- Installation
- Usage
- Readme
This is a wrapper for INFORMIX. Don't expect it to work exactly like the CodeIgniter 4 database built-in function.
The database configuration is the same as in CodeIgniter 4. See here to create database group connection.
Refer example #2 for Informix DSN connection string;
E.g for .env
database.default.DSN = informix:host=host.domain.com;service=9800;database=common_db;server=ids_server;protocol=onsoctcp;EnableScrollableCursors=1
database.default.username = testuser
database.default.password = testpass
database.default.DBPrefix =
Choose either one from two (2) methods to initilize database based on configuration settings.
E.g Using default
and default2
for multiple database connections.
// method 1
$builder = new \Nfaiz\PdoIfx\Query('default');
$builder2 = new \Nfaiz\PdoIfx\Query('default2');
// method 2
$builder = ifx_connect('default');
$builder2 = ifx_connect('default2');
If no database connection group specified, $defaultGroup value in app/Config/Database.php
will be used.
Table of Contents
- Basic usage
- Selecting Data
- Looking for Spesific Data
- Looking for Similar Data
- Query Grouping
- Ordering Results
- Limiting Results
- Grouping Results
- Inserting Data
- Updating Data
- Deleting Data
- Raw Query
- Transaction
- Query Helper
Builder can be loaded using table(string|array $table)
# Usage 1: string parameter
// Produces: "SELECT * FROM table" (not final query)
$builder->table('table1, table2');
// Produces: "SELECT * FROM table1, table2" (not final query)
// Useful for traditional join
$builder->table('table1 AS t1, table2 AS t2');
// Produces: "SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1, table2 AS t2" (not final query)
// Useful for traditional join
# Usage 2: array parameter
$builder->table(['table1', 'table2']);
// Produces: "SELECT * FROM table1, table2" (not final query)
// Useful for traditional join
$builder->table(['table1 AS t1', 'table2 AS t2']);
// Produces: "SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1, table2 AS t2" (not final query)
// Useful for traditional join
Unlike CodeIgniter 4 built-in function, this library is not using get()
chaining. Ie get()->getResult()
To get result, use getRow()
or getResult()
// Produces: "SELECT * FROM users"
$builder->select('username')->table('users')->where('status', 1)->getResult();
// Produces: "SELECT username FROM users WHERE status = 1"
$builder->select('email')->table('users')->where('id', 17)->getRow();
// Produces: "SELECT FIRST 1 email FROM users WHERE id = 17"
Available get result methods are;
->getResult() // Returns multiple rows (object)
->getRow() // Returns one record (object)
->getResultArray() // Returns multiple rows (array)
->getRowArray() // Returns one record (array)
->select(string|array $select = '*')
# Usage 1: string parameter
$builder->select('name, email')->table('users')->getResult();
// Produces: "SELECT title, content FROM users"
# Using alias
$builder->select('name AS n, email AS e')->table('users')->getResult();
// Produces: "SELECT name AS n, email AS e FROM users"
# Usage 2: array parameter
$builder->table(['table1', 'table2']);
// Produces: "SELECT * FROM table1, table2" (not final query)
# Using alias
$builder->table(['table1 AS t1', 'table2 AS t2']);
// Produces: "SELECT * FROM table1 AS t1, table2 AS t2" (not final query)
# Usage 1:
// Produces: "SELECT MAX(age) FROM users"
# Usage 2:
$builder->table('users')->selectCount('id', 'total_row')->getResult();
// Produces: "SELECT COUNT(id) AS total_row FROM users"
Available select function methods are;
->join($table, $condition, $type)
$builder->table('users as u')
->join('address as a', 'u.id = a.uid', 'left')
->where('u.status', 1)
// Produces: "SELECT * FROM users as u LEFT JOIN address as a ON u.id = a.t_id WHERE u.status = 1"
Available join types are;
# Basic usage
$builder->table('users')->where('active', 1)->getResult();
// Produces: "SELECT * FROM users WHERE active = 1"
# Using array
$where = [
'name' => 'Faiz',
'age' => 37,
'status' => 1
// Produces: "SELECT FIRST 1 * FROM users WHERE name = 'Faiz' AND age = 37 AND status = 1"
# Using operator
->where('age', '>=', 18)
// Produces: "SELECT * FROM users WHERE age >= 18"
# Using bindmarker ?
->where('age = ? OR age = ?', [18, 20])
// Produces: "SELECT * FROM users WHERE age = 18 OR age = 20"
# Using placeholder
->where('age = :age OR age = :age2', ['age' => 18, 'age2' => 20])
// Produces: "SELECT * FROM users WHERE age = 18 OR age = 20"
Available where methods are;
Another notable where methods for null
value and non escaping
value are
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE deletedAt IS NULL
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE AND deletedAt IS NOT NUll
$builder->table('users')->where('active', 1)->orWhereNull('deletedAt')
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE active = 1 OR deletedAt IS NULL
$builder->table('users')->where('active', 1)->orWhereNotNull('deletedAt')
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE active = 1 OR deletedAt IS NOT NULL
$builder->table('users')->whereRaw('date = current')
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE date = current
$builder->table('users')->where('active', 1)->orWhereRaw('date = current')
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE active = 1 OR date = current
->where(string $key, array $value)
->where('active', 1)
->WhereIn('id', [1, 2, 3])
// Produces: "SELECT * FROM users WHERE active = 1 AND id IN ('1', '2', '3')"
Available whereIn methods are;
->where('active', 1)
->whereNotIn('id', [1, 2, 3])
// Produces: "SELECT * FROM users WHERE active = 1 AND id NOT IN ('1', '2', '3')"
->where('active', 1)
->orWhereIn('id', [1, 2, 3])
// Produces: "SELECT * FROM users WHERE active = 1 OR id IN ('1', '2', '3')"
->between(string $key, string $value, string $value2)
->where('active', 1)
->between('age', 18, 25)
// Produces: "SELECT * FROM users WHERE active = 1 AND age BETWEEN '18' AND '25'"
Available between methods are;
->where('active', 1)
->notBetween('age', 18, 25)
// Produces: "SELECT * FROM users WHERE active = 1 AND age NOT BETWEEN '18' AND '25'"
->where('active', 1)
->orBetween('age', 18, 25)
// Produces: "SELECT * FROM users WHERE active = 1 OR age BETWEEN '18' AND '25'"
like(string $key, string $value[, bool $caseInsensitive])
# Not using case insensitive
->like('name', '%Faiz%')
// Produces: "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name LIKE '%Faiz%'"
# Using case insensitive
->like('name', '%Faiz%', true)
// Produces: "SELECT * FROM users WHERE lower(name) LIKE '%faiz%'"
Available like methods are;
->where('active', 1)
->notLike('name', '%faiz%')
// Produces: "SELECT * FROM users WHERE active = 1 AND name NOT LIKE '%faiz%'"
->like('name', '%faiz%')
->orLike('name', '%ateman%')
// Produces: "SELECT * FROM users WHERE name LIKE '%faiz%' OR name LIKE '%ateman%'"
->grouped(function($q) {
$q->where('country', 'MAL')->orWhere('country', 'IDN');
->where('uid', 1)
// Produces: "SELECT * FROM address WHERE (country='MAL' OR country = 'IDN') AND uid = '1'"
->orderBy(string $key[, string $order])
# Usage 1: One parameter
->where('status', 1)
// Produces: "SELECT * FROM test WHERE status = 1 ORDER BY id ASC"
->where('status', 1)
->orderBy('id desc')
// Produces: "SELECT * FROM test WHERE status = 1 ORDER BY id desc"
# Usage 2: Two parameters
->where('status', 1)
->orderBy('id', 'desc')
// Produces: "SELECT * FROM users WHERE status = 1 ORDER BY id DESC"
# Usage 3: Order by select position
->where('status', 1)
// Produces: "SELECT FIRST 10 * FROM users WHERE status = 1 ORDER BY 2"
limit(int $value)
offset(int $value)
# Usage 1:
// Produces: "SELECT FIRST 10 * FROM users"
# Usage 2: with offset method
// Produces: "SELECT SKIP 10 FIRST 10 * FROM users"
pagination(int $value, int $value)
# First parameter: Data count of per page
# Second parameter: Active page
$builder->table('users')->pagination(15, 1)->getResult();
// Produces: "SELECT SKIP 0 FIRST 15 * FROM users"
$builder->table('users')->pagination(15, 2)->getResult();
// Produces: "SELECT SKIP 15 FIRST 15 * FROM users"
groupBy(string $value)
# Usage 1: One parameter
->where('status', 1)
// Produces: "SELECT * FROM users WHERE status = 1 GROUP BY gender"
# Usage 1: Array parameter
->where('status', 1)
->groupBy(['gender', 'religion'])
// Produces: "SELECT * FROM users WHERE status = 1 GROUP BY gender, religion"
having(string $key[, string $cond|$value[, string $value]])
$builder->select('COUNT(gender), country')
->where('status', 1)
->groupBy('gender, country')
->having('COUNT(gender)', 100)
// Produces: "SELECT COUNT(gender), country FROM users WHERE status = 1 GROUP BY gender, country HAVING COUNT(gender) > '100'"
->where('active', 1)
->having('AVG(age)', '<=', 18)
// Produces: "SELECT * FROM users WHERE active='1' GROUP BY gender HAVING AVG(age) <= '18'"
->where('active', 1)
->having('AVG(age) > ? AND MAX(age) < ?', [18, 30])
// Produces: "SELECT * FROM users WHERE active='1' GROUP BY gender HAVING AVG(age) > 18 AND MAX(age) < 30"
insert(array $value)
$data = [
'name' => 'Faiz',
'gender' => 'M',
'dob' => date('m/d/Y', strtotime('2021-08-18')),
'status' => 1
// Produces: "INSERT INTO users (name, gender, dob, status) VALUES ('faiz', 'M', '18/08/2021', '1')"
$data = [
'username' => 'Faiz',
'password' => 'pass',
'time' => strtotime('now'),
'status' => 1
update(array $value)
$data = [
'username' => 'Faiz',
'password' => 'pass',
'activation' => 1,
'status' => 1
$builder->table('account')->where('id', 10)->update($data);
// Produces: "UPDATE account SET username = 'Faiz', password = 'pass', activation = 1, status = 1 WHERE id = 10"
delete([string $field, string $value])
$builder->table('users')->where('id', 17)->delete();
// Produces: "DELETE FROM users WHERE id = 1"
// Produces: "TRUNCATE TABLE users"
# Usage 1: Select all records, returns object
$builder->query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ? AND status = ?', [
10, 1
# Usage 1: Select all records, returns array
$builder->query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ? AND status = ?', [
10, 1
# Usage 2: Select one record, returns object
$builder->query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ? AND status = ?', [
10, 1
# Usage 2: Select one record, returns array
$builder->query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ? AND status = ?', [
10, 1
# Usage 3: Other queries like Update, Insert, Delete etc...
$builder->query('DELETE FROM users WHERE id = ?', [10])->exec();
# Usage 1: Select all records, returns object
$builder->query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = :id AND status = :status', [
'id' => 10,
'status'=> 1
# Usage 1: Select all records, returns array
$builder->query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = :id AND status = :status', [
'id' => 10,
'status'=> 1
# Usage 2: Select one record, returns object
$builder->query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = :id AND status = :status', [
'id' => 10,
'status'=> 1
# Usage 2: Select one record, returns array
$builder->query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = :id AND status = :status', [
'id' => 10,
'status'=> 1
// Usage 3: Other queries like Update, Insert, Delete etc...
$builder->query('DELETE FROM users WHERE id = :id', [10])->exec();
'id' => 10
'title' => 'title',
'status' => 2
$builder->table('test')->where('id', 10)->update([
'title' => 'new title',
'status' => 2
catch (\PDOException $e)
$builder->select('name, gender')
->where('status', 1)
->orWhere('status', 2)
// The number of all SQL queries on the page until the end of the beginning.
// Get last SQL Query.