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File metadata and controls

457 lines (357 loc) · 10.5 KB


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  • Arrays are Lists and Slices (internal workings are unimportant for end user)
  • physical dimensions for mathematical operations (and casting) (velocity as MS^-1 and Voltage as EQ^-1 etc.)
  • Standard Library class for mathematical terms
  • Blocks are Expressions
  • named arguments
  • () operator for calling stuff
  • spelled out variants for bitwise operations (xor, nxor)
  • tuple indexing like in rust ig

Data Types


  • Signed and unsigned integers (64-bit native, 32-bit, 16-bit, 8-bit), BigInts
  • Float32 and 64
  • Strings
  • Characters (UTF-8)


  • Index, Range, other utils
  • Enums
  • Structs
  • Interfaces
  • Classes
  • Realms (Not really a type but whatever, same as package/namespace in other languages) - Can include (stateless) Functions, Classes, Structs, Enums, and Compile-Time Constants
  • Tuples
  • Arrays


  • The IO realm contains methods directly for doing stuff with Files, Streams, all that
  • Standard Library contains Console IO in the Tty Class

Examples that might work for v0.1

Hello world but i really like OOP

fn main(args: str[]) -> i32 {
    println("Hello World!")

Short Hello World

Tty.WriteLn("Hello World!");

Implicit Return

// When a function has a return type, the last expressionStatement (if not a return) will be used as return value.

// This is not possible if no return type is given in the function definition, that type can only be inferred when a return is present in the code

fn add(a: i32, b: i32) {
    a + b // Does nothing

Inline Array declaration

// Uses JOHN
[1 2 3]
["hello" "hallo" "bonjour"]

Inline Dictionary/Map declaration

{{"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2", "key3": "value3"}}

Inline Object declaration

{ident "value" ident2 ["nested stuff", "is also", "supported"]}


{[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 2, 2]}
// It's the same as {[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]} 

Inline variable declaration

if ((let foo = long.expensive.function) + 1 > something) {
    Tty.WriteLn(foo); // this avoids evaluation the function again and declares it inline nicely

Closures/Anonymous functions:

file class Program

fn -s Main() -> i32 {
    AddHandler("the cool type", (i: i32) => {
        // ... method body
    // This can be shortened using the following syntax sugar to avoid callback hell:
    AddHandler("the cool type") (i: i32) {
        // ... method body

// The function type can be specified like this: a function that takes an i32 and returns abyss
// (may not have a return value)
// notice the capitalization
fn -s AddHandler(type: str, handler: Fn(i32) -> abyss) {
    // ...
    handler(34) // Example of how to call such a callback
    // ...


fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    a + b
/* With a haskell like syntax, currying is performed with the
 * Curry operator $
 * Like in Haskell, without lambda workarounds, this shorthand
 * Only works for the first arguments
let add2: Fn(i32) -> i32 = add$2

add2(3) // >>> 5

When you dereference a non primitive class instance/object it will be a reference and not a copy

goo = {foo "bar" goo "gaa"};
let goo2 = copy goo; // Makes a shallow copy = "nya";

print(JOHN.serialize(goo) ~ "\n" ~ JOHN.serialize(goo2));

    foo "bar"
    goo "gaa"
    foo "nya"
    goo "gaa"

Use the ref or copy keyword (basically ref = pointer) to pass references/clones instead

fn -s Add(a: ref i32, b: i32) {
    a += b

fn -s Main() {
    let a = 5, b = 3
    Add(ref a, b)
    // >>> 8


// The compiler likes decorators for things where it could mix stuff up
// If you have two static mains in your assembly, use:
fn main() {


// Other decorators will include:
// Debug Symbols
// Cache Line optimizations
// Loop Unwrap
// Compile-Time macros
// ...

Operator Overloading

class Dong {
    // == is standard defined for classes to be equal when they share the same memory location
    // for structs it's (shallow) value comparison by default
    fn op ==(other: Me) -> bool => me.ding == other.ding

// As extension (somewhere, very very far away from the original definition):
ext Dong {
    // literally same thing

Object prototype

let a: i32[] = 0..10;

// Used in current assembly only
ext i32[] {
    fn Add5() => => x + 5)

a.Add5(); // 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15

Object prototype (global)

// Used whenever containing class/space is imported in file
ext -g i32[] {
    // ...

// If you want to use common overrides, make a file called extensions.jn in the assembly and
// put your extension blocks in there top-level

// (Good practice advice, not specification)


// You can define a trait like this:
trait Greetable : Convert<str> {
    fn greet() => "Hello, ${me}"

// Make an existing type conform to an interface by using the extension blocks
ext -g str : Greetable {
    // no implementation necessary since str is already stringifiable :)

// Now you can use it like this:
// >>> Hello, Ida

// or make a class/other interface derived from it:

class Person : Greetable {
    // No implementation of greet() necessary, but Person needs to be stringifiable to be used in a format string
    // if necessary, implement a fn convert T() method for str
    fn convert str() => me.Name
    // An override implementation would be necessary if greet was abstract

Computed Properties (i don't like this syntax :/ )

// A class, struct or interface can have computed Properties
class Person {
    // This is a property, with no getter or setter defined, it will act like a field
    let Name { }
    // This property is get-only
    let FullName { get }
    // This property is computed
    let -p Age { get: do (Now - BirthDate).Years; set: value => BirthDate = Now - new TimeSpan(Years: value) }

The Constructor

// Instead of repeating the type name the constructor
// Is defined using a special function flag -C

fn -C() {
    // Inside the Constructor, the Object might not have a valid state
    // Only stateless functions are permitted to run until all fields that need to have been initialized.
    // These typically include only non-primitives without a default
    // that haven't been initialized in top-level

Type coalescion and pattern matching

// If you have (for example) an interface and want to get a derived type, you can use the
// Type coalescion operator ::
// This also works for any custom or inbuilt explicit/implicit conversion operators
3::f64 // >>> 3.0

let g: Greetable = new Person(Age: 18)

// iso stands for Is Superset Of and checks for Type Conformity
if g iso Person {

Binary and Boolean Operations

// The set is complete!
1 & 1 // Binary and
1 | 1 // Binary or
1 xor 1 // Binary xor
1 nxor 1 // Binary nxor
1 nand 1 // Binary nand
1 nor 1 // Binary nor
!1 // Binary negation

1 && 1 // Boolean and (if the first one is false, the second one does NOT get evaluated)
1 || 1 // Boolean or (same thing)
!1 // Boolean Negation

// No more Boolean operations unless someone shows me a scenario where they are useful

Arithmetic and special Operators

// We got everything that is to be expected of maths, really
1 + 1
1 - 1
1 * 1
1 / 1
1 ^ 1 // this one's nice, it's a power
1 ~ 1 // This is a concatenation operator
1 ? 1 : 1 // This is a ternary operator

Inline Dictionaries and Sets and funny operators

"abc" in "abcd" // true
"abc" in ["abc"] // true
"a" in ["abc"] // false
["abc", "def"] in ["abc", "def", "ghi"] // true
["def", "abc"] in ["abc", "def"] // false
"abc" iso str // true
[1,2,3] in [1,3,2,4] // false
// => need to represent sets
{[1,2,3]} == {[3,1,2]} // true
// => use for double curlies?
{{1: "hi", 2: "luci"}} // [Map<i32, str>]

Error handling

fn readFile(path: str) -> str {
    let stream = open(path, "r")
    // Error: Result<Stream, Error> does not have the method readToEnd()

fn readFile(path: str) -> str {
    // Error: Bubbling up not allowed in non-throwing function
    let stream = try open(path, "r")

// Do this instead
fn throws readFile(path: str) -> str {
    let stream = try open(path, "r")

// If you're sure, you can force an unwrap of a throwing function
fn readFile(path: str) -> str {
    let stream = open(path, "r")! // danger zone!

// If you're unsure, you can catch with different flags
fn throws readFile(path: str) -> str {
    // print error to stderr and bubble up
    let stream = try -p open(path, "r")
    // discard error and treat as abyssable
    let stream = try -d open(path, "r")

// Try/Catch Blocks
fn readFile(path: str) -> str {
    // when error handling, you might want to be inside a block where multiple things can fail:
    try {
        let stream = open(path, "r")
        let result = UTF8.fromBytes(stream)
        return result
    } catch (FileNotFound) {
        println("didn't find file :(")
    } catch (InvalidUTF8) {
        println("that seems to be some binary ahh")
    } finally {
        return "";

// You can use the same modifiers here, and also just panic on catch:
fn readFile(path: str) -> str {
    // -f forces an unwrap when there is no return value (like in a block)
    try -f {

Bake IO

// If you want to embed a file at compile time, whether it be a config, audio, image or script file, you can use the IO.embed function
// By using the constant switch on the let, you enable the variable to be defined at compile time
// In interpreted mode, the file will be read JIT ig

let -c sfx: Buffer = embed("./sfx1.wav")

// The difference between embed and read is that embed is marked as stateless to the compiler while read is not, because at runtime the filesystem is obviously mutable

Unwrap Abyssables

let foo: i32? = 20
if something() {
    foo = abyss

// if you're sure something() didn't happen and the compiler isn't
// you can force to unwrap the optional and panic if it's abyss
// use a postfix ! for that

let bar: i32 = foo!

Generating Functions

// returns an iterator that goes from 0 to x
fn gen some_iter(x: i32) -> i32 {
    for let i in 0..x {
        yield i;