From d57c19a330a929d7262bc8da22c20a34d56af781 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: robmachado Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2022 09:37:03 -0300 Subject: [PATCH] Ajustes nos jsonschemas --- .../FaketestConsultarEventosEmpregador.php | 2 +- .../s1000_JsonSchemaEvtInfoEmpregador.php | 8 +++---- .../s1010_JsonSchemaEvtTabRubrica.php | 18 +++++++-------- .../s1020_JsonSchemaEvtTabLotacao.php | 11 +++++----- .../s1070_JsonSchemaEvtTabProcesso.php | 6 ++--- .../v_S_01_00_00/s1200_JsonSchemaEvtRemun.php | 10 ++++----- .../s1260_JsonSchemaEvtComProd.php | 5 ++--- .../s2190_JsonSchemaEvtAdmPrelim.php | 2 +- .../s2200_JsonSchemaEvtAdmissao.php | 20 ++++++++--------- .../s2205_JsonSchemaEvtAltCadastral.php | 8 +++---- .../s2206_JsonSchemaEvtAltContratual.php | 16 +++++++------- .../s2230_JsonSchemaEvtAfastTemp.php | 2 +- .../s2245_JsonSchemaEvtTreiCap.php | 6 ++--- .../s2300_JsonSchemaEvtTSVInicio.php | 14 ++++++------ .../s2399_JsonSchemaEvtTSVTermino.php | 14 ++++++------ .../s2416_JsonSchemaEvtCdBenAlt.php | 10 ++++----- jsonSchemes/v_S_01_00_00/evtAdmPrelim.schema | 8 +++---- jsonSchemes/v_S_01_00_00/evtAdmissao.schema | 18 +++++++-------- jsonSchemes/v_S_01_00_00/evtAfastTemp.schema | 2 +- .../v_S_01_00_00/evtAltCadastral.schema | 4 ++-- .../v_S_01_00_00/evtAltContratual.schema | 22 +++++++++---------- jsonSchemes/v_S_01_00_00/evtCdBenAlt.schema | 10 ++++----- jsonSchemes/v_S_01_00_00/evtComProd.schema | 5 ++--- .../v_S_01_00_00/evtContrSindPatr.schema | 2 +- jsonSchemes/v_S_01_00_00/evtDeslig.schema | 2 +- jsonSchemes/v_S_01_00_00/evtExpRisco.schema | 4 ++-- .../v_S_01_00_00/evtInfoComplPer.schema | 6 +++++ .../v_S_01_00_00/evtInfoEmpregador.schema | 6 ++--- jsonSchemes/v_S_01_00_00/evtRemun.schema | 14 +++--------- .../v_S_01_00_00/evtTSVAltContr.schema | 6 ++--- jsonSchemes/v_S_01_00_00/evtTSVInicio.schema | 8 +++---- jsonSchemes/v_S_01_00_00/evtTSVTermino.schema | 12 +++++----- jsonSchemes/v_S_01_00_00/evtTabLotacao.schema | 11 +++++----- .../v_S_01_00_00/evtTabProcesso.schema | 6 ++--- jsonSchemes/v_S_01_00_00/evtTabRubrica.schema | 18 +++++++-------- jsonSchemes/v_S_01_00_00/evtTotConting.schema | 2 +- 36 files changed, 153 insertions(+), 165 deletions(-) diff --git a/examples/Fake/v_S_01_00_00/FaketestConsultarEventosEmpregador.php b/examples/Fake/v_S_01_00_00/FaketestConsultarEventosEmpregador.php index 9da6a52e..d0a1b2f6 100644 --- a/examples/Fake/v_S_01_00_00/FaketestConsultarEventosEmpregador.php +++ b/examples/Fake/v_S_01_00_00/FaketestConsultarEventosEmpregador.php @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ use NFePHP\eSocial\Tools; $config = [ - 'tpAmb' => 2, + 'tpAmb' => 1, //tipo de ambiente 1 - Produção; 2 - Produção restrita - dados reais;3 - Produção restrita - dados fictícios. 'verProc' => 'S_1.0.0', //Versão do processo de emissão do evento. Informar a versão do aplicativo emissor do evento. diff --git a/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s1000_JsonSchemaEvtInfoEmpregador.php b/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s1000_JsonSchemaEvtInfoEmpregador.php index b3b78bd4..e91221c1 100644 --- a/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s1000_JsonSchemaEvtInfoEmpregador.php +++ b/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s1000_JsonSchemaEvtInfoEmpregador.php @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ "type": ["string","null"], "$ref": "#/definitions/periodo" } - } + } }, "infocadastro": { "required": false, @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ "cnpjefr": { "required": false, "type": ["string","null"], - "pattern": "^[0-9]{14}" + "pattern": "^[0-9]{14}$" } } }, @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ "required": false, "type": ["string","null"], "$ref": "#/definitions/periodo" - } + } } } } @@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ $std->dadosisencao->ideminlei = 'seila';//Sigla e nome do Ministério ou Lei que concedeu o Certificado $std->dadosisencao->nrcertif = '987654321';//Número do Certificado de Entidade Beneficente de Assistência Social, número da portaria de concessão do Certificado, ou, no caso de concessão através de Lei específica, o número da Lei. $std->dadosisencao->dtemiscertif = '2016-11-04';//Data de Emissão do Certificado/publicação da Lei -$std->dadosisencao->dtvenccertif = '2018-11-03';//Data de Vencimento do Certificado +$std->dadosisencao->dtvenccertif = '2018-11-03';//Data de Vencimento do Certificado $std->dadosisencao->nrprotrenov = null;//Protocolo pedido renovação $std->dadosisencao->dtprotrenov = null;//Data do protocolo de renovação $std->dadosisencao->dtdou = null;//Preencher com a data de publicação no Diário Oficial da União diff --git a/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s1010_JsonSchemaEvtTabRubrica.php b/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s1010_JsonSchemaEvtTabRubrica.php index 61756803..f1f5b585 100644 --- a/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s1010_JsonSchemaEvtTabRubrica.php +++ b/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s1010_JsonSchemaEvtTabRubrica.php @@ -28,14 +28,12 @@ "codrubr": { "required": true, "type": "string", - "maxLength": 30, - "pattern": "^(?!eSocial)" + "maxLength": 30 }, "idetabrubr": { "required": true, "type": "string", - "maxLength": 8, - "pattern": "^(?!eSocial)" + "maxLength": 8 }, "inivalid": { "required": true, @@ -131,10 +129,10 @@ "codsusp": { "required": true, "type": "string", - "pattern": "^[0-9]{1,14}" + "pattern": "^[0-9]{1,14}$" } } - } + } }, "ideprocessoirrf": { "required": false, @@ -152,10 +150,10 @@ "codsusp": { "required": true, "type": "string", - "pattern": "^[0-9]{1,14}" + "pattern": "^[0-9]{1,14}$" } } - } + } }, "ideprocessofgts": { "required": false, @@ -171,7 +169,7 @@ "$ref": "#/definitions/string20" } } - } + } } } }, @@ -189,7 +187,7 @@ "type": ["string","null"], "$ref": "#/definitions/periodo" } - } + } } } }'; diff --git a/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s1020_JsonSchemaEvtTabLotacao.php b/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s1020_JsonSchemaEvtTabLotacao.php index b6ebb7b6..e4ea4d44 100644 --- a/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s1020_JsonSchemaEvtTabLotacao.php +++ b/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s1020_JsonSchemaEvtTabLotacao.php @@ -27,8 +27,7 @@ "codlotacao": { "required": true, "type": "string", - "maxLength": 30, - "pattern": "^(?!eSocial)" + "maxLength": 30 }, "inivalid": { "required": true, @@ -101,7 +100,7 @@ "codsusp": { "required": true, "type": "string", - "pattern": "^[0-9]{1,14}" + "pattern": "^[0-9]{1,14}$" } } } @@ -119,7 +118,7 @@ "nrinsccontrat": { "required": true, "type": "string", - "pattern": "^[0-9]{11,14}" + "pattern": "^[0-9]{11,14}$" }, "tpinscprop": { "required": false, @@ -130,7 +129,7 @@ "nrinscprop": { "required": false, "type": ["string","null"], - "pattern": "^[0-9]{11,14}" + "pattern": "^[0-9]{11,14}$" } } }, @@ -168,7 +167,7 @@ "type": ["string","null"], "$ref": "#/definitions/periodo" } - } + } } } }'; diff --git a/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s1070_JsonSchemaEvtTabProcesso.php b/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s1070_JsonSchemaEvtTabProcesso.php index 6c2a955f..44db17ca 100644 --- a/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s1070_JsonSchemaEvtTabProcesso.php +++ b/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s1070_JsonSchemaEvtTabProcesso.php @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ "ufvara": { "required": true, "type": "string", - "pattern": "^(AC|AL|AP|AM|BA|CE|DF|ES|GO|MA|MT|MS|MG|PA|PB|PR|PE|PI|RJ|RN|RS|RO|RR|SC|SP|SE|TO)$" + "$ref": "#/definitions/siglauf" }, "codmunic": { "required": true, @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ } } } - } + } } }, "novavalidade": { @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ "type": ["string","null"], "$ref": "#/definitions/periodo" } - } + } } } }'; diff --git a/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s1200_JsonSchemaEvtRemun.php b/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s1200_JsonSchemaEvtRemun.php index f7f7db67..8a7c47d7 100644 --- a/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s1200_JsonSchemaEvtRemun.php +++ b/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s1200_JsonSchemaEvtRemun.php @@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ "tpacconv": { "required": true, "type": "string", - "pattern": "A|B|C|D|E|F" + "pattern": "^(A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H)$" }, "compacconv": { "required": false, @@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ "required": true, "type": "string", "maxLength": 1, - "pattern": "S|N" + "pattern": "^(S|N)$" }, "ideperiodo": { "required": true, @@ -772,9 +772,7 @@ "codcbo": { "required": true, "type": "string", - "minLength": 4, - "maxLength": 6, - "pattern": "^[0-9]" + "pattern": "^[0-9]{4,6}$" }, "natatividade": { "required": false, @@ -901,7 +899,7 @@ $std->dmdev[0]->ideadc[0]->ideperiodo[0]->ideestablot[0]->nrinsc = '12345678901234'; //Obrigatório $std->dmdev[0]->ideadc[0]->ideperiodo[0]->ideestablot[0]->codlotacao = 'ksjskjkjskjjs'; //Obrigatório -//Informações relativas à remuneração do trabalhador em períodos anteriores. +//Informações relativas à remuneração do trabalhador em períodos anteriores. $std->dmdev[0]->ideadc[0]->ideperiodo[0]->ideestablot[0]->remunperant[0] = new \stdClass(); //Obrigatório $std->dmdev[0]->ideadc[0]->ideperiodo[0]->ideestablot[0]->remunperant[0]->matricula = 'kjskjskjskjs'; //Opcional $std->dmdev[0]->ideadc[0]->ideperiodo[0]->ideestablot[0]->remunperant[0]->indsimples = 1; //Opcional diff --git a/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s1260_JsonSchemaEvtComProd.php b/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s1260_JsonSchemaEvtComProd.php index ee8b5def..0b21b83b 100644 --- a/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s1260_JsonSchemaEvtComProd.php +++ b/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s1260_JsonSchemaEvtComProd.php @@ -155,8 +155,7 @@ "codsusp": { "required": true, "type": "string", - "maxLength": 14, - "pattern": "^[0-9]" + "pattern": "^[0-9]{1,14}$" }, "vrcpsusp": { "required": false, @@ -174,7 +173,7 @@ } } } - } + } } } } diff --git a/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2190_JsonSchemaEvtAdmPrelim.php b/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2190_JsonSchemaEvtAdmPrelim.php index c8faf99b..a6bb11a3 100644 --- a/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2190_JsonSchemaEvtAdmPrelim.php +++ b/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2190_JsonSchemaEvtAdmPrelim.php @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ "codcateg": { "required": true, "type": "string", - "pattern": "^[0-9]{3}" + "pattern": "^[0-9]{3}$" }, "natatividade": { "required": false, diff --git a/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2200_JsonSchemaEvtAdmissao.php b/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2200_JsonSchemaEvtAdmissao.php index e668e95f..09823332 100644 --- a/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2200_JsonSchemaEvtAdmissao.php +++ b/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2200_JsonSchemaEvtAdmissao.php @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ "cpftrab": { "required": true, "type": "string", - "pattern": "^[0-9]{11}" + "pattern": "^[0-9]{11}$" }, "nmtrab": { "required": true, @@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ } } } - } + } }, "infoestatutario": { "required": false, @@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ "type": ["string", "null"], "$ref": "#/definitions/data" } - } + } }, "infocontrato": { "required": true, @@ -570,7 +570,7 @@ "maxLength": 255 } } - }, + }, "duracao": { "required": false, "type": ["object","null"], @@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ "minLength": 1, "maxLength": 255 } - } + } } }, "treicap": { @@ -743,10 +743,10 @@ "minimum": 1, "maximum": 9999 } - } + } } } - } + } }, "sucessaovinc": { "required": false, @@ -868,8 +868,8 @@ } } } - } - } + } + } } }'; @@ -957,7 +957,7 @@ $std->vinculo->infoceletista->trabtemporario->hipleg = 1; $std->vinculo->infoceletista->trabtemporario->justcontr = 'jwkjwkjwkjwk'; -$std->vinculo->infoceletista->trabtemporario->ideestabvinc = new \stdClass(); +$std->vinculo->infoceletista->trabtemporario->ideestabvinc = new \stdClass(); $std->vinculo->infoceletista->trabtemporario->ideestabvinc->tpinsc = 2; //1 pu 2 $std->vinculo->infoceletista->trabtemporario->ideestabvinc->nrinsc = '12345678901234'; diff --git a/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2205_JsonSchemaEvtAltCadastral.php b/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2205_JsonSchemaEvtAltCadastral.php index f82c4751..69e90f34 100644 --- a/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2205_JsonSchemaEvtAltCadastral.php +++ b/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2205_JsonSchemaEvtAltCadastral.php @@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ "codmunic": { "required": true, "type": "string", - "pattern": "^[0-9]{7}" + "pattern": "^[0-9]{7}$" }, "uf": { "required": true, @@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ "paisresid": { "required": true, "type": "string", - "pattern": "^[0-9]{3}" + "pattern": "^[0-9]{3}$" }, "dsclograd": { "required": true, @@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ $std->infodeficiencia->defmental = 'N'; //Obrigatório $std->infodeficiencia->defintelectual = 'N'; //Obrigatório $std->infodeficiencia->reabreadap = 'N'; //Obrigatório -$std->infodeficiencia->infocota = 'N'; //Opcional +$std->infodeficiencia->infocota = 'N'; //Opcional $std->infodeficiencia->observacao = 'lkslkslkslkslkslks'; //Opcional //Informações dos dependentes. @@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ //Informações de contato. $std->contato = new \stdClass(); //Opcional -$std->contato->foneprinc = '1234567890'; //Opcional +$std->contato->foneprinc = '1234567890'; //Opcional $std->contato->emailprinc = ''; //Opcional // Schema must be decoded before it can be used for validation diff --git a/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2206_JsonSchemaEvtAltContratual.php b/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2206_JsonSchemaEvtAltContratual.php index 77d79e9b..b55d6e54 100644 --- a/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2206_JsonSchemaEvtAltContratual.php +++ b/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2206_JsonSchemaEvtAltContratual.php @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ "cnpjsindcategprof": { "required": true, "type": "string", - "pattern": "^[0-9]{8,14}$" + "pattern": "^[0-9]{8,14}$" }, "trabtemporario": { "required": false, @@ -138,12 +138,12 @@ "indtetorgps": { "required": true, "type": "string", - "pattern": "S|N" + "pattern": "^(S|N)$" }, "indabonoperm": { "required": true, "type": "string", - "pattern": "S|N" + "pattern": "^(S|N)$" } } }, @@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ "acumcargo": { "required": false, "type": ["string","null"], - "pattern": "S|N" + "pattern": "^(S|N)$" }, "codcateg": { "required": true, @@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ "hornoturno": { "required": false, "type": ["string", "null"], - "pattern": "S|N" + "pattern": "^(S|N)$" }, "dscjorn": { "required": true, @@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ "type": "string", "maxLength": 255 } - } + } } }, "treicap": { @@ -356,10 +356,10 @@ "minimum": 1, "maximum": 9999 } - } + } } } - } + } } } }'; diff --git a/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2230_JsonSchemaEvtAfastTemp.php b/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2230_JsonSchemaEvtAfastTemp.php index b2a90eb4..d3768c47 100644 --- a/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2230_JsonSchemaEvtAfastTemp.php +++ b/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2230_JsonSchemaEvtAfastTemp.php @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ "indremuncargo": { "required": false, "type": ["string","null"], - "pattern": "S|N" + "pattern": "^(S|N)$" } } } diff --git a/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2245_JsonSchemaEvtTreiCap.php b/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2245_JsonSchemaEvtTreiCap.php index 9a5b0894..7dc24acc 100644 --- a/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2245_JsonSchemaEvtTreiCap.php +++ b/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2245_JsonSchemaEvtTreiCap.php @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ "indtreinant": { "required": true, "type": "string", - "pattern": "^S|N$" + "pattern": "^(S|N)$" }, "ideprofresp": { "required": true, @@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ "maximum": 2 } } - } + } } } } @@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ $std->treicap->infocomplem->ideprofresp[0]->nmprof = 'Beltrano de Tal'; $std->treicap->infocomplem->ideprofresp[0]->tpprof = 1; //1-2 $std->treicap->infocomplem->ideprofresp[0]->formprof = 'bla bla bla'; -$std->treicap->infocomplem->ideprofresp[0]->codcbo = '123456'; +$std->treicap->infocomplem->ideprofresp[0]->codcbo = '123456'; $std->treicap->infocomplem->ideprofresp[0]->nacprof = 1; //1-2 diff --git a/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2300_JsonSchemaEvtTSVInicio.php b/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2300_JsonSchemaEvtTSVInicio.php index d62d1a59..61cc96cf 100644 --- a/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2300_JsonSchemaEvtTSVInicio.php +++ b/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2300_JsonSchemaEvtTSVInicio.php @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ contato = new \stdClass(); //Opcional -$std->contato->foneprinc = '1234567890'; //Opcional +$std->contato->foneprinc = '1234567890'; //Opcional $std->contato->emailprinc = ''; //Opcional //Trabalhador Sem Vínculo de Emprego/Estatutário - TSVE - Início. @@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ //Grupo que apresenta o cargo e/ou função ocupada pelo TSVE. $std->cargofuncao = new \stdClass(); //Opcional $std->cargofuncao->nmcargo = 'lalalaloaoaoa'; //Opcional -$std->cargofuncao->cbocargo = '263105'; //Opcional +$std->cargofuncao->cbocargo = '263105'; //Opcional $std->cargofuncao->nmfuncao = 'ksksksksk sk'; //Opcional $std->cargofuncao->cbofuncao = '263105'; //Opcional diff --git a/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2399_JsonSchemaEvtTSVTermino.php b/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2399_JsonSchemaEvtTSVTermino.php index 21431060..b05a76b7 100644 --- a/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2399_JsonSchemaEvtTSVTermino.php +++ b/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2399_JsonSchemaEvtTSVTermino.php @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ "mtvdesligtsv": { "required": false, "type": ["string","null"], - "pattern": "^[0-9]{2}" + "pattern": "^[0-9]{2}$" }, "pensalim": { "required": false, @@ -86,12 +86,12 @@ "nrproctrab": { "required": false, "type": ["string","null"], - "pattern": "^.{20}" + "pattern": "^.{20}$" }, "novocpf": { "required": false, "type": ["string","null"], - "pattern": "^[0-9]{11}" + "pattern": "^[0-9]{11}$" }, "verbasresc": { "required": false, @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ "maximum": 1 } } - } + } }, "infosimples": { "required": false, @@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ "pattern": "^[0-9]{1,14}$" } } - } + } }, "infomv": { "required": false, @@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ "type": "number" } } - } + } } } } @@ -298,7 +298,7 @@ $std->vralim = 600.23; $std->nrproctrab = "12345678901234567890"; $std->novocpf = "12345678901"; - + $std->verbasresc = new \stdClass(); $std->verbasresc->dmdev[1] = new \stdClass(); $std->verbasresc->dmdev[1]->idedmdev = 'ksksksksksksksk'; diff --git a/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2416_JsonSchemaEvtCdBenAlt.php b/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2416_JsonSchemaEvtCdBenAlt.php index fffd2e08..55895da1 100644 --- a/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2416_JsonSchemaEvtCdBenAlt.php +++ b/examples/schemes/v_S_01_00_00/s2416_JsonSchemaEvtCdBenAlt.php @@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ "required": true, "type": "integer", "minimum": 0, - "maximum": 3 + "maximum": 3 }, "dsc": { "required": false, @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ "indsuspensao": { "required": true, "type": "string", - "pattern": "^S|N$" + "pattern": "^(S|N)$" }, "infopenmorte": { "required": false, @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ "required": true, "type": "integer", "minimum": 1, - "maximum": 2 + "maximum": 2 } } }, @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ "mtvsuspensao": { "required": true, "type": "string", - "pattern": "^01|99$" + "pattern": "^(01|99)$" }, "dscSuspensao": { "required": false, @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ } } } - + } }'; diff --git a/jsonSchemes/v_S_01_00_00/evtAdmPrelim.schema b/jsonSchemes/v_S_01_00_00/evtAdmPrelim.schema index d64ecf31..59edd7cb 100755 --- a/jsonSchemes/v_S_01_00_00/evtAdmPrelim.schema +++ b/jsonSchemes/v_S_01_00_00/evtAdmPrelim.schema @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ "type": "object", "properties": { "sequencial": { - "required": true, - "type": "integer", + "required": false, + "type": ["integer","null"], "minimum": 1, "maximum": 99999 }, @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ "nrrecibo": { "required": false, "type": ["string","null"], - "pattern": "^[1]{1}.[0-9]{1}.[0-9]{19}$" + "$ref": "#/definitions/recibo" }, "cpftrab": { "required": true, @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ "codcateg": { "required": true, "type": "string", - 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