We tried to make the deployment as easy and painless as possible! Therefore we use Docker
, we build the image automatically with GithubActions on every push to main or dev branch. Later on the server we use docker compose
to run the image and setup the database. Additioanylly we made some scripts to further simplify the process.
Firstly, install Docker Engine and Certbot on the server. Then follow Certbot instructions in order to get the certificate necessary for HTTPS.
The deployment process is just a couple of steps. Firsly, clone this repository, then move to this directory, setup .env
file and finally, run first_start.sh script. You can use the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/nokacper24/group4webshop.git
cd group4webshop/deployment
nano .env # setup .env file, see next section
This script will run the provided docker-compose.yml, create the database schema and add backend-user to the database.
Congratulations, you have deployed the webshop!
Environmental variables are used to configure the deployment and secrets.
This file should be places in the deployment directory and named .env
The file should contain the following variables:
DB_PASSWORD=password # database root password
BACKEND_USR_PASS=password # backend user password
IMG_TAG=main # which docker image tag should be used, either main or dev
RUST_LOG=info,sqlx=warn # set the log level - optional, default is 'info,sqlx=warn
EMAIL_USR=myuser@gmai.com # gmail address used to send emails
EMAIL_PWD=googleapppassword # email password, use google's app password
See Google's Sign in with App Passwords for more information on how to generate app password to use with Gmail.
Note: Cert path, port and other variables required by Webshop Server are hardcoded in the docker-compose.yml file, to simplify our deployment process.
To update to the latest image, run the following script:
This will pull latest images and run docker compose up -d
, restarting only changed containers.
We are looking into automating this process in the future.