Stable version release.
- module: nav_catapult: avoid conditional directives [#1454] (paparazzi#1454)
- module: gps_ubx_ucenter fix autobaud and autoconf for ublox-8 [#1480] (paparazzi#1480)
- module: add stereocam2state which publishes a VELOCITY_ESTIMATE from stereocam [#1486] (paparazzi#1486)
- arch/linux: I2C: use repeated-start for transceive as required by some sensors [#1469] (paparazzi#1469)
- remove unused libeknav and fms folder [#1487] (paparazzi#1487)
Second release candidate for v5.8 stable release.
- SPI slave implemented and tested for STM32F4 [#1456] (paparazzi#1456)
- Added support for Elle0 V1.2 [#1465] (paparazzi#1465)
- Bebop: fix motor directions [#1466] (paparazzi#1466) [#1468] (paparazzi#1468) [#1474] (paparazzi#1474)
- stereo camera modules: obstacle avoidance and follow me [#1462] (paparazzi#1462) [#1472] (paparazzi#1472) [#1473] (paparazzi#1473)
- fix video_rtp_stream and bebop_front_camera if not using UDP for telemetry
- modules xml requires doc and description now
- Modules can be used like subsystems in airframe files [#1471] (paparazzi#1471)
- rotorcraft rate controller setpoints in deg/s [#1479] (paparazzi#1479)
- Guided mode for rotorcrafts [#1457] (paparazzi#1457)
- naze32: PPM input on PA0 by default [#1481] (paparazzi#1481)
First release candidate for v5.8 stable release.
- Tell Black Magic probe to use the reset pin before scanning [#1301] (paparazzi#1301)
- Optitrack/Natnet: Implement smaller GPS messages from NATNET to PPRZ [#1308] (paparazzi#1308)
- Paparazzi Center: update list of settings on build [#1331] (paparazzi#1331)
- Paparazzi Center: add reload button [#1359] (paparazzi#1359)
- Paparazzi Center: easily create new aircraft by copying existing aircraft [#1209] (paparazzi#1209)
- python messages parser: add unit conversion coeffs [#1340] (paparazzi#1340)
- server: increase maximum Ivy message length for use with many settings [#1344] (paparazzi#1344)
- flight plans: add exec attribute to exceptions [#1347] (paparazzi#1347)
- python: compare and test different attitude reference models [#1357] (paparazzi#1357)
- GCS: only print bat warning every 10s [#1358] (paparazzi#1358)
- GCS: kill confirmation opitional with -no_confirm_kill option [#873] (paparazzi#873)
- GCS: load KML sectors for display in GCS [#404] (paparazzi#404)
- GCS: fix zoom of video papget [#889] (paparazzi#889)
- generators: check waypoint altitude against SRTM data [#1361] (paparazzi#1361)
- Add ADS-B parser and handling of INTRUDERS [#1372] (paparazzi#1372)
- logalizer: replay ground messages [#1380] (paparazzi#1380)
- messages: support multiple variable length arrays in telemetry [#1385] (paparazzi#1385)
- Docker: fix script to run Docker on OSX (with X-access) [#1425] (paparazzi#1425)
- python: fix messages/settings with wxgtk3.0 [#1435] (paparazzi#1435)
- flight plans for fixedwing: force UTM zone of waypoints to same as ref point to fix waypoints across two UTM zones [#303] (paparazzi#303)
- realtime plotter: fix issue on Ubuntu with Unity [#1446] (paparazzi#1446)
- INS: vertical filter: rename VF_FLOAT_x defines to VFF_x
- persistent_settings: add settings_clear [#1309] (paparazzi#1309)
- electrical: fix non-real number possibility in current calculation [#1314] (paparazzi#1314)
- electrical: improve current estimation with MILLIAMP_AT_IDLE_THROTTLE [#1319] (paparazzi#1319)
- energy control: use ABI instead of IMU struct [#1324] (paparazzi#1324)
- state interface: pass basic types by value [#1330] (paparazzi#1330)
- settings: mark a lot more settings as persistent [#1345] (paparazzi#1345)
- add OPTICAL_FLOW and VELOCITY_ESTIMATE ABI messages [#1350] (paparazzi#1350)
- INS: use opticflow/VELOCITY_ESTIMATE in filter [#1387] (paparazzi#1387) [#1412] (paparazzi#1412)
- radio_control: change spektrum and superbitrf channel signs to conform to standard [#1403] (paparazzi#1403)
- actuators: add Spektrum output actuators [#1411] (paparazzi#1411)
- actuators: new AscTec ESC I2C protocol [#1416] (paparazzi#1416)
- periodic telemetry: possibility to register periodic message multiple times [#1440] (paparazzi#1440)
- AHRS/messages: add component/filter ID to AHRS messages [#1441] (paparazzi#1441)
- peridic telemetry: use msg ID instead of strings for matching (reduces size) and add support for mavlink [#1448] (paparazzi#1448)
- math: possibility to compress sine table for flash and RAM [#1452] (paparazzi#1452)
- navigation: tunable navigation parameters in airframe file [#1315] (paparazzi#1315)
- guidance: add a flip mode [#1352] (paparazzi#1352)
- guidance: add outer loop INDI control [#1354] (paparazzi#1354)
- stabilization: refactor attitude reference generation and runtime adjustable saturation [#1374] (paparazzi#1374) [#1382] (paparazzi#1382)
- radio control: possibility to use two 2way switches for mode [#1375] (paparazzi#1375)
- support dual-mcu setup with split autopilot (AP) and FlyByWire (FBW) [#1423] (paparazzi#1423)
- support for helicopter/swashplate mixing and throttle curves [#1437] (paparazzi#1437)
- tmtc/server: set course correctly from east/north velocity for correct ACINFO [#1449] (paparazzi#1449)
- possibility to use NAV mode without GPS (define NO_GPS_NEEDED_FOR_NAV) [#1451] (paparazzi#1451)
- video_rtp_stream: make sending via RTP configurable and fix netcat option [#1293] (paparazzi#1293) [#1426] (paparazzi#1426)
- video_exif: Add GPS coordinates in JPEG images [#1311] (paparazzi#1311)
- bebop_front_camera: front camera streaming at low resolution [#1313] (paparazzi#1313)
- stereocam module: decode TUDelft stereocam messages [#1317] (paparazzi#1317) [#1342] (paparazzi#1342) [#1362] (paparazzi#1362) [#1433] (paparazzi#1433)
- digital_cam_video: trigger video_rtp_stream to store JPEG images [#1323] (paparazzi#1323)
- cv_qrcode: read QR code using libzbar [#1327] (paparazzi#1327)
- video_thread: simple framework to read video and add other computer vision modules [#1328] (paparazzi#1328)
- opticflow: add linear optical flow fit [#1332] (paparazzi#1332)
- cv_blob_locator: Find a colored item and track its geo-location and update a waypoint to it [#1348] (paparazzi#1348)
- dropzone: select a dropzone [#1356] (paparazzi#1356)
- logger_sd_spi_direct: high speed logging to SD Card (via SPI) [#1392] (paparazzi#1392)
- cleanup configure options for SPI/I2C devices [#1424] (paparazzi#1424)
- mavlink: modify waypoints and add Paparazzi specific SCRIPT messages to change blocks [#1422] (paparazzi#1422) [#1434] (paparazzi#1434)
- fixedwing sim: fix datalink_time [#1394] (paparazzi#1394)
- NPS: use UDP for telemetry/datalink [#1404] (paparazzi#1404)
- peripherals: hmc58xx: only set data available if measurements were valid
- imu: booz2 v1.2 has HMC5843 [#1300] (paparazzi#1300)
- STM32F4: added support for persistent settings [#1302] (paparazzi#1302)
- telemetry via Bluegiga bluetooth module (SPI) [#1303] (paparazzi#1303) [#1325] (paparazzi#1325) [#1365] (paparazzi#1365) [#1388] (paparazzi#1388) [#1401] (paparazzi#1401)
- INS: Vectornav VN-200 driver [#1318] (paparazzi#1318)
- apogee: IMU: test_baro_board with IMU [#1310] (
- Bebop: bottom camera with VGA resolution [#1316] (paparazzi#1316)
- Parrot drones: easier switching between bottom and front cameras [#1333] (paparazzi#1333)
- Bebop: fix RPM measurements [#1400] (paparazzi#1400)
- support for Bebop2 [#1429] (paparazzi#1429)
- Improve Piksi GPS (DGPS, RTK) support [#1349] (paparazzi#1349) [#1386] (paparazzi#1386)
- STM32: fix ADC bug when trying to use higher channels [#1366] (paparazzi#1366)
- STM32: fix SPI slave initialization [#1371] (paparazzi#1371)
- boards: support for naze32, CC3D and CJMCU [#1452] (paparazzi#1452)
Stable version release.
- compile/run paparazzi in a docker container [#1272] (paparazzi#1272)
- multimon: fix compilation with gcc 5.x [#1276] (paparazzi#1276)
- arch/linux: replace mcu event polling with threads [#1277] (paparazzi#1277)
- ardrone2: make UART1_DEV changeable from airframe file
- optitrack/natnet: update to version 2.7 [#1275] (paparazzi#1275) [#1284] (paparazzi#1284)
- link/GCS: fix LINK_REPORT and display of link status in GCS [#1279] (paparazzi#1279)
- GPS: add hmsl to GPS_LLA message [#1282] (paparazzi#1282)
- modules: set nice level for viewvideo thread [#1283] (paparazzi#1283)
- arch/linux: Rename uart/udp_transmit to uart/udp_put_byte [#1285] (paparazzi#1285)
- GPS: NMEA parser fixes [#1287] (paparazzi#1287)
- modules: viewvideo, fix image path [#1289] (paparazzi#1289)
- simulator: FlightGear visualization using native-fdm for NPS [#1290] (paparazzi#1290)
- rotorcraft: INDI stabilization updates [#1292] (paparazzi#1292)
- boards: add support for ELLE0 [#1294] (paparazzi#1294)
- arch/linux: uart: fix crash if device does not exist [#1299] (paparazzi#1299)
Thirst release canditate for v5.6 stable release.
- ardrone2 and bebop: disable even loop limiting again [#1240] (paparazzi#1240)
- bebop: finally fix I2C address for baro
- modules: update geo_mag to latest WMM2015 model [#1270] (paparazzi#1270)
- settings: add optional target attribute and calc MD5sum according to usable settings [#1157] (paparazzi#1157)
- stm32: improve I2C stability in case of stuck bus [#1264] (paparazzi#1264)
- i2c: cleanup I2C_ERRORS reporting [#1268] (paparazzi#1268)
- modules: add divergen calculation for opticflow [#1262] (paparazzi#1262)
- python: Add some utilities and a serial link interface to decode/encode PPRZ messages over a serial link [#1261] (paparazzi#1261)
- modules: mag_hmc58xx: configure MAG_HMC58XX_I2C_DEV [#1274] (paparazzi#1274)
- IMU: possibility to disable mag on aspirin 2 [#1273] (paparazzi#1273)
- fixedwing: fix H_CTL_YAW_LOOP in stabilization adaptive
Second release candidate for v5.6 stable release.
- rotorcraft: fix stabilization INDI crash on takeoff bug [#1255] (paparazzi#1255)
- airborne: change ABI_BROADCAST id from 0 to 255 and introduce ABI_DISABLE [#1260] (paparazzi#1260)
- airframes: cleanup and use standard motor mixing types [#1231] (paparazzi#1231) [#1249] (paparazzi#1249)
- ahrs: reduced default ahrs align delay [#1256] (paparazzi#1256)
- add an optional board_init function and fix bat check on bebop [#1253] (paparazzi#1253)
- ARDrone2: fix battery checks, needs bat_voltage_ardrone2 module now [#1252] (paparazzi#1252)
- paparazzi center: improve handling of programs from control_panel.xml [#1247] (paparazzi#1247)
- server: set http port, replace -kml_port option with -port [#1248] (paparazzi#1248)
- logalizer: rename plot to logplotter for clarity [#1226] (paparazzi#1226
- GCS: don't prove airframe dtd if served via http [#1246] (paparazzi#1246)
- Fixed unsanctioned yaw unkill problem with uninitialised joysticks [#1242] (paparazzi#1242)
First release candidate for v5.6 stable release.
- paparazzi center: disable build/upload buttons during build/upload [#603] (paparazzi#603)
- paparazzi center: case insensitive sort of airframe combobox [#993] (paparazzi#993)
- paparazzi center: add
placeholders for generic sessions [#1217] (paparazzi#1217) - GCS: improve papgets with multi aircraft support [#1068] (paparazzi#1068)
- GCS: fix undo for list of values [#1054] (paparazzi#1054)
- GCS: fix AIRCRAFTS syncronization issue with server (sometimes resulted in blank GCS) [#1078] (paparazzi#1078)
- GCS: set bat level to UNK/0 at startup [#885] (paparazzi#885)
- GCS: add -ac_ids option to specify displayed aircrafts [#1173] (paparazzi#1173)
- GCS: add new flat icon theme [#1193] (paparazzi#1193) [#1234] (paparazzi#1234)
- plotter: add support for adding constant curves via command line [#1227] (paparazzi#1227)
- logplotter: rename plot to logplotter for clarity [#1226] (paparazzi#1226)
- ground segment: add geometry param to messages and setttings agents [#1232] (paparazzi#1232)
- ground segment: improve Ivy efficiency [#1082] (paparazzi#1082)
- link: parameters for period of PING and LINK_REPORT messages [#1037] (paparazzi#1037)
- link: add '-ac_timeout' parameter after which AC is marked as dead [#820] (paparazzi#820)
- OCaml: try to live in harmony with the garbage collector [#1076] (paparazzi#1076)
- OCaml: use Array.make instead of deprecated Array.create
- OCaml: use camlp4 to ifdef around netclient/lablgtk version differences [#1137] (paparazzi#1137)
- OCaml: fix string formatting of values in pprz ocaml lib [#1135] (paparazzi#1138)
- OCaml: remove deprecated GnoDruid
- python: generate paparazzi math wrappers with SWIG [#1066] (paparazzi#1066)
- python: improve ivy messages interface [#1073] (paparazzi#1073)
- python: add simple ivy2redis script [#1071] (paparazzi#1071)
- python: add report tool for IMU scaled messages [#1194] (paparazzi#1194)
- build: Possibilty to specify conf.xml file for building aircrafts [#1134] (paparazzi#1134)
- build: use -ggdb3 DEBUG_FLAGS by default [#1164] (paparazzi#1164)
- build: use pkg-config for ivy-c if available
- joystick: add new RC USB joystick from HobbyKing [#1088] (paparazzi#1088)
- conf: add HooperFly quad/hexa/octo airframe/JSBSim configs and new GCS icons [#1081] (paparazzi#1081)
- flight plans: dynamic sectors and InsideX function for concave polygons [#643] (paparazzi#643) [#605] (paparazzi#605) [#1204] (paparazzi#1204)
- improve defining of arrays in the airframe file [#564] (paparazzi#564) [#1192] (paparazzi#1192)
- update udev rules [#1165] (paparazzi#1165)
- update google map version extraction script
- allow to pass variables by value to ABI callbacks [#1087] (paparazzi#1087)
- major refactoring of AHRS/INS interfaces using ABI, add dual AHRS support [#856] (paparazzi#856) [#1130] (paparazzi#1130)
- AHRS: add (yet another) AHRS based on an invariant filter
- GPS/IMU: directly send ABI messages from implementation [#1153] (paparazzi#1153) [#1154] (paparazzi#1154)
- refactoring, use the generic LinkDevice interface for receiving data streams [#1140] (paparazzi#1140)
- telemetry: store periodic telemetry msg names as const to save ram [#1151] (paparazzi#1151)
- actuators: dual dual pwm [#1102] (paparazzi#1102)
- GPS: NMEA parser improvements [#1146] (paparazzi#1146)
- GPS: fix furuno parser (Bebop) [#1148] (paparazzi#1148)
- INS: start considering BODY_TO_GPS translation [#1080] (paparazzi#1080)
- INS: update NED accel with ins_alt_float [#1156] (paparazzi#1156)
- INS: prevent propagation if there are no measurement updates [#1241] (paparazzi#1241)
- cleanup: remove unused/unmaintained beth and fms code [#1162] (paparazzi#1162)
- state interface: fix LLA calculation if only UTM origin initialized [#1171] (paparazzi#1171)
- chibios SD logger: fix bad file name problem
- fixedwing stabilization: yaw damper and active lift ctrl [#1190] (paparazzi#1190)
- fix attitude flight plan primitive (attitude_set_rpy_setpoint) [#1103] (paparazzi#1103)
- implement global waypoints for rotorcrafts [#1065] (paparazzi#1065)
- improve motor_mixing priorities [#1170] (paparazzi#1170)
- predefined motor_mixing for common configurations [#1175] (paparazzi#1175) [#1244] (paparazzi#1244)
- heading integration protection in RC-event [#1174] (paparazzi#1174)
- waypoint API function naming cleanup [#1169] (paparazzi#1169)
- guidance: fix max bank angle limit
- make the heading flight plan primitive usable [#1218] (paparazzi#1218)
- add simplified INDI (Incremental Nonlinear Dynamic Inversion) stabilization [#1207] (paparazzi#1207)
- stabilization quat_int: reduce integrator quantization error [#1205] (paparazzi#1205)
- fix arming with kill switch [#1125] (paparazzi#1125)
- allow conditions in module defines and update meteo_stick [#1092] (paparazzi#1092)
- rewrite nav_bungee_takeoff [#1074] (paparazzi#1074)
- add video_usb_logger for ARDrone2 [#1086] (paparazzi#1086)
- optic flow based hover for ARDrone2 [#1062] (paparazzi#1062)
- airspeed_ets: add 3rd party mode support [#1099] (paparazzi#1099)
- refactor logger modules [#1095] (paparazzi#1095)
- AHRS: convert AHRS infrared to a module [#1127] (paparazzi#1127)
- create_module: enforce lowercase file and dir and function names [#914] (paparazzi#914)
- add flight_recorder, log to SD card or uart, configure via telemetry.xml [#1114] (paparazzi#1144)
- air_data: take geoid separation into account when calculating QNH
- air_data: use CAS/EAS for airspeed and send TAS in message [#1155] (paparazzi#1155)
- digital_cam: specify time in seconds [#1172] (paparazzi#1172)
- amsys baro/airspeed: fixed max pressure for 5812-0001-D [#1181] (
- add survey rectangle module for rotorcrafts [#1168] (paparazzi#1168)
- fix mission module for rotorcrafts
- NPS: add possibility to simulate loss of datalink/downlink [#1150] (paparazzi#1150)
- NPS: update FDM bindings to be compatible with latest JSBSim [#1118] (paparazzi#1118)
- remove jsbsim target (fully replaced by NPS) [#1123] (paparazzi#1123)
- build: don't add full path to NPS object files [#798] (paparazzi#798)
- NPS simulator: fix sensor simulation issues [#1131] (paparazzi#1131) [#1132] (paparazzi#1132)
- NPS/FlightGear: add models for easystar (with ailerons) and Eternity [#1159] (paparazzi#1159)
- Updated FlightGear interface and removed obsolete HITL files [#1196] (paparazzi#1196)
- NPS: support gaia environment simulator [#1219] (paparazzi#1219)
- rewrite of the linux video modules [#1094] (paparazzi#1094) [#1143] (paparazzi#1143)
- change the sys timer to a multi threaded implementation [#1117] (paparazzi#1117)
- implement persistent settings [#1109] (paparazzi#1109)
- refactor UDP support [#1120] (paparazzi#1120) [#1122] (paparazzi#1122) [#1158] (paparazzi#1158)
- fix UART driver [#1110] (paparazzi#1110)
- sys_time: get time from CLOCK_MONOTONIC [#1128] (paparazzi#1128)
- I2C: use 8 bit I2C address scheme for all drivers [#1210] (paparazzi#1210)
- limit main loop to 1kHz to prevent 100% cpu usage due to event polling [#1240] (paparazzi#1240)
- remove support for ARDrone2 SDK version [#1222] (paparazzi#1222)
- ARDrone2: add support for dynamic Ad-Hoc networking with OSLR [#1097] (paparazzi#1097)
- Parrot Bebop: support all sensors including sonar [#1149] (paparazzi#1149) [#1182] (paparazzi#1182)
- boards: add support for CC3D
- IMU: support for MPU9250 ins SPI mode [#1161] (paparazzi#1161)
- peripherals: ms5611 driver now also supports ms5607 (e.g. for Bebop) [#1147] (paparazzi#1147)
- mcu_periph: move mcu peripheral event functions to common mcu_event
- mcu_periph: increase max size for spi buffer length (8bits to 16bits)
- arch/stm32: use desig_get_unique_id from libopencm3 [#1018] (paparazzi#1018)
- peripherals: SD Card SPI interface [#1220] (paparazzi#1220)
Maintenance release
- GCS: fix undo for list of values [#1054] (paparazzi#1054)
- lisa_mx: fix secondary spektrum satellite UART AF
- logalizer: fix csv export after allowing description tag in messages
- nps: update nps_fdm_jsbsim to be compatible with latest jsbsim [#1118] (paparazzi#1118)
- rotorcraft: fix attitude flight plan primitive [#1103] (paparazzi#1103)
- flight plans: fix 'call' statement without loop
- generators: only include raw makefile part from modules if target matches
- GCS: GPS accuracy speech less verbose [#1046] (paparazzi#1046)
- GCS: call index of first/single link "single" [#1098] (paparazzi#1098)
Maintenance release
- plot: fix loading of logs with strings that are not representing a float
- log: prevent display when no points [#897] (paparazzi#897)
- GCS: disable broken WP reordering in editor
- GCS: fix last known value was not returned with correct scale for saving
- paparazzi center: show build/run versions and update help
- messages: fix hide/show of notebook with multi A/C
- properly use Popen to start paparazzi subprocess
- bebop: actuators left/right reversed and fix NPS config
- ms5611 barometer peripheral: fix I2C transaction
- sdlog: call pprzlog_init if needed (and avoid segfault)
- datalink: fix extra_dl and pprzlog
- current sensor subsystem shared and not only for fixedwing
- arch/linux: GCC diagnostic pragma outside of i2c_submit function
- arch/linux: use same float_abi for linking as for compiling
- arch/stm32: fix spektrum binding on F4 [#780] (paparazzi#780)
Stable version release.
- messages: MOVE_WP and WP_MOVED_LLA with altitude in mm
- ins: immediately effective ins_reset_local_origin
- server: don't fail if settings_modules is missing
- python: messagesapp: growable value column width
- python: add python real time plotter to control panel
- module: mavlink, parse PARAM_SET, send origin and waypoints
- module: FLAPS, HATCH, BRAKE via RC in AUTO1 [#878] (paparazzi#878)
- fixedwing: use min/max_cruise_throttle variables instead of defines [#1057] (paparazzi#1057)
- GCS: turn off search in flight plan panel to fix hotkeys [#995] (paparazzi#995) [#1061] (paparazzi#1061)
- GCS: fixes for flight plan editor and keeping map center on zoom [#927] (paparazzi#927) [#1059] (paparazzi#1059)
- stm32/luftboot: update libopencm3 to get usb control call back fix [#1058] (paparazzi#1058)
Fourth release candidate for v5.4 stable release.
- tmtc: fix rx_lost_time in link
- paparazzicenter: fix GLib-CRITICAL warning when running clean/build/upload
- server: write paparzzi_version as comment at beginning of log file [#1049] (paparazzi#1049)
- replace BOOT message with AUTOPILOT_VERSION, show in GCS and add build version [#1050] (paparazzi#1050)
- GCS: fix green color after colormap changes on some new systems [#1051] (paparazzi#1051) [#575] (paparazzi#575)
- settings: display ? for current value on undo [#1054] (paparazzi#1054)
- Add some more flexibility to conf and control_panel naming [#1055] (paparazzi#1055)
Third release candidate for v5.4 stable release.
- code style: fix in (nearly) all airborne code
- support Piksi GPS modules [#1043] (paparazzi#1043) [#957] (paparazzi#957)
- fixedwing: airspeed tuning [#877] (paparazzi#877)
- linux: handle SIGINT for console debug [#1008] (paparazzi#1008)
- rotorcraft: always allow to switch to MODE_MANUAL via RC [#1036] (paparazzi#1036)
- flight plan: use flight plan position in nps for most example files
- airframes: OBC example airframes [#1044] (paparazzi#1044)
- transitioning: fix transition offset handling [#1045] (paparazzi#1045)
Second release candidate for v5.4 stable release.
- modules: nav_survey_poly_osam improvements [#938] (paparazzi#938)
- ARDrone2: mag freeze detection [#1025] (paparazzi#1025) [#1026] (paparazzi#1026) [#1030] (paparazzi#1030)
- ARDrone2: remove unneeded last_checksum_wrong [#1032] (paparazzi#1032)
- rotorcraft: fix USE_KILL_SWITCH_FOR_MOTOR_ARMING [#1038] (paparazzi#1038)
- server: log LINK_REPORT message [#1031] (paparazzi#1031)
- stm32: partial Lisa MX luftboot support [#1017] (paparazzi#1017)
First release candidate for v5.4 stable release.
- Flight plans: option to
functions once without checking return value [830] (paparazzi#830) - Paparazzi Center settings improvements [#834] (paparazzi#834)
- replay: ignore non-telemetry messages to remove warnings [#894] (paparazzi#894)
- maps: put google tiles in var/maps/Google instead of var/maps [#902] (paparazzi#902)
- Paparazzi Center: improve warning coloring [#910] (paparazzi#910)
- add INFO_MSG with printing to GCS console [#929] (paparazzi#929)
- Remove array delimiters on Ivy messages [#942] (paparazzi#942)
- improve test framework [#933] (paparazzi#933) [#945] (paparazzi#945)
- GCS: save size in layout [#968] (paparazzi#968)
- link/GCS: improve datalink/telemetry report and display link page in GCS for single link [#999] (paparazzi#999)
- build: default to parallel make for aircrafts [#1002] (paparazzi#1002)
- fixes and also selects control_panel.xml [#1001] (paparazzi#1001)
- DFU flashing: CRC support and longer timeout for Krooz [#997] (paparazzi#997) [#691] (paparazzi#691)
- messages: possibility to add descriptions [#987] (paparazzi#987)
- messages: mission modules use LLA waypoints in 1e7deg instead of float [#986] (paparazzi#986)
- GCS: alert/console window: always insert messages at the end [#996] (paparazzi#996)
- improve dependency handling for modules [#1007] (paparazzi#1007)
- Settings: display unconfirmed settins with "?" as current value [#1013] (paparazzi#1023)
- messages/plotter: improve drag-and-drop of fields from messages to realtime plotter [#1020] (paparazzi#1020)
- OCaml sim: simulate sys_time [#962] (paparazzi#962)
- OCaml sim: use unconnected socket for flightgear viz [#915] (paparazzi#915)
- NPS: add commandline option to set time_factor
- radio_conrol spektrum for sim target [#851] (paparazzi#851)
- OCaml sim: sliders in simulated RC always sensitive [#821] (paparazzi#821)
- pass dt to ahrs/ins propagation [#818] (paparazzi#818)
- cleanup math lib and convert lots of macros to functions [#819] (paparazzi#819)
- radio_control spektrum also usable for intermcu [#847] (paparazzi#847)
- Replace telemetry macros with functions [#931] (paparazzi#931) [#1027] (paparazzi#1027)
- arch: rename arch/omap to arch/linux [#982] (paparazzi#982)
- radio_control: cleanup channel defines and possibility to send less than available via intermcu [#975] (paparazzi#975)
- state interface: change computation order in stateCalcPositionLla_i [#1013] (paparazzi#1013)
- ARDrone2: Handle memory full FTP upload error [#967] (paparazzi#967)
- rotorcraft: force MODE_STARTUP instead of KILL until ahrs is aligned [#983] (paparazzi#983)
- rotorcraft: fix NavCircleCount()
- rotorcraft: datalink: check ac_id of RC_4CH message
- rotorcraft: allow to turn off motors in failsafe mode [#989] (paparazzi#989)
- Convert air_data subsystem to module with QNH and true airspeed support [#853] (paparazzi#853)
- add airspeed_ms45xx_i2c module [#852] (paparazzi#852)
- airspeed_ets, retry after failed transaction
- add temperature adc module [#857] (paparazzi#857)
- clean up digital_cam, usable for rotorcrafts, show real photo coordinates in GCS [#936] (paparazzi#936)
- modules: add basic mavlink module [#1028] (paparazzi#1028)
- modules: improved video/images sending for ARDrone2 [#1021]: (paparazzi#1021)
- stm32: usb_serial (CDC) impelmentation for transparent_usb telemetry [#998] (paparazzi#998)
- stm32: add usb_tunnel [#1014] (paparazzi#1014)
- Add Furuno NMEA based GPS [#959] (paparazzi#959)
- Driver for MPU9250 [#953] (paparazzi#953)
- Driver for AKM8963 magnetometer [#947] (paparazzi#947)
- linux: add basic I2C and SPI drivers [#961] (paparazzi#961) [#979] (paparazzi#979)
- actuators: basic esc32 motor controller implementation via CAN for STM32F1 [#1004] (paparazzi#1004)
- basic support for new Parrot Bebop [#1003] (paparazzi#1003)
Maintenance release
- build system: remove 'load' target as it is a builtin directive in Make 4.0
- fix FlightGear visualization on 32bit systems
- flight plans: set primitive should not delay next stage [#824] (paparazzi#824)
- flight plans: fix return primitive
- generators: gen_airframe: don't force float if unit = code_unit
- sys_time: up to 16 sys_time timers by default (was 8)
- OCaml: fix Pprz.sprint_value for uint32, e.g. for NatNet [#831] (paparazzi#831)
- Rotorcraft: auto-enable UNLOCKED_HOME_MODE if HOME mode is used on RC [#823] (paparazzi#823)
- Rotorcraft: only go to HOME mode if in NAV [#850] (paparazzi#850)
- Fixedwing: If USE_BARO_BOARD: separate baro timer Before baro_periodic was running at PERIODIC_FREQUENCY in sensors_task, which is too fast for ms5611 if periodic freq is > 100Hz.
- INS alt_float: if USE_BARO_BOARD, dt is 1/BARO_PERIODIC_FREQUENCY [#848] (paparazzi#848)
- STM32: backport fix for using multiple ADs [#822] (paparazzi#822)
- LPC21: don't override T0CCR values when setting ppm and trig_ext
- IMU driver for Lisa/M/MX 2.1 [#817] (paparazzi#817)
- support for HBmini board [#864] (paparazzi#864)
Stable version release.
- ocaml/link: fix uint32 parsing [#809] (paparazzi#809)
- modules: use VPATH to make it easier to load external modules [#760] (paparazzi#760)
- ground_segment: try to update AGL even if GPS is lost [#742] (paparazzi#742)
- ground_segment: different icons for the different applications of paparazzi [#787] (paparazzi#787)
- generators: fix generated longitude in 1e7deg on 32bit systems [#808] (paparazzi#808)
- lat/lon int in 1e7deg instead of 1e7rad [#810] (paparazzi#810)
- GCS: fix inaccurate waypoint updates [#762] (paparazzi#762)
- GCS: add exponentiation operator to papgets
- logalizer: export lat/lon with 9 decimal places
- GCS: display AP mode forward correctly [#748] (paparazzi#748)
- GCS: also center aircraft on uppercase C and fix listed keys in help [#803] (paparazzi#803)
- settings: add spin button widget for numeric input instead of sliders [#795] (paparazzi#795)
- tools: flash via bmp: reset and detach from target after uploading [#746] (paparazzi#746)
- tools: DFU flashing: allow 1 BIT SQUARED vendor [#778] (paparazzi#778)
- tools: add tcp_aircraft_server [#750] (paparazzi#750)
- tools: add tool to syncronize video on replay [#770] (paparazzi#770) [#776] (paparazzi#776) [#789] (paparazzi#789)
- messages: rename class to msg_class [#812] (paparazzi#812)
- messages: add GEO_MAG message to send magnetic field [#735] (paparazzi#735)
- messages: add speed setpoint to GUIDANCE_H_REF_INT message [#763] (paparazzi#763)
- NPS: block and setting messages only parsed for correct AC_ID [#777] (paparazzi#777)
- NPS: fix warnings when compiling with clang [#790] (paparazzi#790)
- gaia: command line options for environment simulator [#799] (paparazzi#799)
- build: only set PAPARAZZI_SRC if not already externally set [#800] (paparazzi#800)
- fixedwing: correct altitude setpoint during NavGlide [#785] (paparazzi#785)
- flight plans: don't set nav_pitch to 0 at each stage init [#727] (paparazzi#727)
- modules: gps_ubx_ucenter: fix version check for Ublox 7
- modules: add HackHD digital camera control module
- modules: add CSV file logger for ARDrone [#788] (paparazzi#788)
- modules: geo_mag: fixedwing compatibility [#806] (paparazzi#806)
- ardrone2: mag freeze fix [#767] (paparazzi#767)
- boards: add support for navstik [#744] (paparazzi#744)
- boards: fix PWM on lisa_l
- boards: lisa_m_2.0: baro defaults to BARO_MS5611_SPI
- peripherals: ms5611: check temp an pressure range [#758] (paparazzi#758)
- imu: aspirin_2_spi: wait 1.5s before configuring mag [#779] (paparazzi#779)
- imu: body_to_imu adjustable during runtime via settings [#783] (paparazzi#783)
- ahrs: int_cmpl_quat: fix rate integration range/resolution [#782] (paparazzi#782)
- ins: properly define INS_VFF_R_GPS [#741] (paparazzi#741)
- ins: allow define of VFF_R_SONAR_OF_M [#764] (paparazzi#764)
- electrical: min bat level check [#745] (paparazzi#745)
- electrical: fix for negative currents [#753] (paparazzi#753)
- electrical: 32bit for bat low and critical counters for longer delays [#805] (paparazzi#805)
- messages: dist_home and dist_wp in meters for fixedwings and rotorcrafts [#784] (paparazzi#784)
- superbitrf: save bind settings to flash (if USE_PERSISTENT_SETTINGS) [#792] (paparazzi#792)
- RC input: zero yaw command if throttle is zero [#737] (paparazzi#737)
- prevent motor arming in kill mode [#740] (paparazzi#740)
- change rotorcraft nav API to use points rather than wp id [#749] (paparazzi#749)
- use roll/pitch RC deadbands in attitude mode [#773] (paparazzi#773)
- route precision fix [#775] (paparazzi#775)
- guidance_v: limit z_ref in update_ref_from_zd_sp [#754] (paparazzi#754)
- mission module for rotorcrafts [#759] (paparazzi#759)
- guidance_v: only limit throttle if RC ok [#766] (paparazzi#766)
- navigation: fix waypoint initialization in ENU [#791] (paparazzi#791)
- fix I2C bitrate on F4 [#729] (paparazzi#729)
- fix sys_time_usleep [#739] (paparazzi#739)
- fix spektrum on F4 [#732] (paparazzi#732)
- timer frequency cleanup [#734] (paparazzi#734)
- split spektrum uart rx and config pin for Apogee [#733] (paparazzi#733)
- add suport for pwm input
- fix reset for I2C3 [#751] (paparazzi#751)
- simplify actuators_pwm [#757] (paparazzi#757)
- boards: add files for Lisa/M and Lisa/MX v2.1 [#813] ((paparazzi#813)
- spektrum: configure the bind pin to be pullup/pulldown [#814] (paparazzi#814)
Second release candidate for v5.2 stable release.
- GCS: higher default maps zoom level [#725] (paparazzi#725)
- Allow settings/modules/flightplans outside the conf dir [#723] (paparazzi#723)
- optitrack: Give feedback about following drones and fix gps [#718] (paparazzi#718)
- dfu-util: only attempt verify for version >= 0.7 [#697] (paparazzi#697)
- dfu-util: fix DFU_SIZE on OSX
- add prototype for python based airframe file editor
- Modules: rewrite humid_sht using gpio interface (supporting STM as well as LPC now) [#721] (paparazzi#721)
- fix compilation of SuperbitRF telemetry subsystem
- possibility to poweron gps and imu via gpio at init [#706] (paparazzi#706)
- bmp085 peripheral: Fix calibration reading with errors
- NPS: simulate sonar sensor [#720] (paparazzi#720)
- JSBSim, NPS: fix roll input sign
- NPS: fixedwing simulation improvements
- If NPS_JSBSIM_LAUNCHSPEED is defined, set it as initial launchspeed.
- Only launch when launch button is pressed in GCS instead of immediately at takeoff block.
- add some functions to set heading via flight plan [#724] (paparazzi#724)
- fix reference in hover with USE_SPEED_REF, set DEFAULT_CIRCLE_RADIUS to 5m [#716] (paparazzi#716) [#717] (paparazzi#717)
- implement approaching_time for "go" flight plan primitve [#715] (paparazzi#715)
- stabilization adaptive: loiter correction and reference generator update [#711] (paparazzi#711)
- stabilization new/adaptive: USE_GYRO_PITCH_RATE defaults to TRUE
- dual mcu: Workaround RADIO_CONTROL_NB_CHANNELS differs in driver and radio.h [#700] (paparazzi#700)
First release candidate for next stable release.
- lots of cleanup
- GCS: higher max zoom level [#632] (paparazzi#632)
- GCS: different aircraft icons (added flying wing, quadrotor)
- GCS: proper GPSd home icon resizing [#601] (paparazzi#601)
- GUI for selecting the desired active list of airframes ( [#536] (paparazzi#536)
- paparazzi center: flash mode selection via drop down menu [#597] (paparazzi#597)
- add support for new telemetry types [#589] (paparazzi#589)
- build aircraft firmware in var/aircrafts/'ac_name' [#601] (paparazzi#601)
- parallel build of firmwares with J=AUTO [#683] (paparazzi#683)
- add simple verify to flashing via dfu-util [#673] (paparazzi#673)
- app_server: connection between the ground station and a GCS Android application (
- GCS: adapt home (from GPSd) icon to zoom level [#679] (paparazzi#679)
- simulate datalink loss [#631] (paparazzi#631)
- FlightGear viz: daytime everywhere [#555] (paparazzi#555)
- remove sys_plugs for STM32, finally dropping old toolchain support [#688] (paparazzi#688)
- Support for all 3 ADCs of F4 [#551] (paparazzi#551)
- new peripheral drivers:
- ST LIS302DL accelerometer (SPI)
- ST L3GD20 gyro (SPI)
- ST LSM303DLHC 3D accelerometer and magnetometer (I2C)
- converted barometers MS5611, BMP085 to generic peripherals [#515] (paparazzi#515)
- I2C watchdog for STM32 [#662] (paparazzi#662)
- Dual PWM servo driver [#678] (paparazzi#678)
- SBus radio control driver (single and dual receivers) [#485] (paparazzi#485) [#674] (paparazzi#674) [#693] (paparazzi#693)
- API function to periodically send telemetry messages: register_periodic_telemetry [#472] (paparazzi#472)
- generic gpio interface [#498] (paparazzi#498) [#651] (paparazzi#651)
- gps_ubx_ucenter module improvements [#646] (paparazzi#646) [#653] (paparazzi#653)
- HOTT telemetry module added [#591] (paparazzi#591)
- GPS subsystem to stream external position data to the vehicle over UDP [#630] (paparazzi#630)
- INS reset/realign API updates [#644] (paparazzi#644)
- INS alt_float: remove ALT_KALMAN_ENABLED [#594] (paparazzi#594)
- IIR filter for horizontal position Kalman Filter [#677] (paparazzi#677)
- barometer interface via ABI
[#525] (paparazzi#525)
- baros always output pressure in Pascal
- standard atmosphere model is used to convert pressure to altitude
- INS_BARO_SENS is hence not needed anymore
- sonar interface using ABI [#654] (paparazzi#654)
- AHRS int_cmpl_quat frequency scaling [#371] (paparazzi#371)
- AR Drone 2 updates [#626] (paparazzi#626) [#598] (paparazzi#598)
- guidance improvements [#539] (paparazzi#539) [#546] (paparazzi#546)
- horizontal guidance: dynamically adjustable max_speed [#664] (paparazzi#664)
- adaptive thrust estimation limits [#495] (paparazzi#495)
- improve in_flight detection heuristic [#469] (paparazzi#469)
- stabilization quaternion: fix scale of angle in 2nd order model [#664] (paparazzi#663)
- HITL using reference position to fake GPS [#640] (paparazzi#640)
- add a HOME mode [#562] (paparazzi#562)
- nav: split waypoint proximity check from time spend at waypoint [#690] (paparazzi#690)
- alt_float: remove ALT_KALMAN_ENABLED [#594] (paparazzi#594)
- extra navigation routines as modules [#512] (paparazzi#512)
- NavSetAltitudeReferenceHere added
Maintenance release
- fix field order in HFF_DBG message
- fix altitude in some extra nav routines
- fix create_module tool
- fix RCLost macro
- add GetAltRef() for flight plan compatibility with v5.2
Maintenance release
- fix perl script compile_all_test_targets
- add pcre lib to jsbsim, cleanup shell commands
- fix InsideX for sectors (GetPosX and GetPosY in nav.h (FW) are in local coordinates) [#602] (paparazzi#602)
- stm32: enable correct error interrupts for i2c2 and i2c3
Maintenance release
- fix Paparazzi Center on Mac OS (detection of child processes exitting) [#290] (paparazzi#290)
- state interface: fix stateCalcHorizontalSpeedNorm_i
- fix/improve dependency generation for building firmware
- abort with meaningful error if ARM toolchain is not found
Maintenance release
- add launch and noground options to pprzsim-launch
- fixedwing: fix initialzation of trim commands, including yaw
- fixedwing: fixes to use ins_alt_dot from ins_alt_float (with USE_BAROMETER) [#511] (paparazzi#511)
- state interface: fix local/global coordinate validity checks
- state interface: fix local ned/enu to ecef conversion
- lib/ocaml: update leap_seconds to 16 (last one was on June 30, 2012)
Maintenance release
- joystick hat support for input2ivy [#460] (paparazzi#460)
- high speed logger: fix mag channels
- math: fix ecef_of_[ned|enu]_i
- fix google maps version download parsing
- rotorcraft: add MODE_STARTUP [#467] (paparazzi#467)
- ARDrone2: GPS satellite informaton [#474] (paparazzi#474)
- fixedwing: init state interface before sensors and ins
- fixedwing: don't overwrite yaw command with trim
- NPS: explicitly add pcre lib
- NPS: make radio_control tpye datalink work
- don't try to use ADC_CHANNEL_CURRENT in SITL
- fixes for imu_drotek_10dof_v2
- init spi_slave_hs for imu_chimu
- mpu60x0_i2c: only copy ext data if i2c_bypass is false
- aspirin_v2.2: unselect baro at startup
- aspirin_2_spi: default AHRS_PROPAGATE_FREQUENCY is 512
- STM32F4: fix ppm input timer frequency for TIM2
- add i2c3 initialization
Stable version release
- STM libs completely replaced by libopencm3
- [gcc-arm-embedded] ( is the new recommended toolchain
- Use findlib (ocamlfind) for ocaml packages. Faster build. [#274] (paparazzi#274)
- Building/Running the groundsegment on an ARM (e.g. RaspberryPi).
- Input2ivy uses SDL for joysticks (cross-platform, works on OSX as well now) [#220] (paparazzi#220)
- Option to change text papget color using a combobox [#194] (paparazzi#194)
- Redundant communications [#429] (paparazzi#429)
- Log also contains includes like procedures now, so replay if these missions is possible. [#227] (paparazzi#227)
- Paparazzi Center
- New simulation launcher with dialog and detection of available ones. [#354] (paparazzi#354)
- Checkbox to print extra configuration information during build.
- GCS:
- Fix panning with mouse if there are no background tiles. [#9] (paparazzi#9)
- Higher zoom level for maps. [#277] (paparazzi#277)
- initial support for STM32F4
- Apogee autopilot
- KroozSD autopilot
- Parrot AR Drone 2 support: raw and sdk versions
- CH Robotics UM6 IMU/AHRS
- GPS/INS XSens Mti-G support
- GPS Sirf support
- GPS Skytraq now usable for fixedwings as well [#167] (paparazzi#167)
- Mikrokopter V2 BLDC [#377] (paparazzi#377)
- PX4Flow sensor [#379] (paparazzi#379)
- Dropped AVR support
- State interface with automatic coordinate transformations [#237] (paparazzi#237)
- New AHRS filter: Multiplicative quaternion linearized Kalman Filter
- New SPI driver with transaction queues.
- Fix transactions with zero length input. [#348] (paparazzi#348)
- Peripherals: Cleanup and refactoring.
- MPU60x0 peripheral supporting SPI and I2C with slave.
- UDP datalink.
- Magnetometer current offset calibration. [#346] (paparazzi#346)
- Gain scheduling module. [#335] (paparazzi#335)
- Quadshot transitioning vehicle support.
- Care Free Mode
Maintenance release
- DFU upload matches Lia board by default as well
- partial compatibilty with Aspirin2.2 [#369] (paparazzi#369)
- fix failsafe vertical setpoint in rotorcraft firmware
- fix plotprofile building on Ubuntu 13.04
- circle-count without rewinding when flying in opposite direction [#441] (paparazzi#441)
- add yaw trim [#444] (paparazzi#444)
- add XSens Mti-G 700 support [#443] (paparazzi#443)
Maintenance release
- fix elf PT_LOAD type in lpc21iap LPC USB download
- fix electrical.current estimate in sim
- fix LPC+xbee_api in rotorcraft
- fix conversion of vsupply to decivolts if offset is used
- more robust dfu flash script, only upload to Lisa/M
Stable version release
Since last stable v4.0:
- Total energy control
- Improve Google map tiles download
- Several updates on the Digital Cam and photogrammetry modules
- WMM210 model
- Rate limiter in airframes control laws
- Uart flow control (stm32)
- Bug fix for INS and AHRS filters
- AP/FBW separation using spi or uart
- Sensors fix and addition (GPS, current, baro)
Second release candidate for next stable release.
- Run AP and FBW on separate boards [#297] (paparazzi#297)
- Separate Board Files for yapa_v2.0 [#303] (paparazzi#303)
- Add UART hardware flow control (for STM32 only) [#289] (paparazzi#289)
- Add ezosd current sensor module [#292] (paparazzi#292)
- Paparazzi Center: fix coloration by passing input buffer line by line, set language to english
- Rate limiter bugfix
- DC_SHOT message photo numbers shown in GCS
- home mode height can be set different from security height
- Ahrs float_dcm uses magnetic heading while not inflight for better initial guess [#299] (paparazzi#299)
- Outback Challenge "Safety" Rules 1 and 2
- Added WMM2010 Geo model used in ahrs int_cmpl_quat for rotorcrafts [#288] (paparazzi#288)
- Fix missing gain definitions from airframe file in total energy control
- Added stm32loader to sw/tools
- Change vsupply to be a uint16 to enable reporting of voltages higher than 25.5V [#294] (paparazzi#294)
- Digital cam module: release camera button on init
- Fix second order term in propagation of x-position in HFF
First release candidate for next stable release.
- Total energy control [#251] (paparazzi#251)
- PPM input on UART1 RX for Lisa/M autopilots
- Rate Limiter for Flaps, Gears and servo hatches [#252] (paparazzi#252)
- GPS acceleration compensation in ahrs_float_dcm [#255] (paparazzi#255)
- Improved gravity heuristic for int_cmpl_quat
- Some updates on digital_cam and photogrammetry modules [#250] (paparazzi#250)
- Replace wget by OCaml Http_client from netclient lib to download files [#276] (paparazzi#276)
Maintenance release
- fix google map version parsing for new maps site using https
- minor fix for hff
- use GPS_TRIGGERED_FUNCTION for ins_chimu_spi
Maintenance release
- fix google map version download
- fix BMP scripts for stm32
- fix lisa/m 2.0 default voltage
- fix gpsd2ivy for libgps3.5
- improve some makefiles
Maintenance release
- fix some illegal xml chars in xml description for xtend_rssi and pwm_meas modules
- fix ins_arduimu_basic by adding an empty ahrs_update_gps function
- fix some ivy includes on OSX for weird installation cases
- fix ACTUATORS_PWM_NB for fixedwings with USE_SERVOS_7AND8
- updated kestrel weather meter agent
- fix uart_tunnel if leds are not available on some boards
- fix GPS_LLA message
- fix make failure when trying to get google maps version, but no internet connection [#187] (paparazzi#187)
Maintenance release
- Serious fix for settings:
- Handler was not called if module was not specfied as well. Now an error is generated with info on which file to fix.
- Settings for adaptive fw stabilization fixed.
- Fixes for photogrammetry module.
- Fixes for digital_cam modules.
- Tool added: mergelogs
Changes since old_master tag
- Settings for the telemetry modes are automatically generated from the XML file [#118] (paparazzi#118)
- Documentation node for modules [#182] (paparazzi#182)
- Automatic conversion of units in airframe file, settings and messages. See
- Fix rc_settings: this enables you to change some settings in flight directly from the RC, is useful if you are alone or don't have a GCS.
- Prefer compiler found in PATH over /opt/paparazzi/arm-multilib [#231] (paparazzi#231)
- Usability improvements for calibration scripts and added 3D view of magnetometer data with fitted ellipsoid
- Support for new autopilot boards
- [Umarim] (
- [Umarim Lite] (
- [NavGo] (
- [Lisa/M 2.0] (
- IMU Aspirin 2.1 support
- BlackMagicProbe JTAG support
- All control gains are now positive [#127] (paparazzi#127)
- RC input follows sign conventions [#124] (paparazzi#124)
- A modification of the transport layer (pprz and xbee) in order to allow to select the device at the message level.
- New modules:
- xtend_rssi [#88] (paparazzi#88)
- open_log [#82] (paparazzi#82)
- Subsystem for new ahrs estimation algorithms: float_cmpl_rmat
- Improvements for AHRS int_cmpl_quat and float_cmpl_rmat
- Correction of centrifugal acceleration
- Proper handling of BODY_TO_IMU rotations
- All status LEDs configurable (with sensible defaults for the boards): SYS_TIME_LED, AHRS_ALIGNER_LED, BARO_LED, GPS_LED, RADIO_CONTROL_LED
- Possibility to use two 2-way switches for the mode instead of one 3-way switch
- GPS NMEA parser usable for basic position and fix [#120] (paparazzi#120)
- Stabilization/supervision commands with standard PPRZ range [#169] (paparazzi#169)
- Additional motor arming options [#174] (paparazzi#174)
- Replaced INV_M with NOMINAL_HOVER_THROTTLE (in %) To use a fixed value instead of the adaptive vertical filter [#177] (paparazzi#177)
- Some fixes when changing vertical guidance modes
- Same behaviour (gains) for AP_MODE_HOVER and NAV when holding position [#82] (paparazzi#82)
- Using a gyro (with IR sensors) is done via imu subsystem now as well
- JSBSim interface updated for new FGAccelerations class
- FlightGear interface defaults to version 2.6, define FG_2_4 for 2.4
- NPS simulator [#205] (paparazzi#205)
- has it's own nps target (instead of sim)
- fdm type renamed from nps to jsbsim
- waypoint altitude fixed
- Improved ground interaction for JSBSim, can now initialize on ground [#222] (paparazzi#222)
- Radio control via joystick now uses SDL (so works on OSX as well) [#232] (paparazzi#232)
- Luftboot USB bootloader
- Updated ADC defines for lisa/m You should now be able to use ADC_1, ADC_2, ADC_3 for the ADCs on the ANALOG1 [#159] (paparazzi#159)
- Enable second spektrum receiver via
<configure name="USE_SECONDARY_SPEKTRUM_RECEIVER" value="1"/>
- Enable new I2C driver via
<configure name="USE_NEW_I2C_DRIVER"/>