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Dataverse 4.2.3

This is a preliminary implementation of the Dataverse installation process. Dataverse itself is a Java-based web application deployed under the Glassfish application server. It requires installations of Postgres, Solr 4.6.0, and R/Rserve. Dataverse optionally integrates with TwoRavens -- a Javascript-based application that runs under Apache/rApache and requires R shared librares.

Docker images

The dockerfiles subdirectory contains Dockerfiles and associated startup files (e.g., for each of these services. Custom images have been created for each of the following:

  • Dataverse webapp (ndslabs/dataverse): Glassfish 4.1 + Dataverse webapp
  • R/Rserve (ndslabs/dataverse-rserve): R core, Rserve + required R packages
  • Solr 4.6.0 (ndslabs/dataverse-solr): Solr 4.6.0 + Dataverse schema
  • TwoRavens (ndslabs/tworavens): Apache httpd, rApache, R core, required R packages, TwoRavens application
  • iRODS iCAT (ndslabs/dvicat): iCAT server with bitcurator bulk_extractor and custom archiving rules.

Postgres 9.3 is used from an official image.

See also

Starting Dataverse under Docker

Start a standard postgres container:

docker run --name=postgres -d  postgres:9.3

Start a Solr 4.6 container for Dataverse:

docker run --name=solr -d ndslabs/dataverse-solr:latest

Start optional Rserve container:

docker run --name=rserve -d ndslabs/dataverse-rserve:latest

Start optional TwoRavens container:

docker run --name=tworavens -d ndslabs/dataverse-tworavens:latest

Start the preservation iRods server w/ federation listener:

docker run -e RODS_ZONE=fedZone  -p 1247:1247 -d  --name=icat-preservation ndslabs/irods-icat:latest

Start the Dataverse-local iRods server with custom rules:

docker run -e RODS_ZONE=dvnZone -e PRESERVATION_USER=dataverse -e PRESERVATION_ZONE=fedZone -e PRESERVATION_SERVER=<hostname of icat-preservation container> -e PRESERVATION_SERVER_PORT=1247 -e PRESERVATION_SERVER_IP=<IP of icat-preservation container> -e PRESERVATION_PASSWORD=test -e SMTP_SERVER=<IP of outbound smtp server> -e CURATOR_EMAIL=<curator email> --name=dataverse-icat -d ndslabs/dataverse-icat:latest

Without iRods containers: Start dataverse using the "link" flag to specify the other containers. Environment variables are used to setup the DVN database, user, and password

docker run -p 8080:8080 -d --link solr:solr --link postgres:postgres --link rserve:rserve --link tworavens:tworavens -e "POSTGRES_DATABASE=dvndb" -e "POSTGRES_USER=dvnapp" -e "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret"  --name=dataverse  ndslabs/dataverse:latest

With iRods containers:

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --link solr:solr --link postgres:postgres -e "POSTGRES_DATABASE=dvndb" -e "POSTGRES_USER=dvnapp" -e "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret" -e "RSERVE_USER=rserve" -e "RSERVE_PASSWORD=rserve" -e DVICAT_PORT_1247_TCP_PORT=1247  -e DVICAT_PORT_1247_TCP_ADDR=<IP if DV iCAT instance> -e PRESERVATION_USER=dataverse -e PRESERVATION_PASSWORD=test -e RODS_ZONE=dvnZone  -e  --name=dataverse  ndslabs/dataverse:latest

If you run "docker logs -f dataverse" you can wait for the "Dataverse started" message.

Simple test case

  • Open :8080 in your browser
  • Login using the default dataverseAdmin/admin username and password
  • From this interface, you can create dataverses, add users, groups, permissions, etc.
  • For now, we'll simply upload a file
  • Select "Add Data+" > New Dataset
  • Fill in required fields and select "Select files to add"
  • Upload the test/test.csv file
  • Select "Save dataset"
  • Note that the file is converted to "Tabular" format and the "Explore" button is now enabled. Explore is the link to the TwoRavens service.
  • Select "Explore", which will open the TwoRavens interface in a new tab or window
  • The TwoRavens interface should display a network of variables.

What's different

The following changes were made to the Dataverse application:

  • Dataverse: Heavily customized startup process based on the dvinstall/install script.
  • Dataverse: Static DDL for table creation
  • Dataverse: Custom WAR with persistence.xml to avoid database recreation by EclipseLink on restart
  • TwoRavens: Customized startup process based on the original
  • TwoRavens: reads Kubernetes-supplied environment variables and connects to required services