weight | draft | title |
1 |
false |
filter(args) |
Apply convolution mask filter either to the whole quadrille or at specific (row, col)
{{< callout type="info" >}}
Only pixelated quadrille images may be filtered, i.e., those created either with createQuadrille(width, image, true)
or createQuadrille(width, image, false)
{{< /callout >}}
(press f to toggle filtered image; m to toggle mask display; and, s to rescale image)
{{< p5-global-iframe quadrille="true" width="537" height="537" >}}
'use strict';
let scl = 4;
let mask, quadrille, source, target;
let image;
let numberDisplay;
let displayMask;
function update() { const displaySource = !quadrille || quadrille === source; source = createQuadrille(2 ** scl, image, false); target = source.clone(); target.filter(mask); quadrille = displaySource ? source : target; }
function preload() { image = loadImage('../mandrill.png'); }
function setup() { createCanvas(512, 512); mask = createQuadrille([ [1 / 256, 4 / 256, 6 / 256, 4 / 256, 1 / 256], [4 / 256, 16 / 256, 24 / 256, 16 / 256, 4 / 256], [6 / 256, 24 / 256, 36 / 256, 24 / 256, 6 / 256], [4 / 256, 16 / 256, 24 / 256, 16 / 256, 4 / 256], [1 / 256, 4 / 256, 6 / 256, 4 / 256, 1 / 256]]); /* numberDisplay = ({ graphics, value, outline, outlineWeight, cellLength }) => { const numberColor = 'magenta'; const min = 0.0625; const max = 0.25; graphics.colorMode(graphics.RGB, 255); graphics.fill(graphics.color(red(numberColor), green(numberColor), blue(numberColor), graphics.map(value, min, max, 0, 255))); graphics.rect(0, 0, cellLength, cellLength); Quadrille.tileDisplay({ graphics: graphics, outline: outline, outlineWeight: outlineWeight, cellLength: cellLength }); } */ numberDisplay = ({ graphics, value, outline, outlineWeight, cellLength }) => { const numberColor = 'magenta'; const min = 0.0625; const max = 0.25; colorMode(RGB, 255); fill(color(red(numberColor), green(numberColor), blue(numberColor), map(value, min, max, 0, 255))); rect(0, 0, cellLength, cellLength); Quadrille.tileDisplay({ graphics, outline, outlineWeight, cellLength }); } update(); }
function draw() { background('#060621'); if (displayMask) { drawQuadrille(mask, { cellLength: width / mask.width, outline: 'magenta', numberDisplay: numberDisplay }); } else { drawQuadrille(quadrille, { cellLength: 512 / (2 ** scl), outlineWeight: 16 / (2 ** scl), outline: quadrille === source ? 'magenta' : 'cyan' }); } }
function keyPressed() { if (key === 'f') { quadrille = quadrille === source ? target : source; } if (key === 'm') { displayMask = !displayMask; } if (key === 's') { scl = scl < 7 ? scl + 1 : 4; update(); } } {{< /p5-global-iframe >}}
{{< details title="code" open=false >}}
let scl = 4;
let mask, quadrille, source, target;
let image;
let numberDisplay;
let displayMask;
function update() {
const displaySource = !quadrille || quadrille === source;
source = createQuadrille(2 ** scl, image, false);
target = source.clone();
quadrille = displaySource ? source : target;
function preload() {
image = loadImage('mandrill.png');
function setup() {
createCanvas(512, 512);
mask = createQuadrille([
[1 / 256, 4 / 256, 6 / 256, 4 / 256, 1 / 256],
[4 / 256, 16 / 256, 24 / 256, 16 / 256, 4 / 256],
[6 / 256, 24 / 256, 36 / 256, 24 / 256, 6 / 256],
[4 / 256, 16 / 256, 24 / 256, 16 / 256, 4 / 256],
[1 / 256, 4 / 256, 6 / 256, 4 / 256, 1 / 256]]);
numberDisplay = ({graphics, value, outline, outlineWeight, cellLength}) => {
const numberColor = 'magenta';
const min = 0.0625;
const max = 0.25;
colorMode(RGB, 255);
fill(color(red(numberColor), green(numberColor), blue(numberColor),
map(value, min, max, 0, 255)));
rect(0, 0, cellLength, cellLength);
Quadrille.tileDisplay({ graphics, outline, outlineWeight, cellLength });
function draw() {
if (displayMask) {
drawQuadrille(mask, { cellLength: width / mask.width, outline: 'magenta',
numberDisplay: numberDisplay });
} else {
{ cellLength: 512 / (2 ** scl),
outlineWeight: 16 / (2 ** scl),
outline: quadrille === source ? 'magenta' : 'cyan' });
function keyPressed() {
if (key === 'f') {
quadrille = quadrille === source ? target : source;
if (key === 'm') {
displayMask = !displayMask;
if (key === 's') {
scl = scl < 7 ? scl + 1 : 4;
{{< /details >}}
(mouse move to apply filter locally; press r to reset filtered image & s to rescale it)
{{< p5-global-iframe quadrille="true" width="537" height="537" >}}
'use strict';
let scl = 4;
let mask, quadrille;
let image;
let numberDisplay;
function preload() { image = loadImage('../mandrill.png'); }
function setup() { createCanvas(512, 512); mask = createQuadrille([ [0.0625, 0.125, 0.0625], [0.125, 0.25, 0.125], [0.0625, 0.125, 0.0625]]); numberDisplay = ({ graphics, value, outline, outlineWeight, cellLength }) => { const numberColor = 'magenta'; const min = 0.0625; const max = 0.25; colorMode(RGB, 255); fill(color(red(numberColor), green(numberColor), blue(numberColor), map(value, min, max, 0, 255))); rect(0, 0, cellLength, cellLength); Quadrille.tileDisplay({ graphics, outline, outlineWeight, cellLength }); } quadrille = createQuadrille(2 ** scl, image, false); }
function draw() { background('#060621'); drawQuadrille(quadrille, { cellLength: 512 / (2 ** scl), outlineWeight: 16 / (2 ** scl) }); const half_size = (mask.width - 1) / 2; drawQuadrille(mask, { col: quadrille.mouseCol - half_size, row: quadrille.mouseRow - half_size, cellLength: 512 / (2 ** scl), outline: 'green', numberDisplay: numberDisplay }); }
function mouseMoved() { quadrille.filter(mask, quadrille.mouseRow, quadrille.mouseCol); return false; }
function keyPressed() { if (key === 'r') { quadrille = createQuadrille(2 ** scl, image); } if (key === 's') { scl = scl < 7 ? scl + 1 : 4; quadrille = createQuadrille(2 ** scl, image); } } {{< /p5-global-iframe >}}
{{< details title="code" open=false >}}
let scl = 4;
let mask, quadrille;
let image;
let numberDisplay;
function preload() {
image = loadImage('mandrill.png');
function setup() {
createCanvas(512, 512);
mask = createQuadrille([
[0.0625, 0.125, 0.0625],
[0.125, 0.25, 0.125],
[0.0625, 0.125, 0.0625]]);
numberDisplay = ({graphics, value, outline, outlineWeight, cellLength}) => {
const numberColor = 'magenta';
const min = 0.0625;
const max = 0.25;
colorMode(RGB, 255);
fill(color(red(numberColor), green(numberColor), blue(numberColor),
map(value, min, max, 0, 255)));
rect(0, 0, cellLength, cellLength);
Quadrille.tileDisplay({ graphics, outline, outlineWeight, cellLength });
quadrille = createQuadrille(2 ** scl, image, false);
function draw() {
drawQuadrille(quadrille, { cellLength: 512 / (2 ** scl),
outlineWeight: 16 / (2 ** scl) });
const half_size = (mask.width - 1) / 2;
drawQuadrille(mask, { col: quadrille.mouseCol - half_size,
row: quadrille.mouseRow - half_size,
cellLength: 512 / (2 ** scl),
outline: 'green',
numberDisplay: numberDisplay });
function mouseMoved() {
quadrille.filter(mask, quadrille.mouseRow, quadrille.mouseCol);
return false;
function keyPressed() {
if (key === 'r') {
quadrille = createQuadrille(2 ** scl, image);
if (key === 's') {
scl = scl < 7 ? scl + 1 : 4;
quadrille = createQuadrille(2 ** scl, image);
{{< /details >}}
filter(mask, [row], [col])
Param | Description |
mask |
Quadrille: quadrille of numbers representing the convolution mask |
row |
Number: cell row coordinate, if undefined applies filter to the whole quadrille |
col |
Number: cell col coordinate, if undefined applies filter to the whole quadrille |