These instructions are for users who would like to get this documentation site running locally, so you can edit changes and view them immediately.
You'll need to install the following:
- this repo -
git clone
- Python - install it from Chocolatey:
cinst python
- mkdocs - install it with pip:
pip install mkdocs
NOTE: of course mkdocs doesn't appear on your PATH after this. Ugh. It's 2016. Come on people.
HACK: add this to your PATH - C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\python3\tools\Scripts
and restart your shell.
Once you've got all that, run mkdocs serve
from the root of your repository and then point your browser
to http://localhost:8000/
NOTE: You'll probably get a dialog here to give python.exe
permission to open port 8000 on your firewall. This is fine.
You'll need to install the following:
- this repo -
git clone
- Python - if you don't have it already, get it from homebrew:
brew install python3
- mkdocs - install it with pip:
pip install mkdocs
Once you've got all that, run mkdocs serve
from the root of your repository and then point your browser
to http://localhost:8000/
Note: By default Python 3.x
and pip
should already be installed on your codespace instance when it spins up.
You'll need to install the following:
- mkdocs - install it with pip:
pip install mkdocs
In some instances you (depending on how python and pip were installed) you'll need to use the python module flag -m
to install mkdocs.
Using this flag ensures that you are using the instance of pip that is connected to the active instance of Python.
ex. python -m pip install mkdocs