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+[Website][Noir] | [Getting started] | [Documentation] | [Contributing]
# The Noir Programming Language
Noir is a Domain Specific Language for SNARK proving systems. It has been designed to use any ACIR compatible proving system.
@@ -6,58 +16,35 @@ Noir is a Domain Specific Language for SNARK proving systems. It has been design
## Quick Start
-Read the installation section [here](https://noir-lang.org/docs/dev/getting_started/installation/).
+Read the [installation section][Getting started] from the [Noir docs][Documentation].
Once you have read through the documentation, you can visit [Awesome Noir](https://github.com/noir-lang/awesome-noir) to run some of the examples that others have created.
-## Current Features
+## Getting Help
-- Barretenberg via FFI
-- Marlin via arkworks (Note -- latest interfaces may not be updated to support Marlin backend. Please open an issue if this is relevant to your project and requires attention.)
+Join the Noir [forum][Forum] or [Discord][Discord]
+## Contributing
-- Module System
-- For expressions
-- Arrays
-- Bit Operations
-- Binary operations (<, <=, >, >=, +, -, \*, /, %) [See documentation for an extensive list]
-- Unsigned integers
-- If statements
-- Structures and Tuples
-- Generics
-ACIR Supported OPCODES:
-- Sha256
-- Blake2s
-- Schnorr signature verification
-- Pedersen
-- HashToField
## Future Work
The current focus is to gather as much feedback as possible while in the alpha phase. The main focuses of Noir are _safety_ and _developer experience_. If you find a feature that does not seem to be in line with these goals, please open an issue!
-Concretely the following items are on the road map:
-- General code sanitization and documentation (ongoing effort)
-- Prover and Verifier Key logic. (Prover and Verifier pre-process per compile)
-- Fallback mechanism for backend unsupported opcodes
-- Visibility modifiers
-- Signed integers
-- Backend integration: (Bulletproofs)
-- Recursion
-- Big integers
## Minimum Rust version
-This crate's minimum supported rustc version is 1.73.0.
+This workspace's minimum supported rustc version is 1.73.0.
## License
Noir is free and open source. It is distributed under a dual license. (MIT/APACHE)
-Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this crate by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.
+Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in this repository by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.
+[Noir]: https://www.noir-lang.org/
+[Getting Started]: https://noir-lang.org/docs/getting_started/installation/
+[Forum]: https://forum.aztec.network/c/noir
+[Discord]: https://discord.gg/JtqzkdeQ6G
+[Documentation]: https://noir-lang.org/docs
+[Contributing]: CONTRIBUTING.md
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