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COVID-19 vulnerability index - metadata

Overall vulnerability index

The Local Authority-level vulnerability index data file (and spatial data) contains the following variables:

Variable Vulnerability Definition
lad19cd Local Authority code
lad19nm Local Authority name
Estimated prevalence of CHD Health/clinical (self-evident)
Estimated prevalence of peripheral arterial disease Health/clinical (self-evident)
Estimated prevalence of Heart failure Health/clinical (self-evident)
Estimated prevalence of COPD Health/clinical (self-evident)
CHD_q Health/clinical Quintile for Coronary Heart Disease (5 is highest prevalence)
COPD_q Health/clinical QUintile for COPD (5 is highest prevalence)
HF_q Health/clinical Quintile for Heart Failure (5 is highest prevalence)
Arterial_q Health/clinical Quintile for Peripheral Arterial Disease (5 is highest prevalence)
Clinical_Risk Health/clinical Overall quintile for clinical risk based on the four conditions (higher numbers = greater vulnerability)
Clinical_Risk_q Health/clinical Quintile for clinical risk (5 is highest vulnerability)
HLE_65 Health/clinical Healthy life expectancy at age 65
HLE_65_q Health/clinical Quintile of HLE at 65 (5 is lowest HLE)
Prop_loneliest Health/clinical Proportion of neighbourhoods in this Local Authority at high risk of loneliness
Loneliness_q Health/clinical Quintile of Prop_loneliest (5 is highest risk of loneliness)
Prople receiving Section 95 support Demographic Total number of asylum seekers receiving Government support
Sec95_q Demographic Quintile for Prople receiving Section 95 support
No. people over 70 Demographic Total number of people aged 70+ in the Local Authority
Over70_q Demographic Quintile for number of people aged 70+
Prop_top20 Social Proportion of neighbourhoods in this ward that are in the 20% most deprived in the country
Deprivation_q Social Quintile for deprivation proportion (5 is highest proportions)
Prop_Highest_Need Social Proportion of neighbourhoods in this ward that have the highest level of needs
Community_Need_q Social Quintile for proportion of neighbourhoods with highest needs (5 is highest proportions)
Digital exclusion Social Digital exclusion score
Digital_q Social Quintile of Digital exclusion (5 is highly likely to be excluded)
Vulnerability Overall vulnerability Overall vulnerability score, calculated as: Clinical_Risk + Deprivation_q
Vulnerability_q Overall vulnerability Quintile for vulnerability score (5 is highest vulnerability)

The ward-level vulnerability index data file (and spatial data) contains the following variables:

Variable Definition
wd17cd Ward code
wd17nm Ward name
CHD_mean Mean prevalence of Coronary Heart Disease
COPD_mean Mean prevalence of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
HF_mean Mean prevalence of Heart Failure
PAD_mean Mean prevalence of Peripheral Arterial Disease
CHD_q Quintile for Coronary Heart Disease (5 is highest prevalence)
COPD_q QUintile for COPD (5 is highest prevalence)
HF_q Quintile for Heart Failure (5 is highest prevalence)
Arterial_q Quintile for Peripheral Arterial Disease (5 is highest prevalence)
Clinical_Risk Overall quintile for clinical risk based on the four conditions (higher numbers = greater vulnerability)
Prop_top20 Proportion of neighbourhoods in this ward that are in the 20% most deprived in the country
Deprivation_q Quintile for deprivation proportion (5 is highest proportions)
Deprivation_q_name Labels for the deprivation quintiles
left_behind Is this a "left-behind" ward (1 = yes; 0 = no)
need_index_q Quintile for Community Needs Index (5 is highest community need)
Vulnerability Overall vulnerability score, calculated as: Clinical_Risk + Deprivation_q
Vulnerability_q Quintile for vulnerability score (5 is highest vulnerability)

Social vulnerability

Bespoke Multiple Deprivation Index for COVID-19

Variable Definition
LAD19CD Local Authority code
Prop_top20 Proportion of neighbourhoods in this ward that are in the 20% most deprived in the country
Deprivation_q Quintile for deprivation proportion (5 is highest proportions)

Commuity Needs Index for Local Authorities

Variable Definition
LAD19CD Local Authority code
Prop_Highest_Need Proportion of neighbourhoods in this ward that have the highest level of needs
Community_Need_q Quintile for proportion of neighbourhoods with highest needs (5 is highest proportions)

Digital exclusion

Variable Definition
LAD19CD Local Authority code
infrastructure Quintile of an 'infrastructure' measure representing household broadband speeds and the household availability of 4G mobile data (5 means exclusion highly likely)
access Quintile representing adults who haven't been online in the last three months (5 means exclusion highly likely)
skill Quintile representing proportion of adults with Basic Digital Skills (5 means exclusion highly likely)
use Quintile representing proportion of adults who have used Basic Digital Skills in the last three months (5 means exclusion highly likely)
Digital exclusion Overall digital exclusion score: the sum of infrastructure + access + skill + use
Digital_q Quintile of Digital exclusion (5 is highly likely to be excluded)

Health vulnerability

Underlying health conditions

Variable Definition
LAD19CD Local Authority code
Estimated prevalence of CHD Coronary Heart Disease (%)
Estimated prevalence of peripheral arterial disease (self-evident)
Estimated prevalence of Heart failure (self-evident)
Estimated prevalence of COPD (self-evident)
CHD_q Quintile for Coronary Heart Disease (5 is highest prevalence)
COPD_q QUintile for COPD (5 is highest prevalence)
HF_q Quintile for Heart Failure (5 is highest prevalence)
Arterial_q Quintile for Peripheral Arterial Disease (5 is highest prevalence)
CHD_z Z-score for Coronary Heart Disease
COPD_z Z-score for COPD
HF_z Z-score for Heart Failure
Arterial_z Z-score for Peripheral Arterial Disease
Clinical_Risk Overall index for clinical risk, calculated by summing the z-scores
Clinical_Risk_q Quintile for clinical risk (5 is highest vulnerability)

Healthy life expectancy

Variable Definition
LAD19CD Local Authority code
HLE_65 Healthy life expectancy at age 65
HLE_65_q Quintile of HLE at 65 (5 is lowest HLE)


Variable Definition
LAD19CD Local Authority code
Prop_loneliest Proportion of neighbourhoods in this Local Authority at high risk of loneliness
Loneliness_q Quintile of Prop_loneliest (5 is highest risk of loneliness)

Demographic vulnerability

People aged 70+

Variable Definition
LAD19CD Local Authority code
No. people over 70 Total number of people aged 70+ in the Local Authority
Over70_q Quintile for number of people aged 70+

Asylum seekers receiving Section 95 support

As a proxy for numbers of asylum seekers in Local Authorities.

Variable Definition
LAD19CD Local Authority code
Dispersed Accommodation Number of people in receipt of accommodation only, or both accommodation and susbistence.
Subsistence Only Number of people receiving cash to support themselves but who have found their own accommodation.
Prople receiving Section 95 support Total of Dispersed Accommodation and Subsistence Only (official government stats sum these to get their totals, though it looks like it might double-count)
Sec95_q Quintile for Prople receiving Section 95 support