- dwm
- bépo: adjustments for keyboard
- systray patch
- install from submodule
- st: install from submodule
- neovim with the following general config
- lazy.nvim to pull packages
- bépo: in order to keep minimal adjustments I remap
to thehjkl
homerow. - light theme user - previously papercolor but it did not integrate really well with treesitter syntax highlight, currently
- No lsp config yet, I use ctags
- fzf: for various utilities
- tmux
- my main usage consists in having multiple sessions for each different contexts I work on; and switching between them with a fzf based script (see
) - should be higher than version 3.3 for fzf integration (floating menus)
- my main usage consists in having multiple sessions for each different contexts I work on; and switching between them with a fzf based script (see