Implementing a simple ray tracer in Swift.
- Development of the ray tracer is following Peter Shirley's Ray Tracing series.
- 'Ray Tracing in One Weekend' is implemented with the exception of defocus blur, I'm not so interested in mimicking a camera lens.
- Currently working on 'The Next Week'.
- Support for sphere primitives.
- Materials include lambertians, metals, and dielectrics.
Glassner, A. S. (1990) 'Ray Tracing for Realism', BYTE, 15(13), December, pp. 263-271. Available at (Accessed 1 January 2021).
NASA (2005) 'Land Surface, Shallow Water, and Shaded Topography', Earth Observatory. Available at (Accessed 7 August 2022).
Shirley, P. (2020) 'Ray Tracing in One Weekend'. Available at (Accessed 1 August 2022).
Shirley, P. (2020) 'Ray Tracing: the Next Week'. Available at (Accessed 2 August 2022).