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237 lines (189 loc) · 6.94 KB

English Version


给定两个句子 words1, words2 (每个用字符串数组表示),和一个相似单词对的列表 pairs ,判断是否两个句子是相似的。

例如,当相似单词对是 pairs = [["great", "fine"], ["acting","drama"], ["skills","talent"]]的时候,words1 = ["great", "acting", "skills"] 和 words2 = ["fine", "drama", "talent"] 是相似的。

注意相似关系是 具有 传递性的。例如,如果 "great" 和 "fine" 是相似的,"fine" 和 "good" 是相似的,则 "great" 和 "good" 是相似的

而且,相似关系是具有对称性的。例如,"great" 和 "fine" 是相似的相当于 "fine" 和 "great" 是相似的。

并且,一个单词总是与其自身相似。例如,句子 words1 = ["great"], words2 = ["great"], pairs = [] 是相似的,尽管没有输入特定的相似单词对。

最后,句子只会在具有相同单词个数的前提下才会相似。所以一个句子 words1 = ["great"] 永远不可能和句子 words2 = ["doubleplus","good"] 相似。


  • words1 and words2 的长度不会超过 1000
  • pairs 的长度不会超过 2000
  • 每个pairs[i] 的长度为 2
  • 每个 words[i] 和 pairs[i][j] 的长度范围为 [1, 20]



模板 1——朴素并查集:

# 初始化,p存储每个点的父节点
p = list(range(n))

# 返回x的祖宗节点
def find(x):
    if p[x] != x:
        # 路径压缩
        p[x] = find(p[x])
    return p[x]

# 合并a和b所在的两个集合
p[find(a)] = find(b)

模板 2——维护 size 的并查集:

# 初始化,p存储每个点的父节点,size只有当节点是祖宗节点时才有意义,表示祖宗节点所在集合中,点的数量
p = list(range(n))
size = [1] * n

# 返回x的祖宗节点
def find(x):
    if p[x] != x:
        # 路径压缩
        p[x] = find(p[x])
    return p[x]

# 合并a和b所在的两个集合
if find(a) != find(b):
    size[find(b)] += size[find(a)]
    p[find(a)] = find(b)

模板 3——维护到祖宗节点距离的并查集:

# 初始化,p存储每个点的父节点,d[x]存储x到p[x]的距离
p = list(range(n))
d = [0] * n

# 返回x的祖宗节点
def find(x):
    if p[x] != x:
        t = find(p[x])
        d[x] += d[p[x]]
        p[x] = t
    return p[x]

# 合并a和b所在的两个集合
p[find(a)] = find(b)
d[find(a)] = distance


接着遍历 sentence1, sentence2,若对应的单词相同,直接 continue;若对应的单词不在相似对单词中,或者两单词不在同一个集合中,直接返回 false。否则遍历结束返回 true。


class Solution:
    def areSentencesSimilarTwo(self, sentence1: List[str], sentence2: List[str], similarPairs: List[List[str]]) -> bool:
        if len(sentence1) != len(sentence2):
            return False
        n = len(similarPairs)
        p = list(range(n << 1))

        def find(x):
            if p[x] != x:
                p[x] = find(p[x])
            return p[x]

        words = {}
        idx = 0
        for a, b in similarPairs:
            if a not in words:
                words[a] = idx
                idx += 1
            if b not in words:
                words[b] = idx
                idx += 1
            p[find(words[a])] = find(words[b])

        for i in range(len(sentence1)):
            if sentence1[i] == sentence2[i]:
            if sentence1[i] not in words or sentence2[i] not in words or find(words[sentence1[i]]) != find(words[sentence2[i]]):
                return False
        return True


class Solution {
    private int[] p;

    public boolean areSentencesSimilarTwo(String[] sentence1, String[] sentence2, List<List<String>> similarPairs) {
        if (sentence1.length != sentence2.length) {
            return false;
        int n = similarPairs.size();
        p = new int[n << 1];
        for (int i = 0; i < p.length; ++i) {
            p[i] = i;
        Map<String, Integer> words = new HashMap<>();
        int idx = 0;
        for (List<String> e : similarPairs) {
            String a = e.get(0), b = e.get(1);
            if (!words.containsKey(a)) {
                words.put(a, idx++);
            if (!words.containsKey(b)) {
                words.put(b, idx++);
            p[find(words.get(a))] = find(words.get(b));
        for (int i = 0; i < sentence1.length; ++i) {
            if (Objects.equals(sentence1[i], sentence2[i])) {
            if (!words.containsKey(sentence1[i]) || !words.containsKey(sentence2[i]) || find(words.get(sentence1[i])) != find(words.get(sentence2[i]))) {
                return false;
        return true;

    private int find(int x) {
        if (p[x] != x) {
            p[x] = find(p[x]);
        return p[x];


var p []int

func areSentencesSimilarTwo(sentence1 []string, sentence2 []string, similarPairs [][]string) bool {
	if len(sentence1) != len(sentence2) {
		return false
	n := len(similarPairs)
	p = make([]int, (n<<1)+10)
	for i := 0; i < len(p); i++ {
		p[i] = i
	words := make(map[string]int)
	idx := 1
	for _, e := range similarPairs {
		a, b := e[0], e[1]
		if words[a] == 0 {
			words[a] = idx
		if words[b] == 0 {
			words[b] = idx
		p[find(words[a])] = find(words[b])
	for i := 0; i < len(sentence1); i++ {
		if sentence1[i] == sentence2[i] {
		if words[sentence1[i]] == 0 || words[sentence2[i]] == 0 || find(words[sentence1[i]]) != find(words[sentence2[i]]) {
			return false
	return true

func find(x int) int {
	if p[x] != x {
		p[x] = find(p[x])
	return p[x]
