0.2.0 (2020-01-25)
Merged pull requests:
- Update README.md #24 (Phate6660)
- Update install.sh #23 (Phate6660)
- Update mythical_linux #22 (Phate6660)
- ses #21 (TheAlcanian)
- Update mythical_linux #20 (Phate6660)
- Update mythical_linux #19 (Phate6660)
- Update README.md #18 (Phate6660)
0.1.0 (2020-01-15)
Implemented enhancements:
- martianhunter's fortune made no sense without what ddosed said #6 (Phate6660)
- Update mythical_linux #5 (Phate6660)
- Tredix reveals the truth #4 (Dazage)
- Update mythical_linux #2 (Phate6660)
- Update the off/mythical_linux with a new fortune #1 (TheAlcanian)
Merged pull requests:
- make script better #17 (Phate6660)
- right back atcha buckaroo #16 (TheAlcanian)
- dmt told me to #15 (TheAlcanian)
- Precognition. #14 (Dazage)
- tidy up more #13 (Phate6660)
- tidy up script a bit #12 (Phate6660)
- succ #11 (TheAlcanian)
- Update mythical_linux #10 (Phate6660)
- Update mythical_linux #9 (Phate6660)
- the last time we ever heard from Phate #8 (Dazage)
- elaborating dmt's fortune #7 (Phate6660)
- Update mythical_linux #3 (Phate6660)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator