How to remove drm from new books download by Kindle for Android (root required) #440
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Instead of modifying the plugin to import the Android key file into the Kindle for PC/Mac configuration, couldn't you import it to the Kindle for Android configuration? |
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Thanks for the info. I wrote a rough bash script for automating key extraction from a rooted device if that is useful to anyone. |
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When I try to load the plugin into Calibre after editing, I get the error |
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Interesting discovery. I've added that suggested code change to the kfxdedrm file so for newer versions (or if you're downloading the autorelease beta) that step is no longer needed. |
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Does this still work? I've got it to work for a good while, but sometime this month DeDRM started to fail decrypting the .ast files for my downloads. |
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I want to let you know If you have rooted android device you can actually remove drm from new purchased kfx books which you downloaded in your Android device. A must requrement for this is "ROOTED Android device" (Or rooted android emulator like Bluestacks or LDPlayer)
First you need DSN (Device Serial Number) from "Kindle for android"
For this use Root Browser / Explorer file managers and go to "/data/data/" folder (can only do this in rooted android device/emulator
Open folder "shared_prefs"
Open or copy to internal storeage xml file named Notification.pref.xml
Open this xml file, you will find line. In this line you will get 32 charactor long dsn number.
<string name="serializedDeviceAttributes">{"dsn":"21da41a236a42fg2a9292a2cb24af43c","
now convert this dsn to hexadesimal (online text to hex converter can do) : 3231646134316132333661343266673261393239326132636232346166343363
Now create empty text file and type dsn number like this
{"DSN": "3231646134316132333661343266673261393239326132636232346166343363"}
and save this file with extension *.k4i (kindleandroidkey.k4i)Copy kindle book folder from android to pc (location Internal Storage / Android / data /
Second step: Edit plugin to work with 32 charactor long DSN (Default for PC is 40 charactor)
Download plugin (Beta plugin 10.0.9)
extract, find file and open in notepad
edit this line
"for dsn_len,secret_len in [(0,0), (16,0), (16,40), (32,40), (40,0), (40,40)]:"
for dsn_len,secret_len in [(0,0), (16,0), (16,40), (32,40), (40,0), (40,40), (32,0)]:
so that plugin can accept 32 charator long dsn
Now zip again all files as
Import plugin in "Calibre"
Import "kindleandroidkey.k4i" in DeDRM_tools (calibre/prefrence/plugin/dedrm/Customize Plugin/Configuration/Kindle for Mac/PC Ebooks/Import Existing Keyfile/
remove drm from new KFX books available in /files
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