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Xavier Antoviaque edited this page Aug 11, 2014 · 29 revisions
  • ACID Xblock
  • ORA2: Version 2 of the Open Response Assessor Project. Provides functionality for peer assessment, self assessment, student training.
  • Paella Video XBlock
  • Mathematica Cdf XBlock
  • Staff graded assignment
  • PDF XBlock
  • PDF XBlock (alternative): Another XBlock to embed PDF, with XBlock title and download buttons.
  • Flash XBlock: Embed Flash (.swf) files into your course.
  • Video JS XBlock: Use Video.js HTML5 player ( instead of the default one.
  • Audio XBlock
  • Carousel XBlock- XBlock to provide carousel of multimedia instructional content including images, video, documents. This XBlock currently supports three web hosted media formats in a unified media carousel for course content presentation. This XBlock also provides a way to integrate instructional media with a separate workspace that could be used for hands-on activities.Click [here] ( for the demo
  • Ooyala Video Player XBlock: to include Ooyala videos within an edX course. It supports transcripts, overlays (to place raw text or html content at a specific moment in your video) and player tokens (to secure your video content using a token with an expiration time)
  • Mentoring XBlock: to automate the workflow of real-life mentoring, within an edX course. It supports: free-form answers (textarea) which can be shared accross different XBlock instances (for example, to remind a student of an answer he gave before), MCQs (multiple choice questions), MRQs (multiple responses questions), rating scales, progression tracking (allowing to check that the student has completed the previous steps before allowing to complete a given XBlock instance).
  • Image Explorer XBlock: to display tooltips on top of an image within the course content
  • Drag and Drop XBlock: exercise which asks students to drag and drop text or image elements into different buckets according to their content
  • Drag and Drop XBlock v2: enhanced version of the Image Explorer XBlock. Due to incompatible data model with v1, the original XBlock still remains
  • Brightcove Video XBlock: to include Brightcove videos within an edX course
  • Pie Chart XBlock: to include Pie chart within an edX course
  • 3D Model Viewer XBlock: to include and view 3D .obj models within an edX course

Experimental XBlocks:

  • Discussion XBlock: a prototype of the discussion XModule as a separate, pure XBlock. Functional, but requires patches to edx-platform at the moment.
  • Group Project XBlock: to allow students to work as a group of 2-5 on a group project, with peer grading between projects and team members. Functional, but requires patches to edx-platform at the moment.
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