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Debug language server

Qiming zhao edited this page Dec 18, 2018 · 22 revisions


Using output channel

The same as VSCode, each language server have a output channel itself, the output channel could be opened by

:CocCommand workspace.showOutput

To make output channel track all LSP communication, set [languageserverId].trace.server to verbose in your coc-settings.json.

For example, to make tsserver track LSP communication, use:

  "tsserver.trace.server": "verbose",

to make custom language server to track LSP communication, add trace.server section in language server configuration, like:

   "ccls": {
    "command": "ccls",
    "filetypes": ["c", "cpp", "objc", "objcpp"],
    "trace.server": "verbose",
    "initializationOptions": {
      "cacheDirectory": "/tmp/ccls"

However, the output of LSP communication is difficult for human to read, you can upload the content to LSP inspector:, which would be looks like:

screen shot 2018-07-20 at 12 15 10 pm

Using Chrome developer tools

You can use Chrome to debug language server which using node IPC for communication.

First, add execArgv to the language server settings like:

 "css.execArgv": ["--nolazy", "--inspect-brk=6045"]

After the css service started, open Chrome with url chrome://inspect

Make sure Discover network targets option is checked and you have the address added to Target discovery settings, and then you will have the debugging target.


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