Something along the lines of:
- The purpose of programmers and programming
- People are welcome and comfortable
- Programming is valuable in many STEM fields; this is a taster
- There’s many languages, we have chosen Clojure
- Clojure is incredibly easy to learn
- Mention that we have people with varied abilities:
- 0 programming experience
- little math experience
- some programming experience
- advanced
Using quil (
- start with a blank canvas
- three fns - sketch, setup and draw
- draw a circle on the canvas
- draw infinite amount of random circles
- draw random shapes
- Potential solution -
- Just logically segregate people of different experience on different tables. Assign teachers to the groups. However, always ensure that everyone sits in the same basic area.
- Allow your content to have forks to enable people with different experience levels. Make exercises for all skills. Timebox them.