An Agreement, according to this ontology, is defined as a subclass of the PROV ontology's Entity class. From PROV-O: "An entity is a physical, digital, conceptual, or other kind of thing with some fixed aspects; entities may be real or imaginary." So an Agreement not an occurent thing or action (a time-bound event), which PROV-O would categorise as an Activity.
An Agreement is also a subclass of PROV's Plan. From PROV-O: "A plan is an entity that represents a set of actions or steps intended by one or more agents to achieve some goals.". So an Agreement tells someone or some group what to do. The difference between an Agreement and a Plan is that an Agreement applies to, has in scope, a particular Agent, likely a foaf:Group or other collection of individual Agents.
Prefix | URI |
agr | |
owl | |
prov | |
rdfs | |