A Breakoutex clone written in pure Elixir, using Phoenix LiveView. Can be played [here](https://breakoutex.tommasopifferi.com) # Install Clone the repo ```bash $ git clone https://github.com/neslinesli93/breakoutex ``` Start the container: ```bash $ docker-compose run --service-ports app ``` Install npm deps: ```bash $ cd assets && npm i && cd .. ``` Start server: ```bash $ ./run.sh # executes mix deps.get && mix phx.server ``` Now you can visit [`localhost:4000`](http://localhost:4000) from your browser. # Deploy To build an image ready for production, run: ```bash $ make build ``` This will build a new docker image, which can be pushed to some registry. If you want to test the production image locally, just run: ```bash $ make run ``` And open `http://localhost:4000`. See `Makefile` for more info on the two command. # Notes Boilerplate taken from [here](https://github.com/chrismccord/phoenix_live_view_example) # TODO - [x] Lose game - [x] Win game - [ ] Function to call in order to receive a new, updated ball instance - [ ] Progressive ball acceleration - [x] CSS of the page - [x] Use coordinates of the center of the ball? - [x] Use coordinates of the center of the paddle? - [x] Refactor everything NOT to use integer matrix coordinates, and instead compute everything inside config file? - [x] Transfer the project on a fresh, clean mix one (just like the guy that made the board game) - [x] How to deploy? - [ ] Article(s) or tutorial? - [ ] Instructions for deploying