diff --git a/.github/workflows/build.yml b/.github/workflows/build.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5328925e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/build.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+name: Run Tests
+ - push
+ test:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ env:
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ - uses: actions/setup-node@v3
+ with:
+ node-version: 16.x
+ cache: "npm"
+ - run: npm ci
+ - name: Check code style
+ run: npm run prettier
+ - name: Run tests
+ run: npm run test:coverage
+ validate-template:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ permissions:
+ id-token: write
+ contents: read
+ environment: test
+ steps:
+ - uses: aws-actions/setup-sam@v1
+ - uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@master
+ with:
+ role-to-assume: arn:aws:iam::${{ secrets.AwsAccount }}:role/github-actions-role
+ aws-region: us-east-1
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ - name: Validate template
+ run: sam build && sam validate
+ validate-api-spec:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ - name: Validate OpenAPI Spec
+ run: |
+ docker run -u 1001 --rm --workdir /github/workspace \
+ -v $GITHUB_WORKSPACE:/github/workspace \
+ openapitools/openapi-generator-cli:latest validate \
+ -i /github/workspace/docs/docs/spec/openapi.yaml
diff --git a/.github/workflows/deploy.yml b/.github/workflows/deploy.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2c36a3b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/deploy.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+name: Deploy
+ push:
+ branches:
+ - deploy/staging
+ - main
+ CONFIG_ENV: ${{ github.ref == 'refs/heads/main' && 'production' || 'staging' }}
+ build-deploy:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ permissions:
+ id-token: write
+ contents: read
+ environment: ${{ github.ref == 'refs/heads/main' && 'production' || 'staging' }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Set GitHub Deploy Key
+ uses: webfactory/ssh-agent@v0.5.3
+ with:
+ ssh-private-key: ${{ secrets.TFVARS_DEPLOY_KEY }}
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ with:
+ repository: "nulib/tfvars"
+ ref: main
+ path: ".tfvars"
+ - uses: actions/setup-python@v2
+ - uses: aws-actions/setup-sam@v1
+ - uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@master
+ with:
+ role-to-assume: arn:aws:iam::${{ secrets.AwsAccount }}:role/github-actions-role
+ aws-region: us-east-1
+ - run: ln -s .tfvars/dc-api/samconfig.toml .
+ - run: sam build
+ - run: sam deploy --no-confirm-changeset --no-fail-on-empty-changeset --config-env $CONFIG_ENV
+ docs-changed:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ outputs:
+ result: ${{ steps.changed-files.outputs.any_modified == 'true' }}
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ with:
+ fetch-depth: 2
+ - name: Get changed doc files
+ id: changed-files
+ uses: tj-actions/changed-files@v29.0.2
+ with:
+ files: |
+ .github/workflows/docs.yaml
+ docs/*
+ publish-docs:
+ needs: docs-changed
+ if: ${{ needs.docs-changed.outputs.result == 'true' }}
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ permissions:
+ id-token: write
+ contents: read
+ environment: ${{ github.ref == 'refs/heads/main' && 'production' || 'staging' }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Configure AWS Credentials
+ uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@master
+ with:
+ role-to-assume: arn:aws:iam::${{ secrets.AwsAccount }}:role/github-actions-role
+ aws-region: us-east-1
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ - uses: actions/setup-python@v2
+ with:
+ python-version: 3.9
+ - uses: abatilo/actions-poetry@v2
+ with:
+ poetry-version: 1.1.14
+ - name: Install dependencies
+ run: poetry install
+ working-directory: ./docs
+ - name: Build docs
+ run: poetry run mkdocs build --clean
+ working-directory: ./docs
+ - name: Determine correct deploy domain for environment
+ run: sed -i s/rdc\\.library\\.northwestern\\.edu/${ZONE}/g docs/site/spec/openapi.*
+ env:
+ ZONE: ${{ secrets.HostedZone }}
+ - name: Generate JSON API
+ uses: openapi-generators/openapitools-generator-action@v1
+ with:
+ generator: openapi
+ openapi-file: docs/site/spec/openapi.yaml
+ command-args: -o docs/site/spec
+ - name: Copy to S3
+ run: aws s3 sync --delete docs/site/ s3://dcapi-docs.${ZONE}/
+ env:
+ ZONE: ${{ secrets.HostedZone }}
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index a9f33f38..ba72ff82 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -205,6 +205,12 @@ $RECYCLE.BIN/
# Windows shortcuts
# End of https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore/api/osx,node,linux,windows,sam
diff --git a/.mocharc.js b/.mocharc.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b07081b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.mocharc.js
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+module.exports = {
+ ignore: ["test/test-helpers/**/*"],
+ recursive: true,
+ require: "test/test-helpers"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.npmignore b/.npmignore
index e7e1fb04..ab1cfb4e 100644
--- a/.npmignore
+++ b/.npmignore
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c5fe290b..781adfb4 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,15 +1,70 @@
# dc-api-v2
## Directory structure
- api/ - code that directly supports API requests
- request/ - code to wrap/transform/modify incoming queries
- response/ - code to transform OpenSearch responses into the proper result format
- iiif/ - iiif formatted response transformers
- opensearch/ - opensearch formatted response transformers
- oai-pmh/ - oai-pmh formatted response transformers
- aws/ - lower-level code to interact with AWS resources and OpenSearch
- handlers/ - minimal code required to bridge between API Gateway request and core logic
+├── docs/ - mkdocs-based API documentation
+├── events/ - sample HTTP API Lambda events
+├── src/
+│ └── api/ - code that directly supports API requests
+│ ├── request/ - code to wrap/transform/modify incoming queries
+│ ├── response/ - code to transform OpenSearch responses into the proper result format
+│ │ ├── iiif/ - iiif formatted response transformers
+│ │ ├── opensearch/ - opensearch formatted response transformers
+│ │ └── oai-pmh/ - oai-pmh formatted response transformers
+│ ├── aws/ - lower-level code to interact with AWS resources and OpenSearch
+│ └── handlers/ - minimal code required to bridge between API Gateway request and core logic
+└── test/ - tests and test helpers
+## Local development setup
+### `samconfig.toml`
+The configuration file that tells the `sam` command how to run and deploy the API is called `samconfig.toml`. There are two ways to get that file. From the local project root:
+1. For local development only: `ln -s dev/samconfig.toml .`
+2. If you need to be able to deploy: `ln -s /path/to/tfvars/dc-api/samconfig.toml .` (You will need to have a local working copy of the private `tfvars` repo first.)
+Whichever you choose, the resulting file will be ignored by `git`.
+### `env.json`
+The `env.json` file contains environment variable values for the lambda functions defined in the API for use in local development. An initial (empty) version with all the names of the necessary variables is in `dev/env.json`. Copy (**do not symlink**) this file into the project root and customize it for your own environment. It will also be ignored by `git`.
+Some of the values can be found as follows:
+- `API_TOKEN_SECRET` - already defined; value has to exist but doesn't matter in dev mode
+- `ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT` - run the following command:
+ ```
+ aws secretsmanager get-secret-value \
+ --secret-id dev-environment/config/meadow --query SecretString \
+ --output text | jq -r '.index.index_endpoint | sub("^https?://";"")'
+ ```
+- `ENV_PREFIX` - The username and environment indicating which index to use. Usually your dev environment user prefix followed by `-dev` (e.g., `mbk-dev`), but if you want to use your test index or someone else's index, adjust the value accordingly.
+## Running the API locally
+To start the API in development mode, run the following commands:
+rm -rf .aws-sam
+sam local start-api --host --log-file dc-api.log
+The API will be available at:
+- `http://localhost:3000` (from your dev environment)
+- `http://USER_PREFIX.dev.library.northwestern.edu:3000` (from elsewhere)
+ - Don't forget to [open port 3000](https://github.com/nulib/aws-developer-environment#convenience-scripts) if you want to access it remotely
+## Running the API locally via our AWS dev domain
+Use the [https-proxy](https://github.com/nulib/aws-developer-environment#convenience-scripts) script to make the local environment live at: https://[DEV_PREFIX].dev.rdc.library.northwestern.edu:3002/search
+https-proxy start 3002 3000
diff --git a/dev/env.json b/dev/env.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ffcaadf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/env.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "Parameters": {
+ "ENV_PREFIX": "",
+ "DC_URL": ""
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dev/samconfig.toml b/dev/samconfig.toml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..00efd7e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/samconfig.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+version = 0.1
+env_vars = "env.json"
diff --git a/docs/docs/css/fonts.css b/docs/docs/css/fonts.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0a834ef4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/docs/css/fonts.css
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+@font-face {
+ font-family: "Akkurat Pro Light";
+ src: url("https://common.northwestern.edu/v8/css/fonts/AkkuratProLight.woff") format("woff");
+ font-weight: normal;
+ font-style:normal
+@font-face {
+ font-family: "Akkurat Pro Light Italic";
+ src: url("https://common.northwestern.edu/v8/css/fonts/AkkuratProLightItalic.woff") format("woff");
+ font-weight: normal;
+ font-style:normal
+@font-face {
+ font-family: "Akkurat Pro Regular";
+ src: url("https://common.northwestern.edu/v8/css/fonts/AkkuratProRegular.woff") format("woff");
+ font-weight: normal;
+ font-style:normal
+@font-face {
+ font-family: "Akkurat Pro Italic";
+ src: url("https://common.northwestern.edu/v8/css/fonts/AkkuratProItalic.woff") format("woff");
+ font-weight: normal;
+ font-style:normal
+@font-face {
+ font-family: "Akkurat Pro Bold";
+ src: url("https://common.northwestern.edu/v8/css/fonts/AkkuratProBold.woff") format("woff");
+ font-weight: normal;
+ font-style:normal
+@font-face {
+ font-family: "Akkurat Pro Bold Italic";
+ src: url("https://common.northwestern.edu/v8/css/fonts/AkkuratProBoldItalic.woff") format("woff");
+ font-weight: normal;
+ font-style:normal
+@font-face {
+ font-family: "Campton Book";
+ src: url("https://common.northwestern.edu/v8/css/fonts/CamptonBook.woff") format("woff");
+ font-weight: normal;
+ font-style:normal
+@font-face {
+ font-family: "Campton Bold";
+ src: url("https://common.northwestern.edu/v8/css/fonts/CamptonBold.woff") format("woff");
+ font-weight: normal;
+ font-style:normal
+@font-face {
+ font-family: "Campton Extra Bold";
+ src: url("https://common.northwestern.edu/v8/css/fonts/CamptonExtraBold.woff") format("woff");
+ font-weight: normal;
+ font-style:normal
+@font-face {
+ font-family: "Campton Extra Light";
+ src: url("https://common.northwestern.edu/v8/css/fonts/CamptonExtraLight.woff") format("woff");
+ font-weight: normal;
+ font-style:normal
+@font-face {
+ font-family: "Noto Serif Italic";
+ font-style: italic;
+ font-weight: 400;
+ src: url("https://common.northwestern.edu/v8/css/fonts/noto-serif-v16-latin-italic.woff") format("woff")
+@font-face {
+ font-family: "Noto Serif Bold Italic";
+ font-style: italic;
+ font-weight: 700;
+ src: url("https://common.northwestern.edu/v8/css/fonts/noto-serif-v16-latin-700italic.woff") format("woff")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/docs/css/overrides.css b/docs/docs/css/overrides.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8ab993ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/docs/css/overrides.css
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+body {
+ font-family: "Akkurat Pro Regular", -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/docs/index.md b/docs/docs/index.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4c2e2179
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/docs/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+## Overview
+Here are the docs.
+[Here](./spec/openapi.json) is the OpenAPI spec.
+[Here](./spec/openapi.html) is the Swagger UI documentation.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/docs/spec/openapi.html b/docs/docs/spec/openapi.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4ab7c82f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/docs/spec/openapi.html
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ SwaggerUI
diff --git a/docs/docs/spec/openapi.yaml b/docs/docs/spec/openapi.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aec9aaa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/docs/spec/openapi.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+openapi: 3.0.1
+ title: Northwestern University Libraries Digital Collections API
+ description: >
+ This is full Markdown intro text. This API drives the [Northwestern University Libraries Digital
+ Collections](https://dc.library.northwestern.edu) site.
+ I can even put line breaks in it. I can also link back to the [main documentation](..).
+ version: 2.0.0
+ contact:
+ name: NUL Repository Team
+ email: repository@northwestern.edu
+ - url: https://dcapi.rdc.library.northwestern.edu/api/v2
+ - name: Models
+ description: >
+ Endpoints for listing and retrieving Collections, FileSets, and Works.
+ - name: Search
+ description: >
+ Endpoints for searching the index.
+ /collections:
+ get:
+ operationId: getCollections
+ tags:
+ - Collection
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/page"
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/size"
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/sort"
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/responses/SearchResponse"
+ /collections/{id}:
+ get:
+ tags:
+ - Collection
+ operationId: getCollectionById
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/id"
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/as"
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/responses/DocumentResponse"
+ /collections/{id}/thumbnail:
+ get:
+ operationId: getCollectionThumbnail
+ tags:
+ - Collection
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/id"
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/id"
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/thumbnailAspect"
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/thumbnailSize"
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: A thumbnail image for the given collection
+ content:
+ image/jpeg:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: binary
+ /file-sets/{id}:
+ get:
+ operationId: getFileSetById
+ tags:
+ - FileSet
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/id"
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/responses/DocumentResponse"
+ /file-sets/{id}/authorization:
+ get:
+ operationId: getFileSetAuth
+ tags:
+ - FileSet
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/id"
+ responses:
+ 204:
+ description: "The resource is authorized"
+ 403:
+ $ref: "The resource is not authorized"
+ /works/{id}:
+ get:
+ operationId: getWorkById
+ tags:
+ - Work
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/id"
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/responses/DocumentResponse"
+ /works/{id}/similar:
+ get:
+ operationId: getSimilarWorks
+ tags:
+ - Work
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/id"
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/page"
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/size"
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/sort"
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/as"
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/responses/SearchResponse"
+ /works/{id}/thumbnail:
+ get:
+ operationId: getWorkThumbnail
+ tags:
+ - Work
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/id"
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/thumbnailAspect"
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/thumbnailSize"
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ description: A thumbnail image for the given work
+ content:
+ image/jpeg:
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: binary
+ /search:
+ get:
+ operationId: getSearch
+ tags:
+ - Search
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/query"
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/searchToken"
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/page"
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/size"
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/sort"
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/as"
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/responses/SearchResponse"
+ post:
+ operationId: postSearch
+ tags:
+ - Search
+ requestBody:
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/responses/SearchResponse"
+ /search/{models}:
+ get:
+ operationId: getSearchWithModels
+ tags:
+ - Search
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/models"
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/query"
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/searchToken"
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/page"
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/size"
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/sort"
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/as"
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/responses/SearchResponse"
+ post:
+ operationId: postSearchWithModels
+ tags:
+ - Search
+ parameters:
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/models"
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/page"
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/size"
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/sort"
+ - $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/parameters/as"
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ $ref: "./types.yaml#/components/responses/SearchResponse"
diff --git a/docs/docs/spec/types.yaml b/docs/docs/spec/types.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ba9e2ad6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/docs/spec/types.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+openapi: 3.0.1
+ parameters:
+ models:
+ name: models
+ in: path
+ description: Comma-delimited list of models to search
+ required: true
+ schema:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - collections
+ - file-sets
+ - Works
+ style: simple
+ id:
+ name: id
+ in: path
+ required: true
+ description: Collection, FileSet, or Work ID
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ format: uuid
+ query:
+ name: query
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Keyword query
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ searchToken:
+ name: searchToken
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Search token from previous search response
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ page:
+ name: page
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Page number of results to retrieve
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ minimum: 1
+ size:
+ name: size
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Maximum number of results per page
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ minimum: 0
+ sort:
+ name: sort
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Comma-delimited list of fields to sort search results (e.g. "create_date:asc,modified_date:desc")
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ as:
+ name: as
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Desired output format
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - iiif
+ - opensearch
+ thumbnailAspect:
+ name: aspect
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Desired aspect ratio
+ schema:
+ type: string
+ enum:
+ - full
+ - square
+ thumbnailSize:
+ name: size
+ in: query
+ required: false
+ description: Size of largest dimension
+ schema:
+ type: integer
+ minimum: 1
+ maximum: 300
+ responses:
+ DocumentResponse:
+ description: A single document response
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ type: object
+ properties:
+ data:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/IndexDocument"
+ info:
+ type: object
+ SearchResponse:
+ description: A page of search results
+ content:
+ application/json:
+ schema:
+ oneOf:
+ - $ref: "#/components/schemas/OpenSearchResponse"
+ - $ref: "#/components/schemas/IiifPresentationManifest"
+ schemas:
+ IiifPresentationManifest:
+ type: object
+ description: A [IIIF Presentation v3.x](https://iiif.io/api/presentation/3.0/) Manifest
+ IndexDocument:
+ type: object
+ description: A single index document
+ OpenSearchResponse:
+ type: object
+ properties:
+ data:
+ type: array
+ items:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/IndexDocument"
+ description: An array of response documents
+ pagination:
+ $ref: "#/components/schemas/PaginationInfo"
+ PaginationInfo:
+ type: object
+ description: Pagination info for the current response
+ properties:
+ next_url:
+ type: string
+ description: Full URL to the next page of results
+ prev_url:
+ type: string
+ description: Full URL to the previous page of results
+ query_url:
+ type: string
+ description: Base URL to repeat this query for a given page
+ current_page:
+ type: integer
+ description: Index of current page of results
+ limit:
+ type: integer
+ description: Number of results per page
+ offset:
+ type: integer
+ description: Starting index of first result on the current page
+ total_hits:
+ type: integer
+ description: Total number of results
+ total_pages:
+ type: integer
+ description: Total number of result pages
diff --git a/docs/mkdocs.yml b/docs/mkdocs.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3c87ebc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/mkdocs.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+site_name: "NUL Digital Collections API"
+site_url: https://dcapi.rdc.library.northwestern.edu/api/v2/
+use_directory_urls: true
+ name: material
+- css/fonts.css
+- css/overrides.css
+repo_name: "nulib/dc-api-v2"
+repo_url: "https://github.com/nulib/dc-api-v2"
+edit_uri: blob/main/docs/docs/
+ - macros
+ - search
+ - admonition #adds ability to have custom highlight boxes with !!!
+ - codehilite:
+ guess_lang: false
+ - def_list
+ - footnotes
+ - smarty
+ - pymdownx.details
+ - pymdownx.inlinehilite
+ - pymdownx.mark
+ - pymdownx.superfences
+ - pymdownx.tilde
+ - toc:
+ permalink: true
diff --git a/docs/poetry.lock b/docs/poetry.lock
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a3fe5ac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/poetry.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,497 @@
+name = "click"
+version = "8.1.3"
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- "integrity": "sha512-WOkpgNhPTlE73h4VFAFsOnomJVaovO8VqLDzy5saChRBFQFBoMYirowyW+Q9HB4HFF4Z7VZTiG3iSzJJA29yRA==",
"dev": true
"yargs-unparser": {
"version": "2.0.0",
- "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/yargs-unparser/-/yargs-unparser-2.0.0.tgz",
- "integrity": "sha512-7pRTIA9Qc1caZ0bZ6RYRGbHJthJWuakf+WmHK0rVeLkNrrGhfoabBNdue6kdINI6r4if7ocq9aD/n7xwKOdzOA==",
"dev": true,
"requires": {
"camelcase": "^6.0.0",
@@ -3187,8 +6463,6 @@
"yocto-queue": {
"version": "0.1.0",
- "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/yocto-queue/-/yocto-queue-0.1.0.tgz",
- "integrity": "sha512-rVksvsnNCdJ/ohGc6xgPwyN8eheCxsiLM8mxuE/t/mOVqJewPuO1miLpTHQiRgTKCLexL4MeAFVagts7HmNZ2Q==",
"dev": true
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 5b109f67..8e37829d 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,21 +1,26 @@
- "name": "hello_world",
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "description": "hello world sample for NodeJS",
- "main": "hello.js",
- "repository": "https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sam-cli/tree/develop/samcli/local/init/templates/cookiecutter-aws-sam-hello-nodejs",
- "author": "SAM CLI",
- "license": "MIT",
+ "name": "dc-api-build",
+ "version": "2.0.0pre",
+ "description": "NUL Digital Collections API Build Environment",
+ "repository": "https://github.com/nulib/dc-api-v2",
+ "author": "nulib",
+ "license": "Apache-2.0",
"dependencies": {
- "axios": ">=0.21.1"
+ "dc-api": "file:./src"
"scripts": {
- "test": "mocha tests/unit/"
+ "preinstall": "cd src && npm i && cd -",
+ "prettier": "prettier -c src test",
+ "prettier:fix": "prettier -cw src test",
+ "test": "mocha",
+ "test:coverage": "nyc npm test"
"devDependencies": {
- "aws-sdk": "^2.1187.0",
"chai": "^4.2.0",
+ "chai-http": "^4.3.0",
"mocha": "^9.1.4",
+ "nock": "^13.2.9",
+ "nyc": "^15.1.0",
"prettier": "^2.7.1"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/redirect/index.js b/redirect/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ca667b76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/redirect/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+exports.handler = async () => {
+ const target = process.env.REDIRECT_TO;
+ return {
+ statusCode: 302,
+ headers: {
+ "content-type": "text/html",
+ location: target
+ },
+ body: `Redirecting to API Documentation
+ }
diff --git a/src/api/opensearch.js b/src/api/opensearch.js
index 82c81e57..22ea4cc7 100644
--- a/src/api/opensearch.js
+++ b/src/api/opensearch.js
@@ -1,35 +1,29 @@
-const AWS = require("aws-sdk");
+const { HttpRequest } = require("@aws-sdk/protocol-http");
const { awsFetch } = require("../aws/fetch");
-const { prefix } = require("../aws/environment");
+const { elasticsearchEndpoint, prefix } = require("../aws/environment");
-const elasticsearchEndpoint = process.env.ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT;
-const region = process.env.AWS_REGION || "us-east-1";
-async function getCollection(id) {
- return getDocument("dc-v2-collection", id);
+async function getCollection(id, opts) {
+ return getDocument("dc-v2-collection", id, opts);
-async function getFileSet(id) {
- return getDocument("dc-v2-file-set", id);
+async function getFileSet(id, opts) {
+ return getDocument("dc-v2-file-set", id, opts);
-async function getWork(id) {
- return getDocument("dc-v2-work", id);
+async function getWork(id, opts) {
+ return getDocument("dc-v2-work", id, opts);
-async function getDocument(index, id) {
- const endpoint = new AWS.Endpoint(elasticsearchEndpoint);
- const request = new AWS.HttpRequest(endpoint, region);
- request.method = "GET";
- request.path += prefix(index) + `/_doc/${id}`;
- request.headers["host"] = elasticsearchEndpoint;
- request.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
+async function getSharedLink(id, opts) {
+ return getDocument("shared_links", id, opts);
+async function getDocument(index, id, opts = {}) {
+ const request = initRequest(`/${prefix(index)}/_doc/${id}`);
let response = await awsFetch(request);
if (response.statusCode === 200) {
const body = JSON.parse(response.body);
- if (!isVisible(body)) {
+ if (index != "shared_links" && !isVisible(body, opts)) {
let responseBody = {
_index: prefix(index),
_type: "_doc",
@@ -46,25 +40,43 @@ async function getDocument(index, id) {
return response;
-function isVisible(doc) {
- if (doc?._source.api_model == "FileSet") {
- return doc?._source?.visibility !== "Private";
- } else {
- return doc?._source?.published && doc?._source?.visibility !== "Private";
- }
+function isVisible(doc, { allowPrivate, allowUnpublished }) {
+ if (!doc?.found) return false;
+ const isAllowedVisibility =
+ allowPrivate || doc?._source.visibility !== "Private";
+ const isAllowedPublished = allowUnpublished || doc?._source.published;
+ return isAllowedVisibility && isAllowedPublished;
+function initRequest(path) {
+ const endpoint = elasticsearchEndpoint();
+ return new HttpRequest({
+ method: "GET",
+ hostname: endpoint,
+ headers: {
+ Host: endpoint,
+ "Content-Type": "application/json",
+ },
+ path: path,
+ });
async function search(targets, body) {
- const endpoint = new AWS.Endpoint(elasticsearchEndpoint);
- const request = new AWS.HttpRequest(endpoint, region);
+ const endpoint = elasticsearchEndpoint();
- request.method = "POST";
- request.body = body;
- request.path += `${targets}/_search`;
- request.headers["host"] = elasticsearchEndpoint;
- request.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
+ const request = new HttpRequest({
+ method: "POST",
+ hostname: endpoint,
+ headers: {
+ Host: endpoint,
+ "Content-Type": "application/json",
+ },
+ body: body,
+ path: `/${targets}/_search`,
+ });
return await awsFetch(request);
-module.exports = { getCollection, getFileSet, getWork, search };
+module.exports = { getCollection, getFileSet, getSharedLink, getWork, search };
diff --git a/src/api/pagination.js b/src/api/pagination.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1ac351d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/pagination.js
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+const {
+ decompressFromEncodedURIComponent: decompress,
+ compressToEncodedURIComponent: compress,
+} = require("lz-string");
+const encodeFields = ["query", "size", "sort", "fields", "_source"];
+async function decodeSearchToken(token) {
+ return JSON.parse(await decompress(token));
+async function encodeSearchToken(models, body, format, options) {
+ let token = { body: { size: 10 }, models, format, options };
+ for (const field in body) {
+ if (encodeFields.includes(field)) {
+ token.body[field] = body[field];
+ }
+ }
+ return await compress(JSON.stringify(token));
+function from(body) {
+ return body?.from || 0;
+function size(body) {
+ return body?.size || 10;
+function maxPage(body, count) {
+ return Math.ceil(count / size(body));
+function nextPage(body, count) {
+ const current = thisPage(body);
+ return maxPage(body, count) > current ? current + 1 : null;
+function prevPage(body, _count) {
+ return body.from > 0 ? thisPage(body) - 1 : null;
+function thisPage(body) {
+ return Math.floor(from(body) / size(body) + 1);
+class Paginator {
+ constructor(baseUrl, route, models, body, format, options) {
+ this.baseUrl = baseUrl;
+ this.route = route;
+ this.models = models;
+ this.body = { ...body };
+ this.format = format;
+ this.options = options;
+ }
+ async pageInfo(count) {
+ let url = new URL(this.route, this.baseUrl);
+ if (this.options?.includeToken != false) {
+ url.searchParams.set(
+ "searchToken",
+ await encodeSearchToken(
+ this.models,
+ this.body,
+ this.format,
+ this.options
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ const queryStringParameters =
+ this.options?.parameterOverrides || this.options?.queryStringParameters;
+ if (typeof queryStringParameters === "object") {
+ for (const param in queryStringParameters) {
+ url.searchParams.set(param, queryStringParameters[param]);
+ }
+ }
+ const prev = prevPage(this.body, count);
+ const next = nextPage(this.body, count);
+ url.searchParams.delete("from");
+ let result = {
+ query_url: url.toString(),
+ current_page: thisPage(this.body),
+ limit: size(this.body),
+ offset: from(this.body),
+ total_hits: count,
+ total_pages: maxPage(this.body, count),
+ options: this.options,
+ format: this.format,
+ };
+ if (prev) {
+ url.searchParams.set("page", prev);
+ result.prev_url = url.toString();
+ }
+ if (next) {
+ url.searchParams.set("page", next);
+ result.next_url = url.toString();
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+module.exports = { decodeSearchToken, encodeSearchToken, Paginator };
diff --git a/src/api/request/models.js b/src/api/request/models.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e2a91e73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/request/models.js
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+const { prefix } = require("../../aws/environment");
+const mapTargets = {
+ works: "dc-v2-work",
+ "file-sets": "dc-v2-file-set",
+ collections: "dc-v2-collection",
+function extractRequestedModels(requestedModels) {
+ return requestedModels == null ? ["works"] : requestedModels.split(",");
+function validModels(models, format) {
+ if (format === "iiif") {
+ return models.length == 1 && models.every((model) => model === "works");
+ }
+ return models.every(isAllowed);
+function isAllowed(model) {
+ return mapTargets.hasOwnProperty(model);
+function modelsToTargets(models) {
+ return String(models.map((model) => prefix(mapTargets[model])));
+module.exports = { extractRequestedModels, modelsToTargets, validModels };
diff --git a/src/api/request/pipeline.js b/src/api/request/pipeline.js
index 187da6ad..691b2c1e 100644
--- a/src/api/request/pipeline.js
+++ b/src/api/request/pipeline.js
@@ -1,28 +1,38 @@
+const { isFromReadingRoom } = require("../../helpers");
+const sortJson = require("sort-json");
+function filterFor(query, event) {
+ const matchTheQuery = query;
+ const beUnpublished = { term: { published: false } };
+ const beRestricted = { term: { visibility: "Private" } };
+ const filter = isFromReadingRoom(event)
+ ? { must: [matchTheQuery], must_not: [beUnpublished] }
+ : { must: [matchTheQuery], must_not: [beUnpublished, beRestricted] };
+ return { bool: filter };
module.exports = class RequestPipeline {
- constructor(body) {
- this.body = JSON.parse(body);
+ constructor(searchContext) {
+ this.searchContext = { ...searchContext };
+ if (!this.searchContext.size) this.searchContext.size = 10;
+ if (!this.searchContext.from) this.searchContext.from = 0;
// Things tranformer needs to do:
// - not allow unpuplished or restricted items
// - Reading room/IP (not in first iteration)
- // - Add `track_total_hits` to body of search (so we can get accurate hits.total.value)
- authFilter() {
- const matchTheQuery = this.body.query || { match_all: {} };
- const beUnpublished = { term: { published: false } };
- const beRestricted = { term: { visibility: "Private" } };
- this.body.query = {
- bool: {
- must: [matchTheQuery],
- must_not: [beUnpublished, beRestricted],
- },
- };
+ // - Add `track_total_hits` to search context (so we can get accurate hits.total.value)
+ authFilter(event) {
+ this.searchContext.query = filterFor(this.searchContext.query, event);
+ this.searchContext.track_total_hits = true;
return this;
toJson() {
- return JSON.stringify(this.body);
+ return JSON.stringify(sortJson(this.searchContext));
diff --git a/src/api/response/iiif/collection.js b/src/api/response/iiif/collection.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d7a8bee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/response/iiif/collection.js
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+const { dcApiEndpoint, dcUrl } = require("../../../aws/environment");
+async function transform(response, pager) {
+ if (response.statusCode === 200) {
+ const responseBody = JSON.parse(response.body);
+ const pageInfo = await pager.pageInfo(responseBody.hits.total.value);
+ return {
+ statusCode: 200,
+ headers: {
+ "content-type": "application/json",
+ },
+ body: JSON.stringify(await buildCollection(responseBody, pageInfo)),
+ };
+ }
+ return transformError(response);
+async function buildCollection(responseBody, pageInfo) {
+ const {
+ options: {
+ queryStringParameters: {
+ collectionLabel = "IIIF Collection",
+ collectionSummary = "",
+ },
+ },
+ } = pageInfo;
+ result = {
+ "@context": ["http://iiif.io/api/presentation/3/context.json"],
+ id: collectionId(pageInfo),
+ type: "Collection",
+ label: { none: [collectionLabel] },
+ summary: { none: [collectionSummary] },
+ homepage: [
+ {
+ id: homepageUrl(pageInfo),
+ type: "Text",
+ format: "text/html",
+ label: {
+ none: [collectionLabel],
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ items: getItems(responseBody?.hits?.hits, pageInfo),
+ };
+ if (pageInfo.options?.parameterOverrides) {
+ const collectionId = new URL(pageInfo.query_url).pathname
+ .split("/")
+ .reverse()[0];
+ const thumbnailId = `${dcApiEndpoint()}/collections/${collectionId}/thumbnail`;
+ result.thumbnail = [
+ {
+ id: thumbnailId,
+ type: "Image",
+ format: "image/jpeg",
+ width: 400,
+ height: 400,
+ },
+ ];
+ }
+ return result;
+function getItems(hits, pageInfo) {
+ const items = hits.map((item) => loadItem(item["_source"]));
+ if (pageInfo?.next_url) {
+ items.push({
+ id: pageInfo.next_url,
+ type: "Collection",
+ label: {
+ none: ["Next page"],
+ },
+ });
+ }
+ return items;
+function collectionId(pageInfo) {
+ let collectionId = new URL(pageInfo.query_url);
+ if (pageInfo.current_page > 1) {
+ collectionId.searchParams.set("page", pageInfo.current_page);
+ }
+ return collectionId;
+function homepageUrl(pageInfo) {
+ let result;
+ if (pageInfo.options?.parameterOverrides) {
+ const collectionId = new URL(pageInfo.query_url).pathname
+ .split("/")
+ .reverse()[0];
+ result = new URL(`/collections/${collectionId}`, dcUrl());
+ } else {
+ result = new URL("/search", dcUrl());
+ if (pageInfo.options?.queryStringParameters?.query)
+ result.searchParams.set(
+ "q",
+ pageInfo.options.queryStringParameters.query
+ );
+ }
+ return result;
+function loadItem(item) {
+ return {
+ id: item.iiif_manifest,
+ type: "Manifest",
+ homepage: [
+ {
+ id: new URL(`/items/${item.id}`, dcUrl()),
+ type: "Text",
+ format: "text/html",
+ label: {
+ none: [`${item.title}`],
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ label: {
+ none: [`${item.title}`],
+ },
+ summary: {
+ none: [`${item.work_type}`],
+ },
+ thumbnail: [
+ {
+ id: item.thumbnail,
+ format: "image/jpeg",
+ type: "Image",
+ width: 400,
+ height: 400,
+ },
+ ],
+ };
+function transformError(response) {
+ const responseBody = { status: response.statusCode, error: "TODO" };
+ return {
+ statusCode: response.statusCode,
+ body: JSON.stringify(responseBody),
+ };
+module.exports = { transform };
diff --git a/src/api/response/iiif/manifest.js b/src/api/response/iiif/manifest.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e051f121
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/response/iiif/manifest.js
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+const { IIIFBuilder } = require("iiif-builder");
+const { dcApiEndpoint, dcUrl } = require("../../../aws/environment");
+const {
+ buildAnnotationBody,
+ buildImageResourceId,
+ buildImageService,
+ isAudioVideo,
+ isImage,
+} = require("./presentation-api/items");
+const { metadataLabelFields } = require("./presentation-api/metadata");
+function transform(response) {
+ if (response.statusCode === 200) {
+ const builder = new IIIFBuilder();
+ const openSearchResponse = JSON.parse(response.body);
+ const source = openSearchResponse._source;
+ const manifestId = `${dcApiEndpoint()}/works/${source.id}?as=iiif`;
+ const annotationsToTagOnAtEnd = [];
+ const normalizedFlatManifestObj = builder.createManifest(
+ manifestId,
+ (manifest) => {
+ function buildCanvasFromFileSet(fileSet, index, isAuxiliary) {
+ const canvasId = `${manifestId}/canvas/${fileSet.role.toLowerCase()}/${index}`;
+ manifest.createCanvas(canvasId, (canvas) => {
+ if (isAudioVideo(source.work_type))
+ canvas.duration = fileSet.duration || 1;
+ canvas.height = fileSet.height || 100;
+ canvas.width = fileSet.width || 100;
+ canvas.addLabel(fileSet.label, "none");
+ /** Add thumbnail for Canvas */
+ if (fileSet.representative_image_url) {
+ const canvasThumbnail = {
+ id: buildImageResourceId(fileSet.representative_image_url),
+ type: "Image",
+ width: 300,
+ height: 300,
+ format: "image/jpeg",
+ service: buildImageService(fileSet.representative_image_url),
+ };
+ canvas.addThumbnail(canvasThumbnail);
+ }
+ const annotationId = `${canvasId}/annotation/0`;
+ canvas.createAnnotation(annotationId, {
+ id: annotationId,
+ type: "Annotation",
+ motivation: "painting",
+ body: buildAnnotationBody(
+ fileSet,
+ isAuxiliary ? "Image" : source.work_type
+ ),
+ });
+ if (!isAuxiliary && fileSet.webvtt) {
+ const annotations = {
+ id: `${canvasId}/annotations/page/0`,
+ type: "AnnotationPage",
+ items: [
+ {
+ id: `${canvasId}/annotations/page/0/a0`,
+ type: "Annotation",
+ motivation: "supplementing",
+ body: {
+ id: fileSet.webvtt,
+ type: "Text",
+ format: "text/vtt",
+ label: {
+ en: ["Chapters"],
+ },
+ language: "none",
+ },
+ target: canvasId,
+ },
+ ],
+ };
+ annotationsToTagOnAtEnd.push(annotations);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /** Build out manifest descriptive properties */
+ manifest.addLabel(source.title, "none");
+ source.description.length > 0 &&
+ manifest.addSummary(source.description, "none");
+ /** Build metadata property */
+ metadataLabelFields(source).forEach((item) => {
+ if (item.value && item.value.length > 0) {
+ manifest.addMetadata({ none: [item.label] }, { none: item.value });
+ }
+ });
+ /** Add required statement */
+ let requiredStatement = [
+ "Courtesy of Northwestern University Libraries",
+ ];
+ manifest.setRequiredStatement({
+ label: { none: ["Attribution"] },
+ value: {
+ none: source.terms_of_use
+ ? requiredStatement.concat(source.terms_of_use)
+ : requiredStatement,
+ },
+ });
+ /** Add rights using rights statement */
+ source.rights_statement?.id &&
+ manifest.setRights(source.rights_statement.id);
+ /** Add thumbnail */
+ const thumbnail = {
+ id: source.thumbnail,
+ type: "Image",
+ width: 300,
+ height: 300,
+ format: "image/jpeg",
+ };
+ manifest.addThumbnail(thumbnail);
+ /** Add seeAlso reference for api_link */
+ const seeAlso = {
+ id: source.api_link,
+ type: "Dataset",
+ format: "application/json",
+ label: {
+ none: ["Northwestern University Libraries Digital Collections API"],
+ },
+ };
+ manifest.addSeeAlso(seeAlso);
+ /** Add homepage */
+ const homepage = {
+ id: `${dcUrl()}/items/${source.id}`,
+ type: "Text",
+ format: "text/html",
+ label: {
+ none: [
+ "Homepage at Northwestern University Libraries Digital Collections",
+ ],
+ },
+ };
+ manifest.setHomepage(homepage);
+ /** Add partOf */
+ const collectionEndpoint = `${dcApiEndpoint()}/collections/${
+ source.collection.id
+ }`;
+ manifest.setPartOf([
+ {
+ id: `${collectionEndpoint}?as=iiif`,
+ type: "Collection",
+ label: { none: [source.collection.title] },
+ ...(source.collection.description && {
+ summary: {
+ none: [source.collection.description],
+ },
+ }),
+ /**
+ * TODO: iiif-builder mangles this property, come back to it
+ */
+ // thumbnail: [
+ // {
+ // id: `${collectionEndpoint}/thumbnail`,
+ // type: "Image",
+ // width: 300,
+ // height: 300,
+ // format: "image/jpeg",
+ // },
+ // ],
+ /**
+ * TODO: iiif-builder cleanses this property and doesn't include it.
+ * Come back to it.
+ */
+ homepage: [
+ {
+ id: `${dcUrl()}/collections/${source.collection.id}`,
+ type: "Text",
+ format: "text/html",
+ label: {
+ none: [
+ "Homepage at Northwestern University Libraries Digital Collections",
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ ]);
+ /** Add logo */
+ /** Add provider */
+ /** Add items (Canvases) from a Work's Filesets */
+ source.file_sets
+ .filter((fileSet) => fileSet.role === "Access")
+ .forEach((fileSet, index) => {
+ buildCanvasFromFileSet(fileSet, index);
+ });
+ source.file_sets
+ .filter((fileSet) => fileSet.role === "Auxiliary")
+ .forEach((fileSet, index) => {
+ buildCanvasFromFileSet(fileSet, index, true);
+ });
+ }
+ );
+ const jsonManifest = builder.toPresentation3({
+ id: normalizedFlatManifestObj.id,
+ type: "Manifest",
+ });
+ /**
+ * Workaround to add webVTT annotations
+ * (iiif-builder package currently doesn't support it)
+ */
+ annotationsToTagOnAtEnd.forEach((a) => {
+ const matched = jsonManifest.items.find(
+ (canvas) => canvas.id === a.items[0].target
+ );
+ if (matched) {
+ matched.annotations = [a];
+ }
+ });
+ return {
+ statusCode: 200,
+ headers: {
+ "content-type": "application/json",
+ },
+ body: JSON.stringify({
+ ...jsonManifest,
+ }),
+ };
+ }
+ return transformError(response);
+function transformError(response) {
+ const responseBody = {
+ status: response.statusCode,
+ error: "TODO",
+ };
+ return {
+ statusCode: response.statusCode,
+ body: JSON.stringify(responseBody),
+ };
+module.exports = { transform };
diff --git a/src/api/response/iiif/presentation-api/items.js b/src/api/response/iiif/presentation-api/items.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5c0b803c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/response/iiif/presentation-api/items.js
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+/** */
+function annotationType(workType) {
+ return workType === "Audio" ? "Sound" : workType;
+function buildAnnotationBody(fileSet, workType) {
+ const body = {
+ id: buildAnnotationBodyId(fileSet, workType),
+ type: annotationType(workType),
+ format: fileSet.mime_type,
+ height: fileSet.height || 100,
+ width: fileSet.width || 100,
+ };
+ if (isImage(workType))
+ body.service = buildImageService(fileSet.representative_image_url);
+ if (isAudioVideo(workType)) body.duration = fileSet.duration;
+ return body;
+function buildAnnotationBodyId(fileSet, workType) {
+ return isAudioVideo(workType)
+ ? fileSet.streaming_url
+ : buildImageResourceId(fileSet.representative_image_url, "600,");
+function buildImageResourceId(uri, size = "!300,300") {
+ return `${uri}/full/${size}/0/default.jpg`;
+function buildImageService(representativeImageUrl) {
+ return [
+ {
+ id: representativeImageUrl,
+ profile: "http://iiif.io/api/image/2/level2.json",
+ type: "ImageService2",
+ },
+ ];
+function isAudioVideo(workType) {
+ return ["Audio", "Video"].includes(workType);
+function isImage(workType) {
+ return workType === "Image";
+module.exports = {
+ annotationType,
+ buildAnnotationBody,
+ buildAnnotationBodyId,
+ buildImageResourceId,
+ buildImageService,
+ isAudioVideo,
+ isImage,
diff --git a/src/api/response/iiif/presentation-api/metadata.js b/src/api/response/iiif/presentation-api/metadata.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2d5c96b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/response/iiif/presentation-api/metadata.js
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+/** Build manifest metadata */
+function formatSingleValuedField(value) {
+ return value ? [value] : [];
+function metadataLabelFields(source) {
+ return [
+ {
+ label: "Alternate Title",
+ value: source.alternate_title,
+ },
+ {
+ label: "Abstract",
+ value: source.abstract,
+ },
+ {
+ label: "Caption",
+ value: source.caption,
+ },
+ {
+ label: "Contributor",
+ value: source.contributor.map((item) => item.label_with_role),
+ },
+ {
+ label: "Creator",
+ value: source.creator.map((item) => item.label),
+ },
+ {
+ label: "Cultural Context",
+ value: source.cultural_context,
+ },
+ {
+ label: "Date",
+ value: source.date_created,
+ },
+ {
+ label: "Department",
+ value: formatSingleValuedField(source.library_unit),
+ },
+ {
+ label: "Dimensions",
+ value: source.physical_description_size,
+ },
+ {
+ label: "Genre",
+ value: source.genre.map((item) => item.label),
+ },
+ {
+ label: "Keyword",
+ value: source.keywords,
+ },
+ {
+ label: "Last Modified",
+ value: formatSingleValuedField(source.modified_date),
+ },
+ {
+ label: "Language",
+ value: source.language.map((item) => item.label),
+ },
+ {
+ label: "Location",
+ value: source.location?.map((item) => item.label),
+ },
+ {
+ label: "Materials",
+ value: source.physical_description_material,
+ },
+ {
+ label: "Notes",
+ value: source.notes.map((item) => `${item.note} (${item.type})`),
+ },
+ {
+ label: "Provenance",
+ value: source.provenance,
+ },
+ {
+ label: "Publisher",
+ value: source.publisher,
+ },
+ {
+ label: "Related Material",
+ value: source.related_material,
+ },
+ {
+ label: "Related URL",
+ value: source.related_url.map(
+ (item) => `${item.label}`
+ ),
+ },
+ {
+ label: "Rights Holder",
+ value: source.rights_holder,
+ },
+ {
+ label: "Scope and Contents",
+ value: source.scope_and_contents,
+ },
+ {
+ label: "Series",
+ value: source.series,
+ },
+ {
+ label: "Source",
+ value: source.source,
+ },
+ {
+ label: "Style Period",
+ value: source.style_period.map((item) => item.label),
+ },
+ {
+ label: "Subject",
+ value: source.subject.map((item) => item.label_with_role),
+ },
+ {
+ label: "Table of Contents",
+ value: source.table_of_contents,
+ },
+ {
+ label: "Technique",
+ value: source.technique.map((item) => item.label),
+ },
+ ];
+module.exports = { formatSingleValuedField, metadataLabelFields };
diff --git a/src/api/response/opensearch/index.js b/src/api/response/opensearch/index.js
index 1379b88a..0320f7b1 100644
--- a/src/api/response/opensearch/index.js
+++ b/src/api/response/opensearch/index.js
@@ -1,29 +1,51 @@
-function transform(response) {
+async function transform(response, pager) {
if (response.statusCode === 200) {
const responseBody = JSON.parse(response.body);
- return responseBody?.hits?.hits
- ? transformMany(responseBody)
- : transformOne(responseBody);
+ return await (responseBody?.hits?.hits
+ ? transformMany(responseBody, pager)
+ : transformOne(responseBody));
return transformError(response);
-function transformOne(responseBody) {
+async function transformOne(responseBody) {
return {
statusCode: 200,
+ headers: {
+ "content-type": "application/json",
+ },
body: JSON.stringify({ data: responseBody._source, info: {} }),
-function transformMany(responseBody) {
+async function transformMany(responseBody, pager) {
return {
statusCode: 200,
- body: JSON.stringify({ data: extractSource(responseBody.hits.hits), pagination: {total: responseBody.hits.total.value}, info: {}, aggregations: responseBody.aggregations }),
+ headers: {
+ "content-type": "application/json",
+ },
+ body: JSON.stringify({
+ data: extractSource(responseBody.hits.hits),
+ pagination: await paginationInfo(responseBody, pager),
+ info: {},
+ aggregations: responseBody.aggregations,
+ }),
+async function paginationInfo(responseBody, pager) {
+ let { format, options, ...pageInfo } = await pager.pageInfo(
+ responseBody.hits.total.value
+ );
+ return pageInfo;
function transformError(response) {
- const responseBody = { status: response.statusCode, error: "TODO" };
+ const responseBody = {
+ status: response.statusCode,
+ error: "TODO",
+ };
return {
statusCode: response.statusCode,
@@ -32,11 +54,11 @@ function transformError(response) {
function extractSource(hits) {
- return hits.map(hit => extractSingle(hit))
+ return hits.map((hit) => extractSingle(hit));
function extractSingle(hit) {
- return hit._source
+ return hit._source;
module.exports = { transform };
diff --git a/src/api/response/transformer.js b/src/api/response/transformer.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b21fbde8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/response/transformer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+const iiifCollectionResponse = require("./iiif/collection.js");
+const opensearchResponse = require("./opensearch");
+async function transformSearchResult(response, pager) {
+ if (response.statusCode === 200) {
+ const responseBody = JSON.parse(response.body);
+ const pageInfo = await pager.pageInfo(responseBody.hits.total.value);
+ if (pageInfo.format === "iiif") {
+ return await iiifCollectionResponse.transform(response, pager);
+ }
+ return await opensearchResponse.transform(response, pager);
+ }
+ return transformError(response);
+function transformError(response) {
+ const responseBody = {
+ status: response.statusCode,
+ error: "TODO",
+ };
+ return {
+ statusCode: response.statusCode,
+ body: JSON.stringify(responseBody),
+ };
+module.exports = { transformSearchResult };
diff --git a/src/aws/environment.js b/src/aws/environment.js
index c38a864a..8abed3cf 100644
--- a/src/aws/environment.js
+++ b/src/aws/environment.js
@@ -1,7 +1,41 @@
+const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken");
+function apiToken() {
+ const token = {
+ displayName: ["Digital Collection API v2"],
+ iat: Math.floor(Number(new Date()) / 1000),
+ };
+ return jwt.sign(token, process.env.API_TOKEN_SECRET);
+function dcApiEndpoint() {
+ return process.env.DC_API_ENDPOINT;
+function dcUrl() {
+ return process.env.DC_URL;
+function elasticsearchEndpoint() {
+ return process.env.ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT;
function prefix(value) {
- return [process.env.ENV_PREFIX, value]
- .filter((val) => { return (val !== "") && !!val })
- .join("-");
+ const envPrefix =
+ process.env.ENV_PREFIX === "" ? undefined : process.env.ENV_PREFIX;
+ return [envPrefix, value].filter((val) => !!val).join("-");
-module.exports = { prefix }
\ No newline at end of file
+function region() {
+ return process.env.AWS_REGION || "us-east-1";
+module.exports = {
+ apiToken,
+ dcApiEndpoint,
+ dcUrl,
+ elasticsearchEndpoint,
+ prefix,
+ region,
diff --git a/src/aws/fetch.js b/src/aws/fetch.js
index 18223ce5..0251bf9c 100644
--- a/src/aws/fetch.js
+++ b/src/aws/fetch.js
@@ -1,45 +1,33 @@
-const AWS = require("aws-sdk");
+const { defaultProvider } = require("@aws-sdk/credential-provider-node");
+const { SignatureV4 } = require("@aws-sdk/signature-v4");
+const { NodeHttpHandler } = require("@aws-sdk/node-http-handler");
+const { Sha256 } = require("@aws-crypto/sha256-browser");
+const region = require("./environment").region();
-function awsFetch(request) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- signRequest(request).then((signedRequest) => {
- var client = new AWS.HttpClient();
- client.handleRequest(
- signedRequest,
- null,
- function (response) {
- let returnValue = {
- statusCode: response.statusCode,
- };
- let responseBody = "";
- response.on("data", function (chunk) {
- responseBody += chunk;
- });
- response.on("end", function (chunk) {
- resolve({ ...returnValue, body: responseBody });
- });
- },
- function (error) {
- console.error("Error: " + error);
- reject(error);
- }
- );
- });
+async function awsFetch(request) {
+ const signer = new SignatureV4({
+ credentials: defaultProvider(),
+ region: region,
+ service: "es",
+ sha256: Sha256,
-function signRequest(request) {
- return new Promise((resolve, _reject) => {
- let chain = new AWS.CredentialProviderChain();
+ const signedRequest = await signer.sign(request);
+ const client = new NodeHttpHandler();
+ const { response } = await client.handle(signedRequest);
- chain.resolve((err, credentials) => {
- if (err) {
- console.error("Sending unsigned request: ", err);
- } else {
- var signer = new AWS.Signers.V4(request, "es");
- signer.addAuthorization(credentials, new Date());
- }
- resolve(request);
+ return await new Promise((resolve, _reject) => {
+ let returnValue = {
+ statusCode: response.statusCode,
+ };
+ let responseBody = "";
+ response.body.on("data", function (chunk) {
+ responseBody += chunk;
+ });
+ response.body.on("end", function (chunk) {
+ resolve({ ...returnValue, body: responseBody });
diff --git a/src/handlers/get-auth-callback.js b/src/handlers/get-auth-callback.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..492ec65a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/handlers/get-auth-callback.js
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+const axios = require("axios").default;
+const cookie = require("cookie");
+const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken");
+const { processRequest, processResponse } = require("./middleware");
+ /Reason: ResponseCode 404 is treated as error/;
+ * NUSSO auth callback
+ */
+exports.handler = async (event) => {
+ event = processRequest(event);
+ const returnPath = Buffer.from(
+ decodeURIComponent(event.cookieObject.redirectUrl),
+ "base64"
+ ).toString("utf8");
+ const user = await redeemSsoToken(event);
+ let response;
+ if (user) {
+ const token = jwt.sign(user, process.env.API_TOKEN_SECRET);
+ response = {
+ statusCode: 302,
+ cookies: [
+ cookie.serialize("dcApiV2Token", token, {
+ domain: "library.northwestern.edu",
+ path: "/",
+ secure: true,
+ }),
+ ],
+ headers: {
+ location: returnPath,
+ },
+ };
+ }
+ return processResponse(event, response);
+async function getNetIdFromToken(nusso) {
+ const response = await axios.get(
+ `${process.env.NUSSO_BASE_URL}validateWebSSOToken`,
+ {
+ headers: {
+ apikey: process.env.NUSSO_API_KEY,
+ webssotoken: nusso,
+ },
+ }
+ );
+ return response?.data?.netid;
+async function redeemSsoToken(event) {
+ const nusso = event.cookieObject.nusso;
+ const netid = await getNetIdFromToken(nusso);
+ if (netid) {
+ try {
+ const response = await axios.get(
+ `${process.env.NUSSO_BASE_URL}validate-with-directory-search-response`,
+ {
+ headers: {
+ apikey: process.env.NUSSO_API_KEY,
+ webssotoken: nusso,
+ },
+ }
+ );
+ return { ...response.data.results[0], uid: netid };
+ } catch (err) {
+ if (
+ BAD_DIRECTORY_SEARCH_FAULT.test(err?.response?.data?.fault?.faultstring)
+ ) {
+ return redeemForNetIdOnly(netid);
+ }
+ console.error(err.response.data);
+ return null;
+ }
+ } else {
+ console.warn("NUSSO token could not be redeemed");
+ return null;
+ }
+function redeemForNetIdOnly(netid) {
+ return {
+ uid: netid,
+ displayName: [netid],
+ mail: `${netid}@e.northwestern.edu`,
+ };
diff --git a/src/handlers/get-auth-login.js b/src/handlers/get-auth-login.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4f334df5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/handlers/get-auth-login.js
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+const { dcApiEndpoint } = require("../aws/environment");
+const axios = require("axios").default;
+const cookie = require("cookie");
+const { processRequest, processResponse } = require("./middleware");
+ * Performs NUSSO login
+ */
+exports.handler = async (event) => {
+ event = processRequest(event);
+ const callbackUrl = `${dcApiEndpoint()}/auth/callback`;
+ const url = `${process.env.NUSSO_BASE_URL}get-ldap-redirect-url`;
+ const returnPath =
+ event.queryStringParameters?.goto || event.headers?.referer;
+ if (!returnPath) {
+ return {
+ statusCode: 400,
+ };
+ }
+ let resp;
+ await axios
+ .get(url, {
+ headers: {
+ apikey: process.env.NUSSO_API_KEY,
+ goto: callbackUrl,
+ },
+ })
+ .then((response) => {
+ resp = {
+ statusCode: 302,
+ cookies: [
+ cookie.serialize(
+ "redirectUrl",
+ Buffer.from(returnPath, "utf8").toString("base64")
+ ),
+ ],
+ headers: {
+ location: response.data.redirecturl,
+ },
+ };
+ })
+ .catch((error) => {
+ console.error("NUSSO request error", error);
+ resp = {
+ statusCode: 401,
+ };
+ });
+ return processResponse(event, resp);
diff --git a/src/handlers/get-auth-logout.js b/src/handlers/get-auth-logout.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5d23a2d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/handlers/get-auth-logout.js
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+const axios = require("axios").default;
+const cookie = require("cookie");
+const { processRequest, processResponse } = require("./middleware");
+ * Performs NUSSO logout
+ */
+exports.handler = async (event) => {
+ event = processRequest(event);
+ const url = `${process.env.NUSSO_BASE_URL}logout`;
+ let resp;
+ await axios
+ .get(url, { headers: { apikey: process.env.NUSSO_API_KEY } })
+ .then((response) => {
+ resp = {
+ statusCode: 302,
+ cookies: [
+ cookie.serialize("dcApiV2Token", null, {
+ expires: new Date(1),
+ domain: "library.northwestern.edu",
+ path: "/",
+ secure: true,
+ }),
+ ],
+ headers: {
+ location: response.data.url,
+ },
+ };
+ })
+ .catch((error) => {
+ console.error("NUSSO request error", error);
+ resp = {
+ statusCode: 401,
+ };
+ });
+ return processResponse(event, resp);
diff --git a/src/handlers/get-auth-whoami.js b/src/handlers/get-auth-whoami.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..464f8bd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/handlers/get-auth-whoami.js
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken");
+const { processRequest, processResponse } = require("./middleware");
+ * NUSSO whoami - validates JWT and returns user info
+ */
+exports.handler = async (event) => {
+ event = processRequest(event);
+ try {
+ const token = event.cookieObject.dcApiV2Token;
+ const user = jwt.verify(token, process.env.API_TOKEN_SECRET);
+ const response = {
+ statusCode: 200,
+ headers: {
+ "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": event.headers.origin,
+ "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "*",
+ "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "POST, GET, OPTIONS",
+ "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials": "true",
+ },
+ body: JSON.stringify(user),
+ };
+ return processResponse(event, response);
+ } catch (error) {
+ return {
+ statusCode: 401,
+ body: "Error verifying API token: " + error.message,
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/src/handlers/get-collection-by-id.js b/src/handlers/get-collection-by-id.js
index fd120f46..dfc2b88b 100644
--- a/src/handlers/get-collection-by-id.js
+++ b/src/handlers/get-collection-by-id.js
@@ -1,11 +1,37 @@
+const { processRequest, processResponse } = require("./middleware");
const { getCollection } = require("../api/opensearch");
+const { doSearch } = require("./search-runner");
const opensearchResponse = require("../api/response/opensearch");
+const getCollectionById = async (event) => {
+ event = processRequest(event);
+ const id = event.pathParameters.id;
+ const esResponse = await getCollection(id);
+ const response = await opensearchResponse.transform(esResponse);
+ return processResponse(event, response);
+const getIiifCollectionById = async (event) => {
+ const id = event.pathParameters.id;
+ const esResponse = await getCollection(id);
+ const collection = JSON.parse(esResponse.body)?._source;
+ if (!collection) return { statusCode: 404, body: "Not Found" };
+ const parameterOverrides = { ...event.queryStringParameters };
+ event.queryStringParameters.query = `collection.id:${id}`;
+ event.queryStringParameters.collectionLabel = collection?.title;
+ event.queryStringParameters.collectionSummary = collection?.description;
+ return await doSearch(event, {
+ includeToken: false,
+ parameterOverrides,
+ });
- * A simple function to get a Collection by id
+ * Get a colletion by id
exports.handler = async (event) => {
- const id = event.pathParameters.id;
- let esResponse = await getCollection(id);
- return opensearchResponse.transform(esResponse);
+ return event.queryStringParameters?.as === "iiif"
+ ? getIiifCollectionById(event)
+ : getCollectionById(event);
diff --git a/src/handlers/get-collections.js b/src/handlers/get-collections.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8ede301a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/handlers/get-collections.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+const { doSearch } = require("./search-runner");
+const { processRequest } = require("./middleware");
+ * A simple function to get Collections
+ */
+exports.handler = async (event) => {
+ event = processRequest(event);
+ event.pathParameters.models = "collections";
+ event.body = { query: { match_all: {} } };
+ return doSearch(event, { includeToken: false });
diff --git a/src/handlers/get-file-set-auth.js b/src/handlers/get-file-set-auth.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e14a6aab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/handlers/get-file-set-auth.js
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+const { processRequest, processResponse } = require("./middleware");
+const { getFileSet } = require("../api/opensearch");
+const { isFromReadingRoom } = require("../helpers");
+const isObject = require("lodash.isobject");
+const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken");
+const OPEN_DOCUMENT_NAMESPACE = /^0{8}-0{4}-0{4}-0{4}-0{9}[0-9A-Fa-f]{3}/;
+ * Authorizes a FileSet by id
+ */
+exports.handler = async (event) => {
+ event = processRequest(event);
+ const id = event.pathParameters.id;
+ // Special namespace for entities that aren't actual entities
+ // with indexed metadata (i.e., placeholder images)
+ if (OPEN_DOCUMENT_NAMESPACE.test(id)) return sendResponse(event, 204);
+ const osResponse = await getFileSet(id, {
+ allowPrivate: true,
+ allowUnpublished: true,
+ });
+ if (osResponse.statusCode != 200) {
+ return sendResponse(event, osResponse.statusCode, osResponse.statusCode);
+ }
+ const body = JSON.parse(osResponse.body);
+ const fileSet = body._source;
+ const token = event.cookieObject.dcApiV2Token;
+ const visibility = fileSet.visibility;
+ const published = fileSet.published;
+ const readingRoom = isFromReadingRoom(event);
+ if (isAllowedVisibility(token, visibility, readingRoom) && published) {
+ return sendResponse(event, 204);
+ } else {
+ return sendResponse(event, 403);
+ }
+function sendResponse(event, statusCode) {
+ return processResponse(event, {
+ statusCode: statusCode,
+ });
+function isAllowedVisibility(token, visibility, readingRoom) {
+ switch (visibility) {
+ case "Public":
+ return true;
+ case "Institution":
+ return isValidToken(token) || readingRoom;
+ case "Private":
+ return readingRoom;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+function isValidToken(token) {
+ if (!!token === false) return false;
+ const user = jwt.verify(token, process.env.API_TOKEN_SECRET);
+ return isObject(user);
diff --git a/src/handlers/get-file-set-by-id.js b/src/handlers/get-file-set-by-id.js
index 9d1e759b..a59be9f6 100644
--- a/src/handlers/get-file-set-by-id.js
+++ b/src/handlers/get-file-set-by-id.js
@@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
+const { processRequest, processResponse } = require("./middleware");
const { getFileSet } = require("../api/opensearch");
+const { isFromReadingRoom } = require("../helpers");
const opensearchResponse = require("../api/response/opensearch");
* A simple function to get a FileSet by id
exports.handler = async (event) => {
+ event = processRequest(event);
const id = event.pathParameters.id;
- let esResponse = await getFileSet(id);
- return opensearchResponse.transform(esResponse);
+ const allowPrivate = isFromReadingRoom(event);
+ const esResponse = await getFileSet(id, { allowPrivate });
+ const response = await opensearchResponse.transform(esResponse);
+ return processResponse(event, response);
diff --git a/src/handlers/get-shared-link-by-id.js b/src/handlers/get-shared-link-by-id.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4d40475f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/handlers/get-shared-link-by-id.js
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+const { processRequest, processResponse } = require("./middleware");
+const { getSharedLink, getWork } = require("../api/opensearch");
+const opensearchResponse = require("../api/response/opensearch");
+ * Get a shared link document by id
+ */
+exports.handler = async (event) => {
+ event = processRequest(event);
+ const id = event.pathParameters.id;
+ const sharedLinkResponse = await getSharedLink(id);
+ const sharedLinkResponseBody = JSON.parse(sharedLinkResponse.body);
+ const expirationDate = new Date(sharedLinkResponseBody?._source?.expires);
+ const workId = sharedLinkResponseBody?._source?.target_id;
+ if (linkExpired(expirationDate) || !workId)
+ return invalidRequest("Not Found");
+ const workResponse = await getWork(workId, {
+ allowPrivate: true,
+ allowUnpublished: true,
+ });
+ if (workResponse.statusCode !== 200) return invalidRequest("Not Found");
+ const response = opensearchResponse.transform(workResponse);
+ return processResponse(event, response);
+const invalidRequest = (message) => {
+ return {
+ statusCode: 404,
+ headers: { "content-type": "text/plain" },
+ body: JSON.stringify({ message: message }),
+ };
+const linkExpired = (expirationDate) => {
+ return !isValid(expirationDate) || expirationDate <= new Date();
+const isValid = (date) => {
+ return date instanceof Date && !isNaN(date.getTime());
diff --git a/src/handlers/get-similar.js b/src/handlers/get-similar.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f4517d4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/handlers/get-similar.js
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+const { doSearch } = require("./search-runner");
+const { modelsToTargets } = require("../api/request/models");
+ * Get similar works via 'More Like This' query
+ */
+exports.handler = async (event) => {
+ const id = event.pathParameters.id;
+ const models = ["works"];
+ const workIndex = modelsToTargets(models);
+ event.body = {
+ query: {
+ more_like_this: {
+ fields: [
+ "title",
+ "description",
+ "subject.label",
+ "genre.label",
+ "contributor.label",
+ "creator.label",
+ ],
+ like: [
+ {
+ _index: workIndex,
+ _id: id,
+ },
+ ],
+ max_query_terms: 10,
+ min_doc_freq: 1,
+ min_term_freq: 1,
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ return doSearch(event, { includeToken: false });
diff --git a/src/handlers/get-thumbnail.js b/src/handlers/get-thumbnail.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..400b07be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/handlers/get-thumbnail.js
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+const { apiToken } = require("../aws/environment");
+const axios = require("axios").default;
+const { getCollection, getWork } = require("../api/opensearch");
+const opensearchResponse = require("../api/response/opensearch");
+const { processRequest } = require("./middleware");
+function getAxiosResponse(url, config) {
+ return new Promise((resolve) => {
+ axios
+ .get(url, config)
+ .then((response) => resolve(response))
+ .catch((error) => resolve(error.response));
+ });
+function validateRequest(event) {
+ const id = event.pathParameters.id;
+ const aspect = event?.queryStringParameters?.aspect || "full";
+ const sizeParam = event?.queryStringParameters?.size || 300;
+ const size = Number(sizeParam);
+ if (!["full", "square"].includes(aspect))
+ throw new Error(`Unknown aspect ratio: ${aspect}`);
+ if (isNaN(size)) throw new Error(`${sizeParam} is not a valid size`);
+ if (size > 300)
+ throw new Error(`Requested size of ${size}px exceeds maximum of 300px`);
+ return { id, aspect, size };
+const getWorkThumbnail = async (id, aspect, size) => {
+ const esResponse = await getWork(id);
+ if (esResponse.statusCode != 200) {
+ return opensearchResponse.transform(esResponse);
+ }
+ const body = JSON.parse(esResponse.body);
+ const iiif_base = body?._source?.representative_file_set?.url;
+ if (!iiif_base) {
+ return {
+ statusCode: 404,
+ headers: { "content-type": "text/plain" },
+ body: "Not Found",
+ };
+ }
+ const thumbnail = `${iiif_base}/${aspect}/!${size},${size}/0/default.jpg`;
+ const { status, headers, data } = await getAxiosResponse(thumbnail, {
+ headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${apiToken()}` },
+ responseType: "arraybuffer",
+ });
+ if (status != 200) {
+ return {
+ statusCode: status,
+ body: data.toString(),
+ headers: headers,
+ };
+ }
+ return {
+ statusCode: status,
+ isBase64Encoded: true,
+ body: data.toString("base64"),
+ headers: {
+ "content-type": headers["content-type"],
+ },
+ };
+const getParameters = async (event) => {
+ const { id, aspect, size } = validateRequest(processRequest(event));
+ if (event.rawPath.match(/\/collections\//)) {
+ const esResponse = await getCollection(id);
+ if (esResponse.statusCode != 200) {
+ return { error: opensearchResponse.transform(esResponse) };
+ }
+ const body = JSON.parse(esResponse.body);
+ const workId = body?._source?.representative_image?.work_id;
+ return { id: workId, aspect, size };
+ } else {
+ return { id, aspect, size };
+ }
+ * A simple function to proxy a Collection or Work thumbnail from the IIIF server
+ */
+exports.handler = async (event) => {
+ try {
+ const { id, aspect, size, error } = await getParameters(event);
+ if (error) return error;
+ if (!id) {
+ return {
+ statusCode: 404,
+ headers: { "content-type": "text/plain" },
+ body: "Not Found",
+ };
+ }
+ return await getWorkThumbnail(id, aspect, size);
+ } catch (err) {
+ return {
+ statusCode: 400,
+ headers: { "content-type": "text/plain" },
+ body: err.message,
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/src/handlers/get-work-by-id.js b/src/handlers/get-work-by-id.js
index 52230a39..a929c8a9 100644
--- a/src/handlers/get-work-by-id.js
+++ b/src/handlers/get-work-by-id.js
@@ -1,11 +1,28 @@
+const { processRequest, processResponse } = require("./middleware");
const { getWork } = require("../api/opensearch");
+const { isFromReadingRoom } = require("../helpers");
+const manifestResponse = require("../api/response/iiif/manifest");
const opensearchResponse = require("../api/response/opensearch");
* A simple function to get a Work by id
exports.handler = async (event) => {
+ event = processRequest(event);
const id = event.pathParameters.id;
- let esResponse = await getWork(id);
- return opensearchResponse.transform(esResponse);
+ const allowPrivate = isFromReadingRoom(event);
+ const esResponse = await getWork(id, { allowPrivate });
+ let response;
+ const as = event.queryStringParameters.as;
+ if (as && as === "iiif") {
+ // Make it IIIFy
+ response = manifestResponse.transform(esResponse);
+ } else {
+ response = await opensearchResponse.transform(esResponse);
+ }
+ return processResponse(event, response);
diff --git a/src/handlers/hello.js b/src/handlers/hello.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 08735e32..00000000
--- a/src/handlers/hello.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-// const axios = require('axios')
-// const url = 'http://checkip.amazonaws.com/';
-let response;
- *
- * Event doc: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/set-up-lambda-proxy-integrations.html#api-gateway-simple-proxy-for-lambda-input-format
- * @param {Object} event - API Gateway Lambda Proxy Input Format
- *
- * Context doc: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/nodejs-prog-model-context.html
- * @param {Object} context
- *
- * Return doc: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/set-up-lambda-proxy-integrations.html
- * @returns {Object} object - API Gateway Lambda Proxy Output Format
- *
- */
-exports.helloHandler = async (event, context) => {
- try {
- // const ret = await axios(url);
- response = {
- statusCode: 200,
- body: JSON.stringify({
- message: "hello world",
- // location: ret.data.trim()
- }),
- };
- } catch (err) {
- console.log(err);
- return err;
- }
- return response;
diff --git a/src/handlers/middleware.js b/src/handlers/middleware.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a9524f39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/handlers/middleware.js
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+const {
+ addCorsHeaders,
+ decodeEventBody,
+ ensureCharacterEncoding,
+ normalizeHeaders,
+ objectifyCookies,
+ stubEventMembers,
+} = require("../helpers");
+const processRequest = function (event) {
+ if (event._processRequest) return event;
+ let result = stubEventMembers(event);
+ result = normalizeHeaders(event);
+ result = objectifyCookies(result);
+ result = decodeEventBody(result);
+ result._processRequest = true;
+ return result;
+const processResponse = function (event, response) {
+ let result = addCorsHeaders(event, response);
+ result = ensureCharacterEncoding(result, "UTF-8");
+ return result;
+module.exports = { processRequest, processResponse };
diff --git a/src/handlers/options-request.js b/src/handlers/options-request.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5794471a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/handlers/options-request.js
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+const { processRequest, processResponse } = require("./middleware");
+module.exports.handler = async (event) => {
+ event = processRequest(event);
+ return processResponse(event, { statusCode: 200 });
diff --git a/src/handlers/search-runner.js b/src/handlers/search-runner.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2434cfc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/handlers/search-runner.js
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+const { baseUrl, effectivePath } = require("../helpers");
+const { processRequest, processResponse } = require("./middleware");
+const {
+ extractRequestedModels,
+ modelsToTargets,
+ validModels,
+} = require("../api/request/models");
+const { search } = require("../api/opensearch");
+const responseTransformer = require("../api/response/transformer");
+const { decodeSearchToken, Paginator } = require("../api/pagination");
+const RequestPipeline = require("../api/request/pipeline");
+ * Function to wrap search requests and transform responses
+ */
+const doSearch = async (event, searchParams = {}) => {
+ event = processRequest(event);
+ const models = extractRequestedModels(event.pathParameters?.models);
+ const format = await responseFormat(event);
+ let searchContext;
+ try {
+ searchContext = await constructSearchContext(event);
+ } catch (error) {
+ return invalidRequest(error.message);
+ }
+ if (!validModels(models, format)) {
+ return invalidRequest(`Invalid models requested: ${models}`);
+ }
+ const base = new URL(baseUrl(event));
+ const path = effectivePath(event);
+ const pager = new Paginator(
+ base.toString(),
+ path,
+ models,
+ searchContext,
+ format,
+ {
+ ...searchParams,
+ queryStringParameters: event.queryStringParameters,
+ }
+ );
+ const filteredSearchContext = new RequestPipeline(searchContext)
+ .authFilter(event)
+ .toJson();
+ const esResponse = await search(
+ modelsToTargets(models),
+ filteredSearchContext
+ );
+ const response = await responseTransformer.transformSearchResult(
+ esResponse,
+ pager
+ );
+ return processResponse(event, response);
+const invalidRequest = (message) => {
+ return {
+ statusCode: 400,
+ body: JSON.stringify({ message: message }),
+ };
+const constructSearchContext = async (event) => {
+ let searchContext;
+ if (typeof event.body === "object") {
+ searchContext = event.body;
+ } else if (event.requestContext.http.method === "POST") {
+ searchContext = JSON.parse(event.body);
+ } else {
+ const token = event.queryStringParameters?.searchToken;
+ searchContext =
+ token === undefined || token === ""
+ ? fromQueryString(event)
+ : await fromToken(event);
+ }
+ const { queryStringParameters = {} } = event;
+ searchContext.size = queryStringParameters.size || searchContext.size || 10;
+ searchContext.from = queryStringParameters.from || searchContext.from || 0;
+ if (queryStringParameters?.sort || searchContext.sort)
+ searchContext.sort =
+ parseSortParameter(queryStringParameters) || searchContext.sort;
+ if (queryStringParameters.page) {
+ const page = Number(queryStringParameters.page || 1);
+ searchContext.from = (page - 1) * searchContext.size;
+ }
+ return searchContext;
+const fromQueryString = ({ queryStringParameters, _requestContext }) => {
+ let request = {
+ query: {
+ query_string: {
+ query: queryStringParameters?.query || "*",
+ },
+ },
+ };
+ return request;
+const parseSortParameter = ({ sort: sortString }) => {
+ if (sortString == undefined) return null;
+ let values = [];
+ for (const el of sortString.split(",")) {
+ let obj = {};
+ const [key, value] = el.split(":");
+ obj[key] = value;
+ values.push(obj);
+ }
+ return values;
+const responseFormat = async (event) => {
+ if (event.queryStringParameters?.as) {
+ return event.queryStringParameters?.as;
+ } else {
+ if (event.queryStringParameters?.searchToken === undefined)
+ return "default";
+ const token = event.queryStringParameters.searchToken;
+ try {
+ request = await decodeSearchToken(token);
+ } catch (err) {
+ return invalidRequest("searchToken is invalid");
+ }
+ return request.format;
+ }
+const fromToken = async (event) => {
+ const token = event.queryStringParameters.searchToken;
+ let request;
+ try {
+ request = await decodeSearchToken(token);
+ } catch (err) {
+ throw new Error("searchToken is invalid");
+ }
+ return request.body;
+module.exports = { doSearch };
diff --git a/src/handlers/search.js b/src/handlers/search.js
index 21f04b19..9ff38d5d 100644
--- a/src/handlers/search.js
+++ b/src/handlers/search.js
@@ -1,49 +1,10 @@
-const { prefix } = require("../aws/environment");
-const { search } = require("../api/opensearch");
-const opensearchResponse = require("../api/response/opensearch");
-const RequestPipeline = require("../api/request/pipeline.js");
+const { doSearch } = require("./search-runner");
- * Function to wrap search requests and transform responses
- */
-exports.handler = async (event) => {
- const eventBody = event.body;
- const requestedModels =
- event.pathParameters?.models == null
- ? ["works"]
- : event.pathParameters.models.split(",");
- if (!validModels(requestedModels)) {
- return {
- statusCode: 400,
- body: JSON.stringify({
- message: `Invalid models requested: ${requestedModels}`,
- }),
- };
- }
- const filteredBody = new RequestPipeline(eventBody).authFilter().toJson();
- let esResponse = await search(modelsToTargets(requestedModels), filteredBody);
- let transformedResponse = opensearchResponse.transform(esResponse);
- return transformedResponse;
+const getSearch = async (event) => {
+ const includeToken = !!event.queryStringParameters?.searchToken;
+ return await doSearch(event, { includeToken });
-function validModels(models) {
- const validModels = models.filter((model) => isAllowed(model));
- return validModels.length > 0;
-function isAllowed(model) {
- allowedModels = ["works", "file-sets", "collections"];
- return allowedModels.includes(model);
+const postSearch = async (event) => await doSearch(event);
-function modelsToTargets(models) {
- const mapTargets = {
- works: "dc-v2-work",
- "file-sets": "dc-v2-file-set",
- collections: "dc-v2-collection",
- };
- return String(models.map((model) => prefix(mapTargets[model])));
+module.exports = { postSearch, getSearch };
diff --git a/src/helpers.js b/src/helpers.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e8af9005
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/helpers.js
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+const parseHeader = require("parse-http-header");
+const path = require("path");
+const gatewayRe = /execute-api.[a-z]+-[a-z]+-\d+.amazonaws.com/;
+function addCorsHeaders(event, response) {
+ const allowOrigin = event?.headers?.origin || "*";
+ const corsHeaders = {
+ "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": allowOrigin,
+ "Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "*",
+ "Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "POST, GET, OPTIONS",
+ "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials": "true",
+ "Access-Control-Max-Age": "600",
+ };
+ if (!response.headers) response.headers = {};
+ Object.assign(response.headers, corsHeaders);
+ return response;
+function ensureCharacterEncoding(response, defaultEncoding = "UTF-8") {
+ response.headers ||= {};
+ response.headers["Content-Type"] ||= "application/json; charset=UTF-8";
+ const contentTypeHeader = Object.keys(response.headers).find(
+ (name) => name.toLocaleLowerCase() == "content-type"
+ );
+ if (!parseHeader(response.headers[contentTypeHeader]).charset) {
+ response.headers[contentTypeHeader] += `; charset=${defaultEncoding}`;
+ }
+ return response;
+function decodeEventBody(event) {
+ if (!event.isBase64Encoded) return event;
+ event.body = Buffer.from(event.body, "base64").toString("utf8");
+ event.isBase64Encoded = false;
+ return event;
+function isApiGateway(event) {
+ return gatewayRe.test(event.requestContext.domainName);
+function isDefaultRoute(event) {
+ return event.routeKey.match(/\$default$/);
+function isLocal(event) {
+ return event.requestContext.domainName === "localhost";
+function normalizeHeaders(event) {
+ if (event.normalizedHeaders) return event;
+ const headers = { ...event.headers };
+ for (const header in headers) {
+ const lowerHeader = header.toLowerCase();
+ if (header != lowerHeader) {
+ const value = headers[header];
+ delete headers[header];
+ headers[lowerHeader] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ event.headers = headers;
+ event.normalizedHeaders = true;
+ return event;
+function baseUrl(event) {
+ event = normalizeHeaders(event);
+ const scheme = event.headers["x-forwarded-proto"];
+ // The localhost check only matters in dev mode, but it's
+ // really inconvenient not to have it
+ const host = isLocal(event)
+ ? event.headers["host"].split(/:/)[0]
+ : event.requestContext.domainName;
+ const port = event.headers["x-forwarded-port"];
+ let result = new URL(`${scheme}://${host}:${port}`);
+ let stem;
+ if (isApiGateway(event) && !isDefaultRoute(event)) {
+ const routeKey = event.routeKey.split(" ")[1];
+ const routeRe = new RegExp(
+ "^(.*)" + routeKey.replace(/\{.+?\}/g, ".+?") + "$"
+ );
+ stem = routeRe.exec(event.rawPath)[1];
+ } else if (!isLocal(event) && event?.stageVariables?.basePath) {
+ stem = event.stageVariables.basePath;
+ } else {
+ stem = "";
+ }
+ result = new URL(`${stem}/`, result);
+ return result.toString();
+function effectivePath(event) {
+ const root = path.join("/", event.requestContext.stage);
+ const absolute = event.requestContext.http.path;
+ return path.relative(root, absolute);
+function objectifyCookies(event) {
+ event.cookieObject = {};
+ if (!event.cookies) return event;
+ const cookieRe = /^(?.+?)=(?.+)$/;
+ for (const cookie of event.cookies) {
+ const match = cookieRe.exec(cookie);
+ if (match) {
+ const { name, value } = match.groups;
+ event.cookieObject[name] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ return event;
+function isFromReadingRoom(event) {
+ const AllowedIPs = (process.env.READING_ROOM_IPS || "").split(/\s*,\s*/);
+ const sourceIp = event?.requestContext?.http?.sourceIp;
+ return AllowedIPs.includes(sourceIp);
+function stubEventMembers(event) {
+ event.headers ||= {};
+ event.pathParameters ||= {};
+ event.queryStringParameters ||= {};
+ event.stageVariables ||= {};
+ event.cookies ||= [];
+ return event;
+module.exports = {
+ addCorsHeaders,
+ baseUrl,
+ decodeEventBody,
+ effectivePath,
+ ensureCharacterEncoding,
+ isFromReadingRoom,
+ normalizeHeaders,
+ objectifyCookies,
+ stubEventMembers,
diff --git a/src/package-lock.json b/src/package-lock.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1015f252
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/package-lock.json
@@ -0,0 +1,2768 @@
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+ "requires": true,
+ "packages": {
+ "": {
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+ "dependencies": {
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+++ b/template.yaml
@@ -4,13 +4,41 @@ Description: >
Sample SAM Template for dc-api-v2
# More info about Globals: https://github.com/awslabs/serverless-application-model/blob/master/docs/globals.rst
+ CodeUri: ./src
+ Runtime: nodejs16.x
+ Architectures:
+ - x86_64
+ MemorySize: 128
Timeout: 3
+ Environment:
+ Variables:
+ DC_API_ENDPOINT: !Ref DcApiEndpoint
+ DC_URL: !Ref DcUrl
+ ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT: !Ref ElasticsearchEndpoint
+ ENV_PREFIX: !Ref EnvironmentPrefix
+ READING_ROOM_IPS: !Ref ReadingRoomIPs
+ ApiSecret:
+ Type: String
+ Description: Secret Key for Encrypting JWTs (must match IIIF server)
+ CustomDomainCertificateArn:
+ Type: String
+ Description: SSL Certificate for the Custom Domain Name
+ CustomDomainZone:
+ Type: String
+ Description: Hosted Zone Name for Custom Domain
+ CustomDomainHost:
+ Type: String
+ Description: Hostname within ApiDomainName for Custom Domain
+ DcApiEndpoint:
+ Type: String
+ Description: URL for DC API
+ DcUrl:
+ Type: String
+ Description: URL of Digital Collections website
Type: String
Description: Elasticsearch url
@@ -18,32 +46,114 @@ Parameters:
Type: String
Description: Index Prefix
Default: ""
+ NussoApiKey:
+ Type: String
+ Description: API key for auth server
+ NussoBaseUrl:
+ Type: String
+ Description: Auth server URL
+ ReadingRoomIPs:
+ Type: String
+ Description: Comma-delimited list of IP addresses to serve private resources to
+ V1ApiId:
+ Type: String
+ Description: ID of the v1 API to mount on /api/v1
+ V1ApiStage:
+ Type: String
+ Description: Stage name of the v1 API to mount on /api/v1
+ Default: latest
- helloWorldFunction:
+ # V2 API
+ getAuthCallbackFunction:
+ Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
+ Properties:
+ Handler: handlers/get-auth-callback.handler
+ Description: NUSSO callback function.
+ Environment:
+ Variables:
+ API_TOKEN_SECRET: !Ref ApiSecret
+ NUSSO_API_KEY: !Ref NussoApiKey
+ NUSSO_BASE_URL: !Ref NussoBaseUrl
+ Events:
+ Api:
+ Type: HttpApi
+ Properties:
+ ApiId: !Ref dcApi
+ Path: /auth/callback
+ Method: GET
+ getAuthLoginFunction:
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
- Handler: src/handlers/hello.helloHandler
- Runtime: nodejs16.x
- Architectures:
- - x86_64
- MemorySize: 128
- Description: Says hello.
+ Handler: handlers/get-auth-login.handler
+ Description: Performs NUSSO login.
+ Environment:
+ Variables:
+ NUSSO_API_KEY: !Ref NussoApiKey
+ NUSSO_BASE_URL: !Ref NussoBaseUrl
- Type: Api
+ Type: HttpApi
- RestApiId: !Ref dcApi
- Path: /hello
+ ApiId: !Ref dcApi
+ Path: /auth/login
+ Method: GET
+ getAuthLogoutFunction:
+ Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
+ Properties:
+ Handler: handlers/get-auth-logout.handler
+ Description: Performs NUSSO logout.
+ Environment:
+ Variables:
+ NUSSO_API_KEY: !Ref NussoApiKey
+ NUSSO_BASE_URL: !Ref NussoBaseUrl
+ Events:
+ Api:
+ Type: HttpApi
+ Properties:
+ ApiId: !Ref dcApi
+ Path: /auth/logout
+ Method: GET
+ getAuthWhoAmIFunction:
+ Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
+ Properties:
+ Handler: handlers/get-auth-whoami.handler
+ Description: Exchanges valid JWT token for user information.
+ Environment:
+ Variables:
+ API_TOKEN_SECRET: !Ref ApiSecret
+ NUSSO_API_KEY: !Ref NussoApiKey
+ NUSSO_BASE_URL: !Ref NussoBaseUrl
+ Events:
+ Api:
+ Type: HttpApi
+ Properties:
+ ApiId: !Ref dcApi
+ Path: /auth/whoami
+ Method: GET
+ getCollectionsFunction:
+ Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
+ Properties:
+ Handler: handlers/get-collections.handler
+ Description: Gets Collections.
+ Policies:
+ Version: 2012-10-17
+ Statement:
+ - Sid: ESHTTPPolicy
+ Effect: Allow
+ Action:
+ - es:ESHttp*
+ Resource: "*"
+ Events:
+ Api:
+ Type: HttpApi
+ Properties:
+ ApiId: !Ref dcApi
+ Path: /collections
Method: GET
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
- Handler: src/handlers/get-collection-by-id.handler
- Runtime: nodejs16.x
- Architectures:
- - x86_64
- MemorySize: 128
- Timeout: 100
+ Handler: handlers/get-collection-by-id.handler
Description: Gets a Collection by id.
Version: 2012-10-17
@@ -53,27 +163,38 @@ Resources:
- es:ESHttp*
Resource: "*"
- Environment:
- Variables:
- ENV_PREFIX: !Ref EnvironmentPrefix
- ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT: !Ref ElasticsearchEndpoint
- Type: Api
+ Type: HttpApi
- RestApiId: !Ref dcApi
+ ApiId: !Ref dcApi
Path: /collections/{id}
Method: GET
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
- Handler: src/handlers/get-file-set-by-id.handler
- Runtime: nodejs16.x
- Architectures:
- - x86_64
- MemorySize: 128
- Timeout: 100
+ Handler: handlers/get-file-set-by-id.handler
Description: Gets a FileSet by id.
+ Policies:
+ Version: 2012-10-17
+ Statement:
+ - Sid: ESHTTPPolicy
+ Effect: Allow
+ Action:
+ - es:ESHttp*
+ Resource: "*"
+ Events:
+ Api:
+ Type: HttpApi
+ Properties:
+ ApiId: !Ref dcApi
+ Path: /file-sets/{id}
+ Method: GET
+ getFileSetAuthFunction:
+ Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
+ Properties:
+ Handler: handlers/get-file-set-auth.handler
+ Description: Authorizes access to a file set.
Version: 2012-10-17
@@ -84,24 +205,18 @@ Resources:
Resource: "*"
- ENV_PREFIX: !Ref EnvironmentPrefix
- ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT: !Ref ElasticsearchEndpoint
+ API_TOKEN_SECRET: !Ref ApiSecret
- Type: Api
+ Type: HttpApi
- RestApiId: !Ref dcApi
- Path: /file-sets/{id}
+ ApiId: !Ref dcApi
+ Path: /file-sets/{id}/authorization
Method: GET
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
- Handler: src/handlers/get-work-by-id.handler
- Runtime: nodejs16.x
- Architectures:
- - x86_64
- MemorySize: 128
- Timeout: 100
+ Handler: handlers/get-work-by-id.handler
Description: Gets a Work by id.
Version: 2012-10-17
@@ -111,27 +226,18 @@ Resources:
- es:ESHttp*
Resource: "*"
- Environment:
- Variables:
- ENV_PREFIX: !Ref EnvironmentPrefix
- ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT: !Ref ElasticsearchEndpoint
- Type: Api
+ Type: HttpApi
- RestApiId: !Ref dcApi
+ ApiId: !Ref dcApi
Path: /works/{id}
Method: GET
- searchFunction:
+ getThumbnailFunction:
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
- Handler: src/handlers/search.handler
- Runtime: nodejs16.x
- Architectures:
- - x86_64
- MemorySize: 128
- Timeout: 100
- Description: Handles OpenSearch search requests, Works only by default.
+ Handler: handlers/get-thumbnail.handler
+ Description: Gets a Work's representative thumbnail.
Version: 2012-10-17
@@ -142,24 +248,213 @@ Resources:
Resource: "*"
- ENV_PREFIX: !Ref EnvironmentPrefix
- ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT: !Ref ElasticsearchEndpoint
+ API_TOKEN_SECRET: !Ref ApiSecret
+ Events:
+ CollectionApi:
+ Type: HttpApi
+ Properties:
+ ApiId: !Ref dcApi
+ Path: /collections/{id}/thumbnail
+ Method: GET
+ WorkApi:
+ Type: HttpApi
+ Properties:
+ ApiId: !Ref dcApi
+ Path: /works/{id}/thumbnail
+ Method: GET
+ getSimilarFunction:
+ Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
+ Properties:
+ Handler: handlers/get-similar.handler
+ Timeout: 100
+ Description: Gets works similar to a specific work.
+ Policies:
+ Version: 2012-10-17
+ Statement:
+ - Sid: ESHTTPPolicy
+ Effect: Allow
+ Action:
+ - es:ESHttp*
+ Resource: "*"
+ Events:
+ WorkApi:
+ Type: HttpApi
+ Properties:
+ ApiId: !Ref dcApi
+ Path: /works/{id}/similar
+ Method: GET
+ searchPostFunction:
+ Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
+ Properties:
+ Handler: handlers/search.postSearch
+ Description: Handles OpenSearch search requests, Works only by default.
+ Policies:
+ Version: 2012-10-17
+ Statement:
+ - Sid: ESHTTPPolicy
+ Effect: Allow
+ Action:
+ - es:ESHttp*
+ Resource: "*"
- Type: Api
+ Type: HttpApi
- RestApiId: !Ref dcApi
+ ApiId: !Ref dcApi
Path: /search
Method: POST
- Type: Api
+ Type: HttpApi
- RestApiId: !Ref dcApi
+ ApiId: !Ref dcApi
Path: /search/{models}
Method: POST
+ searchGetFunction:
+ Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
+ Properties:
+ Handler: handlers/search.getSearch
+ Description: Handles paging requests
+ Policies:
+ Version: 2012-10-17
+ Statement:
+ - Sid: ESHTTPPolicy
+ Effect: Allow
+ Action:
+ - es:ESHttp*
+ Resource: "*"
+ Events:
+ SearchApi:
+ Type: HttpApi
+ Properties:
+ ApiId: !Ref dcApi
+ Path: /search
+ Method: GET
+ SearchWithModelsApi:
+ Type: HttpApi
+ Properties:
+ ApiId: !Ref dcApi
+ Path: /search/{models}
+ Method: GET
+ optionsFunction:
+ Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
+ Properties:
+ Handler: handlers/options-request.handler
+ Timeout: 3
+ Description: Handles all OPTIONS requests
+ Events:
+ Everything:
+ Type: HttpApi
+ Properties:
+ ApiId: !Ref dcApi
+ Path: /{proxy+}
+ Method: OPTIONS
+ getSharedLinkByIdFunction:
+ Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
+ Properties:
+ Handler: handlers/get-shared-link-by-id.handler
+ Description: Gets a shared link document by id.
+ Policies:
+ Version: 2012-10-17
+ Statement:
+ - Sid: ESHTTPPolicy
+ Effect: Allow
+ Action:
+ - es:ESHttp*
+ Resource: "*"
+ Events:
+ Api:
+ Type: HttpApi
+ Properties:
+ ApiId: !Ref dcApi
+ Path: /shared-links/{id}
+ Method: GET
- Type: AWS::Serverless::Api
+ Type: AWS::Serverless::HttpApi
- EndpointConfiguration:
StageName: v2
+ StageVariables:
+ basePath: api/v2
+ Domain:
+ DomainName: !Sub "${CustomDomainHost}.${CustomDomainZone}"
+ BasePath: api/v2
+ CertificateArn: !Ref CustomDomainCertificateArn
+ Route53:
+ HostedZoneName: !Sub "${CustomDomainZone}."
+ # v1 API Mapping
+ v1Mapping:
+ Type: AWS::ApiGatewayV2::ApiMapping
+ Properties:
+ ApiMappingKey: api/v1
+ DomainName: !Sub "${CustomDomainHost}.${CustomDomainZone}"
+ ApiId: !Ref V1ApiId
+ Stage: !Ref V1ApiStage
+ DependsOn: dcApi
+ # root API
+ rootApi:
+ Type: AWS::Serverless::HttpApi
+ Properties:
+ StageName: latest
+ rootRedirect:
+ Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
+ Properties:
+ CodeUri: ./redirect
+ Handler: index.handler
+ Timeout: 1
+ Description: Redirects to latest version of docs
+ Environment:
+ Variables:
+ REDIRECT_TO: /docs/v2/index.html
+ Events:
+ RedirectApi:
+ Type: HttpApi
+ Properties:
+ ApiId: !Ref rootApi
+ Path: /
+ Method: GET
+ # Documentation
+ docsMapping:
+ Type: AWS::ApiGatewayV2::ApiMapping
+ Properties:
+ DomainName: !Sub "${CustomDomainHost}.${CustomDomainZone}"
+ ApiId: !Ref rootApi
+ Stage: !Ref rootApilatestStage
+ DependsOn: dcApi
+ docsBucket:
+ Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
+ Properties:
+ BucketName: !Sub "dcapi-docs.${CustomDomainZone}"
+ AccessControl: PublicRead
+ WebsiteConfiguration:
+ IndexDocument: index.html
+ ErrorDocument: index.html
+ docsBucketPolicy:
+ Type: AWS::S3::BucketPolicy
+ Properties:
+ PolicyDocument:
+ Id: MyPolicy
+ Version: 2012-10-17
+ Statement:
+ - Sid: PublicReadForGetBucketObjects
+ Effect: Allow
+ Principal: "*"
+ Action: "s3:GetObject"
+ Resource: !Sub "arn:aws:s3:::${docsBucket}/*"
+ Bucket: !Ref docsBucket
+ docsIntegration:
+ Type: AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Integration
+ Properties:
+ ApiId: !Ref rootApi
+ IntegrationMethod: GET
+ IntegrationType: HTTP_PROXY
+ IntegrationUri: !Sub "http://${docsBucket}.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/{proxy}"
+ PayloadFormatVersion: "1.0"
+ docsRoute:
+ Type: AWS::ApiGatewayV2::Route
+ Properties:
+ ApiId: !Ref rootApi
+ AuthorizationType: NONE
+ RouteKey: GET /docs/v2/{proxy+}
+ Target: !Sub "integrations/${docsIntegration}"
diff --git a/test/fixtures/mocks/collection-1234-no-thumbnail.json b/test/fixtures/mocks/collection-1234-no-thumbnail.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6bfe3e0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixtures/mocks/collection-1234-no-thumbnail.json
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ "_index": "dev-dc-v2-collection",
+ "_type": "_doc",
+ "_id": "1234",
+ "_version": 1,
+ "found": true,
+ "_source": {
+ "id": "1234",
+ "api_model": "Collection",
+ "published": true,
+ "representative_image": {}
+ }
diff --git a/test/fixtures/mocks/collection-1234.json b/test/fixtures/mocks/collection-1234.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f29db15d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixtures/mocks/collection-1234.json
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ "_index": "dev-dc-v2-collection",
+ "_type": "_doc",
+ "_id": "1234",
+ "_version": 1,
+ "found": true,
+ "_source": {
+ "id": "1234",
+ "title": "Collection Title",
+ "api_model": "Collection",
+ "published": true,
+ "representative_image": {
+ "work_id": "1234"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/test/fixtures/mocks/collections.json b/test/fixtures/mocks/collections.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e1d31029
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/fixtures/mocks/collections.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1625 @@
+ "took": 4,
+ "timed_out": false,
+ "_shards": {
+ "total": 5,
+ "successful": 5,
+ "skipped": 0,
+ "failed": 0
+ },
+ "hits": {
+ "total": {
+ "value": 68,
+ "relation": "eq"
+ },
+ "max_score": 1.0809127,
+ "hits": [
+ {
+ "_index": "dc-v2-collection-1658438321581379",
+ "_type": "_doc",
+ "_id": "1e0b26c9-3e0b-4318-8e19-3663ffaf5d9f",
+ "_score": 1.0809127,
+ "_source": {
+ "featured": false,
+ "keywords": [""],
+ "visibility": "Public",
+ "description": "A collection of 74 photographic images, most 3¼ x 5½ inches, a few smaller. Mixed processes; some black & white, a few sepia tones. Some may be contact prints. Images selectively depicting the construction period of the Panama Canal, 1904–1914. Fifty photographs in the collection document major engineering projects: building of the locks, test transits, Culebra Cut digging, dredging operations, etc. In addition, images of iconic Canal Zone buildings during construction: Administration Building, Tivoli Hotel, Canal Zone towns, etc. The remaining 24 photographs show views of Panama City, Portobelo historical ruins, Taboga Island, bullfighting ring, etc. Social norms of the period are documented in a few images, such as, a sign reading “These Paths for Gold Employees Only” (paths for white employees only.) The collection’s metadata description is provided in English and Spanish thanks to a collaboration between Northwestern University Transportation Library staff and Panama Canal Authority Roberto F. Chiari Library former Library Director Mr. Rolando Cochez and Mr. Isaac E. Carranza, Library Technician.\n\n\nUna colección de 74 imágenes fotográficas, la mayoría de 3¼ x 5½ pulgadas, algunas mas pequeñas. Procesos mixtos; la mayoría en blanco y negro, pocas en tonos sepia. Algunas pueden ser impresiones de contacto. Imágenes presentan el periodo de la construcción del Canal de Panamá, 1904-1914. En esta colección, 50 fotografías documentan grandes proyectos de ingeniería: construcción de las esclusas, tránsitos de prueba, excavación del Corte Culebra, operaciones de dragado, etc. Además, imágenes de icónicos edificios de la Zona del Canal durante su construcción: el Edificio de la Administración, el Hotel Tivoli, pueblos de la Zona del Canal. Las otras 24 fotografías muestran vistas de la Ciudad de Panamá, ruinas históricas de Portobelo, la Isla de Taboga, la plaza de toros, etc. Las normas sociales de la época están documentadas en algunas imágenes por ejemplo: un cartel lee “Estos Caminos Únicamente para Empleados Blancos” (“These Paths for Gold Employees Only.” La descripción de metadatos en esta colección es presentada en Español e Ingles gracias a una colaboración entre la Biblioteca de Transporte de la Universidad de Northwestern y los Sres. Rolando Cochez, pasado Administrador Biblitecario, e Isaac E. Carranza, Técnico Biblitecario, de la Biblioteca Roberto F. Chiari de la Autoridad del Canal de Panamá. ",
+ "published": true,
+ "title": "The Panama Canal Construction Photograph Collection",
+ "modified_date": "2021-09-28T22:09:31.604431Z",
+ "admin_email": null,
+ "indexed_at": "2022-08-24T17:29:14.586293",
+ "api_model": "Collection",
+ "finding_aid_url": "https://findingaids.library.northwestern.edu/repositories/5/resources/1565",
+ "api_link": "[PLACEHOLDER]/1e0b26c9-3e0b-4318-8e19-3663ffaf5d9f",
+ "id": "1e0b26c9-3e0b-4318-8e19-3663ffaf5d9f",
+ "representative_image": {},
+ "create_date": "2021-03-12T02:11:32.309567Z"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "_index": "dc-v2-collection-1658438321581379",
+ "_type": "_doc",
+ "_id": "67ce0602-e1b4-4d5b-9028-1d772f2c7917",
+ "_score": 1.0809127,
+ "_source": {
+ "featured": false,
+ "keywords": [""],
+ "visibility": "Public",
+ "description": "The Elizabeth Augusta Wrightson Collection consists of 135 arias and other songs chiefly from Italian operas of the bel canto style. Approximately 100 contain detailed performance markings including ornamentation, expression marks and cadenzas.",
+ "published": true,
+ "title": "Elizabeth Augusta Wrightson Collection of Annotated Bel Canto Vocal Music",
+ "modified_date": "2021-08-12T13:29:43.193496Z",
+ "admin_email": null,
+ "indexed_at": "2022-08-24T17:29:14.587322",
+ "api_model": "Collection",
+ "finding_aid_url": "https://findingaids.library.northwestern.edu/repositories/3/resources/1356",
+ "api_link": "[PLACEHOLDER]/67ce0602-e1b4-4d5b-9028-1d772f2c7917",
+ "id": "67ce0602-e1b4-4d5b-9028-1d772f2c7917",
+ "representative_image": {},
+ "create_date": "2021-04-28T13:22:55.818169Z"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "_index": "dc-v2-collection-1658438321581379",
+ "_type": "_doc",
+ "_id": "e4075581-b388-4f2c-afc5-4860e172ba24",
+ "_score": 1.0809127,
+ "_source": {
+ "featured": false,
+ "keywords": [""],
+ "visibility": "Public",
+ "description": " Architectural Drawings from the collections of Northwestern University Libraries.",
+ "published": true,
+ "title": "Architectural Drawings",
+ "modified_date": "2021-06-28T15:12:00.641129Z",
+ "admin_email": null,
+ "indexed_at": "2022-08-24T17:29:14.682023",
+ "api_model": "Collection",
+ "finding_aid_url": null,
+ "api_link": "[PLACEHOLDER]/e4075581-b388-4f2c-afc5-4860e172ba24",
+ "id": "e4075581-b388-4f2c-afc5-4860e172ba24",
+ "representative_image": {},
+ "create_date": "2021-04-22T17:09:20.594040Z"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "_index": "dc-v2-collection-1658438321581379",
+ "_type": "_doc",
+ "_id": "29354d03-c3db-443e-a18d-9a15f04558b6",
+ "_score": 1.0809127,
+ "_source": {
+ "featured": null,
+ "keywords": [],
+ "visibility": "Public",
+ "description": "This collection was from the Study Photographs Collection which was once in the Visual Media Center under the Department of Art History at Northwestern University. ",
+ "published": true,
+ "title": "Department of Art History || Study Photographs Collection",
+ "modified_date": "2021-03-17T20:18:35.644274Z",
+ "admin_email": null,
+ "indexed_at": "2022-08-24T17:29:14.682772",
+ "api_model": "Collection",
+ "finding_aid_url": null,
+ "api_link": "[PLACEHOLDER]/29354d03-c3db-443e-a18d-9a15f04558b6",
+ "id": "29354d03-c3db-443e-a18d-9a15f04558b6",
+ "representative_image": {},
+ "create_date": "2021-03-12T02:11:32.420485Z"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "_index": "dc-v2-collection-1658438321581379",
+ "_type": "_doc",
+ "_id": "1f9fe6a4-9059-4e1d-9a1f-178892beaf13",
+ "_score": 1.0809127,
+ "_source": {
+ "featured": null,
+ "keywords": [],
+ "visibility": "Public",
+ "description": "La Caricature was a satirical weekly published French periodical that was distributed in Paris between 1830 and 1843 during the July Monarchy. This collection contains works from when Charles Philipon (1800–61) was director and main author. The complete volumes of La Caricature can be found in HathiTrust Digital Library. These are individual plates only. Related URL connects to the complete volume. ",
+ "published": true,
+ "title": "La Caricature (1830-1835; Charles Philipon, founding editor)",
+ "modified_date": "2021-03-17T20:18:35.644274Z",
+ "admin_email": null,
+ "indexed_at": "2022-08-24T17:29:14.683613",
+ "api_model": "Collection",
+ "finding_aid_url": null,
+ "api_link": "[PLACEHOLDER]/1f9fe6a4-9059-4e1d-9a1f-178892beaf13",
+ "id": "1f9fe6a4-9059-4e1d-9a1f-178892beaf13",
+ "representative_image": {},
+ "create_date": "2021-03-12T02:11:32.400123Z"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "_index": "dc-v2-collection-1658438321581379",
+ "_type": "_doc",
+ "_id": "58432865-db82-4b05-8910-453fe1df5972",
+ "_score": 1.0809127,
+ "_source": {
+ "featured": false,
+ "keywords": [""],
+ "visibility": "Public",
+ "description": "Audio recordings of Kongo Langlois Roshi, one of the first American Zen Buddhist priests.",
+ "published": true,
+ "title": "The Dharma Talks of Kongo Langlois Roshi",
+ "modified_date": "2022-02-03T23:00:08.248263Z",
+ "admin_email": null,
+ "indexed_at": "2022-08-24T17:29:14.683888",
+ "api_model": "Collection",
+ "finding_aid_url": null,
+ "api_link": "[PLACEHOLDER]/58432865-db82-4b05-8910-453fe1df5972",
+ "id": "58432865-db82-4b05-8910-453fe1df5972",
+ "representative_image": {},
+ "create_date": "2022-01-21T06:46:05.977859Z"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "_index": "dc-v2-collection-1658438321581379",
+ "_type": "_doc",
+ "_id": "5a3744f2-5cbc-4edc-bb16-1bad7265e41c",
+ "_score": 1.0809127,
+ "_source": {
+ "featured": false,
+ "keywords": [""],
+ "visibility": "Public",
+ "description": "The Charles Deering McCormick of Special Collections contains a collection of about 8,000 items relating to the Siege and Commune of Paris of 1870-1871. This collection is the largest held on this subject in the United States, and one of the largest in the world. This diverse and visually exciting array includes original photographs, caricatures, posters, etchings, lithographs, books, newspapers, manuscripts and realia created during and in reaction to l'année terrible: the epoch-changing year that witnessed France's defeat in the Franco-Prussian War, the downfall of the Second Empire, the hardship and suffering of the four-month siege of Paris, and the bloody civil war that snuffed out the Commune uprising.\n\nThe nucleus of the collection was acquired in 1971, the centenary year of end of the Commune, when astute Northwestern University librarians purchased almost en bloc the catalogue offerings of a prominent French book dealer. Since that time it has been augmented by many successive acquisitions. Along with the American Civil War and the Crimean War, the Franco-Prussian War was one of the first to be documented photographically. Photographs of the war and of the ruined Paris landscape it and the struggle with the Communards caused abound, as well as some of the earliest examples of manipulated fake photographs created for propaganda purposes. ",
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+ "title": "The Siege and Commune of Paris, 1870-1871",
+ "modified_date": "2022-01-31T19:08:45.445939Z",
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+ "description": "These posters represent a sampling (approximately 2200) of our growing collection of over 5000 Africana posters housed at the Melville J. Herskovits Library of African Studies. The subjects covered here include politics, health, religion, liberation struggles, art exhibitions, and social issues.",
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+ "title": "Posters from the Herskovits Library",
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+ "description": "U.S. Army Base Hospital # 12 (Chicago Unit), frequently referred to as the Northwestern University Base Hospital, was organized in July 1916 to assist the medical needs of the Allied forces in Europe during WWI. Records of the United States Army Base Hospital Number 12 World War I and II are located at the Northwestern University Archives and include clippings, programs, poems, newsletters, journals, published articles, memorabilia, correspondence, photographs, and a scrapbook. Support for this project provided by the Pritzker Military Museum & Library.",
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+ "title": "United States Army Base Hospital Number 12 World War I and II Records",
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+ "description": "Edward Sheriff Curtis published The North American Indian between 1907 and 1930 with the intent to record traditional Native American cultures. The work comprises twenty volumes of narrative text and photogravure images. Each volume is accompanied by a portfolio of large photogravure plates. Search tip: shortcut to a list of just the text volumes by searching \"illustrated books\" in the search bar.\n\nCultural Context: Content on this site is drawn from a historical source which includes materials that may contain offensive images or language reflecting the nature of Settler Colonialism in America. Such materials should be viewed in the context of the time and place in which they were created. The images and text in this site are presented as specific, original artifacts recording the attitudes, perspectives and beliefs of a different era. Northwestern University does not endorse the views expressed in this collection which may contain images and text offensive to some researchers.",
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+ "title": "Edward S. Curtis's The North American Indian",
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+ "description": "The Project Survival Teach-out focused on the battle to defend the environment. The Teach-out features an assembly of environmental authorities and politically knowledgeable speakers.",
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+ "title": "Project Survival Films, 1970",
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+ "description": "Musical Scores from the collections of Northwestern University Libraries.",
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+ "description": "This collection was from the Study Photographs Collection which was once under the Department of Theatre at Northwestern University. ",
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+ "description": "The Commedia dell'Arte, the famous improvisational theatre style born in Renaissance Italy, remains a major influence in today's theatre. Antonio Fava is an actor, comedian, author, director, musician, mask maker and Internationally renowned Maestro of Commedia dell'Arte. The masks in this collection are all stored in the Charles Deering McCormick Library of Special Collections. Fava's book The Comic Mask in the Commedia dell'Arte is published by Northwestern University Press.",
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+ "title": "Commedia dell'Arte: The Masks of Antonio Fava",
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+ "description": "Transportation Library Audiovisual Collection",
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+ "description": "James (Jim) Roberts earned his bachelor’s degree from Northwestern University, master’s and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Iowa, and an M.B.A. from Duke’s Fuqua School of Business. Until recently he served as the Executive Vice Provost for Finance and Administration at Duke University, where he was also Adjunct Professor in the Department of History. The James Roberts photographs range in date from 1968-1972, the years when Roberts was a student at Northwestern. Although Roberts was a history major, his primary passion was photography, and he considers its practice a substantial part of his education. Roberts arrived at Northwestern in 1968. He quickly became acquainted with the photography community in Evanston, and in 1969 joined the staff of the Syllabus yearbook. During 1969-1972, Roberts documented Northwestern life intensively, and made occasional forays into the surrounding Evanston and Chicago environs. He also spent a quarter studying abroad in Cuernavaca, Mexico at the Centro Intercultural de Documentation, an important site of Catholic social activism in Mexico. The late 1960s and early 1970s were remarkable years at Northwestern, in Chicago, and around the world. The photos Roberts took, many published in the ’70, ’71, and ’72 editions of the Syllabus, artfully documented both the mundane (i.e. Evanston street scenes, football games, dining hall kitchen staff) and the extraordinary (i.e., the March on Washington, Vietnam War protests, student clashes with police, and street life in Mexico).",
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+ "description": "Ann C. Gunter is an art historian and Bertha and Max Dressler Professor in the Humanities at Northwestern University. Her work addresses the visual and material cultural of the ancient Near East and its Eastern Mediterranean neighbors. These images are from her personal slide collection.",
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+ "description": "Materials showcasing typography and graphic art from the collections of Northwestern University Libraries.",
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+ "description": "The Ira Silverman Railroad Menu Collection consists of 238 items: 227 menus and eleven pamphlets. 35 United States and Canadian railroads are represented in the collection. All menus were issued by their respective railroad.\n",
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+ "description": "The Moldenhauer Collection is comprised of music manuscripts, sketches and quotations, correspondence, photographs, newspaper clippings, printed programs, manuscript texts and other materials which document composers and musicians active between 1683 and 1973. This collection is a selection of items that were digitized for a researcher from Box 3, Folder 28.",
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+ "description": "Hamid Naficy Middle Eastern Movie Posters Collection contains 249 posters, which have been digitized and cataloged individually. These posters document the social history of film in Iran and offer a unique visual representation of the political and social climate there between 1966 and 2014.",
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+ "description": "51 master class audio recordings of Arnold Jacobs (low brass) from the 1970s - early 80s. ",
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+ "description": "Series 31/6/155, Photographs: Folder 4 - The following images are from the events of the May 3, 1968 Bursar’s Office Takeover, the first student protest at Northwestern University. On April 22, 1968, members of Black student organizations, For Members Only (FMO) and African American Student Union (AASU), presented a list of demands to the Northwestern University administration regarding discriminatory campus policies and practices. When the demands were not met, on May 3, 1968, approximately 120 African American students occupied the Bursar’s Office, Northwestern University’s business office. The demonstration lasted for 38 hours when members of FMO and AASU and the administration ultimately reached a compromise on May 4, 1968. This effort successfully led to the “May 4th agreement” in which the University promised enhanced support for African American students regarding admission, financial aid, housing, curriculum, and counseling, as well as an official statement by the administration admitting to the existence of institutional racism at the University. Notably, it also prompted the creation of the Department of African American Studies and a social space for Black students on campus, known as the Black House.",
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+ "title": "Records of the Bursar’s Office Takeover, May 1968",
+ "modified_date": "2021-03-17T20:18:35.644274Z",
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+ "description": "Leigh Bienen Videos",
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+ "title": "Leigh Bienen Videos",
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+ "description": "This collection of Northwestern University football films dates between 1929 and 1984 with a gap for the period 1932–1934. The films record actual intercollegiate games although for many seasons not all contests are represented. The films are most complete for football seasons from the 1950s through the 1980s; beginning in the late 1950s, practice, junior varsity, and freshman team game films often are included. Northwestern team and Big Ten Conference football highlight films are scattered across the collection from the 1930s through the 1970s.",
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+ "title": "Athletic Department Football Films",
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+ "description": "Poetry and Poetics Colloquium",
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+ "description": "Over 150 photographic prints (mostly 4x6 cabinet size, mounted on cardstock) taken by noted Evanston photographer Alexander Hesler, dating circa 1870-1887 and depicting Northwestern University faculty, students, and buildings. Includes 2 copies of published volume \"Photographic Views of Picturesque Evanston\" (1887).",
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+ "description": "This collection of airline, railroad and cruise ship menus began as a gift from Northwestern alumnus George M. Foster, who donated his extensive menu collection to the Transportation Library in 1997, where it has since been expanded from other sources.",
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+ "title": "Transportation Library Menu Collection",
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+ "description": "View more than 300 World War II-era posters issued by various U.S. government agencies. They represent the government's effort, through art, illustration and photographs, to unite the American people in a time of adversity.",
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+ "description": "Imagination without Borders introduces the work of Japanese visual artist TOMIYAMA Taeko and, to a lesser extent, the paintings and prints of MARUKI Toshi & MARUKI Iri and Eleanor RUBIN. All four think of themselves as political artists and see their work as a protest against social injustice and the suffering such injustice causes. All four were deeply affected by World War II and their art reflects their shared belief that war is a disaster for everyone.",
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+ "description": "Materials in this collection of 45 documents pertain to the institution of slavery in the Americas. The documents include correspondence on the slave trade, assignments on chain gangs, bills of sale, manumission papers, and wills and bequests. They also include letters providing character references for free Black people, reports on a school in an African American religious community in Baltimore, Maryland, and an indenture agreement between a printer and an apprentice.",
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+ "description": "Frederick Douglass (c. 1817-1895) was an abolitionist, orator, and writer. In 1838, Douglass escaped from his Maryland enslaver, and over time became one of the most celebrated abolitionists and social reformers of the 19th century. This collection of 11 original documents and 6 copies contains Frederick Douglass’ bill of sale, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and additional copies of correspondence.",
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+ "description": "This collection contains lavishly illustrated early U.S. bicycle and bicycle parts manufacturers’ catalogs covering the period from 1890 through 1932, with the great majority published between 1890 and 1902. The 71 items in this collection represent over 40 manufacturers, roughly geographically distributed in equal parts between the Chicago area, the East Coast, and the Midwest.",
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+ "title": "Late 19th - Early 20th Century Bicycle and Bicycle Parts Catalogs",
+ "modified_date": "2021-07-15T20:33:46.985909Z",
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+ "description": "Robert Marcellus Master Class Audio Archives",
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+ "description": "This collection features digital copies of 113 antique maps of Africa and accompanying text dating from the mid-16th Century to the early 20th Century. All scanned maps are authentic and originally collected by the Melville J. Herskovits Library of African Studies. Melville J. Herskovits established Northwestern University's Program of African Studies in 1948 (the first of its kind at a major research university in the United States). The Herskovits Library, formally created as a separate library in 1954, has since its inception collected maps that describe Africa from their earliest appearance to the most current. Map area coverage includes the continent, regions (particularly North Africa and Algeria), islands (particularly Madagascar), and a few city plans. All of these maps are loose items, though many have been excised from published atlases. Some of the highlights of the digital collection are: a series of Ptolemic maps of North Africa by Ruscelli, ca. 1565; Forlani: Africa , 1562; Mercator: Africa, 1595; Blaeu: Æthiopia ca. 1650 (a Prester John map); Carey: Africa, 1795 (first map of Africa published in the United States), Arrowsmith: Africa, 1802 (notable for its large dimensions, 124 x 145 cm.), a series of Algerian maps published by the French government in the mid-1800's, and maps by other notable cartographers, such as Hondius, Jansson, de Jode, de L'Isle, Ortelius, Sanson, and de Wit. The original maps are kept and maintained in the map collection in the Government & Geographic Information Collection. We welcome questions, comments, and suggestions concerning any aspect of this digital collection, particularly with regards to provenance. Other antique maps from the Herskovits Library which were not included in this digital collection are either duplicate copies or other editions, such as French government sets covering Algeria.",
+ "published": true,
+ "title": "16th-Early 20th Century Maps of Africa",
+ "modified_date": "2021-03-17T20:18:35.644274Z",
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+ "create_date": "2021-03-12T02:11:32.395086Z"
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+ "description": "Scrapbooks from the collections of Northwestern University Libraries.",
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+ "title": "Scrapbooks",
+ "modified_date": "2021-03-17T20:18:35.644274Z",
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+ "create_date": "2021-03-12T02:11:32.370858Z"
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+ "description": "The James E. \"Jimmy\" Johnson Scrapbooks collection consists mainly of two scrapbooks. The first, bearing the title “Football Note,” contains numerous newspaper articles detailing Johnson’s football career and social engagements during the years he spent at Northwestern University. About half of the scrapbook chronicles activities associated with the Carlisle Indian Industrial School. Included are numerous photographs and halftone pictures depicting the school and its students. Scattered throughout the scrapbook are printed items and ephemera pertaining to school ceremonies and events. Additionally there are pages with business and personal information cards documenting Johnson’s friends and associates.\n\nThe second scrapbook is smaller and only contains newspaper clippings pertaining to Johnson’s football career at Carlisle.\n\nSupplementing the scrapbooks are additional photographs and biographical information, including Johnson's death notice.",
+ "published": true,
+ "title": "James E. \"Jimmy\" Johnson (1879-1942) Scrapbooks and Miscellanea",
+ "modified_date": "2021-09-28T22:18:28.037587Z",
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+ "indexed_at": "2022-08-24T17:29:14.684644",
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+ "create_date": "2021-03-12T02:11:32.460047Z"
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+ "description": "Images taken from: Narrative report, July 1935 to April 1936. Illinois: Works Progress Administration, Illinois, Women and Professional Division, 1936.",
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+ "title": "WPA Digital Collection, 1935-1943",
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+ "description": "Rob Linrothe is an Associate Professor in the Department of Art History at Northwestern University. Here he shares his images of Tibetan, Chinese, and Indian monuments, field photography, and architecture. The collection has a strong focus on Tibetan sites, particularly petroglyphs, stupas, and monasteries in the Ladakh and Zangskar regions. Linrothe has also photographed the architecture and sculpture of monuments such as Borobudur in Indonesia and Sanchi in India. Rob Linrothe specializes in Buddhist art of the Himalayas. His recent fieldwork has focused on pre-modern mural painting in the Ladakh and Zangskar regions of Western Tibet (northwest India), as well as the contemporary revival of monastic painting in the Amdo province of Eastern Tibet (China).",
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+ "title": "Rob Linrothe Image Collection",
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+ "description": "Northwestern University Libraries’ Map & Atlas Collection allows access to an ever-growing selection of our cartographic resources in high resolution.",
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+ "description": "Gift of the Deering Family. These sketches by Catalan artist Ramón Casas (1866-1932) document the work of an under-represented artist who was influential in modernist art circles in Barcelona and Paris along with his peers John Singer Sargent, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, and the young Pablo Picasso. Three bound hardcover volumes of sketches came to the Northwestern University Libraries in 1998 as part of a donation of books that had belonged to NU benefactor Charles Deering (1852-1927). Deering and Casas met in 1904 and established a lifelong friendship. At some point before the donation, a few hundred loose Casas drawings, postcards, and illustrated letters dating from 1891 to 1912 were bound into their current form. There were at least five volumes in the set; two remain in private collections.",
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+ "title": "Ramón Casas Sketchbooks",
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+ "description": "The photographs of George S. Duntley fill 8 boxes and cover the years from approximately 1899-1918. The collection consists of dry plate negatives and record Duntley’s years in Chicago and Evanston while he was attending Northwestern University Medical School. Also included are photographs taken in Bushnell, Illinois, his home town and surrounding areas.",
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+ "description": "The Asher Golden Collection contains 29 audiocassette recordings and a small amount of paper documents from Northwestern University’s 1995-1997 football seasons. A sports reporter for Northwestern’s WNUR radio station, Golden covered Wildcat football between 1995 and the January 1, 1997 Citrus Bowl.",
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+ "description": "Photo Albums from the collections of Northwestern University Libraries.",
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+ "description": "This collection includes 300 audio recordings of notable WNUR broadcasts. The topics of the recordings range from general aspects of Northwestern University life, student activities and performances, to various social and political speeches and meetings.",
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+ "description": "Audio recordings of Chicago Chamber Musicians concerts and performances. ",
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+ "description": "Black and white photographs mounted in album from the Herskovits Library of African Studies. ",
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+ "description": "Catherine Wolfe Donohue, who contracted radium poisoning while an employee of the Radium Dial Company in Ottawa, Illinois, was part of the class action suit against the company. Damages were awarded to the women in 1938 by the Illinois Industrial Commission. This collection consists of a scrapbook created by the Donohue family with newspaper clippings about the plight of the women and their efforts to get treatment and compensation, some family photographs, publications from Argonne National Laboratory, articles about the case, and a letter from Donohue's cousin, Mary Carroll Cassidy.",
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+ "description": "The Early Automobile Companies Ephemera Collection contains materials dating between 1910 and 1932, and consists of published advertising and marketing brochures, maps, guides and general information about automobiles. As a whole, the collection gives a view of the many automobile companies that thrived at the beginning of the 20th century, as well as a burgeoning travel industry. Primarily centering upon the Midwest and Great Lakes regions, the collection also includes maps and travel guides to the Western and Southern states.",
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+ "description": "Visual materials from a regimental history of the 33rd Division which was made up of soldiers from Illinois and was published by the Illinois State Historical Society. The history addresses the organization and training of this Division and where it served in Europe during the 1st World War.",
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+ "description": "The collection depicts the breadth of African experience; documents African life; European life in Africa in all its manifestations; and the African landscape, in particular as it changed over time. Included are photographs showing the building of East Africa’s railways, the growth of its urban centers and the development of European colonial administration. There are outstanding examples of portraiture. The collection provides an unsurpassed resource for the study of the history of photography in East Africa. \n\nCultural Context: Content on this site is drawn from a broad range of historical sources including materials that may contain offensive images or language reflecting the nature of European colonialism in Africa. Such materials should be viewed in the context of the time and place in which they were created. The images and text in this site are presented as specific, original artifacts recording the attitudes, perspectives and beliefs of a different era. Northwestern University does not endorse the views expressed in this collection which may contain images and text offensive to some researchers.",
+ "published": true,
+ "title": "The Humphrey Winterton Collection of East African Photographs: 1860-1960",
+ "modified_date": "2022-02-24T23:51:15.813860Z",
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+ "indexed_at": "2022-08-24T17:29:14.764325",
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+ "description": "These images of African daily life date from the mid-20th century. Photographs come from the following countries and territories: Basutoland, Belgian Congo, Dahomey, French Equatorial Africa, French Guinea, French Togoland, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Liberia, Mauritania, Niger (French), Nigeria, Northern Rhodesia, Ruanda-Urundi, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Southern Rhodesia, Southwest Africa, Tanganyika, and Tunisia.",
+ "published": true,
+ "title": "Vernon McKay Photographs",
+ "modified_date": "2022-02-24T23:51:16.488587Z",
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+ "indexed_at": "2022-08-24T17:29:14.845465",
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+ "description": "Images from the publication : Une cité moderne : dessins / de Rob Mallet-Stevens ; preface de Frantz Jourdain. Author: Mallet-Stevens, Robert, 1886-1945. Format: 1 portfolio (3, 32 leaves of plates : chiefly col. ill.) ; 34 cm.. Language: French; English Notes: Text in French; captions in French and English.",
+ "published": true,
+ "title": "Une cité moderne : dessins, by Rob Mallet-Stevens",
+ "modified_date": "2022-02-24T23:51:16.520330Z",
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+ "description": "La Caricature was a satirical weekly published French periodical that was distributed in Paris between 1830 and 1843 during the July Monarchy. This collection contains works from when Auguste Audibert was editor. The complete volumes of La Caricature can be found in HathiTrust Digital Library. These are individual plates only. Related URL connects to the complete volume. ",
+ "published": true,
+ "title": "La Caricature (1880-1893, 1899; Albert Robida, founding editor)",
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+ "description": "The Ronald J. Sullivan Photograph Collection is an extensive collection of photographs and slides of public and commercial buses and public transit and commuter trains, dating from 1946-2000. The bulk of the collection comprises photographs taken by Ronald J. Sullivan, an amateur photographer and rail and bus enthusiast; also included are historic images of Chicago-area transit that were part of Sullivan’s personal collection, and which supplement the photographer’s original material. The majority of the photographs were taken in Chicago, Illinois and the surrounding area, with a few in other cities and international locations. Sullivan documented nearly all of the photographs and slides in this collection in detail with bus or train numbers, route numbers, street intersections or stations, and dates. For the sake of consistency and ease of searching for specific items the City of Chicago Street Guide abbreviations and a list of common abbreviations found in the collection will be used. ",
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+ "title": "Ronald J. Sullivan Photograph Collection",
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+ "description": "The Berkeley Folk Music Festival Archive consists of roughly 33,500 items, including photographs of folk artists and groups, posters, flyers, press clippings, correspondence, publicity information, audio, video, and more about the Festival and the folk music revival as a whole. Audio recordings from the Archive can be found by copying and pasting http://libraries.nu/FolkFestivalAudio into your browser. A digital exhibit, The Berkeley Folk Music Festival & the Folk Revival on the US West Coast—An Introduction, can be found at https://sites.northwestern.edu/bfmf. We welcome your input and comments to help us continue to improve the accuracy of this rich, wide-ranging collection of materials at https://sites.northwestern.edu/bfmf/contact-us/.",
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+ "title": "Berkeley Folk Music Festival",
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+ "role": "Geographical",
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+ }
+ ],
+ "scope_and_contents": ["I promise there is scope and content"],
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+ {
+ "note": "Here are some notes",
+ "type": "General Note"
+ },
+ {
+ "note": "Awards type",
+ "type": "Awards"
+ },
+ {
+ "note": "Biographical note",
+ "type": "Biographical/Historical Note"
+ },
+ {
+ "note": "creation production credits",
+ "type": "Creation/Production Credits"
+ },
+ {
+ "note": "Language note",
+ "type": "Language Note"
+ },
+ {
+ "note": "Local Note",
+ "type": "Local Note"
+ },
+ {
+ "note": "Performers",
+ "type": "Performers"
+ },
+ {
+ "note": "Statement of Responsibility",
+ "type": "Statement of Responsibility"
+ },
+ {
+ "note": "Venue/event date",
+ "type": "Venue/Event Date"
+ },
+ {
+ "note": "massive add to all pages/check",
+ "type": "General Note"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "modified_date": "2022-10-13T20:56:31.249155Z",
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+ "series": ["Canaries and How to Care for Them"],
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+ "id": "http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/languages/crh",
+ "label": "Crimean Tatar",
+ "variants": []
+ }
+ ],
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+ {
+ "facet": "https://sws.geonames.org/4999069/||Leland Township",
+ "id": "https://sws.geonames.org/4999069/",
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+ "description": "This is the description of the collection"
+ },
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+ "label": "Dessa (Vocalist)",
+ "variants": [
+ "Dessa, 1981-",
+ "Wander, Dessa, 1981-",
+ "Dessa Darling",
+ "Wander, Margret"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "id": "http://id.worldcat.org/fast/1152763",
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+ "variants": []
+ },
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+ "variants": []
+ },
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+ "label": "Schober, Franz von, 1796-1882",
+ "variants": []
+ }
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+ "physical_description_size": ["16 x 24 inches"],
+ "description": [
+ "This is a private record for RepoDev testing on production"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "label": "Mice",
+ "variants": []
+ }
+ ],
+ "date_created": ["August 1906 to December 1910", "1958"],
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+ }
+ ],
+ "library_unit": "Charles Deering McCormick Library of Special Collections",
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+ "id": "http://vocab.getty.edu/aat/300053228",
+ "label": "drypoint (printing process)",
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+ }
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+ },
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+ {
+ "label": "Finding Aid",
+ "url": "https://findingaids.library.northwestern.edu/"
+ },
+ {
+ "label": "Research Guide",
+ "url": "https://www.wbez.org/"
+ },
+ {
+ "label": "Related Information",
+ "url": "https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/facts/squirrels"
+ },
+ {
+ "label": "Hathi Trust Digital Library",
+ "url": "https://www.hathitrust.org/"
+ }
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+ },
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+ "collection": {
+ "description": "This collection features digital copies of 113 antique maps of Africa and accompanying text dating from the mid-16th Century to the early 20th Century. All scanned maps are authentic and originally collected by the Melville J. Herskovits Library of African Studies. Melville J. Herskovits established Northwestern University's Program of African Studies in 1948 (the first of its kind at a major research university in the United States). The Herskovits Library, formally created as a separate library in 1954, has since its inception collected maps that describe Africa from their earliest appearance to the most current. Map area coverage includes the continent, regions (particularly North Africa and Algeria), islands (particularly Madagascar), and a few city plans. All of these maps are loose items, though many have been excised from published atlases. Some of the highlights of the digital collection are: a series of Ptolemic maps of North Africa by Ruscelli, ca. 1565; Forlani: Africa , 1562; Mercator: Africa, 1595; Blaeu: Æthiopia ca. 1650 (a Prester John map); Carey: Africa, 1795 (first map of Africa published in the United States), Arrowsmith: Africa, 1802 (notable for its large dimensions, 124 x 145 cm.), a series of Algerian maps published by the French government in the mid-1800's, and maps by other notable cartographers, such as Hondius, Jansson, de Jode, de L'Isle, Ortelius, Sanson, and de Wit. The original maps are kept and maintained in the map collection in the Government & Geographic Information Collection. We welcome questions, comments, and suggestions concerning any aspect of this digital collection, particularly with regards to provenance. Other antique maps from the Herskovits Library which were not included in this digital collection are either duplicate copies or other editions, such as French government sets covering Algeria.",
+ "id": "1c2e2200-c12d-4c7f-8b87-a935c349898a",
+ "title": "16th-Early 20th Century Maps of Africa"
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+ }
diff --git a/test/integration/get-auth-callback.test.js b/test/integration/get-auth-callback.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1cdf8b54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/get-auth-callback.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+"use strict";
+const chai = require("chai");
+const cookie = require("cookie");
+const expect = chai.expect;
+const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken");
+const nock = require("nock");
+const getAuthCallbackHandler = require("../../src/handlers/get-auth-callback");
+describe("auth callback", function () {
+ helpers.saveEnvironment();
+ let event;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ process.env.NUSSO_BASE_URL = "https://nusso-base.com/";
+ process.env.NUSSO_API_KEY = "abc123";
+ process.env.API_TOKEN_SECRET = "abc123";
+ event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/auth/callback")
+ .headers({
+ Cookie: "nusso=bnVzc28=;redirectUrl=aHR0cHM6Ly9leGFtcGxlLmNvbQ==;",
+ })
+ .render();
+ nock(process.env.NUSSO_BASE_URL)
+ .get("/validateWebSSOToken")
+ .reply(200, { netid: "uid123" });
+ });
+ it("redeems the NUSSO token", async () => {
+ nock(process.env.NUSSO_BASE_URL)
+ .get("/validate-with-directory-search-response")
+ .reply(200, {
+ results: [{ displayName: ["Some User"] }],
+ });
+ const result = await getAuthCallbackHandler.handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(302);
+ expect(result.headers.location).to.eq("https://example.com");
+ const { dcApiV2Token } = cookie.parse(result.cookies[0]);
+ const token = jwt.verify(dcApiV2Token, process.env.API_TOKEN_SECRET);
+ expect(token).to.deep.include({
+ displayName: ["Some User"],
+ uid: "uid123",
+ });
+ });
+ it("assembles a user object from the netID if directory search fails", async () => {
+ nock(process.env.NUSSO_BASE_URL)
+ .get("/validate-with-directory-search-response")
+ .reply(500, {
+ fault: {
+ faultstring:
+ "Execution of ServiceCallout Call-WebSSO-API failed. Reason: ResponseCode 404 is treated as error",
+ detail: { errorcode: "steps.servicecallout.ExecutionFailed" },
+ },
+ });
+ const result = await getAuthCallbackHandler.handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(302);
+ expect(result.headers.location).to.eq("https://example.com");
+ const { dcApiV2Token } = cookie.parse(result.cookies[0]);
+ const token = jwt.verify(dcApiV2Token, process.env.API_TOKEN_SECRET);
+ expect(token).to.deep.include({
+ displayName: ["uid123"],
+ mail: "uid123@e.northwestern.edu",
+ uid: "uid123",
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/test/integration/get-auth-login.test.js b/test/integration/get-auth-login.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7bf38b09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/get-auth-login.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+"use strict";
+const chai = require("chai");
+const expect = chai.expect;
+const nock = require("nock");
+const getAuthLoginHandler = require("../../src/handlers/get-auth-login");
+describe("auth login", function () {
+ helpers.saveEnvironment();
+ it("redirects to the NUSSO url", async () => {
+ process.env.NUSSO_BASE_URL = "https://nusso-base.com/";
+ process.env.NUSSO_API_KEY = "abc123";
+ const _scope = nock(process.env.NUSSO_BASE_URL)
+ .get("/get-ldap-redirect-url")
+ .reply(200, {
+ data: { redirecturl: "https://test-redirect.com" },
+ });
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/auth/login")
+ .queryParams({ goto: "https://test-goto.com" })
+ .render();
+ const result = await getAuthLoginHandler.handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(302);
+ });
diff --git a/test/integration/get-auth-logout.test.js b/test/integration/get-auth-logout.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5f4ac560
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/get-auth-logout.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+"use strict";
+const chai = require("chai");
+const expect = chai.expect;
+const nock = require("nock");
+const getAuthLogoutHandler = require("../../src/handlers/get-auth-logout");
+describe("auth logout", function () {
+ helpers.saveEnvironment();
+ it("logs a user out of NU WebSSO and expires the dcApiV2Token", async () => {
+ process.env.NUSSO_BASE_URL = "https://nusso-base.com/";
+ process.env.NUSSO_API_KEY = "abc123";
+ const url = "https://test.com/northwestern#logout";
+ const _scope = nock(process.env.NUSSO_BASE_URL).get("/logout").reply(200, {
+ url: url,
+ });
+ const event = helpers.mockEvent("GET", "/auth/logout").render();
+ const result = await getAuthLogoutHandler.handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(302);
+ expect(result.headers.location).to.eq(url);
+ expect(result.cookies[0]).to.contain(
+ "Expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT;"
+ );
+ });
diff --git a/test/integration/get-auth-whoami.test.js b/test/integration/get-auth-whoami.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..75a03c41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/get-auth-whoami.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+"use strict";
+const chai = require("chai");
+const expect = chai.expect;
+const getAuthWhoamiHandler = require("../../src/handlers/get-auth-whoami");
+describe("auth whoami", function () {
+ helpers.saveEnvironment();
+ it("redeems a valid NUSSO token", async () => {
+ process.env.API_TOKEN_SECRET = "abc123";
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/auth/whoami")
+ .headers({
+ Cookie:
+ "dcApiV2Token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkaXNwbGF5TmFtZSI6IlNvbWUgT25lIiwiaWF0IjoxNjY1NDE3NzYzfQ.Nwi8dJnc7w201ZtO5de5zYmU-F5gEalkmHZ5pR1VXms;",
+ })
+ .render();
+ const result = await getAuthWhoamiHandler.handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ expect(JSON.parse(result.body)).to.contain({ displayName: "Some One" });
+ });
+ it("rejects an invalid or missing NUSSO token", async () => {
+ process.env.API_TOKEN_SECRET = "abc123";
+ const event = helpers.mockEvent("GET", "/auth/whoami").render();
+ const result = await getAuthWhoamiHandler.handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(401);
+ expect(result.body).to.eq(
+ "Error verifying API token: jwt must be provided"
+ );
+ });
diff --git a/test/integration/get-collection-by-id.test.js b/test/integration/get-collection-by-id.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..67cc8f2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/get-collection-by-id.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+"use strict";
+const chai = require("chai");
+const expect = chai.expect;
+const RequestPipeline = require("../../src/api/request/pipeline");
+describe("Retrieve collection by id", () => {
+ helpers.saveEnvironment();
+ const mock = helpers.mockIndex();
+ describe("GET /collections/{id}", () => {
+ const { handler } = require("../../src/handlers/get-collection-by-id");
+ it("retrieves a single collection link document", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-collection/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/collection-1234.json"));
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/collections/{id}")
+ .pathParams({ id: 1234 })
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ expect(result).to.have.header(
+ "content-type",
+ /application\/json;.*charset=UTF-8/
+ );
+ const resultBody = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ expect(resultBody.data.id).to.eq("1234");
+ });
+ it("404s a missing collection", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-collection/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/missing-collection-1234.json"));
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/collections/{id}")
+ .pathParams({ id: 1234 })
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(404);
+ });
+ it("returns a single collection as a IIIF collection", async () => {
+ const originalQuery = {
+ query: { query_string: { query: "collection.id:1234" } },
+ };
+ const authQuery = new RequestPipeline(originalQuery)
+ .authFilter()
+ .toJson();
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-collection/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/collection-1234.json"));
+ mock
+ .post("/dc-v2-work/_search", authQuery)
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/search.json"));
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/collections/{id}")
+ .pathParams({ id: 1234 })
+ .queryParams({ as: "iiif" })
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ expect(result).to.have.header(
+ "content-type",
+ /application\/json;.*charset=UTF-8/
+ );
+ const resultBody = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ expect(resultBody.type).to.eq("Collection");
+ expect(resultBody.label.none[0]).to.eq("Collection Title");
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/test/integration/get-collections.test.js b/test/integration/get-collections.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..181ebddb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/get-collections.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+"use strict";
+const chai = require("chai");
+const expect = chai.expect;
+const getCollectionsHandler = require("../../src/handlers/get-collections");
+const RequestPipeline = require("../../src/api/request/pipeline");
+describe("Collections route", () => {
+ helpers.saveEnvironment();
+ const mock = helpers.mockIndex();
+ describe("GET /collections", () => {
+ const handler = getCollectionsHandler.handler;
+ const baseEvent = helpers.mockEvent("GET", "/collections");
+ let event;
+ const makeQuery = (params) =>
+ new RequestPipeline({ query: { match_all: {} }, ...params })
+ .authFilter()
+ .toJson();
+ it("paginates results using default size and page number", async () => {
+ mock
+ .post("/dc-v2-collection/_search", makeQuery({ size: 10, from: 0 }))
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/collections.json"));
+ event = baseEvent.render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ expect(result).to.have.header(
+ "content-type",
+ /application\/json;.*charset=UTF-8/
+ );
+ const {
+ pagination: { query_url },
+ } = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ const url = new URL(query_url);
+ expect(url.searchParams.has("searchToken")).to.be.false;
+ expect(url.searchParams.has("size")).to.be.false;
+ });
+ it("paginates results using provided size and page number", async () => {
+ mock
+ .post("/dc-v2-collection/_search", makeQuery({ size: 5, from: 10 }))
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/collections.json"));
+ event = baseEvent.queryParams({ page: 3, size: 5 }).render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ expect(result).to.have.header(
+ "content-type",
+ /application\/json;.*charset=UTF-8/
+ );
+ const {
+ pagination: { query_url },
+ } = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ const url = new URL(query_url);
+ expect(url.searchParams.has("searchToken")).to.be.false;
+ expect(url.searchParams.get("size")).to.eq("5");
+ });
+ it("produces a correct query_url from a mounted API Gateway route", async () => {
+ mock
+ .post("/dc-v2-collection/_search", makeQuery({ size: 10, from: 0 }))
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/collections.json"));
+ event = JSON.parse(helpers.testFixture("mocks/real-search-event.json"));
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ const {
+ pagination: { query_url },
+ } = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ const url = new URL(query_url);
+ expect(url.pathname).to.eq("/api/v2/search/collections");
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/test/integration/get-doc.test.js b/test/integration/get-doc.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7d048bf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/get-doc.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+"use strict";
+const chai = require("chai");
+const expect = chai.expect;
+describe("Doc retrieval routes", () => {
+ helpers.saveEnvironment();
+ const mock = helpers.mockIndex();
+ describe("GET /works/{id}", () => {
+ const { handler } = require("../../src/handlers/get-work-by-id");
+ it("retrieves a single work", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-work/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/work-1234.json"));
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/works/{id}")
+ .pathParams({ id: 1234 })
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ expect(result).to.have.header(
+ "content-type",
+ /application\/json;.*charset=UTF-8/
+ );
+ const resultBody = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ expect(resultBody.data.api_model).to.eq("Work");
+ expect(resultBody.data.id).to.eq("1234");
+ });
+ it("404s a missing work", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-work/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/missing-work-1234.json"));
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/works/{id}")
+ .pathParams({ id: 1234 })
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(404);
+ });
+ it("404s an unpublished work", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-work/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/unpublished-work-1234.json"));
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/works/{id}")
+ .pathParams({ id: 1234 })
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(404);
+ });
+ it("404s a private work by default", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-work/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/private-work-1234.json"));
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/works/{id}")
+ .pathParams({ id: 1234 })
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(404);
+ });
+ it("returns a private work to allowed IPs", async () => {
+ process.env.READING_ROOM_IPS = "";
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-work/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/private-work-1234.json"));
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/works/{id}")
+ .pathParams({ id: 1234 })
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("GET /collections/{id}", () => {
+ const { handler } = require("../../src/handlers/get-collection-by-id");
+ it("retrieves a single collection", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-collection/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/collection-1234.json"));
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/collections/{id}")
+ .pathParams({ id: 1234 })
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ expect(result).to.have.header(
+ "content-type",
+ /application\/json;.*charset=UTF-8/
+ );
+ const resultBody = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ expect(resultBody.data.api_model).to.eq("Collection");
+ expect(resultBody.data.id).to.eq("1234");
+ });
+ });
+ describe("GET /file-sets/{id}", () => {
+ const { handler } = require("../../src/handlers/get-file-set-by-id");
+ it("retrieves a single file-set", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-file-set/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/fileset-1234.json"));
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/file-sets/{id}")
+ .pathParams({ id: 1234 })
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ expect(result).to.have.header(
+ "content-type",
+ /application\/json;.*charset=UTF-8/
+ );
+ const resultBody = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ expect(resultBody.data.api_model).to.eq("FileSet");
+ expect(resultBody.data.id).to.eq("1234");
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/test/integration/get-file-set-auth.test.js b/test/integration/get-file-set-auth.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..7620e5e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/get-file-set-auth.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+"use strict";
+const chai = require("chai");
+const expect = chai.expect;
+const RequestPipeline = require("../../src/api/request/pipeline");
+process.env.API_TOKEN_SECRET = "abc123";
+describe("Authorize a file set by id", () => {
+ helpers.saveEnvironment();
+ const mock = helpers.mockIndex();
+ describe("GET /file-sets/{id}/authorization", () => {
+ const { handler } = require("../../src/handlers/get-file-set-auth");
+ it("authorizes a public, published file set with no token", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-file-set/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/fileset-1234.json"));
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/file-sets/{id}/authorization")
+ .pathParams({ id: 1234 })
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(204);
+ });
+ it("does not authorize a public, unpublished file set even with a valid token", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-file-set/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/fileset-unpublished-1234.json"));
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/file-sets/{id}/authorization")
+ .pathParams({ id: 1234 })
+ .headers({
+ Cookie:
+ "dcApiV2Token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkaXNwbGF5TmFtZSI6IlNvbWUgT25lIiwiaWF0IjoxNjY1NDE3NzYzfQ.Nwi8dJnc7w201ZtO5de5zYmU-F5gEalkmHZ5pR1VXms;",
+ })
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(403);
+ });
+ it("authorizes a netid, published file set with a valid token", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-file-set/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/fileset-netid-1234.json"));
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/file-sets/{id}/authorization")
+ .pathParams({ id: 1234 })
+ .headers({
+ Cookie:
+ "dcApiV2Token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJkaXNwbGF5TmFtZSI6IlNvbWUgT25lIiwiaWF0IjoxNjY1NDE3NzYzfQ.Nwi8dJnc7w201ZtO5de5zYmU-F5gEalkmHZ5pR1VXms;",
+ })
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(204);
+ });
+ it("does not authorize a netid, published file set with no token", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-file-set/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/fileset-netid-1234.json"));
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/file-sets/{id}/authorization")
+ .pathParams({ id: 1234 })
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(403);
+ });
+ it("does authorize a netid, published file set with no token if the user is in the reading room", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-file-set/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/fileset-netid-1234.json"));
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/file-sets/{id}/authorization")
+ .pathParams({ id: 1234 })
+ .render();
+ process.env.READING_ROOM_IPS = event.requestContext.http.sourceIp;
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(204);
+ });
+ it("authorizes an restricted file set if the user is in a Reading Room", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-file-set/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/fileset-restricted-1234.json"));
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/file-sets/{id}/authorization")
+ .pathParams({ id: 1234 })
+ .render();
+ process.env.READING_ROOM_IPS = event.requestContext.http.sourceIp;
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(204);
+ });
+ it("does not authorize a restricted, unpublished file set if the user is in a Reading Room", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-file-set/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/fileset-restricted-1234.json"));
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/file-sets/{id}/authorization")
+ .pathParams({ id: 1234 })
+ .render();
+ process.env.READING_ROOM_IPS = event.requestContext.http.sourceIp;
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(204);
+ });
+ it("404s a missing file set", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-file-set/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/missing-fileset-1234.json"));
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/file-sets/{id}")
+ .pathParams({ id: 1234 })
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(404);
+ });
+ it("does not authorize a file set with invalid visibility value", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-file-set/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/fileset-baddata-1234.json"));
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/file-sets/{id}/authorization")
+ .pathParams({ id: 1234 })
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(403);
+ });
+ it("authorizes requests for IDs in the always-allow namespace", async () => {
+ const id = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001";
+ mock.get(`/dc-v2-file-set/_doc/${id}`).reply(404, "Not Found");
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/file-sets/{id}/authorization")
+ .pathParams({ id })
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(204);
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/test/integration/get-shared-link-by-id.test.js b/test/integration/get-shared-link-by-id.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..44f7210c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/get-shared-link-by-id.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+"use strict";
+const chai = require("chai");
+const expect = chai.expect;
+describe("Retrieve shared link by id", () => {
+ helpers.saveEnvironment();
+ const mock = helpers.mockIndex();
+ describe("GET /shared-links/{id}", () => {
+ const { handler } = require("../../src/handlers/get-shared-link-by-id");
+ it("retrieves a single shared link document", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/shared_links/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/shared-link-1234.json"));
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-work/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/private-work-1234.json"));
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/shared-links/{id}")
+ .pathParams({ id: 1234 })
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ const resultBody = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ expect(resultBody.data.api_model).to.eq("Work");
+ expect(resultBody.data.visibility).to.eq("Private");
+ });
+ it("404s a missing shared link", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/shared_links/_doc/5678")
+ .reply(404, helpers.testFixture("mocks/missing-shared-link-5678.json"));
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/shared_links/{id}")
+ .pathParams({ id: 5678 })
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(404);
+ });
+ it("404s an expired shared link", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/shared_links/_doc/9101112")
+ .reply(
+ 200,
+ helpers.testFixture("mocks/expired-shared-link-9101112.json")
+ );
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/shared_links/{id}")
+ .pathParams({ id: 9101112 })
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(404);
+ });
+ it("retrieves an unpublished single shared link document", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/shared_links/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/shared-link-1234.json"));
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-work/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(
+ 200,
+ helpers.testFixture("mocks/private-unpublished-work-1234.json")
+ );
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/shared-links/{id}")
+ .pathParams({ id: 1234 })
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ const resultBody = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ expect(resultBody.data.api_model).to.eq("Work");
+ expect(resultBody.data.visibility).to.eq("Private");
+ });
+ it("returns a 404 when the link exists but the work doesn't", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/shared_links/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/shared-link-1234.json"));
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-work/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/missing-work-1234.json"));
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/shared-links/{id}")
+ .pathParams({ id: 1234 })
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(404);
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/test/integration/get-similar.test.js b/test/integration/get-similar.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e9086b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/get-similar.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+"use strict";
+const chai = require("chai");
+const expect = chai.expect;
+const { handler } = require("../../src/handlers/get-similar");
+const RequestPipeline = require("../../src/api/request/pipeline");
+describe("Similar routes", () => {
+ helpers.saveEnvironment();
+ const mock = helpers.mockIndex();
+ let baseEvent = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/works/{id}/similar")
+ .pathParams({ id: 1234 });
+ const makeQuery = (params) =>
+ new RequestPipeline(params).authFilter().toJson();
+ it("paginates results using default size and page number", async () => {
+ mock
+ .post(
+ "/dc-v2-work/_search",
+ makeQuery({
+ query: {
+ more_like_this: {
+ fields: [
+ "title",
+ "description",
+ "subject.label",
+ "genre.label",
+ "contributor.label",
+ "creator.label",
+ ],
+ like: [
+ {
+ _index: "dc-v2-work",
+ _id: 1234,
+ },
+ ],
+ max_query_terms: 10,
+ min_doc_freq: 1,
+ min_term_freq: 1,
+ },
+ },
+ })
+ )
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/similar.json"));
+ const event = baseEvent.render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ expect(result).to.have.header(
+ "content-type",
+ /application\/json;.*charset=UTF-8/
+ );
+ const {
+ pagination: { query_url },
+ } = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ const url = new URL(query_url);
+ expect(url.searchParams.has("searchToken")).to.be.false;
+ expect(url.searchParams.has("size")).to.be.false;
+ });
+ it("paginates results using provided size and page number", async () => {
+ let mocked = mock
+ .post(
+ "/dc-v2-work/_search",
+ makeQuery({
+ query: {
+ more_like_this: {
+ fields: [
+ "title",
+ "description",
+ "subject.label",
+ "genre.label",
+ "contributor.label",
+ "creator.label",
+ ],
+ like: [
+ {
+ _index: "dc-v2-work",
+ _id: 1234,
+ },
+ ],
+ max_query_terms: 10,
+ min_doc_freq: 1,
+ min_term_freq: 1,
+ },
+ },
+ size: 3,
+ from: 6,
+ })
+ )
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/similar.json"));
+ const event = baseEvent.queryParams({ page: 3, size: 3 }).render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ expect(result).to.have.header(
+ "content-type",
+ /application\/json;.*charset=UTF-8/
+ );
+ const resultBody = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ expect(resultBody.pagination.current_page).to.eq(3);
+ expect(resultBody.pagination.limit).to.eq(3);
+ expect(resultBody.pagination.offset).to.eq(6);
+ expect(resultBody.pagination.total_hits).to.eq(9);
+ expect(resultBody.pagination.total_pages).to.eq(3);
+ const url = new URL(resultBody.pagination.query_url);
+ expect(url.searchParams.has("searchToken")).to.be.false;
+ expect(url.searchParams.get("size")).to.eq("3");
+ });
diff --git a/test/integration/get-thumbnail.test.js b/test/integration/get-thumbnail.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2c356f8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/get-thumbnail.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+"use strict";
+const chai = require("chai");
+const expect = chai.expect;
+const { handler } = require("../../src/handlers/get-thumbnail");
+describe("Thumbnail routes", () => {
+ helpers.saveEnvironment();
+ const mock = helpers.mockIndex();
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ process.env.API_TOKEN_SECRET = "abcdef";
+ });
+ describe("Collection", () => {
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/collections/{id}/thumbnail")
+ .pathParams({ id: 1234 });
+ it("retrieves a thumbnail", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-collection/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/collection-1234.json"));
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-work/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/work-1234.json"));
+ mock
+ .get("/iiif/2/mbk-dev/5678/full/!300,300/0/default.jpg")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/thumbnail_full.jpg"), {
+ "Content-Type": "image/jpeg",
+ });
+ const result = await handler(event.render());
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ expect(result.headers["content-type"]).to.eq("image/jpeg");
+ });
+ it("returns an error from the IIIF server", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-collection/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/collection-1234.json"));
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-work/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/work-1234.json"));
+ mock
+ .get("/iiif/2/mbk-dev/5678/full/!300,300/0/default.jpg")
+ .reply(403, "Forbidden", { "Content-Type": "text/plain" });
+ const result = await handler(event.render());
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(403);
+ expect(result.body).to.eq("Forbidden");
+ });
+ it("returns 404 if the collection doc can't be found", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-collection/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/missing-collection-1234.json"));
+ const result = await handler(event.render());
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(404);
+ });
+ it("returns 404 if the work doc can't be found", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-collection/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/collection-1234.json"));
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-work/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/missing-work-1234.json"));
+ const result = await handler(event.render());
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(404);
+ });
+ it("returns 404 if the collection doc has no representative work", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-collection/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(
+ 200,
+ helpers.testFixture("mocks/collection-1234-no-thumbnail.json")
+ );
+ const result = await handler(event.render());
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(404);
+ });
+ it("returns 404 if the work doc has no thumbnail", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-collection/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/collection-1234.json"));
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-work/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/work-1234-no-thumbnail.json"));
+ const result = await handler(event.render());
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(404);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("Work", () => {
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/works/{id}/thumbnail")
+ .pathParams({ id: 1234 });
+ it("retrieves a thumbnail", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-work/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/work-1234.json"));
+ mock
+ .get("/iiif/2/mbk-dev/5678/full/!300,300/0/default.jpg")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/thumbnail_full.jpg"), {
+ "Content-Type": "image/jpeg",
+ });
+ const result = await handler(event.render());
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ expect(result.headers["content-type"]).to.eq("image/jpeg");
+ });
+ it("returns an error from the IIIF server", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-work/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/work-1234.json"));
+ mock
+ .get("/iiif/2/mbk-dev/5678/full/!300,300/0/default.jpg")
+ .reply(403, "Forbidden", { "Content-Type": "text/plain" });
+ const result = await handler(event.render());
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(403);
+ expect(result.body).to.eq("Forbidden");
+ });
+ it("returns 404 if the work doc can't be found", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-work/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/missing-work-1234.json"));
+ const result = await handler(event.render());
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(404);
+ });
+ it("returns 404 if the work doc has no thumbnail", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-work/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/work-1234-no-thumbnail.json"));
+ const result = await handler(event.render());
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(404);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("QueryString parameters", () => {
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/works/{id}/thumbnail")
+ .pathParams({ id: 1234 });
+ it("accepts a proper size", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-work/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/work-1234.json"));
+ mock
+ .get("/iiif/2/mbk-dev/5678/full/!200,200/0/default.jpg")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/thumbnail_full.jpg"), {
+ "Content-Type": "image/jpeg",
+ });
+ const result = await handler(event.queryParams({ size: 200 }).render());
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ });
+ it("rejects invalid sizes", async () => {
+ let result = await handler(event.queryParams({ size: "foo" }).render());
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(400);
+ expect(result.body).to.contain("foo is not");
+ result = await handler(event.queryParams({ size: 500 }).render());
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(400);
+ expect(result.body).to.contain("500px");
+ });
+ it("accepts proper aspect ratios", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-work/_doc/1234")
+ .times(2)
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/work-1234.json"));
+ let resultFixture = "mocks/thumbnail_full.jpg";
+ mock
+ .get("/iiif/2/mbk-dev/5678/full/!300,300/0/default.jpg")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture(resultFixture), {
+ "Content-Type": "image/jpeg",
+ });
+ let result = await handler(
+ event.queryParams({ aspect: "full" }).render()
+ );
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ let expected = helpers.encodedFixture(resultFixture);
+ expect(result.body).to.eq(expected);
+ resultFixture = "mocks/thumbnail_square.jpg";
+ mock
+ .get("/iiif/2/mbk-dev/5678/square/!300,300/0/default.jpg")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture(resultFixture), {
+ "Content-Type": "image/jpeg",
+ });
+ result = await handler(event.queryParams({ aspect: "square" }).render());
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ expected = helpers.encodedFixture(resultFixture);
+ expect(result.body).to.eq(expected);
+ });
+ it("rejects improper aspect ratio", async () => {
+ const result = await handler(
+ event.queryParams({ aspect: "foo" }).render()
+ );
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(400);
+ expect(result.body).to.contain("Unknown aspect ratio: foo");
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/test/integration/get-work-by-id.test.js b/test/integration/get-work-by-id.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6109e319
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/get-work-by-id.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+"use strict";
+const chai = require("chai");
+const expect = chai.expect;
+const RequestPipeline = require("../../src/api/request/pipeline");
+describe("Retrieve work by id", () => {
+ helpers.saveEnvironment();
+ const mock = helpers.mockIndex();
+ describe("GET /works/{id}", () => {
+ const { handler } = require("../../src/handlers/get-work-by-id");
+ it("retrieves a single work document", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-work/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/work-1234.json"));
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/work/{id}")
+ .pathParams({ id: 1234 })
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ expect(result).to.have.header(
+ "content-type",
+ /application\/json;.*charset=UTF-8/
+ );
+ const resultBody = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ expect(resultBody.data.id).to.eq("1234");
+ });
+ it("404s a missing work", async () => {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-work/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/missing-work-1234.json"));
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/works/{id}")
+ .pathParams({ id: 1234 })
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(404);
+ });
+ it("returns a single work as a IIIF Manifest", async () => {
+ // const originalQuery = {
+ // query: { query_string: { query: "collection.id:1234" } },
+ // };
+ // const authQuery = new RequestPipeline(originalQuery)
+ // .authFilter()
+ // .toJson();
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-work/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/work-1234.json"));
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/works/{id}")
+ .pathParams({ id: 1234 })
+ .queryParams({ as: "iiif" })
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ expect(result).to.have.header(
+ "content-type",
+ /application\/json;.*charset=UTF-8/
+ );
+ const resultBody = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ expect(resultBody.type).to.eq("Manifest");
+ expect(resultBody["@context"]).to.eq(
+ "http://iiif.io/api/presentation/3/context.json"
+ );
+ expect(resultBody.label.none[0]).to.eq("Canary Record TEST 1");
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/test/integration/options-request.test.js b/test/integration/options-request.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e449412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/options-request.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+"use strict";
+const chai = require("chai");
+const expect = chai.expect;
+const optionsHandler = require("../../src/handlers/options-request");
+describe("OPTIONS handler", async () => {
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("OPTIONS", "/auth/whoami")
+ .headers({
+ Origin: "https://dc.library.northwestern.edu/origin-test-path",
+ })
+ .render();
+ it("sends the correct CORS headers", async () => {
+ const response = await optionsHandler.handler(event);
+ expect(response.headers).to.contain({
+ "Access-Control-Allow-Origin":
+ "https://dc.library.northwestern.edu/origin-test-path",
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/test/integration/search.test.js b/test/integration/search.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..88c06016
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/search.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+"use strict";
+const chai = require("chai");
+const expect = chai.expect;
+const searchHandlers = require("../../src/handlers/search");
+const RequestPipeline = require("../../src/api/request/pipeline");
+describe("Search routes", () => {
+ helpers.saveEnvironment();
+ const mock = helpers.mockIndex();
+ describe("POST /search/{targets}", () => {
+ const handler = searchHandlers.postSearch;
+ const originalQuery = { query: { match_all: {} } };
+ const authQuery = new RequestPipeline(originalQuery).authFilter().toJson();
+ it("performs a works search by default", async () => {
+ mock
+ .post("/dc-v2-work/_search", authQuery)
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/search.json"));
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("POST", "/search")
+ .body(originalQuery)
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ expect(result).to.have.header(
+ "content-type",
+ /application\/json;.*charset=UTF-8/
+ );
+ const resultBody = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ expect(resultBody).to.include.keys(["data", "pagination"]);
+ expect(resultBody.data.length).to.eq(10);
+ });
+ it("performs a search on specified models", async () => {
+ mock
+ .post("/dc-v2-work,dc-v2-collection/_search", authQuery)
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/search-multiple-targets.json"));
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("POST", "/search/{models}")
+ .pathParams({ models: "works,collections" })
+ .body(originalQuery)
+ .base64Encode()
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ expect(result).to.have.header(
+ "content-type",
+ /application\/json;.*charset=UTF-8/
+ );
+ const resultBody = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ expect(resultBody).to.include.keys(["data", "pagination"]);
+ expect(resultBody.data.length).to.eq(10);
+ });
+ it("errors if invalid models specified", async () => {
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("POST", "/search/{models}")
+ .pathParams({ models: "works,collections,blargh" })
+ .body(originalQuery)
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(400);
+ const resultBody = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ expect(resultBody.message).to.eq(
+ "Invalid models requested: works,collections,blargh"
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe("GET /search", () => {
+ const handler = searchHandlers.getSearch;
+ const originalQuery = { query: { match_all: {} } };
+ const authQuery = new RequestPipeline(originalQuery).authFilter().toJson();
+ const searchToken =
+ it("Does not require a searchToken", async () => {
+ const originalQuery = {
+ query: { query_string: { query: "*" } },
+ };
+ const authQuery = new RequestPipeline(originalQuery)
+ .authFilter()
+ .toJson();
+ mock
+ .post("/dc-v2-work/_search", authQuery)
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/search.json"));
+ const event = helpers.mockEvent("GET", "/search").queryParams().render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ expect(result).to.have.header(
+ "content-type",
+ /application\/json;.*charset=UTF-8/
+ );
+ const resultBody = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ expect(resultBody.pagination.next_url).not.null;
+ expect(resultBody.pagination.current_page).to.eq(1);
+ });
+ it("Errors on invalid searchToken", async () => {
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/search")
+ .queryParams({ searchToken: "Ceci n'est pas une searchToken" })
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(400);
+ const resultBody = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ expect(resultBody.message).to.eq("searchToken is invalid");
+ });
+ it("performs a search using a searchToken and page number", async () => {
+ mock
+ .post("/dc-v2-work/_search", authQuery)
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/search.json"));
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/search")
+ .queryParams({ searchToken, page: 1 })
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ expect(result).to.have.header(
+ "content-type",
+ /application\/json;.*charset=UTF-8/
+ );
+ });
+ it("defaults to page 1", async () => {
+ mock
+ .post("/dc-v2-work/_search", authQuery)
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/search.json"));
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/search")
+ .queryParams({ searchToken })
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ expect(result).to.have.header(
+ "content-type",
+ /application\/json;.*charset=UTF-8/
+ );
+ });
+ it("will return a IIIF collection", async () => {
+ const originalQuery = {
+ query: { query_string: { query: "*" } },
+ };
+ const authQuery = new RequestPipeline(originalQuery)
+ .authFilter()
+ .toJson();
+ mock
+ .post("/dc-v2-work/_search", authQuery)
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/search.json"));
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/search")
+ .queryParams({ as: "iiif" })
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ expect(result).to.have.header(
+ "content-type",
+ /application\/json;.*charset=UTF-8/
+ );
+ const resultBody = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ expect(resultBody.type).to.eq("Collection");
+ });
+ it("allows sorting via query string parameters", async () => {
+ const originalQuery = {
+ query: { query_string: { query: "*" } },
+ sort: [{ create_date: "asc" }, { modified_date: "desc" }],
+ };
+ const authQuery = new RequestPipeline(originalQuery)
+ .authFilter()
+ .toJson();
+ mock
+ .post("/dc-v2-work/_search", authQuery)
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/search.json"));
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/search")
+ .queryParams({ sort: "create_date:asc,modified_date:desc" })
+ .render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ const resultBody = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ expect(resultBody.pagination.query_url).to.contain(
+ "?sort=create_date%3Aasc%2Cmodified_date%3Adesc"
+ );
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/test/test-helpers/event-builder.js b/test/test-helpers/event-builder.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aa94f992
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test-helpers/event-builder.js
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+const sortJson = require("sort-json");
+module.exports = class {
+ constructor(method, route) {
+ const now = new Date();
+ this._method = method;
+ this._route = route;
+ this._event = {
+ version: "2.0",
+ routeKey: `${method} ${route}`,
+ rawPath: `/v2/${route}`,
+ rawQueryString: "",
+ headers: {
+ Host: "api.test.library.northwestern.edu",
+ "X-Forwarded-For": ",",
+ "X-Forwarded-Port": "443",
+ "X-Forwarded-Proto": "https",
+ },
+ requestContext: {
+ accountId: "123456789012",
+ apiId: "pewpew",
+ domainName: "api.test.library.northwestern.edu",
+ domainPrefix: "api",
+ http: {
+ method: method,
+ path: `/v2/${route}`,
+ protocol: "HTTP/1.1",
+ sourceIp: "",
+ userAgent: "Mocha Test",
+ },
+ requestId: "id",
+ routeKey: `${method} ${route}`,
+ stage: "v2",
+ time: now.toISOString(),
+ timeEpoch: Number(now),
+ },
+ body: "",
+ stageVariables: { basePath: "api/v2" },
+ isBase64Encoded: false,
+ };
+ }
+ body(body) {
+ switch (typeof body) {
+ case "string":
+ this._event.body = body;
+ break;
+ case "undefined":
+ this._event.body = "";
+ break;
+ case "object":
+ this._event.body = JSON.stringify(body);
+ break;
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ headers(headers) {
+ Object.assign(this._event.headers, headers);
+ return this;
+ }
+ pathParams(params) {
+ this._pathParams = params;
+ return this;
+ }
+ queryParams(params) {
+ this._queryParams = params;
+ return this;
+ }
+ stageVariables(vars) {
+ this._event.stageVariables = vars;
+ return this;
+ }
+ base64Encode() {
+ this._base64Encode = true;
+ return this;
+ }
+ cookie(name, value) {
+ if (!this._event.cookies) this._event.cookies = [];
+ this._event.cookies.push(`${name}=${encodeURIComponent(value)}`);
+ return this;
+ }
+ render() {
+ const result = { ...this._event };
+ if (this._base64Encode) {
+ result.isBase64Encoded = true;
+ result.body = Buffer.from(result.body, "utf8").toString("base64");
+ }
+ const cookies = result.headers.cookie || result.headers.Cookie;
+ if (cookies) {
+ result.cookies = cookies.split(/;\s*/);
+ }
+ result.requestContext.http.path = result.rawPath;
+ if (this._pathParams) {
+ result.pathParameters = { ...this._pathParams };
+ for (const param in result.pathParameters) {
+ result.rawPath = result.rawPath.replace(
+ `{${param}}`,
+ result.pathParameters[param]
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ if (this._queryParams) {
+ result.queryStringParameters = { ...this._queryParams };
+ result.rawQueryString = new URLSearchParams(
+ result.queryStringParameters
+ ).toString();
+ }
+ return sortJson(result);
+ }
diff --git a/test/test-helpers/index.js b/test/test-helpers/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68a19cb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test-helpers/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+const fs = require("fs");
+const nock = require("nock");
+const path = require("path");
+const EventBuilder = require("./event-builder.js");
+function saveEnvironment() {
+ const env = Object.assign({}, process.env);
+ beforeEach(function () {
+ process.env.DC_URL = "https://thisisafakedcurl";
+ process.env.DC_API_ENDPOINT = "https://thisisafakeapiurl";
+ });
+ afterEach(function () {
+ process.env = env;
+ });
+function mockEvent(method, route) {
+ return new EventBuilder(method, route);
+function mockIndex() {
+ const mock = nock("https://index.test.library.northwestern.edu");
+ beforeEach(function () {
+ process.env.ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT = "index.test.library.northwestern.edu";
+ });
+ afterEach(function () {
+ mock.removeAllListeners();
+ });
+ return mock;
+function encodedFixture(file) {
+ const content = testFixture(file);
+ return new Buffer.from(content).toString("base64");
+function testFixture(file) {
+ const fixtureFile = path.join("test/fixtures", file);
+ return fs.readFileSync(fixtureFile);
+global.helpers = {
+ saveEnvironment,
+ mockEvent,
+ mockIndex,
+ encodedFixture,
+ testFixture,
diff --git a/test/unit/api/helpers.test.js b/test/unit/api/helpers.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b73a4545
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/api/helpers.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+"use strict";
+const {
+ baseUrl,
+ decodeEventBody,
+ isFromReadingRoom,
+ normalizeHeaders,
+ objectifyCookies,
+ stubEventMembers,
+} = require("../../../src/helpers");
+const chai = require("chai");
+const expect = chai.expect;
+describe("helpers", () => {
+ describe("baseUrl()", () => {
+ it("extracts the base URL from a local event", () => {
+ const event = {
+ routeKey: "GET /route/{param}",
+ rawPath: "/route/value",
+ headers: {
+ host: "localhost",
+ "x-forwarded-proto": "http",
+ "x-forwarded-port": "3000",
+ },
+ requestContext: {
+ domainName: "localhost",
+ domainPrefix: "localhost",
+ stage: "v2",
+ },
+ };
+ expect(baseUrl(event)).to.eq("http://localhost:3000/");
+ });
+ it("extracts the base URL from an API Gateway event", () => {
+ const event = {
+ routeKey: "GET /route/{param}",
+ rawPath: "/api/v2/route/value",
+ headers: {
+ host: "abcdefghijz.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com",
+ "x-forwarded-proto": "https",
+ "x-forwarded-port": "443",
+ },
+ requestContext: {
+ domainName: "abcdefghijz.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com",
+ domainPrefix: "abcdefghijz",
+ stage: "v2",
+ },
+ stageVariables: "api/v2",
+ };
+ expect(baseUrl(event)).to.eq(
+ "https://abcdefghijz.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/api/v2/"
+ );
+ });
+ it("extracts the base URL from a CloudWatch event", () => {
+ const event = {
+ routeKey: "GET /route/{param}",
+ rawPath: "/route/value",
+ headers: {
+ host: "abcdefghijz.cloudfront.net",
+ "x-forwarded-proto": "https",
+ "x-forwarded-port": "443",
+ },
+ requestContext: {
+ domainName: "abcdefghijz.cloudfront.net",
+ domainPrefix: "abcdefghijz",
+ stage: "v2",
+ },
+ };
+ expect(baseUrl(event)).to.eq("https://abcdefghijz.cloudfront.net/");
+ });
+ it("extracts the base URL from an event with a custom domain", () => {
+ const event = {
+ routeKey: "GET /route/{param}",
+ rawPath: "/route/value",
+ headers: {
+ host: "api.test.library.northwestern.edu",
+ "x-forwarded-proto": "https",
+ "x-forwarded-port": "443",
+ },
+ requestContext: {
+ domainName: "api.test.library.northwestern.edu",
+ domainPrefix: "api",
+ stage: "v2",
+ },
+ };
+ expect(baseUrl(event)).to.eq(
+ "https://api.test.library.northwestern.edu/"
+ );
+ });
+ it("prefers a custom domain over localhost", () => {
+ const event = {
+ routeKey: "GET /route/{param}",
+ rawPath: "/route/value",
+ headers: {
+ host: "localhost",
+ "x-forwarded-proto": "http",
+ "x-forwarded-port": "3000",
+ },
+ requestContext: {
+ domainName: "api.test.library.northwestern.edu",
+ domainPrefix: "api",
+ stage: "v2",
+ },
+ };
+ expect(baseUrl(event)).to.eq(
+ "http://api.test.library.northwestern.edu:3000/"
+ );
+ });
+ it("properly handles a base path mapping", () => {
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/works/{id}")
+ .pathParams({ id: 1234 })
+ .stageVariables({ basePath: "api/v2" })
+ .render();
+ expect(baseUrl(event)).to.eq(
+ "https://api.test.library.northwestern.edu/api/v2/"
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ describe("decodeEventBody()", () => {
+ it("passes plain text body through unaltered", () => {
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("POST", "/search")
+ .body("plain body")
+ .render();
+ const result = decodeEventBody(event);
+ expect(result.isBase64Encoded).to.be.false;
+ expect(result.body).to.eq("plain body");
+ });
+ it("decodes base64 encoded body", () => {
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("POST", "/search")
+ .body("encoded body")
+ .base64Encode()
+ .render();
+ expect(event.isBase64Encoded).to.be.true;
+ expect(event.body).not.to.eq("encoded body");
+ const result = decodeEventBody(event);
+ expect(result.isBase64Encoded).to.be.false;
+ expect(result.body).to.eq("encoded body");
+ });
+ });
+ describe("isFromReadingRoom()", () => {
+ helpers.saveEnvironment();
+ it("knows when a request is coming from a reading room IP", () => {
+ const event = helpers.mockEvent("GET", "/search").render();
+ expect(isFromReadingRoom(event)).to.be.false;
+ process.env.READING_ROOM_IPS = event.requestContext.http.sourceIp;
+ expect(isFromReadingRoom(event)).to.be.true;
+ });
+ });
+ describe("normalizeHeaders()", () => {
+ it("converts all headers to lowercase", () => {
+ const upperHeaders = ["Host", "X-Forwarded-For", "X-Forwarded-Proto"];
+ const lowerHeaders = ["host", "x-forwarded-for", "x-forwarded-proto"];
+ const event = helpers.mockEvent("GET", "/search").render();
+ expect(event.headers).not.to.include.keys(lowerHeaders);
+ expect(event.headers).to.include.keys(upperHeaders);
+ const result = normalizeHeaders(event);
+ expect(result.headers).to.include.keys(lowerHeaders);
+ expect(result.headers).not.to.include.keys(upperHeaders);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("objectifyCookies", () => {
+ it("works when there are no cookies", () => {
+ const event = helpers.mockEvent("GET", "/search").render();
+ const result = objectifyCookies(event);
+ expect(result.cookies).to.be.undefined;
+ expect(result.cookieObject).to.be.empty;
+ });
+ it("works when there are cookies", () => {
+ const event = helpers
+ .mockEvent("GET", "/search")
+ .cookie("testName", "works when there are cookies")
+ .cookie("cookieType", "snickerdoodle")
+ .render();
+ const result = objectifyCookies(event);
+ expect(result.cookieObject).to.include({
+ testName: "works%20when%20there%20are%20cookies",
+ cookieType: "snickerdoodle",
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ describe("stubEventMembers", () => {
+ it("makes sure the event has all expected members", () => {
+ const result = stubEventMembers({});
+ expect(result.cookies).to.eql([]);
+ expect(result.pathParameters).to.eql({});
+ expect(result.queryStringParameters).to.eql({});
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/test/unit/api/opensearch.test.js b/test/unit/api/opensearch.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f9b1f7ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/api/opensearch.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+"use strict";
+const opensearch = require("../../../src/api/opensearch");
+const chai = require("chai");
+const expect = chai.expect;
+describe("getWork()", function () {
+ helpers.saveEnvironment();
+ const mock = helpers.mockIndex();
+ it("gets a work by its id", async function () {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-work/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/work-1234.json"));
+ const result = await opensearch.getWork("1234");
+ const body = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ expect(body._source.api_model).to.eq("Work");
+ });
+ it("returns 404 Not Found for unpublished works", async function () {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-work/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/unpublished-work-1234.json"));
+ const result = await opensearch.getWork("1234");
+ const body = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(404);
+ expect(body.found).to.be.false;
+ });
+ it("returns 404 Not Found for missing documents", async function () {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-work/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(404, helpers.testFixture("mocks/missing-work-1234.json"));
+ const result = await opensearch.getWork("1234");
+ const body = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(404);
+ expect(body.found).to.be.false;
+ });
+describe("getFileSet()", function () {
+ helpers.saveEnvironment();
+ const mock = helpers.mockIndex();
+ it("gets a fileset by its id", async function () {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-file-set/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/fileset-1234.json"));
+ const result = await opensearch.getFileSet("1234");
+ const body = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ expect(body._source.api_model).to.eq("FileSet");
+ });
+describe("getCollection()", function () {
+ helpers.saveEnvironment();
+ const mock = helpers.mockIndex();
+ it("gets a collection by its id", async function () {
+ mock
+ .get("/dc-v2-collection/_doc/1234")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/collection-1234.json"));
+ const result = await opensearch.getCollection("1234");
+ const body = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ expect(body._source.api_model).to.eq("Collection");
+ });
+describe("search()", function () {
+ helpers.saveEnvironment();
+ const mock = helpers.mockIndex();
+ it("performs searches", async function () {
+ mock
+ .post("/dc-v2-work/_search", "{ query: { match_all: {} } }")
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/search.json"));
+ const result = await opensearch.search(
+ "dc-v2-work",
+ "{ query: { match_all: {} } }"
+ );
+ const body = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ expect(body.hits.hits.length).to.eq(10);
+ expect(body.hits.total.value).to.eq(4199);
+ });
+ it("can search multiple targets", async function () {
+ mock
+ .post(
+ "/dc-v2-work,dc-v2-collection/_search",
+ "{ query: { match_all: {} } }"
+ )
+ .reply(200, helpers.testFixture("mocks/search-multiple-targets.json"));
+ const result = await opensearch.search(
+ "dc-v2-work,dc-v2-collection",
+ "{ query: { match_all: {} } }"
+ );
+ const body = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ expect(body.hits.hits.length).to.eq(10);
+ expect(body.hits.total.value).to.eq(4331);
+ });
diff --git a/test/unit/api/pagination.test.js b/test/unit/api/pagination.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..23199a67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/api/pagination.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+"use strict";
+const { decodeSearchToken, Paginator } = require("../../../src/api/pagination");
+const chai = require("chai");
+const expect = chai.expect;
+describe("Paginator", function () {
+ const requestBody = {
+ query: { match_all: {} },
+ size: 50,
+ sort: [{ create_date: "asc" }],
+ _source: ["id", "title", "collection"],
+ aggs: { collection: { terms: { field: "contributor.label", size: 10 } } },
+ };
+ let pager;
+ this.beforeEach(() => {
+ pager = new Paginator(
+ "https://api.test.library.northwestern.edu/api/v2/",
+ "search",
+ ["works"],
+ requestBody
+ );
+ });
+ it("produces page 1 pagination", async () => {
+ let result = await pager.pageInfo(1275);
+ expect(result.current_page).to.eq(1);
+ expect(result.offset).to.eq(0);
+ expect(result.limit).to.eq(50);
+ expect(result.total_hits).to.eq(1275);
+ expect(result.total_pages).to.eq(26);
+ expect(result.prev_url).to.be.undefined;
+ let url = new URL(result.next_url);
+ expect(url.host).to.eq("api.test.library.northwestern.edu");
+ expect(url.pathname).to.eq("/api/v2/search");
+ expect(url.searchParams.get("page")).to.eq("2");
+ });
+ it("produces additional page pagination", async () => {
+ pager.body.from = 100;
+ let result = await pager.pageInfo(1275);
+ expect(result.current_page).to.eq(3);
+ expect(new URL(result.prev_url).searchParams.get("page")).to.eq("2");
+ expect(new URL(result.next_url).searchParams.get("page")).to.eq("4");
+ expect(requestBody.from).to.be.undefined;
+ });
+ it("produces last page pagination", async () => {
+ pager.body.from = 1270;
+ const result = await pager.pageInfo(1275);
+ expect(result.next_url).to.be.undefined;
+ });
+ it("produces a usable token", async () => {
+ pager.body.from = 100;
+ const result = await pager.pageInfo(1275);
+ const token = new URL(result.query_url).searchParams.get("searchToken");
+ const rehydrated = await decodeSearchToken(token);
+ expect(rehydrated.models).to.include.members(["works"]);
+ for (const field of ["query", "size", "sort", "_source"]) {
+ expect(rehydrated.body[field]).to.deep.equal(requestBody[field]);
+ }
+ expect(rehydrated.body).not.to.include.keys(["aggs", "from"]);
+ });
+ it("correctly sets the default size", async () => {
+ delete pager.body.size;
+ const result = await pager.pageInfo(1275);
+ expect(result.limit).to.eq(10);
+ });
+ it("excludes searchToken when required", async () => {
+ pager.options = { includeToken: false };
+ const result = await pager.pageInfo(1275);
+ const url = new URL(result.query_url);
+ expect(url.searchParams.has("searchToken")).to.be.false;
+ });
+ it("includes extra parameters", async () => {
+ pager.options = { queryStringParameters: { size: 5 } };
+ const result = await pager.pageInfo(1275);
+ const url = new URL(result.query_url);
+ expect(url.searchParams.get("size")).to.eq("5");
+ });
diff --git a/test/unit/api/request/models.test.js b/test/unit/api/request/models.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..59d9774b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/api/request/models.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+"use strict";
+const models = require("../../../../src/api/request/models");
+const chai = require("chai");
+const expect = chai.expect;
+describe("models", () => {
+ helpers.saveEnvironment();
+ it("knows valid models", () => {
+ expect(models.validModels(["collections", "file-sets", "works"])).to.be
+ .true;
+ });
+ it("detects invalid models", () => {
+ expect(models.validModels(["works", "foo"])).to.be.false;
+ });
+ it("maps models to targets", () => {
+ let result = models.modelsToTargets(["collections", "file-sets", "works"]);
+ expect(result).to.eq("dc-v2-collection,dc-v2-file-set,dc-v2-work");
+ process.env.ENV_PREFIX = "pre";
+ result = models.modelsToTargets(["collections", "file-sets", "works"]);
+ expect(result).to.eq(
+ "pre-dc-v2-collection,pre-dc-v2-file-set,pre-dc-v2-work"
+ );
+ });
diff --git a/test/unit/api/request/pipeline.test.js b/test/unit/api/request/pipeline.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5461c755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/api/request/pipeline.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+"use strict";
+const RequestPipeline = require("../../../../src/api/request/pipeline");
+const chai = require("chai");
+const expect = chai.expect;
+describe("RequestPipeline", () => {
+ helpers.saveEnvironment();
+ const event = helpers.mockEvent("GET", "/search").render();
+ const requestBody = {
+ query: { match: { term: { title: "The Title" } } },
+ size: 50,
+ from: 0,
+ sort: [{ create_date: "asc" }],
+ _source: ["id", "title", "collection"],
+ aggs: { collection: { terms: { field: "contributor.label", size: 10 } } },
+ };
+ let pipeline;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ pipeline = new RequestPipeline(requestBody);
+ });
+ it("adds an auth filter", () => {
+ const result = pipeline.authFilter(event);
+ expect(result.searchContext.size).to.eq(50);
+ expect(result.searchContext.query.bool.must).to.include(requestBody.query);
+ expect(result.searchContext.query.bool.must_not).to.deep.include(
+ { term: { visibility: "Private" } },
+ { term: { published: false } }
+ );
+ });
+ it("serializes JSON", () => {
+ expect(JSON.parse(pipeline.toJson())).to.deep.equal(requestBody);
+ });
+ describe("reading room IPs", () => {
+ it("filters out private results by default", () => {
+ process.env.READING_ROOM_IPS = ",";
+ const result = pipeline.authFilter(event);
+ expect(result.searchContext.size).to.eq(50);
+ expect(result.searchContext.query.bool.must).to.include(
+ requestBody.query
+ );
+ expect(result.searchContext.query.bool.must_not).to.deep.include(
+ { term: { visibility: "Private" } },
+ { term: { published: false } }
+ );
+ });
+ it("includes private results from allowed IP addresses", () => {
+ process.env.READING_ROOM_IPS = ",";
+ const result = pipeline.authFilter(event);
+ expect(result.searchContext.size).to.eq(50);
+ expect(result.searchContext.query.bool.must).to.include(
+ requestBody.query
+ );
+ expect(result.searchContext.query.bool.must_not).to.deep.include({
+ term: { published: false },
+ });
+ expect(result.searchContext.query.bool.must_not).not.to.deep.include({
+ term: { visibility: "Private" },
+ });
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/test/unit/api/response/iiif/collection.test.js b/test/unit/api/response/iiif/collection.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9512420a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/api/response/iiif/collection.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+"use strict";
+const transformer = require("../../../../../src/api/response/iiif/collection");
+const { Paginator } = require("../../../../../src/api/pagination");
+const chai = require("chai");
+const expect = chai.expect;
+describe("IIIF Collection response transformer", () => {
+ let pager;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ pager = new Paginator(
+ "http://dcapi.library.northwestern.edu/api/v2/",
+ "search",
+ ["works"],
+ { query: { query_string: { query: "genre.label:architecture" } } },
+ "iiif",
+ {
+ includeToken: false,
+ queryStringParameters: {
+ collectionLabel: "The collection label",
+ collectionSummary: "The collection Summary",
+ query: "genre.label:architecture",
+ },
+ }
+ );
+ });
+ it("transforms a search response", async () => {
+ const response = {
+ statusCode: 200,
+ body: helpers.testFixture("mocks/search.json"),
+ };
+ const result = await transformer.transform(response, pager);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ const body = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ expect(body.type).to.eq("Collection");
+ expect(body.label.none[0]).to.eq("The collection label");
+ });
+ it("transforms an error response", async () => {
+ const response = {
+ statusCode: 404,
+ body: helpers.testFixture("mocks/missing-index.json"),
+ };
+ const result = await transformer.transform(response, pager);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(404);
+ const body = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ expect(body.status).to.eq(404);
+ expect(body.error).to.be.a("string");
+ });
diff --git a/test/unit/api/response/iiif/manifest.test.js b/test/unit/api/response/iiif/manifest.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b91b0499
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/api/response/iiif/manifest.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+"use strict";
+const transformer = require("../../../../../src/api/response/iiif/manifest");
+const chai = require("chai");
+const expect = chai.expect;
+const { dcApiEndpoint, dcUrl } = require("../../../../../src/aws/environment");
+describe("Image Work as IIIF Manifest response transformer", () => {
+ function getMetadataValueByLabel(metadataArray, targetLabel) {
+ const foundObj = metadataArray.find(
+ (item) => item.label.none[0] === targetLabel
+ );
+ return foundObj ? foundObj.value.none : undefined;
+ }
+ async function setup() {
+ const response = {
+ statusCode: 200,
+ body: helpers.testFixture("mocks/work-1234.json"),
+ };
+ const source = JSON.parse(response.body)._source;
+ const result = await transformer.transform(response);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ return { source, manifest: JSON.parse(result.body) };
+ }
+ it("transforms an Image work response to minimal Manifest", async () => {
+ const { manifest } = await setup();
+ expect(manifest.type).to.eq("Manifest");
+ });
+ it("populates Manifest label", async () => {
+ const { source, manifest } = await setup();
+ expect(manifest.label.none[0]).to.eq(source.title);
+ });
+ it("populates Manifest summary", async () => {
+ const { source, manifest } = await setup();
+ expect(manifest.summary.none[0]).to.eq(source.description[0]);
+ });
+ it("populates Manifest metadata", async () => {
+ const { source, manifest } = await setup();
+ expect(
+ getMetadataValueByLabel(manifest.metadata, "Alternate Title")[0]
+ ).to.eq(source.alternate_title[0]);
+ expect(getMetadataValueByLabel(manifest.metadata, "Abstract")).to.be
+ .undefined;
+ });
+ it("populates Manifest requiredStatement", async () => {
+ const { source, manifest } = await setup();
+ expect(manifest.requiredStatement.label.none[0]).to.eq("Attribution");
+ expect(manifest.requiredStatement.value.none[0]).to.eq(
+ "Courtesy of Northwestern University Libraries"
+ );
+ expect(manifest.requiredStatement.value.none.includes(source.terms_of_use))
+ .to.be.true;
+ });
+ it("populates Manifest rights", async () => {
+ const { source, manifest } = await setup();
+ expect(manifest.rights).to.eq(source.rights_statement.id);
+ });
+ it("populates Manifest thumbnail", async () => {
+ const { source, manifest } = await setup();
+ expect(manifest.thumbnail[0].id).to.eq(source.thumbnail);
+ });
+ it("populates Manifest seeAlso", async () => {
+ const { source, manifest } = await setup();
+ expect(manifest.seeAlso[0].id).to.eq(source.api_link);
+ expect(manifest.seeAlso[0].type).to.eq("Dataset");
+ expect(manifest.seeAlso[0].format).to.eq("application/json");
+ expect(manifest.seeAlso[0].label.none[0]).to.eq(
+ "Northwestern University Libraries Digital Collections API"
+ );
+ });
+ it("populates Manifest homepage", async () => {
+ const { source, manifest } = await setup();
+ expect(manifest.homepage[0].id).to.eq(`${dcUrl()}/items/${source.id}`);
+ expect(manifest.homepage[0].label.none[0]).to.eq(
+ "Homepage at Northwestern University Libraries Digital Collections"
+ );
+ });
+ it("populates Manifest partOf", async () => {
+ const { source, manifest } = await setup();
+ const partOf = manifest.partOf[0];
+ expect(partOf.id).to.eq(
+ `${dcApiEndpoint()}/collections/${source.collection.id}?as=iiif`
+ );
+ expect(partOf.type).to.eq("Collection");
+ expect(partOf.label.none).to.be.an("array").that.is.not.empty;
+ expect(partOf.summary.none).to.be.an("array").that.is.not.empty;
+ });
+ it("populates Manifest items (canvases)", async () => {
+ const { source, manifest } = await setup();
+ expect(manifest.items.length).to.eq(3);
+ manifest.items.forEach((canvas) => {
+ expect(canvas.type).to.eq("Canvas");
+ });
+ expect(manifest.items[0].width).to.eq(source.file_sets[0].width);
+ expect(manifest.items[0].height).to.eq(source.file_sets[0].height);
+ expect(manifest.items[0].label.none[0]).to.eq(source.file_sets[0].label);
+ expect(manifest.items[0].thumbnail[0].id).contains(
+ source.file_sets[0].representative_image_url
+ );
+ });
+ it("excludes Preservation and Supplemental filesets", async () => {
+ const { source, manifest } = await setup();
+ manifest.items.forEach((canvas) => {
+ expect(canvas.id).not.contains(["preservation", "supplemental"]);
+ });
+ });
+ it("populates Annotation (painting) for Image fileset", async () => {
+ const { source, manifest } = await setup();
+ const annotation = manifest.items[0].items[0].items[0];
+ expect(annotation.type).to.eq("Annotation");
+ expect(annotation.motivation).to.eq("painting");
+ expect(annotation.target).to.eq(manifest.items[0].id);
+ expect(annotation.body.id).contains(
+ source.file_sets[0].representative_image_url
+ );
+ expect(annotation.body.format).to.eq(source.file_sets[0].mime_type);
+ expect(annotation.body.type).to.eq("Image");
+ expect(annotation.body.width).to.eq(source.file_sets[0].width);
+ expect(annotation.body.height).to.eq(source.file_sets[0].height);
+ expect(annotation.body.service[0]["@id"]).to.eq(
+ source.file_sets[0].representative_image_url
+ );
+ });
+describe("A/V Work as IIIF Manifest response transformer", () => {
+ async function setup() {
+ const response = {
+ statusCode: 200,
+ body: helpers.testFixture("mocks/work-video-5678.json"),
+ };
+ const source = JSON.parse(response.body)._source;
+ const result = await transformer.transform(response);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ return { source, manifest: JSON.parse(result.body) };
+ }
+ it("transforms a Video work response to minimal Manifest", async () => {
+ const { manifest } = await setup();
+ expect(manifest.type).to.eq("Manifest");
+ });
+ it("renders duration on AV canvases", async () => {
+ const { manifest } = await setup();
+ expect(manifest.items[0].duration).to.eq(5.599);
+ });
+ it("renders annotation for type: Sound and Video ", async () => {
+ const { source, manifest } = await setup();
+ const annotation = manifest.items[0].items[0].items[0];
+ expect(annotation.body.duration).to.eq(5.599);
+ expect(annotation.body.type).to.eq("Video");
+ expect(annotation.body.id).to.eq(source.file_sets[0].streaming_url);
+ });
+describe("404 network response", () => {
+ it("returns as expected", async () => {
+ const response = {
+ statusCode: 404,
+ body: helpers.testFixture("mocks/missing-work-1234.json"),
+ };
+ const result = await transformer.transform(response);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(404);
+ });
diff --git a/test/unit/api/response/iiif/presentation-api/items.test.js b/test/unit/api/response/iiif/presentation-api/items.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dffecc29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/api/response/iiif/presentation-api/items.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+"use strict";
+const items = require("../../../../../../src/api/response/iiif/presentation-api/items");
+const chai = require("chai");
+const expect = chai.expect;
+describe("IIIF response presentation API items helpers", () => {
+ const accessImage = {
+ duration: null,
+ height: 3024,
+ id: "076dcbd8-8c57-40e8-bdf7-dc9153c87a36",
+ label: "Access File - Tiff",
+ mime_type: "image/tiff",
+ original_filename: "Squirrel.tif",
+ poster_offset: null,
+ rank: 0,
+ representative_image_url:
+ "https://iiif.stack.rdc-staging.library.northwestern.edu/iiif/2/076dcbd8-8c57-40e8-bdf7-dc9153c87a36",
+ role: "Access",
+ streaming_url: null,
+ webvtt: null,
+ width: 4032,
+ };
+ // const accessAudio = {
+ // duration: null,
+ // height: 3024,
+ // id: "076dcbd8-8c57-40e8-bdf7-dc9153c87a36",
+ // label: "Access File - Tiff",
+ // mime_type: "image/tiff",
+ // original_filename: "Squirrel.tif",
+ // poster_offset: null,
+ // rank: 0,
+ // representative_image_url:
+ // "https://iiif.stack.rdc-staging.library.northwestern.edu/iiif/2/076dcbd8-8c57-40e8-bdf7-dc9153c87a36",
+ // role: "Access",
+ // streaming_url: null,
+ // webvtt: null,
+ // width: 4032,
+ // };
+ it("annotationType(workType)", () => {
+ expect(items.annotationType("Audio")).to.eq("Sound");
+ expect(items.annotationType("Image")).to.eq("Image");
+ expect(items.annotationType("Video")).to.eq("Video");
+ });
+ it("buildAnnotationBody(fileSet, workType)", () => {
+ const body = items.buildAnnotationBody(accessImage, "Image");
+ expect(body.id).contains(accessImage.representative_image_url);
+ expect(body.width).to.eq(accessImage.width);
+ expect(body.format).to.eq(accessImage.mime_type);
+ expect(body.service[0].id).to.eq(accessImage.representative_image_url);
+ });
+ it("buildAnnotationBody(fileSet, workType)", () => {
+ const bodyId = items.buildAnnotationBodyId(accessImage, "Image");
+ expect(bodyId).eq(
+ `${accessImage.representative_image_url}/full/600,/0/default.jpg`
+ );
+ });
+ it('buildImageResourceId(representativeImageUrl,size = "!300,300")', () => {
+ expect(
+ items.buildImageResourceId(accessImage.representative_image_url)
+ ).to.eq(
+ `${accessImage.representative_image_url}/full/!300,300/0/default.jpg`
+ );
+ expect(
+ items.buildImageResourceId(
+ accessImage.representative_image_url,
+ "1000,1000"
+ )
+ ).to.eq(
+ `${accessImage.representative_image_url}/full/1000,1000/0/default.jpg`
+ );
+ });
+ it("buildImageService(representativeImageUrl)", () => {
+ const imageService = items.buildImageService(
+ accessImage.representative_image_url
+ )[0];
+ expect(imageService.id).to.eq(accessImage.representative_image_url);
+ expect(imageService.profile).to.eq(
+ "http://iiif.io/api/image/2/level2.json"
+ );
+ expect(imageService.type).to.eq("ImageService2");
+ });
+ it("isAudioVideo(workType)", () => {
+ expect(items.isAudioVideo("Audio")).to.be.true;
+ expect(items.isAudioVideo("Image")).to.be.false;
+ expect(items.isAudioVideo("Video")).to.be.true;
+ });
+ it("isImage(workType)", () => {
+ expect(items.isImage("Audio")).to.be.false;
+ expect(items.isImage("Image")).to.be.true;
+ expect(items.isImage("Video")).to.be.false;
+ });
diff --git a/test/unit/api/response/iiif/presentation-api/metadata.test.js b/test/unit/api/response/iiif/presentation-api/metadata.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..998a03bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/api/response/iiif/presentation-api/metadata.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+"use strict";
+const {
+ formatSingleValuedField,
+ metadataLabelFields,
+} = require("../../../../../../src/api/response/iiif/presentation-api/metadata");
+const chai = require("chai");
+const expect = chai.expect;
+describe("IIIF response presentation API metadata helpers", () => {
+ const response = {
+ statusCode: 200,
+ body: helpers.testFixture("mocks/work-1234.json"),
+ };
+ const source = JSON.parse(response.body)._source;
+ it("formatSingleValuedField(value)", () => {
+ expect(formatSingleValuedField("This value."))
+ .to.be.an("array")
+ .that.does.include("This value.");
+ expect(formatSingleValuedField(null)).to.be.an("array").that.is.empty;
+ });
+ it("metadataLabelFields(source)", () => {
+ const metadata = metadataLabelFields(source);
+ expect(Array.isArray(metadata)).to.be;
+ expect(metadata.length).to.eq(28);
+ metadata.forEach((item) => {
+ expect(item.label).to.be.a("string");
+ expect(item.value).to.be.an("array");
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/test/unit/api/response/opensearch.test.js b/test/unit/api/response/opensearch.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a360a427
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/api/response/opensearch.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+"use strict";
+const transformer = require("../../../../src/api/response/opensearch");
+const { Paginator } = require("../../../../src/api/pagination");
+const chai = require("chai");
+const expect = chai.expect;
+describe("OpenSearch response transformer", () => {
+ let pager;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ pager = new Paginator(
+ "http://dcapi.library.northwestern.edu/v2/",
+ "search",
+ ["works"],
+ { query: { match_all: {} } }
+ );
+ });
+ it("transforms a doc response", async () => {
+ const response = {
+ statusCode: 200,
+ body: helpers.testFixture("mocks/work-1234.json"),
+ };
+ const result = await transformer.transform(response, pager);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ const body = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ expect(body.data).to.be.an("object");
+ expect(body).not.to.include.key("pagination");
+ });
+ it("transforms a search response", async () => {
+ const response = {
+ statusCode: 200,
+ body: helpers.testFixture("mocks/search.json"),
+ };
+ const result = await transformer.transform(response, pager);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(200);
+ const body = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ expect(body.data).to.be.an("array");
+ expect(body).to.include.key("pagination");
+ expect(body.pagination).to.include.keys([
+ "query_url",
+ "current_page",
+ "limit",
+ "next_url",
+ "offset",
+ "total_hits",
+ "total_pages",
+ ]);
+ });
+ it("transforms an error response", async () => {
+ const response = {
+ statusCode: 404,
+ body: helpers.testFixture("mocks/missing-index.json"),
+ };
+ const result = await transformer.transform(response, pager);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(404);
+ const body = JSON.parse(result.body);
+ expect(body.status).to.eq(404);
+ expect(body.error).to.be.a("string");
+ });
diff --git a/test/unit/aws/environment.test.js b/test/unit/aws/environment.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8076a6de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/aws/environment.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+"use strict";
+const environment = require("../../../src/aws/environment");
+const chai = require("chai");
+const expect = chai.expect;
+describe("environment", function () {
+ helpers.saveEnvironment();
+ it("returns the index endpoint", function () {
+ process.env.ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT = "index.test.library.northwestern.edu";
+ expect(environment.elasticsearchEndpoint()).to.eq(
+ "index.test.library.northwestern.edu"
+ );
+ });
+ it("correctly handles an environment prefix", function () {
+ process.env.ENV_PREFIX = "test-env";
+ expect(environment.prefix()).to.eq("test-env");
+ expect(environment.prefix("name")).to.eq("test-env-name");
+ });
+ it("correctly handles an empty environment prefix", function () {
+ process.env.ENV_PREFIX = "";
+ expect(environment.prefix()).to.eq("");
+ expect(environment.prefix("name")).to.eq("name");
+ });
+ it("correctly handles a missing environment prefix", function () {
+ delete process.env.ENV_PREFIX;
+ expect(environment.prefix()).to.eq("");
+ expect(environment.prefix("name")).to.eq("name");
+ });
+ it("returns the AWS region", function () {
+ process.env.AWS_REGION = "my-region-1";
+ expect(environment.region()).to.eq("my-region-1");
+ });
+ it("returns the default region", function () {
+ delete process.env.AWS_REGION;
+ expect(environment.region()).to.eq("us-east-1");
+ });
diff --git a/test/unit/redirect.test.js b/test/unit/redirect.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2a6ab0ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit/redirect.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+"use strict";
+const { handler } = require("../../redirect");
+const chai = require("chai");
+const expect = chai.expect;
+describe("redirect", function () {
+ helpers.saveEnvironment();
+ it("redirects unrecognized routes to the configured path", async () => {
+ process.env.REDIRECT_TO = "/redirect/target";
+ const event = helpers.mockEvent("GET", "/").render();
+ const result = await handler(event);
+ expect(result.statusCode).to.eq(302);
+ expect(result.headers.location).to.eq("/redirect/target");
+ });
diff --git a/tests/unit/api/opensearch.test.js b/tests/unit/api/opensearch.test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e5cb36a..00000000
--- a/tests/unit/api/opensearch.test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const opensearch = require("../../src/api/opensearch");
-const chai = require("chai");
-const expect = chai.expect;
-describe("getWork()", () => {
- it("gets a work by its id", async () => {
- });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/unit/test-handler.js b/tests/unit/test-handler.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 82dd454e..00000000
--- a/tests/unit/test-handler.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const app = require("../../src/handlers/hello.js");
-const chai = require("chai");
-const expect = chai.expect;
-var event, context;
-describe("Tests index", function () {
- it("verifies successful response", async () => {
- const result = await app.helloHandler(event, context);
- expect(result).to.be.an("object");
- expect(result.statusCode).to.equal(200);
- expect(result.body).to.be.an("string");
- let response = JSON.parse(result.body);
- expect(response).to.be.an("object");
- expect(response.message).to.be.equal("hello world");
- // expect(response.location).to.be.an("string");
- });