Stanza is a fast and lightweight log transport and processing agent. It's designed as a modern replacement for Fluentd, Fluent Bit, and Logstash.
We recommend using our single-line installer provided with each release:
sh -c "$(curl -fsSlL"
sh -c "$(curl -fsSlL"
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 ; Invoke-Expression ((New-Object net.webclient).DownloadString('')); Log-Agent-Install
If you installed the agent using the single-line installer above, it's already running as a service! If you'd like to start or stop the agent, here's how:
# systemd
systemctl start stanza
systemctl stop stanza
# sysv
service stanza start
service stanza stop
launchctl start com.observiq.stanza
launchctl stop com.observiq.stanza
Start-Service -Name "stanza"
Stop-Service -Name "stanza"
If you'd like to run the agent manually rather than as a service, you can do that, too!
# Example Command
# Supported flags:
--config The location of the agent config file (default: ./config.yaml)
--plugin_dir The location of the plugins directory (default: ./plugins)
--database The location of the offsets database file. If this is not specified, offsets will not be maintained across agent restarts
--log_file The location of the agent log file. If not specified, stanza will log to `stderr`
--debug Enables debug logging
A simple configuration file (config.yaml) is included in the installation. By default it doesn't do much, but is an easy way to get started. By default, it generates a single log entry and sends it to STDOUT every time the agent is restarted.
# An example input that generates a single log entry when Stanza starts up.
- type: generate_input
count: 1
record: This is a sample log generated by Stanza
# An example output that sends captured logs to stdout.
- type: stdout
The first step in configuring stanza is to setup your output. The sample configuration provides examples for sending data to the Elastic stack or Google Cloud Monitoring. Uncomment the destination of your choice and add in your own credentials and host. Restart the agent to generate another log line.
# An example input that generates a single log entry when Stanza starts up.
- type: generate_input
count: 1
record: This is a sample log generated by Stanza
# An example output that sends captured logs to elasticsearch.
# For more info:
- type: elastic_output
- http://my_node_address:9200
api_key: my_api_key
Once you've confirmed you're able to send a log entry, you'll want to connect stanza to a log file you're interested in monitoring. We've included a sample file_input
configuration in the config file to use (stanza also provide options for UDP, TCP, syslog, and other input streams. They're available here).
# An example input that monitors the contents of a file.
# For more info:
- type: file_input
- /sample/file/path
# An example output that sends captured logs to elasticsearch.
# For more info:
- type: elastic_output
- http://my_node_address:9200
api_key: my_api_key
That's it! You should have logs streaming to Elasticsearch. From here you can explore all the options available within stanza! You can use existing plugins from our plugin repository or build your own custom pipelines.
To learn more about configuration, visit our docs.
First, check out our section on getting started with development
Next, take a look at our contribution guidelines in
Check out our FAQ, or open an issue with your question. We'd love to hear from you.