- several updates including the basic image handling portion of the application
- added category and manual date to a simple title parsing
- this is pretty much ready for styling and front end tweaks and could be good for prime time.
- still need to do a lot of the fancy efficiency tweaks and things.
- added some project functionality that is the same as articles
- showed recent scope articles and projects on the home page
- updating a project's article makes the project recently updated
- handle updates to project tree
- started work on layout improvements for page standardization
- made a universal project / article summary partial
- fixed errors and deployed a working article version
- started building out the new home page
- started hacking on a job to check the delta for the folder for appropriate files per the folder structure
- got side tracked on some sort of timed runner thing, that was a waste of time, and is pre-mature in terms of optimization
- need to have a clean way of finding out "what articles need to be processed," then doing the downloading of the data and the processing and loading to the database.