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This is a list of all (currently implemented) components that are usable in an Ohm circuit.


Because of input restrictions, complex numbers are represented as an array in the form [real, imaginary].

Single character

Component Action Description
° N/A Pushes an array of all given inputs.
¹ N/A N/A
² Pop a Pushes a squared.
³ N/A Pushes the first input.
N/A Pushes the second input.
N/A Pushes the third input.
Pop a Pushes the ath input (zero-indexed).
N/A Pushes 16.
N/A Pushes 100.
N/A Pushes the value of the counter variable.
N/A Increments the counter variable.
N/A Sets the counter variable to 0.
Pop a, b Pushes whether a and b are equal. Does not vectorize.
Pop a Pushes the first element in a. Does not vectorize.
Pop a Pushes the last element in a. Does not vectorize.
Pop a, b Pushes ab.
½ Pop a Pushes a / 2 (half).
¼ N/A N/A
Pop a, b Pushes a.unshift(b).
Pop a Pushes the maximum element in a.
Pop a, b Pushes a.push(b).
Pop a Pushes the minimum element in a.
Pop a, b Pushes a.concat(b).
Pop a Pushes the minimum and maximum element in a as an array of the form [min, max].
ı Pop a Pushes a rounded up to the nearest integer (ceiling).
ȷ Pop a Pushes a rounded down to the nearest integer (floor).
× Pop a, b Pushes a repeated b times.
÷ Pop a Pushes 1 / a (reciprocal).
£ Block Runs the given block infinitely.
¥ Pop a, b Pushes a % b == 0 (divisibility).
Pop a, block Pushes an array with the results of running the given block once for every element in a (map/collect).
! Pop a Pushes a! (factorial).
" N/A Creates a string literal.
# Pop a Pushes the range 0..a.
$ N/A Pushes the current value of the register.
% Pop a, b Pushes a % b (modulo).
& Pop a, b Pushes a && b (boolean AND).
' Pop a Pushes the character with char code a.
( Pop a Pushes a without the first element.
) Pop a Pushes a without the last element.
* Pop a, b Pushes a * b (multiplication).
+ Pop a, b Pushes a + b (addition).
, Pop a Prints a to standard output (with trailing newline).
- Pop a, b Pushes a - b (subtraction).
. N/A Creates a character literal (e.g. .a'a').
/ Pop a, b Pushes a / b (division).
Digits 0-9 N/A Creates a number literal.
: Pop a, block Executes the given block for each element in a (foreach loop).
< Pop a, b Pushes a < b (less than).
= Get a Prints a to standard output (with trailing newline).
> Pop a, b Pushes a > b (greater than).
? Pop a, block If a is truthy, executes the given block. If not, executes the block given to the ¿ component if one is present.
@ Pop a Pushes the range 1..a.
A Pop a Pushes the absolute value of a.
B Pop a, b Pushes a converted to base b.
D Pop a Pushes a twice (duplicate).
E Pop a, b Pushes a == b (equality).
G Pop a, b Pushes the range a..b.
H Pop a, b Pushes a split on spaces.
I N/A Pushes input from standard input.
J Pop a If a is an array, pushes a.join(''), else pushes stack.join('').
K Pop a, b Pushes the amount of times that b occurs in a.
L Pop a Prints a to standard output (without trailing newline).
M Pop a, block Runs the given block a times.
N Pop a, b Pushes a != b (inequality).
O N/A Removes last element of stack.
P Pop a Pushes all primes up to a.
Q N/A Reverses stack.
R Pop a Pushes a reversed.
S Pop a Pushes a sorted.
U Pop a Pushes a uniquified.
V Pop a Pushes divisors of a.
W N/A Pushes [stack] (wrap).
X Pop a Pushes !a (boolean NOT).
Y Pop a Pushes proper divisors of a.
Z Pop a Pushes a split on newlines.
[ Pop a Pushes stack[a].
\ Pop a, b, c Pushes a with all matches of regex b replaced by c.
] Pop a Flattens a by one level onto the stack.
^ N/A Pushes index of current element in array being looped over.
_ N/A Pushes current element in array being looped over.
` Pop a Pushes char code of a.
a Pop a, b Pushes absolute difference of a and b.
b Pop a Pushes a in binary (base 2).
c Pop a, b Pushes a nCr b (binomial coefficient).
d Pop a Pushes a * 2 (double).
e Pop a, b Pushes a nPr b (permutations).
f Pop a Pushes all Fibonacci numbers up to a.
g Pop a, b Pushes the range a...b.
h Pop a Pushes the first element of a.
i Pop a Pushes the last element of a.
j Pop a, b If a is an array, pushes a.join(b), else pushes stack.join(b).
k Pop a, b Pushes index of b in a.
l Pop a Pushes length of a.
m Pop a Pushes prime factors of a.
n Pop a Pushes exponents of prime factorization of a.
o Pop a Pushes full prime factorization of a.
p Pop a Pushes whether a is a prime number.
q N/A Immediately stops program execution.
r Pop a, b, c Pushes, c).
s Pop a, b Pushes b, a (swap).
t Pop a, b Pushes a converted to base 10 from base b.
u Pop a Pushes a as a string.
v Pop a, b Pushes a // b (integer/floor division).
w Pop a Pushes [a] (wrap).
x Pop a Pushes a in hexadecimal (base 16).
y Pop a Pushes the sign of a (1 if positive, -1 if negative, 0 if zero).
z Pop a Pushes a without surrounding whitespace.
{ Pop a Deep flattens a.
| Pop a, b Pushes a || b (boolean OR).
} Pop a Pushes a split into slices of 1 (shorthand for ).
~ Pop a Pushes -a (negative).
N/A Alternate character for newline (\n).
β Pop a, b Pushes a split into b groups.
γ Pop a Pushes all possible rotations of a.
δ Pop a Pushes an array of the differences between consecutive elements in a.
ε Pop a, b Pushes whether b is in a.
ζ Pop a Pushes the first and last elements of a as an array.
η Pop a Pushes if a is empty.
θ Pop a, b, c Pushes a[b..c] (slice arbitrarily).
ι Pop a, b Pushes a[0..b] (slice from beginning).
κ Pop a, b Pushes a[b..a.length] (slice from end).
λ Pop a Pushes a rotated once to the left.
μ Pop a, b Pushes the Cartesian product of a and b.
ν Pop a, b Pushes whether b is in a. Does not vectorize.
ξ Pop a Pushes a three times (triplicate).
π Pop a Pushes the ath prime number.
ρ Pop a Pushes a rotated once to the right.
ς Pop a, block Pushes a sorted by the results of running the given block once for each element in a.
σ Pop a, b Pushes a split into groups of length b.
τ N/A Pushes 10.
φ Pop a Pushes the Euler totient/phi function of a.
χ Pop a, block Pushes the elements in a that return the minimum and maximum value from the given block.
ψ Pop a Pushes all permutations of a.
ω Pop a Pushes the power set of a.
Γ N/A Pushes -1.
Δ Pop a Pushes an array of the absolute differences between consecutive elements in a.
Θ N/A Executes the wire at the index before the current one.
Π Pop a If a is an array, pushes the total product of a, else pushes the total product of the stack.
Σ Pop a If a is an array, pushes the total sum of a, else pushes the total sum of the stack.
Φ Pop a Executes the wire at index a.
Ψ N/A Executes the current wire. (Great for recursion!)
Ω N/A Executes the wire at the index after the current one.
À Pop a Pushes a in all lower-case.
Á Pop a Pushes a in all upper-case.
 Pop a Pushes a in title-case.
à Pop a Pushes a with swapped capitalization.
Ä Pop a, b Pushes a onto the stack b times.
Å Pop a, block Pushes whether all the elements in a return a truthy value from the given block.
Ā Pop a Pushes a with the first letter capitalized.
É Pop a Pushes whether any of the elements in a return a truthy value from the given block.
Ö Pop a Pushes the run-length encoding of a (i.e. "aabbbcca" => [["a", 2], ["b", 3], ["c", 2], ["a", 1]]).
Ø Pop a Pushes a grouped by identical (consecutive) elements.
Œ Pop a Pushes a randomly shuffled.
Ù Pop a, b Pushes a with b spaces appended.
Ú Pop a, b Pushes a with b spaces prepended.
Û Pop a, b Pushes a left-justified to length b (with spaces).
Ü Pop a, b Pushes a right-justified to length b (with spaces).
Ç Pop a, b Pushes an array of every consecutive group of b elements in a.
Ð N/A Pushes a space character ( ).
Ñ N/A Pushes a newline character (\n).
Ý N/A Pushes an empty string ('').
Þ N/A Pushes an empty array ([]).
à Pop a, b Pushes a & b (bitwise AND).
á Pop a, b Pushes a | b (bitwise OR).
â Pop a, b Pushes a ^ b (bitwise XOR).
ã Pop a Pushes ~a (bitwise NOT).
ä Pop a Pushes the prime factorization of a as a list of [prime, exponent] pairs.
å N/A N/A
ā N/A N/A
æ Pop a Pushes a as a palindrome.
è Pop a Pushes a % 2 != 0 (odd).
é Pop a Pushes a % 2 == 0 (even).
ê Pop a Pushes the first a Fibonacci numbers.
ë Pop a Pushes the first a prime numbers.
ì Pop a Pushes a as an integer.
í Pop a Pushes a as a float.
î Pop a Pushes if a is an integer.
ï Pop a, b Pushes a.split(b).
ò Pop a Pushes a zipped.
ó Pop a Pushes a converted to base 10 from binary (base 2).
ô Pop a Pushes a converted to base 10 from hexadecimal (base 16).
õ N/A N/A
ö Pop a Pushes the run-length decoding of a (i.e. [["a", 2], ["b", 3], ["c", 2], ["a", 1]] => "aabbbcca").
ø Pop a, b Pushes an array of size b filled with a.
œ Pop a Pushes [a, a.reverse].
ù Pop a If a is an array, pushes a.join(' '), else pushes stack.join(' ').
ú Pop a If a is an array, pushes a.join("\n"), else pushes stack.join("\n").
û Pop a, b, c Pushes the range between a and b in steps of c.
ü N/A N/A
ç Pop a, b Pushes all possible combinations of b elements in a.
ð Pop a Pushes a == a.reverse (palindrome).
ñ Pop a Pushes whether a is a Fibonacci number.
ý Pop a Pushes the ath Fibonacci number.
þ Pop a Sleeps execution for a seconds.
¿ Block Else statement for use with the ? component.
Pop a If a is truthy, breaks out of the current block/wire.
Pop a, block Pushes an array containing all elements of a for which the given block returns a truthy value (filter/select).
Pop a, block Pushes a 2D array in which the first element contains all the elements of a that returned a truthy value from the given block and the second element contains all the elements of a that returned falsy (partition).
Pop a, block Same as , except with falsy values instead of truthy ones.
¡ Pop a, component Pushes the final result of reducing the given component over a, using the first element of a as the initial memo. Equivalent to foldl1 in Haskell.
Pop a Pushes 2a.
Pop a Pushes 10a.
¦ Pop a Pushes a rounded to the nearest integer.
§ Pop a Pushes a random element from a.
© Pop a Pushes a repeated twice (string duplicate).
® Pop a Pushes a[b] (element at index).
± Pop a, b Pushes the bth root of a.
¬ Pop a Pushes the square root of a.
¢ Get a Sets the value of the register to a.
¤ Pop a, component Same as ¡, except pushes the array of intermediate results. Equivalent to scanl1 in Haskell.
« Pop a, b Pushes [a, b] (pair).
» Pop a, component Pushes an array containing the results of applying the given component for each element in a.
Pop a Pushes a - 1 (decrement).
Pop a Pushes a + 1 (increment).
N/A Creates a base-255 number literal.
N/A Creates a compressed string literal.
Pop a, block Pushes the element in a that returns the minimum value from the given block.
Pop a, block Same as , except with the maximum value instead of minimum.
N/A Creates a two-character literal (e.g. ‥ab => 'ab').
N/A Creates a three-character literal (e.g. …abc => 'abc').
N/A Creates a code page indexes literal (e.g. ᠁?¿᠁ => [63, 224])
Pop a, b Pushes the set intersection of a and b.
Pop a, b Pushes the set union of a and b.
Pop a, b Pushes set difference of a and b.


Constants (α)

Component Description
α0 Pushes all the digits from 0-9 (0123456789).
α1 Pushes all the digits from 1-9 (123456789).
α@ Pushes all the printable ASCII characters ( to ~).
αA Pushes the normal uppercase alphabet (ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ).
αC Pushes all the consonants (BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZbcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz).
aQ Pushes the uppercase alphabet ordered as it is on a keyboard (['QWERTYUIOP', 'ASDFGHJKL', 'ZXCVBNM']).
αW Pushes all the tokens that match the \w regex metachar (ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_).
αY Pushes all the consonants without y (BCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXZbcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz).
αa Pushes the normal lowercase alphabet (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz).
αc Pushes all the vowels (AEIOUaeiou).
αe Pushes Euler's constant e (2.7182818...).
αq Pushes the lowercase alphabet ordered as it is on a keyboard (['qwertyuiop', 'asdfghjkl', 'zxcvbnm']).
αy Pushes all the vowels including y (AEIOUYaeiouy).
απ Pushes pi (3.1415926...).
αφ Pushes phi/the golden ratio (1.6180339...).
αΓ Pushes an ASCII goat. (Don't ask.)
αΩ Pushes the Ohm codepage.

Time (υ)

Component Action Description
υ! N/A Pushes the current timestamp.
υ% Pop a Pushes the current time formatted using a as a strftime format string.
υD N/A Pushes the current day.
υH N/A Pushes the current hour.
υI N/A Pushes the current minute.
υM N/A Pushes the current month.
υN N/A Pushes the current nanosecond (yes, really).
υS N/A Pushes the current second.
υW N/A Pushes the current weekday (0-6).
υY N/A Pushes the current year.
υd Pop a Pushes the day specified by timestamp a (UTC).
υh Pop a Pushes the hour specified by timestamp a (UTC).
υi Pop a Pushes the minute specified by timestamp a (UTC).
υm Pop a Pushes the month specified by timestamp a (UTC).
υn Pop a Pushes the nanosecond specified by timestamp a (UTC).
υs Pop a Pushes the second specified by timestamp a (UTC).
υw Pop a Pushes the weekday (0-6) specified by timestamp a (UTC).
υy Pop a Pushes the year specified by timestamp a (UTC).
υ‰ Pop a, b Pushes the time specified by timestamp a formatted using b as a strftime format string.
υ§ Pop a, b Pushes the timestamp of the time given by parsing a, using b as a strptime format string.

Arithmetic (Æ)

Component Action Description
Ʋ Pop a Pushes whether a is a perfect square.
Æⁿ Pop a, b Pushes whether a is a perfect bth power.
Æ↑ Pop a, b Pushes the greatest common divisor of a and b.
Æ↓ Pop a, b Pushes the least common multiple of a and b.
Æ× Pop a, b Pushes ab (complex exponentiation), where a and b are either real or complex numbers.
Æ* Pop a, b Pushes a * b (complex multiplication), where a and b are either real or complex numbers.
Æ/ Pop a, b Pushes a / b (complex division), where a and b are either real or complex numbers.
ÆC Pop a Pushes the cosine of a radians.
ÆD Pop a Pushes a radians converted to degrees.
ÆE Pop a Pushes a degrees converted to radians.
ÆH Pop a, b Pushes the hypotenuse of a right triangle with sides a and b.
ÆL Pop a Pushes the natural logarithm of a.
ÆM Pop a Pushes the base 10 logarithm of a.
ÆN Pop a Pushes the base 2 logarithm of a.
ÆR Pop a Pushes the roots of a (as a list of complex numbers), where a is an array containing polynomial coefficients (i.e. [1, 1, 1] => [[-0.5, 0.866], [-0.5, -0.866]]).
ÆS Pop a Pushes the sine of a radians.
ÆT Pop a Pushes the tangent of a radians.
Æc Pop a Pushes the arccosine of a.
Æl Pop a, b Pushes the base a logarithm of b.
Æm Pop a Pushes the arithmetic mean of a.
Æn Pop a Pushes the arithmetic median of a.
Æo Pop a Pushes the arithmetic mode of a.
Æp Pop a, b Pushes whether a and b are coprime.
Ær Pop a Pushes the coefficients (as a list of complex numbers) of the polynomial with roots a (also a list of complex numbers) (i.e. [[-0.5, 0.866], [-0.5, -0.866]] => [[1, 0], [1, 0], [1, 0]] (approximately)).
Æs Pop a Pushes the arcsine of a.
Æt Pop a Pushes the arctangent of a.
Æu Pop a, b Pushes atan2(b, a).
Æρ Pop a, b Pushes the polynomial resulting from the multiplication of polynomials a and b, where a, b, and the result are all lists of real numbers representing coefficients.
Ƭ Pop a Pushes the complex square root of a, where a is either a number or an array in the form [real, imag].
Ƥ Pop a, b Pushes the bth a-gonal number.
Æ« Pop a, b Pushes a << b (left bit-shift).
Æ» Pop a, b Pushes a >> b (right bit-shift).

Extras (·)

Component Action Description
·¹ Pop a Pushes the MD5 hash of a.
·² Pop a Pushes the SHA1 hash of a.
·³ Pop a Pushes the SHA256 hash of a.
·⁴ Pop a Pushes the SHA512 hash of a.
·/ Pop a, b Pushes an array of the matched string + captures of a tested against regex b.
·\ Pop a Pushes the diagonals of a, assuming a is a matrix.
·G Pop a Performs a GET request to a and pushes the response body.
·c Pop a Pushes a compressed using Ohm's custom string compression.
·d Pop a Pushes a decompressed using Ohm's custom string compression.
·e Pop a Evaluates a as Ohm code.
·p Pop a Pushes all prefixes of a.
·r N/A Pushes a random float between 0 and 1.
·s Pop a Pushes all suffixes of a.
·w Pop a, b Pushes the index where the subarray b occurs in a.
·~ Pop a, b If a matches regex b, pushes the index of the first match, else pushes -1.
·ψ Pop a, b Pushes whether a and b are permutations of each other.
·Θ Pop a, block Continuously evaluates the given block until the result returned has already been seen, using a as the initial value. Pushes the final result.
·Ω Pop a, block Same as above, except pushes the list of intermediate results.
·Ø Pop a Pushes the indices of a grouped together by equal values.
·¦ Pop a, b Pushes a rounded to b decimal places.