s, r, n, o, g; for (s = 0, r = i.length; s < r; s++) { g = t[1][s] || i[s]; const e = []; for (n = 0, o = g.length; n < o; n++)e.push(string16(g.charCodeAt(n))); a.push(e.join("")) } const c = [i, a], h = ["\0", "\0"], l = ["\0\0", "\0"], C = ["\0\0", "\t"], Q = i.length * h.length; let E = "\0\0" + string16(Q) + string16(12 * Q + 6), u = 0; for (s = 0, r = h.length; s < r; s++) { const e = c[s]; for (n = 0, o = e.length; n < o; n++) { g = e[n]; E += h[s] + l[s] + C[s] + string16(n) + string16(g.length) + string16(u); u += g.length } } E += i.join("") + a.join(""); return E } class Font { constructor(e, t, i) { = e; this.psName = null; this.mimetype = null; this.disableFontFace = !1; this.loadedName = i.loadedName; this.isType3Font = i.isType3Font; this.missingFile = !1; this.cssFontInfo = i.cssFontInfo; this._charsCache = Object.create(null); this._glyphCache = Object.create(null); let a = !!(i.flags & Ki); if (!a && !i.isSimulatedFlags) { const t = e.replaceAll(/[,_]/g, "-").split("-", 1)[0], i = ji(); for (const e of t.split("+")) if (i[e]) { a = !0; break } } this.isSerifFont = a; this.isSymbolicFont = !!(i.flags & Ti); this.isMonospace = !!(i.flags & vi); let { type: s, subtype: r } = i; this.type = s; this.subtype = r; this.systemFontInfo = i.systemFontInfo; const n = e.match(/^InvalidPDFjsFont_(.*)_\d+$/); this.isInvalidPDFjsFont = !!n; this.isInvalidPDFjsFont ? this.fallbackName = n[1] : this.isMonospace ? this.fallbackName = "monospace" : this.isSerifFont ? this.fallbackName = "serif" : this.fallbackName = "sans-serif"; if (this.systemFontInfo?.guessFallback) { this.systemFontInfo.guessFallback = !1; this.systemFontInfo.css += `,${this.fallbackName}` } this.differences = i.differences; this.widths = i.widths; this.defaultWidth = i.defaultWidth; this.composite = i.composite; this.cMap = i.cMap; this.capHeight = i.capHeight / Ca; this.ascent = i.ascent / Ca; this.descent = i.descent / Ca; this.lineHeight = this.ascent - this.descent; this.fontMatrix = i.fontMatrix; this.bbox = i.bbox; this.defaultEncoding = i.defaultEncoding; this.toUnicode = i.toUnicode; this.toFontChar = []; if ("Type3" === i.type) { for (let e = 0; e < 256; e++)this.toFontChar[e] = this.differences[e] || i.defaultEncoding[e]; return } this.cidEncoding = i.cidEncoding || ""; this.vertical = !!i.vertical; if (this.vertical) { this.vmetrics = i.vmetrics; this.defaultVMetrics = i.defaultVMetrics } if (!t || t.isEmpty) { t && warn('Font file is empty in "' + e + '" (' + this.loadedName + ")"); this.fallbackToSystemFont(i); return } [s, r] = getFontFileType(t, i); s === this.type && r === this.subtype || info(`Inconsistent font file Type/SubType, expected: ${this.type}/${this.subtype} but found: ${s}/${r}.`); let o; try { switch (s) { case "MMType1": info("MMType1 font (" + e + "), falling back to Type1."); case "Type1": case "CIDFontType0": this.mimetype = "font/opentype"; const a = "Type1C" === r || "CIDFontType0C" === r ? new CFFFont(t, i) : new Type1Font(e, t, i); adjustWidths(i); o = this.convert(e, a, i); break; case "OpenType": case "TrueType": case "CIDFontType2": this.mimetype = "font/opentype"; o = this.checkAndRepair(e, t, i); if (this.isOpenType) { adjustWidths(i); s = "OpenType" } break; default: throw new FormatError(`Font ${s} is not supported`) } } catch (e) { warn(e); this.fallbackToSystemFont(i); return } amendFallbackToUnicode(i); = o; this.type = s; this.subtype = r; this.fontMatrix = i.fontMatrix; this.widths = i.widths; this.defaultWidth = i.defaultWidth; this.toUnicode = i.toUnicode; this.seacMap = i.seacMap } get renderer() { return shadow(this, "renderer", FontRendererFactory.create(this, Yi)) } exportData(e = !1) { const t = e ? [...Ba, ...Qa] : Ba, i = Object.create(null); let a, s; for (a of t) { s = this[a]; void 0 !== s && (i[a] = s) } return i } fallbackToSystemFont(e) { this.missingFile = !0; const { name: t, type: i } = this; let a = normalizeFontName(t); const s = Pi(), r = Xi(), n = !!s[a], o = !(!r[a] || !s[r[a]]); a = s[a] || r[a] || a; const g = ea()[a]; if (g) { isNaN(this.ascent) && (this.ascent = g.ascent / Ca); isNaN(this.descent) && (this.descent = g.descent / Ca); isNaN(this.capHeight) && (this.capHeight = g.capHeight / Ca) } this.bold = /bold/gi.test(a); this.italic = /oblique|italic/gi.test(a); = /Black/g.test(t); const c = /Narrow/g.test(t); this.remeasure = (!n || c) && Object.keys(this.widths).length > 0; if ((n || o) && "CIDFontType2" === i && this.cidEncoding.startsWith("Identity-")) { const i = e.cidToGidMap, a = []; applyStandardFontGlyphMap(a, Vi()); /Arial-?Black/i.test(t) ? applyStandardFontGlyphMap(a, zi()) : /Calibri/i.test(t) && applyStandardFontGlyphMap(a, _i()); if (i) { for (const e in a) { const t = a[e]; void 0 !== i[t] && (a[+e] = i[t]) } i.length !== this.toUnicode.length && e.hasIncludedToUnicodeMap && this.toUnicode instanceof IdentityToUnicodeMap && this.toUnicode.forEach((function (e, t) { const s = a[e]; void 0 === i[s] && (a[+e] = t) })) } this.toUnicode instanceof IdentityToUnicodeMap || this.toUnicode.forEach((function (e, t) { a[+e] = t })); this.toFontChar = a; this.toUnicode = new ToUnicodeMap(a) } else if (/Symbol/i.test(a)) this.toFontChar = buildToFontChar(mi, Ni(), this.differences); else if (/Dingbats/i.test(a)) this.toFontChar = buildToFontChar(yi, Gi(), this.differences); else if (n) { const e = buildToFontChar(this.defaultEncoding, Ni(), this.differences); "CIDFontType2" !== i || this.cidEncoding.startsWith("Identity-") || this.toUnicode instanceof IdentityToUnicodeMap || this.toUnicode.forEach((function (t, i) { e[+t] = i })); this.toFontChar = e } else { const e = Ni(), i = []; this.toUnicode.forEach(((t, a) => { if (!this.composite) { const i = getUnicodeForGlyph(this.differences[t] || this.defaultEncoding[t], e); -1 !== i && (a = i) } i[+t] = a })); this.composite && this.toUnicode instanceof IdentityToUnicodeMap && /Tahoma|Verdana/i.test(t) && applyStandardFontGlyphMap(i, Vi()); this.toFontChar = i } amendFallbackToUnicode(e); this.loadedName = a.split("-", 1)[0] } checkAndRepair(e, t, i) { const a = ["OS/2", "cmap", "head", "hhea", "hmtx", "maxp", "name", "post", "loca", "glyf", "fpgm", "prep", "cvt ", "CFF "]; function readTables(e, t) { const i = Object.create(null); i["OS/2"] = null; i.cmap = null; i.head = null; i.hhea = null; i.hmtx = null; i.maxp = null; = null; = null; for (let s = 0; s < t; s++) { const t = readTableEntry(e); a.includes(t.tag) && (0 !== t.length && (i[t.tag] = t)) } return i } function readTableEntry(e) { const t = e.getString(4), i = e.getInt32() >>> 0, a = e.getInt32() >>> 0, s = e.getInt32() >>> 0, r = e.pos; e.pos = e.start || 0; e.skip(a); const n = e.getBytes(s); e.pos = r; if ("head" === t) { n[8] = n[9] = n[10] = n[11] = 0; n[17] |= 32 } return { tag: t, checksum: i, length: s, offset: a, data: n } } function readOpenTypeHeader(e) { return { version: e.getString(4), numTables: e.getUint16(), searchRange: e.getUint16(), entrySelector: e.getUint16(), rangeShift: e.getUint16() } } function sanitizeGlyph(e, t, i, a, s, r) { const n = { length: 0, sizeOfInstructions: 0 }; if (t < 0 || t >= e.length || i > e.length || i - t <= 12) return n; const o = e.subarray(t, i), g = signedInt16(o[2], o[3]), c = signedInt16(o[4], o[5]), h = signedInt16(o[6], o[7]), l = signedInt16(o[8], o[9]); if (g > h) { writeSignedInt16(o, 2, h); writeSignedInt16(o, 6, g) } if (c > l) { writeSignedInt16(o, 4, l); writeSignedInt16(o, 8, c) } const C = signedInt16(o[0], o[1]); if (C < 0) { if (C < -1) return n; a.set(o, s); n.length = o.length; return n } let Q, E = 10, u = 0; for (Q = 0; Q < C; Q++) { u = (o[E] << 8 | o[E + 1]) + 1; E += 2 } const d = E, f = o[E] << 8 | o[E + 1]; n.sizeOfInstructions = f; E += 2 + f; const p = E; let m = 0; for (Q = 0; Q < u; Q++) { const e = o[E++]; 192 & e && (o[E - 1] = 63 & e); let t = 2; 2 & e ? t = 1 : 16 & e && (t = 0); let i = 2; 4 & e ? i = 1 : 32 & e && (i = 0); const a = t + i; m += a; if (8 & e) { const e = o[E++]; 0 === e && (o[E - 1] ^= 8); Q += e; m += e * a } } if (0 === m) return n; let y = E + m; if (y > o.length) return n; if (!r && f > 0) { a.set(o.subarray(0, d), s); a.set([0, 0], s + d); a.set(o.subarray(p, y), s + d + 2); y -= f; o.length - y > 3 && (y = y + 3 & -4); n.length = y; return n } if (o.length - y > 3) { y = y + 3 & -4; a.set(o.subarray(0, y), s); n.length = y; return n } a.set(o, s); n.length = o.length; return n } function readNameTable(e) { const i = (t.start || 0) + e.offset; t.pos = i; const a = [[], []], s = [], r = e.length, n = i + r; if (0 !== t.getUint16() || r < 6) return [a, s]; const o = t.getUint16(), g = t.getUint16(); let c, h; for (c = 0; c < o && t.pos + 12 <= n; c++) { const e = { platform: t.getUint16(), encoding: t.getUint16(), language: t.getUint16(), name: t.getUint16(), length: t.getUint16(), offset: t.getUint16() }; (isMacNameRecord(e) || isWinNameRecord(e)) && s.push(e) } for (c = 0, h = s.length; c < h; c++) { const e = s[c]; if (e.length <= 0) continue; const r = i + g + e.offset; if (r + e.length > n) continue; t.pos = r; const o =; if (e.encoding) { let i = ""; for (let a = 0, s = e.length; a < s; a += 2)i += String.fromCharCode(t.getUint16()); a[1][o] = i } else a[0][o] = t.getString(e.length) } return [a, s] } const s = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2, -2, -2, -2, 0, 0, -2, -5, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -999, 0, 1, 0, -1, -2, 0, -1, -2, -1, -1, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0, -999, -999, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -999, -2, -2, -999, 0, -2, -2, 0, 0, -2, 0, -2, 0, 0, 0, -2, -1, -1, 1, 1, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, -1, -1, 0, -999, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2, -999, -999, -999, -999, -999, -1, -1, -2, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -999, -2, -2, 0, 0, -1, -2, -2, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -2]; function sanitizeTTProgram(e, t) { let i, a, r, n, o, g =, c = 0, h = 0, l = 0; const C = [], Q = [], E = []; let u = t.tooComplexToFollowFunctions, d = !1, f = 0, p = 0; for (let e = g.length; c < e;) { const e = g[c++]; if (64 === e) { a = g[c++]; if (d || p) c += a; else for (i = 0; i < a; i++)C.push(g[c++]) } else if (65 === e) { a = g[c++]; if (d || p) c += 2 * a; else for (i = 0; i < a; i++) { r = g[c++]; C.push(r << 8 | g[c++]) } } else if (176 == (248 & e)) { a = e - 176 + 1; if (d || p) c += a; else for (i = 0; i < a; i++)C.push(g[c++]) } else if (184 == (248 & e)) { a = e - 184 + 1; if (d || p) c += 2 * a; else for (i = 0; i < a; i++) { r = g[c++]; C.push(r << 8 | g[c++]) } } else if (43 !== e || u) if (44 !== e || u) { if (45 === e) if (d) { d = !1; h = c } else { o = Q.pop(); if (!o) { warn("TT: ENDF bad stack"); t.hintsValid = !1; return } n = E.pop(); g =; c = o.i; t.functionsStackDeltas[n] = C.length - o.stackTop } else if (137 === e) { if (d || p) { warn("TT: nested IDEFs not allowed"); u = !0 } d = !0; l = c } else if (88 === e) ++f; else if (27 === e) p = f; else if (89 === e) { p === f && (p = 0); --f } else if (28 === e && !d && !p) { const e =; e > 0 && (c += e - 1) } } else { if (d || p) { warn("TT: nested FDEFs not allowed"); u = !0 } d = !0; l = c; n = C.pop(); t.functionsDefined[n] = { data: g, i: c } } else if (!d && !p) { n =; if (isNaN(n)) info("TT: CALL empty stack (or invalid entry)."); else { t.functionsUsed[n] = !0; if (n in t.functionsStackDeltas) { const e = C.length + t.functionsStackDeltas[n]; if (e < 0) { warn("TT: CALL invalid functions stack delta."); t.hintsValid = !1; return } C.length = e } else if (n in t.functionsDefined && !E.includes(n)) { Q.push({ data: g, i: c, stackTop: C.length - 1 }); E.push(n); o = t.functionsDefined[n]; if (!o) { warn("TT: CALL non-existent function"); t.hintsValid = !1; return } g =; c = o.i } } } if (!d && !p) { let t = 0; e <= 142 ? t = s[e] : e >= 192 && e <= 223 ? t = -1 : e >= 224 && (t = -2); if (e >= 113 && e <= 117) { a = C.pop(); isNaN(a) || (t = 2 * -a) } for (; t < 0 && C.length > 0;) { C.pop(); t++ } for (; t > 0;) { C.push(NaN); t-- } } } t.tooComplexToFollowFunctions = u; const m = [g]; c > g.length && m.push(new Uint8Array(c - g.length)); if (l > h) { warn("TT: complementing a missing function tail"); m.push(new Uint8Array([34, 45])) } !function foldTTTable(e, t) { if (t.length > 1) { let i, a, s = 0; for (i = 0, a = t.length; i < a; i++)s += t[i].length; s = s + 3 & -4; const r = new Uint8Array(s); let n = 0; for (i = 0, a = t.length; i < a; i++) { r.set(t[i], n); n += t[i].length } = r; e.length = s } }(e, m) } let r, n, o, g; if (isTrueTypeCollectionFile(t = new Stream(new Uint8Array(t.getBytes())))) { const e = function readTrueTypeCollectionData(e, t) { const { numFonts: i, offsetTable: a } = function readTrueTypeCollectionHeader(e) { const t = e.getString(4); assert("ttcf" === t, "Must be a TrueType Collection font."); const i = e.getUint16(), a = e.getUint16(), s = e.getInt32() >>> 0, r = []; for (let t = 0; t < s; t++)r.push(e.getInt32() >>> 0); const n = { ttcTag: t, majorVersion: i, minorVersion: a, numFonts: s, offsetTable: r }; switch (i) { case 1: return n; case 2: n.dsigTag = e.getInt32() >>> 0; n.dsigLength = e.getInt32() >>> 0; n.dsigOffset = e.getInt32() >>> 0; return n }throw new FormatError(`Invalid TrueType Collection majorVersion: ${i}.`) }(e), s = t.split("+"); let r; for (let n = 0; n < i; n++) { e.pos = (e.start || 0) + a[n]; const i = readOpenTypeHeader(e), o = readTables(e, i.numTables); if (! throw new FormatError('TrueType Collection font must contain a "name" table.'); const [g] = readNameTable(; for (let e = 0, a = g.length; e < a; e++)for (let a = 0, n = g[e].length; a < n; a++) { const n = g[e][a]?.replaceAll(/\s/g, ""); if (n) { if (n === t) return { header: i, tables: o }; if (!(s.length < 2)) for (const e of s) n === e && (r = { name: e, header: i, tables: o }) } } } if (r) { warn(`TrueType Collection does not contain "${t}" font, falling back to "${}" font instead.`); return { header: r.header, tables: r.tables } } throw new FormatError(`TrueType Collection does not contain "${t}" font.`) }(t,; r = e.header; n = e.tables } else { r = readOpenTypeHeader(t); n = readTables(t, r.numTables) } const c = !n["CFF "]; if (c) { if (!n.loca) throw new FormatError('Required "loca" table is not found'); if (!n.glyf) { warn('Required "glyf" table is not found -- trying to recover.'); n.glyf = { tag: "glyf", data: new Uint8Array(0) } } this.isOpenType = !1 } else { const t = i.composite && (i.cidToGidMap?.length > 0 || !(i.cMap instanceof IdentityCMap)); if ("OTTO" === r.version && !t || !n.head || !n.hhea || !n.maxp || ! { g = new Stream(n["CFF "].data); o = new CFFFont(g, i); adjustWidths(i); return this.convert(e, o, i) } delete n.glyf; delete n.loca; delete n.fpgm; delete n.prep; delete n["cvt "]; this.isOpenType = !0 } if (!n.maxp) throw new FormatError('Required "maxp" table is not found'); t.pos = (t.start || 0) + n.maxp.offset; let h = t.getInt32(); const l = t.getUint16(); if (65536 !== h && 20480 !== h) { if (6 === n.maxp.length) h = 20480; else { if (!(n.maxp.length >= 32)) throw new FormatError('"maxp" table has a wrong version number'); h = 65536 } !function writeUint32(e, t, i) { e[t + 3] = 255 & i; e[t + 2] = i >>> 8; e[t + 1] = i >>> 16; e[t] = i >>> 24 }(, 0, h) } if (i.scaleFactors?.length === l && c) { const { scaleFactors: e } = i, t = int16([50],[51]), a = new GlyfTable({ glyfTable:, isGlyphLocationsLong: t, locaTable:, numGlyphs: l }); a.scale(e); const { glyf: s, loca: r, isLocationLong: o } = a.write(); = s; = r; if (o !== !!t) {[50] = 0;[51] = o ? 1 : 0 } const g =; for (let t = 0; t < l; t++) { const i = 4 * t, a = Math.round(e[t] * int16(g[i], g[i + 1])); g[i] = a >> 8 & 255; g[i + 1] = 255 & a; writeSignedInt16(g, i + 2, Math.round(e[t] * signedInt16(g[i + 2], g[i + 3]))) } } let C = l + 1, Q = !0; if (C > 65535) { Q = !1; C = l; warn("Not enough space in glyfs to duplicate first glyph.") } let E = 0, u = 0; if (h >= 65536 && n.maxp.length >= 32) { t.pos += 8; if (t.getUint16() > 2) {[14] = 0;[15] = 2 } t.pos += 4; E = t.getUint16(); t.pos += 4; u = t.getUint16() }[4] = C >> 8;[5] = 255 & C; const d = function sanitizeTTPrograms(e, t, i, a) { const s = { functionsDefined: [], functionsUsed: [], functionsStackDeltas: [], tooComplexToFollowFunctions: !1, hintsValid: !0 }; e && sanitizeTTProgram(e, s); t && sanitizeTTProgram(t, s); e && function checkInvalidFunctions(e, t) { if (!e.tooComplexToFollowFunctions) if (e.functionsDefined.length > t) { warn("TT: more functions defined than expected"); e.hintsValid = !1 } else for (let i = 0, a = e.functionsUsed.length; i < a; i++) { if (i > t) { warn("TT: invalid function id: " + i); e.hintsValid = !1; return } if (e.functionsUsed[i] && !e.functionsDefined[i]) { warn("TT: undefined function: " + i); e.hintsValid = !1; return } } }(s, a); if (i && 1 & i.length) { const e = new Uint8Array(i.length + 1); e.set(; = e } return s.hintsValid }(n.fpgm, n.prep, n["cvt "], E); if (!d) { delete n.fpgm; delete n.prep; delete n["cvt "] } !function sanitizeMetrics(e, t, i, a, s, r) { if (!t) { i && ( = null); return } e.pos = (e.start || 0) + t.offset; e.pos += 4; e.pos += 2; e.pos += 2; e.pos += 2; e.pos += 2; e.pos += 2; e.pos += 2; e.pos += 2; e.pos += 2; e.pos += 2; const n = e.getUint16(); e.pos += 8; e.pos += 2; let o = e.getUint16(); if (0 !== n) { if (!(2 & int16([44],[45]))) {[22] = 0;[23] = 0 } } if (o > s) { info(`The numOfMetrics (${o}) should not be greater than the numGlyphs (${s}).`); o = s;[34] = (65280 & o) >> 8;[35] = 255 & o } const g = s - o - (i.length - 4 * o >> 1); if (g > 0) { const e = new Uint8Array(i.length + 2 * g); e.set(; if (r) { e[i.length] =[2]; e[i.length + 1] =[3] } = e } }(t, n.hhea, n.hmtx, n.head, C, Q); if (!n.head) throw new FormatError('Required "head" table is not found'); !function sanitizeHead(e, t, i) { const a =, s = function int32(e, t, i, a) { return (e << 24) + (t << 16) + (i << 8) + a }(a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3]); if (s >> 16 != 1) { info("Attempting to fix invalid version in head table: " + s); a[0] = 0; a[1] = 1; a[2] = 0; a[3] = 0 } const r = int16(a[50], a[51]); if (r < 0 || r > 1) { info("Attempting to fix invalid indexToLocFormat in head table: " + r); const e = t + 1; if (i === e << 1) { a[50] = 0; a[51] = 0 } else { if (i !== e << 2) throw new FormatError("Could not fix indexToLocFormat: " + r); a[50] = 0; a[51] = 1 } } }(n.head, l, c ? n.loca.length : 0); let f = Object.create(null); if (c) { const e = int16([50],[51]), t = function sanitizeGlyphLocations(e, t, i, a, s, r, n) { let o, g, c; if (a) { o = 4; g = function fontItemDecodeLong(e, t) { return e[t] << 24 | e[t + 1] << 16 | e[t + 2] << 8 | e[t + 3] }; c = function fontItemEncodeLong(e, t, i) { e[t] = i >>> 24 & 255; e[t + 1] = i >> 16 & 255; e[t + 2] = i >> 8 & 255; e[t + 3] = 255 & i } } else { o = 2; g = function fontItemDecode(e, t) { return e[t] << 9 | e[t + 1] << 1 }; c = function fontItemEncode(e, t, i) { e[t] = i >> 9 & 255; e[t + 1] = i >> 1 & 255 } } const h = r ? i + 1 : i, l = o * (1 + h), C = new Uint8Array(l); C.set(, l)); = C; const Q =, E = Q.length, u = new Uint8Array(E); let d, f; const p = []; for (d = 0, f = 0; d < i + 1; d++, f += o) { let e = g(C, f); e > E && (e = E); p.push({ index: d, offset: e, endOffset: 0 }) } p.sort(((e, t) => e.offset - t.offset)); for (d = 0; d < i; d++)p[d].endOffset = p[d + 1].offset; p.sort(((e, t) => e.index - t.index)); for (d = 0; d < i; d++) { const { offset: e, endOffset: t } = p[d]; if (0 !== e || 0 !== t) break; const i = p[d + 1].offset; if (0 !== i) { p[d].endOffset = i; break } } const m =; 0 !== m.offset && 0 === m.endOffset && (m.endOffset = E); const y = Object.create(null); let w = 0; c(C, 0, w); for (d = 0, f = o; d < i; d++, f += o) { const e = sanitizeGlyph(Q, p[d].offset, p[d].endOffset, u, w, s), t = e.length; 0 === t && (y[d] = !0); e.sizeOfInstructions > n && (n = e.sizeOfInstructions); w += t; c(C, f, w) } if (0 === w) { const e = new Uint8Array([0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 49, 0]); for (d = 0, f = o; d < h; d++, f += o)c(C, f, e.length); = e } else if (r) { const i = g(C, o); if (u.length > i + w) = u.subarray(0, i + w); else { = new Uint8Array(i + w);, w)) }, i), w); c(, C.length - o, w + i) } else = u.subarray(0, w); return { missingGlyphs: y, maxSizeOfInstructions: n } }(n.loca, n.glyf, l, e, d, Q, u); f = t.missingGlyphs; if (h >= 65536 && n.maxp.length >= 32) {[26] = t.maxSizeOfInstructions >> 8;[27] = 255 & t.maxSizeOfInstructions } } if (!n.hhea) throw new FormatError('Required "hhea" table is not found'); if (0 ===[10] && 0 ===[11]) {[10] = 255;[11] = 255 } const p = { unitsPerEm: int16([18],[19]), yMax: signedInt16([42],[43]), yMin: signedInt16([38],[39]), ascent: signedInt16([4],[5]), descent: signedInt16([6],[7]), lineGap: signedInt16([8],[9]) }; this.ascent = p.ascent / p.unitsPerEm; this.descent = p.descent / p.unitsPerEm; this.lineGap = p.lineGap / p.unitsPerEm; if (this.cssFontInfo?.lineHeight) { this.lineHeight = this.cssFontInfo.metrics.lineHeight; this.lineGap = this.cssFontInfo.metrics.lineGap } else this.lineHeight = this.ascent - this.descent + this.lineGap; && function readPostScriptTable(e, i, a) { const s = (t.start || 0) + e.offset; t.pos = s; const r = s + e.length, n = t.getInt32(); t.skip(28); let o, g, c = !0; switch (n) { case 65536: o = Oi; break; case 131072: const e = t.getUint16(); if (e !== a) { c = !1; break } const s = []; for (g = 0; g < e; ++g) { const e = t.getUint16(); if (e >= 32768) { c = !1; break } s.push(e) } if (!c) break; const h = [], l = []; for (; t.pos < r;) { const e = t.getByte(); l.length = e; for (g = 0; g < e; ++g)l[g] = String.fromCharCode(t.getByte()); h.push(l.join("")) } o = []; for (g = 0; g < e; ++g) { const e = s[g]; e < 258 ? o.push(Oi[e]) : o.push(h[e - 258]) } break; case 196608: break; default: warn("Unknown/unsupported post table version " + n); c = !1; i.defaultEncoding && (o = i.defaultEncoding) }i.glyphNames = o; return c }(, i, l); = { tag: "post", data: createPostTable(i) }; const m = Object.create(null); function hasGlyph(e) { return !f[e] } if (i.composite) { const e = i.cidToGidMap || [], t = 0 === e.length; i.cMap.forEach((function (i, a) { "string" == typeof a && (a = convertCidString(i, a, !0)); if (a > 65535) throw new FormatError("Max size of CID is 65,535"); let s = -1; t ? s = a : void 0 !== e[a] && (s = e[a]); s >= 0 && s < l && hasGlyph(s) && (m[i] = s) })) } else { const e = function readCmapTable(e, t, i, a) { if (!e) { warn("No cmap table available."); return { platformId: -1, encodingId: -1, mappings: [], hasShortCmap: !1 } } let s, r = (t.start || 0) + e.offset; t.pos = r; t.skip(2); const n = t.getUint16(); let o, g = !1; for (let e = 0; e < n; e++) { const s = t.getUint16(), r = t.getUint16(), c = t.getInt32() >>> 0; let h = !1; if (o?.platformId !== s || o?.encodingId !== r) { if (0 !== s || 0 !== r && 1 !== r && 3 !== r) if (1 === s && 0 === r) h = !0; else if (3 !== s || 1 !== r || !a && o) { if (i && 3 === s && 0 === r) { h = !0; let i = !0; if (e < n - 1) { const e = t.peekBytes(2); int16(e[0], e[1]) < s && (i = !1) } i && (g = !0) } } else { h = !0; i || (g = !0) } else h = !0; h && (o = { platformId: s, encodingId: r, offset: c }); if (g) break } } o && (t.pos = r + o.offset); if (!o || -1 === t.peekByte()) { warn("Could not find a preferred cmap table."); return { platformId: -1, encodingId: -1, mappings: [], hasShortCmap: !1 } } const c = t.getUint16(); let h = !1; const l = []; let C, Q; if (0 === c) { t.skip(4); for (C = 0; C < 256; C++) { const e = t.getByte(); e && l.push({ charCode: C, glyphId: e }) } h = !0 } else if (2 === c) { t.skip(4); const e = []; let i = 0; for (let a = 0; a < 256; a++) { const a = t.getUint16() >> 3; e.push(a); i = Math.max(a, i) } const a = []; for (let e = 0; e <= i; e++)a.push({ firstCode: t.getUint16(), entryCount: t.getUint16(), idDelta: signedInt16(t.getByte(), t.getByte()), idRangePos: t.pos + t.getUint16() }); for (let i = 0; i < 256; i++)if (0 === e[i]) { t.pos = a[0].idRangePos + 2 * i; Q = t.getUint16(); l.push({ charCode: i, glyphId: Q }) } else { const s = a[e[i]]; for (C = 0; C < s.entryCount; C++) { const e = (i << 8) + C + s.firstCode; t.pos = s.idRangePos + 2 * C; Q = t.getUint16(); 0 !== Q && (Q = (Q + s.idDelta) % 65536); l.push({ charCode: e, glyphId: Q }) } } } else if (4 === c) { t.skip(4); const e = t.getUint16() >> 1; t.skip(6); const i = []; let a; for (a = 0; a < e; a++)i.push({ end: t.getUint16() }); t.skip(2); for (a = 0; a < e; a++)i[a].start = t.getUint16(); for (a = 0; a < e; a++)i[a].delta = t.getUint16(); let n, o = 0; for (a = 0; a < e; a++) { s = i[a]; const r = t.getUint16(); if (r) { n = (r >> 1) - (e - a); s.offsetIndex = n; o = Math.max(o, n + s.end - s.start + 1) } else s.offsetIndex = -1 } const g = []; for (C = 0; C < o; C++)g.push(t.getUint16()); for (a = 0; a < e; a++) { s = i[a]; r = s.start; const e = s.end, t =; n = s.offsetIndex; for (C = r; C <= e; C++)if (65535 !== C) { Q = n < 0 ? C : g[n + C - r]; Q = Q + t & 65535; l.push({ charCode: C, glyphId: Q }) } } } else if (6 === c) { t.skip(4); const e = t.getUint16(), i = t.getUint16(); for (C = 0; C < i; C++) { Q = t.getUint16(); const i = e + C; l.push({ charCode: i, glyphId: Q }) } } else { if (12 !== c) { warn("cmap table has unsupported format: " + c); return { platformId: -1, encodingId: -1, mappings: [], hasShortCmap: !1 } } { t.skip(10); const e = t.getInt32() >>> 0; for (C = 0; C < e; C++) { const e = t.getInt32() >>> 0, i = t.getInt32() >>> 0; let a = t.getInt32() >>> 0; for (let t = e; t <= i; t++)l.push({ charCode: t, glyphId: a++ }) } } } l.sort((function (e, t) { return e.charCode - t.charCode })); for (let e = 1; e < l.length; e++)if (l[e - 1].charCode === l[e].charCode) { l.splice(e, 1); e-- } return { platformId: o.platformId, encodingId: o.encodingId, mappings: l, hasShortCmap: h } }(n.cmap, t, this.isSymbolicFont, i.hasEncoding), a = e.platformId, s = e.encodingId, r = e.mappings; let o = [], g = !1; !i.hasEncoding || "MacRomanEncoding" !== i.baseEncodingName && "WinAnsiEncoding" !== i.baseEncodingName || (o = getEncoding(i.baseEncodingName)); if (i.hasEncoding && !this.isSymbolicFont && (3 === a && 1 === s || 1 === a && 0 === s)) { const e = Ni(); for (let t = 0; t < 256; t++) { let n; n = void 0 !== this.differences[t] ? this.differences[t] : o.length && "" !== o[t] ? o[t] : fi[t]; if (!n) continue; const g = recoverGlyphName(n, e); let c; 3 === a && 1 === s ? c = e[g] : 1 === a && 0 === s && (c = di.indexOf(g)); if (void 0 === c) { if (!i.glyphNames && i.hasIncludedToUnicodeMap && !(this.toUnicode instanceof IdentityToUnicodeMap)) { const e = this.toUnicode.get(t); e && (c = e.codePointAt(0)) } if (void 0 === c) continue } for (const e of r) if (e.charCode === c) { m[t] = e.glyphId; break } } } else if (0 === a) { for (const e of r) m[e.charCode] = e.glyphId; g = !0 } else if (3 === a && 0 === s) for (const e of r) { let t = e.charCode; t >= 61440 && t <= 61695 && (t &= 255); m[t] = e.glyphId } else for (const e of r) m[e.charCode] = e.glyphId; if (i.glyphNames && (o.length || this.differences.length)) for (let e = 0; e < 256; ++e) { if (!g && void 0 !== m[e]) continue; const t = this.differences[e] || o[e]; if (!t) continue; const a = i.glyphNames.indexOf(t); a > 0 && hasGlyph(a) && (m[e] = a) } } 0 === m.length && (m[0] = 0); let y = C - 1; Q || (y = 0); if (!i.cssFontInfo) { const e = adjustMapping(m, hasGlyph, y, this.toUnicode); this.toFontChar = e.toFontChar; n.cmap = { tag: "cmap", data: createCmapTable(e.charCodeToGlyphId, e.toUnicodeExtraMap, C) }; n["OS/2"] && function validateOS2Table(e, t) { t.pos = (t.start || 0) + e.offset; const i = t.getUint16(); t.skip(60); const a = t.getUint16(); if (i < 4 && 768 & a) return !1; if (t.getUint16() > t.getUint16()) return !1; t.skip(6); if (0 === t.getUint16()) return !1;[8] =[9] = 0; return !0 }(n["OS/2"], t) || (n["OS/2"] = { tag: "OS/2", data: createOS2Table(i, e.charCodeToGlyphId, p) }) } if (!c) try { g = new Stream(n["CFF "].data); o = new CFFParser(g, i, Yi).parse(); o.duplicateFirstGlyph(); const e = new CFFCompiler(o); n["CFF "].data = e.compile() } catch { warn("Failed to compile font " + i.loadedName) } if ( { const [t, a] = readNameTable(; = createNameTable(e, t); this.psName = t[0][6] || null; i.composite || function adjustTrueTypeToUnicode(e, t, i) { if (e.isInternalFont) return; if (e.hasIncludedToUnicodeMap) return; if (e.hasEncoding) return; if (e.toUnicode instanceof IdentityToUnicodeMap) return; if (!t) return; if (0 === i.length) return; if (e.defaultEncoding === pi) return; for (const e of i) if (!isWinNameRecord(e)) return; const a = pi, s = [], r = Ni(); for (const e in a) { const t = a[e]; if ("" === t) continue; const i = r[t]; void 0 !== i && (s[e] = String.fromCharCode(i)) } s.length > 0 && e.toUnicode.amend(s) }(i, this.isSymbolicFont, a) } else = { tag: "name", data: createNameTable( }; const w = new OpenTypeFileBuilder(r.version); for (const e in n) w.addTable(e, n[e].data); return w.toArray() } convert(e, t, i) { i.fixedPitch = !1; i.builtInEncoding && function adjustType1ToUnicode(e, t) { if (e.isInternalFont) return; if (e.hasIncludedToUnicodeMap) return; if (t === e.defaultEncoding) return; if (e.toUnicode instanceof IdentityToUnicodeMap) return; const i = [], a = Ni(); for (const s in t) { if (e.hasEncoding && (e.baseEncodingName || void 0 !== e.differences[s])) continue; const r = getUnicodeForGlyph(t[s], a); -1 !== r && (i[s] = String.fromCharCode(r)) } i.length > 0 && e.toUnicode.amend(i) }(i, i.builtInEncoding); let s = 1; t instanceof CFFFont && (s = t.numGlyphs - 1); const r = t.getGlyphMapping(i); let n = null, o = r, g = null; if (!i.cssFontInfo) { n = adjustMapping(r, t.hasGlyphId.bind(t), s, this.toUnicode); this.toFontChar = n.toFontChar; o = n.charCodeToGlyphId; g = n.toUnicodeExtraMap } const c = t.numGlyphs; function getCharCodes(e, t) { let i = null; for (const a in e) t === e[a] && (i ||= []).push(0 | a); return i } function createCharCode(e, t) { for (const i in e) if (t === e[i]) return 0 | i; n.charCodeToGlyphId[n.nextAvailableFontCharCode] = t; return n.nextAvailableFontCharCode++ } const h = t.seacs; if (n && h?.length) { const e = i.fontMatrix || a, s = t.getCharset(), o = Object.create(null); for (let t in h) { t |= 0; const i = h[t], a = fi[i[2]], g = fi[i[3]], c = s.indexOf(a), l = s.indexOf(g); if (c < 0 || l < 0) continue; const C = { x: i[0] * e[0] + i[1] * e[2] + e[4], y: i[0] * e[1] + i[1] * e[3] + e[5] }, Q = getCharCodes(r, t); if (Q) for (const e of Q) { const t = n.charCodeToGlyphId, i = createCharCode(t, c), a = createCharCode(t, l); o[e] = { baseFontCharCode: i, accentFontCharCode: a, accentOffset: C } } } i.seacMap = o } const l = 1 / (i.fontMatrix || a)[0], C = new OpenTypeFileBuilder("OTTO"); C.addTable("CFF ",; C.addTable("OS/2", createOS2Table(i, o)); C.addTable("cmap", createCmapTable(o, g, c)); C.addTable("head", "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0_<õ\0\0" + safeString16(l) + "\0\0\0\0ž\v~'\0\0\0\0ž\v~'\0\0" + safeString16(i.descent) + "ÿ" + safeString16(i.ascent) + string16(i.italicAngle ? 2 : 0) + "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"); C.addTable("hhea", "\0\0\0" + safeString16(i.ascent) + safeString16(i.descent) + "\0\0ÿÿ\0\0\0\0\0\0" + safeString16(i.capHeight) + safeString16(Math.tan(i.italicAngle) * i.xHeight) + "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0" + string16(c)); C.addTable("hmtx", function fontFieldsHmtx() { const e = t.charstrings, i = t.cff ? t.cff.widths : null; let a = "\0\0\0\0"; for (let t = 1, s = c; t < s; t++) { let s = 0; if (e) { const i = e[t - 1]; s = "width" in i ? i.width : 0 } else i && (s = Math.ceil(i[t] || 0)); a += string16(s) + string16(0) } return a }()); C.addTable("maxp", "\0\0P\0" + string16(c)); C.addTable("name", createNameTable(e)); C.addTable("post", createPostTable(i)); return C.toArray() } _charToGlyph(e, t = !1) { let i, a, s, r = this._glyphCache[e]; if (r?.isSpace === t) return r; let n = e; if (this.cMap?.contains(e)) { n = this.cMap.lookup(e); "string" == typeof n && (n = convertCidString(e, n)) } a = this.widths[n]; "number" != typeof a && (a = this.defaultWidth); const o = this.vmetrics?.[n]; let g = this.toUnicode.get(e) || e; "number" == typeof g && (g = String.fromCharCode(g)); let c = void 0 !== this.toFontChar[e]; i = this.toFontChar[e] || e; if (this.missingFile) { const t = this.differences[e] || this.defaultEncoding[e]; ".notdef" !== t && "" !== t || "Type1" !== this.type || (i = 32); i = function mapSpecialUnicodeValues(e) { return e >= 65520 && e <= 65535 ? 0 : e >= 62976 && e <= 63743 ? xi()[e] || e : 173 === e ? 45 : e }(i) } this.isType3Font && (s = i); let h = null; if (this.seacMap?.[e]) { c = !0; const t = this.seacMap[e]; i = t.baseFontCharCode; h = { fontChar: String.fromCodePoint(t.accentFontCharCode), offset: t.accentOffset } } let l = ""; "number" == typeof i && (i <= 1114111 ? l = String.fromCodePoint(i) : warn(`charToGlyph - invalid fontCharCode: ${i}`)); r = new fonts_Glyph(e, l, g, h, a, o, s, t, c); return this._glyphCache[e] = r } charsToGlyphs(e) { let t = this._charsCache[e]; if (t) return t; t = []; if (this.cMap) { const i = Object.create(null), a = e.length; let s = 0; for (; s < a;) { this.cMap.readCharCode(e, s, i); const { charcode: a, length: r } = i; s += r; const n = this._charToGlyph(a, 1 === r && 32 === e.charCodeAt(s - 1)); t.push(n) } } else for (let i = 0, a = e.length; i < a; ++i) { const a = e.charCodeAt(i), s = this._charToGlyph(a, 32 === a); t.push(s) } return this._charsCache[e] = t } getCharPositions(e) { const t = []; if (this.cMap) { const i = Object.create(null); let a = 0; for (; a < e.length;) { this.cMap.readCharCode(e, a, i); const s = i.length; t.push([a, a + s]); a += s } } else for (let i = 0, a = e.length; i < a; ++i)t.push([i, i + 1]); return t } get glyphCacheValues() { return Object.values(this._glyphCache) } encodeString(e) { const t = [], i = [], hasCurrentBufErrors = () => t.length % 2 == 1, a = this.toUnicode instanceof IdentityToUnicodeMap ? e => this.toUnicode.charCodeOf(e) : e => this.toUnicode.charCodeOf(String.fromCodePoint(e)); for (let s = 0, r = e.length; s < r; s++) { const r = e.codePointAt(s); r > 55295 && (r < 57344 || r > 65533) && s++; if (this.toUnicode) { const e = a(r); if (-1 !== e) { if (hasCurrentBufErrors()) { t.push(i.join("")); i.length = 0 } for (let t = (this.cMap ? this.cMap.getCharCodeLength(e) : 1) - 1; t >= 0; t--)i.push(String.fromCharCode(e >> 8 * t & 255)); continue } } if (!hasCurrentBufErrors()) { t.push(i.join("")); i.length = 0 } i.push(String.fromCodePoint(r)) } t.push(i.join("")); return t } } class ErrorFont { constructor(e) { this.error = e; this.loadedName = "g_font_error"; this.missingFile = !0 } charsToGlyphs() { return [] } encodeString(e) { return [e] } exportData(e = !1) { return { error: this.error } } } const Ea = 2, ua = 3, da = 4, fa = 5, pa = 6, ma = 7; class Pattern { constructor() { unreachable("Cannot initialize Pattern.") } static parseShading(e, t, i, a, s) { const r = e instanceof BaseStream ? e.dict : e, n = r.get("ShadingType"); try { switch (n) { case Ea: case ua: return new RadialAxialShading(r, t, i, a, s); case da: case fa: case pa: case ma: return new MeshShading(e, t, i, a, s); default: throw new FormatError("Unsupported ShadingType: " + n) } } catch (e) { if (e instanceof MissingDataException) throw e; warn(e); return new DummyShading } } } class BaseShading { static SMALL_NUMBER = 1e-6; constructor() { this.constructor === BaseShading && unreachable("Cannot initialize BaseShading.") } getIR() { unreachable("Abstract method `getIR` called.") } } class RadialAxialShading extends BaseShading { constructor(e, t, i, a, s) { super(); this.shadingType = e.get("ShadingType"); let r = 0; this.shadingType === Ea ? r = 4 : this.shadingType === ua && (r = 6); this.coordsArr = e.getArray("Coords"); if (!isNumberArray(this.coordsArr, r)) throw new FormatError("RadialAxialShading: Invalid /Coords array."); const n = ColorSpace.parse({ cs: e.getRaw("CS") || e.getRaw("ColorSpace"), xref: t, resources: i, pdfFunctionFactory: a, localColorSpaceCache: s }); this.bbox = lookupNormalRect(e.getArray("BBox"), null); let o = 0, g = 1; const c = e.getArray("Domain"); isNumberArray(c, 2) && ([o, g] = c); let h = !1, l = !1; const C = e.getArray("Extend"); (function isBooleanArray(e, t) { return Array.isArray(e) && (null === t || e.length === t) && e.every((e => "boolean" == typeof e)) })(C, 2) && ([h, l] = C); if (!(this.shadingType !== ua || h && l)) { const [e, t, i, a, s, r] = this.coordsArr, n = Math.hypot(e - a, t - s); i <= r + n && r <= i + n && warn("Unsupported radial gradient.") } this.extendStart = h; this.extendEnd = l; const Q = e.getRaw("Function"), E = a.createFromArray(Q), u = (g - o) / 840, d = this.colorStops = []; if (o >= g || u <= 0) { info("Bad shading domain."); return } const f = new Float32Array(n.numComps), p = new Float32Array(1); let m, y = 0; p[0] = o; E(p, 0, f, 0); let w = n.getRgb(f, 0); const b = Util.makeHexColor(w[0], w[1], w[2]); d.push([0, b]); let D = 1; p[0] = o + u; E(p, 0, f, 0); let F = n.getRgb(f, 0), S = F[0] - w[0] + 1, k = F[1] - w[1] + 1, R = F[2] - w[2] + 1, N = F[0] - w[0] - 1, G = F[1] - w[1] - 1, x = F[2] - w[2] - 1; for (let e = 2; e < 840; e++) { p[0] = o + e * u; E(p, 0, f, 0); m = n.getRgb(f, 0); const t = e - y; S = Math.min(S, (m[0] - w[0] + 1) / t); k = Math.min(k, (m[1] - w[1] + 1) / t); R = Math.min(R, (m[2] - w[2] + 1) / t); N = Math.max(N, (m[0] - w[0] - 1) / t); G = Math.max(G, (m[1] - w[1] - 1) / t); x = Math.max(x, (m[2] - w[2] - 1) / t); if (!(N <= S && G <= k && x <= R)) { const e = Util.makeHexColor(F[0], F[1], F[2]); d.push([D / 840, e]); S = m[0] - F[0] + 1; k = m[1] - F[1] + 1; R = m[2] - F[2] + 1; N = m[0] - F[0] - 1; G = m[1] - F[1] - 1; x = m[2] - F[2] - 1; y = D; w = F } D = e; F = m } const M = Util.makeHexColor(F[0], F[1], F[2]); d.push([1, M]); let U = "transparent"; if (e.has("Background")) { m = n.getRgb(e.get("Background"), 0); U = Util.makeHexColor(m[0], m[1], m[2]) } if (!h) { d.unshift([0, U]); d[1][0] += BaseShading.SMALL_NUMBER } if (!l) {[0] -= BaseShading.SMALL_NUMBER; d.push([1, U]) } this.colorStops = d } getIR() { const { coordsArr: e, shadingType: t } = this; let i, a, s, r, n; if (t === Ea) { a = [e[0], e[1]]; s = [e[2], e[3]]; r = null; n = null; i = "axial" } else if (t === ua) { a = [e[0], e[1]]; s = [e[3], e[4]]; r = e[2]; n = e[5]; i = "radial" } else unreachable(`getPattern type unknown: ${t}`); return ["RadialAxial", i, this.bbox, this.colorStops, a, s, r, n] } } class MeshStreamReader { constructor(e, t) { = e; this.context = t; this.buffer = 0; this.bufferLength = 0; const i = t.numComps; this.tmpCompsBuf = new Float32Array(i); const a = t.colorSpace.numComps; this.tmpCsCompsBuf = t.colorFn ? new Float32Array(a) : this.tmpCompsBuf } get hasData() { if ( return <; if (this.bufferLength > 0) return !0; const e =; if (e < 0) return !1; this.buffer = e; this.bufferLength = 8; return !0 } readBits(e) { let t = this.buffer, i = this.bufferLength; if (32 === e) { if (0 === i) return ( << 24 | << 16 | << 8 | >>> 0; t = t << 24 | << 16 | << 8 |; const e =; this.buffer = e & (1 << i) - 1; return (t << 8 - i | (255 & e) >> i) >>> 0 } if (8 === e && 0 === i) return; for (; i < e;) { t = t << 8 |; i += 8 } i -= e; this.bufferLength = i; this.buffer = t & (1 << i) - 1; return t >> i } align() { this.buffer = 0; this.bufferLength = 0 } readFlag() { return this.readBits(this.context.bitsPerFlag) } readCoordinate() { const e = this.context.bitsPerCoordinate, t = this.readBits(e), i = this.readBits(e), a = this.context.decode, s = e < 32 ? 1 / ((1 << e) - 1) : 2.3283064365386963e-10; return [t * s * (a[1] - a[0]) + a[0], i * s * (a[3] - a[2]) + a[2]] } readComponents() { const e = this.context.numComps, t = this.context.bitsPerComponent, i = t < 32 ? 1 / ((1 << t) - 1) : 2.3283064365386963e-10, a = this.context.decode, s = this.tmpCompsBuf; for (let r = 0, n = 4; r < e; r++, n += 2) { const e = this.readBits(t); s[r] = e * i * (a[n + 1] - a[n]) + a[n] } const r = this.tmpCsCompsBuf; this.context.colorFn && this.context.colorFn(s, 0, r, 0); return this.context.colorSpace.getRgb(r, 0) } } let ya = Object.create(null); function getB(e) { return ya[e] ||= function buildB(e) { const t = []; for (let i = 0; i <= e; i++) { const a = i / e, s = 1 - a; t.push(new Float32Array([s ** 3, 3 * a * s ** 2, 3 * a ** 2 * s, a ** 3])) } return t }(e) } class MeshShading extends BaseShading { static MIN_SPLIT_PATCH_CHUNKS_AMOUNT = 3; static MAX_SPLIT_PATCH_CHUNKS_AMOUNT = 20; static TRIANGLE_DENSITY = 20; constructor(e, t, i, a, s) { super(); if (!(e instanceof BaseStream)) throw new FormatError("Mesh data is not a stream"); const r = e.dict; this.shadingType = r.get("ShadingType"); this.bbox = lookupNormalRect(r.getArray("BBox"), null); const n = ColorSpace.parse({ cs: r.getRaw("CS") || r.getRaw("ColorSpace"), xref: t, resources: i, pdfFunctionFactory: a, localColorSpaceCache: s }); this.background = r.has("Background") ? n.getRgb(r.get("Background"), 0) : null; const o = r.getRaw("Function"), g = o ? a.createFromArray(o) : null; this.coords = []; this.colors = []; this.figures = []; const c = { bitsPerCoordinate: r.get("BitsPerCoordinate"), bitsPerComponent: r.get("BitsPerComponent"), bitsPerFlag: r.get("BitsPerFlag"), decode: r.getArray("Decode"), colorFn: g, colorSpace: n, numComps: g ? 1 : n.numComps }, h = new MeshStreamReader(e, c); let l = !1; switch (this.shadingType) { case da: this._decodeType4Shading(h); break; case fa: const e = 0 | r.get("VerticesPerRow"); if (e < 2) throw new FormatError("Invalid VerticesPerRow"); this._decodeType5Shading(h, e); break; case pa: this._decodeType6Shading(h); l = !0; break; case ma: this._decodeType7Shading(h); l = !0; break; default: unreachable("Unsupported mesh type.") }if (l) { this._updateBounds(); for (let e = 0, t = this.figures.length; e < t; e++)this._buildFigureFromPatch(e) } this._updateBounds(); this._packData() } _decodeType4Shading(e) { const t = this.coords, i = this.colors, a = [], s = []; let r = 0; for (; e.hasData;) { const n = e.readFlag(), o = e.readCoordinate(), g = e.readComponents(); if (0 === r) { if (!(0 <= n && n <= 2)) throw new FormatError("Unknown type4 flag"); switch (n) { case 0: r = 3; break; case 1: s.push(,; r = 1; break; case 2: s.push(,; r = 1 }a.push(n) } s.push(t.length); t.push(o); i.push(g); r--; e.align() } this.figures.push({ type: "triangles", coords: new Int32Array(s), colors: new Int32Array(s) }) } _decodeType5Shading(e, t) { const i = this.coords, a = this.colors, s = []; for (; e.hasData;) { const t = e.readCoordinate(), r = e.readComponents(); s.push(i.length); i.push(t); a.push(r) } this.figures.push({ type: "lattice", coords: new Int32Array(s), colors: new Int32Array(s), verticesPerRow: t }) } _decodeType6Shading(e) { const t = this.coords, i = this.colors, a = new Int32Array(16), s = new Int32Array(4); for (; e.hasData;) { const r = e.readFlag(); if (!(0 <= r && r <= 3)) throw new FormatError("Unknown type6 flag"); const n = t.length; for (let i = 0, a = 0 !== r ? 8 : 12; i < a; i++)t.push(e.readCoordinate()); const o = i.length; for (let t = 0, a = 0 !== r ? 2 : 4; t < a; t++)i.push(e.readComponents()); let g, c, h, l; switch (r) { case 0: a[12] = n + 3; a[13] = n + 4; a[14] = n + 5; a[15] = n + 6; a[8] = n + 2; a[11] = n + 7; a[4] = n + 1; a[7] = n + 8; a[0] = n; a[1] = n + 11; a[2] = n + 10; a[3] = n + 9; s[2] = o + 1; s[3] = o + 2; s[0] = o; s[1] = o + 3; break; case 1: g = a[12]; c = a[13]; h = a[14]; l = a[15]; a[12] = l; a[13] = n + 0; a[14] = n + 1; a[15] = n + 2; a[8] = h; a[11] = n + 3; a[4] = c; a[7] = n + 4; a[0] = g; a[1] = n + 7; a[2] = n + 6; a[3] = n + 5; g = s[2]; c = s[3]; s[2] = c; s[3] = o; s[0] = g; s[1] = o + 1; break; case 2: g = a[15]; c = a[11]; a[12] = a[3]; a[13] = n + 0; a[14] = n + 1; a[15] = n + 2; a[8] = a[7]; a[11] = n + 3; a[4] = c; a[7] = n + 4; a[0] = g; a[1] = n + 7; a[2] = n + 6; a[3] = n + 5; g = s[3]; s[2] = s[1]; s[3] = o; s[0] = g; s[1] = o + 1; break; case 3: a[12] = a[0]; a[13] = n + 0; a[14] = n + 1; a[15] = n + 2; a[8] = a[1]; a[11] = n + 3; a[4] = a[2]; a[7] = n + 4; a[0] = a[3]; a[1] = n + 7; a[2] = n + 6; a[3] = n + 5; s[2] = s[0]; s[3] = o; s[0] = s[1]; s[1] = o + 1 }a[5] = t.length; t.push([(-4 * t[a[0]][0] - t[a[15]][0] + 6 * (t[a[4]][0] + t[a[1]][0]) - 2 * (t[a[12]][0] + t[a[3]][0]) + 3 * (t[a[13]][0] + t[a[7]][0])) / 9, (-4 * t[a[0]][1] - t[a[15]][1] + 6 * (t[a[4]][1] + t[a[1]][1]) - 2 * (t[a[12]][1] + t[a[3]][1]) + 3 * (t[a[13]][1] + t[a[7]][1])) / 9]); a[6] = t.length; t.push([(-4 * t[a[3]][0] - t[a[12]][0] + 6 * (t[a[2]][0] + t[a[7]][0]) - 2 * (t[a[0]][0] + t[a[15]][0]) + 3 * (t[a[4]][0] + t[a[14]][0])) / 9, (-4 * t[a[3]][1] - t[a[12]][1] + 6 * (t[a[2]][1] + t[a[7]][1]) - 2 * (t[a[0]][1] + t[a[15]][1]) + 3 * (t[a[4]][1] + t[a[14]][1])) / 9]); a[9] = t.length; t.push([(-4 * t[a[12]][0] - t[a[3]][0] + 6 * (t[a[8]][0] + t[a[13]][0]) - 2 * (t[a[0]][0] + t[a[15]][0]) + 3 * (t[a[11]][0] + t[a[1]][0])) / 9, (-4 * t[a[12]][1] - t[a[3]][1] + 6 * (t[a[8]][1] + t[a[13]][1]) - 2 * (t[a[0]][1] + t[a[15]][1]) + 3 * (t[a[11]][1] + t[a[1]][1])) / 9]); a[10] = t.length; t.push([(-4 * t[a[15]][0] - t[a[0]][0] + 6 * (t[a[11]][0] + t[a[14]][0]) - 2 * (t[a[12]][0] + t[a[3]][0]) + 3 * (t[a[2]][0] + t[a[8]][0])) / 9, (-4 * t[a[15]][1] - t[a[0]][1] + 6 * (t[a[11]][1] + t[a[14]][1]) - 2 * (t[a[12]][1] + t[a[3]][1]) + 3 * (t[a[2]][1] + t[a[8]][1])) / 9]); this.figures.push({ type: "patch", coords: new Int32Array(a), colors: new Int32Array(s) }) } } _decodeType7Shading(e) { const t = this.coords, i = this.colors, a = new Int32Array(16), s = new Int32Array(4); for (; e.hasData;) { const r = e.readFlag(); if (!(0 <= r && r <= 3)) throw new FormatError("Unknown type7 flag"); const n = t.length; for (let i = 0, a = 0 !== r ? 12 : 16; i < a; i++)t.push(e.readCoordinate()); const o = i.length; for (let t = 0, a = 0 !== r ? 2 : 4; t < a; t++)i.push(e.readComponents()); let g, c, h, l; switch (r) { case 0: a[12] = n + 3; a[13] = n + 4; a[14] = n + 5; a[15] = n + 6; a[8] = n + 2; a[9] = n + 13; a[10] = n + 14; a[11] = n + 7; a[4] = n + 1; a[5] = n + 12; a[6] = n + 15; a[7] = n + 8; a[0] = n; a[1] = n + 11; a[2] = n + 10; a[3] = n + 9; s[2] = o + 1; s[3] = o + 2; s[0] = o; s[1] = o + 3; break; case 1: g = a[12]; c = a[13]; h = a[14]; l = a[15]; a[12] = l; a[13] = n + 0; a[14] = n + 1; a[15] = n + 2; a[8] = h; a[9] = n + 9; a[10] = n + 10; a[11] = n + 3; a[4] = c; a[5] = n + 8; a[6] = n + 11; a[7] = n + 4; a[0] = g; a[1] = n + 7; a[2] = n + 6; a[3] = n + 5; g = s[2]; c = s[3]; s[2] = c; s[3] = o; s[0] = g; s[1] = o + 1; break; case 2: g = a[15]; c = a[11]; a[12] = a[3]; a[13] = n + 0; a[14] = n + 1; a[15] = n + 2; a[8] = a[7]; a[9] = n + 9; a[10] = n + 10; a[11] = n + 3; a[4] = c; a[5] = n + 8; a[6] = n + 11; a[7] = n + 4; a[0] = g; a[1] = n + 7; a[2] = n + 6; a[3] = n + 5; g = s[3]; s[2] = s[1]; s[3] = o; s[0] = g; s[1] = o + 1; break; case 3: a[12] = a[0]; a[13] = n + 0; a[14] = n + 1; a[15] = n + 2; a[8] = a[1]; a[9] = n + 9; a[10] = n + 10; a[11] = n + 3; a[4] = a[2]; a[5] = n + 8; a[6] = n + 11; a[7] = n + 4; a[0] = a[3]; a[1] = n + 7; a[2] = n + 6; a[3] = n + 5; s[2] = s[0]; s[3] = o; s[0] = s[1]; s[1] = o + 1 }this.figures.push({ type: "patch", coords: new Int32Array(a), colors: new Int32Array(s) }) } } _buildFigureFromPatch(e) { const t = this.figures[e]; assert("patch" === t.type, "Unexpected patch mesh figure"); const i = this.coords, a = this.colors, s = t.coords, r = t.colors, n = Math.min(i[s[0]][0], i[s[3]][0], i[s[12]][0], i[s[15]][0]), o = Math.min(i[s[0]][1], i[s[3]][1], i[s[12]][1], i[s[15]][1]), g = Math.max(i[s[0]][0], i[s[3]][0], i[s[12]][0], i[s[15]][0]), c = Math.max(i[s[0]][1], i[s[3]][1], i[s[12]][1], i[s[15]][1]); let h = Math.ceil((g - n) * MeshShading.TRIANGLE_DENSITY / (this.bounds[2] - this.bounds[0])); h = Math.max(MeshShading.MIN_SPLIT_PATCH_CHUNKS_AMOUNT, Math.min(MeshShading.MAX_SPLIT_PATCH_CHUNKS_AMOUNT, h)); let l = Math.ceil((c - o) * MeshShading.TRIANGLE_DENSITY / (this.bounds[3] - this.bounds[1])); l = Math.max(MeshShading.MIN_SPLIT_PATCH_CHUNKS_AMOUNT, Math.min(MeshShading.MAX_SPLIT_PATCH_CHUNKS_AMOUNT, l)); const C = h + 1, Q = new Int32Array((l + 1) * C), E = new Int32Array((l + 1) * C); let u = 0; const d = new Uint8Array(3), f = new Uint8Array(3), p = a[r[0]], m = a[r[1]], y = a[r[2]], w = a[r[3]], b = getB(l), D = getB(h); for (let e = 0; e <= l; e++) { d[0] = (p[0] * (l - e) + y[0] * e) / l | 0; d[1] = (p[1] * (l - e) + y[1] * e) / l | 0; d[2] = (p[2] * (l - e) + y[2] * e) / l | 0; f[0] = (m[0] * (l - e) + w[0] * e) / l | 0; f[1] = (m[1] * (l - e) + w[1] * e) / l | 0; f[2] = (m[2] * (l - e) + w[2] * e) / l | 0; for (let t = 0; t <= h; t++, u++) { if (!(0 !== e && e !== l || 0 !== t && t !== h)) continue; let r = 0, n = 0, o = 0; for (let a = 0; a <= 3; a++)for (let g = 0; g <= 3; g++, o++) { const c = b[e][a] * D[t][g]; r += i[s[o]][0] * c; n += i[s[o]][1] * c } Q[u] = i.length; i.push([r, n]); E[u] = a.length; const g = new Uint8Array(3); g[0] = (d[0] * (h - t) + f[0] * t) / h | 0; g[1] = (d[1] * (h - t) + f[1] * t) / h | 0; g[2] = (d[2] * (h - t) + f[2] * t) / h | 0; a.push(g) } } Q[0] = s[0]; E[0] = r[0]; Q[h] = s[3]; E[h] = r[1]; Q[C * l] = s[12]; E[C * l] = r[2]; Q[C * l + h] = s[15]; E[C * l + h] = r[3]; this.figures[e] = { type: "lattice", coords: Q, colors: E, verticesPerRow: C } } _updateBounds() { let e = this.coords[0][0], t = this.coords[0][1], i = e, a = t; for (let s = 1, r = this.coords.length; s < r; s++) { const r = this.coords[s][0], n = this.coords[s][1]; e = e > r ? r : e; t = t > n ? n : t; i = i < r ? r : i; a = a < n ? n : a } this.bounds = [e, t, i, a] } _packData() { let e, t, i, a; const s = this.coords, r = new Float32Array(2 * s.length); for (e = 0, i = 0, t = s.length; e < t; e++) { const t = s[e]; r[i++] = t[0]; r[i++] = t[1] } this.coords = r; const n = this.colors, o = new Uint8Array(3 * n.length); for (e = 0, i = 0, t = n.length; e < t; e++) { const t = n[e]; o[i++] = t[0]; o[i++] = t[1]; o[i++] = t[2] } this.colors = o; const g = this.figures; for (e = 0, t = g.length; e < t; e++) { const t = g[e], s = t.coords, r = t.colors; for (i = 0, a = s.length; i < a; i++) { s[i] *= 2; r[i] *= 3 } } } getIR() { const { bounds: e } = this; if (e[2] - e[0] == 0 || e[3] - e[1] == 0) throw new FormatError(`Invalid MeshShading bounds: [${e}].`); return ["Mesh", this.shadingType, this.coords, this.colors, this.figures, e, this.bbox, this.background] } } class DummyShading extends BaseShading { getIR() { return ["Dummy"] } } function getTilingPatternIR(e, t, a) { const s = lookupMatrix(t.getArray("Matrix"), i), r = lookupNormalRect(t.getArray("BBox"), null); if (!r || r[2] - r[0] == 0 || r[3] - r[1] == 0) throw new FormatError("Invalid getTilingPatternIR /BBox array."); const n = t.get("XStep"); if ("number" != typeof n) throw new FormatError("Invalid getTilingPatternIR /XStep value."); const o = t.get("YStep"); if ("number" != typeof o) throw new FormatError("Invalid getTilingPatternIR /YStep value."); const g = t.get("PaintType"); if (!Number.isInteger(g)) throw new FormatError("Invalid getTilingPatternIR /PaintType value."); const c = t.get("TilingType"); if (!Number.isInteger(c)) throw new FormatError("Invalid getTilingPatternIR /TilingType value."); return ["TilingPattern", a, e, s, r, n, o, g, c] } const wa = [1.3877, 1, 1, 1, .97801, .92482, .89552, .91133, .81988, .97566, .98152, .93548, .93548, 1.2798, .85284, .92794, 1, .96134, 1.54657, .91133, .91133, .91133, .91133, .91133, .91133, .91133, .91133, .91133, .91133, .82845, .82845, .85284, .85284, .85284, .75859, .92138, .83908, .7762, .73293, .87289, .73133, .7514, .81921, .87356, .95958, .59526, .75727, .69225, 1.04924, .9121, .86943, .79795, .88198, .77958, .70864, .81055, .90399, .88653, .96017, .82577, .77892, .78257, .97507, 1.54657, .97507, .85284, .89552, .90176, .88762, .8785, .75241, .8785, .90518, .95015, .77618, .8785, .88401, .91916, .86304, .88401, .91488, .8785, .8801, .8785, .8785, .91343, .7173, 1.04106, .8785, .85075, .95794, .82616, .85162, .79492, .88331, 1.69808, .88331, .85284, .97801, .89552, .91133, .89552, .91133, 1.7801, .89552, 1.24487, 1.13254, 1.12401, .96839, .85284, .68787, .70645, .85592, .90747, 1.01466, 1.0088, .90323, 1, 1.07463, 1, .91056, .75806, 1.19118, .96839, .78864, .82845, .84133, .75859, .83908, .83908, .83908, .83908, .83908, .83908, .77539, .73293, .73133, .73133, .73133, .73133, .95958, .95958, .95958, .95958, .88506, .9121, .86943, .86943, .86943, .86943, .86943, .85284, .87508, .90399, .90399, .90399, .90399, .77892, .79795, .90807, .88762, .88762, .88762, .88762, .88762, .88762, .8715, .75241, .90518, .90518, .90518, .90518, .88401, .88401, .88401, .88401, .8785, .8785, .8801, .8801, .8801, .8801, .8801, .90747, .89049, .8785, .8785, .8785, .8785, .85162, .8785, .85162, .83908, .88762, .83908, .88762, .83908, .88762, .73293, .75241, .73293, .75241, .73293, .75241, .73293, .75241, .87289, .83016, .88506, .93125, .73133, .90518, .73133, .90518, .73133, .90518, .73133, .90518, .73133, .90518, .81921, .77618, .81921, .77618, .81921, .77618, 1, 1, .87356, .8785, .91075, .89608, .95958, .88401, .95958, .88401, .95958, .88401, .95958, .88401, .95958, .88401, .76229, .90167, .59526, .91916, 1, 1, .86304, .69225, .88401, 1, 1, .70424, .79468, .91926, .88175, .70823, .94903, .9121, .8785, 1, 1, .9121, .8785, .87802, .88656, .8785, .86943, .8801, .86943, .8801, .86943, .8801, .87402, .89291, .77958, .91343, 1, 1, .77958, .91343, .70864, .7173, .70864, .7173, .70864, .7173, .70864, .7173, 1, 1, .81055, .75841, .81055, 1.06452, .90399, .8785, .90399, .8785, .90399, .8785, .90399, .8785, .90399, .8785, .90399, .8785, .96017, .95794, .77892, .85162, .77892, .78257, .79492, .78257, .79492, .78257, .79492, .9297, .56892, .83908, .88762, .77539, .8715, .87508, .89049, 1, 1, .81055, 1.04106, 1.20528, 1.20528, 1, 1.15543, .70674, .98387, .94721, 1.33431, 1.45894, .95161, 1.06303, .83908, .80352, .57184, .6965, .56289, .82001, .56029, .81235, 1.02988, .83908, .7762, .68156, .80367, .73133, .78257, .87356, .86943, .95958, .75727, .89019, 1.04924, .9121, .7648, .86943, .87356, .79795, .78275, .81055, .77892, .9762, .82577, .99819, .84896, .95958, .77892, .96108, 1.01407, .89049, 1.02988, .94211, .96108, .8936, .84021, .87842, .96399, .79109, .89049, 1.00813, 1.02988, .86077, .87445, .92099, .84723, .86513, .8801, .75638, .85714, .78216, .79586, .87965, .94211, .97747, .78287, .97926, .84971, 1.02988, .94211, .8801, .94211, .84971, .73133, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, .90264, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, .90518, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, .90548, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 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e["MyriadPro-Regular"] = e["PdfJS-Fallback-Regular"] = { name: "LiberationSans-Regular", factors: As, baseWidths: Wa, baseMapping: Xa, metrics: es }; e["MyriadPro-Bold"] = e["PdfJS-Fallback-Bold"] = { name: "LiberationSans-Bold", factors: ja, baseWidths: va, baseMapping: Ka, metrics: Za }; e["MyriadPro-It"] = e["MyriadPro-Italic"] = e["PdfJS-Fallback-Italic"] = { name: "LiberationSans-Italic", factors: _a, baseWidths: Oa, baseMapping: Pa, metrics: $a }; e["MyriadPro-BoldIt"] = e["MyriadPro-BoldItalic"] = e["PdfJS-Fallback-BoldItalic"] = { name: "LiberationSans-BoldItalic", factors: Va, baseWidths: Ta, baseMapping: qa, metrics: za }; e.ArialMT = e.Arial = e["Arial-Regular"] = { name: "LiberationSans-Regular", baseWidths: Wa, baseMapping: Xa }; e["Arial-BoldMT"] = e["Arial-Bold"] = { name: "LiberationSans-Bold", baseWidths: va, baseMapping: Ka }; e["Arial-ItalicMT"] = e["Arial-Italic"] = { name: "LiberationSans-Italic", baseWidths: Oa, baseMapping: Pa }; e["Arial-BoldItalicMT"] = e["Arial-BoldItalic"] = { name: "LiberationSans-BoldItalic", baseWidths: Ta, baseMapping: qa }; e["Calibri-Regular"] = { name: "LiberationSans-Regular", factors: Ra, baseWidths: Wa, baseMapping: Xa, metrics: Na }; e["Calibri-Bold"] = { name: "LiberationSans-Bold", factors: wa, baseWidths: va, baseMapping: Ka, metrics: ba }; e["Calibri-Italic"] = { name: "LiberationSans-Italic", factors: Sa, baseWidths: Oa, baseMapping: Pa, metrics: ka }; e["Calibri-BoldItalic"] = { name: "LiberationSans-BoldItalic", factors: Da, baseWidths: Ta, baseMapping: qa, metrics: Fa }; e["Segoeui-Regular"] = { name: "LiberationSans-Regular", factors: os, baseWidths: Wa, baseMapping: Xa, metrics: gs }; e["Segoeui-Bold"] = { name: "LiberationSans-Bold", factors: ts, baseWidths: va, baseMapping: Ka, metrics: is }; e["Segoeui-Italic"] = { name: "LiberationSans-Italic", factors: rs, baseWidths: Oa, baseMapping: Pa, metrics: ns }; e["Segoeui-BoldItalic"] = { name: "LiberationSans-BoldItalic", factors: as, baseWidths: Ta, baseMapping: qa, metrics: ss }; e["Helvetica-Regular"] = e.Helvetica = { name: "LiberationSans-Regular", factors: Ha, baseWidths: Wa, baseMapping: Xa, metrics: Ya }; e["Helvetica-Bold"] = { name: "LiberationSans-Bold", factors: Ga, baseWidths: va, baseMapping: Ka, metrics: xa }; e["Helvetica-Italic"] = { name: "LiberationSans-Italic", factors: La, baseWidths: Oa, baseMapping: Pa, metrics: Ja }; e["Helvetica-BoldItalic"] = { name: "LiberationSans-BoldItalic", factors: Ma, baseWidths: Ta, baseMapping: qa, metrics: Ua } })); function getXfaFontName(e) { const t = normalizeFontName(e); return Is()[t] } function getXfaFontDict(e) { const t = function getXfaFontWidths(e) { const t = getXfaFontName(e); if (!t) return null; const { baseWidths: i, baseMapping: a, factors: s } = t, r = s ?, t) => e * s[t])) : i; let n, o = -2; const g = []; for (const [e, t] of, t) => [e, t])).sort((([e], [t]) => e - t))) if (-1 !== e) if (e === o + 1) { n.push(r[t]); o += 1 } else { o = e; n = [r[t]]; g.push(e, n) } return g }(e), i = new Dict(null); i.set("BaseFont", Name.get(e)); i.set("Type", Name.get("Font")); i.set("Subtype", Name.get("CIDFontType2")); i.set("Encoding", Name.get("Identity-H")); i.set("CIDToGIDMap", Name.get("Identity")); i.set("W", t); i.set("FirstChar", t[0]); i.set("LastChar", + - 1); const a = new Dict(null); i.set("FontDescriptor", a); const s = new Dict(null); s.set("Ordering", "Identity"); s.set("Registry", "Adobe"); s.set("Supplement", 0); i.set("CIDSystemInfo", s); return i } class PostScriptParser { constructor(e) { this.lexer = e; this.operators = []; this.token = null; this.prev = null } nextToken() { this.prev = this.token; this.token = this.lexer.getToken() } accept(e) { if (this.token.type === e) { this.nextToken(); return !0 } return !1 } expect(e) { if (this.accept(e)) return !0; throw new FormatError(`Unexpected symbol: found ${this.token.type} expected ${e}.`) } parse() { this.nextToken(); this.expect(cs.LBRACE); this.parseBlock(); this.expect(cs.RBRACE); return this.operators } parseBlock() { for (; ;)if (this.accept(cs.NUMBER)) this.operators.push(this.prev.value); else if (this.accept(cs.OPERATOR)) this.operators.push(this.prev.value); else { if (!this.accept(cs.LBRACE)) return; this.parseCondition() } } parseCondition() { const e = this.operators.length; this.operators.push(null, null); this.parseBlock(); this.expect(cs.RBRACE); if (this.accept(cs.IF)) { this.operators[e] = this.operators.length; this.operators[e + 1] = "jz" } else { if (!this.accept(cs.LBRACE)) throw new FormatError("PS Function: error parsing conditional."); { const t = this.operators.length; this.operators.push(null, null); const i = this.operators.length; this.parseBlock(); this.expect(cs.RBRACE); this.expect(cs.IFELSE); this.operators[t] = this.operators.length; this.operators[t + 1] = "j"; this.operators[e] = i; this.operators[e + 1] = "jz" } } } } const cs = { LBRACE: 0, RBRACE: 1, NUMBER: 2, OPERATOR: 3, IF: 4, IFELSE: 5 }; class PostScriptToken { static get opCache() { return shadow(this, "opCache", Object.create(null)) } constructor(e, t) { this.type = e; this.value = t } static getOperator(e) { return PostScriptToken.opCache[e] ||= new PostScriptToken(cs.OPERATOR, e) } static get LBRACE() { return shadow(this, "LBRACE", new PostScriptToken(cs.LBRACE, "{")) } static get RBRACE() { return shadow(this, "RBRACE", new PostScriptToken(cs.RBRACE, "}")) } static get IF() { return shadow(this, "IF", new PostScriptToken(cs.IF, "IF")) } static get IFELSE() { return shadow(this, "IFELSE", new PostScriptToken(cs.IFELSE, "IFELSE")) } } class PostScriptLexer { constructor(e) { = e; this.nextChar(); this.strBuf = [] } nextChar() { return this.currentChar = } getToken() { let e = !1, t = this.currentChar; for (; ;) { if (t < 0) return pt; if (e) 10 !== t && 13 !== t || (e = !1); else if (37 === t) e = !0; else if (!isWhiteSpace(t)) break; t = this.nextChar() } switch (0 | t) { case 48: case 49: case 50: case 51: case 52: case 53: case 54: case 55: case 56: case 57: case 43: case 45: case 46: return new PostScriptToken(cs.NUMBER, this.getNumber()); case 123: this.nextChar(); return PostScriptToken.LBRACE; case 125: this.nextChar(); return PostScriptToken.RBRACE }const i = this.strBuf; i.length = 0; i[0] = String.fromCharCode(t); for (; (t = this.nextChar()) >= 0 && (t >= 65 && t <= 90 || t >= 97 && t <= 122);)i.push(String.fromCharCode(t)); const a = i.join(""); switch (a.toLowerCase()) { case "if": return PostScriptToken.IF; case "ifelse": return PostScriptToken.IFELSE; default: return PostScriptToken.getOperator(a) } } getNumber() { let e = this.currentChar; const t = this.strBuf; t.length = 0; t[0] = String.fromCharCode(e); for (; (e = this.nextChar()) >= 0 && (e >= 48 && e <= 57 || 45 === e || 46 === e);)t.push(String.fromCharCode(e)); const i = parseFloat(t.join("")); if (isNaN(i)) throw new FormatError(`Invalid floating point number: ${i}`); return i } } class BaseLocalCache { constructor(e) { this.constructor === BaseLocalCache && unreachable("Cannot initialize BaseLocalCache."); this._onlyRefs = !0 === e?.onlyRefs; if (!this._onlyRefs) { this._nameRefMap = new Map; this._imageMap = new Map } this._imageCache = new RefSetCache } getByName(e) { this._onlyRefs && unreachable("Should not call `getByName` method."); const t = this._nameRefMap.get(e); return t ? this.getByRef(t) : this._imageMap.get(e) || null } getByRef(e) { return this._imageCache.get(e) || null } set(e, t, i) { unreachable("Abstract method `set` called.") } } class LocalImageCache extends BaseLocalCache { set(e, t = null, i) { if ("string" != typeof e) throw new Error('LocalImageCache.set - expected "name" argument.'); if (t) { if (this._imageCache.has(t)) return; this._nameRefMap.set(e, t); this._imageCache.put(t, i) } else this._imageMap.has(e) || this._imageMap.set(e, i) } } class LocalColorSpaceCache extends BaseLocalCache { set(e = null, t = null, i) { if ("string" != typeof e && !t) throw new Error('LocalColorSpaceCache.set - expected "name" and/or "ref" argument.'); if (t) { if (this._imageCache.has(t)) return; null !== e && this._nameRefMap.set(e, t); this._imageCache.put(t, i) } else this._imageMap.has(e) || this._imageMap.set(e, i) } } class LocalFunctionCache extends BaseLocalCache { constructor(e) { super({ onlyRefs: !0 }) } set(e = null, t, i) { if (!t) throw new Error('LocalFunctionCache.set - expected "ref" argument.'); this._imageCache.has(t) || this._imageCache.put(t, i) } } class LocalGStateCache extends BaseLocalCache { set(e, t = null, i) { if ("string" != typeof e) throw new Error('LocalGStateCache.set - expected "name" argument.'); if (t) { if (this._imageCache.has(t)) return; this._nameRefMap.set(e, t); this._imageCache.put(t, i) } else this._imageMap.has(e) || this._imageMap.set(e, i) } } class LocalTilingPatternCache extends BaseLocalCache { constructor(e) { super({ onlyRefs: !0 }) } set(e = null, t, i) { if (!t) throw new Error('LocalTilingPatternCache.set - expected "ref" argument.'); this._imageCache.has(t) || this._imageCache.put(t, i) } } class RegionalImageCache extends BaseLocalCache { constructor(e) { super({ onlyRefs: !0 }) } set(e = null, t, i) { if (!t) throw new Error('RegionalImageCache.set - expected "ref" argument.'); this._imageCache.has(t) || this._imageCache.put(t, i) } } class GlobalImageCache { static NUM_PAGES_THRESHOLD = 2; static MIN_IMAGES_TO_CACHE = 10; static MAX_BYTE_SIZE = 5e7; #b = new RefSet; constructor() { this._refCache = new RefSetCache; this._imageCache = new RefSetCache } get #D() { let e = 0; for (const t of this._imageCache) e += t.byteSize; return e } get #F() { return !(this._imageCache.size < GlobalImageCache.MIN_IMAGES_TO_CACHE) && !(this.#D < GlobalImageCache.MAX_BYTE_SIZE) } shouldCache(e, t) { let i = this._refCache.get(e); if (!i) { i = new Set; this._refCache.put(e, i) } i.add(t); return !(i.size < GlobalImageCache.NUM_PAGES_THRESHOLD) && !(!this._imageCache.has(e) && this.#F) } addDecodeFailed(e) { this.#b.put(e) } hasDecodeFailed(e) { return this.#b.has(e) } addByteSize(e, t) { const i = this._imageCache.get(e); i && (i.byteSize || (i.byteSize = t)) } getData(e, t) { const i = this._refCache.get(e); if (!i) return null; if (i.size < GlobalImageCache.NUM_PAGES_THRESHOLD) return null; const a = this._imageCache.get(e); if (!a) return null; i.add(t); return a } setData(e, t) { if (!this._refCache.has(e)) throw new Error('GlobalImageCache.setData - expected "shouldCache" to have been called.'); this._imageCache.has(e) || (this.#F ? warn("GlobalImageCache.setData - cache limit reached.") : this._imageCache.put(e, t)) } clear(e = !1) { if (!e) { this.#b.clear(); this._refCache.clear() } this._imageCache.clear() } } class PDFFunctionFactory { constructor({ xref: e, isEvalSupported: t = !0 }) { this.xref = e; this.isEvalSupported = !1 !== t } create(e) { const t = this.getCached(e); if (t) return t; const i = PDFFunction.parse({ xref: this.xref, isEvalSupported: this.isEvalSupported, fn: e instanceof Ref ? this.xref.fetch(e) : e }); this._cache(e, i); return i } createFromArray(e) { const t = this.getCached(e); if (t) return t; const i = PDFFunction.parseArray({ xref: this.xref, isEvalSupported: this.isEvalSupported, fnObj: e instanceof Ref ? this.xref.fetch(e) : e }); this._cache(e, i); return i } getCached(e) { let t; e instanceof Ref ? t = e : e instanceof Dict ? t = e.objId : e instanceof BaseStream && (t = e.dict?.objId); if (t) { const e = this._localFunctionCache.getByRef(t); if (e) return e } return null } _cache(e, t) { if (!t) throw new Error('PDFFunctionFactory._cache - expected "parsedFunction" argument.'); let i; e instanceof Ref ? i = e : e instanceof Dict ? i = e.objId : e instanceof BaseStream && (i = e.dict?.objId); i && this._localFunctionCache.set(null, i, t) } get _localFunctionCache() { return shadow(this, "_localFunctionCache", new LocalFunctionCache) } } function toNumberArray(e) { return Array.isArray(e) ? isNumberArray(e, null) ? e : => +e)) : null } class PDFFunction { static getSampleArray(e, t, i, a) { let s, r, n = 1; for (s = 0, r = e.length; s < r; s++)n *= e[s]; n *= t; const o = new Array(n); let g = 0, c = 0; const h = 1 / (2 ** i - 1), l = a.getBytes((n * i + 7) / 8); let C = 0; for (s = 0; s < n; s++) { for (; g < i;) { c <<= 8; c |= l[C++]; g += 8 } g -= i; o[s] = (c >> g) * h; c &= (1 << g) - 1 } return o } static parse({ xref: e, isEvalSupported: t, fn: i }) { const a = i.dict || i; switch (a.get("FunctionType")) { case 0: return this.constructSampled({ xref: e, isEvalSupported: t, fn: i, dict: a }); case 1: break; case 2: return this.constructInterpolated({ xref: e, isEvalSupported: t, dict: a }); case 3: return this.constructStiched({ xref: e, isEvalSupported: t, dict: a }); case 4: return this.constructPostScript({ xref: e, isEvalSupported: t, fn: i, dict: a }) }throw new FormatError("Unknown type of function") } static parseArray({ xref: e, isEvalSupported: t, fnObj: i }) { if (!Array.isArray(i)) return this.parse({ xref: e, isEvalSupported: t, fn: i }); const a = []; for (const s of i) a.push(this.parse({ xref: e, isEvalSupported: t, fn: e.fetchIfRef(s) })); return function (e, t, i, s) { for (let r = 0, n = a.length; r < n; r++)a[r](e, t, i, s + r) } } static constructSampled({ xref: e, isEvalSupported: t, fn: i, dict: a }) { function toMultiArray(e) { const t = e.length, i = []; let a = 0; for (let s = 0; s < t; s += 2)i[a++] = [e[s], e[s + 1]]; return i } function interpolate(e, t, i, a, s) { return a + (s - a) / (i - t) * (e - t) } let s = toNumberArray(a.getArray("Domain")), r = toNumberArray(a.getArray("Range")); if (!s || !r) throw new FormatError("No domain or range"); const n = s.length / 2, o = r.length / 2; s = toMultiArray(s); r = toMultiArray(r); const g = toNumberArray(a.getArray("Size")), c = a.get("BitsPerSample"), h = a.get("Order") || 1; 1 !== h && info("No support for cubic spline interpolation: " + h); let l = toNumberArray(a.getArray("Encode")); if (l) l = toMultiArray(l); else { l = []; for (let e = 0; e < n; ++e)l.push([0, g[e] - 1]) } let C = toNumberArray(a.getArray("Decode")); C = C ? toMultiArray(C) : r; const Q = this.getSampleArray(g, o, c, i); return function constructSampledFn(e, t, i, a) { const c = 1 << n, h = new Float64Array(c), E = new Uint32Array(c); let u, d; for (d = 0; d < c; d++)h[d] = 1; let f = o, p = 1; for (u = 0; u < n; ++u) { const i = s[u][0], a = s[u][1]; let r = interpolate(Math.min(Math.max(e[t + u], i), a), i, a, l[u][0], l[u][1]); const n = g[u]; r = Math.min(Math.max(r, 0), n - 1); const o = r < n - 1 ? Math.floor(r) : r - 1, C = o + 1 - r, Q = r - o, m = o * f, y = m + f; for (d = 0; d < c; d++)if (d & p) { h[d] *= Q; E[d] += y } else { h[d] *= C; E[d] += m } f *= n; p <<= 1 } for (d = 0; d < o; ++d) { let e = 0; for (u = 0; u < c; u++)e += Q[E[u] + d] * h[u]; e = interpolate(e, 0, 1, C[d][0], C[d][1]); i[a + d] = Math.min(Math.max(e, r[d][0]), r[d][1]) } } } static constructInterpolated({ xref: e, isEvalSupported: t, dict: i }) { const a = toNumberArray(i.getArray("C0")) || [0], s = toNumberArray(i.getArray("C1")) || [1], r = i.get("N"), n = []; for (let e = 0, t = a.length; e < t; ++e)n.push(s[e] - a[e]); const o = n.length; return function constructInterpolatedFn(e, t, i, s) { const g = 1 === r ? e[t] : e[t] ** r; for (let e = 0; e < o; ++e)i[s + e] = a[e] + g * n[e] } } static constructStiched({ xref: e, isEvalSupported: t, dict: i }) { const a = toNumberArray(i.getArray("Domain")); if (!a) throw new FormatError("No domain"); if (1 !== a.length / 2) throw new FormatError("Bad domain for stiched function"); const s = []; for (const a of i.get("Functions")) s.push(this.parse({ xref: e, isEvalSupported: t, fn: e.fetchIfRef(a) })); const r = toNumberArray(i.getArray("Bounds")), n = toNumberArray(i.getArray("Encode")), o = new Float32Array(1); return function constructStichedFn(e, t, i, g) { const c = function constructStichedFromIRClip(e, t, i) { e > i ? e = i : e < t && (e = t); return e }(e[t], a[0], a[1]), h = r.length; let l; for (l = 0; l < h && !(c < r[l]); ++l); let C = a[0]; l > 0 && (C = r[l - 1]); let Q = a[1]; l < r.length && (Q = r[l]); const E = n[2 * l], u = n[2 * l + 1]; o[0] = C === Q ? E : E + (c - C) * (u - E) / (Q - C); s[l](o, 0, i, g) } } static constructPostScript({ xref: e, isEvalSupported: t, fn: i, dict: a }) { const s = toNumberArray(a.getArray("Domain")), r = toNumberArray(a.getArray("Range")); if (!s) throw new FormatError("No domain."); if (!r) throw new FormatError("No range."); const n = new PostScriptLexer(i), o = new PostScriptParser(n).parse(); if (t && FeatureTest.isEvalSupported) { const e = (new PostScriptCompiler).compile(o, s, r); if (e) return new Function("src", "srcOffset", "dest", "destOffset", e) } info("Unable to compile PS function"); const g = r.length >> 1, c = s.length >> 1, h = new PostScriptEvaluator(o), l = Object.create(null); let C = 8192; const Q = new Float32Array(c); return function constructPostScriptFn(e, t, i, a) { let s, n, o = ""; const E = Q; for (s = 0; s < c; s++) { n = e[t + s]; E[s] = n; o += n + "_" } const u = l[o]; if (void 0 !== u) { i.set(u, a); return } const d = new Float32Array(g), f = h.execute(E), p = f.length - g; for (s = 0; s < g; s++) { n = f[p + s]; let e = r[2 * s]; if (n < e) n = e; else { e = r[2 * s + 1]; n > e && (n = e) } d[s] = n } if (C > 0) { C--; l[o] = d } i.set(d, a) } } } function isPDFFunction(e) { let t; if (e instanceof Dict) t = e; else { if (!(e instanceof BaseStream)) return !1; t = e.dict } return t.has("FunctionType") } class PostScriptStack { static MAX_STACK_SIZE = 100; constructor(e) { this.stack = e ? Array.from(e) : [] } push(e) { if (this.stack.length >= PostScriptStack.MAX_STACK_SIZE) throw new Error("PostScript function stack overflow."); this.stack.push(e) } pop() { if (this.stack.length <= 0) throw new Error("PostScript function stack underflow."); return this.stack.pop() } copy(e) { if (this.stack.length + e >= PostScriptStack.MAX_STACK_SIZE) throw new Error("PostScript function stack overflow."); const t = this.stack; for (let i = t.length - e, a = e - 1; a >= 0; a--, i++)t.push(t[i]) } index(e) { this.push(this.stack[this.stack.length - e - 1]) } roll(e, t) { const i = this.stack, a = i.length - e, s = i.length - 1, r = a + (t - Math.floor(t / e) * e); for (let e = a, t = s; e < t; e++, t--) { const a = i[e]; i[e] = i[t]; i[t] = a } for (let e = a, t = r - 1; e < t; e++, t--) { const a = i[e]; i[e] = i[t]; i[t] = a } for (let e = r, t = s; e < t; e++, t--) { const a = i[e]; i[e] = i[t]; i[t] = a } } } class PostScriptEvaluator { constructor(e) { this.operators = e } execute(e) { const t = new PostScriptStack(e); let i = 0; const a = this.operators, s = a.length; let r, n, o; for (; i < s;) { r = a[i++]; if ("number" != typeof r) switch (r) { case "jz": o = t.pop(); n = t.pop(); n || (i = o); break; case "j": n = t.pop(); i = n; break; case "abs": n = t.pop(); t.push(Math.abs(n)); break; case "add": o = t.pop(); n = t.pop(); t.push(n + o); break; case "and": o = t.pop(); n = t.pop(); "boolean" == typeof n && "boolean" == typeof o ? t.push(n && o) : t.push(n & o); break; case "atan": o = t.pop(); n = t.pop(); n = Math.atan2(n, o) / Math.PI * 180; n < 0 && (n += 360); t.push(n); break; case "bitshift": o = t.pop(); n = t.pop(); n > 0 ? t.push(n << o) : t.push(n >> o); break; case "ceiling": n = t.pop(); t.push(Math.ceil(n)); break; case "copy": n = t.pop(); t.copy(n); break; case "cos": n = t.pop(); t.push(Math.cos(n % 360 / 180 * Math.PI)); break; case "cvi": n = 0 | t.pop(); t.push(n); break; case "cvr": break; case "div": o = t.pop(); n = t.pop(); t.push(n / o); break; case "dup": t.copy(1); break; case "eq": o = t.pop(); n = t.pop(); t.push(n === o); break; case "exch": t.roll(2, 1); break; case "exp": o = t.pop(); n = t.pop(); t.push(n ** o); break; case "false": t.push(!1); break; case "floor": n = t.pop(); t.push(Math.floor(n)); break; case "ge": o = t.pop(); n = t.pop(); t.push(n >= o); break; case "gt": o = t.pop(); n = t.pop(); t.push(n > o); break; case "idiv": o = t.pop(); n = t.pop(); t.push(n / o | 0); break; case "index": n = t.pop(); t.index(n); break; case "le": o = t.pop(); n = t.pop(); t.push(n <= o); break; case "ln": n = t.pop(); t.push(Math.log(n)); break; case "log": n = t.pop(); t.push(Math.log10(n)); break; case "lt": o = t.pop(); n = t.pop(); t.push(n < o); break; case "mod": o = t.pop(); n = t.pop(); t.push(n % o); break; case "mul": o = t.pop(); n = t.pop(); t.push(n * o); break; case "ne": o = t.pop(); n = t.pop(); t.push(n !== o); break; case "neg": n = t.pop(); t.push(-n); break; case "not": n = t.pop(); "boolean" == typeof n ? t.push(!n) : t.push(~n); break; case "or": o = t.pop(); n = t.pop(); "boolean" == typeof n && "boolean" == typeof o ? t.push(n || o) : t.push(n | o); break; case "pop": t.pop(); break; case "roll": o = t.pop(); n = t.pop(); t.roll(n, o); break; case "round": n = t.pop(); t.push(Math.round(n)); break; case "sin": n = t.pop(); t.push(Math.sin(n % 360 / 180 * Math.PI)); break; case "sqrt": n = t.pop(); t.push(Math.sqrt(n)); break; case "sub": o = t.pop(); n = t.pop(); t.push(n - o); break; case "true": t.push(!0); break; case "truncate": n = t.pop(); n = n < 0 ? Math.ceil(n) : Math.floor(n); t.push(n); break; case "xor": o = t.pop(); n = t.pop(); "boolean" == typeof n && "boolean" == typeof o ? t.push(n !== o) : t.push(n ^ o); break; default: throw new FormatError(`Unknown operator ${r}`) } else t.push(r) } return t.stack } } class AstNode { constructor(e) { this.type = e } visit(e) { unreachable("abstract method") } } class AstArgument extends AstNode { constructor(e, t, i) { super("args"); this.index = e; this.min = t; this.max = i } visit(e) { e.visitArgument(this) } } class AstLiteral extends AstNode { constructor(e) { super("literal"); this.number = e; this.min = e; this.max = e } visit(e) { e.visitLiteral(this) } } class AstBinaryOperation extends AstNode { constructor(e, t, i, a, s) { super("binary"); this.op = e; this.arg1 = t; this.arg2 = i; this.min = a; this.max = s } visit(e) { e.visitBinaryOperation(this) } } class AstMin extends AstNode { constructor(e, t) { super("max"); this.arg = e; this.min = e.min; this.max = t } visit(e) { e.visitMin(this) } } class AstVariable extends AstNode { constructor(e, t, i) { super("var"); this.index = e; this.min = t; this.max = i } visit(e) { e.visitVariable(this) } } class AstVariableDefinition extends AstNode { constructor(e, t) { super("definition"); this.variable = e; this.arg = t } visit(e) { e.visitVariableDefinition(this) } } class ExpressionBuilderVisitor { constructor() { = [] } visitArgument(e) {"Math.max(", e.min, ", Math.min(", e.max, ", src[srcOffset + ", e.index, "]))") } visitVariable(e) {"v", e.index) } visitLiteral(e) { } visitBinaryOperation(e) {"("); e.arg1.visit(this);" ", e.op, " "); e.arg2.visit(this);")") } visitVariableDefinition(e) {"var "); e.variable.visit(this);" = "); e.arg.visit(this);";") } visitMin(e) {"Math.min("); e.arg.visit(this);", ", e.max, ")") } toString() { return"") } } function buildAddOperation(e, t) { return "literal" === t.type && 0 === t.number ? e : "literal" === e.type && 0 === e.number ? t : "literal" === t.type && "literal" === e.type ? new AstLiteral(e.number + t.number) : new AstBinaryOperation("+", e, t, e.min + t.min, e.max + t.max) } function buildMulOperation(e, t) { if ("literal" === t.type) { if (0 === t.number) return new AstLiteral(0); if (1 === t.number) return e; if ("literal" === e.type) return new AstLiteral(e.number * t.number) } if ("literal" === e.type) { if (0 === e.number) return new AstLiteral(0); if (1 === e.number) return t } const i = Math.min(e.min * t.min, e.min * t.max, e.max * t.min, e.max * t.max), a = Math.max(e.min * t.min, e.min * t.max, e.max * t.min, e.max * t.max); return new AstBinaryOperation("*", e, t, i, a) } function buildSubOperation(e, t) { if ("literal" === t.type) { if (0 === t.number) return e; if ("literal" === e.type) return new AstLiteral(e.number - t.number) } return "binary" === t.type && "-" === t.op && "literal" === e.type && 1 === e.number && "literal" === t.arg1.type && 1 === t.arg1.number ? t.arg2 : new AstBinaryOperation("-", e, t, e.min - t.max, e.max - t.min) } function buildMinOperation(e, t) { return e.min >= t ? new AstLiteral(t) : e.max <= t ? e : new AstMin(e, t) } class PostScriptCompiler { compile(e, t, i) { const a = [], s = [], r = t.length >> 1, n = i.length >> 1; let o, g, c, h, l, C, Q, E, u = 0; for (let e = 0; e < r; e++)a.push(new AstArgument(e, t[2 * e], t[2 * e + 1])); for (let t = 0, i = e.length; t < i; t++) { E = e[t]; if ("number" != typeof E) switch (E) { case "add": if (a.length < 2) return null; h = a.pop(); c = a.pop(); a.push(buildAddOperation(c, h)); break; case "cvr": if (a.length < 1) return null; break; case "mul": if (a.length < 2) return null; h = a.pop(); c = a.pop(); a.push(buildMulOperation(c, h)); break; case "sub": if (a.length < 2) return null; h = a.pop(); c = a.pop(); a.push(buildSubOperation(c, h)); break; case "exch": if (a.length < 2) return null; l = a.pop(); C = a.pop(); a.push(l, C); break; case "pop": if (a.length < 1) return null; a.pop(); break; case "index": if (a.length < 1) return null; c = a.pop(); if ("literal" !== c.type) return null; o = c.number; if (o < 0 || !Number.isInteger(o) || a.length < o) return null; l = a[a.length - o - 1]; if ("literal" === l.type || "var" === l.type) { a.push(l); break } Q = new AstVariable(u++, l.min, l.max); a[a.length - o - 1] = Q; a.push(Q); s.push(new AstVariableDefinition(Q, l)); break; case "dup": if (a.length < 1) return null; if ("number" == typeof e[t + 1] && "gt" === e[t + 2] && e[t + 3] === t + 7 && "jz" === e[t + 4] && "pop" === e[t + 5] && e[t + 6] === e[t + 1]) { c = a.pop(); a.push(buildMinOperation(c, e[t + 1])); t += 6; break } l =; if ("literal" === l.type || "var" === l.type) { a.push(l); break } Q = new AstVariable(u++, l.min, l.max); a[a.length - 1] = Q; a.push(Q); s.push(new AstVariableDefinition(Q, l)); break; case "roll": if (a.length < 2) return null; h = a.pop(); c = a.pop(); if ("literal" !== h.type || "literal" !== c.type) return null; g = h.number; o = c.number; if (o <= 0 || !Number.isInteger(o) || !Number.isInteger(g) || a.length < o) return null; g = (g % o + o) % o; if (0 === g) break; a.push(...a.splice(a.length - o, o - g)); break; default: return null } else a.push(new AstLiteral(E)) } if (a.length !== n) return null; const d = []; for (const e of s) { const t = new ExpressionBuilderVisitor; e.visit(t); d.push(t.toString()) } for (let e = 0, t = a.length; e < t; e++) { const t = a[e], s = new ExpressionBuilderVisitor; t.visit(s); const r = i[2 * e], n = i[2 * e + 1], o = [s.toString()]; if (r > t.min) { o.unshift("Math.max(", r, ", "); o.push(")") } if (n < t.max) { o.unshift("Math.min(", n, ", "); o.push(")") } o.unshift("dest[destOffset + ", e, "] = "); o.push(";"); d.push(o.join("")) } return d.join("\n") } } const hs = ["BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "S", "B", "S", "WS", "B", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "B", "B", "B", "S", "WS", "ON", "ON", "ET", "ET", "ET", "ON", "ON", "ON", "ON", "ON", "ES", "CS", "ES", "CS", "CS", "EN", "EN", "EN", "EN", "EN", "EN", "EN", "EN", "EN", "EN", "CS", "ON", "ON", "ON", "ON", "ON", "ON", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "ON", "ON", "ON", "ON", "ON", "ON", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "ON", "ON", "ON", "ON", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "B", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "BN", "CS", "ON", "ET", "ET", "ET", "ET", "ON", "ON", "ON", "ON", "L", "ON", "ON", "BN", "ON", "ON", "ET", "ET", "EN", "EN", "ON", "L", "ON", "ON", "ON", "EN", "L", "ON", "ON", "ON", "ON", "ON", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "ON", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "ON", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L", "L"], ls = ["AN", "AN", "AN", "AN", "AN", "AN", "ON", "ON", "AL", "ET", "ET", "AL", "CS", "AL", "ON", "ON", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "AL", "AL", "", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "AN", "AN", "AN", "AN", "AN", "AN", "AN", "AN", "AN", "AN", "ET", "AN", "AN", "AL", "AL", "AL", "NSM", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "AN", "ON", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "AL", "AL", "NSM", "NSM", "ON", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "NSM", "AL", "AL", "EN", "EN", "EN", "EN", "EN", "EN", "EN", "EN", "EN", "EN", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL", "AL"]; function isOdd(e) { return 0 != (1 & e) } function isEven(e) { return 0 == (1 & e) } function findUnequal(e, t, i) { let a, s; for (a = t, s = e.length; a < s; ++a)if (e[a] !== i) return a; return a } function setValues(e, t, i, a) { for (let s = t; s < i; ++s)e[s] = a } function reverseValues(e, t, i) { for (let a = t, s = i - 1; a < s; ++a, --s) { const t = e[a]; e[a] = e[s]; e[s] = t } } function createBidiText(e, t, i = !1) { let a = "ltr"; i ? a = "ttb" : t || (a = "rtl"); return { str: e, dir: a } } const Cs = [], Bs = []; function bidi(e, t = -1, i = !1) { let a = !0; const s = e.length; if (0 === s || i) return createBidiText(e, a, i); Cs.length = s; Bs.length = s; let r, n, o = 0; for (r = 0; r < s; ++r) { Cs[r] = e.charAt(r); const t = e.charCodeAt(r); let i = "L"; if (t <= 255) i = hs[t]; else if (1424 <= t && t <= 1524) i = "R"; else if (1536 <= t && t <= 1791) { i = ls[255 & t]; i || warn("Bidi: invalid Unicode character " + t.toString(16)) } else (1792 <= t && t <= 2220 || 64336 <= t && t <= 65023 || 65136 <= t && t <= 65279) && (i = "AL"); "R" !== i && "AL" !== i && "AN" !== i || o++; Bs[r] = i } if (0 === o) { a = !0; return createBidiText(e, a) } if (-1 === t) if (o / s < .3 && s > 4) { a = !0; t = 0 } else { a = !1; t = 1 } const g = []; for (r = 0; r < s; ++r)g[r] = t; const c = isOdd(t) ? "R" : "L", h = c, l = h; let C, Q = h; for (r = 0; r < s; ++r)"NSM" === Bs[r] ? Bs[r] = Q : Q = Bs[r]; Q = h; for (r = 0; r < s; ++r) { C = Bs[r]; "EN" === C ? Bs[r] = "AL" === Q ? "AN" : "EN" : "R" !== C && "L" !== C && "AL" !== C || (Q = C) } for (r = 0; r < s; ++r) { C = Bs[r]; "AL" === C && (Bs[r] = "R") } for (r = 1; r < s - 1; ++r) { "ES" === Bs[r] && "EN" === Bs[r - 1] && "EN" === Bs[r + 1] && (Bs[r] = "EN"); "CS" !== Bs[r] || "EN" !== Bs[r - 1] && "AN" !== Bs[r - 1] || Bs[r + 1] !== Bs[r - 1] || (Bs[r] = Bs[r - 1]) } for (r = 0; r < s; ++r)if ("EN" === Bs[r]) { for (let e = r - 1; e >= 0 && "ET" === Bs[e]; --e)Bs[e] = "EN"; for (let e = r + 1; e < s && "ET" === Bs[e]; ++e)Bs[e] = "EN" } for (r = 0; r < s; ++r) { C = Bs[r]; "WS" !== C && "ES" !== C && "ET" !== C && "CS" !== C || (Bs[r] = "ON") } Q = h; for (r = 0; r < s; ++r) { C = Bs[r]; "EN" === C ? Bs[r] = "L" === Q ? "L" : "EN" : "R" !== C && "L" !== C || (Q = C) } for (r = 0; r < s; ++r)if ("ON" === Bs[r]) { const e = findUnequal(Bs, r + 1, "ON"); let t = h; r > 0 && (t = Bs[r - 1]); let i = l; e + 1 < s && (i = Bs[e + 1]); "L" !== t && (t = "R"); "L" !== i && (i = "R"); t === i && setValues(Bs, r, e, t); r = e - 1 } for (r = 0; r < s; ++r)"ON" === Bs[r] && (Bs[r] = c); for (r = 0; r < s; ++r) { C = Bs[r]; isEven(g[r]) ? "R" === C ? g[r] += 1 : "AN" !== C && "EN" !== C || (g[r] += 2) : "L" !== C && "AN" !== C && "EN" !== C || (g[r] += 1) } let E, u = -1, d = 99; for (r = 0, n = g.length; r < n; ++r) { E = g[r]; u < E && (u = E); d > E && isOdd(E) && (d = E) } for (E = u; E >= d; --E) { let e = -1; for (r = 0, n = g.length; r < n; ++r)if (g[r] < E) { if (e >= 0) { reverseValues(Cs, e, r); e = -1 } } else e < 0 && (e = r); e >= 0 && reverseValues(Cs, e, g.length) } for (r = 0, n = Cs.length; r < n; ++r) { const e = Cs[r]; "<" !== e && ">" !== e || (Cs[r] = "") } return createBidiText(Cs.join(""), a) } const Qs = { style: "normal", weight: "normal" }, Es = { style: "normal", weight: "bold" }, us = { style: "italic", weight: "normal" }, ds = { style: "italic", weight: "bold" }, fs = new Map([["Times-Roman", { local: ["Times New Roman", "Times-Roman", "Times", "Liberation Serif", "Nimbus Roman", "Nimbus Roman L", "Tinos", "Thorndale", "TeX Gyre Termes", "FreeSerif", "Linux Libertine O", "Libertinus Serif", "DejaVu Serif", "Bitstream Vera Serif", "Ubuntu"], style: Qs, ultimate: "serif" }], ["Times-Bold", { alias: "Times-Roman", style: Es, ultimate: "serif" }], ["Times-Italic", { alias: "Times-Roman", style: us, ultimate: "serif" }], ["Times-BoldItalic", { alias: "Times-Roman", style: ds, ultimate: "serif" }], ["Helvetica", { local: ["Helvetica", "Helvetica Neue", "Arial", "Arial Nova", "Liberation Sans", "Arimo", "Nimbus Sans", "Nimbus Sans L", "A030", "TeX Gyre Heros", "FreeSans", "DejaVu Sans", "Albany", "Bitstream Vera Sans", "Arial Unicode MS", "Microsoft Sans Serif", "Apple Symbols", "Cantarell"], path: "LiberationSans-Regular.ttf", style: Qs, ultimate: "sans-serif" }], ["Helvetica-Bold", { alias: "Helvetica", path: "LiberationSans-Bold.ttf", style: Es, ultimate: "sans-serif" }], ["Helvetica-Oblique", { alias: "Helvetica", path: "LiberationSans-Italic.ttf", style: us, ultimate: "sans-serif" }], ["Helvetica-BoldOblique", { alias: "Helvetica", path: "LiberationSans-BoldItalic.ttf", style: ds, ultimate: "sans-serif" }], ["Courier", { local: ["Courier", "Courier New", "Liberation Mono", "Nimbus Mono", "Nimbus Mono L", "Cousine", "Cumberland", "TeX Gyre Cursor", "FreeMono", "Linux Libertine Mono O", "Libertinus Mono"], style: Qs, ultimate: "monospace" }], ["Courier-Bold", { alias: "Courier", style: Es, ultimate: "monospace" }], ["Courier-Oblique", { alias: "Courier", style: us, ultimate: "monospace" }], ["Courier-BoldOblique", { alias: "Courier", style: ds, ultimate: "monospace" }], ["ArialBlack", { local: ["Arial Black"], style: { style: "normal", weight: "900" }, fallback: "Helvetica-Bold" }], ["ArialBlack-Bold", { alias: "ArialBlack" }], ["ArialBlack-Italic", { alias: "ArialBlack", style: { style: "italic", weight: "900" }, fallback: "Helvetica-BoldOblique" }], ["ArialBlack-BoldItalic", { alias: "ArialBlack-Italic" }], ["ArialNarrow", { local: ["Arial Narrow", "Liberation Sans Narrow", "Helvetica Condensed", "Nimbus Sans Narrow", "TeX Gyre Heros Cn"], style: Qs, fallback: "Helvetica" }], ["ArialNarrow-Bold", { alias: "ArialNarrow", style: Es, fallback: "Helvetica-Bold" }], ["ArialNarrow-Italic", { alias: "ArialNarrow", style: us, fallback: "Helvetica-Oblique" }], ["ArialNarrow-BoldItalic", { alias: "ArialNarrow", style: ds, fallback: "Helvetica-BoldOblique" }], ["Calibri", { local: ["Calibri", "Carlito"], style: Qs, fallback: "Helvetica" }], ["Calibri-Bold", { alias: "Calibri", style: Es, fallback: "Helvetica-Bold" }], ["Calibri-Italic", { alias: "Calibri", style: us, fallback: "Helvetica-Oblique" }], ["Calibri-BoldItalic", { alias: "Calibri", style: ds, fallback: "Helvetica-BoldOblique" }], ["Wingdings", { local: ["Wingdings", "URW Dingbats"], style: Qs }], ["Wingdings-Regular", { alias: "Wingdings" }], ["Wingdings-Bold", { alias: "Wingdings" }]]), ps = new Map([["Arial-Black", "ArialBlack"]]); function getFamilyName(e) { const t = new Set(["thin", "extralight", "ultralight", "demilight", "semilight", "light", "book", "regular", "normal", "medium", "demibold", "semibold", "bold", "extrabold", "ultrabold", "black", "heavy", "extrablack", "ultrablack", "roman", "italic", "oblique", "ultracondensed", "extracondensed", "condensed", "semicondensed", "normal", "semiexpanded", "expanded", "extraexpanded", "ultraexpanded", "bolditalic"]); return e.split(/[- ,+]+/g).filter((e => !t.has(e.toLowerCase()))).join(" ") } function generateFont({ alias: e, local: t, path: i, fallback: a, style: s, ultimate: r }, n, o, g = !0, c = !0, h = "") { const l = { style: null, ultimate: null }; if (t) { const e = h ? ` ${h}` : ""; for (const i of t) n.push(`local(${i}${e})`) } if (e) { const t = fs.get(e), r = h || function getStyleToAppend(e) { switch (e) { case Es: return "Bold"; case us: return "Italic"; case ds: return "Bold Italic"; default: if ("bold" === e?.weight) return "Bold"; if ("italic" === e?.style) return "Italic" }return "" }(s); Object.assign(l, generateFont(t, n, o, g && !a, c && !i, r)) } s && ( = s); r && (l.ultimate = r); if (g && a) { const e = fs.get(a), { ultimate: t } = generateFont(e, n, o, g, c && !i, h); l.ultimate ||= t } c && i && o && n.push(`url(${o}${i})`); return l } function getFontSubstitution(e, t, i, a, s, r) { if (a.startsWith("InvalidPDFjsFont_")) return null; "TrueType" !== r && "Type1" !== r || !/^[A-Z]{6}\+/.test(a) || (a = a.slice(7)); const n = a = normalizeFontName(a); let o = e.get(n); if (o) return o; let g = fs.get(a); if (!g) for (const [e, t] of ps) if (a.startsWith(e)) { a = `${t}${a.substring(e.length)}`; g = fs.get(a); break } let c = !1; if (!g) { g = fs.get(s); c = !0 } const h = `${t.getDocId()}_s${t.createFontId()}`; if (!g) { if (!validateFontName(a)) { warn(`Cannot substitute the font because of its name: ${a}`); e.set(n, null); return null } const t = /bold/gi.test(a), i = /oblique|italic/gi.test(a), s = t && i && ds || t && Es || i && us || Qs; o = { css: `"${getFamilyName(a)}",${h}`, guessFallback: !0, loadedName: h, baseFontName: a, src: `local(${a})`, style: s }; e.set(n, o); return o } const l = []; c && validateFontName(a) && l.push(`local(${a})`); const { style: C, ultimate: Q } = generateFont(g, l, i), E = null === Q, u = E ? "" : `,${Q}`; o = { css: `"${getFamilyName(a)}",${h}${u}`, guessFallback: E, loadedName: h, baseFontName: a, src: l.join(","), style: C }; e.set(n, o); return o } class ImageResizer { constructor(e, t) { this._imgData = e; this._isMask = t } static needsToBeResized(e, t) { if (e <= this._goodSquareLength && t <= this._goodSquareLength) return !1; const { MAX_DIM: i } = this; if (e > i || t > i) return !0; const a = e * t; if (this._hasMaxArea) return a > this.MAX_AREA; if (a < this._goodSquareLength ** 2) return !1; if (this._areGoodDims(e, t)) { this._goodSquareLength = Math.max(this._goodSquareLength, Math.floor(Math.sqrt(e * t))); return !1 } this._goodSquareLength = this._guessMax(this._goodSquareLength, i, 128, 0); return a > (this.MAX_AREA = this._goodSquareLength ** 2) } static get MAX_DIM() { return shadow(this, "MAX_DIM", this._guessMax(2048, 65537, 0, 1)) } static get MAX_AREA() { this._hasMaxArea = !0; return shadow(this, "MAX_AREA", this._guessMax(ImageResizer._goodSquareLength, this.MAX_DIM, 128, 0) ** 2) } static set MAX_AREA(e) { if (e >= 0) { this._hasMaxArea = !0; shadow(this, "MAX_AREA", e) } } static setMaxArea(e) { this._hasMaxArea || (this.MAX_AREA = e >> 2) } static _areGoodDims(e, t) { try { const i = new OffscreenCanvas(e, t), a = i.getContext("2d"); a.fillRect(0, 0, 1, 1); const s = a.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1).data[3]; i.width = i.height = 1; return 0 !== s } catch { return !1 } } static _guessMax(e, t, i, a) { for (; e + i + 1 < t;) { const i = Math.floor((e + t) / 2), s = a || i; this._areGoodDims(i, s) ? e = i : t = i } return e } static async createImage(e, t = !1) { return new ImageResizer(e, t)._createImage() } async _createImage() { const e = this._encodeBMP(), t = new Blob([e.buffer], { type: "image/bmp" }), i = createImageBitmap(t), { MAX_AREA: a, MAX_DIM: s } = ImageResizer, { _imgData: r } = this, { width: n, height: o } = r, g = Math.max(n / s, o / s, Math.sqrt(n * o / a)), c = Math.max(g, 2), h = Math.round(10 * (g + 1.25)) / 10 / c, l = Math.floor(Math.log2(h)), C = new Array(l + 2).fill(2); C[0] = c; C.splice(-1, 1, h / (1 << l)); let Q = n, E = o, u = await i; for (const e of C) { const t = Q, i = E; Q = Math.floor(Q / e) - 1; E = Math.floor(E / e) - 1; const a = new OffscreenCanvas(Q, E); a.getContext("2d").drawImage(u, 0, 0, t, i, 0, 0, Q, E); u = a.transferToImageBitmap() } = null; r.bitmap = u; r.width = Q; r.height = E; return r } _encodeBMP() { const { width: e, height: t, kind: i } = this._imgData; let a, s =, r = new Uint8Array(0), n = r, o = 0; switch (i) { case b: { a = 1; r = new Uint8Array(this._isMask ? [255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 0, 0, 0] : [0, 0, 0, 0, 255, 255, 255, 255]); const i = e + 7 >> 3, n = i + 3 & -4; if (i !== n) { const e = new Uint8Array(n * t); let a = 0; for (let r = 0, o = t * i; r < o; r += i, a += n)e.set(s.subarray(r, r + i), a); s = e } break } case D: a = 24; if (3 & e) { const i = 3 * e, a = i + 3 & -4, r = a - i, n = new Uint8Array(a * t); let o = 0; for (let e = 0, a = t * i; e < a; e += i) { const t = s.subarray(e, e + i); for (let e = 0; e < i; e += 3) { n[o++] = t[e + 2]; n[o++] = t[e + 1]; n[o++] = t[e] } o += r } s = n } else for (let e = 0, t = s.length; e < t; e += 3) { const t = s[e]; s[e] = s[e + 2]; s[e + 2] = t } break; case F: a = 32; o = 3; n = new Uint8Array(68); const i = new DataView(n.buffer); if (FeatureTest.isLittleEndian) { i.setUint32(0, 255, !0); i.setUint32(4, 65280, !0); i.setUint32(8, 16711680, !0); i.setUint32(12, 4278190080, !0) } else { i.setUint32(0, 4278190080, !0); i.setUint32(4, 16711680, !0); i.setUint32(8, 65280, !0); i.setUint32(12, 255, !0) } break; default: throw new Error("invalid format") }let g = 0; const c = 40 + n.length, h = 14 + c + r.length + s.length, l = new Uint8Array(h), C = new DataView(l.buffer); C.setUint16(g, 19778, !0); g += 2; C.setUint32(g, h, !0); g += 4; C.setUint32(g, 0, !0); g += 4; C.setUint32(g, 14 + c + r.length, !0); g += 4; C.setUint32(g, c, !0); g += 4; C.setInt32(g, e, !0); g += 4; C.setInt32(g, -t, !0); g += 4; C.setUint16(g, 1, !0); g += 2; C.setUint16(g, a, !0); g += 2; C.setUint32(g, o, !0); g += 4; C.setUint32(g, 0, !0); g += 4; C.setInt32(g, 0, !0); g += 4; C.setInt32(g, 0, !0); g += 4; C.setUint32(g, r.length / 4, !0); g += 4; C.setUint32(g, 0, !0); g += 4; l.set(n, g); g += n.length; l.set(r, g); g += r.length; l.set(s, g); return l } } ImageResizer._goodSquareLength = 2048; const ms = 3285377520, ys = 4294901760, ws = 65535; class MurmurHash3_64 { constructor(e) { this.h1 = e ? 4294967295 & e : ms; this.h2 = e ? 4294967295 & e : ms } update(e) { let t, i; if ("string" == typeof e) { t = new Uint8Array(2 * e.length); i = 0; for (let a = 0, s = e.length; a < s; a++) { const s = e.charCodeAt(a); if (s <= 255) t[i++] = s; else { t[i++] = s >>> 8; t[i++] = 255 & s } } } else { if (!ArrayBuffer.isView(e)) throw new Error("Invalid data format, must be a string or TypedArray."); t = e.slice(); i = t.byteLength } const a = i >> 2, s = i - 4 * a, r = new Uint32Array(t.buffer, 0, a); let n = 0, o = 0, g = this.h1, c = this.h2; const h = 3432918353, l = 461845907, C = 11601, Q = 13715; for (let e = 0; e < a; e++)if (1 & e) { n = r[e]; n = n * h & ys | n * C & ws; n = n << 15 | n >>> 17; n = n * l & ys | n * Q & ws; g ^= n; g = g << 13 | g >>> 19; g = 5 * g + 3864292196 } else { o = r[e]; o = o * h & ys | o * C & ws; o = o << 15 | o >>> 17; o = o * l & ys | o * Q & ws; c ^= o; c = c << 13 | c >>> 19; c = 5 * c + 3864292196 } n = 0; switch (s) { case 3: n ^= t[4 * a + 2] << 16; case 2: n ^= t[4 * a + 1] << 8; case 1: n ^= t[4 * a]; n = n * h & ys | n * C & ws; n = n << 15 | n >>> 17; n = n * l & ys | n * Q & ws; 1 & a ? g ^= n : c ^= n }this.h1 = g; this.h2 = c } hexdigest() { let e = this.h1, t = this.h2; e ^= t >>> 1; e = 3981806797 * e & ys | 36045 * e & ws; t = 4283543511 * t & ys | (2950163797 * (t << 16 | e >>> 16) & ys) >>> 16; e ^= t >>> 1; e = 444984403 * e & ys | 60499 * e & ws; t = 3301882366 * t & ys | (3120437893 * (t << 16 | e >>> 16) & ys) >>> 16; e ^= t >>> 1; return (e >>> 0).toString(16).padStart(8, "0") + (t >>> 0).toString(16).padStart(8, "0") } } function addState(e, t, i, a, s) { let r = e; for (let e = 0, i = t.length - 1; e < i; e++) { const i = t[e]; r = r[i] ||= [] } r[] = { checkFn: i, iterateFn: a, processFn: s } } const bs = []; addState(bs, [GA, MA, ze, xA], null, (function iterateInlineImageGroup(e, t) { const i = e.fnArray, a = (t - (e.iCurr - 3)) % 4; switch (a) { case 0: return i[t] === GA; case 1: return i[t] === MA; case 2: return i[t] === ze; case 3: return i[t] === xA }throw new Error(`iterateInlineImageGroup - invalid pos: ${a}`) }), (function foundInlineImageGroup(e, t) { const i = e.fnArray, a = e.argsArray, s = e.iCurr, r = s - 3, n = s - 2, o = s - 1, g = Math.min(Math.floor((t - r) / 4), 200); if (g < 10) return t - (t - r) % 4; let c = 0; const h = []; let l = 0, C = 1, Q = 1; for (let e = 0; e < g; e++) { const t = a[n + (e << 2)], i = a[o + (e << 2)][0]; if (C + i.width > 1e3) { c = Math.max(c, C); Q += l + 2; C = 0; l = 0 } h.push({ transform: t, x: C, y: Q, w: i.width, h: i.height }); C += i.width + 2; l = Math.max(l, i.height) } const E = Math.max(c, C) + 1, u = Q + l + 1, d = new Uint8Array(E * u * 4), f = E << 2; for (let e = 0; e < g; e++) { const t = a[o + (e << 2)][0].data, i = h[e].w << 2; let s = 0, r = h[e].x + h[e].y * E << 2; d.set(t.subarray(0, i), r - f); for (let a = 0, n = h[e].h; a < n; a++) { d.set(t.subarray(s, s + i), r); s += i; r += f } d.set(t.subarray(s - i, s), r); for (; r >= 0;) { t[r - 4] = t[r]; t[r - 3] = t[r + 1]; t[r - 2] = t[r + 2]; t[r - 1] = t[r + 3]; t[r + i] = t[r + i - 4]; t[r + i + 1] = t[r + i - 3]; t[r + i + 2] = t[r + i - 2]; t[r + i + 3] = t[r + i - 1]; r -= f } } const p = { width: E, height: u }; if (e.isOffscreenCanvasSupported) { const e = new OffscreenCanvas(E, u); e.getContext("2d").putImageData(new ImageData(new Uint8ClampedArray(d.buffer), E, u), 0, 0); p.bitmap = e.transferToImageBitmap(); = null } else { p.kind = F; = d } i.splice(r, 4 * g, _e); a.splice(r, 4 * g, [p, h]); return r + 1 })); addState(bs, [GA, MA, je, xA], null, (function iterateImageMaskGroup(e, t) { const i = e.fnArray, a = (t - (e.iCurr - 3)) % 4; switch (a) { case 0: return i[t] === GA; case 1: return i[t] === MA; case 2: return i[t] === je; case 3: return i[t] === xA }throw new Error(`iterateImageMaskGroup - invalid pos: ${a}`) }), (function foundImageMaskGroup(e, t) { const i = e.fnArray, a = e.argsArray, s = e.iCurr, r = s - 3, n = s - 2, o = s - 1; let g = Math.floor((t - r) / 4); if (g < 10) return t - (t - r) % 4; let c, h, l = !1; const C = a[o][0], Q = a[n][0], E = a[n][1], u = a[n][2], d = a[n][3]; if (E === u) { l = !0; c = n + 4; let e = o + 4; for (let t = 1; t < g; t++, c += 4, e += 4) { h = a[c]; if (a[e][0] !== C || h[0] !== Q || h[1] !== E || h[2] !== u || h[3] !== d) { t < 10 ? l = !1 : g = t; break } } } if (l) { g = Math.min(g, 1e3); const e = new Float32Array(2 * g); c = n; for (let t = 0; t < g; t++, c += 4) { h = a[c]; e[t << 1] = h[4]; e[1 + (t << 1)] = h[5] } i.splice(r, 4 * g, At); a.splice(r, 4 * g, [C, Q, E, u, d, e]) } else { g = Math.min(g, 100); const e = []; for (let t = 0; t < g; t++) { h = a[n + (t << 2)]; const i = a[o + (t << 2)][0]; e.push({ data:, width: i.width, height: i.height, interpolate: i.interpolate, count: i.count, transform: h }) } i.splice(r, 4 * g, Ze); a.splice(r, 4 * g, [e]) } return r + 1 })); addState(bs, [GA, MA, Ve, xA], (function (e) { const t = e.argsArray, i = e.iCurr - 2; return 0 === t[i][1] && 0 === t[i][2] }), (function iterateImageGroup(e, t) { const i = e.fnArray, a = e.argsArray, s = (t - (e.iCurr - 3)) % 4; switch (s) { case 0: return i[t] === GA; case 1: if (i[t] !== MA) return !1; const s = e.iCurr - 2, r = a[s][0], n = a[s][3]; return a[t][0] === r && 0 === a[t][1] && 0 === a[t][2] && a[t][3] === n; case 2: if (i[t] !== Ve) return !1; const o = a[e.iCurr - 1][0]; return a[t][0] === o; case 3: return i[t] === xA }throw new Error(`iterateImageGroup - invalid pos: ${s}`) }), (function (e, t) { const i = e.fnArray, a = e.argsArray, s = e.iCurr, r = s - 3, n = s - 2, o = a[s - 1][0], g = a[n][0], c = a[n][3], h = Math.min(Math.floor((t - r) / 4), 1e3); if (h < 3) return t - (t - r) % 4; const l = new Float32Array(2 * h); let C = n; for (let e = 0; e < h; e++, C += 4) { const t = a[C]; l[e << 1] = t[4]; l[1 + (e << 1)] = t[5] } const Q = [o, g, c, l]; i.splice(r, 4 * h, $e); a.splice(r, 4 * h, Q); return r + 1 })); addState(bs, [$A, se, Ie, he, Ae], null, (function iterateShowTextGroup(e, t) { const i = e.fnArray, a = e.argsArray, s = (t - (e.iCurr - 4)) % 5; switch (s) { case 0: return i[t] === $A; case 1: return i[t] === se; case 2: return i[t] === Ie; case 3: if (i[t] !== he) return !1; const s = e.iCurr - 3, r = a[s][0], n = a[s][1]; return a[t][0] === r && a[t][1] === n; case 4: return i[t] === Ae }throw new Error(`iterateShowTextGroup - invalid pos: ${s}`) }), (function (e, t) { const i = e.fnArray, a = e.argsArray, s = e.iCurr, r = s - 4, n = s - 3, o = s - 2, g = s - 1, c = s, h = a[n][0], l = a[n][1]; let C = Math.min(Math.floor((t - r) / 5), 1e3); if (C < 3) return t - (t - r) % 5; let Q = r; if (r >= 4 && i[r - 4] === i[n] && i[r - 3] === i[o] && i[r - 2] === i[g] && i[r - 1] === i[c] && a[r - 4][0] === h && a[r - 4][1] === l) { C++; Q -= 5 } let E = Q + 4; for (let e = 1; e < C; e++) { i.splice(E, 3); a.splice(E, 3); E += 2 } return E + 1 })); class NullOptimizer { constructor(e) { this.queue = e } _optimize() { } push(e, t) { this.queue.fnArray.push(e); this.queue.argsArray.push(t); this._optimize() } flush() { } reset() { } } class QueueOptimizer extends NullOptimizer { constructor(e) { super(e); this.state = null; this.context = { iCurr: 0, fnArray: e.fnArray, argsArray: e.argsArray, isOffscreenCanvasSupported: !1 }; this.match = null; this.lastProcessed = 0 } set isOffscreenCanvasSupported(e) { this.context.isOffscreenCanvasSupported = e } _optimize() { const e = this.queue.fnArray; let t = this.lastProcessed, i = e.length, a = this.state, s = this.match; if (!a && !s && t + 1 === i && !bs[e[t]]) { this.lastProcessed = i; return } const r = this.context; for (; t < i;) { if (s) { if ((0, s.iterateFn)(r, t)) { t++; continue } t = (0, s.processFn)(r, t + 1); i = e.length; s = null; a = null; if (t >= i) break } a = (a || bs)[e[t]]; if (a && !Array.isArray(a)) { r.iCurr = t; t++; if (!a.checkFn || (0, a.checkFn)(r)) { s = a; a = null } else a = null } else t++ } this.state = a; this.match = s; this.lastProcessed = t } flush() { for (; this.match;) { const e = this.queue.fnArray.length; this.lastProcessed = (0, this.match.processFn)(this.context, e); this.match = null; this.state = null; this._optimize() } } reset() { this.state = null; this.match = null; this.lastProcessed = 0 } } class OperatorList { static CHUNK_SIZE = 1e3; static CHUNK_SIZE_ABOUT = this.CHUNK_SIZE - 5; constructor(e = 0, t) { this._streamSink = t; this.fnArray = []; this.argsArray = []; this.optimizer = !t || e & Q ? new NullOptimizer(this) : new QueueOptimizer(this); this.dependencies = new Set; this._totalLength = 0; this.weight = 0; this._resolved = t ? null : Promise.resolve() } set isOffscreenCanvasSupported(e) { this.optimizer.isOffscreenCanvasSupported = e } get length() { return this.argsArray.length } get ready() { return this._resolved || this._streamSink.ready } get totalLength() { return this._totalLength + this.length } addOp(e, t) { this.optimizer.push(e, t); this.weight++; this._streamSink && (this.weight >= OperatorList.CHUNK_SIZE || this.weight >= OperatorList.CHUNK_SIZE_ABOUT && (e === xA || e === Ae)) && this.flush() } addImageOps(e, t, i) { void 0 !== i && this.addOp(He, ["OC", i]); this.addOp(e, t); void 0 !== i && this.addOp(Ye, []) } addDependency(e) { if (!this.dependencies.has(e)) { this.dependencies.add(e); this.addOp(yA, [e]) } } addDependencies(e) { for (const t of e) this.addDependency(t) } addOpList(e) { if (e instanceof OperatorList) { for (const t of e.dependencies) this.dependencies.add(t); for (let t = 0, i = e.length; t < i; t++)this.addOp(e.fnArray[t], e.argsArray[t]) } else warn('addOpList - ignoring invalid "opList" parameter.') } getIR() { return { fnArray: this.fnArray, argsArray: this.argsArray, length: this.length } } get _transfers() { const e = [], { fnArray: t, argsArray: i, length: a } = this; for (let s = 0; s < a; s++)switch (t[s]) { case ze: case _e: case je: const t = i[s][0]; !t.cached && instanceof ArrayBuffer && e.push( }return e } flush(e = !1, t = null) { this.optimizer.flush(); const i = this.length; this._totalLength += i; this._streamSink.enqueue({ fnArray: this.fnArray, argsArray: this.argsArray, lastChunk: e, separateAnnots: t, length: i }, 1, this._transfers); this.dependencies.clear(); this.fnArray.length = 0; this.argsArray.length = 0; this.weight = 0; this.optimizer.reset() } } function decodeAndClamp(e, t, i, a) { (e = t + e * i) < 0 ? e = 0 : e > a && (e = a); return e } function resizeImageMask(e, t, i, a, s, r) { const n = s * r; let o; o = t <= 8 ? new Uint8Array(n) : t <= 16 ? new Uint16Array(n) : new Uint32Array(n); const g = i / s, c = a / r; let h, l, C, Q, E = 0; const u = new Uint16Array(s), d = i; for (h = 0; h < s; h++)u[h] = Math.floor(h * g); for (h = 0; h < r; h++) { C = Math.floor(h * c) * d; for (l = 0; l < s; l++) { Q = C + u[l]; o[E++] = e[Q] } } return o } class PDFImage { constructor({ xref: e, res: t, image: i, isInline: a = !1, smask: s = null, mask: r = null, isMask: n = !1, pdfFunctionFactory: o, localColorSpaceCache: g }) { this.image = i; let c = !1; const h = i.dict, l = h.get("F", "Filter"); let C; if (l instanceof Name) C =; else if (Array.isArray(l)) { const t = e.fetchIfRef(l[0]); t instanceof Name && (C = } switch (C) { case "JPXDecode": ({ width: i.width, height: i.height, componentsCount: i.numComps, bitsPerComponent: i.bitsPerComponent } = JpxImage.parseImageProperties(;; c = !0; break; case "JBIG2Decode": i.bitsPerComponent = 1; i.numComps = 1 }let Q = h.get("W", "Width"), E = h.get("H", "Height"); if (Number.isInteger(i.width) && i.width > 0 && Number.isInteger(i.height) && i.height > 0 && (i.width !== Q || i.height !== E)) { warn("PDFImage - using the Width/Height of the image data, rather than the image dictionary."); Q = i.width; E = i.height } if (Q < 1 || E < 1) throw new FormatError(`Invalid image width: ${Q} or height: ${E}`); this.width = Q; this.height = E; this.interpolate = h.get("I", "Interpolate"); this.imageMask = h.get("IM", "ImageMask") || !1; this.matte = h.get("Matte") || !1; let u = i.bitsPerComponent; if (!u) { u = h.get("BPC", "BitsPerComponent"); if (!u) { if (!this.imageMask) throw new FormatError(`Bits per component missing in image: ${this.imageMask}`); u = 1 } } this.bpc = u; if (!this.imageMask) { let s = h.getRaw("CS") || h.getRaw("ColorSpace"); if (!s) { info("JPX images (which do not require color spaces)"); switch (i.numComps) { case 1: s = Name.get("DeviceGray"); break; case 3: s = Name.get("DeviceRGB"); break; case 4: s = Name.get("DeviceCMYK"); break; default: throw new Error(`JPX images with ${i.numComps} color components not supported.`) } } this.colorSpace = ColorSpace.parse({ cs: s, xref: e, resources: a ? t : null, pdfFunctionFactory: o, localColorSpaceCache: g }); this.numComps = this.colorSpace.numComps; this.ignoreColorSpace = c && "Indexed" === } this.decode = h.getArray("D", "Decode"); this.needsDecode = !1; if (this.decode && (this.colorSpace && !this.colorSpace.isDefaultDecode(this.decode, u) || n && !ColorSpace.isDefaultDecode(this.decode, 1))) { this.needsDecode = !0; const e = (1 << u) - 1; this.decodeCoefficients = []; this.decodeAddends = []; const t = "Indexed" === this.colorSpace?.name; for (let i = 0, a = 0; i < this.decode.length; i += 2, ++a) { const s = this.decode[i], r = this.decode[i + 1]; this.decodeCoefficients[a] = t ? (r - s) / e : r - s; this.decodeAddends[a] = t ? s : e * s } } if (s) this.smask = new PDFImage({ xref: e, res: t, image: s, isInline: a, pdfFunctionFactory: o, localColorSpaceCache: g }); else if (r) if (r instanceof BaseStream) { r.dict.get("IM", "ImageMask") ? this.mask = new PDFImage({ xref: e, res: t, image: r, isInline: a, isMask: !0, pdfFunctionFactory: o, localColorSpaceCache: g }) : warn("Ignoring /Mask in image without /ImageMask.") } else this.mask = r } static async buildImage({ xref: e, res: t, image: i, isInline: a = !1, pdfFunctionFactory: s, localColorSpaceCache: r }) { const n = i; let o = null, g = null; const c = i.dict.get("SMask"), h = i.dict.get("Mask"); c ? c instanceof BaseStream ? o = c : warn("Unsupported /SMask format.") : h && (h instanceof BaseStream || Array.isArray(h) ? g = h : warn("Unsupported /Mask format.")); return new PDFImage({ xref: e, res: t, image: n, isInline: a, smask: o, mask: g, pdfFunctionFactory: s, localColorSpaceCache: r }) } static createRawMask({ imgArray: e, width: t, height: i, imageIsFromDecodeStream: a, inverseDecode: s, interpolate: r }) { const n = (t + 7 >> 3) * i, o = e.byteLength; let g, c; if (!a || s && !(n === o)) if (s) { g = new Uint8Array(n); g.set(e); g.fill(255, o) } else g = new Uint8Array(e); else g = e; if (s) for (c = 0; c < o; c++)g[c] ^= 255; return { data: g, width: t, height: i, interpolate: r } } static async createMask({ imgArray: e, width: t, height: i, imageIsFromDecodeStream: a, inverseDecode: s, interpolate: r, isOffscreenCanvasSupported: n = !1 }) { const o = 1 === t && 1 === i && s === (0 === e.length || !!(128 & e[0])); if (o) return { isSingleOpaquePixel: o }; if (n) { if (ImageResizer.needsToBeResized(t, i)) { const a = new Uint8ClampedArray(t * i * 4); convertBlackAndWhiteToRGBA({ src: e, dest: a, width: t, height: i, nonBlackColor: 0, inverseDecode: s }); return ImageResizer.createImage({ kind: F, data: a, width: t, height: i, interpolate: r }) } const a = new OffscreenCanvas(t, i), n = a.getContext("2d"), o = n.createImageData(t, i); convertBlackAndWhiteToRGBA({ src: e, dest:, width: t, height: i, nonBlackColor: 0, inverseDecode: s }); n.putImageData(o, 0, 0); return { data: null, width: t, height: i, interpolate: r, bitmap: a.transferToImageBitmap() } } return this.createRawMask({ imgArray: e, width: t, height: i, inverseDecode: s, imageIsFromDecodeStream: a, interpolate: r }) } get drawWidth() { return Math.max(this.width, this.smask?.width || 0, this.mask?.width || 0) } get drawHeight() { return Math.max(this.height, this.smask?.height || 0, this.mask?.height || 0) } decodeBuffer(e) { const t = this.bpc, i = this.numComps, a = this.decodeAddends, s = this.decodeCoefficients, r = (1 << t) - 1; let n, o; if (1 === t) { for (n = 0, o = e.length; n < o; n++)e[n] = +!e[n]; return } let g = 0; for (n = 0, o = this.width * this.height; n < o; n++)for (let t = 0; t < i; t++) { e[g] = decodeAndClamp(e[g], a[t], s[t], r); g++ } } getComponents(e) { const t = this.bpc; if (8 === t) return e; const i = this.width, a = this.height, s = this.numComps, r = i * a * s; let n, o = 0; n = t <= 8 ? new Uint8Array(r) : t <= 16 ? new Uint16Array(r) : new Uint32Array(r); const g = i * s, c = (1 << t) - 1; let h, l, C = 0; if (1 === t) { let t, i, s; for (let r = 0; r < a; r++) { i = C + (-8 & g); s = C + g; for (; C < i;) { l = e[o++]; n[C] = l >> 7 & 1; n[C + 1] = l >> 6 & 1; n[C + 2] = l >> 5 & 1; n[C + 3] = l >> 4 & 1; n[C + 4] = l >> 3 & 1; n[C + 5] = l >> 2 & 1; n[C + 6] = l >> 1 & 1; n[C + 7] = 1 & l; C += 8 } if (C < s) { l = e[o++]; t = 128; for (; C < s;) { n[C++] = +!!(l & t); t >>= 1 } } } } else { let i = 0; l = 0; for (C = 0, h = r; C < h; ++C) { if (C % g == 0) { l = 0; i = 0 } for (; i < t;) { l = l << 8 | e[o++]; i += 8 } const a = i - t; let s = l >> a; s < 0 ? s = 0 : s > c && (s = c); n[C] = s; l &= (1 << a) - 1; i = a } } return n } fillOpacity(e, t, i, a, s) { const r = this.smask, n = this.mask; let o, g, c, h, l, C; if (r) { g = r.width; c = r.height; o = new Uint8ClampedArray(g * c); r.fillGrayBuffer(o); g === t && c === i || (o = resizeImageMask(o, r.bpc, g, c, t, i)) } else if (n) if (n instanceof PDFImage) { g = n.width; c = n.height; o = new Uint8ClampedArray(g * c); n.numComps = 1; n.fillGrayBuffer(o); for (h = 0, l = g * c; h < l; ++h)o[h] = 255 - o[h]; g === t && c === i || (o = resizeImageMask(o, n.bpc, g, c, t, i)) } else { if (!Array.isArray(n)) throw new FormatError("Unknown mask format."); { o = new Uint8ClampedArray(t * i); const e = this.numComps; for (h = 0, l = t * i; h < l; ++h) { let t = 0; const i = h * e; for (C = 0; C < e; ++C) { const e = s[i + C], a = 2 * C; if (e < n[a] || e > n[a + 1]) { t = 255; break } } o[h] = t } } } if (o) for (h = 0, C = 3, l = t * a; h < l; ++h, C += 4)e[C] = o[h]; else for (h = 0, C = 3, l = t * a; h < l; ++h, C += 4)e[C] = 255 } undoPreblend(e, t, i) { const a = this.smask?.matte; if (!a) return; const s = this.colorSpace.getRgb(a, 0), r = s[0], n = s[1], o = s[2], g = t * i * 4; for (let t = 0; t < g; t += 4) { const i = e[t + 3]; if (0 === i) { e[t] = 255; e[t + 1] = 255; e[t + 2] = 255; continue } const a = 255 / i; e[t] = (e[t] - r) * a + r; e[t + 1] = (e[t + 1] - n) * a + n; e[t + 2] = (e[t + 2] - o) * a + o } } async createImageData(e = !1, t = !1) { const i = this.drawWidth, a = this.drawHeight, s = { width: i, height: a, interpolate: this.interpolate, kind: 0, data: null }, r = this.numComps, n = this.width, o = this.height, g = this.bpc, c = n * r * g + 7 >> 3, h = t && ImageResizer.needsToBeResized(i, a); if (!e) { let e; "DeviceGray" === && 1 === g ? e = b : "DeviceRGB" !== || 8 !== g || this.needsDecode || (e = D); if (e && !this.smask && !this.mask && i === n && a === o) { const r = this.getImageBytes(o * c, {}); if (t) return h ? ImageResizer.createImage({ data: r, kind: e, width: i, height: a, interpolate: this.interpolate }, this.needsDecode) : this.createBitmap(e, n, o, r); s.kind = e; = r; if (this.needsDecode) { assert(e === b, "PDFImage.createImageData: The image must be grayscale."); const t =; for (let e = 0, i = t.length; e < i; e++)t[e] ^= 255 } return s } if (this.image instanceof JpegStream && !this.smask && !this.mask && !this.needsDecode) { let e = o * c; if (t && !h) { let t = !1; switch ( { case "DeviceGray": e *= 4; t = !0; break; case "DeviceRGB": e = e / 3 * 4; t = !0; break; case "DeviceCMYK": t = !0 }if (t) { const t = this.getImageBytes(e, { drawWidth: i, drawHeight: a, forceRGBA: !0 }); return this.createBitmap(F, i, a, t) } } else switch ( { case "DeviceGray": e *= 3; case "DeviceRGB": case "DeviceCMYK": s.kind = D; = this.getImageBytes(e, { drawWidth: i, drawHeight: a, forceRGB: !0 }); return h ? ImageResizer.createImage(s) : s } } } const l = this.getImageBytes(o * c, { internal: !0 }), C = 0 | l.length / c * a / o, Q = this.getComponents(l); let E, u, d, f, p, m; if (t && !h) { d = new OffscreenCanvas(i, a); f = d.getContext("2d"); p = f.createImageData(i, a); m = } s.kind = F; if (e || this.smask || this.mask) { t && !h || (m = new Uint8ClampedArray(i * a * 4)); E = 1; u = !0; this.fillOpacity(m, i, a, C, Q) } else { if (!t || h) { s.kind = D; m = new Uint8ClampedArray(i * a * 3); E = 0 } else { new Uint32Array(m.buffer).fill(FeatureTest.isLittleEndian ? 4278190080 : 255); E = 1 } u = !1 } this.needsDecode && this.decodeBuffer(Q); this.colorSpace.fillRgb(m, n, o, i, a, C, g, Q, E); u && this.undoPreblend(m, i, C); if (t && !h) { f.putImageData(p, 0, 0); return { data: null, width: i, height: a, bitmap: d.transferToImageBitmap(), interpolate: this.interpolate } } = m; return h ? ImageResizer.createImage(s) : s } fillGrayBuffer(e) { const t = this.numComps; if (1 !== t) throw new FormatError(`Reading gray scale from a color image: ${t}`); const i = this.width, a = this.height, s = this.bpc, r = i * t * s + 7 >> 3, n = this.getImageBytes(a * r, { internal: !0 }), o = this.getComponents(n); let g, c; if (1 === s) { c = i * a; if (this.needsDecode) for (g = 0; g < c; ++g)e[g] = o[g] - 1 & 255; else for (g = 0; g < c; ++g)e[g] = 255 & -o[g]; return } this.needsDecode && this.decodeBuffer(o); c = i * a; const h = 255 / ((1 << s) - 1); for (g = 0; g < c; ++g)e[g] = h * o[g] } createBitmap(e, t, i, a) { const s = new OffscreenCanvas(t, i), r = s.getContext("2d"); let n; if (e === F) n = new ImageData(a, t, i); else { n = r.createImageData(t, i); convertToRGBA({ kind: e, src: a, dest: new Uint32Array(, width: t, height: i, inverseDecode: this.needsDecode }) } r.putImageData(n, 0, 0); return { data: null, width: t, height: i, bitmap: s.transferToImageBitmap(), interpolate: this.interpolate } } getImageBytes(e, { drawWidth: t, drawHeight: i, forceRGBA: a = !1, forceRGB: s = !1, internal: r = !1 }) { this.image.reset(); this.image.drawWidth = t || this.width; this.image.drawHeight = i || this.height; this.image.forceRGBA = !!a; this.image.forceRGB = !!s; const n = this.image.getBytes(e, this.ignoreColorSpace); if (r || this.image instanceof DecodeStream) return n; assert(n instanceof Uint8Array, 'PDFImage.getImageBytes: Unsupported "imageBytes" type.'); return new Uint8Array(n) } } const Ds = Object.freeze({ maxImageSize: -1, disableFontFace: !1, ignoreErrors: !1, isEvalSupported: !0, isOffscreenCanvasSupported: !1, canvasMaxAreaInBytes: -1, fontExtraProperties: !1, useSystemFonts: !0, cMapUrl: null, standardFontDataUrl: null }), Fs = 1, Ss = 2, ks = Promise.resolve(); function normalizeBlendMode(e, t = !1) { if (Array.isArray(e)) { for (const t of e) { const e = normalizeBlendMode(t, !0); if (e) return e } warn(`Unsupported blend mode Array: ${e}`); return "source-over" } if (!(e instanceof Name)) return t ? null : "source-over"; switch ( { case "Normal": case "Compatible": return "source-over"; case "Multiply": return "multiply"; case "Screen": return "screen"; case "Overlay": return "overlay"; case "Darken": return "darken"; case "Lighten": return "lighten"; case "ColorDodge": return "color-dodge"; case "ColorBurn": return "color-burn"; case "HardLight": return "hard-light"; case "SoftLight": return "soft-light"; case "Difference": return "difference"; case "Exclusion": return "exclusion"; case "Hue": return "hue"; case "Saturation": return "saturation"; case "Color": return "color"; case "Luminosity": return "luminosity" }if (t) return null; warn(`Unsupported blend mode: ${}`); return "source-over" } function incrementCachedImageMaskCount(e) { e.fn === je && e.args[0]?.count > 0 && e.args[0].count++ } class TimeSlotManager { static TIME_SLOT_DURATION_MS = 20; static CHECK_TIME_EVERY = 100; constructor() { this.reset() } check() { if (++this.checked < TimeSlotManager.CHECK_TIME_EVERY) return !1; this.checked = 0; return this.endTime <= } reset() { this.endTime = + TimeSlotManager.TIME_SLOT_DURATION_MS; this.checked = 0 } } class PartialEvaluator { constructor({ xref: e, handler: t, pageIndex: i, idFactory: a, fontCache: s, builtInCMapCache: r, standardFontDataCache: n, globalImageCache: o, systemFontCache: g, options: c = null }) { this.xref = e; this.handler = t; this.pageIndex = i; this.idFactory = a; this.fontCache = s; this.builtInCMapCache = r; this.standardFontDataCache = n; this.globalImageCache = o; this.systemFontCache = g; this.options = c || Ds; this.type3FontRefs = null; this._regionalImageCache = new RegionalImageCache; this._fetchBuiltInCMapBound = this.fetchBuiltInCMap.bind(this); ImageResizer.setMaxArea(this.options.canvasMaxAreaInBytes) } get _pdfFunctionFactory() { return shadow(this, "_pdfFunctionFactory", new PDFFunctionFactory({ xref: this.xref, isEvalSupported: this.options.isEvalSupported })) } get parsingType3Font() { return !!this.type3FontRefs } clone(e = null) { const t = Object.create(this); t.options = Object.assign(Object.create(null), this.options, e); return t } hasBlendModes(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof Dict)) return !1; if (e.objId && t.has(e.objId)) return !1; const i = new RefSet(t); e.objId && i.put(e.objId); const a = [e], s = this.xref; for (; a.length;) { const e = a.shift(), t = e.get("ExtGState"); if (t instanceof Dict) for (let e of t.getRawValues()) { if (e instanceof Ref) { if (i.has(e)) continue; try { e = s.fetch(e) } catch (t) { i.put(e); info(`hasBlendModes - ignoring ExtGState: "${t}".`); continue } } if (!(e instanceof Dict)) continue; e.objId && i.put(e.objId); const t = e.get("BM"); if (t instanceof Name) { if ("Normal" !== return !0 } else if (void 0 !== t && Array.isArray(t)) for (const e of t) if (e instanceof Name && "Normal" !== return !0 } const r = e.get("XObject"); if (r instanceof Dict) for (let e of r.getRawValues()) { if (e instanceof Ref) { if (i.has(e)) continue; try { e = s.fetch(e) } catch (t) { i.put(e); info(`hasBlendModes - ignoring XObject: "${t}".`); continue } } if (!(e instanceof BaseStream)) continue; e.dict.objId && i.put(e.dict.objId); const t = e.dict.get("Resources"); if (t instanceof Dict && (!t.objId || !i.has(t.objId))) { a.push(t); t.objId && i.put(t.objId) } } } for (const e of i) t.put(e); return !1 } async fetchBuiltInCMap(e) { const t = this.builtInCMapCache.get(e); if (t) return t; let i; if (null !== this.options.cMapUrl) { const t = `${this.options.cMapUrl}${e}.bcmap`, a = await fetch(t); if (!a.ok) throw new Error(`fetchBuiltInCMap: failed to fetch file "${t}" with "${a.statusText}".`); i = { cMapData: new Uint8Array(await a.arrayBuffer()), compressionType: mA.BINARY } } else i = await this.handler.sendWithPromise("FetchBuiltInCMap", { name: e }); i.compressionType !== mA.NONE && this.builtInCMapCache.set(e, i); return i } async fetchStandardFontData(e) { const t = this.standardFontDataCache.get(e); if (t) return new Stream(t); if (this.options.useSystemFonts && "Symbol" !== e && "ZapfDingbats" !== e) return null; const i = Wi()[e]; let a; if (null !== this.options.standardFontDataUrl) { const e = `${this.options.standardFontDataUrl}${i}`, t = await fetch(e); t.ok ? a = new Uint8Array(await t.arrayBuffer()) : warn(`fetchStandardFontData: failed to fetch file "${e}" with "${t.statusText}".`) } else try { a = await this.handler.sendWithPromise("FetchStandardFontData", { filename: i }) } catch (e) { warn(`fetchStandardFontData: failed to fetch file "${i}" with "${e}".`) } if (!a) return null; this.standardFontDataCache.set(e, a); return new Stream(a) } async buildFormXObject(e, t, i, a, s, r, n) { const o = t.dict, g = lookupMatrix(o.getArray("Matrix"), null), c = lookupNormalRect(o.getArray("BBox"), null); let h, l; o.has("OC") && (h = await this.parseMarkedContentProps(o.get("OC"), e)); void 0 !== h && a.addOp(He, ["OC", h]); const C = o.get("Group"); if (C) { l = { matrix: g, bbox: c, smask: i, isolated: !1, knockout: !1 }; let t = null; if (isName(C.get("S"), "Transparency")) { l.isolated = C.get("I") || !1; l.knockout = C.get("K") || !1; if (C.has("CS")) { const i = C.getRaw("CS"), a = ColorSpace.getCached(i, this.xref, n); t = a || await this.parseColorSpace({ cs: i, resources: e, localColorSpaceCache: n }) } } if (i?.backdrop) { t ||= ColorSpace.singletons.rgb; i.backdrop = t.getRgb(i.backdrop, 0) } a.addOp(Oe, [l]) } const Q = C ? [g, null] : [g, c]; a.addOp(Te, Q); await this.getOperatorList({ stream: t, task: s, resources: o.get("Resources") || e, operatorList: a, initialState: r }); a.addOp(qe, []); C && a.addOp(Pe, [l]); void 0 !== h && a.addOp(Ye, []) } _sendImgData(e, t, i = !1) { const a = t ? [t.bitmap ||] : null; return this.parsingType3Font || i ? this.handler.send("commonobj", [e, "Image", t], a) : this.handler.send("obj", [e, this.pageIndex, "Image", t], a) } async buildPaintImageXObject({ resources: e, image: t, isInline: i = !1, operatorList: a, cacheKey: s, localImageCache: r, localColorSpaceCache: n }) { const o = t.dict, g = o.objId, c = o.get("W", "Width"), h = o.get("H", "Height"); if (!c || "number" != typeof c || !h || "number" != typeof h) { warn("Image dimensions are missing, or not numbers."); return } const l = this.options.maxImageSize; if (-1 !== l && c * h > l) { const e = "Image exceeded maximum allowed size and was removed."; if (this.options.ignoreErrors) { warn(e); return } throw new Error(e) } let C; o.has("OC") && (C = await this.parseMarkedContentProps(o.get("OC"), e)); let Q, E; if (o.get("IM", "ImageMask") || !1) { const e = o.get("I", "Interpolate"), i = c + 7 >> 3, n = t.getBytes(i * h), l = o.getArray("D", "Decode"); if (this.parsingType3Font) { Q = PDFImage.createRawMask({ imgArray: n, width: c, height: h, imageIsFromDecodeStream: t instanceof DecodeStream, inverseDecode: l?.[0] > 0, interpolate: e }); Q.cached = !!s; E = [Q]; a.addImageOps(je, E, C); if (s) { const e = { fn: je, args: E, optionalContent: C }; r.set(s, g, e); g && this._regionalImageCache.set(null, g, e) } return } Q = await PDFImage.createMask({ imgArray: n, width: c, height: h, imageIsFromDecodeStream: t instanceof DecodeStream, inverseDecode: l?.[0] > 0, interpolate: e, isOffscreenCanvasSupported: this.options.isOffscreenCanvasSupported }); if (Q.isSingleOpaquePixel) { a.addImageOps(et, [], C); if (s) { const e = { fn: et, args: [], optionalContent: C }; r.set(s, g, e); g && this._regionalImageCache.set(null, g, e) } return } const u = `mask_${this.idFactory.createObjId()}`; a.addDependency(u); Q.dataLen = Q.bitmap ? Q.width * Q.height * 4 :; this._sendImgData(u, Q); E = [{ data: u, width: Q.width, height: Q.height, interpolate: Q.interpolate, count: 1 }]; a.addImageOps(je, E, C); if (s) { const e = { fn: je, args: E, optionalContent: C }; r.set(s, g, e); g && this._regionalImageCache.set(null, g, e) } return } if (i && c + h < 200 && !o.has("SMask") && !o.has("Mask")) { try { const s = new PDFImage({ xref: this.xref, res: e, image: t, isInline: i, pdfFunctionFactory: this._pdfFunctionFactory, localColorSpaceCache: n }); Q = await s.createImageData(!0, !1); a.isOffscreenCanvasSupported = this.options.isOffscreenCanvasSupported; a.addImageOps(ze, [Q], C) } catch (e) { const t = `Unable to decode inline image: "${e}".`; if (!this.options.ignoreErrors) throw new Error(t); warn(t) } return } let u = `img_${this.idFactory.createObjId()}`, d = !1; if (this.parsingType3Font) u = `${this.idFactory.getDocId()}_type3_${u}`; else if (s && g) { d = this.globalImageCache.shouldCache(g, this.pageIndex); if (d) { assert(!i, "Cannot cache an inline image globally."); u = `${this.idFactory.getDocId()}_${u}` } } a.addDependency(u); E = [u, c, h]; a.addImageOps(Ve, E, C); if (d) { if (this.globalImageCache.hasDecodeFailed(g)) { this.globalImageCache.setData(g, { objId: u, fn: Ve, args: E, optionalContent: C, byteSize: 0 }); this._sendImgData(u, null, d); return } if (c * h > 25e4 || o.has("SMask") || o.has("Mask")) { const e = await this.handler.sendWithPromise("commonobj", [u, "CopyLocalImage", { imageRef: g }]); if (e) { this.globalImageCache.setData(g, { objId: u, fn: Ve, args: E, optionalContent: C, byteSize: 0 }); this.globalImageCache.addByteSize(g, e); return } } } PDFImage.buildImage({ xref: this.xref, res: e, image: t, isInline: i, pdfFunctionFactory: this._pdfFunctionFactory, localColorSpaceCache: n }).then((async e => { Q = await e.createImageData(!1, this.options.isOffscreenCanvasSupported); Q.dataLen = Q.bitmap ? Q.width * Q.height * 4 :; Q.ref = g; d && this.globalImageCache.addByteSize(g, Q.dataLen); return this._sendImgData(u, Q, d) })).catch((e => { warn(`Unable to decode image "${u}": "${e}".`); g && this.globalImageCache.addDecodeFailed(g); return this._sendImgData(u, null, d) })); if (s) { const e = { fn: Ve, args: E, optionalContent: C }; r.set(s, g, e); if (g) { this._regionalImageCache.set(null, g, e); d && this.globalImageCache.setData(g, { objId: u, fn: Ve, args: E, optionalContent: C, byteSize: 0 }) } } } handleSMask(e, t, i, a, s, r) { const n = e.get("G"), o = { subtype: e.get("S").name, backdrop: e.get("BC") }, g = e.get("TR"); if (isPDFFunction(g)) { const e = this._pdfFunctionFactory.create(g), t = new Uint8Array(256), i = new Float32Array(1); for (let a = 0; a < 256; a++) { i[0] = a / 255; e(i, 0, i, 0); t[a] = 255 * i[0] | 0 } o.transferMap = t } return this.buildFormXObject(t, n, o, i, a, s.state.clone(), r) } handleTransferFunction(e) { let t; if (Array.isArray(e)) t = e; else { if (!isPDFFunction(e)) return null; t = [e] } const i = []; let a = 0, s = 0; for (const e of t) { const t = this.xref.fetchIfRef(e); a++; if (isName(t, "Identity")) { i.push(null); continue } if (!isPDFFunction(t)) return null; const r = this._pdfFunctionFactory.create(t), n = new Uint8Array(256), o = new Float32Array(1); for (let e = 0; e < 256; e++) { o[0] = e / 255; r(o, 0, o, 0); n[e] = 255 * o[0] | 0 } i.push(n); s++ } return 1 !== a && 4 !== a || 0 === s ? null : i } handleTilingType(e, t, i, a, s, r, n, o) { const g = new OperatorList, c = Dict.merge({ xref: this.xref, dictArray: [s.get("Resources"), i] }); return this.getOperatorList({ stream: a, task: n, resources: c, operatorList: g }).then((function () { const i = g.getIR(), a = getTilingPatternIR(i, s, t); r.addDependencies(g.dependencies); r.addOp(e, a); s.objId && o.set(null, s.objId, { operatorListIR: i, dict: s }) })).catch((e => { if (!(e instanceof AbortException)) { if (!this.options.ignoreErrors) throw e; warn(`handleTilingType - ignoring pattern: "${e}".`) } })) } async handleSetFont(e, t, i, a, s, r, n = null, o = null) { const g = t?.[0] instanceof Name ? t[0].name : null; let c = await this.loadFont(g, i, e, n, o); if (c.font.isType3Font) try { await c.loadType3Data(this, e, s); a.addDependencies(c.type3Dependencies) } catch (e) { c = new TranslatedFont({ loadedName: "g_font_error", font: new ErrorFont(`Type3 font load error: ${e}`), dict: c.font, evaluatorOptions: this.options }) } r.font = c.font; c.send(this.handler); return c.loadedName } handleText(e, t) { const i = t.font, a = i.charsToGlyphs(e); if ( { (!!(t.textRenderingMode & w) || "Pattern" === || i.disableFontFace || this.options.disableFontFace) && PartialEvaluator.buildFontPaths(i, a, this.handler, this.options) } return a } ensureStateFont(e) { if (e.font) return; const t = new FormatError("Missing setFont (Tf) operator before text rendering operator."); if (!this.options.ignoreErrors) throw t; warn(`ensureStateFont: "${t}".`) } async setGState({ resources: e, gState: t, operatorList: i, cacheKey: a, task: s, stateManager: r, localGStateCache: n, localColorSpaceCache: o }) { const g = t.objId; let c = !0; const h = []; let l = Promise.resolve(); for (const a of t.getKeys()) { const n = t.get(a); switch (a) { case "Type": break; case "LW": case "LC": case "LJ": case "ML": case "D": case "RI": case "FL": case "CA": case "ca": h.push([a, n]); break; case "Font": c = !1; l = l.then((() => this.handleSetFont(e, null, n[0], i, s, r.state).then((function (e) { i.addDependency(e); h.push([a, [e, n[1]]]) })))); break; case "BM": h.push([a, normalizeBlendMode(n)]); break; case "SMask": if (isName(n, "None")) { h.push([a, !1]); break } if (n instanceof Dict) { c = !1; l = l.then((() => this.handleSMask(n, e, i, s, r, o))); h.push([a, !0]) } else warn("Unsupported SMask type"); break; case "TR": const t = this.handleTransferFunction(n); h.push([a, t]); break; case "OP": case "op": case "OPM": case "BG": case "BG2": case "UCR": case "UCR2": case "TR2": case "HT": case "SM": case "SA": case "AIS": case "TK": info("graphic state operator " + a); break; default: info("Unknown graphic state operator " + a) } } await l; h.length > 0 && i.addOp(NA, [h]); c && n.set(a, g, h) } loadFont(e, t, i, a = null, s = null) { const errorFont = async () => new TranslatedFont({ loadedName: "g_font_error", font: new ErrorFont(`Font "${e}" is not available.`), dict: t, evaluatorOptions: this.options }); let r; if (t) t instanceof Ref && (r = t); else { const t = i.get("Font"); t && (r = t.getRaw(e)) } if (r) { if (this.type3FontRefs?.has(r)) return errorFont(); if (this.fontCache.has(r)) return this.fontCache.get(r); try { t = this.xref.fetchIfRef(r) } catch (e) { warn(`loadFont - lookup failed: "${e}".`) } } if (!(t instanceof Dict)) { if (!this.options.ignoreErrors && !this.parsingType3Font) { warn(`Font "${e}" is not available.`); return errorFont() } warn(`Font "${e}" is not available -- attempting to fallback to a default font.`); t = a || PartialEvaluator.fallbackFontDict } if (t.cacheKey && this.fontCache.has(t.cacheKey)) return this.fontCache.get(t.cacheKey); const { promise: n, resolve: o } = Promise.withResolvers(); let g; try { g = this.preEvaluateFont(t); g.cssFontInfo = s } catch (e) { warn(`loadFont - preEvaluateFont failed: "${e}".`); return errorFont() } const { descriptor: c, hash: h } = g, l = r instanceof Ref; let C; if (h && c instanceof Dict) { const e = c.fontAliases ||= Object.create(null); if (e[h]) { const t = e[h].aliasRef; if (l && t && this.fontCache.has(t)) { this.fontCache.putAlias(r, t); return this.fontCache.get(r) } } else e[h] = { fontID: this.idFactory.createFontId() }; l && (e[h].aliasRef = r); C = e[h].fontID } else C = this.idFactory.createFontId(); assert(C?.startsWith("f"), 'The "fontID" must be (correctly) defined.'); if (l) this.fontCache.put(r, n); else { t.cacheKey = `cacheKey_${C}`; this.fontCache.put(t.cacheKey, n) } t.loadedName = `${this.idFactory.getDocId()}_${C}`; this.translateFont(g).then((e => { o(new TranslatedFont({ loadedName: t.loadedName, font: e, dict: t, evaluatorOptions: this.options })) })).catch((e => { warn(`loadFont - translateFont failed: "${e}".`); o(new TranslatedFont({ loadedName: t.loadedName, font: new ErrorFont(e instanceof Error ? e.message : e), dict: t, evaluatorOptions: this.options })) })); return n } buildPath(e, t, i, a = !1) { const s = e.length - 1; i || (i = []); if (s < 0 || e.fnArray[s] !== tt) { if (a) { warn(`Encountered path operator "${t}" inside of a text object.`); e.addOp(GA, null) } let s; switch (t) { case KA: const e = i[0] + i[2], t = i[1] + i[3]; s = [Math.min(i[0], e), Math.min(i[1], t), Math.max(i[0], e), Math.max(i[1], t)]; break; case UA: case LA: s = [i[0], i[1], i[0], i[1]]; break; default: s = [1 / 0, 1 / 0, -1 / 0, -1 / 0] }e.addOp(tt, [[t], i, s]); a && e.addOp(xA, null) } else { const a = e.argsArray[s]; a[0].push(t); a[1].push(...i); const r = a[2]; switch (t) { case KA: const e = i[0] + i[2], t = i[1] + i[3]; r[0] = Math.min(r[0], i[0], e); r[1] = Math.min(r[1], i[1], t); r[2] = Math.max(r[2], i[0], e); r[3] = Math.max(r[3], i[1], t); break; case UA: case LA: r[0] = Math.min(r[0], i[0]); r[1] = Math.min(r[1], i[1]); r[2] = Math.max(r[2], i[0]); r[3] = Math.max(r[3], i[1]) } } } parseColorSpace({ cs: e, resources: t, localColorSpaceCache: i }) { return ColorSpace.parseAsync({ cs: e, xref: this.xref, resources: t, pdfFunctionFactory: this._pdfFunctionFactory, localColorSpaceCache: i }).catch((e => { if (e instanceof AbortException) return null; if (this.options.ignoreErrors) { warn(`parseColorSpace - ignoring ColorSpace: "${e}".`); return null } throw e })) } parseShading({ shading: e, resources: t, localColorSpaceCache: i, localShadingPatternCache: a }) { let s, r = a.get(e); if (r) return r; try { s = Pattern.parseShading(e, this.xref, t, this._pdfFunctionFactory, i).getIR() } catch (t) { if (t instanceof AbortException) return null; if (this.options.ignoreErrors) { warn(`parseShading - ignoring shading: "${t}".`); a.set(e, null); return null } throw t } r = `pattern_${this.idFactory.createObjId()}`; this.parsingType3Font && (r = `${this.idFactory.getDocId()}_type3_${r}`); a.set(e, r); this.parsingType3Font ? this.handler.send("commonobj", [r, "Pattern", s]) : this.handler.send("obj", [r, this.pageIndex, "Pattern", s]); return r } handleColorN(e, t, i, a, s, r, n, o, g, c) { const h = i.pop(); if (h instanceof Name) { const l = s.getRaw(, C = l instanceof Ref && g.getByRef(l); if (C) try { const s = a.base ? a.base.getRgb(i, 0) : null, r = getTilingPatternIR(C.operatorListIR, C.dict, s); e.addOp(t, r); return } catch { } const Q = this.xref.fetchIfRef(l); if (Q) { const s = Q instanceof BaseStream ? Q.dict : Q, h = s.get("PatternType"); if (h === Fs) { const o = a.base ? a.base.getRgb(i, 0) : null; return this.handleTilingType(t, o, r, Q, s, e, n, g) } if (h === Ss) { const i = s.get("Shading"), a = this.parseShading({ shading: i, resources: r, localColorSpaceCache: o, localShadingPatternCache: c }); if (a) { const i = lookupMatrix(s.getArray("Matrix"), null); e.addOp(t, ["Shading", a, i]) } return } throw new FormatError(`Unknown PatternType: ${h}`) } } throw new FormatError(`Unknown PatternName: ${h}`) } _parseVisibilityExpression(e, t, i) { if (++t > 10) { warn("Visibility expression is too deeply nested"); return } const a = e.length, s = this.xref.fetchIfRef(e[0]); if (!(a < 2) && s instanceof Name) { switch ( { case "And": case "Or": case "Not": i.push(; break; default: warn(`Invalid operator ${} in visibility expression`); return }for (let s = 1; s < a; s++) { const a = e[s], r = this.xref.fetchIfRef(a); if (Array.isArray(r)) { const e = []; i.push(e); this._parseVisibilityExpression(r, t, e) } else a instanceof Ref && i.push(a.toString()) } } else warn("Invalid visibility expression") } async parseMarkedContentProps(e, t) { let i; if (e instanceof Name) { i = t.get("Properties").get( } else { if (!(e instanceof Dict)) throw new FormatError("Optional content properties malformed."); i = e } const a = i.get("Type")?.name; if ("OCG" === a) return { type: a, id: i.objId }; if ("OCMD" === a) { const e = i.get("VE"); if (Array.isArray(e)) { const t = []; this._parseVisibilityExpression(e, 0, t); if (t.length > 0) return { type: "OCMD", expression: t } } const t = i.get("OCGs"); if (Array.isArray(t) || t instanceof Dict) { const e = []; if (Array.isArray(t)) for (const i of t) e.push(i.toString()); else e.push(t.objId); return { type: a, ids: e, policy: i.get("P") instanceof Name ? i.get("P").name : null, expression: null } } if (t instanceof Ref) return { type: a, id: t.toString() } } return null } getOperatorList({ stream: e, task: t, resources: i, operatorList: a, initialState: s = null, fallbackFontDict: r = null }) { i ||= Dict.empty; s ||= new EvalState; if (!a) throw new Error('getOperatorList: missing "operatorList" parameter'); const n = this, o = this.xref; let g = !1; const c = new LocalImageCache, h = new LocalColorSpaceCache, l = new LocalGStateCache, C = new LocalTilingPatternCache, Q = new Map, E = i.get("XObject") || Dict.empty, u = i.get("Pattern") || Dict.empty, d = new StateManager(s), f = new EvaluatorPreprocessor(e, o, d), p = new TimeSlotManager; function closePendingRestoreOPS(e) { for (let e = 0, t = f.savedStatesDepth; e < t; e++)a.addOp(xA, []) } return new Promise((function promiseBody(e, s) { const next = function (t) { Promise.all([t, a.ready]).then((function () { try { promiseBody(e, s) } catch (e) { s(e) } }), s) }; t.ensureNotTerminated(); p.reset(); const m = {}; let y, w, b, D, F, S; for (; !(y = p.check());) { m.args = null; if (! break; let e = m.args, s = m.fn; switch (0 | s) { case Me: S = e[0] instanceof Name; F = e[0].name; if (S) { const t = c.getByName(F); if (t) { a.addImageOps(t.fn, t.args, t.optionalContent); incrementCachedImageMaskCount(t); e = null; continue } } next(new Promise((function (e, s) { if (!S) throw new FormatError("XObject must be referred to by name."); let r = E.getRaw(F); if (r instanceof Ref) { const t = c.getByRef(r) || n._regionalImageCache.getByRef(r); if (t) { a.addImageOps(t.fn, t.args, t.optionalContent); incrementCachedImageMaskCount(t); e(); return } const i = n.globalImageCache.getData(r, n.pageIndex); if (i) { a.addDependency(i.objId); a.addImageOps(i.fn, i.args, i.optionalContent); e(); return } r = o.fetch(r) } if (!(r instanceof BaseStream)) throw new FormatError("XObject should be a stream"); const g = r.dict.get("Subtype"); if (!(g instanceof Name)) throw new FormatError("XObject should have a Name subtype"); if ("Form" !== if ("Image" !== { if ("PS" !== throw new FormatError(`Unhandled XObject subtype ${}`); info("Ignored XObject subtype PS"); e() } else n.buildPaintImageXObject({ resources: i, image: r, operatorList: a, cacheKey: F, localImageCache: c, localColorSpaceCache: h }).then(e, s); else {; n.buildFormXObject(i, r, null, a, t, d.state.clone(), h).then((function () { d.restore(); e() }), s) } })).catch((function (e) { if (!(e instanceof AbortException)) { if (!n.options.ignoreErrors) throw e; warn(`getOperatorList - ignoring XObject: "${e}".`) } }))); return; case se: var k = e[1]; next(n.handleSetFont(i, e, null, a, t, d.state, r).then((function (e) { a.addDependency(e); a.addOp(se, [e, k]) }))); return; case $A: g = !0; break; case Ae: g = !1; break; case xe: var R = e[0].cacheKey; if (R) { const t = c.getByName(R); if (t) { a.addImageOps(t.fn, t.args, t.optionalContent); incrementCachedImageMaskCount(t); e = null; continue } } next(n.buildPaintImageXObject({ resources: i, image: e[0], isInline: !0, operatorList: a, cacheKey: R, localImageCache: c, localColorSpaceCache: h })); return; case he: if (!d.state.font) { n.ensureStateFont(d.state); continue } e[0] = n.handleText(e[0], d.state); break; case le: if (!d.state.font) { n.ensureStateFont(d.state); continue } var N = [], G = d.state; for (const t of e[0]) "string" == typeof t ? N.push(...n.handleText(t, G)) : "number" == typeof t && N.push(t); e[0] = N; s = he; break; case Ce: if (!d.state.font) { n.ensureStateFont(d.state); continue } a.addOp(ce); e[0] = n.handleText(e[0], d.state); s = he; break; case Be: if (!d.state.font) { n.ensureStateFont(d.state); continue } a.addOp(ce); a.addOp(te, [e.shift()]); a.addOp(ee, [e.shift()]); e[0] = n.handleText(e[0], d.state); s = he; break; case re: d.state.textRenderingMode = e[0]; break; case de: { const t = ColorSpace.getCached(e[0], o, h); if (t) { d.state.fillColorSpace = t; continue } next(n.parseColorSpace({ cs: e[0], resources: i, localColorSpaceCache: h }).then((function (e) { e && (d.state.fillColorSpace = e) }))); return } case ue: { const t = ColorSpace.getCached(e[0], o, h); if (t) { d.state.strokeColorSpace = t; continue } next(n.parseColorSpace({ cs: e[0], resources: i, localColorSpaceCache: h }).then((function (e) { e && (d.state.strokeColorSpace = e) }))); return } case me: D = d.state.fillColorSpace; e = D.getRgb(e, 0); s = Fe; break; case fe: D = d.state.strokeColorSpace; e = D.getRgb(e, 0); s = De; break; case be: d.state.fillColorSpace = ColorSpace.singletons.gray; e = ColorSpace.singletons.gray.getRgb(e, 0); s = Fe; break; case we: d.state.strokeColorSpace = ColorSpace.singletons.gray; e = ColorSpace.singletons.gray.getRgb(e, 0); s = De; break; case ke: d.state.fillColorSpace = ColorSpace.singletons.cmyk; e = ColorSpace.singletons.cmyk.getRgb(e, 0); s = Fe; break; case Se: d.state.strokeColorSpace = ColorSpace.singletons.cmyk; e = ColorSpace.singletons.cmyk.getRgb(e, 0); s = De; break; case Fe: d.state.fillColorSpace = ColorSpace.singletons.rgb; e = ColorSpace.singletons.rgb.getRgb(e, 0); break; case De: d.state.strokeColorSpace = ColorSpace.singletons.rgb; e = ColorSpace.singletons.rgb.getRgb(e, 0); break; case ye: D = d.state.fillColorSpace; if ("Pattern" === { next(n.handleColorN(a, ye, e, D, u, i, t, h, C, Q)); return } e = D.getRgb(e, 0); s = Fe; break; case pe: D = d.state.strokeColorSpace; if ("Pattern" === { next(n.handleColorN(a, pe, e, D, u, i, t, h, C, Q)); return } e = D.getRgb(e, 0); s = De; break; case Re: var x = i.get("Shading"); if (!x) throw new FormatError("No shading resource found"); var M = x.get(e[0].name); if (!M) throw new FormatError("No shading object found"); const f = n.parseShading({ shading: M, resources: i, localColorSpaceCache: h, localShadingPatternCache: Q }); if (!f) continue; e = [f]; s = Re; break; case NA: S = e[0] instanceof Name; F = e[0].name; if (S) { const t = l.getByName(F); if (t) { t.length > 0 && a.addOp(NA, [t]); e = null; continue } } next(new Promise((function (e, s) { if (!S) throw new FormatError("GState must be referred to by name."); const r = i.get("ExtGState"); if (!(r instanceof Dict)) throw new FormatError("ExtGState should be a dictionary."); const o = r.get(F); if (!(o instanceof Dict)) throw new FormatError("GState should be a dictionary."); n.setGState({ resources: i, gState: o, operatorList: a, cacheKey: F, task: t, stateManager: d, localGStateCache: l, localColorSpaceCache: h }).then(e, s) })).catch((function (e) { if (!(e instanceof AbortException)) { if (!n.options.ignoreErrors) throw e; warn(`getOperatorList - ignoring ExtGState: "${e}".`) } }))); return; case UA: case LA: case JA: case HA: case YA: case vA: case KA: n.buildPath(a, s, e, g); continue; case Ue: case Le: case ve: case Ke: continue; case He: if (!(e[0] instanceof Name)) { warn(`Expected name for beginMarkedContentProps arg0=${e[0]}`); a.addOp(He, ["OC", null]); continue } if ("OC" === e[0].name) { next(n.parseMarkedContentProps(e[1], i).then((e => { a.addOp(He, ["OC", e]) })).catch((e => { if (!(e instanceof AbortException)) { if (!n.options.ignoreErrors) throw e; warn(`getOperatorList - ignoring beginMarkedContentProps: "${e}".`); a.addOp(He, ["OC", null]) } }))); return } e = [e[0].name, e[1] instanceof Dict ? e[1].get("MCID") : null]; break; default: if (null !== e) { for (w = 0, b = e.length; w < b && !(e[w] instanceof Dict); w++); if (w < b) { warn("getOperatorList - ignoring operator: " + s); continue } } }a.addOp(s, e) } if (y) next(ks); else { closePendingRestoreOPS(); e() } })).catch((e => { if (!(e instanceof AbortException)) { if (!this.options.ignoreErrors) throw e; warn(`getOperatorList - ignoring errors during "${}" task: "${e}".`); closePendingRestoreOPS() } })) } getTextContent({ stream: e, task: t, resources: s, stateManager: r = null, includeMarkedContent: n = !1, sink: o, seenStyles: g = new Set, viewBox: c, lang: h = null, markedContentData: l = null, disableNormalization: C = !1, keepWhiteSpace: Q = !1 }) { s ||= Dict.empty; r ||= new StateManager(new TextState); n && (l ||= { level: 0 }); const E = { items: [], styles: Object.create(null), lang: h }, u = { initialized: !1, str: [], totalWidth: 0, totalHeight: 0, width: 0, height: 0, vertical: !1, prevTransform: null, textAdvanceScale: 0, spaceInFlowMin: 0, spaceInFlowMax: 0, trackingSpaceMin: 1 / 0, negativeSpaceMax: -1 / 0, notASpace: -1 / 0, transform: null, fontName: null, hasEOL: !1 }, d = [" ", " "]; let f = 0; function saveLastChar(e) { const t = (f + 1) % 2, i = " " !== d[f] && " " === d[t]; d[f] = e; f = t; return !Q && i } function shouldAddWhitepsace() { return !Q && " " !== d[f] && " " === d[(f + 1) % 2] } function resetLastChars() { d[0] = d[1] = " "; f = 0 } const p = this, m = this.xref, y = []; let w = null; const b = new LocalImageCache, D = new LocalGStateCache, F = new EvaluatorPreprocessor(e, m, r); let S; function pushWhitespace({ width: e = 0, height: t = 0, transform: i = u.prevTransform, fontName: a = u.fontName }) { E.items.push({ str: " ", dir: "ltr", width: e, height: t, transform: i, fontName: a, hasEOL: !1 }) } function getCurrentTextTransform() { const e = S.font, t = [S.fontSize * S.textHScale, 0, 0, S.fontSize, 0, S.textRise]; if (e.isType3Font && (S.fontSize <= 1 || e.isCharBBox) && !isArrayEqual(S.fontMatrix, a)) { const i = e.bbox[3] - e.bbox[1]; i > 0 && (t[3] *= i * S.fontMatrix[3]) } return Util.transform(S.ctm, Util.transform(S.textMatrix, t)) } function ensureTextContentItem() { if (u.initialized) return u; const { font: e, loadedName: t } = S; if (!g.has(t)) { g.add(t); E.styles[t] = { fontFamily: e.fallbackName, ascent: e.ascent, descent: e.descent, vertical: e.vertical }; if (p.options.fontExtraProperties && e.systemFontInfo) { const i = E.styles[t]; i.fontSubstitution = e.systemFontInfo.css; i.fontSubstitutionLoadedName = e.systemFontInfo.loadedName } } u.fontName = t; const i = u.transform = getCurrentTextTransform(); if (e.vertical) { u.width = u.totalWidth = Math.hypot(i[0], i[1]); u.height = u.totalHeight = 0; u.vertical = !0 } else { u.width = u.totalWidth = 0; u.height = u.totalHeight = Math.hypot(i[2], i[3]); u.vertical = !1 } const a = Math.hypot(S.textLineMatrix[0], S.textLineMatrix[1]), s = Math.hypot(S.ctm[0], S.ctm[1]); u.textAdvanceScale = s * a; const { fontSize: r } = S; u.trackingSpaceMin = .102 * r; u.notASpace = .03 * r; u.negativeSpaceMax = -.2 * r; u.spaceInFlowMin = .102 * r; u.spaceInFlowMax = .6 * r; u.hasEOL = !1; u.initialized = !0; return u } function updateAdvanceScale() { if (!u.initialized) return; const e = Math.hypot(S.textLineMatrix[0], S.textLineMatrix[1]), t = Math.hypot(S.ctm[0], S.ctm[1]) * e; if (t !== u.textAdvanceScale) { if (u.vertical) { u.totalHeight += u.height * u.textAdvanceScale; u.height = 0 } else { u.totalWidth += u.width * u.textAdvanceScale; u.width = 0 } u.textAdvanceScale = t } } function runBidiTransform(e) { let t = e.str.join(""); C || (t = function normalizeUnicode(e) { if (!gt) { gt = /([\u00a0\u00b5\u037e\u0eb3\u2000-\u200a\u202f\u2126\ufb00-\ufb04\ufb06\ufb20-\ufb36\ufb38-\ufb3c\ufb3e\ufb40-\ufb41\ufb43-\ufb44\ufb46-\ufba1\ufba4-\ufba9\ufbae-\ufbb1\ufbd3-\ufbdc\ufbde-\ufbe7\ufbea-\ufbf8\ufbfc-\ufbfd\ufc00-\ufc5d\ufc64-\ufcf1\ufcf5-\ufd3d\ufd88\ufdf4\ufdfa-\ufdfb\ufe71\ufe77\ufe79\ufe7b\ufe7d]+)|(\ufb05+)/gu; It = new Map([["ſt", "ſt"]]) } return e.replaceAll(gt, ((e, t, i) => t ? t.normalize("NFKC") : It.get(i))) }(t)); const i = bidi(t, -1, e.vertical); return { str: i.str, dir: i.dir, width: Math.abs(e.totalWidth), height: Math.abs(e.totalHeight), transform: e.transform, fontName: e.fontName, hasEOL: e.hasEOL } } async function handleSetFont(e, i) { const r = await p.loadFont(e, i, s); if (r.font.isType3Font) try { await r.loadType3Data(p, s, t) } catch { } S.loadedName = r.loadedName; S.font = r.font; S.fontMatrix = r.font.fontMatrix || a } function applyInverseRotation(e, t, i) { const a = Math.hypot(i[0], i[1]); return [(i[0] * e + i[1] * t) / a, (i[2] * e + i[3] * t) / a] } function compareWithLastPosition(e) { const t = getCurrentTextTransform(); let i = t[4], a = t[5]; if (S.font?.vertical) { if (i < c[0] || i > c[2] || a + e < c[1] || a > c[3]) return !1 } else if (i + e < c[0] || i > c[2] || a < c[1] || a > c[3]) return !1; if (!S.font || !u.prevTransform) return !0; let s = u.prevTransform[4], r = u.prevTransform[5]; if (s === i && r === a) return !0; let n = -1; t[0] && 0 === t[1] && 0 === t[2] ? n = t[0] > 0 ? 0 : 180 : t[1] && 0 === t[0] && 0 === t[3] && (n = t[1] > 0 ? 90 : 270); switch (n) { case 0: break; case 90: [i, a] = [a, i];[s, r] = [r, s]; break; case 180: [i, a, s, r] = [-i, -a, -s, -r]; break; case 270: [i, a] = [-a, -i];[s, r] = [-r, -s]; break; default: [i, a] = applyInverseRotation(i, a, t);[s, r] = applyInverseRotation(s, r, u.prevTransform) }if (S.font.vertical) { const e = (r - a) / u.textAdvanceScale, t = i - s, n = Math.sign(u.height); if (e < n * u.negativeSpaceMax) { if (Math.abs(t) > .5 * u.width) { appendEOL(); return !0 } resetLastChars(); flushTextContentItem(); return !0 } if (Math.abs(t) > u.width) { appendEOL(); return !0 } e <= n * u.notASpace && resetLastChars(); if (e <= n * u.trackingSpaceMin) if (shouldAddWhitepsace()) { resetLastChars(); flushTextContentItem(); pushWhitespace({ height: Math.abs(e) }) } else u.height += e; else if (!addFakeSpaces(e, u.prevTransform, n)) if (0 === u.str.length) { resetLastChars(); pushWhitespace({ height: Math.abs(e) }) } else u.height += e; Math.abs(t) > .25 * u.width && flushTextContentItem(); return !0 } const o = (i - s) / u.textAdvanceScale, g = a - r, h = Math.sign(u.width); if (o < h * u.negativeSpaceMax) { if (Math.abs(g) > .5 * u.height) { appendEOL(); return !0 } resetLastChars(); flushTextContentItem(); return !0 } if (Math.abs(g) > u.height) { appendEOL(); return !0 } o <= h * u.notASpace && resetLastChars(); if (o <= h * u.trackingSpaceMin) if (shouldAddWhitepsace()) { resetLastChars(); flushTextContentItem(); pushWhitespace({ width: Math.abs(o) }) } else u.width += o; else if (!addFakeSpaces(o, u.prevTransform, h)) if (0 === u.str.length) { resetLastChars(); pushWhitespace({ width: Math.abs(o) }) } else u.width += o; Math.abs(g) > .25 * u.height && flushTextContentItem(); return !0 } function buildTextContentItem({ chars: e, extraSpacing: t }) { const i = S.font; if (!e) { const e = S.charSpacing + t; e && (i.vertical ? S.translateTextMatrix(0, -e) : S.translateTextMatrix(e * S.textHScale, 0)); Q && compareWithLastPosition(0); return } const a = i.charsToGlyphs(e), s = S.fontMatrix[0] * S.fontSize; for (let e = 0, r = a.length; e < r; e++) { const n = a[e], { category: o } = n; if (o.isInvisibleFormatMark) continue; let g = S.charSpacing + (e + 1 === r ? t : 0), c = n.width; i.vertical && (c = n.vmetric ? n.vmetric[0] : -c); let h = c * s; if (!Q && o.isWhitespace) { if (i.vertical) { g += -h + S.wordSpacing; S.translateTextMatrix(0, -g) } else { g += h + S.wordSpacing; S.translateTextMatrix(g * S.textHScale, 0) } saveLastChar(" "); continue } if (!o.isZeroWidthDiacritic && !compareWithLastPosition(h)) { i.vertical ? S.translateTextMatrix(0, h) : S.translateTextMatrix(h * S.textHScale, 0); continue } const l = ensureTextContentItem(); o.isZeroWidthDiacritic && (h = 0); if (i.vertical) { S.translateTextMatrix(0, h); h = Math.abs(h); l.height += h } else { h *= S.textHScale; S.translateTextMatrix(h, 0); l.width += h } h && (l.prevTransform = getCurrentTextTransform()); const C = n.unicode; saveLastChar(C) && l.str.push(" "); l.str.push(C); g && (i.vertical ? S.translateTextMatrix(0, -g) : S.translateTextMatrix(g * S.textHScale, 0)) } } function appendEOL() { resetLastChars(); if (u.initialized) { u.hasEOL = !0; flushTextContentItem() } else E.items.push({ str: "", dir: "ltr", width: 0, height: 0, transform: getCurrentTextTransform(), fontName: S.loadedName, hasEOL: !0 }) } function addFakeSpaces(e, t, i) { if (i * u.spaceInFlowMin <= e && e <= i * u.spaceInFlowMax) { if (u.initialized) { resetLastChars(); u.str.push(" ") } return !1 } const a = u.fontName; let s = 0; if (u.vertical) { s = e; e = 0 } flushTextContentItem(); resetLastChars(); pushWhitespace({ width: Math.abs(e), height: Math.abs(s), transform: t || getCurrentTextTransform(), fontName: a }); return !0 } function flushTextContentItem() { if (u.initialized && u.str) { u.vertical ? u.totalHeight += u.height * u.textAdvanceScale : u.totalWidth += u.width * u.textAdvanceScale; E.items.push(runBidiTransform(u)); u.initialized = !1; u.str.length = 0 } } function enqueueChunk(e = !1) { const t = E.items.length; if (0 !== t && !(e && t < 10)) { o.enqueue(E, t); E.items = []; E.styles = Object.create(null) } } const k = new TimeSlotManager; return new Promise((function promiseBody(e, a) { const next = function (t) { enqueueChunk(!0); Promise.all([t, o.ready]).then((function () { try { promiseBody(e, a) } catch (e) { a(e) } }), a) }; t.ensureNotTerminated(); k.reset(); const u = {}; let d, f = []; for (; !(d = k.check());) { f.length = 0; u.args = f; if (! break; const e = S; S = r.state; const a = u.fn; f = u.args; switch (0 | a) { case se: var R = f[0].name, N = f[1]; if (S.font && R === S.fontName && N === S.fontSize) break; flushTextContentItem(); S.fontName = R; S.fontSize = N; next(handleSetFont(R, null)); return; case ne: S.textRise = f[0]; break; case ie: S.textHScale = f[0] / 100; break; case ae: S.leading = f[0]; break; case oe: S.translateTextLineMatrix(f[0], f[1]); S.textMatrix = S.textLineMatrix.slice(); break; case ge: S.leading = -f[1]; S.translateTextLineMatrix(f[0], f[1]); S.textMatrix = S.textLineMatrix.slice(); break; case ce: S.carriageReturn(); break; case Ie: S.setTextMatrix(f[0], f[1], f[2], f[3], f[4], f[5]); S.setTextLineMatrix(f[0], f[1], f[2], f[3], f[4], f[5]); updateAdvanceScale(); break; case ee: S.charSpacing = f[0]; break; case te: S.wordSpacing = f[0]; break; case $A: S.textMatrix = i.slice(); S.textLineMatrix = i.slice(); break; case le: if (!r.state.font) { p.ensureStateFont(r.state); continue } const a = (S.font.vertical ? 1 : -1) * S.fontSize / 1e3, u = f[0]; for (let e = 0, t = u.length; e < t; e++) { const t = u[e]; if ("string" == typeof t) y.push(t); else if ("number" == typeof t && 0 !== t) { const e = y.join(""); y.length = 0; buildTextContentItem({ chars: e, extraSpacing: t * a }) } } if (y.length > 0) { const e = y.join(""); y.length = 0; buildTextContentItem({ chars: e, extraSpacing: 0 }) } break; case he: if (!r.state.font) { p.ensureStateFont(r.state); continue } buildTextContentItem({ chars: f[0], extraSpacing: 0 }); break; case Ce: if (!r.state.font) { p.ensureStateFont(r.state); continue } S.carriageReturn(); buildTextContentItem({ chars: f[0], extraSpacing: 0 }); break; case Be: if (!r.state.font) { p.ensureStateFont(r.state); continue } S.wordSpacing = f[0]; S.charSpacing = f[1]; S.carriageReturn(); buildTextContentItem({ chars: f[2], extraSpacing: 0 }); break; case Me: flushTextContentItem(); w || (w = s.get("XObject") || Dict.empty); var G = f[0] instanceof Name, x = f[0].name; if (G && b.getByName(x)) break; next(new Promise((function (e, i) { if (!G) throw new FormatError("XObject must be referred to by name."); let a = w.getRaw(x); if (a instanceof Ref) { if (b.getByRef(a)) { e(); return } if (p.globalImageCache.getData(a, p.pageIndex)) { e(); return } a = m.fetch(a) } if (!(a instanceof BaseStream)) throw new FormatError("XObject should be a stream"); const E = a.dict.get("Subtype"); if (!(E instanceof Name)) throw new FormatError("XObject should have a Name subtype"); if ("Form" !== { b.set(x, a.dict.objId, !0); e(); return } const u = r.state.clone(), d = new StateManager(u), f = lookupMatrix(a.dict.getArray("Matrix"), null); f && d.transform(f); enqueueChunk(); const y = { enqueueInvoked: !1, enqueue(e, t) { this.enqueueInvoked = !0; o.enqueue(e, t) }, get desiredSize() { return o.desiredSize }, get ready() { return o.ready } }; p.getTextContent({ stream: a, task: t, resources: a.dict.get("Resources") || s, stateManager: d, includeMarkedContent: n, sink: y, seenStyles: g, viewBox: c, lang: h, markedContentData: l, disableNormalization: C, keepWhiteSpace: Q }).then((function () { y.enqueueInvoked || b.set(x, a.dict.objId, !0); e() }), i) })).catch((function (e) { if (!(e instanceof AbortException)) { if (!p.options.ignoreErrors) throw e; warn(`getTextContent - ignoring XObject: "${e}".`) } }))); return; case NA: G = f[0] instanceof Name; x = f[0].name; if (G && D.getByName(x)) break; next(new Promise((function (e, t) { if (!G) throw new FormatError("GState must be referred to by name."); const i = s.get("ExtGState"); if (!(i instanceof Dict)) throw new FormatError("ExtGState should be a dictionary."); const a = i.get(x); if (!(a instanceof Dict)) throw new FormatError("GState should be a dictionary."); const r = a.get("Font"); if (r) { flushTextContentItem(); S.fontName = null; S.fontSize = r[1]; handleSetFont(null, r[0]).then(e, t) } else { D.set(x, a.objId, !0); e() } })).catch((function (e) { if (!(e instanceof AbortException)) { if (!p.options.ignoreErrors) throw e; warn(`getTextContent - ignoring ExtGState: "${e}".`) } }))); return; case Je: flushTextContentItem(); if (n) { l.level++; E.items.push({ type: "beginMarkedContent", tag: f[0] instanceof Name ? f[0].name : null }) } break; case He: flushTextContentItem(); if (n) { l.level++; let e = null; f[1] instanceof Dict && (e = f[1].get("MCID")); E.items.push({ type: "beginMarkedContentProps", id: Number.isInteger(e) ? `${p.idFactory.getPageObjId()}_mc${e}` : null, tag: f[0] instanceof Name ? f[0].name : null }) } break; case Ye: flushTextContentItem(); if (n) { if (0 === l.level) break; l.level--; E.items.push({ type: "endMarkedContent" }) } break; case xA: !e || e.font === S.font && e.fontSize === S.fontSize && e.fontName === S.fontName || flushTextContentItem() }if (E.items.length >= o.desiredSize) { d = !0; break } } if (d) next(ks); else { flushTextContentItem(); enqueueChunk(); e() } })).catch((e => { if (!(e instanceof AbortException)) { if (!this.options.ignoreErrors) throw e; warn(`getTextContent - ignoring errors during "${}" task: "${e}".`); flushTextContentItem(); enqueueChunk() } })) } async extractDataStructures(e, t) { const i = this.xref; let a; const s = this.readToUnicode(t.toUnicode); if (t.composite) { const i = e.get("CIDSystemInfo"); i instanceof Dict && (t.cidSystemInfo = { registry: stringToPDFString(i.get("Registry")), ordering: stringToPDFString(i.get("Ordering")), supplement: i.get("Supplement") }); try { const t = e.get("CIDToGIDMap"); t instanceof BaseStream && (a = t.getBytes()) } catch (e) { if (!this.options.ignoreErrors) throw e; warn(`extractDataStructures - ignoring CIDToGIDMap data: "${e}".`) } } const r = []; let n, o = null; if (e.has("Encoding")) { n = e.get("Encoding"); if (n instanceof Dict) { o = n.get("BaseEncoding"); o = o instanceof Name ? : null; if (n.has("Differences")) { const e = n.get("Differences"); let t = 0; for (const a of e) { const e = i.fetchIfRef(a); if ("number" == typeof e) t = e; else { if (!(e instanceof Name)) throw new FormatError(`Invalid entry in 'Differences' array: ${e}`); r[t++] = } } } } else if (n instanceof Name) o =; else { const e = "Encoding is not a Name nor a Dict"; if (!this.options.ignoreErrors) throw new FormatError(e); warn(e) } "MacRomanEncoding" !== o && "MacExpertEncoding" !== o && "WinAnsiEncoding" !== o && (o = null) } const g = !t.file || t.isInternalFont, c = Zi()[]; o && g && c && (o = null); if (o) t.defaultEncoding = getEncoding(o); else { const e = !!(t.flags & Ti), i = !!(t.flags & qi); n = fi; "TrueType" !== t.type || i || (n = pi); if (e || c) { n = di; g && (/Symbol/i.test( ? n = mi : /Dingbats/i.test( ? n = yi : /Wingdings/i.test( && (n = pi)) } t.defaultEncoding = n } t.differences = r; t.baseEncodingName = o; t.hasEncoding = !!o || r.length > 0; t.dict = e; t.toUnicode = await s; const h = await this.buildToUnicode(t); t.toUnicode = h; a && (t.cidToGidMap = this.readCidToGidMap(a, h)); return t } _simpleFontToUnicode(e, t = !1) { assert(!e.composite, "Must be a simple font."); const i = [], a = e.defaultEncoding.slice(), s = e.baseEncodingName, r = e.differences; for (const e in r) { const t = r[e]; ".notdef" !== t && (a[e] = t) } const n = Ni(); for (const r in a) { let o = a[r]; if ("" === o) continue; let g = n[o]; if (void 0 !== g) { i[r] = String.fromCharCode(g); continue } let c = 0; switch (o[0]) { case "G": 3 === o.length && (c = parseInt(o.substring(1), 16)); break; case "g": 5 === o.length && (c = parseInt(o.substring(1), 16)); break; case "C": case "c": if (o.length >= 3 && o.length <= 4) { const i = o.substring(1); if (t) { c = parseInt(i, 16); break } c = +i; if (Number.isNaN(c) && Number.isInteger(parseInt(i, 16))) return this._simpleFontToUnicode(e, !0) } break; case "u": g = getUnicodeForGlyph(o, n); -1 !== g && (c = g); break; default: switch (o) { case "f_h": case "f_t": case "T_h": i[r] = o.replaceAll("_", ""); continue } }if (c > 0 && c <= 1114111 && Number.isInteger(c)) { if (s && c === +r) { const e = getEncoding(s); if (e && (o = e[r])) { i[r] = String.fromCharCode(n[o]); continue } } i[r] = String.fromCodePoint(c) } } return i } async buildToUnicode(e) { e.hasIncludedToUnicodeMap = e.toUnicode?.length > 0; if (e.hasIncludedToUnicodeMap) { !e.composite && e.hasEncoding && (e.fallbackToUnicode = this._simpleFontToUnicode(e)); return e.toUnicode } if (!e.composite) return new ToUnicodeMap(this._simpleFontToUnicode(e)); if (e.composite && (e.cMap.builtInCMap && !(e.cMap instanceof IdentityCMap) || "Adobe" === e.cidSystemInfo?.registry && ("GB1" === e.cidSystemInfo.ordering || "CNS1" === e.cidSystemInfo.ordering || "Japan1" === e.cidSystemInfo.ordering || "Korea1" === e.cidSystemInfo.ordering))) { const { registry: t, ordering: i } = e.cidSystemInfo, a = Name.get(`${t}-${i}-UCS2`), s = await CMapFactory.create({ encoding: a, fetchBuiltInCMap: this._fetchBuiltInCMapBound, useCMap: null }), r = [], n = []; e.cMap.forEach((function (e, t) { if (t > 65535) throw new FormatError("Max size of CID is 65,535"); const i = s.lookup(t); if (i) { n.length = 0; for (let e = 0, t = i.length; e < t; e += 2)n.push((i.charCodeAt(e) << 8) + i.charCodeAt(e + 1)); r[e] = String.fromCharCode(...n) } })); return new ToUnicodeMap(r) } return new IdentityToUnicodeMap(e.firstChar, e.lastChar) } async readToUnicode(e) { if (!e) return null; if (e instanceof Name) { const t = await CMapFactory.create({ encoding: e, fetchBuiltInCMap: this._fetchBuiltInCMapBound, useCMap: null }); return t instanceof IdentityCMap ? new IdentityToUnicodeMap(0, 65535) : new ToUnicodeMap(t.getMap()) } if (e instanceof BaseStream) try { const t = await CMapFactory.create({ encoding: e, fetchBuiltInCMap: this._fetchBuiltInCMapBound, useCMap: null }); if (t instanceof IdentityCMap) return new IdentityToUnicodeMap(0, 65535); const i = new Array(t.length); t.forEach((function (e, t) { if ("number" == typeof t) { i[e] = String.fromCodePoint(t); return } const a = []; for (let e = 0; e < t.length; e += 2) { const i = t.charCodeAt(e) << 8 | t.charCodeAt(e + 1); if (55296 != (63488 & i)) { a.push(i); continue } e += 2; const s = t.charCodeAt(e) << 8 | t.charCodeAt(e + 1); a.push(((1023 & i) << 10) + (1023 & s) + 65536) } i[e] = String.fromCodePoint(...a) })); return new ToUnicodeMap(i) } catch (e) { if (e instanceof AbortException) return null; if (this.options.ignoreErrors) { warn(`readToUnicode - ignoring ToUnicode data: "${e}".`); return null } throw e } return null } readCidToGidMap(e, t) { const i = []; for (let a = 0, s = e.length; a < s; a++) { const s = e[a++] << 8 | e[a], r = a >> 1; (0 !== s || t.has(r)) && (i[r] = s) } return i } extractWidths(e, t, i) { const a = this.xref; let s = [], r = 0; const n = []; let o; if (i.composite) { const t = e.get("DW"); r = Number.isInteger(t) ? t : 1e3; const g = e.get("W"); if (Array.isArray(g)) for (let e = 0, t = g.length; e < t; e++) { let t = a.fetchIfRef(g[e++]); if (!Number.isInteger(t)) break; const i = a.fetchIfRef(g[e]); if (Array.isArray(i)) for (const e of i) { const i = a.fetchIfRef(e); "number" == typeof i && (s[t] = i); t++ } else { if (!Number.isInteger(i)) break; { const r = a.fetchIfRef(g[++e]); if ("number" != typeof r) continue; for (let e = t; e <= i; e++)s[e] = r } } } if (i.vertical) { const t = e.getArray("DW2"); let i = isNumberArray(t, 2) ? t : [880, -1e3]; o = [i[1], .5 * r, i[0]]; i = e.get("W2"); if (Array.isArray(i)) for (let e = 0, t = i.length; e < t; e++) { let t = a.fetchIfRef(i[e++]); if (!Number.isInteger(t)) break; const s = a.fetchIfRef(i[e]); if (Array.isArray(s)) for (let e = 0, i = s.length; e < i; e++) { const i = [a.fetchIfRef(s[e++]), a.fetchIfRef(s[e++]), a.fetchIfRef(s[e])]; isNumberArray(i, null) && (n[t] = i); t++ } else { if (!Number.isInteger(s)) break; { const r = [a.fetchIfRef(i[++e]), a.fetchIfRef(i[++e]), a.fetchIfRef(i[++e])]; if (!isNumberArray(r, null)) continue; for (let e = t; e <= s; e++)n[e] = r } } } } } else { const n = e.get("Widths"); if (Array.isArray(n)) { let e = i.firstChar; for (const t of n) { const i = a.fetchIfRef(t); "number" == typeof i && (s[e] = i); e++ } const o = t.get("MissingWidth"); r = "number" == typeof o ? o : 0 } else { const t = e.get("BaseFont"); if (t instanceof Name) { const e = this.getBaseFontMetrics(; s = this.buildCharCodeToWidth(e.widths, i); r = e.defaultWidth } } } let g = !0, c = r; for (const e in s) { const t = s[e]; if (t) if (c) { if (c !== t) { g = !1; break } } else c = t } g ? i.flags |= vi : i.flags &= ~vi; i.defaultWidth = r; i.widths = s; i.defaultVMetrics = o; i.vmetrics = n } isSerifFont(e) { const t = e.split("-", 1)[0]; return t in ji() || /serif/gi.test(t) } getBaseFontMetrics(e) { let t = 0, i = Object.create(null), a = !1; let s = Pi()[e] || e; const r = Aa(); s in r || (s = this.isSerifFont(e) ? "Times-Roman" : "Helvetica"); const n = r[s]; if ("number" == typeof n) { t = n; a = !0 } else i = n(); return { defaultWidth: t, monospace: a, widths: i } } buildCharCodeToWidth(e, t) { const i = Object.create(null), a = t.differences, s = t.defaultEncoding; for (let t = 0; t < 256; t++)t in a && e[a[t]] ? i[t] = e[a[t]] : t in s && e[s[t]] && (i[t] = e[s[t]]); return i } preEvaluateFont(e) { const t = e; let i = e.get("Subtype"); if (!(i instanceof Name)) throw new FormatError("invalid font Subtype"); let a, s = !1; if ("Type0" === { const t = e.get("DescendantFonts"); if (!t) throw new FormatError("Descendant fonts are not specified"); if (!((e = Array.isArray(t) ? this.xref.fetchIfRef(t[0]) : t) instanceof Dict)) throw new FormatError("Descendant font is not a dictionary."); i = e.get("Subtype"); if (!(i instanceof Name)) throw new FormatError("invalid font Subtype"); s = !0 } let r = e.get("FirstChar"); Number.isInteger(r) || (r = 0); let n = e.get("LastChar"); Number.isInteger(n) || (n = s ? 65535 : 255); const o = e.get("FontDescriptor"), g = e.get("ToUnicode") || t.get("ToUnicode"); if (o) { a = new MurmurHash3_64; const i = t.getRaw("Encoding"); if (i instanceof Name) a.update(; else if (i instanceof Ref) a.update(i.toString()); else if (i instanceof Dict) for (const e of i.getRawValues()) if (e instanceof Name) a.update(; else if (e instanceof Ref) a.update(e.toString()); else if (Array.isArray(e)) { const t = e.length, i = new Array(t); for (let a = 0; a < t; a++) { const t = e[a]; t instanceof Name ? i[a] = : ("number" == typeof t || t instanceof Ref) && (i[a] = t.toString()) } a.update(i.join()) } a.update(`${r}-${n}`); if (g instanceof BaseStream) { const e = g.str || g, t = e.buffer ? new Uint8Array(e.buffer.buffer, 0, e.bufferLength) : new Uint8Array(e.bytes.buffer, e.start, e.end - e.start); a.update(t) } else g instanceof Name && a.update(; const o = e.get("Widths") || t.get("Widths"); if (Array.isArray(o)) { const e = []; for (const t of o) ("number" == typeof t || t instanceof Ref) && e.push(t.toString()); a.update(e.join()) } if (s) { a.update("compositeFont"); const i = e.get("W") || t.get("W"); if (Array.isArray(i)) { const e = []; for (const t of i) if ("number" == typeof t || t instanceof Ref) e.push(t.toString()); else if (Array.isArray(t)) { const i = []; for (const e of t) ("number" == typeof e || e instanceof Ref) && i.push(e.toString()); e.push(`[${i.join()}]`) } a.update(e.join()) } const s = e.getRaw("CIDToGIDMap") || t.getRaw("CIDToGIDMap"); s instanceof Name ? a.update( : s instanceof Ref ? a.update(s.toString()) : s instanceof BaseStream && a.update(s.peekBytes()) } } return { descriptor: o, dict: e, baseDict: t, composite: s, type:, firstChar: r, lastChar: n, toUnicode: g, hash: a ? a.hexdigest() : "" } } async translateFont({ descriptor: e, dict: t, baseDict: i, composite: s, type: r, firstChar: n, lastChar: o, toUnicode: g, cssFontInfo: c }) { const h = "Type3" === r; if (!e) { if (!h) { let e = t.get("BaseFont"); if (!(e instanceof Name)) throw new FormatError("Base font is not specified"); e =[,_]/g, "-"); const a = this.getBaseFontMetrics(e), s = e.split("-", 1)[0], c = (this.isSerifFont(s) ? Ki : 0) | (a.monospace ? vi : 0) | (Zi()[s] ? Ti : qi), l = { type: r, name: e, loadedName: i.loadedName, systemFontInfo: null, widths: a.widths, defaultWidth: a.defaultWidth, isSimulatedFlags: !0, flags: c, firstChar: n, lastChar: o, toUnicode: g, xHeight: 0, capHeight: 0, italicAngle: 0, isType3Font: h }, C = t.get("Widths"), Q = getStandardFontName(e); let E = null; if (Q) { E = await this.fetchStandardFontData(Q); l.isInternalFont = !!E } !l.isInternalFont && this.options.useSystemFonts && (l.systemFontInfo = getFontSubstitution(this.systemFontCache, this.idFactory, this.options.standardFontDataUrl, e, Q, r)); const u = await this.extractDataStructures(t, l); if (Array.isArray(C)) { const e = []; let t = n; for (const i of C) { const a = this.xref.fetchIfRef(i); "number" == typeof a && (e[t] = a); t++ } u.widths = e } else u.widths = this.buildCharCodeToWidth(a.widths, u); return new Font(e, E, u) } { const i = lookupNormalRect(t.getArray("FontBBox"), [0, 0, 0, 0]); (e = new Dict(null)).set("FontName", Name.get(r)); e.set("FontBBox", i) } } let l = e.get("FontName"), C = t.get("BaseFont"); "string" == typeof l && (l = Name.get(l)); "string" == typeof C && (C = Name.get(C)); const Q = l?.name, E = C?.name; if (!h && Q !== E) { info(`The FontDescriptor's FontName is "${Q}" but should be the same as the Font's BaseFont "${E}".`); Q && E && (E.startsWith(Q) || !isKnownFontName(Q) && isKnownFontName(E)) && (l = null) } l ||= C; if (!(l instanceof Name)) throw new FormatError("invalid font name"); let u, d, f, p, m; try { u = e.get("FontFile", "FontFile2", "FontFile3") } catch (e) { if (!this.options.ignoreErrors) throw e; warn(`translateFont - fetching "${}" font file: "${e}".`); u = new NullStream } let y = !1, w = null, b = null; if (u) { if (u.dict) { const e = u.dict.get("Subtype"); e instanceof Name && (d =; f = u.dict.get("Length1"); p = u.dict.get("Length2"); m = u.dict.get("Length3") } } else if (c) { const e = getXfaFontName(; if (e) { c.fontFamily = `${c.fontFamily}-PdfJS-XFA`; c.metrics = e.metrics || null; w = e.factors || null; u = await this.fetchStandardFontData(; y = !!u; i = t = getXfaFontDict(; s = !0 } } else if (!h) { const e = getStandardFontName(; if (e) { u = await this.fetchStandardFontData(e); y = !!u } !y && this.options.useSystemFonts && (b = getFontSubstitution(this.systemFontCache, this.idFactory, this.options.standardFontDataUrl,, e, r)) } const D = lookupMatrix(t.getArray("FontMatrix"), a), F = lookupNormalRect(e.getArray("FontBBox") || t.getArray("FontBBox"), void 0); let S = e.get("Ascent"); "number" != typeof S && (S = void 0); let k = e.get("Descent"); "number" != typeof k && (k = void 0); let R = e.get("XHeight"); "number" != typeof R && (R = 0); let N = e.get("CapHeight"); "number" != typeof N && (N = 0); let G = e.get("Flags"); Number.isInteger(G) || (G = 0); let x = e.get("ItalicAngle"); "number" != typeof x && (x = 0); const M = { type: r, name:, subtype: d, file: u, length1: f, length2: p, length3: m, isInternalFont: y, loadedName: i.loadedName, composite: s, fixedPitch: !1, fontMatrix: D, firstChar: n, lastChar: o, toUnicode: g, bbox: F, ascent: S, descent: k, xHeight: R, capHeight: N, flags: G, italicAngle: x, isType3Font: h, cssFontInfo: c, scaleFactors: w, systemFontInfo: b }; if (s) { const e = i.get("Encoding"); e instanceof Name && (M.cidEncoding =; const t = await CMapFactory.create({ encoding: e, fetchBuiltInCMap: this._fetchBuiltInCMapBound, useCMap: null }); M.cMap = t; M.vertical = M.cMap.vertical } const U = await this.extractDataStructures(t, M); this.extractWidths(t, e, U); return new Font(, u, U) } static buildFontPaths(e, t, i, a) { function buildPath(t) { const s = `${e.loadedName}_path_${t}`; try { if (e.renderer.hasBuiltPath(t)) return; i.send("commonobj", [s, "FontPath", e.renderer.getPathJs(t)]) } catch (e) { if (a.ignoreErrors) { warn(`buildFontPaths - ignoring ${s} glyph: "${e}".`); return } throw e } } for (const e of t) { buildPath(e.fontChar); const t = e.accent; t?.fontChar && buildPath(t.fontChar) } } static get fallbackFontDict() { const e = new Dict; e.set("BaseFont", Name.get("Helvetica")); e.set("Type", Name.get("FallbackType")); e.set("Subtype", Name.get("FallbackType")); e.set("Encoding", Name.get("WinAnsiEncoding")); return shadow(this, "fallbackFontDict", e) } } class TranslatedFont { constructor({ loadedName: e, font: t, dict: i, evaluatorOptions: a }) { this.loadedName = e; this.font = t; this.dict = i; this._evaluatorOptions = a || Ds; this.type3Loaded = null; this.type3Dependencies = t.isType3Font ? new Set : null; this.sent = !1 } send(e) { if (!this.sent) { this.sent = !0; e.send("commonobj", [this.loadedName, "Font", this.font.exportData(this._evaluatorOptions.fontExtraProperties)]) } } fallback(e) { if ( { this.font.disableFontFace = !0; PartialEvaluator.buildFontPaths(this.font, this.font.glyphCacheValues, e, this._evaluatorOptions) } } loadType3Data(e, t, i) { if (this.type3Loaded) return this.type3Loaded; if (!this.font.isType3Font) throw new Error("Must be a Type3 font."); const a = e.clone({ ignoreErrors: !1 }), s = new RefSet(e.type3FontRefs); this.dict.objId && !s.has(this.dict.objId) && s.put(this.dict.objId); a.type3FontRefs = s; const r = this.font, n = this.type3Dependencies; let o = Promise.resolve(); const g = this.dict.get("CharProcs"), c = this.dict.get("Resources") || t, h = Object.create(null), l = Util.normalizeRect(r.bbox || [0, 0, 0, 0]), C = l[2] - l[0], Q = l[3] - l[1], E = Math.hypot(C, Q); for (const e of g.getKeys()) o = o.then((() => { const t = g.get(e), s = new OperatorList; return a.getOperatorList({ stream: t, task: i, resources: c, operatorList: s }).then((() => { s.fnArray[0] === Ee && this._removeType3ColorOperators(s, E); h[e] = s.getIR(); for (const e of s.dependencies) n.add(e) })).catch((function (t) { warn(`Type3 font resource "${e}" is not available.`); const i = new OperatorList; h[e] = i.getIR() })) })); this.type3Loaded = o.then((() => { r.charProcOperatorList = h; if (this._bbox) { r.isCharBBox = !0; r.bbox = this._bbox } })); return this.type3Loaded } _removeType3ColorOperators(e, t = NaN) { const i = Util.normalizeRect(e.argsArray[0].slice(2)), a = i[2] - i[0], s = i[3] - i[1], r = Math.hypot(a, s); if (0 === a || 0 === s) { e.fnArray.splice(0, 1); e.argsArray.splice(0, 1) } else if (0 === t || Math.round(r / t) >= 10) { this._bbox || (this._bbox = [1 / 0, 1 / 0, -1 / 0, -1 / 0]); this._bbox[0] = Math.min(this._bbox[0], i[0]); this._bbox[1] = Math.min(this._bbox[1], i[1]); this._bbox[2] = Math.max(this._bbox[2], i[2]); this._bbox[3] = Math.max(this._bbox[3], i[3]) } let n = 0, o = e.length; for (; n < o;) { switch (e.fnArray[n]) { case Ee: break; case ue: case de: case fe: case pe: case me: case ye: case we: case be: case De: case Fe: case Se: case ke: case Re: case kA: e.fnArray.splice(n, 1); e.argsArray.splice(n, 1); o--; continue; case NA: const [t] = e.argsArray[n]; let i = 0, a = t.length; for (; i < a;) { const [e] = t[i]; switch (e) { case "TR": case "TR2": case "HT": case "BG": case "BG2": case "UCR": case "UCR2": t.splice(i, 1); a--; continue }i++ } }n++ } } } class StateManager { constructor(e = new EvalState) { this.state = e; this.stateStack = [] } save() { const e = this.state; this.stateStack.push(this.state); this.state = e.clone() } restore() { const e = this.stateStack.pop(); e && (this.state = e) } transform(e) { this.state.ctm = Util.transform(this.state.ctm, e) } } class TextState { constructor() { this.ctm = new Float32Array(i); this.fontName = null; this.fontSize = 0; this.loadedName = null; this.font = null; this.fontMatrix = a; this.textMatrix = i.slice(); this.textLineMatrix = i.slice(); this.charSpacing = 0; this.wordSpacing = 0; this.leading = 0; this.textHScale = 1; this.textRise = 0 } setTextMatrix(e, t, i, a, s, r) { const n = this.textMatrix; n[0] = e; n[1] = t; n[2] = i; n[3] = a; n[4] = s; n[5] = r } setTextLineMatrix(e, t, i, a, s, r) { const n = this.textLineMatrix; n[0] = e; n[1] = t; n[2] = i; n[3] = a; n[4] = s; n[5] = r } translateTextMatrix(e, t) { const i = this.textMatrix; i[4] = i[0] * e + i[2] * t + i[4]; i[5] = i[1] * e + i[3] * t + i[5] } translateTextLineMatrix(e, t) { const i = this.textLineMatrix; i[4] = i[0] * e + i[2] * t + i[4]; i[5] = i[1] * e + i[3] * t + i[5] } carriageReturn() { this.translateTextLineMatrix(0, -this.leading); this.textMatrix = this.textLineMatrix.slice() } clone() { const e = Object.create(this); e.textMatrix = this.textMatrix.slice(); e.textLineMatrix = this.textLineMatrix.slice(); e.fontMatrix = this.fontMatrix.slice(); return e } } class EvalState { constructor() { this.ctm = new Float32Array(i); this.font = null; this.textRenderingMode = y; this.fillColorSpace = ColorSpace.singletons.gray; this.strokeColorSpace = ColorSpace.singletons.gray } clone() { return Object.create(this) } } class EvaluatorPreprocessor { static get opMap() { return shadow(this, "opMap", Object.assign(Object.create(null), { w: { id: wA, numArgs: 1, variableArgs: !1 }, J: { id: bA, numArgs: 1, variableArgs: !1 }, j: { id: DA, numArgs: 1, variableArgs: !1 }, M: { id: FA, numArgs: 1, variableArgs: !1 }, d: { id: SA, numArgs: 2, variableArgs: !1 }, ri: { id: kA, numArgs: 1, variableArgs: !1 }, i: { id: RA, numArgs: 1, variableArgs: !1 }, gs: { id: NA, numArgs: 1, variableArgs: !1 }, q: { id: GA, numArgs: 0, variableArgs: !1 }, Q: { id: xA, numArgs: 0, variableArgs: !1 }, cm: { id: MA, numArgs: 6, variableArgs: !1 }, m: { id: UA, numArgs: 2, variableArgs: !1 }, l: { id: LA, numArgs: 2, variableArgs: !1 }, c: { id: JA, numArgs: 6, variableArgs: !1 }, v: { id: HA, numArgs: 4, variableArgs: !1 }, y: { id: YA, numArgs: 4, variableArgs: !1 }, h: { id: vA, numArgs: 0, variableArgs: !1 }, re: { id: KA, numArgs: 4, variableArgs: !1 }, S: { id: TA, numArgs: 0, variableArgs: !1 }, s: { id: qA, numArgs: 0, variableArgs: !1 }, f: { id: OA, numArgs: 0, variableArgs: !1 }, F: { id: OA, numArgs: 0, variableArgs: !1 }, "f*": { id: PA, numArgs: 0, variableArgs: !1 }, B: { id: WA, numArgs: 0, variableArgs: !1 }, "B*": { id: XA, numArgs: 0, variableArgs: !1 }, b: { id: jA, numArgs: 0, variableArgs: !1 }, "b*": { id: ZA, numArgs: 0, variableArgs: !1 }, n: { id: VA, numArgs: 0, variableArgs: !1 }, W: { id: zA, numArgs: 0, variableArgs: !1 }, "W*": { id: _A, numArgs: 0, variableArgs: !1 }, BT: { id: $A, numArgs: 0, variableArgs: !1 }, ET: { id: Ae, numArgs: 0, variableArgs: !1 }, Tc: { id: ee, numArgs: 1, variableArgs: !1 }, Tw: { id: te, numArgs: 1, variableArgs: !1 }, Tz: { id: ie, numArgs: 1, variableArgs: !1 }, TL: { id: ae, numArgs: 1, variableArgs: !1 }, Tf: { id: se, numArgs: 2, variableArgs: !1 }, Tr: { id: re, numArgs: 1, variableArgs: !1 }, Ts: { id: ne, numArgs: 1, variableArgs: !1 }, Td: { id: oe, numArgs: 2, variableArgs: !1 }, TD: { id: ge, numArgs: 2, variableArgs: !1 }, Tm: { id: Ie, numArgs: 6, variableArgs: !1 }, "T*": { id: ce, numArgs: 0, variableArgs: !1 }, Tj: { id: he, numArgs: 1, variableArgs: !1 }, TJ: { id: le, numArgs: 1, variableArgs: !1 }, "'": { id: Ce, numArgs: 1, variableArgs: !1 }, '"': { id: Be, numArgs: 3, variableArgs: !1 }, d0: { id: Qe, numArgs: 2, variableArgs: !1 }, d1: { id: Ee, numArgs: 6, variableArgs: !1 }, CS: { id: ue, numArgs: 1, variableArgs: !1 }, cs: { id: de, numArgs: 1, variableArgs: !1 }, SC: { id: fe, numArgs: 4, variableArgs: !0 }, SCN: { id: pe, numArgs: 33, variableArgs: !0 }, sc: { id: me, numArgs: 4, variableArgs: !0 }, scn: { id: ye, numArgs: 33, variableArgs: !0 }, G: { id: we, numArgs: 1, variableArgs: !1 }, g: { id: be, numArgs: 1, variableArgs: !1 }, RG: { id: De, numArgs: 3, variableArgs: !1 }, rg: { id: Fe, numArgs: 3, variableArgs: !1 }, K: { id: Se, numArgs: 4, variableArgs: !1 }, k: { id: ke, numArgs: 4, variableArgs: !1 }, sh: { id: Re, numArgs: 1, variableArgs: !1 }, BI: { id: Ne, numArgs: 0, variableArgs: !1 }, ID: { id: Ge, numArgs: 0, variableArgs: !1 }, EI: { id: xe, numArgs: 1, variableArgs: !1 }, Do: { id: Me, numArgs: 1, variableArgs: !1 }, MP: { id: Ue, numArgs: 1, variableArgs: !1 }, DP: { id: Le, numArgs: 2, variableArgs: !1 }, BMC: { id: Je, numArgs: 1, variableArgs: !1 }, BDC: { id: He, numArgs: 2, variableArgs: !1 }, EMC: { id: Ye, numArgs: 0, variableArgs: !1 }, BX: { id: ve, numArgs: 0, variableArgs: !1 }, EX: { id: Ke, numArgs: 0, variableArgs: !1 }, BM: null, BD: null, true: null, fa: null, fal: null, fals: null, false: null, nu: null, nul: null, null: null })) } static MAX_INVALID_PATH_OPS = 10; constructor(e, t, i = new StateManager) { this.parser = new Parser({ lexer: new Lexer(e, EvaluatorPreprocessor.opMap), xref: t }); this.stateManager = i; this.nonProcessedArgs = []; this._isPathOp = !1; this._numInvalidPathOPS = 0 } get savedStatesDepth() { return this.stateManager.stateStack.length } read(e) { let t = e.args; for (; ;) { const i = this.parser.getObj(); if (i instanceof Cmd) { const a = i.cmd, s = EvaluatorPreprocessor.opMap[a]; if (!s) { warn(`Unknown command "${a}".`); continue } const r =, n = s.numArgs; let o = null !== t ? t.length : 0; this._isPathOp || (this._numInvalidPathOPS = 0); this._isPathOp = r >= UA && r <= VA; if (s.variableArgs) o > n && info(`Command ${a}: expected [0, ${n}] args, but received ${o} args.`); else { if (o !== n) { const e = this.nonProcessedArgs; for (; o > n;) { e.push(t.shift()); o-- } for (; o < n && 0 !== e.length;) { null === t && (t = []); t.unshift(e.pop()); o++ } } if (o < n) { const e = `command ${a}: expected ${n} args, but received ${o} args.`; if (this._isPathOp && ++this._numInvalidPathOPS > EvaluatorPreprocessor.MAX_INVALID_PATH_OPS) throw new FormatError(`Invalid ${e}`); warn(`Skipping ${e}`); null !== t && (t.length = 0); continue } } this.preprocessCommand(r, t); e.fn = r; e.args = t; return !0 } if (i === pt) return !1; if (null !== i) { null === t && (t = []); t.push(i); if (t.length > 33) throw new FormatError("Too many arguments") } } } preprocessCommand(e, t) { switch (0 | e) { case GA:; break; case xA: this.stateManager.restore(); break; case MA: this.stateManager.transform(t) } } } class DefaultAppearanceEvaluator extends EvaluatorPreprocessor { constructor(e) { super(new StringStream(e)) } parse() { const e = { fn: 0, args: [] }, t = { fontSize: 0, fontName: "", fontColor: new Uint8ClampedArray(3) }; try { for (; ;) { e.args.length = 0; if (! break; if (0 !== this.savedStatesDepth) continue; const { fn: i, args: a } = e; switch (0 | i) { case se: const [e, i] = a; e instanceof Name && (t.fontName =; "number" == typeof i && i > 0 && (t.fontSize = i); break; case Fe: ColorSpace.singletons.rgb.getRgbItem(a, 0, t.fontColor, 0); break; case be: ColorSpace.singletons.gray.getRgbItem(a, 0, t.fontColor, 0); break; case ke: ColorSpace.singletons.cmyk.getRgbItem(a, 0, t.fontColor, 0) } } } catch (e) { warn(`parseDefaultAppearance - ignoring errors: "${e}".`) } return t } } function parseDefaultAppearance(e) { return new DefaultAppearanceEvaluator(e).parse() } class AppearanceStreamEvaluator extends EvaluatorPreprocessor { constructor(e, t, i) { super(e); = e; this.evaluatorOptions = t; this.xref = i; this.resources = e.dict?.get("Resources") } parse() { const e = { fn: 0, args: [] }; let t = { scaleFactor: 1, fontSize: 0, fontName: "", fontColor: new Uint8ClampedArray(3), fillColorSpace: ColorSpace.singletons.gray }, i = !1; const a = []; try { for (; ;) { e.args.length = 0; if (i || ! break; const { fn: s, args: r } = e; switch (0 | s) { case GA: a.push({ scaleFactor: t.scaleFactor, fontSize: t.fontSize, fontName: t.fontName, fontColor: t.fontColor.slice(), fillColorSpace: t.fillColorSpace }); break; case xA: t = a.pop() || t; break; case Ie: t.scaleFactor *= Math.hypot(r[0], r[1]); break; case se: const [e, s] = r; e instanceof Name && (t.fontName =; "number" == typeof s && s > 0 && (t.fontSize = s * t.scaleFactor); break; case de: t.fillColorSpace = ColorSpace.parse({ cs: r[0], xref: this.xref, resources: this.resources, pdfFunctionFactory: this._pdfFunctionFactory, localColorSpaceCache: this._localColorSpaceCache }); break; case me: t.fillColorSpace.getRgbItem(r, 0, t.fontColor, 0); break; case Fe: ColorSpace.singletons.rgb.getRgbItem(r, 0, t.fontColor, 0); break; case be: ColorSpace.singletons.gray.getRgbItem(r, 0, t.fontColor, 0); break; case ke: ColorSpace.singletons.cmyk.getRgbItem(r, 0, t.fontColor, 0); break; case he: case le: case Ce: case Be: i = !0 } } } catch (e) { warn(`parseAppearanceStream - ignoring errors: "${e}".`) }; delete t.scaleFactor; delete t.fillColorSpace; return t } get _localColorSpaceCache() { return shadow(this, "_localColorSpaceCache", new LocalColorSpaceCache) } get _pdfFunctionFactory() { return shadow(this, "_pdfFunctionFactory", new PDFFunctionFactory({ xref: this.xref, isEvalSupported: this.evaluatorOptions.isEvalSupported })) } } function getPdfColor(e, t) { if (e[0] === e[1] && e[1] === e[2]) { return `${numberToString(e[0] / 255)} ${t ? "g" : "G"}` } return Array.from(e, (e => numberToString(e / 255))).join(" ") + " " + (t ? "rg" : "RG") } class FakeUnicodeFont { constructor(e, t) { this.xref = e; this.widths = null; this.firstChar = 1 / 0; this.lastChar = -1 / 0; this.fontFamily = t; const i = new OffscreenCanvas(1, 1); this.ctxMeasure = i.getContext("2d"); FakeUnicodeFont._fontNameId || (FakeUnicodeFont._fontNameId = 1); this.fontName = Name.get(`InvalidPDFjsFont_${t}_${FakeUnicodeFont._fontNameId++}`) } get fontDescriptorRef() { if (!FakeUnicodeFont._fontDescriptorRef) { const e = new Dict(this.xref); e.set("Type", Name.get("FontDescriptor")); e.set("FontName", this.fontName); e.set("FontFamily", "MyriadPro Regular"); e.set("FontBBox", [0, 0, 0, 0]); e.set("FontStretch", Name.get("Normal")); e.set("FontWeight", 400); e.set("ItalicAngle", 0); FakeUnicodeFont._fontDescriptorRef = this.xref.getNewPersistentRef(e) } return FakeUnicodeFont._fontDescriptorRef } get descendantFontRef() { const e = new Dict(this.xref); e.set("BaseFont", this.fontName); e.set("Type", Name.get("Font")); e.set("Subtype", Name.get("CIDFontType0")); e.set("CIDToGIDMap", Name.get("Identity")); e.set("FirstChar", this.firstChar); e.set("LastChar", this.lastChar); e.set("FontDescriptor", this.fontDescriptorRef); e.set("DW", 1e3); const t = [], i = [...this.widths.entries()].sort(); let a = null, s = null; for (const [e, r] of i) if (a) if (e === a + s.length) s.push(r); else { t.push(a, s); a = e; s = [r] } else { a = e; s = [r] } a && t.push(a, s); e.set("W", t); const r = new Dict(this.xref); r.set("Ordering", "Identity"); r.set("Registry", "Adobe"); r.set("Supplement", 0); e.set("CIDSystemInfo", r); return this.xref.getNewPersistentRef(e) } get baseFontRef() { const e = new Dict(this.xref); e.set("BaseFont", this.fontName); e.set("Type", Name.get("Font")); e.set("Subtype", Name.get("Type0")); e.set("Encoding", Name.get("Identity-H")); e.set("DescendantFonts", [this.descendantFontRef]); e.set("ToUnicode", Name.get("Identity-H")); return this.xref.getNewPersistentRef(e) } get resources() { const e = new Dict(this.xref), t = new Dict(this.xref); t.set(, this.baseFontRef); e.set("Font", t); return e } _createContext() { this.widths = new Map; this.ctxMeasure.font = `1000px ${this.fontFamily}`; return this.ctxMeasure } createFontResources(e) { const t = this._createContext(); for (const i of e.split(/\r\n?|\n/)) for (const e of i.split("")) { const i = e.charCodeAt(0); if (this.widths.has(i)) continue; const a = t.measureText(e), s = Math.ceil(a.width); this.widths.set(i, s); this.firstChar = Math.min(i, this.firstChar); this.lastChar = Math.max(i, this.lastChar) } return this.resources } static getFirstPositionInfo(e, t, i) { const [a, n, o, g] = e; let c = o - a, h = g - n; t % 180 != 0 && ([c, h] = [h, c]); const l = s * i; return { coords: [0, h + r * i - l], bbox: [0, 0, c, h], matrix: 0 !== t ? getRotationMatrix(t, h, l) : void 0 } } createAppearance(e, t, i, a, n, o) { const g = this._createContext(), c = []; let h = -1 / 0; for (const t of e.split(/\r\n?|\n/)) { c.push(t); const e = g.measureText(t).width; h = Math.max(h, e); for (const e of codePointIter(t)) { const t = String.fromCodePoint(e); let i = this.widths.get(e); if (void 0 === i) { const a = g.measureText(t); i = Math.ceil(a.width); this.widths.set(e, i); this.firstChar = Math.min(e, this.firstChar); this.lastChar = Math.max(e, this.lastChar) } } } h *= a / 1e3; const [l, C, Q, E] = t; let u = Q - l, d = E - C; i % 180 != 0 && ([u, d] = [d, u]); let f = 1; h > u && (f = u / h); let p = 1; const m = s * a, y = r * a, w = m * c.length; w > d && (p = d / w); const b = a * Math.min(f, p), D = ["q", `0 0 ${numberToString(u)} ${numberToString(d)} re W n`, "BT", `1 0 0 1 0 ${numberToString(d + y)} Tm 0 Tc ${getPdfColor(n, !0)}`, `/${} ${numberToString(b)} Tf`], { resources: F } = this; if (1 !== (o = "number" == typeof o && o >= 0 && o <= 1 ? o : 1)) { D.push("/R0 gs"); const e = new Dict(this.xref), t = new Dict(this.xref); t.set("ca", o); t.set("CA", o); t.set("Type", Name.get("ExtGState")); e.set("R0", t); F.set("ExtGState", e) } const S = numberToString(m); for (const e of c) D.push(`0 -${S} Td <${stringToUTF16HexString(e)}> Tj`); D.push("ET", "Q"); const k = D.join("\n"), R = new Dict(this.xref); R.set("Subtype", Name.get("Form")); R.set("Type", Name.get("XObject")); R.set("BBox", [0, 0, u, d]); R.set("Length", k.length); R.set("Resources", F); if (i) { const e = getRotationMatrix(i, u, d); R.set("Matrix", e) } const N = new StringStream(k); N.dict = R; return N } } class NameOrNumberTree { constructor(e, t, i) { this.constructor === NameOrNumberTree && unreachable("Cannot initialize NameOrNumberTree."); this.root = e; this.xref = t; this._type = i } getAll() { const e = new Map; if (!this.root) return e; const t = this.xref, i = new RefSet; i.put(this.root); const a = [this.root]; for (; a.length > 0;) { const s = t.fetchIfRef(a.shift()); if (!(s instanceof Dict)) continue; if (s.has("Kids")) { const e = s.get("Kids"); if (!Array.isArray(e)) continue; for (const t of e) { if (i.has(t)) throw new FormatError(`Duplicate entry in "${this._type}" tree.`); a.push(t); i.put(t) } continue } const r = s.get(this._type); if (Array.isArray(r)) for (let i = 0, a = r.length; i < a; i += 2)e.set(t.fetchIfRef(r[i]), t.fetchIfRef(r[i + 1])) } return e } get(e) { if (!this.root) return null; const t = this.xref; let i = t.fetchIfRef(this.root), a = 0; for (; i.has("Kids");) { if (++a > 10) { warn(`Search depth limit reached for "${this._type}" tree.`); return null } const s = i.get("Kids"); if (!Array.isArray(s)) return null; let r = 0, n = s.length - 1; for (; r <= n;) { const a = r + n >> 1, o = t.fetchIfRef(s[a]), g = o.get("Limits"); if (e < t.fetchIfRef(g[0])) n = a - 1; else { if (!(e > t.fetchIfRef(g[1]))) { i = o; break } r = a + 1 } } if (r > n) return null } const s = i.get(this._type); if (Array.isArray(s)) { let i = 0, a = s.length - 2; for (; i <= a;) { const r = i + a >> 1, n = r + (1 & r), o = t.fetchIfRef(s[n]); if (e < o) a = n - 2; else { if (!(e > o)) return t.fetchIfRef(s[n + 1]); i = n + 2 } } } return null } } class NameTree extends NameOrNumberTree { constructor(e, t) { super(e, t, "Names") } } class NumberTree extends NameOrNumberTree { constructor(e, t) { super(e, t, "Nums") } } function clearGlobalCaches() { !function clearPatternCaches() { ya = Object.create(null) }(); !function clearPrimitiveCaches() { mt = Object.create(null); yt = Object.create(null); wt = Object.create(null) }(); !function clearUnicodeCaches() { Hi.clear() }(); JpxImage.cleanup() } function pickPlatformItem(e) { return e instanceof Dict ? e.has("UF") ? e.get("UF") : e.has("F") ? e.get("F") : e.has("Unix") ? e.get("Unix") : e.has("Mac") ? e.get("Mac") : e.has("DOS") ? e.get("DOS") : null : null } class FileSpec { #S = !1; constructor(e, t, i = !1) { if (e instanceof Dict) { this.xref = t; this.root = e; e.has("FS") && (this.fs = e.get("FS")); e.has("RF") && warn("Related file specifications are not supported"); i || (e.has("EF") ? this.#S = !0 : warn("Non-embedded file specifications are not supported")) } } get filename() { let e = ""; const t = pickPlatformItem(this.root); t && "string" == typeof t && (e = stringToPDFString(t).replaceAll("\\\\", "\\").replaceAll("\\/", "/").replaceAll("\\", "/")); return shadow(this, "filename", e || "unnamed") } get content() { if (!this.#S) return null; this._contentRef ||= pickPlatformItem(this.root?.get("EF")); let e = null; if (this._contentRef) { const t = this.xref.fetchIfRef(this._contentRef); t instanceof BaseStream ? e = t.getBytes() : warn("Embedded file specification points to non-existing/invalid content") } else warn("Embedded file specification does not have any content"); return e } get description() { let e = ""; const t = this.root?.get("Desc"); t && "string" == typeof t && (e = stringToPDFString(t)); return shadow(this, "description", e) } get serializable() { return { rawFilename: this.filename, filename: (e = this.filename, e.substring(e.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)), content: this.content, description: this.description }; var e } } const Rs = 0, Ns = -2, Gs = -3, xs = -4, Ms = -5, Us = -6, Ls = -9; function isWhitespace(e, t) { const i = e[t]; return " " === i || "\n" === i || "\r" === i || "\t" === i } class XMLParserBase { _resolveEntities(e) { return e.replaceAll(/&([^;]+);/g, ((e, t) => { if ("#x" === t.substring(0, 2)) return String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(t.substring(2), 16)); if ("#" === t.substring(0, 1)) return String.fromCodePoint(parseInt(t.substring(1), 10)); switch (t) { case "lt": return "<"; case "gt": return ">"; case "amp": return "&"; case "quot": return '"'; case "apos": return "'" }return this.onResolveEntity(t) })) } _parseContent(e, t) { const i = []; let a = t; function skipWs() { for (; a < e.length && isWhitespace(e, a);)++a } for (; a < e.length && !isWhitespace(e, a) && ">" !== e[a] && "/" !== e[a];)++a; const s = e.substring(t, a); skipWs(); for (; a < e.length && ">" !== e[a] && "/" !== e[a] && "?" !== e[a];) { skipWs(); let t = "", s = ""; for (; a < e.length && !isWhitespace(e, a) && "=" !== e[a];) { t += e[a]; ++a } skipWs(); if ("=" !== e[a]) return null; ++a; skipWs(); const r = e[a]; if ('"' !== r && "'" !== r) return null; const n = e.indexOf(r, ++a); if (n < 0) return null; s = e.substring(a, n); i.push({ name: t, value: this._resolveEntities(s) }); a = n + 1; skipWs() } return { name: s, attributes: i, parsed: a - t } } _parseProcessingInstruction(e, t) { let i = t; for (; i < e.length && !isWhitespace(e, i) && ">" !== e[i] && "?" !== e[i] && "/" !== e[i];)++i; const a = e.substring(t, i); !function skipWs() { for (; i < e.length && isWhitespace(e, i);)++i }(); const s = i; for (; i < e.length && ("?" !== e[i] || ">" !== e[i + 1]);)++i; return { name: a, value: e.substring(s, i), parsed: i - t } } parseXml(e) { let t = 0; for (; t < e.length;) { let i = t; if ("<" === e[t]) { ++i; let t; switch (e[i]) { case "/": ++i; t = e.indexOf(">", i); if (t < 0) { this.onError(Ls); return } this.onEndElement(e.substring(i, t)); i = t + 1; break; case "?": ++i; const a = this._parseProcessingInstruction(e, i); if ("?>" !== e.substring(i + a.parsed, i + a.parsed + 2)) { this.onError(Gs); return } this.onPi(, a.value); i += a.parsed + 2; break; case "!": if ("--" === e.substring(i + 1, i + 3)) { t = e.indexOf("--\x3e", i + 3); if (t < 0) { this.onError(Ms); return } this.onComment(e.substring(i + 3, t)); i = t + 3 } else if ("[CDATA[" === e.substring(i + 1, i + 8)) { t = e.indexOf("]]>", i + 8); if (t < 0) { this.onError(Ns); return } this.onCdata(e.substring(i + 8, t)); i = t + 3 } else { if ("DOCTYPE" !== e.substring(i + 1, i + 8)) { this.onError(Us); return } { const a = e.indexOf("[", i + 8); let s = !1; t = e.indexOf(">", i + 8); if (t < 0) { this.onError(xs); return } if (a > 0 && t > a) { t = e.indexOf("]>", i + 8); if (t < 0) { this.onError(xs); return } s = !0 } const r = e.substring(i + 8, t + (s ? 1 : 0)); this.onDoctype(r); i = t + (s ? 2 : 1) } } break; default: const s = this._parseContent(e, i); if (null === s) { this.onError(Us); return } let r = !1; if ("/>" === e.substring(i + s.parsed, i + s.parsed + 2)) r = !0; else if (">" !== e.substring(i + s.parsed, i + s.parsed + 1)) { this.onError(Ls); return } this.onBeginElement(, s.attributes, r); i += s.parsed + (r ? 2 : 1) } } else { for (; i < e.length && "<" !== e[i];)i++; const a = e.substring(t, i); this.onText(this._resolveEntities(a)) } t = i } } onResolveEntity(e) { return `&${e};` } onPi(e, t) { } onComment(e) { } onCdata(e) { } onDoctype(e) { } onText(e) { } onBeginElement(e, t, i) { } onEndElement(e) { } onError(e) { } } class SimpleDOMNode { constructor(e, t) { this.nodeName = e; this.nodeValue = t; Object.defineProperty(this, "parentNode", { value: null, writable: !0 }) } get firstChild() { return this.childNodes?.[0] } get nextSibling() { const e = this.parentNode.childNodes; if (!e) return; const t = e.indexOf(this); return -1 !== t ? e[t + 1] : void 0 } get textContent() { return this.childNodes ? (e) { return e.textContent })).join("") : this.nodeValue || "" } get children() { return this.childNodes || [] } hasChildNodes() { return this.childNodes?.length > 0 } searchNode(e, t) { if (t >= e.length) return this; const i = e[t]; if ("#") && t < e.length - 1) return this.searchNode(e, t + 1); const a = []; let s = this; for (; ;) { if ( === s.nodeName) { if (0 !== i.pos) { if (0 === a.length) return null; { const [r] = a.pop(); let n = 0; for (const a of r.childNodes) if ( === a.nodeName) { if (n === i.pos) return a.searchNode(e, t + 1); n++ } return s.searchNode(e, t + 1) } } { const i = s.searchNode(e, t + 1); if (null !== i) return i } } if (s.childNodes?.length > 0) { a.push([s, 0]); s = s.childNodes[0] } else { if (0 === a.length) return null; for (; 0 !== a.length;) { const [e, t] = a.pop(), i = t + 1; if (i < e.childNodes.length) { a.push([e, i]); s = e.childNodes[i]; break } } if (0 === a.length) return null } } } dump(e) { if ("#text" !== this.nodeName) { e.push(`<${this.nodeName}`); if (this.attributes) for (const t of this.attributes) e.push(` ${}="${encodeToXmlString(t.value)}"`); if (this.hasChildNodes()) { e.push(">"); for (const t of this.childNodes) t.dump(e); e.push(``) } else this.nodeValue ? e.push(`>${encodeToXmlString(this.nodeValue)}`) : e.push("/>") } else e.push(encodeToXmlString(this.nodeValue)) } } class SimpleXMLParser extends XMLParserBase { constructor({ hasAttributes: e = !1, lowerCaseName: t = !1 }) { super(); this._currentFragment = null; this._stack = null; this._errorCode = Rs; this._hasAttributes = e; this._lowerCaseName = t } parseFromString(e) { this._currentFragment = []; this._stack = []; this._errorCode = Rs; this.parseXml(e); if (this._errorCode !== Rs) return; const [t] = this._currentFragment; return t ? { documentElement: t } : void 0 } onText(e) { if (function isWhitespaceString(e) { for (let t = 0, i = e.length; t < i; t++)if (!isWhitespace(e, t)) return !1; return !0 }(e)) return; const t = new SimpleDOMNode("#text", e); this._currentFragment.push(t) } onCdata(e) { const t = new SimpleDOMNode("#text", e); this._currentFragment.push(t) } onBeginElement(e, t, i) { this._lowerCaseName && (e = e.toLowerCase()); const a = new SimpleDOMNode(e); a.childNodes = []; this._hasAttributes && (a.attributes = t); this._currentFragment.push(a); if (!i) { this._stack.push(this._currentFragment); this._currentFragment = a.childNodes } } onEndElement(e) { this._currentFragment = this._stack.pop() || []; const t =; if (!t) return null; for (const e of t.childNodes) e.parentNode = t; return t } onError(e) { this._errorCode = e } } class MetadataParser { constructor(e) { e = this._repair(e); const t = new SimpleXMLParser({ lowerCaseName: !0 }).parseFromString(e); this._metadataMap = new Map; this._data = e; t && this._parse(t) } _repair(e) { return e.replace(/^[^<]+/, "").replaceAll(/>\\376\\377([^<]+)/g, (function (e, t) { const i = t.replaceAll(/\\([0-3])([0-7])([0-7])/g, (function (e, t, i, a) { return String.fromCharCode(64 * t + 8 * i + 1 * a) })).replaceAll(/&(amp|apos|gt|lt|quot);/g, (function (e, t) { switch (t) { case "amp": return "&"; case "apos": return "'"; case "gt": return ">"; case "lt": return "<"; case "quot": return '"' }throw new Error(`_repair: ${t} isn't defined.`) })), a = [">"]; for (let e = 0, t = i.length; e < t; e += 2) { const t = 256 * i.charCodeAt(e) + i.charCodeAt(e + 1); t >= 32 && t < 127 && 60 !== t && 62 !== t && 38 !== t ? a.push(String.fromCharCode(t)) : a.push("&#x" + (65536 + t).toString(16).substring(1) + ";") } return a.join("") })) } _getSequence(e) { const t = e.nodeName; return "rdf:bag" !== t && "rdf:seq" !== t && "rdf:alt" !== t ? null : e.childNodes.filter((e => "rdf:li" === e.nodeName)) } _parseArray(e) { if (!e.hasChildNodes()) return; const [t] = e.childNodes, i = this._getSequence(t) || []; this._metadataMap.set(e.nodeName, => e.textContent.trim()))) } _parse(e) { let t = e.documentElement; if ("rdf:rdf" !== t.nodeName) { t = t.firstChild; for (; t && "rdf:rdf" !== t.nodeName;)t = t.nextSibling } if (t && "rdf:rdf" === t.nodeName && t.hasChildNodes()) for (const e of t.childNodes) if ("rdf:description" === e.nodeName) for (const t of e.childNodes) { const e = t.nodeName; switch (e) { case "#text": continue; case "dc:creator": case "dc:subject": this._parseArray(t); continue }this._metadataMap.set(e, t.textContent.trim()) } } get serializable() { return { parsedData: this._metadataMap, rawData: this._data } } } class DecryptStream extends DecodeStream { constructor(e, t, i) { super(t); this.str = e; this.dict = e.dict; this.decrypt = i; this.nextChunk = null; this.initialized = !1 } readBlock() { let e; if (this.initialized) e = this.nextChunk; else { e = this.str.getBytes(512); this.initialized = !0 } if (!e || 0 === e.length) { this.eof = !0; return } this.nextChunk = this.str.getBytes(512); const t = this.nextChunk?.length > 0; e = (0, this.decrypt)(e, !t); const i = this.bufferLength, a = i + e.length; this.ensureBuffer(a).set(e, i); this.bufferLength = a } } class ARCFourCipher { constructor(e) { this.a = 0; this.b = 0; const t = new Uint8Array(256), i = e.length; for (let e = 0; e < 256; ++e)t[e] = e; for (let a = 0, s = 0; a < 256; ++a) { const r = t[a]; s = s + r + e[a % i] & 255; t[a] = t[s]; t[s] = r } this.s = t } encryptBlock(e) { let t = this.a, i = this.b; const a = this.s, s = e.length, r = new Uint8Array(s); for (let n = 0; n < s; ++n) { t = t + 1 & 255; const s = a[t]; i = i + s & 255; const o = a[i]; a[t] = o; a[i] = s; r[n] = e[n] ^ a[s + o & 255] } this.a = t; this.b = i; return r } decryptBlock(e) { return this.encryptBlock(e) } encrypt(e) { return this.encryptBlock(e) } } const Js = function calculateMD5Closure() { const e = new Uint8Array([7, 12, 17, 22, 7, 12, 17, 22, 7, 12, 17, 22, 7, 12, 17, 22, 5, 9, 14, 20, 5, 9, 14, 20, 5, 9, 14, 20, 5, 9, 14, 20, 4, 11, 16, 23, 4, 11, 16, 23, 4, 11, 16, 23, 4, 11, 16, 23, 6, 10, 15, 21, 6, 10, 15, 21, 6, 10, 15, 21, 6, 10, 15, 21]), t = new Int32Array([-680876936, -389564586, 606105819, -1044525330, -176418897, 1200080426, -1473231341, -45705983, 1770035416, -1958414417, -42063, -1990404162, 1804603682, -40341101, -1502002290, 1236535329, -165796510, -1069501632, 643717713, -373897302, -701558691, 38016083, -660478335, -405537848, 568446438, -1019803690, -187363961, 1163531501, -1444681467, -51403784, 1735328473, -1926607734, -378558, -2022574463, 1839030562, -35309556, -1530992060, 1272893353, -155497632, -1094730640, 681279174, -358537222, -722521979, 76029189, -640364487, -421815835, 530742520, -995338651, -198630844, 1126891415, -1416354905, -57434055, 1700485571, -1894986606, -1051523, -2054922799, 1873313359, -30611744, -1560198380, 1309151649, -145523070, -1120210379, 718787259, -343485551]); return function hash(i, a, s) { let r = 1732584193, n = -271733879, o = -1732584194, g = 271733878; const c = s + 72 & -64, h = new Uint8Array(c); let l, C; for (l = 0; l < s; ++l)h[l] = i[a++]; h[l++] = 128; const Q = c - 8; for (; l < Q;)h[l++] = 0; h[l++] = s << 3 & 255; h[l++] = s >> 5 & 255; h[l++] = s >> 13 & 255; h[l++] = s >> 21 & 255; h[l++] = s >>> 29 & 255; h[l++] = 0; h[l++] = 0; h[l++] = 0; const E = new Int32Array(16); for (l = 0; l < c;) { for (C = 0; C < 16; ++C, l += 4)E[C] = h[l] | h[l + 1] << 8 | h[l + 2] << 16 | h[l + 3] << 24; let i, a, s = r, c = n, Q = o, u = g; for (C = 0; C < 64; ++C) { if (C < 16) { i = c & Q | ~c & u; a = C } else if (C < 32) { i = u & c | ~u & Q; a = 5 * C + 1 & 15 } else if (C < 48) { i = c ^ Q ^ u; a = 3 * C + 5 & 15 } else { i = Q ^ (c | ~u); a = 7 * C & 15 } const r = u, n = s + i + t[C] + E[a] | 0, o = e[C]; u = Q; Q = c; c = c + (n << o | n >>> 32 - o) | 0; s = r } r = r + s | 0; n = n + c | 0; o = o + Q | 0; g = g + u | 0 } return new Uint8Array([255 & r, r >> 8 & 255, r >> 16 & 255, r >>> 24 & 255, 255 & n, n >> 8 & 255, n >> 16 & 255, n >>> 24 & 255, 255 & o, o >> 8 & 255, o >> 16 & 255, o >>> 24 & 255, 255 & g, g >> 8 & 255, g >> 16 & 255, g >>> 24 & 255]) } }(); class Word64 { constructor(e, t) { this.high = 0 | e; this.low = 0 | t } and(e) { this.high &= e.high; this.low &= e.low } xor(e) { this.high ^= e.high; this.low ^= e.low } or(e) { this.high |= e.high; this.low |= e.low } shiftRight(e) { if (e >= 32) { this.low = this.high >>> e - 32 | 0; this.high = 0 } else { this.low = this.low >>> e | this.high << 32 - e; this.high = this.high >>> e | 0 } } shiftLeft(e) { if (e >= 32) { this.high = this.low << e - 32; this.low = 0 } else { this.high = this.high << e | this.low >>> 32 - e; this.low <<= e } } rotateRight(e) { let t, i; if (32 & e) { i = this.low; t = this.high } else { t = this.low; i = this.high } e &= 31; this.low = t >>> e | i << 32 - e; this.high = i >>> e | t << 32 - e } not() { this.high = ~this.high; this.low = ~this.low } add(e) { const t = (this.low >>> 0) + (e.low >>> 0); let i = (this.high >>> 0) + (e.high >>> 0); t > 4294967295 && (i += 1); this.low = 0 | t; this.high = 0 | i } copyTo(e, t) { e[t] = this.high >>> 24 & 255; e[t + 1] = this.high >> 16 & 255; e[t + 2] = this.high >> 8 & 255; e[t + 3] = 255 & this.high; e[t + 4] = this.low >>> 24 & 255; e[t + 5] = this.low >> 16 & 255; e[t + 6] = this.low >> 8 & 255; e[t + 7] = 255 & this.low } assign(e) { this.high = e.high; this.low = e.low } } const Hs = function calculateSHA256Closure() { function rotr(e, t) { return e >>> t | e << 32 - t } function ch(e, t, i) { return e & t ^ ~e & i } function maj(e, t, i) { return e & t ^ e & i ^ t & i } function sigma(e) { return rotr(e, 2) ^ rotr(e, 13) ^ rotr(e, 22) } function sigmaPrime(e) { return rotr(e, 6) ^ rotr(e, 11) ^ rotr(e, 25) } function littleSigma(e) { return rotr(e, 7) ^ rotr(e, 18) ^ e >>> 3 } const e = [1116352408, 1899447441, 3049323471, 3921009573, 961987163, 1508970993, 2453635748, 2870763221, 3624381080, 310598401, 607225278, 1426881987, 1925078388, 2162078206, 2614888103, 3248222580, 3835390401, 4022224774, 264347078, 604807628, 770255983, 1249150122, 1555081692, 1996064986, 2554220882, 2821834349, 2952996808, 3210313671, 3336571891, 3584528711, 113926993, 338241895, 666307205, 773529912, 1294757372, 1396182291, 1695183700, 1986661051, 2177026350, 2456956037, 2730485921, 2820302411, 3259730800, 3345764771, 3516065817, 3600352804, 4094571909, 275423344, 430227734, 506948616, 659060556, 883997877, 958139571, 1322822218, 1537002063, 1747873779, 1955562222, 2024104815, 2227730452, 2361852424, 2428436474, 2756734187, 3204031479, 3329325298]; return function hash(t, i, a) { let s = 1779033703, r = 3144134277, n = 1013904242, o = 2773480762, g = 1359893119, c = 2600822924, h = 528734635, l = 1541459225; const C = 64 * Math.ceil((a + 9) / 64), Q = new Uint8Array(C); let E, u; for (E = 0; E < a; ++E)Q[E] = t[i++]; Q[E++] = 128; const d = C - 8; for (; E < d;)Q[E++] = 0; Q[E++] = 0; Q[E++] = 0; Q[E++] = 0; Q[E++] = a >>> 29 & 255; Q[E++] = a >> 21 & 255; Q[E++] = a >> 13 & 255; Q[E++] = a >> 5 & 255; Q[E++] = a << 3 & 255; const f = new Uint32Array(64); for (E = 0; E < C;) { for (u = 0; u < 16; ++u) { f[u] = Q[E] << 24 | Q[E + 1] << 16 | Q[E + 2] << 8 | Q[E + 3]; E += 4 } for (u = 16; u < 64; ++u)f[u] = (rotr(p = f[u - 2], 17) ^ rotr(p, 19) ^ p >>> 10) + f[u - 7] + littleSigma(f[u - 15]) + f[u - 16] | 0; let t, i, a = s, C = r, d = n, m = o, y = g, w = c, b = h, D = l; for (u = 0; u < 64; ++u) { t = D + sigmaPrime(y) + ch(y, w, b) + e[u] + f[u]; i = sigma(a) + maj(a, C, d); D = b; b = w; w = y; y = m + t | 0; m = d; d = C; C = a; a = t + i | 0 } s = s + a | 0; r = r + C | 0; n = n + d | 0; o = o + m | 0; g = g + y | 0; c = c + w | 0; h = h + b | 0; l = l + D | 0 } var p; return new Uint8Array([s >> 24 & 255, s >> 16 & 255, s >> 8 & 255, 255 & s, r >> 24 & 255, r >> 16 & 255, r >> 8 & 255, 255 & r, n >> 24 & 255, n >> 16 & 255, n >> 8 & 255, 255 & n, o >> 24 & 255, o >> 16 & 255, o >> 8 & 255, 255 & o, g >> 24 & 255, g >> 16 & 255, g >> 8 & 255, 255 & g, c >> 24 & 255, c >> 16 & 255, c >> 8 & 255, 255 & c, h >> 24 & 255, h >> 16 & 255, h >> 8 & 255, 255 & h, l >> 24 & 255, l >> 16 & 255, l >> 8 & 255, 255 & l]) } }(), Ys = function calculateSHA512Closure() { function ch(e, t, i, a, s) { e.assign(t); e.and(i); s.assign(t); s.not(); s.and(a); e.xor(s) } function maj(e, t, i, a, s) { e.assign(t); e.and(i); s.assign(t); s.and(a); e.xor(s); s.assign(i); s.and(a); e.xor(s) } function sigma(e, t, i) { e.assign(t); e.rotateRight(28); i.assign(t); i.rotateRight(34); e.xor(i); i.assign(t); i.rotateRight(39); e.xor(i) } function sigmaPrime(e, t, i) { e.assign(t); e.rotateRight(14); i.assign(t); i.rotateRight(18); e.xor(i); i.assign(t); i.rotateRight(41); e.xor(i) } function littleSigma(e, t, i) { e.assign(t); e.rotateRight(1); i.assign(t); i.rotateRight(8); e.xor(i); i.assign(t); i.shiftRight(7); e.xor(i) } function littleSigmaPrime(e, t, i) { e.assign(t); e.rotateRight(19); i.assign(t); i.rotateRight(61); e.xor(i); i.assign(t); i.shiftRight(6); e.xor(i) } const e = [new Word64(1116352408, 3609767458), new Word64(1899447441, 602891725), new Word64(3049323471, 3964484399), new Word64(3921009573, 2173295548), new Word64(961987163, 4081628472), new Word64(1508970993, 3053834265), new Word64(2453635748, 2937671579), new Word64(2870763221, 3664609560), new Word64(3624381080, 2734883394), new Word64(310598401, 1164996542), new Word64(607225278, 1323610764), new Word64(1426881987, 3590304994), new Word64(1925078388, 4068182383), new Word64(2162078206, 991336113), new Word64(2614888103, 633803317), new Word64(3248222580, 3479774868), new Word64(3835390401, 2666613458), new Word64(4022224774, 944711139), new Word64(264347078, 2341262773), new Word64(604807628, 2007800933), new Word64(770255983, 1495990901), new Word64(1249150122, 1856431235), new Word64(1555081692, 3175218132), new Word64(1996064986, 2198950837), new Word64(2554220882, 3999719339), new Word64(2821834349, 766784016), new Word64(2952996808, 2566594879), new Word64(3210313671, 3203337956), new Word64(3336571891, 1034457026), new Word64(3584528711, 2466948901), new Word64(113926993, 3758326383), new Word64(338241895, 168717936), new Word64(666307205, 1188179964), new Word64(773529912, 1546045734), new Word64(1294757372, 1522805485), new Word64(1396182291, 2643833823), new Word64(1695183700, 2343527390), new Word64(1986661051, 1014477480), new Word64(2177026350, 1206759142), new Word64(2456956037, 344077627), new Word64(2730485921, 1290863460), new Word64(2820302411, 3158454273), new Word64(3259730800, 3505952657), new Word64(3345764771, 106217008), new Word64(3516065817, 3606008344), new Word64(3600352804, 1432725776), new Word64(4094571909, 1467031594), new Word64(275423344, 851169720), new Word64(430227734, 3100823752), new Word64(506948616, 1363258195), new Word64(659060556, 3750685593), new Word64(883997877, 3785050280), new Word64(958139571, 3318307427), new Word64(1322822218, 3812723403), new Word64(1537002063, 2003034995), new Word64(1747873779, 3602036899), new Word64(1955562222, 1575990012), new Word64(2024104815, 1125592928), new Word64(2227730452, 2716904306), new Word64(2361852424, 442776044), new Word64(2428436474, 593698344), new Word64(2756734187, 3733110249), new Word64(3204031479, 2999351573), new Word64(3329325298, 3815920427), new Word64(3391569614, 3928383900), new Word64(3515267271, 566280711), new Word64(3940187606, 3454069534), new Word64(4118630271, 4000239992), new Word64(116418474, 1914138554), new Word64(174292421, 2731055270), new Word64(289380356, 3203993006), new Word64(460393269, 320620315), new Word64(685471733, 587496836), new Word64(852142971, 1086792851), new Word64(1017036298, 365543100), new Word64(1126000580, 2618297676), new Word64(1288033470, 3409855158), new Word64(1501505948, 4234509866), new Word64(1607167915, 987167468), new Word64(1816402316, 1246189591)]; return function hash(t, i, a, s = !1) { let r, n, o, g, c, h, l, C; if (s) { r = new Word64(3418070365, 3238371032); n = new Word64(1654270250, 914150663); o = new Word64(2438529370, 812702999); g = new Word64(355462360, 4144912697); c = new Word64(1731405415, 4290775857); h = new Word64(2394180231, 1750603025); l = new Word64(3675008525, 1694076839); C = new Word64(1203062813, 3204075428) } else { r = new Word64(1779033703, 4089235720); n = new Word64(3144134277, 2227873595); o = new Word64(1013904242, 4271175723); g = new Word64(2773480762, 1595750129); c = new Word64(1359893119, 2917565137); h = new Word64(2600822924, 725511199); l = new Word64(528734635, 4215389547); C = new Word64(1541459225, 327033209) } const Q = 128 * Math.ceil((a + 17) / 128), E = new Uint8Array(Q); let u, d; for (u = 0; u < a; ++u)E[u] = t[i++]; E[u++] = 128; const f = Q - 16; for (; u < f;)E[u++] = 0; E[u++] = 0; E[u++] = 0; E[u++] = 0; E[u++] = 0; E[u++] = 0; E[u++] = 0; E[u++] = 0; E[u++] = 0; E[u++] = 0; E[u++] = 0; E[u++] = 0; E[u++] = a >>> 29 & 255; E[u++] = a >> 21 & 255; E[u++] = a >> 13 & 255; E[u++] = a >> 5 & 255; E[u++] = a << 3 & 255; const p = new Array(80); for (u = 0; u < 80; u++)p[u] = new Word64(0, 0); let m = new Word64(0, 0), y = new Word64(0, 0), w = new Word64(0, 0), b = new Word64(0, 0), D = new Word64(0, 0), F = new Word64(0, 0), S = new Word64(0, 0), k = new Word64(0, 0); const R = new Word64(0, 0), N = new Word64(0, 0), G = new Word64(0, 0), x = new Word64(0, 0); let M, U; for (u = 0; u < Q;) { for (d = 0; d < 16; ++d) { p[d].high = E[u] << 24 | E[u + 1] << 16 | E[u + 2] << 8 | E[u + 3]; p[d].low = E[u + 4] << 24 | E[u + 5] << 16 | E[u + 6] << 8 | E[u + 7]; u += 8 } for (d = 16; d < 80; ++d) { M = p[d]; littleSigmaPrime(M, p[d - 2], x); M.add(p[d - 7]); littleSigma(G, p[d - 15], x); M.add(G); M.add(p[d - 16]) } m.assign(r); y.assign(n); w.assign(o); b.assign(g); D.assign(c); F.assign(h); S.assign(l); k.assign(C); for (d = 0; d < 80; ++d) { R.assign(k); sigmaPrime(G, D, x); R.add(G); ch(G, D, F, S, x); R.add(G); R.add(e[d]); R.add(p[d]); sigma(N, m, x); maj(G, m, y, w, x); N.add(G); M = k; k = S; S = F; F = D; b.add(R); D = b; b = w; w = y; y = m; M.assign(R); M.add(N); m = M } r.add(m); n.add(y); o.add(w); g.add(b); c.add(D); h.add(F); l.add(S); C.add(k) } if (s) { U = new Uint8Array(48); r.copyTo(U, 0); n.copyTo(U, 8); o.copyTo(U, 16); g.copyTo(U, 24); c.copyTo(U, 32); h.copyTo(U, 40) } else { U = new Uint8Array(64); r.copyTo(U, 0); n.copyTo(U, 8); o.copyTo(U, 16); g.copyTo(U, 24); c.copyTo(U, 32); h.copyTo(U, 40); l.copyTo(U, 48); C.copyTo(U, 56) } return U } }(); class NullCipher { decryptBlock(e) { return e } encrypt(e) { return e } } class AESBaseCipher { constructor() { this.constructor === AESBaseCipher && unreachable("Cannot initialize AESBaseCipher."); this._s = new Uint8Array([99, 124, 119, 123, 242, 107, 111, 197, 48, 1, 103, 43, 254, 215, 171, 118, 202, 130, 201, 125, 250, 89, 71, 240, 173, 212, 162, 175, 156, 164, 114, 192, 183, 253, 147, 38, 54, 63, 247, 204, 52, 165, 229, 241, 113, 216, 49, 21, 4, 199, 35, 195, 24, 150, 5, 154, 7, 18, 128, 226, 235, 39, 178, 117, 9, 131, 44, 26, 27, 110, 90, 160, 82, 59, 214, 179, 41, 227, 47, 132, 83, 209, 0, 237, 32, 252, 177, 91, 106, 203, 190, 57, 74, 76, 88, 207, 208, 239, 170, 251, 67, 77, 51, 133, 69, 249, 2, 127, 80, 60, 159, 168, 81, 163, 64, 143, 146, 157, 56, 245, 188, 182, 218, 33, 16, 255, 243, 210, 205, 12, 19, 236, 95, 151, 68, 23, 196, 167, 126, 61, 100, 93, 25, 115, 96, 129, 79, 220, 34, 42, 144, 136, 70, 238, 184, 20, 222, 94, 11, 219, 224, 50, 58, 10, 73, 6, 36, 92, 194, 211, 172, 98, 145, 149, 228, 121, 231, 200, 55, 109, 141, 213, 78, 169, 108, 86, 244, 234, 101, 122, 174, 8, 186, 120, 37, 46, 28, 166, 180, 198, 232, 221, 116, 31, 75, 189, 139, 138, 112, 62, 181, 102, 72, 3, 246, 14, 97, 53, 87, 185, 134, 193, 29, 158, 225, 248, 152, 17, 105, 217, 142, 148, 155, 30, 135, 233, 206, 85, 40, 223, 140, 161, 137, 13, 191, 230, 66, 104, 65, 153, 45, 15, 176, 84, 187, 22]); this._inv_s = new Uint8Array([82, 9, 106, 213, 48, 54, 165, 56, 191, 64, 163, 158, 129, 243, 215, 251, 124, 227, 57, 130, 155, 47, 255, 135, 52, 142, 67, 68, 196, 222, 233, 203, 84, 123, 148, 50, 166, 194, 35, 61, 238, 76, 149, 11, 66, 250, 195, 78, 8, 46, 161, 102, 40, 217, 36, 178, 118, 91, 162, 73, 109, 139, 209, 37, 114, 248, 246, 100, 134, 104, 152, 22, 212, 164, 92, 204, 93, 101, 182, 146, 108, 112, 72, 80, 253, 237, 185, 218, 94, 21, 70, 87, 167, 141, 157, 132, 144, 216, 171, 0, 140, 188, 211, 10, 247, 228, 88, 5, 184, 179, 69, 6, 208, 44, 30, 143, 202, 63, 15, 2, 193, 175, 189, 3, 1, 19, 138, 107, 58, 145, 17, 65, 79, 103, 220, 234, 151, 242, 207, 206, 240, 180, 230, 115, 150, 172, 116, 34, 231, 173, 53, 133, 226, 249, 55, 232, 28, 117, 223, 110, 71, 241, 26, 113, 29, 41, 197, 137, 111, 183, 98, 14, 170, 24, 190, 27, 252, 86, 62, 75, 198, 210, 121, 32, 154, 219, 192, 254, 120, 205, 90, 244, 31, 221, 168, 51, 136, 7, 199, 49, 177, 18, 16, 89, 39, 128, 236, 95, 96, 81, 127, 169, 25, 181, 74, 13, 45, 229, 122, 159, 147, 201, 156, 239, 160, 224, 59, 77, 174, 42, 245, 176, 200, 235, 187, 60, 131, 83, 153, 97, 23, 43, 4, 126, 186, 119, 214, 38, 225, 105, 20, 99, 85, 33, 12, 125]); this._mix = new Uint32Array([0, 235474187, 470948374, 303765277, 941896748, 908933415, 607530554, 708780849, 1883793496, 2118214995, 1817866830, 1649639237, 1215061108, 1181045119, 1417561698, 1517767529, 3767586992, 4003061179, 4236429990, 4069246893, 3635733660, 3602770327, 3299278474, 3400528769, 2430122216, 2664543715, 2362090238, 2193862645, 2835123396, 2801107407, 3035535058, 3135740889, 3678124923, 3576870512, 3341394285, 3374361702, 3810496343, 3977675356, 4279080257, 4043610186, 2876494627, 2776292904, 3076639029, 3110650942, 2472011535, 2640243204, 2403728665, 2169303058, 1001089995, 899835584, 666464733, 699432150, 59727847, 226906860, 530400753, 294930682, 1273168787, 1172967064, 1475418501, 1509430414, 1942435775, 2110667444, 1876241833, 1641816226, 2910219766, 2743034109, 2976151520, 3211623147, 2505202138, 2606453969, 2302690252, 2269728455, 3711829422, 3543599269, 3240894392, 3475313331, 3843699074, 3943906441, 4178062228, 4144047775, 1306967366, 1139781709, 1374988112, 1610459739, 1975683434, 2076935265, 1775276924, 1742315127, 1034867998, 866637845, 566021896, 800440835, 92987698, 193195065, 429456164, 395441711, 1984812685, 2017778566, 1784663195, 1683407248, 1315562145, 1080094634, 1383856311, 1551037884, 101039829, 135050206, 437757123, 337553864, 1042385657, 807962610, 573804783, 742039012, 2531067453, 2564033334, 2328828971, 2227573024, 2935566865, 2700099354, 3001755655, 3168937228, 3868552805, 3902563182, 4203181171, 4102977912, 3736164937, 3501741890, 3265478751, 3433712980, 1106041591, 1340463100, 1576976609, 1408749034, 2043211483, 2009195472, 1708848333, 1809054150, 832877231, 1068351396, 766945465, 599762354, 159417987, 126454664, 361929877, 463180190, 2709260871, 2943682380, 3178106961, 3009879386, 2572697195, 2538681184, 2236228733, 2336434550, 3509871135, 3745345300, 3441850377, 3274667266, 3910161971, 3877198648, 4110568485, 4211818798, 2597806476, 2497604743, 2261089178, 2295101073, 2733856160, 2902087851, 3202437046, 2968011453, 3936291284, 3835036895, 4136440770, 4169408201, 3535486456, 3702665459, 3467192302, 3231722213, 2051518780, 1951317047, 1716890410, 1750902305, 1113818384, 1282050075, 1584504582, 1350078989, 168810852, 67556463, 371049330, 404016761, 841739592, 1008918595, 775550814, 540080725, 3969562369, 3801332234, 4035489047, 4269907996, 3569255213, 3669462566, 3366754619, 3332740144, 2631065433, 2463879762, 2160117071, 2395588676, 2767645557, 2868897406, 3102011747, 3069049960, 202008497, 33778362, 270040487, 504459436, 875451293, 975658646, 675039627, 641025152, 2084704233, 1917518562, 1615861247, 1851332852, 1147550661, 1248802510, 1484005843, 1451044056, 933301370, 967311729, 733156972, 632953703, 260388950, 25965917, 328671808, 496906059, 1206477858, 1239443753, 1543208500, 1441952575, 2144161806, 1908694277, 1675577880, 1842759443, 3610369226, 3644379585, 3408119516, 3307916247, 4011190502, 3776767469, 4077384432, 4245618683, 2809771154, 2842737049, 3144396420, 3043140495, 2673705150, 2438237621, 2203032232, 2370213795]); this._mixCol = new Uint8Array(256); for (let e = 0; e < 256; e++)this._mixCol[e] = e < 128 ? e << 1 : e << 1 ^ 27; this.buffer = new Uint8Array(16); this.bufferPosition = 0 } _expandKey(e) { unreachable("Cannot call `_expandKey` on the base class") } _decrypt(e, t) { let i, a, s; const r = new Uint8Array(16); r.set(e); for (let e = 0, i = this._keySize; e < 16; ++e, ++i)r[e] ^= t[i]; for (let e = this._cyclesOfRepetition - 1; e >= 1; --e) { i = r[13]; r[13] = r[9]; r[9] = r[5]; r[5] = r[1]; r[1] = i; i = r[14]; a = r[10]; r[14] = r[6]; r[10] = r[2]; r[6] = i; r[2] = a; i = r[15]; a = r[11]; s = r[7]; r[15] = r[3]; r[11] = i; r[7] = a; r[3] = s; for (let e = 0; e < 16; ++e)r[e] = this._inv_s[r[e]]; for (let i = 0, a = 16 * e; i < 16; ++i, ++a)r[i] ^= t[a]; for (let e = 0; e < 16; e += 4) { const t = this._mix[r[e]], a = this._mix[r[e + 1]], s = this._mix[r[e + 2]], n = this._mix[r[e + 3]]; i = t ^ a >>> 8 ^ a << 24 ^ s >>> 16 ^ s << 16 ^ n >>> 24 ^ n << 8; r[e] = i >>> 24 & 255; r[e + 1] = i >> 16 & 255; r[e + 2] = i >> 8 & 255; r[e + 3] = 255 & i } } i = r[13]; r[13] = r[9]; r[9] = r[5]; r[5] = r[1]; r[1] = i; i = r[14]; a = r[10]; r[14] = r[6]; r[10] = r[2]; r[6] = i; r[2] = a; i = r[15]; a = r[11]; s = r[7]; r[15] = r[3]; r[11] = i; r[7] = a; r[3] = s; for (let e = 0; e < 16; ++e) { r[e] = this._inv_s[r[e]]; r[e] ^= t[e] } return r } _encrypt(e, t) { const i = this._s; let a, s, r; const n = new Uint8Array(16); n.set(e); for (let e = 0; e < 16; ++e)n[e] ^= t[e]; for (let e = 1; e < this._cyclesOfRepetition; e++) { for (let e = 0; e < 16; ++e)n[e] = i[n[e]]; r = n[1]; n[1] = n[5]; n[5] = n[9]; n[9] = n[13]; n[13] = r; r = n[2]; s = n[6]; n[2] = n[10]; n[6] = n[14]; n[10] = r; n[14] = s; r = n[3]; s = n[7]; a = n[11]; n[3] = n[15]; n[7] = r; n[11] = s; n[15] = a; for (let e = 0; e < 16; e += 4) { const t = n[e + 0], i = n[e + 1], s = n[e + 2], r = n[e + 3]; a = t ^ i ^ s ^ r; n[e + 0] ^= a ^ this._mixCol[t ^ i]; n[e + 1] ^= a ^ this._mixCol[i ^ s]; n[e + 2] ^= a ^ this._mixCol[s ^ r]; n[e + 3] ^= a ^ this._mixCol[r ^ t] } for (let i = 0, a = 16 * e; i < 16; ++i, ++a)n[i] ^= t[a] } for (let e = 0; e < 16; ++e)n[e] = i[n[e]]; r = n[1]; n[1] = n[5]; n[5] = n[9]; n[9] = n[13]; n[13] = r; r = n[2]; s = n[6]; n[2] = n[10]; n[6] = n[14]; n[10] = r; n[14] = s; r = n[3]; s = n[7]; a = n[11]; n[3] = n[15]; n[7] = r; n[11] = s; n[15] = a; for (let e = 0, i = this._keySize; e < 16; ++e, ++i)n[e] ^= t[i]; return n } _decryptBlock2(e, t) { const i = e.length; let a = this.buffer, s = this.bufferPosition; const r = []; let n = this.iv; for (let t = 0; t < i; ++t) { a[s] = e[t]; ++s; if (s < 16) continue; const i = this._decrypt(a, this._key); for (let e = 0; e < 16; ++e)i[e] ^= n[e]; n = a; r.push(i); a = new Uint8Array(16); s = 0 } this.buffer = a; this.bufferLength = s; this.iv = n; if (0 === r.length) return new Uint8Array(0); let o = 16 * r.length; if (t) { const e =; let t = e[15]; if (t <= 16) { for (let i = 15, a = 16 - t; i >= a; --i)if (e[i] !== t) { t = 0; break } o -= t; r[r.length - 1] = e.subarray(0, 16 - t) } } const g = new Uint8Array(o); for (let e = 0, t = 0, i = r.length; e < i; ++e, t += 16)g.set(r[e], t); return g } decryptBlock(e, t, i = null) { const a = e.length, s = this.buffer; let r = this.bufferPosition; if (i) this.iv = i; else { for (let t = 0; r < 16 && t < a; ++t, ++r)s[r] = e[t]; if (r < 16) { this.bufferLength = r; return new Uint8Array(0) } this.iv = s; e = e.subarray(16) } this.buffer = new Uint8Array(16); this.bufferLength = 0; this.decryptBlock = this._decryptBlock2; return this.decryptBlock(e, t) } encrypt(e, t) { const i = e.length; let a = this.buffer, s = this.bufferPosition; const r = []; t || (t = new Uint8Array(16)); for (let n = 0; n < i; ++n) { a[s] = e[n]; ++s; if (s < 16) continue; for (let e = 0; e < 16; ++e)a[e] ^= t[e]; const i = this._encrypt(a, this._key); t = i; r.push(i); a = new Uint8Array(16); s = 0 } this.buffer = a; this.bufferLength = s; this.iv = t; if (0 === r.length) return new Uint8Array(0); const n = 16 * r.length, o = new Uint8Array(n); for (let e = 0, t = 0, i = r.length; e < i; ++e, t += 16)o.set(r[e], t); return o } } class AES128Cipher extends AESBaseCipher { constructor(e) { super(); this._cyclesOfRepetition = 10; this._keySize = 160; this._rcon = new Uint8Array([141, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 27, 54, 108, 216, 171, 77, 154, 47, 94, 188, 99, 198, 151, 53, 106, 212, 179, 125, 250, 239, 197, 145, 57, 114, 228, 211, 189, 97, 194, 159, 37, 74, 148, 51, 102, 204, 131, 29, 58, 116, 232, 203, 141, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 27, 54, 108, 216, 171, 77, 154, 47, 94, 188, 99, 198, 151, 53, 106, 212, 179, 125, 250, 239, 197, 145, 57, 114, 228, 211, 189, 97, 194, 159, 37, 74, 148, 51, 102, 204, 131, 29, 58, 116, 232, 203, 141, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 27, 54, 108, 216, 171, 77, 154, 47, 94, 188, 99, 198, 151, 53, 106, 212, 179, 125, 250, 239, 197, 145, 57, 114, 228, 211, 189, 97, 194, 159, 37, 74, 148, 51, 102, 204, 131, 29, 58, 116, 232, 203, 141, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 27, 54, 108, 216, 171, 77, 154, 47, 94, 188, 99, 198, 151, 53, 106, 212, 179, 125, 250, 239, 197, 145, 57, 114, 228, 211, 189, 97, 194, 159, 37, 74, 148, 51, 102, 204, 131, 29, 58, 116, 232, 203, 141, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 27, 54, 108, 216, 171, 77, 154, 47, 94, 188, 99, 198, 151, 53, 106, 212, 179, 125, 250, 239, 197, 145, 57, 114, 228, 211, 189, 97, 194, 159, 37, 74, 148, 51, 102, 204, 131, 29, 58, 116, 232, 203, 141]); this._key = this._expandKey(e) } _expandKey(e) { const t = this._s, i = this._rcon, a = new Uint8Array(176); a.set(e); for (let e = 16, s = 1; e < 176; ++s) { let r = a[e - 3], n = a[e - 2], o = a[e - 1], g = a[e - 4]; r = t[r]; n = t[n]; o = t[o]; g = t[g]; r ^= i[s]; for (let t = 0; t < 4; ++t) { a[e] = r ^= a[e - 16]; e++; a[e] = n ^= a[e - 16]; e++; a[e] = o ^= a[e - 16]; e++; a[e] = g ^= a[e - 16]; e++ } } return a } } class AES256Cipher extends AESBaseCipher { constructor(e) { super(); this._cyclesOfRepetition = 14; this._keySize = 224; this._key = this._expandKey(e) } _expandKey(e) { const t = this._s, i = new Uint8Array(240); i.set(e); let a, s, r, n, o = 1; for (let e = 32, g = 1; e < 240; ++g) { if (e % 32 == 16) { a = t[a]; s = t[s]; r = t[r]; n = t[n] } else if (e % 32 == 0) { a = i[e - 3]; s = i[e - 2]; r = i[e - 1]; n = i[e - 4]; a = t[a]; s = t[s]; r = t[r]; n = t[n]; a ^= o; (o <<= 1) >= 256 && (o = 255 & (27 ^ o)) } for (let t = 0; t < 4; ++t) { i[e] = a ^= i[e - 32]; e++; i[e] = s ^= i[e - 32]; e++; i[e] = r ^= i[e - 32]; e++; i[e] = n ^= i[e - 32]; e++ } } return i } } class PDF17 { checkOwnerPassword(e, t, i, a) { const s = new Uint8Array(e.length + 56); s.set(e, 0); s.set(t, e.length); s.set(i, e.length + t.length); return isArrayEqual(Hs(s, 0, s.length), a) } checkUserPassword(e, t, i) { const a = new Uint8Array(e.length + 8); a.set(e, 0); a.set(t, e.length); return isArrayEqual(Hs(a, 0, a.length), i) } getOwnerKey(e, t, i, a) { const s = new Uint8Array(e.length + 56); s.set(e, 0); s.set(t, e.length); s.set(i, e.length + t.length); const r = Hs(s, 0, s.length); return new AES256Cipher(r).decryptBlock(a, !1, new Uint8Array(16)) } getUserKey(e, t, i) { const a = new Uint8Array(e.length + 8); a.set(e, 0); a.set(t, e.length); const s = Hs(a, 0, a.length); return new AES256Cipher(s).decryptBlock(i, !1, new Uint8Array(16)) } } class PDF20 { _hash(e, t, i) { let a = Hs(t, 0, t.length).subarray(0, 32), s = [0], r = 0; for (; r < 64 || > r - 32;) { const t = e.length + a.length + i.length, c = new Uint8Array(t); let h = 0; c.set(e, h); h += e.length; c.set(a, h); h += a.length; c.set(i, h); const l = new Uint8Array(64 * t); for (let e = 0, i = 0; e < 64; e++, i += t)l.set(c, i); s = new AES128Cipher(a.subarray(0, 16)).encrypt(l, a.subarray(16, 32)); const C = s.slice(0, 16).reduce(((e, t) => e + t), 0) % 3; 0 === C ? a = Hs(s, 0, s.length) : 1 === C ? a = (n = s, o = 0, g = s.length, Ys(n, o, g, !0)) : 2 === C && (a = Ys(s, 0, s.length)); r++ } var n, o, g; return a.subarray(0, 32) } checkOwnerPassword(e, t, i, a) { const s = new Uint8Array(e.length + 56); s.set(e, 0); s.set(t, e.length); s.set(i, e.length + t.length); return isArrayEqual(this._hash(e, s, i), a) } checkUserPassword(e, t, i) { const a = new Uint8Array(e.length + 8); a.set(e, 0); a.set(t, e.length); return isArrayEqual(this._hash(e, a, []), i) } getOwnerKey(e, t, i, a) { const s = new Uint8Array(e.length + 56); s.set(e, 0); s.set(t, e.length); s.set(i, e.length + t.length); const r = this._hash(e, s, i); return new AES256Cipher(r).decryptBlock(a, !1, new Uint8Array(16)) } getUserKey(e, t, i) { const a = new Uint8Array(e.length + 8); a.set(e, 0); a.set(t, e.length); const s = this._hash(e, a, []); return new AES256Cipher(s).decryptBlock(i, !1, new Uint8Array(16)) } } class CipherTransform { constructor(e, t) { this.StringCipherConstructor = e; this.StreamCipherConstructor = t } createStream(e, t) { const i = new this.StreamCipherConstructor; return new DecryptStream(e, t, (function cipherTransformDecryptStream(e, t) { return i.decryptBlock(e, t) })) } decryptString(e) { const t = new this.StringCipherConstructor; let i = stringToBytes(e); i = t.decryptBlock(i, !0); return bytesToString(i) } encryptString(e) { const t = new this.StringCipherConstructor; if (t instanceof AESBaseCipher) { const i = 16 - e.length % 16; e += String.fromCharCode(i).repeat(i); const a = new Uint8Array(16); if ("undefined" != typeof crypto) crypto.getRandomValues(a); else for (let e = 0; e < 16; e++)a[e] = Math.floor(256 * Math.random()); let s = stringToBytes(e); s = t.encrypt(s, a); const r = new Uint8Array(16 + s.length); r.set(a); r.set(s, 16); return bytesToString(r) } let i = stringToBytes(e); i = t.encrypt(i); return bytesToString(i) } } class CipherTransformFactory { static #k = new Uint8Array([40, 191, 78, 94, 78, 117, 138, 65, 100, 0, 78, 86, 255, 250, 1, 8, 46, 46, 0, 182, 208, 104, 62, 128, 47, 12, 169, 254, 100, 83, 105, 122]); #R(e, t, i, a, s, r, n, o, g, c, h, l) { if (t) { const e = Math.min(127, t.length); t = t.subarray(0, e) } else t = []; const C = 6 === e ? new PDF20 : new PDF17; return C.checkUserPassword(t, o, n) ? C.getUserKey(t, g, h) : t.length && C.checkOwnerPassword(t, a, r, i) ? C.getOwnerKey(t, s, r, c) : null } #N(e, t, i, a, s, r, n, o) { const g = 40 + i.length + e.length, c = new Uint8Array(g); let h, l, C = 0; if (t) { l = Math.min(32, t.length); for (; C < l; ++C)c[C] = t[C] } h = 0; for (; C < 32;)c[C++] = CipherTransformFactory.#k[h++]; for (h = 0, l = i.length; h < l; ++h)c[C++] = i[h]; c[C++] = 255 & s; c[C++] = s >> 8 & 255; c[C++] = s >> 16 & 255; c[C++] = s >>> 24 & 255; for (h = 0, l = e.length; h < l; ++h)c[C++] = e[h]; if (r >= 4 && !o) { c[C++] = 255; c[C++] = 255; c[C++] = 255; c[C++] = 255 } let Q = Js(c, 0, C); const E = n >> 3; if (r >= 3) for (h = 0; h < 50; ++h)Q = Js(Q, 0, E); const u = Q.subarray(0, E); let d, f; if (r >= 3) { for (C = 0; C < 32; ++C)c[C] = CipherTransformFactory.#k[C]; for (h = 0, l = e.length; h < l; ++h)c[C++] = e[h]; d = new ARCFourCipher(u); f = d.encryptBlock(Js(c, 0, C)); l = u.length; const t = new Uint8Array(l); for (h = 1; h <= 19; ++h) { for (let e = 0; e < l; ++e)t[e] = u[e] ^ h; d = new ARCFourCipher(t); f = d.encryptBlock(f) } for (h = 0, l = f.length; h < l; ++h)if (a[h] !== f[h]) return null } else { d = new ARCFourCipher(u); f = d.encryptBlock(CipherTransformFactory.#k); for (h = 0, l = f.length; h < l; ++h)if (a[h] !== f[h]) return null } return u } #G(e, t, i, a) { const s = new Uint8Array(32); let r = 0; const n = Math.min(32, e.length); for (; r < n; ++r)s[r] = e[r]; let o = 0; for (; r < 32;)s[r++] = CipherTransformFactory.#k[o++]; let g = Js(s, 0, r); const c = a >> 3; if (i >= 3) for (o = 0; o < 50; ++o)g = Js(g, 0, g.length); let h, l; if (i >= 3) { l = t; const e = new Uint8Array(c); for (o = 19; o >= 0; o--) { for (let t = 0; t < c; ++t)e[t] = g[t] ^ o; h = new ARCFourCipher(e); l = h.encryptBlock(l) } } else { h = new ARCFourCipher(g.subarray(0, c)); l = h.encryptBlock(t) } return l } #x(e, t, i, a = !1) { const s = new Uint8Array(i.length + 9), r = i.length; let n; for (n = 0; n < r; ++n)s[n] = i[n]; s[n++] = 255 & e; s[n++] = e >> 8 & 255; s[n++] = e >> 16 & 255; s[n++] = 255 & t; s[n++] = t >> 8 & 255; if (a) { s[n++] = 115; s[n++] = 65; s[n++] = 108; s[n++] = 84 } return Js(s, 0, n).subarray(0, Math.min(i.length + 5, 16)) } #M(e, t, i, a, s) { if (!(t instanceof Name)) throw new FormatError("Invalid crypt filter name."); const r = this, n = e.get(, o = n?.get("CFM"); if (!o || "None" === return function () { return new NullCipher }; if ("V2" === return function () { return new ARCFourCipher(r.#x(i, a, s, !1)) }; if ("AESV2" === return function () { return new AES128Cipher(r.#x(i, a, s, !0)) }; if ("AESV3" === return function () { return new AES256Cipher(s) }; throw new FormatError("Unknown crypto method") } constructor(e, t, i) { const a = e.get("Filter"); if (!isName(a, "Standard")) throw new FormatError("unknown encryption method"); this.filterName =; this.dict = e; const s = e.get("V"); if (!Number.isInteger(s) || 1 !== s && 2 !== s && 4 !== s && 5 !== s) throw new FormatError("unsupported encryption algorithm"); this.algorithm = s; let r = e.get("Length"); if (!r) if (s <= 3) r = 40; else { const t = e.get("CF"), i = e.get("StmF"); if (t instanceof Dict && i instanceof Name) { t.suppressEncryption = !0; const e = t.get(; r = e?.get("Length") || 128; r < 40 && (r <<= 3) } } if (!Number.isInteger(r) || r < 40 || r % 8 != 0) throw new FormatError("invalid key length"); const n = stringToBytes(e.get("O")), o = stringToBytes(e.get("U")), g = n.subarray(0, 32), c = o.subarray(0, 32), h = e.get("P"), l = e.get("R"), C = (4 === s || 5 === s) && !1 !== e.get("EncryptMetadata"); this.encryptMetadata = C; const Q = stringToBytes(t); let E, u; if (i) { if (6 === l) try { i = utf8StringToString(i) } catch { warn("CipherTransformFactory: Unable to convert UTF8 encoded password.") } E = stringToBytes(i) } if (5 !== s) u = this.#N(Q, E, g, c, h, l, r, C); else { const t = n.subarray(32, 40), i = n.subarray(40, 48), a = o.subarray(0, 48), s = o.subarray(32, 40), r = o.subarray(40, 48), h = stringToBytes(e.get("OE")), C = stringToBytes(e.get("UE")), Q = stringToBytes(e.get("Perms")); u = this.#R(l, E, g, t, i, a, c, s, r, h, C, Q) } if (!u && !i) throw new PasswordException("No password given", it); if (!u && i) { const e = this.#G(E, g, l, r); u = this.#N(Q, e, g, c, h, l, r, C) } if (!u) throw new PasswordException("Incorrect Password", at); this.encryptionKey = u; if (s >= 4) { const t = e.get("CF"); t instanceof Dict && (t.suppressEncryption = !0); = t; this.stmf = e.get("StmF") || Name.get("Identity"); this.strf = e.get("StrF") || Name.get("Identity"); this.eff = e.get("EFF") || this.stmf } } createCipherTransform(e, t) { if (4 === this.algorithm || 5 === this.algorithm) return new CipherTransform(this.#M(, this.strf, e, t, this.encryptionKey), this.#M(, this.stmf, e, t, this.encryptionKey)); const i = this.#x(e, t, this.encryptionKey, !1), cipherConstructor = function () { return new ARCFourCipher(i) }; return new CipherTransform(cipherConstructor, cipherConstructor) } } async function writeObject(e, t, i, { encrypt: a = null }) { const s = a?.createCipherTransform(e.num, e.gen); i.push(`${e.num} ${e.gen} obj\n`); t instanceof Dict ? await writeDict(t, i, s) : t instanceof BaseStream ? await writeStream(t, i, s) : (Array.isArray(t) || ArrayBuffer.isView(t)) && await writeArray(t, i, s); i.push("\nendobj\n") } async function writeDict(e, t, i) { t.push("<<"); for (const a of e.getKeys()) { t.push(` /${escapePDFName(a)} `); await writeValue(e.getRaw(a), t, i) } t.push(">>") } async function writeStream(e, t, i) { let a = e.getBytes(); const { dict: s } = e, [r, n] = await Promise.all([s.getAsync("Filter"), s.getAsync("DecodeParms")]), o = isName(Array.isArray(r) ? await s.xref.fetchIfRefAsync(r[0]) : r, "FlateDecode"); if (a.length >= 256 || o) try { const e = new CompressionStream("deflate"), t = e.writable.getWriter(); t.write(a); t.close(); const i = await new Response(e.readable).arrayBuffer(); a = new Uint8Array(i); let g, c; if (r) { if (!o) { g = Array.isArray(r) ? [Name.get("FlateDecode"), ...r] : [Name.get("FlateDecode"), r]; n && (c = Array.isArray(n) ? [null, ...n] : [null, n]) } } else g = Name.get("FlateDecode"); g && s.set("Filter", g); c && s.set("DecodeParms", c) } catch (e) { info(`writeStream - cannot compress data: "${e}".`) } let g = bytesToString(a); i && (g = i.encryptString(g)); s.set("Length", g.length); await writeDict(s, t, i); t.push(" stream\n", g, "\nendstream") } async function writeArray(e, t, i) { t.push("["); let a = !0; for (const s of e) { a ? a = !1 : t.push(" "); await writeValue(s, t, i) } t.push("]") } async function writeValue(e, t, i) { if (e instanceof Name) t.push(`/${escapePDFName(}`); else if (e instanceof Ref) t.push(`${e.num} ${e.gen} R`); else if (Array.isArray(e) || ArrayBuffer.isView(e)) await writeArray(e, t, i); else if ("string" == typeof e) { i && (e = i.encryptString(e)); t.push(`(${escapeString(e)})`) } else "number" == typeof e ? t.push(numberToString(e)) : "boolean" == typeof e ? t.push(e.toString()) : e instanceof Dict ? await writeDict(e, t, i) : e instanceof BaseStream ? await writeStream(e, t, i) : null === e ? t.push("null") : warn(`Unhandled value in writer: ${typeof e}, please file a bug.`) } function writeInt(e, t, i, a) { for (let s = t + i - 1; s > i - 1; s--) { a[s] = 255 & e; e >>= 8 } return i + t } function writeString(e, t, i) { for (let a = 0, s = e.length; a < s; a++)i[t + a] = 255 & e.charCodeAt(a) } function updateXFA({ xfaData: e, xfaDatasetsRef: t, newRefs: i, xref: a }) { if (null === e) { e = function writeXFADataForAcroform(e, t) { const i = new SimpleXMLParser({ hasAttributes: !0 }).parseFromString(e); for (const { xfa: e } of t) { if (!e) continue; const { path: t, value: a } = e; if (!t) continue; const s = parseXFAPath(t); let r = i.documentElement.searchNode(s, 0); !r && s.length > 1 && (r = i.documentElement.searchNode([], 0)); r ? r.childNodes = Array.isArray(a) ? => new SimpleDOMNode("value", e))) : [new SimpleDOMNode("#text", a)] : warn(`Node not found for path: ${t}`) } const a = []; i.documentElement.dump(a); return a.join("") }(a.fetchIfRef(t).getString(), i) } const s = a.encrypt; if (s) { e = s.createCipherTransform(t.num, t.gen).encryptString(e) } const r = `${t.num} ${t.gen} obj\n<< /Type /EmbeddedFile /Length ${e.length}>>\nstream\n` + e + "\nendstream\nendobj\n"; i.push({ ref: t, data: r }) } function getIndexes(e) { const t = []; for (const { ref: i } of e) i.num === + ? t[t.length - 1] += 1 : t.push(i.num, 1); return t } function computeIDs(e, t, i) { if (Array.isArray(t.fileIds) && t.fileIds.length > 0) { const a = function computeMD5(e, t) { const i = Math.floor( / 1e3), a = t.filename || "", s = [i.toString(), a, e.toString()]; let r = s.reduce(((e, t) => e + t.length), 0); for (const e of Object.values( { s.push(e); r += e.length } const n = new Uint8Array(r); let o = 0; for (const e of s) { writeString(e, o, n); o += e.length } return bytesToString(Js(n)) }(e, t); i.set("ID", [t.fileIds[0], a]) } } async function incrementalUpdate({ originalData: e, xrefInfo: t, newRefs: i, xref: a = null, hasXfa: s = !1, xfaDatasetsRef: r = null, hasXfaDatasetsEntry: n = !1, needAppearances: o, acroFormRef: g = null, acroForm: c = null, xfaData: h = null, useXrefStream: l = !1 }) { await async function updateAcroform({ xref: e, acroForm: t, acroFormRef: i, hasXfa: a, hasXfaDatasetsEntry: s, xfaDatasetsRef: r, needAppearances: n, newRefs: o }) { !a || s || r || warn("XFA - Cannot save it"); if (!n && (!a || !r || s)) return; const g = t.clone(); if (a && !s) { const e = t.get("XFA").slice(); e.splice(2, 0, "datasets"); e.splice(3, 0, r); g.set("XFA", e) } n && g.set("NeedAppearances", !0); const c = []; await writeObject(i, g, c, e); o.push({ ref: i, data: c.join("") }) }({ xref: a, acroForm: c, acroFormRef: g, hasXfa: s, hasXfaDatasetsEntry: n, xfaDatasetsRef: r, needAppearances: o, newRefs: i }); s && updateXFA({ xfaData: h, xfaDatasetsRef: r, newRefs: i, xref: a }); const C = []; let Q = e.length; const E =; if (10 !== E && 13 !== E) { C.push("\n"); Q += 1 } const u = function getTrailerDict(e, t, i) { const a = new Dict(null); a.set("Prev", e.startXRef); const s = e.newRef; if (i) { t.push({ ref: s, data: "" }); a.set("Size", s.num + 1); a.set("Type", Name.get("XRef")) } else a.set("Size", s.num); null !== e.rootRef && a.set("Root", e.rootRef); null !== e.infoRef && a.set("Info", e.infoRef); null !== e.encryptRef && a.set("Encrypt", e.encryptRef); return a }(t, i, l); i = i.sort(((e, t) => e.ref.num - t.ref.num)); for (const { data: e } of i) null !== e && C.push(e); await (l ? async function getXRefStreamTable(e, t, i, a, s) { const r = []; let n = 0, o = 0; for (const { ref: e, data: a } of i) { let i; n = Math.max(n, t); if (null !== a) { i = Math.min(e.gen, 65535); r.push([1, t, i]); t += a.length } else { i = Math.min(e.gen + 1, 65535); r.push([0, 0, i]) } o = Math.max(o, i) } a.set("Index", getIndexes(i)); const g = [1, getSizeInBytes(n), getSizeInBytes(o)]; a.set("W", g); computeIDs(t, e, a); const c = g.reduce(((e, t) => e + t), 0), h = new Uint8Array(c * r.length), l = new Stream(h); l.dict = a; let C = 0; for (const [e, t, i] of r) { C = writeInt(e, g[0], C, h); C = writeInt(t, g[1], C, h); C = writeInt(i, g[2], C, h) } await writeObject(e.newRef, l, s, {}); s.push("startxref\n", t.toString(), "\n%%EOF\n") }(t, Q, i, u, C) : async function getXRefTable(e, t, i, a, s) { s.push("xref\n"); const r = getIndexes(i); let n = 0; for (const { ref: e, data: a } of i) { if (e.num === r[n]) { s.push(`${r[n]} ${r[n + 1]}\n`); n += 2 } if (null !== a) { s.push(`${t.toString().padStart(10, "0")} ${Math.min(e.gen, 65535).toString().padStart(5, "0")} n\r\n`); t += a.length } else s.push(`0000000000 ${Math.min(e.gen + 1, 65535).toString().padStart(5, "0")} f\r\n`) } computeIDs(t, e, a); s.push("trailer\n"); await writeDict(a, s); s.push("\nstartxref\n", t.toString(), "\n%%EOF\n") }(t, Q, i, u, C)); const d = C.reduce(((e, t) => e + t.length), e.length), f = new Uint8Array(d); f.set(e); let p = e.length; for (const e of C) { writeString(e, p, f); p += e.length } return f } const vs = 1, Ks = 2, Ts = 3, qs = 4, Os = 5; class StructTreeRoot { constructor(e, t) { this.dict = e; this.ref = t instanceof Ref ? t : null; this.roleMap = new Map; this.structParentIds = null } init() { this.readRoleMap() } #U(e, t, i) { if (!(e instanceof Ref) || t < 0) return; this.structParentIds ||= new RefSetCache; let a = this.structParentIds.get(e); if (!a) { a = []; this.structParentIds.put(e, a) } a.push([t, i]) } addAnnotationIdToPage(e, t) { this.#U(e, t, qs) } readRoleMap() { const e = this.dict.get("RoleMap"); e instanceof Dict && e.forEach(((e, t) => { t instanceof Name && this.roleMap.set(e, })) } static async canCreateStructureTree({ catalogRef: e, pdfManager: t, newAnnotationsByPage: i }) { if (!(e instanceof Ref)) { warn("Cannot save the struct tree: no catalog reference."); return !1 } let a = 0, s = !0; for (const [e, r] of i) { const { ref: i } = await t.getPage(e); if (!(i instanceof Ref)) { warn(`Cannot save the struct tree: page ${e} has no ref.`); s = !0; break } for (const e of r) if (e.accessibilityData?.type) { e.parentTreeId = a++; s = !1 } } if (s) { for (const e of i.values()) for (const t of e) delete t.parentTreeId; return !1 } return !0 } static async createStructureTree({ newAnnotationsByPage: e, xref: t, catalogRef: i, pdfManager: a, newRefs: s }) { const r = a.catalog.cloneDict(), n = new RefSetCache; n.put(i, r); const o = t.getNewTemporaryRef(); r.set("StructTreeRoot", o); const g = new Dict(t); g.set("Type", Name.get("StructTreeRoot")); const c = t.getNewTemporaryRef(); g.set("ParentTree", c); const h = []; g.set("K", h); n.put(o, g); const l = new Dict(t), C = []; l.set("Nums", C); const Q = await this.#L({ newAnnotationsByPage: e, structTreeRootRef: o, kids: h, nums: C, xref: t, pdfManager: a, cache: n }); g.set("ParentTreeNextKey", Q); n.put(c, l); const E = []; for (const [e, i] of n.items()) { E.length = 0; await writeObject(e, i, E, t); s.push({ ref: e, data: E.join("") }) } } async canUpdateStructTree({ pdfManager: e, xref: t, newAnnotationsByPage: i }) { if (!this.ref) { warn("Cannot update the struct tree: no root reference."); return !1 } let a = this.dict.get("ParentTreeNextKey"); if (!Number.isInteger(a) || a < 0) { warn("Cannot update the struct tree: invalid next key."); return !1 } const s = this.dict.get("ParentTree"); if (!(s instanceof Dict)) { warn("Cannot update the struct tree: ParentTree isn't a dict."); return !1 } const r = s.get("Nums"); if (!Array.isArray(r)) { warn("Cannot update the struct tree: nums isn't an array."); return !1 } const n = new NumberTree(s, t); for (const t of i.keys()) { const { pageDict: i } = await e.getPage(t); if (!i.has("StructParents")) continue; const a = i.get("StructParents"); if (!Number.isInteger(a) || !Array.isArray(n.get(a))) { warn(`Cannot save the struct tree: page ${t} has a wrong id.`); return !1 } } let o = !0; for (const [t, s] of i) { const { pageDict: i } = await e.getPage(t); StructTreeRoot.#J({ elements: s, xref: this.dict.xref, pageDict: i, numberTree: n }); for (const e of s) if (e.accessibilityData?.type) { e.parentTreeId = a++; o = !1 } } if (o) { for (const e of i.values()) for (const t of e) { delete t.parentTreeId; delete t.structTreeParent } return !1 } return !0 } async updateStructureTree({ newAnnotationsByPage: e, pdfManager: t, newRefs: i }) { const a = this.dict.xref, s = this.dict.clone(), r = this.ref, n = new RefSetCache; n.put(r, s); let o, g = s.getRaw("ParentTree"); if (g instanceof Ref) o = a.fetch(g); else { o = g; g = a.getNewTemporaryRef(); s.set("ParentTree", g) } o = o.clone(); n.put(g, o); let c = o.getRaw("Nums"), h = null; if (c instanceof Ref) { h = c; c = a.fetch(h) } c = c.slice(); h || o.set("Nums", c); const l = await StructTreeRoot.#L({ newAnnotationsByPage: e, structTreeRootRef: r, kids: null, nums: c, xref: a, pdfManager: t, cache: n }); s.set("ParentTreeNextKey", l); h && n.put(h, c); const C = []; for (const [e, t] of n.items()) { C.length = 0; await writeObject(e, t, C, a); i.push({ ref: e, data: C.join("") }) } } static async#L({ newAnnotationsByPage: e, structTreeRootRef: t, kids: i, nums: a, xref: s, pdfManager: r, cache: n }) { const o = Name.get("OBJR"); let g = -1 / 0; for (const [c, h] of e) { const { ref: e } = await r.getPage(c), l = e instanceof Ref; for (const { accessibilityData: r, ref: c, parentTreeId: C, structTreeParent: Q } of h) { if (!r?.type) continue; const { type: h, title: E, lang: u, alt: d, expanded: f, actualText: p } = r; g = Math.max(g, C); const m = s.getNewTemporaryRef(), y = new Dict(s); y.set("S", Name.get(h)); E && y.set("T", E); u && y.set("Lang", u); d && y.set("Alt", d); f && y.set("E", f); p && y.set("ActualText", p); await this.#H({ structTreeParent: Q, tagDict: y, newTagRef: m, structTreeRootRef: t, fallbackKids: i, xref: s, cache: n }); const w = new Dict(s); y.set("K", w); w.set("Type", o); l && w.set("Pg", e); w.set("Obj", c); n.put(m, y); a.push(C, m) } } return g + 1 } static #J({ elements: e, xref: t, pageDict: i, numberTree: a }) { const s = new Map; for (const t of e) if (t.structTreeParentId) { const e = parseInt(t.structTreeParentId.split("_mc")[1], 10); let i = s.get(e); if (!i) { i = []; s.set(e, i) } i.push(t) } const r = i.get("StructParents"); if (!Number.isInteger(r)) return; const n = a.get(r), updateElement = (e, i, a) => { const r = s.get(e); if (r) { const e = i.getRaw("P"), s = t.fetchIfRef(e); if (e instanceof Ref && s instanceof Dict) { const e = { ref: a, dict: i }; for (const t of r) t.structTreeParent = e } return !0 } return !1 }; for (const e of n) { if (!(e instanceof Ref)) continue; const i = t.fetch(e), a = i.get("K"); if (Number.isInteger(a)) updateElement(a, i, e); else if (Array.isArray(a)) for (let s of a) { s = t.fetchIfRef(s); if (Number.isInteger(s) && updateElement(s, i, e)) break; if (!(s instanceof Dict)) continue; if (!isName(s.get("Type"), "MCR")) break; const a = s.get("MCID"); if (Number.isInteger(a) && updateElement(a, i, e)) break } } } static async#H({ structTreeParent: e, tagDict: t, newTagRef: i, structTreeRootRef: a, fallbackKids: s, xref: r, cache: n }) { let o, g = null; if (e) { ({ ref: g } = e); o = e.dict.getRaw("P") || a } else o = a; t.set("P", o); const c = r.fetchIfRef(o); if (!c) { s.push(i); return } let h = n.get(o); if (!h) { h = c.clone(); n.put(o, h) } const l = h.getRaw("K"); let C = l instanceof Ref ? n.get(l) : null; if (!C) { C = r.fetchIfRef(l); C = Array.isArray(C) ? C.slice() : [l]; const e = r.getNewTemporaryRef(); h.set("K", e); n.put(e, C) } const Q = C.indexOf(g); C.splice(Q >= 0 ? Q + 1 : C.length, 0, i) } } class StructElementNode { constructor(e, t) { this.tree = e; this.dict = t; = []; this.parseKids() } get role() { const e = this.dict.get("S"), t = e instanceof Name ? : "", { root: i } = this.tree; return i.roleMap.has(t) ? i.roleMap.get(t) : t } parseKids() { let e = null; const t = this.dict.getRaw("Pg"); t instanceof Ref && (e = t.toString()); const i = this.dict.get("K"); if (Array.isArray(i)) for (const t of i) { const i = this.parseKid(e, t); i && } else { const t = this.parseKid(e, i); t && } } parseKid(e, t) { if (Number.isInteger(t)) return this.tree.pageDict.objId !== e ? null : new StructElement({ type: vs, mcid: t, pageObjId: e }); let i = null; t instanceof Ref ? i = this.dict.xref.fetch(t) : t instanceof Dict && (i = t); if (!i) return null; const a = i.getRaw("Pg"); a instanceof Ref && (e = a.toString()); const s = i.get("Type") instanceof Name ? i.get("Type").name : null; if ("MCR" === s) { if (this.tree.pageDict.objId !== e) return null; const t = i.getRaw("Stm"); return new StructElement({ type: Ks, refObjId: t instanceof Ref ? t.toString() : null, pageObjId: e, mcid: i.get("MCID") }) } if ("OBJR" === s) { if (this.tree.pageDict.objId !== e) return null; const t = i.getRaw("Obj"); return new StructElement({ type: Ts, refObjId: t instanceof Ref ? t.toString() : null, pageObjId: e }) } return new StructElement({ type: Os, dict: i }) } } class StructElement { constructor({ type: e, dict: t = null, mcid: i = null, pageObjId: a = null, refObjId: s = null }) { this.type = e; this.dict = t; this.mcid = i; this.pageObjId = a; this.refObjId = s; this.parentNode = null } } class StructTreePage { constructor(e, t) { this.root = e; this.rootDict = e ? e.dict : null; this.pageDict = t; this.nodes = [] } parse(e) { if (!this.root || !this.rootDict) return; const t = this.rootDict.get("ParentTree"); if (!t) return; const i = this.pageDict.get("StructParents"), a = e instanceof Ref && this.root.structParentIds?.get(e); if (!Number.isInteger(i) && !a) return; const s = new Map, r = new NumberTree(t, this.rootDict.xref); if (Number.isInteger(i)) { const e = r.get(i); if (Array.isArray(e)) for (const t of e) t instanceof Ref && this.addNode(this.rootDict.xref.fetch(t), s) } if (a) for (const [e, t] of a) { const i = r.get(e); if (i) { const e = this.addNode(this.rootDict.xref.fetchIfRef(i), s); 1 === e?.kids?.length &&[0].type === Ts && ([0].type = t) } } } addNode(e, t, i = 0) { if (i > 40) { warn("StructTree MAX_DEPTH reached."); return null } if (t.has(e)) return t.get(e); const a = new StructElementNode(this, e); t.set(e, a); const s = e.get("P"); if (!s || isName(s.get("Type"), "StructTreeRoot")) { this.addTopLevelNode(e, a) || t.delete(e); return a } const r = this.addNode(s, t, i + 1); if (!r) return a; let n = !1; for (const t of if (t.type === Os && t.dict === e) { t.parentNode = a; n = !0 } n || t.delete(e); return a } addTopLevelNode(e, t) { const i = this.rootDict.get("K"); if (!i) return !1; if (i instanceof Dict) { if (i.objId !== e.objId) return !1; this.nodes[0] = t; return !0 } if (!Array.isArray(i)) return !0; let a = !1; for (let s = 0; s < i.length; s++) { const r = i[s]; if (r?.toString() === e.objId) { this.nodes[s] = t; a = !0 } } return a } get serializable() { function nodeToSerializable(e, t, i = 0) { if (i > 40) { warn("StructTree too deep to be fully serialized."); return } const a = Object.create(null); a.role = e.role; a.children = []; t.children.push(a); const s = e.dict.get("Alt"); "string" == typeof s && (a.alt = stringToPDFString(s)); const r = e.dict.get("Lang"); "string" == typeof r && (a.lang = stringToPDFString(r)); for (const t of { const e = t.type === Os ? t.parentNode : null; e ? nodeToSerializable(e, a, i + 1) : t.type === vs || t.type === Ks ? a.children.push({ type: "content", id: `p${t.pageObjId}_mc${t.mcid}` }) : t.type === Ts ? a.children.push({ type: "object", id: t.refObjId }) : t.type === qs && a.children.push({ type: "annotation", id: `pdfjs_internal_id_${t.refObjId}` }) } } const e = Object.create(null); e.children = []; e.role = "Root"; for (const t of this.nodes) t && nodeToSerializable(t, e); return e } } function isValidExplicitDest(e) { if (!Array.isArray(e) || e.length < 2) return !1; const [t, i, ...a] = e; if (!(t instanceof Ref || Number.isInteger(t))) return !1; if (!(i instanceof Name)) return !1; let s = !0; switch ( { case "XYZ": if (3 !== a.length) return !1; break; case "Fit": case "FitB": return 0 === a.length; case "FitH": case "FitBH": case "FitV": case "FitBV": if (1 !== a.length) return !1; break; case "FitR": if (4 !== a.length) return !1; s = !1; break; default: return !1 }for (const e of a) if (!("number" == typeof e || s && null === e)) return !1; return !0 } function fetchDest(e) { e instanceof Dict && (e = e.get("D")); return isValidExplicitDest(e) ? e : null } function fetchRemoteDest(e) { let t = e.get("D"); if (t) { t instanceof Name && (t =; if ("string" == typeof t) return stringToPDFString(t); if (isValidExplicitDest(t)) return JSON.stringify(t) } return null } class Catalog { constructor(e, t) { this.pdfManager = e; this.xref = t; this._catDict = t.getCatalogObj(); if (!(this._catDict instanceof Dict)) throw new FormatError("Catalog object is not a dictionary."); this.toplevelPagesDict; this._actualNumPages = null; this.fontCache = new RefSetCache; this.builtInCMapCache = new Map; this.standardFontDataCache = new Map; this.globalImageCache = new GlobalImageCache; this.pageKidsCountCache = new RefSetCache; this.pageIndexCache = new RefSetCache; this.nonBlendModesSet = new RefSet; this.systemFontCache = new Map } cloneDict() { return this._catDict.clone() } get version() { const e = this._catDict.get("Version"); if (e instanceof Name) { if (Dt.test( return shadow(this, "version",; warn(`Invalid PDF catalog version: ${}`) } return shadow(this, "version", null) } get lang() { const e = this._catDict.get("Lang"); return shadow(this, "lang", e && "string" == typeof e ? stringToPDFString(e) : null) } get needsRendering() { const e = this._catDict.get("NeedsRendering"); return shadow(this, "needsRendering", "boolean" == typeof e && e) } get collection() { let e = null; try { const t = this._catDict.get("Collection"); t instanceof Dict && t.size > 0 && (e = t) } catch (e) { if (e instanceof MissingDataException) throw e; info("Cannot fetch Collection entry; assuming no collection is present.") } return shadow(this, "collection", e) } get acroForm() { let e = null; try { const t = this._catDict.get("AcroForm"); t instanceof Dict && t.size > 0 && (e = t) } catch (e) { if (e instanceof MissingDataException) throw e; info("Cannot fetch AcroForm entry; assuming no forms are present.") } return shadow(this, "acroForm", e) } get acroFormRef() { const e = this._catDict.getRaw("AcroForm"); return shadow(this, "acroFormRef", e instanceof Ref ? e : null) } get metadata() { const e = this._catDict.getRaw("Metadata"); if (!(e instanceof Ref)) return shadow(this, "metadata", null); let t = null; try { const i = this.xref.fetch(e, !this.xref.encrypt?.encryptMetadata); if (i instanceof BaseStream && i.dict instanceof Dict) { const e = i.dict.get("Type"), a = i.dict.get("Subtype"); if (isName(e, "Metadata") && isName(a, "XML")) { const e = stringToUTF8String(i.getString()); e && (t = new MetadataParser(e).serializable) } } } catch (e) { if (e instanceof MissingDataException) throw e; info(`Skipping invalid Metadata: "${e}".`) } return shadow(this, "metadata", t) } get markInfo() { let e = null; try { e = this._readMarkInfo() } catch (e) { if (e instanceof MissingDataException) throw e; warn("Unable to read mark info.") } return shadow(this, "markInfo", e) } _readMarkInfo() { const e = this._catDict.get("MarkInfo"); if (!(e instanceof Dict)) return null; const t = { Marked: !1, UserProperties: !1, Suspects: !1 }; for (const i in t) { const a = e.get(i); "boolean" == typeof a && (t[i] = a) } return t } get structTreeRoot() { let e = null; try { e = this._readStructTreeRoot() } catch (e) { if (e instanceof MissingDataException) throw e; warn("Unable read to structTreeRoot info.") } return shadow(this, "structTreeRoot", e) } _readStructTreeRoot() { const e = this._catDict.getRaw("StructTreeRoot"), t = this.xref.fetchIfRef(e); if (!(t instanceof Dict)) return null; const i = new StructTreeRoot(t, e); i.init(); return i } get toplevelPagesDict() { const e = this._catDict.get("Pages"); if (!(e instanceof Dict)) throw new FormatError("Invalid top-level pages dictionary."); return shadow(this, "toplevelPagesDict", e) } get documentOutline() { let e = null; try { e = this._readDocumentOutline() } catch (e) { if (e instanceof MissingDataException) throw e; warn("Unable to read document outline.") } return shadow(this, "documentOutline", e) } _readDocumentOutline() { let e = this._catDict.get("Outlines"); if (!(e instanceof Dict)) return null; e = e.getRaw("First"); if (!(e instanceof Ref)) return null; const t = { items: [] }, i = [{ obj: e, parent: t }], a = new RefSet; a.put(e); const s = this.xref, r = new Uint8ClampedArray(3); for (; i.length > 0;) { const t = i.shift(), n = s.fetchIfRef(t.obj); if (null === n) continue; n.has("Title") || warn("Invalid outline item encountered."); const o = { url: null, dest: null, action: null }; Catalog.parseDestDictionary({ destDict: n, resultObj: o, docBaseUrl: this.baseUrl, docAttachments: this.attachments }); const g = n.get("Title"), c = n.get("F") || 0, h = n.getArray("C"), l = n.get("Count"); let C = r; !isNumberArray(h, 3) || 0 === h[0] && 0 === h[1] && 0 === h[2] || (C = ColorSpace.singletons.rgb.getRgb(h, 0)); const Q = { action: o.action, attachment: o.attachment, dest: o.dest, url: o.url, unsafeUrl: o.unsafeUrl, newWindow: o.newWindow, setOCGState: o.setOCGState, title: "string" == typeof g ? stringToPDFString(g) : "", color: C, count: Number.isInteger(l) ? l : void 0, bold: !!(2 & c), italic: !!(1 & c), items: [] }; t.parent.items.push(Q); e = n.getRaw("First"); if (e instanceof Ref && !a.has(e)) { i.push({ obj: e, parent: Q }); a.put(e) } e = n.getRaw("Next"); if (e instanceof Ref && !a.has(e)) { i.push({ obj: e, parent: t.parent }); a.put(e) } } return t.items.length > 0 ? t.items : null } get permissions() { let e = null; try { e = this._readPermissions() } catch (e) { if (e instanceof MissingDataException) throw e; warn("Unable to read permissions.") } return shadow(this, "permissions", e) } _readPermissions() { const e = this.xref.trailer.get("Encrypt"); if (!(e instanceof Dict)) return null; let t = e.get("P"); if ("number" != typeof t) return null; t += 2 ** 32; const i = []; for (const e in m) { const a = m[e]; t & a && i.push(a) } return i } get optionalContentConfig() { let e = null; try { const t = this._catDict.get("OCProperties"); if (!t) return shadow(this, "optionalContentConfig", null); const i = t.get("D"); if (!i) return shadow(this, "optionalContentConfig", null); const a = t.get("OCGs"); if (!Array.isArray(a)) return shadow(this, "optionalContentConfig", null); const s = [], r = new RefSet; for (const e of a) if (e instanceof Ref && !r.has(e)) { r.put(e); s.push(this.#Y(e)) } e = this.#v(i, r); e.groups = s } catch (e) { if (e instanceof MissingDataException) throw e; warn(`Unable to read optional content config: ${e}`) } return shadow(this, "optionalContentConfig", e) } #Y(e) { const t = this.xref.fetch(e), i = { id: e.toString(), name: null, intent: null, usage: { print: null, view: null } }, a = t.get("Name"); "string" == typeof a && ( = stringToPDFString(a)); let s = t.getArray("Intent"); Array.isArray(s) || (s = [s]); s.every((e => e instanceof Name)) && (i.intent = =>; const r = t.get("Usage"); if (!(r instanceof Dict)) return i; const n = i.usage, o = r.get("Print"); if (o instanceof Dict) { const e = o.get("PrintState"); if (e instanceof Name) switch ( { case "ON": case "OFF": n.print = { printState: } } } const g = r.get("View"); if (g instanceof Dict) { const e = g.get("ViewState"); if (e instanceof Name) switch ( { case "ON": case "OFF": n.view = { viewState: } } } return i } #v(e, t) { function parseOnOff(e) { const i = []; if (Array.isArray(e)) for (const a of e) a instanceof Ref && t.has(a) && i.push(a.toString()); return i } function parseOrder(e, i = 0) { if (!Array.isArray(e)) return null; const s = []; for (const r of e) { if (r instanceof Ref && t.has(r)) { a.put(r); s.push(r.toString()); continue } const e = parseNestedOrder(r, i); e && s.push(e) } if (i > 0) return s; const r = []; for (const e of t) a.has(e) || r.push(e.toString()); r.length && s.push({ name: null, order: r }); return s } function parseNestedOrder(e, t) { if (++t > s) { warn("parseNestedOrder - reached MAX_NESTED_LEVELS."); return null } const a = i.fetchIfRef(e); if (!Array.isArray(a)) return null; const r = i.fetchIfRef(a[0]); if ("string" != typeof r) return null; const n = parseOrder(a.slice(1), t); return n && n.length ? { name: stringToPDFString(r), order: n } : null } const i = this.xref, a = new RefSet, s = 10; return { name: "string" == typeof e.get("Name") ? stringToPDFString(e.get("Name")) : null, creator: "string" == typeof e.get("Creator") ? stringToPDFString(e.get("Creator")) : null, baseState: e.get("BaseState") instanceof Name ? e.get("BaseState").name : null, on: parseOnOff(e.get("ON")), off: parseOnOff(e.get("OFF")), order: parseOrder(e.get("Order")), groups: null } } setActualNumPages(e = null) { this._actualNumPages = e } get hasActualNumPages() { return null !== this._actualNumPages } get _pagesCount() { const e = this.toplevelPagesDict.get("Count"); if (!Number.isInteger(e)) throw new FormatError("Page count in top-level pages dictionary is not an integer."); return shadow(this, "_pagesCount", e) } get numPages() { return this.hasActualNumPages ? this._actualNumPages : this._pagesCount } get destinations() { const e = this._readDests(), t = Object.create(null); if (e instanceof NameTree) for (const [i, a] of e.getAll()) { const e = fetchDest(a); e && (t[stringToPDFString(i)] = e) } else e instanceof Dict && e.forEach((function (e, i) { const a = fetchDest(i); a && (t[e] = a) })); return shadow(this, "destinations", t) } getDestination(e) { const t = this._readDests(); if (t instanceof NameTree) { const i = fetchDest(t.get(e)); if (i) return i; const a = this.destinations[e]; if (a) { warn(`Found "${e}" at an incorrect position in the NameTree.`); return a } } else if (t instanceof Dict) { const i = fetchDest(t.get(e)); if (i) return i } return null } _readDests() { const e = this._catDict.get("Names"); return e?.has("Dests") ? new NameTree(e.getRaw("Dests"), this.xref) : this._catDict.has("Dests") ? this._catDict.get("Dests") : void 0 } get pageLabels() { let e = null; try { e = this._readPageLabels() } catch (e) { if (e instanceof MissingDataException) throw e; warn("Unable to read page labels.") } return shadow(this, "pageLabels", e) } _readPageLabels() { const e = this._catDict.getRaw("PageLabels"); if (!e) return null; const t = new Array(this.numPages); let i = null, a = ""; const s = new NumberTree(e, this.xref).getAll(); let r = "", n = 1; for (let e = 0, o = this.numPages; e < o; e++) { const o = s.get(e); if (void 0 !== o) { if (!(o instanceof Dict)) throw new FormatError("PageLabel is not a dictionary."); if (o.has("Type") && !isName(o.get("Type"), "PageLabel")) throw new FormatError("Invalid type in PageLabel dictionary."); if (o.has("S")) { const e = o.get("S"); if (!(e instanceof Name)) throw new FormatError("Invalid style in PageLabel dictionary."); i = } else i = null; if (o.has("P")) { const e = o.get("P"); if ("string" != typeof e) throw new FormatError("Invalid prefix in PageLabel dictionary."); a = stringToPDFString(e) } else a = ""; if (o.has("St")) { const e = o.get("St"); if (!(Number.isInteger(e) && e >= 1)) throw new FormatError("Invalid start in PageLabel dictionary."); n = e } else n = 1 } switch (i) { case "D": r = n; break; case "R": case "r": r = toRomanNumerals(n, "r" === i); break; case "A": case "a": const e = 26, t = "a" === i ? 97 : 65, a = n - 1; r = String.fromCharCode(t + a % e).repeat(Math.floor(a / e) + 1); break; default: if (i) throw new FormatError(`Invalid style "${i}" in PageLabel dictionary.`); r = "" }t[e] = a + r; n++ } return t } get pageLayout() { const e = this._catDict.get("PageLayout"); let t = ""; if (e instanceof Name) switch ( { case "SinglePage": case "OneColumn": case "TwoColumnLeft": case "TwoColumnRight": case "TwoPageLeft": case "TwoPageRight": t = }return shadow(this, "pageLayout", t) } get pageMode() { const e = this._catDict.get("PageMode"); let t = "UseNone"; if (e instanceof Name) switch ( { case "UseNone": case "UseOutlines": case "UseThumbs": case "FullScreen": case "UseOC": case "UseAttachments": t = }return shadow(this, "pageMode", t) } get viewerPreferences() { const e = this._catDict.get("ViewerPreferences"); if (!(e instanceof Dict)) return shadow(this, "viewerPreferences", null); let t = null; for (const i of e.getKeys()) { const a = e.get(i); let s; switch (i) { case "HideToolbar": case "HideMenubar": case "HideWindowUI": case "FitWindow": case "CenterWindow": case "DisplayDocTitle": case "PickTrayByPDFSize": "boolean" == typeof a && (s = a); break; case "NonFullScreenPageMode": if (a instanceof Name) switch ( { case "UseNone": case "UseOutlines": case "UseThumbs": case "UseOC": s =; break; default: s = "UseNone" }break; case "Direction": if (a instanceof Name) switch ( { case "L2R": case "R2L": s =; break; default: s = "L2R" }break; case "ViewArea": case "ViewClip": case "PrintArea": case "PrintClip": if (a instanceof Name) switch ( { case "MediaBox": case "CropBox": case "BleedBox": case "TrimBox": case "ArtBox": s =; break; default: s = "CropBox" }break; case "PrintScaling": if (a instanceof Name) switch ( { case "None": case "AppDefault": s =; break; default: s = "AppDefault" }break; case "Duplex": if (a instanceof Name) switch ( { case "Simplex": case "DuplexFlipShortEdge": case "DuplexFlipLongEdge": s =; break; default: s = "None" }break; case "PrintPageRange": if (Array.isArray(a) && a.length % 2 == 0) { a.every(((e, t, i) => Number.isInteger(e) && e > 0 && (0 === t || e >= i[t - 1]) && e <= this.numPages)) && (s = a) } break; case "NumCopies": Number.isInteger(a) && a > 0 && (s = a); break; default: warn(`Ignoring non-standard key in ViewerPreferences: ${i}.`); continue }if (void 0 !== s) { t || (t = Object.create(null)); t[i] = s } else warn(`Bad value, for key "${i}", in ViewerPreferences: ${a}.`) } return shadow(this, "viewerPreferences", t) } get openAction() { const e = this._catDict.get("OpenAction"), t = Object.create(null); if (e instanceof Dict) { const i = new Dict(this.xref); i.set("A", e); const a = { url: null, dest: null, action: null }; Catalog.parseDestDictionary({ destDict: i, resultObj: a }); Array.isArray(a.dest) ? t.dest = a.dest : a.action && (t.action = a.action) } else Array.isArray(e) && (t.dest = e); return shadow(this, "openAction", objectSize(t) > 0 ? t : null) } get attachments() { const e = this._catDict.get("Names"); let t = null; if (e instanceof Dict && e.has("EmbeddedFiles")) { const i = new NameTree(e.getRaw("EmbeddedFiles"), this.xref); for (const [e, a] of i.getAll()) { const i = new FileSpec(a, this.xref); t || (t = Object.create(null)); t[stringToPDFString(e)] = i.serializable } } return shadow(this, "attachments", t) } get xfaImages() { const e = this._catDict.get("Names"); let t = null; if (e instanceof Dict && e.has("XFAImages")) { const i = new NameTree(e.getRaw("XFAImages"), this.xref); for (const [e, a] of i.getAll()) { t || (t = new Dict(this.xref)); t.set(stringToPDFString(e), a) } } return shadow(this, "xfaImages", t) } _collectJavaScript() { const e = this._catDict.get("Names"); let t = null; function appendIfJavaScriptDict(e, i) { if (!(i instanceof Dict)) return; if (!isName(i.get("S"), "JavaScript")) return; let a = i.get("JS"); if (a instanceof BaseStream) a = a.getString(); else if ("string" != typeof a) return; a = stringToPDFString(a).replaceAll("\0", ""); a && (t ||= new Map).set(e, a) } if (e instanceof Dict && e.has("JavaScript")) { const t = new NameTree(e.getRaw("JavaScript"), this.xref); for (const [e, i] of t.getAll()) appendIfJavaScriptDict(stringToPDFString(e), i) } const i = this._catDict.get("OpenAction"); i && appendIfJavaScriptDict("OpenAction", i); return t } get jsActions() { const e = this._collectJavaScript(); let t = collectActions(this.xref, this._catDict, dA); if (e) { t ||= Object.create(null); for (const [i, a] of e) i in t ? t[i].push(a) : t[i] = [a] } return shadow(this, "jsActions", t) } async fontFallback(e, t) { const i = await Promise.all(this.fontCache); for (const a of i) if (a.loadedName === e) { a.fallback(t); return } } async cleanup(e = !1) { clearGlobalCaches(); this.globalImageCache.clear(e); this.pageKidsCountCache.clear(); this.pageIndexCache.clear(); this.nonBlendModesSet.clear(); const t = await Promise.all(this.fontCache); for (const { dict: e } of t) delete e.cacheKey; this.fontCache.clear(); this.builtInCMapCache.clear(); this.standardFontDataCache.clear(); this.systemFontCache.clear() } async getPageDict(e) { const t = [this.toplevelPagesDict], i = new RefSet, a = this._catDict.getRaw("Pages"); a instanceof Ref && i.put(a); const s = this.xref, r = this.pageKidsCountCache, n = this.pageIndexCache; let o = 0; for (; t.length;) { const a = t.pop(); if (a instanceof Ref) { const g = r.get(a); if (g >= 0 && o + g <= e) { o += g; continue } if (i.has(a)) throw new FormatError("Pages tree contains circular reference."); i.put(a); const c = await s.fetchAsync(a); if (c instanceof Dict) { let t = c.getRaw("Type"); t instanceof Ref && (t = await s.fetchAsync(t)); if (isName(t, "Page") || !c.has("Kids")) { r.has(a) || r.put(a, 1); n.has(a) || n.put(a, o); if (o === e) return [c, a]; o++; continue } } t.push(c); continue } if (!(a instanceof Dict)) throw new FormatError("Page dictionary kid reference points to wrong type of object."); const { objId: g } = a; let c = a.getRaw("Count"); c instanceof Ref && (c = await s.fetchAsync(c)); if (Number.isInteger(c) && c >= 0) { g && !r.has(g) && r.put(g, c); if (o + c <= e) { o += c; continue } } let h = a.getRaw("Kids"); h instanceof Ref && (h = await s.fetchAsync(h)); if (!Array.isArray(h)) { let t = a.getRaw("Type"); t instanceof Ref && (t = await s.fetchAsync(t)); if (isName(t, "Page") || !a.has("Kids")) { if (o === e) return [a, null]; o++; continue } throw new FormatError("Page dictionary kids object is not an array.") } for (let e = h.length - 1; e >= 0; e--)t.push(h[e]) } throw new Error(`Page index ${e} not found.`) } async getAllPageDicts(e = !1) { const { ignoreErrors: t } = this.pdfManager.evaluatorOptions, i = [{ currentNode: this.toplevelPagesDict, posInKids: 0 }], a = new RefSet, s = this._catDict.getRaw("Pages"); s instanceof Ref && a.put(s); const r = new Map, n = this.xref, o = this.pageIndexCache; let g = 0; function addPageDict(e, t) { t && !o.has(t) && o.put(t, g); r.set(g++, [e, t]) } function addPageError(i) { if (i instanceof XRefEntryException && !e) throw i; if (e && t && 0 === g) { warn(`getAllPageDicts - Skipping invalid first page: "${i}".`); i = Dict.empty } r.set(g++, [i, null]) } for (; i.length > 0;) { const e =, { currentNode: t, posInKids: s } = e; let r = t.getRaw("Kids"); if (r instanceof Ref) try { r = await n.fetchAsync(r) } catch (e) { addPageError(e); break } if (!Array.isArray(r)) { addPageError(new FormatError("Page dictionary kids object is not an array.")); break } if (s >= r.length) { i.pop(); continue } const o = r[s]; let g; if (o instanceof Ref) { if (a.has(o)) { addPageError(new FormatError("Pages tree contains circular reference.")); break } a.put(o); try { g = await n.fetchAsync(o) } catch (e) { addPageError(e); break } } else g = o; if (!(g instanceof Dict)) { addPageError(new FormatError("Page dictionary kid reference points to wrong type of object.")); break } let c = g.getRaw("Type"); if (c instanceof Ref) try { c = await n.fetchAsync(c) } catch (e) { addPageError(e); break } isName(c, "Page") || !g.has("Kids") ? addPageDict(g, o instanceof Ref ? o : null) : i.push({ currentNode: g, posInKids: 0 }); e.posInKids++ } return r } getPageIndex(e) { const t = this.pageIndexCache.get(e); if (void 0 !== t) return Promise.resolve(t); const i = this.xref; let a = 0; const next = t => function pagesBeforeRef(t) { let a, s = 0; return i.fetchAsync(t).then((function (i) { if (isRefsEqual(t, e) && !isDict(i, "Page") && !(i instanceof Dict && !i.has("Type") && i.has("Contents"))) throw new FormatError("The reference does not point to a /Page dictionary."); if (!i) return null; if (!(i instanceof Dict)) throw new FormatError("Node must be a dictionary."); a = i.getRaw("Parent"); return i.getAsync("Parent") })).then((function (e) { if (!e) return null; if (!(e instanceof Dict)) throw new FormatError("Parent must be a dictionary."); return e.getAsync("Kids") })).then((function (e) { if (!e) return null; const r = []; let n = !1; for (const a of e) { if (!(a instanceof Ref)) throw new FormatError("Kid must be a reference."); if (isRefsEqual(a, t)) { n = !0; break } r.push(i.fetchAsync(a).then((function (e) { if (!(e instanceof Dict)) throw new FormatError("Kid node must be a dictionary."); e.has("Count") ? s += e.get("Count") : s++ }))) } if (!n) throw new FormatError("Kid reference not found in parent's kids."); return Promise.all(r).then((function () { return [s, a] })) })) }(t).then((t => { if (!t) { this.pageIndexCache.put(e, a); return a } const [i, s] = t; a += i; return next(s) })); return next(e) } get baseUrl() { const e = this._catDict.get("URI"); if (e instanceof Dict) { const t = e.get("Base"); if ("string" == typeof t) { const e = createValidAbsoluteUrl(t, null, { tryConvertEncoding: !0 }); if (e) return shadow(this, "baseUrl", e.href) } } return shadow(this, "baseUrl", this.pdfManager.docBaseUrl) } static parseDestDictionary({ destDict: e, resultObj: t, docBaseUrl: i = null, docAttachments: a = null }) { if (!(e instanceof Dict)) { warn("parseDestDictionary: `destDict` must be a dictionary."); return } let s, r, n = e.get("A"); if (!(n instanceof Dict)) if (e.has("Dest")) n = e.get("Dest"); else { n = e.get("AA"); n instanceof Dict && (n.has("D") ? n = n.get("D") : n.has("U") && (n = n.get("U"))) } if (n instanceof Dict) { const e = n.get("S"); if (!(e instanceof Name)) { warn("parseDestDictionary: Invalid type in Action dictionary."); return } const i =; switch (i) { case "ResetForm": const e = n.get("Flags"), o = 0 == (1 & ("number" == typeof e ? e : 0)), g = [], c = []; for (const e of n.get("Fields") || []) e instanceof Ref ? c.push(e.toString()) : "string" == typeof e && g.push(stringToPDFString(e)); t.resetForm = { fields: g, refs: c, include: o }; break; case "URI": s = n.get("URI"); s instanceof Name && (s = "/" +; break; case "GoTo": r = n.get("D"); break; case "Launch": case "GoToR": const h = n.get("F"); if (h instanceof Dict) { const e = new FileSpec(h, null, !0), { rawFilename: t } = e.serializable; s = t } else "string" == typeof h && (s = h); const l = fetchRemoteDest(n); l && "string" == typeof s && (s = s.split("#", 1)[0] + "#" + l); const C = n.get("NewWindow"); "boolean" == typeof C && (t.newWindow = C); break; case "GoToE": const Q = n.get("T"); let E; if (a && Q instanceof Dict) { const e = Q.get("R"), t = Q.get("N"); isName(e, "C") && "string" == typeof t && (E = a[stringToPDFString(t)]) } if (E) { t.attachment = E; const e = fetchRemoteDest(n); e && (t.attachmentDest = e) } else warn('parseDestDictionary - unimplemented "GoToE" action.'); break; case "Named": const u = n.get("N"); u instanceof Name && (t.action =; break; case "SetOCGState": const d = n.get("State"), f = n.get("PreserveRB"); if (!Array.isArray(d) || 0 === d.length) break; const p = []; for (const e of d) if (e instanceof Name) switch ( { case "ON": case "OFF": case "Toggle": p.push( } else e instanceof Ref && p.push(e.toString()); if (p.length !== d.length) break; t.setOCGState = { state: p, preserveRB: "boolean" != typeof f || f }; break; case "JavaScript": const m = n.get("JS"); let y; m instanceof BaseStream ? y = m.getString() : "string" == typeof m && (y = m); const w = y && recoverJsURL(stringToPDFString(y)); if (w) { s = w.url; t.newWindow = w.newWindow; break } default: if ("JavaScript" === i || "SubmitForm" === i) break; warn(`parseDestDictionary - unsupported action: "${i}".`) } } else e.has("Dest") && (r = e.get("Dest")); if ("string" == typeof s) { const e = createValidAbsoluteUrl(s, i, { addDefaultProtocol: !0, tryConvertEncoding: !0 }); e && (t.url = e.href); t.unsafeUrl = s } if (r) { r instanceof Name && (r =; "string" == typeof r ? t.dest = stringToPDFString(r) : isValidExplicitDest(r) && (t.dest = r) } } } function addChildren(e, t) { if (e instanceof Dict) e = e.getRawValues(); else if (e instanceof BaseStream) e = e.dict.getRawValues(); else if (!Array.isArray(e)) return; for (const a of e) ((i = a) instanceof Ref || i instanceof Dict || i instanceof BaseStream || Array.isArray(i)) && t.push(a); var i } class ObjectLoader { constructor(e, t, i) { this.dict = e; this.keys = t; this.xref = i; this.refSet = null } async load() { if ( return; const { keys: e, dict: t } = this; this.refSet = new RefSet; const i = []; for (const a of e) { const e = t.getRaw(a); void 0 !== e && i.push(e) } return this._walk(i) } async _walk(e) { const t = [], i = []; for (; e.length;) { let a = e.pop(); if (a instanceof Ref) { if (this.refSet.has(a)) continue; try { this.refSet.put(a); a = this.xref.fetch(a) } catch (e) { if (!(e instanceof MissingDataException)) { warn(`ObjectLoader._walk - requesting all data: "${e}".`); this.refSet = null; const { manager: t } =; return t.requestAllChunks() } t.push(a); i.push({ begin: e.begin, end: e.end }) } } if (a instanceof BaseStream) { const e = a.getBaseStreams(); if (e) { let s = !1; for (const t of e) if (!t.isDataLoaded) { s = !0; i.push({ begin: t.start, end: t.end }) } s && t.push(a) } } addChildren(a, e) } if (i.length) { await; for (const e of t) e instanceof Ref && this.refSet.remove(e); return this._walk(t) } this.refSet = null } } const Ws = Symbol(), Xs = Symbol(), js = Symbol(), Zs = Symbol(), Vs = Symbol(), zs = Symbol(), _s = Symbol(), $s = Symbol(), Ar = Symbol(), er = Symbol("content"), tr = Symbol("data"), ir = Symbol(), ar = Symbol("extra"), sr = Symbol(), rr = Symbol(), nr = Symbol(), or = Symbol(), gr = Symbol(), Ir = Symbol(), cr = Symbol(), hr = Symbol(), lr = Symbol(), Cr = Symbol(), Qr = Symbol(), Er = Symbol(), ur = Symbol(), dr = Symbol(), fr = Symbol(), pr = Symbol(), mr = Symbol(), yr = Symbol(), wr = Symbol(), br = Symbol(), Dr = Symbol(), Fr = Symbol(), Sr = Symbol(), kr = Symbol(), Rr = Symbol(), Nr = Symbol(), Gr = Symbol(), xr = Symbol(), Mr = Symbol(), Ur = Symbol(), Lr = Symbol(), Jr = Symbol(), Hr = Symbol("namespaceId"), Yr = Symbol("nodeName"), vr = Symbol(), Kr = Symbol(), Tr = Symbol(), qr = Symbol(), Or = Symbol(), Pr = Symbol(), Wr = Symbol(), Xr = Symbol(), jr = Symbol("root"), Zr = Symbol(), Vr = Symbol(), zr = Symbol(), _r = Symbol(), $r = Symbol(), An = Symbol(), en = Symbol(), tn = Symbol(), an = Symbol(), sn = Symbol(), rn = Symbol(), nn = Symbol("uid"), on = Symbol(), gn = { config: { id: 0, check: e => e.startsWith("") }, connectionSet: { id: 1, check: e => e.startsWith("") }, datasets: { id: 2, check: e => e.startsWith("") }, form: { id: 3, check: e => e.startsWith("") }, localeSet: { id: 4, check: e => e.startsWith("") }, pdf: { id: 5, check: e => "" === e }, signature: { id: 6, check: e => "" === e }, sourceSet: { id: 7, check: e => e.startsWith("") }, stylesheet: { id: 8, check: e => "" === e }, template: { id: 9, check: e => e.startsWith("") }, xdc: { id: 10, check: e => e.startsWith("") }, xdp: { id: 11, check: e => "" === e }, xfdf: { id: 12, check: e => "" === e }, xhtml: { id: 13, check: e => "" === e }, xmpmeta: { id: 14, check: e => "" === e } }, In = { pt: e => e, cm: e => e / 2.54 * 72, mm: e => e / 25.4 * 72, in: e => 72 * e, px: e => e }, cn = /([+-]?\d+\.?\d*)(.*)/; function stripQuotes(e) { return e.startsWith("'") || e.startsWith('"') ? e.slice(1, -1) : e } function getInteger({ data: e, defaultValue: t, validate: i }) { if (!e) return t; e = e.trim(); const a = parseInt(e, 10); return !isNaN(a) && i(a) ? a : t } function getFloat({ data: e, defaultValue: t, validate: i }) { if (!e) return t; e = e.trim(); const a = parseFloat(e); return !isNaN(a) && i(a) ? a : t } function getKeyword({ data: e, defaultValue: t, validate: i }) { return e && i(e = e.trim()) ? e : t } function getStringOption(e, t) { return getKeyword({ data: e, defaultValue: t[0], validate: e => t.includes(e) }) } function getMeasurement(e, t = "0") { t ||= "0"; if (!e) return getMeasurement(t); const i = e.trim().match(cn); if (!i) return getMeasurement(t); const [, a, s] = i, r = parseFloat(a); if (isNaN(r)) return getMeasurement(t); if (0 === r) return 0; const n = In[s]; return n ? n(r) : r } function getRatio(e) { if (!e) return { num: 1, den: 1 }; const t = e.trim().split(/\s*:\s*/).map((e => parseFloat(e))).filter((e => !isNaN(e))); 1 === t.length && t.push(1); if (0 === t.length) return { num: 1, den: 1 }; const [i, a] = t; return { num: i, den: a } } function getRelevant(e) { return e ? e.trim().split(/\s+/).map((e => ({ excluded: "-" === e[0], viewname: e.substring(1) }))) : [] } class HTMLResult { static get FAILURE() { return shadow(this, "FAILURE", new HTMLResult(!1, null, null, null)) } static get EMPTY() { return shadow(this, "EMPTY", new HTMLResult(!0, null, null, null)) } constructor(e, t, i, a) { this.success = e; this.html = t; this.bbox = i; this.breakNode = a } isBreak() { return !!this.breakNode } static breakNode(e) { return new HTMLResult(!1, null, null, e) } static success(e, t = null) { return new HTMLResult(!0, e, t, null) } } class FontFinder { constructor(e) { this.fonts = new Map; this.cache = new Map; this.warned = new Set; this.defaultFont = null; this.add(e) } add(e, t = null) { for (const t of e) this.addPdfFont(t); for (const e of this.fonts.values()) e.regular || (e.regular = e.italic || e.bold || e.bolditalic); if (!t || 0 === t.size) return; const i = this.fonts.get("PdfJS-Fallback-PdfJS-XFA"); for (const e of t) this.fonts.set(e, i) } addPdfFont(e) { const t = e.cssFontInfo, i = t.fontFamily; let a = this.fonts.get(i); if (!a) { a = Object.create(null); this.fonts.set(i, a); this.defaultFont || (this.defaultFont = a) } let s = ""; const r = parseFloat(t.fontWeight); 0 !== parseFloat(t.italicAngle) ? s = r >= 700 ? "bolditalic" : "italic" : r >= 700 && (s = "bold"); if (!s) { ("Bold") || e.psName?.includes("Bold")) && (s = "bold"); ("Italic") ||"It") || e.psName?.includes("Italic") || e.psName?.endsWith("It")) && (s += "italic") } s || (s = "regular"); a[s] = e } getDefault() { return this.defaultFont } find(e, t = !0) { let i = this.fonts.get(e) || this.cache.get(e); if (i) return i; const a = /,|-|_| |bolditalic|bold|italic|regular|it/gi; let s = e.replaceAll(a, ""); i = this.fonts.get(s); if (i) { this.cache.set(e, i); return i } s = s.toLowerCase(); const r = []; for (const [e, t] of this.fonts.entries()) e.replaceAll(a, "").toLowerCase().startsWith(s) && r.push(t); if (0 === r.length) for (const [, e] of this.fonts.entries()), "").toLowerCase().startsWith(s) && r.push(e); if (0 === r.length) { s = s.replaceAll(/psmt|mt/gi, ""); for (const [e, t] of this.fonts.entries()) e.replaceAll(a, "").toLowerCase().startsWith(s) && r.push(t) } if (0 === r.length) for (const e of this.fonts.values()), "").toLowerCase().startsWith(s) && r.push(e); if (r.length >= 1) { 1 !== r.length && t && warn(`XFA - Too many choices to guess the correct font: ${e}`); this.cache.set(e, r[0]); return r[0] } if (t && !this.warned.has(e)) { this.warned.add(e); warn(`XFA - Cannot find the font: ${e}`) } return null } } function selectFont(e, t) { return "italic" === e.posture ? "bold" === e.weight ? t.bolditalic : t.italic : "bold" === e.weight ? t.bold : t.regular } class FontInfo { constructor(e, t, i, a) { this.lineHeight = i; this.paraMargin = t || { top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0 }; if (!e) { [this.pdfFont, this.xfaFont] = this.defaultFont(a); return } this.xfaFont = { typeface: e.typeface, posture: e.posture, weight: e.weight, size: e.size, letterSpacing: e.letterSpacing }; const s = a.find(e.typeface); if (s) { this.pdfFont = selectFont(e, s); this.pdfFont || ([this.pdfFont, this.xfaFont] = this.defaultFont(a)) } else[this.pdfFont, this.xfaFont] = this.defaultFont(a) } defaultFont(e) { const t = e.find("Helvetica", !1) || e.find("Myriad Pro", !1) || e.find("Arial", !1) || e.getDefault(); if (t?.regular) { const e = t.regular; return [e, { typeface: e.cssFontInfo.fontFamily, posture: "normal", weight: "normal", size: 10, letterSpacing: 0 }] } return [null, { typeface: "Courier", posture: "normal", weight: "normal", size: 10, letterSpacing: 0 }] } } class FontSelector { constructor(e, t, i, a) { this.fontFinder = a; this.stack = [new FontInfo(e, t, i, a)] } pushData(e, t, i) { const a =; for (const t of ["typeface", "posture", "weight", "size", "letterSpacing"]) e[t] || (e[t] = a.xfaFont[t]); for (const e of ["top", "bottom", "left", "right"]) isNaN(t[e]) && (t[e] = a.paraMargin[e]); const s = new FontInfo(e, t, i || a.lineHeight, this.fontFinder); s.pdfFont || (s.pdfFont = a.pdfFont); this.stack.push(s) } popFont() { this.stack.pop() } topFont() { return } } class TextMeasure { constructor(e, t, i, a) { this.glyphs = []; this.fontSelector = new FontSelector(e, t, i, a); this.extraHeight = 0 } pushData(e, t, i) { this.fontSelector.pushData(e, t, i) } popFont(e) { return this.fontSelector.popFont() } addPara() { const e = this.fontSelector.topFont(); this.extraHeight += + e.paraMargin.bottom } addString(e) { if (!e) return; const t = this.fontSelector.topFont(), i = t.xfaFont.size; if (t.pdfFont) { const a = t.xfaFont.letterSpacing, s = t.pdfFont, r = s.lineHeight || 1.2, n = t.lineHeight || Math.max(1.2, r) * i, o = r - (void 0 === s.lineGap ? .2 : s.lineGap), g = Math.max(1, o) * i, c = i / 1e3, h = s.defaultWidth || s.charsToGlyphs(" ")[0].width; for (const t of e.split(/[\u2029\n]/)) { const e = s.encodeString(t).join(""), i = s.charsToGlyphs(e); for (const e of i) { const t = e.width || h; this.glyphs.push([t * c + a, n, g, e.unicode, !1]) } this.glyphs.push([0, 0, 0, "\n", !0]) } this.glyphs.pop() } else { for (const t of e.split(/[\u2029\n]/)) { for (const e of t.split("")) this.glyphs.push([i, 1.2 * i, i, e, !1]); this.glyphs.push([0, 0, 0, "\n", !0]) } this.glyphs.pop() } } compute(e) { let t = -1, i = 0, a = 0, s = 0, r = 0, n = 0, o = !1, g = !0; for (let c = 0, h = this.glyphs.length; c < h; c++) { const [h, l, C, Q, E] = this.glyphs[c], u = " " === Q, d = g ? C : l; if (E) { a = Math.max(a, r); r = 0; s += n; n = d; t = -1; i = 0; g = !1 } else if (u) if (r + h > e) { a = Math.max(a, r); r = 0; s += n; n = d; t = -1; i = 0; o = !0; g = !1 } else { n = Math.max(d, n); i = r; r += h; t = c } else if (r + h > e) { s += n; n = d; if (-1 !== t) { c = t; a = Math.max(a, i); r = 0; t = -1; i = 0 } else { a = Math.max(a, r); r = h } o = !0; g = !1 } else { r += h; n = Math.max(d, n) } } a = Math.max(a, r); s += n + this.extraHeight; return { width: 1.02 * a, height: s, isBroken: o } } } const hn = /^[^.[]+/, ln = /^[^\]]+/, Cn = { dot: 0, dotDot: 1, dotHash: 2, dotBracket: 3, dotParen: 4 }, Bn = new Map([["$data", (e, t) => e.datasets ? : e], ["$record", (e, t) => (e.datasets ? : e)[Er]()[0]], ["$template", (e, t) => e.template], ["$connectionSet", (e, t) => e.connectionSet], ["$form", (e, t) => e.form], ["$layout", (e, t) => e.layout], ["$host", (e, t) =>], ["$dataWindow", (e, t) => e.dataWindow], ["$event", (e, t) => e.event], ["!", (e, t) => e.datasets], ["$xfa", (e, t) => e], ["xfa", (e, t) => e], ["$", (e, t) => t]]), Qn = new WeakMap; function parseExpression(e, t, i = !0) { let a = e.match(hn); if (!a) return null; let [s] = a; const r = [{ name: s, cacheName: "." + s, index: 0, js: null, formCalc: null, operator: }]; let n = s.length; for (; n < e.length;) { const g = n; if ("[" === e.charAt(n++)) { a = e.slice(n).match(ln); if (!a) { warn("XFA - Invalid index in SOM expression"); return null } = "*" === (o = (o = a[0]).trim()) ? 1 / 0 : parseInt(o, 10) || 0; n += a[0].length + 1; continue } let c; switch (e.charAt(n)) { case ".": if (!t) return null; n++; c = Cn.dotDot; break; case "#": n++; c = Cn.dotHash; break; case "[": if (i) { warn("XFA - SOM expression contains a FormCalc subexpression which is not supported for now."); return null } c = Cn.dotBracket; break; case "(": if (i) { warn("XFA - SOM expression contains a JavaScript subexpression which is not supported for now."); return null } c = Cn.dotParen; break; default: c = }a = e.slice(n).match(hn); if (!a) break;[s] = a; n += s.length; r.push({ name: s, cacheName: e.slice(g, n), operator: c, index: 0, js: null, formCalc: null }) } var o; return r } function searchNode(e, t, i, a = !0, s = !0) { const r = parseExpression(i, a); if (!r) return null; const n = Bn.get(r[0].name); let o, g = 0; if (n) { o = !0; e = [n(e, t)]; g = 1 } else { o = null === t; e = [t || e] } for (let i = r.length; g < i; g++) { const { name: i, cacheName: a, operator: n, index: c } = r[g], h = []; for (const t of e) { if (!t.isXFAObject) continue; let e, r; if (s) { r = Qn.get(t); if (!r) { r = new Map; Qn.set(t, r) } e = r.get(a) } if (!e) { switch (n) { case e = t[cr](i, !1); break; case Cn.dotDot: e = t[cr](i, !0); break; case Cn.dotHash: e = t[Ir](i); e = e.isXFAObjectArray ? e.children : [e] }s && r.set(a, e) } e.length > 0 && h.push(e) } if (0 !== h.length || o || 0 !== g) e = isFinite(c) ? h.filter((e => c < e.length)).map((e => e[c])) : h.flat(); else { const i = t[pr](); if (!(t = i)) return null; g = -1; e = [t] } } return 0 === e.length ? null : e } function createDataNode(e, t, i) { const a = parseExpression(i); if (!a) return null; if (a.some((e => e.operator === Cn.dotDot))) return null; const s = Bn.get(a[0].name); let r = 0; if (s) { e = s(e, t); r = 1 } else e = t || e; for (let t = a.length; r < t; r++) { const { name: t, operator: i, index: s } = a[r]; if (!isFinite(s)) { a[r].index = 0; return e.createNodes(a.slice(r)) } let n; switch (i) { case n = e[cr](t, !1); break; case Cn.dotDot: n = e[cr](t, !0); break; case Cn.dotHash: n = e[Ir](t); n = n.isXFAObjectArray ? n.children : [n] }if (0 === n.length) return e.createNodes(a.slice(r)); if (!(s < n.length)) { a[r].index = s - n.length; return e.createNodes(a.slice(r)) } { const t = n[s]; if (!t.isXFAObject) { warn("XFA - Cannot create a node."); return null } e = t } } return null } const En = Symbol(), un = Symbol(), dn = Symbol(), fn = Symbol("_children"), pn = Symbol(), mn = Symbol(), yn = Symbol(), wn = Symbol(), bn = Symbol(), Dn = Symbol(), Fn = Symbol(), Sn = Symbol(), kn = Symbol(), Rn = Symbol("parent"), Nn = Symbol(), Gn = Symbol(), xn = Symbol(); let Mn = 0; const Un =; class XFAObject { constructor(e, t, i = !1) { this[Hr] = e; this[Yr] = t; this[Fn] = i; this[Rn] = null; this[fn] = []; this[nn] = `${t}${Mn++}`; this[yr] = null } get isXFAObject() { return !0 } get isXFAObjectArray() { return !1 } createNodes(e) { let t = this, i = null; for (const { name: a, index: s } of e) { for (let e = 0, r = isFinite(s) ? s : 0; e <= r; e++) { const e = t[Hr] === Un ? -1 : t[Hr]; i = new XmlObject(e, a); t[js](i) } t = i } return i } [Kr](e) { if (!this[Fn] || !this[Tr](e)) return !1; const t = e[Yr], i = this[t]; if (!(i instanceof XFAObjectArray)) { null !== i && this[Xr](i); this[t] = e; this[js](e); return !0 } if (i.push(e)) { this[js](e); return !0 } let a = ""; ? a = ` (id: ${})` : && (a = ` (name: ${} ${this.h.value})`); warn(`XFA - node "${this[Yr]}"${a} has already enough "${t}"!`); return !1 } [Tr](e) { return this.hasOwnProperty(e[Yr]) && e[Hr] === this[Hr] } [Gr]() { return !1 } [Ws]() { return !1 } [Sr]() { return !1 } [kr]() { return !1 } [Pr]() { this.para && this[mr]()[ar].paraStack.pop() } [Wr]() { this[mr]()[ar].paraStack.push(this.para) } [zr](e) { && this[Hr] === && e.set(, this) } [mr]() { return this[yr].template } [xr]() { return !1 } [Mr]() { return !1 } [js](e) { e[Rn] = this; this[fn].push(e); !e[yr] && this[yr] && (e[yr] = this[yr]) } [Xr](e) { const t = this[fn].indexOf(e); this[fn].splice(t, 1) } [wr]() { return this.hasOwnProperty("value") } [$r](e) { } [qr](e) { } [sr]() { } [Vs](e) { delete this[Fn]; if (this[_s]) { e.clean(this[_s]); delete this[_s] } } [Dr](e) { return this[fn].indexOf(e) } [Fr](e, t) { t[Rn] = this; this[fn].splice(e, 0, t); !t[yr] && this[yr] && (t[yr] = this[yr]) } [Ur]() { return ! } [Jr]() { return "" } [en]() { return 0 === this[fn].length ? this[er] : this[fn].map((e => e[en]())).join("") } get [dn]() { const e = Object.getPrototypeOf(this); if (!e._attributes) { const t = e._attributes = new Set; for (const e of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) { if (null === this[e] || this[e] instanceof XFAObject || this[e] instanceof XFAObjectArray) break; t.add(e) } } return shadow(this, dn, e._attributes) } [Nr](e) { let t = this; for (; t;) { if (t === e) return !0; t = t[pr]() } return !1 } [pr]() { return this[Rn] } [fr]() { return this[pr]() } [Er](e = null) { return e ? this[e] : this[fn] } [ir]() { const e = Object.create(null); this[er] && (e.$content = this[er]); for (const t of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) { const i = this[t]; null !== i && (i instanceof XFAObject ? e[t] = i[ir]() : i instanceof XFAObjectArray ? i.isEmpty() || (e[t] = i.dump()) : e[t] = i) } return e } [rn]() { return null } [an]() { return HTMLResult.EMPTY } *[ur]() { for (const e of this[Er]()) yield e } *[wn](e, t) { for (const i of this[ur]()) if (!e || t === e.has(i[Yr])) { const e = this[gr](), t = i[an](e); t.success || (this[ar].failingNode = i); yield t } } [rr]() { return null } [Xs](e, t) { this[ar].children.push(e) } [gr]() { } [Zs]({ filter: e = null, include: t = !0 }) { if (this[ar].generator) { const e = this[gr](), t = this[ar].failingNode[an](e); if (!t.success) return t; t.html && this[Xs](t.html, t.bbox); delete this[ar].failingNode } else this[ar].generator = this[wn](e, t); for (; ;) { const e = this[ar]; if (e.done) break; const t = e.value; if (!t.success) return t; t.html && this[Xs](t.html, t.bbox) } this[ar].generator = null; return HTMLResult.EMPTY } [_r](e) { this[Gn] = new Set(Object.keys(e)) } [Dn](e) { const t = this[dn], i = this[Gn]; return [...e].filter((e => t.has(e) && !i.has(e))) } [Zr](e, t = new Set) { for (const i of this[fn]) i[Nn](e, t) } [Nn](e, t) { const i = this[bn](e, t); i ? this[En](i, e, t) : this[Zr](e, t) } [bn](e, t) { const { use: i, usehref: a } = this; if (!i && !a) return null; let s = null, r = null, n = null, o = i; if (a) { o = a; a.startsWith("#som(") && a.endsWith(")") ? r = a.slice(5, -1) : a.startsWith(".#som(") && a.endsWith(")") ? r = a.slice(6, -1) : a.startsWith("#") ? n = a.slice(1) : a.startsWith(".#") && (n = a.slice(2)) } else i.startsWith("#") ? n = i.slice(1) : r = i; this.use = this.usehref = ""; if (n) s = e.get(n); else { s = searchNode(e.get(jr), this, r, !0, !1); s && (s = s[0]) } if (!s) { warn(`XFA - Invalid prototype reference: ${o}.`); return null } if (s[Yr] !== this[Yr]) { warn(`XFA - Incompatible prototype: ${s[Yr]} !== ${this[Yr]}.`); return null } if (t.has(s)) { warn("XFA - Cycle detected in prototypes use."); return null } t.add(s); const g = s[bn](e, t); g && s[En](g, e, t); s[Zr](e, t); t.delete(s); return s } [En](e, t, i) { if (i.has(e)) { warn("XFA - Cycle detected in prototypes use."); return } !this[er] && e[er] && (this[er] = e[er]); new Set(i).add(e); for (const t of this[Dn](e[Gn])) { this[t] = e[t]; this[Gn] && this[Gn].add(t) } for (const a of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) { if (this[dn].has(a)) continue; const s = this[a], r = e[a]; if (s instanceof XFAObjectArray) { for (const e of s[fn]) e[Nn](t, i); for (let a = s[fn].length, n = r[fn].length; a < n; a++) { const r = e[fn][a][$s](); if (!s.push(r)) break; r[Rn] = this; this[fn].push(r); r[Nn](t, i) } } else if (null === s) { if (null !== r) { const e = r[$s](); e[Rn] = this; this[a] = e; this[fn].push(e); e[Nn](t, i) } } else { s[Zr](t, i); r && s[En](r, t, i) } } } static [pn](e) { return Array.isArray(e) ? => XFAObject[pn](e))) : "object" == typeof e && null !== e ? Object.assign({}, e) : e } [$s]() { const e = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(this)); for (const t of Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(this)) try { e[t] = this[t] } catch { shadow(e, t, this[t]) } e[nn] = `${e[Yr]}${Mn++}`; e[fn] = []; for (const t of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) { if (this[dn].has(t)) { e[t] = XFAObject[pn](this[t]); continue } const i = this[t]; e[t] = i instanceof XFAObjectArray ? new XFAObjectArray(i[Sn]) : null } for (const t of this[fn]) { const i = t[Yr], a = t[$s](); e[fn].push(a); a[Rn] = e; null === e[i] ? e[i] = a : e[i][fn].push(a) } return e } [Er](e = null) { return e ? this[fn].filter((t => t[Yr] === e)) : this[fn] } [Ir](e) { return this[e] } [cr](e, t, i = !0) { return Array.from(this[hr](e, t, i)) } *[hr](e, t, i = !0) { if ("parent" !== e) { for (const i of this[fn]) { i[Yr] === e && (yield i); === e && (yield i); (t || i[Ur]()) && (yield* i[hr](e, t, !1)) } i && this[dn].has(e) && (yield new XFAAttribute(this, e, this[e])) } else yield this[Rn] } } class XFAObjectArray { constructor(e = 1 / 0) { this[Sn] = e; this[fn] = [] } get isXFAObject() { return !1 } get isXFAObjectArray() { return !0 } push(e) { if (this[fn].length <= this[Sn]) { this[fn].push(e); return !0 } warn(`XFA - node "${e[Yr]}" accepts no more than ${this[Sn]} children`); return !1 } isEmpty() { return 0 === this[fn].length } dump() { return 1 === this[fn].length ? this[fn][0][ir]() : this[fn].map((e => e[ir]())) } [$s]() { const e = new XFAObjectArray(this[Sn]); e[fn] = this[fn].map((e => e[$s]())); return e } get children() { return this[fn] } clear() { this[fn].length = 0 } } class XFAAttribute { constructor(e, t, i) { this[Rn] = e; this[Yr] = t; this[er] = i; this[Ar] = !1; this[nn] = "attribute" + Mn++ } [pr]() { return this[Rn] } [Rr]() { return !0 } [lr]() { return this[er].trim() } [$r](e) { e = e.value || ""; this[er] = e.toString() } [en]() { return this[er] } [Nr](e) { return this[Rn] === e || this[Rn][Nr](e) } } class XmlObject extends XFAObject { constructor(e, t, i = {}) { super(e, t); this[er] = ""; this[mn] = null; if ("#text" !== t) { const e = new Map; this[un] = e; for (const [t, a] of Object.entries(i)) e.set(t, new XFAAttribute(this, t, a)); if (i.hasOwnProperty(vr)) { const e = i[vr].xfa.dataNode; void 0 !== e && ("dataGroup" === e ? this[mn] = !1 : "dataValue" === e && (this[mn] = !0)) } } this[Ar] = !1 } [sn](e) { const t = this[Yr]; if ("#text" === t) { e.push(encodeToXmlString(this[er])); return } const i = utf8StringToString(t), a = this[Hr] === Un ? "xfa:" : ""; e.push(`<${a}${i}`); for (const [t, i] of this[un].entries()) { const a = utf8StringToString(t); e.push(` ${a}="${encodeToXmlString(i[er])}"`) } null !== this[mn] && (this[mn] ? e.push(' xfa:dataNode="dataValue"') : e.push(' xfa:dataNode="dataGroup"')); if (this[er] || 0 !== this[fn].length) { e.push(">"); if (this[er]) "string" == typeof this[er] ? e.push(encodeToXmlString(this[er])) : this[er][sn](e); else for (const t of this[fn]) t[sn](e); e.push(``) } else e.push("/>") } [Kr](e) { if (this[er]) { const e = new XmlObject(this[Hr], "#text"); this[js](e); e[er] = this[er]; this[er] = "" } this[js](e); return !0 } [qr](e) { this[er] += e } [sr]() { if (this[er] && this[fn].length > 0) { const e = new XmlObject(this[Hr], "#text"); this[js](e); e[er] = this[er]; delete this[er] } } [an]() { return "#text" === this[Yr] ? HTMLResult.success({ name: "#text", value: this[er] }) : HTMLResult.EMPTY } [Er](e = null) { return e ? this[fn].filter((t => t[Yr] === e)) : this[fn] } [or]() { return this[un] } [Ir](e) { const t = this[un].get(e); return void 0 !== t ? t : this[Er](e) } *[hr](e, t) { const i = this[un].get(e); i && (yield i); for (const i of this[fn]) { i[Yr] === e && (yield i); t && (yield* i[hr](e, t)) } } *[nr](e, t) { const i = this[un].get(e); !i || t && i[Ar] || (yield i); for (const i of this[fn]) yield* i[nr](e, t) } *[Qr](e, t, i) { for (const a of this[fn]) { a[Yr] !== e || i && a[Ar] || (yield a); t && (yield* a[Qr](e, t, i)) } } [Rr]() { return null === this[mn] ? 0 === this[fn].length || this[fn][0][Hr] === : this[mn] } [lr]() { return null === this[mn] ? 0 === this[fn].length ? this[er].trim() : this[fn][0][Hr] === ? this[fn][0][en]().trim() : null : this[er].trim() } [$r](e) { e = e.value || ""; this[er] = e.toString() } [ir](e = !1) { const t = Object.create(null); e && (t.$ns = this[Hr]); this[er] && (t.$content = this[er]); t.$name = this[Yr]; t.children = []; for (const i of this[fn]) t.children.push(i[ir](e)); t.attributes = Object.create(null); for (const [e, i] of this[un]) t.attributes[e] = i[er]; return t } } class ContentObject extends XFAObject { constructor(e, t) { super(e, t); this[er] = "" } [qr](e) { this[er] += e } [sr]() { } } class OptionObject extends ContentObject { constructor(e, t, i) { super(e, t); this[kn] = i } [sr]() { this[er] = getKeyword({ data: this[er], defaultValue: this[kn][0], validate: e => this[kn].includes(e) }) } [Vs](e) { super[Vs](e); delete this[kn] } } class StringObject extends ContentObject { [sr]() { this[er] = this[er].trim() } } class IntegerObject extends ContentObject { constructor(e, t, i, a) { super(e, t); this[yn] = i; this[xn] = a } [sr]() { this[er] = getInteger({ data: this[er], defaultValue: this[yn], validate: this[xn] }) } [Vs](e) { super[Vs](e); delete this[yn]; delete this[xn] } } class Option01 extends IntegerObject { constructor(e, t) { super(e, t, 0, (e => 1 === e)) } } class Option10 extends IntegerObject { constructor(e, t) { super(e, t, 1, (e => 0 === e)) } } function measureToString(e) { return "string" == typeof e ? "0px" : Number.isInteger(e) ? `${e}px` : `${e.toFixed(2)}px` } const Ln = { anchorType(e, t) { const i = e[fr](); if (i && (!i.layout || "position" === i.layout)) { "transform" in t || (t.transform = ""); switch (e.anchorType) { case "bottomCenter": t.transform += "translate(-50%, -100%)"; break; case "bottomLeft": t.transform += "translate(0,-100%)"; break; case "bottomRight": t.transform += "translate(-100%,-100%)"; break; case "middleCenter": t.transform += "translate(-50%,-50%)"; break; case "middleLeft": t.transform += "translate(0,-50%)"; break; case "middleRight": t.transform += "translate(-100%,-50%)"; break; case "topCenter": t.transform += "translate(-50%,0)"; break; case "topRight": t.transform += "translate(-100%,0)" } } }, dimensions(e, t) { const i = e[fr](); let a = e.w; const s = e.h; if (i.layout?.includes("row")) { const t = i[ar], s = e.colSpan; let r; if (-1 === s) { r = t.columnWidths.slice(t.currentColumn).reduce(((e, t) => e + t), 0); t.currentColumn = 0 } else { r = t.columnWidths.slice(t.currentColumn, t.currentColumn + s).reduce(((e, t) => e + t), 0); t.currentColumn = (t.currentColumn + e.colSpan) % t.columnWidths.length } isNaN(r) || (a = e.w = r) } t.width = "" !== a ? measureToString(a) : "auto"; t.height = "" !== s ? measureToString(s) : "auto" }, position(e, t) { const i = e[fr](); if (!i?.layout || "position" === i.layout) { t.position = "absolute"; t.left = measureToString(e.x); = measureToString(e.y) } }, rotate(e, t) { if (e.rotate) { "transform" in t || (t.transform = ""); t.transform += `rotate(-${e.rotate}deg)`; t.transformOrigin = "top left" } }, presence(e, t) { switch (e.presence) { case "invisible": t.visibility = "hidden"; break; case "hidden": case "inactive": t.display = "none" } }, hAlign(e, t) { if ("para" === e[Yr]) switch (e.hAlign) { case "justifyAll": t.textAlign = "justify-all"; break; case "radix": t.textAlign = "left"; break; default: t.textAlign = e.hAlign } else switch (e.hAlign) { case "left": t.alignSelf = "start"; break; case "center": t.alignSelf = "center"; break; case "right": t.alignSelf = "end" } }, margin(e, t) { e.margin && (t.margin = e.margin[rn]().margin) } }; function setMinMaxDimensions(e, t) { if ("position" === e[fr]().layout) { e.minW > 0 && (t.minWidth = measureToString(e.minW)); e.maxW > 0 && (t.maxWidth = measureToString(e.maxW)); e.minH > 0 && (t.minHeight = measureToString(e.minH)); e.maxH > 0 && (t.maxHeight = measureToString(e.maxH)) } } function layoutText(e, t, i, a, s, r) { const n = new TextMeasure(t, i, a, s); "string" == typeof e ? n.addString(e) : e[Or](n); return n.compute(r) } function layoutNode(e, t) { let i = null, a = null, s = !1; if ((!e.w || !e.h) && e.value) { let r = 0, n = 0; if (e.margin) { r = e.margin.leftInset + e.margin.rightInset; n = e.margin.topInset + e.margin.bottomInset } let o = null, g = null; if (e.para) { g = Object.create(null); o = "" === e.para.lineHeight ? null : e.para.lineHeight; = "" === e.para.spaceAbove ? 0 : e.para.spaceAbove; g.bottom = "" === e.para.spaceBelow ? 0 : e.para.spaceBelow; g.left = "" === e.para.marginLeft ? 0 : e.para.marginLeft; g.right = "" === e.para.marginRight ? 0 : e.para.marginRight } let c = e.font; if (!c) { const t = e[mr](); let i = e[pr](); for (; i && i !== t;) { if (i.font) { c = i.font; break } i = i[pr]() } } const h = (e.w || t.width) - r, l = e[yr].fontFinder; if (e.value.exData && e.value.exData[er] && "text/html" === e.value.exData.contentType) { const t = layoutText(e.value.exData[er], c, g, o, l, h); a = t.width; i = t.height; s = t.isBroken } else { const t = e.value[en](); if (t) { const e = layoutText(t, c, g, o, l, h); a = e.width; i = e.height; s = e.isBroken } } null === a || e.w || (a += r); null === i || e.h || (i += n) } return { w: a, h: i, isBroken: s } } function computeBbox(e, t, i) { let a; if ("" !== e.w && "" !== e.h) a = [e.x, e.y, e.w, e.h]; else { if (!i) return null; let s = e.w; if ("" === s) { if (0 === e.maxW) { const t = e[fr](); s = "position" === t.layout && "" !== t.w ? 0 : e.minW } else s = Math.min(e.maxW, i.width); = measureToString(s) } let r = e.h; if ("" === r) { if (0 === e.maxH) { const t = e[fr](); r = "position" === t.layout && "" !== t.h ? 0 : e.minH } else r = Math.min(e.maxH, i.height); = measureToString(r) } a = [e.x, e.y, s, r] } return a } function fixDimensions(e) { const t = e[fr](); if (t.layout?.includes("row")) { const i = t[ar], a = e.colSpan; let s; s = -1 === a ? i.columnWidths.slice(i.currentColumn).reduce(((e, t) => e + t), 0) : i.columnWidths.slice(i.currentColumn, i.currentColumn + a).reduce(((e, t) => e + t), 0); isNaN(s) || (e.w = s) } t.layout && "position" !== t.layout && (e.x = e.y = 0); "table" === e.layout && "" === e.w && Array.isArray(e.columnWidths) && (e.w = e.columnWidths.reduce(((e, t) => e + t), 0)) } function layoutClass(e) { switch (e.layout) { case "position": default: return "xfaPosition"; case "lr-tb": return "xfaLrTb"; case "rl-row": return "xfaRlRow"; case "rl-tb": return "xfaRlTb"; case "row": return "xfaRow"; case "table": return "xfaTable"; case "tb": return "xfaTb" } } function toStyle(e, ...t) { const i = Object.create(null); for (const a of t) { const t = e[a]; if (null !== t) if (Ln.hasOwnProperty(a)) Ln[a](e, i); else if (t instanceof XFAObject) { const e = t[rn](); e ? Object.assign(i, e) : warn(`(DEBUG) - XFA - style for ${a} not implemented yet`) } } return i } function createWrapper(e, t) { const { attributes: i } = t, { style: a } = i, s = { name: "div", attributes: { class: ["xfaWrapper"], style: Object.create(null) }, children: [] }; i.class.push("xfaWrapped"); if (e.border) { const { widths: i, insets: r } = e.border[ar]; let n, o, g = r[0], c = r[3]; const h = r[0] + r[2], l = r[1] + r[3]; switch (e.border.hand) { case "even": g -= i[0] / 2; c -= i[3] / 2; n = `calc(100% + ${(i[1] + i[3]) / 2 - l}px)`; o = `calc(100% + ${(i[0] + i[2]) / 2 - h}px)`; break; case "left": g -= i[0]; c -= i[3]; n = `calc(100% + ${i[1] + i[3] - l}px)`; o = `calc(100% + ${i[0] + i[2] - h}px)`; break; case "right": n = l ? `calc(100% - ${l}px)` : "100%"; o = h ? `calc(100% - ${h}px)` : "100%" }const C = ["xfaBorder"]; isPrintOnly(e.border) && C.push("xfaPrintOnly"); const Q = { name: "div", attributes: { class: C, style: { top: `${g}px`, left: `${c}px`, width: n, height: o } }, children: [] }; for (const e of ["border", "borderWidth", "borderColor", "borderRadius", "borderStyle"]) if (void 0 !== a[e]) {[e] = a[e]; delete a[e] } s.children.push(Q, t) } else s.children.push(t); for (const e of ["background", "backgroundClip", "top", "left", "width", "height", "minWidth", "minHeight", "maxWidth", "maxHeight", "transform", "transformOrigin", "visibility"]) if (void 0 !== a[e]) {[e] = a[e]; delete a[e] } = "absolute" === a.position ? "absolute" : "relative"; delete a.position; if (a.alignSelf) { = a.alignSelf; delete a.alignSelf } return s } function fixTextIndent(e) { const t = getMeasurement(e.textIndent, "0px"); if (t >= 0) return; const i = "padding" + ("left" === ("right" === e.textAlign ? "right" : "left") ? "Left" : "Right"), a = getMeasurement(e[i], "0px"); e[i] = a - t + "px" } function setAccess(e, t) { switch (e.access) { case "nonInteractive": t.push("xfaNonInteractive"); break; case "readOnly": t.push("xfaReadOnly"); break; case "protected": t.push("xfaDisabled") } } function isPrintOnly(e) { return e.relevant.length > 0 && !e.relevant[0].excluded && "print" === e.relevant[0].viewname } function getCurrentPara(e) { const t = e[mr]()[ar].paraStack; return t.length ? : null } function setPara(e, t, i) { if (i.attributes.class?.includes("xfaRich")) { if (t) { "" === e.h && (t.height = "auto"); "" === e.w && (t.width = "auto") } const a = getCurrentPara(e); if (a) { const e =; e.display = "flex"; e.flexDirection = "column"; switch (a.vAlign) { case "top": e.justifyContent = "start"; break; case "bottom": e.justifyContent = "end"; break; case "middle": e.justifyContent = "center" }const t = a[rn](); for (const [i, a] of Object.entries(t)) i in e || (e[i] = a) } } } function setFontFamily(e, t, i, a) { if (!i) { delete a.fontFamily; return } const s = stripQuotes(e.typeface); a.fontFamily = `"${s}"`; const r = i.find(s); if (r) { const { fontFamily: i } = r.regular.cssFontInfo; i !== s && (a.fontFamily = `"${i}"`); const n = getCurrentPara(t); if (n && "" !== n.lineHeight) return; if (a.lineHeight) return; const o = selectFont(e, r); o && (a.lineHeight = Math.max(1.2, o.lineHeight)) } } function fixURL(e) { const t = createValidAbsoluteUrl(e, null, { addDefaultProtocol: !0, tryConvertEncoding: !0 }); return t ? t.href : null } function createLine(e, t) { return { name: "div", attributes: { class: ["lr-tb" === e.layout ? "xfaLr" : "xfaRl"] }, children: t } } function flushHTML(e) { if (!e[ar]) return null; const t = { name: "div", attributes: e[ar].attributes, children: e[ar].children }; if (e[ar].failingNode) { const i = e[ar].failingNode[rr](); i && (e.layout.endsWith("-tb") ? t.children.push(createLine(e, [i])) : t.children.push(i)) } return 0 === t.children.length ? null : t } function addHTML(e, t, i) { const a = e[ar], s = a.availableSpace, [r, n, o, g] = i; switch (e.layout) { case "position": a.width = Math.max(a.width, r + o); a.height = Math.max(a.height, n + g); a.children.push(t); break; case "lr-tb": case "rl-tb": if (!a.line || 1 === a.attempt) { a.line = createLine(e, []); a.children.push(a.line); a.numberInLine = 0 } a.numberInLine += 1; a.line.children.push(t); if (0 === a.attempt) { a.currentWidth += o; a.height = Math.max(a.height, a.prevHeight + g) } else { a.currentWidth = o; a.prevHeight = a.height; a.height += g; a.attempt = 0 } a.width = Math.max(a.width, a.currentWidth); break; case "rl-row": case "row": { a.children.push(t); a.width += o; a.height = Math.max(a.height, g); const e = measureToString(a.height); for (const t of a.children) = e; break } case "table": case "tb": a.width = Math.min(s.width, Math.max(a.width, o)); a.height += g; a.children.push(t) } } function getAvailableSpace(e) { const t = e[ar].availableSpace, i = e.margin ? e.margin.topInset + e.margin.bottomInset : 0, a = e.margin ? e.margin.leftInset + e.margin.rightInset : 0; switch (e.layout) { case "lr-tb": case "rl-tb": return 0 === e[ar].attempt ? { width: t.width - a - e[ar].currentWidth, height: t.height - i - e[ar].prevHeight } : { width: t.width - a, height: t.height - i - e[ar].height }; case "rl-row": case "row": return { width: e[ar].columnWidths.slice(e[ar].currentColumn).reduce(((e, t) => e + t)), height: t.height - a }; case "table": case "tb": return { width: t.width - a, height: t.height - i - e[ar].height }; default: return t } } function checkDimensions(e, t) { if (null === e[mr]()[ar].firstUnsplittable) return !0; if (0 === e.w || 0 === e.h) return !0; const i = e[fr](), a = i[ar]?.attempt || 0, [, s, r, n] = function getTransformedBBox(e) { let t, i, a = "" === e.w ? NaN : e.w, s = "" === e.h ? NaN : e.h, [r, n] = [0, 0]; switch (e.anchorType || "") { case "bottomCenter": [r, n] = [a / 2, s]; break; case "bottomLeft": [r, n] = [0, s]; break; case "bottomRight": [r, n] = [a, s]; break; case "middleCenter": [r, n] = [a / 2, s / 2]; break; case "middleLeft": [r, n] = [0, s / 2]; break; case "middleRight": [r, n] = [a, s / 2]; break; case "topCenter": [r, n] = [a / 2, 0]; break; case "topRight": [r, n] = [a, 0] }switch (e.rotate || 0) { case 0: [t, i] = [-r, -n]; break; case 90: [t, i] = [-n, r];[a, s] = [s, -a]; break; case 180: [t, i] = [r, n];[a, s] = [-a, -s]; break; case 270: [t, i] = [n, -r];[a, s] = [-s, a] }return [e.x + t + Math.min(0, a), e.y + i + Math.min(0, s), Math.abs(a), Math.abs(s)] }(e); switch (i.layout) { case "lr-tb": case "rl-tb": return 0 === a ? e[mr]()[ar].noLayoutFailure ? "" !== e.w ? Math.round(r - t.width) <= 2 : t.width > 2 : !("" !== e.h && Math.round(n - t.height) > 2) && ("" !== e.w ? Math.round(r - t.width) <= 2 || 0 === i[ar].numberInLine && t.height > 2 : t.width > 2) : !!e[mr]()[ar].noLayoutFailure || !("" !== e.h && Math.round(n - t.height) > 2) && (("" === e.w || Math.round(r - t.width) <= 2 || !i[Mr]()) && t.height > 2); case "table": case "tb": return !!e[mr]()[ar].noLayoutFailure || ("" === e.h || e[xr]() ? ("" === e.w || Math.round(r - t.width) <= 2 || !i[Mr]()) && t.height > 2 : Math.round(n - t.height) <= 2); case "position": if (e[mr]()[ar].noLayoutFailure) return !0; if ("" === e.h || Math.round(n + s - t.height) <= 2) return !0; return n + s > e[mr]()[ar].currentContentArea.h; case "rl-row": case "row": return !!e[mr]()[ar].noLayoutFailure || ("" === e.h || Math.round(n - t.height) <= 2); default: return !0 } } const Jn =, Hn = "", Yn = /^H(\d+)$/, vn = new Set(["image/gif", "image/jpeg", "image/jpg", "image/pjpeg", "image/png", "image/apng", "image/x-png", "image/bmp", "image/x-ms-bmp", "image/tiff", "image/tif", "application/octet-stream"]), Kn = [[[66, 77], "image/bmp"], [[255, 216, 255], "image/jpeg"], [[73, 73, 42, 0], "image/tiff"], [[77, 77, 0, 42], "image/tiff"], [[71, 73, 70, 56, 57, 97], "image/gif"], [[137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10], "image/png"]]; function getBorderDims(e) { if (!e || !e.border) return { w: 0, h: 0 }; const t = e.border[Cr](); return t ? { w: t.widths[0] + t.widths[2] + t.insets[0] + t.insets[2], h: t.widths[1] + t.widths[3] + t.insets[1] + t.insets[3] } : { w: 0, h: 0 } } function hasMargin(e) { return e.margin && (e.margin.topInset || e.margin.rightInset || e.margin.bottomInset || e.margin.leftInset) } function _setValue(e, t) { if (!e.value) { const t = new Value({}); e[js](t); e.value = t } e.value[$r](t) } function* getContainedChildren(e) { for (const t of e[Er]()) t instanceof SubformSet ? yield* t[ur]() : yield t } function isRequired(e) { return "error" === e.validate?.nullTest } function setTabIndex(e) { for (; e;) { if (!e.traversal) { e[An] = e[pr]()[An]; return } if (e[An]) return; let t = null; for (const i of e.traversal[Er]()) if ("next" === i.operation) { t = i; break } if (!t || !t.ref) { e[An] = e[pr]()[An]; return } const i = e[mr](); e[An] = ++i[An]; const a = i[Vr](t.ref, e); if (!a) return; e = a[0] } } function applyAssist(e, t) { const i = e.assist; if (i) { const e = i[an](); e && (t.title = e); const a = i.role.match(Yn); if (a) { const e = "heading", i = a[1]; t.role = e; t["aria-level"] = i } } if ("table" === e.layout) t.role = "table"; else if ("row" === e.layout) t.role = "row"; else { const i = e[pr](); "row" === i.layout && (t.role = "TH" === i.assist?.role ? "columnheader" : "cell") } } function ariaLabel(e) { if (!e.assist) return null; const t = e.assist; return t.speak && "" !== t.speak[er] ? t.speak[er] : t.toolTip ? t.toolTip[er] : null } function valueToHtml(e) { return HTMLResult.success({ name: "div", attributes: { class: ["xfaRich"], style: Object.create(null) }, children: [{ name: "span", attributes: { style: Object.create(null) }, value: e }] }) } function setFirstUnsplittable(e) { const t = e[mr](); if (null === t[ar].firstUnsplittable) { t[ar].firstUnsplittable = e; t[ar].noLayoutFailure = !0 } } function unsetFirstUnsplittable(e) { const t = e[mr](); t[ar].firstUnsplittable === e && (t[ar].noLayoutFailure = !1) } function handleBreak(e) { if (e[ar]) return !1; e[ar] = Object.create(null); if ("auto" === e.targetType) return !1; const t = e[mr](); let i = null; if ( { i = t[Vr](, e[pr]()); if (!i) return !1; i = i[0] } const { currentPageArea: a, currentContentArea: s } = t[ar]; if ("pageArea" === e.targetType) { i instanceof PageArea || (i = null); if (e.startNew) { e[ar].target = i || a; return !0 } if (i && i !== a) { e[ar].target = i; return !0 } return !1 } i instanceof ContentArea || (i = null); const r = i && i[pr](); let n, o = r; if (e.startNew) if (i) { const e = r.contentArea.children, t = e.indexOf(s), a = e.indexOf(i); -1 !== t && t < a && (o = null); n = a - 1 } else n = a.contentArea.children.indexOf(s); else { if (!i || i === s) return !1; n = r.contentArea.children.indexOf(i) - 1; o = r === a ? null : r } e[ar].target = o; e[ar].index = n; return !0 } function handleOverflow(e, t, i) { const a = e[mr](), s = a[ar].noLayoutFailure, r = t[fr]; t[fr] = () => e; a[ar].noLayoutFailure = !0; const n = t[an](i); e[Xs](n.html, n.bbox); a[ar].noLayoutFailure = s; t[fr] = r } class AppearanceFilter extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "appearanceFilter"); = || ""; this.type = getStringOption(e.type, ["optional", "required"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } } class Arc extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "arc", !0); this.circular = getInteger({ data: e.circular, defaultValue: 0, validate: e => 1 === e }); this.hand = getStringOption(e.hand, ["even", "left", "right"]); = || ""; this.startAngle = getFloat({ data: e.startAngle, defaultValue: 0, validate: e => !0 }); this.sweepAngle = getFloat({ data: e.sweepAngle, defaultValue: 360, validate: e => !0 }); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.edge = null; this.fill = null } [an]() { const e = this.edge || new Edge({}), t = e[rn](), i = Object.create(null); "visible" === this.fill?.presence ? Object.assign(i, this.fill[rn]()) : i.fill = "transparent"; i.strokeWidth = measureToString("visible" === e.presence ? e.thickness : 0); i.stroke = t.color; let a; const s = { xmlns: Hn, style: { width: "100%", height: "100%", overflow: "visible" } }; if (360 === this.sweepAngle) a = { name: "ellipse", attributes: { xmlns: Hn, cx: "50%", cy: "50%", rx: "50%", ry: "50%", style: i } }; else { const e = this.startAngle * Math.PI / 180, t = this.sweepAngle * Math.PI / 180, r = this.sweepAngle > 180 ? 1 : 0, [n, o, g, c] = [50 * (1 + Math.cos(e)), 50 * (1 - Math.sin(e)), 50 * (1 + Math.cos(e + t)), 50 * (1 - Math.sin(e + t))]; a = { name: "path", attributes: { xmlns: Hn, d: `M ${n} ${o} A 50 50 0 ${r} 0 ${g} ${c}`, vectorEffect: "non-scaling-stroke", style: i } }; Object.assign(s, { viewBox: "0 0 100 100", preserveAspectRatio: "none" }) } const r = { name: "svg", children: [a], attributes: s }; if (hasMargin(this[pr]()[pr]())) return HTMLResult.success({ name: "div", attributes: { style: { display: "inline", width: "100%", height: "100%" } }, children: [r] }); = "absolute"; return HTMLResult.success(r) } } class Area extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "area", !0); this.colSpan = getInteger({ data: e.colSpan, defaultValue: 1, validate: e => e >= 1 || -1 === e }); = || ""; = || ""; this.relevant = getRelevant(e.relevant); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.x = getMeasurement(e.x, "0pt"); this.y = getMeasurement(e.y, "0pt"); this.desc = null; this.extras = null; this.area = new XFAObjectArray; this.draw = new XFAObjectArray; this.exObject = new XFAObjectArray; this.exclGroup = new XFAObjectArray; this.field = new XFAObjectArray; this.subform = new XFAObjectArray; this.subformSet = new XFAObjectArray } *[ur]() { yield* getContainedChildren(this) } [Ur]() { return !0 } [kr]() { return !0 } [Xs](e, t) { const [i, a, s, r] = t; this[ar].width = Math.max(this[ar].width, i + s); this[ar].height = Math.max(this[ar].height, a + r); this[ar].children.push(e) } [gr]() { return this[ar].availableSpace } [an](e) { const t = toStyle(this, "position"), i = { style: t, id: this[nn], class: ["xfaArea"] }; isPrintOnly(this) && i.class.push("xfaPrintOnly"); && (i.xfaName =; const a = []; this[ar] = { children: a, width: 0, height: 0, availableSpace: e }; const s = this[Zs]({ filter: new Set(["area", "draw", "field", "exclGroup", "subform", "subformSet"]), include: !0 }); if (!s.success) { if (s.isBreak()) return s; delete this[ar]; return HTMLResult.FAILURE } t.width = measureToString(this[ar].width); t.height = measureToString(this[ar].height); const r = { name: "div", attributes: i, children: a }, n = [this.x, this.y, this[ar].width, this[ar].height]; delete this[ar]; return HTMLResult.success(r, n) } } class Assist extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "assist", !0); = || ""; this.role = e.role || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.speak = null; this.toolTip = null } [an]() { return this.toolTip?.[er] || null } } class Barcode extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "barcode", !0); this.charEncoding = getKeyword({ data: e.charEncoding ? e.charEncoding.toLowerCase() : "", defaultValue: "", validate: e => ["utf-8", "big-five", "fontspecific", "gbk", "gb-18030", "gb-2312", "ksc-5601", "none", "shift-jis", "ucs-2", "utf-16"].includes(e) || e.match(/iso-8859-\d{2}/) }); this.checksum = getStringOption(e.checksum, ["none", "1mod10", "1mod10_1mod11", "2mod10", "auto"]); this.dataColumnCount = getInteger({ data: e.dataColumnCount, defaultValue: -1, validate: e => e >= 0 }); this.dataLength = getInteger({ data: e.dataLength, defaultValue: -1, validate: e => e >= 0 }); this.dataPrep = getStringOption(e.dataPrep, ["none", "flateCompress"]); this.dataRowCount = getInteger({ data: e.dataRowCount, defaultValue: -1, validate: e => e >= 0 }); this.endChar = e.endChar || ""; this.errorCorrectionLevel = getInteger({ data: e.errorCorrectionLevel, defaultValue: -1, validate: e => e >= 0 && e <= 8 }); = || ""; this.moduleHeight = getMeasurement(e.moduleHeight, "5mm"); this.moduleWidth = getMeasurement(e.moduleWidth, "0.25mm"); this.printCheckDigit = getInteger({ data: e.printCheckDigit, defaultValue: 0, validate: e => 1 === e }); this.rowColumnRatio = getRatio(e.rowColumnRatio); this.startChar = e.startChar || ""; this.textLocation = getStringOption(e.textLocation, ["below", "above", "aboveEmbedded", "belowEmbedded", "none"]); this.truncate = getInteger({ data: e.truncate, defaultValue: 0, validate: e => 1 === e }); this.type = getStringOption(e.type ? e.type.toLowerCase() : "", ["aztec", "codabar", "code2of5industrial", "code2of5interleaved", "code2of5matrix", "code2of5standard", "code3of9", "code3of9extended", "code11", "code49", "code93", "code128", "code128a", "code128b", "code128c", "code128sscc", "datamatrix", "ean8", "ean8add2", "ean8add5", "ean13", "ean13add2", "ean13add5", "ean13pwcd", "fim", "logmars", "maxicode", "msi", "pdf417", "pdf417macro", "plessey", "postauscust2", "postauscust3", "postausreplypaid", "postausstandard", "postukrm4scc", "postusdpbc", "postusimb", "postusstandard", "postus5zip", "qrcode", "rfid", "rss14", "rss14expanded", "rss14limited", "rss14stacked", "rss14stackedomni", "rss14truncated", "telepen", "ucc128", "ucc128random", "ucc128sscc", "upca", "upcaadd2", "upcaadd5", "upcapwcd", "upce", "upceadd2", "upceadd5", "upcean2", "upcean5", "upsmaxicode"]); this.upsMode = getStringOption(e.upsMode, ["usCarrier", "internationalCarrier", "secureSymbol", "standardSymbol"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.wideNarrowRatio = getRatio(e.wideNarrowRatio); this.encrypt = null; this.extras = null } } class Bind extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "bind", !0); this.match = getStringOption(e.match, ["once", "dataRef", "global", "none"]); this.ref = e.ref || ""; this.picture = null } } class BindItems extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "bindItems"); this.connection = e.connection || ""; this.labelRef = e.labelRef || ""; this.ref = e.ref || ""; this.valueRef = e.valueRef || "" } } class Bookend extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "bookend"); = || ""; this.leader = e.leader || ""; this.trailer = e.trailer || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } } class BooleanElement extends Option01 { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "boolean"); = || ""; = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } [an](e) { return valueToHtml(1 === this[er] ? "1" : "0") } } class Border extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "border", !0); this.break = getStringOption(e.break, ["close", "open"]); this.hand = getStringOption(e.hand, ["even", "left", "right"]); = || ""; this.presence = getStringOption(e.presence, ["visible", "hidden", "inactive", "invisible"]); this.relevant = getRelevant(e.relevant); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.corner = new XFAObjectArray(4); this.edge = new XFAObjectArray(4); this.extras = null; this.fill = null; this.margin = null } [Cr]() { if (!this[ar]) { const e = this.edge.children.slice(); if (e.length < 4) { const t = || new Edge({}); for (let i = e.length; i < 4; i++)e.push(t) } const t = => e.thickness)), i = [0, 0, 0, 0]; if (this.margin) { i[0] = this.margin.topInset; i[1] = this.margin.rightInset; i[2] = this.margin.bottomInset; i[3] = this.margin.leftInset } this[ar] = { widths: t, insets: i, edges: e } } return this[ar] } [rn]() { const { edges: e } = this[Cr](), t = => { const t = e[rn](); t.color ||= "#000000"; return t })), i = Object.create(null); this.margin && Object.assign(i, this.margin[rn]()); "visible" === this.fill?.presence && Object.assign(i, this.fill[rn]()); if (this.corner.children.some((e => 0 !== e.radius))) { const e = => e[rn]())); if (2 === e.length || 3 === e.length) { const t =; for (let i = e.length; i < 4; i++)e.push(t) } i.borderRadius = => e.radius)).join(" ") } switch (this.presence) { case "invisible": case "hidden": i.borderStyle = ""; break; case "inactive": i.borderStyle = "none"; break; default: i.borderStyle = =>" ") }i.borderWidth = => e.width)).join(" "); i.borderColor = => e.color)).join(" "); return i } } class Break extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "break", !0); this.after = getStringOption(e.after, ["auto", "contentArea", "pageArea", "pageEven", "pageOdd"]); this.afterTarget = e.afterTarget || ""; this.before = getStringOption(e.before, ["auto", "contentArea", "pageArea", "pageEven", "pageOdd"]); this.beforeTarget = e.beforeTarget || ""; this.bookendLeader = e.bookendLeader || ""; this.bookendTrailer = e.bookendTrailer || ""; = || ""; this.overflowLeader = e.overflowLeader || ""; this.overflowTarget = e.overflowTarget || ""; this.overflowTrailer = e.overflowTrailer || ""; this.startNew = getInteger({ data: e.startNew, defaultValue: 0, validate: e => 1 === e }); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.extras = null } } class BreakAfter extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "breakAfter", !0); = || ""; this.leader = e.leader || ""; this.startNew = getInteger({ data: e.startNew, defaultValue: 0, validate: e => 1 === e }); = || ""; this.targetType = getStringOption(e.targetType, ["auto", "contentArea", "pageArea"]); this.trailer = e.trailer || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.script = null } } class BreakBefore extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "breakBefore", !0); = || ""; this.leader = e.leader || ""; this.startNew = getInteger({ data: e.startNew, defaultValue: 0, validate: e => 1 === e }); = || ""; this.targetType = getStringOption(e.targetType, ["auto", "contentArea", "pageArea"]); this.trailer = e.trailer || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.script = null } [an](e) { this[ar] = {}; return HTMLResult.FAILURE } } class Button extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "button", !0); this.highlight = getStringOption(e.highlight, ["inverted", "none", "outline", "push"]); = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.extras = null } [an](e) { const t = this[pr]()[pr](), i = { name: "button", attributes: { id: this[nn], class: ["xfaButton"], style: {} }, children: [] }; for (const e of t.event.children) { if ("click" !== e.activity || !e.script) continue; const t = recoverJsURL(e.script[er]); if (!t) continue; const a = fixURL(t.url); a && i.children.push({ name: "a", attributes: { id: "link" + this[nn], href: a, newWindow: t.newWindow, class: ["xfaLink"], style: {} }, children: [] }) } return HTMLResult.success(i) } } class Calculate extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "calculate", !0); = || ""; this.override = getStringOption(e.override, ["disabled", "error", "ignore", "warning"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.extras = null; this.message = null; this.script = null } } class Caption extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "caption", !0); = || ""; this.placement = getStringOption(e.placement, ["left", "bottom", "inline", "right", "top"]); this.presence = getStringOption(e.presence, ["visible", "hidden", "inactive", "invisible"]); this.reserve = Math.ceil(getMeasurement(e.reserve)); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.extras = null; this.font = null; this.margin = null; this.para = null; this.value = null } [$r](e) { _setValue(this, e) } [Cr](e) { if (!this[ar]) { let { width: t, height: i } = e; switch (this.placement) { case "left": case "right": case "inline": t = this.reserve <= 0 ? t : this.reserve; break; case "top": case "bottom": i = this.reserve <= 0 ? i : this.reserve }this[ar] = layoutNode(this, { width: t, height: i }) } return this[ar] } [an](e) { if (!this.value) return HTMLResult.EMPTY; this[Wr](); const t = this.value[an](e).html; if (!t) { this[Pr](); return HTMLResult.EMPTY } const i = this.reserve; if (this.reserve <= 0) { const { w: t, h: i } = this[Cr](e); switch (this.placement) { case "left": case "right": case "inline": this.reserve = t; break; case "top": case "bottom": this.reserve = i } } const a = []; "string" == typeof t ? a.push({ name: "#text", value: t }) : a.push(t); const s = toStyle(this, "font", "margin", "visibility"); switch (this.placement) { case "left": case "right": this.reserve > 0 && (s.width = measureToString(this.reserve)); break; case "top": case "bottom": this.reserve > 0 && (s.height = measureToString(this.reserve)) }setPara(this, null, t); this[Pr](); this.reserve = i; return HTMLResult.success({ name: "div", attributes: { style: s, class: ["xfaCaption"] }, children: a }) } } class Certificate extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "certificate"); = || ""; = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } } class Certificates extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "certificates", !0); this.credentialServerPolicy = getStringOption(e.credentialServerPolicy, ["optional", "required"]); = || ""; this.url = e.url || ""; this.urlPolicy = e.urlPolicy || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.encryption = null; this.issuers = null; this.keyUsage = null; this.oids = null; this.signing = null; this.subjectDNs = null } } class CheckButton extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "checkButton", !0); = || ""; this.mark = getStringOption(e.mark, ["default", "check", "circle", "cross", "diamond", "square", "star"]); this.shape = getStringOption(e.shape, ["square", "round"]); this.size = getMeasurement(e.size, "10pt"); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.border = null; this.extras = null; this.margin = null } [an](e) { const t = toStyle("margin"), i = measureToString(this.size); t.width = t.height = i; let a, s, r; const n = this[pr]()[pr](), o = n.items.children.length && n.items.children[0][an]().html || [], g = { on: (void 0 !== o[0] ? o[0] : "on").toString(), off: (void 0 !== o[1] ? o[1] : "off").toString() }, c = (n.value?.[en]() || "off") === g.on || void 0, h = n[fr](), l = n[nn]; let C; if (h instanceof ExclGroup) { r = h[nn]; a = "radio"; s = "xfaRadio"; C = h[tr]?.[nn] || h[nn] } else { a = "checkbox"; s = "xfaCheckbox"; C = n[tr]?.[nn] || n[nn] } const Q = { name: "input", attributes: { class: [s], style: t, fieldId: l, dataId: C, type: a, checked: c, xfaOn: g.on, xfaOff:, "aria-label": ariaLabel(n), "aria-required": !1 } }; r && ( = r); if (isRequired(n)) { Q.attributes["aria-required"] = !0; Q.attributes.required = !0 } return HTMLResult.success({ name: "label", attributes: { class: ["xfaLabel"] }, children: [Q] }) } } class ChoiceList extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "choiceList", !0); this.commitOn = getStringOption(e.commitOn, ["select", "exit"]); = || ""; = getStringOption(, ["userControl", "always", "multiSelect", "onEntry"]); this.textEntry = getInteger({ data: e.textEntry, defaultValue: 0, validate: e => 1 === e }); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.border = null; this.extras = null; this.margin = null } [an](e) { const t = toStyle(this, "border", "margin"), i = this[pr]()[pr](), a = { fontSize: `calc(${i.font?.size || 10}px * var(--scale-factor))` }, s = []; if (i.items.children.length > 0) { const e = i.items; let t = 0, r = 0; if (2 === e.children.length) { t = e.children[0].save; r = 1 - t } const n = e.children[t][an]().html, o = e.children[r][an]().html; let g = !1; const c = i.value?.[en]() || ""; for (let e = 0, t = n.length; e < t; e++) { const t = { name: "option", attributes: { value: o[e] || n[e], style: a }, value: n[e] }; o[e] === c && (t.attributes.selected = g = !0); s.push(t) } g || s.splice(0, 0, { name: "option", attributes: { hidden: !0, selected: !0 }, value: " " }) } const r = { class: ["xfaSelect"], fieldId: i[nn], dataId: i[tr]?.[nn] || i[nn], style: t, "aria-label": ariaLabel(i), "aria-required": !1 }; if (isRequired(i)) { r["aria-required"] = !0; r.required = !0 } "multiSelect" === && (r.multiple = !0); return HTMLResult.success({ name: "label", attributes: { class: ["xfaLabel"] }, children: [{ name: "select", children: s, attributes: r }] }) } } class Color extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "color", !0); this.cSpace = getStringOption(e.cSpace, ["SRGB"]); = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.value = e.value ? function getColor(e, t = [0, 0, 0]) { let [i, a, s] = t; if (!e) return { r: i, g: a, b: s }; const r = e.trim().split(/\s*,\s*/).map((e => Math.min(Math.max(0, parseInt(e.trim(), 10)), 255))).map((e => isNaN(e) ? 0 : e)); if (r.length < 3) return { r: i, g: a, b: s };[i, a, s] = r; return { r: i, g: a, b: s } }(e.value) : ""; this.extras = null } [wr]() { return !1 } [rn]() { return this.value ? Util.makeHexColor(this.value.r, this.value.g, this.value.b) : null } } class Comb extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "comb"); = || ""; this.numberOfCells = getInteger({ data: e.numberOfCells, defaultValue: 0, validate: e => e >= 0 }); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } } class Connect extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "connect", !0); this.connection = e.connection || ""; = || ""; this.ref = e.ref || ""; this.usage = getStringOption(e.usage, ["exportAndImport", "exportOnly", "importOnly"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.picture = null } } class ContentArea extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "contentArea", !0); this.h = getMeasurement(e.h); = || ""; = || ""; this.relevant = getRelevant(e.relevant); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.w = getMeasurement(e.w); this.x = getMeasurement(e.x, "0pt"); this.y = getMeasurement(e.y, "0pt"); this.desc = null; this.extras = null } [an](e) { const t = { left: measureToString(this.x), top: measureToString(this.y), width: measureToString(this.w), height: measureToString(this.h) }, i = ["xfaContentarea"]; isPrintOnly(this) && i.push("xfaPrintOnly"); return HTMLResult.success({ name: "div", children: [], attributes: { style: t, class: i, id: this[nn] } }) } } class Corner extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "corner", !0); = || ""; this.inverted = getInteger({ data: e.inverted, defaultValue: 0, validate: e => 1 === e }); this.join = getStringOption(e.join, ["square", "round"]); this.presence = getStringOption(e.presence, ["visible", "hidden", "inactive", "invisible"]); this.radius = getMeasurement(e.radius); this.stroke = getStringOption(e.stroke, ["solid", "dashDot", "dashDotDot", "dashed", "dotted", "embossed", "etched", "lowered", "raised"]); this.thickness = getMeasurement(e.thickness, "0.5pt"); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.color = null; this.extras = null } [rn]() { const e = toStyle(this, "visibility"); e.radius = measureToString("square" === this.join ? 0 : this.radius); return e } } class DateElement extends ContentObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "date"); = || ""; = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } [sr]() { const e = this[er].trim(); this[er] = e ? new Date(e) : null } [an](e) { return valueToHtml(this[er] ? this[er].toString() : "") } } class DateTime extends ContentObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "dateTime"); = || ""; = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } [sr]() { const e = this[er].trim(); this[er] = e ? new Date(e) : null } [an](e) { return valueToHtml(this[er] ? this[er].toString() : "") } } class DateTimeEdit extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "dateTimeEdit", !0); this.hScrollPolicy = getStringOption(e.hScrollPolicy, ["auto", "off", "on"]); = || ""; this.picker = getStringOption(e.picker, ["host", "none"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.border = null; this.comb = null; this.extras = null; this.margin = null } [an](e) { const t = toStyle(this, "border", "font", "margin"), i = this[pr]()[pr](), a = { name: "input", attributes: { type: "text", fieldId: i[nn], dataId: i[tr]?.[nn] || i[nn], class: ["xfaTextfield"], style: t, "aria-label": ariaLabel(i), "aria-required": !1 } }; if (isRequired(i)) { a.attributes["aria-required"] = !0; a.attributes.required = !0 } return HTMLResult.success({ name: "label", attributes: { class: ["xfaLabel"] }, children: [a] }) } } class Decimal extends ContentObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "decimal"); this.fracDigits = getInteger({ data: e.fracDigits, defaultValue: 2, validate: e => !0 }); = || ""; this.leadDigits = getInteger({ data: e.leadDigits, defaultValue: -1, validate: e => !0 }); = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } [sr]() { const e = parseFloat(this[er].trim()); this[er] = isNaN(e) ? null : e } [an](e) { return valueToHtml(null !== this[er] ? this[er].toString() : "") } } class DefaultUi extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "defaultUi", !0); = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.extras = null } } class Desc extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "desc", !0); = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.boolean = new XFAObjectArray; = new XFAObjectArray; this.dateTime = new XFAObjectArray; this.decimal = new XFAObjectArray; this.exData = new XFAObjectArray; this.float = new XFAObjectArray; this.image = new XFAObjectArray; this.integer = new XFAObjectArray; this.text = new XFAObjectArray; this.time = new XFAObjectArray } } class DigestMethod extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "digestMethod", ["", "SHA1", "SHA256", "SHA512", "RIPEMD160"]); = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } } class DigestMethods extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "digestMethods", !0); = || ""; this.type = getStringOption(e.type, ["optional", "required"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.digestMethod = new XFAObjectArray } } class Draw extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "draw", !0); this.anchorType = getStringOption(e.anchorType, ["topLeft", "bottomCenter", "bottomLeft", "bottomRight", "middleCenter", "middleLeft", "middleRight", "topCenter", "topRight"]); this.colSpan = getInteger({ data: e.colSpan, defaultValue: 1, validate: e => e >= 1 || -1 === e }); this.h = e.h ? getMeasurement(e.h) : ""; this.hAlign = getStringOption(e.hAlign, ["left", "center", "justify", "justifyAll", "radix", "right"]); = || ""; this.locale = e.locale || ""; this.maxH = getMeasurement(e.maxH, "0pt"); this.maxW = getMeasurement(e.maxW, "0pt"); this.minH = getMeasurement(e.minH, "0pt"); this.minW = getMeasurement(e.minW, "0pt"); = || ""; this.presence = getStringOption(e.presence, ["visible", "hidden", "inactive", "invisible"]); this.relevant = getRelevant(e.relevant); this.rotate = getInteger({ data: e.rotate, defaultValue: 0, validate: e => e % 90 == 0 }); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.w = e.w ? getMeasurement(e.w) : ""; this.x = getMeasurement(e.x, "0pt"); this.y = getMeasurement(e.y, "0pt"); this.assist = null; this.border = null; this.caption = null; this.desc = null; this.extras = null; this.font = null; this.keep = null; this.margin = null; this.para = null; this.traversal = null; this.ui = null; this.value = null; this.setProperty = new XFAObjectArray } [$r](e) { _setValue(this, e) } [an](e) { setTabIndex(this); if ("hidden" === this.presence || "inactive" === this.presence) return HTMLResult.EMPTY; fixDimensions(this); this[Wr](); const t = this.w, i = this.h, { w: a, h: s, isBroken: r } = layoutNode(this, e); if (a && "" === this.w) { if (r && this[fr]()[Mr]()) { this[Pr](); return HTMLResult.FAILURE } this.w = a } s && "" === this.h && (this.h = s); setFirstUnsplittable(this); if (!checkDimensions(this, e)) { this.w = t; this.h = i; this[Pr](); return HTMLResult.FAILURE } unsetFirstUnsplittable(this); const n = toStyle(this, "font", "hAlign", "dimensions", "position", "presence", "rotate", "anchorType", "border", "margin"); setMinMaxDimensions(this, n); if (n.margin) { n.padding = n.margin; delete n.margin } const o = ["xfaDraw"]; this.font && o.push("xfaFont"); isPrintOnly(this) && o.push("xfaPrintOnly"); const g = { style: n, id: this[nn], class: o }; && (g.xfaName =; const c = { name: "div", attributes: g, children: [] }; applyAssist(this, g); const h = computeBbox(this, c, e), l = this.value ? this.value[an](e).html : null; if (null === l) { this.w = t; this.h = i; this[Pr](); return HTMLResult.success(createWrapper(this, c), h) } c.children.push(l); setPara(this, n, l); this.w = t; this.h = i; this[Pr](); return HTMLResult.success(createWrapper(this, c), h) } } class Edge extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "edge", !0); this.cap = getStringOption(e.cap, ["square", "butt", "round"]); = || ""; this.presence = getStringOption(e.presence, ["visible", "hidden", "inactive", "invisible"]); this.stroke = getStringOption(e.stroke, ["solid", "dashDot", "dashDotDot", "dashed", "dotted", "embossed", "etched", "lowered", "raised"]); this.thickness = getMeasurement(e.thickness, "0.5pt"); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.color = null; this.extras = null } [rn]() { const e = toStyle(this, "visibility"); Object.assign(e, { linecap: this.cap, width: measureToString(this.thickness), color: this.color ? this.color[rn]() : "#000000", style: "" }); if ("visible" !== this.presence) = "none"; else switch (this.stroke) { case "solid": = "solid"; break; case "dashDot": case "dashDotDot": case "dashed": = "dashed"; break; case "dotted": = "dotted"; break; case "embossed": = "ridge"; break; case "etched": = "groove"; break; case "lowered": = "inset"; break; case "raised": = "outset" }return e } } class Encoding extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "encoding", ["adbe.x509.rsa_sha1", "adbe.pkcs7.detached", "adbe.pkcs7.sha1"]); = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } } class Encodings extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "encodings", !0); = || ""; this.type = getStringOption(e.type, ["optional", "required"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.encoding = new XFAObjectArray } } class Encrypt extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "encrypt", !0); = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.certificate = null } } class EncryptData extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "encryptData", !0); = || ""; this.operation = getStringOption(e.operation, ["encrypt", "decrypt"]); = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.filter = null; this.manifest = null } } class Encryption extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "encryption", !0); = || ""; this.type = getStringOption(e.type, ["optional", "required"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.certificate = new XFAObjectArray } } class EncryptionMethod extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "encryptionMethod", ["", "AES256-CBC", "TRIPLEDES-CBC", "AES128-CBC", "AES192-CBC"]); = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } } class EncryptionMethods extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "encryptionMethods", !0); = || ""; this.type = getStringOption(e.type, ["optional", "required"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.encryptionMethod = new XFAObjectArray } } class Event extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "event", !0); this.activity = getStringOption(e.activity, ["click", "change", "docClose", "docReady", "enter", "exit", "full", "indexChange", "initialize", "mouseDown", "mouseEnter", "mouseExit", "mouseUp", "postExecute", "postOpen", "postPrint", "postSave", "postSign", "postSubmit", "preExecute", "preOpen", "prePrint", "preSave", "preSign", "preSubmit", "ready", "validationState"]); = || ""; this.listen = getStringOption(e.listen, ["refOnly", "refAndDescendents"]); = || ""; this.ref = e.ref || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.extras = null; this.encryptData = null; this.execute = null; this.script = null; this.signData = null; this.submit = null } } class ExData extends ContentObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "exData"); this.contentType = e.contentType || ""; this.href = e.href || ""; = || ""; this.maxLength = getInteger({ data: e.maxLength, defaultValue: -1, validate: e => e >= -1 }); = || ""; this.rid = e.rid || ""; this.transferEncoding = getStringOption(e.transferEncoding, ["none", "base64", "package"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } [Sr]() { return "text/html" === this.contentType } [Kr](e) { if ("text/html" === this.contentType && e[Hr] === { this[er] = e; return !0 } if ("text/xml" === this.contentType) { this[er] = e; return !0 } return !1 } [an](e) { return "text/html" === this.contentType && this[er] ? this[er][an](e) : HTMLResult.EMPTY } } class ExObject extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "exObject", !0); this.archive = e.archive || ""; this.classId = e.classId || ""; this.codeBase = e.codeBase || ""; this.codeType = e.codeType || ""; = || ""; = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.extras = null; this.boolean = new XFAObjectArray; = new XFAObjectArray; this.dateTime = new XFAObjectArray; this.decimal = new XFAObjectArray; this.exData = new XFAObjectArray; this.exObject = new XFAObjectArray; this.float = new XFAObjectArray; this.image = new XFAObjectArray; this.integer = new XFAObjectArray; this.text = new XFAObjectArray; this.time = new XFAObjectArray } } class ExclGroup extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "exclGroup", !0); this.access = getStringOption(e.access, ["open", "nonInteractive", "protected", "readOnly"]); this.accessKey = e.accessKey || ""; this.anchorType = getStringOption(e.anchorType, ["topLeft", "bottomCenter", "bottomLeft", "bottomRight", "middleCenter", "middleLeft", "middleRight", "topCenter", "topRight"]); this.colSpan = getInteger({ data: e.colSpan, defaultValue: 1, validate: e => e >= 1 || -1 === e }); this.h = e.h ? getMeasurement(e.h) : ""; this.hAlign = getStringOption(e.hAlign, ["left", "center", "justify", "justifyAll", "radix", "right"]); = || ""; this.layout = getStringOption(e.layout, ["position", "lr-tb", "rl-row", "rl-tb", "row", "table", "tb"]); this.maxH = getMeasurement(e.maxH, "0pt"); this.maxW = getMeasurement(e.maxW, "0pt"); this.minH = getMeasurement(e.minH, "0pt"); this.minW = getMeasurement(e.minW, "0pt"); = || ""; this.presence = getStringOption(e.presence, ["visible", "hidden", "inactive", "invisible"]); this.relevant = getRelevant(e.relevant); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.w = e.w ? getMeasurement(e.w) : ""; this.x = getMeasurement(e.x, "0pt"); this.y = getMeasurement(e.y, "0pt"); this.assist = null; this.bind = null; this.border = null; this.calculate = null; this.caption = null; this.desc = null; this.extras = null; this.margin = null; this.para = null; this.traversal = null; this.validate = null; this.connect = new XFAObjectArray; this.event = new XFAObjectArray; this.field = new XFAObjectArray; this.setProperty = new XFAObjectArray } [kr]() { return !0 } [wr]() { return !0 } [$r](e) { for (const t of this.field.children) { if (!t.value) { const e = new Value({}); t[js](e); t.value = e } t.value[$r](e) } } [Mr]() { return this.layout.endsWith("-tb") && 0 === this[ar].attempt && this[ar].numberInLine > 0 || this[pr]()[Mr]() } [xr]() { const e = this[fr](); if (!e[xr]()) return !1; if (void 0 !== this[ar]._isSplittable) return this[ar]._isSplittable; if ("position" === this.layout || this.layout.includes("row")) { this[ar]._isSplittable = !1; return !1 } if (e.layout?.endsWith("-tb") && 0 !== e[ar].numberInLine) return !1; this[ar]._isSplittable = !0; return !0 } [rr]() { return flushHTML(this) } [Xs](e, t) { addHTML(this, e, t) } [gr]() { return getAvailableSpace(this) } [an](e) { setTabIndex(this); if ("hidden" === this.presence || "inactive" === this.presence || 0 === this.h || 0 === this.w) return HTMLResult.EMPTY; fixDimensions(this); const t = [], i = { id: this[nn], class: [] }; setAccess(this, i.class); this[ar] || (this[ar] = Object.create(null)); Object.assign(this[ar], { children: t, attributes: i, attempt: 0, line: null, numberInLine: 0, availableSpace: { width: Math.min(this.w || 1 / 0, e.width), height: Math.min(this.h || 1 / 0, e.height) }, width: 0, height: 0, prevHeight: 0, currentWidth: 0 }); const a = this[xr](); a || setFirstUnsplittable(this); if (!checkDimensions(this, e)) return HTMLResult.FAILURE; const s = new Set(["field"]); if (this.layout.includes("row")) { const e = this[fr]().columnWidths; if (Array.isArray(e) && e.length > 0) { this[ar].columnWidths = e; this[ar].currentColumn = 0 } } const r = toStyle(this, "anchorType", "dimensions", "position", "presence", "border", "margin", "hAlign"), n = ["xfaExclgroup"], o = layoutClass(this); o && n.push(o); isPrintOnly(this) && n.push("xfaPrintOnly"); = r; i.class = n; && (i.xfaName =; this[Wr](); const g = "lr-tb" === this.layout || "rl-tb" === this.layout, c = g ? 2 : 1; for (; this[ar].attempt < c; this[ar].attempt++) { g && 1 === this[ar].attempt && (this[ar].numberInLine = 0); const e = this[Zs]({ filter: s, include: !0 }); if (e.success) break; if (e.isBreak()) { this[Pr](); return e } if (g && 0 === this[ar].attempt && 0 === this[ar].numberInLine && !this[mr]()[ar].noLayoutFailure) { this[ar].attempt = c; break } } this[Pr](); a || unsetFirstUnsplittable(this); if (this[ar].attempt === c) { a || delete this[ar]; return HTMLResult.FAILURE } let h = 0, l = 0; if (this.margin) { h = this.margin.leftInset + this.margin.rightInset; l = this.margin.topInset + this.margin.bottomInset } const C = Math.max(this[ar].width + h, this.w || 0), Q = Math.max(this[ar].height + l, this.h || 0), E = [this.x, this.y, C, Q]; "" === this.w && (r.width = measureToString(C)); "" === this.h && (r.height = measureToString(Q)); const u = { name: "div", attributes: i, children: t }; applyAssist(this, i); delete this[ar]; return HTMLResult.success(createWrapper(this, u), E) } } class Execute extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "execute"); this.connection = e.connection || ""; this.executeType = getStringOption(e.executeType, ["import", "remerge"]); = || ""; this.runAt = getStringOption(e.runAt, ["client", "both", "server"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } } class Extras extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "extras", !0); = || ""; = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.boolean = new XFAObjectArray; = new XFAObjectArray; this.dateTime = new XFAObjectArray; this.decimal = new XFAObjectArray; this.exData = new XFAObjectArray; this.extras = new XFAObjectArray; this.float = new XFAObjectArray; this.image = new XFAObjectArray; this.integer = new XFAObjectArray; this.text = new XFAObjectArray; this.time = new XFAObjectArray } } class Field extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "field", !0); this.access = getStringOption(e.access, ["open", "nonInteractive", "protected", "readOnly"]); this.accessKey = e.accessKey || ""; this.anchorType = getStringOption(e.anchorType, ["topLeft", "bottomCenter", "bottomLeft", "bottomRight", "middleCenter", "middleLeft", "middleRight", "topCenter", "topRight"]); this.colSpan = getInteger({ data: e.colSpan, defaultValue: 1, validate: e => e >= 1 || -1 === e }); this.h = e.h ? getMeasurement(e.h) : ""; this.hAlign = getStringOption(e.hAlign, ["left", "center", "justify", "justifyAll", "radix", "right"]); = || ""; this.locale = e.locale || ""; this.maxH = getMeasurement(e.maxH, "0pt"); this.maxW = getMeasurement(e.maxW, "0pt"); this.minH = getMeasurement(e.minH, "0pt"); this.minW = getMeasurement(e.minW, "0pt"); = || ""; this.presence = getStringOption(e.presence, ["visible", "hidden", "inactive", "invisible"]); this.relevant = getRelevant(e.relevant); this.rotate = getInteger({ data: e.rotate, defaultValue: 0, validate: e => e % 90 == 0 }); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.w = e.w ? getMeasurement(e.w) : ""; this.x = getMeasurement(e.x, "0pt"); this.y = getMeasurement(e.y, "0pt"); this.assist = null; this.bind = null; this.border = null; this.calculate = null; this.caption = null; this.desc = null; this.extras = null; this.font = null; this.format = null; this.items = new XFAObjectArray(2); this.keep = null; this.margin = null; this.para = null; this.traversal = null; this.ui = null; this.validate = null; this.value = null; this.bindItems = new XFAObjectArray; this.connect = new XFAObjectArray; this.event = new XFAObjectArray; this.setProperty = new XFAObjectArray } [kr]() { return !0 } [$r](e) { _setValue(this, e) } [an](e) { setTabIndex(this); if (!this.ui) { this.ui = new Ui({}); this.ui[yr] = this[yr]; this[js](this.ui); let e; switch (this.items.children.length) { case 0: e = new TextEdit({}); this.ui.textEdit = e; break; case 1: e = new CheckButton({}); this.ui.checkButton = e; break; case 2: e = new ChoiceList({}); this.ui.choiceList = e }this.ui[js](e) } if (!this.ui || "hidden" === this.presence || "inactive" === this.presence || 0 === this.h || 0 === this.w) return HTMLResult.EMPTY; this.caption && delete this.caption[ar]; this[Wr](); const t = this.caption ? this.caption[an](e).html : null, i = this.w, a = this.h; let s = 0, r = 0; if (this.margin) { s = this.margin.leftInset + this.margin.rightInset; r = this.margin.topInset + this.margin.bottomInset } let n = null; if ("" === this.w || "" === this.h) { let t = null, i = null, a = 0, o = 0; if (this.ui.checkButton) a = o = this.ui.checkButton.size; else { const { w: t, h: i } = layoutNode(this, e); if (null !== t) { a = t; o = i } else o = function fonts_getMetrics(e, t = !1) { let i = null; if (e) { const t = stripQuotes(e.typeface), a = e[yr].fontFinder.find(t); i = selectFont(e, a) } if (!i) return { lineHeight: 12, lineGap: 2, lineNoGap: 10 }; const a = e.size || 10, s = i.lineHeight ? Math.max(t ? 0 : 1.2, i.lineHeight) : 1.2, r = void 0 === i.lineGap ? .2 : i.lineGap; return { lineHeight: s * a, lineGap: r * a, lineNoGap: Math.max(1, s - r) * a } }(this.font, !0).lineNoGap } n = getBorderDims(this.ui[Cr]()); a += n.w; o += n.h; if (this.caption) { const { w: s, h: r, isBroken: n } = this.caption[Cr](e); if (n && this[fr]()[Mr]()) { this[Pr](); return HTMLResult.FAILURE } t = s; i = r; switch (this.caption.placement) { case "left": case "right": case "inline": t += a; break; case "top": case "bottom": i += o } } else { t = a; i = o } if (t && "" === this.w) { t += s; this.w = Math.min(this.maxW <= 0 ? 1 / 0 : this.maxW, this.minW + 1 < t ? t : this.minW) } if (i && "" === this.h) { i += r; this.h = Math.min(this.maxH <= 0 ? 1 / 0 : this.maxH, this.minH + 1 < i ? i : this.minH) } } this[Pr](); fixDimensions(this); setFirstUnsplittable(this); if (!checkDimensions(this, e)) { this.w = i; this.h = a; this[Pr](); return HTMLResult.FAILURE } unsetFirstUnsplittable(this); const o = toStyle(this, "font", "dimensions", "position", "rotate", "anchorType", "presence", "margin", "hAlign"); setMinMaxDimensions(this, o); const g = ["xfaField"]; this.font && g.push("xfaFont"); isPrintOnly(this) && g.push("xfaPrintOnly"); const c = { style: o, id: this[nn], class: g }; if (o.margin) { o.padding = o.margin; delete o.margin } setAccess(this, g); && (c.xfaName =; const h = [], l = { name: "div", attributes: c, children: h }; applyAssist(this, c); const C = this.border ? this.border[rn]() : null, Q = computeBbox(this, l, e), E = this.ui[an]().html; if (!E) { Object.assign(o, C); return HTMLResult.success(createWrapper(this, l), Q) } this[An] && (E.children?.[0] ? E.children[0].attributes.tabindex = this[An] : E.attributes.tabindex = this[An]); || ( = Object.create(null)); let u = null; if (this.ui.button) { 1 === E.children.length && ([u] = E.children.splice(0, 1)); Object.assign(, C) } else Object.assign(o, C); h.push(E); if (this.value) if (this.ui.imageEdit) E.children.push(this.value[an]().html); else if (!this.ui.button) { let e = ""; if (this.value.exData) e = this.value.exData[en](); else if (this.value.text) e = this.value.text[Cr](); else { const t = this.value[an]().html; null !== t && (e = t.children[0].value) } this.ui.textEdit && this.value.text?.maxChars && (E.children[0].attributes.maxLength = this.value.text.maxChars); if (e) { if (this.ui.numericEdit) { e = parseFloat(e); e = isNaN(e) ? "" : e.toString() } "textarea" === E.children[0].name ? E.children[0].attributes.textContent = e : E.children[0].attributes.value = e } } if (!this.ui.imageEdit && E.children?.[0] && this.h) { n = n || getBorderDims(this.ui[Cr]()); let t = 0; if (this.caption && ["top", "bottom"].includes(this.caption.placement)) { t = this.caption.reserve; t <= 0 && (t = this.caption[Cr](e).h); const i = this.h - t - r - n.h; E.children[0] = measureToString(i) } else E.children[0] = "100%" } u && E.children.push(u); if (!t) { E.attributes.class && E.attributes.class.push("xfaLeft"); this.w = i; this.h = a; return HTMLResult.success(createWrapper(this, l), Q) } if (this.ui.button) { o.padding && delete o.padding; "div" === && ( = "span"); E.children.push(t); return HTMLResult.success(l, Q) } this.ui.checkButton && (t.attributes.class[0] = "xfaCaptionForCheckButton"); E.attributes.class || (E.attributes.class = []); E.children.splice(0, 0, t); switch (this.caption.placement) { case "left": case "inline": E.attributes.class.push("xfaLeft"); break; case "right": E.attributes.class.push("xfaRight"); break; case "top": E.attributes.class.push("xfaTop"); break; case "bottom": E.attributes.class.push("xfaBottom") }this.w = i; this.h = a; return HTMLResult.success(createWrapper(this, l), Q) } } class Fill extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "fill", !0); = || ""; this.presence = getStringOption(e.presence, ["visible", "hidden", "inactive", "invisible"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.color = null; this.extras = null; this.linear = null; this.pattern = null; this.radial = null; this.solid = null; this.stipple = null } [rn]() { const e = this[pr](), t = e[pr]()[pr](), i = Object.create(null); let a = "color", s = a; if (e instanceof Border) { a = "background-color"; s = "background"; t instanceof Ui && (i.backgroundColor = "white") } if (e instanceof Rectangle || e instanceof Arc) { a = s = "fill"; i.fill = "white" } for (const e of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) { if ("extras" === e || "color" === e) continue; const t = this[e]; if (!(t instanceof XFAObject)) continue; const r = t[rn](this.color); r && (i[r.startsWith("#") ? a : s] = r); return i } if (this.color?.value) { const e = this.color[rn](); i[e.startsWith("#") ? a : s] = e } return i } } class Filter extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "filter", !0); this.addRevocationInfo = getStringOption(e.addRevocationInfo, ["", "required", "optional", "none"]); = || ""; = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.version = getInteger({ data: this.version, defaultValue: 5, validate: e => e >= 1 && e <= 5 }); this.appearanceFilter = null; this.certificates = null; this.digestMethods = null; this.encodings = null; this.encryptionMethods = null; this.handler = null; this.lockDocument = null; this.mdp = null; this.reasons = null; this.timeStamp = null } } class Float extends ContentObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "float"); = || ""; = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } [sr]() { const e = parseFloat(this[er].trim()); this[er] = isNaN(e) ? null : e } [an](e) { return valueToHtml(null !== this[er] ? this[er].toString() : "") } } class template_Font extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "font", !0); this.baselineShift = getMeasurement(e.baselineShift); this.fontHorizontalScale = getFloat({ data: e.fontHorizontalScale, defaultValue: 100, validate: e => e >= 0 }); this.fontVerticalScale = getFloat({ data: e.fontVerticalScale, defaultValue: 100, validate: e => e >= 0 }); = || ""; this.kerningMode = getStringOption(e.kerningMode, ["none", "pair"]); this.letterSpacing = getMeasurement(e.letterSpacing, "0"); this.lineThrough = getInteger({ data: e.lineThrough, defaultValue: 0, validate: e => 1 === e || 2 === e }); this.lineThroughPeriod = getStringOption(e.lineThroughPeriod, ["all", "word"]); this.overline = getInteger({ data: e.overline, defaultValue: 0, validate: e => 1 === e || 2 === e }); this.overlinePeriod = getStringOption(e.overlinePeriod, ["all", "word"]); this.posture = getStringOption(e.posture, ["normal", "italic"]); this.size = getMeasurement(e.size, "10pt"); this.typeface = e.typeface || "Courier"; this.underline = getInteger({ data: e.underline, defaultValue: 0, validate: e => 1 === e || 2 === e }); this.underlinePeriod = getStringOption(e.underlinePeriod, ["all", "word"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.weight = getStringOption(e.weight, ["normal", "bold"]); this.extras = null; this.fill = null } [Vs](e) { super[Vs](e); this[yr].usedTypefaces.add(this.typeface) } [rn]() { const e = toStyle(this, "fill"), t = e.color; if (t) if ("#000000" === t) delete e.color; else if (!t.startsWith("#")) { e.background = t; e.backgroundClip = "text"; e.color = "transparent" } this.baselineShift && (e.verticalAlign = measureToString(this.baselineShift)); e.fontKerning = "none" === this.kerningMode ? "none" : "normal"; e.letterSpacing = measureToString(this.letterSpacing); if (0 !== this.lineThrough) { e.textDecoration = "line-through"; 2 === this.lineThrough && (e.textDecorationStyle = "double") } if (0 !== this.overline) { e.textDecoration = "overline"; 2 === this.overline && (e.textDecorationStyle = "double") } e.fontStyle = this.posture; e.fontSize = measureToString(.99 * this.size); setFontFamily(this, this, this[yr].fontFinder, e); if (0 !== this.underline) { e.textDecoration = "underline"; 2 === this.underline && (e.textDecorationStyle = "double") } e.fontWeight = this.weight; return e } } class Format extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "format", !0); = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.extras = null; this.picture = null } } class Handler extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "handler"); = || ""; this.type = getStringOption(e.type, ["optional", "required"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } } class Hyphenation extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "hyphenation"); this.excludeAllCaps = getInteger({ data: e.excludeAllCaps, defaultValue: 0, validate: e => 1 === e }); this.excludeInitialCap = getInteger({ data: e.excludeInitialCap, defaultValue: 0, validate: e => 1 === e }); this.hyphenate = getInteger({ data: e.hyphenate, defaultValue: 0, validate: e => 1 === e }); = || ""; this.pushCharacterCount = getInteger({ data: e.pushCharacterCount, defaultValue: 3, validate: e => e >= 0 }); this.remainCharacterCount = getInteger({ data: e.remainCharacterCount, defaultValue: 3, validate: e => e >= 0 }); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.wordCharacterCount = getInteger({ data: e.wordCharacterCount, defaultValue: 7, validate: e => e >= 0 }) } } class Image extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "image"); this.aspect = getStringOption(e.aspect, ["fit", "actual", "height", "none", "width"]); this.contentType = e.contentType || ""; this.href = e.href || ""; = || ""; = || ""; this.transferEncoding = getStringOption(e.transferEncoding, ["base64", "none", "package"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } [an]() { if (this.contentType && !vn.has(this.contentType.toLowerCase())) return HTMLResult.EMPTY; let e = this[yr].images && this[yr].images.get(this.href); if (!e && (this.href || !this[er])) return HTMLResult.EMPTY; e || "base64" !== this.transferEncoding || (e = stringToBytes(atob(this[er]))); if (!e) return HTMLResult.EMPTY; if (!this.contentType) { for (const [t, i] of Kn) if (e.length > t.length && t.every(((t, i) => t === e[i]))) { this.contentType = i; break } if (!this.contentType) return HTMLResult.EMPTY } const t = new Blob([e], { type: this.contentType }); let i; switch (this.aspect) { case "fit": case "actual": break; case "height": i = { height: "100%", objectFit: "fill" }; break; case "none": i = { width: "100%", height: "100%", objectFit: "fill" }; break; case "width": i = { width: "100%", objectFit: "fill" } }const a = this[pr](); return HTMLResult.success({ name: "img", attributes: { class: ["xfaImage"], style: i, src: URL.createObjectURL(t), alt: a ? ariaLabel(a[pr]()) : null } }) } } class ImageEdit extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "imageEdit", !0); = getStringOption(, ["link", "embed"]); = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.border = null; this.extras = null; this.margin = null } [an](e) { return "embed" === ? HTMLResult.success({ name: "div", children: [], attributes: {} }) : HTMLResult.EMPTY } } class Integer extends ContentObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "integer"); = || ""; = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } [sr]() { const e = parseInt(this[er].trim(), 10); this[er] = isNaN(e) ? null : e } [an](e) { return valueToHtml(null !== this[er] ? this[er].toString() : "") } } class Issuers extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "issuers", !0); = || ""; this.type = getStringOption(e.type, ["optional", "required"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.certificate = new XFAObjectArray } } class Items extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "items", !0); = || ""; = || ""; this.presence = getStringOption(e.presence, ["visible", "hidden", "inactive", "invisible"]); this.ref = e.ref || ""; = getInteger({ data:, defaultValue: 0, validate: e => 1 === e }); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.boolean = new XFAObjectArray; = new XFAObjectArray; this.dateTime = new XFAObjectArray; this.decimal = new XFAObjectArray; this.exData = new XFAObjectArray; this.float = new XFAObjectArray; this.image = new XFAObjectArray; this.integer = new XFAObjectArray; this.text = new XFAObjectArray; this.time = new XFAObjectArray } [an]() { const e = []; for (const t of this[Er]()) e.push(t[en]()); return HTMLResult.success(e) } } class Keep extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "keep", !0); = || ""; const t = ["none", "contentArea", "pageArea"]; this.intact = getStringOption(e.intact, t); = getStringOption(, t); this.previous = getStringOption(e.previous, t); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.extras = null } } class KeyUsage extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "keyUsage"); const t = ["", "yes", "no"]; this.crlSign = getStringOption(e.crlSign, t); this.dataEncipherment = getStringOption(e.dataEncipherment, t); this.decipherOnly = getStringOption(e.decipherOnly, t); this.digitalSignature = getStringOption(e.digitalSignature, t); this.encipherOnly = getStringOption(e.encipherOnly, t); = || ""; this.keyAgreement = getStringOption(e.keyAgreement, t); this.keyCertSign = getStringOption(e.keyCertSign, t); this.keyEncipherment = getStringOption(e.keyEncipherment, t); this.nonRepudiation = getStringOption(e.nonRepudiation, t); this.type = getStringOption(e.type, ["optional", "required"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } } class Line extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "line", !0); this.hand = getStringOption(e.hand, ["even", "left", "right"]); = || ""; this.slope = getStringOption(e.slope, ["\\", "/"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.edge = null } [an]() { const e = this[pr]()[pr](), t = this.edge || new Edge({}), i = t[rn](), a = Object.create(null), s = "visible" === t.presence ? t.thickness : 0; a.strokeWidth = measureToString(s); a.stroke = i.color; let r, n, o, g, c = "100%", h = "100%"; if (e.w <= s) { [r, n, o, g] = ["50%", 0, "50%", "100%"]; c = a.strokeWidth } else if (e.h <= s) { [r, n, o, g] = [0, "50%", "100%", "50%"]; h = a.strokeWidth } else "\\" === this.slope ? [r, n, o, g] = [0, 0, "100%", "100%"] : [r, n, o, g] = [0, "100%", "100%", 0]; const l = { name: "svg", children: [{ name: "line", attributes: { xmlns: Hn, x1: r, y1: n, x2: o, y2: g, style: a } }], attributes: { xmlns: Hn, width: c, height: h, style: { overflow: "visible" } } }; if (hasMargin(e)) return HTMLResult.success({ name: "div", attributes: { style: { display: "inline", width: "100%", height: "100%" } }, children: [l] }); = "absolute"; return HTMLResult.success(l) } } class Linear extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "linear", !0); = || ""; this.type = getStringOption(e.type, ["toRight", "toBottom", "toLeft", "toTop"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.color = null; this.extras = null } [rn](e) { e = e ? e[rn]() : "#FFFFFF"; return `linear-gradient(${this.type.replace(/([RBLT])/, " $1").toLowerCase()}, ${e}, ${this.color ? this.color[rn]() : "#000000"})` } } class LockDocument extends ContentObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "lockDocument"); = || ""; this.type = getStringOption(e.type, ["optional", "required"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } [sr]() { this[er] = getStringOption(this[er], ["auto", "0", "1"]) } } class Manifest extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "manifest", !0); this.action = getStringOption(e.action, ["include", "all", "exclude"]); = || ""; = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.extras = null; this.ref = new XFAObjectArray } } class Margin extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "margin", !0); this.bottomInset = getMeasurement(e.bottomInset, "0"); = || ""; this.leftInset = getMeasurement(e.leftInset, "0"); this.rightInset = getMeasurement(e.rightInset, "0"); this.topInset = getMeasurement(e.topInset, "0"); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.extras = null } [rn]() { return { margin: measureToString(this.topInset) + " " + measureToString(this.rightInset) + " " + measureToString(this.bottomInset) + " " + measureToString(this.leftInset) } } } class Mdp extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "mdp"); = || ""; this.permissions = getInteger({ data: e.permissions, defaultValue: 2, validate: e => 1 === e || 3 === e }); this.signatureType = getStringOption(e.signatureType, ["filler", "author"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } } class Medium extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "medium"); = || ""; this.imagingBBox = function getBBox(e) { const t = -1; if (!e) return { x: t, y: t, width: t, height: t }; const i = e.trim().split(/\s*,\s*/).map((e => getMeasurement(e, "-1"))); if (i.length < 4 || i[2] < 0 || i[3] < 0) return { x: t, y: t, width: t, height: t }; const [a, s, r, n] = i; return { x: a, y: s, width: r, height: n } }(e.imagingBBox); this.long = getMeasurement(e.long); this.orientation = getStringOption(e.orientation, ["portrait", "landscape"]); this.short = getMeasurement(e.short); this.stock = e.stock || ""; this.trayIn = getStringOption(e.trayIn, ["auto", "delegate", "pageFront"]); this.trayOut = getStringOption(e.trayOut, ["auto", "delegate"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } } class Message extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "message", !0); = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.text = new XFAObjectArray } } class NumericEdit extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "numericEdit", !0); this.hScrollPolicy = getStringOption(e.hScrollPolicy, ["auto", "off", "on"]); = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.border = null; this.comb = null; this.extras = null; this.margin = null } [an](e) { const t = toStyle(this, "border", "font", "margin"), i = this[pr]()[pr](), a = { name: "input", attributes: { type: "text", fieldId: i[nn], dataId: i[tr]?.[nn] || i[nn], class: ["xfaTextfield"], style: t, "aria-label": ariaLabel(i), "aria-required": !1 } }; if (isRequired(i)) { a.attributes["aria-required"] = !0; a.attributes.required = !0 } return HTMLResult.success({ name: "label", attributes: { class: ["xfaLabel"] }, children: [a] }) } } class Occur extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "occur", !0); = || ""; this.initial = "" !== e.initial ? getInteger({ data: e.initial, defaultValue: "", validate: e => !0 }) : ""; this.max = "" !== e.max ? getInteger({ data: e.max, defaultValue: 1, validate: e => !0 }) : ""; this.min = "" !== e.min ? getInteger({ data: e.min, defaultValue: 1, validate: e => !0 }) : ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.extras = null } [Vs]() { const e = this[pr](), t = this.min; "" === this.min && (this.min = e instanceof PageArea || e instanceof PageSet ? 0 : 1); "" === this.max && (this.max = "" === t ? e instanceof PageArea || e instanceof PageSet ? -1 : 1 : this.min); -1 !== this.max && this.max < this.min && (this.max = this.min); "" === this.initial && (this.initial = e instanceof Template ? 1 : this.min) } } class Oid extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "oid"); = || ""; = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } } class Oids extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "oids", !0); = || ""; this.type = getStringOption(e.type, ["optional", "required"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.oid = new XFAObjectArray } } class Overflow extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "overflow"); = || ""; this.leader = e.leader || ""; = || ""; this.trailer = e.trailer || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } [Cr]() { if (!this[ar]) { const e = this[pr](), t = this[mr](), i = t[Vr](, e), a = t[Vr](this.leader, e), s = t[Vr](this.trailer, e); this[ar] = { target: i?.[0] || null, leader: a?.[0] || null, trailer: s?.[0] || null, addLeader: !1, addTrailer: !1 } } return this[ar] } } class PageArea extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "pageArea", !0); this.blankOrNotBlank = getStringOption(e.blankOrNotBlank, ["any", "blank", "notBlank"]); = || ""; this.initialNumber = getInteger({ data: e.initialNumber, defaultValue: 1, validate: e => !0 }); = || ""; this.numbered = getInteger({ data: e.numbered, defaultValue: 1, validate: e => !0 }); this.oddOrEven = getStringOption(e.oddOrEven, ["any", "even", "odd"]); this.pagePosition = getStringOption(e.pagePosition, ["any", "first", "last", "only", "rest"]); this.relevant = getRelevant(e.relevant); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.desc = null; this.extras = null; this.medium = null; this.occur = null; this.area = new XFAObjectArray; this.contentArea = new XFAObjectArray; this.draw = new XFAObjectArray; this.exclGroup = new XFAObjectArray; this.field = new XFAObjectArray; this.subform = new XFAObjectArray } [Lr]() { if (!this[ar]) { this[ar] = { numberOfUse: 0 }; return !0 } return !this.occur || -1 === this.occur.max || this[ar].numberOfUse < this.occur.max } [zs]() { delete this[ar] } [dr]() { this[ar] || (this[ar] = { numberOfUse: 0 }); const e = this[pr](); if ("orderedOccurrence" === e.relation && this[Lr]()) { this[ar].numberOfUse += 1; return this } return e[dr]() } [gr]() { return this[ar].space || { width: 0, height: 0 } } [an]() { this[ar] || (this[ar] = { numberOfUse: 1 }); const e = []; this[ar].children = e; const t = Object.create(null); if (this.medium && this.medium.short && this.medium.long) { t.width = measureToString(this.medium.short); t.height = measureToString(this.medium.long); this[ar].space = { width: this.medium.short, height: this.medium.long }; if ("landscape" === this.medium.orientation) { const e = t.width; t.width = t.height; t.height = e; this[ar].space = { width: this.medium.long, height: this.medium.short } } } else warn("XFA - No medium specified in pageArea: please file a bug."); this[Zs]({ filter: new Set(["area", "draw", "field", "subform"]), include: !0 }); this[Zs]({ filter: new Set(["contentArea"]), include: !0 }); return HTMLResult.success({ name: "div", children: e, attributes: { class: ["xfaPage"], id: this[nn], style: t, xfaName: } }) } } class PageSet extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "pageSet", !0); this.duplexImposition = getStringOption(e.duplexImposition, ["longEdge", "shortEdge"]); = || ""; = || ""; this.relation = getStringOption(e.relation, ["orderedOccurrence", "duplexPaginated", "simplexPaginated"]); this.relevant = getRelevant(e.relevant); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.extras = null; this.occur = null; this.pageArea = new XFAObjectArray; this.pageSet = new XFAObjectArray } [zs]() { for (const e of this.pageArea.children) e[zs](); for (const e of this.pageSet.children) e[zs]() } [Lr]() { return !this.occur || -1 === this.occur.max || this[ar].numberOfUse < this.occur.max } [dr]() { this[ar] || (this[ar] = { numberOfUse: 1, pageIndex: -1, pageSetIndex: -1 }); if ("orderedOccurrence" === this.relation) { if (this[ar].pageIndex + 1 < this.pageArea.children.length) { this[ar].pageIndex += 1; return this.pageArea.children[this[ar].pageIndex][dr]() } if (this[ar].pageSetIndex + 1 < this.pageSet.children.length) { this[ar].pageSetIndex += 1; return this.pageSet.children[this[ar].pageSetIndex][dr]() } if (this[Lr]()) { this[ar].numberOfUse += 1; this[ar].pageIndex = -1; this[ar].pageSetIndex = -1; return this[dr]() } const e = this[pr](); if (e instanceof PageSet) return e[dr](); this[zs](); return this[dr]() } const e = this[mr]()[ar].pageNumber, t = e % 2 == 0 ? "even" : "odd", i = 0 === e ? "first" : "rest"; let a = this.pageArea.children.find((e => e.oddOrEven === t && e.pagePosition === i)); if (a) return a; a = this.pageArea.children.find((e => "any" === e.oddOrEven && e.pagePosition === i)); if (a) return a; a = this.pageArea.children.find((e => "any" === e.oddOrEven && "any" === e.pagePosition)); return a || this.pageArea.children[0] } } class Para extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "para", !0); this.hAlign = getStringOption(e.hAlign, ["left", "center", "justify", "justifyAll", "radix", "right"]); = || ""; this.lineHeight = e.lineHeight ? getMeasurement(e.lineHeight, "0pt") : ""; this.marginLeft = e.marginLeft ? getMeasurement(e.marginLeft, "0pt") : ""; this.marginRight = e.marginRight ? getMeasurement(e.marginRight, "0pt") : ""; this.orphans = getInteger({ data: e.orphans, defaultValue: 0, validate: e => e >= 0 }); this.preserve = e.preserve || ""; this.radixOffset = e.radixOffset ? getMeasurement(e.radixOffset, "0pt") : ""; this.spaceAbove = e.spaceAbove ? getMeasurement(e.spaceAbove, "0pt") : ""; this.spaceBelow = e.spaceBelow ? getMeasurement(e.spaceBelow, "0pt") : ""; this.tabDefault = e.tabDefault ? getMeasurement(this.tabDefault) : ""; this.tabStops = (e.tabStops || "").trim().split(/\s+/).map(((e, t) => t % 2 == 1 ? getMeasurement(e) : e)); this.textIndent = e.textIndent ? getMeasurement(e.textIndent, "0pt") : ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.vAlign = getStringOption(e.vAlign, ["top", "bottom", "middle"]); this.widows = getInteger({ data: e.widows, defaultValue: 0, validate: e => e >= 0 }); this.hyphenation = null } [rn]() { const e = toStyle(this, "hAlign"); "" !== this.marginLeft && (e.paddingLeft = measureToString(this.marginLeft)); "" !== this.marginRight && (e.paddingight = measureToString(this.marginRight)); "" !== this.spaceAbove && (e.paddingTop = measureToString(this.spaceAbove)); "" !== this.spaceBelow && (e.paddingBottom = measureToString(this.spaceBelow)); if ("" !== this.textIndent) { e.textIndent = measureToString(this.textIndent); fixTextIndent(e) } this.lineHeight > 0 && (e.lineHeight = measureToString(this.lineHeight)); "" !== this.tabDefault && (e.tabSize = measureToString(this.tabDefault)); this.tabStops.length; this.hyphenatation && Object.assign(e, this.hyphenatation[rn]()); return e } } class PasswordEdit extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "passwordEdit", !0); this.hScrollPolicy = getStringOption(e.hScrollPolicy, ["auto", "off", "on"]); = || ""; this.passwordChar = e.passwordChar || "*"; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.border = null; this.extras = null; this.margin = null } } class template_Pattern extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "pattern", !0); = || ""; this.type = getStringOption(e.type, ["crossHatch", "crossDiagonal", "diagonalLeft", "diagonalRight", "horizontal", "vertical"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.color = null; this.extras = null } [rn](e) { e = e ? e[rn]() : "#FFFFFF"; const t = this.color ? this.color[rn]() : "#000000", i = "repeating-linear-gradient", a = `${e},${e} 5px,${t} 5px,${t} 10px`; switch (this.type) { case "crossHatch": return `${i}(to top,${a}) ${i}(to right,${a})`; case "crossDiagonal": return `${i}(45deg,${a}) ${i}(-45deg,${a})`; case "diagonalLeft": return `${i}(45deg,${a})`; case "diagonalRight": return `${i}(-45deg,${a})`; case "horizontal": return `${i}(to top,${a})`; case "vertical": return `${i}(to right,${a})` }return "" } } class Picture extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "picture"); = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } } class Proto extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "proto", !0); this.appearanceFilter = new XFAObjectArray; this.arc = new XFAObjectArray; this.area = new XFAObjectArray; this.assist = new XFAObjectArray; this.barcode = new XFAObjectArray; this.bindItems = new XFAObjectArray; this.bookend = new XFAObjectArray; this.boolean = new XFAObjectArray; this.border = new XFAObjectArray; this.break = new XFAObjectArray; this.breakAfter = new XFAObjectArray; this.breakBefore = new XFAObjectArray; this.button = new XFAObjectArray; this.calculate = new XFAObjectArray; this.caption = new XFAObjectArray; this.certificate = new XFAObjectArray; this.certificates = new XFAObjectArray; this.checkButton = new XFAObjectArray; this.choiceList = new XFAObjectArray; this.color = new XFAObjectArray; this.comb = new XFAObjectArray; this.connect = new XFAObjectArray; this.contentArea = new XFAObjectArray; this.corner = new XFAObjectArray; = new XFAObjectArray; this.dateTime = new XFAObjectArray; this.dateTimeEdit = new XFAObjectArray; this.decimal = new XFAObjectArray; this.defaultUi = new XFAObjectArray; this.desc = new XFAObjectArray; this.digestMethod = new XFAObjectArray; this.digestMethods = new XFAObjectArray; this.draw = new XFAObjectArray; this.edge = new XFAObjectArray; this.encoding = new XFAObjectArray; this.encodings = new XFAObjectArray; this.encrypt = new XFAObjectArray; this.encryptData = new XFAObjectArray; this.encryption = new XFAObjectArray; this.encryptionMethod = new XFAObjectArray; this.encryptionMethods = new XFAObjectArray; this.event = new XFAObjectArray; this.exData = new XFAObjectArray; this.exObject = new XFAObjectArray; this.exclGroup = new XFAObjectArray; this.execute = new XFAObjectArray; this.extras = new XFAObjectArray; this.field = new XFAObjectArray; this.fill = new XFAObjectArray; this.filter = new XFAObjectArray; this.float = new XFAObjectArray; this.font = new XFAObjectArray; this.format = new XFAObjectArray; this.handler = new XFAObjectArray; this.hyphenation = new XFAObjectArray; this.image = new XFAObjectArray; this.imageEdit = new XFAObjectArray; this.integer = new XFAObjectArray; this.issuers = new XFAObjectArray; this.items = new XFAObjectArray; this.keep = new XFAObjectArray; this.keyUsage = new XFAObjectArray; this.line = new XFAObjectArray; this.linear = new XFAObjectArray; this.lockDocument = new XFAObjectArray; this.manifest = new XFAObjectArray; this.margin = new XFAObjectArray; this.mdp = new XFAObjectArray; this.medium = new XFAObjectArray; this.message = new XFAObjectArray; this.numericEdit = new XFAObjectArray; this.occur = new XFAObjectArray; this.oid = new XFAObjectArray; this.oids = new XFAObjectArray; this.overflow = new XFAObjectArray; this.pageArea = new XFAObjectArray; this.pageSet = new XFAObjectArray; this.para = new XFAObjectArray; this.passwordEdit = new XFAObjectArray; this.pattern = new XFAObjectArray; this.picture = new XFAObjectArray; this.radial = new XFAObjectArray; this.reason = new XFAObjectArray; this.reasons = new XFAObjectArray; this.rectangle = new XFAObjectArray; this.ref = new XFAObjectArray; this.script = new XFAObjectArray; this.setProperty = new XFAObjectArray; this.signData = new XFAObjectArray; this.signature = new XFAObjectArray; this.signing = new XFAObjectArray; this.solid = new XFAObjectArray; this.speak = new XFAObjectArray; this.stipple = new XFAObjectArray; this.subform = new XFAObjectArray; this.subformSet = new XFAObjectArray; this.subjectDN = new XFAObjectArray; this.subjectDNs = new XFAObjectArray; this.submit = new XFAObjectArray; this.text = new XFAObjectArray; this.textEdit = new XFAObjectArray; this.time = new XFAObjectArray; this.timeStamp = new XFAObjectArray; this.toolTip = new XFAObjectArray; this.traversal = new XFAObjectArray; this.traverse = new XFAObjectArray; this.ui = new XFAObjectArray; this.validate = new XFAObjectArray; this.value = new XFAObjectArray; this.variables = new XFAObjectArray } } class Radial extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "radial", !0); = || ""; this.type = getStringOption(e.type, ["toEdge", "toCenter"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.color = null; this.extras = null } [rn](e) { e = e ? e[rn]() : "#FFFFFF"; const t = this.color ? this.color[rn]() : "#000000"; return `radial-gradient(circle at center, ${"toEdge" === this.type ? `${e},${t}` : `${t},${e}`})` } } class Reason extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "reason"); = || ""; = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } } class Reasons extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "reasons", !0); = || ""; this.type = getStringOption(e.type, ["optional", "required"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.reason = new XFAObjectArray } } class Rectangle extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "rectangle", !0); this.hand = getStringOption(e.hand, ["even", "left", "right"]); = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.corner = new XFAObjectArray(4); this.edge = new XFAObjectArray(4); this.fill = null } [an]() { const e = this.edge.children.length ? this.edge.children[0] : new Edge({}), t = e[rn](), i = Object.create(null); "visible" === this.fill?.presence ? Object.assign(i, this.fill[rn]()) : i.fill = "transparent"; i.strokeWidth = measureToString("visible" === e.presence ? e.thickness : 0); i.stroke = t.color; const a = (this.corner.children.length ? this.corner.children[0] : new Corner({}))[rn](), s = { name: "svg", children: [{ name: "rect", attributes: { xmlns: Hn, width: "100%", height: "100%", x: 0, y: 0, rx: a.radius, ry: a.radius, style: i } }], attributes: { xmlns: Hn, style: { overflow: "visible" }, width: "100%", height: "100%" } }; if (hasMargin(this[pr]()[pr]())) return HTMLResult.success({ name: "div", attributes: { style: { display: "inline", width: "100%", height: "100%" } }, children: [s] }); = "absolute"; return HTMLResult.success(s) } } class RefElement extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "ref"); = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } } class Script extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "script"); this.binding = e.binding || ""; this.contentType = e.contentType || ""; = || ""; = || ""; this.runAt = getStringOption(e.runAt, ["client", "both", "server"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } } class SetProperty extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "setProperty"); this.connection = e.connection || ""; this.ref = e.ref || ""; = || "" } } class SignData extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "signData", !0); = || ""; this.operation = getStringOption(e.operation, ["sign", "clear", "verify"]); this.ref = e.ref || ""; = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.filter = null; this.manifest = null } } class Signature extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "signature", !0); = || ""; this.type = getStringOption(e.type, ["PDF1.3", "PDF1.6"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.border = null; this.extras = null; this.filter = null; this.manifest = null; this.margin = null } } class Signing extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "signing", !0); = || ""; this.type = getStringOption(e.type, ["optional", "required"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.certificate = new XFAObjectArray } } class Solid extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "solid", !0); = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.extras = null } [rn](e) { return e ? e[rn]() : "#FFFFFF" } } class Speak extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "speak"); this.disable = getInteger({ data: e.disable, defaultValue: 0, validate: e => 1 === e }); = || ""; this.priority = getStringOption(e.priority, ["custom", "caption", "name", "toolTip"]); this.rid = e.rid || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } } class Stipple extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "stipple", !0); = || ""; this.rate = getInteger({ data: e.rate, defaultValue: 50, validate: e => e >= 0 && e <= 100 }); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.color = null; this.extras = null } [rn](e) { const t = this.rate / 100; return Util.makeHexColor(Math.round(e.value.r * (1 - t) + this.value.r * t), Math.round(e.value.g * (1 - t) + this.value.g * t), Math.round(e.value.b * (1 - t) + this.value.b * t)) } } class Subform extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "subform", !0); this.access = getStringOption(e.access, ["open", "nonInteractive", "protected", "readOnly"]); this.allowMacro = getInteger({ data: e.allowMacro, defaultValue: 0, validate: e => 1 === e }); this.anchorType = getStringOption(e.anchorType, ["topLeft", "bottomCenter", "bottomLeft", "bottomRight", "middleCenter", "middleLeft", "middleRight", "topCenter", "topRight"]); this.colSpan = getInteger({ data: e.colSpan, defaultValue: 1, validate: e => e >= 1 || -1 === e }); this.columnWidths = (e.columnWidths || "").trim().split(/\s+/).map((e => "-1" === e ? -1 : getMeasurement(e))); this.h = e.h ? getMeasurement(e.h) : ""; this.hAlign = getStringOption(e.hAlign, ["left", "center", "justify", "justifyAll", "radix", "right"]); = || ""; this.layout = getStringOption(e.layout, ["position", "lr-tb", "rl-row", "rl-tb", "row", "table", "tb"]); this.locale = e.locale || ""; this.maxH = getMeasurement(e.maxH, "0pt"); this.maxW = getMeasurement(e.maxW, "0pt"); this.mergeMode = getStringOption(e.mergeMode, ["consumeData", "matchTemplate"]); this.minH = getMeasurement(e.minH, "0pt"); this.minW = getMeasurement(e.minW, "0pt"); = || ""; this.presence = getStringOption(e.presence, ["visible", "hidden", "inactive", "invisible"]); this.relevant = getRelevant(e.relevant); this.restoreState = getStringOption(e.restoreState, ["manual", "auto"]); this.scope = getStringOption(e.scope, ["name", "none"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.w = e.w ? getMeasurement(e.w) : ""; this.x = getMeasurement(e.x, "0pt"); this.y = getMeasurement(e.y, "0pt"); this.assist = null; this.bind = null; this.bookend = null; this.border = null; this.break = null; this.calculate = null; this.desc = null; this.extras = null; this.keep = null; this.margin = null; this.occur = null; this.overflow = null; this.pageSet = null; this.para = null; this.traversal = null; this.validate = null; this.variables = null; this.area = new XFAObjectArray; this.breakAfter = new XFAObjectArray; this.breakBefore = new XFAObjectArray; this.connect = new XFAObjectArray; this.draw = new XFAObjectArray; this.event = new XFAObjectArray; this.exObject = new XFAObjectArray; this.exclGroup = new XFAObjectArray; this.field = new XFAObjectArray; this.proto = new XFAObjectArray; this.setProperty = new XFAObjectArray; this.subform = new XFAObjectArray; this.subformSet = new XFAObjectArray } [fr]() { const e = this[pr](); return e instanceof SubformSet ? e[fr]() : e } [kr]() { return !0 } [Mr]() { return this.layout.endsWith("-tb") && 0 === this[ar].attempt && this[ar].numberInLine > 0 || this[pr]()[Mr]() } *[ur]() { yield* getContainedChildren(this) } [rr]() { return flushHTML(this) } [Xs](e, t) { addHTML(this, e, t) } [gr]() { return getAvailableSpace(this) } [xr]() { const e = this[fr](); if (!e[xr]()) return !1; if (void 0 !== this[ar]._isSplittable) return this[ar]._isSplittable; if ("position" === this.layout || this.layout.includes("row")) { this[ar]._isSplittable = !1; return !1 } if (this.keep && "none" !== this.keep.intact) { this[ar]._isSplittable = !1; return !1 } if (e.layout?.endsWith("-tb") && 0 !== e[ar].numberInLine) return !1; this[ar]._isSplittable = !0; return !0 } [an](e) { setTabIndex(this); if (this.break) { if ("auto" !== this.break.after || "" !== this.break.afterTarget) { const e = new BreakAfter({ targetType: this.break.after, target: this.break.afterTarget, startNew: this.break.startNew.toString() }); e[yr] = this[yr]; this[js](e); this.breakAfter.push(e) } if ("auto" !== this.break.before || "" !== this.break.beforeTarget) { const e = new BreakBefore({ targetType: this.break.before, target: this.break.beforeTarget, startNew: this.break.startNew.toString() }); e[yr] = this[yr]; this[js](e); this.breakBefore.push(e) } if ("" !== this.break.overflowTarget) { const e = new Overflow({ target: this.break.overflowTarget, leader: this.break.overflowLeader, trailer: this.break.overflowTrailer }); e[yr] = this[yr]; this[js](e); this.overflow.push(e) } this[Xr](this.break); this.break = null } if ("hidden" === this.presence || "inactive" === this.presence) return HTMLResult.EMPTY; (this.breakBefore.children.length > 1 || this.breakAfter.children.length > 1) && warn("XFA - Several breakBefore or breakAfter in subforms: please file a bug."); if (this.breakBefore.children.length >= 1) { const e = this.breakBefore.children[0]; if (handleBreak(e)) return HTMLResult.breakNode(e) } if (this[ar]?.afterBreakAfter) return HTMLResult.EMPTY; fixDimensions(this); const t = [], i = { id: this[nn], class: [] }; setAccess(this, i.class); this[ar] || (this[ar] = Object.create(null)); Object.assign(this[ar], { children: t, line: null, attributes: i, attempt: 0, numberInLine: 0, availableSpace: { width: Math.min(this.w || 1 / 0, e.width), height: Math.min(this.h || 1 / 0, e.height) }, width: 0, height: 0, prevHeight: 0, currentWidth: 0 }); const a = this[mr](), s = a[ar].noLayoutFailure, r = this[xr](); r || setFirstUnsplittable(this); if (!checkDimensions(this, e)) return HTMLResult.FAILURE; const n = new Set(["area", "draw", "exclGroup", "field", "subform", "subformSet"]); if (this.layout.includes("row")) { const e = this[fr]().columnWidths; if (Array.isArray(e) && e.length > 0) { this[ar].columnWidths = e; this[ar].currentColumn = 0 } } const o = toStyle(this, "anchorType", "dimensions", "position", "presence", "border", "margin", "hAlign"), g = ["xfaSubform"], c = layoutClass(this); c && g.push(c); = o; i.class = g; && (i.xfaName =; if (this.overflow) { const t = this.overflow[Cr](); if (t.addLeader) { t.addLeader = !1; handleOverflow(this, t.leader, e) } } this[Wr](); const h = "lr-tb" === this.layout || "rl-tb" === this.layout, l = h ? 2 : 1; for (; this[ar].attempt < l; this[ar].attempt++) { h && 1 === this[ar].attempt && (this[ar].numberInLine = 0); const e = this[Zs]({ filter: n, include: !0 }); if (e.success) break; if (e.isBreak()) { this[Pr](); return e } if (h && 0 === this[ar].attempt && 0 === this[ar].numberInLine && !a[ar].noLayoutFailure) { this[ar].attempt = l; break } } this[Pr](); r || unsetFirstUnsplittable(this); a[ar].noLayoutFailure = s; if (this[ar].attempt === l) { this.overflow && (this[mr]()[ar].overflowNode = this.overflow); r || delete this[ar]; return HTMLResult.FAILURE } if (this.overflow) { const t = this.overflow[Cr](); if (t.addTrailer) { t.addTrailer = !1; handleOverflow(this, t.trailer, e) } } let C = 0, Q = 0; if (this.margin) { C = this.margin.leftInset + this.margin.rightInset; Q = this.margin.topInset + this.margin.bottomInset } const E = Math.max(this[ar].width + C, this.w || 0), u = Math.max(this[ar].height + Q, this.h || 0), d = [this.x, this.y, E, u]; "" === this.w && (o.width = measureToString(E)); "" === this.h && (o.height = measureToString(u)); if (("0px" === o.width || "0px" === o.height) && 0 === t.length) return HTMLResult.EMPTY; const f = { name: "div", attributes: i, children: t }; applyAssist(this, i); const p = HTMLResult.success(createWrapper(this, f), d); if (this.breakAfter.children.length >= 1) { const e = this.breakAfter.children[0]; if (handleBreak(e)) { this[ar].afterBreakAfter = p; return HTMLResult.breakNode(e) } } delete this[ar]; return p } } class SubformSet extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "subformSet", !0); = || ""; = || ""; this.relation = getStringOption(e.relation, ["ordered", "choice", "unordered"]); this.relevant = getRelevant(e.relevant); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.bookend = null; this.break = null; this.desc = null; this.extras = null; this.occur = null; this.overflow = null; this.breakAfter = new XFAObjectArray; this.breakBefore = new XFAObjectArray; this.subform = new XFAObjectArray; this.subformSet = new XFAObjectArray } *[ur]() { yield* getContainedChildren(this) } [fr]() { let e = this[pr](); for (; !(e instanceof Subform);)e = e[pr](); return e } [kr]() { return !0 } } class SubjectDN extends ContentObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "subjectDN"); this.delimiter = e.delimiter || ","; = || ""; = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } [sr]() { this[er] = new Map(this[er].split(this.delimiter).map((e => { (e = e.split("=", 2))[0] = e[0].trim(); return e }))) } } class SubjectDNs extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "subjectDNs", !0); = || ""; this.type = getStringOption(e.type, ["optional", "required"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.subjectDN = new XFAObjectArray } } class Submit extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "submit", !0); this.embedPDF = getInteger({ data: e.embedPDF, defaultValue: 0, validate: e => 1 === e }); this.format = getStringOption(e.format, ["xdp", "formdata", "pdf", "urlencoded", "xfd", "xml"]); = || ""; = || ""; this.textEncoding = getKeyword({ data: e.textEncoding ? e.textEncoding.toLowerCase() : "", defaultValue: "", validate: e => ["utf-8", "big-five", "fontspecific", "gbk", "gb-18030", "gb-2312", "ksc-5601", "none", "shift-jis", "ucs-2", "utf-16"].includes(e) || e.match(/iso-8859-\d{2}/) }); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.xdpContent = e.xdpContent || ""; this.encrypt = null; this.encryptData = new XFAObjectArray; this.signData = new XFAObjectArray } } class Template extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "template", !0); this.baseProfile = getStringOption(e.baseProfile, ["full", "interactiveForms"]); this.extras = null; this.subform = new XFAObjectArray } [sr]() { 0 === this.subform.children.length && warn("XFA - No subforms in template node."); this.subform.children.length >= 2 && warn("XFA - Several subforms in template node: please file a bug."); this[An] = 5e3 } [xr]() { return !0 } [Vr](e, t) { return e.startsWith("#") ? [this[br].get(e.slice(1))] : searchNode(this, t, e, !0, !0) } *[tn]() { if (!this.subform.children.length) return HTMLResult.success({ name: "div", children: [] }); this[ar] = { overflowNode: null, firstUnsplittable: null, currentContentArea: null, currentPageArea: null, noLayoutFailure: !1, pageNumber: 1, pagePosition: "first", oddOrEven: "odd", blankOrNotBlank: "nonBlank", paraStack: [] }; const e = this.subform.children[0]; e.pageSet[zs](); const t = e.pageSet.pageArea.children, i = { name: "div", children: [] }; let a = null, s = null, r = null; if (e.breakBefore.children.length >= 1) { s = e.breakBefore.children[0]; r = } else if (e.subform.children.length >= 1 && e.subform.children[0].breakBefore.children.length >= 1) { s = e.subform.children[0].breakBefore.children[0]; r = } else if (e.break?.beforeTarget) { s = e.break; r = s.beforeTarget } else if (e.subform.children.length >= 1 && e.subform.children[0].break?.beforeTarget) { s = e.subform.children[0].break; r = s.beforeTarget } if (s) { const e = this[Vr](r, s[pr]()); if (e instanceof PageArea) { a = e; s[ar] = {} } } a || (a = t[0]); a[ar] = { numberOfUse: 1 }; const n = a[pr](); n[ar] = { numberOfUse: 1, pageIndex: n.pageArea.children.indexOf(a), pageSetIndex: 0 }; let o, g = null, c = null, h = !0, l = 0, C = 0; for (; ;) { if (h) l = 0; else { i.children.pop(); if (3 == ++l) { warn("XFA - Something goes wrong: please file a bug."); return i } } o = null; this[ar].currentPageArea = a; const t = a[an]().html; i.children.push(t); if (g) { this[ar].noLayoutFailure = !0; t.children.push(g[an](a[ar].space).html); g = null } if (c) { this[ar].noLayoutFailure = !0; t.children.push(c[an](a[ar].space).html); c = null } const s = a.contentArea.children, r = t.children.filter((e => e.attributes.class.includes("xfaContentarea"))); h = !1; this[ar].firstUnsplittable = null; this[ar].noLayoutFailure = !1; const flush = t => { const i = e[rr](); if (i) { h ||= i.children?.length > 0; r[t].children.push(i) } }; for (let t = C, a = s.length; t < a; t++) { const a = this[ar].currentContentArea = s[t], n = { width: a.w, height: a.h }; C = 0; if (g) { r[t].children.push(g[an](n).html); g = null } if (c) { r[t].children.push(c[an](n).html); c = null } const l = e[an](n); if (l.success) { if (l.html) { h ||= l.html.children?.length > 0; r[t].children.push(l.html) } else !h && i.children.length > 1 && i.children.pop(); return i } if (l.isBreak()) { const e = l.breakNode; flush(t); if ("auto" === e.targetType) continue; if (e.leader) { g = this[Vr](e.leader, e[pr]()); g = g ? g[0] : null } if (e.trailer) { c = this[Vr](e.trailer, e[pr]()); c = c ? c[0] : null } if ("pageArea" === e.targetType) { o = e[ar].target; t = 1 / 0 } else if (e[ar].target) { o = e[ar].target; C = e[ar].index + 1; t = 1 / 0 } else t = e[ar].index } else if (this[ar].overflowNode) { const e = this[ar].overflowNode; this[ar].overflowNode = null; const i = e[Cr](), a =; i.addLeader = null !== i.leader; i.addTrailer = null !== i.trailer; flush(t); const r = t; t = 1 / 0; if (a instanceof PageArea) o = a; else if (a instanceof ContentArea) { const e = s.indexOf(a); if (-1 !== e) e > r ? t = e - 1 : C = e; else { o = a[pr](); C = o.contentArea.children.indexOf(a) } } } else flush(t) } this[ar].pageNumber += 1; o && (o[Lr]() ? o[ar].numberOfUse += 1 : o = null); a = o || a[dr](); yield null } } } class Text extends ContentObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "text"); = || ""; this.maxChars = getInteger({ data: e.maxChars, defaultValue: 0, validate: e => e >= 0 }); = || ""; this.rid = e.rid || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } [Ws]() { return !0 } [Kr](e) { if (e[Hr] === { this[er] = e; return !0 } warn(`XFA - Invalid content in Text: ${e[Yr]}.`); return !1 } [qr](e) { this[er] instanceof XFAObject || super[qr](e) } [sr]() { "string" == typeof this[er] && (this[er] = this[er].replaceAll("\r\n", "\n")) } [Cr]() { return "string" == typeof this[er] ? this[er].split(/[\u2029\u2028\n]/).reduce(((e, t) => { t && e.push(t); return e }), []).join("\n") : this[er][en]() } [an](e) { if ("string" == typeof this[er]) { const e = valueToHtml(this[er]).html; if (this[er].includes("\u2029")) { = "div"; e.children = []; this[er].split("\u2029").map((e => e.split(/[\u2028\n]/).reduce(((e, t) => { e.push({ name: "span", value: t }, { name: "br" }); return e }), []))).forEach((t => { e.children.push({ name: "p", children: t }) })) } else if (/[\u2028\n]/.test(this[er])) { = "div"; e.children = []; this[er].split(/[\u2028\n]/).forEach((t => { e.children.push({ name: "span", value: t }, { name: "br" }) })) } return HTMLResult.success(e) } return this[er][an](e) } } class TextEdit extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "textEdit", !0); this.allowRichText = getInteger({ data: e.allowRichText, defaultValue: 0, validate: e => 1 === e }); this.hScrollPolicy = getStringOption(e.hScrollPolicy, ["auto", "off", "on"]); = || ""; this.multiLine = getInteger({ data: e.multiLine, defaultValue: "", validate: e => 0 === e || 1 === e }); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.vScrollPolicy = getStringOption(e.vScrollPolicy, ["auto", "off", "on"]); this.border = null; this.comb = null; this.extras = null; this.margin = null } [an](e) { const t = toStyle(this, "border", "font", "margin"); let i; const a = this[pr]()[pr](); "" === this.multiLine && (this.multiLine = a instanceof Draw ? 1 : 0); i = 1 === this.multiLine ? { name: "textarea", attributes: { dataId: a[tr]?.[nn] || a[nn], fieldId: a[nn], class: ["xfaTextfield"], style: t, "aria-label": ariaLabel(a), "aria-required": !1 } } : { name: "input", attributes: { type: "text", dataId: a[tr]?.[nn] || a[nn], fieldId: a[nn], class: ["xfaTextfield"], style: t, "aria-label": ariaLabel(a), "aria-required": !1 } }; if (isRequired(a)) { i.attributes["aria-required"] = !0; i.attributes.required = !0 } return HTMLResult.success({ name: "label", attributes: { class: ["xfaLabel"] }, children: [i] }) } } class Time extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "time"); = || ""; = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } [sr]() { const e = this[er].trim(); this[er] = e ? new Date(e) : null } [an](e) { return valueToHtml(this[er] ? this[er].toString() : "") } } class TimeStamp extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "timeStamp"); = || ""; this.server = e.server || ""; this.type = getStringOption(e.type, ["optional", "required"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } } class ToolTip extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "toolTip"); = || ""; this.rid = e.rid || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } } class Traversal extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "traversal", !0); = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.extras = null; this.traverse = new XFAObjectArray } } class Traverse extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "traverse", !0); = || ""; this.operation = getStringOption(e.operation, ["next", "back", "down", "first", "left", "right", "up"]); this.ref = e.ref || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.extras = null; this.script = null } get name() { return this.operation } [Ur]() { return !1 } } class Ui extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "ui", !0); = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.extras = null; this.picture = null; this.barcode = null; this.button = null; this.checkButton = null; this.choiceList = null; this.dateTimeEdit = null; this.defaultUi = null; this.imageEdit = null; this.numericEdit = null; this.passwordEdit = null; this.signature = null; this.textEdit = null } [Cr]() { if (void 0 === this[ar]) { for (const e of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) { if ("extras" === e || "picture" === e) continue; const t = this[e]; if (t instanceof XFAObject) { this[ar] = t; return t } } this[ar] = null } return this[ar] } [an](e) { const t = this[Cr](); return t ? t[an](e) : HTMLResult.EMPTY } } class Validate extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "validate", !0); this.formatTest = getStringOption(e.formatTest, ["warning", "disabled", "error"]); = || ""; this.nullTest = getStringOption(e.nullTest, ["disabled", "error", "warning"]); this.scriptTest = getStringOption(e.scriptTest, ["error", "disabled", "warning"]); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.extras = null; this.message = null; this.picture = null; this.script = null } } class Value extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "value", !0); = || ""; this.override = getInteger({ data: e.override, defaultValue: 0, validate: e => 1 === e }); this.relevant = getRelevant(e.relevant); this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.arc = null; this.boolean = null; = null; this.dateTime = null; this.decimal = null; this.exData = null; this.float = null; this.image = null; this.integer = null; this.line = null; this.rectangle = null; this.text = null; this.time = null } [$r](e) { const t = this[pr](); if (t instanceof Field && t.ui?.imageEdit) { if (!this.image) { this.image = new Image({}); this[js](this.image) } this.image[er] = e[er]; return } const i = e[Yr]; if (null === this[i]) { for (const e of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) { const t = this[e]; if (t instanceof XFAObject) { this[e] = null; this[Xr](t) } } this[e[Yr]] = e; this[js](e) } else this[i][er] = e[er] } [en]() { if (this.exData) return "string" == typeof this.exData[er] ? this.exData[er].trim() : this.exData[er][en]().trim(); for (const e of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) { if ("image" === e) continue; const t = this[e]; if (t instanceof XFAObject) return (t[er] || "").toString().trim() } return null } [an](e) { for (const t of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) { const i = this[t]; if (i instanceof XFAObject) return i[an](e) } return HTMLResult.EMPTY } } class Variables extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Jn, "variables", !0); = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || ""; this.boolean = new XFAObjectArray; = new XFAObjectArray; this.dateTime = new XFAObjectArray; this.decimal = new XFAObjectArray; this.exData = new XFAObjectArray; this.float = new XFAObjectArray; this.image = new XFAObjectArray; this.integer = new XFAObjectArray; this.manifest = new XFAObjectArray; this.script = new XFAObjectArray; this.text = new XFAObjectArray; this.time = new XFAObjectArray } [Ur]() { return !0 } } class TemplateNamespace { static [on](e, t) { if (TemplateNamespace.hasOwnProperty(e)) { const i = TemplateNamespace[e](t); i[_r](t); return i } } static appearanceFilter(e) { return new AppearanceFilter(e) } static arc(e) { return new Arc(e) } static area(e) { return new Area(e) } static assist(e) { return new Assist(e) } static barcode(e) { return new Barcode(e) } static bind(e) { return new Bind(e) } static bindItems(e) { return new BindItems(e) } static bookend(e) { return new Bookend(e) } static boolean(e) { return new BooleanElement(e) } static border(e) { return new Border(e) } static break(e) { return new Break(e) } static breakAfter(e) { return new BreakAfter(e) } static breakBefore(e) { return new BreakBefore(e) } static button(e) { return new Button(e) } static calculate(e) { return new Calculate(e) } static caption(e) { return new Caption(e) } static certificate(e) { return new Certificate(e) } static certificates(e) { return new Certificates(e) } static checkButton(e) { return new CheckButton(e) } static choiceList(e) { return new ChoiceList(e) } static color(e) { return new Color(e) } static comb(e) { return new Comb(e) } static connect(e) { return new Connect(e) } static contentArea(e) { return new ContentArea(e) } static corner(e) { return new Corner(e) } static date(e) { return new DateElement(e) } static dateTime(e) { return new DateTime(e) } static dateTimeEdit(e) { return new DateTimeEdit(e) } static decimal(e) { return new Decimal(e) } static defaultUi(e) { return new DefaultUi(e) } static desc(e) { return new Desc(e) } static digestMethod(e) { return new DigestMethod(e) } static digestMethods(e) { return new DigestMethods(e) } static draw(e) { return new Draw(e) } static edge(e) { return new Edge(e) } static encoding(e) { return new Encoding(e) } static encodings(e) { return new Encodings(e) } static encrypt(e) { return new Encrypt(e) } static encryptData(e) { return new EncryptData(e) } static encryption(e) { return new Encryption(e) } static encryptionMethod(e) { return new EncryptionMethod(e) } static encryptionMethods(e) { return new EncryptionMethods(e) } static event(e) { return new Event(e) } static exData(e) { return new ExData(e) } static exObject(e) { return new ExObject(e) } static exclGroup(e) { return new ExclGroup(e) } static execute(e) { return new Execute(e) } static extras(e) { return new Extras(e) } static field(e) { return new Field(e) } static fill(e) { return new Fill(e) } static filter(e) { return new Filter(e) } static float(e) { return new Float(e) } static font(e) { return new template_Font(e) } static format(e) { return new Format(e) } static handler(e) { return new Handler(e) } static hyphenation(e) { return new Hyphenation(e) } static image(e) { return new Image(e) } static imageEdit(e) { return new ImageEdit(e) } static integer(e) { return new Integer(e) } static issuers(e) { return new Issuers(e) } static items(e) { return new Items(e) } static keep(e) { return new Keep(e) } static keyUsage(e) { return new KeyUsage(e) } static line(e) { return new Line(e) } static linear(e) { return new Linear(e) } static lockDocument(e) { return new LockDocument(e) } static manifest(e) { return new Manifest(e) } static margin(e) { return new Margin(e) } static mdp(e) { return new Mdp(e) } static medium(e) { return new Medium(e) } static message(e) { return new Message(e) } static numericEdit(e) { return new NumericEdit(e) } static occur(e) { return new Occur(e) } static oid(e) { return new Oid(e) } static oids(e) { return new Oids(e) } static overflow(e) { return new Overflow(e) } static pageArea(e) { return new PageArea(e) } static pageSet(e) { return new PageSet(e) } static para(e) { return new Para(e) } static passwordEdit(e) { return new PasswordEdit(e) } static pattern(e) { return new template_Pattern(e) } static picture(e) { return new Picture(e) } static proto(e) { return new Proto(e) } static radial(e) { return new Radial(e) } static reason(e) { return new Reason(e) } static reasons(e) { return new Reasons(e) } static rectangle(e) { return new Rectangle(e) } static ref(e) { return new RefElement(e) } static script(e) { return new Script(e) } static setProperty(e) { return new SetProperty(e) } static signData(e) { return new SignData(e) } static signature(e) { return new Signature(e) } static signing(e) { return new Signing(e) } static solid(e) { return new Solid(e) } static speak(e) { return new Speak(e) } static stipple(e) { return new Stipple(e) } static subform(e) { return new Subform(e) } static subformSet(e) { return new SubformSet(e) } static subjectDN(e) { return new SubjectDN(e) } static subjectDNs(e) { return new SubjectDNs(e) } static submit(e) { return new Submit(e) } static template(e) { return new Template(e) } static text(e) { return new Text(e) } static textEdit(e) { return new TextEdit(e) } static time(e) { return new Time(e) } static timeStamp(e) { return new TimeStamp(e) } static toolTip(e) { return new ToolTip(e) } static traversal(e) { return new Traversal(e) } static traverse(e) { return new Traverse(e) } static ui(e) { return new Ui(e) } static validate(e) { return new Validate(e) } static value(e) { return new Value(e) } static variables(e) { return new Variables(e) } } const Tn =; function createText(e) { const t = new Text({}); t[er] = e; return t } class Binder { constructor(e) { this.root = e; this.datasets = e.datasets; = e.datasets?.data || new XmlObject(, "data"); this.emptyMerge = 0 ===[Er]().length; this.root.form = this.form = e.template[$s]() } _isConsumeData() { return !this.emptyMerge && this._mergeMode } _isMatchTemplate() { return !this._isConsumeData() } bind() { this._bindElement(this.form,; return this.form } getData() { return } _bindValue(e, t, i) { e[tr] = t; if (e[wr]()) if (t[Rr]()) { const i = t[lr](); e[$r](createText(i)) } else if (e instanceof Field && "multiSelect" === e.ui?.choiceList?.open) { const i = t[Er]().map((e => e[er].trim())).join("\n"); e[$r](createText(i)) } else this._isConsumeData() && warn("XFA - Nodes haven't the same type."); else !t[Rr]() || this._isMatchTemplate() ? this._bindElement(e, t) : warn("XFA - Nodes haven't the same type.") } _findDataByNameToConsume(e, t, i, a) { if (!e) return null; let s, r; for (let a = 0; a < 3; a++) { s = i[Qr](e, !1, !0); for (; ;) { r =; if (!r) break; if (t === r[Rr]()) return r } if (i[Hr] === && "data" === i[Yr]) break; i = i[pr]() } if (!a) return null; s =[Qr](e, !0, !1); r =; if (r) return r; s =[nr](e, !0); r =; return r?.[Rr]() ? r : null } _setProperties(e, t) { if (e.hasOwnProperty("setProperty")) for (const { ref: i, target: a, connection: s } of e.setProperty.children) { if (s) continue; if (!i) continue; const r = searchNode(this.root, t, i, !1, !1); if (!r) { warn(`XFA - Invalid reference: ${i}.`); continue } const [n] = r; if (!n[Nr]( { warn("XFA - Invalid node: must be a data node."); continue } const o = searchNode(this.root, e, a, !1, !1); if (!o) { warn(`XFA - Invalid target: ${a}.`); continue } const [g] = o; if (!g[Nr](e)) { warn("XFA - Invalid target: must be a property or subproperty."); continue } const c = g[pr](); if (g instanceof SetProperty || c instanceof SetProperty) { warn("XFA - Invalid target: cannot be a setProperty or one of its properties."); continue } if (g instanceof BindItems || c instanceof BindItems) { warn("XFA - Invalid target: cannot be a bindItems or one of its properties."); continue } const h = n[en](), l = g[Yr]; if (g instanceof XFAAttribute) { const e = Object.create(null); e[l] = h; const t = Reflect.construct(Object.getPrototypeOf(c).constructor, [e]); c[l] = t[l] } else if (g.hasOwnProperty(er)) { g[tr] = n; g[er] = h; g[sr]() } else warn("XFA - Invalid node to use in setProperty") } } _bindItems(e, t) { if (!e.hasOwnProperty("items") || !e.hasOwnProperty("bindItems") || e.bindItems.isEmpty()) return; for (const t of e.items.children) e[Xr](t); e.items.clear(); const i = new Items({}), a = new Items({}); e[js](i); e.items.push(i); e[js](a); e.items.push(a); for (const { ref: s, labelRef: r, valueRef: n, connection: o } of e.bindItems.children) { if (o) continue; if (!s) continue; const e = searchNode(this.root, t, s, !1, !1); if (e) for (const t of e) { if (!t[Nr](this.datasets)) { warn(`XFA - Invalid ref (${s}): must be a datasets child.`); continue } const e = searchNode(this.root, t, r, !0, !1); if (!e) { warn(`XFA - Invalid label: ${r}.`); continue } const [o] = e; if (!o[Nr](this.datasets)) { warn("XFA - Invalid label: must be a datasets child."); continue } const g = searchNode(this.root, t, n, !0, !1); if (!g) { warn(`XFA - Invalid value: ${n}.`); continue } const [c] = g; if (!c[Nr](this.datasets)) { warn("XFA - Invalid value: must be a datasets child."); continue } const h = createText(o[en]()), l = createText(c[en]()); i[js](h); i.text.push(h); a[js](l); a.text.push(l) } else warn(`XFA - Invalid reference: ${s}.`) } } _bindOccurrences(e, t, i) { let a; if (t.length > 1) { a = e[$s](); a[Xr](a.occur); a.occur = null } this._bindValue(e, t[0], i); this._setProperties(e, t[0]); this._bindItems(e, t[0]); if (1 === t.length) return; const s = e[pr](), r = e[Yr], n = s[Dr](e); for (let e = 1, o = t.length; e < o; e++) { const o = t[e], g = a[$s](); s[r].push(g); s[Fr](n + e, g); this._bindValue(g, o, i); this._setProperties(g, o); this._bindItems(g, o) } } _createOccurrences(e) { if (!this.emptyMerge) return; const { occur: t } = e; if (!t || t.initial <= 1) return; const i = e[pr](), a = e[Yr]; if (!(i[a] instanceof XFAObjectArray)) return; let s; s = ? i[a].children.filter((t => === : i[a].children.length; const r = i[Dr](e) + 1, n = t.initial - s; if (n) { const t = e[$s](); t[Xr](t.occur); t.occur = null; i[a].push(t); i[Fr](r, t); for (let e = 1; e < n; e++) { const s = t[$s](); i[a].push(s); i[Fr](r + e, s) } } } _getOccurInfo(e) { const { name: t, occur: i } = e; if (!i || !t) return [1, 1]; const a = -1 === i.max ? 1 / 0 : i.max; return [i.min, a] } _setAndBind(e, t) { this._setProperties(e, t); this._bindItems(e, t); this._bindElement(e, t) } _bindElement(e, t) { const i = []; this._createOccurrences(e); for (const a of e[Er]()) { if (a[tr]) continue; if (void 0 === this._mergeMode && "subform" === a[Yr]) { this._mergeMode = "consumeData" === a.mergeMode; const e = t[Er](); if (e.length > 0) this._bindOccurrences(a, [e[0]], null); else if (this.emptyMerge) { const e = t[Hr] === Tn ? -1 : t[Hr], i = a[tr] = new XmlObject(e, || "root"); t[js](i); this._bindElement(a, i) } continue } if (!a[kr]()) continue; let e = !1, s = null, r = null, n = null; if (a.bind) { switch (a.bind.match) { case "none": this._setAndBind(a, t); continue; case "global": e = !0; break; case "dataRef": if (!a.bind.ref) { warn(`XFA - ref is empty in node ${a[Yr]}.`); this._setAndBind(a, t); continue } r = a.bind.ref }a.bind.picture && (s = a.bind.picture[er]) } const [o, g] = this._getOccurInfo(a); if (r) { n = searchNode(this.root, t, r, !0, !1); if (null === n) { n = createDataNode(, t, r); if (!n) continue; this._isConsumeData() && (n[Ar] = !0); this._setAndBind(a, n); continue } this._isConsumeData() && (n = n.filter((e => !e[Ar]))); n.length > g ? n = n.slice(0, g) : 0 === n.length && (n = null); n && this._isConsumeData() && n.forEach((e => { e[Ar] = !0 })) } else { if (! { this._setAndBind(a, t); continue } if (this._isConsumeData()) { const i = []; for (; i.length < g;) { const s = this._findDataByNameToConsume(, a[wr](), t, e); if (!s) break; s[Ar] = !0; i.push(s) } n = i.length > 0 ? i : null } else { n = t[Qr](, !1, this.emptyMerge).next().value; if (!n) { if (0 === o) { i.push(a); continue } const e = t[Hr] === Tn ? -1 : t[Hr]; n = a[tr] = new XmlObject(e,; this.emptyMerge && (n[Ar] = !0); t[js](n); this._setAndBind(a, n); continue } this.emptyMerge && (n[Ar] = !0); n = [n] } } n ? this._bindOccurrences(a, n, s) : o > 0 ? this._setAndBind(a, t) : i.push(a) } i.forEach((e => e[pr]()[Xr](e))) } } class DataHandler { constructor(e, t) { = t; this.dataset = e.datasets || null } serialize(e) { const t = [[-1,[Er]()]]; for (; t.length > 0;) { const i =, [a, s] = i; if (a + 1 === s.length) { t.pop(); continue } const r = s[++i[0]], n = e.get(r[nn]); if (n) r[$r](n); else { const t = r[or](); for (const i of t.values()) { const t = e.get(i[nn]); if (t) { i[$r](t); break } } } const o = r[Er](); o.length > 0 && t.push([-1, o]) } const i = ['']; if (this.dataset) for (const e of this.dataset[Er]()) "data" !== e[Yr] && e[sn](i);[sn](i); i.push(""); return i.join("") } } const qn =; class Acrobat extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "acrobat", !0); this.acrobat7 = null; this.autoSave = null; this.common = null; this.validate = null; this.validateApprovalSignatures = null; this.submitUrl = new XFAObjectArray } } class Acrobat7 extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "acrobat7", !0); this.dynamicRender = null } } class ADBE_JSConsole extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "ADBE_JSConsole", ["delegate", "Enable", "Disable"]) } } class ADBE_JSDebugger extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "ADBE_JSDebugger", ["delegate", "Enable", "Disable"]) } } class AddSilentPrint extends Option01 { constructor(e) { super(qn, "addSilentPrint") } } class AddViewerPreferences extends Option01 { constructor(e) { super(qn, "addViewerPreferences") } } class AdjustData extends Option10 { constructor(e) { super(qn, "adjustData") } } class AdobeExtensionLevel extends IntegerObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "adobeExtensionLevel", 0, (e => e >= 1 && e <= 8)) } } class Agent extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "agent", !0); = ? : ""; this.common = new XFAObjectArray } } class AlwaysEmbed extends ContentObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "alwaysEmbed") } } class Amd extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "amd") } } class config_Area extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "area"); this.level = getInteger({ data: e.level, defaultValue: 0, validate: e => e >= 1 && e <= 3 }); = getStringOption(, ["", "barcode", "coreinit", "deviceDriver", "font", "general", "layout", "merge", "script", "signature", "sourceSet", "templateCache"]) } } class Attributes extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "attributes", ["preserve", "delegate", "ignore"]) } } class AutoSave extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "autoSave", ["disabled", "enabled"]) } } class Base extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "base") } } class BatchOutput extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "batchOutput"); this.format = getStringOption(e.format, ["none", "concat", "zip", "zipCompress"]) } } class BehaviorOverride extends ContentObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "behaviorOverride") } [sr]() { this[er] = new Map(this[er].trim().split(/\s+/).filter((e => e.includes(":"))).map((e => e.split(":", 2)))) } } class Cache extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "cache", !0); this.templateCache = null } } class Change extends Option01 { constructor(e) { super(qn, "change") } } class Common extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "common", !0); = null; this.locale = null; this.localeSet = null; this.messaging = null; this.suppressBanner = null; this.template = null; this.validationMessaging = null; this.versionControl = null; this.log = new XFAObjectArray } } class Compress extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "compress"); this.scope = getStringOption(e.scope, ["imageOnly", "document"]) } } class CompressLogicalStructure extends Option01 { constructor(e) { super(qn, "compressLogicalStructure") } } class CompressObjectStream extends Option10 { constructor(e) { super(qn, "compressObjectStream") } } class Compression extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "compression", !0); this.compressLogicalStructure = null; this.compressObjectStream = null; this.level = null; this.type = null } } class Config extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "config", !0); this.acrobat = null; this.present = null; this.trace = null; this.agent = new XFAObjectArray } } class Conformance extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "conformance", ["A", "B"]) } } class ContentCopy extends Option01 { constructor(e) { super(qn, "contentCopy") } } class Copies extends IntegerObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "copies", 1, (e => e >= 1)) } } class Creator extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "creator") } } class CurrentPage extends IntegerObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "currentPage", 0, (e => e >= 0)) } } class Data extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "data", !0); this.adjustData = null; this.attributes = null; this.incrementalLoad = null; this.outputXSL = null; this.range = null; this.record = null; this.startNode = null; this.uri = null; this.window = null; this.xsl = null; this.excludeNS = new XFAObjectArray; this.transform = new XFAObjectArray } } class Debug extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "debug", !0); this.uri = null } } class DefaultTypeface extends ContentObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "defaultTypeface"); this.writingScript = getStringOption(e.writingScript, ["*", "Arabic", "Cyrillic", "EastEuropeanRoman", "Greek", "Hebrew", "Japanese", "Korean", "Roman", "SimplifiedChinese", "Thai", "TraditionalChinese", "Vietnamese"]) } } class Destination extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "destination", ["pdf", "pcl", "ps", "webClient", "zpl"]) } } class DocumentAssembly extends Option01 { constructor(e) { super(qn, "documentAssembly") } } class Driver extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "driver", !0); = ? : ""; this.fontInfo = null; this.xdc = null } } class DuplexOption extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "duplexOption", ["simplex", "duplexFlipLongEdge", "duplexFlipShortEdge"]) } } class DynamicRender extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "dynamicRender", ["forbidden", "required"]) } } class Embed extends Option01 { constructor(e) { super(qn, "embed") } } class config_Encrypt extends Option01 { constructor(e) { super(qn, "encrypt") } } class config_Encryption extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "encryption", !0); this.encrypt = null; this.encryptionLevel = null; this.permissions = null } } class EncryptionLevel extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "encryptionLevel", ["40bit", "128bit"]) } } class Enforce extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "enforce") } } class Equate extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "equate"); this.force = getInteger({ data: e.force, defaultValue: 1, validate: e => 0 === e }); this.from = e.from || ""; = || "" } } class EquateRange extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "equateRange"); this.from = e.from || ""; = || ""; this._unicodeRange = e.unicodeRange || "" } get unicodeRange() { const e = [], t = /U\+([0-9a-fA-F]+)/, i = this._unicodeRange; for (let a of i.split(",").map((e => e.trim())).filter((e => !!e))) { a = a.split("-", 2).map((e => { const i = e.match(t); return i ? parseInt(i[1], 16) : 0 })); 1 === a.length && a.push(a[0]); e.push(a) } return shadow(this, "unicodeRange", e) } } class Exclude extends ContentObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "exclude") } [sr]() { this[er] = this[er].trim().split(/\s+/).filter((e => e && ["calculate", "close", "enter", "exit", "initialize", "ready", "validate"].includes(e))) } } class ExcludeNS extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "excludeNS") } } class FlipLabel extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "flipLabel", ["usePrinterSetting", "on", "off"]) } } class config_FontInfo extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "fontInfo", !0); this.embed = null; = null; this.subsetBelow = null; this.alwaysEmbed = new XFAObjectArray; this.defaultTypeface = new XFAObjectArray; this.neverEmbed = new XFAObjectArray } } class FormFieldFilling extends Option01 { constructor(e) { super(qn, "formFieldFilling") } } class GroupParent extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "groupParent") } } class IfEmpty extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "ifEmpty", ["dataValue", "dataGroup", "ignore", "remove"]) } } class IncludeXDPContent extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "includeXDPContent") } } class IncrementalLoad extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "incrementalLoad", ["none", "forwardOnly"]) } } class IncrementalMerge extends Option01 { constructor(e) { super(qn, "incrementalMerge") } } class Interactive extends Option01 { constructor(e) { super(qn, "interactive") } } class Jog extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "jog", ["usePrinterSetting", "none", "pageSet"]) } } class LabelPrinter extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "labelPrinter", !0); = getStringOption(, ["zpl", "dpl", "ipl", "tcpl"]); this.batchOutput = null; this.flipLabel = null; this.fontInfo = null; this.xdc = null } } class Layout extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "layout", ["paginate", "panel"]) } } class Level extends IntegerObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "level", 0, (e => e > 0)) } } class Linearized extends Option01 { constructor(e) { super(qn, "linearized") } } class Locale extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "locale") } } class LocaleSet extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "localeSet") } } class Log extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "log", !0); this.mode = null; this.threshold = null; = null; this.uri = null } } class MapElement extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "map", !0); this.equate = new XFAObjectArray; this.equateRange = new XFAObjectArray } } class MediumInfo extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "mediumInfo", !0); = null } } class config_Message extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "message", !0); this.msgId = null; this.severity = null } } class Messaging extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "messaging", !0); this.message = new XFAObjectArray } } class Mode extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "mode", ["append", "overwrite"]) } } class ModifyAnnots extends Option01 { constructor(e) { super(qn, "modifyAnnots") } } class MsgId extends IntegerObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "msgId", 1, (e => e >= 1)) } } class NameAttr extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "nameAttr") } } class NeverEmbed extends ContentObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "neverEmbed") } } class NumberOfCopies extends IntegerObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "numberOfCopies", null, (e => e >= 2 && e <= 5)) } } class OpenAction extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "openAction", !0); this.destination = null } } class Output extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "output", !0); = null; this.type = null; this.uri = null } } class OutputBin extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "outputBin") } } class OutputXSL extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "outputXSL", !0); this.uri = null } } class Overprint extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "overprint", ["none", "both", "draw", "field"]) } } class Packets extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "packets") } [sr]() { "*" !== this[er] && (this[er] = this[er].trim().split(/\s+/).filter((e => ["config", "datasets", "template", "xfdf", "xslt"].includes(e)))) } } class PageOffset extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "pageOffset"); this.x = getInteger({ data: e.x, defaultValue: "useXDCSetting", validate: e => !0 }); this.y = getInteger({ data: e.y, defaultValue: "useXDCSetting", validate: e => !0 }) } } class PageRange extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "pageRange") } [sr]() { const e = this[er].trim().split(/\s+/).map((e => parseInt(e, 10))), t = []; for (let i = 0, a = e.length; i < a; i += 2)t.push(e.slice(i, i + 2)); this[er] = t } } class Pagination extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "pagination", ["simplex", "duplexShortEdge", "duplexLongEdge"]) } } class PaginationOverride extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "paginationOverride", ["none", "forceDuplex", "forceDuplexLongEdge", "forceDuplexShortEdge", "forceSimplex"]) } } class Part extends IntegerObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "part", 1, (e => !1)) } } class Pcl extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "pcl", !0); = || ""; this.batchOutput = null; this.fontInfo = null; this.jog = null; this.mediumInfo = null; this.outputBin = null; this.pageOffset = null; this.staple = null; this.xdc = null } } class Pdf extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "pdf", !0); = || ""; this.adobeExtensionLevel = null; this.batchOutput = null; this.compression = null; this.creator = null; this.encryption = null; this.fontInfo = null; this.interactive = null; this.linearized = null; this.openAction = null; this.pdfa = null; this.producer = null; this.renderPolicy = null; this.scriptModel = null; this.silentPrint = null; this.submitFormat = null; this.tagged = null; this.version = null; this.viewerPreferences = null; this.xdc = null } } class Pdfa extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "pdfa", !0); this.amd = null; this.conformance = null; this.includeXDPContent = null; this.part = null } } class Permissions extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "permissions", !0); this.accessibleContent = null; this.change = null; this.contentCopy = null; this.documentAssembly = null; this.formFieldFilling = null; this.modifyAnnots = null; this.plaintextMetadata = null; this.print = null; this.printHighQuality = null } } class PickTrayByPDFSize extends Option01 { constructor(e) { super(qn, "pickTrayByPDFSize") } } class config_Picture extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "picture") } } class PlaintextMetadata extends Option01 { constructor(e) { super(qn, "plaintextMetadata") } } class Presence extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "presence", ["preserve", "dissolve", "dissolveStructure", "ignore", "remove"]) } } class Present extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "present", !0); this.behaviorOverride = null; this.cache = null; this.common = null; this.copies = null; this.destination = null; this.incrementalMerge = null; this.layout = null; this.output = null; this.overprint = null; this.pagination = null; this.paginationOverride = null; this.script = null; this.validate = null; this.xdp = null; this.driver = new XFAObjectArray; this.labelPrinter = new XFAObjectArray; this.pcl = new XFAObjectArray; this.pdf = new XFAObjectArray; = new XFAObjectArray; this.submitUrl = new XFAObjectArray; this.webClient = new XFAObjectArray; this.zpl = new XFAObjectArray } } class Print extends Option01 { constructor(e) { super(qn, "print") } } class PrintHighQuality extends Option01 { constructor(e) { super(qn, "printHighQuality") } } class PrintScaling extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "printScaling", ["appdefault", "noScaling"]) } } class PrinterName extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "printerName") } } class Producer extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "producer") } } class Ps extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "ps", !0); = || ""; this.batchOutput = null; this.fontInfo = null; this.jog = null; this.mediumInfo = null; this.outputBin = null; this.staple = null; this.xdc = null } } class Range extends ContentObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "range") } [sr]() { this[er] = this[er].trim().split(/\s*,\s*/, 2).map((e => e.split("-").map((e => parseInt(e.trim(), 10))))).filter((e => e.every((e => !isNaN(e))))).map((e => { 1 === e.length && e.push(e[0]); return e })) } } class Record extends ContentObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "record") } [sr]() { this[er] = this[er].trim(); const e = parseInt(this[er], 10); !isNaN(e) && e >= 0 && (this[er] = e) } } class Relevant extends ContentObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "relevant") } [sr]() { this[er] = this[er].trim().split(/\s+/) } } class Rename extends ContentObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "rename") } [sr]() { this[er] = this[er].trim(); (this[er].toLowerCase().startsWith("xml") || new RegExp("[\\p{L}_][\\p{L}\\d._\\p{M}-]*", "u").test(this[er])) && warn("XFA - Rename: invalid XFA name") } } class RenderPolicy extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "renderPolicy", ["server", "client"]) } } class RunScripts extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "runScripts", ["both", "client", "none", "server"]) } } class config_Script extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "script", !0); this.currentPage = null; this.exclude = null; this.runScripts = null } } class ScriptModel extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "scriptModel", ["XFA", "none"]) } } class Severity extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "severity", ["ignore", "error", "information", "trace", "warning"]) } } class SilentPrint extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "silentPrint", !0); this.addSilentPrint = null; this.printerName = null } } class Staple extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "staple"); this.mode = getStringOption(e.mode, ["usePrinterSetting", "on", "off"]) } } class StartNode extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "startNode") } } class StartPage extends IntegerObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "startPage", 0, (e => !0)) } } class SubmitFormat extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "submitFormat", ["html", "delegate", "fdf", "xml", "pdf"]) } } class SubmitUrl extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "submitUrl") } } class SubsetBelow extends IntegerObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "subsetBelow", 100, (e => e >= 0 && e <= 100)) } } class SuppressBanner extends Option01 { constructor(e) { super(qn, "suppressBanner") } } class Tagged extends Option01 { constructor(e) { super(qn, "tagged") } } class config_Template extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "template", !0); this.base = null; this.relevant = null; this.startPage = null; this.uri = null; this.xsl = null } } class Threshold extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "threshold", ["trace", "error", "information", "warning"]) } } class To extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "to", ["null", "memory", "stderr", "stdout", "system", "uri"]) } } class TemplateCache extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "templateCache"); this.maxEntries = getInteger({ data: e.maxEntries, defaultValue: 5, validate: e => e >= 0 }) } } class Trace extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "trace", !0); this.area = new XFAObjectArray } } class Transform extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "transform", !0); this.groupParent = null; this.ifEmpty = null; this.nameAttr = null; this.picture = null; this.presence = null; this.rename = null; this.whitespace = null } } class Type extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "type", ["none", "ascii85", "asciiHex", "ccittfax", "flate", "lzw", "runLength", "native", "xdp", "mergedXDP"]) } } class Uri extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "uri") } } class config_Validate extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "validate", ["preSubmit", "prePrint", "preExecute", "preSave"]) } } class ValidateApprovalSignatures extends ContentObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "validateApprovalSignatures") } [sr]() { this[er] = this[er].trim().split(/\s+/).filter((e => ["docReady", "postSign"].includes(e))) } } class ValidationMessaging extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "validationMessaging", ["allMessagesIndividually", "allMessagesTogether", "firstMessageOnly", "noMessages"]) } } class Version extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "version", ["1.7", "1.6", "1.5", "1.4", "1.3", "1.2"]) } } class VersionControl extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "VersionControl"); this.outputBelow = getStringOption(e.outputBelow, ["warn", "error", "update"]); this.sourceAbove = getStringOption(e.sourceAbove, ["warn", "error"]); this.sourceBelow = getStringOption(e.sourceBelow, ["update", "maintain"]) } } class ViewerPreferences extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "viewerPreferences", !0); this.ADBE_JSConsole = null; this.ADBE_JSDebugger = null; this.addViewerPreferences = null; this.duplexOption = null; this.enforce = null; this.numberOfCopies = null; this.pageRange = null; this.pickTrayByPDFSize = null; this.printScaling = null } } class WebClient extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "webClient", !0); = ? : ""; this.fontInfo = null; this.xdc = null } } class Whitespace extends OptionObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "whitespace", ["preserve", "ltrim", "normalize", "rtrim", "trim"]) } } class Window extends ContentObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "window") } [sr]() { const e = this[er].trim().split(/\s*,\s*/, 2).map((e => parseInt(e, 10))); if (e.some((e => isNaN(e)))) this[er] = [0, 0]; else { 1 === e.length && e.push(e[0]); this[er] = e } } } class Xdc extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "xdc", !0); this.uri = new XFAObjectArray; this.xsl = new XFAObjectArray } } class Xdp extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "xdp", !0); this.packets = null } } class Xsl extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "xsl", !0); this.debug = null; this.uri = null } } class Zpl extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(qn, "zpl", !0); = ? : ""; this.batchOutput = null; this.flipLabel = null; this.fontInfo = null; this.xdc = null } } class ConfigNamespace { static [on](e, t) { if (ConfigNamespace.hasOwnProperty(e)) return ConfigNamespace[e](t) } static acrobat(e) { return new Acrobat(e) } static acrobat7(e) { return new Acrobat7(e) } static ADBE_JSConsole(e) { return new ADBE_JSConsole(e) } static ADBE_JSDebugger(e) { return new ADBE_JSDebugger(e) } static addSilentPrint(e) { return new AddSilentPrint(e) } static addViewerPreferences(e) { return new AddViewerPreferences(e) } static adjustData(e) { return new AdjustData(e) } static adobeExtensionLevel(e) { return new AdobeExtensionLevel(e) } static agent(e) { return new Agent(e) } static alwaysEmbed(e) { return new AlwaysEmbed(e) } static amd(e) { return new Amd(e) } static area(e) { return new config_Area(e) } static attributes(e) { return new Attributes(e) } static autoSave(e) { return new AutoSave(e) } static base(e) { return new Base(e) } static batchOutput(e) { return new BatchOutput(e) } static behaviorOverride(e) { return new BehaviorOverride(e) } static cache(e) { return new Cache(e) } static change(e) { return new Change(e) } static common(e) { return new Common(e) } static compress(e) { return new Compress(e) } static compressLogicalStructure(e) { return new CompressLogicalStructure(e) } static compressObjectStream(e) { return new CompressObjectStream(e) } static compression(e) { return new Compression(e) } static config(e) { return new Config(e) } static conformance(e) { return new Conformance(e) } static contentCopy(e) { return new ContentCopy(e) } static copies(e) { return new Copies(e) } static creator(e) { return new Creator(e) } static currentPage(e) { return new CurrentPage(e) } static data(e) { return new Data(e) } static debug(e) { return new Debug(e) } static defaultTypeface(e) { return new DefaultTypeface(e) } static destination(e) { return new Destination(e) } static documentAssembly(e) { return new DocumentAssembly(e) } static driver(e) { return new Driver(e) } static duplexOption(e) { return new DuplexOption(e) } static dynamicRender(e) { return new DynamicRender(e) } static embed(e) { return new Embed(e) } static encrypt(e) { return new config_Encrypt(e) } static encryption(e) { return new config_Encryption(e) } static encryptionLevel(e) { return new EncryptionLevel(e) } static enforce(e) { return new Enforce(e) } static equate(e) { return new Equate(e) } static equateRange(e) { return new EquateRange(e) } static exclude(e) { return new Exclude(e) } static excludeNS(e) { return new ExcludeNS(e) } static flipLabel(e) { return new FlipLabel(e) } static fontInfo(e) { return new config_FontInfo(e) } static formFieldFilling(e) { return new FormFieldFilling(e) } static groupParent(e) { return new GroupParent(e) } static ifEmpty(e) { return new IfEmpty(e) } static includeXDPContent(e) { return new IncludeXDPContent(e) } static incrementalLoad(e) { return new IncrementalLoad(e) } static incrementalMerge(e) { return new IncrementalMerge(e) } static interactive(e) { return new Interactive(e) } static jog(e) { return new Jog(e) } static labelPrinter(e) { return new LabelPrinter(e) } static layout(e) { return new Layout(e) } static level(e) { return new Level(e) } static linearized(e) { return new Linearized(e) } static locale(e) { return new Locale(e) } static localeSet(e) { return new LocaleSet(e) } static log(e) { return new Log(e) } static map(e) { return new MapElement(e) } static mediumInfo(e) { return new MediumInfo(e) } static message(e) { return new config_Message(e) } static messaging(e) { return new Messaging(e) } static mode(e) { return new Mode(e) } static modifyAnnots(e) { return new ModifyAnnots(e) } static msgId(e) { return new MsgId(e) } static nameAttr(e) { return new NameAttr(e) } static neverEmbed(e) { return new NeverEmbed(e) } static numberOfCopies(e) { return new NumberOfCopies(e) } static openAction(e) { return new OpenAction(e) } static output(e) { return new Output(e) } static outputBin(e) { return new OutputBin(e) } static outputXSL(e) { return new OutputXSL(e) } static overprint(e) { return new Overprint(e) } static packets(e) { return new Packets(e) } static pageOffset(e) { return new PageOffset(e) } static pageRange(e) { return new PageRange(e) } static pagination(e) { return new Pagination(e) } static paginationOverride(e) { return new PaginationOverride(e) } static part(e) { return new Part(e) } static pcl(e) { return new Pcl(e) } static pdf(e) { return new Pdf(e) } static pdfa(e) { return new Pdfa(e) } static permissions(e) { return new Permissions(e) } static pickTrayByPDFSize(e) { return new PickTrayByPDFSize(e) } static picture(e) { return new config_Picture(e) } static plaintextMetadata(e) { return new PlaintextMetadata(e) } static presence(e) { return new Presence(e) } static present(e) { return new Present(e) } static print(e) { return new Print(e) } static printHighQuality(e) { return new PrintHighQuality(e) } static printScaling(e) { return new PrintScaling(e) } static printerName(e) { return new PrinterName(e) } static producer(e) { return new Producer(e) } static ps(e) { return new Ps(e) } static range(e) { return new Range(e) } static record(e) { return new Record(e) } static relevant(e) { return new Relevant(e) } static rename(e) { return new Rename(e) } static renderPolicy(e) { return new RenderPolicy(e) } static runScripts(e) { return new RunScripts(e) } static script(e) { return new config_Script(e) } static scriptModel(e) { return new ScriptModel(e) } static severity(e) { return new Severity(e) } static silentPrint(e) { return new SilentPrint(e) } static staple(e) { return new Staple(e) } static startNode(e) { return new StartNode(e) } static startPage(e) { return new StartPage(e) } static submitFormat(e) { return new SubmitFormat(e) } static submitUrl(e) { return new SubmitUrl(e) } static subsetBelow(e) { return new SubsetBelow(e) } static suppressBanner(e) { return new SuppressBanner(e) } static tagged(e) { return new Tagged(e) } static template(e) { return new config_Template(e) } static templateCache(e) { return new TemplateCache(e) } static threshold(e) { return new Threshold(e) } static to(e) { return new To(e) } static trace(e) { return new Trace(e) } static transform(e) { return new Transform(e) } static type(e) { return new Type(e) } static uri(e) { return new Uri(e) } static validate(e) { return new config_Validate(e) } static validateApprovalSignatures(e) { return new ValidateApprovalSignatures(e) } static validationMessaging(e) { return new ValidationMessaging(e) } static version(e) { return new Version(e) } static versionControl(e) { return new VersionControl(e) } static viewerPreferences(e) { return new ViewerPreferences(e) } static webClient(e) { return new WebClient(e) } static whitespace(e) { return new Whitespace(e) } static window(e) { return new Window(e) } static xdc(e) { return new Xdc(e) } static xdp(e) { return new Xdp(e) } static xsl(e) { return new Xsl(e) } static zpl(e) { return new Zpl(e) } } const On =; class ConnectionSet extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(On, "connectionSet", !0); this.wsdlConnection = new XFAObjectArray; this.xmlConnection = new XFAObjectArray; this.xsdConnection = new XFAObjectArray } } class EffectiveInputPolicy extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(On, "effectiveInputPolicy"); = || ""; = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } } class EffectiveOutputPolicy extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(On, "effectiveOutputPolicy"); = || ""; = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } } class Operation extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(On, "operation"); = || ""; this.input = e.input || ""; = || ""; this.output = e.output || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } } class RootElement extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(On, "rootElement"); = || ""; = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } } class SoapAction extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(On, "soapAction"); = || ""; = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } } class SoapAddress extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(On, "soapAddress"); = || ""; = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } } class connection_set_Uri extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(On, "uri"); = || ""; = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } } class WsdlAddress extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(On, "wsdlAddress"); = || ""; = || ""; this.use = e.use || ""; this.usehref = e.usehref || "" } } class WsdlConnection extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(On, "wsdlConnection", !0); this.dataDescription = e.dataDescription || ""; = || ""; this.effectiveInputPolicy = null; this.effectiveOutputPolicy = null; this.operation = null; this.soapAction = null; this.soapAddress = null; this.wsdlAddress = null } } class XmlConnection extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(On, "xmlConnection", !0); this.dataDescription = e.dataDescription || ""; = || ""; this.uri = null } } class XsdConnection extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(On, "xsdConnection", !0); this.dataDescription = e.dataDescription || ""; = || ""; this.rootElement = null; this.uri = null } } class ConnectionSetNamespace { static [on](e, t) { if (ConnectionSetNamespace.hasOwnProperty(e)) return ConnectionSetNamespace[e](t) } static connectionSet(e) { return new ConnectionSet(e) } static effectiveInputPolicy(e) { return new EffectiveInputPolicy(e) } static effectiveOutputPolicy(e) { return new EffectiveOutputPolicy(e) } static operation(e) { return new Operation(e) } static rootElement(e) { return new RootElement(e) } static soapAction(e) { return new SoapAction(e) } static soapAddress(e) { return new SoapAddress(e) } static uri(e) { return new connection_set_Uri(e) } static wsdlAddress(e) { return new WsdlAddress(e) } static wsdlConnection(e) { return new WsdlConnection(e) } static xmlConnection(e) { return new XmlConnection(e) } static xsdConnection(e) { return new XsdConnection(e) } } const Pn =; class datasets_Data extends XmlObject { constructor(e) { super(Pn, "data", e) } [Gr]() { return !0 } } class Datasets extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Pn, "datasets", !0); = null; this.Signature = null } [Kr](e) { const t = e[Yr]; ("data" === t && e[Hr] === Pn || "Signature" === t && e[Hr] === && (this[t] = e); this[js](e) } } class DatasetsNamespace { static [on](e, t) { if (DatasetsNamespace.hasOwnProperty(e)) return DatasetsNamespace[e](t) } static datasets(e) { return new Datasets(e) } static data(e) { return new datasets_Data(e) } } const Wn =; class CalendarSymbols extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Wn, "calendarSymbols", !0); = "gregorian"; this.dayNames = new XFAObjectArray(2); this.eraNames = null; this.meridiemNames = null; this.monthNames = new XFAObjectArray(2) } } class CurrencySymbol extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(Wn, "currencySymbol"); = getStringOption(, ["symbol", "isoname", "decimal"]) } } class CurrencySymbols extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Wn, "currencySymbols", !0); this.currencySymbol = new XFAObjectArray(3) } } class DatePattern extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(Wn, "datePattern"); = getStringOption(, ["full", "long", "med", "short"]) } } class DatePatterns extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Wn, "datePatterns", !0); this.datePattern = new XFAObjectArray(4) } } class DateTimeSymbols extends ContentObject { constructor(e) { super(Wn, "dateTimeSymbols") } } class Day extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(Wn, "day") } } class DayNames extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Wn, "dayNames", !0); this.abbr = getInteger({ data: e.abbr, defaultValue: 0, validate: e => 1 === e }); = new XFAObjectArray(7) } } class Era extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(Wn, "era") } } class EraNames extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Wn, "eraNames", !0); this.era = new XFAObjectArray(2) } } class locale_set_Locale extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Wn, "locale", !0); this.desc = e.desc || ""; = "isoname"; this.calendarSymbols = null; this.currencySymbols = null; this.datePatterns = null; this.dateTimeSymbols = null; this.numberPatterns = null; this.numberSymbols = null; this.timePatterns = null; this.typeFaces = null } } class locale_set_LocaleSet extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Wn, "localeSet", !0); this.locale = new XFAObjectArray } } class Meridiem extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(Wn, "meridiem") } } class MeridiemNames extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Wn, "meridiemNames", !0); this.meridiem = new XFAObjectArray(2) } } class Month extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(Wn, "month") } } class MonthNames extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Wn, "monthNames", !0); this.abbr = getInteger({ data: e.abbr, defaultValue: 0, validate: e => 1 === e }); this.month = new XFAObjectArray(12) } } class NumberPattern extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(Wn, "numberPattern"); = getStringOption(, ["full", "long", "med", "short"]) } } class NumberPatterns extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Wn, "numberPatterns", !0); this.numberPattern = new XFAObjectArray(4) } } class NumberSymbol extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(Wn, "numberSymbol"); = getStringOption(, ["decimal", "grouping", "percent", "minus", "zero"]) } } class NumberSymbols extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Wn, "numberSymbols", !0); this.numberSymbol = new XFAObjectArray(5) } } class TimePattern extends StringObject { constructor(e) { super(Wn, "timePattern"); = getStringOption(, ["full", "long", "med", "short"]) } } class TimePatterns extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Wn, "timePatterns", !0); this.timePattern = new XFAObjectArray(4) } } class TypeFace extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Wn, "typeFace", !0); = "" | } } class TypeFaces extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Wn, "typeFaces", !0); this.typeFace = new XFAObjectArray } } class LocaleSetNamespace { static [on](e, t) { if (LocaleSetNamespace.hasOwnProperty(e)) return LocaleSetNamespace[e](t) } static calendarSymbols(e) { return new CalendarSymbols(e) } static currencySymbol(e) { return new CurrencySymbol(e) } static currencySymbols(e) { return new CurrencySymbols(e) } static datePattern(e) { return new DatePattern(e) } static datePatterns(e) { return new DatePatterns(e) } static dateTimeSymbols(e) { return new DateTimeSymbols(e) } static day(e) { return new Day(e) } static dayNames(e) { return new DayNames(e) } static era(e) { return new Era(e) } static eraNames(e) { return new EraNames(e) } static locale(e) { return new locale_set_Locale(e) } static localeSet(e) { return new locale_set_LocaleSet(e) } static meridiem(e) { return new Meridiem(e) } static meridiemNames(e) { return new MeridiemNames(e) } static month(e) { return new Month(e) } static monthNames(e) { return new MonthNames(e) } static numberPattern(e) { return new NumberPattern(e) } static numberPatterns(e) { return new NumberPatterns(e) } static numberSymbol(e) { return new NumberSymbol(e) } static numberSymbols(e) { return new NumberSymbols(e) } static timePattern(e) { return new TimePattern(e) } static timePatterns(e) { return new TimePatterns(e) } static typeFace(e) { return new TypeFace(e) } static typeFaces(e) { return new TypeFaces(e) } } const Xn =; class signature_Signature extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Xn, "signature", !0) } } class SignatureNamespace { static [on](e, t) { if (SignatureNamespace.hasOwnProperty(e)) return SignatureNamespace[e](t) } static signature(e) { return new signature_Signature(e) } } const jn =; class Stylesheet extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(jn, "stylesheet", !0) } } class StylesheetNamespace { static [on](e, t) { if (StylesheetNamespace.hasOwnProperty(e)) return StylesheetNamespace[e](t) } static stylesheet(e) { return new Stylesheet(e) } } const Zn =; class xdp_Xdp extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(Zn, "xdp", !0); this.uuid = e.uuid || ""; this.timeStamp = e.timeStamp || ""; this.config = null; this.connectionSet = null; this.datasets = null; this.localeSet = null; this.stylesheet = new XFAObjectArray; this.template = null } [Tr](e) { const t = gn[e[Yr]]; return t && e[Hr] === } } class XdpNamespace { static [on](e, t) { if (XdpNamespace.hasOwnProperty(e)) return XdpNamespace[e](t) } static xdp(e) { return new xdp_Xdp(e) } } const Vn =, zn = Symbol(), _n = new Set(["color", "font", "font-family", "font-size", "font-stretch", "font-style", "font-weight", "margin", "margin-bottom", "margin-left", "margin-right", "margin-top", "letter-spacing", "line-height", "orphans", "page-break-after", "page-break-before", "page-break-inside", "tab-interval", "tab-stop", "text-align", "text-decoration", "text-indent", "vertical-align", "widows", "kerning-mode", "xfa-font-horizontal-scale", "xfa-font-vertical-scale", "xfa-spacerun", "xfa-tab-stops"]), $n = new Map([["page-break-after", "breakAfter"], ["page-break-before", "breakBefore"], ["page-break-inside", "breakInside"], ["kerning-mode", e => "none" === e ? "none" : "normal"], ["xfa-font-horizontal-scale", e => `scaleX(${Math.max(0, Math.min(parseInt(e) / 100)).toFixed(2)})`], ["xfa-font-vertical-scale", e => `scaleY(${Math.max(0, Math.min(parseInt(e) / 100)).toFixed(2)})`], ["xfa-spacerun", ""], ["xfa-tab-stops", ""], ["font-size", (e, t) => measureToString(.99 * (e = t.fontSize = getMeasurement(e)))], ["letter-spacing", e => measureToString(getMeasurement(e))], ["line-height", e => measureToString(getMeasurement(e))], ["margin", e => measureToString(getMeasurement(e))], ["margin-bottom", e => measureToString(getMeasurement(e))], ["margin-left", e => measureToString(getMeasurement(e))], ["margin-right", e => measureToString(getMeasurement(e))], ["margin-top", e => measureToString(getMeasurement(e))], ["text-indent", e => measureToString(getMeasurement(e))], ["font-family", e => e], ["vertical-align", e => measureToString(getMeasurement(e))]]), Ao = /\s+/g, eo = /[\r\n]+/g, to = /\r\n?/g; function mapStyle(e, t, i) { const a = Object.create(null); if (!e) return a; const s = Object.create(null); for (const [t, i] of e.split(";").map((e => e.split(":", 2)))) { const e = $n.get(t); if ("" === e) continue; let r = i; e && (r = "string" == typeof e ? e : e(i, s)); t.endsWith("scale") ? a.transform = a.transform ? `${a[t]} ${r}` : r : a[t.replaceAll(/-([a-zA-Z])/g, ((e, t) => t.toUpperCase()))] = r } a.fontFamily && setFontFamily({ typeface: a.fontFamily, weight: a.fontWeight || "normal", posture: a.fontStyle || "normal", size: s.fontSize || 0 }, t, t[yr].fontFinder, a); if (i && a.verticalAlign && "0px" !== a.verticalAlign && a.fontSize) { const e = .583, t = .333, i = getMeasurement(a.fontSize); a.fontSize = measureToString(i * e); a.verticalAlign = measureToString(Math.sign(getMeasurement(a.verticalAlign)) * i * t) } i && a.fontSize && (a.fontSize = `calc(${a.fontSize} * var(--scale-factor))`); fixTextIndent(a); return a } const io = new Set(["body", "html"]); class XhtmlObject extends XmlObject { constructor(e, t) { super(Vn, t); this[zn] = !1; = || "" } [Vs](e) { super[Vs](e); = function checkStyle(e) { return ?\s*;\s*/).filter((e => !!e)).map((e => e.split(/\s*:\s*/, 2))).filter((([t, i]) => { "font-family" === t && e[yr].usedTypefaces.add(i); return _n.has(t) })).map((e => e.join(":"))).join(";") : "" }(this) } [Ws]() { return !io.has(this[Yr]) } [qr](e, t = !1) { if (t) this[zn] = !0; else { e = e.replaceAll(eo, "");"xfa-spacerun:yes") || (e = e.replaceAll(Ao, " ")) } e && (this[er] += e) } [Or](e, t = !0) { const i = Object.create(null), a = { top: NaN, bottom: NaN, left: NaN, right: NaN }; let s = null; for (const [e, t] of";").map((e => e.split(":", 2)))) switch (e) { case "font-family": i.typeface = stripQuotes(t); break; case "font-size": i.size = getMeasurement(t); break; case "font-weight": i.weight = t; break; case "font-style": i.posture = t; break; case "letter-spacing": i.letterSpacing = getMeasurement(t); break; case "margin": const e = t.split(/ \t/).map((e => getMeasurement(e))); switch (e.length) { case 1: = a.bottom = a.left = a.right = e[0]; break; case 2: = a.bottom = e[0]; a.left = a.right = e[1]; break; case 3: = e[0]; a.bottom = e[2]; a.left = a.right = e[1]; break; case 4: = e[0]; a.left = e[1]; a.bottom = e[2]; a.right = e[3] }break; case "margin-top": = getMeasurement(t); break; case "margin-bottom": a.bottom = getMeasurement(t); break; case "margin-left": a.left = getMeasurement(t); break; case "margin-right": a.right = getMeasurement(t); break; case "line-height": s = getMeasurement(t) }e.pushData(i, a, s); if (this[er]) e.addString(this[er]); else for (const t of this[Er]()) "#text" !== t[Yr] ? t[Or](e) : e.addString(t[er]); t && e.popFont() } [an](e) { const t = []; this[ar] = { children: t }; this[Zs]({}); if (0 === t.length && !this[er]) return HTMLResult.EMPTY; let i; i = this[zn] ? this[er] ? this[er].replaceAll(to, "\n") : void 0 : this[er] || void 0; return HTMLResult.success({ name: this[Yr], attributes: { href: this.href, style: mapStyle(, this, this[zn]) }, children: t, value: i }) } } class A extends XhtmlObject { constructor(e) { super(e, "a"); this.href = fixURL(e.href) || "" } } class B extends XhtmlObject { constructor(e) { super(e, "b") } [Or](e) { e.pushFont({ weight: "bold" }); super[Or](e); e.popFont() } } class Body extends XhtmlObject { constructor(e) { super(e, "body") } [an](e) { const t = super[an](e), { html: i } = t; if (!i) return HTMLResult.EMPTY; = "div"; i.attributes.class = ["xfaRich"]; return t } } class Br extends XhtmlObject { constructor(e) { super(e, "br") } [en]() { return "\n" } [Or](e) { e.addString("\n") } [an](e) { return HTMLResult.success({ name: "br" }) } } class Html extends XhtmlObject { constructor(e) { super(e, "html") } [an](e) { const t = []; this[ar] = { children: t }; this[Zs]({}); if (0 === t.length) return HTMLResult.success({ name: "div", attributes: { class: ["xfaRich"], style: {} }, value: this[er] || "" }); if (1 === t.length) { const e = t[0]; if (e.attributes?.class.includes("xfaRich")) return HTMLResult.success(e) } return HTMLResult.success({ name: "div", attributes: { class: ["xfaRich"], style: {} }, children: t }) } } class I extends XhtmlObject { constructor(e) { super(e, "i") } [Or](e) { e.pushFont({ posture: "italic" }); super[Or](e); e.popFont() } } class Li extends XhtmlObject { constructor(e) { super(e, "li") } } class Ol extends XhtmlObject { constructor(e) { super(e, "ol") } } class P extends XhtmlObject { constructor(e) { super(e, "p") } [Or](e) { super[Or](e, !1); e.addString("\n"); e.addPara(); e.popFont() } [en]() { return this[pr]()[Er]().at(-1) === this ? super[en]() : super[en]() + "\n" } } class Span extends XhtmlObject { constructor(e) { super(e, "span") } } class Sub extends XhtmlObject { constructor(e) { super(e, "sub") } } class Sup extends XhtmlObject { constructor(e) { super(e, "sup") } } class Ul extends XhtmlObject { constructor(e) { super(e, "ul") } } class XhtmlNamespace { static [on](e, t) { if (XhtmlNamespace.hasOwnProperty(e)) return XhtmlNamespace[e](t) } static a(e) { return new A(e) } static b(e) { return new B(e) } static body(e) { return new Body(e) } static br(e) { return new Br(e) } static html(e) { return new Html(e) } static i(e) { return new I(e) } static li(e) { return new Li(e) } static ol(e) { return new Ol(e) } static p(e) { return new P(e) } static span(e) { return new Span(e) } static sub(e) { return new Sub(e) } static sup(e) { return new Sup(e) } static ul(e) { return new Ul(e) } } const ao = { config: ConfigNamespace, connection: ConnectionSetNamespace, datasets: DatasetsNamespace, localeSet: LocaleSetNamespace, signature: SignatureNamespace, stylesheet: StylesheetNamespace, template: TemplateNamespace, xdp: XdpNamespace, xhtml: XhtmlNamespace }; class UnknownNamespace { constructor(e) { this.namespaceId = e } [on](e, t) { return new XmlObject(this.namespaceId, e, t) } } class Root extends XFAObject { constructor(e) { super(-1, "root", Object.create(null)); this.element = null; this[br] = e } [Kr](e) { this.element = e; return !0 } [sr]() { super[sr](); if (this.element.template instanceof Template) { this[br].set(jr, this.element); this.element.template[Zr](this[br]); this.element.template[br] = this[br] } } } class Empty extends XFAObject { constructor() { super(-1, "", Object.create(null)) } [Kr](e) { return !1 } } class Builder { constructor(e = null) { this._namespaceStack = []; this._nsAgnosticLevel = 0; this._namespacePrefixes = new Map; this._namespaces = new Map; this._nextNsId = Math.max(...Object.values(gn).map((({ id: e }) => e))); this._currentNamespace = e || new UnknownNamespace(++this._nextNsId) } buildRoot(e) { return new Root(e) } build({ nsPrefix: e, name: t, attributes: i, namespace: a, prefixes: s }) { const r = null !== a; if (r) { this._namespaceStack.push(this._currentNamespace); this._currentNamespace = this._searchNamespace(a) } s && this._addNamespacePrefix(s); if (i.hasOwnProperty(vr)) { const e = ao.datasets, t = i[vr]; let a = null; for (const [i, s] of Object.entries(t)) { if (this._getNamespaceToUse(i) === e) { a = { xfa: s }; break } } a ? i[vr] = a : delete i[vr] } const n = this._getNamespaceToUse(e), o = n?.[on](t, i) || new Empty; o[Gr]() && this._nsAgnosticLevel++; (r || s || o[Gr]()) && (o[_s] = { hasNamespace: r, prefixes: s, nsAgnostic: o[Gr]() }); return o } isNsAgnostic() { return this._nsAgnosticLevel > 0 } _searchNamespace(e) { let t = this._namespaces.get(e); if (t) return t; for (const [i, { check: a }] of Object.entries(gn)) if (a(e)) { t = ao[i]; if (t) { this._namespaces.set(e, t); return t } break } t = new UnknownNamespace(++this._nextNsId); this._namespaces.set(e, t); return t } _addNamespacePrefix(e) { for (const { prefix: t, value: i } of e) { const e = this._searchNamespace(i); let a = this._namespacePrefixes.get(t); if (!a) { a = []; this._namespacePrefixes.set(t, a) } a.push(e) } } _getNamespaceToUse(e) { if (!e) return this._currentNamespace; const t = this._namespacePrefixes.get(e); if (t?.length > 0) return; warn(`Unknown namespace prefix: ${e}.`); return null } clean(e) { const { hasNamespace: t, prefixes: i, nsAgnostic: a } = e; t && (this._currentNamespace = this._namespaceStack.pop()); i && i.forEach((({ prefix: e }) => { this._namespacePrefixes.get(e).pop() })); a && this._nsAgnosticLevel-- } } class XFAParser extends XMLParserBase { constructor(e = null, t = !1) { super(); this._builder = new Builder(e); this._stack = []; this._globalData = { usedTypefaces: new Set }; this._ids = new Map; this._current = this._builder.buildRoot(this._ids); this._errorCode = Rs; this._whiteRegex = /^\s+$/; this._nbsps = /\xa0+/g; this._richText = t } parse(e) { this.parseXml(e); if (this._errorCode === Rs) { this._current[sr](); return this._current.element } } onText(e) { e = e.replace(this._nbsps, (e => e.slice(1) + " ")); this._richText || this._current[Ws]() ? this._current[qr](e, this._richText) : this._whiteRegex.test(e) || this._current[qr](e.trim()) } onCdata(e) { this._current[qr](e) } _mkAttributes(e, t) { let i = null, a = null; const s = Object.create({}); for (const { name: r, value: n } of e) if ("xmlns" === r) i ? warn(`XFA - multiple namespace definition in <${t}>`) : i = n; else if (r.startsWith("xmlns:")) { const e = r.substring(6); a || (a = []); a.push({ prefix: e, value: n }) } else { const e = r.indexOf(":"); if (-1 === e) s[r] = n; else { let t = s[vr]; t || (t = s[vr] = Object.create(null)); const [i, a] = [r.slice(0, e), r.slice(e + 1)]; (t[i] ||= Object.create(null))[a] = n } } return [i, a, s] } _getNameAndPrefix(e, t) { const i = e.indexOf(":"); return -1 === i ? [e, null] : [e.substring(i + 1), t ? "" : e.substring(0, i)] } onBeginElement(e, t, i) { const [a, s, r] = this._mkAttributes(t, e), [n, o] = this._getNameAndPrefix(e, this._builder.isNsAgnostic()), g ={ nsPrefix: o, name: n, attributes: r, namespace: a, prefixes: s }); g[yr] = this._globalData; if (i) { g[sr](); this._current[Kr](g) && g[zr](this._ids); g[Vs](this._builder) } else { this._stack.push(this._current); this._current = g } } onEndElement(e) { const t = this._current; if (t[Sr]() && "string" == typeof t[er]) { const e = new XFAParser; e._globalData = this._globalData; const i = e.parse(t[er]); t[er] = null; t[Kr](i) } t[sr](); this._current = this._stack.pop(); this._current[Kr](t) && t[zr](this._ids); t[Vs](this._builder) } onError(e) { this._errorCode = e } } class XFAFactory { constructor(e) { try { this.root = (new XFAParser).parse(XFAFactory._createDocument(e)); const t = new Binder(this.root); this.form = t.bind(); this.dataHandler = new DataHandler(this.root, t.getData()); this.form[yr].template = this.form } catch (e) { warn(`XFA - an error occurred during parsing and binding: ${e}`) } } isValid() { return this.root && this.form } _createPagesHelper() { const e = this.form[tn](); return new Promise(((t, i) => { const nextIteration = () => { try { const i =; i.done ? t(i.value) : setTimeout(nextIteration, 0) } catch (e) { i(e) } }; setTimeout(nextIteration, 0) })) } async _createPages() { try { this.pages = await this._createPagesHelper(); this.dims = => { const { width: t, height: i } =; return [0, 0, parseInt(t), parseInt(i)] })) } catch (e) { warn(`XFA - an error occurred during layout: ${e}`) } } getBoundingBox(e) { return this.dims[e] } async getNumPages() { this.pages || await this._createPages(); return this.dims.length } setImages(e) { this.form[yr].images = e } setFonts(e) { this.form[yr].fontFinder = new FontFinder(e); const t = []; for (let e of this.form[yr].usedTypefaces) { e = stripQuotes(e); this.form[yr].fontFinder.find(e) || t.push(e) } return t.length > 0 ? t : null } appendFonts(e, t) { this.form[yr].fontFinder.add(e, t) } async getPages() { this.pages || await this._createPages(); const e = this.pages; this.pages = null; return e } serializeData(e) { return this.dataHandler.serialize(e) } static _createDocument(e) { return e["/xdp:xdp"] ? Object.values(e).join("") : e["xdp:xdp"] } static getRichTextAsHtml(e) { if (!e || "string" != typeof e) return null; try { let t = new XFAParser(XhtmlNamespace, !0).parse(e); if (!["body", "xhtml"].includes(t[Yr])) { const e = XhtmlNamespace.body({}); e[js](t); t = e } const i = t[an](); if (!i.success) return null; const { html: a } = i, { attributes: s } = a; if (s) { s.class && (s.class = s.class.filter((e => !e.startsWith("xfa")))); s.dir = "auto" } return { html: a, str: t[en]() } } catch (e) { warn(`XFA - an error occurred during parsing of rich text: ${e}`) } return null } } class AnnotationFactory { static createGlobals(e) { return Promise.all([e.ensureCatalog("acroForm"), e.ensureDoc("xfaDatasets"), e.ensureCatalog("structTreeRoot"), e.ensureCatalog("baseUrl"), e.ensureCatalog("attachments")]).then((([t, i, a, s, r]) => ({ pdfManager: e, acroForm: t instanceof Dict ? t : Dict.empty, xfaDatasets: i, structTreeRoot: a, baseUrl: s, attachments: r })), (e => { warn(`createGlobals: "${e}".`); return null })) } static async create(e, t, i, a, s, r) { const n = s ? await this._getPageIndex(e, t, i.pdfManager) : null; return i.pdfManager.ensure(this, "_create", [e, t, i, a, s, n, r]) } static _create(e, t, i, a, s = !1, r = null, n = null) { const o = e.fetchIfRef(t); if (!(o instanceof Dict)) return; const { acroForm: g, pdfManager: c } = i, h = t instanceof Ref ? t.toString() : `annot_${a.createObjId()}`; let l = o.get("Subtype"); l = l instanceof Name ? : null; const C = { xref: e, ref: t, dict: o, subtype: l, id: h, annotationGlobals: i, collectFields: s, needAppearances: !s && !0 === g.get("NeedAppearances"), pageIndex: r, evaluatorOptions: c.evaluatorOptions, pageRef: n }; switch (l) { case "Link": return new LinkAnnotation(C); case "Text": return new TextAnnotation(C); case "Widget": let e = getInheritableProperty({ dict: o, key: "FT" }); e = e instanceof Name ? : null; switch (e) { case "Tx": return new TextWidgetAnnotation(C); case "Btn": return new ButtonWidgetAnnotation(C); case "Ch": return new ChoiceWidgetAnnotation(C); case "Sig": return new SignatureWidgetAnnotation(C) }warn(`Unimplemented widget field type "${e}", falling back to base field type.`); return new WidgetAnnotation(C); case "Popup": return new PopupAnnotation(C); case "FreeText": return new FreeTextAnnotation(C); case "Line": return new LineAnnotation(C); case "Square": return new SquareAnnotation(C); case "Circle": return new CircleAnnotation(C); case "PolyLine": return new PolylineAnnotation(C); case "Polygon": return new PolygonAnnotation(C); case "Caret": return new CaretAnnotation(C); case "Ink": return new InkAnnotation(C); case "Highlight": return new HighlightAnnotation(C); case "Underline": return new UnderlineAnnotation(C); case "Squiggly": return new SquigglyAnnotation(C); case "StrikeOut": return new StrikeOutAnnotation(C); case "Stamp": return new StampAnnotation(C); case "FileAttachment": return new FileAttachmentAnnotation(C); default: s || warn(l ? `Unimplemented annotation type "${l}", falling back to base annotation.` : "Annotation is missing the required /Subtype."); return new Annotation(C) } } static async _getPageIndex(e, t, i) { try { const a = await e.fetchIfRefAsync(t); if (!(a instanceof Dict)) return -1; const s = a.getRaw("P"); if (s instanceof Ref) try { return await i.ensureCatalog("getPageIndex", [s]) } catch (e) { info(`_getPageIndex -- not a valid page reference: "${e}".`) } if (a.has("Kids")) return -1; const r = await i.ensureDoc("numPages"); for (let e = 0; e < r; e++) { const a = await i.getPage(e), s = await i.ensure(a, "annotations"); for (const i of s) if (i instanceof Ref && isRefsEqual(i, t)) return e } } catch (e) { warn(`_getPageIndex: "${e}".`) } return -1 } static generateImages(e, t, i) { if (!i) { warn("generateImages: OffscreenCanvas is not supported, cannot save or print some annotations with images."); return null } let a; for (const { bitmapId: i, bitmap: s } of e) if (s) { a ||= new Map; a.set(i, StampAnnotation.createImage(s, t)) } return a } static async saveNewAnnotations(e, t, i, a) { const s = e.xref; let r; const n = [], o = [], { isOffscreenCanvasSupported: g } = e.options; for (const c of i) if (!c.deleted) switch (c.annotationType) { case u: if (!r) { const e = new Dict(s); e.set("BaseFont", Name.get("Helvetica")); e.set("Type", Name.get("Font")); e.set("Subtype", Name.get("Type1")); e.set("Encoding", Name.get("WinAnsiEncoding")); const t = []; r = s.getNewTemporaryRef(); await writeObject(r, e, t, s); n.push({ ref: r, data: t.join("") }) } o.push(FreeTextAnnotation.createNewAnnotation(s, c, n, { evaluator: e, task: t, baseFontRef: r })); break; case d: c.quadPoints ? o.push(HighlightAnnotation.createNewAnnotation(s, c, n)) : o.push(InkAnnotation.createNewAnnotation(s, c, n)); break; case p: o.push(InkAnnotation.createNewAnnotation(s, c, n)); break; case f: if (!g) break; const i = await a.get(c.bitmapId); if (i.imageStream) { const { imageStream: e, smaskStream: t } = i, a = []; if (t) { const i = s.getNewTemporaryRef(); await writeObject(i, t, a, s); n.push({ ref: i, data: a.join("") }); e.dict.set("SMask", i); a.length = 0 } const r = i.imageRef = s.getNewTemporaryRef(); await writeObject(r, e, a, s); n.push({ ref: r, data: a.join("") }); i.imageStream = i.smaskStream = null } o.push(StampAnnotation.createNewAnnotation(s, c, n, { image: i })) }return { annotations: await Promise.all(o), dependencies: n } } static async printNewAnnotations(e, t, i, a, s) { if (!a) return null; const { options: r, xref: n } = t, o = []; for (const g of a) if (!g.deleted) switch (g.annotationType) { case u: o.push(FreeTextAnnotation.createNewPrintAnnotation(e, n, g, { evaluator: t, task: i, evaluatorOptions: r })); break; case d: g.quadPoints ? o.push(HighlightAnnotation.createNewPrintAnnotation(e, n, g, { evaluatorOptions: r })) : o.push(InkAnnotation.createNewPrintAnnotation(e, n, g, { evaluatorOptions: r })); break; case p: o.push(InkAnnotation.createNewPrintAnnotation(e, n, g, { evaluatorOptions: r })); break; case f: if (!r.isOffscreenCanvasSupported) break; const a = await s.get(g.bitmapId); if (a.imageStream) { const { imageStream: e, smaskStream: t } = a; t && e.dict.set("SMask", t); a.imageRef = new JpegStream(e, e.length); a.imageStream = a.smaskStream = null } o.push(StampAnnotation.createNewPrintAnnotation(e, n, g, { image: a, evaluatorOptions: r })) }return Promise.all(o) } } function getRgbColor(e, t = new Uint8ClampedArray(3)) { if (!Array.isArray(e)) return t; const i = t || new Uint8ClampedArray(3); switch (e.length) { case 0: return null; case 1: ColorSpace.singletons.gray.getRgbItem(e, 0, i, 0); return i; case 3: ColorSpace.singletons.rgb.getRgbItem(e, 0, i, 0); return i; case 4: ColorSpace.singletons.cmyk.getRgbItem(e, 0, i, 0); return i; default: return t } } function getPdfColorArray(e) { return Array.from(e, (e => e / 255)) } function getQuadPoints(e, t) { const i = e.getArray("QuadPoints"); if (!isNumberArray(i, null) || 0 === i.length || i.length % 8 > 0) return null; const a = []; for (let e = 0, s = i.length / 8; e < s; e++) { let s = 1 / 0, r = -1 / 0, n = 1 / 0, o = -1 / 0; for (let t = 8 * e, a = 8 * e + 8; t < a; t += 2) { const e = i[t], a = i[t + 1]; s = Math.min(e, s); r = Math.max(e, r); n = Math.min(a, n); o = Math.max(a, o) } if (null !== t && (s < t[0] || r > t[2] || n < t[1] || o > t[3])) return null; a.push([{ x: s, y: o }, { x: r, y: o }, { x: s, y: n }, { x: r, y: n }]) } return a } function getTransformMatrix(e, t, i) { const [a, s, r, n] = Util.getAxialAlignedBoundingBox(t, i); if (a === r || s === n) return [1, 0, 0, 1, e[0], e[1]]; const o = (e[2] - e[0]) / (r - a), g = (e[3] - e[1]) / (n - s); return [o, 0, 0, g, e[0] - a * o, e[1] - s * g] } class Annotation { constructor(e) { const { dict: t, xref: i, annotationGlobals: a } = e; this.setTitle(t.get("T")); this.setContents(t.get("Contents")); this.setModificationDate(t.get("M")); this.setFlags(t.get("F")); this.setRectangle(t.getArray("Rect")); this.setColor(t.getArray("C")); this.setBorderStyle(t); this.setAppearance(t); this.setOptionalContent(t); const s = t.get("MK"); this.setBorderAndBackgroundColors(s); this.setRotation(s, t); this.ref = e.ref instanceof Ref ? e.ref : null; this._streams = []; this.appearance && this._streams.push(this.appearance); const r = !!(this.flags & AA), n = !!(this.flags & eA); if (a.structTreeRoot) { let i = t.get("StructParent"); i = Number.isInteger(i) && i >= 0 ? i : -1; a.structTreeRoot.addAnnotationIdToPage(e.pageRef, i) } = { annotationFlags: this.flags, borderStyle: this.borderStyle, color: this.color, backgroundColor: this.backgroundColor, borderColor: this.borderColor, rotation: this.rotation, contentsObj: this._contents, hasAppearance: !!this.appearance, id:, modificationDate: this.modificationDate, rect: this.rectangle, subtype: e.subtype, hasOwnCanvas: !1, noRotate: !!(this.flags & _), noHTML: r && n }; if (e.collectFields) { const a = t.get("Kids"); if (Array.isArray(a)) { const e = []; for (const t of a) t instanceof Ref && e.push(t.toString()); 0 !== e.length && ( = e) } = collectActions(i, t, uA); = this._constructFieldName(t); = e.pageIndex } this._isOffscreenCanvasSupported = e.evaluatorOptions.isOffscreenCanvasSupported; this._fallbackFontDict = null; this._needAppearances = !1 } _hasFlag(e, t) { return !!(e & t) } _isViewable(e) { return !this._hasFlag(e, Z) && !this._hasFlag(e, $) } _isPrintable(e) { return this._hasFlag(e, z) && !this._hasFlag(e, V) && !this._hasFlag(e, Z) } mustBeViewed(e, t) { const i = e?.get(; return void 0 !== i ? !i : this.viewable && !this._hasFlag(this.flags, V) } mustBePrinted(e) { const t = e?.get(; return void 0 !== t ? !t : this.printable } get viewable() { return null !== && (0 === this.flags || this._isViewable(this.flags)) } get printable() { return null !== && (0 !== this.flags && this._isPrintable(this.flags)) } _parseStringHelper(e) { const t = "string" == typeof e ? stringToPDFString(e) : ""; return { str: t, dir: t && "rtl" === bidi(t).dir ? "rtl" : "ltr" } } setDefaultAppearance(e) { const { dict: t, annotationGlobals: i } = e, a = getInheritableProperty({ dict: t, key: "DA" }) || i.acroForm.get("DA"); this._defaultAppearance = "string" == typeof a ? a : ""; = parseDefaultAppearance(this._defaultAppearance) } setTitle(e) { this._title = this._parseStringHelper(e) } setContents(e) { this._contents = this._parseStringHelper(e) } setModificationDate(e) { this.modificationDate = "string" == typeof e ? e : null } setFlags(e) { this.flags = Number.isInteger(e) && e > 0 ? e : 0; this.flags & Z && "Annotation" !== && (this.flags ^= Z) } hasFlag(e) { return this._hasFlag(this.flags, e) } setRectangle(e) { this.rectangle = lookupNormalRect(e, [0, 0, 0, 0]) } setColor(e) { this.color = getRgbColor(e) } setLineEndings(e) { this.lineEndings = ["None", "None"]; if (Array.isArray(e) && 2 === e.length) for (let t = 0; t < 2; t++) { const i = e[t]; if (i instanceof Name) switch ( { case "None": continue; case "Square": case "Circle": case "Diamond": case "OpenArrow": case "ClosedArrow": case "Butt": case "ROpenArrow": case "RClosedArrow": case "Slash": this.lineEndings[t] =; continue }warn(`Ignoring invalid lineEnding: ${i}`) } } setRotation(e, t) { this.rotation = 0; let i = e instanceof Dict ? e.get("R") || 0 : t.get("Rotate") || 0; if (Number.isInteger(i) && 0 !== i) { i %= 360; i < 0 && (i += 360); i % 90 == 0 && (this.rotation = i) } } setBorderAndBackgroundColors(e) { if (e instanceof Dict) { this.borderColor = getRgbColor(e.getArray("BC"), null); this.backgroundColor = getRgbColor(e.getArray("BG"), null) } else this.borderColor = this.backgroundColor = null } setBorderStyle(e) { this.borderStyle = new AnnotationBorderStyle; if (e instanceof Dict) if (e.has("BS")) { const t = e.get("BS"); if (t instanceof Dict) { const e = t.get("Type"); if (!e || isName(e, "Border")) { this.borderStyle.setWidth(t.get("W"), this.rectangle); this.borderStyle.setStyle(t.get("S")); this.borderStyle.setDashArray(t.getArray("D")) } } } else if (e.has("Border")) { const t = e.getArray("Border"); if (Array.isArray(t) && t.length >= 3) { this.borderStyle.setHorizontalCornerRadius(t[0]); this.borderStyle.setVerticalCornerRadius(t[1]); this.borderStyle.setWidth(t[2], this.rectangle); 4 === t.length && this.borderStyle.setDashArray(t[3], !0) } } else this.borderStyle.setWidth(0) } setAppearance(e) { this.appearance = null; const t = e.get("AP"); if (!(t instanceof Dict)) return; const i = t.get("N"); if (i instanceof BaseStream) { this.appearance = i; return } if (!(i instanceof Dict)) return; const a = e.get("AS"); if (!(a instanceof Name && i.has( return; const s = i.get(; s instanceof BaseStream && (this.appearance = s) } setOptionalContent(e) { this.oc = null; const t = e.get("OC"); t instanceof Name ? warn("setOptionalContent: Support for /Name-entry is not implemented.") : t instanceof Dict && (this.oc = t) } loadResources(e, t) { return t.dict.getAsync("Resources").then((t => { if (!t) return; return new ObjectLoader(t, e, t.xref).load().then((function () { return t })) })) } async getOperatorList(e, t, a, s, r) { const { hasOwnCanvas: n, id: o, rect: c } =; let h = this.appearance; const l = !!(n && a & g); if (l && (c[0] === c[2] || c[1] === c[3])) { = !1; return { opList: new OperatorList, separateForm: !1, separateCanvas: !1 } } if (!h) { if (!l) return { opList: new OperatorList, separateForm: !1, separateCanvas: !1 }; h = new StringStream(""); h.dict = new Dict } const C = h.dict, Q = await this.loadResources(["ExtGState", "ColorSpace", "Pattern", "Shading", "XObject", "Font"], h), E = lookupRect(C.getArray("BBox"), [0, 0, 1, 1]), u = lookupMatrix(C.getArray("Matrix"), i), d = getTransformMatrix(c, E, u), f = new OperatorList; let p; this.oc && (p = await e.parseMarkedContentProps(this.oc, null)); void 0 !== p && f.addOp(He, ["OC", p]); f.addOp(We, [o, c, d, u, l]); await e.getOperatorList({ stream: h, task: t, resources: Q, operatorList: f, fallbackFontDict: this._fallbackFontDict }); f.addOp(Xe, []); void 0 !== p && f.addOp(Ye, []); this.reset(); return { opList: f, separateForm: !1, separateCanvas: l } } async save(e, t, i) { return null } get hasTextContent() { return !1 } async extractTextContent(e, t, i) { if (!this.appearance) return; const a = await this.loadResources(["ExtGState", "Font", "Properties", "XObject"], this.appearance), s = [], r = []; let n = null; const o = { desiredSize: Math.Infinity, ready: !0, enqueue(e, t) { for (const t of e.items) if (void 0 !== t.str) { n ||= t.transform.slice(-2); r.push(t.str); if (t.hasEOL) { s.push(r.join("").trimEnd()); r.length = 0 } } } }; await e.getTextContent({ stream: this.appearance, task: t, resources: a, includeMarkedContent: !0, keepWhiteSpace: !0, sink: o, viewBox: i }); this.reset(); r.length && s.push(r.join("").trimEnd()); if (s.length > 1 || s[0]) { const e = this.appearance.dict, t = lookupRect(e.getArray("BBox"), null), i = lookupMatrix(e.getArray("Matrix"), null); = this._transformPoint(n, t, i); = s } } _transformPoint(e, t, i) { const { rect: a } =; t ||= [0, 0, 1, 1]; i ||= [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]; const s = getTransformMatrix(a, t, i); s[4] -= a[0]; s[5] -= a[1]; e = Util.applyTransform(e, s); return Util.applyTransform(e, i) } getFieldObject() { return ? { id:, actions:, name:, strokeColor:, fillColor:, type: "", kidIds:, page:, rotation: this.rotation } : null } reset() { for (const e of this._streams) e.reset() } _constructFieldName(e) { if (!e.has("T") && !e.has("Parent")) { warn("Unknown field name, falling back to empty field name."); return "" } if (!e.has("Parent")) return stringToPDFString(e.get("T")); const t = []; e.has("T") && t.unshift(stringToPDFString(e.get("T"))); let i = e; const a = new RefSet; e.objId && a.put(e.objId); for (; i.has("Parent");) { i = i.get("Parent"); if (!(i instanceof Dict) || i.objId && a.has(i.objId)) break; i.objId && a.put(i.objId); i.has("T") && t.unshift(stringToPDFString(i.get("T"))) } return t.join(".") } } class AnnotationBorderStyle { constructor() { this.width = 1; = lA; this.dashArray = [3]; this.horizontalCornerRadius = 0; this.verticalCornerRadius = 0 } setWidth(e, t = [0, 0, 0, 0]) { if (e instanceof Name) this.width = 0; else if ("number" == typeof e) { if (e > 0) { const i = (t[2] - t[0]) / 2, a = (t[3] - t[1]) / 2; if (i > 0 && a > 0 && (e > i || e > a)) { warn(`AnnotationBorderStyle.setWidth - ignoring width: ${e}`); e = 1 } } this.width = e } } setStyle(e) { if (e instanceof Name) switch ( { case "S": = lA; break; case "D": = CA; break; case "B": = BA; break; case "I": = QA; break; case "U": = EA } } setDashArray(e, t = !1) { if (Array.isArray(e)) { let i = !0, a = !0; for (const t of e) { if (!(+t >= 0)) { i = !1; break } t > 0 && (a = !1) } if (0 === e.length || i && !a) { this.dashArray = e; t && this.setStyle(Name.get("D")) } else this.width = 0 } else e && (this.width = 0) } setHorizontalCornerRadius(e) { Number.isInteger(e) && (this.horizontalCornerRadius = e) } setVerticalCornerRadius(e) { Number.isInteger(e) && (this.verticalCornerRadius = e) } } class MarkupAnnotation extends Annotation { constructor(e) { super(e); const { dict: t } = e; if (t.has("IRT")) { const e = t.getRaw("IRT"); = e instanceof Ref ? e.toString() : null; const i = t.get("RT"); = i instanceof Name ? : j } let i = null; if ( === X) { const e = t.get("IRT"); this.setTitle(e.get("T")); = this._title; this.setContents(e.get("Contents")); = this._contents; if (e.has("CreationDate")) { this.setCreationDate(e.get("CreationDate")); = this.creationDate } else = null; if (e.has("M")) { this.setModificationDate(e.get("M")); = this.modificationDate } else = null; i = e.getRaw("Popup"); if (e.has("C")) { this.setColor(e.getArray("C")); = this.color } else = null } else { = this._title; this.setCreationDate(t.get("CreationDate")); = this.creationDate; i = t.getRaw("Popup"); t.has("C") || ( = null) } = i instanceof Ref ? i.toString() : null; t.has("RC") && ( = XFAFactory.getRichTextAsHtml(t.get("RC"))) } setCreationDate(e) { this.creationDate = "string" == typeof e ? e : null } _setDefaultAppearance({ xref: e, extra: t, strokeColor: i, fillColor: a, blendMode: s, strokeAlpha: r, fillAlpha: n, pointsCallback: o }) { let g = Number.MAX_VALUE, c = Number.MAX_VALUE, h = Number.MIN_VALUE, l = Number.MIN_VALUE; const C = ["q"]; t && C.push(t); i && C.push(`${i[0]} ${i[1]} ${i[2]} RG`); a && C.push(`${a[0]} ${a[1]} ${a[2]} rg`); let Q =; Q || (Q = [[{ x: this.rectangle[0], y: this.rectangle[3] }, { x: this.rectangle[2], y: this.rectangle[3] }, { x: this.rectangle[0], y: this.rectangle[1] }, { x: this.rectangle[2], y: this.rectangle[1] }]]); for (const e of Q) { const [t, i, a, s] = o(C, e); g = Math.min(g, t); h = Math.max(h, i); c = Math.min(c, a); l = Math.max(l, s) } C.push("Q"); const E = new Dict(e), u = new Dict(e); u.set("Subtype", Name.get("Form")); const d = new StringStream(C.join(" ")); d.dict = u; E.set("Fm0", d); const f = new Dict(e); s && f.set("BM", Name.get(s)); "number" == typeof r && f.set("CA", r); "number" == typeof n && f.set("ca", n); const p = new Dict(e); p.set("GS0", f); const m = new Dict(e); m.set("ExtGState", p); m.set("XObject", E); const y = new Dict(e); y.set("Resources", m); const w = = [g, c, h, l]; y.set("BBox", w); this.appearance = new StringStream("/GS0 gs /Fm0 Do"); this.appearance.dict = y; this._streams.push(this.appearance, d) } static async createNewAnnotation(e, t, i, a) { const s = t.ref ||= e.getNewTemporaryRef(), r = await this.createNewAppearanceStream(t, e, a), n = []; let o; if (r) { const a = e.getNewTemporaryRef(); o = this.createNewDict(t, e, { apRef: a }); await writeObject(a, r, n, e); i.push({ ref: a, data: n.join("") }) } else o = this.createNewDict(t, e, {}); Number.isInteger(t.parentTreeId) && o.set("StructParent", t.parentTreeId); n.length = 0; await writeObject(s, o, n, e); return { ref: s, data: n.join("") } } static async createNewPrintAnnotation(e, t, i, a) { const s = await this.createNewAppearanceStream(i, t, a), r = this.createNewDict(i, t, { ap: s }), n = new this.prototype.constructor({ dict: r, xref: t, annotationGlobals: e, evaluatorOptions: a.evaluatorOptions }); i.ref && (n.ref = n.refToReplace = i.ref); return n } } class WidgetAnnotation extends Annotation { constructor(e) { super(e); const { dict: t, xref: i, annotationGlobals: a } = e, s =; this._needAppearances = e.needAppearances; s.annotationType = W; void 0 === s.fieldName && (s.fieldName = this._constructFieldName(t)); void 0 === s.actions && (s.actions = collectActions(i, t, uA)); let r = getInheritableProperty({ dict: t, key: "V", getArray: !0 }); s.fieldValue = this._decodeFormValue(r); const n = getInheritableProperty({ dict: t, key: "DV", getArray: !0 }); s.defaultFieldValue = this._decodeFormValue(n); if (void 0 === r && a.xfaDatasets) { const e = this._title.str; if (e) { this._hasValueFromXFA = !0; s.fieldValue = r = a.xfaDatasets.getValue(e) } } void 0 === r && null !== s.defaultFieldValue && (s.fieldValue = s.defaultFieldValue); s.alternativeText = stringToPDFString(t.get("TU") || ""); this.setDefaultAppearance(e); s.hasAppearance ||= this._needAppearances && void 0 !== s.fieldValue && null !== s.fieldValue; const o = getInheritableProperty({ dict: t, key: "FT" }); s.fieldType = o instanceof Name ? : null; const g = getInheritableProperty({ dict: t, key: "DR" }), c = a.acroForm.get("DR"), h = this.appearance?.dict.get("Resources"); this._fieldResources = { localResources: g, acroFormResources: c, appearanceResources: h, mergedResources: Dict.merge({ xref: i, dictArray: [g, h, c], mergeSubDicts: !0 }) }; s.fieldFlags = getInheritableProperty({ dict: t, key: "Ff" }); (!Number.isInteger(s.fieldFlags) || s.fieldFlags < 0) && (s.fieldFlags = 0); s.readOnly = this.hasFieldFlag(tA); s.required = this.hasFieldFlag(iA); s.hidden = this._hasFlag(s.annotationFlags, V) || this._hasFlag(s.annotationFlags, $) } _decodeFormValue(e) { return Array.isArray(e) ? e.filter((e => "string" == typeof e)).map((e => stringToPDFString(e))) : e instanceof Name ? stringToPDFString( : "string" == typeof e ? stringToPDFString(e) : null } hasFieldFlag(e) { return !!( & e) } _isViewable(e) { return !0 } mustBeViewed(e, t) { return t ? this.viewable : super.mustBeViewed(e, t) && !this._hasFlag(this.flags, $) } getRotationMatrix(e) { let t = e?.get(; void 0 === t && (t = this.rotation); if (0 === t) return i; return getRotationMatrix(t,[2] -[0],[3] -[1]) } getBorderAndBackgroundAppearances(e) { let t = e?.get(; void 0 === t && (t = this.rotation); if (!this.backgroundColor && !this.borderColor) return ""; const i =[2] -[0], a =[3] -[1], s = 0 === t || 180 === t ? `0 0 ${i} ${a} re` : `0 0 ${a} ${i} re`; let r = ""; this.backgroundColor && (r = `${getPdfColor(this.backgroundColor, !0)} ${s} f `); if (this.borderColor) { r += `${this.borderStyle.width || 1} w ${getPdfColor(this.borderColor, !1)} ${s} S ` } return r } async getOperatorList(e, t, i, a, s) { if (a && !(this instanceof SignatureWidgetAnnotation) && ! && ! return { opList: new OperatorList, separateForm: !0, separateCanvas: !1 }; if (!this._hasText) return super.getOperatorList(e, t, i, a, s); const r = await this._getAppearance(e, t, i, s); if (this.appearance && null === r) return super.getOperatorList(e, t, i, a, s); const n = new OperatorList; if (!this._defaultAppearance || null === r) return { opList: n, separateForm: !1, separateCanvas: !1 }; const o = !!( && i & g), c = [0, 0,[2] -[0],[3] -[1]], h = getTransformMatrix(, c, [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]); let l; this.oc && (l = await e.parseMarkedContentProps(this.oc, null)); void 0 !== l && n.addOp(He, ["OC", l]); n.addOp(We, [,, h, this.getRotationMatrix(s), o]); const C = new StringStream(r); await e.getOperatorList({ stream: C, task: t, resources: this._fieldResources.mergedResources, operatorList: n }); n.addOp(Xe, []); void 0 !== l && n.addOp(Ye, []); return { opList: n, separateForm: !1, separateCanvas: o } } _getMKDict(e) { const t = new Dict(null); e && t.set("R", e); this.borderColor && t.set("BC", getPdfColorArray(this.borderColor)); this.backgroundColor && t.set("BG", getPdfColorArray(this.backgroundColor)); return t.size > 0 ? t : null } amendSavedDict(e, t) { } async save(e, t, a) { const s = a?.get(; let r = s?.value, n = s?.rotation; if (r === || void 0 === r) { if (!this._hasValueFromXFA && void 0 === n) return null; r ||= } if (void 0 === n && !this._hasValueFromXFA && Array.isArray(r) && Array.isArray( && r.length === && r.every(((e, t) => e ===[t]))) return null; void 0 === n && (n = this.rotation); let o = null; if (!this._needAppearances) { o = await this._getAppearance(e, t, h, a); if (null === o) return null } let g = !1; if (o?.needAppearances) { g = !0; o = null } const { xref: c } = e, l = c.fetchIfRef(this.ref); if (!(l instanceof Dict)) return null; const C = new Dict(c); for (const e of l.getKeys()) "AP" !== e && C.set(e, l.getRaw(e)); const Q = { path:, value: r }, encoder = e => isAscii(e) ? e : stringToUTF16String(e, !0); C.set("V", Array.isArray(r) ? : encoder(r)); this.amendSavedDict(a, C); const E = this._getMKDict(n); E && C.set("MK", E); const u = [], d = [{ ref: this.ref, data: "", xfa: Q, needAppearances: g }]; if (null !== o) { const e = c.getNewTemporaryRef(), t = new Dict(c); C.set("AP", t); t.set("N", e); const s = this._getSaveFieldResources(c), r = new StringStream(o), n = r.dict = new Dict(c); n.set("Subtype", Name.get("Form")); n.set("Resources", s); n.set("BBox", [0, 0,[2] -[0],[3] -[1]]); const g = this.getRotationMatrix(a); g !== i && n.set("Matrix", g); await writeObject(e, r, u, c); d.push({ ref: e, data: u.join(""), xfa: null, needAppearances: !1 }); u.length = 0 } C.set("M", `D:${getModificationDate()}`); await writeObject(this.ref, C, u, c); d[0].data = u.join(""); return d } async _getAppearance(e, t, i, a) { if (this.hasFieldFlag(sA)) return null; const s = a?.get(; let r, o; if (s) { r = s.formattedValue || s.value; o = s.rotation } if (void 0 === o && void 0 === r && !this._needAppearances && (!this._hasValueFromXFA || this.appearance)) return null; const g = this.getBorderAndBackgroundAppearances(a); if (void 0 === r) { r =; if (!r) return `/Tx BMC q ${g}Q EMC` } Array.isArray(r) && 1 === r.length && (r = r[0]); assert("string" == typeof r, "Expected `value` to be a string."); r = r.trim(); if ( { const e ={ exportValue: e }) => r === e)); r = e?.displayValue || r } if ("" === r) return `/Tx BMC q ${g}Q EMC`; void 0 === o && (o = this.rotation); let c, l = -1; if ( { c = r.split(/\r\n?|\n/).map((e => e.normalize("NFC"))); l = c.length } else c = [r.replace(/\r\n?|\n/, "").normalize("NFC")]; let C =[3] -[1], Q =[2] -[0]; 90 !== o && 270 !== o || ([Q, C] = [C, Q]); this._defaultAppearance || ( = parseDefaultAppearance(this._defaultAppearance = "/Helvetica 0 Tf 0 g")); let E, u, d, f = await WidgetAnnotation._getFontData(e, t,, this._fieldResources.mergedResources); const p = []; let m = !1; for (const e of c) { const t = f.encodeString(e); t.length > 1 && (m = !0); p.push(t.join("")) } if (m && i & h) return { needAppearances: !0 }; if (m && this._isOffscreenCanvasSupported) { const i = ? "monospace" : "sans-serif", a = new FakeUnicodeFont(e.xref, i), s = a.createFontResources(c.join("")), n = s.getRaw("Font"); if (this._fieldResources.mergedResources.has("Font")) { const e = this._fieldResources.mergedResources.get("Font"); for (const t of n.getKeys()) e.set(t, n.getRaw(t)) } else this._fieldResources.mergedResources.set("Font", n); const o =; f = await WidgetAnnotation._getFontData(e, t, { fontName: o, fontSize: 0 }, s); for (let e = 0, t = p.length; e < t; e++)p[e] = stringToUTF16String(c[e]); const g = Object.assign(Object.create(null),; = 0; = o;[E, u, d] = this._computeFontSize(C - 2, Q - 4, r, f, l); = g } else { this._isOffscreenCanvasSupported || warn("_getAppearance: OffscreenCanvas is not supported, annotation may not render correctly.");[E, u, d] = this._computeFontSize(C - 2, Q - 4, r, f, l) } let y = f.descent; y = isNaN(y) ? n * d : Math.max(n * d, Math.abs(y) * u); const w = Math.min(Math.floor((C - u) / 2), 1), b =; if ( return this._getMultilineAppearance(E, p, f, u, Q, C, b, 2, w, y, d, a); if ( return this._getCombAppearance(E, f, p[0], u, Q, C, 2, w, y, d, a); const D = w + y; if (0 === b || b > 2) return `/Tx BMC q ${g}BT ` + E + ` 1 0 0 1 ${numberToString(2)} ${numberToString(D)} Tm (${escapeString(p[0])}) Tj ET Q EMC`; return `/Tx BMC q ${g}BT ` + E + ` 1 0 0 1 0 0 Tm ${this._renderText(p[0], f, u, Q, b, { shift: 0 }, 2, D)} ET Q EMC` } static async _getFontData(e, t, i, a) { const s = new OperatorList, r = { font: null, clone() { return this } }, { fontName: n, fontSize: o } = i; await e.handleSetFont(a, [n && Name.get(n), o], null, s, t, r, null); return r.font } _getTextWidth(e, t) { return t.charsToGlyphs(e).reduce(((e, t) => e + t.width), 0) / 1e3 } _computeFontSize(e, t, i, a, r) { let { fontSize: n } =, o = (n || 12) * s, g = Math.round(e / o); if (!n) { const roundWithTwoDigits = e => Math.floor(100 * e) / 100; if (-1 === r) { const r = this._getTextWidth(i, a); n = roundWithTwoDigits(Math.min(e / s, r > t ? t / r : 1 / 0)); g = 1 } else { const c = i.split(/\r\n?|\n/), h = []; for (const e of c) { const t = a.encodeString(e).join(""), i = a.charsToGlyphs(t), s = a.getCharPositions(t); h.push({ line: t, glyphs: i, positions: s }) } const isTooBig = i => { let s = 0; for (const r of h) { s += this._splitLine(null, a, i, t, r).length * i; if (s > e) return !0 } return !1 }; g = Math.max(g, r); for (; ;) { o = e / g; n = roundWithTwoDigits(o / s); if (!isTooBig(n)) break; g++ } } const { fontName: c, fontColor: h } =; this._defaultAppearance = function createDefaultAppearance({ fontSize: e, fontName: t, fontColor: i }) { return `/${escapePDFName(t)} ${e} Tf ${getPdfColor(i, !0)}` }({ fontSize: n, fontName: c, fontColor: h }) } return [this._defaultAppearance, n, e / g] } _renderText(e, t, i, a, s, r, n, o) { let g; if (1 === s) { g = (a - this._getTextWidth(e, t) * i) / 2 } else if (2 === s) { g = a - this._getTextWidth(e, t) * i - n } else g = n; const c = numberToString(g - r.shift); r.shift = g; return `${c} ${o = numberToString(o)} Td (${escapeString(e)}) Tj` } _getSaveFieldResources(e) { const { localResources: t, appearanceResources: i, acroFormResources: a } = this._fieldResources, s =; if (!s) return t || Dict.empty; for (const e of [t, i]) if (e instanceof Dict) { const t = e.get("Font"); if (t instanceof Dict && t.has(s)) return e } if (a instanceof Dict) { const i = a.get("Font"); if (i instanceof Dict && i.has(s)) { const a = new Dict(e); a.set(s, i.getRaw(s)); const r = new Dict(e); r.set("Font", a); return Dict.merge({ xref: e, dictArray: [r, t], mergeSubDicts: !0 }) } } return t || Dict.empty } getFieldObject() { return null } } class TextWidgetAnnotation extends WidgetAnnotation { constructor(e) { super(e); = && !; this._hasText = !0; const t = e.dict; "string" != typeof && ( = ""); let i = getInheritableProperty({ dict: t, key: "Q" }); (!Number.isInteger(i) || i < 0 || i > 2) && (i = null); = i; let a = getInheritableProperty({ dict: t, key: "MaxLen" }); (!Number.isInteger(a) || a < 0) && (a = 0); = a; = this.hasFieldFlag(aA); = this.hasFieldFlag(hA) && !this.hasFieldFlag(aA) && !this.hasFieldFlag(sA) && !this.hasFieldFlag(gA) && 0 !==; = this.hasFieldFlag(cA) } get hasTextContent() { return !!this.appearance && !this._needAppearances } _getCombAppearance(e, t, i, a, s, r, n, o, g, c, h) { const l = s /, C = this.getBorderAndBackgroundAppearances(h), Q = [], E = t.getCharPositions(i); for (const [e, t] of E) Q.push(`(${escapeString(i.substring(e, t))}) Tj`); const u = Q.join(` ${numberToString(l)} 0 Td `); return `/Tx BMC q ${C}BT ` + e + ` 1 0 0 1 ${numberToString(n)} ${numberToString(o + g)} Tm ${u} ET Q EMC` } _getMultilineAppearance(e, t, i, a, s, r, n, o, g, c, h, l) { const C = [], Q = s - 2 * o, E = { shift: 0 }; for (let e = 0, r = t.length; e < r; e++) { const r = t[e], l = this._splitLine(r, i, a, Q); for (let t = 0, r = l.length; t < r; t++) { const r = l[t], Q = 0 === e && 0 === t ? -g - (h - c) : -h; C.push(this._renderText(r, i, a, s, n, E, o, Q)) } } const u = this.getBorderAndBackgroundAppearances(l), d = C.join("\n"); return `/Tx BMC q ${u}BT ` + e + ` 1 0 0 1 0 ${numberToString(r)} Tm ${d} ET Q EMC` } _splitLine(e, t, i, a, s = {}) { e = s.line || e; const r = s.glyphs || t.charsToGlyphs(e); if (r.length <= 1) return [e]; const n = s.positions || t.getCharPositions(e), o = i / 1e3, g = []; let c = -1, h = -1, l = -1, C = 0, Q = 0; for (let t = 0, i = r.length; t < i; t++) { const [i, s] = n[t], E = r[t], u = E.width * o; if (" " === E.unicode) if (Q + u > a) { g.push(e.substring(C, i)); C = i; Q = u; c = -1; l = -1 } else { Q += u; c = i; h = s; l = t } else if (Q + u > a) if (-1 !== c) { g.push(e.substring(C, h)); C = h; t = l + 1; c = -1; Q = 0 } else { g.push(e.substring(C, i)); C = i; Q = u } else Q += u } C < e.length && g.push(e.substring(C, e.length)); return g } getFieldObject() { return { id:, value:, defaultValue: || "", multiline:, password: this.hasFieldFlag(sA), charLimit:, comb:, editable: !, hidden:, name:, rect:, actions:, page:, strokeColor:, fillColor:, rotation: this.rotation, type: "text" } } } class ButtonWidgetAnnotation extends WidgetAnnotation { constructor(e) { super(e); this.checkedAppearance = null; this.uncheckedAppearance = null; = !this.hasFieldFlag(rA) && !this.hasFieldFlag(nA); = this.hasFieldFlag(rA) && !this.hasFieldFlag(nA); = this.hasFieldFlag(nA); = !1; if ( this._processCheckBox(e); else if ( this._processRadioButton(e); else if ( { = !0; = !1; this._processPushButton(e) } else warn("Invalid field flags for button widget annotation") } async getOperatorList(e, t, a, s, r) { if ( return super.getOperatorList(e, t, a, !1, r); let n = null, o = null; if (r) { const e = r.get(; n = e ? e.value : null; o = e ? e.rotation : null } if (null === n && this.appearance) return super.getOperatorList(e, t, a, s, r); null == n && (n = ? === : ===; const g = n ? this.checkedAppearance : this.uncheckedAppearance; if (g) { const n = this.appearance, c = lookupMatrix(g.dict.getArray("Matrix"), i); o && g.dict.set("Matrix", this.getRotationMatrix(r)); this.appearance = g; const h = super.getOperatorList(e, t, a, s, r); this.appearance = n; g.dict.set("Matrix", c); return h } return { opList: new OperatorList, separateForm: !1, separateCanvas: !1 } } async save(e, t, i) { return ? this._saveCheckbox(e, t, i) : ? this._saveRadioButton(e, t, i) : null } async _saveCheckbox(e, t, i) { if (!i) return null; const a = i.get(; let s = a?.rotation, r = a?.value; if (void 0 === s) { if (void 0 === r) return null; if ( === === r) return null } const n = e.xref.fetchIfRef(this.ref); if (!(n instanceof Dict)) return null; void 0 === s && (s = this.rotation); void 0 === r && (r = ===; const o = { path:, value: r ? : "" }, g = Name.get(r ? : "Off"); n.set("V", g); n.set("AS", g); n.set("M", `D:${getModificationDate()}`); const c = this._getMKDict(s); c && n.set("MK", c); const h = []; await writeObject(this.ref, n, h, e.xref); return [{ ref: this.ref, data: h.join(""), xfa: o }] } async _saveRadioButton(e, t, i) { if (!i) return null; const a = i.get(; let s = a?.rotation, r = a?.value; if (void 0 === s) { if (void 0 === r) return null; if ( === === r) return null } const n = e.xref.fetchIfRef(this.ref); if (!(n instanceof Dict)) return null; void 0 === r && (r = ===; void 0 === s && (s = this.rotation); const o = { path:, value: r ? : "" }, g = Name.get(r ? : "Off"), c = []; let h = null; if (r) if (this.parent instanceof Ref) { const t = e.xref.fetch(this.parent); t.set("V", g); await writeObject(this.parent, t, c, e.xref); h = c.join(""); c.length = 0 } else this.parent instanceof Dict && this.parent.set("V", g); n.set("AS", g); n.set("M", `D:${getModificationDate()}`); const l = this._getMKDict(s); l && n.set("MK", l); await writeObject(this.ref, n, c, e.xref); const C = [{ ref: this.ref, data: c.join(""), xfa: o }]; h && C.push({ ref: this.parent, data: h, xfa: null }); return C } _getDefaultCheckedAppearance(e, t) { const i =[2] -[0], a =[3] -[1], s = [0, 0, i, a], r = .8 * Math.min(i, a); let n, o; if ("check" === t) { n = { width: .755 * r, height: .705 * r }; o = "3" } else if ("disc" === t) { n = { width: .791 * r, height: .705 * r }; o = "l" } else unreachable(`_getDefaultCheckedAppearance - unsupported type: ${t}`); const g = `q BT /PdfJsZaDb ${r} Tf 0 g ${numberToString((i - n.width) / 2)} ${numberToString((a - n.height) / 2)} Td (${o}) Tj ET Q`, c = new Dict(e.xref); c.set("FormType", 1); c.set("Subtype", Name.get("Form")); c.set("Type", Name.get("XObject")); c.set("BBox", s); c.set("Matrix", [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]); c.set("Length", g.length); const h = new Dict(e.xref), l = new Dict(e.xref); l.set("PdfJsZaDb", this.fallbackFontDict); h.set("Font", l); c.set("Resources", h); this.checkedAppearance = new StringStream(g); this.checkedAppearance.dict = c; this._streams.push(this.checkedAppearance) } _processCheckBox(e) { const t = e.dict.get("AP"); if (!(t instanceof Dict)) return; const i = t.get("N"); if (!(i instanceof Dict)) return; const a = this._decodeFormValue(e.dict.get("AS")); "string" == typeof a && ( = a); const s = null !== && "Off" !== ? : "Yes", r = i.getKeys(); if (0 === r.length) r.push("Off", s); else if (1 === r.length) "Off" === r[0] ? r.push(s) : r.unshift("Off"); else if (r.includes(s)) { r.length = 0; r.push("Off", s) } else { const e = r.find((e => "Off" !== e)); r.length = 0; r.push("Off", e) } r.includes( || ( = "Off"); = r[1]; const n = i.get(; this.checkedAppearance = n instanceof BaseStream ? n : null; const o = i.get("Off"); this.uncheckedAppearance = o instanceof BaseStream ? o : null; this.checkedAppearance ? this._streams.push(this.checkedAppearance) : this._getDefaultCheckedAppearance(e, "check"); this.uncheckedAppearance && this._streams.push(this.uncheckedAppearance); this._fallbackFontDict = this.fallbackFontDict; null === && ( = "Off") } _processRadioButton(e) { = null; const t = e.dict.get("Parent"); if (t instanceof Dict) { this.parent = e.dict.getRaw("Parent"); const i = t.get("V"); i instanceof Name && ( = this._decodeFormValue(i)) } const i = e.dict.get("AP"); if (!(i instanceof Dict)) return; const a = i.get("N"); if (!(a instanceof Dict)) return; for (const e of a.getKeys()) if ("Off" !== e) { = this._decodeFormValue(e); break } const s = a.get(; this.checkedAppearance = s instanceof BaseStream ? s : null; const r = a.get("Off"); this.uncheckedAppearance = r instanceof BaseStream ? r : null; this.checkedAppearance ? this._streams.push(this.checkedAppearance) : this._getDefaultCheckedAppearance(e, "disc"); this.uncheckedAppearance && this._streams.push(this.uncheckedAppearance); this._fallbackFontDict = this.fallbackFontDict; null === && ( = "Off") } _processPushButton(e) { const { dict: t, annotationGlobals: i } = e; if (t.has("A") || t.has("AA") || { = !t.has("A") && !t.has("AA"); Catalog.parseDestDictionary({ destDict: t, resultObj:, docBaseUrl: i.baseUrl, docAttachments: i.attachments }) } else warn("Push buttons without action dictionaries are not supported") } getFieldObject() { let e, t = "button"; if ( { t = "checkbox"; e = } else if ( { t = "radiobutton"; e = } return { id:, value: || "Off", defaultValue:, exportValues: e, editable: !, name:, rect:, hidden:, actions:, page:, strokeColor:, fillColor:, rotation: this.rotation, type: t } } get fallbackFontDict() { const e = new Dict; e.set("BaseFont", Name.get("ZapfDingbats")); e.set("Type", Name.get("FallbackType")); e.set("Subtype", Name.get("FallbackType")); e.set("Encoding", Name.get("ZapfDingbatsEncoding")); return shadow(this, "fallbackFontDict", e) } } class ChoiceWidgetAnnotation extends WidgetAnnotation { constructor(e) { super(e); const { dict: t, xref: i } = e; this.indices = t.getArray("I"); this.hasIndices = Array.isArray(this.indices) && this.indices.length > 0; = []; const a = getInheritableProperty({ dict: t, key: "Opt" }); if (Array.isArray(a)) for (let e = 0, t = a.length; e < t; e++) { const t = i.fetchIfRef(a[e]), s = Array.isArray(t);[e] = { exportValue: this._decodeFormValue(s ? i.fetchIfRef(t[0]) : t), displayValue: this._decodeFormValue(s ? i.fetchIfRef(t[1]) : t) } } if (this.hasIndices) { = []; const e =; for (const t of this.indices) Number.isInteger(t) && t >= 0 && t < e &&[t].exportValue) } else "string" == typeof ? = [] : || ( = []); = this.hasFieldFlag(oA); = this.hasFieldFlag(IA); this._hasText = !0 } getFieldObject() { const e = ? "combobox" : "listbox", t = > 0 ?[0] : null; return { id:, value: t, defaultValue:, editable: !, name:, rect:, numItems:, multipleSelection:, hidden:, actions:, items:, page:, strokeColor:, fillColor:, rotation: this.rotation, type: e } } amendSavedDict(e, t) { if (!this.hasIndices) return; let i = e?.get(; Array.isArray(i) || (i = [i]); const a = [], { options: s } =; for (let e = 0, t = 0, r = s.length; e < r; e++)if (s[e].exportValue === i[t]) { a.push(e); t += 1 } t.set("I", a) } async _getAppearance(e, t, i, a) { if ( return super._getAppearance(e, t, i, a); let r, n; const o = a?.get(; if (o) { n = o.rotation; r = o.value } if (void 0 === n && void 0 === r && !this._needAppearances) return null; void 0 === r ? r = : Array.isArray(r) || (r = [r]); let g =[3] -[1], c =[2] -[0]; 90 !== n && 270 !== n || ([c, g] = [g, c]); const h =, l = []; for (let e = 0; e < h; e++) { const { exportValue: t } =[e]; r.includes(t) && l.push(e) } this._defaultAppearance || ( = parseDefaultAppearance(this._defaultAppearance = "/Helvetica 0 Tf 0 g")); const C = await WidgetAnnotation._getFontData(e, t,, this._fieldResources.mergedResources); let Q, { fontSize: E } =; if (E) Q = this._defaultAppearance; else { const e = (g - 1) / h; let t, i = -1; for (const { displayValue: e } of { const a = this._getTextWidth(e, C); if (a > i) { i = a; t = e } } [Q, E] = this._computeFontSize(e, c - 4, t, C, -1) } const u = E * s, d = (u - E) / 2, f = Math.floor(g / u); let p = 0; if (l.length > 0) { const e = Math.min(...l), t = Math.max(...l); p = Math.max(0, t - f + 1); p > e && (p = e) } const m = Math.min(p + f + 1, h), y = ["/Tx BMC q", `1 1 ${c} ${g} re W n`]; if (l.length) { y.push("0.600006 0.756866 0.854904 rg"); for (const e of l) p <= e && e < m && y.push(`1 ${g - (e - p + 1) * u} ${c} ${u} re f`) } y.push("BT", Q, `1 0 0 1 0 ${g} Tm`); const w = { shift: 0 }; for (let e = p; e < m; e++) { const { displayValue: t } =[e], i = e === p ? d : 0; y.push(this._renderText(t, C, E, c, 0, w, 2, -u + i)) } y.push("ET Q EMC"); return y.join("\n") } } class SignatureWidgetAnnotation extends WidgetAnnotation { constructor(e) { super(e); = null; =; = ! } getFieldObject() { return { id:, value: null, page:, type: "signature" } } } class TextAnnotation extends MarkupAnnotation { constructor(e) { super(e); = !0; =; = !1; const { dict: t } = e; = S; if ( = "NoIcon"; else {[1] =[3] - 22;[2] =[0] + 22; = t.has("Name") ? t.get("Name").name : "Note" } if (t.has("State")) { = t.get("State") || null; = t.get("StateModel") || null } else { = null; = null } } } class LinkAnnotation extends Annotation { constructor(e) { super(e); const { dict: t, annotationGlobals: i } = e; = k; = !1; const a = getQuadPoints(t, this.rectangle); a && ( = a); ||=; Catalog.parseDestDictionary({ destDict: t, resultObj:, docBaseUrl: i.baseUrl, docAttachments: i.attachments }) } } class PopupAnnotation extends Annotation { constructor(e) { super(e); const { dict: t } = e; = q; = !1;[0] !==[2] &&[1] !==[3] || ( = null); let i = t.get("Parent"); if (!i) { warn("Popup annotation has a missing or invalid parent annotation."); return } = lookupNormalRect(i.getArray("Rect"), null); isName(i.get("RT"), X) && (i = i.get("IRT")); if (i.has("M")) { this.setModificationDate(i.get("M")); = this.modificationDate } else = null; if (i.has("C")) { this.setColor(i.getArray("C")); = this.color } else = null; if (!this.viewable) { const e = i.get("F"); this._isViewable(e) && this.setFlags(e) } this.setTitle(i.get("T")); = this._title; this.setContents(i.get("Contents")); = this._contents; i.has("RC") && ( = XFAFactory.getRichTextAsHtml(i.get("RC"))); = !!t.get("Open") } } class FreeTextAnnotation extends MarkupAnnotation { constructor(e) { super(e); = !; = !1; const { evaluatorOptions: t, xref: i } = e; = R; this.setDefaultAppearance(e); this._hasAppearance = !!this.appearance; if (this._hasAppearance) { const { fontColor: e, fontSize: a } = function parseAppearanceStream(e, t, i) { return new AppearanceStreamEvaluator(e, t, i).parse() }(this.appearance, t, i); = e; = a || 10 } else { ||= 10; const { fontColor: t, fontSize: a } =; if (this._contents.str) { = this._contents.str.split(/\r\n?|\n/).map((e => e.trimEnd())); const { coords: e, bbox: t, matrix: i } = FakeUnicodeFont.getFirstPositionInfo(this.rectangle, this.rotation, a); = this._transformPoint(e, t, i) } if (this._isOffscreenCanvasSupported) { const s = e.dict.get("CA"), r = new FakeUnicodeFont(i, "sans-serif"); this.appearance = r.createAppearance(this._contents.str, this.rectangle, this.rotation, a, t, s); this._streams.push(this.appearance) } else warn("FreeTextAnnotation: OffscreenCanvas is not supported, annotation may not render correctly.") } } get hasTextContent() { return this._hasAppearance } static createNewDict(e, t, { apRef: i, ap: a }) { const { color: s, fontSize: r, rect: n, rotation: o, user: g, value: c } = e, h = new Dict(t); h.set("Type", Name.get("Annot")); h.set("Subtype", Name.get("FreeText")); h.set("CreationDate", `D:${getModificationDate()}`); h.set("Rect", n); const l = `/Helv ${r} Tf ${getPdfColor(s, !0)}`; h.set("DA", l); h.set("Contents", isAscii(c) ? c : stringToUTF16String(c, !0)); h.set("F", 4); h.set("Border", [0, 0, 0]); h.set("Rotate", o); g && h.set("T", isAscii(g) ? g : stringToUTF16String(g, !0)); if (i || a) { const e = new Dict(t); h.set("AP", e); i ? e.set("N", i) : e.set("N", a) } return h } static async createNewAppearanceStream(e, t, i) { const { baseFontRef: a, evaluator: r, task: n } = i, { color: o, fontSize: g, rect: c, rotation: h, value: l } = e, C = new Dict(t), Q = new Dict(t); if (a) Q.set("Helv", a); else { const e = new Dict(t); e.set("BaseFont", Name.get("Helvetica")); e.set("Type", Name.get("Font")); e.set("Subtype", Name.get("Type1")); e.set("Encoding", Name.get("WinAnsiEncoding")); Q.set("Helv", e) } C.set("Font", Q); const E = await WidgetAnnotation._getFontData(r, n, { fontName: "Helv", fontSize: g }, C), [u, d, f, p] = c; let m = f - u, y = p - d; h % 180 != 0 && ([m, y] = [y, m]); const w = l.split("\n"), b = g / 1e3; let D = -1 / 0; const F = []; for (let e of w) { const t = E.encodeString(e); if (t.length > 1) return null; e = t.join(""); F.push(e); let i = 0; const a = E.charsToGlyphs(e); for (const e of a) i += e.width * b; D = Math.max(D, i) } let S = 1; D > m && (S = m / D); let k = 1; const R = s * g, N = 1 * g, G = R * w.length; G > y && (k = y / G); const x = g * Math.min(S, k); let M, U, L; switch (h) { case 0: L = [1, 0, 0, 1]; U = [c[0], c[1], m, y]; M = [c[0], c[3] - N]; break; case 90: L = [0, 1, -1, 0]; U = [c[1], -c[2], m, y]; M = [c[1], -c[0] - N]; break; case 180: L = [-1, 0, 0, -1]; U = [-c[2], -c[3], m, y]; M = [-c[2], -c[1] - N]; break; case 270: L = [0, -1, 1, 0]; U = [-c[3], c[0], m, y]; M = [-c[3], c[2] - N] }const J = ["q", `${L.join(" ")} 0 0 cm`, `${U.join(" ")} re W n`, "BT", `${getPdfColor(o, !0)}`, `0 Tc /Helv ${numberToString(x)} Tf`]; J.push(`${M.join(" ")} Td (${escapeString(F[0])}) Tj`); const H = numberToString(R); for (let e = 1, t = F.length; e < t; e++) { const t = F[e]; J.push(`0 -${H} Td (${escapeString(t)}) Tj`) } J.push("ET", "Q"); const Y = J.join("\n"), v = new Dict(t); v.set("FormType", 1); v.set("Subtype", Name.get("Form")); v.set("Type", Name.get("XObject")); v.set("BBox", c); v.set("Resources", C); v.set("Matrix", [1, 0, 0, 1, -c[0], -c[1]]); const K = new StringStream(Y); K.dict = v; return K } } class LineAnnotation extends MarkupAnnotation { constructor(e) { super(e); const { dict: t, xref: i } = e; = N; =; = !1; const a = lookupRect(t.getArray("L"), [0, 0, 0, 0]); = Util.normalizeRect(a); this.setLineEndings(t.getArray("LE")); = this.lineEndings; if (!this.appearance) { const e = this.color ? getPdfColorArray(this.color) : [0, 0, 0], s = t.get("CA"), r = getRgbColor(t.getArray("IC"), null), n = r ? getPdfColorArray(r) : null, o = n ? s : null, g = this.borderStyle.width || 1, c = 2 * g, h = [[0] - c,[1] - c,[2] + c,[3] + c]; Util.intersect(this.rectangle, h) || (this.rectangle = h); this._setDefaultAppearance({ xref: i, extra: `${g} w`, strokeColor: e, fillColor: n, strokeAlpha: s, fillAlpha: o, pointsCallback: (e, t) => { e.push(`${a[0]} ${a[1]} m`, `${a[2]} ${a[3]} l`, "S"); return [t[0].x - g, t[1].x + g, t[3].y - g, t[1].y + g] } }) } } } class SquareAnnotation extends MarkupAnnotation { constructor(e) { super(e); const { dict: t, xref: i } = e; = G; =; = !1; if (!this.appearance) { const e = this.color ? getPdfColorArray(this.color) : [0, 0, 0], a = t.get("CA"), s = getRgbColor(t.getArray("IC"), null), r = s ? getPdfColorArray(s) : null, n = r ? a : null; if (0 === this.borderStyle.width && !r) return; this._setDefaultAppearance({ xref: i, extra: `${this.borderStyle.width} w`, strokeColor: e, fillColor: r, strokeAlpha: a, fillAlpha: n, pointsCallback: (e, t) => { const i = t[2].x + this.borderStyle.width / 2, a = t[2].y + this.borderStyle.width / 2, s = t[3].x - t[2].x - this.borderStyle.width, n = t[1].y - t[3].y - this.borderStyle.width; e.push(`${i} ${a} ${s} ${n} re`); r ? e.push("B") : e.push("S"); return [t[0].x, t[1].x, t[3].y, t[1].y] } }) } } } class CircleAnnotation extends MarkupAnnotation { constructor(e) { super(e); const { dict: t, xref: i } = e; = x; if (!this.appearance) { const e = this.color ? getPdfColorArray(this.color) : [0, 0, 0], a = t.get("CA"), s = getRgbColor(t.getArray("IC"), null), r = s ? getPdfColorArray(s) : null, n = r ? a : null; if (0 === this.borderStyle.width && !r) return; const o = 4 / 3 * Math.tan(Math.PI / 8); this._setDefaultAppearance({ xref: i, extra: `${this.borderStyle.width} w`, strokeColor: e, fillColor: r, strokeAlpha: a, fillAlpha: n, pointsCallback: (e, t) => { const i = t[0].x + this.borderStyle.width / 2, a = t[0].y - this.borderStyle.width / 2, s = t[3].x - this.borderStyle.width / 2, n = t[3].y + this.borderStyle.width / 2, g = i + (s - i) / 2, c = a + (n - a) / 2, h = (s - i) / 2 * o, l = (n - a) / 2 * o; e.push(`${g} ${n} m`, `${g + h} ${n} ${s} ${c + l} ${s} ${c} c`, `${s} ${c - l} ${g + h} ${a} ${g} ${a} c`, `${g - h} ${a} ${i} ${c - l} ${i} ${c} c`, `${i} ${c + l} ${g - h} ${n} ${g} ${n} c`, "h"); r ? e.push("B") : e.push("S"); return [t[0].x, t[1].x, t[3].y, t[1].y] } }) } } } class PolylineAnnotation extends MarkupAnnotation { constructor(e) { super(e); const { dict: t, xref: i } = e; = U; =; = !1; = []; if (!(this instanceof PolygonAnnotation)) { this.setLineEndings(t.getArray("LE")); = this.lineEndings } const a = t.getArray("Vertices"); if (isNumberArray(a, null)) { for (let e = 0, t = a.length; e < t; e += 2){ x: a[e], y: a[e + 1] }); if (!this.appearance) { const e = this.color ? getPdfColorArray(this.color) : [0, 0, 0], a = t.get("CA"), s = this.borderStyle.width || 1, r = 2 * s, n = [1 / 0, 1 / 0, -1 / 0, -1 / 0]; for (const e of { n[0] = Math.min(n[0], e.x - r); n[1] = Math.min(n[1], e.y - r); n[2] = Math.max(n[2], e.x + r); n[3] = Math.max(n[3], e.y + r) } Util.intersect(this.rectangle, n) || (this.rectangle = n); this._setDefaultAppearance({ xref: i, extra: `${s} w`, strokeColor: e, strokeAlpha: a, pointsCallback: (e, t) => { const i =; for (let t = 0, a = i.length; t < a; t++)e.push(`${i[t].x} ${i[t].y} ${0 === t ? "m" : "l"}`); e.push("S"); return [t[0].x, t[1].x, t[3].y, t[1].y] } }) } } } } class PolygonAnnotation extends PolylineAnnotation { constructor(e) { super(e); = M } } class CaretAnnotation extends MarkupAnnotation { constructor(e) { super(e); = K } } class InkAnnotation extends MarkupAnnotation { constructor(e) { super(e); =; = !1; const { dict: t, xref: i } = e; = T; = []; const a = t.getArray("InkList"); if (Array.isArray(a)) { for (let e = 0, t = a.length; e < t; ++e) {[]); if (Array.isArray(a[e])) for (let t = 0, s = a[e].length; t < s; t += 2) { const s = i.fetchIfRef(a[e][t]), r = i.fetchIfRef(a[e][t + 1]); "number" == typeof s && "number" == typeof r &&[e].push({ x: s, y: r }) } } if (!this.appearance) { const e = this.color ? getPdfColorArray(this.color) : [0, 0, 0], a = t.get("CA"), s = this.borderStyle.width || 1, r = 2 * s, n = [1 / 0, 1 / 0, -1 / 0, -1 / 0]; for (const e of for (const t of e) { n[0] = Math.min(n[0], t.x - r); n[1] = Math.min(n[1], t.y - r); n[2] = Math.max(n[2], t.x + r); n[3] = Math.max(n[3], t.y + r) } Util.intersect(this.rectangle, n) || (this.rectangle = n); this._setDefaultAppearance({ xref: i, extra: `${s} w`, strokeColor: e, strokeAlpha: a, pointsCallback: (e, t) => { for (const t of { for (let i = 0, a = t.length; i < a; i++)e.push(`${t[i].x} ${t[i].y} ${0 === i ? "m" : "l"}`); e.push("S") } return [t[0].x, t[1].x, t[3].y, t[1].y] } }) } } } static createNewDict(e, t, { apRef: i, ap: a }) { const { color: s, opacity: r, paths: n, outlines: o, rect: g, rotation: c, thickness: h } = e, l = new Dict(t); l.set("Type", Name.get("Annot")); l.set("Subtype", Name.get("Ink")); l.set("CreationDate", `D:${getModificationDate()}`); l.set("Rect", g); l.set("InkList", o?.points || => e.points))); l.set("F", 4); l.set("Rotate", c); o && l.set("IT", Name.get("InkHighlight")); const C = new Dict(t); l.set("BS", C); C.set("W", h); l.set("C", Array.from(s, (e => e / 255))); l.set("CA", r); const Q = new Dict(t); l.set("AP", Q); i ? Q.set("N", i) : Q.set("N", a); return l } static async createNewAppearanceStream(e, t, i) { if (e.outlines) return this.createNewAppearanceStreamForHighlight(e, t, i); const { color: a, rect: s, paths: r, thickness: n, opacity: o } = e, g = [`${n} w 1 J 1 j`, `${getPdfColor(a, !1)}`]; 1 !== o && g.push("/R0 gs"); const c = []; for (const { bezier: e } of r) { c.length = 0; c.push(`${numberToString(e[0])} ${numberToString(e[1])} m`); if (2 === e.length) c.push(`${numberToString(e[0])} ${numberToString(e[1])} l S`); else { for (let t = 2, i = e.length; t < i; t += 6) { const i = e.slice(t, t + 6).map(numberToString).join(" "); c.push(`${i} c`) } c.push("S") } g.push(c.join("\n")) } const h = g.join("\n"), l = new Dict(t); l.set("FormType", 1); l.set("Subtype", Name.get("Form")); l.set("Type", Name.get("XObject")); l.set("BBox", s); l.set("Length", h.length); if (1 !== o) { const e = new Dict(t), i = new Dict(t), a = new Dict(t); a.set("CA", o); a.set("Type", Name.get("ExtGState")); i.set("R0", a); e.set("ExtGState", i); l.set("Resources", e) } const C = new StringStream(h); C.dict = l; return C } static async createNewAppearanceStreamForHighlight(e, t, i) { const { color: a, rect: s, outlines: { outline: r }, opacity: n } = e, o = [`${getPdfColor(a, !0)}`, "/R0 gs"]; o.push(`${numberToString(r[4])} ${numberToString(r[5])} m`); for (let e = 6, t = r.length; e < t; e += 6)if (isNaN(r[e]) || null === r[e]) o.push(`${numberToString(r[e + 4])} ${numberToString(r[e + 5])} l`); else { const t = r.slice(e, e + 6).map(numberToString).join(" "); o.push(`${t} c`) } o.push("h f"); const g = o.join("\n"), c = new Dict(t); c.set("FormType", 1); c.set("Subtype", Name.get("Form")); c.set("Type", Name.get("XObject")); c.set("BBox", s); c.set("Length", g.length); const h = new Dict(t), l = new Dict(t); h.set("ExtGState", l); c.set("Resources", h); const C = new Dict(t); l.set("R0", C); C.set("BM", Name.get("Multiply")); if (1 !== n) { C.set("ca", n); C.set("Type", Name.get("ExtGState")) } const Q = new StringStream(g); Q.dict = c; return Q } } class HighlightAnnotation extends MarkupAnnotation { constructor(e) { super(e); const { dict: t, xref: i } = e; = L; if ( = getQuadPoints(t, null)) { const e = this.appearance?.dict.get("Resources"); if (!this.appearance || !e?.has("ExtGState")) { this.appearance && warn("HighlightAnnotation - ignoring built-in appearance stream."); const e = this.color ? getPdfColorArray(this.color) : [1, 1, 0], a = t.get("CA"); this._setDefaultAppearance({ xref: i, fillColor: e, blendMode: "Multiply", fillAlpha: a, pointsCallback: (e, t) => { e.push(`${t[0].x} ${t[0].y} m`, `${t[1].x} ${t[1].y} l`, `${t[3].x} ${t[3].y} l`, `${t[2].x} ${t[2].y} l`, "f"); return [t[0].x, t[1].x, t[3].y, t[1].y] } }) } } else = null } static createNewDict(e, t, { apRef: i, ap: a }) { const { color: s, opacity: r, rect: n, rotation: o, user: g, quadPoints: c } = e, h = new Dict(t); h.set("Type", Name.get("Annot")); h.set("Subtype", Name.get("Highlight")); h.set("CreationDate", `D:${getModificationDate()}`); h.set("Rect", n); h.set("F", 4); h.set("Border", [0, 0, 0]); h.set("Rotate", o); h.set("QuadPoints", c); h.set("C", Array.from(s, (e => e / 255))); h.set("CA", r); g && h.set("T", isAscii(g) ? g : stringToUTF16String(g, !0)); if (i || a) { const e = new Dict(t); h.set("AP", e); e.set("N", i || a) } return h } static async createNewAppearanceStream(e, t, i) { const { color: a, rect: s, outlines: r, opacity: n } = e, o = [`${getPdfColor(a, !0)}`, "/R0 gs"], g = []; for (const e of r) { g.length = 0; g.push(`${numberToString(e[0])} ${numberToString(e[1])} m`); for (let t = 2, i = e.length; t < i; t += 2)g.push(`${numberToString(e[t])} ${numberToString(e[t + 1])} l`); g.push("h"); o.push(g.join("\n")) } o.push("f*"); const c = o.join("\n"), h = new Dict(t); h.set("FormType", 1); h.set("Subtype", Name.get("Form")); h.set("Type", Name.get("XObject")); h.set("BBox", s); h.set("Length", c.length); const l = new Dict(t), C = new Dict(t); l.set("ExtGState", C); h.set("Resources", l); const Q = new Dict(t); C.set("R0", Q); Q.set("BM", Name.get("Multiply")); if (1 !== n) { Q.set("ca", n); Q.set("Type", Name.get("ExtGState")) } const E = new StringStream(c); E.dict = h; return E } } class UnderlineAnnotation extends MarkupAnnotation { constructor(e) { super(e); const { dict: t, xref: i } = e; = J; if ( = getQuadPoints(t, null)) { if (!this.appearance) { const e = this.color ? getPdfColorArray(this.color) : [0, 0, 0], a = t.get("CA"); this._setDefaultAppearance({ xref: i, extra: "[] 0 d 0.571 w", strokeColor: e, strokeAlpha: a, pointsCallback: (e, t) => { e.push(`${t[2].x} ${t[2].y + 1.3} m`, `${t[3].x} ${t[3].y + 1.3} l`, "S"); return [t[0].x, t[1].x, t[3].y, t[1].y] } }) } } else = null } } class SquigglyAnnotation extends MarkupAnnotation { constructor(e) { super(e); const { dict: t, xref: i } = e; = H; if ( = getQuadPoints(t, null)) { if (!this.appearance) { const e = this.color ? getPdfColorArray(this.color) : [0, 0, 0], a = t.get("CA"); this._setDefaultAppearance({ xref: i, extra: "[] 0 d 1 w", strokeColor: e, strokeAlpha: a, pointsCallback: (e, t) => { const i = (t[0].y - t[2].y) / 6; let a = i, s = t[2].x; const r = t[2].y, n = t[3].x; e.push(`${s} ${r + a} m`); do { s += 2; a = 0 === a ? i : 0; e.push(`${s} ${r + a} l`) } while (s < n); e.push("S"); return [t[2].x, n, r - 2 * i, r + 2 * i] } }) } } else = null } } class StrikeOutAnnotation extends MarkupAnnotation { constructor(e) { super(e); const { dict: t, xref: i } = e; = Y; if ( = getQuadPoints(t, null)) { if (!this.appearance) { const e = this.color ? getPdfColorArray(this.color) : [0, 0, 0], a = t.get("CA"); this._setDefaultAppearance({ xref: i, extra: "[] 0 d 1 w", strokeColor: e, strokeAlpha: a, pointsCallback: (e, t) => { e.push((t[0].x + t[2].x) / 2 + " " + (t[0].y + t[2].y) / 2 + " m", (t[1].x + t[3].x) / 2 + " " + (t[1].y + t[3].y) / 2 + " l", "S"); return [t[0].x, t[1].x, t[3].y, t[1].y] } }) } } else = null } } class StampAnnotation extends MarkupAnnotation { constructor(e) { super(e); = v; =; = !1 } static async createImage(e, t) { const { width: i, height: a } = e, s = new OffscreenCanvas(i, a), r = s.getContext("2d", { alpha: !0 }); r.drawImage(e, 0, 0); const n = r.getImageData(0, 0, i, a).data, o = new Uint32Array(n.buffer), g = o.some(FeatureTest.isLittleEndian ? e => e >>> 24 != 255 : e => 255 != (255 & e)); if (g) { r.fillStyle = "white"; r.fillRect(0, 0, i, a); r.drawImage(e, 0, 0) } const c = s.convertToBlob({ type: "image/jpeg", quality: 1 }).then((e => e.arrayBuffer())), h = Name.get("XObject"), l = Name.get("Image"), C = new Dict(t); C.set("Type", h); C.set("Subtype", l); C.set("BitsPerComponent", 8); C.set("ColorSpace", Name.get("DeviceRGB")); C.set("Filter", Name.get("DCTDecode")); C.set("BBox", [0, 0, i, a]); C.set("Width", i); C.set("Height", a); let Q = null; if (g) { const e = new Uint8Array(o.length); if (FeatureTest.isLittleEndian) for (let t = 0, i = o.length; t < i; t++)e[t] = o[t] >>> 24; else for (let t = 0, i = o.length; t < i; t++)e[t] = 255 & o[t]; const s = new Dict(t); s.set("Type", h); s.set("Subtype", l); s.set("BitsPerComponent", 8); s.set("ColorSpace", Name.get("DeviceGray")); s.set("Width", i); s.set("Height", a); Q = new Stream(e, 0, 0, s) } return { imageStream: new Stream(await c, 0, 0, C), smaskStream: Q, width: i, height: a } } static createNewDict(e, t, { apRef: i, ap: a }) { const { rect: s, rotation: r, user: n } = e, o = new Dict(t); o.set("Type", Name.get("Annot")); o.set("Subtype", Name.get("Stamp")); o.set("CreationDate", `D:${getModificationDate()}`); o.set("Rect", s); o.set("F", 4); o.set("Border", [0, 0, 0]); o.set("Rotate", r); n && o.set("T", isAscii(n) ? n : stringToUTF16String(n, !0)); if (i || a) { const e = new Dict(t); o.set("AP", e); i ? e.set("N", i) : e.set("N", a) } return o } static async createNewAppearanceStream(e, t, i) { const { rotation: a } = e, { imageRef: s, width: r, height: n } = i.image, o = new Dict(t), g = new Dict(t); o.set("XObject", g); g.set("Im0", s); const c = `q ${r} 0 0 ${n} 0 0 cm /Im0 Do Q`, h = new Dict(t); h.set("FormType", 1); h.set("Subtype", Name.get("Form")); h.set("Type", Name.get("XObject")); h.set("BBox", [0, 0, r, n]); h.set("Resources", o); if (a) { const e = getRotationMatrix(a, r, n); h.set("Matrix", e) } const l = new StringStream(c); l.dict = h; return l } } class FileAttachmentAnnotation extends MarkupAnnotation { constructor(e) { super(e); const { dict: t, xref: i } = e, a = new FileSpec(t.get("FS"), i); = O; =; = !1; = a.serializable; const s = t.get("Name"); = s instanceof Name ? stringToPDFString( : "PushPin"; const r = t.get("ca"); = "number" == typeof r && r >= 0 && r <= 1 ? r : null } } function decodeString(e) { try { return stringToUTF8String(e) } catch (t) { warn(`UTF-8 decoding failed: "${t}".`); return e } } class DatasetXMLParser extends SimpleXMLParser { constructor(e) { super(e); this.node = null } onEndElement(e) { const t = super.onEndElement(e); if (t && "xfa:datasets" === e) { this.node = t; throw new Error("Aborting DatasetXMLParser.") } } } class DatasetReader { constructor(e) { if (e.datasets) this.node = new SimpleXMLParser({ hasAttributes: !0 }).parseFromString(e.datasets).documentElement; else { const t = new DatasetXMLParser({ hasAttributes: !0 }); try { t.parseFromString(e["xdp:xdp"]) } catch { } this.node = t.node } } getValue(e) { if (!this.node || !e) return ""; const t = this.node.searchNode(parseXFAPath(e), 0); if (!t) return ""; const i = t.firstChild; return "value" === i?.nodeName ? => decodeString(e.textContent))) : decodeString(t.textContent) } } class XRef { #K = null; constructor(e, t) { = e; this.pdfManager = t; this.entries = []; this._xrefStms = new Set; this._cacheMap = new Map; this._pendingRefs = new RefSet; this._newPersistentRefNum = null; this._newTemporaryRefNum = null; this._persistentRefsCache = null } getNewPersistentRef(e) { null === this._newPersistentRefNum && (this._newPersistentRefNum = this.entries.length || 1); const t = this._newPersistentRefNum++; this._cacheMap.set(t, e); return Ref.get(t, 0) } getNewTemporaryRef() { if (null === this._newTemporaryRefNum) { this._newTemporaryRefNum = this.entries.length || 1; if (this._newPersistentRefNum) { this._persistentRefsCache = new Map; for (let e = this._newTemporaryRefNum; e < this._newPersistentRefNum; e++) { this._persistentRefsCache.set(e, this._cacheMap.get(e)); this._cacheMap.delete(e) } } } return Ref.get(this._newTemporaryRefNum++, 0) } resetNewTemporaryRef() { this._newTemporaryRefNum = null; if (this._persistentRefsCache) for (const [e, t] of this._persistentRefsCache) this._cacheMap.set(e, t); this._persistentRefsCache = null } setStartXRef(e) { this.startXRefQueue = [e] } parse(e = !1) { let t, i, a; if (e) { warn("Indexing all PDF objects"); t = this.indexObjects() } else t = this.readXRef(); t.assignXref(this); this.trailer = t; try { i = t.get("Encrypt") } catch (e) { if (e instanceof MissingDataException) throw e; warn(`XRef.parse - Invalid "Encrypt" reference: "${e}".`) } if (i instanceof Dict) { const e = t.get("ID"), a = e?.length ? e[0] : ""; i.suppressEncryption = !0; this.encrypt = new CipherTransformFactory(i, a, this.pdfManager.password) } try { a = t.get("Root") } catch (e) { if (e instanceof MissingDataException) throw e; warn(`XRef.parse - Invalid "Root" reference: "${e}".`) } if (a instanceof Dict) try { if (a.get("Pages") instanceof Dict) { this.root = a; return } } catch (e) { if (e instanceof MissingDataException) throw e; warn(`XRef.parse - Invalid "Pages" reference: "${e}".`) } if (!e) throw new XRefParseException; throw new InvalidPDFException("Invalid Root reference.") } processXRefTable(e) { "tableState" in this || (this.tableState = { entryNum: 0, streamPos:, parserBuf1: e.buf1, parserBuf2: e.buf2 }); if (!isCmd(this.readXRefTable(e), "trailer")) throw new FormatError("Invalid XRef table: could not find trailer dictionary"); let t = e.getObj(); t instanceof Dict || !t.dict || (t = t.dict); if (!(t instanceof Dict)) throw new FormatError("Invalid XRef table: could not parse trailer dictionary"); delete this.tableState; return t } readXRefTable(e) { const t =, i = this.tableState; t.pos = i.streamPos; e.buf1 = i.parserBuf1; e.buf2 = i.parserBuf2; let a; for (; ;) { if (!("firstEntryNum" in i) || !("entryCount" in i)) { if (isCmd(a = e.getObj(), "trailer")) break; i.firstEntryNum = a; i.entryCount = e.getObj() } let s = i.firstEntryNum; const r = i.entryCount; if (!Number.isInteger(s) || !Number.isInteger(r)) throw new FormatError("Invalid XRef table: wrong types in subsection header"); for (let a = i.entryNum; a < r; a++) { i.streamPos = t.pos; i.entryNum = a; i.parserBuf1 = e.buf1; i.parserBuf2 = e.buf2; const n = {}; n.offset = e.getObj(); n.gen = e.getObj(); const o = e.getObj(); if (o instanceof Cmd) switch (o.cmd) { case "f": = !0; break; case "n": n.uncompressed = !0 }if (!Number.isInteger(n.offset) || !Number.isInteger(n.gen) || ! && !n.uncompressed) throw new FormatError(`Invalid entry in XRef subsection: ${s}, ${r}`); 0 === a && && 1 === s && (s = 0); this.entries[a + s] || (this.entries[a + s] = n) } i.entryNum = 0; i.streamPos = t.pos; i.parserBuf1 = e.buf1; i.parserBuf2 = e.buf2; delete i.firstEntryNum; delete i.entryCount } if (this.entries[0] && !this.entries[0].free) throw new FormatError("Invalid XRef table: unexpected first object"); return a } processXRefStream(e) { if (!("streamState" in this)) { const t = e.dict, i = t.get("W"); let a = t.get("Index"); a || (a = [0, t.get("Size")]); this.streamState = { entryRanges: a, byteWidths: i, entryNum: 0, streamPos: e.pos } } this.readXRefStream(e); delete this.streamState; return e.dict } readXRefStream(e) { const t = this.streamState; e.pos = t.streamPos; const [i, a, s] = t.byteWidths, r = t.entryRanges; for (; r.length > 0;) { const [n, o] = r; if (!Number.isInteger(n) || !Number.isInteger(o)) throw new FormatError(`Invalid XRef range fields: ${n}, ${o}`); if (!Number.isInteger(i) || !Number.isInteger(a) || !Number.isInteger(s)) throw new FormatError(`Invalid XRef entry fields length: ${n}, ${o}`); for (let r = t.entryNum; r < o; ++r) { t.entryNum = r; t.streamPos = e.pos; let o = 0, g = 0, c = 0; for (let t = 0; t < i; ++t) { const t = e.getByte(); if (-1 === t) throw new FormatError("Invalid XRef byteWidths 'type'."); o = o << 8 | t } 0 === i && (o = 1); for (let t = 0; t < a; ++t) { const t = e.getByte(); if (-1 === t) throw new FormatError("Invalid XRef byteWidths 'offset'."); g = g << 8 | t } for (let t = 0; t < s; ++t) { const t = e.getByte(); if (-1 === t) throw new FormatError("Invalid XRef byteWidths 'generation'."); c = c << 8 | t } const h = {}; h.offset = g; h.gen = c; switch (o) { case 0: = !0; break; case 1: h.uncompressed = !0; break; case 2: break; default: throw new FormatError(`Invalid XRef entry type: ${o}`) }this.entries[n + r] || (this.entries[n + r] = h) } t.entryNum = 0; t.streamPos = e.pos; r.splice(0, 2) } } indexObjects() { function readToken(e, t) { let i = "", a = e[t]; for (; 10 !== a && 13 !== a && 60 !== a && !(++t >= e.length);) { i += String.fromCharCode(a); a = e[t] } return i } function skipUntil(e, t, i) { const a = i.length, s = e.length; let r = 0; for (; t < s;) { let s = 0; for (; s < a && e[t + s] === i[s];)++s; if (s >= a) break; t++; r++ } return r } const e = /\b(endobj|\d+\s+\d+\s+obj|xref|trailer\s*<<)\b/g, t = /\b(startxref|\d+\s+\d+\s+obj)\b/g, i = /^(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+obj\b/, a = new Uint8Array([116, 114, 97, 105, 108, 101, 114]), s = new Uint8Array([115, 116, 97, 114, 116, 120, 114, 101, 102]), r = new Uint8Array([47, 88, 82, 101, 102]); this.entries.length = 0; this._cacheMap.clear(); const n =; n.pos = 0; const o = n.getBytes(), g = bytesToString(o), c = o.length; let h = n.start; const l = [], C = []; for (; h < c;) { let Q = o[h]; if (9 === Q || 10 === Q || 13 === Q || 32 === Q) { ++h; continue } if (37 === Q) { do { ++h; if (h >= c) break; Q = o[h] } while (10 !== Q && 13 !== Q); continue } const E = readToken(o, h); let u; if (E.startsWith("xref") && (4 === E.length || /\s/.test(E[4]))) { h += skipUntil(o, h, a); l.push(h); h += skipUntil(o, h, s) } else if (u = i.exec(E)) { const t = 0 | u[1], i = 0 | u[2], a = h + E.length; let s, l = !1; if (this.entries[t]) { if (this.entries[t].gen === i) try { new Parser({ lexer: new Lexer(n.makeSubStream(a)) }).getObj(); l = !0 } catch (e) { e instanceof ParserEOFException ? warn(`indexObjects -- checking object (${E}): "${e}".`) : l = !0 } } else l = !0; l && (this.entries[t] = { offset: h - n.start, gen: i, uncompressed: !0 }); e.lastIndex = a; const Q = e.exec(g); if (Q) { s = e.lastIndex + 1 - h; if ("endobj" !== Q[1]) { warn(`indexObjects: Found "${Q[1]}" inside of another "obj", caused by missing "endobj" -- trying to recover.`); s -= Q[1].length + 1 } } else s = c - h; const d = o.subarray(h, h + s), f = skipUntil(d, 0, r); if (f < s && d[f + 5] < 64) { C.push(h - n.start); this._xrefStms.add(h - n.start) } h += s } else if (E.startsWith("trailer") && (7 === E.length || /\s/.test(E[7]))) { l.push(h); const e = h + E.length; let i; t.lastIndex = e; const a = t.exec(g); if (a) { i = t.lastIndex + 1 - h; if ("startxref" !== a[1]) { warn(`indexObjects: Found "${a[1]}" after "trailer", caused by missing "startxref" -- trying to recover.`); i -= a[1].length + 1 } } else i = c - h; h += i } else h += E.length + 1 } for (const e of C) { this.startXRefQueue.push(e); this.readXRef(!0) } const Q = []; let E, u, d = !1; for (const e of l) { n.pos = e; const t = new Parser({ lexer: new Lexer(n), xref: this, allowStreams: !0, recoveryMode: !0 }); if (!isCmd(t.getObj(), "trailer")) continue; const i = t.getObj(); if (i instanceof Dict) { Q.push(i); i.has("Encrypt") && (d = !0) } } for (const e of [...Q, "genFallback", ...Q]) { if ("genFallback" === e) { if (!u) break; this._generationFallback = !0; continue } let t = !1; try { const i = e.get("Root"); if (!(i instanceof Dict)) continue; const a = i.get("Pages"); if (!(a instanceof Dict)) continue; const s = a.get("Count"); Number.isInteger(s) && (t = !0) } catch (e) { u = e; continue } if (t && (!d || e.has("Encrypt")) && e.has("ID")) return e; E = e } if (E) return E; if (this.topDict) return this.topDict; throw new InvalidPDFException("Invalid PDF structure.") } readXRef(e = !1) { const t =, i = new Set; for (; this.startXRefQueue.length;) { try { const e = this.startXRefQueue[0]; if (i.has(e)) { warn("readXRef - skipping XRef table since it was already parsed."); this.startXRefQueue.shift(); continue } i.add(e); t.pos = e + t.start; const a = new Parser({ lexer: new Lexer(t), xref: this, allowStreams: !0 }); let s, r = a.getObj(); if (isCmd(r, "xref")) { s = this.processXRefTable(a); this.topDict || (this.topDict = s); r = s.get("XRefStm"); if (Number.isInteger(r) && !this._xrefStms.has(r)) { this._xrefStms.add(r); this.startXRefQueue.push(r); this.#K ??= r } } else { if (!Number.isInteger(r)) throw new FormatError("Invalid XRef stream header"); if (!(Number.isInteger(a.getObj()) && isCmd(a.getObj(), "obj") && (r = a.getObj()) instanceof BaseStream)) throw new FormatError("Invalid XRef stream"); s = this.processXRefStream(r); this.topDict || (this.topDict = s); if (!s) throw new FormatError("Failed to read XRef stream") } r = s.get("Prev"); Number.isInteger(r) ? this.startXRefQueue.push(r) : r instanceof Ref && this.startXRefQueue.push(r.num) } catch (e) { if (e instanceof MissingDataException) throw e; info("(while reading XRef): " + e) } this.startXRefQueue.shift() } if (this.topDict) return this.topDict; if (!e) throw new XRefParseException } get lastXRefStreamPos() { return this.#K ?? (this._xrefStms.size > 0 ? Math.max(...this._xrefStms) : null) } getEntry(e) { const t = this.entries[e]; return t && ! && t.offset ? t : null } fetchIfRef(e, t = !1) { return e instanceof Ref ? this.fetch(e, t) : e } fetch(e, t = !1) { if (!(e instanceof Ref)) throw new Error("ref object is not a reference"); const i = e.num, a = this._cacheMap.get(i); if (void 0 !== a) { a instanceof Dict && !a.objId && (a.objId = e.toString()); return a } let s = this.getEntry(i); if (null === s) { this._cacheMap.set(i, s); return s } if (this._pendingRefs.has(e)) { this._pendingRefs.remove(e); warn(`Ignoring circular reference: ${e}.`); return ft } this._pendingRefs.put(e); try { s = s.uncompressed ? this.fetchUncompressed(e, s, t) : this.fetchCompressed(e, s, t); this._pendingRefs.remove(e) } catch (t) { this._pendingRefs.remove(e); throw t } s instanceof Dict ? s.objId = e.toString() : s instanceof BaseStream && (s.dict.objId = e.toString()); return s } fetchUncompressed(e, t, i = !1) { const a = e.gen; let s = e.num; if (t.gen !== a) { const r = `Inconsistent generation in XRef: ${e}`; if (this._generationFallback && t.gen < a) { warn(r); return this.fetchUncompressed(Ref.get(s, t.gen), t, i) } throw new XRefEntryException(r) } const r = +, n = new Parser({ lexer: new Lexer(r), xref: this, allowStreams: !0 }), o = n.getObj(), g = n.getObj(), c = n.getObj(); if (o !== s || g !== a || !(c instanceof Cmd)) throw new XRefEntryException(`Bad (uncompressed) XRef entry: ${e}`); if ("obj" !== c.cmd) { if (c.cmd.startsWith("obj")) { s = parseInt(c.cmd.substring(3), 10); if (!Number.isNaN(s)) return s } throw new XRefEntryException(`Bad (uncompressed) XRef entry: ${e}`) } (t = this.encrypt && !i ? n.getObj(this.encrypt.createCipherTransform(s, a)) : n.getObj()) instanceof BaseStream || this._cacheMap.set(s, t); return t } fetchCompressed(e, t, i = !1) { const a = t.offset, s = this.fetch(Ref.get(a, 0)); if (!(s instanceof BaseStream)) throw new FormatError("bad ObjStm stream"); const r = s.dict.get("First"), n = s.dict.get("N"); if (!Number.isInteger(r) || !Number.isInteger(n)) throw new FormatError("invalid first and n parameters for ObjStm stream"); let o = new Parser({ lexer: new Lexer(s), xref: this, allowStreams: !0 }); const g = new Array(n), c = new Array(n); for (let e = 0; e < n; ++e) { const t = o.getObj(); if (!Number.isInteger(t)) throw new FormatError(`invalid object number in the ObjStm stream: ${t}`); const i = o.getObj(); if (!Number.isInteger(i)) throw new FormatError(`invalid object offset in the ObjStm stream: ${i}`); g[e] = t; c[e] = i } const h = (s.start || 0) + r, l = new Array(n); for (let e = 0; e < n; ++e) { const t = e < n - 1 ? c[e + 1] - c[e] : void 0; if (t < 0) throw new FormatError("Invalid offset in the ObjStm stream."); o = new Parser({ lexer: new Lexer(s.makeSubStream(h + c[e], t, s.dict)), xref: this, allowStreams: !0 }); const i = o.getObj(); l[e] = i; if (i instanceof BaseStream) continue; const r = g[e], C = this.entries[r]; C && C.offset === a && C.gen === e && this._cacheMap.set(r, i) } if (void 0 === (t = l[t.gen])) throw new XRefEntryException(`Bad (compressed) XRef entry: ${e}`); return t } async fetchIfRefAsync(e, t) { return e instanceof Ref ? this.fetchAsync(e, t) : e } async fetchAsync(e, t) { try { return this.fetch(e, t) } catch (i) { if (!(i instanceof MissingDataException)) throw i; await this.pdfManager.requestRange(i.begin, i.end); return this.fetchAsync(e, t) } } getCatalogObj() { return this.root } } const so = [0, 0, 612, 792]; class Page { constructor({ pdfManager: e, xref: t, pageIndex: i, pageDict: a, ref: s, globalIdFactory: r, fontCache: n, builtInCMapCache: o, standardFontDataCache: g, globalImageCache: c, systemFontCache: h, nonBlendModesSet: l, xfaFactory: C }) { this.pdfManager = e; this.pageIndex = i; this.pageDict = a; this.xref = t; this.ref = s; this.fontCache = n; this.builtInCMapCache = o; this.standardFontDataCache = g; this.globalImageCache = c; this.systemFontCache = h; this.nonBlendModesSet = l; this.evaluatorOptions = e.evaluatorOptions; this.resourcesPromise = null; this.xfaFactory = C; const Q = { obj: 0 }; this._localIdFactory = class extends r { static createObjId() { return `p${i}_${++Q.obj}` } static getPageObjId() { return `p${s.toString()}` } } } _getInheritableProperty(e, t = !1) { const i = getInheritableProperty({ dict: this.pageDict, key: e, getArray: t, stopWhenFound: !1 }); return Array.isArray(i) ? 1 !== i.length && i[0] instanceof Dict ? Dict.merge({ xref: this.xref, dictArray: i }) : i[0] : i } get content() { return this.pageDict.getArray("Contents") } get resources() { const e = this._getInheritableProperty("Resources"); return shadow(this, "resources", e instanceof Dict ? e : Dict.empty) } _getBoundingBox(e) { if (this.xfaData) return this.xfaData.bbox; const t = lookupNormalRect(this._getInheritableProperty(e, !0), null); if (t) { if (t[2] - t[0] > 0 && t[3] - t[1] > 0) return t; warn(`Empty, or invalid, /${e} entry.`) } return null } get mediaBox() { return shadow(this, "mediaBox", this._getBoundingBox("MediaBox") || so) } get cropBox() { return shadow(this, "cropBox", this._getBoundingBox("CropBox") || this.mediaBox) } get userUnit() { let e = this.pageDict.get("UserUnit"); ("number" != typeof e || e <= 0) && (e = 1); return shadow(this, "userUnit", e) } get view() { const { cropBox: e, mediaBox: t } = this; if (e !== t && !isArrayEqual(e, t)) { const i = Util.intersect(e, t); if (i && i[2] - i[0] > 0 && i[3] - i[1] > 0) return shadow(this, "view", i); warn("Empty /CropBox and /MediaBox intersection.") } return shadow(this, "view", t) } get rotate() { let e = this._getInheritableProperty("Rotate") || 0; e % 90 != 0 ? e = 0 : e >= 360 ? e %= 360 : e < 0 && (e = (e % 360 + 360) % 360); return shadow(this, "rotate", e) } _onSubStreamError(e, t) { if (!this.evaluatorOptions.ignoreErrors) throw e; warn(`getContentStream - ignoring sub-stream (${t}): "${e}".`) } getContentStream() { return this.pdfManager.ensure(this, "content").then((e => e instanceof BaseStream ? e : Array.isArray(e) ? new StreamsSequenceStream(e, this._onSubStreamError.bind(this)) : new NullStream)) } get xfaData() { return shadow(this, "xfaData", this.xfaFactory ? { bbox: this.xfaFactory.getBoundingBox(this.pageIndex) } : null) } #T(e, t, i) { for (const a of e) if ( { const e = Ref.fromString(; if (!e) { warn(`A non-linked annotation cannot be modified: ${}`); continue } if (a.deleted) { t.put(e, e); continue } i?.put(e); a.ref = e; delete } } async saveNewAnnotations(e, t, i, a) { if (this.xfaFactory) throw new Error("XFA: Cannot save new annotations."); const s = new PartialEvaluator({ xref: this.xref, handler: e, pageIndex: this.pageIndex, idFactory: this._localIdFactory, fontCache: this.fontCache, builtInCMapCache: this.builtInCMapCache, standardFontDataCache: this.standardFontDataCache, globalImageCache: this.globalImageCache, systemFontCache: this.systemFontCache, options: this.evaluatorOptions }), r = new RefSetCache, n = new RefSet; this.#T(i, r, n); const o = this.pageDict, g = this.annotations.filter((e => !(e instanceof Ref && r.has(e)))), c = await AnnotationFactory.saveNewAnnotations(s, t, i, a); for (const { ref: e } of c.annotations) e instanceof Ref && !n.has(e) && g.push(e); const h = o.get("Annots"); o.set("Annots", g); const l = []; await writeObject(this.ref, o, l, this.xref); h && o.set("Annots", h); const C = c.dependencies; C.push({ ref: this.ref, data: l.join("") }, ...c.annotations); for (const e of r) C.push({ ref: e, data: null }); return C } save(e, t, i) { const a = new PartialEvaluator({ xref: this.xref, handler: e, pageIndex: this.pageIndex, idFactory: this._localIdFactory, fontCache: this.fontCache, builtInCMapCache: this.builtInCMapCache, standardFontDataCache: this.standardFontDataCache, globalImageCache: this.globalImageCache, systemFontCache: this.systemFontCache, options: this.evaluatorOptions }); return this._parsedAnnotations.then((function (e) { const s = []; for (const r of e) r.mustBePrinted(i) && s.push(, t, i).catch((function (e) { warn(`save - ignoring annotation data during "${}" task: "${e}".`); return null }))); return Promise.all(s).then((function (e) { return e.filter((e => !!e)) })) })) } loadResources(e) { this.resourcesPromise ||= this.pdfManager.ensure(this, "resources"); return this.resourcesPromise.then((() => new ObjectLoader(this.resources, e, this.xref).load())) } getOperatorList({ handler: e, sink: t, task: i, intent: a, cacheKey: s, annotationStorage: r = null }) { const n = this.getContentStream(), h = this.loadResources(["ColorSpace", "ExtGState", "Font", "Pattern", "Properties", "Shading", "XObject"]), Q = new PartialEvaluator({ xref: this.xref, handler: e, pageIndex: this.pageIndex, idFactory: this._localIdFactory, fontCache: this.fontCache, builtInCMapCache: this.builtInCMapCache, standardFontDataCache: this.standardFontDataCache, globalImageCache: this.globalImageCache, systemFontCache: this.systemFontCache, options: this.evaluatorOptions }), u = this.xfaFactory ? null : getNewAnnotationsMap(r), d = u?.get(this.pageIndex); let f = Promise.resolve(null), p = null; if (d) { const e = this.pdfManager.ensureDoc("annotationGlobals"); let t; const a = new Set; for (const { bitmapId: e, bitmap: t } of d) !e || t || a.has(e) || a.add(e); const { isOffscreenCanvasSupported: s } = this.evaluatorOptions; if (a.size > 0) { const e = d.slice(); for (const [t, i] of r) t.startsWith(E) && i.bitmap && a.has(i.bitmapId) && e.push(i); t = AnnotationFactory.generateImages(e, this.xref, s) } else t = AnnotationFactory.generateImages(d, this.xref, s); p = new RefSet; this.#T(d, p, null); f = e.then((e => e ? AnnotationFactory.printNewAnnotations(e, Q, i, d, t) : null)) } const m = Promise.all([n, h]).then((([r]) => { const n = new OperatorList(a, t); e.send("StartRenderPage", { transparency: Q.hasBlendModes(this.resources, this.nonBlendModesSet), pageIndex: this.pageIndex, cacheKey: s }); return Q.getOperatorList({ stream: r, task: i, resources: this.resources, operatorList: n }).then((function () { return n })) })); return Promise.all([m, this._parsedAnnotations, f]).then((function ([e, t, s]) { if (s) { t = t.filter((e => !(e.ref && p.has(e.ref)))); for (let e = 0, i = s.length; e < i; e++) { const a = s[e]; if (a.refToReplace) { const r = t.findIndex((e => e.ref && isRefsEqual(e.ref, a.refToReplace))); if (r >= 0) { t.splice(r, 1, a); s.splice(e--, 1); i-- } } } t = t.concat(s) } if (0 === t.length || a & C) { e.flush(!0); return { length: e.totalLength } } const n = !!(a & l), h = !!(a & o), E = !!(a & g), u = !!(a & c), d = []; for (const e of t) (h || E && e.mustBeViewed(r, n) || u && e.mustBePrinted(r)) && d.push(e.getOperatorList(Q, i, a, n, r).catch((function (e) { warn(`getOperatorList - ignoring annotation data during "${}" task: "${e}".`); return { opList: null, separateForm: !1, separateCanvas: !1 } }))); return Promise.all(d).then((function (t) { let i = !1, a = !1; for (const { opList: s, separateForm: r, separateCanvas: n } of t) { e.addOpList(s); i ||= r; a ||= n } e.flush(!0, { form: i, canvas: a }); return { length: e.totalLength } })) })) } async extractTextContent({ handler: e, task: t, includeMarkedContent: i, disableNormalization: a, sink: s }) { const r = this.getContentStream(), n = this.loadResources(["ExtGState", "Font", "Properties", "XObject"]), o = this.pdfManager.ensureCatalog("lang"), [g, , c] = await Promise.all([r, n, o]); return new PartialEvaluator({ xref: this.xref, handler: e, pageIndex: this.pageIndex, idFactory: this._localIdFactory, fontCache: this.fontCache, builtInCMapCache: this.builtInCMapCache, standardFontDataCache: this.standardFontDataCache, globalImageCache: this.globalImageCache, systemFontCache: this.systemFontCache, options: this.evaluatorOptions }).getTextContent({ stream: g, task: t, resources: this.resources, includeMarkedContent: i, disableNormalization: a, sink: s, viewBox: this.view, lang: c }) } async getStructTree() { const e = await this.pdfManager.ensureCatalog("structTreeRoot"); if (!e) return null; await this._parsedAnnotations; return (await this.pdfManager.ensure(this, "_parseStructTree", [e])).serializable } _parseStructTree(e) { const t = new StructTreePage(e, this.pageDict); t.parse(this.ref); return t } async getAnnotationsData(e, t, i) { const a = await this._parsedAnnotations; if (0 === a.length) return a; const s = [], r = []; let n; const h = !!(i & o), l = !!(i & g), C = !!(i & c); for (const i of a) { const a = h || l && i.viewable; (a || C && i.printable) && s.push(; if (i.hasTextContent && a) { n ||= new PartialEvaluator({ xref: this.xref, handler: e, pageIndex: this.pageIndex, idFactory: this._localIdFactory, fontCache: this.fontCache, builtInCMapCache: this.builtInCMapCache, standardFontDataCache: this.standardFontDataCache, globalImageCache: this.globalImageCache, systemFontCache: this.systemFontCache, options: this.evaluatorOptions }); r.push(i.extractTextContent(n, t, [-1 / 0, -1 / 0, 1 / 0, 1 / 0]).catch((function (e) { warn(`getAnnotationsData - ignoring textContent during "${}" task: "${e}".`) }))) } } await Promise.all(r); return s } get annotations() { const e = this._getInheritableProperty("Annots"); return shadow(this, "annotations", Array.isArray(e) ? e : []) } get _parsedAnnotations() { return shadow(this, "_parsedAnnotations", this.pdfManager.ensure(this, "annotations").then((async e => { if (0 === e.length) return e; const t = await this.pdfManager.ensureDoc("annotationGlobals"); if (!t) return []; const i = []; for (const a of e) i.push(AnnotationFactory.create(this.xref, a, t, this._localIdFactory, !1, this.ref).catch((function (e) { warn(`_parsedAnnotations: "${e}".`); return null }))); const a = []; let s, r; for (const e of await Promise.all(i)) e && (e instanceof WidgetAnnotation ? (r ||= []).push(e) : e instanceof PopupAnnotation ? (s ||= []).push(e) : a.push(e)); r && a.push(...r); s && a.push(...s); return a }))) } get jsActions() { return shadow(this, "jsActions", collectActions(this.xref, this.pageDict, fA)) } } const ro = new Uint8Array([37, 80, 68, 70, 45]), no = new Uint8Array([115, 116, 97, 114, 116, 120, 114, 101, 102]), oo = new Uint8Array([101, 110, 100, 111, 98, 106]); function find(e, t, i = 1024, a = !1) { const s = t.length, r = e.peekBytes(i), n = r.length - s; if (n <= 0) return !1; if (a) { const i = s - 1; let a = r.length - 1; for (; a >= i;) { let n = 0; for (; n < s && r[a - n] === t[i - n];)n++; if (n >= s) { e.pos += a - i; return !0 } a-- } } else { let i = 0; for (; i <= n;) { let a = 0; for (; a < s && r[i + a] === t[a];)a++; if (a >= s) { e.pos += i; return !0 } i++ } } return !1 } class PDFDocument { constructor(e, t) { if (t.length <= 0) throw new InvalidPDFException("The PDF file is empty, i.e. its size is zero bytes."); this.pdfManager = e; = t; this.xref = new XRef(t, e); this._pagePromises = new Map; this._version = null; const i = { font: 0 }; this._globalIdFactory = class { static getDocId() { return `g_${e.docId}` } static createFontId() { return "f" + ++i.font } static createObjId() { unreachable("Abstract method `createObjId` called.") } static getPageObjId() { unreachable("Abstract method `getPageObjId` called.") } } } parse(e) { this.xref.parse(e); this.catalog = new Catalog(this.pdfManager, this.xref) } get linearization() { let e = null; try { e = Linearization.create( } catch (e) { if (e instanceof MissingDataException) throw e; info(e) } return shadow(this, "linearization", e) } get startXRef() { const e =; let t = 0; if (this.linearization) { e.reset(); if (find(e, oo)) { e.skip(6); let i = e.peekByte(); for (; isWhiteSpace(i);) { e.pos++; i = e.peekByte() } t = e.pos - e.start } } else { const i = 1024, a = no.length; let s = !1, r = e.end; for (; !s && r > 0;) { r -= i - a; r < 0 && (r = 0); e.pos = r; s = find(e, no, i, !0) } if (s) { e.skip(9); let i; do { i = e.getByte() } while (isWhiteSpace(i)); let a = ""; for (; i >= 32 && i <= 57;) { a += String.fromCharCode(i); i = e.getByte() } t = parseInt(a, 10); isNaN(t) && (t = 0) } } return shadow(this, "startXRef", t) } checkHeader() { const e =; e.reset(); if (!find(e, ro)) return; e.moveStart(); e.skip(ro.length); let t, i = ""; for (; (t = e.getByte()) > 32 && i.length < 7;)i += String.fromCharCode(t); Dt.test(i) ? this._version = i : warn(`Invalid PDF header version: ${i}`) } parseStartXRef() { this.xref.setStartXRef(this.startXRef) } get numPages() { let e = 0; e = this.catalog.hasActualNumPages ? this.catalog.numPages : this.xfaFactory ? this.xfaFactory.getNumPages() : this.linearization ? this.linearization.numPages : this.catalog.numPages; return shadow(this, "numPages", e) } _hasOnlyDocumentSignatures(e, t = 0) { return !!Array.isArray(e) && e.every((e => { if (!((e = this.xref.fetchIfRef(e)) instanceof Dict)) return !1; if (e.has("Kids")) { if (++t > 10) { warn("_hasOnlyDocumentSignatures: maximum recursion depth reached"); return !1 } return this._hasOnlyDocumentSignatures(e.get("Kids"), t) } const i = isName(e.get("FT"), "Sig"), a = e.get("Rect"), s = Array.isArray(a) && a.every((e => 0 === e)); return i && s })) } get _xfaStreams() { const e = this.catalog.acroForm; if (!e) return null; const t = e.get("XFA"), i = { "xdp:xdp": "", template: "", datasets: "", config: "", connectionSet: "", localeSet: "", stylesheet: "", "/xdp:xdp": "" }; if (t instanceof BaseStream && !t.isEmpty) { i["xdp:xdp"] = t; return i } if (!Array.isArray(t) || 0 === t.length) return null; for (let e = 0, a = t.length; e < a; e += 2) { let s; s = 0 === e ? "xdp:xdp" : e === a - 2 ? "/xdp:xdp" : t[e]; if (!i.hasOwnProperty(s)) continue; const r = this.xref.fetchIfRef(t[e + 1]); r instanceof BaseStream && !r.isEmpty && (i[s] = r) } return i } get xfaDatasets() { const e = this._xfaStreams; if (!e) return shadow(this, "xfaDatasets", null); for (const t of ["datasets", "xdp:xdp"]) { const i = e[t]; if (i) try { const e = stringToUTF8String(i.getString()); return shadow(this, "xfaDatasets", new DatasetReader({ [t]: e })) } catch { warn("XFA - Invalid utf-8 string."); break } } return shadow(this, "xfaDatasets", null) } get xfaData() { const e = this._xfaStreams; if (!e) return null; const t = Object.create(null); for (const [i, a] of Object.entries(e)) if (a) try { t[i] = stringToUTF8String(a.getString()) } catch { warn("XFA - Invalid utf-8 string."); return null } return t } get xfaFactory() { let e; this.pdfManager.enableXfa && this.catalog.needsRendering && this.formInfo.hasXfa && !this.formInfo.hasAcroForm && (e = this.xfaData); return shadow(this, "xfaFactory", e ? new XFAFactory(e) : null) } get isPureXfa() { return !!this.xfaFactory && this.xfaFactory.isValid() } get htmlForXfa() { return this.xfaFactory ? this.xfaFactory.getPages() : null } async loadXfaImages() { const e = await this.pdfManager.ensureCatalog("xfaImages"); if (!e) return; const t = e.getKeys(), i = new ObjectLoader(e, t, this.xref); await i.load(); const a = new Map; for (const i of t) { const t = e.get(i); t instanceof BaseStream && a.set(i, t.getBytes()) } this.xfaFactory.setImages(a) } async loadXfaFonts(e, t) { const i = await this.pdfManager.ensureCatalog("acroForm"); if (!i) return; const a = await i.getAsync("DR"); if (!(a instanceof Dict)) return; const s = new ObjectLoader(a, ["Font"], this.xref); await s.load(); const r = a.get("Font"); if (!(r instanceof Dict)) return; const n = Object.assign(Object.create(null), this.pdfManager.evaluatorOptions); n.useSystemFonts = !1; const o = new PartialEvaluator({ xref: this.xref, handler: e, pageIndex: -1, idFactory: this._globalIdFactory, fontCache: this.catalog.fontCache, builtInCMapCache: this.catalog.builtInCMapCache, standardFontDataCache: this.catalog.standardFontDataCache, options: n }), g = new OperatorList, c = [], h = { get font() { return }, set font(e) { c.push(e) }, clone() { return this } }, l = new Map; r.forEach(((e, t) => { l.set(e, t) })); const C = []; for (const [e, i] of l) { const s = i.get("FontDescriptor"); if (!(s instanceof Dict)) continue; let r = s.get("FontFamily"); r = r.replaceAll(/[ ]+(\d)/g, "$1"); const n = { fontFamily: r, fontWeight: s.get("FontWeight"), italicAngle: -s.get("ItalicAngle") }; validateCSSFont(n) && C.push(o.handleSetFont(a, [Name.get(e), 1], null, g, t, h, null, n).catch((function (e) { warn(`loadXfaFonts: "${e}".`); return null }))) } await Promise.all(C); const Q = this.xfaFactory.setFonts(c); if (!Q) return; n.ignoreErrors = !0; C.length = 0; c.length = 0; const E = new Set; for (const e of Q) getXfaFontName(`${e}-Regular`) || E.add(e); E.size && Q.push("PdfJS-Fallback"); for (const e of Q) if (!E.has(e)) for (const i of [{ name: "Regular", fontWeight: 400, italicAngle: 0 }, { name: "Bold", fontWeight: 700, italicAngle: 0 }, { name: "Italic", fontWeight: 400, italicAngle: 12 }, { name: "BoldItalic", fontWeight: 700, italicAngle: 12 }]) { const s = `${e}-${}`, r = getXfaFontDict(s); C.push(o.handleSetFont(a, [Name.get(s), 1], null, g, t, h, r, { fontFamily: e, fontWeight: i.fontWeight, italicAngle: i.italicAngle }).catch((function (e) { warn(`loadXfaFonts: "${e}".`); return null }))) } await Promise.all(C); this.xfaFactory.appendFonts(c, E) } async serializeXfaData(e) { return this.xfaFactory ? this.xfaFactory.serializeData(e) : null } get version() { return this.catalog.version || this._version } get formInfo() { const e = { hasFields: !1, hasAcroForm: !1, hasXfa: !1, hasSignatures: !1 }, t = this.catalog.acroForm; if (!t) return shadow(this, "formInfo", e); try { const i = t.get("Fields"), a = Array.isArray(i) && i.length > 0; e.hasFields = a; const s = t.get("XFA"); e.hasXfa = Array.isArray(s) && s.length > 0 || s instanceof BaseStream && !s.isEmpty; const r = !!(1 & t.get("SigFlags")), n = r && this._hasOnlyDocumentSignatures(i); e.hasAcroForm = a && !n; e.hasSignatures = r } catch (e) { if (e instanceof MissingDataException) throw e; warn(`Cannot fetch form information: "${e}".`) } return shadow(this, "formInfo", e) } get documentInfo() { const e = { PDFFormatVersion: this.version, Language: this.catalog.lang, EncryptFilterName: this.xref.encrypt ? this.xref.encrypt.filterName : null, IsLinearized: !!this.linearization, IsAcroFormPresent: this.formInfo.hasAcroForm, IsXFAPresent: this.formInfo.hasXfa, IsCollectionPresent: !!this.catalog.collection, IsSignaturesPresent: this.formInfo.hasSignatures }; let t; try { t = this.xref.trailer.get("Info") } catch (e) { if (e instanceof MissingDataException) throw e; info("The document information dictionary is invalid.") } if (!(t instanceof Dict)) return shadow(this, "documentInfo", e); for (const i of t.getKeys()) { const a = t.get(i); switch (i) { case "Title": case "Author": case "Subject": case "Keywords": case "Creator": case "Producer": case "CreationDate": case "ModDate": if ("string" == typeof a) { e[i] = stringToPDFString(a); continue } break; case "Trapped": if (a instanceof Name) { e[i] = a; continue } break; default: let t; switch (typeof a) { case "string": t = stringToPDFString(a); break; case "number": case "boolean": t = a; break; default: a instanceof Name && (t = a) }if (void 0 === t) { warn(`Bad value, for custom key "${i}", in Info: ${a}.`); continue } e.Custom || (e.Custom = Object.create(null)); e.Custom[i] = t; continue }warn(`Bad value, for key "${i}", in Info: ${a}.`) } return shadow(this, "documentInfo", e) } get fingerprints() { function validate(e) { return "string" == typeof e && e.length > 0 && "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0" !== e } function hexString(e) { const t = []; for (const i of e) { const e = i.toString(16); t.push(e.padStart(2, "0")) } return t.join("") } const e = this.xref.trailer.get("ID"); let t, i; if (Array.isArray(e) && validate(e[0])) { t = stringToBytes(e[0]); e[1] !== e[0] && validate(e[1]) && (i = stringToBytes(e[1])) } else t = Js(, 1024), 0, 1024); return shadow(this, "fingerprints", [hexString(t), i ? hexString(i) : null]) } async _getLinearizationPage(e) { const { catalog: t, linearization: i, xref: a } = this, s = Ref.get(i.objectNumberFirst, 0); try { const e = await a.fetchAsync(s); if (e instanceof Dict) { let i = e.getRaw("Type"); i instanceof Ref && (i = await a.fetchAsync(i)); if (isName(i, "Page") || !e.has("Type") && !e.has("Kids") && e.has("Contents")) { t.pageKidsCountCache.has(s) || t.pageKidsCountCache.put(s, 1); t.pageIndexCache.has(s) || t.pageIndexCache.put(s, 0); return [e, s] } } throw new FormatError("The Linearization dictionary doesn't point to a valid Page dictionary.") } catch (i) { warn(`_getLinearizationPage: "${i.message}".`); return t.getPageDict(e) } } getPage(e) { const t = this._pagePromises.get(e); if (t) return t; const { catalog: i, linearization: a, xfaFactory: s } = this; let r; r = s ? Promise.resolve([Dict.empty, null]) : a?.pageFirst === e ? this._getLinearizationPage(e) : i.getPageDict(e); r = r.then((([t, a]) => new Page({ pdfManager: this.pdfManager, xref: this.xref, pageIndex: e, pageDict: t, ref: a, globalIdFactory: this._globalIdFactory, fontCache: i.fontCache, builtInCMapCache: i.builtInCMapCache, standardFontDataCache: i.standardFontDataCache, globalImageCache: i.globalImageCache, systemFontCache: i.systemFontCache, nonBlendModesSet: i.nonBlendModesSet, xfaFactory: s }))); this._pagePromises.set(e, r); return r } async checkFirstPage(e = !1) { if (!e) try { await this.getPage(0) } catch (e) { if (e instanceof XRefEntryException) { this._pagePromises.delete(0); await this.cleanup(); throw new XRefParseException } } } async checkLastPage(e = !1) { const { catalog: t, pdfManager: i } = this; t.setActualNumPages(); let a; try { await Promise.all([i.ensureDoc("xfaFactory"), i.ensureDoc("linearization"), i.ensureCatalog("numPages")]); if (this.xfaFactory) return; a = this.linearization ? this.linearization.numPages : t.numPages; if (!Number.isInteger(a)) throw new FormatError("Page count is not an integer."); if (a <= 1) return; await this.getPage(a - 1) } catch (s) { this._pagePromises.delete(a - 1); await this.cleanup(); if (s instanceof XRefEntryException && !e) throw new XRefParseException; warn(`checkLastPage - invalid /Pages tree /Count: ${a}.`); let r; try { r = await t.getAllPageDicts(e) } catch (i) { if (i instanceof XRefEntryException && !e) throw new XRefParseException; t.setActualNumPages(1); return } for (const [e, [a, s]] of r) { let r; if (a instanceof Error) { r = Promise.reject(a); r.catch((() => { })) } else r = Promise.resolve(new Page({ pdfManager: i, xref: this.xref, pageIndex: e, pageDict: a, ref: s, globalIdFactory: this._globalIdFactory, fontCache: t.fontCache, builtInCMapCache: t.builtInCMapCache, standardFontDataCache: t.standardFontDataCache, globalImageCache: t.globalImageCache, systemFontCache: t.systemFontCache, nonBlendModesSet: t.nonBlendModesSet, xfaFactory: null })); this._pagePromises.set(e, r) } t.setActualNumPages(r.size) } } fontFallback(e, t) { return this.catalog.fontFallback(e, t) } async cleanup(e = !1) { return this.catalog ? this.catalog.cleanup(e) : clearGlobalCaches() } async#q(e, t, i, a, s) { const { xref: r } = this; if (!(t instanceof Ref) || s.has(t)) return; s.put(t); const n = await r.fetchAsync(t); if (!(n instanceof Dict)) return; if (n.has("T")) { const t = stringToPDFString(await n.getAsync("T")); e = "" === e ? t : `${e}.${t}` } else { let t = n; for (; ;) { t = t.getRaw("Parent"); if (t instanceof Ref) { if (s.has(t)) break; t = await r.fetchAsync(t) } if (!(t instanceof Dict)) break; if (t.has("T")) { const i = stringToPDFString(await t.getAsync("T")); e = "" === e ? i : `${e}.${i}`; break } } } i.has(e) || i.set(e, []); i.get(e).push(AnnotationFactory.create(r, t, a, null, !0, null).then((e => e?.getFieldObject())).catch((function (e) { warn(`#collectFieldObjects: "${e}".`); return null }))); if (!n.has("Kids")) return; const o = await n.getAsync("Kids"); if (Array.isArray(o)) for (const t of o) await this.#q(e, t, i, a, s) } get fieldObjects() { if (!this.formInfo.hasFields) return shadow(this, "fieldObjects", Promise.resolve(null)); return shadow(this, "fieldObjects", Promise.all([this.pdfManager.ensureDoc("annotationGlobals"), this.pdfManager.ensureCatalog("acroForm")]).then((async ([e, t]) => { if (!e) return null; const i = new RefSet, a = Object.create(null), s = new Map; for (const a of await t.getAsync("Fields")) await this.#q("", a, s, e, i); const r = []; for (const [e, t] of s) r.push(Promise.all(t).then((t => { (t = t.filter((e => !!e))).length > 0 && (a[e] = t) }))); await Promise.all(r); return a }))) } get hasJSActions() { return shadow(this, "hasJSActions", this.pdfManager.ensureDoc("_parseHasJSActions")) } async _parseHasJSActions() { const [e, t] = await Promise.all([this.pdfManager.ensureCatalog("jsActions"), this.pdfManager.ensureDoc("fieldObjects")]); return !!e || !!t && Object.values(t).some((e => e.some((e => null !== e.actions)))) } get calculationOrderIds() { const e = this.catalog.acroForm; if (!e?.has("CO")) return shadow(this, "calculationOrderIds", null); const t = e.get("CO"); if (!Array.isArray(t) || 0 === t.length) return shadow(this, "calculationOrderIds", null); const i = []; for (const e of t) e instanceof Ref && i.push(e.toString()); return 0 === i.length ? shadow(this, "calculationOrderIds", null) : shadow(this, "calculationOrderIds", i) } get annotationGlobals() { return shadow(this, "annotationGlobals", AnnotationFactory.createGlobals(this.pdfManager)) } } class BasePdfManager { constructor(e) { this.constructor === BasePdfManager && unreachable("Cannot initialize BasePdfManager."); this._docBaseUrl = function parseDocBaseUrl(e) { if (e) { const t = createValidAbsoluteUrl(e); if (t) return t.href; warn(`Invalid absolute docBaseUrl: "${e}".`) } return null }(e.docBaseUrl); this._docId = e.docId; this._password = e.password; this.enableXfa = e.enableXfa; e.evaluatorOptions.isOffscreenCanvasSupported &&= FeatureTest.isOffscreenCanvasSupported; this.evaluatorOptions = Object.freeze(e.evaluatorOptions) } get docId() { return this._docId } get password() { return this._password } get docBaseUrl() { return this._docBaseUrl } get catalog() { return this.pdfDocument.catalog } ensureDoc(e, t) { return this.ensure(this.pdfDocument, e, t) } ensureXRef(e, t) { return this.ensure(this.pdfDocument.xref, e, t) } ensureCatalog(e, t) { return this.ensure(this.pdfDocument.catalog, e, t) } getPage(e) { return this.pdfDocument.getPage(e) } fontFallback(e, t) { return this.pdfDocument.fontFallback(e, t) } loadXfaFonts(e, t) { return this.pdfDocument.loadXfaFonts(e, t) } loadXfaImages() { return this.pdfDocument.loadXfaImages() } serializeXfaData(e) { return this.pdfDocument.serializeXfaData(e) } cleanup(e = !1) { return this.pdfDocument.cleanup(e) } async ensure(e, t, i) { unreachable("Abstract method `ensure` called") } requestRange(e, t) { unreachable("Abstract method `requestRange` called") } requestLoadedStream(e = !1) { unreachable("Abstract method `requestLoadedStream` called") } sendProgressiveData(e) { unreachable("Abstract method `sendProgressiveData` called") } updatePassword(e) { this._password = e } terminate(e) { unreachable("Abstract method `terminate` called") } } class LocalPdfManager extends BasePdfManager { constructor(e) { super(e); const t = new Stream(e.source); this.pdfDocument = new PDFDocument(this, t); this._loadedStreamPromise = Promise.resolve(t) } async ensure(e, t, i) { const a = e[t]; return "function" == typeof a ? a.apply(e, i) : a } requestRange(e, t) { return Promise.resolve() } requestLoadedStream(e = !1) { return this._loadedStreamPromise } terminate(e) { } } class NetworkPdfManager extends BasePdfManager { constructor(e) { super(e); this.streamManager = new ChunkedStreamManager(e.source, { msgHandler: e.handler, length: e.length, disableAutoFetch: e.disableAutoFetch, rangeChunkSize: e.rangeChunkSize }); this.pdfDocument = new PDFDocument(this, this.streamManager.getStream()) } async ensure(e, t, i) { try { const a = e[t]; return "function" == typeof a ? a.apply(e, i) : a } catch (a) { if (!(a instanceof MissingDataException)) throw a; await this.requestRange(a.begin, a.end); return this.ensure(e, t, i) } } requestRange(e, t) { return this.streamManager.requestRange(e, t) } requestLoadedStream(e = !1) { return this.streamManager.requestAllChunks(e) } sendProgressiveData(e) { this.streamManager.onReceiveData({ chunk: e }) } terminate(e) { this.streamManager.abort(e) } } const go = 1, Io = 2, co = 1, ho = 2, lo = 3, Co = 4, Bo = 5, Qo = 6, Eo = 7, uo = 8; function wrapReason(e) { e instanceof Error || "object" == typeof e && null !== e || unreachable('wrapReason: Expected "reason" to be a (possibly cloned) Error.'); switch ( { case "AbortException": return new AbortException(e.message); case "MissingPDFException": return new MissingPDFException(e.message); case "PasswordException": return new PasswordException(e.message, e.code); case "UnexpectedResponseException": return new UnexpectedResponseException(e.message, e.status); case "UnknownErrorException": return new UnknownErrorException(e.message, e.details); default: return new UnknownErrorException(e.message, e.toString()) } } class MessageHandler { constructor(e, t, i) { this.sourceName = e; this.targetName = t; this.comObj = i; this.callbackId = 1; this.streamId = 1; this.streamSinks = Object.create(null); this.streamControllers = Object.create(null); this.callbackCapabilities = Object.create(null); this.actionHandler = Object.create(null); this._onComObjOnMessage = e => { const t =; if (t.targetName !== this.sourceName) return; if ( { this.#O(t); return } if (t.callback) { const e = t.callbackId, i = this.callbackCapabilities[e]; if (!i) throw new Error(`Cannot resolve callback ${e}`); delete this.callbackCapabilities[e]; if (t.callback === go) i.resolve(; else { if (t.callback !== Io) throw new Error("Unexpected callback case"); i.reject(wrapReason(t.reason)) } return } const a = this.actionHandler[t.action]; if (!a) throw new Error(`Unknown action from worker: ${t.action}`); if (t.callbackId) { const e = this.sourceName, s = t.sourceName; new Promise((function (e) { e(a( })).then((function (a) { i.postMessage({ sourceName: e, targetName: s, callback: go, callbackId: t.callbackId, data: a }) }), (function (a) { i.postMessage({ sourceName: e, targetName: s, callback: Io, callbackId: t.callbackId, reason: wrapReason(a) }) })) } else t.streamId ? this.#P(t) : a( }; i.addEventListener("message", this._onComObjOnMessage) } on(e, t) { const i = this.actionHandler; if (i[e]) throw new Error(`There is already an actionName called "${e}"`); i[e] = t } send(e, t, i) { this.comObj.postMessage({ sourceName: this.sourceName, targetName: this.targetName, action: e, data: t }, i) } sendWithPromise(e, t, i) { const a = this.callbackId++, s = Promise.withResolvers(); this.callbackCapabilities[a] = s; try { this.comObj.postMessage({ sourceName: this.sourceName, targetName: this.targetName, action: e, callbackId: a, data: t }, i) } catch (e) { s.reject(e) } return s.promise } sendWithStream(e, t, i, a) { const s = this.streamId++, r = this.sourceName, n = this.targetName, o = this.comObj; return new ReadableStream({ start: i => { const g = Promise.withResolvers(); this.streamControllers[s] = { controller: i, startCall: g, pullCall: null, cancelCall: null, isClosed: !1 }; o.postMessage({ sourceName: r, targetName: n, action: e, streamId: s, data: t, desiredSize: i.desiredSize }, a); return g.promise }, pull: e => { const t = Promise.withResolvers(); this.streamControllers[s].pullCall = t; o.postMessage({ sourceName: r, targetName: n, stream: Qo, streamId: s, desiredSize: e.desiredSize }); return t.promise }, cancel: e => { assert(e instanceof Error, "cancel must have a valid reason"); const t = Promise.withResolvers(); this.streamControllers[s].cancelCall = t; this.streamControllers[s].isClosed = !0; o.postMessage({ sourceName: r, targetName: n, stream: co, streamId: s, reason: wrapReason(e) }); return t.promise } }, i) } #P(e) { const t = e.streamId, i = this.sourceName, a = e.sourceName, s = this.comObj, r = this, n = this.actionHandler[e.action], o = { enqueue(e, r = 1, n) { if (this.isCancelled) return; const o = this.desiredSize; this.desiredSize -= r; if (o > 0 && this.desiredSize <= 0) { this.sinkCapability = Promise.withResolvers(); this.ready = this.sinkCapability.promise } s.postMessage({ sourceName: i, targetName: a, stream: Co, streamId: t, chunk: e }, n) }, close() { if (!this.isCancelled) { this.isCancelled = !0; s.postMessage({ sourceName: i, targetName: a, stream: lo, streamId: t }); delete r.streamSinks[t] } }, error(e) { assert(e instanceof Error, "error must have a valid reason"); if (!this.isCancelled) { this.isCancelled = !0; s.postMessage({ sourceName: i, targetName: a, stream: Bo, streamId: t, reason: wrapReason(e) }) } }, sinkCapability: Promise.withResolvers(), onPull: null, onCancel: null, isCancelled: !1, desiredSize: e.desiredSize, ready: null }; o.sinkCapability.resolve(); o.ready = o.sinkCapability.promise; this.streamSinks[t] = o; new Promise((function (t) { t(n(, o)) })).then((function () { s.postMessage({ sourceName: i, targetName: a, stream: uo, streamId: t, success: !0 }) }), (function (e) { s.postMessage({ sourceName: i, targetName: a, stream: uo, streamId: t, reason: wrapReason(e) }) })) } #O(e) { const t = e.streamId, i = this.sourceName, a = e.sourceName, s = this.comObj, r = this.streamControllers[t], n = this.streamSinks[t]; switch ( { case uo: e.success ? r.startCall.resolve() : r.startCall.reject(wrapReason(e.reason)); break; case Eo: e.success ? r.pullCall.resolve() : r.pullCall.reject(wrapReason(e.reason)); break; case Qo: if (!n) { s.postMessage({ sourceName: i, targetName: a, stream: Eo, streamId: t, success: !0 }); break } n.desiredSize <= 0 && e.desiredSize > 0 && n.sinkCapability.resolve(); n.desiredSize = e.desiredSize; new Promise((function (e) { e(n.onPull?.()) })).then((function () { s.postMessage({ sourceName: i, targetName: a, stream: Eo, streamId: t, success: !0 }) }), (function (e) { s.postMessage({ sourceName: i, targetName: a, stream: Eo, streamId: t, reason: wrapReason(e) }) })); break; case Co: assert(r, "enqueue should have stream controller"); if (r.isClosed) break; r.controller.enqueue(e.chunk); break; case lo: assert(r, "close should have stream controller"); if (r.isClosed) break; r.isClosed = !0; r.controller.close(); this.#W(r, t); break; case Bo: assert(r, "error should have stream controller"); r.controller.error(wrapReason(e.reason)); this.#W(r, t); break; case ho: e.success ? r.cancelCall.resolve() : r.cancelCall.reject(wrapReason(e.reason)); this.#W(r, t); break; case co: if (!n) break; new Promise((function (t) { t(n.onCancel?.(wrapReason(e.reason))) })).then((function () { s.postMessage({ sourceName: i, targetName: a, stream: ho, streamId: t, success: !0 }) }), (function (e) { s.postMessage({ sourceName: i, targetName: a, stream: ho, streamId: t, reason: wrapReason(e) }) })); n.sinkCapability.reject(wrapReason(e.reason)); n.isCancelled = !0; delete this.streamSinks[t]; break; default: throw new Error("Unexpected stream case") } } async#W(e, t) { await Promise.allSettled([e.startCall?.promise, e.pullCall?.promise, e.cancelCall?.promise]); delete this.streamControllers[t] } destroy() { this.comObj.removeEventListener("message", this._onComObjOnMessage) } } class PDFWorkerStream { constructor(e) { this._msgHandler = e; this._contentLength = null; this._fullRequestReader = null; this._rangeRequestReaders = [] } getFullReader() { assert(!this._fullRequestReader, "PDFWorkerStream.getFullReader can only be called once."); this._fullRequestReader = new PDFWorkerStreamReader(this._msgHandler); return this._fullRequestReader } getRangeReader(e, t) { const i = new PDFWorkerStreamRangeReader(e, t, this._msgHandler); this._rangeRequestReaders.push(i); return i } cancelAllRequests(e) { this._fullRequestReader?.cancel(e); for (const t of this._rangeRequestReaders.slice(0)) t.cancel(e) } } class PDFWorkerStreamReader { constructor(e) { this._msgHandler = e; this.onProgress = null; this._contentLength = null; this._isRangeSupported = !1; this._isStreamingSupported = !1; const t = this._msgHandler.sendWithStream("GetReader"); this._reader = t.getReader(); this._headersReady = this._msgHandler.sendWithPromise("ReaderHeadersReady").then((e => { this._isStreamingSupported = e.isStreamingSupported; this._isRangeSupported = e.isRangeSupported; this._contentLength = e.contentLength })) } get headersReady() { return this._headersReady } get contentLength() { return this._contentLength } get isStreamingSupported() { return this._isStreamingSupported } get isRangeSupported() { return this._isRangeSupported } async read() { const { value: e, done: t } = await; return t ? { value: void 0, done: !0 } : { value: e.buffer, done: !1 } } cancel(e) { this._reader.cancel(e) } } class PDFWorkerStreamRangeReader { constructor(e, t, i) { this._msgHandler = i; this.onProgress = null; const a = this._msgHandler.sendWithStream("GetRangeReader", { begin: e, end: t }); this._reader = a.getReader() } get isStreamingSupported() { return !1 } async read() { const { value: e, done: t } = await; return t ? { value: void 0, done: !0 } : { value: e.buffer, done: !1 } } cancel(e) { this._reader.cancel(e) } } class WorkerTask { constructor(e) { = e; this.terminated = !1; this._capability = Promise.withResolvers() } get finished() { return this._capability.promise } finish() { this._capability.resolve() } terminate() { this.terminated = !0 } ensureNotTerminated() { if (this.terminated) throw new Error("Worker task was terminated") } } class WorkerMessageHandler { static setup(e, t) { let i = !1; e.on("test", (function (t) { if (!i) { i = !0; e.send("test", t instanceof Uint8Array) } })); e.on("configure", (function (e) { !function setVerbosityLevel(e) { Number.isInteger(e) && (st = e) }(e.verbosity) })); e.on("GetDocRequest", (function (e) { return WorkerMessageHandler.createDocumentHandler(e, t) })) } static createDocumentHandler(e, t) { let i, a = !1, s = null; const r = new Set, n = getVerbosityLevel(), { docId: o, apiVersion: g } = e, c = "4.3.136"; if (g !== c) throw new Error(`The API version "${g}" does not match the Worker version "${c}".`); const h = []; for (const e in []) h.push(e); if (h.length) throw new Error("The `Array.prototype` contains unexpected enumerable properties: " + h.join(", ") + "; thus breaking e.g. `` iteration of `Array`s."); const l = o + "_worker"; let C = new MessageHandler(l, o, t); function ensureNotTerminated() { if (a) throw new Error("Worker was terminated") } function startWorkerTask(e) { r.add(e) } function finishWorkerTask(e) { e.finish(); r.delete(e) } async function loadDocument(e) { await i.ensureDoc("checkHeader"); await i.ensureDoc("parseStartXRef"); await i.ensureDoc("parse", [e]); await i.ensureDoc("checkFirstPage", [e]); await i.ensureDoc("checkLastPage", [e]); const t = await i.ensureDoc("isPureXfa"); if (t) { const e = new WorkerTask("loadXfaFonts"); startWorkerTask(e); await Promise.all([i.loadXfaFonts(C, e).catch((e => { })).then((() => finishWorkerTask(e))), i.loadXfaImages()]) } const [a, s] = await Promise.all([i.ensureDoc("numPages"), i.ensureDoc("fingerprints")]); return { numPages: a, fingerprints: s, htmlForXfa: t ? await i.ensureDoc("htmlForXfa") : null } } function getPdfManager({ data: e, password: t, disableAutoFetch: i, rangeChunkSize: a, length: r, docBaseUrl: n, enableXfa: g, evaluatorOptions: c }) { const h = { source: null, disableAutoFetch: i, docBaseUrl: n, docId: o, enableXfa: g, evaluatorOptions: c, handler: C, length: r, password: t, rangeChunkSize: a }, l = Promise.withResolvers(); let Q; if (e) { try { h.source = e; Q = new LocalPdfManager(h); l.resolve(Q) } catch (e) { l.reject(e) } return l.promise } let E, u = []; try { E = new PDFWorkerStream(C) } catch (e) { l.reject(e); return l.promise } const d = E.getFullReader(); d.headersReady.then((function () { if (d.isRangeSupported) { h.source = E; h.length = d.contentLength; h.disableAutoFetch ||= d.isStreamingSupported; Q = new NetworkPdfManager(h); for (const e of u) Q.sendProgressiveData(e); u = []; l.resolve(Q); s = null } })).catch((function (e) { l.reject(e); s = null })); let f = 0; new Promise((function (e, t) { const readChunk = function ({ value: e, done: i }) { try { ensureNotTerminated(); if (i) { Q || function () { const e = arrayBuffersToBytes(u); r && e.length !== r && warn("reported HTTP length is different from actual"); try { h.source = e; Q = new LocalPdfManager(h); l.resolve(Q) } catch (e) { l.reject(e) } u = [] }(); s = null; return } f += e.byteLength; d.isStreamingSupported || C.send("DocProgress", { loaded: f, total: Math.max(f, d.contentLength || 0) }); Q ? Q.sendProgressiveData(e) : u.push(e);, t) } catch (e) { t(e) } };, t) })).catch((function (e) { l.reject(e); s = null })); s = function (e) { E.cancelAllRequests(e) }; return l.promise } C.on("GetPage", (function (e) { return i.getPage(e.pageIndex).then((function (e) { return Promise.all([i.ensure(e, "rotate"), i.ensure(e, "ref"), i.ensure(e, "userUnit"), i.ensure(e, "view")]).then((function ([e, t, i, a]) { return { rotate: e, ref: t, refStr: t?.toString() ?? null, userUnit: i, view: a } })) })) })); C.on("GetPageIndex", (function (e) { const t = Ref.get(e.num, e.gen); return i.ensureCatalog("getPageIndex", [t]) })); C.on("GetDestinations", (function (e) { return i.ensureCatalog("destinations") })); C.on("GetDestination", (function (e) { return i.ensureCatalog("getDestination", []) })); C.on("GetPageLabels", (function (e) { return i.ensureCatalog("pageLabels") })); C.on("GetPageLayout", (function (e) { return i.ensureCatalog("pageLayout") })); C.on("GetPageMode", (function (e) { return i.ensureCatalog("pageMode") })); C.on("GetViewerPreferences", (function (e) { return i.ensureCatalog("viewerPreferences") })); C.on("GetOpenAction", (function (e) { return i.ensureCatalog("openAction") })); C.on("GetAttachments", (function (e) { return i.ensureCatalog("attachments") })); C.on("GetDocJSActions", (function (e) { return i.ensureCatalog("jsActions") })); C.on("GetPageJSActions", (function ({ pageIndex: e }) { return i.getPage(e).then((function (e) { return i.ensure(e, "jsActions") })) })); C.on("GetOutline", (function (e) { return i.ensureCatalog("documentOutline") })); C.on("GetOptionalContentConfig", (function (e) { return i.ensureCatalog("optionalContentConfig") })); C.on("GetPermissions", (function (e) { return i.ensureCatalog("permissions") })); C.on("GetMetadata", (function (e) { return Promise.all([i.ensureDoc("documentInfo"), i.ensureCatalog("metadata")]) })); C.on("GetMarkInfo", (function (e) { return i.ensureCatalog("markInfo") })); C.on("GetData", (function (e) { return i.requestLoadedStream().then((function (e) { return e.bytes })) })); C.on("GetAnnotations", (function ({ pageIndex: e, intent: t }) { return i.getPage(e).then((function (i) { const a = new WorkerTask(`GetAnnotations: page ${e}`); startWorkerTask(a); return i.getAnnotationsData(C, a, t).then((e => { finishWorkerTask(a); return e }), (e => { finishWorkerTask(a); throw e })) })) })); C.on("GetFieldObjects", (function (e) { return i.ensureDoc("fieldObjects") })); C.on("HasJSActions", (function (e) { return i.ensureDoc("hasJSActions") })); C.on("GetCalculationOrderIds", (function (e) { return i.ensureDoc("calculationOrderIds") })); C.on("SaveDocument", (async function ({ isPureXfa: e, numPages: t, annotationStorage: a, filename: s }) { const r = [i.requestLoadedStream(), i.ensureCatalog("acroForm"), i.ensureCatalog("acroFormRef"), i.ensureDoc("startXRef"), i.ensureDoc("xref"), i.ensureDoc("linearization"), i.ensureCatalog("structTreeRoot")], n = [], o = e ? null : getNewAnnotationsMap(a), [g, c, h, l, Q, E, u] = await Promise.all(r), d = Q.trailer.getRaw("Root") || null; let f; if (o) { u ? await u.canUpdateStructTree({ pdfManager: i, xref: Q, newAnnotationsByPage: o }) && (f = u) : await StructTreeRoot.canCreateStructureTree({ catalogRef: d, pdfManager: i, newAnnotationsByPage: o }) && (f = null); const e = AnnotationFactory.generateImages(a.values(), Q, i.evaluatorOptions.isOffscreenCanvasSupported), t = void 0 === f ? n : []; for (const [a, s] of o) t.push(i.getPage(a).then((t => { const i = new WorkerTask(`Save (editor): page ${a}`); return t.saveNewAnnotations(C, i, s, e).finally((function () { finishWorkerTask(i) })) }))); null === f ? n.push(Promise.all(t).then((async e => { await StructTreeRoot.createStructureTree({ newAnnotationsByPage: o, xref: Q, catalogRef: d, pdfManager: i, newRefs: e }); return e }))) : f && n.push(Promise.all(t).then((async e => { await f.updateStructureTree({ newAnnotationsByPage: o, pdfManager: i, newRefs: e }); return e }))) } if (e) n.push(i.serializeXfaData(a)); else for (let e = 0; e < t; e++)n.push(i.getPage(e).then((function (t) { const i = new WorkerTask(`Save: page ${e}`); return, i, a).finally((function () { finishWorkerTask(i) })) }))); const p = await Promise.all(n); let m = [], y = null; if (e) { y = p[0]; if (!y) return g.bytes } else { m = p.flat(2); if (0 === m.length) return g.bytes } const w = h && c instanceof Dict && m.some((e => e.needAppearances)), b = c instanceof Dict && c.get("XFA") || null; let D = null, F = !1; if (Array.isArray(b)) { for (let e = 0, t = b.length; e < t; e += 2)if ("datasets" === b[e]) { D = b[e + 1]; F = !0 } null === D && (D = Q.getNewTemporaryRef()) } else b && warn("Unsupported XFA type."); let S = Object.create(null); if (Q.trailer) { const e = Object.create(null), t = Q.trailer.get("Info") || null; t instanceof Dict && t.forEach(((t, i) => { "string" == typeof i && (e[t] = stringToPDFString(i)) })); S = { rootRef: d, encryptRef: Q.trailer.getRaw("Encrypt") || null, newRef: Q.getNewTemporaryRef(), infoRef: Q.trailer.getRaw("Info") || null, info: e, fileIds: Q.trailer.get("ID") || null, startXRef: E ? l : Q.lastXRefStreamPos ?? l, filename: s } } return incrementalUpdate({ originalData: g.bytes, xrefInfo: S, newRefs: m, xref: Q, hasXfa: !!b, xfaDatasetsRef: D, hasXfaDatasetsEntry: F, needAppearances: w, acroFormRef: h, acroForm: c, xfaData: y, useXrefStream: isDict(Q.topDict, "XRef") }).finally((() => { Q.resetNewTemporaryRef() })) })); C.on("GetOperatorList", (function (e, t) { const a = e.pageIndex; i.getPage(a).then((function (i) { const s = new WorkerTask(`GetOperatorList: page ${a}`); startWorkerTask(s); const r = n >= pA.INFOS ? : 0; i.getOperatorList({ handler: C, sink: t, task: s, intent: e.intent, cacheKey: e.cacheKey, annotationStorage: e.annotationStorage }).then((function (e) { finishWorkerTask(s); r && info(`page=${a + 1} - getOperatorList: time=${ - r}ms, len=${e.length}`); t.close() }), (function (e) { finishWorkerTask(s); s.terminated || t.error(e) })) })) })); C.on("GetTextContent", (function (e, t) { const { pageIndex: a, includeMarkedContent: s, disableNormalization: r } = e; i.getPage(a).then((function (e) { const i = new WorkerTask("GetTextContent: page " + a); startWorkerTask(i); const o = n >= pA.INFOS ? : 0; e.extractTextContent({ handler: C, task: i, sink: t, includeMarkedContent: s, disableNormalization: r }).then((function () { finishWorkerTask(i); o && info(`page=${a + 1} - getTextContent: time=` + ( - o) + "ms"); t.close() }), (function (e) { finishWorkerTask(i); i.terminated || t.error(e) })) })) })); C.on("GetStructTree", (function (e) { return i.getPage(e.pageIndex).then((function (e) { return i.ensure(e, "getStructTree") })) })); C.on("FontFallback", (function (e) { return i.fontFallback(, C) })); C.on("Cleanup", (function (e) { return i.cleanup(!0) })); C.on("Terminate", (function (e) { a = !0; const t = []; if (i) { i.terminate(new AbortException("Worker was terminated.")); const e = i.cleanup(); t.push(e); i = null } else clearGlobalCaches(); s && s(new AbortException("Worker was terminated.")); for (const e of r) { t.push(e.finished); e.terminate() } return Promise.all(t).then((function () { C.destroy(); C = null })) })); C.on("Ready", (function (t) { !function setupDoc(e) { function onSuccess(e) { ensureNotTerminated(); C.send("GetDoc", { pdfInfo: e }) } function onFailure(e) { ensureNotTerminated(); if (e instanceof PasswordException) { const t = new WorkerTask(`PasswordException: response ${e.code}`); startWorkerTask(t); C.sendWithPromise("PasswordRequest", e).then((function ({ password: e }) { finishWorkerTask(t); i.updatePassword(e); pdfManagerReady() })).catch((function () { finishWorkerTask(t); C.send("DocException", e) })) } else e instanceof InvalidPDFException || e instanceof MissingPDFException || e instanceof UnexpectedResponseException || e instanceof UnknownErrorException ? C.send("DocException", e) : C.send("DocException", new UnknownErrorException(e.message, e.toString())) } function pdfManagerReady() { ensureNotTerminated(); loadDocument(!1).then(onSuccess, (function (e) { ensureNotTerminated(); e instanceof XRefParseException ? i.requestLoadedStream().then((function () { ensureNotTerminated(); loadDocument(!0).then(onSuccess, onFailure) })) : onFailure(e) })) } ensureNotTerminated(); getPdfManager(e).then((function (e) { if (a) { e.terminate(new AbortException("Worker was terminated.")); throw new Error("Worker was terminated") } i = e; i.requestLoadedStream(!0).then((e => { C.send("DataLoaded", { length: e.bytes.byteLength }) })) })).then(pdfManagerReady, onFailure) }(e); e = null })); return l } static initializeFromPort(e) { const t = new MessageHandler("worker", "main", e); WorkerMessageHandler.setup(t, e); t.send("ready", null) } } "undefined" == typeof window && !t && "undefined" != typeof self && function isMessagePort(e) { return "function" == typeof e.postMessage && "onmessage" in e }(self) && WorkerMessageHandler.initializeFromPort(self); var fo = __webpack_exports__.WorkerMessageHandler; export { fo as WorkerMessageHandler }; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/Components/Common/PDFViewer.tsx b/src/Components/Common/PDFViewer.tsx index e4ede4f34be..28cacc09b48 100644 --- a/src/Components/Common/PDFViewer.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Common/PDFViewer.tsx @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ export default function PDFViewer( onDocumentLoadSuccess: (numPages: number) => void; }>, ) { - pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = "/pdf.worker.min.js"; + pdfjs.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = "/pdf.worker.min.mjs"; return (
diff --git a/vite.config.mts b/vite.config.mts index 5a8dcbae044..f7e65849493 100644 --- a/vite.config.mts +++ b/vite.config.mts @@ -1,8 +1,19 @@ +import path from "node:path"; +import { createRequire } from "node:module"; import { VitePWA } from "vite-plugin-pwa"; import react from "@vitejs/plugin-react-swc"; import checker from "vite-plugin-checker"; +import { viteStaticCopy } from "vite-plugin-static-copy"; import { treeShakeCareIcons } from "./plugins/treeShakeCareIcons"; +const pdfWorkerPath = path.join( + path.dirname( + createRequire(import.meta.url).resolve("pdfjs-dist/package.json"), + ), + "build", + "pdf.worker.min.mjs", +); + const cdnUrls = process.env.CARE_CDN_URL ?? [ @@ -15,6 +26,14 @@ const cdnUrls = export default { envPrefix: "REACT_", plugins: [ + viteStaticCopy({ + targets: [ + { + src: pdfWorkerPath, + dest: "", + }, + ], + }), react(), checker({ typescript: true }), treeShakeCareIcons({ From e5ede19bafe60e34ca04c85ce0ad14885b19b760 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sunny Thakurwar <> Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2024 11:19:45 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 02/36] Fix clipping issue login page (#7891) Co-authored-by: Gigin George --- src/Components/Auth/Login.tsx | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/src/Components/Auth/Login.tsx b/src/Components/Auth/Login.tsx index 68fdf2a6b67..4d49c4458ed 100644 --- a/src/Components/Auth/Login.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Auth/Login.tsx @@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ export const Login = (props: { forgot?: boolean }) => { forgotPassword && "hidden", )} > -
From 10a991eb7639cda740da8ed57c5f775a4f819fd2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Rithvik Nishad Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2024 12:23:58 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 03/36] Fixes facility cover image from not reloading after upload (#8412) --- .../Facility/CoverImageEditModal.tsx | 13 +++++----- src/Components/Facility/FacilityHome.tsx | 25 ++++++++++++++----- src/Locale/en/Facility.json | 5 ++-- 3 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/Components/Facility/CoverImageEditModal.tsx b/src/Components/Facility/CoverImageEditModal.tsx index 56821dfc7cc..d521d55c7ce 100644 --- a/src/Components/Facility/CoverImageEditModal.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Facility/CoverImageEditModal.tsx @@ -127,9 +127,14 @@ const CoverImageEditModal = ({ Authorization: "Bearer " + localStorage.getItem(LocalStorageKeys.accessToken), }, - (xhr: XMLHttpRequest) => { + async (xhr: XMLHttpRequest) => { if (xhr.status === 200) { Success({ msg: "Cover image updated." }); + setIsProcessing(false); + setIsCaptureImgBeingUploaded(false); + await sleep(1000); + onSave?.(); + closeModal(); } else { Notification.Error({ msg: "Something went wrong!", @@ -145,12 +150,6 @@ const CoverImageEditModal = ({ setIsProcessing(false); }, ); - - await sleep(1000); - setIsProcessing(false); - setIsCaptureImgBeingUploaded(false); - onSave && onSave(); - closeModal(); }; const handleDelete = async () => { diff --git a/src/Components/Facility/FacilityHome.tsx b/src/Components/Facility/FacilityHome.tsx index 82ee82afb22..50edef824c8 100644 --- a/src/Components/Facility/FacilityHome.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Facility/FacilityHome.tsx @@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ export const FacilityHome = ({ facilityId }: Props) => { const { t } = useTranslation(); const [openDeleteDialog, setOpenDeleteDialog] = useState(false); const [editCoverImage, setEditCoverImage] = useState(false); + const [coverImageEdited, setCoverImageEdited] = useState(false); const authUser = useAuthUser(); useMessageListener((data) => console.log(data)); @@ -125,11 +126,20 @@ export const FacilityHome = ({ facilityId }: Props) => { ); const CoverImage = () => ( - {facilityData?.name} + <> + {facilityData?.name} + {coverImageEdited && ( +
+ + {t("cover_image_updated_note")} + +
+ )} + ); return ( @@ -155,7 +165,10 @@ export const FacilityHome = ({ facilityId }: Props) => { /> facilityFetch()} + onSave={() => { + facilityFetch(); + setCoverImageEdited(true); + }} onClose={() => setEditCoverImage(false)} onDelete={() => facilityFetch()} facility={facilityData ?? ({} as FacilityModel)} diff --git a/src/Locale/en/Facility.json b/src/Locale/en/Facility.json index e321fa02f43..b00c41417ed 100644 --- a/src/Locale/en/Facility.json +++ b/src/Locale/en/Facility.json @@ -58,5 +58,6 @@ "duplicate_patient_record_confirmation": "Admit the patient record to your facility by adding the year of birth", "duplicate_patient_record_rejection": "I confirm that the suspect / patient I want to create is not on the list.", "duplicate_patient_record_birth_unknown": "Please contact your district care coordinator, the shifting facility or the patient themselves if you are not sure about the patient's year of birth.", - "patient_transfer_birth_match_note": "Note: Year of birth must match the patient to process the transfer request." -} + "patient_transfer_birth_match_note": "Note: Year of birth must match the patient to process the transfer request.", + "cover_image_updated_note": "It could take a while to see the updated cover image" +} \ No newline at end of file From 0daadf2f51645fe44675d38b6132c42564dcb33a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Shivank Kacker Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2024 13:10:04 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 04/36] Refactored FileUpload component (#8329) --- .../e2e/patient_spec/ | 2 +- .../e2e/patient_spec/ | 4 +- cypress/e2e/shifting_spec/ | 12 +- .../pageobject/Patient/PatientFileupload.ts | 37 +- cypress/pageobject/Resource/ResourcePage.ts | 12 +- src/Common/constants.tsx | 57 + src/Components/Common/FilePreviewDialog.tsx | 2 +- .../Common/components/SwitchTabs.tsx | 46 - src/Components/Common/components/Tabs.tsx | 70 + .../ConsultationFilesTab.tsx | 9 +- .../ConsultationUpdatesTab.tsx | 32 +- .../Facility/DischargedPatientsList.tsx | 14 +- src/Components/Files/AudioCaptureDialog.tsx | 203 ++ src/Components/Files/CameraCaptureDialog.tsx | 215 ++ src/Components/Files/FileBlock.tsx | 131 ++ src/Components/Files/FileUpload.tsx | 379 ++++ src/Components/HCX/ClaimCreatedModal.tsx | 4 +- src/Components/Patient/FileUpload.tsx | 1763 ----------------- src/Components/Patient/FileUploadPage.tsx | 41 + src/Components/Patient/ManagePatients.tsx | 52 +- .../Patient/PatientConsentRecordBlock.tsx | 86 +- .../Patient/PatientConsentRecords.tsx | 31 +- src/Components/Patient/SampleDetails.tsx | 9 +- src/Components/Patient/UpdateStatusDialog.tsx | 7 +- src/Components/Resource/ResourceBoardView.tsx | 15 +- src/Components/Shifting/BoardView.tsx | 17 +- src/Locale/en/Common.json | 18 +- src/Locale/en/Facility.json | 1 + src/Locale/en/FileUpload.json | 29 + src/Locale/en/index.js | 2 + src/Routers/routes/ConsultationRoutes.tsx | 7 +- src/Routers/routes/PatientRoutes.tsx | 10 +- src/Utils/VoiceRecorder.tsx | 102 - src/Utils/useFileManager.tsx | 88 +- src/Utils/useFileUpload.tsx | 314 +-- src/Utils/useRecorder.js | 2 + src/Utils/useTimer.tsx | 52 + 37 files changed, 1498 insertions(+), 2377 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 src/Components/Common/components/SwitchTabs.tsx create mode 100644 src/Components/Common/components/Tabs.tsx create mode 100644 src/Components/Files/AudioCaptureDialog.tsx create mode 100644 src/Components/Files/CameraCaptureDialog.tsx create mode 100644 src/Components/Files/FileBlock.tsx create mode 100644 src/Components/Files/FileUpload.tsx delete mode 100644 src/Components/Patient/FileUpload.tsx create mode 100644 src/Components/Patient/FileUploadPage.tsx create mode 100644 src/Locale/en/FileUpload.json delete mode 100644 src/Utils/VoiceRecorder.tsx create mode 100644 src/Utils/useTimer.tsx diff --git a/cypress/e2e/patient_spec/ b/cypress/e2e/patient_spec/ index bbd580b28d9..3d5bb37ce58 100644 --- a/cypress/e2e/patient_spec/ +++ b/cypress/e2e/patient_spec/ @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ function runTests(testDescription, visitPatientFileUploadSection) { cy.verifyNotification("File Uploaded Successfully"); patientFileUpload.verifyUploadFilePresence(cypressAudioName); // Verify the download of the audio file - cy.get("button").contains("DOWNLOAD").click(); + cy.get("button").contains("Download").click(); cy.verifyNotification("Downloading file..."); }); diff --git a/cypress/e2e/patient_spec/ b/cypress/e2e/patient_spec/ index 70aa0474650..26894bd0815 100644 --- a/cypress/e2e/patient_spec/ +++ b/cypress/e2e/patient_spec/ @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ describe("Patient Log Update in Normal, Critical and TeleIcu", () => { cy.verifyNotification("Brief Update log created successfully"); cy.closeNotification(); // edit the card and verify the data. - cy.contains("Daily Rounds").click(); + cy.contains("button", "Daily Rounds").click(); patientLogupdate.clickLogupdateCard("#dailyround-entry", patientCategory); cy.verifyContentPresence("#consultation-preview", [ patientCategory, @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ describe("Patient Log Update in Normal, Critical and TeleIcu", () => { patientLogupdate.typeDiastolic(patientModifiedDiastolic); cy.submitButton("Continue"); cy.verifyNotification("Brief Update log updated successfully"); - cy.contains("Daily Rounds").click(); + cy.contains("button", "Daily Rounds").click(); patientLogupdate.clickLogupdateCard("#dailyround-entry", patientCategory); cy.verifyContentPresence("#consultation-preview", [ patientModifiedDiastolic, diff --git a/cypress/e2e/shifting_spec/ b/cypress/e2e/shifting_spec/ index 9cdecc59990..f33278cbec4 100644 --- a/cypress/e2e/shifting_spec/ +++ b/cypress/e2e/shifting_spec/ @@ -32,13 +32,13 @@ describe("Shifting Page", () => { it("switch between active/archived", () => { cy.intercept(/\/api\/v1\/shift/).as("shifting"); - cy.contains("Archived").click().wait("@shifting"); - cy.contains("Active").should("have.class", "text-primary-500"); - cy.contains("Archived").should("have.class", "text-white"); + cy.contains("button", "Archived").click().wait("@shifting"); + cy.contains("button", "Active").should("have.class", "text-primary-500"); + cy.contains("button", "Archived").should("have.class", "text-white"); cy.intercept(/\/api\/v1\/shift/).as("shifting"); - cy.contains("Active").click().wait("@shifting"); - cy.contains("Active").should("have.class", "text-white"); - cy.contains("Archived").should("have.class", "text-primary-500"); + cy.contains("button", "Active").click().wait("@shifting"); + cy.contains("button", "Active").should("have.class", "text-white"); + cy.contains("button", "Archived").should("have.class", "text-primary-500"); }); afterEach(() => { diff --git a/cypress/pageobject/Patient/PatientFileupload.ts b/cypress/pageobject/Patient/PatientFileupload.ts index d1a4c496d66..8d5fecace4f 100644 --- a/cypress/pageobject/Patient/PatientFileupload.ts +++ b/cypress/pageobject/Patient/PatientFileupload.ts @@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ export class PatientFileUpload { } typeAudioName(name: string) { - cy.get("#consultation_audio_file").clear(); - cy.get("#consultation_audio_file").click().type(name); + cy.get("#upload-file-name").clear(); + cy.get("#upload-file-name").click().type(name); } clickFileTab() { @@ -16,19 +16,21 @@ export class PatientFileUpload { } typeFileName(name: string) { - cy.get("#consultation_file").clear(); - cy.get("#consultation_file").click().type(name); + cy.get("#upload-file-name").clear(); + cy.get("#upload-file-name").click().type(name); } recordAudio() { cy.get("#record-audio").click(); cy.wait(5000); cy.get("#stop-recording").click(); + cy.wait(1000); + cy.get("#save-recording").click(); } clickUploadAudioFile() { cy.intercept("POST", "**/api/v1/files/").as("uploadAudioFile"); - cy.verifyAndClickElement("#upload_audio_file", "Save"); + cy.verifyAndClickElement("#upload_file_button", "Upload"); cy.wait("@uploadAudioFile").its("response.statusCode").should("eq", 201); } @@ -52,8 +54,8 @@ export class PatientFileUpload { } archiveFile() { - cy.get("button").contains("ARCHIVE").click().scrollIntoView(); - cy.get("#editFileName").clear().type("Cypress File Archive"); + cy.get("#file-div button").contains("Archive").click().scrollIntoView(); + cy.get("#archive-file-reason").clear().type("Cypress File Archive"); } clickSaveArchiveFile() { @@ -63,27 +65,28 @@ export class PatientFileUpload { } verifyArchiveFile(fileName: string) { - cy.get("#archived-files").click(); - cy.get("button").contains("MORE DETAILS").click().scrollIntoView(); - cy.get("#archive-file-name").should("contain.text", fileName); - cy.get("#archive-file-reason").then(($reason) => { - expect($reason.text().split(":")[1]).to.contain("Cypress File Archive"); - }); + cy.get("button").contains("Archived Files").click(); + cy.get("button").contains("More Info").click().scrollIntoView(); + cy.get('[data-archive-info="File Name"]').should("contain.text", fileName); + cy.get('[data-archive-info="Archive Reason"]').should( + "contain.text", + "Cypress File Archive", + ); } verifyFileRenameOption(status: boolean) { cy.get("#file-div").then(($fileDiv) => { if (status) { - expect($fileDiv.text()).to.contain("RENAME"); + expect($fileDiv.text()).to.contain("Rename"); } else { - expect($fileDiv.text()).to.not.contain("RENAME"); + expect($fileDiv.text()).to.not.contain("Rename"); } }); } renameFile(newFileName: string) { - cy.get("button").contains("RENAME").click().scrollIntoView(); - cy.get("#editFileName").clear().type(newFileName); + cy.get("button").contains("Rename").click().scrollIntoView(); + cy.get("#edit-file-name").clear().type(newFileName); } clickSaveFileName() { diff --git a/cypress/pageobject/Resource/ResourcePage.ts b/cypress/pageobject/Resource/ResourcePage.ts index f7feac925bf..e4078fcb317 100644 --- a/cypress/pageobject/Resource/ResourcePage.ts +++ b/cypress/pageobject/Resource/ResourcePage.ts @@ -15,27 +15,27 @@ class ResourcePage { } clickCompletedResources() { - cy.contains("Completed").click(); + cy.contains("button", "Completed").click(); } verifyCompletedResources() { cy.wait("@resource").then((interception) => { expect(interception.response.statusCode).to.equal(200); }); - cy.contains("Active").should("have.class", "text-primary-500"); - cy.contains("Completed").should("have.class", "text-white"); + cy.contains("button", "Active").should("have.class", "text-primary-500"); + cy.contains("button", "Completed").should("have.class", "text-white"); } clickActiveResources() { - cy.contains("Active").click(); + cy.contains("button", "Active").click(); } verifyActiveResources() { cy.wait("@resource").then((interception) => { expect(interception.response.statusCode).to.equal(200); }); - cy.contains("Active").should("have.class", "text-white"); - cy.contains("Completed").should("have.class", "text-primary-500"); + cy.contains("button", "Active").should("have.class", "text-white"); + cy.contains("button", "Completed").should("have.class", "text-primary-500"); } clickListViewButton() { diff --git a/src/Common/constants.tsx b/src/Common/constants.tsx index 9e74e520bd3..610309057d0 100644 --- a/src/Common/constants.tsx +++ b/src/Common/constants.tsx @@ -1660,3 +1660,60 @@ export const PressureSoreTissueTypeOptions = [ "Slough", "Necrotic", ] as const; + +export const FILE_EXTENSIONS = { + IMAGE: ["jpeg", "jpg", "png", "gif", "svg", "bmp", "webp", "jfif"], + AUDIO: ["mp3", "wav"], + VIDEO: [ + "webm", + "mpg", + "mp2", + "mpeg", + "mpe", + "mpv", + "ogg", + "mp4", + "m4v", + "avi", + "wmv", + "mov", + "qt", + "flv", + "swf", + ], + PRESENTATION: ["pptx"], + DOCUMENT: ["pdf", "docx"], +} as const; + +export const PREVIEWABLE_FILE_EXTENSIONS = [ + "html", + "htm", + "pdf", + "mp4", + "webm", + "jpg", + "jpeg", + "png", + "gif", + "webp", +] as const; + +export const HEADER_CONTENT_TYPES = { + pdf: "application/pdf", + txt: "text/plain", + jpeg: "image/jpeg", + jpg: "image/jpeg", + doc: "application/msword", + xls: "application/", + docx: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", + epub: "application/epub+zip", + gif: "image/gif", + html: "text/html", + htm: "text/html", + mp4: "video/mp4", + png: "image/png", + ppt: "application/", + pptx: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation", + svg: "image/svg+xml", + xlsx: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet", +} as const; diff --git a/src/Components/Common/FilePreviewDialog.tsx b/src/Components/Common/FilePreviewDialog.tsx index 018197a5ebe..13768a0cf04 100644 --- a/src/Components/Common/FilePreviewDialog.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Common/FilePreviewDialog.tsx @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ import CircularProgress from "./components/CircularProgress"; import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; -import { StateInterface } from "../Patient/FileUpload"; +import { StateInterface } from "../Files/FileUpload"; import { Dispatch, ReactNode, SetStateAction, useState } from "react"; import CareIcon, { IconName } from "../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; import ButtonV2, { Cancel } from "./components/ButtonV2"; diff --git a/src/Components/Common/components/SwitchTabs.tsx b/src/Components/Common/components/SwitchTabs.tsx deleted file mode 100644 index 9e7bda5a786..00000000000 --- a/src/Components/Common/components/SwitchTabs.tsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,46 +0,0 @@ -import type { ReactNode } from "react"; -import { classNames } from "../../../Utils/utils"; - -export default function SwitchTabs(props: { - className?: string; - isTab2Active: boolean; - onClickTab1?: () => void; - onClickTab2?: () => void; - tab1: ReactNode; - tab2: ReactNode; -}) { - return ( -
- {props.tab1} -
- {props.tab2} -
- ); -} diff --git a/src/Components/Common/components/Tabs.tsx b/src/Components/Common/components/Tabs.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..9f59aab8754 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Components/Common/components/Tabs.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +import { useEffect, useRef, type ReactNode } from "react"; +import { classNames } from "../../../Utils/utils"; +import useWindowDimensions from "../../../Common/hooks/useWindowDimensions"; + +export default function Tabs(props: { + className?: string; + currentTab: string | number; + onTabChange: (value: string | number) => void; + tabs: { text: ReactNode; value: string | number }[]; +}) { + const { className, currentTab, onTabChange, tabs } = props; + const ref = useRef(null); + const tabSwitcherRef = useRef(null); + + const dimensions = useWindowDimensions(); + + useEffect(() => { + const currentTabIndex = tabs.findIndex((t) => t.value === currentTab); + if ( + typeof currentTabIndex != "number" || + !ref.current || + !tabSwitcherRef.current + ) + return; + const tabButton = ref.current.querySelectorAll("button")[currentTabIndex]; + if (!tabButton) return; + = tabButton.clientWidth + "px"; + = + tabButton.getBoundingClientRect().left - + ref.current.getBoundingClientRect().left + + ref.current.scrollLeft + + "px"; + }, [currentTab, tabSwitcherRef.current, ref.current, dimensions]); + + return ( +
+ {/* There has to be a better way of handling this... */} + {, i) => ( +
+ {tab.text} +
+ ))} +
+ {, i) => ( + + ))} +
+ ); +} diff --git a/src/Components/Facility/ConsultationDetails/ConsultationFilesTab.tsx b/src/Components/Facility/ConsultationDetails/ConsultationFilesTab.tsx index 754d4bf7b86..1941b29904d 100644 --- a/src/Components/Facility/ConsultationDetails/ConsultationFilesTab.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Facility/ConsultationDetails/ConsultationFilesTab.tsx @@ -1,17 +1,14 @@ import { ConsultationTabProps } from "./index"; -import { FileUpload } from "../../Patient/FileUpload"; +import { FileUpload } from "../../Files/FileUpload"; export const ConsultationFilesTab = (props: ConsultationTabProps) => { return ( -
); diff --git a/src/Components/Facility/ConsultationDetails/ConsultationUpdatesTab.tsx b/src/Components/Facility/ConsultationDetails/ConsultationUpdatesTab.tsx index 975e67671f0..a1f898ee9c5 100644 --- a/src/Components/Facility/ConsultationDetails/ConsultationUpdatesTab.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Facility/ConsultationDetails/ConsultationUpdatesTab.tsx @@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ import { import ReadMore from "../../Common/components/Readmore"; import DailyRoundsList from "../Consultations/DailyRoundsList"; import EventsList from "./Events/EventsList"; -import SwitchTabs from "../../Common/components/SwitchTabs"; import { getVitalsMonitorSocketUrl } from "../../VitalsMonitor/utils"; import useQuery from "../../../Utils/request/useQuery"; import routes from "../../../Redux/api"; import CareIcon from "../../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; import EncounterSymptomsCard from "../../Symptoms/SymptomsCard"; +import Tabs from "../../Common/components/Tabs"; const PageTitle = lazy(() => import("../../Common/PageTitle")); @@ -651,20 +651,24 @@ export const ConsultationUpdatesTab = (props: ConsultationTabProps) => {
- - Events - - beta - -
- } - tab1="Daily Rounds" - onClickTab1={() => setShowEvents(false)} - onClickTab2={() => setShowEvents(true)} - isTab2Active={showEvents} + tabs={[ + { + text: ( +
+ Events + + beta + +
+ ), + value: 1, + }, + { text: "Daily Rounds", value: 0 }, + ]} + onTabChange={(v) => setShowEvents(!!v)} + currentTab={showEvents ? 1 : 0} /> {showEvents ? ( diff --git a/src/Components/Facility/DischargedPatientsList.tsx b/src/Components/Facility/DischargedPatientsList.tsx index 6062dfb9eab..ca375fa505b 100644 --- a/src/Components/Facility/DischargedPatientsList.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Facility/DischargedPatientsList.tsx @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ import CareIcon from "../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; import RecordMeta from "../../CAREUI/display/RecordMeta"; import { formatPatientAge, humanizeStrings } from "../../Utils/utils"; import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; -import SwitchTabs from "../Common/components/SwitchTabs"; import SortDropdownMenu from "../Common/SortDropdown"; import useFilters from "../../Common/hooks/useFilters"; import PatientFilter from "../Patient/PatientFilter"; @@ -36,6 +35,7 @@ import { import { getDiagnosesByIds } from "../Diagnosis/utils"; import { ICD11DiagnosisModel } from "./models"; import FilterBadge from "../../CAREUI/display/FilterBadge"; +import Tabs from "../Common/components/Tabs"; const DischargedPatientsList = ({ facility_external_id, @@ -254,12 +254,14 @@ const DischargedPatientsList = ({ options={ <>
- navigate("/patients")} - isTab2Active + onTabChange={() => navigate("/patients")} + currentTab={1} /> advancedFilter.setShow(true)} diff --git a/src/Components/Files/AudioCaptureDialog.tsx b/src/Components/Files/AudioCaptureDialog.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..d686022a5b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Components/Files/AudioCaptureDialog.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,203 @@ +import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; +import useRecorder from "../../Utils/useRecorder"; +import { Link } from "raviger"; +import CareIcon from "../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; +import { useTimer } from "../../Utils/useTimer"; +import { t } from "i18next"; + +export interface AudioCaptureDialogProps { + show: boolean; + onHide: () => void; + onCapture: (file: File) => void; + autoRecord?: boolean; +} + +export default function AudioCaptureDialog(props: AudioCaptureDialogProps) { + type Status = + | "RECORDING" + | "WAITING_TO_RECORD" + | "PERMISSION_DENIED" + | "RECORDED"; + + const { show, onHide, onCapture, autoRecord = false } = props; + + const [status, setStatus] = useState(null); + + const [audioURL, , startRecording, stopRecording, , resetRecording] = + useRecorder((permission: boolean) => { + if (!permission) { + handleStopRecording(); + resetRecording(); + setStatus("PERMISSION_DENIED"); + } + }); + + const timer = useTimer(); + + const handleStartRecording = () => { + setStatus("RECORDING"); + startRecording(); + timer.start(); + }; + + const handleStopRecording = () => { + if (status !== "RECORDING") return; + setStatus("RECORDED"); + stopRecording(); + timer.stop(); + }; + + const handleRestartRecording = () => { + if (status !== "RECORDED") return; + resetRecording(); + handleStartRecording(); + }; + + const handleSubmit = async () => { + const response = await fetch(audioURL); + const blob = await response.blob(); + const file = new File( + [blob], + `recording_${new Date().toISOString().replaceAll(".", "_").replaceAll(":", "_")}.mp3`, + { type: "audio/mpeg" }, + ); + resetRecording(); + onHide(); + onCapture(file); + }; + + useEffect(() => { + const checkMicPermission = async () => { + try { + const permissions = await navigator.permissions.query({ + name: "microphone" as PermissionName, + }); + setStatus( + permissions.state === "denied" + ? "PERMISSION_DENIED" + : "WAITING_TO_RECORD", + ); + } catch (error) { + setStatus(null); + } + }; + + show && checkMicPermission(); + + return () => { + setStatus(null); + }; + }, [show]); + + useEffect(() => { + if (autoRecord && show && status === "WAITING_TO_RECORD") { + handleStartRecording(); + } + }, [autoRecord, status, show]); + + return ( +
+ {status === "PERMISSION_DENIED" && ( +

+ {t("audio__allow_permission")} +

+ {t("audio__allow_permission_helper")}{" "} + {/* TODO: find a better link that supports all browsers */} + + {t("audio__allow_permission_button")} + +
+ )} + {status === "WAITING_TO_RECORD" && ( +


+ +
+ )} + {status === "RECORDING" && ( +

+ {t("audio__recording")} +

+ {t("audio__recording_helper")} +
+ {t("audio__recording_helper_2")} +
+ +
+ )} + {status === "RECORDED" && ( +


+ {audioURL && ( +
+ )} +
+ + +
+ )} + +
+ ); +} diff --git a/src/Components/Files/CameraCaptureDialog.tsx b/src/Components/Files/CameraCaptureDialog.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..ee7d7da177c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Components/Files/CameraCaptureDialog.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ +import Webcam from "react-webcam"; +import CareIcon from "../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; +import DialogModal from "../Common/Dialog"; +import ButtonV2, { Submit } from "../Common/components/ButtonV2"; +import { t } from "i18next"; +import { useCallback, useRef, useState } from "react"; +import useWindowDimensions from "../../Common/hooks/useWindowDimensions"; + +export interface CameraCaptureDialogProps { + show: boolean; + onHide: () => void; + onCapture: (file: File) => void; +} + +export default function CameraCaptureDialog(props: CameraCaptureDialogProps) { + const { show, onHide, onCapture } = props; + + const [cameraFacingFront, setCameraFacingFront] = useState(true); + const [previewImage, setPreviewImage] = useState(null); + const webRef = useRef(null); + + const videoConstraints = { + width: { ideal: 4096 }, + height: { ideal: 2160 }, + facingMode: "user", + }; + + const handleSwitchCamera = useCallback(() => { + setCameraFacingFront((prevState) => !prevState); + }, []); + + const { width } = useWindowDimensions(); + const LaptopScreenBreakpoint = 640; + const isLaptopScreen = width >= LaptopScreenBreakpoint ? true : false; + + const captureImage = () => { + setPreviewImage(webRef.current.getScreenshot()); + const canvas = webRef.current.getCanvas(); + canvas?.toBlob((blob: Blob) => { + const extension = blob.type.split("/").pop(); + const myFile = new File([blob], `capture.${extension}`, { + type: blob.type, + }); + onCapture(myFile); + }); + }; + + const cameraFacingMode = cameraFacingFront + ? "user" + : { exact: "environment" }; + + return ( + +
+ +


+ } + className="max-w-2xl" + onClose={onHide} + > +
+ {!previewImage ? ( +
+ +
+ ) : ( +
+ +
+ )} +
+ + {/* buttons for mobile screens */} +
+ {!previewImage ? ( + + {t("switch")} + + ) : ( + <> + )} +
+ {!previewImage ? ( + <> +
+ { + captureImage(); + }} + className="m-2" + > + {t("capture")} + +
+ + ) : ( + <> +
+ { + setPreviewImage(null); + }} + className="m-2" + > + {t("retake")} + + { + setPreviewImage(null); + onHide(); + }} + className="m-2" + > + {t("submit")} + +
+ + )} +
+ { + setPreviewImage(null); + onHide(); + }} + className="m-2" + > + {t("close")} + +
+ {/* buttons for laptop screens */} +
+ + + {`${t("switch")} ${t("camera")}`} + +
+ +
+ {!previewImage ? ( + <> +
+ { + captureImage(); + }} + > + + {t("capture")} + +
+ + ) : ( + <> +
+ { + setPreviewImage(null); + }} + > + {t("retake")} + + { + onHide(); + setPreviewImage(null); + }} + > + {t("submit")} + +
+ + )} +
+ { + setPreviewImage(null); + onHide(); + }} + > + {`${t("close")} ${t("camera")}`} + +
+ + ); +} diff --git a/src/Components/Files/FileBlock.tsx b/src/Components/Files/FileBlock.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..3ecf4a2c315 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Components/Files/FileBlock.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ +import dayjs from "dayjs"; +import CareIcon, { IconName } from "../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; +import ButtonV2 from "../Common/components/ButtonV2"; +import { FileUploadModel } from "../Patient/models"; +import { FileManagerResult } from "../../Utils/useFileManager"; +import useQuery from "../../Utils/request/useQuery"; +import routes from "../../Redux/api"; +import { FILE_EXTENSIONS } from "../../Common/constants"; +import { t } from "i18next"; + +export interface FileBlockProps { + file: FileUploadModel; + fileManager: FileManagerResult; + associating_id: string; + editable: boolean; + archivable?: boolean; +} + +export default function FileBlock(props: FileBlockProps) { + const { + file, + fileManager, + associating_id, + editable = false, + archivable = false, + } = props; + + const filetype = fileManager.getFileType(file); + + const fileData = useQuery(routes.retrieveUpload, { + query: { file_type: fileManager.type, associating_id }, + pathParams: { id: || "" }, + prefetch: filetype === "AUDIO" && !file.is_archived, + }); + + const icons: Record = { + AUDIO: "l-volume", + IMAGE: "l-image", + PRESENTATION: "l-presentation-play", + VIDEO: "l-video", + UNKNOWN: "l-file-medical", + DOCUMENT: "l-file-medical", + }; + + const archived = file.is_archived; + + return ( +
+ +
+ {} + {file.extension} {file.is_archived && "(Archived)"} +
+ {dayjs( + file.is_archived ? file.archived_datetime : file.created_date, + ).format("DD MMM YYYY, hh:mm A")}{" "} + by{" "} + {file.is_archived + ? file.archived_by?.username + : file.uploaded_by?.username} +
+ {filetype === "AUDIO" && !file.is_archived && ( +
+ )} + {!file.is_archived && + (fileManager.isPreviewable(file) ? ( + fileManager.viewFile(file, associating_id)} + className="w-full md:w-auto" + > + + {t("view")} + + ) : ( + fileManager.downloadFile(file, associating_id)} + className="w-full md:w-auto" + > + + {t("download")} + + ))} +
+ {!file.is_archived && editable && ( + fileManager.editFile(file, associating_id)} + className="flex-1 md:flex-auto" + > + + {t("rename")} + + )} + {(file.is_archived || editable) && archivable && ( + fileManager.archiveFile(file, associating_id)} + className="flex-1 md:flex-auto" + > + + {file.is_archived ? t("more_info") : t("archive")} + + )} +
+ ); +} diff --git a/src/Components/Files/FileUpload.tsx b/src/Components/Files/FileUpload.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..2e3d6ea58b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Components/Files/FileUpload.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ +import { useState, ReactNode } from "react"; +import { FileUploadModel } from "../Patient/models.js"; +import Pagination from "../Common/Pagination.js"; +import { RESULTS_PER_PAGE_LIMIT } from "../../Common/constants.js"; +import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; +import ButtonV2 from "../Common/components/ButtonV2.js"; +import CareIcon, { IconName } from "../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon.js"; +import TextFormField from "../Form/FormFields/TextFormField.js"; +import { NonReadOnlyUsers } from "../../Utils/AuthorizeFor.js"; +import AuthorizedChild from "../../CAREUI/misc/AuthorizedChild.js"; +import useAuthUser from "../../Common/hooks/useAuthUser.js"; +import useQuery from "../../Utils/request/useQuery.js"; +import routes from "../../Redux/api.js"; +import useFileUpload from "../../Utils/useFileUpload.js"; +import useFileManager from "../../Utils/useFileManager.js"; +import Tabs from "../Common/components/Tabs.js"; +import FileBlock from "./FileBlock.js"; + +export const LinearProgressWithLabel = (props: { value: number }) => { + return ( +


+ ); +}; + +interface FileUploadProps { + type: string; + patientId?: string; + consultationId?: string; + consentId?: string; + allowAudio?: boolean; + sampleId?: string; + claimId?: string; + className?: string; + hideUpload?: boolean; +} + +export interface ModalDetails { + name?: string; + id?: string; + reason?: string; + userArchived?: string; + archiveTime?: string; + associatedId?: string; +} + +export interface StateInterface { + open: boolean; + isImage: boolean; + name: string; + extension: string; + zoom: number; + isZoomInDisabled: boolean; + isZoomOutDisabled: boolean; + rotation: number; +} + +export const FileUpload = (props: FileUploadProps) => { + const { t } = useTranslation(); + const { + consultationId, + patientId, + consentId, + type, + sampleId, + claimId, + allowAudio, + hideUpload, + } = props; + const [currentPage, setCurrentPage] = useState(1); + const [offset, setOffset] = useState(0); + const [tab, setTab] = useState("UNARCHIVED"); + const authUser = useAuthUser(); + + const handlePagination = (page: number, limit: number) => { + const offset = (page - 1) * limit; + setCurrentPage(page); + setOffset(offset); + }; + + const UPLOAD_HEADING: { [index: string]: string } = { + PATIENT: t("upload_headings__patient"), + CONSULTATION: t("upload_headings__consultation"), + SAMPLE_MANAGEMENT: t("upload_headings__sample_report"), + CLAIM: t("upload_headings__supporting_info"), + }; + const VIEW_HEADING: { [index: string]: string } = { + PATIENT: t("file_list_headings__patient"), + CONSULTATION: t("file_list_headings__consultation"), + SAMPLE_MANAGEMENT: t("file_list_headings__sample_report"), + CLAIM: t("file_list_headings__supporting_info"), + }; + + const associatedId = + { + PATIENT: patientId, + CONSENT_RECORD: consentId, + CONSULTATION: consultationId, + SAMPLE_MANAGEMENT: sampleId, + CLAIM: claimId, + }[type] || ""; + + const activeFilesQuery = useQuery(routes.viewUpload, { + query: { + file_type: type, + associating_id: associatedId, + is_archived: false, + limit: RESULTS_PER_PAGE_LIMIT, + offset: offset, + }, + }); + + const archivedFilesQuery = useQuery(routes.viewUpload, { + query: { + file_type: type, + associating_id: associatedId, + is_archived: true, + limit: RESULTS_PER_PAGE_LIMIT, + offset: offset, + }, + }); + + const dischargeSummaryQuery = useQuery(routes.viewUpload, { + query: { + file_type: "DISCHARGE_SUMMARY", + associating_id: associatedId, + is_archived: false, + limit: RESULTS_PER_PAGE_LIMIT, + offset: offset, + }, + prefetch: type === "CONSULTATION", + silent: true, + }); + + const queries = { + UNARCHIVED: activeFilesQuery, + ARCHIVED: archivedFilesQuery, + DISCHARGE_SUMMARY: dischargeSummaryQuery, + }; + + const refetchAll = async () => + Promise.all(Object.values(queries).map((q) => q.refetch())); + const loading = Object.values(queries).some((q) => q.loading); + + const fileQuery = queries[tab as keyof typeof queries]; + + const tabs = [ + { text: "Active Files", value: "UNARCHIVED" }, + { text: "Archived Files", value: "ARCHIVED" }, + ...( + ? [ + { + text: "Discharge Summary", + value: "DISCHARGE_SUMMARY", + }, + ] + : []), + ]; + + const fileUpload = useFileUpload({ + type, + allowedExtensions: [ + "jpg", + "jpeg", + "png", + "gif", + "bmp", + "tiff", + "mp4", + "mov", + "avi", + "wmv", + "mp3", + "wav", + "ogg", + "txt", + "csv", + "rtf", + "doc", + "odt", + "pdf", + "xls", + "xlsx", + "ods", + "pdf", + ], + onUpload: refetchAll, + }); + + const fileManager = useFileManager({ + type, + onArchive: refetchAll, + onEdit: refetchAll, + }); + + const dischargeSummaryFileManager = useFileManager({ + type: "DISCHARGE_SUMMARY", + onArchive: refetchAll, + onEdit: refetchAll, + }); + + const uploadButtons: { + name: string; + icon: IconName; + onClick?: () => void; + children?: ReactNode; + show?: boolean; + id: string; + }[] = [ + { + name: t("choose_file"), + icon: "l-file-upload-alt", + children: , + id: "upload-file", + }, + { + name: t("open_camera"), + icon: "l-camera", + onClick: fileUpload.handleCameraCapture, + id: "open-webcam", + }, + { + name: t("record"), + icon: "l-microphone", + onClick: fileUpload.handleAudioCapture, + show: allowAudio, + id: "record-audio", + }, + ]; + + return ( +
+ {fileUpload.Dialogues} + {fileManager.Dialogues} + {dischargeSummaryFileManager.Dialogues} + {!hideUpload && ( + + {({ isAuthorized }) => + isAuthorized ? ( + <> +


+ {fileUpload.file ? ( +
+ + + {} + + +
+ fileUpload.setFileName(e.value)} + error={fileUpload.error || undefined} + /> +
+ + fileUpload.handleFileUpload(associatedId) + } + loading={!!fileUpload.progress} + className="w-full" + id="upload_file_button" + > + + {t("upload")} + + + + {t("discard")} + +
+ {!!fileUpload.progress && ( + + )} +
+ ) : ( +
+ {uploadButtons + .filter((b) => !== false) + .map((button, i) => ( + + ))} +
+ )} + + ) : ( + <> + ) + } +
+ )} +


+ setTab(v.toString())} + currentTab={tab} + /> +
+ {!(fileQuery?.data?.results || []).length && loading && ( +
+ )} + {fileQuery?.data? FileUploadModel) => ( + + ))} + {!(fileQuery?.data?.results || []).length && ( +
+ {t("no_files_found", { type: tab.toLowerCase() })} +
+ )} +
+ {(fileQuery?.data?.results || []).length > RESULTS_PER_PAGE_LIMIT && ( +
+ +
+ )} +
+ ); +}; diff --git a/src/Components/HCX/ClaimCreatedModal.tsx b/src/Components/HCX/ClaimCreatedModal.tsx index 5148792e09e..6565c0c11be 100644 --- a/src/Components/HCX/ClaimCreatedModal.tsx +++ b/src/Components/HCX/ClaimCreatedModal.tsx @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import { HCXActions } from "../../Redux/actions"; import * as Notification from "../../Utils/Notifications"; import { Submit } from "../Common/components/ButtonV2"; import DialogModal from "../Common/Dialog"; -import { FileUpload } from "../Patient/FileUpload"; +import { FileUpload } from "../Files/FileUpload"; import { HCXClaimModel } from "./models"; interface Props { @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ export default function ClaimCreatedModal({ claim, ...props }: Props) { } >
- +
); diff --git a/src/Components/Patient/FileUpload.tsx b/src/Components/Patient/FileUpload.tsx deleted file mode 100644 index f4ecbaae4ed..00000000000 --- a/src/Components/Patient/FileUpload.tsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1763 +0,0 @@ -import CircularProgress from "../Common/components/CircularProgress"; -import { - useCallback, - useState, - useRef, - lazy, - ChangeEvent, - useEffect, -} from "react"; -import { CreateFileResponse, FileUploadModel } from "./models"; -import * as Notification from "../../Utils/Notifications.js"; -import { VoiceRecorder } from "../../Utils/VoiceRecorder"; -import Pagination from "../Common/Pagination"; -import { RESULTS_PER_PAGE_LIMIT } from "../../Common/constants"; -import imageCompression from "browser-image-compression"; -import { classNames, formatDateTime } from "../../Utils/utils"; -import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; -import HeadedTabs from "../Common/HeadedTabs"; -import ButtonV2, { Cancel, Submit } from "../Common/components/ButtonV2"; -import DialogModal from "../Common/Dialog"; -import CareIcon from "../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; -import TextFormField from "../Form/FormFields/TextFormField"; -import TextAreaFormField from "../Form/FormFields/TextAreaFormField"; -import RecordMeta from "../../CAREUI/display/RecordMeta"; -import Webcam from "react-webcam"; -import useWindowDimensions from "../../Common/hooks/useWindowDimensions"; -import { NonReadOnlyUsers } from "../../Utils/AuthorizeFor"; -import AuthorizedChild from "../../CAREUI/misc/AuthorizedChild"; -import Page from "../Common/components/Page"; -import useAuthUser from "../../Common/hooks/useAuthUser"; -import useQuery from "../../Utils/request/useQuery"; -import routes from "../../Redux/api"; -import request from "../../Utils/request/request"; -import FilePreviewDialog from "../Common/FilePreviewDialog"; -import uploadFile from "../../Utils/request/uploadFile"; - -const Loading = lazy(() => import("../Common/Loading")); - -export const header_content_type: URLS = { - pdf: "application/pdf", - txt: "text/plain", - jpeg: "image/jpeg", - jpg: "image/jpeg", - doc: "application/msword", - xls: "application/", - docx: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", - epub: "application/epub+zip", - gif: "image/gif", - html: "text/html", - htm: "text/html", - mp4: "video/mp4", - png: "image/png", - ppt: "application/", - pptx: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation", - svg: "image/svg+xml", - xlsx: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet", -}; - -// Array of image extensions -export const ExtImage: string[] = [ - "jpeg", - "jpg", - "png", - "gif", - "svg", - "bmp", - "webp", - "jfif", -]; - -const previewExtensions = [ - ".html", - ".htm", - ".pdf", - ".mp4", - ".webm", - ".jpg", - ".jpeg", - ".png", - ".gif", - ".webp", -]; - -export const LinearProgressWithLabel = (props: any) => { - return ( -


- ); -}; - -interface FileUploadProps { - type: string; - patientId?: any; - facilityId?: any; - consultationId?: any; - consentId?: string; - hideBack: boolean; - audio?: boolean; - unspecified: boolean; - sampleId?: string; - claimId?: string; - className?: string; - hideUpload?: boolean; - changePageMetadata?: boolean; -} - -interface URLS { - [id: string]: string; -} - -export interface ModalDetails { - name?: string; - id?: string; - reason?: string; - userArchived?: string; - archiveTime?: any; - associatedId?: string; -} - -export interface StateInterface { - open: boolean; - isImage: boolean; - name: string; - extension: string; - zoom: number; - isZoomInDisabled: boolean; - isZoomOutDisabled: boolean; - rotation: number; -} - -export const FileUpload = (props: FileUploadProps) => { - const { t } = useTranslation(); - const [audioBlob, setAudioBlob] = useState(); - const [audioBlobExists, setAudioBlobExists] = useState(false); - const [resetRecording, setResetRecording] = useState(false); - const [file, setFile] = useState(); - const { - facilityId, - consultationId, - patientId, - consentId, - type, - hideBack, - audio, - unspecified, - sampleId, - claimId, - changePageMetadata, - } = props; - const id = patientId; - const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false); - const [uploadedArchievedFiles, setuploadedArchievedFiles] = useState< - Array - >([{}]); - const [uploadedUnarchievedFiles, setuploadedUnarchievedFiles] = useState< - Array - >([{}]); - const [uploadedDischargeSummaryFiles, setuploadedDischargeSummaryFiles] = - useState>([{}]); - const [uploadStarted, setUploadStarted] = useState(false); - const [audiouploadStarted, setAudioUploadStarted] = useState(false); - const [uploadPercent, setUploadPercent] = useState(0); - const [uploadFileName, setUploadFileName] = useState(""); - const [uploadFileError, setUploadFileError] = useState(""); - const [url, seturl] = useState({}); - const [fileUrl, setFileUrl] = useState(""); - const [audioName, setAudioName] = useState(""); - const [audioFileError, setAudioFileError] = useState(""); - const [downloadURL, setDownloadURL] = useState(); - const FACING_MODE_USER = "user"; - const FACING_MODE_ENVIRONMENT = { exact: "environment" }; - const webRef = useRef(null); - const [previewImage, setPreviewImage] = useState(null); - const [facingMode, setFacingMode] = useState(FACING_MODE_USER); - const videoConstraints = { - width: { ideal: 4096 }, - height: { ideal: 2160 }, - facingMode: "user", - }; - const { width } = useWindowDimensions(); - const LaptopScreenBreakpoint = 640; - const isLaptopScreen = width >= LaptopScreenBreakpoint ? true : false; - const handleSwitchCamera = useCallback(() => { - setFacingMode((prevState: any) => - prevState === FACING_MODE_USER - ? FACING_MODE_ENVIRONMENT - : FACING_MODE_USER, - ); - }, []); - const initialState = { - open: false, - isImage: false, - name: "", - extension: "", - zoom: 4, - isZoomInDisabled: false, - isZoomOutDisabled: false, - rotation: 0, - }; - const [file_state, setFileState] = useState(initialState); - const [currentPage, setCurrentPage] = useState(1); - const [totalArchievedFilesCount, setTotalArchievedFilesCount] = useState(0); - const [totalUnarchievedFilesCount, setTotalUnarchievedFilesCount] = - useState(0); - const [totalDischargeSummaryFilesCount, setTotalDischargeSummaryFilesCount] = - useState(0); - const [offset, setOffset] = useState(0); - const [modalOpenForEdit, setModalOpenForEdit] = useState(false); - const [modalOpenForCamera, setModalOpenForCamera] = useState(false); - const [modalOpenForArchive, setModalOpenForArchive] = useState(false); - const [modalOpenForMoreDetails, setModalOpenForMoreDetails] = useState(false); - const [archiveReason, setArchiveReason] = useState(""); - const [archiveReasonError, setArchiveReasonError] = useState(""); - const [modalDetails, setModalDetails] = useState(); - const [editFileName, setEditFileName] = useState(""); - const [editFileNameError, setEditFileNameError] = useState(""); - const [btnloader, setbtnloader] = useState(false); - const [sortFileState, setSortFileState] = useState("UNARCHIVED"); - const authUser = useAuthUser(); - const limit = RESULTS_PER_PAGE_LIMIT; - const [tabs, setTabs] = useState([ - { name: "Unarchived Files", value: "UNARCHIVED" }, - { name: "Archived Files", value: "ARCHIVED" }, - ]); - const [isMicPermission, setIsMicPermission] = useState(true); - - useEffect(() => { - const checkMicPermission = async () => { - try { - const permissions = await navigator.permissions.query({ - name: "microphone" as PermissionName, - }); - setIsMicPermission(permissions.state === "granted"); - } catch (error) { - setIsMicPermission(false); - } - }; - - checkMicPermission(); - - return () => { - setIsMicPermission(true); - }; - }, []); - - const { data: patient } = useQuery(routes.getPatient, { - pathParams: { id: patientId }, - prefetch: !!patientId, - }); - - const { data: consultation } = useQuery(routes.getConsultation, { - pathParams: { id: consultationId }, - prefetch: !!consultationId, - }); - - const captureImage = () => { - setPreviewImage(webRef.current.getScreenshot()); - const canvas = webRef.current.getCanvas(); - canvas?.toBlob((blob: Blob) => { - const extension = blob.type.split("/").pop(); - const myFile = new File([blob], `image.${extension}`, { - type: blob.type, - }); - setFile(myFile); - }); - }; - - const handlePagination = (page: number, limit: number) => { - const offset = (page - 1) * limit; - setCurrentPage(page); - setOffset(offset); - }; - - const UPLOAD_HEADING: { [index: string]: string } = { - PATIENT: "Upload Patient Files", - CONSULTATION: "Upload Consultation Files", - SAMPLE_MANAGEMENT: "Upload Sample Report", - CLAIM: "Upload Supporting Info", - }; - const VIEW_HEADING: { [index: string]: string } = { - PATIENT: "View Patient Files", - CONSULTATION: "View Consultation Files", - SAMPLE_MANAGEMENT: "View Sample Report", - CLAIM: "Supporting Info", - }; - - const triggerDownload = async (url: string, filename: string) => { - try { - Notification.Success({ msg: "Downloading file..." }); - const response = await fetch(url); - if (!response.ok) throw new Error("Network response was not ok."); - - const data = await response.blob(); - const blobUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(data); - - const a = document.createElement("a"); - a.href = blobUrl; - = filename; - document.body.appendChild(a); -; - - // Clean up - window.URL.revokeObjectURL(blobUrl); - document.body.removeChild(a); - } catch (err) { - Notification.Error({ msg: "Failed to download file" }); - } - }; - - const handleClose = () => { - setDownloadURL(""); - setPreviewImage(null); - setFileState({ - ...file_state, - open: false, - zoom: 4, - isZoomInDisabled: false, - isZoomOutDisabled: false, - }); - }; - - const getAssociatedId = () => { - switch (type) { - case "PATIENT": - return patientId; - case "CONSENT_RECORD": - return consentId; - case "CONSULTATION": - return consultationId; - case "SAMPLE_MANAGEMENT": - return sampleId; - case "CLAIM": - return claimId; - } - }; - - const fetchData = useCallback(async () => { - setIsLoading(true); - - const unarchivedQuery = await request(routes.viewUpload, { - query: { - file_type: type, - associating_id: getAssociatedId(), - is_archived: false, - limit: limit, - offset: offset, - }, - }); - - if ( { - prefetch_download_urls(; - setuploadedUnarchievedFiles( - - (file) => file.upload_completed || file.file_category === "AUDIO", - ), - ); - setTotalUnarchievedFilesCount(; - } - - const archivedQuery = await request(routes.viewUpload, { - query: { - file_type: type, - associating_id: getAssociatedId(), - is_archived: true, - limit: limit, - offset: offset, - }, - }); - - if ( { - setuploadedArchievedFiles(; - setTotalArchievedFilesCount(; - } - - if (type === "CONSULTATION") { - const dischargeSummaryQuery = await request(routes.viewUpload, { - query: { - file_type: "DISCHARGE_SUMMARY", - associating_id: getAssociatedId(), - is_archived: false, - limit: limit, - offset: offset, - }, - }); - if ( { - setuploadedDischargeSummaryFiles(; - setTotalDischargeSummaryFilesCount(; - if ( { - setTabs([ - ...tabs, - { - name: "Discharge Summary", - value: "DISCHARGE_SUMMARY", - }, - ]); - } - } - } - - setIsLoading(false); - }, [id, offset]); - - useEffect(() => { - fetchData(); - }, [fetchData]); - - // Store signed urls for non previewable files - const prefetch_download_urls = async (files: FileUploadModel[]) => { - const unsupportedFiles = files.filter( - (x) => !previewExtensions.includes(x.extension ?? ""), - ); - const query = { file_type: type, associating_id: getAssociatedId() }; - const urls = await Promise.all( - (file) => { - const id = as string; - const { data } = await request(routes.retrieveUpload, { - query, - pathParams: { id: id }, - }); - return [id, data?.read_signed_url]; - }), - ); - seturl(Object.fromEntries(urls)); - }; - - // Function to extract the extension of the file - const getExtension = (url: string) => { - const div1 = url.split("?")[0].split("."); - const ext: string = div1[div1.length - 1].toLowerCase(); - return ext; - }; - - const getIconClassName = (extensionName: string | undefined) => { - if (!extensionName) return "l-file-medical"; - // check for image files - if ( - [ - ".png", - ".jpg", - ".jpeg", - ".tif", - ".tiff", - ".bmp", - ".eps", - ".apng", - ".avif", - ".jfif", - ".pjpeg", - ".pjp", - ".svg", - ".webp", - ].includes(extensionName) - ) { - return "l-image"; - } - // check for video files - if ( - [ - ".webm", - ".mpg", - ".mp2", - ".mpeg", - ".mpe", - ".mpv", - ".ogg", - ".mp4", - ".m4v", - ".avi", - ".wmv", - ".mov", - ".qt", - ".flv", - ".swf", - ].includes(extensionName) - ) { - return "l-video"; - } - - if (extensionName === ".pptx") { - return "l-presentation-play"; - } - return "l-file-medical"; - }; - - const loadFile = async (id: string) => { - setFileUrl(""); - setFileState({ ...file_state, open: true }); - const { data } = await request(routes.retrieveUpload, { - query: { - file_type: sortFileState === "DISCHARGE_SUMMARY" ? sortFileState : type, - associating_id: getAssociatedId(), - }, - pathParams: { id }, - }); - - if (!data) return; - - const signedUrl = data.read_signed_url as string; - const extension = getExtension(signedUrl); - - setFileState({ - ...file_state, - open: true, - name: as string, - extension, - isImage: ExtImage.includes(extension), - }); - downloadFileUrl(signedUrl); - setFileUrl(signedUrl); - }; - - const validateEditFileName = (name: any) => { - if (name.trim() === "") { - setEditFileNameError("Please enter a name!"); - return false; - } else { - setEditFileNameError(""); - return true; - } - }; - - const validateArchiveReason = (name: any) => { - if (name.trim() === "") { - setArchiveReasonError("Please enter a valid reason!"); - return false; - } else { - setArchiveReasonError(""); - return true; - } - }; - - const partialupdateFileName = async (id: string, name: string) => { - if (!validateEditFileName(name)) { - setbtnloader(false); - return; - } - - const fileType = - sortFileState === "DISCHARGE_SUMMARY" ? sortFileState : type; - - const { res } = await request(routes.editUpload, { - body: { name }, - pathParams: { - id, - fileType, - associatingId: getAssociatedId(), - }, - }); - - if (res?.ok) { - fetchData(); - Notification.Success({ msg: "File name changed successfully" }); - setModalOpenForEdit(false); - } - setbtnloader(false); - }; - - const archiveFile = async (id: string, archive_reason: string) => { - if (!validateArchiveReason(archiveReason)) { - setbtnloader(false); - return; - } - - const { res } = await request(routes.editUpload, { - body: { is_archived: true, archive_reason }, - pathParams: { - id, - fileType: type, - associatingId: getAssociatedId(), - }, - }); - - if (res?.ok) { - fetchData(); - Notification.Success({ msg: "File archived successfully" }); - setModalOpenForArchive(false); - } - - setbtnloader(false); - }; - - const renderFileUpload = (item: FileUploadModel) => { - const isPreviewSupported = previewExtensions.includes(item.extension ?? ""); - return ( -
- {!item.is_archived ? ( - <> - {item.file_category === "AUDIO" ? ( -
- -
- - File Name:{" "} - {" "} - {} - {item.extension} -
- - Created By: - {" "} - {item.uploaded_by ? item.uploaded_by.username : null} -
- {item.created_date && ( - - {t("created")}: - - } - time={item.created_date} - /> - )} -
- { ? ( - Object.keys(url).length > 0 ? ( -
- ) : ( - - ) - ) : ( -
File Not found
- )} -
- { ? ( - Object.keys(url).length > 0 && ( -
- { - triggerDownload( - url[!], - `${}${item.extension}`, - ); - }} - className="m-1 w-full sm:w-auto" - > - {" "} - DOWNLOAD - - {item?.uploaded_by?.username === authUser.username || - authUser.user_type === "DistrictAdmin" || - authUser.user_type === "StateAdmin" ? ( - <> - { - setModalDetails({ - name:, - id:, - }); - setEditFileName(item?.name); - setModalOpenForEdit(true); - }} - className="m-1 w-full sm:w-auto" - > - - RENAME - - - ) : ( - <> - )} - {item?.uploaded_by?.username === authUser.username || - authUser.user_type === "DistrictAdmin" || - authUser.user_type === "StateAdmin" ? ( - <> - { - setArchiveReason(""); - setModalDetails({ - name:, - id:, - }); - setModalOpenForArchive(true); - }} - className="m-1 w-full sm:w-auto" - > - - ARCHIVE - - - ) : ( - <> - )} -
- ) - ) : ( -
File Not found
- )} -
- ) : ( -
- -
- - File Name:{" "} - {" "} - {} - {item.extension} -
- {sortFileState != "DISCHARGE_SUMMARY" && ( -
- - Created By: - {" "} - {item.uploaded_by ? item.uploaded_by.username : null} -
- )} - {item.created_date && ( - - {t("created")}: - - } - time={item.created_date} - /> - )} -
- {isPreviewSupported ? ( - { - loadFile(!); - }} - className="m-1 w-full sm:w-auto" - > - {" "} - - PREVIEW - - ) : ( - { - triggerDownload( - url[!], - `${}${item.extension}`, - ); - }} - > - {" "} - DOWNLOAD - - )} - {item?.uploaded_by?.username === authUser.username || - authUser.user_type === "DistrictAdmin" || - authUser.user_type === "StateAdmin" ? ( - <> - {" "} - { - setModalDetails({ name:, id: }); - setEditFileName(item?.name); - setModalOpenForEdit(true); - }} - className="m-1 w-full sm:w-auto" - > - - RENAME - - - ) : ( - <> - )} - {sortFileState != "DISCHARGE_SUMMARY" && - (item?.uploaded_by?.username === authUser.username || - authUser.user_type === "DistrictAdmin" || - authUser.user_type === "StateAdmin") ? ( - <> - { - setArchiveReason(""); - setModalDetails({ name:, id: }); - setModalOpenForArchive(true); - }} - className="m-1 w-full sm:w-auto" - > - - ARCHIVE - - - ) : ( - <> - )} -
- )} - - ) : ( -
- {item.file_category === "AUDIO" ? ( -
- - - - - -
- ) : ( -
- - - - - -
- )} -
- - File Name:{" "} - {" "} - {} - {item.extension} -
- - Created By: - {" "} - {item.uploaded_by ? item.uploaded_by.username : null} -
- {item.created_date && ( - - {t("created")}: - - } - time={item.created_date} - /> - )} -
- - {" "} - FILE - ARCHIVED - - { - setModalDetails({ - name:, - reason: item.archive_reason, - userArchived: item.archived_by?.username, - archiveTime: item.archived_datetime, - }); - setModalOpenForMoreDetails(true); - }} - className="m-1 w-full sm:w-auto" - > - - MORE DETAILS - -
- )} -
- ); - }; - - if (isLoading) { - return ( -
- -
- ); - } - - const onFileChange = (e: ChangeEvent): any => { - if (! { - return; - } - const f =[0]; - const fileName =; - setFile([0]); - setUploadFileName( - fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf(".")) || fileName, - ); - - const ext: string = fileName.split(".")[1]; - - if (ExtImage.includes(ext)) { - const options = { - initialQuality: 0.6, - alwaysKeepResolution: true, - }; - imageCompression(f, options).then((compressedFile: File) => { - setFile(compressedFile); - }); - return; - } - setFile(f); - }; - - const uploadfile = async (data: CreateFileResponse) => { - const url = data.signed_url; - const internal_name = data.internal_name; - const f = file; - if (!f) return; - const newFile = new File([f], `${internal_name}`); - console.log("filetype: ", newFile.type); - return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { - uploadFile( - url, - newFile, - "PUT", - { "Content-Type": file?.type }, - (xhr: XMLHttpRequest) => { - if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300) { - setUploadStarted(false); - setFile(null); - setUploadFileName(""); - fetchData(); - Notification.Success({ - msg: "File Uploaded Successfully", - }); - setUploadFileError(""); - resolve(); - } else { - Notification.Error({ - msg: "Error Uploading File: " + xhr.statusText, - }); - setUploadStarted(false); - reject(); - } - }, - setUploadPercent, - () => { - Notification.Error({ - msg: "Error Uploading File: Network Error", - }); - setUploadStarted(false); - reject(); - }, - ); - }); - }; - - const validateFileUpload = () => { - const filenameLength = uploadFileName.trim().length; - const f = file; - if (f === undefined || f === null) { - setUploadFileError("Please choose a file to upload"); - return false; - } - if (filenameLength === 0) { - setUploadFileError("Please give a name !!"); - return false; - } - if (f.size > 10e7) { - setUploadFileError("Maximum size of files is 100 MB"); - return false; - } - return true; - }; - const markUploadComplete = (data: CreateFileResponse) => { - return request(routes.editUpload, { - body: { upload_completed: true }, - pathParams: { - id:, - fileType: type, - associatingId: getAssociatedId(), - }, - }); - }; - - const handleUpload = async () => { - if (!validateFileUpload()) return; - const f = file; - - const category = "UNSPECIFIED"; - const filename = uploadFileName === "" && f ? : uploadFileName; - const name = f?.name; - setUploadStarted(true); - - const { data } = await request(routes.createUpload, { - body: { - original_name: name ?? "", - file_type: type, - name: filename, - associating_id: getAssociatedId(), - file_category: category, - mime_type: f?.type ?? "", - }, - }); - - if (data) { - await uploadfile(data); - await markUploadComplete(data); - await fetchData(); - } - }; - - const createAudioBlob = (createdBlob: Blob) => { - setAudioBlob(createdBlob); - }; - - const confirmAudioBlobExists = () => { - setAudioBlobExists(true); - }; - - const deleteAudioBlob = () => { - setAudioBlobExists(false); - setResetRecording(true); - }; - - const uploadAudiofile = (response: any) => { - const url =; - const internal_name =; - const f = audioBlob; - if (f === undefined) return; - const newFile = new File([f], `${internal_name}`, { type: f.type }); - - uploadFile( - url, - newFile, - "PUT", - { "Content-Type": newFile?.type }, - (xhr: XMLHttpRequest) => { - if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300) { - setAudioUploadStarted(false); - // setUploadSuccess(true); - setAudioName(""); - fetchData(); - Notification.Success({ - msg: "File Uploaded Successfully", - }); - } else { - setAudioUploadStarted(false); - } - }, - setUploadPercent, - () => { - setAudioUploadStarted(false); - }, - ); - }; - - const validateAudioUpload = () => { - const f = audioBlob; - if (f === undefined || f === null) { - setAudioFileError("Please upload a file"); - return false; - } - if (f.size > 10e7) { - setAudioFileError("File size must not exceed 100 MB"); - return false; - } - return true; - }; - - const handleAudioUpload = async () => { - if (!validateAudioUpload()) return; - setAudioFileError(""); - const category = "AUDIO"; - const name = "audio.mp3"; - const filename = - audioName.trim().length === 0 ? : audioName.trim(); - setAudioUploadStarted(true); - - request(routes.createUpload, { - body: { - original_name: name, - file_type: type, - name: filename, - associating_id: getAssociatedId(), - file_category: category, - mime_type: audioBlob?.type ?? "", - }, - }) - .then(uploadAudiofile) - .catch(() => { - setAudioUploadStarted(false); - }); - setAudioName(""); - setAudioBlobExists(false); - }; - - // For creating the Download File URL - const downloadFileUrl = (url: string) => { - fetch(url) - .then((res) => res.blob()) - .then((blob) => { - setDownloadURL(URL.createObjectURL(blob)); - }); - }; - - const handleTabChange = (tabValue: string) => { - setSortFileState(tabValue); - }; - - return ( -
- - -
- -


- } - className="max-w-2xl" - onClose={() => setModalOpenForCamera(false)} - > -
- {!previewImage ? ( -
- -
- ) : ( -
- -
- )} -
- - {/* buttons for mobile screens */} -
- {!previewImage ? ( - - {t("switch")} - - ) : ( - <> - )} -
- {!previewImage ? ( - <> -
- { - captureImage(); - }} - className="m-2" - > - {t("capture")} - -
- - ) : ( - <> -
- { - setPreviewImage(null); - }} - className="m-2" - > - {t("retake")} - - { - setPreviewImage(null); - setModalOpenForCamera(false); - }} - className="m-2" - > - {t("submit")} - -
- - )} -
- { - setPreviewImage(null); - setModalOpenForCamera(false); - }} - className="m-2" - > - {t("close")} - -
- {/* buttons for laptop screens */} -
- - - {`${t("switch")} ${t("camera")}`} - -
- -
- {!previewImage ? ( - <> -
- { - captureImage(); - }} - > - - {t("capture")} - -
- - ) : ( - <> -
- { - setPreviewImage(null); - }} - > - {t("retake")} - - { - setModalOpenForCamera(false); - setPreviewImage(null); - }} - > - {t("submit")} - -
- - )} -
- { - setPreviewImage(null); - setModalOpenForCamera(false); - }} - > - {`${t("close")} ${t("camera")}`} - -
- - -
- -

Rename File

- } - onClose={() => setModalOpenForEdit(false)} - > - { - event.preventDefault(); - setbtnloader(true); - partialupdateFileName(modalDetails!.id!, editFileName); - }} - className="flex w-full flex-col" - > -
- setEditFileName(e.value)} - error={editFileNameError} - /> -
- setModalOpenForEdit(false)} /> - -
- - - -
- -

Archive File

- - This action is irreversible. Once a file is archived it cannot - be unarchived. - -
- } - onClose={() => setModalOpenForArchive(false)} - > -
{ - event.preventDefault(); - setbtnloader(true); - archiveFile(modalDetails!.id!, archiveReason); - }} - className="mx-2 my-4 flex w-full flex-col" - > -
- - State the reason for archiving {modalDetails?.name}{" "} - file? - - } - rows={6} - required - placeholder="Type the reason..." - value={archiveReason} - onChange={(e) => setArchiveReason(e.value)} - error={archiveReasonError} - /> -
- setModalOpenForArchive(false)} /> - -
- - -
- -

File Details

- - This file is archived. Once a file is archived it cannot be - unarchived. - -
- } - onClose={() => setModalOpenForMoreDetails(false)} - > -
- {modalDetails?.name} file is - archived. -
- Reason: {modalDetails?.reason} -
- Archived by: {modalDetails?.userArchived} -
- Time of Archive: - {formatDateTime(modalDetails?.archiveTime)} -
- setModalOpenForMoreDetails(false)} /> -
- - {!props.hideUpload && ( - -
- {audio ? ( -

Record and Upload Audio File

- { - setAudioName(e.value); - }} - error={audioFileError} - /> - {audiouploadStarted ? ( - - ) : ( -
- {audioBlobExists && ( -
- { - deleteAudioBlob(); - }} - > - Delete - -
- )} -
- - {!audioBlobExists && !isMicPermission && ( - - - Please allow browser permission before you start - speaking - - )} -
- {audioBlobExists && ( -
- { - handleAudioUpload(); - }} - className="w-full" - > - - Save - -
- )} -
- )} -
- ) : null} - {unspecified ? ( -

Upload New File

- { - setUploadFileName(e.value); - }} - error={uploadFileError} - /> -
- {uploadStarted ? ( - - ) : ( -
- - {({ isAuthorized }) => - isAuthorized ? ( - - ) : ( - <> - ) - } - - setModalOpenForCamera(true)} - className="w-full" - > - - Open Camera - - - - {t("upload")} - -
- )} - {file && ( -
- {file?.name} - -
- )} -
- ) : null} -
- )} - - - {sortFileState === "UNARCHIVED" ? ( - // First it would check the filtered array contains any files or not else it would state the message - <> - {uploadedUnarchievedFiles?.length > 0 ? ( - FileUploadModel) => - renderFileUpload(item), - ) - ) : ( -
- {"No Unarchived File in the Current Page"} -
- )} - {totalUnarchievedFilesCount > limit && ( -
- -
- )} - - ) : sortFileState === "ARCHIVED" ? ( - // First it would check the filtered array contains any files or not else it would state the message - <> - {uploadedArchievedFiles?.length > 0 ? ( - FileUploadModel) => - renderFileUpload(item), - ) - ) : ( -
- {"No Archived File in the Current Page"} -
- )} - {totalArchievedFilesCount > limit && ( -
- -
- )} - - ) : ( - sortFileState === "DISCHARGE_SUMMARY" && - totalDischargeSummaryFilesCount > 0 && ( - <> - {uploadedDischargeSummaryFiles.length > 0 ? ( - FileUploadModel) => - renderFileUpload(item), - ) - ) : ( -
- {"No discharge summary files in the current Page"} -
- )} - {totalDischargeSummaryFilesCount > limit && ( -
- -
- )} - - ) - )} -
- ); -}; diff --git a/src/Components/Patient/FileUploadPage.tsx b/src/Components/Patient/FileUploadPage.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..a99e2833a2c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Components/Patient/FileUploadPage.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +import routes from "../../Redux/api"; +import useQuery from "../../Utils/request/useQuery"; +import Page from "../Common/components/Page"; +import { FileUpload } from "../Files/FileUpload"; + +export default function FileUploadPage(props: { + facilityId: string; + patientId: string; + consultationId?: string; + type: "CONSULTATION" | "PATIENT"; +}) { + const { facilityId, patientId, consultationId, type } = props; + + const { data: patient } = useQuery(routes.getPatient, { + pathParams: { id: patientId }, + prefetch: !!patientId, + }); + + return ( + + + + ); +} diff --git a/src/Components/Patient/ManagePatients.tsx b/src/Components/Patient/ManagePatients.tsx index 1177053dee4..0320a4d1c95 100644 --- a/src/Components/Patient/ManagePatients.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Patient/ManagePatients.tsx @@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ import PhoneNumberFormField from "../Form/FormFields/PhoneNumberFormField"; import RecordMeta from "../../CAREUI/display/RecordMeta"; import SearchInput from "../Form/SearchInput"; import SortDropdownMenu from "../Common/SortDropdown"; -import SwitchTabs from "../Common/components/SwitchTabs"; import { formatPatientAge, humanizeStrings, @@ -53,6 +52,7 @@ import { } from "./DiagnosesFilter.js"; import { ICD11DiagnosisModel } from "../Diagnosis/types.js"; import { getDiagnosesByIds } from "../Diagnosis/utils.js"; +import Tabs from "../Common/components/Tabs.js"; const Loading = lazy(() => import("../Common/Loading")); @@ -846,32 +846,36 @@ export const PatientManager = () => {
- updateQuery({ is_active: "True" })} - onClickTab2={() => { - // Navigate to dedicated discharged list page if filtered by a facility or user has access only to one facility. - const id = qParams.facility || onlyAccessibleFacility?.id; - if (id) { - navigate(`facility/${id}/discharged-patients`); - return; - } + { + if (tab === "LIVE") { + updateQuery({ is_active: "True" }); + } else { + const id = qParams.facility || onlyAccessibleFacility?.id; + if (id) { + navigate(`facility/${id}/discharged-patients`); + return; + } - if ( - authUser.user_type === "StateAdmin" || - authUser.user_type === "StateReadOnlyAdmin" - ) { - updateQuery({ is_active: "False" }); - return; - } + if ( + authUser.user_type === "StateAdmin" || + authUser.user_type === "StateReadOnlyAdmin" + ) { + updateQuery({ is_active: "False" }); + return; + } - Notification.Warn({ - msg: "Facility needs to be selected to view discharged patients.", - }); - setShowDialog("list-discharged"); + Notification.Warn({ + msg: t("select_facility_for_discharged_patients_warning"), + }); + setShowDialog("list-discharged"); + } }} - isTab2Active={!!tabValue} + currentTab={tabValue} /> {!!params.facility && ( void; - archiveFile: ( - file: FileUploadModel, - file_associating_id: string, - skipPrompt?: { reason: string }, - ) => void; - editFile: (file: FileUploadModel) => void; - showArchive: boolean; + fileManager: FileManagerResult; files?: FileUploadModel[]; }) { - const { - consentRecord, - previewFile, - archiveFile, - editFile, - files, - showArchive, - consultationId, - } = props; + const { consentRecord, fileManager, files, consultationId } = props; const authUser = useAuthUser(); @@ -112,64 +97,13 @@ export default function PatientConsentRecordBlockGroup(props: {
)} {files?.map((file: FileUploadModel, i: number) => ( -
- -
- {} - {file.extension} {file.is_archived && "(Archived)"} -
- {dayjs( - file.is_archived ? file.archived_datetime : file.created_date, - ).format("DD MMM YYYY, hh:mm A")}{" "} - by{" "} - {file.is_archived - ? file.archived_by?.username - : file.uploaded_by?.username} -
- {!file.is_archived && ( - previewFile(file,} - className="" - > - - View - - )} - {!file.is_archived && hasEditPermission(file) && ( - editFile(file)} - className="" - > - - Rename - - )} - {(file.is_archived || hasEditPermission(file)) && ( - archiveFile(file,} - className="" - > - - {file.is_archived ? "More Info" : "Archive"} - - )} -
+ file={file} + editable={hasEditPermission(file)} + associating_id={} + /> ))}
); diff --git a/src/Components/Patient/PatientConsentRecords.tsx b/src/Components/Patient/PatientConsentRecords.tsx index a8b94f2d041..e277b1d20fc 100644 --- a/src/Components/Patient/PatientConsentRecords.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Patient/PatientConsentRecords.tsx @@ -15,9 +15,10 @@ import TextFormField from "../Form/FormFields/TextFormField"; import ButtonV2 from "../Common/components/ButtonV2"; import useFileUpload from "../../Utils/useFileUpload"; import PatientConsentRecordBlockGroup from "./PatientConsentRecordBlock"; -import SwitchTabs from "../Common/components/SwitchTabs"; import useFileManager from "../../Utils/useFileManager"; import { PatientConsentModel } from "../Facility/models"; +import Tabs from "../Common/components/Tabs"; +import { t } from "i18next"; export default function PatientConsentRecords(props: { facilityId: string; @@ -140,13 +141,14 @@ export default function PatientConsentRecords(props: { title="Archive Previous Records" className="w-auto" /> - setShowArchived(false)} - onClickTab2={() => setShowArchived(true)} - isTab2Active={showArchived} + onTabChange={(v) => setShowArchived(!!v)} + currentTab={showArchived ? 1 : 0} />
@@ -221,7 +223,15 @@ export default function PatientConsentRecords(props: { ) : ( <> - +

Sample Test History

{sampleDetails?.flow && FlowModel) => renderFlow(flow))} @@ -437,12 +437,9 @@ export const SampleDetails = ({ id }: DetailRoute) => { ); diff --git a/src/Components/Patient/UpdateStatusDialog.tsx b/src/Components/Patient/UpdateStatusDialog.tsx index 98c72073437..c46bc4dfca6 100644 --- a/src/Components/Patient/UpdateStatusDialog.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Patient/UpdateStatusDialog.tsx @@ -3,10 +3,11 @@ import { SAMPLE_TEST_STATUS, SAMPLE_TEST_RESULT, SAMPLE_FLOW_RULES, + HEADER_CONTENT_TYPES, } from "../../Common/constants"; import { CreateFileResponse, SampleTestModel } from "./models"; import * as Notification from "../../Utils/Notifications.js"; -import { header_content_type, LinearProgressWithLabel } from "./FileUpload"; +import { LinearProgressWithLabel } from "../Files/FileUpload"; import { Submit } from "../Common/components/ButtonV2"; import CareIcon from "../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; import ConfirmDialog from "../Common/ConfirmDialog"; @@ -143,7 +144,9 @@ const UpdateStatusDialog = (props: Props) => { setfile([0]); const fileName =[0].name; const ext: string = fileName.split(".")[1]; - setcontentType(header_content_type[ext]); + setcontentType( + HEADER_CONTENT_TYPES[ext as keyof typeof HEADER_CONTENT_TYPES], + ); return[0]; }; const handleUpload = async () => { diff --git a/src/Components/Resource/ResourceBoardView.tsx b/src/Components/Resource/ResourceBoardView.tsx index 421fab4ab06..bff0282f91a 100644 --- a/src/Components/Resource/ResourceBoardView.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Resource/ResourceBoardView.tsx @@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ import BadgesList from "./BadgesList"; import { formatFilter } from "./Commons"; import useFilters from "../../Common/hooks/useFilters"; import { ExportButton } from "../Common/Export"; -import SwitchTabs from "../Common/components/SwitchTabs"; import ButtonV2 from "../Common/components/ButtonV2"; import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; import { AdvancedFilterButton } from "../../CAREUI/interactive/FiltersSlideover"; import CareIcon from "../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; import SearchInput from "../Form/SearchInput"; +import Tabs from "../Common/components/Tabs"; const Loading = lazy(() => import("../Common/Loading")); const PageTitle = lazy(() => import("../Common/PageTitle")); @@ -67,12 +67,13 @@ export default function BoardView() { onChange={(e) => updateQuery({ []: e.value })} placeholder={t("search_resource")} /> - setBoardFilter(ACTIVE)} - onClickTab2={() => setBoardFilter(COMPLETED)} - isTab2Active={boardFilter !== ACTIVE} + setBoardFilter(tab ? COMPLETED : ACTIVE)} + currentTab={boardFilter !== ACTIVE ? 1 : 0} />
diff --git a/src/Components/Shifting/BoardView.tsx b/src/Components/Shifting/BoardView.tsx index 413774bceac..a974e0da79f 100644 --- a/src/Components/Shifting/BoardView.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Shifting/BoardView.tsx @@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ import { lazy, useLayoutEffect, useRef, useState } from "react"; import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; import withScrolling from "react-dnd-scrolling"; import ButtonV2 from "../Common/components/ButtonV2"; -import SwitchTabs from "../Common/components/SwitchTabs"; import { AdvancedFilterButton } from "../../CAREUI/interactive/FiltersSlideover"; import CareIcon from "../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; +import Tabs from "../Common/components/Tabs"; const Loading = lazy(() => import("../Common/Loading")); const PageTitle = lazy(() => import("../Common/PageTitle")); @@ -153,12 +153,15 @@ export default function BoardView() { placeholder={t("search_patient")} /> - setBoardFilter(activeBoards)} - onClickTab2={() => setBoardFilter(completedBoards)} - isTab2Active={boardFilter[0].text !== activeBoards[0].text} + + setBoardFilter(tab ? completedBoards : activeBoards) + } + currentTab={boardFilter[0].text !== activeBoards[0].text ? 1 : 0} />
diff --git a/src/Locale/en/Common.json b/src/Locale/en/Common.json index 6694bd53a06..656791c3788 100644 --- a/src/Locale/en/Common.json +++ b/src/Locale/en/Common.json @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ "care": "CARE", "something_went_wrong": "Something went wrong..!", "stop": "Stop", - "record": "Record", + "record": "Record Audio", "recording": "Recording", "yes": "Yes", "no": "No", @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ "filters": "Filters", "unknown": "Unknown", "active": "Active", - "completed": "Archived", + "completed": "Completed", "on": "On", "open": "Open", "features": "Features", @@ -148,7 +148,8 @@ "add_as": "Add as", "sort_by": "Sort By", "none": "None", - "choose_file": "Choose File", + "choose_file": "Upload From Device", + "open_camera": "Open Camera", "file_preview": "File Preview", "file_preview_not_supported": "Can't preview this file. Try downloading it.", "view_faciliy": "View Facility", @@ -182,5 +183,14 @@ "action_irreversible": "This action is irreversible", "GENDER__1": "Male", "GENDER__2": "Female", - "GENDER__3": "Non-binary" + "GENDER__3": "Non-binary", + "done": "Done", + "view": "View", + "rename": "Rename", + "more_info": "More Info", + "archive": "Archive", + "discard": "Discard", + "live": "Live", + "discharged": "Discharged", + "archived": "Archived" } diff --git a/src/Locale/en/Facility.json b/src/Locale/en/Facility.json index b00c41417ed..16bc6610631 100644 --- a/src/Locale/en/Facility.json +++ b/src/Locale/en/Facility.json @@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ "discharged_patients": "Discharged Patients", "discharged_patients_empty": "No discharged patients present in this facility", "update_facility_middleware_success": "Facility middleware updated successfully", + "select_facility_for_discharged_patients_warning": "Facility needs to be selected to view discharged patients.", "duplicate_patient_record_confirmation": "Admit the patient record to your facility by adding the year of birth", "duplicate_patient_record_rejection": "I confirm that the suspect / patient I want to create is not on the list.", "duplicate_patient_record_birth_unknown": "Please contact your district care coordinator, the shifting facility or the patient themselves if you are not sure about the patient's year of birth.", diff --git a/src/Locale/en/FileUpload.json b/src/Locale/en/FileUpload.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..93b61943944 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Locale/en/FileUpload.json @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +{ + "audio__allow_permission": "Please allow microphone permission in site settings", + "audio__allow_permission_helper": "You might have denied microphone access in the past.", + "audio__allow_permission_button": "Click here to know how to allow", + "audio__record": "Record Audio", + "audio__record_helper": "Click the button to start recording", + "audio__recording": "Recording", + "audio__recording_helper": "Please speak into your microphone.", + "audio__recording_helper_2": "Click on the button to stop recording.", + "audio__recorded": "Audio Recorded", + "audio__start_again": "Start Again", + "enter_file_name": "Enter File Name", + "no_files_found": "No {{type}} files found", + "upload_headings__patient": "Upload New Patient File", + "upload_headings__consultation": "Upload New Consultation File", + "upload_headings__sample_report": "Upload Sample Report", + "upload_headings__supporting_info": "Upload Supporting Info", + "file_list_headings__patient": "Patient Files", + "file_list_headings__consultation": "Consultation Files", + "file_list_headings__sample_report": "Sample Report", + "file_list_headings__supporting_info": "Supporting Info", + "file_error__choose_file": "Please choose a file to upload", + "file_error__file_name": "Please enter file name", + "file_error__file_size": "Maximum size of files is 100 MB", + "file_error__file_type": "Invalid file type \".{{extension}}\" Allowed types: {{allowedExtensions}}", + "file_uploaded": "File Uploaded Successfully", + "file_error__dynamic": "Error Uploading File: {{statusText}}", + "file_error__network": "Error Uploading File: Network Error" +} diff --git a/src/Locale/en/index.js b/src/Locale/en/index.js index ff1fa801301..e0fbc212ea4 100644 --- a/src/Locale/en/index.js +++ b/src/Locale/en/index.js @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import Resource from "./Resource.json"; import Shifting from "./Shifting.json"; import SortOptions from "./SortOptions.json"; import Users from "./Users.json"; +import FileUpload from "./FileUpload.json"; export default { ...Auth, @@ -37,5 +38,6 @@ export default { ...Bed, ...Users, ...LogUpdate, + ...FileUpload, SortOptions, }; diff --git a/src/Routers/routes/ConsultationRoutes.tsx b/src/Routers/routes/ConsultationRoutes.tsx index 65baf77ddc2..9209b50e97e 100644 --- a/src/Routers/routes/ConsultationRoutes.tsx +++ b/src/Routers/routes/ConsultationRoutes.tsx @@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import ShowInvestigation from "../../Components/Facility/Investigations/ShowInve import ManagePrescriptions from "../../Components/Medicine/ManagePrescriptions"; import { DailyRoundListDetails } from "../../Components/Patient/DailyRoundListDetails"; import { DailyRounds } from "../../Components/Patient/DailyRounds"; -import { FileUpload } from "../../Components/Patient/FileUpload"; import { ConsultationDetails } from "../../Components/Facility/ConsultationDetails"; import TreatmentSummary from "../../Components/Facility/TreatmentSummary"; import ConsultationDoctorNotes from "../../Components/Facility/ConsultationDoctorNotes"; @@ -12,6 +11,7 @@ import PatientConsentRecords from "../../Components/Patient/PatientConsentRecord import CriticalCareEditor from "../../Components/LogUpdate/CriticalCareEditor"; import PrescriptionsPrintPreview from "../../Components/Medicine/PrintPreview"; import CriticalCarePreview from "../../Components/LogUpdate/CriticalCarePreview"; +import FileUploadPage from "../../Components/Patient/FileUploadPage"; export default { "/facility/:facilityId/patient/:patientId/consultation": ({ @@ -38,14 +38,11 @@ export default { patientId, id, }: any) => ( - ), "/facility/:facilityId/patient/:patientId/consultation/:consultationId/prescriptions": diff --git a/src/Routers/routes/PatientRoutes.tsx b/src/Routers/routes/PatientRoutes.tsx index ce2798c4492..fcfc9b04e37 100644 --- a/src/Routers/routes/PatientRoutes.tsx +++ b/src/Routers/routes/PatientRoutes.tsx @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ import InvestigationReports from "../../Components/Facility/Investigations/Reports"; -import { FileUpload } from "../../Components/Patient/FileUpload"; import { PatientManager } from "../../Components/Patient/ManagePatients"; import { PatientHome } from "../../Components/Patient/PatientHome"; import PatientNotes from "../../Components/Patient/PatientNotes"; @@ -7,6 +6,7 @@ import { PatientRegister } from "../../Components/Patient/PatientRegister"; import { DetailRoute } from "../types"; import DeathReport from "../../Components/DeathReport/DeathReport"; import { InsuranceDetails } from "../../Components/Patient/InsuranceDetails"; +import FileUploadPage from "../../Components/Patient/FileUploadPage"; export default { "/patients": () => , @@ -36,14 +36,10 @@ export default { facilityId, patientId, }: any) => ( - ), "/death_report/:id": ({ id }: any) => , diff --git a/src/Utils/VoiceRecorder.tsx b/src/Utils/VoiceRecorder.tsx deleted file mode 100644 index 6336df5cb01..00000000000 --- a/src/Utils/VoiceRecorder.tsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,102 +0,0 @@ -import useRecorder from "./useRecorder"; -import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; -import ButtonV2 from "../Components/Common/components/ButtonV2"; -import CareIcon from "../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; -import { NonReadOnlyUsers } from "./AuthorizeFor"; -import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; - -export const VoiceRecorder = (props: any) => { - const { t } = useTranslation(); - const { - isDisabled, - createAudioBlob, - confirmAudioBlobExists, - reset, - setResetRecording, - handleSetMicPermission, - } = props; - const [ - audioURL, - isRecording, - startRecording, - stopRecording, - newBlob, - resetRecording, - ] = useRecorder(handleSetMicPermission); - const [time, setTime] = useState(0); - createAudioBlob(newBlob); - useEffect(() => { - let interval: any; - if (isRecording) { - interval = setInterval(() => { - setTime((prevTime) => prevTime + 10); - }, 10); - } else { - clearInterval(interval); - setTime(0); - } - if (reset) { - resetRecording(); - setResetRecording(false); - } - return () => clearInterval(interval); - }, [isRecording, reset, setResetRecording, resetRecording]); - - return ( -
- {isRecording ? ( - <> -
- - {t("recording") + "..."} -
- { - stopRecording(); - confirmAudioBlobExists(); - }} - > - - {t("stop")} - -
- {("0" + Math.floor((time / 60000) % 60)).slice(-2)}: - {("0" + Math.floor((time / 1000) % 60)).slice(-2)} -
- - ) : ( -
- {!audioURL && ( - - - {t("record")} - - )} -
- )} -
- {audioURL && ( -
- )} -
- ); -}; diff --git a/src/Utils/useFileManager.tsx b/src/Utils/useFileManager.tsx index 84079c2ba72..93ddd3ad479 100644 --- a/src/Utils/useFileManager.tsx +++ b/src/Utils/useFileManager.tsx @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ import { useState } from "react"; import FilePreviewDialog from "../Components/Common/FilePreviewDialog"; import { FileUploadModel } from "../Components/Patient/models"; -import { ExtImage, StateInterface } from "../Components/Patient/FileUpload"; +import { StateInterface } from "../Components/Files/FileUpload"; import request from "./request/request"; import routes from "../Redux/api"; import DialogModal from "../Components/Common/Dialog"; @@ -11,13 +11,16 @@ import { Cancel, Submit } from "../Components/Common/components/ButtonV2"; import { formatDateTime } from "./utils"; import * as Notification from "./Notifications.js"; import TextFormField from "../Components/Form/FormFields/TextFormField"; +import { + FILE_EXTENSIONS, + PREVIEWABLE_FILE_EXTENSIONS, +} from "../Common/constants"; export interface FileManagerOptions { type: string; onArchive?: () => void; onEdit?: () => void; } - export interface FileManagerResult { viewFile: (file: FileUploadModel, associating_id: string) => void; archiveFile: ( @@ -25,8 +28,17 @@ export interface FileManagerResult { associating_id: string, skipPrompt?: { reason: string }, ) => void; - editFile: (file: FileUploadModel) => void; + editFile: (file: FileUploadModel, associating_id: string) => void; Dialogues: React.ReactNode; + isPreviewable: (file: FileUploadModel) => boolean; + getFileType: ( + file: FileUploadModel, + ) => keyof typeof FILE_EXTENSIONS | "UNKNOWN"; + downloadFile: ( + file: FileUploadModel, + associating_id: string, + ) => Promise; + type: string; } export default function useFileManager( @@ -92,7 +104,9 @@ export default function useFileManager( open: true, name: as string, extension, - isImage: ExtImage.includes(extension), + isImage: FILE_EXTENSIONS.IMAGE.includes( + extension as (typeof FILE_EXTENSIONS.IMAGE)[number], + ), }); downloadFileUrl(signedUrl); setFileUrl(signedUrl); @@ -195,8 +209,8 @@ export default function useFileManager( setEditing(false); }; - const editFile = (file: FileUploadModel) => { - setEditDialogueOpen(file); + const editFile = (file: FileUploadModel, associating_id: string) => { + setEditDialogueOpen({ ...file, associating_id }); }; const Dialogues = ( @@ -245,6 +259,7 @@ export default function useFileManager(
State the reason for archiving{" "} @@ -327,7 +342,12 @@ export default function useFileManager(
+ {item.content} +
))} @@ -364,6 +384,7 @@ export default function useFileManager(
{ @@ -388,10 +409,63 @@ export default function useFileManager( ); + const isPreviewable = (file: FileUploadModel) => + !!file.extension && + PREVIEWABLE_FILE_EXTENSIONS.includes( + file.extension.slice(1) as (typeof PREVIEWABLE_FILE_EXTENSIONS)[number], + ); + + const getFileType: ( + f: FileUploadModel, + ) => keyof typeof FILE_EXTENSIONS | "UNKNOWN" = (file: FileUploadModel) => { + if (!file.extension) return "UNKNOWN"; + const ftype = ( + Object.keys(FILE_EXTENSIONS) as (keyof typeof FILE_EXTENSIONS)[] + ).find((type) => + FILE_EXTENSIONS[type].includes((file.extension?.slice(1) || "") as never), + ); + return ftype || "UNKNOWN"; + }; + + const downloadFile = async ( + file: FileUploadModel, + associating_id: string, + ) => { + try { + if (! return; + Notification.Success({ msg: "Downloading file..." }); + const { data: fileData } = await request(routes.retrieveUpload, { + query: { file_type: fileType, associating_id }, + pathParams: { id: }, + }); + const response = await fetch(fileData?.read_signed_url || ""); + if (!response.ok) throw new Error("Network response was not ok."); + + const data = await response.blob(); + const blobUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(data); + + const a = document.createElement("a"); + a.href = blobUrl; + = || "file"; + document.body.appendChild(a); +; + + // Clean up + window.URL.revokeObjectURL(blobUrl); + document.body.removeChild(a); + } catch (err) { + Notification.Error({ msg: "Failed to download file" }); + } + }; + return { viewFile, archiveFile, editFile, Dialogues, + isPreviewable, + getFileType, + downloadFile, + type: fileType, }; } diff --git a/src/Utils/useFileUpload.tsx b/src/Utils/useFileUpload.tsx index 863834dc424..49e4f9d99bd 100644 --- a/src/Utils/useFileUpload.tsx +++ b/src/Utils/useFileUpload.tsx @@ -1,22 +1,23 @@ -import { ChangeEvent, useCallback, useRef, useState } from "react"; +import { + ChangeEvent, + DetailedHTMLProps, + InputHTMLAttributes, + useState, +} from "react"; import { CreateFileResponse, FileCategory, FileUploadModel, } from "../Components/Patient/models"; -import DialogModal from "../Components/Common/Dialog"; -import CareIcon, { IconName } from "../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; -import Webcam from "react-webcam"; -import ButtonV2, { Submit } from "../Components/Common/components/ButtonV2"; -import { t } from "i18next"; -import useWindowDimensions from "../Common/hooks/useWindowDimensions"; -import { classNames } from "./utils"; import request from "./request/request"; import routes from "../Redux/api"; import uploadFile from "./request/uploadFile"; import * as Notification from "./Notifications.js"; import imageCompression from "browser-image-compression"; import { DEFAULT_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS } from "../Common/constants"; +import CameraCaptureDialog from "../Components/Files/CameraCaptureDialog"; +import AudioCaptureDialog from "../Components/Files/AudioCaptureDialog"; +import { t } from "i18next"; export type FileUploadOptions = { type: string; @@ -31,11 +32,11 @@ export type FileUploadOptions = { } ); -export type FileUploadButtonProps = { - icon?: IconName; - content?: string; - className?: string; -}; +export interface FileInputProps + extends Omit< + DetailedHTMLProps, HTMLInputElement>, + "id" | "title" | "type" | "accept" | "onChange" + > {} export type FileUploadReturn = { progress: null | number; @@ -44,19 +45,13 @@ export type FileUploadReturn = { handleAudioCapture: () => void; handleFileUpload: (associating_id: string) => Promise; Dialogues: JSX.Element; - UploadButton: (_: FileUploadButtonProps) => JSX.Element; + Input: (_: FileInputProps) => JSX.Element; fileName: string; file: File | null; setFileName: (name: string) => void; clearFile: () => void; }; -const videoConstraints = { - width: { ideal: 4096 }, - height: { ideal: 2160 }, - facingMode: "user", -}; - // Array of image extensions const ExtImage: string[] = [ "jpeg", @@ -78,31 +73,9 @@ export default function useFileUpload( const [error, setError] = useState(null); const [progress, setProgress] = useState(null); const [cameraModalOpen, setCameraModalOpen] = useState(false); - const [cameraFacingFront, setCameraFacingFront] = useState(true); - const webRef = useRef(null); - const [previewImage, setPreviewImage] = useState(null); - const [file, setFile] = useState(null); - - const handleSwitchCamera = useCallback(() => { - setCameraFacingFront((prevState) => !prevState); - }, []); - - const { width } = useWindowDimensions(); - const LaptopScreenBreakpoint = 640; - const isLaptopScreen = width >= LaptopScreenBreakpoint ? true : false; + const [audioModalOpen, setAudioModalOpen] = useState(false); - const captureImage = () => { - setPreviewImage(webRef.current.getScreenshot()); - const canvas = webRef.current.getCanvas(); - canvas?.toBlob((blob: Blob) => { - const extension = blob.type.split("/").pop(); - const myFile = new File([blob], `capture.${extension}`, { - type: blob.type, - }); - setUploadFileName(uploadFileName || ""); - setFile(myFile); - }); - }; + const [file, setFile] = useState(null); const onFileChange = (e: ChangeEvent): any => { if (! { @@ -136,15 +109,15 @@ export default function useFileUpload( const filenameLength = uploadFileName.trim().length; const f = file; if (f === undefined || f === null) { - setError("Please choose a file to upload"); + setError(t("file_error__choose_file")); return false; } if (filenameLength === 0) { - setError("Please give a name !!"); + setError(t("file_error__file_name")); return false; } if (f.size > 10e7) { - setError("Maximum size of files is 100 MB"); + setError(t("file_error__file_size")); return false; } const extension =".").pop(); @@ -153,7 +126,10 @@ export default function useFileUpload( !options.allowedExtensions?.includes(extension || "") ) { setError( - `Invalid file type ".${extension}" Allowed types: ${options.allowedExtensions?.join(", ")}`, + t("file_error__file_type", { + extension, + allowedExtensions: options.allowedExtensions?.join(", "), + }), ); return false; } @@ -179,7 +155,6 @@ export default function useFileUpload( const f = file; if (!f) return; const newFile = new File([f], `${internal_name}`); - console.log("filetype: ", newFile.type); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { uploadFile( url, @@ -192,14 +167,14 @@ export default function useFileUpload( setFile(null); setUploadFileName(""); Notification.Success({ - msg: "File Uploaded Successfully", + msg: t("file_uploaded"), }); setError(null); onUpload && onUpload(data); resolve(); } else { Notification.Error({ - msg: "Error Uploading File: " + xhr.statusText, + msg: t("file_error__dynamic", { statusText: xhr.statusText }), }); setProgress(null); reject(); @@ -208,7 +183,7 @@ export default function useFileUpload( setProgress as any, () => { Notification.Error({ - msg: "Error Uploading File: Network Error", + msg: t("file_error__network"), }); setProgress(null); reject(); @@ -242,217 +217,60 @@ export default function useFileUpload( } }; - const cameraFacingMode = cameraFacingFront - ? "user" - : { exact: "environment" }; - const Dialogues = ( - -
- -


- } - className="max-w-2xl" - onClose={() => setCameraModalOpen(false)} - > -
- {!previewImage ? ( -
- -
- ) : ( -
- -
- )} -
- - {/* buttons for mobile screens */} -
- {!previewImage ? ( - - {t("switch")} - - ) : ( - <> - )} -
- {!previewImage ? ( - <> -
- { - captureImage(); - }} - className="m-2" - > - {t("capture")} - -
- - ) : ( - <> -
- { - setPreviewImage(null); - }} - className="m-2" - > - {t("retake")} - - { - setPreviewImage(null); - setCameraModalOpen(false); - }} - className="m-2" - > - {t("submit")} - -
- - )} -
- { - setPreviewImage(null); - setCameraModalOpen(false); - }} - className="m-2" - > - {t("close")} - -
- {/* buttons for laptop screens */} -
- - - {`${t("switch")} ${t("camera")}`} - -
- -
- {!previewImage ? ( - <> -
- { - captureImage(); - }} - > - - {t("capture")} - -
- - ) : ( - <> -
- { - setPreviewImage(null); - }} - > - {t("retake")} - - { - setCameraModalOpen(false); - setPreviewImage(null); - }} - > - {t("submit")} - -
- - )} -
- { - setPreviewImage(null); - setCameraModalOpen(false); - }} - > - {`${t("close")} ${t("camera")}`} - -
- + <> + setCameraModalOpen(false)} + onCapture={(f) => { + setFile(f); + setUploadFileName(uploadFileName || ""); + }} + /> + setAudioModalOpen(false)} + onCapture={(f) => { + setFile(f); + setUploadFileName(uploadFileName || ""); + }} + autoRecord + /> + ); - const UploadButton = (props: FileUploadButtonProps) => ( - + const Input = (props: FileInputProps) => ( + ); return { progress, error, - handleCameraCapture: () => { - setCameraModalOpen(true); - }, - handleAudioCapture: () => { - console.log("Audio capture not implemented"); - }, + handleCameraCapture: () => setCameraModalOpen(true), + handleAudioCapture: () => setAudioModalOpen(true), handleFileUpload: handleUpload, Dialogues, - UploadButton, + Input, fileName: uploadFileName, file: file, setFileName: setUploadFileName, clearFile: () => { setFile(null); + setError(null); setUploadFileName(""); }, }; diff --git a/src/Utils/useRecorder.js b/src/Utils/useRecorder.js index 585e557d787..446f824259f 100644 --- a/src/Utils/useRecorder.js +++ b/src/Utils/useRecorder.js @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ +// why is this file in js? can we convert to ts? + import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import { Error } from "./Notifications"; diff --git a/src/Utils/useTimer.tsx b/src/Utils/useTimer.tsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..e017bf917b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/Utils/useTimer.tsx @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; + +/** + * Custom hook to manage a timer in MM:SS format. This can be useful for tracking time during recording sessions, user actions, or any other timed event. + * + * @returns {Object} A set of properties and methods to control and display the timer: + * + * @property {number} seconds - The total elapsed time in seconds. + * @property {JSX.Element} time - A JSX element displaying the current time in MM:SS format. + * @property {function} start - Function to start the timer. + * @property {function} stop - Function to stop the timer. + * + * @example + * const { time, start, stop } = useTimer(); + * + * // To start the timer: + * start(); + * + * // To stop the timer: + * stop(); + * + * // To display the timer in your component: + *
+ */ +export const useTimer = () => { + const [running, setRunning] = useState(false); + const [time, setTime] = useState(0); + + useEffect(() => { + let interval: NodeJS.Timeout; + if (running) { + interval = setInterval(() => { + setTime((prevTime) => prevTime + 1); + }, 10); + } else { + setTime(0); + } + return () => clearInterval(interval); + }, [running]); + + return { + seconds: time, + time: ( + + {("0" + Math.floor((time / 6000) % 60)).slice(-2)}: + {("0" + Math.floor((time / 100) % 60)).slice(-2)} + + ), + start: () => setRunning(true), + stop: () => setRunning(false), + }; +}; From 07db2de9b7bb17e2757796def3b31a8d33850c64 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Mohammed Nihal <> Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2024 13:10:58 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 05/36] removed unwanted printing of flow rate value (#8408) --- src/Components/LogUpdate/CriticalCarePreview.tsx | 1 - 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/src/Components/LogUpdate/CriticalCarePreview.tsx b/src/Components/LogUpdate/CriticalCarePreview.tsx index 464a317f06c..00cbb47f69e 100644 --- a/src/Components/LogUpdate/CriticalCarePreview.tsx +++ b/src/Components/LogUpdate/CriticalCarePreview.tsx @@ -388,7 +388,6 @@ export default function CriticalCarePreview(props: Props) { label="Oxygen Modality" value={tOption("OXYGEN_MODALITY", "ventilator_oxygen_modality")} /> - {data.ventilator_oxygen_modality_flow_rate ?? "-"} {data.ventilator_oxygen_modality === "HIGH_FLOW_NASAL_CANNULA" ? ( <> Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2024 15:25:18 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 06/36] Cleanup unused files (#8326) --- .../assets/medicines.json | 335 ------------------ src/types/react-virtualized/index.d.ts | 182 ---------- 2 files changed, 517 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 src/Components/Common/prescription-builder/assets/medicines.json delete mode 100755 src/types/react-virtualized/index.d.ts diff --git a/src/Components/Common/prescription-builder/assets/medicines.json b/src/Components/Common/prescription-builder/assets/medicines.json deleted file mode 100644 index 33893db0c39..00000000000 --- a/src/Components/Common/prescription-builder/assets/medicines.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,335 +0,0 @@ -[ - "ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID TAB IP(GASTRO-RESISTANT) ,75mg", - "ACYCLOVIR TAB IP ,400 mg", - "ALBENDAZOLE ORAL SUSPENSION IP ,200 mg/5ml", - "ALBENDAZOLE TAB IP ,400 mg", - "ALLOPURINOL TAB IP ,100 MG", - "ALPRAZOLAM TAB IP ,0.25mg", - "AMITRIPTYLINE TAB IP ,25mg", - "AMLODIPINE TAB IP(FILM COATED) ,5 mg", - "AMOXICILLIN AND POTASSIUM CLAVULANATE TAB IP ,500mg+125mg", - "AMOXYCILLIN + POTASSIUM CLAVULANATE ORAL SUSPENSION IP ,Each ml contains; 80mg + 11.4mg", - "AMOXYCILLIN AND POTASSIUM CLAVULANATE ORAL SUSPENSION IP ,Each 5ml contains; 400mg + 57mg", - "AMOXYCILLIN CAP IP ,250 mg", - "AMOXYCILLIN CAP IP ,500 mg", - "AMOXYCILLIN ORAL SUSPENSION IP ,250mg/5ml", - "AMPICILLIN CAP IP ,250 mg", - "AMPICILLIN CAP IP ,500mg", - "ATORVASTATIN TAB IP ,10 mg", - "AZITHROMYCIN ORAL SUSPENSION IP ,200mg/5 ml", - "AZITHROMYCIN TAB IP ,500 mg", - "BETAHISTINE TAB IP ,8mg", - "BETAMETHASONE DIPROPIONATE CREAM IP ,0.05% w/w", - "CALAMINE LOTION IP ,50 ml", - "CALCIUM AND VITAMIN D3 TAB IP ,Equivalent to elemental calcium 500mg and Vitamin D3 250 IU", - "CEFIXIME TAB IP ,200mg", - "CETIRIZINE SYRUP IP ,5mg/ 5ml", - "CETIRIZINE TAB IP ,10 mg", - "CHLORHEXIDINE MOUTH WASH IP ,0.2%w/v", - "CHLORPHENIRAMINE MALEATE TAB IP ,4mg", - "CINNARIZINE TAB IP ,25 mg", - "CIPROFLOXACIN + TINIDAZOLE TAB ,500mg + 600mg", - "CIPROFLOXACIN EYE/EAR DROPS IP ,0.3%w/v", - "CIPROFLOXACIN TAB IP ,500 mg", - "CLINDAMYCIN + CLOTRIMAZOLE VAGINAL PESSARY ,100mg+200mg", - "CLOBETASOLE PROPIONATE CREAM IP ,0.05%", - "CLOPIDOGREL TAB IP ,75 MG", - "CLOTRIMAZOLE CREAM IP ,1% w/w", - "CLOTRIMAZOLE MOUTH PAINT ,1%", - "CLOTRIMAZOLE VAGINAL PESSARIES IP ,200 mg", - "CLOXACILLIN CAP IP ,250 mg", - "CO-TRIMOXAZOLE TAB IP ,160mg+ 800mg", - "COUGH SYRUP ,Each 5 ml contains:Ambroxol HCL-15mg, Guiphenesin-50mg, Terbutalin sulphate-1.25mg, Menthol-2.5mg, flavoured syrupy base q.s.", - "DICLOFENAC GEL IP ,1% w/w", - "DICLOFENAC SODIUM TAB IP(GASTRO-RESISTANT) ,50 mg.", - "DICYCLOMINE HCL TAB IP ,10 mg", - "DIETHYL CARBAMAZINE TAB IP ,100 mg", - "DOMPERIDONE TAB IP (FILM COATED) ,10 mg", - "ENALAPRIL MALEATE TAB IP(FILM COATED) ,5 mg", - "EXPECTORANT MIXTURE CONCENTRATED ,Each 5ml contains: Camphorated Opium Tincture IP 66- 1.62 ml, Tincture Ipecacuanha IP 66 – 0.875 ml, Tincture Urgenia IP 66 - 0.75 ml, Aromatic Spirit of Ammonia IP 66 -0.875 ml, Chloroform IP 0.025 ml, Water QS, Alcohol Content 40- 45% v/v.", - "FERROUS SULPHATE TAB IP ,Each tablet contains Dried Ferrous Sulphate 200mg equivalent to elemental iron 60mg", - "FLUCONAZOLE TAB IP ,150 MG", - "FLUNARIZINE TAB ,10mg", - "FLUOXETINE CAP IP ,20 mg", - "FOLIC ACID TAB IP ,5 mg", - "FRUSEMIDE TAB IP ,40mg", - "FUSIDIC ACID CREAM IP ,2%", - "GABAPENTIN TAB IP ,100mg", - "GLIMEPIRIDE TAB IP ,1 mg", - "GLIMEPIRIDE TAB IP ,2mg", - "INSULIN INJECTION BIPHASIC ISOPHANE IP 30:70 (30% soluble insulin and 70% isophane insulin) ,40 IU/ml", - "ISOSORBIDE DINITRATE TAB IP ,10 mg", - "ISOSORBIDE MONONITRATE TAB IP ,20mg", - "LACTULOSE SOLUTION USP ,667mg/ ml", - "LIQUID PARAFFIN IP ,100 ml", - "LOSARTAN POTASSIUM TAB IP ,25 mg", - "LOSARTAN POTASSIUM TAB IP ,50mg", - "MEFENAMIC ACID TAB BP ,500 mg", - "METFORMIN TAB IP ,500mg", - "METOPROLOL SUCCINATE PROLONGED RELEASE TAB IP ,50 MG", - "METRONIDAZOLE GEL IP ,1%", - "METRONIDAZOLE TAB IP ,400 mg", - "MIXTURE CARMINATIVE CONCENTRATE(EACH 10ML,CONTAINS:WEAK GINGER TINCTURE BP/IP-0.625ML,AROMATIC SPIRIT OF AMMONIA IP-0.625ML,PEPPERMINT SPIRIT BP-0.25ML,CHLOROFORM IP-0.019ML,SODIUM BICARBONATE IP-0.275 GM, COMPOUND CARDAMOM TINCTURE IP-3.0 ML, AQUA Q.S-10 ML, ALCOHOL CONTENT-20-26% V/V) ,500ml", - "MOXIFLOXACIN EYE DROPS IP ,0.50%", - "NON-WOVEN ADHESIVE TAPE ,2.5cm X 9.1 mtr", - "NORFLOXACIN TAB IP ,400 mg", - "OFLOXACIN TAB IP ,200 mg", - "OMEPRAZOLE(GASTRO RESISTANT) CAP IP ,20mg", - "ONDANSETRON TAB IP ,4mg", - "ORS POWDER IP ,Single dose sachet", - "OSELTAMIVIR CAP IP ,75mg", - "OXYMETAZOLINE HYDROCHLORIDE NASAL SOLUTION (PAEDIATRIC ) IP ,0.025% w/v", - "PANTOPRAZOLE (GASTRO RESISTANT) TAB IP ,40mg", - "PARACETAMOL PAEDIATRIC SYRUP/SUSPENSION IP ,125mg/5ml", - "PARACETAMOL TAB IP ,500 mg.", - "PERMETHRIN CREAM ,5%", - "PHENOBARBITONE TAB IP ,30 mg", - "PHENOBARBITONE TAB IP ,60 mg", - "PHENYTOIN SODIUM TAB IP ,100 mg", - "PIROXICAM TAB IP ,20mg", - "POVIDONE IODINE OINTMENT USP ,5%w/w", - "POVIDONE IODINE VAGINAL PESSARIES ,200 mg", - "PREDNISOLONE TAB IP ,5mg", - "PROCHLORPERAZINE TAB IP ,5 mg", - "PROPRANOLOL TAB IP ,20mg", - "RANITIDINE HCL TAB IP ,150mg", - "SALBUTAMOL SYRUP IP ,2mg / 5ml", - "SALICYLIC ACID OINTMENT IP ,6%", - "SALINE NASAL DROPS ,0.65 %w/v", - "SERRATIOPEPTIDASE TAB IP ,10mg", - "SILVER SULPHADIAZINE CREAM IP ,1% w/w", - "SPIRONOLACTONE TAB IP ,25mg", - "SUCRALFATE Suspension ,1g/5ml", - "SURGICAL SILK 2-0, 1/2 CIRCLE CUTTING NEEDLE 30MM,70-90 CM ,1 Foil", - "SURGICAL SPIRIT IP ,500ml", - "TELMISARTAN TAB IP ,40mg", - "THEOPHYLLINE AND ETOPHYLLINE TAB ,23 mg+ 77 mg", - "THIAMINE TAB IP ,100 mg", - "THYROXINE SODIUM TAB IP ,100 mcg", - "THYROXINE SODIUM TAB IP ,50 mcg", - "TOBRAMYCIN EYE/EAR DROPS ,0.3% v/v", - "TRAMADOL PROLONGED RELEASE TAB IP ,50MG", - "TRANEXAMIC ACID TAB IP ,500 mg", - "TURPENTINE LINIMENT IP ,100 ml", - "VITAMIN B COMPOUND STRONG TAB BPC ,Each Tablet containing Nictonamide IP 20mg, Pyridoxine HCl IP 2 mg, Riboflavin IP 2 mg, Thiamine HCl IP 5 mg", - "VITAMIN C TAB IP ,500mg", - "VITAMIN D3 DROPS ,400IU/ml", - "XYLOMETAZOLINE NASAL DROPS IP ,0.1% w/v", - "Zinc Sulphate Dispersible Tab IP ,20mg elemental Zinc", - "Dextromethorphan + CPM + Phenylephrine Syrup", - "Reverse Transcription - Polymerase Chain Reaction Test for COVID-19", - "Salbutamol Sulphate Tablet I.P, 4 mg", - "Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide, 5 mg Lozenges", - "Avil 25mg tab", - "Lasix 40mg Tab", - "Lasix Inj 4ml", - "Daonil Tab", - "Cal Sandoz Inj", - "Omnicef Inj", - "Metrogyl IV 100ml", - "Ecosprin 75 Tab", - "Budecort 100 Cfc Free", - "Asthalin Inhaler 200md", - "Fabiflu 200 MG 34s", - "Fabiflu 400 mg 17s", - "PPT kit", - "Micropore", - "N95 mask", - "Distilled water", - "Metformine", - "Triple layer surgical mask", - "Elastic cap", - "Clot activator lab", - "K3 edta lab", - "Urine container lab", - "Bp apparatus", - "Diaper", - "Tongue depressor", - "Oxygen mask", - "Nasal cannula", - "Screen", - "Urinal pvc", - "Bed pan", - "Commode chair", - "Ss tray", - "easyfix", - "sputam cup", - "thermometer", - "nebulizer accusure", - "nebulizer mask adulut", - "forceps", - "urobag", - "wheelchair", - "KMSCL", - "Rapid antigen test card ", - "Remdesivir", - "Disposable surgeons mask", - "Hand sanitizer", - "Ppe kit", - "Absorbant cotton gauze", - "Absorbant cotton wool", - "Acetylsalicylic acid tab", - "Adrenaline bitartrate inj", - "Alprazolam tab", - "Amikacin sulphate", - "Aminophylline inj", - "Amlodipine tab", - "Amoxicillin and potassium clavulanate tab", - "Amoxycillin and potassium clavulante inj", - "Atropine sulphate", - "Azithromycin tab", - "Baclofen tab", - "Betahistine tab", - "Bisacodyl tab", - "Bleaching powder", - "Bp blade", - "Calcium and vitamin d3 tab", - "Calcium dobesilate cap", - "Carboxymethylcellulose eye drops", - "Cefixme tab", - "Cefoperazone+sulbactum", - "Cefotaxime sodium", - "Cefraiaxone inj", - "Cetirizine tab", - "Chlorhexidine mouth wash", - "Chlorepheniramine maleate", - "Cilnidipine tab", - "Ciprofloxacin eye/ear drops", - "Ciprofloxacin inj", - "Clopidogrel tab", - "Clotrimazole cream", - "Cough syrup", - "Deflazacort tab", - "Dexamethasone inj", - "Dextrose inj", - "Diazepam inj", - "Diclofenac gel", - "Diclofenac sodium inj", - "Dicyclomine hcl", - "Dicyclomine hcl tab", - "Diltiazem tab", - "Disposable cvp catheter triple lumen", - "Disposable needle", - "Disposable syringe with fixed needle", - "Disposable syringe without needle", - "Dobutamine hcl", - "Domperidone tab", - "Dopamine hcl", - "Ecg gel", - "Enalapril maleate tab", - "Endotracheal tube", - "Endotracheal tube with cuff", - "Erythropoietin recombinant ", - "Escitalopram tab", - "Expectorant mixture concentrated ", - "Fluconazole tab", - "Flunarizine tab", - "Folic acid tab", - "Folleys catheter ", - "Gebapentin tab", - "Gentamicin ", - "Glimepiride tab", - "Gloves surgical", - "Haloperidol inj", - "Haloperidol tab", - "Heparin sodium", - "Hydrocortisone sodium succinate inj", - "I v cannula with injection port", - "I v set with 22g needle", - "Insulin injection biphasic isophane", - "Insulin injection isophane", - "Insulin injection soluble", - "Iron sucrose inj", - "Isosorbide dinitrate tab", - "Ivermectin tab", - "Lactulose solution", - "Levetiracetam tab", - "Lignocaine 2% with adrenaline ", - "Lignocaine hcl gel", - "Lorazepam inj", - "Lorazepam tab", - "Losartan potassium", - "Magnesium sulphate paste", - "Mannitol", - "Meropenem inj", - "Metronidazole tab", - "Midazolam inj", - "Mixture carminative concentrate", - "Mupirocin oinment", - "Neostigmine methyl sulphate ", - "Nifedipine prolonged release tab", - "Non woven adhesive tape", - "Omeprazole ", - "Ondansetron inj", - "Ors powder", - "Pantoprazole tab ip 40mg", - "Pantoprazole inj", - "Paracetamol infusion", - "Paractamol inj", - "Paracetamol tab", - "Phenytoin sodium inj", - "Phytomenadione in jip", - "Piperacillin+tazobactam inj", - "Potassium chloride inj", - "Povidone iodine ointment", - "Povidone iodine solution", - "Prednisolone tab", - "Prednisolone tab ip 5mg", - "Pregababalin tab", - "Prochlorperazine tab ip", - "Propofol inj", - "Quetiapine tab ip", - "Ranitidine hcl inj", - "Ringers lactate inj", - "Ryles tube size 12 f", - "Ryles tube size 16 f", - "Salbutamol inhalation ip", - "Salbutamol sulphate tab ip", - "Salbutamol syrup ip", - "Serratiopeptidase tab ip", - "Tab. Doxy 100mg", - "Tab. Cardivas 3.125", - "Tab. Librium 10 mg", - "Tab. Udiliv 300 mg", - "Syp. Yooliv", - "Inj. Neurovoiz- plus", - "silver sulphadiazine cream", - "sodium chloride and dextrose inj", - "sodium chloride inj ip", - "sodium chloride inj 3%", - "spironolactone tab ip", - "sucralfate suspension", - "suction catheter size12", - "suction catheter size 14", - "telmisartan tab ip", - "teneligliptin tab ", - "theophylline and etophylline inj", - "theophylline and etophylline tab", - "thyroxine sodium tab ip 100 mcg", - "thyroxine sodium tab ip 50 mcg", - "tramadol inj", - "tramadol prolonged release tab", - "vitamin b compound strong tab bpc", - "vitamin multi tab", - "water for in jip", - "white soft paraffin ip 50g", - "remdesivir inj", - "blood administration set with micro agragage filter", - "budesonide nebuliser suspension", - "dexamethasone inj", - "domperidone tab ip", - "insulin inj soluble", - "salbutamol nebuliser solution", - "urine collecting bag with valve outlet", - "rapid antigen test card for covid 19 testing", - "disposable surgeons mask", - "hand sanitiser", - "ppe kit", - "Inj Albumin", - "Tab AKT-4", - "Tab Omnacortil", - "Tab Benaidon", - "Tab Vildagard", - "Tab FDC-4", - "Tab Cortimoxazole" -] diff --git a/src/types/react-virtualized/index.d.ts b/src/types/react-virtualized/index.d.ts deleted file mode 100755 index 40a4c38a475..00000000000 --- a/src/types/react-virtualized/index.d.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,182 +0,0 @@ -// Type definitions for react-virtualized 9.21 -// Project: -// Definitions by: Kalle Ott -// John Gunther -// Konstantin Nesterov -// Steve Zhang -// Brandon Hall -// Sebastian Busch -// Adam Zmenak -// Definitions: -// TypeScript Version: 2.8 -declare module "react-virtualized" { - export { - ArrowKeyStepper, - ArrowKeyStepperProps, - ChildProps as ArrowKeyStepperChildProps, - ScrollIndices, - } from "./dist/es/ArrowKeyStepper"; - export { - AutoSizer, - AutoSizerProps, - Dimensions, - Size, - } from "./dist/es/AutoSizer"; - export { - CellMeasurer, - CellMeasurerCache, - CellMeasurerCacheParams, - CellMeasurerProps, - KeyMapper, - } from "./dist/es/CellMeasurer"; - export { - Collection, - CollectionCellGroupRenderer, - CollectionCellGroupRendererParams, - CollectionCellRenderer, - CollectionCellRendererParams, - CollectionCellSizeAndPosition, - CollectionCellSizeAndPositionGetter, - CollectionProps, - } from "./dist/es/Collection"; - export { - ColumnSizer, - ColumnSizerProps, - SizedColumnProps, - } from "./dist/es/ColumnSizer"; - export { - accessibilityOverscanIndicesGetter, - defaultOverscanIndicesGetter, - defaultCellRangeRenderer, - Grid, - CellSizeAndPositionManager, - ConfigureParams, - ContainerSizeAndOffset, - GetVisibleCellRangeParams, - GridCellProps, - GridCellRangeProps, - GridCellRangeRenderer, - GridCellRenderer, - GridProps, - GridState, - OverscanIndices, - OverscanIndicesGetterParams, - ScrollDirection, - ScrollParams, - SectionRenderedParams, - SizeAndPositionData, - VisibleCellRange, - ScrollbarPresenceParams, - } from "./dist/es/Grid"; - export { - InfiniteLoader, - InfiniteLoaderChildProps, - InfiniteLoaderProps, - } from "./dist/es/InfiniteLoader"; - export { - List, - ListProps, - ListRowProps, - ListRowRenderer, - } from "./dist/es/List"; - export { - createCellPositioner as createMasonryCellPositioner, - Masonry, - CellRenderer, - MasonryCellProps, - MasonryProps, - MasonryState, - OnCellsRenderedCallback, - OnScrollCallback, - Position, - Positioner, - } from "./dist/es/Masonry"; - export { - MultiGrid, - MultiGridProps, - MultiGridState, - } from "./dist/es/MultiGrid"; - export { - ScrollSync, - OnScrollParams, - ScrollSyncChildProps, - ScrollSyncProps, - ScrollSyncState, - } from "./dist/es/ScrollSync"; - export { - createMultiSort as createTableMultiSort, - defaultCellDataGetter as defaultTableCellDataGetter, - defaultCellRenderer as defaultTableCellRenderer, - defaultHeaderRenderer as defaultTableHeaderRenderer, - defaultHeaderRowRenderer as defaultTableHeaderRowRenderer, - defaultRowRenderer as defaultTableRowRenderer, - Table, - Column, - SortDirection, - SortIndicator, - ColumnProps, - HeaderMouseEventHandlerParams, - RowMouseEventHandlerParams, - SortDirectionType, - TableCellDataGetter, - TableCellDataGetterParams, - TableCellProps, - TableCellRenderer, - TableHeaderProps, - TableHeaderRenderer, - TableHeaderRowProps, - TableHeaderRowRenderer, - TableProps, - TableRowProps, - TableRowRenderer, - SortParams, - } from "./dist/es/Table"; - export { - WindowScroller, - WindowScrollerChildProps, - WindowScrollerProps, - WindowScrollerState, - IS_SCROLLING_TIMEOUT, - } from "./dist/es/WindowScroller"; - - export type Index = { - index: number; - }; - - export type PositionInfo = { - x: number; - y: number; - }; - - export type ScrollPosition = { - scrollLeft: number; - scrollTop: number; - }; - - export type SizeInfo = { - height: number; - width: number; - }; - - export type SizeAndPositionInfo = SizeInfo & PositionInfo; - - export type Map = { [key: string]: T }; - - export type Alignment = "auto" | "end" | "start" | "center"; - - export type IndexRange = { - startIndex: number; - stopIndex: number; - }; - - export type OverscanIndexRange = { - overscanStartIndex: number; - overscanStopIndex: number; - }; - - export type ScrollEventData = { - clientHeight: number; - scrollHeight: number; - scrollTop: number; - }; -} From 142fee13ceec228f47e8979e32809e64b077608f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "A.Sriram" <> Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2024 16:43:11 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 07/36] Add Abdominal Drain and Change Rules to Ryles on Ouptput DropDown (#8328) --- src/Components/LogUpdate/Sections/IOBalance.tsx | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/src/Components/LogUpdate/Sections/IOBalance.tsx b/src/Components/LogUpdate/Sections/IOBalance.tsx index 33cd6ea5c4f..ca0bd4867d2 100644 --- a/src/Components/LogUpdate/Sections/IOBalance.tsx +++ b/src/Components/LogUpdate/Sections/IOBalance.tsx @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ export const IOBalanceSections = [ fields: [ { name: "Output", - options: ["Urine", "Rules Tube Aspiration", "ICD"], + options: ["Urine", "Ryles Tube Aspiration", "ICD", "Abdominal Drain"], key: "output", }, ], From 5bf2d9a70f3c6e186fa2086a697b620fb0b152be Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: JOSHIK ROSHAN <> Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2024 15:42:42 +0100 Subject: [PATCH 08/36] Make Treating Doctor Field Optional for Domiciliary Care Patients (#8391) --- src/Components/Facility/ConsultationForm.tsx | 5 ++++- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/src/Components/Facility/ConsultationForm.tsx b/src/Components/Facility/ConsultationForm.tsx index 8b946cf3cc6..df69208bf2a 100644 --- a/src/Components/Facility/ConsultationForm.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Facility/ConsultationForm.tsx @@ -599,6 +599,9 @@ export const ConsultationForm = ({ facilityId, patientId, id }: Props) => { } case "treating_physician": { + if (state.form.suggestion === "DC") { + break; + } if (state.form.suggestion !== "DD" && !state.form[field]) { errors[field] = t("field_required"); invalidForm = true; @@ -1428,7 +1431,7 @@ export const ConsultationForm = ({ facilityId, patientId, id }: Props) => { name={"treating_physician"} label={t("treating_doctor")} placeholder="Attending Doctors Name and Designation" - required + required={state.form.suggestion !== "DC"} value={ state.form.treating_physician_object ?? undefined } From 348edf403237bf39c63d5ee6f0d1b2de9c82f3ca Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Shivank Kacker Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2024 20:14:28 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 09/36] Added patient category descriptions for ICU bed patients (#7970) --- .../patient_spec/ | 4 +- src/Common/constants.tsx | 42 ++++++++++++++++--- src/Components/Facility/ConsultationForm.tsx | 32 +++++++------- src/Components/Facility/models.tsx | 7 +++- src/Components/Patient/ManagePatients.tsx | 4 +- .../Patient/PatientCategorySelect.tsx | 8 +++- src/Components/Scribe/formDetails.ts | 12 +++--- src/style/index.css | 10 +++++ tailwind.config.js | 4 ++ 9 files changed, 91 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-) diff --git a/cypress/e2e/patient_spec/ b/cypress/e2e/patient_spec/ index 9c9256e11ef..cf84b0db0d8 100644 --- a/cypress/e2e/patient_spec/ +++ b/cypress/e2e/patient_spec/ @@ -345,8 +345,8 @@ describe("Patient Consultation in multiple combination", () => { "Bleeding", ]); patientConsultationPage.clickAddSymptom(); - // Comfort Care category - patientConsultationPage.selectPatientCategory("Comfort Care"); + // Mild category + patientConsultationPage.selectPatientCategory("Mild"); // Date of symptoms // Decision after consultation - Referred to Facility patientConsultationPage.selectPatientSuggestion( diff --git a/src/Common/constants.tsx b/src/Common/constants.tsx index 610309057d0..6e5a9e33e4e 100644 --- a/src/Common/constants.tsx +++ b/src/Common/constants.tsx @@ -441,17 +441,49 @@ export const INSULIN_INTAKE_FREQUENCY_OPTIONS = [ "TD", ] as const; -export type PatientCategoryID = "Comfort" | "Stable" | "Moderate" | "Critical"; +export type PatientCategoryID = + | "Comfort" + | "Stable" + | "Moderate" + | "Critical" + | "ActivelyDying"; export const PATIENT_CATEGORIES: { id: PatientCategoryID; text: PatientCategory; + description: string; twClass: string; }[] = [ - { id: "Comfort", text: "Comfort Care", twClass: "patient-comfort" }, - { id: "Stable", text: "Mild", twClass: "patient-stable" }, - { id: "Moderate", text: "Moderate", twClass: "patient-abnormal" }, - { id: "Critical", text: "Critical", twClass: "patient-critical" }, + { + id: "Comfort", // Comfort Care is discontinued + text: "Comfort Care", + twClass: "patient-comfort", + description: "End of life care", + }, + { + id: "Stable", + text: "Mild", + twClass: "patient-stable", + description: "Urgent: not life-threatening", + }, + { + id: "Moderate", + text: "Moderate", + twClass: "patient-abnormal", + description: "Emergency: could be life-threatening", + }, + { + id: "Critical", + text: "Critical", + twClass: "patient-critical", + description: "Immediate: life-threatening", + }, + { + id: "ActivelyDying", + text: "Actively Dying", + twClass: "patient-activelydying", + description: "", + }, ]; export const PATIENT_FILTER_CATEGORIES = PATIENT_CATEGORIES; diff --git a/src/Components/Facility/ConsultationForm.tsx b/src/Components/Facility/ConsultationForm.tsx index df69208bf2a..1d498ea3d14 100644 --- a/src/Components/Facility/ConsultationForm.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Facility/ConsultationForm.tsx @@ -1126,22 +1126,6 @@ export const ConsultationForm = ({ facilityId, patientId, id }: Props) => { />
- -
- - A daily round already exists. -

- ) - } - required - label="Category" - {...field("category")} - /> -
)} -
{ required={state.form.suggestion === "A"} />
+ + A daily round already exists. +

+ ) + } + required + label="Category" + {...field("category")} + /> +
diff --git a/src/Components/Facility/models.tsx b/src/Components/Facility/models.tsx index 215557d953c..3f060240ee7 100644 --- a/src/Components/Facility/models.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Facility/models.tsx @@ -101,7 +101,12 @@ export interface OptionsType { disabled?: boolean; } -export type PatientCategory = "Comfort Care" | "Mild" | "Moderate" | "Critical"; +export type PatientCategory = + | "Comfort Care" // Discontinued + | "Mild" + | "Moderate" + | "Critical" + | "Actively Dying"; export interface PatientConsentModel { id: string; diff --git a/src/Components/Patient/ManagePatients.tsx b/src/Components/Patient/ManagePatients.tsx index 0320a4d1c95..ab570dd57b6 100644 --- a/src/Components/Patient/ManagePatients.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Patient/ManagePatients.tsx @@ -514,7 +514,9 @@ export const PatientManager = () => {
- + {category || "UNKNOWN"}
diff --git a/src/Components/Patient/PatientCategorySelect.tsx b/src/Components/Patient/PatientCategorySelect.tsx index 4d159529f45..17265a3940a 100644 --- a/src/Components/Patient/PatientCategorySelect.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Patient/PatientCategorySelect.tsx @@ -14,9 +14,14 @@ export default function PatientCategorySelect( !== "Comfort") + } // Comfort Care is discontinued optionValue={(option) =>} optionLabel={(option) => option.text} + optionDescription={(option) => option.description} optionSelectedLabel={(option) => (
diff --git a/src/Components/Scribe/formDetails.ts b/src/Components/Scribe/formDetails.ts index d085a72d331..736ab971744 100644 --- a/src/Components/Scribe/formDetails.ts +++ b/src/Components/Scribe/formDetails.ts @@ -68,13 +68,15 @@ const DAILY_ROUND_FORM_SCRIBE_DATA: Field[] = [ friendlyName: "Patient Category", id: "patient_category", type: "string", - example: "Comfort Care", + example: "Mild", default: "", description: "A string to categorize the patient.", - options: => ({ - id:, - text: category.text, - })), + options: PATIENT_CATEGORIES.filter((c) => !== "Comfort").map( + (category) => ({ + id:, + text: category.text, + }), + ), validator: (value) => { return typeof value === "string"; }, diff --git a/src/style/index.css b/src/style/index.css index f26d9bcfbc1..327cc03d047 100644 --- a/src/style/index.css +++ b/src/style/index.css @@ -712,6 +712,10 @@ button:disabled, @apply bg-patient-unknown text-patient-unknown-fore } +.patient-activelydying { + @apply bg-patient-activelydying text-patient-activelydying-fore +} + .patient-comfort-ring { @apply ring-patient-comfort } @@ -727,6 +731,9 @@ button:disabled, .patient-unknown-ring { @apply ring-patient-unknown } +.patient-activelydying-ring { + @apply ring-patient-activelydying +} .patient-comfort-profile { @apply border-2 border-patient-comfort rounded-t @@ -743,6 +750,9 @@ button:disabled, .patient-unknown-profile { @apply border border-patient-unknown rounded } +.patient-activelydying-profile { + @apply border-2 border-patient-activelydying rounded-t +} /* for gmaps search dropdown */ .pac-container { diff --git a/tailwind.config.js b/tailwind.config.js index a40c805621f..31aa43878dc 100644 --- a/tailwind.config.js +++ b/tailwind.config.js @@ -70,6 +70,10 @@ module.exports = { DEFAULT: gray[400], fore: gray[800], }, + activelydying: { + DEFAULT:[800], + fore:[100], + }, }, }, padding: { From 58a8fcfa18b3ba36f375153d12f822c60c2a054a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Shivank Kacker Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2024 20:27:24 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 10/36] Add option to filter users by no home facility (#8247) --- src/Components/Common/FacilitySelect.tsx | 9 +++++++++ src/Components/Users/ManageUsers.tsx | 8 ++++++-- src/Components/Users/UserFilter.tsx | 9 +++++++-- src/Locale/en/Users.json | 1 + 4 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/Components/Common/FacilitySelect.tsx b/src/Components/Common/FacilitySelect.tsx index 526bf6d68ac..d718ef3e781 100644 --- a/src/Components/Common/FacilitySelect.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Common/FacilitySelect.tsx @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import AutoCompleteAsync from "../Form/AutoCompleteAsync"; import { FacilityModel } from "../Facility/models"; import request from "../../Utils/request/request"; import routes from "../../Redux/api"; +import { t } from "i18next"; interface FacilitySelectProps { name: string; @@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ interface FacilitySelectProps { freeText?: boolean; selected?: FacilityModel | FacilityModel[] | null; setSelected: (selected: FacilityModel | FacilityModel[] | null) => void; + allowNone?: boolean; } export const FacilitySelect = (props: FacilitySelectProps) => { @@ -39,6 +41,7 @@ export const FacilitySelect = (props: FacilitySelectProps) => { facilityType, district, state, + allowNone = false, freeText = false, errors = "", } = props; @@ -66,6 +69,12 @@ export const FacilitySelect = (props: FacilitySelectProps) => { name: text, }); + if (allowNone) + return [ + { name: t("no_home_facility"), id: "NONE" }, + ...(data?.results || []), + ]; + return data?.results; }, [searchAll, showAll, facilityType, district, exclude_user, freeText], diff --git a/src/Components/Users/ManageUsers.tsx b/src/Components/Users/ManageUsers.tsx index 5b78ddf9ac5..a3cb3063577 100644 --- a/src/Components/Users/ManageUsers.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Users/ManageUsers.tsx @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ export default function ManageUsers() { const { data: homeFacilityData } = useQuery(routes.getAnyFacility, { pathParams: { id: qParams.home_facility }, - prefetch: !!qParams.home_facility, + prefetch: !!qParams.home_facility && qParams.home_facility !== "NONE", }); const { @@ -556,7 +556,11 @@ export default function ManageUsers() { value( "Home Facility", "home_facility", - qParams.home_facility ? homeFacilityData?.name || "" : "", + qParams.home_facility + ? qParams.home_facility === "NONE" + ? t("no_home_facility") + : homeFacilityData?.name || "" + : "", ), value( "Last Active", diff --git a/src/Components/Users/UserFilter.tsx b/src/Components/Users/UserFilter.tsx index f79968cef4f..ff2a81723cd 100644 --- a/src/Components/Users/UserFilter.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Users/UserFilter.tsx @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ export default function UserFilter(props: any) { useQuery(routes.getAnyFacility, { pathParams: { id: filter.home_facility }, - prefetch: !!filter.home_facility, + prefetch: !!filter.home_facility && filter.home_facility !== "NONE", onResponse: ({ data }) => setFilterState({ home_facility_ref: data }), }); @@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ export default function UserFilter(props: any) {
Home Facility setFilterState({ @@ -142,7 +143,11 @@ export default function UserFilter(props: any) { home_facility_ref: selected, }) } - selected={filterState.home_facility_ref} + selected={ + filterState.home_facility === "NONE" + ? { name: t("no_home_facility"), id: "NONE" } + : filterState.home_facility_ref + } errors="" multiple={false} /> diff --git a/src/Locale/en/Users.json b/src/Locale/en/Users.json index 32c6ee209c3..01fe031c61a 100644 --- a/src/Locale/en/Users.json +++ b/src/Locale/en/Users.json @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ "add_new_user": "Add New User", "no_users_found": "No Users Found", "home_facility": "Home Facility", + "no_home_facility" : "No home facility assigned", "clear_home_facility": "Clear Home Facility", "linked_facilities": "Linked Facilities", "no_linked_facilities": "No Linked Facilities", From 4f3261bfedcf1caea064967a20d09d5445b260a8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Aakash Singh Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2024 13:23:19 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 11/36] fix build workflows after the org rename (#8431) --- .github/workflows/deploy.yaml | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/.github/workflows/deploy.yaml b/.github/workflows/deploy.yaml index 1dfea93482d..f2e0aa24c64 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/deploy.yaml +++ b/.github/workflows/deploy.yaml @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ env: jobs: test: - if: github.repository == 'coronasafe/care_fe' + if: github.repository == 'ohcnetwork/care_fe' runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: Test steps: From 322818f2b52a620a2c0622c11d4fb11939721ca3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Rithvik Nishad Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2024 14:20:55 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 12/36] Change CSN references to OHCN (#8433) Co-authored-by: Khavin Shankar --- .env | 6 ++-- .github/CODEOWNERS | 2 +- .github/ | 4 +-- .github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml | 2 +- .github/workflows/comment-p1-issues.yml | 2 +- .github/workflows/cypress.yaml | 4 +-- .github/workflows/issue-automation.yml | 12 +++---- .github/workflows/label-deploy-failed.yml | 2 +- .github/workflows/label-merge-conflict.yml | 2 +- .github/workflows/label-wip.yml | 4 +-- .github/workflows/ossar-analysis.yml | 2 +- .github/workflows/stale.yml | 2 +- | 2 +- | 26 +++++++-------- | 2 +- | 2 +- index.html | 37 +++++++++++++++------- netlify.toml | 2 +- package.json | 18 +++++------ public/config.json | 14 ++++---- public/contribute.json | 27 ---------------- src/Common/hooks/useConfig.ts | 2 +- src/Components/Auth/Login.tsx | 20 +++++------- src/Components/Common/Loading.tsx | 2 +- src/Components/Patient/SamplePreview.tsx | 2 +- src/Components/Users/UserAdd.tsx | 2 +- src/Locale/en/Common.json | 3 +- src/Locale/kn/Common.json | 3 +- src/Locale/ml/Common.json | 3 +- src/Locale/mr/Common.json | 3 +- src/Locale/ta/Common.json | 3 +- vite.config.mts | 2 +- 32 files changed, 98 insertions(+), 121 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 public/contribute.json diff --git a/.env b/.env index 528b49e2b8d..0496daa2587 100644 --- a/.env +++ b/.env @@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ REACT_APP_TITLE=CARE REACT_APP_META_DESCRIPTION=Revolutionizing EMR with AI: Open Healthcare Network develops free, open-source tools to enhance efficiency in global healthcare delivery. Our EMR system is recognized as a Digital Public Good by the United Nations. -REACT_APP_COVER_IMAGE= -REACT_APP_COVER_IMAGE_ALT= -REACT_PUBLIC_URL= +REACT_APP_COVER_IMAGE= +REACT_APP_COVER_IMAGE_ALT= +REACT_PUBLIC_URL= # Dev envs ESLINT_NO_DEV_ERRORS=true diff --git a/.github/CODEOWNERS b/.github/CODEOWNERS index cfb46e7c266..bacb0c8ed79 100644 --- a/.github/CODEOWNERS +++ b/.github/CODEOWNERS @@ -1 +1 @@ -* @coronasafe/code-reviewers @coronasafe/care-fe-code-reviewers +* @ohcnetwork/care-fe-code-reviewers diff --git a/.github/ b/.github/ index b67b01cc863..8e77009ccd4 100644 --- a/.github/ +++ b/.github/ @@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ - Change 2 - More? -@coronasafe/care-fe-code-reviewers @coronasafe/code-reviewers +@ohcnetwork/code-reviewers ## Merge Checklist - [ ] Add specs that demonstrate bug / test a new feature. -- [ ] Update [product documentation]( +- [ ] Update [product documentation]( - [ ] Ensure that UI text is kept in I18n files. - [ ] Prep screenshot or demo video for changelog entry, and attach it to issue. - [ ] Request for Peer Reviews diff --git a/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml b/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml index b91d810cadd..c9334ebd3e3 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ on: jobs: CodeQL-Build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest - if: github.repository == 'coronasafe/care_fe' + if: github.repository == 'ohcnetwork/care_fe' permissions: security-events: write actions: read diff --git a/.github/workflows/comment-p1-issues.yml b/.github/workflows/comment-p1-issues.yml index 930b7d14c90..f82432f5c6f 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/comment-p1-issues.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/comment-p1-issues.yml @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ on: jobs: add-comment: - if: == 'P1' && github.repository == 'coronasafe/care_fe' + if: == 'P1' && github.repository == 'ohcnetwork/care_fe' runs-on: ubuntu-latest permissions: issues: write diff --git a/.github/workflows/cypress.yaml b/.github/workflows/cypress.yaml index f2f8fbd45cb..f5039548e76 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/cypress.yaml +++ b/.github/workflows/cypress.yaml @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ on: jobs: cypress-run: permissions: write-all - if: github.repository == 'coronasafe/care_fe' + if: github.repository == 'ohcnetwork/care_fe' runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: fail-fast: false @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ jobs: - name: Checkout care 📥 uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: - repository: coronasafe/care + repository: ohcnetwork/care path: care ref: ${{ steps.backend-branch.outputs.branch }} diff --git a/.github/workflows/issue-automation.yml b/.github/workflows/issue-automation.yml index 421243bf605..1767d0fd313 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/issue-automation.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/issue-automation.yml @@ -10,39 +10,39 @@ jobs: issue_opened_and_reopened: name: issue_opened_and_reopened runs-on: ubuntu-latest - if: github.repository == 'coronasafe/care_fe' && github.event_name == 'issues' && github.event.action == 'opened' || github.event.action == 'reopened' + if: github.repository == 'ohcnetwork/care_fe' && github.event_name == 'issues' && github.event.action == 'opened' || github.event.action == 'reopened' steps: - name: 'Move issue to "Triage"' uses: leonsteinhaeuser/project-beta-automations@v1.2.1 with: gh_token: ${{ secrets.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN }} - organization: coronasafe + organization: ohcnetwork project_id: 4 resource_node_id: ${{ github.event.issue.node_id }} status_value: "Triage" issue_closed: name: issue_closed runs-on: ubuntu-latest - if: github.repository == 'coronasafe/care_fe' && github.event_name == 'issues' && github.event.action == 'closed' + if: github.repository == 'ohcnetwork/care_fe' && github.event_name == 'issues' && github.event.action == 'closed' steps: - name: 'Moved issue to "Done"' uses: leonsteinhaeuser/project-beta-automations@v1.2.1 with: gh_token: ${{ secrets.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN }} - organization: coronasafe + organization: ohcnetwork project_id: 4 resource_node_id: ${{ github.event.issue.node_id }} status_value: "Done" issue_assigned: name: issue_assigned runs-on: ubuntu-latest - if: github.repository == 'coronasafe/care_fe' && github.event_name == 'issues' && github.event.action == 'assigned' + if: github.repository == 'ohcnetwork/care_fe' && github.event_name == 'issues' && github.event.action == 'assigned' steps: - name: 'Move issue to "In Progress"' uses: leonsteinhaeuser/project-beta-automations@v1.2.1 with: gh_token: ${{ secrets.PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN }} - organization: coronasafe + organization: ohcnetwork project_id: 4 resource_node_id: ${{ github.event.issue.node_id }} status_value: "In Progress" diff --git a/.github/workflows/label-deploy-failed.yml b/.github/workflows/label-deploy-failed.yml index cbb6d269891..3137232f539 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/label-deploy-failed.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/label-deploy-failed.yml @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ jobs: auto-label-deploy-failed: runs-on: ubuntu-latest if: | - github.repository == 'coronasafe/care_fe' && github.event.issue.pull_request && + github.repository == 'ohcnetwork/care_fe' && github.event.issue.pull_request && contains(github.event.comment.body, 'Deploy Preview') steps: - name: Add 'Deploy-Failed' diff --git a/.github/workflows/label-merge-conflict.yml b/.github/workflows/label-merge-conflict.yml index 5ae616effa7..0491a102b2c 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/label-merge-conflict.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/label-merge-conflict.yml @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ on: jobs: auto-label: - if: github.repository == 'coronasafe/care_fe' + if: github.repository == 'ohcnetwork/care_fe' runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: prince-chrismc/label-merge-conflicts-action@v2 diff --git a/.github/workflows/label-wip.yml b/.github/workflows/label-wip.yml index 15bd4994fa6..d99ba77a9a5 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/label-wip.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/label-wip.yml @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ on: jobs: check-linked-issues: - if: github.repository == 'coronasafe/care_fe' + if: github.repository == 'ohcnetwork/care_fe' name: Check linked issues runs-on: ubuntu-latest outputs: @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ jobs: runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: check-linked-issues permissions: write-all - if: github.repository == 'coronasafe/care_fe' && join(needs.check-linked-issues.outputs.linked_issues) != '' + if: github.repository == 'ohcnetwork/care_fe' && join(needs.check-linked-issues.outputs.linked_issues) != '' steps: - name: Label uses: actions/github-script@v6 diff --git a/.github/workflows/ossar-analysis.yml b/.github/workflows/ossar-analysis.yml index 4e806124e77..46c0fb01c6b 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/ossar-analysis.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/ossar-analysis.yml @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ on: jobs: OSSAR-Scan: - if: github.repository == 'coronasafe/care_fe' + if: github.repository == 'ohcnetwork/care_fe' # OSSAR runs on windows-latest. # ubuntu-latest and macos-latest support coming soon runs-on: windows-latest diff --git a/.github/workflows/stale.yml b/.github/workflows/stale.yml index 287cd0ad76b..ba400a9c0d3 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/stale.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/stale.yml @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ on: jobs: stale: runs-on: ubuntu-latest - if: github.repository == 'coronasafe/care_fe' + if: github.repository == 'ohcnetwork/care_fe' steps: - uses: actions/stale@v6 with: diff --git a/ b/ index 6469414aa5b..00e91dc5a4a 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ further defined and clarified by project maintainers. ## Enforcement Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be -reported by contacting the project team at All +reported by contacting the project team at All complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. diff --git a/ b/ index de0b06bd63e..39a83172ddb 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@

- + CARE Logo

@@ -12,23 +12,23 @@

Auto deployed to for develop branch. All pull requests have preview builds powered by Netlify.

-[![](]([![](]([![](]([![](]([![](]([![](]([![](]([![](]( +[![](]([![](]([![](]([![](]([![](]([![](]([![](]([![](]( [![Storybook](]( [![Quality Gate Status](]( -![Code scanning - action]( -![OSSAR]( +![Code scanning - action]( +![OSSAR]( [![Cypress Tests](]( -![Staging Release]( -![Production Release]( -[![Codacy Badge](]( -[![CircleCI](]( -[![Maintainability](]( +![Staging Release]( +![Production Release]( +[![Codacy Badge](]( +[![CircleCI](]( +[![Maintainability](]( ## Getting started - 💬 Comment on the issue if you are willing to take it up, and link the pull request with the issue. -- 🏷️ Tag `@coronasafe/code-reviewers` for faster resolution. +- 🏷️ Tag `@ohcnetwork/care-fe-code-reviewers` for faster resolution. - 📸 Attach screenshots in the pull requests showing the changes made in the UI. #### Install the required dependencies @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Authenticate to staging API with any of the following credentials #### Contributing to CARE -- Create a branch with branch name of the format `issues/{issue#}/{short-name}` (example `issues/7001/edit-prescriptions`) from the latest [`develop`]( branch when starting to work on an issue. +- Create a branch with branch name of the format `issues/{issue#}/{short-name}` (example `issues/7001/edit-prescriptions`) from the latest [`develop`]( branch when starting to work on an issue. - Once the changes are pushed to the branch, make a pull request with a meaningful title (example: "💊 Adds support for editing prescriptions" #6369) - Ensure the issue number is mentioned in the PR with a closing tag by following the PR body template. (Refer: [Linking a pull request to an issue]( - Once the code review is done, the PR will be marked with a "Needs Testing" label where it'll be queued for QA testing. @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ To ensure the quality of our pull requests, we use a variety of tools: #### 🧪 Run cypress tests -To run cypress tests locally, you'll need to setup the backend to run locally and load dummy data required for cypress to the database. See [docs]( +To run cypress tests locally, you'll need to setup the backend to run locally and load dummy data required for cypress to the database. See [docs]( Once backend is running locally, you'll have to ensure your local front-end is connected to local backend, by setting the `CARE_API` env. @@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ npm run cypress:open # To debug and run tests individually. ## 📖 Documentations -- [CARE Documentation]( +- [CARE Documentation]( - [Swagger API Documentation]( - [Storybook component library]( - [Testing Documentation]( diff --git a/ b/ index 03d8dec4837..abc222c1739 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ ## Reporting a Vulnerability -Please create an issue at +Please create an issue at diff --git a/ b/ index d1cbacc000e..29050e14f88 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ sidebar_label: Upgrading ## Breaking changes These are a list of changes that should be accounted for when upgrading an existing installation of Care. If you -encounter any problems while following these instructions, please [create a new issue]( +encounter any problems while following these instructions, please [create a new issue]( on our Github repo. Breaking Changes before **September Minor Release v11.2** are not yet documented diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index e366febadbb..8fea63f2bad 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ - + @@ -23,7 +23,10 @@ - + @@ -35,17 +38,27 @@ pointer-events: none; filter: brightness(80%); } - @media (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference) { + @media (prefers-reduced-motion: no-preference) { .App-logo { animation: App-logo-blink 1s linear infinite; } } @keyframes App-logo-blink { - 0% { opacity: 0;} - 25% { opacity: 0.5;} - 50% {opacity: 1;} - 75% {opacity: 0.5;} - 100% {opacity: 0;} + 0% { + opacity: 0; + } + 25% { + opacity: 0.5; + } + 50% { + opacity: 1; + } + 75% { + opacity: 0.5; + } + 100% { + opacity: 0; + } } .temp-loading { display: grid; @@ -55,10 +68,10 @@ }
diff --git a/netlify.toml b/netlify.toml index 4ab805434f5..a79fe05eefe 100644 --- a/netlify.toml +++ b/netlify.toml @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ status = 200 script-src 'self' 'nonce-f51b9742'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; connect-src 'self'; - img-src 'self'; + img-src 'self'; object-src 'self'; report-uri ''' diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index eeb5d36bc22..d2de97bbb09 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -1,22 +1,22 @@ { "name": "care_fe", "version": "2.5.4", - "description": "Care is a single point to link Hospitals,Corona Care Centers and Volunteers to the unified Corona Safe Network", + "description": "Care is a Digital Public Good enabling TeleICU & Decentralised Administration of Healthcare Capacity across States.", "private": true, "repository": { "type": "git", - "url": "" + "url": "" }, "bugs": { - "url": "", - "email": "" + "url": "", + "email": "" }, "contributors": [ - "coronasafe Contributors" + "Open Healthcare Network Contributors" ], - "homepage": "", + "homepage": "", "keywords": [ - "Coronasafe", + "ohcnetwork", "care", "react", "tailwind", @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ "typescript", "vite" ], - "author": "Coronsafe Care Contributors", + "author": "Open Healthcare Network Contributors", "license": "MIT", "scripts": { "build:react": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production vite build", @@ -161,4 +161,4 @@ "node": ">=20.12.0" }, "packageManager": "npm@10.5.0" -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/public/config.json b/public/config.json index dd35eee6420..678e218070c 100644 --- a/public/config.json +++ b/public/config.json @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ { - "github_url": "", - "coronasafe_url": "", - "site_url": "", + "github_url": "", + "ohcn_url": "", + "site_url": "", "analytics_server_url": "", "header_logo": { - "light": "", - "dark": "" + "light": "", + "dark": "" }, "main_logo": { - "light": "", - "dark": "" + "light": "", + "dark": "" }, "gmaps_api_key": "AIzaSyDsBAc3y7deI5ZO3NtK5GuzKwtUzQNJNUk", "gov_data_api_key": "579b464db66ec23bdd000001cdd3946e44ce4aad7209ff7b23ac571b", diff --git a/public/contribute.json b/public/contribute.json deleted file mode 100644 index c1e5c9480b7..00000000000 --- a/public/contribute.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -{ - "name": "Care", - "description": "Care is a single point to link Hospitals,Corona Care Centers and Volunteers to the unified Corona Safe Network", - "repository": { - "url": "", - "license": "MIT" - }, - "participate": { - "home": "", - "docs": "" - }, - "bugs": { - "list": "", - "report": "" - }, - "urls": { - "prod": "", - "stage": "" - }, - "keywords": [ - "javascript", - "typescript", - "reason-react", - "React", - "Docker" - ] -} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/Common/hooks/useConfig.ts b/src/Common/hooks/useConfig.ts index 0bb619296a3..38e2336d583 100644 --- a/src/Common/hooks/useConfig.ts +++ b/src/Common/hooks/useConfig.ts @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ interface ILogo { export interface IConfig { dashboard_url?: string; github_url: string; - coronasafe_url: string; + ohcn_url: string; site_url: string; analytics_server_url: string; diff --git a/src/Components/Auth/Login.tsx b/src/Components/Auth/Login.tsx index 4d49c4458ed..d0d055413cb 100644 --- a/src/Components/Auth/Login.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Auth/Login.tsx @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ export const Login = (props: { forgot?: boolean }) => { main_logo, recaptcha_site_key, github_url, - coronasafe_url, + ohcn_url, state_logo, custom_logo, custom_logo_alt, @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ export const Login = (props: { forgot?: boolean }) => { )} { coronasafe logo
@@ -214,26 +214,22 @@ export const Login = (props: { forgot?: boolean }) => { target="_blank" > Logo of Digital Public Goods Alliance { return ( diff --git a/src/Components/Patient/SamplePreview.tsx b/src/Components/Patient/SamplePreview.tsx index 479b426c3f2..f56714f0c36 100644 --- a/src/Components/Patient/SamplePreview.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Patient/SamplePreview.tsx @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ export default function SampleReport(props: ISamplePreviewProps) {
Open HealthCare Network diff --git a/src/Components/Users/UserAdd.tsx b/src/Components/Users/UserAdd.tsx index 9b4d675c184..86d27bc84d7 100644 --- a/src/Components/Users/UserAdd.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Users/UserAdd.tsx @@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ export const UserAdd = (props: UserProps) => { title={headerText} options={ diff --git a/src/Locale/en/Common.json b/src/Locale/en/Common.json index 656791c3788..62437fcf1ed 100644 --- a/src/Locale/en/Common.json +++ b/src/Locale/en/Common.json @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ { - "coronasafe_network": "CoronaSafe Network", "goal": "Our goal is to continuously improve the quality and accessibility of public healthcare services using digital tools.", "something_wrong": "Something went wrong! Try again later!", "try_again_later": "Try again later!", @@ -193,4 +192,4 @@ "live": "Live", "discharged": "Discharged", "archived": "Archived" -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/Locale/kn/Common.json b/src/Locale/kn/Common.json index 7b82b52d9e1..3ba378654e2 100644 --- a/src/Locale/kn/Common.json +++ b/src/Locale/kn/Common.json @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ { - "coronasafe_network": "ಕೊರೊನಾಸೇಫ್ ನೆಟ್‌ವರ್ಕ್", "goal": "ಡಿಜಿಟಲ್ ಉಪಕರಣಗಳನ್ನು ಬಳಸಿಕೊಂಡು ಸಾರ್ವಜನಿಕ ಆರೋಗ್ಯ ಸೇವೆಗಳ ಗುಣಮಟ್ಟ ಮತ್ತು ಪ್ರವೇಶವನ್ನು ನಿರಂತರವಾಗಿ ಸುಧಾರಿಸುವುದು ನಮ್ಮ ಗುರಿಯಾಗಿದೆ", "something_wrong": "ಏನೋ ತಪ್ಪಾಗಿದೆ! ನಂತರ ಮತ್ತೆ ಪ್ರಯತ್ನಿಸಿ!", "contribute_github": "GitHub ನಲ್ಲಿ ಕೊಡುಗೆ ನೀಡಿ", @@ -15,4 +14,4 @@ "Notice Board": "ಸೂಚನಾ ಫಲಕ", "Assets": "ಸ್ವತ್ತುಗಳು", "Notifications": "ಅಧಿಸೂಚನೆಗಳು" -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/Locale/ml/Common.json b/src/Locale/ml/Common.json index 430305a6a54..3ab266fdb63 100644 --- a/src/Locale/ml/Common.json +++ b/src/Locale/ml/Common.json @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ { - "coronasafe_network": "കൊറോണ സേഫ് നെറ്റ്വർക്ക്", "goal": "ഡിജിറ്റൽ ടൂളുകൾ ഉപയോഗിച്ച് പൊതുജനാരോഗ്യ സേവനങ്ങളുടെ ഗുണനിലവാരവും പ്രവേശനക്ഷമതയും തുടർച്ചയായി മെച്ചപ്പെടുത്തുകയാണ് ഞങ്ങളുടെ ലക്ഷ്യം.", "something_wrong": "എന്തോ കുഴപ്പം സംഭവിച്ചു! കുറച്ചു കഴിഞ്ഞു വീണ്ടും ശ്രമിക്കുക!", "contribute_github": "GitHubൽ സംഭാവന ചെയ്യുക", @@ -15,4 +14,4 @@ "Notice Board": "നോട്ടീസ് ബോർഡ്", "Assets": "ആസ്തികൾ", "Notifications": "അറിയിപ്പുകൾ" -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/Locale/mr/Common.json b/src/Locale/mr/Common.json index d164745bcf3..8e0fd7ae47e 100644 --- a/src/Locale/mr/Common.json +++ b/src/Locale/mr/Common.json @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ { - "coronasafe_network": "कोरोनासेफ नेटवर्क", "goal": "डिजिटल साधनांचा वापर करून सार्वजनिक आरोग्य सेवांची गुणवत्ता आणि सुलभता सतत सुधारणे हे आमचे ध्येय आहे.", "something_wrong": "काहीतरी चूक झाली! पुन्हा प्रयत्न करा", "contribute_github": "Github वर योगदान द्या", @@ -15,4 +14,4 @@ "Notice Board": "सूचना फलक", "Assets": "मालमत्ता", "Notifications": "अधिसूचना" -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/Locale/ta/Common.json b/src/Locale/ta/Common.json index 4b08291783e..2ee39016c2e 100644 --- a/src/Locale/ta/Common.json +++ b/src/Locale/ta/Common.json @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ { - "coronasafe_network": "கொரோனா சேஃப் நெட்வொர்க்", "goal": "டிஜிட்டல் கருவிகளைப் பயன்படுத்தி பொது சுகாதார சேவைகளின் தரம் மற்றும் அணுகல்தன்மையை தொடர்ந்து மேம்படுத்துவதே எங்கள் குறிக்கோள்.", "something_wrong": "ஏதோ தவறு நடந்துவிட்டது! பின்னர் மீண்டும் முயற்சிக்கவும்!", "contribute_github": "Github-ல் பங்களிப்பு செய்யுங்கள்", @@ -15,4 +14,4 @@ "Notice Board": "அறிவிப்பு பலகை", "Assets": "சொத்துக்கள்", "Notifications": "அறிவிப்புகள்" -} +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/vite.config.mts b/vite.config.mts index f7e65849493..a8f946c3e75 100644 --- a/vite.config.mts +++ b/vite.config.mts @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ export default { script-src 'self' blob: 'nonce-f51b9742';\ style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline';\ connect-src 'self';\ - img-src 'self' ${cdnUrls};\ + img-src 'self' ${cdnUrls};\ object-src 'self' ${cdnUrls};`, }, port: 4000, From d31a6a6f59d5e98933c9477f5b431eee841a2827 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Aakash Singh Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2024 11:05:52 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 13/36] Remove fireRequestV2 (#8446) --- src/Redux/fireRequest.tsx | 103 -------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 103 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/Redux/fireRequest.tsx b/src/Redux/fireRequest.tsx index 99cd2fe7ca4..fb1a7746167 100644 --- a/src/Redux/fireRequest.tsx +++ b/src/Redux/fireRequest.tsx @@ -1,7 +1,5 @@ import * as Notification from "../Utils/Notifications.js"; -import { isEmpty, omitBy } from "lodash-es"; - import { LocalStorageKeys } from "../Common/constants"; import api from "./api"; import axios from "axios"; @@ -173,104 +171,3 @@ export const fireRequest = ( }); }; }; - -export const fireRequestV2 = ( - key: string, - path: any = [], - params: any = {}, - successCallback: any = () => undefined, - errorCallback: any = () => undefined, - pathParam?: any, - altKey?: string, -) => { - // cancel previous api call - if (isRunning[altKey ? altKey : key]) { - isRunning[altKey ? altKey : key].cancel(); - } - isRunning[altKey ? altKey : key] = axios.CancelToken.source(); - // get api url / method - const request = Object.assign({}, requestMap[key]); - if (path.length > 0) { - request.path += "/" + path.join("/"); - } - if (request.method === undefined || request.method === "GET") { - request.method = "GET"; - const qs = new URLSearchParams(omitBy(params, isEmpty)).toString(); - if (qs !== "") { - request.path += `?${qs}`; - } - } - // set dynamic params in the URL - if (pathParam) { - Object.keys(pathParam).forEach((param: any) => { - request.path = request.path.replace(`{${param}}`, pathParam[param]); - }); - } - - // set authorization header in the request header - const config: any = { - headers: {}, - }; - if (!request.noAuth && localStorage.getItem(LocalStorageKeys.accessToken)) { - config.headers["Authorization"] = - "Bearer " + localStorage.getItem(LocalStorageKeys.accessToken); - } - const axiosApiCall: any = axios.create(config); - - fetchDataRequest(key); - return axiosApiCall[request.method.toLowerCase()](request.path, { - ...params, - cancelToken: isRunning[altKey ? altKey : key].token, - }) - .then((response: any) => { - successCallback(; - }) - .catch((error: any) => { - errorCallback(error); - if (error.response) { - // temporarily don't show invalid phone number error on duplicate patient check - if (error.response.status === 400 && key === "searchPatient") { - return; - } - - // deleteUser: 404 is for permission denied - if (error.response.status === 404 && key === "deleteUser") { - Notification.Error({ - msg: "Permission denied!", - }); - } - - // currentUser is ignored because on the first page load - // 403 error is displayed for invalid credential. - if (error.response.status === 403 && key === "currentUser") { - if (localStorage.getItem(LocalStorageKeys.accessToken)) { - localStorage.removeItem(LocalStorageKeys.accessToken); - } - } - - // 400 Bad Request Error - if (error.response.status === 400 || error.response.status === 406) { - Notification.BadRequest({ - errs:, - }); - } - - // 4xx Errors - if (error.response.status > 400 && error.response.status < 600) { - if ( && { - Notification.Error({ - msg:, - }); - } else { - Notification.Error({ - msg: "Something went wrong...!", - }); - } - if (error.response.status === 429) { - return error.response; - } - return; - } - } - }); -}; From 5ba2b2da7c1a66bf427b4e7d139806cfd963d1fd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Rithvik Nishad Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2024 12:36:04 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 14/36] Fixes PR template tags (#8453) --- .github/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/.github/ b/.github/ index 8e77009ccd4..6244c8aae3e 100644 --- a/.github/ +++ b/.github/ @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ - Change 2 - More? -@ohcnetwork/code-reviewers +@ohcnetwork/care-fe-code-reviewers ## Merge Checklist From 3c0d9ed1fb3f81fd1a24328dca86cafe3f36ba2b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Rithvik Nishad Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2024 14:59:17 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 15/36] Removes Storybook (#8452) --- .eslintrc.json | 3 +- .gitignore | 1 - .storybook/main.ts | 27 - .storybook/preview-head.html | 3 - .storybook/preview.ts | 15 - .storybook/vite.config.mts | 2 - | 2 - package-lock.json | 6016 +---------------- package.json | 15 +- src/Components/Patient/Waveform.tsx | 150 - src/Utils/useTimer.tsx | 2 +- src/stories/Care UI/ButtonV2.stories.tsx | 13 - .../Form Fields/DateFormField.stories.tsx | 34 - .../DateRangeFormField.stories.tsx | 35 - .../MultiSelectFormField.stories.tsx | 43 - .../Form Fields/SelectFormField.stories.tsx | 43 - src/stories/Care UI/Slideover.stories.tsx | 33 - src/stories/Introduction.mdx | 224 - src/stories/assets/code-brackets.svg | 1 - src/stories/assets/colors.svg | 1 - src/stories/assets/comments.svg | 1 - src/stories/assets/direction.svg | 1 - src/stories/assets/flow.svg | 1 - src/stories/assets/plugin.svg | 1 - src/stories/assets/repo.svg | 1 - src/stories/assets/stackalt.svg | 1 - 26 files changed, 217 insertions(+), 6452 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 .storybook/main.ts delete mode 100644 .storybook/preview-head.html delete mode 100644 .storybook/preview.ts delete mode 100644 .storybook/vite.config.mts delete mode 100644 src/Components/Patient/Waveform.tsx delete mode 100644 src/stories/Care UI/ButtonV2.stories.tsx delete mode 100644 src/stories/Care UI/Form Fields/DateFormField.stories.tsx delete mode 100644 src/stories/Care UI/Form Fields/DateRangeFormField.stories.tsx delete mode 100644 src/stories/Care UI/Form Fields/MultiSelectFormField.stories.tsx delete mode 100644 src/stories/Care UI/Form Fields/SelectFormField.stories.tsx delete mode 100644 src/stories/Care UI/Slideover.stories.tsx delete mode 100644 src/stories/Introduction.mdx delete mode 100644 src/stories/assets/code-brackets.svg delete mode 100644 src/stories/assets/colors.svg delete mode 100644 src/stories/assets/comments.svg delete mode 100644 src/stories/assets/direction.svg delete mode 100644 src/stories/assets/flow.svg delete mode 100644 src/stories/assets/plugin.svg delete mode 100644 src/stories/assets/repo.svg delete mode 100644 src/stories/assets/stackalt.svg diff --git a/.eslintrc.json b/.eslintrc.json index 37bfeb77bb9..ec5e9b8bb7d 100644 --- a/.eslintrc.json +++ b/.eslintrc.json @@ -15,8 +15,7 @@ "plugin:@typescript-eslint/eslint-recommended", "plugin:@typescript-eslint/recommended", "plugin:i18next/recommended", - "plugin:prettier/recommended", - "plugin:storybook/recommended" + "plugin:prettier/recommended" ], "overrides": [ { diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 4ca589aab39..2bf54f0c767 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ yarn-error.log* dist dev-dist build -storybook-static .swp stats.json public/build-meta.json diff --git a/.storybook/main.ts b/.storybook/main.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 3f745b0de81..00000000000 --- a/.storybook/main.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -import type { StorybookConfig } from "@storybook/react-vite"; - -const config: StorybookConfig = { - stories: ["../src/**/*.mdx", "../src/**/*.stories.@(js|jsx|mjs|ts|tsx)"], - addons: [ - "@storybook/addon-links", - "@storybook/addon-essentials", - "@storybook/addon-interactions", - ], - core: { - builder: { - name: "@storybook/builder-vite", - options: { - viteConfigPath: "./.storybook/vite.config.mts", - }, - }, - }, - framework: { - name: "@storybook/react-vite", - options: {}, - }, - docs: { - autodocs: "tag", - }, - staticDirs: ["../public"], -}; -export default config; diff --git a/.storybook/preview-head.html b/.storybook/preview-head.html deleted file mode 100644 index beed7c181bd..00000000000 --- a/.storybook/preview-head.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.storybook/preview.ts b/.storybook/preview.ts deleted file mode 100644 index bb18fa82ebe..00000000000 --- a/.storybook/preview.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -import type { Preview } from "@storybook/react"; -import "../src/style/index.css"; - -const preview: Preview = { - parameters: { - controls: { - matchers: { - color: /(background|color)$/i, - date: /Date$/i, - }, - }, - }, -}; - -export default preview; diff --git a/.storybook/vite.config.mts b/.storybook/vite.config.mts deleted file mode 100644 index 89e6222f220..00000000000 --- a/.storybook/vite.config.mts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,2 +0,0 @@ -/** @type {import('vite').UserConfig} */ -export default {}; diff --git a/ b/ index 39a83172ddb..740a0857ed0 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ [![](]([![](]([![](]([![](]([![](]([![](]([![](]([![](]( -[![Storybook](]( [![Quality Gate Status](]( ![Code scanning - action]( ![OSSAR]( @@ -116,7 +115,6 @@ npm run cypress:open # To debug and run tests individually. - [CARE Documentation]( - [Swagger API Documentation]( -- [Storybook component library]( - [Testing Documentation]( ## 🚀 Production diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json index 7fa1431548a..b3eeb9e919f 100644 --- a/package-lock.json +++ b/package-lock.json @@ -52,15 +52,10 @@ "xlsx": "^0.18.5" }, "devDependencies": { - "@storybook/addon-essentials": "^8.1.0", - "@storybook/addon-interactions": "^8.1.0", - "@storybook/addon-links": "^8.1.0", - "@storybook/blocks": "^8.1.0", - "@storybook/builder-vite": "^8.1.0", - "@storybook/react-vite": "^8.1.0", "@tailwindcss/container-queries": "^0.1.1", "@tailwindcss/forms": "^0.5.7", "@tailwindcss/typography": "^0.5.13", + "@types/events": "^3.0.3", "@types/google.maps": "^3.55.8", "@types/lodash-es": "^4.17.12", "@types/qrcode.react": "^1.0.5", @@ -81,7 +76,6 @@ "eslint-plugin-prettier": "^5.2.1", "eslint-plugin-react": "^7.35.0", "eslint-plugin-react-hooks": "^4.6.2", - 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classes?: string; - defaultSpace?: boolean; - wavetype?: "STREAM" | "REFRESH"; -}) { - const wave = props.wave; - const data =" ").map(Number); - const viewable = data.length; - const [queueData, setQueueData] = useState( - Array(viewable).fill(null), - ); - const [refreshData, setRefreshData] = useState([]); - const [lastData, setLastData] = useState([]); - const [xData, setXData] = useState([]); - const [lastStream, setLastStream] = useState(0); - const [rPointer, setRPointer] = useState(0); - - const initialRender = useRef(true); - - useEffect(() => { - if (props.wavetype === "STREAM") { - setQueueData(queueData.concat(data)); - } else { - if (lastData.length === 0) { - setLastData(data); - } else { - setRefreshData(data); - } - setRPointer(0); - } - setXData(Array.from(Array(viewable).keys())); - - let seconds = 1; - setLastStream(0); - const timer = setInterval(() => { - setLastStream(seconds); - seconds++; - }, 1000); - return () => clearInterval(timer); - }, [props.wave]); - - useEffect(() => { - const timeout = setTimeout(() => { - if (props.wavetype === "STREAM") { - if (queueData.length > 30000) { - setQueueData(queueData.slice(-viewable)); - } else { - setQueueData(queueData.slice(2)); - } - } - }, 6); - return () => clearTimeout(timeout); - }, [queueData]); - - useEffect(() => { - let timeout: NodeJS.Timeout; - if (initialRender.current) { - initialRender.current = false; - } else { - timeout = setTimeout(() => { - setRefreshData([ -, rPointer - 25), - ...Array(50).fill(null), - ...lastData.slice(rPointer - 25), - ]); - setRPointer(rPointer + Math.round(viewable / 150)); - }, 2); - } - return () => clearTimeout(timeout); - }, [refreshData]); - - useEffect(() => { - if (refreshData.length === 0) { - setRefreshData(data); - } - }, [lastData]); - - useEffect(() => { - if (rPointer >= data.length) { - setLastData(data); - } - }, [rPointer]); - - return ( -
- {props.title} -
- -
- {props.metrics && ( -
Lowest: {Math.min(...queueData.slice(0, viewable))}
Highest: {Math.max(...queueData.slice(0, viewable))}
Stream Length: {data.length}
Buffer Length: {queueData.length}
Sampling Rate: {wave["sampling rate"]}
Lag: {Math.round(queueData.length / viewable)} seconds
Last response: {lastStream} sec ago
- {queueData.length > viewable && ( - - )} -
- )} -
- ); -} diff --git a/src/Utils/useTimer.tsx b/src/Utils/useTimer.tsx index e017bf917b8..f7157f65b86 100644 --- a/src/Utils/useTimer.tsx +++ b/src/Utils/useTimer.tsx @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ export const useTimer = () => { const [time, setTime] = useState(0); useEffect(() => { - let interval: NodeJS.Timeout; + let interval: number; if (running) { interval = setInterval(() => { setTime((prevTime) => prevTime + 1); diff --git a/src/stories/Care UI/ButtonV2.stories.tsx b/src/stories/Care UI/ButtonV2.stories.tsx deleted file mode 100644 index 512bedf9e2a..00000000000 --- a/src/stories/Care UI/ButtonV2.stories.tsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -import type { Meta, StoryObj } from "@storybook/react"; -import ButtonV2 from "../../Components/Common/components/ButtonV2"; - -const meta: Meta = { - component: ButtonV2, -}; - -export default meta; -type Story = StoryObj; - -export const Default: Story = { - render: (args) => Click Me, -}; diff --git a/src/stories/Care UI/Form Fields/DateFormField.stories.tsx b/src/stories/Care UI/Form Fields/DateFormField.stories.tsx deleted file mode 100644 index c9555c9c04d..00000000000 --- a/src/stories/Care UI/Form Fields/DateFormField.stories.tsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ -import type { Meta, StoryObj } from "@storybook/react"; -import { useState } from "react"; -import DateFormField from "../../../Components/Form/FormFields/DateFormField"; - -const meta: Meta = { - component: DateFormField, -}; - -export default meta; -type Story = StoryObj; - -const WithState = (args: any) => { - const [value, setValue] = useState(); - - return ( - setValue(value)} - /> - ); -}; - -export const Default: Story = { - args: { - name: "date", - label: "Select a date", - }, - render: (args) => ( -
- -
- ), -}; diff --git a/src/stories/Care UI/Form Fields/DateRangeFormField.stories.tsx b/src/stories/Care UI/Form Fields/DateRangeFormField.stories.tsx deleted file mode 100644 index 6e4e1a9d29d..00000000000 --- a/src/stories/Care UI/Form Fields/DateRangeFormField.stories.tsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -import type { Meta, StoryObj } from "@storybook/react"; -import { useState } from "react"; -import { DateRange } from "../../../Components/Common/DateRangeInputV2"; -import DateRangeFormField from "../../../Components/Form/FormFields/DateRangeFormField"; - -const meta: Meta = { - component: DateRangeFormField, -}; - -export default meta; -type Story = StoryObj; - -const WithState = (args: any) => { - const [value, setValue] = useState(); - - return ( - setValue(value)} - /> - ); -}; - -export const Default: Story = { - args: { - name: "date-range", - label: "Select a date range", - }, - render: (args) => ( -
- -
- ), -}; diff --git a/src/stories/Care UI/Form Fields/MultiSelectFormField.stories.tsx b/src/stories/Care UI/Form Fields/MultiSelectFormField.stories.tsx deleted file mode 100644 index 43b10627ff4..00000000000 --- a/src/stories/Care UI/Form Fields/MultiSelectFormField.stories.tsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -import type { Meta, StoryObj } from "@storybook/react"; -import { useState } from "react"; -import { MultiSelectFormField } from "../../../Components/Form/FormFields/SelectFormField"; - -const meta: Meta = { - component: MultiSelectFormField, -}; - -export default meta; -type Story = StoryObj; - -const WithState = (args: any) => { - const [value, setValue] = useState(); - - return ( - setValue(value)} - /> - ); -}; - -export const Default: Story = { - args: { - name: "select", - label: "Pick items", - placeholder: "Select multiple options", - options: [ - { label: "Item 1", value: "item1" }, - { label: "Item 2", value: "item2" }, - { label: "Item 3", value: "item3" }, - { label: "Item 4", value: "item4" }, - ], - optionLabel: (option: any) => option.label, - optionValue: (option: any) => option.value, - }, - render: (args) => ( -
- -
- ), -}; diff --git a/src/stories/Care UI/Form Fields/SelectFormField.stories.tsx b/src/stories/Care UI/Form Fields/SelectFormField.stories.tsx deleted file mode 100644 index 73fe54ff034..00000000000 --- a/src/stories/Care UI/Form Fields/SelectFormField.stories.tsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -import type { Meta, StoryObj } from "@storybook/react"; -import { useState } from "react"; -import { SelectFormField } from "../../../Components/Form/FormFields/SelectFormField"; - -const meta: Meta = { - component: SelectFormField, -}; - -export default meta; -type Story = StoryObj; - -const WithState = (args: any) => { - const [value, setValue] = useState(); - - return ( - setValue(value)} - /> - ); -}; - -export const Default: Story = { - args: { - name: "select", - label: "Pick an item", - placeholder: "Select an option", - options: [ - { label: "Item 1", value: "item1" }, - { label: "Item 2", value: "item2" }, - { label: "Item 3", value: "item3" }, - { label: "Item 4", value: "item4" }, - ], - optionLabel: (option: any) => option.label, - optionValue: (option: any) => option.value, - }, - render: (args) => ( -
- -
- ), -}; diff --git a/src/stories/Care UI/Slideover.stories.tsx b/src/stories/Care UI/Slideover.stories.tsx deleted file mode 100644 index 0c13d3e6111..00000000000 --- a/src/stories/Care UI/Slideover.stories.tsx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -import type { Meta, StoryObj } from "@storybook/react"; -import { useState } from "react"; -import SlideOver from "../../CAREUI/interactive/SlideOver"; -import ButtonV2 from "../../Components/Common/components/ButtonV2"; - -const meta: Meta = { - component: SlideOver, -}; - -export default meta; -type Story = StoryObj; - -const WithState = (args: any) => { - const [open, setOpen] = useState(false); - - return ( -
- setOpen(true)}>Open SlideOver - - Content - -
- ); -}; - -export const Default: Story = { - args: { - slideFrom: "right", - title: "Title", - dialogClass: "md:w-[400px]", - }, - render: (args) => , -}; diff --git a/src/stories/Introduction.mdx b/src/stories/Introduction.mdx deleted file mode 100644 index e128c8c6cec..00000000000 --- a/src/stories/Introduction.mdx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,224 +0,0 @@ -import { Meta } from "@storybook/blocks"; -import Code from "./assets/code-brackets.svg"; -import Colors from "./assets/colors.svg"; -import Comments from "./assets/comments.svg"; -import Direction from "./assets/direction.svg"; -import Flow from "./assets/flow.svg"; -import Plugin from "./assets/plugin.svg"; -import Repo from "./assets/repo.svg"; -import StackAlt from "./assets/stackalt.svg"; - - - - - -# Welcome to Storybook - -Storybook helps you build UI components in isolation from your app's business logic, data, and context. -That makes it easy to develop hard-to-reach states. Save these UI states as **stories** to revisit during development, testing, or QA. - -Browse example stories now by navigating to them in the sidebar. -View their code in the `stories` directory to learn how they work. -We recommend building UIs with a [**component-driven**]( process starting with atomic components and ending with pages. - -
- -
- -
- - - -
- TipEdit the Markdown in - stories/Introduction.stories.mdx -
diff --git a/src/stories/assets/code-brackets.svg b/src/stories/assets/code-brackets.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 73de9477600..00000000000 --- a/src/stories/assets/code-brackets.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -illustration/code-brackets \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/stories/assets/colors.svg b/src/stories/assets/colors.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 17d58d516e1..00000000000 --- a/src/stories/assets/colors.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -illustration/colors \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/stories/assets/comments.svg b/src/stories/assets/comments.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 6493a139f52..00000000000 --- a/src/stories/assets/comments.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -illustration/comments \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/stories/assets/direction.svg b/src/stories/assets/direction.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 65676ac2722..00000000000 --- a/src/stories/assets/direction.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -illustration/direction \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/stories/assets/flow.svg b/src/stories/assets/flow.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 8ac27db403c..00000000000 --- a/src/stories/assets/flow.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -illustration/flow \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/stories/assets/plugin.svg b/src/stories/assets/plugin.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 29e5c690c0a..00000000000 --- a/src/stories/assets/plugin.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -illustration/plugin \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/stories/assets/repo.svg b/src/stories/assets/repo.svg deleted file mode 100644 index f386ee902c1..00000000000 --- a/src/stories/assets/repo.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -illustration/repo \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/stories/assets/stackalt.svg b/src/stories/assets/stackalt.svg deleted file mode 100644 index 9b7ad274350..00000000000 --- a/src/stories/assets/stackalt.svg +++ /dev/null @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -illustration/stackalt \ No newline at end of file From 6245493cada6c7da1568ad271dee0351f0c605e2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Nithin Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2024 15:20:18 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 16/36] Adds validation for max dosage in PRN prescription #8324 (#8378) Co-authored-by: rithviknishad --- src/Components/Medicine/validators.ts | 43 +++++++++++++++++++-------- src/Locale/en/Common.json | 3 +- src/Locale/en/Medicine.json | 7 +++-- 3 files changed, 38 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/Components/Medicine/validators.ts b/src/Components/Medicine/validators.ts index a0103d11241..c1cbe560ae9 100644 --- a/src/Components/Medicine/validators.ts +++ b/src/Components/Medicine/validators.ts @@ -6,33 +6,56 @@ import { Prescription } from "./models"; export const PrescriptionFormValidator = () => { return (form: Prescription): FormErrors => { const errors: Partial> = {}; + errors.medicine_object = RequiredFieldValidator()(form.medicine_object); + if (form.dosage_type === "TITRATED") { errors.base_dosage = RequiredFieldValidator()(form.base_dosage); errors.target_dosage = RequiredFieldValidator()(form.target_dosage); + if ( form.base_dosage && form.target_dosage && form.base_dosage.split(" ")[1] !== form.target_dosage.split(" ")[1] ) { - errors.base_dosage = "Unit must be same as target dosage's unit"; - errors.target_dosage = "Unit must be same as base dosage's unit"; + errors.base_dosage = t("inconsistent_dosage_units_error"); + errors.target_dosage = t("inconsistent_dosage_units_error"); } - } else errors.base_dosage = RequiredFieldValidator()(form.base_dosage); - if (form.dosage_type === "PRN") + } else { + errors.base_dosage = RequiredFieldValidator()(form.base_dosage); + } + + if (form.dosage_type === "PRN") { errors.indicator = RequiredFieldValidator()(form.indicator); - if (form.dosage_type !== "PRN") + + const baseDosageValue = getDosageValue(form.base_dosage); + const maxDosageValue = getDosageValue(form.max_dosage); + + if ( + baseDosageValue && + maxDosageValue && + baseDosageValue > maxDosageValue + ) { + errors.max_dosage = t("max_dosage_in_24hrs_gte_base_dosage_error"); + } + } else { errors.frequency = RequiredFieldValidator()(form.frequency); + } + return errors; }; }; +const getDosageValue = (dosage: string | undefined) => { + return dosage ? Number(dosage.split(" ")[0]) : undefined; +}; + export const EditPrescriptionFormValidator = (old: Prescription) => { return (form: Prescription): FormErrors => { const errors = PrescriptionFormValidator()(form); if (comparePrescriptions(old, form)) { - errors.$all = "No changes made"; + errors.$all = t("no_changes_made"); } return errors; @@ -66,10 +89,6 @@ export const AdministrationDosageValidator = ( target_dosage: Prescription["target_dosage"], ) => { return (value: Prescription["base_dosage"]) => { - const getDosageValue = (dosage: string | undefined) => { - return dosage ? Number(dosage.split(" ")[0]) : undefined; - }; - const valueDosage = getDosageValue(value); const baseDosage = getDosageValue(base_dosage); const targetDosage = getDosageValue(target_dosage); @@ -77,13 +96,13 @@ export const AdministrationDosageValidator = ( if (!valueDosage) return t("field_required"); if (value?.split(" ")[1] !== base_dosage?.split(" ")[1]) - return "Unit must be the same as start and target dosage's unit"; + return t("inconsistent_dosage_units_error"); if (baseDosage && targetDosage) { const [min, max] = [baseDosage, targetDosage].sort((a, b) => a - b); if (!(min <= valueDosage && valueDosage <= max)) { - return "Dosage should be between start and target dosage"; + return t("administration_dosage_range_error"); } } }; diff --git a/src/Locale/en/Common.json b/src/Locale/en/Common.json index 62437fcf1ed..c5d6d76564e 100644 --- a/src/Locale/en/Common.json +++ b/src/Locale/en/Common.json @@ -191,5 +191,6 @@ "discard": "Discard", "live": "Live", "discharged": "Discharged", - "archived": "Archived" + "archived": "Archived", + "no_changes_made": "No changes made" } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/Locale/en/Medicine.json b/src/Locale/en/Medicine.json index 3e861f2e486..df0467de7b6 100644 --- a/src/Locale/en/Medicine.json +++ b/src/Locale/en/Medicine.json @@ -61,5 +61,8 @@ "PRESCRIPTION_FREQUENCY_QID": "6th hourly", "PRESCRIPTION_FREQUENCY_Q4H": "4th hourly", "PRESCRIPTION_FREQUENCY_QOD": "Alternate day", - "PRESCRIPTION_FREQUENCY_QWK": "Once a week" -} + "PRESCRIPTION_FREQUENCY_QWK": "Once a week", + "inconsistent_dosage_units_error": "Dosage units must be same", + "max_dosage_in_24hrs_gte_base_dosage_error": "Max. dosage in 24 hours must be greater than or equal to base dosage", + "administration_dosage_range_error": "Dosage should be between start and target dosage" +} \ No newline at end of file From 788e7529ab8c3d333a345e64592d76d435344d42 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Shivank Kacker Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2024 17:58:08 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 17/36] Fix allowed extensions not working for file input (#8419) --- src/Utils/useFileUpload.tsx | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/src/Utils/useFileUpload.tsx b/src/Utils/useFileUpload.tsx index 49e4f9d99bd..ad8e185745c 100644 --- a/src/Utils/useFileUpload.tsx +++ b/src/Utils/useFileUpload.tsx @@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ export default function useFileUpload( type="file" accept={ "allowedExtensions" in options - ? options.allowedExtensions?.join(",") + ? options.allowedExtensions?.map((e) => "." + e).join(",") : "allowAllExtensions" in options ? "*" : DEFAULT_ALLOWED_EXTENSIONS.join(",") From dcedaa9a44f5caa596eb450042c9c1e93f447b0c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Shivank Kacker Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2024 17:59:22 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 18/36] Fixed icd11 diagnosis multiselect field making unnecessary requests (#8448) Co-authored-by: rithviknishad --- .../AddICD11Diagnosis.tsx | 1 + .../Form/FormFields/AutocompleteMultiselect.tsx | 12 ++++++++++-- src/Components/Patient/DiagnosesFilter.tsx | 2 ++ 3 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/Components/Diagnosis/ConsultationDiagnosisBuilder/AddICD11Diagnosis.tsx b/src/Components/Diagnosis/ConsultationDiagnosisBuilder/AddICD11Diagnosis.tsx index 39f35a4fcf4..66e0592511c 100644 --- a/src/Components/Diagnosis/ConsultationDiagnosisBuilder/AddICD11Diagnosis.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Diagnosis/ConsultationDiagnosisBuilder/AddICD11Diagnosis.tsx @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ export default function AddICD11Diagnosis(props: AddICD11DiagnosisProps) { const hasError = !!props.disallowed.find((d) => d?.id === selected?.id); const { res, data, loading, refetch } = useQuery(routes.listICD11Diagnosis, { + prefetch: false, silent: true, }); diff --git a/src/Components/Form/FormFields/AutocompleteMultiselect.tsx b/src/Components/Form/FormFields/AutocompleteMultiselect.tsx index 7fea2d4c6e7..4e7892a6a64 100644 --- a/src/Components/Form/FormFields/AutocompleteMultiselect.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Form/FormFields/AutocompleteMultiselect.tsx @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ type AutocompleteMultiSelectFormFieldProps = FormFieldBaseProps & { optionDisabled?: OptionCallback; onQuery?: (query: string) => void; dropdownIcon?: React.ReactNode | undefined; + minQueryLength?: number; isLoading?: boolean; selectAll?: boolean; }; @@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ type AutocompleteMutliSelectProps = { isLoading?: boolean; selectAll?: boolean; error?: string; + minQueryLength?: number; }; /** @@ -80,7 +82,9 @@ export const AutocompleteMutliSelect = ( const [query, setQuery] = useState(""); // Ensure lower case const comboButtonRef = useRef(null); useEffect(() => { - props.onQuery && props.onQuery(query); + query.length >= (props.minQueryLength || 1) && + props.onQuery && + props.onQuery(query); }, [query]); const handleSingleSelect = (o: any) => { if (o.option?.isSingleSelect === true && comboButtonRef.current) { @@ -175,7 +179,11 @@ export const AutocompleteMutliSelect = ( as="ul" className="cui-dropdown-base absolute top-12 z-10 mt-0.5" > - {props.isLoading ? ( + {props.minQueryLength && query.length < props.minQueryLength ? ( +
+ {`Please enter at least ${props.minQueryLength} characters to search`} +
+ ) : props.isLoading ? ( ) : filteredOptions.length ? ( <> diff --git a/src/Components/Patient/DiagnosesFilter.tsx b/src/Components/Patient/DiagnosesFilter.tsx index c4c4872fdda..1217e821389 100644 --- a/src/Components/Patient/DiagnosesFilter.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Patient/DiagnosesFilter.tsx @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ export default function DiagnosesFilter(props: Props) { const [diagnoses, setDiagnoses] = useState([]); const { res, data, loading, refetch } = useQuery(routes.listICD11Diagnosis, { silent: true, + prefetch: false, }); useEffect(() => { @@ -72,6 +73,7 @@ export default function DiagnosesFilter(props: Props) { name="icd11_search" className="w-full" placeholder={t("search_icd11_placeholder")} + minQueryLength={2} value={diagnoses} onChange={(e) => { setDiagnoses(e.value); From 93347f4dfaa5d7ec7f1475b6e0e80b646cf95bfa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Shivank Kacker Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2024 18:00:18 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 19/36] Switched to uploadFile from axios in scribe (#8379) --- src/Components/Scribe/Scribe.tsx | 27 +++++++++++++-------------- 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/Components/Scribe/Scribe.tsx b/src/Components/Scribe/Scribe.tsx index c942d130a43..cc57ee39dde 100644 --- a/src/Components/Scribe/Scribe.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Scribe/Scribe.tsx @@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ import CareIcon from "../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; import routes from "../../Redux/api"; import * as Notify from "../../Utils/Notifications"; import request from "../../Utils/request/request"; -import axios from "axios"; import { UserModel } from "../Users/models"; import useConfig from "../../Common/hooks/useConfig"; import useSegmentedRecording from "../../Utils/useSegmentedRecorder"; +import uploadFile from "../../Utils/request/uploadFile"; interface FieldOption { id: string | number; @@ -120,21 +120,20 @@ export const Scribe: React.FC = ({ form, onFormUpdate }) => { return; } const newFile = new File([f], `${internal_name}`, { type: f.type }); - const config = { - headers: { - "Content-type": newFile?.type?.split(";")?.[0], - "Content-disposition": "inline", - }, + const headers = { + "Content-type": newFile?.type?.split(";")?.[0], + "Content-disposition": "inline", }; - axios - .put(url, newFile, config) - .then(() => { - resolve(); - }) - .catch((error) => { - reject(error); - }); + uploadFile( + url, + newFile, + "PUT", + headers, + (xhr: XMLHttpRequest) => (xhr.status === 200 ? resolve() : reject()), + null, + reject, + ); }); }; From 43de4e725bac94ac6554dd8a15754a15b46baba7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Khavin Shankar Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2024 19:11:38 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 20/36] enable interaction with other components when a dropdown is open (#8432) --- src/Components/CameraFeed/AssetBedSelect.tsx | 6 ++++-- src/Components/Common/components/Menu.tsx | 7 ++++--- src/Components/Form/AutoCompleteAsync.tsx | 12 +++++++----- src/Components/Form/FormFields/Autocomplete.tsx | 10 ++++++---- .../Form/FormFields/AutocompleteMultiselect.tsx | 16 +++++++++------- src/Components/Form/MultiSelectMenuV2.tsx | 6 ++++-- src/Components/Form/SelectMenuV2.tsx | 11 ++++++++--- 7 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/Components/CameraFeed/AssetBedSelect.tsx b/src/Components/CameraFeed/AssetBedSelect.tsx index b97675c7b31..18bef259b2b 100644 --- a/src/Components/CameraFeed/AssetBedSelect.tsx +++ b/src/Components/CameraFeed/AssetBedSelect.tsx @@ -1,14 +1,15 @@ -import { AssetBedModel } from "../Assets/AssetTypes"; import { Listbox, ListboxButton, ListboxOption, ListboxOptions, } from "@headlessui/react"; + +import { AssetBedModel } from "../Assets/AssetTypes"; +import ButtonV2 from "../Common/components/ButtonV2"; import CareIcon from "../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; import { classNames } from "../../Utils/utils"; import { dropdownOptionClassNames } from "../Form/MultiSelectMenuV2"; -import ButtonV2 from "../Common/components/ButtonV2"; interface Props { disabled?: boolean; @@ -108,6 +109,7 @@ export const CameraPresetDropdown = ( diff --git a/src/Components/Common/components/Menu.tsx b/src/Components/Common/components/Menu.tsx index 166b55737ea..14dabfe9781 100644 --- a/src/Components/Common/components/Menu.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Common/components/Menu.tsx @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ import { Anyone, AuthorizedElementProps } from "../../../Utils/AuthorizeFor"; - import { ButtonSize, ButtonVariant } from "./ButtonV2"; -import CareIcon from "../../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; -import { Menu, MenuButton, MenuItem, MenuItems } from "@headlessui/react"; import { DetailedHTMLProps, HTMLAttributes, ReactNode } from "react"; +import { Menu, MenuButton, MenuItem, MenuItems } from "@headlessui/react"; + +import CareIcon from "../../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; import { classNames } from "../../../Utils/utils"; import { useIsAuthorized } from "../../../Common/hooks/useIsAuthorized"; @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ export default function DropdownMenu({ <>{props.children} diff --git a/src/Components/Form/AutoCompleteAsync.tsx b/src/Components/Form/AutoCompleteAsync.tsx index 9b4c1f876e4..1cd07a93df1 100644 --- a/src/Components/Form/AutoCompleteAsync.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Form/AutoCompleteAsync.tsx @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ -import { useEffect, useState, useMemo } from "react"; import { Combobox, ComboboxButton, @@ -6,15 +5,17 @@ import { ComboboxOption, ComboboxOptions, } from "@headlessui/react"; -import { debounce } from "lodash-es"; -import { DropdownTransition } from "../Common/components/HelperComponents"; -import CareIcon from "../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; import { MultiSelectOptionChip, dropdownOptionClassNames, } from "./MultiSelectMenuV2"; -import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; +import { useEffect, useMemo, useState } from "react"; + +import CareIcon from "../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; +import { DropdownTransition } from "../Common/components/HelperComponents"; import { classNames } from "../../Utils/utils"; +import { debounce } from "lodash-es"; +import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; interface Props { id?: string; @@ -153,6 +154,7 @@ const AutoCompleteAsync = (props: Props) => {
diff --git a/src/Components/Form/FormFields/Autocomplete.tsx b/src/Components/Form/FormFields/Autocomplete.tsx index 7802a296201..2addbfa9b33 100644 --- a/src/Components/Form/FormFields/Autocomplete.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Form/FormFields/Autocomplete.tsx @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ -import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import { Combobox, ComboboxButton, @@ -6,12 +5,14 @@ import { ComboboxOption, ComboboxOptions, } from "@headlessui/react"; -import { DropdownTransition } from "../../Common/components/HelperComponents"; -import CareIcon from "../../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; -import { dropdownOptionClassNames } from "../MultiSelectMenuV2"; import { FormFieldBaseProps, useFormFieldPropsResolver } from "./Utils"; +import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; + +import CareIcon from "../../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; +import { DropdownTransition } from "../../Common/components/HelperComponents"; import FormField from "./FormField"; import { classNames } from "../../../Utils/utils"; +import { dropdownOptionClassNames } from "../MultiSelectMenuV2"; import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; type OptionCallback = (option: T) => R; @@ -209,6 +210,7 @@ export const Autocomplete = (props: AutocompleteProps) => { diff --git a/src/Components/Form/FormFields/AutocompleteMultiselect.tsx b/src/Components/Form/FormFields/AutocompleteMultiselect.tsx index 4e7892a6a64..4e9386afeba 100644 --- a/src/Components/Form/FormFields/AutocompleteMultiselect.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Form/FormFields/AutocompleteMultiselect.tsx @@ -1,10 +1,3 @@ -import { FormFieldBaseProps, useFormFieldPropsResolver } from "./Utils"; -import { - MultiSelectOptionChip, - dropdownOptionClassNames, -} from "../MultiSelectMenuV2"; -import { ReactNode, useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react"; -import CareIcon from "../../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; import { Combobox, ComboboxButton, @@ -12,6 +5,14 @@ import { ComboboxOption, ComboboxOptions, } from "@headlessui/react"; +import { FormFieldBaseProps, useFormFieldPropsResolver } from "./Utils"; +import { + MultiSelectOptionChip, + dropdownOptionClassNames, +} from "../MultiSelectMenuV2"; +import { ReactNode, useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react"; + +import CareIcon from "../../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; import { DropdownTransition } from "../../Common/components/HelperComponents"; import FormField from "./FormField"; import { classNames } from "../../../Utils/utils"; @@ -176,6 +177,7 @@ export const AutocompleteMutliSelect = ( diff --git a/src/Components/Form/MultiSelectMenuV2.tsx b/src/Components/Form/MultiSelectMenuV2.tsx index e728260e142..d3a46cdb1f9 100644 --- a/src/Components/Form/MultiSelectMenuV2.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Form/MultiSelectMenuV2.tsx @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ -import CareIcon from "../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; import { Label, Listbox, @@ -6,9 +5,11 @@ import { ListboxOption, ListboxOptions, } from "@headlessui/react"; -import { classNames } from "../../Utils/utils"; import { ReactNode, useRef } from "react"; +import CareIcon from "../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; +import { classNames } from "../../Utils/utils"; + type OptionCallback = (option: T) => R; type Props = { @@ -135,6 +136,7 @@ const MultiSelectMenuV2 = (props: Props) => {
diff --git a/src/Components/Form/SelectMenuV2.tsx b/src/Components/Form/SelectMenuV2.tsx index 379eb7b7315..cea890b7330 100644 --- a/src/Components/Form/SelectMenuV2.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Form/SelectMenuV2.tsx @@ -5,10 +5,11 @@ import { ListboxOption, ListboxOptions, } from "@headlessui/react"; + import CareIcon from "../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; -import { dropdownOptionClassNames } from "./MultiSelectMenuV2"; -import { classNames } from "../../Utils/utils"; import { ReactNode } from "react"; +import { classNames } from "../../Utils/utils"; +import { dropdownOptionClassNames } from "./MultiSelectMenuV2"; type OptionCallback = (option: T) => R; @@ -131,7 +132,11 @@ const SelectMenuV2 = (props: SelectMenuProps) => { props.position === "above" ? "bottom-0 mb-12" : "top-0 mt-12", )} > - + {, index) => ( Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2024 19:36:58 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 21/36] Fixes unknown option for heartbeat rhythm; adds i18n to vitals section (#8411) --- src/Common/constants.tsx | 10 +++- .../LogUpdate/CriticalCarePreview.tsx | 8 +++ src/Components/LogUpdate/Sections/Vitals.tsx | 55 +++++++++---------- src/Components/Patient/models.tsx | 4 +- src/Locale/en/Common.json | 1 + src/Locale/en/LogUpdate.json | 19 ++++++- 6 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/Common/constants.tsx b/src/Common/constants.tsx index 6e5a9e33e4e..5fa8748b399 100644 --- a/src/Common/constants.tsx +++ b/src/Common/constants.tsx @@ -731,6 +731,12 @@ export const RESOURCE_FILTER_ORDER: Array = [ { id: 4, text: "-modified_date", desc: "DESC Modified Date" }, ]; +export const HEARTBEAT_RHYTHM_CHOICES = [ + "REGULAR", + "IRREGULAR", + "UNKNOWN", +] as const; + export const NURSING_CARE_PROCEDURES = [ "personal_hygiene", "positioning", @@ -792,12 +798,12 @@ export const RHYTHM_CHOICES = [ { id: 10, text: "IRREGULAR", desc: "Irregular" }, ] as const; -export const LOCATION_BED_TYPES: Array = [ +export const LOCATION_BED_TYPES = [ { id: "ISOLATION", name: "Isolation" }, { id: "ICU", name: "ICU" }, { id: "BED_WITH_OXYGEN_SUPPORT", name: "Bed with oxygen support" }, { id: "REGULAR", name: "Regular" }, -]; +] as const; export const ASSET_META_TYPE = [ { id: "CAMERA", text: "Camera(ONVIF)" }, diff --git a/src/Components/LogUpdate/CriticalCarePreview.tsx b/src/Components/LogUpdate/CriticalCarePreview.tsx index 00cbb47f69e..67ad693ff48 100644 --- a/src/Components/LogUpdate/CriticalCarePreview.tsx +++ b/src/Components/LogUpdate/CriticalCarePreview.tsx @@ -268,6 +268,14 @@ export default function CriticalCarePreview(props: Props) { }, ]} /> + +

Pain Scale

diff --git a/src/Components/LogUpdate/Sections/Vitals.tsx b/src/Components/LogUpdate/Sections/Vitals.tsx index 796575e4145..1fa4b3f3aac 100644 --- a/src/Components/LogUpdate/Sections/Vitals.tsx +++ b/src/Components/LogUpdate/Sections/Vitals.tsx @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; import { celsiusToFahrenheit, fahrenheitToCelsius, @@ -10,11 +11,12 @@ import RadioFormField from "../../Form/FormFields/RadioFormField"; import RangeFormField from "../../Form/FormFields/RangeFormField"; import TextAreaFormField from "../../Form/FormFields/TextAreaFormField"; import { FieldChangeEvent } from "../../Form/FormFields/Utils"; -import { DailyRoundsModel } from "../../Patient/models"; import PainChart from "../components/PainChart"; import { LogUpdateSectionMeta, LogUpdateSectionProps } from "../utils"; +import { HEARTBEAT_RHYTHM_CHOICES } from "../../../Common/constants"; const Vitals = ({ log, onChange }: LogUpdateSectionProps) => { + const { t } = useTranslation(); const handleBloodPressureChange = (event: FieldChangeEvent) => { const bp = { ...(log.bp ?? {}), @@ -27,11 +29,14 @@ const Vitals = ({ log, onChange }: LogUpdateSectionProps) => { return (

Blood Pressure

- MAP: {(log.bp?.mean && properRoundOf(log.bp.mean)) || "--"} +


+ + {t("map_acronym")}:{" "} + {(log.bp?.mean && properRoundOf(log.bp.mean)) || "--"} +
{ valueDescriptions={rangeValueDescription({ low: 99, high: 139 })} /> { />
- SpO2 - - } + label={t("spo2")} name="ventilator_spo2" //TODO: ensure whether this should be ventilator_spo2 itself or spo2 onChange={(c) => onChange({ ventilator_spo2: c.value })} value={log.ventilator_spo2} @@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ const Vitals = ({ log, onChange }: LogUpdateSectionProps) => { valueDescriptions={rangeValueDescription({ low: 89 })} /> onChange({ temperature: c.value })} value={log.temperature} @@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ const Vitals = ({ log, onChange }: LogUpdateSectionProps) => { ]} /> onChange({ resp: c.value })} value={log.resp} @@ -99,9 +100,9 @@ const Vitals = ({ log, onChange }: LogUpdateSectionProps) => { />




- Mark region and intensity of pain + {t("pain_chart_description")}
{ />
onChange({ pulse: c.value })} value={log.pulse} @@ -122,36 +123,30 @@ const Vitals = ({ log, onChange }: LogUpdateSectionProps) => { { till: 40, className: "text-red-500", - text: "Bradycardia", + text: t("bradycardia"), }, { till: 100, className: "text-green-500", - text: "Normal", + text: t("normal"), }, { className: "text-red-500", - text: "Tachycardia", + text: t("tachycardia"), }, ]} /> c.label} - optionValue={(c) => c.value || ""} + options={HEARTBEAT_RHYTHM_CHOICES} + optionDisplay={(c) => t(`HEARTBEAT_RHYTHM__${c}`)} + optionValue={(c) => c} value={log.rhythm} - onChange={(c) => - onChange({ rhythm: c.value as DailyRoundsModel["rhythm"] }) - } + onChange={(c) => onChange({ rhythm: c.value ?? undefined })} /> onChange({ rhythm_detail: c.value })} diff --git a/src/Components/Patient/models.tsx b/src/Components/Patient/models.tsx index 5387e457e9e..7676d294b4c 100644 --- a/src/Components/Patient/models.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Patient/models.tsx @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ import { ConsultationModel, PatientCategory } from "../Facility/models"; import { PerformedByModel } from "../HCX/misc"; import { CONSCIOUSNESS_LEVEL, + HEARTBEAT_RHYTHM_CHOICES, HumanBodyRegion, INSULIN_INTAKE_FREQUENCY_OPTIONS, LIMB_RESPONSE_OPTIONS, @@ -12,7 +13,6 @@ import { PressureSoreTissueTypeOptions, RATION_CARD_CATEGORY, RESPIRATORY_SUPPORT, - RHYTHM_CHOICES, VENTILATOR_MODE_OPTIONS, } from "../../Common/constants"; @@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ export type IPressureSore = { }; export interface DailyRoundsModel { spo2?: number; - rhythm?: (typeof RHYTHM_CHOICES)[number]["text"]; + rhythm?: (typeof HEARTBEAT_RHYTHM_CHOICES)[number]; rhythm_detail?: string; bp?: BloodPressure; pulse?: number; diff --git a/src/Locale/en/Common.json b/src/Locale/en/Common.json index c5d6d76564e..8b421d58e8f 100644 --- a/src/Locale/en/Common.json +++ b/src/Locale/en/Common.json @@ -183,6 +183,7 @@ "GENDER__1": "Male", "GENDER__2": "Female", "GENDER__3": "Non-binary", + "normal": "Normal", "done": "Done", "view": "View", "rename": "Rename", diff --git a/src/Locale/en/LogUpdate.json b/src/Locale/en/LogUpdate.json index 319a87bd8d8..080e2fc979a 100644 --- a/src/Locale/en/LogUpdate.json +++ b/src/Locale/en/LogUpdate.json @@ -52,5 +52,22 @@ "NURSING_CARE_PROCEDURE__chest_tube_care": "Chest Tube Care", "NURSING_CARE_PROCEDURE__tracheostomy_care": "Tracheostomy Care", "NURSING_CARE_PROCEDURE__stoma_care": "Stoma Care", - "NURSING_CARE_PROCEDURE__catheter_care": "Catheter Care" + "NURSING_CARE_PROCEDURE__catheter_care": "Catheter Care", + "HEARTBEAT_RHYTHM__REGULAR": "Regular", + "HEARTBEAT_RHYTHM__IRREGULAR": "Irregular", + "HEARTBEAT_RHYTHM__UNKNOWN": "Unknown", + "heartbeat_rhythm": "Heartbeat Rhythm", + "heartbeat_description": "Heartbeat Description", + "blood_pressure": "Blood Pressure", + "map_acronym": "M.A.P.", + "systolic": "Systolic", + "diastolic": "Diastolic", + "temperature": "Temperature", + "resipiratory_rate": "Respiratory Rate", + "pain": "Pain", + "pain_chart_description": "Mark region and intensity of pain", + "pulse": "Pulse", + "bradycardia": "Bradycardia", + "tachycardia": "Tachycardia", + "spo2": "SpO₂" } \ No newline at end of file From 87b01238a83ed84abe6276e6998fb84932a7f53c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Khavin Shankar Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2024 11:09:57 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 22/36] Improve Treament Summary Report (#8295) --- src/Components/Facility/TreatmentSummary.tsx | 761 ++++++++++++------- src/Locale/en/Common.json | 1 + src/Locale/en/Facility.json | 40 + src/Routers/routes/ConsultationRoutes.tsx | 7 +- 4 files changed, 520 insertions(+), 289 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/Components/Facility/TreatmentSummary.tsx b/src/Components/Facility/TreatmentSummary.tsx index e75eec5b80a..e719e859a4b 100644 --- a/src/Components/Facility/TreatmentSummary.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Facility/TreatmentSummary.tsx @@ -4,16 +4,34 @@ import { formatDateTime, formatPatientAge, } from "../../Utils/utils"; -import useSlug from "../../Common/hooks/useSlug"; import useAppHistory from "../../Common/hooks/useAppHistory"; import routes from "../../Redux/api"; import useQuery from "../../Utils/request/useQuery"; import CareIcon from "../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; +import { ConsultationModel } from "./models"; +import { useMemo } from "react"; +import { + ActiveConditionVerificationStatuses, + ConsultationDiagnosis, +} from "../Diagnosis/types"; +import PageHeadTitle from "../Common/PageHeadTitle"; +import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; +import { PatientModel } from "../Patient/models"; +import MedicineRoutes from "../Medicine/routes"; + +export interface ITreatmentSummaryProps { + consultationId: string; + patientId: string; + facilityId: string; +} -const TreatmentSummary = (props: any) => { - const { consultationId, patientId } = props; +export default function TreatmentSummary({ + consultationId, + patientId, + facilityId, +}: ITreatmentSummaryProps) { + const { t } = useTranslation(); const date = new Date(); - const facilityId = useSlug("facility"); const { goBack } = useAppHistory(); const url = `/facility/${facilityId}/patient/${patientId}/consultation/${consultationId}`; @@ -22,11 +40,6 @@ const TreatmentSummary = (props: any) => { prefetch: patientId !== undefined, }); - const { data: investigations } = useQuery(routes.getInvestigation, { - pathParams: { consultation_external_id: consultationId }, - prefetch: consultationId !== undefined, - }); - const { data: consultationData } = useQuery(routes.getConsultation, { pathParams: { id: consultationId }, prefetch: consultationId !== undefined, @@ -34,16 +47,19 @@ const TreatmentSummary = (props: any) => { return (
@@ -52,290 +68,463 @@ const TreatmentSummary = (props: any) => { {consultationData?.facility_name ?? ""} -



+ {t("treatment_summary__heading")} +

- Name : {patientData?.name ?? ""} -
- Address : {patientData?.address ?? ""} -
- -
- Age :{" "} - {patientData ? formatPatientAge(patientData, true) : ""} -
- OP : {consultationData?.patient_no ?? ""} -
+ -
- {consultationData?.suggestion === "DC" ? ( - Date of domiciliary care commenced : - ) : ( - Date of admission : - )} - - {consultationData?.encounter_date - ? formatDateTime(consultationData.encounter_date) - : " --/--/----"} - -
+ -
- Gender : - {GENDER_TYPES.find((i) => === patientData?.gender)?.text} -
+ -
- Contact person : - - {" "} - {patientData?.emergency_phone_number - ? patientData.emergency_phone_number - : " -"} - -
- -
- Comorbidities : -
- - - - - - - - - {patientData?.medical_history && - patientData.medical_history.length > 0 ? ( - - (obj: any, index: number) => { - return ( - - - - - ); - }, - ) - ) : ( - - - - - )} - -
- {obj["disease"]} - - {obj["details"] ? obj["details"] : "---"} -
- --- - - --- -
- -
- Diagnosis : -
- History of present illness : - {consultationData?.history_of_present_illness - ? consultationData.history_of_present_illness - : " ---"} -
- -
- Examination details and clinical conditions : - {consultationData?.examination_details - ? consultationData.examination_details - : " ---"} -
- -
- Physical Examination info : - {consultationData?.last_daily_round?.physical_examination_info - ? consultationData.last_daily_round - ?.physical_examination_info - : " ---"} -
- -
- General Instructions : - {patientData?.last_consultation?.consultation_notes ? ( -
- {patientData.last_consultation.consultation_notes} -
- ) : ( - " ---" - )} -
- -
- Relevant investigations : - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - {investigations && investigations.results.length > 0 ? ( - - (value: any, index: number) => { - return ( - - - - - - - - - ); - }, - ) - ) : ( - - - - - - - - - )} - -
- Date - - Name - - Result - - Ideal value - - values range - - unit -
- {formatDate( - value["session_object"][ - "session_created_date" - ], - )} - - {value["investigation_object"]["name"]} - - {value["notes"] || value["value"]} - - {value["investigation_object"]["ideal_value"] || - "-"} - - {value["investigation_object"]["min_value"]} -{" "} - {value["investigation_object"]["max_value"]} - - {value["investigation_object"]["unit"] || "-"} -
- --- - - --- - - --- - - --- - - --- - - --- -
- -
- Treatment : - {consultationData?.treatment_plan ? ( -


- ) : ( -


- )} - Treatment summary/Treament Plan : - -
- - - - - - - - - - - {consultationData?.last_daily_round ? ( - - - - - - ) : ( - - - - - - )} - -
DateSpo2 - Temperature -
- {formatDateTime( - consultationData.last_daily_round.modified_date, - )} - - {consultationData.last_daily_round.ventilator_spo2 || - "-"} - - {consultationData.last_daily_round.temperature || "-"} -
- --- - - --- - - --- -
+ + + + + + +
); -}; +} + +interface IBasicDetailsSection { + patientData?: PatientModel; + consultationData?: ConsultationModel; +} + +function BasicDetailsSection({ + patientData, + consultationData, +}: IBasicDetailsSection) { + const { t } = useTranslation(); + + return ( + <> +
+ {t("patient_registration__name")} : {patientData?.name ?? ""} +
+ {t("patient_registration__address")} :{" "} + {patientData?.address ?? ""} +
+ +
+ {t("patient_registration__age")} :{" "} + {patientData ? formatPatientAge(patientData, true) : ""} +
+ + {consultationData?.suggestion === "A" + ? t("patient_consultation__ip") + : t("patient_consultation__op")}{" "} + : + {" "} + {consultationData?.patient_no ?? ""} +
+ +
+ {consultationData?.suggestion === "DC" ? ( + {t("patient_consultation__dc_admission")} : + ) : ( + {t("patient_consultation__admission")} : + )}{" "} + + {consultationData?.encounter_date + ? formatDateTime(consultationData.encounter_date) + : t("empty_date_time")} + +
+ +
+ {t("patient_registration__gender")} :{" "} + {GENDER_TYPES.find((i) => === patientData?.gender)?.text} +
+ +
+ {t("patient_registration__contact")} :{" "} + {patientData?.emergency_phone_number ?? ""} +
+ + ); +} + +interface IComorbiditiesSection { + patientData?: PatientModel; +} + +function ComorbiditiesSection({ patientData }: IComorbiditiesSection) { + const { t } = useTranslation(); + + return patientData?.medical_history?.filter( + (comorbidities) => comorbidities.disease !== "NO", + ).length ? ( +
+ {t("patient_registration__comorbidities")} +
+ + + + + + + + + {, index) => { + return ( + + + + + ); + })} + +
+ {t("patient_registration__comorbidities__disease")} + + {t("patient_registration__comorbidities__details")} +
+ {obj["disease"]} + + {obj["details"] || "---"} +
+ ) : null; +} + +interface IDiagnosisSection { + consultationData?: ConsultationModel; +} + +type DiagnosisType = + | (typeof ActiveConditionVerificationStatuses)[number] + | "principal"; + +function DiagnosisSection({ consultationData }: IDiagnosisSection) { + const { t } = useTranslation(); + + const diagnoses = useMemo(() => { + return consultationData?.diagnoses?.reduce( + (acc, curr) => { + if (curr.is_principal) { + acc.principal.push(curr); + } else if ( + ActiveConditionVerificationStatuses.includes( + curr.verification_status as (typeof ActiveConditionVerificationStatuses)[number], + ) + ) { + acc[curr.verification_status as keyof typeof acc].push(curr); + } + + return acc; + }, + { + principal: [], + confirmed: [], + provisional: [], + unconfirmed: [], + differential: [], + } as Record, + ); + }, [consultationData?.diagnoses]); + + if (!diagnoses) { + return null; + } + + return ( +
+ {t("diagnosis")} +
+ {( + [ + "principal", + "confirmed", + "provisional", + "unconfirmed", + "differential", + ] as DiagnosisType[] + ).map( + (type) => + !!diagnoses[type].length && ( +
+ + {t(`diagnosis__${type}`)} {t("diagnosis")} + +
    + {diagnoses[type].map((d) => ( +
  1. + {d.diagnosis_object.label} + {d.is_principal && ( + + {t(`diagnosis__${d.verification_status}`)} + + )} +
  2. + ))} +
+ ), + )} +
+ ); +} + +interface IInvestigationsSection { + consultationId: string; +} + +function InvestigationsSection({ consultationId }: IInvestigationsSection) { + const { t } = useTranslation(); + + const { data: investigations } = useQuery(routes.getInvestigation, { + pathParams: { consultation_external_id: consultationId }, + prefetch: consultationId !== undefined, + }); + + return investigations?.results.length ? ( +
+ {t("suggested_investigations")} + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + {investigations?, index) => ( + + + + + + + + + ))} + +
+ {t("investigations__date")} + + {t("investigations__name")} + + {t("investigations__result")} + + {t("investigations__ideal_value")} + + {t("investigations__range")} + + {t("investigations__unit")} +
+ {formatDate(value["session_object"]["session_created_date"])} + + {value["investigation_object"]["name"]} + + {value["notes"] || value["value"]} + + {value["investigation_object"]["ideal_value"] || "-"} + + {value["investigation_object"]["min_value"]} -{" "} + {value["investigation_object"]["max_value"]} + + {value["investigation_object"]["unit"] || "-"} +
+ ) : null; +} + +interface ITreatmentSection { + consultationData?: ConsultationModel; +} + +function TreatmentSection({ consultationData }: ITreatmentSection) { + const { t } = useTranslation(); + + const isTreatmentSummaryAvailable = useMemo(() => { + return ( + consultationData?.last_daily_round && + (consultationData.last_daily_round.ventilator_spo2 || + consultationData.last_daily_round.temperature) + ); + }, [consultationData]); -export default TreatmentSummary; + return consultationData?.treatment_plan || isTreatmentSummaryAvailable ? ( +
+ {consultationData?.treatment_plan && ( + <> + {t("patient_consultation__treatment__plan")} +


+ + )} + + {isTreatmentSummaryAvailable && ( + <> + + {t("patient_consultation__treatment__summary")} + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ {t("patient_consultation__treatment__summary__date")} + + {t("patient_consultation__treatment__summary__spo2")} + + {t("patient_consultation__treatment__summary__temperature")} +
+ {formatDateTime( + consultationData?.last_daily_round?.modified_date, + )} + + {consultationData?.last_daily_round?.ventilator_spo2 || "-"} + + {consultationData?.last_daily_round?.temperature || "-"} +
+ + )} +
+ ) : null; +} + +interface IPrescriptionsSection { + consultationId: string; +} + +function PrescriptionsSection({ consultationId }: IPrescriptionsSection) { + const { t } = useTranslation(); + + const { data: prescriptions } = useQuery(MedicineRoutes.listPrescriptions, { + pathParams: { consultation: consultationId }, + query: { discontinued: false }, + }); + + return prescriptions?.results.length ? ( +
+ {t("active_prescriptions")} + +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + {prescriptions?, index) => ( + + + + + + + ))} + +
+ {t("prescriptions__medicine")} + + {t("prescriptions__route")} + + {t("prescriptions__dosage_frequency")} + + {t("prescriptions__start_date")} +
+ {prescription.medicine_object?.name ?? "-"} + + {prescription.route ?? "-"} + + {prescription.dosage_type !== "TITRATED" ? ( +


+ ) : ( +

+ {prescription.base_dosage} - {prescription.target_dosage} +

+ )} + +

+ {prescription.dosage_type !== "PRN" + ? t("PRESCRIPTION_FREQUENCY_" + prescription.frequency) + : prescription.indicator} +

+ {formatDate(prescription.created_date)} +
+ ) : null; +} + +interface IInstructionsSection { + consultationData?: ConsultationModel; +} + +function InstructionsSection({ consultationData }: IInstructionsSection) { + const { t } = useTranslation(); + + return ( + <> + {consultationData?.consultation_notes && ( +
+ {t("patient_consultation__consultation_notes")} + +
+ )} + + {consultationData?.special_instruction && ( +
+ {t("patient_consultation__special_instruction")} + +
+ )} + + ); +} diff --git a/src/Locale/en/Common.json b/src/Locale/en/Common.json index 8b421d58e8f..88fc42391bc 100644 --- a/src/Locale/en/Common.json +++ b/src/Locale/en/Common.json @@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ "ration_card__NO_CARD": "Non-card holder", "ration_card__BPL": "BPL", "ration_card__APL": "APL", + "empty_date_time": "--:-- --; --/--/----", "caution": "Caution", "feed_optimal_experience_for_phones": "For optimal viewing experience, consider rotating your device.", "feed_optimal_experience_for_apple_phones": "For optimal viewing experience, consider rotating your device. Ensure auto-rotate is enabled in your device settings.", diff --git a/src/Locale/en/Facility.json b/src/Locale/en/Facility.json index 16bc6610631..856faca4384 100644 --- a/src/Locale/en/Facility.json +++ b/src/Locale/en/Facility.json @@ -55,6 +55,46 @@ "discharged_patients": "Discharged Patients", "discharged_patients_empty": "No discharged patients present in this facility", "update_facility_middleware_success": "Facility middleware updated successfully", + "treatment_summary__head_title": "Treatment Summary", + "treatment_summary__print": "Print Treatment Summary", + "treatment_summary__heading": "INTERIM TREATMENT SUMMARY", + "patient_registration__name": "Name", + "patient_registration__address": "Address", + "patient_registration__age": "Age", + "patient_consultation__op": "OP", + "patient_consultation__ip": "IP", + "patient_consultation__dc_admission": "Date of domiciliary care commenced", + "patient_consultation__admission": "Date of admission", + "patient_registration__gender": "Gender", + "patient_registration__contact": "Emergency Contact", + "patient_registration__comorbidities": "Comorbidities", + "patient_registration__comorbidities__disease": "Disease", + "patient_registration__comorbidities__details": "Details", + "patient_consultation__consultation_notes": "General Instructions", + "patient_consultation__special_instruction": "Special Instructions", + "suggested_investigations": "Suggested Investigations", + "investigations__date": "Date", + "investigations__name": "Name", + "investigations__result": "Result", + "investigations__ideal_value": "Ideal Value", + "investigations__range": "Value Range", + "investigations__unit": "Unit", + "patient_consultation__treatment__plan": "Plan", + "patient_consultation__treatment__summary": "Summary", + "patient_consultation__treatment__summary__date": "Date", + "patient_consultation__treatment__summary__spo2": "SpO2", + "patient_consultation__treatment__summary__temperature": "Temperature", + "diagnosis": "Diagnosis", + "diagnosis__principal": "Principal", + "diagnosis__confirmed": "Confirmed", + "diagnosis__provisional": "Provisional", + "diagnosis__unconfirmed": "Unconfirmed", + "diagnosis__differential": "Differential", + "active_prescriptions": "Active Prescriptions", + "prescriptions__medicine": "Medicine", + "prescriptions__route": "Route", + "prescriptions__dosage_frequency": "Dosage & Frequency", + "prescriptions__start_date": "Prescribed On", "select_facility_for_discharged_patients_warning": "Facility needs to be selected to view discharged patients.", "duplicate_patient_record_confirmation": "Admit the patient record to your facility by adding the year of birth", "duplicate_patient_record_rejection": "I confirm that the suspect / patient I want to create is not on the list.", diff --git a/src/Routers/routes/ConsultationRoutes.tsx b/src/Routers/routes/ConsultationRoutes.tsx index 9209b50e97e..598fd06adc3 100644 --- a/src/Routers/routes/ConsultationRoutes.tsx +++ b/src/Routers/routes/ConsultationRoutes.tsx @@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ import ManagePrescriptions from "../../Components/Medicine/ManagePrescriptions"; import { DailyRoundListDetails } from "../../Components/Patient/DailyRoundListDetails"; import { DailyRounds } from "../../Components/Patient/DailyRounds"; import { ConsultationDetails } from "../../Components/Facility/ConsultationDetails"; -import TreatmentSummary from "../../Components/Facility/TreatmentSummary"; +import TreatmentSummary, { + ITreatmentSummaryProps, +} from "../../Components/Facility/TreatmentSummary"; import ConsultationDoctorNotes from "../../Components/Facility/ConsultationDoctorNotes"; import PatientConsentRecords from "../../Components/Patient/PatientConsentRecords"; import CriticalCareEditor from "../../Components/LogUpdate/CriticalCareEditor"; @@ -129,12 +131,11 @@ export default { ), "/facility/:facilityId/patient/:patientId/consultation/:consultationId/treatment-summary": - ({ facilityId, patientId, consultationId }: any) => ( + ({ facilityId, patientId, consultationId }: ITreatmentSummaryProps) => ( ), "/facility/:facilityId/patient/:patientId/consultation/:consultationId/notes": From c47133200fcdb63458d722c5b0618660d1b50e81 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Rithvik Nishad Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2024 15:03:48 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 23/36] Navigate to session expired page instead of showing notification (#8363) --- src/Utils/request/handleResponse.ts | 17 +++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/Utils/request/handleResponse.ts b/src/Utils/request/handleResponse.ts index 9f85b50a68d..905417ad0e2 100644 --- a/src/Utils/request/handleResponse.ts +++ b/src/Utils/request/handleResponse.ts @@ -20,14 +20,15 @@ export default function handleResponse( // Other Errors between 400-599 (inclusive) if (res.status >= 400 && res.status < 600) { - // Invalid token - if (!silent && error?.code === "token_not_valid") { - navigate(`/session-expired?redirect=${window.location.href}`); - } - - // Handle session expiry - if (error?.detail === "Authentication credentials were not provided.") { - notify?.Error({ msg: "Session expired. Please Login again." }); + // Handle invalid token / session expiry + if ( + !silent && + (error?.code === "token_not_valid" || + error?.detail === "Authentication credentials were not provided.") + ) { + if (!location.pathname.startsWith("/session-expired")) { + navigate(`/session-expired?redirect=${window.location.href}`); + } return; } From c1614908cc8e079f296fb09cfef203a6c8919663 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Shivank Kacker Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2024 15:05:22 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 24/36] Removes auto fill for uploaded file name (#8464) --- src/Utils/useFileUpload.tsx | 12 +++++++----- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/Utils/useFileUpload.tsx b/src/Utils/useFileUpload.tsx index ad8e185745c..fdd69c45765 100644 --- a/src/Utils/useFileUpload.tsx +++ b/src/Utils/useFileUpload.tsx @@ -84,11 +84,13 @@ export default function useFileUpload( const f =[0]; const fileName =; setFile([0]); - setUploadFileName( - uploadFileName || - fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf(".")) || - fileName, - ); + + // This is commented out to prompt users to input valid file names. See + //setUploadFileName( + // uploadFileName || + // fileName.substring(0, fileName.lastIndexOf(".")) || + // fileName, + //); const ext: string = fileName.split(".")[1]; From 5656d65c0963bb4dc2882a08d1edd4f4cdf31046 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Shivank Kacker Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2024 15:08:18 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 25/36] Added translations for home page (#8461) Co-authored-by: Rithvik Nishad --- .../e2e/facility_spec/ | 2 +- src/Components/Facility/FacilityHome.tsx | 57 ++++++++++--------- src/Locale/en/Common.json | 8 ++- src/Locale/en/Facility.json | 19 ++++++- 4 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-) diff --git a/cypress/e2e/facility_spec/ b/cypress/e2e/facility_spec/ index a092d23390e..ef309af2c24 100644 --- a/cypress/e2e/facility_spec/ +++ b/cypress/e2e/facility_spec/ @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ describe("Facility Creation", () => { const totalOccupancy = "10"; const doctorCapacity = "5"; const totalDoctor = "10"; - const facilityName = "cypress facility"; + const facilityName = "Cypress Facility"; const facilityName2 = "Dummy Facility 40"; const facilityAddress = "cypress address"; const facilityUpdateAddress = "cypress updated address"; diff --git a/src/Components/Facility/FacilityHome.tsx b/src/Components/Facility/FacilityHome.tsx index 50edef824c8..a0dcf06026f 100644 --- a/src/Components/Facility/FacilityHome.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Facility/FacilityHome.tsx @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ export const FacilityHome = ({ facilityId }: Props) => { onResponse: ({ res }) => { if (res?.ok) { Notification.Success({ - msg: "Facility deleted successfully", + msg: t("deleted_successfully", { name: facilityData?.name }), }); } navigate("/facility"); @@ -150,11 +150,10 @@ export const FacilityHome = ({ facilityId }: Props) => { backUrl="/facility" > - Are you sure you want to delete{" "} - {facilityData?.name} + {t("are_you_sure_want_to_delete", { name: facilityData?.name })} } action="Delete" @@ -247,7 +246,7 @@ export const FacilityHome = ({ facilityId }: Props) => {

- Address + {t("address")}

{facilityData?.address} @@ -257,7 +256,7 @@ export const FacilityHome = ({ facilityId }: Props) => {

- Local Body + {t("local_body")}

{facilityData?.local_body_object?.name} @@ -266,7 +265,7 @@ export const FacilityHome = ({ facilityId }: Props) => {

- Ward + {t("ward")}

{facilityData?.ward_object?.number + @@ -276,7 +275,7 @@ export const FacilityHome = ({ facilityId }: Props) => {

- District + {t("district")}

{facilityData?.district_object?.name} @@ -286,7 +285,7 @@ export const FacilityHome = ({ facilityId }: Props) => {

- Phone Number + {t("phone_number")}

{ {facilityData?.features?.some((feature) => FACILITY_FEATURE_TYPES.some((f) => === feature), ) && ( -

Available features


+ {t("available_features")} +

{ authorizeFor={NonReadOnlyUsers} icon={} > - Update Facility + {t("update_facility")} { authorizeFor={NonReadOnlyUsers} icon={} > - Configure Facility + {t("configure_facility")} navigate(`/facility/${facilityId}/inventory`)} icon={} > - Inventory Management + {t("inventory_management")} { } > - Location Management + {t("location_management")} { authorizeFor={NonReadOnlyUsers} icon={} > - Resource Request + {t("resource_request")} { authorizeFor={NonReadOnlyUsers} icon={} > - Create Asset + {t("create_asset")} navigate(`/assets?facility=${facilityId}`)} icon={} > - View Assets + {t("view_asset")} navigate(`/facility/${facilityId}/users`)} icon={} > - View Users + {t("view_users")} navigate(`/facility/${facilityId}/abdm`)} icon={} > - View ABDM Records + {t("view_abdm_records")} {hasPermissionToDeleteFacility ? ( { className="flex items-center gap-3" icon={} > - Delete Facility + {t("delete_facility")} ) : ( <> @@ -437,7 +438,7 @@ export const FacilityHome = ({ facilityId }: Props) => { onClick={() => navigate(`/facility/${facilityId}/cns`)} > - Central Nursing Station + {t("central_nursing_station")} {CameraFeedPermittedUserTypes.includes(authUser.user_type) && ( @@ -451,7 +452,7 @@ export const FacilityHome = ({ facilityId }: Props) => { authorizeFor={NonReadOnlyUsers} > - Add Details of a Patient + {t("add_details_of_patient")} { onClick={() => navigate(`/patients?facility=${facilityId}`)} > - View Patients + {t("view_patients")}
@@ -472,7 +473,7 @@ export const FacilityHome = ({ facilityId }: Props) => {

Oxygen Information



{ const facilityId = useSlug("facility"); const [location, setLocation] = useState(); + const { t } = useTranslation(); + return ( @@ -528,7 +531,7 @@ const LiveMonitoringButton = () => { id="facility-detailspage-livemonitoring" > - Live Monitoring + {t("live_monitoring")} @@ -545,7 +548,7 @@ const LiveMonitoringButton = () => {
- Choose a location + {t("choose_location")}
{ className="w-full" href={`/facility/${facilityId}/live-monitoring?location=${location}`} > - Open Live Monitoring + {t("open_live_monitoring")}
diff --git a/src/Locale/en/Common.json b/src/Locale/en/Common.json index 88fc42391bc..085442963a0 100644 --- a/src/Locale/en/Common.json +++ b/src/Locale/en/Common.json @@ -194,5 +194,9 @@ "live": "Live", "discharged": "Discharged", "archived": "Archived", - "no_changes_made": "No changes made" -} \ No newline at end of file + "no_changes_made": "No changes made", + "are_you_sure_want_to_delete": "Are you sure you want to delete {{name}}?", + "oxygen_information": "Oxygen Information", + "deleted_successfully": "{{name}} deleted successfully", + "delete_item": "Delete {{name}}" +} diff --git a/src/Locale/en/Facility.json b/src/Locale/en/Facility.json index 856faca4384..d19c889a98f 100644 --- a/src/Locale/en/Facility.json +++ b/src/Locale/en/Facility.json @@ -100,5 +100,20 @@ "duplicate_patient_record_rejection": "I confirm that the suspect / patient I want to create is not on the list.", "duplicate_patient_record_birth_unknown": "Please contact your district care coordinator, the shifting facility or the patient themselves if you are not sure about the patient's year of birth.", "patient_transfer_birth_match_note": "Note: Year of birth must match the patient to process the transfer request.", - "cover_image_updated_note": "It could take a while to see the updated cover image" -} \ No newline at end of file + "cover_image_updated_note": "It could take a while to see the updated cover image", + "available_features": "Available Features", + "update_facility": "Update Facility", + "configure_facility": "Configure Facility", + "inventory_management": "Inventory Management", + "location_management": "Location Management", + "resource_request": "Resource Request", + "view_asset": "View Assets", + "view_users": "View Users", + "view_abdm_records": "View ABDM Records", + "delete_facility": "Delete Facility", + "central_nursing_station": "Central Nursing Station", + "add_details_of_patient": "Add Details of Patient", + "choose_location": "Choose Location", + "live_monitoring": "Live Monitoring", + "open_live_monitoring": "Open Live Monitoring" +} From c1e5f329c820e3d4807fc6d57025f774bdff96d7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Shivank Kacker Date: Tue, 3 Sep 2024 15:24:51 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 26/36] Fixed User page Spacing and added translations (#8462) Co-authored-by: Khavin Shankar --- src/Components/Facility/FacilityUsers.tsx | 22 ++++++++++------------ src/Locale/en/Common.json | 2 ++ src/Locale/en/Users.json | 6 ++++-- 3 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/Components/Facility/FacilityUsers.tsx b/src/Components/Facility/FacilityUsers.tsx index 61231ed7d21..2572731f720 100644 --- a/src/Components/Facility/FacilityUsers.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Facility/FacilityUsers.tsx @@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ export default function FacilityUsers(props: any) { const [currentPage, setCurrentPage] = useState(1); const [expandFacilityList, setExpandFacilityList] = useState(false); const [selectedUser, setSelectedUser] = useState(null); - // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars const [offset, setOffset] = useState(0); const [linkFacility, setLinkFacility] = useState<{ @@ -103,7 +102,7 @@ export default function FacilityUsers(props: any) { onResponse: ({ res }) => { if (res?.status === 204) { Notification.Success({ - msg: "User deleted successfully", + msg: t("user_deleted_successfuly"), }); } }, @@ -152,7 +151,7 @@ export default function FacilityUsers(props: any) {
- Last Online:{" "} + {t("last_online")}{" "} {user.last_login ? relativeTime(user.last_login) - : "Never"} + : t("never")}
@@ -189,7 +188,7 @@ export default function FacilityUsers(props: any) {
- Phone: + {t("phone_number")}

Linked Facilities



)} @@ -250,7 +249,7 @@ export default function FacilityUsers(props: any) { manageUsers = (
No Users Found
); @@ -258,9 +257,8 @@ export default function FacilityUsers(props: any) { return ( { && ( @@ -271,10 +269,10 @@ export default function FacilityUsers(props: any) { /> )} -
{facilityUserData && ( -
{ && ( diff --git a/src/Locale/en/Common.json b/src/Locale/en/Common.json index 085442963a0..24855e05d70 100644 --- a/src/Locale/en/Common.json +++ b/src/Locale/en/Common.json @@ -195,6 +195,8 @@ "discharged": "Discharged", "archived": "Archived", "no_changes_made": "No changes made", + "user_deleted_successfuly": "User Deleted Successfuly", + "users": "Users", "are_you_sure_want_to_delete": "Are you sure you want to delete {{name}}?", "oxygen_information": "Oxygen Information", "deleted_successfully": "{{name}} deleted successfully", diff --git a/src/Locale/en/Users.json b/src/Locale/en/Users.json index 01fe031c61a..035ed8933a5 100644 --- a/src/Locale/en/Users.json +++ b/src/Locale/en/Users.json @@ -4,11 +4,13 @@ "add_new_user": "Add New User", "no_users_found": "No Users Found", "home_facility": "Home Facility", - "no_home_facility" : "No home facility assigned", + "no_home_facility": "No home facility assigned", "clear_home_facility": "Clear Home Facility", "linked_facilities": "Linked Facilities", "no_linked_facilities": "No Linked Facilities", "average_weekly_working_hours": "Average weekly working hours", "set_average_weekly_working_hours_for": "Set Average weekly working hours for", - "search_by_username": "Search by username" + "search_by_username": "Search by username", + "last_online": "Last Online", + "total_users": "Total Users" } From 5e95d60c9d8cb79662f887cd962d372eab817f30 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Shivank Kacker Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2024 00:16:41 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 27/36] Add suggestion chips instead of autofilling diagnosis (#8369) * Add suggestion chips instead of autofilling diagnosis * shortfix * fixed onclick * Fix bug with chip click, and hid already entered diagnoses * revert hiding already entered diagnosis * added onselect to AddICD11DiagnosisProps --- .../AddICD11Diagnosis.tsx | 9 +- .../ConsultationDiagnosisBuilder.tsx | 24 ++++- src/Components/Patient/DailyRounds.tsx | 89 +++---------------- src/Components/Scribe/formDetails.ts | 6 +- 4 files changed, 48 insertions(+), 80 deletions(-) diff --git a/src/Components/Diagnosis/ConsultationDiagnosisBuilder/AddICD11Diagnosis.tsx b/src/Components/Diagnosis/ConsultationDiagnosisBuilder/AddICD11Diagnosis.tsx index 66e0592511c..6bc309f5716 100644 --- a/src/Components/Diagnosis/ConsultationDiagnosisBuilder/AddICD11Diagnosis.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Diagnosis/ConsultationDiagnosisBuilder/AddICD11Diagnosis.tsx @@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ interface AddICD11DiagnosisProps { onAdd: (object: CreateDiagnosis) => Promise; disallowed: ICD11DiagnosisModel[]; disabled?: boolean; + prefill?: ICD11DiagnosisModel; + onSelect?: (selected: ICD11DiagnosisModel) => unknown; } export default function AddICD11Diagnosis(props: AddICD11DiagnosisProps) { @@ -36,6 +38,8 @@ export default function AddICD11Diagnosis(props: AddICD11DiagnosisProps) { } }, [res?.status]); + useEffect(() => props.prefill && setSelected(props.prefill), [props.prefill]); + const handleAdd = async (status: CreateDiagnosis["verification_status"]) => { if (!selected) return; @@ -64,7 +68,10 @@ export default function AddICD11Diagnosis(props: AddICD11DiagnosisProps) { disabled={props.disabled || adding} placeholder={t("search_icd11_placeholder")} value={selected} - onChange={(e) => setSelected(e.value)} + onChange={(e) => { + setSelected(e.value); + props.onSelect?.(e.value); + }} options={mergeQueryOptions( selected ? [selected] : [], data ?? [], diff --git a/src/Components/Diagnosis/ConsultationDiagnosisBuilder/ConsultationDiagnosisBuilder.tsx b/src/Components/Diagnosis/ConsultationDiagnosisBuilder/ConsultationDiagnosisBuilder.tsx index b6495143f5d..043654929a8 100644 --- a/src/Components/Diagnosis/ConsultationDiagnosisBuilder/ConsultationDiagnosisBuilder.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Diagnosis/ConsultationDiagnosisBuilder/ConsultationDiagnosisBuilder.tsx @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import request from "../../../Utils/request/request"; import DiagnosesRoutes from "../routes"; import * as Notification from "../../../Utils/Notifications"; import PrincipalDiagnosisSelect from "./PrincipalDiagnosisSelect"; +import CareIcon from "../../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; interface CreateDiagnosesProps { className?: string; @@ -78,11 +79,14 @@ export const CreateDiagnosesBuilder = (props: CreateDiagnosesProps) => { interface EditDiagnosesProps { className?: string; value: ConsultationDiagnosis[]; + suggestions?: ICD11DiagnosisModel[]; + onUpdate?: (diagnoses: ConsultationDiagnosis[]) => void; } export const EditDiagnosesBuilder = (props: EditDiagnosesProps) => { const consultation = useSlug("consultation"); const [diagnoses, setDiagnoses] = useState(props.value); + const [prefill, setPrefill] = useState(); useEffect(() => { setDiagnoses(props.value); @@ -129,16 +133,34 @@ export const EditDiagnosesBuilder = (props: EditDiagnosesProps) => { if (res?.ok && data) { setDiagnoses([...diagnoses, data]); + setPrefill(undefined); + props.onUpdate?.(diagnoses); return true; } if (error) { Notification.Error({ msg: error }); } - return false; }} + prefill={prefill} + onSelect={() => setPrefill(undefined)} /> + {!!props.suggestions?.length && ( +
+ {props.suggestions?.map((suggestion, i) => ( + + ))} +
+ )}
diff --git a/src/Components/Patient/DailyRounds.tsx b/src/Components/Patient/DailyRounds.tsx index 8c09db3f8c2..81177925f08 100644 --- a/src/Components/Patient/DailyRounds.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Patient/DailyRounds.tsx @@ -46,9 +46,8 @@ import { FieldLabel } from "../Form/FormFields/FormField"; import useAuthUser from "../../Common/hooks/useAuthUser"; import CheckBoxFormField from "../Form/FormFields/CheckBoxFormField"; import SymptomsApi from "../Symptoms/api"; -import DiagnosesRoutes from "../Diagnosis/routes"; -import MedicineRoutes from "../Medicine/routes"; import { scrollTo } from "../../Utils/utils"; +import { ICD11DiagnosisModel } from "../Facility/models"; const Loading = lazy(() => import("../Common/Loading")); @@ -58,7 +57,9 @@ export const DailyRounds = (props: any) => { const { goBack } = useAppHistory(); const { facilityId, patientId, consultationId, id } = props; const [symptomsSeed, setSymptomsSeed] = useState(1); - const [prescriptionSeed, setPrescriptionSeed] = useState(1); + const [diagnosisSuggestions, setDiagnosisSuggestions] = useState< + ICD11DiagnosisModel[] + >([]); const initForm: any = { physical_examination_info: "", @@ -489,6 +490,7 @@ export const DailyRounds = (props: any) => { { + setDiagnosisSuggestions([]); // Symptoms let rounds_type = fields.rounds_type || state.form.rounds_type; if (fields.additional_symptoms) { @@ -522,74 +524,10 @@ export const DailyRounds = (props: any) => { continue; } - const availableDiagnosis = icdData?.[0]?.id; + const availableDiagnosis = icdData?.slice(0, 5); - if (!availableDiagnosis) { - error({ - text: "Could not find the requested diagnosis. Please enter manually.", - }); - continue; - } - - const { res, data } = await request( - DiagnosesRoutes.createConsultationDiagnosis, - { - pathParams: { consultation: consultationId }, - body: { - ...diagnosis, - diagnosis: availableDiagnosis, - }, - }, - ); - - if (res?.ok && data) - setDiagnoses((diagnoses) => [...(diagnoses || []), data]); - } - } - - // Prescriptions - if (fields.prescriptions || fields.prn_prescriptions) { - const combined_prescriptions = [ - ...(fields.prescriptions || []), - ...(fields.prn_prescriptions || []), - ]; - for (const prescription of combined_prescriptions) { - // fetch medicine - const { res: medicineRes, data: medicineData } = await request( - routes.listMedibaseMedicines, - { - query: { query: prescription.medicine }, - }, - ); - - if (!medicineRes?.ok) { - error({ - text: "Failed to fetch medicine", - }); - continue; - } - - const availableMedicine = medicineData?.[0]?.id; - - if (!availableMedicine) { - error({ - text: "Could not find the requested medicine. Please enter manually.", - }); - continue; - } - - const { res } = await request( - MedicineRoutes.createPrescription, - { - pathParams: { consultation: consultationId }, - body: { - ...prescription, - medicine: availableMedicine, - }, - }, - ); - - if (res?.ok) setPrescriptionSeed((s) => s + 1); + if (availableDiagnosis?.length) + setDiagnosisSuggestions(availableDiagnosis); } } @@ -598,8 +536,7 @@ export const DailyRounds = (props: any) => { [ "investigations", "icd11_diagnosis", - "prescriptions", - "prn_prescriptions", + "additional_symptoms", ].includes(f), ) && roundTypes.some((t) => === "DOCTORS_LOG") @@ -850,7 +787,11 @@ export const DailyRounds = (props: any) => { {/* */} {diagnoses ? ( - + setDiagnosisSuggestions([])} + /> ) : (
Fetching existing diagnosis of patient... @@ -891,7 +832,6 @@ export const DailyRounds = (props: any) => { discontinued={ showDiscontinuedPrescriptions ? undefined : false } - key={prescriptionSeed} actions={["discontinue"]} />
@@ -916,7 +856,6 @@ export const DailyRounds = (props: any) => { showDiscontinuedPrescriptions ? undefined : false } actions={["discontinue"]} - key={prescriptionSeed} />
diff --git a/src/Components/Scribe/formDetails.ts b/src/Components/Scribe/formDetails.ts index 736ab971744..6300ac7e3c2 100644 --- a/src/Components/Scribe/formDetails.ts +++ b/src/Components/Scribe/formDetails.ts @@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ const DAILY_ROUND_FORM_SCRIBE_DATA: Field[] = [ }); return true; }, - }, + } /* { friendlyName: "Prescriptions", id: "prescriptions", @@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ const DAILY_ROUND_FORM_SCRIBE_DATA: Field[] = [ return true; }, }, - /*{ + { friendlyName: "Round Type", id: "rounds_type", type: "string", @@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ const DAILY_ROUND_FORM_SCRIBE_DATA: Field[] = [ "A string to store the date and time at which the round was taken or measured. 'The round was taken yesterday/today' would amount to yesterday/today's date.", validator: (value) => typeof value === "string", }, -*/ +*/, ]; export const SCRIBE_FORMS: { [key: string]: ScribeForm } = { From 28b02d93fbf5cd8df9af3b164cfaf2e57b0c1023 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Bodhish Thomas Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2024 00:28:32 +0530 Subject: [PATCH 28/36] Remove proxy and clean up config (#8445) Co-authored-by: Aakash Singh Co-authored-by: Rithvik Nishad --- .env | 6 +- .envrc | 1 + .example.env | 73 ++++++++++++ .github/workflows/cypress.yaml | 7 +- | 4 +- care.config.ts | 103 +++++++++++++++++ cypress.config.ts | 3 + cypress/support/commands.ts | 8 +- index.html | 2 +- netlify.toml | 6 - src/App.tsx | 21 ++-- src/Common/constants.tsx | 53 +++++---- src/Common/hooks/useConfig.ts | 104 ------------------ src/Common/hooks/useFilters.tsx | 8 +- src/Components/Assets/AssetImportModal.tsx | 22 ++-- src/Components/Auth/Login.tsx | 45 ++++---- src/Components/Common/GLocationPicker.tsx | 5 +- src/Components/Common/Sidebar/Sidebar.tsx | 12 +- .../ExternalResultImportModal.tsx | 5 +- src/Components/Facility/BedCapacity.tsx | 17 ++- src/Components/Facility/ConsultationCard.tsx | 7 +- src/Components/Facility/ConsultationForm.tsx | 26 ++--- .../Facility/CoverImageEditModal.tsx | 4 +- src/Components/Facility/DischargeModal.tsx | 5 +- .../Facility/FacilityBedCapacity.tsx | 6 +- src/Components/Facility/FacilityCard.tsx | 5 +- src/Components/Facility/FacilityCreate.tsx | 16 +-- .../HCX/InsuranceDetailsBuilder.tsx | 5 +- src/Components/Medicine/PrintPreview.tsx | 9 +- src/Components/Patient/PatientFilter.tsx | 13 ++- src/Components/Patient/PatientInfoCard.tsx | 8 +- src/Components/Patient/PatientRegister.tsx | 14 ++- src/Components/Patient/ShiftCreate.tsx | 11 +- src/Components/Scribe/Scribe.tsx | 5 +- src/Components/Shifting/BoardView.tsx | 7 +- src/Components/Shifting/ListFilter.tsx | 13 ++- src/Components/Shifting/ListView.tsx | 8 +- src/Components/Shifting/ShiftDetails.tsx | 25 ++--- .../Shifting/ShiftDetailsUpdate.tsx | 21 ++-- src/Components/Shifting/ShiftingBoard.tsx | 6 +- src/Integrations/Plausible.tsx | 8 +- src/Integrations/Sentry.tsx | 13 +-- src/Providers/AppConfigProvider.tsx | 25 ----- src/Providers/AuthUserProvider.tsx | 12 +- src/Providers/index.tsx | 5 - src/Redux/Reducer.tsx | 22 +--- src/Redux/api.tsx | 8 -- src/Redux/fireRequest.tsx | 2 + src/Routers/AppRouter.tsx | 7 +- src/Utils/request/request.ts | 3 +- src/vite-env.d.ts | 35 +++++- tsconfig.json | 11 +- vite.config.mts | 17 +-- 53 files changed, 442 insertions(+), 445 deletions(-) create mode 100644 .example.env create mode 100644 care.config.ts delete mode 100644 src/Common/hooks/useConfig.ts delete mode 100644 src/Providers/AppConfigProvider.tsx delete mode 100644 src/Providers/index.tsx diff --git a/.env b/.env index 0496daa2587..8b3b02b3d97 100644 --- a/.env +++ b/.env @@ -1,12 +1,14 @@ # Whitelabelling envs REACT_APP_TITLE=CARE -REACT_APP_META_DESCRIPTION=Revolutionizing EMR with AI: Open Healthcare Network develops free, open-source tools to enhance efficiency in global healthcare delivery. Our EMR system is recognized as a Digital Public Good by the United Nations. +REACT_APP_META_DESCRIPTION="Revolutionizing EMR with AI: Open Healthcare Network develops free, open-source tools to enhance efficiency in global healthcare delivery. Our EMR system is recognized as a Digital Public Good by the United Nations." REACT_APP_COVER_IMAGE= REACT_APP_COVER_IMAGE_ALT= REACT_PUBLIC_URL= +# Care API URL without the /api prefix +REACT_CARE_API_URL= + # Dev envs ESLINT_NO_DEV_ERRORS=true - CARE_CDN_URL=" http://localhost:4566" diff --git a/.envrc b/.envrc index fc7d890f90a..c729eb59836 100644 --- a/.envrc +++ b/.envrc @@ -1 +1,2 @@ +dotenv test -f .env.local && dotenv .env.local \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.example.env b/.example.env new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..79332e6b9af --- /dev/null +++ b/.example.env @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +# Backend URL +REACT_CARE_API_URL= + +# Dashboard URL +REACT_DASHBOARD_URL= + +# GitHub URL (default: +REACT_GITHUB_URL= + +# OHCN URL (default: +REACT_OHCN_URL= + +# Plausible site domain (default: +REACT_PLAUSIBLE_SITE_DOMAIN= + +# Plausible server URL (default: +REACT_PLAUSIBLE_SERVER_URL= + + +# Main logo (JSON string with light and dark properties) +REACT_HEADER_LOGO= + +# Main logo (JSON string with light and dark properties) +# Example: REACT_MAIN_LOGO="{\"light\": \"\", \"dark\": \"\"}" +REACT_MAIN_LOGO= + +# State logo (JSON string with light and dark properties) +REACT_STATE_LOGO= + +# Custom logo (JSON string with light and dark properties) +REACT_CUSTOM_LOGO= + +# Custom alternative logo (JSON string with light and dark properties) +REACT_CUSTOM_LOGO_ALT= + +# Custom description +REACT_CUSTOM_DESCRIPTION= + +# Google Maps API key +REACT_GMAPS_API_KEY= + +# Government data API key +REACT_GOV_DATA_API_KEY= + +# reCAPTCHA site key +REACT_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY= + +# Sentry DSN +REACT_SENTRY_DSN= + +# Sentry environment (default: staging) +REACT_SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT= + +# KASP settings +REACT_KASP_ENABLED=true +REACT_KASP_STRING=KASP +REACT_KASP_FULL_STRING=Karunya Arogya Suraksha Padhathi + +# Sample format file paths +REACT_SAMPLE_FORMAT_ASSET_IMPORT=/asset-import-template.xlsx +REACT_SAMPLE_FORMAT_EXTERNAL_RESULT_IMPORT=/External-Results-Template.csv + +# Feature flags +REACT_ENABLE_HCX=true +REACT_ENABLE_ABDM=true +REACT_ENABLE_SCRIBE=true +REACT_WARTIME_SHIFTING=true + +# JWT token refresh interval (in milliseconds) (default: 5 minutes) +REACT_JWT_TOKEN_REFRESH_INTERVAL= + +# Minimum encounter date (default: 2020-01-01) +REACT_MIN_ENCOUNTER_DATE= diff --git a/.github/workflows/cypress.yaml b/.github/workflows/cypress.yaml index f5039548e76..14a15d30ee8 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/cypress.yaml +++ b/.github/workflows/cypress.yaml @@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ jobs: fail-fast: false matrix: containers: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] + env: + REACT_CARE_API_URL: http://localhost:9000 steps: - name: Checkout 📥 uses: actions/checkout@v3 @@ -42,6 +44,7 @@ jobs: run: | cd care echo DISABLE_RATELIMIT=True >> docker/.prebuilt.env + echo "CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS=\"[\\\"http://localhost:4000\\\"]\"" >> docker/.prebuilt.env make docker_config_file=docker-compose.pre-built.yaml up make docker_config_file=docker-compose.pre-built.yaml load-dummy-data cd .. @@ -66,7 +69,7 @@ jobs: - name: Install dependencies 📦 run: npm install - - name: Build & Compile rescript files ⚙️ + - name: Build ⚙️ run: npm run build - name: Install Specific Chrome Version @@ -89,7 +92,6 @@ jobs: parallel: true group: "UI-Chrome" env: - CARE_API: http://localhost:9000 CYPRESS_RECORD_KEY: ${{ secrets.CYPRESS_RECORD_KEY }} GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} NODE_OPTIONS: --max_old_space_size=4096 @@ -111,7 +113,6 @@ jobs: group: "UI-Chrome" env: CYPRESS_SPLIT_TESTS: "true" - CARE_API: http://localhost:9000 CYPRESS_RECORD_KEY: ${{ secrets.CYPRESS_RECORD_KEY }} GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} NODE_OPTIONS: --max_old_space_size=4096 diff --git a/ b/ index 740a0857ed0..fd5328150f2 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -81,11 +81,11 @@ To ensure the quality of our pull requests, we use a variety of tools: To run cypress tests locally, you'll need to setup the backend to run locally and load dummy data required for cypress to the database. See [docs]( -Once backend is running locally, you'll have to ensure your local front-end is connected to local backend, by setting the `CARE_API` env. +Once backend is running locally, you'll have to ensure your local front-end is connected to local backend, by setting the `REACT_CARE_API_URL` env. ```env #.env -CARE_API= +REACT_CARE_API_URL= ``` Once done, start the development server by running diff --git a/care.config.ts b/care.config.ts new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..87604b50030 --- /dev/null +++ b/care.config.ts @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +const env = import.meta.env; + +interface ILogo { + light: string; + dark: string; +} + +const logo = (value?: string, fallback?: ILogo) => { + if (!value) { + return fallback; + } + + try { + return JSON.parse(value) as ILogo; + } catch { + // TODO: define vite plugin to validate care.config.ts during build step + return fallback; + } +}; +const careConfig = { + apiUrl: env.REACT_CARE_API_URL, + + urls: { + dashboard: env.REACT_DASHBOARD_URL, + github: env.REACT_GITHUB_URL || "", + ohcn: env.REACT_OHCN_URL || "", + }, + + headerLogo: logo(env.REACT_HEADER_LOGO, { + light: "", + dark: "", + }), + mainLogo: logo(env.REACT_MAIN_LOGO, { + light: "", + dark: "", + }), + stateLogo: logo(env.REACT_STATE_LOGO), + customLogo: logo(env.REACT_CUSTOM_LOGO), + customLogoAlt: logo(env.REACT_CUSTOM_LOGO_ALT), + customDescription: env.REACT_CUSTOM_DESCRIPTION, + + gmapsApiKey: + env.REACT_GMAPS_API_KEY || "AIzaSyDsBAc3y7deI5ZO3NtK5GuzKwtUzQNJNUk", + + govDataApiKey: + env.REACT_GOV_DATA_API_KEY || + "579b464db66ec23bdd000001cdd3946e44ce4aad7209ff7b23ac571b", + reCaptchaSiteKey: + env.REACT_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY || "6LdvxuQUAAAAADDWVflgBqyHGfq-xmvNJaToM0pN", + + kasp: { + enabled: env.REACT_KASP_ENABLED === "true", + string: env.REACT_KASP_STRING || "KASP", + fullString: + env.REACT_KASP_FULL_STRING || "Karunya Arogya Suraksha Padhathi", + }, + + sampleFormats: { + assetImport: + env.REACT_SAMPLE_FORMAT_ASSET_IMPORT || "/asset-import-template.xlsx", + externalResultImport: + env.REACT_SAMPLE_FORMAT_EXTERNAL_RESULT_IMPORT || + "/External-Results-Template.csv", + }, + + wartimeShifting: env.REACT_WARTIME_SHIFTING === "true", + + auth: { + tokenRefreshInterval: env.REACT_JWT_TOKEN_REFRESH_INTERVAL + ? parseInt(env.REACT_JWT_TOKEN_REFRESH_INTERVAL) + : 5 * 60e3, + }, + + minEncounterDate: new Date(env.REACT_MIN_ENCOUNTER_DATE || "2020-01-01"), + + // Plugins related configs... + + plausible: { + server: env.REACT_PLAUSIBLE_SERVER_URL || "", + domain: env.REACT_PLAUSIBLE_SITE_DOMAIN || "", + }, + + sentry: { + dsn: + env.REACT_SENTRY_DSN || + "", + environment: env.REACT_SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT || "staging", + }, + + hcx: { + enabled: env.REACT_ENABLE_HCX === "true", + }, + + abdm: { + enabled: (env.REACT_ENABLE_ABDM ?? "true") === "true", + }, + + scribe: { + enabled: env.REACT_ENABLE_SCRIBE === "true", + }, +} as const; + +export default careConfig; diff --git a/cypress.config.ts b/cypress.config.ts index 5a6f5183274..7a4c86157da 100644 --- a/cypress.config.ts +++ b/cypress.config.ts @@ -32,4 +32,7 @@ export default defineConfig({ requestTimeout: 15000, excludeSpecPattern: "**/*", }, + env: { + API_URL: process.env.REACT_CARE_API_URL, + }, }); diff --git a/cypress/support/commands.ts b/cypress/support/commands.ts index 8c1b60f3d88..776e3409511 100644 --- a/cypress/support/commands.ts +++ b/cypress/support/commands.ts @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ import "cypress-localstorage-commands"; import { Cypress, cy } from "local-cypress"; +const apiUrl = Cypress.env("API_URL"); + Cypress.Commands.add("login", (username: string, password: string) => { cy.log(`Logging in the user: ${username}:${password}`); cy.visit("/"); @@ -14,7 +16,7 @@ Cypress.Commands.add("login", (username: string, password: string) => { Cypress.Commands.add("refreshApiLogin", (username, password) => { cy.request({ method: "POST", - url: "/api/v1/auth/login/", + url: `${apiUrl}/api/v1/auth/login/`, body: { username, password, @@ -43,7 +45,7 @@ Cypress.Commands.add("loginByApi", (username, password) => { if (tkn && token.access && token.username === username) { cy.request({ method: "POST", - url: "/api/v1/auth/token/verify/", + url: `${apiUrl}/api/v1/auth/token/verify/`, body: { token: token.access, }, @@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ Cypress.Commands.add("loginByApi", (username, password) => { Cypress.Commands.add( "awaitUrl", (url: string, disableLoginVerification = false) => { - cy.intercept(/currentuser/).as("currentuser"); + cy.intercept(/getcurrentuser/).as("currentuser"); cy.visit(url); disableLoginVerification ? cy.wait("@currentuser") diff --git a/index.html b/index.html index 8fea63f2bad..6d2c83a0a99 100644 --- a/index.html +++ b/index.html @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ - + diff --git a/netlify.toml b/netlify.toml index a79fe05eefe..c1d30732a53 100644 --- a/netlify.toml +++ b/netlify.toml @@ -7,12 +7,6 @@ NODE_VERSION = "20.12.0" NPM_FLAGS = "--legacy-peer-deps" NODE_OPTIONS = "--max_old_space_size=4096" -[[redirects]] -from = "/api/*" -to = "" -status = 200 -force = true - [[redirects]] from = "/*" to = "/index.html" diff --git a/src/App.tsx b/src/App.tsx index f89dfd11e74..2e7f185f80b 100644 --- a/src/App.tsx +++ b/src/App.tsx @@ -1,28 +1,23 @@ import { Suspense } from "react"; import Routers from "./Routers"; -import { - AppConfigProvider, - AuthUserProvider, - HistoryAPIProvider, -} from "./Providers"; import ThemedFavicon from "./CAREUI/misc/ThemedFavicon"; import Intergrations from "./Integrations"; import Loading from "./Components/Common/Loading"; +import HistoryAPIProvider from "./Providers/HistoryAPIProvider"; +import AuthUserProvider from "./Providers/AuthUserProvider"; const App = () => { return ( }> - - }> - - + }> + + - {/* Integrations */} - - - + {/* Integrations */} + + ); diff --git a/src/Common/constants.tsx b/src/Common/constants.tsx index 5fa8748b399..681fe874475 100644 --- a/src/Common/constants.tsx +++ b/src/Common/constants.tsx @@ -1,4 +1,3 @@ -import { IConfig } from "./hooks/useConfig"; import { PatientCategory } from "../Components/Facility/models"; import { SortOption } from "../Components/Common/SortDropdown"; import { dateQueryString } from "../Utils/utils"; @@ -9,6 +8,7 @@ import { ConsentHIType, ConsentPurpose, } from "../Components/ABDM/types/consent"; +import careConfig from "@careConfig"; export const RESULTS_PER_PAGE_LIMIT = 14; export const PAGINATION_LIMIT = 36; @@ -217,33 +217,30 @@ export const DISCHARGED_PATIENT_SORT_OPTIONS: SortOption[] = [ { isAscending: false, value: "-name" }, ]; -export const getBedTypes = ({ - kasp_enabled, - kasp_string, -}: Pick) => { - const kaspBedTypes = kasp_enabled - ? [ - { id: 40, text: kasp_string + " Ordinary Beds" }, - { id: 60, text: kasp_string + " Oxygen beds" }, - { id: 50, text: kasp_string + " ICU (ICU without ventilator)" }, - { id: 70, text: kasp_string + " ICU (ICU with ventilator)" }, - ] - : []; - - return [ - { id: 1, text: "Ordinary Beds" }, - { id: 150, text: "Oxygen beds" }, - { id: 10, text: "ICU (ICU without ventilator)" }, - { id: 20, text: "Ventilator (ICU with ventilator)" }, - { id: 30, text: "Covid Ordinary Beds" }, - { id: 120, text: "Covid Oxygen beds" }, - { id: 110, text: "Covid ICU (ICU without ventilator)" }, - { id: 100, text: "Covid Ventilators (ICU with ventilator)" }, - ...kaspBedTypes, - { id: 2, text: "Hostel" }, - { id: 3, text: "Single Room with Attached Bathroom" }, - ]; -}; +const { kasp } = careConfig; + +const KASP_BED_TYPES = kasp.enabled + ? [ + { id: 40, text: kasp.string + " Ordinary Beds" }, + { id: 60, text: kasp.string + " Oxygen beds" }, + { id: 50, text: kasp.string + " ICU (ICU without ventilator)" }, + { id: 70, text: kasp.string + " ICU (ICU with ventilator)" }, + ] + : []; + +export const BED_TYPES: OptionsType[] = [ + { id: 1, text: "Ordinary Beds" }, + { id: 150, text: "Oxygen beds" }, + { id: 10, text: "ICU (ICU without ventilator)" }, + { id: 20, text: "Ventilator (ICU with ventilator)" }, + { id: 30, text: "Covid Ordinary Beds" }, + { id: 120, text: "Covid Oxygen beds" }, + { id: 110, text: "Covid ICU (ICU without ventilator)" }, + { id: 100, text: "Covid Ventilators (ICU with ventilator)" }, + ...KASP_BED_TYPES, + { id: 2, text: "Hostel" }, + { id: 3, text: "Single Room with Attached Bathroom" }, +]; export const DOCTOR_SPECIALIZATION: Array = [ { id: 1, text: "General Medicine" }, diff --git a/src/Common/hooks/useConfig.ts b/src/Common/hooks/useConfig.ts deleted file mode 100644 index 38e2336d583..00000000000 --- a/src/Common/hooks/useConfig.ts +++ /dev/null @@ -1,104 +0,0 @@ -import { createContext, useContext } from "react"; - -export const AppConfigContext = createContext(null); - -interface ILogo { - light: string; - dark: string; -} - -export interface IConfig { - dashboard_url?: string; - github_url: string; - ohcn_url: string; - site_url: string; - analytics_server_url: string; - - /** - * The main logo of the app displayed on login and sidebar header. - */ - main_logo: ILogo; - /** - * If present, the image will be displayed on the login page before the main logo. - */ - state_logo?: ILogo; - /** - * if present, this replaces the state logo on the login page only. - */ - custom_logo?: ILogo; - /** - * if present, this replaces the main logo on the login page only. - */ - custom_logo_alt?: ILogo; - - custom_description?: string; - - /** - * The API key for the Google Maps API used for location picker. - */ - gmaps_api_key: string; - /** - * The API key for the API used for pincode auto-complete. - */ - gov_data_api_key: string; - recaptcha_site_key: string; - /** - * SENTRY_DSN - */ - sentry_dsn: string; - /** - * SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT - */ - sentry_environment: string; - - /** - * The header banner is displayed on the top of - * the shift print form if the facility is kasp. - */ - header_logo: ILogo; - kasp_enabled: boolean; - kasp_string: string; - kasp_full_string: string; - /** - * URL of the sample format for asset import. - */ - sample_format_asset_import: string; - /** - * URL of the sample format for external result import. - */ - sample_format_external_result_import: string; - /** - * Env to enable HCX features - */ - enable_hcx: boolean; - /** - * Env to enable ABDM features - */ - enable_abdm: boolean; - /** - * Env to enable scribe features - */ - enable_scribe: boolean; - /** - * Env to toggle peacetime and wartime shifting - */ - wartime_shifting: boolean; - jwt_token_refresh_interval?: number; - - /* - * Minimum date for a possible consultation encounter. - */ - min_encounter_date: string; -} - -const useConfig = () => { - const config = useContext(AppConfigContext); - - if (!config) { - throw new Error("useConfig must be used within an AppConfigProvider"); - } - - return config; -}; - -export default useConfig; diff --git a/src/Common/hooks/useFilters.tsx b/src/Common/hooks/useFilters.tsx index c0919be9acc..a4b924edcdb 100644 --- a/src/Common/hooks/useFilters.tsx +++ b/src/Common/hooks/useFilters.tsx @@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; import GenericFilterBadge from "../../CAREUI/display/FilterBadge"; import PaginationComponent from "../../Components/Common/Pagination"; -import useConfig from "./useConfig"; import { classNames, humanizeStrings } from "../../Utils/utils"; import FiltersCache from "../../Utils/FiltersCache"; +import careConfig from "@careConfig"; export type FilterState = Record; @@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ export default function useFilters({ cacheBlacklist?: string[]; }) { const { t } = useTranslation(); - const { kasp_string } = useConfig(); const hasPagination = limit > 0; const [showFilters, setShowFilters] = useState(false); const [qParams, _setQueryParams] = useQueryParams(); @@ -155,8 +154,9 @@ export default function useFilters({ return { name, value, paramKey }; }, kasp(nameSuffix = "", paramKey = "is_kasp") { - const name = nameSuffix ? kasp_string + " " + nameSuffix : kasp_string; - const [trueLabel, falseLabel] = [kasp_string, "Non " + kasp_string]; + const { kasp } = careConfig; + const name = nameSuffix ? kasp.string + " " + nameSuffix : kasp.string; + const [trueLabel, falseLabel] = [kasp.string, "Non " + kasp.string]; return badgeUtils.boolean(name, paramKey, { trueLabel, falseLabel }); }, }; diff --git a/src/Components/Assets/AssetImportModal.tsx b/src/Components/Assets/AssetImportModal.tsx index d553e30b79e..6ff51e293af 100644 --- a/src/Components/Assets/AssetImportModal.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Assets/AssetImportModal.tsx @@ -5,12 +5,14 @@ import { AssetData } from "./AssetTypes"; import * as Notification from "../../Utils/Notifications.js"; import { Cancel } from "../Common/components/ButtonV2"; import { Link } from "raviger"; -import { LocalStorageKeys, AssetImportSchema } from "../../Common/constants"; -import useConfig from "../../Common/hooks/useConfig"; +import { AssetImportSchema } from "../../Common/constants"; import DialogModal from "../Common/Dialog"; import useQuery from "../../Utils/request/useQuery"; import routes from "../../Redux/api"; import { SelectFormField } from "../Form/FormFields/SelectFormField"; +import careConfig from "@careConfig"; +import request from "../../Utils/request/request"; + const ExcelFileDragAndDrop = lazy( () => import("../Common/ExcelFIleDragAndDrop"), ); @@ -29,7 +31,6 @@ const AssetImportModal = ({ open, onClose, facility, onUpdate }: Props) => { const [errors, setErrors] = useState({ location: "", }); - const { sample_format_asset_import } = useConfig(); const closeModal = () => { onClose && onClose(); @@ -85,17 +86,8 @@ const AssetImportModal = ({ open, onClose, facility, onUpdate }: Props) => { asset_data["warranty_amc_end_of_validity"] = asset.warranty_amc_end_of_validity; - const response = await fetch("/api/v1/asset/", { - method: "POST", - headers: { - "Content-Type": "application/json", - Authorization: - "Bearer " + localStorage.getItem(LocalStorageKeys.accessToken), - }, - body: JSON.stringify(asset_data), - }); - const data = await response.json(); - if (response.status !== 201) { + const { res } = await request(routes.createAsset, { body: asset_data }); + if (!res?.ok) { Notification.Error({ msg: "Error importing asset: " + + " " + JSON.stringify(data), @@ -176,7 +168,7 @@ const AssetImportModal = ({ open, onClose, facility, onUpdate }: Props) => { handleSubmit={handleUpload} loading={isImporting} schema={AssetImportSchema} - sampleLink={sample_format_asset_import} + sampleLink={careConfig.sampleFormats.assetImport} setIsValid={setIsValid} /> diff --git a/src/Components/Auth/Login.tsx b/src/Components/Auth/Login.tsx index d0d055413cb..17ecf061ef2 100644 --- a/src/Components/Auth/Login.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Auth/Login.tsx @@ -7,26 +7,25 @@ import * as Notification from "../../Utils/Notifications.js"; import LegendInput from "../../CAREUI/interactive/LegendInput"; import LanguageSelectorLogin from "../Common/LanguageSelectorLogin"; import CareIcon from "../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; -import useConfig from "../../Common/hooks/useConfig"; import CircularProgress from "../Common/components/CircularProgress"; import ReactMarkdown from "react-markdown"; import rehypeRaw from "rehype-raw"; import { useAuthContext } from "../../Common/hooks/useAuthUser"; import FiltersCache from "../../Utils/FiltersCache"; import { classNames } from "../../Utils/utils"; +import careConfig from "@careConfig"; export const Login = (props: { forgot?: boolean }) => { const { signIn } = useAuthContext(); const { - main_logo, - recaptcha_site_key, - github_url, - ohcn_url, - state_logo, - custom_logo, - custom_logo_alt, - custom_description, - } = useConfig(); + mainLogo, + reCaptchaSiteKey, + urls, + stateLogo, + customLogo, + customLogoAlt, + customDescription, + } = careConfig; const initForm: any = { username: "", password: "", @@ -162,10 +161,10 @@ export const Login = (props: { forgot?: boolean }) => {
- {(custom_logo || state_logo) && ( + {(customLogo || stateLogo) && ( <> state logo @@ -173,13 +172,13 @@ export const Login = (props: { forgot?: boolean }) => { )} Open Healthcare Network logo @@ -189,13 +188,13 @@ export const Login = (props: { forgot?: boolean }) => {


- {custom_description ? ( + {customDescription ? (
- {custom_description || t("goal")} + {customDescription || t("goal")}
) : ( @@ -220,7 +219,7 @@ export const Login = (props: { forgot?: boolean }) => { />
- {(custom_logo || state_logo) && ( + {(customLogo || stateLogo) && ( <> state logo @@ -265,7 +264,7 @@ export const Login = (props: { forgot?: boolean }) => { )} care logo @@ -310,7 +309,7 @@ export const Login = (props: { forgot?: boolean }) => { {isCaptchaEnabled && (
{errors.captcha} diff --git a/src/Components/Common/GLocationPicker.tsx b/src/Components/Common/GLocationPicker.tsx index 5119d219e73..0b03d2775ce 100644 --- a/src/Components/Common/GLocationPicker.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Common/GLocationPicker.tsx @@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ import { deepEqual } from "../../Common/utils"; import { isLatLngLiteral } from "@googlemaps/typescript-guards"; import Spinner from "./Spinner"; import CareIcon from "../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; -import useConfig from "../../Common/hooks/useConfig"; import { PopoverButton } from "@headlessui/react"; +import careConfig from "@careConfig"; interface GLocationPickerProps { lat: number; @@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ const GLocationPicker = ({ handleOnClose, handleOnSelectCurrentLocation, }: GLocationPickerProps) => { - const { gmaps_api_key } = useConfig(); const [location, setLocation] = React.useState( null, ); @@ -87,7 +86,7 @@ const GLocationPicker = ({
diff --git a/src/Components/Common/Sidebar/Sidebar.tsx b/src/Components/Common/Sidebar/Sidebar.tsx index f454c9c6ab9..52e5e0680fa 100644 --- a/src/Components/Common/Sidebar/Sidebar.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Common/Sidebar/Sidebar.tsx @@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ import SidebarUserCard from "./SidebarUserCard"; import NotificationItem from "../../Notifications/NotificationsList"; import useActiveLink from "../../../Common/hooks/useActiveLink"; import CareIcon, { IconName } from "../../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; -import useConfig from "../../../Common/hooks/useConfig"; import SlideOver from "../../../CAREUI/interactive/SlideOver"; import { classNames } from "../../../Utils/utils"; import { Link } from "raviger"; import useAuthUser from "../../../Common/hooks/useAuthUser"; +import careConfig from "@careConfig"; export const SIDEBAR_SHRINK_PREFERENCE_KEY = "sidebarShrinkPreference"; @@ -62,10 +62,8 @@ const StatelessSidebar = ({ { text: "Notice Board", to: "/notice_board", icon: "l-meeting-board" }, ]; - const { main_logo } = useConfig(); const activeLink = useActiveLink(); const Item = shrinked ? ShrinkedSidebarItem : SidebarItem; - const { dashboard_url } = useConfig(); const indicatorRef = useRef(null); const activeLinkRef = useRef(null); @@ -75,7 +73,7 @@ const StatelessSidebar = ({ useEffect(() => { if (!indicatorRef.current) return; const index = NavItems.findIndex((item) => === activeLink); - const navItemCount = NavItems.length + (dashboard_url ? 2 : 1); // +2 for notification and dashboard + const navItemCount = NavItems.length + (careConfig.urls.dashboard ? 2 : 1); // +2 for notification and dashboard if (index !== -1) { // Haha math go brrrrrrrrr @@ -118,7 +116,7 @@ const StatelessSidebar = ({ className={`${ shrinked ? "mx-auto" : "ml-5" } mb-2 h-5 self-start transition md:mb-5 md:h-8`} - src={shrinked ? LOGO_COLLAPSE : main_logo.light} + src={shrinked ? LOGO_COLLAPSE : careConfig.mainLogo?.light} />
{/* flexible spacing */} @@ -151,10 +149,10 @@ const StatelessSidebar = ({ handleOverflow={handleOverflow} onClickCB={() => onItemClick && onItemClick(false)} /> - {dashboard_url && ( + {careConfig.urls.dashboard && ( } external handleOverflow={handleOverflow} diff --git a/src/Components/ExternalResult/ExternalResultImportModal.tsx b/src/Components/ExternalResult/ExternalResultImportModal.tsx index 06ba575b3f2..79df1cfdc09 100644 --- a/src/Components/ExternalResult/ExternalResultImportModal.tsx +++ b/src/Components/ExternalResult/ExternalResultImportModal.tsx @@ -1,13 +1,13 @@ import _ from "lodash-es"; import { navigate } from "raviger"; import { useEffect, useState, lazy } from "react"; -import useConfig from "../../Common/hooks/useConfig"; import * as Notification from "../../Utils/Notifications.js"; import request from "../../Utils/request/request"; import routes from "../../Redux/api"; import { ExternalResultImportSchema } from "../../Common/constants"; import DialogModal from "../Common/Dialog"; import { IExternalResult } from "./models"; +import careConfig from "@careConfig"; const ExcelFileDragAndDrop = lazy( () => import("../Common/ExcelFIleDragAndDrop"), ); @@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ interface Props { } export default function ExternalResultImportModal({ open, onClose }: Props) { - const { sample_format_external_result_import } = useConfig(); const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false); const fetchUser = async () => { @@ -105,7 +104,7 @@ export default function ExternalResultImportModal({ open, onClose }: Props) { onClose={onClose} handleSubmit={handleSubmit} loading={loading} - sampleLink={sample_format_external_result_import} + sampleLink={careConfig.sampleFormats.externalResultImport} schema={ExternalResultImportSchema} /> diff --git a/src/Components/Facility/BedCapacity.tsx b/src/Components/Facility/BedCapacity.tsx index c0f239203d5..a4437823d5d 100644 --- a/src/Components/Facility/BedCapacity.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Facility/BedCapacity.tsx @@ -1,15 +1,14 @@ import { useEffect, useReducer, useState } from "react"; import * as Notification from "../../Utils/Notifications.js"; -import { CapacityModal, OptionsType } from "./models"; +import { CapacityModal } from "./models"; import TextFormField from "../Form/FormFields/TextFormField"; import { Cancel, Submit } from "../Common/components/ButtonV2"; import { SelectFormField } from "../Form/FormFields/SelectFormField"; import { FieldChangeEvent } from "../Form/FormFields/Utils"; -import useConfig from "../../Common/hooks/useConfig"; -import { getBedTypes } from "../../Common/constants"; import routes from "../../Redux/api"; import request from "../../Utils/request/request"; import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; +import { BED_TYPES } from "../../Common/constants.js"; interface BedCapacityProps extends CapacityModal { facilityId: string; @@ -51,11 +50,10 @@ const bedCountReducer = (state = initialState, action: any) => { export const BedCapacity = (props: BedCapacityProps) => { const { t } = useTranslation(); - const config = useConfig(); const { facilityId, handleClose, handleUpdate, className, id } = props; const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(bedCountReducer, initialState); + const [bedTypes, setBedTypes] = useState(BED_TYPES); const [isLastOptionType, setIsLastOptionType] = useState(false); - const [bedTypes, setBedTypes] = useState(getBedTypes(config)); const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false); const headerText = !id ? "Add Bed Capacity" : "Edit Bed Capacity"; @@ -73,11 +71,11 @@ export const BedCapacity = (props: BedCapacityProps) => { if (capacityQuery?.data) { const existingData =; // if all options are diabled - if (existingData.length === getBedTypes(config).length) { + if (existingData.length === BED_TYPES.length) { return; } // disable existing bed types - const updatedBedTypes = getBedTypes(config).map((type: OptionsType) => { + const updatedBedTypes = => { const isExisting = existingData.find( (i: CapacityModal) => i.room_type ===, ); @@ -113,8 +111,7 @@ export const BedCapacity = (props: BedCapacityProps) => { useEffect(() => { const lastBedType = - bedTypes.filter((i: OptionsType) => i.disabled).length === - getBedTypes(config).length - 1; + bedTypes.filter((i) => i.disabled).length === BED_TYPES.length - 1; setIsLastOptionType(lastBedType); }, [bedTypes]); @@ -179,7 +176,7 @@ export const BedCapacity = (props: BedCapacityProps) => { ); setIsLoading(false); if (data) { - const updatedBedTypes = OptionsType) => { + const updatedBedTypes = => { return { ...type, disabled: data.room_type !== ? type.disabled : true, diff --git a/src/Components/Facility/ConsultationCard.tsx b/src/Components/Facility/ConsultationCard.tsx index 12f4bf0a1e3..23b9cb86567 100644 --- a/src/Components/Facility/ConsultationCard.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Facility/ConsultationCard.tsx @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ import { formatDateTime } from "../../Utils/utils"; import ButtonV2 from "../Common/components/ButtonV2"; import { NonReadOnlyUsers } from "../../Utils/AuthorizeFor"; import RelativeDateUserMention from "../Common/RelativeDateUserMention"; -import useConfig from "../../Common/hooks/useConfig"; import Chip from "../../CAREUI/display/Chip"; import * as Notification from "../../Utils/Notifications.js"; import { useState } from "react"; import DialogModal from "../Common/Dialog.js"; import Beds from "./Consultations/Beds"; +import careConfig from "@careConfig"; interface ConsultationProps { itemData: ConsultationModel; @@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ interface ConsultationProps { export const ConsultationCard = (props: ConsultationProps) => { const { itemData, isLastConsultation, refetch } = props; - const { kasp_string } = useConfig(); const [open, setOpen] = useState(false); const bedDialogTitle = itemData.discharge_date ? "Bed History" @@ -51,7 +50,7 @@ export const ConsultationCard = (props: ConsultationProps) => {
{itemData.is_kasp && (
- {kasp_string} + {careConfig.kasp.string}
)} @@ -85,7 +84,7 @@ export const ConsultationCard = (props: ConsultationProps) => {
- {kasp_string} Enabled date{" "} + {careConfig.kasp.string} Enabled date{" "}
{itemData.kasp_enabled_date diff --git a/src/Components/Facility/ConsultationForm.tsx b/src/Components/Facility/ConsultationForm.tsx index 1d498ea3d14..f9faffaba0f 100644 --- a/src/Components/Facility/ConsultationForm.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Facility/ConsultationForm.tsx @@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ import { UserBareMinimum } from "../Users/models"; import { navigate } from "raviger"; import useAppHistory from "../../Common/hooks/useAppHistory"; -import useConfig from "../../Common/hooks/useConfig"; import useVisibility from "../../Utils/useVisibility"; import dayjs from "../../Utils/dayjs"; import RouteToFacilitySelect, { @@ -65,6 +64,7 @@ import { EncounterSymptomsBuilder, CreateSymptomsBuilder, } from "../Symptoms/SymptomsBuilder.js"; +import careConfig from "@careConfig"; const Loading = lazy(() => import("../Common/Loading")); const PageTitle = lazy(() => import("../Common/PageTitle")); @@ -229,7 +229,6 @@ type Props = { export const ConsultationForm = ({ facilityId, patientId, id }: Props) => { const { goBack } = useAppHistory(); - const { kasp_enabled, kasp_string } = useConfig(); const submitController = useRef(); const [state, dispatch] = useAutoSaveReducer( consultationFormReducer, @@ -255,8 +254,6 @@ export const ConsultationForm = ({ facilityId, patientId, id }: Props) => { const [disabledFields, setDisabledFields] = useState([]); - const { min_encounter_date } = useConfig(); - const sections = { "Consultation Details": { iconClass: "l-medkit", @@ -474,11 +471,12 @@ export const ConsultationForm = ({ facilityId, patientId, id }: Props) => { invalidForm = true; } if ( - min_encounter_date && - dayjs(state.form.encounter_date).isBefore(dayjs(min_encounter_date)) + dayjs(state.form.encounter_date).isBefore( + careConfig.minEncounterDate, + ) ) { errors[field] = - `Admission date cannot be before ${min_encounter_date}`; + `Admission date cannot be before ${careConfig.minEncounterDate}`; invalidForm = true; } return; @@ -552,7 +550,7 @@ export const ConsultationForm = ({ facilityId, patientId, id }: Props) => { case "is_kasp": if (!state.form[field]) { errors[field] = - `Please select an option, ${kasp_string} is mandatory`; + `Please select an option, ${careConfig.kasp.string} is mandatory`; invalidForm = true; } return; @@ -1226,11 +1224,9 @@ export const ConsultationForm = ({ facilityId, patientId, id }: Props) => { "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm", )} max={dayjs().format("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm")} - min={ - min_encounter_date - ? dayjs(min_encounter_date).format("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm") - : undefined - } + min={dayjs(careConfig.minEncounterDate).format( + "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm", + )} /> {dayjs().diff(state.form.encounter_date, "day") > 30 && (
@@ -1402,12 +1398,12 @@ export const ConsultationForm = ({ facilityId, patientId, id }: Props) => { />
- {kasp_enabled && ( + {careConfig.kasp.enabled && ( )} diff --git a/src/Components/Facility/CoverImageEditModal.tsx b/src/Components/Facility/CoverImageEditModal.tsx index d521d55c7ce..bade873c5fa 100644 --- a/src/Components/Facility/CoverImageEditModal.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Facility/CoverImageEditModal.tsx @@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ import DialogModal from "../Common/Dialog"; import request from "../../Utils/request/request"; import routes from "../../Redux/api"; import uploadFile from "../../Utils/request/uploadFile"; +import careConfig from "@careConfig"; + interface Props { open: boolean; onClose: (() => void) | undefined; @@ -116,7 +118,7 @@ const CoverImageEditModal = ({ const formData = new FormData(); formData.append("cover_image", selectedFile); - const url = `/api/v1/facility/${}/cover_image/`; + const url = `${careConfig.apiUrl}/api/v1/facility/${}/cover_image/`; setIsProcessing(true); uploadFile( diff --git a/src/Components/Facility/DischargeModal.tsx b/src/Components/Facility/DischargeModal.tsx index fe99b4ddd53..ac86ff02c55 100644 --- a/src/Components/Facility/DischargeModal.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Facility/DischargeModal.tsx @@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import { SelectFormField } from "../Form/FormFields/SelectFormField"; import TextAreaFormField from "../Form/FormFields/TextAreaFormField"; import TextFormField from "../Form/FormFields/TextFormField"; import { dischargePatient } from "../../Redux/actions"; -import useConfig from "../../Common/hooks/useConfig"; import { useDispatch } from "react-redux"; import { useMessageListener } from "../../Common/hooks/useMessageListener"; import PrescriptionBuilder from "../Medicine/PrescriptionBuilder"; @@ -28,6 +27,7 @@ import { FieldError } from "../Form/FieldValidators"; import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; import useConfirmedAction from "../../Common/hooks/useConfirmedAction"; import ConfirmDialog from "../Common/ConfirmDialog"; +import careConfig from "@careConfig"; interface PreDischargeFormInterface { new_discharge_reason: number | null; @@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ const DischargeModal = ({ death_datetime = dayjs().format("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm"), }: IProps) => { const { t } = useTranslation(); - const { enable_hcx } = useConfig(); const dispatch: any = useDispatch(); const [preDischargeForm, setPreDischargeForm] = @@ -385,7 +384,7 @@ const DischargeModal = ({ )}
- {enable_hcx && ( + {careConfig.hcx.enabled && ( // TODO: if policy and approved pre-auth exists

Claim Insurance

diff --git a/src/Components/Facility/FacilityBedCapacity.tsx b/src/Components/Facility/FacilityBedCapacity.tsx index e2a24b3fab3..77481fa8716 100644 --- a/src/Components/Facility/FacilityBedCapacity.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Facility/FacilityBedCapacity.tsx @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ import { useState } from "react"; -import { getBedTypes } from "../../Common/constants"; import routes from "../../Redux/api"; import { NonReadOnlyUsers } from "../../Utils/AuthorizeFor"; import useQuery from "../../Utils/request/useQuery"; @@ -7,12 +6,11 @@ import DialogModal from "../Common/Dialog"; import ButtonV2 from "../Common/components/ButtonV2"; import { BedCapacity } from "./BedCapacity"; import BedTypeCard from "./BedTypeCard"; -import useConfig from "../../Common/hooks/useConfig"; import CareIcon from "../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; +import { BED_TYPES } from "../../Common/constants"; export const FacilityBedCapacity = (props: any) => { const [bedCapacityModalOpen, setBedCapacityModalOpen] = useState(false); - const config = useConfig(); const capacityQuery = useQuery(routes.getCapacity, { pathParams: { facilityId: props.facilityId }, @@ -45,7 +43,7 @@ export const FacilityBedCapacity = (props: any) => { return; }} /> - {getBedTypes(config).map((x) => { + { => { const res = => { return data.room_type ===; }); diff --git a/src/Components/Facility/FacilityCard.tsx b/src/Components/Facility/FacilityCard.tsx index 858386b72e6..c7fbf728dc9 100644 --- a/src/Components/Facility/FacilityCard.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Facility/FacilityCard.tsx @@ -9,14 +9,13 @@ import CareIcon from "../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; import { formatPhoneNumber, parsePhoneNumber } from "../../Utils/utils"; import DialogModal from "../Common/Dialog"; import TextAreaFormField from "../Form/FormFields/TextAreaFormField"; -import useConfig from "../../Common/hooks/useConfig"; import { classNames } from "../../Utils/utils"; import request from "../../Utils/request/request"; import routes from "../../Redux/api"; +import careConfig from "@careConfig"; export const FacilityCard = (props: { facility: any; userType: any }) => { const { facility, userType } = props; - const { kasp_string } = useConfig(); const { t } = useTranslation(); const [notifyModalFor, setNotifyModalFor] = useState(undefined); @@ -92,7 +91,7 @@ export const FacilityCard = (props: { facility: any; userType: any }) => {
{facility.kasp_empanelled && (
- {kasp_string} + {careConfig.kasp.string}
import("../Common/Loading")); @@ -143,7 +143,6 @@ const facilityCreateReducer = (state = initialState, action: FormAction) => { export const FacilityCreate = (props: FacilityProps) => { const { t } = useTranslation(); - const { gov_data_api_key, kasp_string, kasp_enabled } = useConfig(); const { facilityId } = props; const [state, dispatch] = useAutoSaveReducer( @@ -327,7 +326,10 @@ export const FacilityCreate = (props: FacilityProps) => { if (!validatePincode(e.value)) return; - const pincodeDetails = await getPincodeDetails(e.value, gov_data_api_key); + const pincodeDetails = await getPincodeDetails( + e.value, + careConfig.govDataApiKey, + ); if (!pincodeDetails) return; const matchedState = (stateData ? stateData.results : []).find((state) => { @@ -561,7 +563,7 @@ export const FacilityCreate = (props: FacilityProps) => { return; }} /> - {getBedTypes({ kasp_string, kasp_enabled }).map((x) => { + { => { const res = capacityData.find((data) => { return data.room_type ===; }); @@ -922,10 +924,10 @@ export const FacilityCreate = (props: FacilityProps) => { />
- {kasp_enabled && ( + {careConfig.kasp.enabled && ( (o ? "Yes" : "No")} optionValue={(o) => String(o)} diff --git a/src/Components/HCX/InsuranceDetailsBuilder.tsx b/src/Components/HCX/InsuranceDetailsBuilder.tsx index 1e401410ff0..2c51d3b90d3 100644 --- a/src/Components/HCX/InsuranceDetailsBuilder.tsx +++ b/src/Components/HCX/InsuranceDetailsBuilder.tsx @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import { useDispatch } from "react-redux"; import { HCXActions } from "../../Redux/actions"; import { classNames } from "../../Utils/utils"; import InsurerAutocomplete from "./InsurerAutocomplete"; -import useConfig from "../../Common/hooks/useConfig"; +import careConfig from "@careConfig"; type Props = FormFieldBaseProps & { gridView?: boolean }; @@ -93,7 +93,6 @@ const InsuranceDetailEditCard = ({ handleRemove: () => void; gridView?: boolean; }) => { - const { enable_hcx } = useConfig(); const seletedInsurer = policy.insurer_id && policy.insurer_name ? { code: policy.insurer_id, name: policy.insurer_name } @@ -133,7 +132,7 @@ const InsuranceDetailEditCard = ({ value={policy.policy_id} onChange={handleUpdate} /> - {enable_hcx ? ( + {careConfig.hcx.enabled ? (


- care logo + care logo
diff --git a/src/Components/Patient/PatientFilter.tsx b/src/Components/Patient/PatientFilter.tsx index b69436171d8..31c54c5b9c4 100644 --- a/src/Components/Patient/PatientFilter.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Patient/PatientFilter.tsx @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ import { PATIENT_FILTER_CATEGORIES, RATION_CARD_CATEGORY, } from "../../Common/constants"; -import useConfig from "../../Common/hooks/useConfig"; import useMergeState from "../../Common/hooks/useMergeState"; import { dateQueryString } from "../../Utils/utils"; import { DateRange } from "../Common/DateRangeInputV2"; @@ -35,6 +34,7 @@ import request from "../../Utils/request/request"; import useAuthUser from "../../Common/hooks/useAuthUser"; import { SelectFormField } from "../Form/FormFields/SelectFormField"; import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; +import careConfig from "@careConfig"; const getDate = (value: any) => value && dayjs(value).isValid() && dayjs(value).toDate(); @@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ const getDate = (value: any) => export default function PatientFilter(props: any) { const { t } = useTranslation(); const authUser = useAuthUser(); - const { kasp_enabled, kasp_string } = useConfig(); const { filter, onChange, closeFilter, removeFilters } = props; const [filterState, setFilterState] = useMergeState({ @@ -702,14 +701,18 @@ export default function PatientFilter(props: any) { className="w-full rounded-md" >
- {kasp_enabled && ( + {careConfig.kasp.enabled && (
- {kasp_string} + + {careConfig.kasp.string} + - o ? `Show ${kasp_string}` : `Show Non ${kasp_string}` + o + ? `Show ${careConfig.kasp.string}` + : `Show Non ${careConfig.kasp.string}` } value={filterState.is_kasp} onChange={(v) => setFilterState({ ...filterState, is_kasp: v })} diff --git a/src/Components/Patient/PatientInfoCard.tsx b/src/Components/Patient/PatientInfoCard.tsx index 005c93521d6..f301db6333e 100644 --- a/src/Components/Patient/PatientInfoCard.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Patient/PatientInfoCard.tsx @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import { Switch, MenuItem, Field, Label } from "@headlessui/react"; import { Link, navigate } from "raviger"; import { useState } from "react"; import CareIcon from "../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon.js"; -import useConfig from "../../Common/hooks/useConfig.js"; import dayjs from "../../Utils/dayjs.js"; import { classNames, @@ -43,6 +42,7 @@ import useQuery from "../../Utils/request/useQuery.js"; import FetchRecordsModal from "../ABDM/FetchRecordsModal.js"; import { SkillModel } from "../Users/models.js"; import { AuthorizedForConsultationRelatedActions } from "../../CAREUI/misc/AuthorizedChild.js"; +import careConfig from "@careConfig"; const formatSkills = (arr: SkillModel[]) => { const skills = =>; @@ -73,8 +73,6 @@ export default function PatientInfoCard(props: { const [openDischargeSummaryDialog, setOpenDischargeSummaryDialog] = useState(false); const [openDischargeDialog, setOpenDischargeDialog] = useState(false); - - const { enable_hcx, enable_abdm } = useConfig(); const [showLinkCareContext, setShowLinkCareContext] = useState(false); const patient = props.patient; @@ -665,7 +663,7 @@ export default function PatientInfoCard(props: { ], ] .concat( - enable_hcx + careConfig.hcx.enabled ? [ [ `/facility/${patient.facility}/patient/${}/consultation/${consultation?.id}/claims`, @@ -735,7 +733,7 @@ export default function PatientInfoCard(props: {
- {enable_abdm && + {careConfig.abdm.enabled && (patient.abha_number ? ( <> diff --git a/src/Components/Patient/PatientRegister.tsx b/src/Components/Patient/PatientRegister.tsx index 3b38c3d54af..c25a6365e70 100644 --- a/src/Components/Patient/PatientRegister.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Patient/PatientRegister.tsx @@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ import countryList from "../../Common/static/countries.json"; import { debounce } from "lodash-es"; import useAppHistory from "../../Common/hooks/useAppHistory"; -import useConfig from "../../Common/hooks/useConfig"; import { validatePincode } from "../../Common/validation"; import { FormContextValue } from "../Form/FormContext.js"; import useAuthUser from "../../Common/hooks/useAuthUser.js"; @@ -73,6 +72,7 @@ import SelectMenuV2 from "../Form/SelectMenuV2.js"; import _ from "lodash"; import { ILocalBodies } from "../ExternalResult/models.js"; import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; +import careConfig from "@careConfig"; const Loading = lazy(() => import("../Common/Loading")); const PageTitle = lazy(() => import("../Common/PageTitle")); @@ -181,7 +181,6 @@ export const PatientRegister = (props: PatientRegisterProps) => { const authUser = useAuthUser(); const { t } = useTranslation(); const { goBack } = useAppHistory(); - const { gov_data_api_key, enable_hcx, enable_abdm } = useConfig(); const { facilityId, id } = props; const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(patientFormReducer, initialState); const [showAlertMessage, setAlertMessage] = useState({ @@ -504,7 +503,7 @@ export const PatientRegister = (props: PatientRegisterProps) => { const errors: Partial> = {}; const insuranceDetailsError = insuranceDetails - .map((policy) => HCXPolicyValidator(policy, enable_hcx)) + .map((policy) => HCXPolicyValidator(policy, careConfig.hcx.enabled)) .find((error) => !!error); setInsuranceDetailsError(insuranceDetailsError); @@ -644,7 +643,10 @@ export const PatientRegister = (props: PatientRegisterProps) => { const handlePincodeChange = async (e: any, setField: any) => { if (!validatePincode(e.value)) return; - const pincodeDetails = await getPincodeDetails(e.value, gov_data_api_key); + const pincodeDetails = await getPincodeDetails( + e.value, + careConfig.govDataApiKey, + ); if (!pincodeDetails) return; const matchedState = stateData?.results?.find((state) => { @@ -792,7 +794,7 @@ export const PatientRegister = (props: PatientRegisterProps) => { body: policy, }); - if (enable_hcx && policyData?.id) { + if (careConfig.hcx.enabled && policyData?.id) { await request(routes.hcxCheckEligibility, { body: { policy: policyData?.id }, onResponse: ({ res }) => { @@ -1181,7 +1183,7 @@ export const PatientRegister = (props: PatientRegisterProps) => { Import From External Results
- {enable_abdm && ( + {careConfig.abdm.enabled && (

ABHA Details diff --git a/src/Components/Patient/ShiftCreate.tsx b/src/Components/Patient/ShiftCreate.tsx index 7307727d372..c3b01ad189d 100644 --- a/src/Components/Patient/ShiftCreate.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Patient/ShiftCreate.tsx @@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ import { navigate } from "raviger"; import { parsePhoneNumber } from "../../Utils/utils.js"; import { phonePreg } from "../../Common/validation"; import useAppHistory from "../../Common/hooks/useAppHistory"; -import useConfig from "../../Common/hooks/useConfig"; import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; import Page from "../Common/components/Page.js"; import Card from "../../CAREUI/display/Card.js"; @@ -30,6 +29,7 @@ import { PhoneNumberValidator } from "../Form/FieldValidators.js"; import useQuery from "../../Utils/request/useQuery.js"; import routes from "../../Redux/api.js"; import request from "../../Utils/request/request.js"; +import careConfig from "@careConfig"; const Loading = lazy(() => import("../Common/Loading")); @@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ export const ShiftCreate = (props: patientShiftProps) => { const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false); const [patientCategory, setPatientCategory] = useState(); const { t } = useTranslation(); - const { wartime_shifting } = useConfig(); const initForm: any = { shifting_approving_facility: null, @@ -79,7 +78,7 @@ export const ShiftCreate = (props: patientShiftProps) => { }, }; - if (wartime_shifting) { + if (careConfig.wartimeShifting) { requiredFields = { ...requiredFields, shifting_approving_facility: { @@ -200,7 +199,7 @@ export const ShiftCreate = (props: patientShiftProps) => { setIsLoading(true); const data = { - status: wartime_shifting ? "PENDING" : "APPROVED", + status: careConfig.wartimeShifting ? "PENDING" : "APPROVED", origin_facility: props.facilityId, shifting_approving_facility: state.form.shifting_approving_facility?.id, assigned_facility: state.form?.assigned_facility?.id, @@ -282,7 +281,7 @@ export const ShiftCreate = (props: patientShiftProps) => { types={["mobile", "landline"]} /> - {wartime_shifting && ( + {careConfig.wartimeShifting && (
Name of shifting approving facility @@ -336,7 +335,7 @@ export const ShiftCreate = (props: patientShiftProps) => { label="Patient Category" /> - {wartime_shifting && ( + {careConfig.wartimeShifting && ( <> = ({ form, onFormUpdate }) => { - const { enable_scribe } = useConfig(); const [open, setOpen] = useState(false); const [_progress, setProgress] = useState(0); const [stage, setStage] = useState("start"); @@ -545,7 +544,7 @@ export const Scribe: React.FC = ({ form, onFormUpdate }) => { } } - if (!enable_scribe) return null; + if (!careConfig.scribe.enabled) return null; return ( diff --git a/src/Components/Shifting/BoardView.tsx b/src/Components/Shifting/BoardView.tsx index a974e0da79f..f4fb45093aa 100644 --- a/src/Components/Shifting/BoardView.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Shifting/BoardView.tsx @@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ import { downloadShiftRequests } from "../../Redux/actions"; import { formatFilter } from "./Commons"; import { navigate } from "raviger"; -import useConfig from "../../Common/hooks/useConfig"; import useFilters from "../../Common/hooks/useFilters"; import { lazy, useLayoutEffect, useRef, useState } from "react"; import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; @@ -21,6 +20,7 @@ import ButtonV2 from "../Common/components/ButtonV2"; import { AdvancedFilterButton } from "../../CAREUI/interactive/FiltersSlideover"; import CareIcon from "../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; import Tabs from "../Common/components/Tabs"; +import careConfig from "@careConfig"; const Loading = lazy(() => import("../Common/Loading")); const PageTitle = lazy(() => import("../Common/PageTitle")); @@ -31,13 +31,12 @@ export default function BoardView() { limit: -1, cacheBlacklist: ["patient_name"], }); - const { wartime_shifting } = useConfig(); - const shiftStatusOptions = wartime_shifting + const shiftStatusOptions = careConfig.wartimeShifting ? SHIFTING_CHOICES_WARTIME : SHIFTING_CHOICES_PEACETIME; - const COMPLETED = wartime_shifting + const COMPLETED = careConfig.wartimeShifting ? [ "COMPLETED", "REJECTED", diff --git a/src/Components/Shifting/ListFilter.tsx b/src/Components/Shifting/ListFilter.tsx index 12bb17db09c..17692ac8f35 100644 --- a/src/Components/Shifting/ListFilter.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Shifting/ListFilter.tsx @@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ import DateRangeFormField from "../Form/FormFields/DateRangeFormField"; import FiltersSlideover from "../../CAREUI/interactive/FiltersSlideover"; import { SelectFormField } from "../Form/FormFields/SelectFormField"; import PhoneNumberFormField from "../Form/FormFields/PhoneNumberFormField"; -import useConfig from "../../Common/hooks/useConfig"; import useMergeState from "../../Common/hooks/useMergeState"; import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; @@ -26,18 +25,20 @@ import { dateQueryString, parsePhoneNumber } from "../../Utils/utils"; import dayjs from "dayjs"; import useQuery from "../../Utils/request/useQuery"; import routes from "../../Redux/api"; +import careConfig from "@careConfig"; const getDate = (value: any) => value && dayjs(value).isValid() && dayjs(value).toDate(); export default function ListFilter(props: any) { - const { kasp_enabled, kasp_string, wartime_shifting } = useConfig(); const { filter, onChange, closeFilter, removeFilters } = props; const { t } = useTranslation(); const shiftStatusOptions = ( - wartime_shifting ? SHIFTING_CHOICES_WARTIME : SHIFTING_CHOICES_PEACETIME + careConfig.wartimeShifting + ? SHIFTING_CHOICES_WARTIME + : SHIFTING_CHOICES_PEACETIME ).map((option) => option.text); const [filterState, setFilterState] = useMergeState({ @@ -227,7 +228,7 @@ export default function ListFilter(props: any) {

- {wartime_shifting && ( + {careConfig.wartimeShifting && (
@@ -308,12 +309,12 @@ export default function ListFilter(props: any) { errorClassName="hidden" /> - {kasp_enabled && ( + {careConfig.kasp.enabled && ( option} diff --git a/src/Components/Shifting/ListView.tsx b/src/Components/Shifting/ListView.tsx index cfffcef7377..b05795f934d 100644 --- a/src/Components/Shifting/ListView.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Shifting/ListView.tsx @@ -11,11 +11,7 @@ import SearchInput from "../Form/SearchInput"; import { formatDateTime, formatPatientAge } from "../../Utils/utils"; import { formatFilter } from "./Commons"; import { navigate } from "raviger"; - -import useConfig from "../../Common/hooks/useConfig"; - import useFilters from "../../Common/hooks/useFilters"; - import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; import { AdvancedFilterButton } from "../../CAREUI/interactive/FiltersSlideover"; import CareIcon from "../../CAREUI/icons/CareIcon"; @@ -24,11 +20,11 @@ import useAuthUser from "../../Common/hooks/useAuthUser"; import request from "../../Utils/request/request"; import routes from "../../Redux/api"; import useQuery from "../../Utils/request/useQuery"; +import careConfig from "@careConfig"; const Loading = lazy(() => import("../Common/Loading")); export default function ListView() { - const { wartime_shifting } = useConfig(); const { qParams, updateQuery, @@ -127,7 +123,7 @@ export default function ListView() {
- {wartime_shifting && ( + {careConfig.wartimeShifting && (
import("../Common/Loading")); export default function ShiftDetails(props: { id: string }) { - const { header_logo, kasp_full_string, wartime_shifting, kasp_enabled } = - useConfig(); - const [isPrintMode, setIsPrintMode] = useState(false); const [isCopied, setIsCopied] = useState(false); const [openDeleteShiftDialog, setOpenDeleteShiftDialog] = useState(false); const { t } = useTranslation(); - const shiftStatusOptions = wartime_shifting + const shiftStatusOptions = careConfig.wartimeShifting ? SHIFTING_CHOICES_WARTIME : SHIFTING_CHOICES_PEACETIME; @@ -113,7 +110,7 @@ export default function ShiftDetails(props: { id: string }) { t("reason") + ":" + data?.reason; - if (wartime_shifting) { + if (careConfig.wartimeShifting) { formattedText += t("facility_preference") + ": " + data?.assigned_facility_type + "\n"; } @@ -304,7 +301,9 @@ export default function ShiftDetails(props: { id: string }) { return (
{data.is_kasp && logo}
+ {data.is_kasp && logo} +
@@ -571,7 +570,7 @@ export default function ShiftDetails(props: { id: string }) { {data?.origin_facility_object?.name || "--"}
- {wartime_shifting && ( + {careConfig.wartimeShifting && (
{t("shifting_approving_facility")}:{" "} @@ -635,10 +634,10 @@ export default function ShiftDetails(props: { id: string }) { data?.patient_object.last_consultation?.category}
- {kasp_enabled && ( + {careConfig.kasp.enabled && (
- {kasp_full_string}:{" "} + {careConfig.kasp.fullString}:{" "} {" "} @@ -646,11 +645,11 @@ export default function ShiftDetails(props: { id: string }) {
)} - {wartime_shifting && ( + {careConfig.wartimeShifting && ( <>
- {kasp_full_string}:{" "} + {careConfig.kasp.fullString}:{" "} {" "} @@ -813,7 +812,7 @@ export default function ShiftDetails(props: { id: string }) { {showFacilityCard(data?.assigned_facility_object)}
)} - {wartime_shifting && ( + {careConfig.wartimeShifting && (

{t("details_of_shifting_approving_facility")} diff --git a/src/Components/Shifting/ShiftDetailsUpdate.tsx b/src/Components/Shifting/ShiftDetailsUpdate.tsx index 37adecaedcd..8e6fb582906 100644 --- a/src/Components/Shifting/ShiftDetailsUpdate.tsx +++ b/src/Components/Shifting/ShiftDetailsUpdate.tsx @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import { USER_TYPES, } from "../../Common/constants"; import { Cancel, Submit } from "../Common/components/ButtonV2"; - import { navigate, useQueryParams } from "raviger"; import { lazy, useReducer, useState } from "react"; import { ConsultationModel } from "../Facility/models.js"; @@ -26,8 +25,6 @@ import TextAreaFormField from "../Form/FormFields/TextAreaFormField"; import TextFormField from "../Form/FormFields/TextFormField"; import { parsePhoneNumber } from "../../Utils/utils.js"; import useAppHistory from "../../Common/hooks/useAppHistory"; -import useConfig from "../../Common/hooks/useConfig"; - import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; import CircularProgress from "../Common/components/CircularProgress.js"; import Card from "../../CAREUI/display/Card"; @@ -41,6 +38,7 @@ import { IShift } from "./models.js"; import request from "../../Utils/request/request.js"; import { PatientModel } from "../Patient/models.js"; import useAuthUser from "../../Common/hooks/useAuthUser.js"; +import careConfig from "@careConfig"; const Loading = lazy(() => import("../Common/Loading")); @@ -51,9 +49,6 @@ interface patientShiftProps { export const ShiftDetailsUpdate = (props: patientShiftProps) => { const { goBack } = useAppHistory(); const { user_type, home_facility } = useAuthUser(); - - const { kasp_full_string, kasp_enabled, wartime_shifting } = useConfig(); - const [qParams, _] = useQueryParams(); const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(true); @@ -137,7 +132,7 @@ export const ShiftDetailsUpdate = (props: patientShiftProps) => { }, }; - if (wartime_shifting) { + if (careConfig.wartimeShifting) { requiredFields = { ...requiredFields, shifting_approving_facility_object: { @@ -336,7 +331,7 @@ export const ShiftDetailsUpdate = (props: patientShiftProps) => { label={t("status")} required options={ - wartime_shifting + careConfig.wartimeShifting ? SHIFTING_CHOICES_WARTIME : SHIFTING_CHOICES_PEACETIME } @@ -355,7 +350,7 @@ export const ShiftDetailsUpdate = (props: patientShiftProps) => { className="w-full bg-white md:col-span-1 md:leading-5" /> - {wartime_shifting && + {careConfig.wartimeShifting && (assignedUserLoading ? ( ) : ( @@ -369,7 +364,7 @@ export const ShiftDetailsUpdate = (props: patientShiftProps) => { /> ))} - {wartime_shifting && ( + {careConfig.wartimeShifting && (
{t("name_of_shifting_approving_facility")} @@ -429,11 +424,11 @@ export const ShiftDetailsUpdate = (props: patientShiftProps) => { optionValue={(option) => option.value} /> - {kasp_enabled && ( + {careConfig.kasp.enabled && ( { error={state.errors.patient_category} /> - {wartime_shifting && ( + {careConfig.wartimeShifting && ( <> { - const { wartime_shifting } = useConfig(); const [modalFor, setModalFor] = useState({ externalId: undefined, loading: false, @@ -110,7 +108,7 @@ const ShiftCard = ({ shift, filter }: any) => {

- {wartime_shifting && ( + {careConfig.wartimeShifting && (
{ plausible("pageview"); }); @@ -17,11 +15,11 @@ export default function Plausible() { return (