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+# (SSMSE) Management Strategy Evaluation for Stock Synthesis (SS)
+master: [](https://codecov.io/gh/nmfs-fish-tools/SSMSE)
+## This is a repository for the Stock Assessment Tool: SSMSE
+ - Supported by the NOAA Fisheries Integrated Toolbox
+## Disclaimer
+“The United States Department of Commerce (DOC) GitHub project code is
+provided on an ‘as is’ basis and the user assumes responsibility for its
+use. DOC has relinquished control of the information and no longer has
+responsibility to protect the integrity, confidentiality, or
+availability of the information. Any claims against the Department of
+Commerce stemming from the use of its GitHub project will be governed by
+all applicable Federal law. Any reference to specific commercial
+products, processes, or services by service mark, trademark,
+manufacturer, or otherwise, does not constitute or imply their
+endorsement, recommendation or favoring by the Department of Commerce.
+The Department of Commerce seal and logo, or the seal and logo of a DOC
+bureau, shall not be used in any manner to imply endorsement of any
+commercial product or activity by DOC or the United States Government.”
+## Installing the SSMSE R package
+Note that the SSMSE is a work in progress and not yet a minimum viable
+To install SSMSE from github:
+``` r
+You can read the help files with
+``` r
+## An SSMSE toy example
+Suppose we want to look at 2 scenarios, one where Steepness (H) is
+specified correctly and one where it is specified incorrectly in an
+estimation model (EM): 1. **H-ctl**: Cod operating model (H = 0.65) with
+correctly specified cod model EM (fixed H = 0.65) 2. **H-1**: Cod
+operating model (OM; H = 1) with misspecified cod model EM (fixed H =
+Note that this is a toy example and not a true MSE, so there is not
+significantly different structure between the cod EM and OM, except for
+different steepness. We will assume we want to run the MSE loop for 6
+years, with a stock assessment occuring every 3 years. The cod model’s
+last year is 100, so the OM is initially conditioned through year 100.
+Then, after conditioning the operating model through year 100,
+assessments will occur in years 100, 103, and 106. Note that the
+assessment run in year 106 will generate future catch for years 107,
+108, and 109, but these are not feed back into the operating model
+because the MSE loop is specified to only run through year 106).
+First, we will load the `SSMSE` package and create a folder in which to
+run the example:
+ ## Loading SSMSE
+``` r
+library(SSMSE) #load the package
+library(r4ss) #install using remotes::install_github("r4ss/r4ss@development)
+``` r
+# Create a folder for the output in the working directory.
+run_SSMSE_dir <- file.path("run_SSMSE-ex")
+The cod model with H = 0.65 is included as external package data.
+However, we will need to modify it to use as an operating model with H =
+``` r
+cod_mod_path <- system.file("extdata", "models", "cod", package = "SSMSE")
+# copy to a new location:
+file.copy(from = cod_mod_path, to = run_SSMSE_dir, recursive = TRUE)
+## [1] TRUE
+file.rename(from = file.path(run_SSMSE_dir, "cod"), to = file.path(run_SSMSE_dir, "cod-1"))
+## [1] TRUE
+cod_1_path <- file.path(run_SSMSE_dir, "cod-1")
+# make model read initial values from control file and not ss.par
+start <- r4ss::SS_readstarter(file = file.path(cod_1_path, "starter.ss"), verbose = FALSE)
+start$init_values_src # verify reading from the control file
+## [1] 0
+# change the natural mortality paramter from 0.2 to 0.1 in the control files
+r4ss::SS_changepars(dir = cod_1_path, ctlfile = "control.ss_new",
+ newctlfile = "control_modified.ss", strings = "SR_BH_steep", newvals = 1)
+## parameter names in control file matching input vector 'strings' (n=1):
+## [1] "SR_BH_steep"
+## These are the ctl file lines as they currently exist:
+## LO HI INIT PRIOR PR_SD PR_type PHASE env_var&link dev_link dev_minyr
+## 107 0.2 1 0.65 0.7 0.05 0 -4 0 0 0
+## dev_maxyr dev_PH Block Block_Fxn Label Linenum
+## 107 0 0 0 0 SR_BH_steep 107
+## line numbers in control file (n=1):
+## 107
+## wrote new file to control_modified.ss with the following changes:
+## oldvals newvals oldphase newphase oldlos newlos oldhis newhis oldprior
+## 1 0.65 1 -4 -4 0.2 0.2 1 1 0.7
+## newprior oldprsd newprsd oldprtype newprtype comment
+## 1 0.7 0.05 0.05 0 0 # SR_BH_steep
+# remove files with M = 0.2
+file.remove(file.path(cod_1_path, "control.ss_new"))
+## [1] TRUE
+file.remove(file.path(cod_1_path, "control.ss"))
+## [1] TRUE
+file.remove(file.path(cod_1_path, "ss.par")) # delete control file because no longer need.
+## [1] TRUE
+# rename file with M = 0.1 to control.ss_new () and make a copy as the control file
+file.rename(from = file.path(cod_1_path, "control_modified.ss"),
+ to = file.path(cod_1_path, "control.ss"))
+## [1] TRUE
+Rerun this model with no estimation to get valid ss.par and
+control.ss\_new files:
+``` r
+# run SS with no estimateion
+SSMSE:::run_ss_model(dir = cod_1_path,
+ admb_options = "-maxfn 0 -phase 50 -nohess",
+ verbose = FALSE)
+The argument `sample_struct` specifies the structure for sampling from
+the OM (and passing to the EM). The function `create_sample_struct` can
+be used to construct a simple sampling structure consistent with an
+input data file:
+``` r
+EM_datfile <- system.file("extdata", "models", "cod", "ss3.dat", package = "SSMSE")
+sample_struct <- create_sample_struct(dat = EM_datfile, nyrs = 6) # note warning
+## Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): Pattern not found for lencomp: FltSvy 1, Seas 1.
+## Returning NA for Yr in this dataframe.
+## $catch
+## Yr Seas FltSvy SE
+## 1 101 1 1 0.005
+## 2 102 1 1 0.005
+## 3 103 1 1 0.005
+## 4 104 1 1 0.005
+## 5 105 1 1 0.005
+## 6 106 1 1 0.005
+## $CPUE
+## Yr Seas FltSvy SE
+## 1 105 7 2 0.2
+## $lencomp
+## Yr Seas FltSvy Sex Part Nsamp
+## 1 NA 1 1 0 0 125
+## $agecomp
+## Yr Seas FltSvy Sex Part Ageerr Lbin_lo Lbin_hi Nsamp
+## 1 105 1 2 0 0 1 -1 -1 500
+This sample\_structure suggest that catch will be added to the
+estimation model every year (years 101 to 106), but an index of
+abundance (i.e., CPUE) and age composition (i.e., agecomp) will only be
+added in year 105. We can modify this sampling strategy however we would
+Note that length comp (lencomp) includes an `NA` value for year. This is
+because no consistent pattern was identified, so the user must define
+their own input. In this case, we will remove sampling length comps all
+``` r
+sample_struct$lencomp <- NULL # don't use length sampling
+The same sampling structure will be used for both scenarios:
+``` r
+sample_struct_list <- list("H-ctl" = sample_struct, "H-1" = sample_struct)
+We can now use `run_SSMSE` to run the MSE analysis loop:
+``` r
+run_res_path <- file.path(run_SSMSE_dir, "results")
+# run 1 iteration and 1 scenario of SSMSE using an EM.
+run_SSMSE(scen_name_vec = c("H-ctl", "H-1"), # name of the scenario
+ out_dir_scen_vec = run_res_path, # directory in which to run the scenario
+ iter_list = list(1:5, 1:5), # run with 5 iterations each
+ OM_name_vec = NULL, # specify directories instead
+ OM_in_dir_vec = c(cod_mod_path, normalizePath(cod_1_path)), # OM files
+ EM_name_vec = c("cod", "cod"), # cod is included in package data
+ MS_vec = c("EM","EM"), # The management strategy is specified in the EM
+ use_SS_boot_vec = c(TRUE, TRUE), # use the SS bootstrap module for sampling
+ nyrs_vec = c(6, 6), # Years to project OM forward
+ nyrs_assess_vec = c(3, 3), # Years between assessments
+ rec_dev_pattern = c("none", "none"), # Don't use recruitment deviations
+ impl_error_pattern = c("none", "none"), # Don't use implementation error
+ sample_struct_list = sample_struct_list) # How to sample data for running the EM.
+The function `SSMSE_summary_all` can be used to summarize the model
+results in a list of dataframes. Note that if you have issues, try
+reinstalling SSMSE using
+`remotes::install_github("nmfs-fish-tools/SSMSE")` and restarting your R
+session. Also, make sure you are using the development branch versions
+of [r4ss](https://github.com/r4ss/r4ss) and
+[ss3sim](https://github.com/ss3sim/ss3sim) (by installing
+`remotes::install_github("r4ss/r4ss@development")` and
+`remotes::install_github("ss3sim/ss3sim@development")`. These versions
+should be installed automatically when SSMSE is downloaded.
+``` r
+# Summarize 1 iteration of output
+summary <- SSMSE_summary_all(normalizePath(run_res_path))
+## Extracting results from 2 scenarios
+## Starting H-1 with 5 iterations
+## Starting H-ctl with 5 iterations
+Plotting and data manipulation can then be done with these summaries.
+For example, SSB over time by model can be plotted. The models include
+the Operating Model (cod\_OM), Estimation model (EM) for the historical
+period of years 0-100 (cod\_EM\_init), the EM run with last year of data
+in year 103 (cod\_EM\_103), and the EM run with last year of data in 106
+``` r
+library(ggplot2) # use install.packages("ggplot2") to install package if needed
+library(tidyr) # use install.packages("tidyr") to install package if needed
+## Attaching package: 'tidyr'
+## The following object is masked from 'package:testthat':
+## matches
+## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
+## The following object is masked from 'package:testthat':
+## matches
+## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
+## filter, lag
+## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
+## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
+summary$ts <- tidyr::separate(summary$ts,
+ col = model_run,
+ into = c(NA, "model_type"),
+ remove = FALSE,
+ sep = "_",
+ extra = "drop")
+# check values for cod_OM
+summary$scalar %>%
+ dplyr::filter(iteration == 1) %>%
+ dplyr::filter(scenario == "H-1") %>%
+ dplyr::select(iteration, scenario, SR_BH_steep, model_run)
+## iteration scenario SR_BH_steep model_run
+## 1 1 H-1 1.00 cod-1_OM
+## 2 1 H-1 0.65 cod_EM_103
+## 3 1 H-1 0.65 cod_EM_106
+## 4 1 H-1 0.65 cod_EM_init
+# plot SSB by year and model run - need to correct using code from the
+# think tank
+ggplot2::ggplot(data = subset(summary$ts, model_run %in% c("cod_OM", "cod-1_OM", "cod_EM_106")),
+ aes(x = year, y = SpawnBio)) +
+ geom_vline(xintercept = 100, color = "gray") +
+ geom_line(aes(linetype = as.character(iteration), color = model_type))+
+ scale_color_manual(values = c("#D65F00", "black")) +
+ scale_linetype_manual(values = rep("solid", 50))+
+ guides(linetype = FALSE)+
+ facet_wrap(~scenario)+
+ theme_classic()
+
+If you wish to delete the files created from this example, you can use:
+``` r
+unlink(run_SSMSE_dir, recursive = TRUE)
+## How can I contribute to SSMSE?
+If you have thoughts about how to implement the [upcoming
+work](#roadmap-where-is-ssmse-headed-next) or are interested in helping
+develop SSMSE, please contact the developers by posting an issue in this
+repository or emailing .
+If you are interested in contributing, please read the [NMFS Fisheries
+Toolbox R Contribution
+This project and everyone participating in it is governed by the [NMFS
+Fisheries Toolbox Code of
+By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report
+unacceptable behavior to .
+## Roadmap: Where is SSMSE headed next?
+SSMSE is still a work in progress, with basic framework in development.
+Some new directions we hope to work on shortly:
+ - Expanding on examples to illustrate the package
+ - Improving usability of the wrapper functions that users access
+ - Adding more complex sampling options
+ - Adding functions to calculate performance metrics
+ - Adding functions to make some basic plots of diagonstics and results
+If you have thoughts about how to implement the upcoming work or are
+interested in helping develop SSMSE, please contact the developers by
+posting an issue in this repository or emailing
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