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CharliePoole edited this page May 24, 2016 · 20 revisions

Note: Some of these items are actually implemented in the latest release. We are in the process of reviewing all the specs in this section to determine what needs to be converted into actual documentation pages.

Specifications are descriptions of work we are doing or plan to do. They may vary in degree of specificity and the actual code may sometimes deviate from the spec as work progresses, without necessarily going back to change the spec. When the work is done, the spec is removed from the wiki or incorporated into a tech note as needed.

Component Title Status
General Test Discovery and Execution API Spec Draft
Parallel Test Execution Spec Implemented - need docs
Linux Makefiles Spec Draft
Addins Spec Implemented - need docs
NUnit Settings Spec Draft
Packages Spec Draft
Framework Framework Api Spec Review
Framework Attribute Support Spec Review
Framework Distributions Spec Revise
NUnitLite Unification Spec Review
NUnitLite Portable Spec Review
Include and Exclude Attributes Spec Review
Warning Level Assert Spec Review
Multiple Asserts Spec Review
File Directory and Path Assertions Spec Ongoing
Extended Constraint Syntax Spec Revise
Dynamic Test Cases Spec Revise
Framework Parallel Test Execution Spec Implementing
Text Output from Tests Spec Draft
Generation of Test Names Spec Draft
Parameterized Test Fixtures Spec Draft
Test Dependency Attribute Spec Draft
Test Engine Test Engine Spec
Test Engine Api Spec
Engine Driver Api Spec
Engine Parallel Test Execution Spec Implemented - need docs
Engine Addins Spec
TeamCity Service Messages Spec Draft


  • Rewrite means an old version is available but it needs to be rewritten, possibly completely.
  • Revise means an old version is available, which needs revision - less than rewrite, more than update.
  • Update means an old version is available, which needs some updating.
  • Draft means a draft spec is available.
  • Reviewing means the spec is finished and is under review.
  • Complete means the spec is complete and has been reviewed.
  • Implementing means the spec is complete and the code is being worked on.
  • Implemented means the code has been written and merged.
  • Ongoing means this is a document that will continue to be updated.
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