ROLL is designed to leverage external information to answer knowledge-based questions about videos. We reported experiments on two datasets: KnowIT VQA and the TVQA+. Both datasets contain videos from the Big Bang Theory, so list of characters and common locations are shared.
- Download annotations from here and extract the zip file contents into
directory. You should get 3 csv files insideData/knowit_data/
. - The episode summaries used as external knowledge are in
. - The video story identification has been already pre-computed and can be found in
. - For the Observe Branch we provide the pre-computed visual features:
- Download zip file with pre-computed characters, places, and actions.
Extract the three files in
directory. - Object relations: zip file (146.8 GB) with the pre-computed object relations extracted with VRD.
- Actions frame list: csv file (434.2 MB) with the frames used in the action prediction module. Download the file into the
- Download zip file with pre-computed characters, places, and actions.
Extract the three files in
The final Data/
directory structure should look like this:
|_ knowit_data
| |_ knowit_data_test.csv
| |_ knowit_data_train.csv
| |_ knowit_data_val.csv
|_ knowit_observe
| |_ knowit-vrd
| | |_ s01e01.pkl
| | |_ s01e02.pkl
| | |_ ...
| |_ knowit_action_predictions.pkl
| |_ knowit_character_recognition.tsv
| |_ knowit_places_classification.csv
|_ knowledge_base
| |_ retrieved_episode_from_scenes_test.csv
| |_ retrieved_episode_from_scenes_train.csv
| |_ retrieved_episode_from_scenes_val.csv
| |_ tbbt_summaries.csv
|_ actions_charades_classes.txt
|_ actions_framelist.csv
|_ vg_objects.json
|_ vg_predicates.json