- Ability to search for places
- Fetching restaurants, hotels, and attractions based on location from specialize rapidApis
- Data filtering and much more
- Travel Advisor API powered by Rapid API
- Open Weather Map API powered by Rapid API.
Clone down this repository. You will need node
and npm
installed globally on your machine.
npm install
To Run Test Suite:
npm test
To Start Server:
npm start
To Visit App:
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
- Create an account in Rapid API, copy and paste your API key on .env file.
Create an account in Google Cloud Platform, create credentials and get the API key
Enable APIs -- Maps Javascript API -- Places API
If you get: "This page can't load Google Maps correctly." and "For development purposes only." that means that you have to enter your billing details. Google requires that to verify your identity and distinguish actual people from robots. You'll be getting free $200 worth of API requests indefinitely, and you will NOT be charged.
- file structure
- hooks and refs
- improve security by using environment variables
- creating user interfaces using material ui
- google maps api
- fetching data from rapid api
- real-time weather
- @material-ui/core
- @material-ui/icons
- @material-ui/lab
- @react-google-maps/api
- axios
- google-map-react
- snazzymaps.com