All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Minimum WebXR Input Profiles Loader version 0.3.7.
- Sample scene assets settings optimizations.
- An option to disable/enable useCollidersForHandJoints in ControllerInteraction.
- Support for Generic Hands models from the WebXR Input Profiles.
- Minimum WebXR Input Profiles Loader version 0.3.6.
- AudioListener in the WebXRCameraSet prefabs is now attached to CameraFollower.
- Smearing issues in AR.
- AR cameras Clear Flags in the WebXRCameraSet prefabs.
- Check for alwaysUseGrip in ControllerInteraction.
- Minimum WebXR Input Profiles Loader version 0.3.5.
- Check if hand joints radius changed on hand update in ControllerInteraction.
- Check if isControllerActive and isHandActive on enable in ControllerInteraction.
- OnDisable in ControllerInteraction.
- Missing material in default WebXRCameraSet.
- Material references in prefabs and sample scene.
- Docs page.
- WebXR Input Profiles Loader support.
- UI to toggle WebXR Input Profiles Loader in the sample scene.
- ControllerInteraction handles hand joints.
- Disabled the transparent cube in the sample scene. (It's still there for tests)
- Working default WebXRCameraSet prefab.
- WebXR Export dependency update.
- Added info about OpenUPM package in
- WebXR Export dependency fix.
- Support for the missing controller inputs.
- Sample scene - Changed Rigidbody Interpolate for the Interactables.
- ControllerInteraction - Changed what values to check for pick/drop Interactables.
- Support for XR providers in the sample WebXRCameraSet prefab.
- Fixed compile and runtime errors, to make sure that WebGL build works again.
- This package.
- Sample scene from the main project