- Log in and upload 3D data of your room via Project Tango hardware, and be able to visualise your room in 3D using a web interface / cross platform.
- Send a form in of your preferences (favourite colour you want room to be in, be shown a set of images of rooms to tick yes or no to, upload 3 links of objects you like, tick or untick the furniture items you need e.g. sofa, lamp, table, cabinet)
- Submit form to an interior designer.
- Build the same interface for interior designers to view all the submitted projects and preferences, and then hook in 3D pieces of furniture, lamps, sofas they like. If the API doesn't exist to hook these in, an MVP could be a) the interior designer uses Project Tango to 3D map the piece of furniture itself and drag it onto the 3D room of the client or b) just include buy links from the Houzz.com API of relevant pieces of furniture which match the tastes of the client.
- The above should be automated or have some intelligence via some filtering of the products on Houzz for colour, type etc., and producing a deep learning/recommender system but we probably won't have time, so even the first 3 bullets should be achievable by the hack.