import numpy as np

import bpy
from bpy.props import FloatProperty, EnumProperty, BoolProperty
from mathutils import kdtree
from mathutils import bvhtree

from sverchok.node_tree import SverchCustomTreeNode
from sverchok.data_structure import updateNode, zip_long_repeat

from sverchok.utils.field.scalar import (SvScalarFieldPointDistance,
            SvMergedScalarField, SvKdtScalarField,
            SvLineAttractorScalarField, SvPlaneAttractorScalarField, 
from sverchok.utils.field.vector import (SvVectorFieldPointDistance,
            SvAverageVectorField, SvKdtVectorField, 
            SvLineAttractorVectorField, SvPlaneAttractorVectorField,
from sverchok.utils.math import all_falloff_types, falloff_array

class SvExAttractorFieldNode(SverchCustomTreeNode, bpy.types.Node):
    Triggers: Attractor Field
    Tooltip: Generate scalar and vector attraction fields
    bl_idname = 'SvExAttractorFieldNode'
    bl_label = 'Attractor Field'
    bl_icon = 'OUTLINER_OB_EMPTY'
    sv_icon = 'SV_EX_ATTRACT'

    replacement_nodes = [('SvAttractorFieldNodeMk2', None, None)]

    def update_type(self, context):
        self.inputs['Direction'].hide_safe = (self.attractor_type in ['Point', 'Mesh'])
        self.inputs['Amplitude'].hide_safe = (self.falloff_type == 'NONE')
        coeff_types = ['inverse_exp', 'gauss', 'smooth', 'sphere', 'root', 'invsquare', 'sharp', 'linear', 'const']
        self.inputs['Coefficient'].hide_safe = (self.falloff_type not in coeff_types)
        self.inputs['Faces'].hide_safe = (self.attractor_type != 'Mesh')
        updateNode(self, context)

    falloff_type: EnumProperty(
        name="Falloff type", items=all_falloff_types, default='NONE', update=update_type)

    amplitude: FloatProperty(
        name="Amplitude", default=0.5, min=0.0, update=updateNode)

    coefficient: FloatProperty(
        name="Coefficient", default=0.5, update=updateNode)

    clamp: BoolProperty(
        name="Clamp", description="Restrict coefficient with R", default=False, update=updateNode)

    types = [
            ("Point", "Point", "Attraction to single or multiple points", 0),
            ("Line", "Line", "Attraction to straight line", 1),
            ("Plane", "Plane", "Attraction to plane", 2),
            ("Mesh", "Mesh", "Attraction to mesh", 3)

    attractor_type: EnumProperty(
        name="Attractor type", items=types, default='Point', update=update_type)

    point_modes = [
        ('AVG', "Average", "Use average distance to all attraction centers", 0),
        ('MIN', "Nearest", "Use minimum distance to any of attraction centers", 1),
        ('SEP', "Separate", "Generate a separate field for each attraction center", 2)

    point_mode : EnumProperty(
        name = "Points mode",
        description = "How to define the distance when multiple attraction centers are used",
        items = point_modes,
        default = 'AVG',
        update = updateNode)

    signed : BoolProperty(
            name = "Signed",
            default = False,
            update = updateNode)

    def sv_init(self, context):
        d ='SvVerticesSocket', "Center")
        d.use_prop = True
        d.default_property = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

        d ='SvVerticesSocket', "Direction")
        d.use_prop = True
        d.default_property = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)'SvStringsSocket', 'Faces')'SvStringsSocket', 'Amplitude').prop_name = 'amplitude''SvStringsSocket', 'Coefficient').prop_name = 'coefficient''SvVectorFieldSocket', "VField")'SvScalarFieldSocket', "SField")

    def draw_buttons(self, context, layout):
        layout.prop(self, 'attractor_type')
        if self.attractor_type == 'Point':
            layout.prop(self, 'point_mode')
        elif self.attractor_type == 'Mesh':
            layout.prop(self, 'signed', toggle=True)
        layout.prop(self, 'falloff_type')
        layout.prop(self, 'clamp')

    def to_point(self, centers, falloff):
        n = len(centers)
        if n == 1:
            sfield = SvScalarFieldPointDistance(centers[0], falloff=falloff)
            vfield = SvVectorFieldPointDistance(centers[0], falloff=falloff)
        elif self.point_mode == 'AVG':
            sfields = [SvScalarFieldPointDistance(center, falloff=falloff) for center in centers]
            sfield = SvMergedScalarField('AVG', sfields)
            vfields = [SvVectorFieldPointDistance(center, falloff=falloff) for center in centers]
            vfield = SvAverageVectorField(vfields)
        elif self.point_mode == 'MIN':
            kdt = kdtree.KDTree(len(centers))
            for i, v in enumerate(centers):
                kdt.insert(v, i)
            vfield = SvKdtVectorField(kdt=kdt, falloff=falloff)
            sfield = SvKdtScalarField(kdt=kdt, falloff=falloff)
        else: # SEP
            sfield = [SvScalarFieldPointDistance(center, falloff=falloff) for center in centers]
            vfield = [SvVectorFieldPointDistance(center, falloff=falloff) for center in centers]
        return vfield, sfield

    def to_line(self, center, direction, falloff):
        sfield = SvLineAttractorScalarField(np.array(center), np.array(direction), falloff=falloff)
        vfield = SvLineAttractorVectorField(np.array(center), np.array(direction), falloff=falloff)
        return vfield, sfield

    def to_plane(self, center, direction, falloff):
        sfield = SvPlaneAttractorScalarField(np.array(center), np.array(direction), falloff=falloff)
        vfield = SvPlaneAttractorVectorField(np.array(center), np.array(direction), falloff=falloff)
        return vfield, sfield

    def to_mesh(self, verts, faces, falloff):
        bvh = bvhtree.BVHTree.FromPolygons(verts, faces)
        sfield = SvBvhAttractorScalarField(bvh=bvh, falloff=falloff, signed=self.signed)
        vfield = SvBvhAttractorVectorField(bvh=bvh, falloff=falloff)
        return vfield, sfield

    def process(self):
        if not any(socket.is_linked for socket in self.outputs):

        center_s = self.inputs['Center'].sv_get()
        faces_s = self.inputs['Faces'].sv_get(default=[[]])
        directions_s = self.inputs['Direction'].sv_get()
        amplitudes_s = self.inputs['Amplitude'].sv_get()
        coefficients_s = self.inputs['Coefficient'].sv_get()

        vfields_out = []
        sfields_out = []

        objects = zip_long_repeat(center_s, faces_s, directions_s, amplitudes_s, coefficients_s)
        for centers, faces, direction, amplitude, coefficient in objects:
            if isinstance(amplitude, (list, tuple)):
                amplitude = amplitude[0]
            if isinstance(coefficient, (list, tuple)):
                coefficient = coefficient[0]

            if self.falloff_type == 'NONE':
                falloff_func = None
                falloff_func = falloff_array(self.falloff_type, amplitude, coefficient, self.clamp)
            if self.attractor_type == 'Point':
                vfield, sfield = self.to_point(centers, falloff_func)
            elif self.attractor_type == 'Line':
                vfield, sfield = self.to_line(centers[0], direction[0], falloff_func)
            elif self.attractor_type == 'Plane':
                vfield, sfield = self.to_plane(centers[0], direction[0], falloff_func)
            elif self.attractor_type == 'Mesh':
                vfield, sfield = self.to_mesh(centers, faces, falloff_func)
                raise Exception("not implemented yet")



def register():

def unregister():