Update profile of user by id. This route differs from PATCH /users/me
in that it allows administrators to make changes to user accounts. Use with caution.
URL : /users/:id
Method : PATCH
Auth required : YES
Permission Required : User is self or Admin.
Data constraints
"name": "[name in plain text]",
"email": "[unique and valid email address]",
"password": "[password in plain text]"
Data Examples Partial data is allowed.
"name": "William Smythe"
Condition : User is authenticated or Admin.
Code : 200 OK
Content example : User with id
of 5ca79afc1362dcefcf612040
with an admin: true
flag sends a PATCH /users/5ca7a7b5a44ae8f339ac2499
with body of {"name": "New Name"}
"user": {
"_id": "5ca7a7b5a44ae8f339ac2499",
"name": "New Name",
"email": "bob.loblaw@example.com",
"createdAt": "2019-04-05T18:14:20.701Z",
"updatedAt": "2019-04-05T19:22:38.371Z",
"__v": 8
Note: If a user or admin updates the password in this fashion, they receive the same response. There is no indication from the server that their password has changed.
See PATCH /users/me
for further example.
Note: Because Partial Data is allowed, sending no data will return a 200 OK response.
Condition : User provides no or invalid JWT Token.
Content :
"error": "Please authenticate."