Every hydra (except pink) is an infinite chain of <Plug>(...)
To enter Hydra used
keymap.set(body..lhs, table.concat{
Then for every red (non-exiting) head the next binding used:
keymap.set('<Plug>(hydra_wait)'..lhs, table.concat{
Blue (exiting) head:
keymap.set('<Plug>(hydra_wait)'..lhs, table.concat{
And to correctly exit from hydra, next bindings are set:
keymap.set('<Plug>(hydra_wait)', '<Plug>(hydra_leave)')
keymap.set('<Plug>(hydra_wait)'..<the first N keys in lhs>,
So the infinite chain of the form
comes out.
Every head's mapping ends with <Plug>(hydra_wait)
, and since there are exist
keymaps that starts with it, Vim is waiting for possible continuation.
Pressing any non-head key at this moment will execute:
<Plug>(hydra_wait) --> <Plug>(hydra_leave)
will check the hydra's color and if hydra is amaranth or teal
it will consume the pressed key and send <Plug>(hydra_wait)
. Otherway it will
execute <Plug>(hydra_exit)
after which the pressed key will be executed.