diff --git a/.circleci/config.yml b/.circleci/config.yml
index de3a79e1e9..d1a085d232 100644
--- a/.circleci/config.yml
+++ b/.circleci/config.yml
@@ -82,9 +82,6 @@ jobs:
command: |
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y ant cmake gettext libsaxonb-java librsvg2-bin pkg-config rename
- - run:
- name: Install Android SDK components
- command: sdkmanager "cmake;3.6.4111459"
- run:
name: Install ndk
command: |
diff --git a/navit/android.c b/navit/android.c
index 4b73b3f5e2..214e3171cd 100644
--- a/navit/android.c
+++ b/navit/android.c
@@ -356,15 +356,16 @@ JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_org_navitproject_navit_NavitGraphics_getCoordForP
return return_string;
-JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_navitproject_navit_NavitGraphics_callbackMessageChannel( JNIEnv* env, jclass thiz,
- jint channel, jstring str) {
+JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_org_navitproject_navit_NavitCallbackHandler_callbackCmdChannel( JNIEnv* env,
+ jclass thiz, jint command) {
struct attr attr;
const char *s;
- jint ret = 0;
- dbg(lvl_debug,"enter %d %p",channel,str);
+ dbg(lvl_debug,"enter %d\n",command);
config_get_attr(config_get(), attr_navit, &attr, NULL);
- switch(channel) {
+ switch(command) {
case 1:
// zoom in
navit_zoom_in_cursor(attr.u.navit, 2);
@@ -375,6 +376,34 @@ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_navitproject_navit_NavitGraphics_callbackMessage
navit_zoom_out_cursor(attr.u.navit, 2);
+ case 3:
+ // block
+ navit_block(attr.u.navit, 1);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ // unblock
+ navit_block(attr.u.navit, 0);
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ // cancel route
+ navit_set_destination(attr.u.navit, NULL, NULL, 0);
+ navit_draw(attr.u.navit);
+ break;
+ default:
+ dbg(lvl_error, "Unknown command: %d", command);
+ break;
+ }
+JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_navitproject_navit_NavitCallbackHandler_callbackMessageChannel( JNIEnv* env,
+ jclass thiz, jint channel, jstring str) {
+ struct attr attr;
+ const char *s;
+ jint ret = 0;
+ dbg(lvl_debug,"enter %d %p",channel,str);
+ config_get_attr(config_get(), attr_navit, &attr, NULL);
+ switch(channel) {
case 6: {// add a map to the current mapset, return 1 on success
struct mapset *ms = navit_get_mapset(attr.u.navit);
struct attr type, name, data, *attrs[4];
diff --git a/navit/android/AndroidManifest.xml b/navit/android/AndroidManifest.xml
index 2bcdb4e19f..5978512ed0 100644
--- a/navit/android/AndroidManifest.xml
+++ b/navit/android/AndroidManifest.xml
@@ -10,14 +10,17 @@
+ android:name=".NavitAppConfig">
diff --git a/navit/android/build.gradle b/navit/android/build.gradle
index 87eeb63cc2..55455958aa 100644
--- a/navit/android/build.gradle
+++ b/navit/android/build.gradle
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ apply from: "$project.rootDir/gradle/scripts/git-scm-version.gradle"
apply plugin: 'checkstyle'
android {
- compileSdkVersion 28
+ compileSdkVersion 29
buildToolsVersion "29.0.2"
defaultConfig {
applicationId "org.navitproject.navit"
minSdkVersion 10
- targetSdkVersion 28
+ targetSdkVersion 29
versionCode gitVersionCode
versionName gitVersionName
testInstrumentationRunner "android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ android {
externalNativeBuild {
cmake {
- arguments '-DUSE_PLUGINS=n', '-DBUILD_MAPTOOL=n', '-DXSL_PROCESSING=y', '-DXSLTS=android', '-DANDROID=y', '-DSAMPLE_MAP=n'
@@ -74,9 +74,10 @@ android {
applicationVariants.all { variant ->
// create tasks to generate Javadocs
task("generate${variant.name.capitalize()}Javadoc", type: Javadoc) {
- classpath += project.files(android.getBootClasspath().join(File.pathSeparator))
+ source = android.sourceSets.main.java.srcDirs
destinationDir = file("build/outputs/docs/javadoc/")
title = rootProject.name
+ options.memberLevel = JavadocMemberLevel.PACKAGE
verbose = true
failOnError false
diff --git a/navit/android/res/xml/navit_backup_rules.xml b/navit/android/res/xml/navit_backup_rules.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1343fe2bc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/navit/android/res/xml/navit_backup_rules.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/Navit.java b/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/Navit.java
index 2fa2f312dc..bacc152138 100644
--- a/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/Navit.java
+++ b/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/Navit.java
@@ -73,84 +73,8 @@
public class Navit extends Activity {
- /**
- * Nested class storing the intent that was sent to the main navit activity at startup.
- **/
- private class StartupIntent {
- /**
- * Constructor.
- *
- * @param intent The intent to store in this object
- **/
- public StartupIntent(Intent intent) {
- mStartupIntent = intent;
- mStartupIntentTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
- }
- /**
- * Check if the encapsulated intent still valid or too old.
- *
- * @return true if the encapsulated intent is recent enough
- **/
- public boolean isRecentEnough() {
- if (mStartupIntent == null) {
- return false;
- }
- /* We consider the intent is valid for 4s */
- return (System.currentTimeMillis() <= getExpirationTimeMillis());
- }
- /**
- * Compute the system time when the stored intent will become invalid.
- *
- * @return The system time for invalidation (in ms)
- **/
- private long getExpirationTimeMillis() {
- if (mStartupIntent == null) {
- return 0;
- }
- /* We give 4s to navit to process the intent */
- return mStartupIntentTimestamp + 4000L;
- }
- /**
- * Getter for the encapsulated intent.
- *
- * @return The encapsulated intent
- **/
- public Intent getIntent() {
- return mStartupIntent;
- }
- /**
- * Represent this object as a string.
- *
- * @return A string containing the summary of the data we store here
- **/
- public String toString() {
- if (mStartupIntent == null) {
- return "{null}";
- } else {
- String validForStr;
- long remainingValidity = getExpirationTimeMillis() - System.currentTimeMillis();
- if (remainingValidity < 0) {
- validForStr = "(expired since " + -remainingValidity + "ms)";
- } else {
- validForStr = "(valid for " + remainingValidity + "ms)";
- }
- return "{ act=" + mStartupIntent.getAction() + " data=" + mStartupIntent.getDataString()
- + " " + validForStr + " }";
- }
- }
- private Intent mStartupIntent; /*!< The intent we store */
- private long mStartupIntentTimestamp; /*!< A timestamp (in ms) for when mStartupIntent was recorded */
- }
- public static DisplayMetrics sMetrics;
public static boolean sShowSoftKeyboardShowing;
- private static StartupIntent sStartupIntent;
private static final int MY_PERMISSIONS_REQ_FINE_LOC = 103;
private static final int NavitDownloaderSelectMap_id = 967;
private static final int NavitAddressSearch_id = 70;
@@ -158,7 +82,6 @@ public String toString() {
private static final String NAVIT_PACKAGE_NAME = "org.navitproject.navit";
private static final String TAG = "Navit";
static String sMapFilenamePath;
- static String sNavitDataDir;
boolean mIsFullscreen;
private NavitDialogs mDialogs;
private PowerManager.WakeLock mWakeLock;
@@ -287,7 +210,7 @@ private boolean extractAsset(String assetFileName, String output) {
- * Show the first start infoxbox (presentation of navit and link website for more info).
+ * Show the first start infobox (presentation of navit and link website for more info).
private void showInfos() {
SharedPreferences settings = getSharedPreferences(NavitAppConfig.NAVIT_PREFS, MODE_PRIVATE);
@@ -335,17 +258,12 @@ private void verifyPermissions() {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
- Log.d(TAG, "OnCreate");
+ Log.d(TAG, "onCreate");
mDialogs = new NavitDialogs(this);
- /* Only store the startup intent, onResume() gets called all the time (e.g. when screenblanks, etc.) and
- will process this intent later on if needed */
- sStartupIntent = new StartupIntent(this.getIntent());
- Log.d(TAG, "Recording intent " + sStartupIntent.toString());
@@ -369,34 +287,34 @@ public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Log.d(TAG, "Language " + lang);
SharedPreferences prefs = getSharedPreferences(NavitAppConfig.NAVIT_PREFS,MODE_PRIVATE);
- sNavitDataDir = getApplicationContext().getFilesDir().getPath();
+ String navitDataDir = getApplicationContext().getFilesDir().getPath();
String candidateFileNamePath = getApplicationContext().getExternalFilesDir(null).toString();
sMapFilenamePath = prefs.getString("filenamePath", candidateFileNamePath + '/');
- Log.i(TAG,"NavitDataDir = " + sNavitDataDir);
+ Log.i(TAG,"NavitDataDir = " + navitDataDir);
Log.i(TAG,"mapFilenamePath = " + sMapFilenamePath);
// make sure the new path for the navitmap.bin file(s) exist!!
File navitMapsDir = new File(sMapFilenamePath);
// make sure the share dir exists
- File navitDataShareDir = new File(sNavitDataDir + "/share");
+ File navitDataShareDir = new File(navitDataDir + "/share");
Display display = getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay();
- sMetrics = new DisplayMetrics();
- display.getMetrics(sMetrics);
- int densityDpi = (int)((sMetrics.density * 160) - .5f);
+ DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics();
+ display.getMetrics(metrics);
+ int densityDpi = (int)((metrics.density * 160) - .5f);
Log.d(TAG, "-> pixels x=" + display.getWidth() + " pixels y=" + display.getHeight());
Log.d(TAG, "-> dpi=" + densityDpi);
- Log.d(TAG, "-> density=" + sMetrics.density);
- Log.d(TAG, "-> scaledDensity=" + sMetrics.scaledDensity);
+ Log.d(TAG, "-> density=" + metrics.density);
+ Log.d(TAG, "-> scaledDensity=" + metrics.scaledDensity);
mActivityResults = new NavitActivityResult[16];
PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);
mWakeLock = pm.newWakeLock(PowerManager.FULL_WAKE_LOCK | PowerManager.ON_AFTER_RELEASE,"navit:DoNotDimScreen");
- if (!extractRes(langc, sNavitDataDir + "/locale/" + langc + "/LC_MESSAGES/navit.mo")) {
+ if (!extractRes(langc, navitDataDir + "/locale/" + langc + "/LC_MESSAGES/navit.mo")) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to extract language resource " + langc);
@@ -425,7 +343,7 @@ public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
String[] children = assetMgr.list("config/" + myDisplayDensity);
for (String child : children) {
Log.d(TAG, "Processing config file '" + child + "' from assets");
- if (!extractAsset("config/" + myDisplayDensity + "/" + child, sNavitDataDir + "/share/" + child)) {
+ if (!extractAsset("config/" + myDisplayDensity + "/" + child, navitDataDir + "/share/" + child)) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to extract asset config/" + myDisplayDensity + "/" + child);
@@ -433,8 +351,26 @@ public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to access assets using AssetManager");
Log.d(TAG, "android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT=" + Integer.valueOf(Build.VERSION.SDK));
- navitMain(navitLanguage, sNavitDataDir + "/bin/navit", sMapFilenamePath);
+ navitMain(navitLanguage, navitDataDir + "/bin/navit", sMapFilenamePath);
+ Intent startupIntent = new Intent(this.getIntent());
+ Log.d(TAG, "onCreate intent " + startupIntent.toString());
+ handleIntent(startupIntent);
+ }
+ private void handleIntent(Intent intent) {
+ String naviScheme = intent.getScheme();
+ if (naviScheme != null) {
+ Log.d(TAG, "Using intent " + intent.toString());
+ if (naviScheme.equals("google.navigation")) {
+ parseNavigationURI(intent.getData().getSchemeSpecificPart());
+ } else if (naviScheme.equals("geo")
+ && intent.getAction().equals("android.intent.action.VIEW")) {
+ invokeCallbackOnGeo(intent.getData().getSchemeSpecificPart(),
+ NavitCallbackHandler.MsgType.CLB_SET_DESTINATION, "");
+ }
+ }
private void windowSetup() {
@@ -491,58 +427,32 @@ private void buildNotification() {
public void onRestart() {
- Log.d(TAG, "OnRestart");
+ Log.d(TAG, "onRestart");
public void onStart() {
- Log.d(TAG, "OnStart");
+ Log.d(TAG, "onStart");
public void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
- Log.d(TAG, "OnNewIntent");
- sStartupIntent = new StartupIntent(intent);
- Log.d(TAG, "Recording intent " + sStartupIntent.toString());
+ Log.d(TAG, "onNewIntent");
+ handleIntent(intent);
public void onResume() {
- Log.d(TAG, "OnResume");
- //InputMethodManager sInputMethodManager = (InputMethodManager) getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
- // DEBUG
- // intent_data = "google.navigation:q=Wien Burggasse 27";
- // intent_data = "google.navigation:q=48.25676,16.643";
- // intent_data = "google.navigation:ll=48.25676,16.643&q=blabla-strasse";
- // intent_data = "google.navigation:ll=48.25676,16.643";
- // intent_data = "geo:48.25676,16.643";
- if (sStartupIntent != null) {
- Log.d(TAG, "Using stored startup intent " + sStartupIntent.toString());
- if (sStartupIntent.isRecentEnough()) {
- Intent startupIntent = sStartupIntent.getIntent();
- String naviScheme = startupIntent.getScheme();
- if (naviScheme != null) {
- if (naviScheme.equals("google.navigation")) {
- parseNavigationURI(startupIntent.getData().getSchemeSpecificPart());
- } else if (naviScheme.equals("geo")
- && startupIntent.getAction().equals("android.intent.action.VIEW")) {
- invokeCallbackOnGeo(startupIntent.getData().getSchemeSpecificPart(),
- NavitGraphics.MsgType.CLB_SET_DESTINATION,
- "");
- }
- }
- } else {
- Log.e(TAG, "timestamp for startup intent expired! not using data");
- }
- sStartupIntent = null;
- }
+ NavitCallbackHandler.sendCommand(NavitCallbackHandler.CmdType.CMD_UNBLOCK);
+ Log.d(TAG, "onResume");
public void onPause() {
- Log.d(TAG, "OnPause");
+ NavitCallbackHandler.sendCommand(NavitCallbackHandler.CmdType.CMD_BLOCK);
+ Log.d(TAG, "onPause");
@@ -567,30 +477,30 @@ public void onClick(DialogInterface arg0, int arg1) {
- * Invoke NavitGraphics.sCallbackHandler on a geographical position
+ * Invoke CallbackHandler on a geographical position.
* @param geoString A string containing the target geographical position with a format like "48.25676,16.643"
- * @param msgType The type of message to send to the callback (see NavitGraphics.MsgType for possible values)
+ * @param msgType The type of message to send
* @param name The name/label to associate to the geographical position
- private void invokeCallbackOnGeo(String geoString, NavitGraphics.MsgType msgType, String name) {
+ private void invokeCallbackOnGeo(String geoString, NavitCallbackHandler.MsgType msgType, String name) {
String[] geo = geoString.split(",");
if (geo.length == 2) {
try {
Bundle b = new Bundle();
- Float lat = Float.valueOf(geo[0]);
- Float lon = Float.valueOf(geo[1]);
+ float lat = Float.parseFloat(geo[0]);
+ float lon = Float.parseFloat(geo[1]);
b.putFloat("lat", lat);
b.putFloat("lon", lon);
b.putString("q", name);
- Message msg = Message.obtain(NavitGraphics.sCallbackHandler,
+ Message msg = Message.obtain(NavitCallbackHandler.sCallbackHandler,
Log.d(TAG, "target found (b): " + geoString);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
+ Log.e(TAG,"numberFormatException");
} else {
Log.w(TAG, "Ignoring invalid geo string: " + geoString);
@@ -598,7 +508,7 @@ private void invokeCallbackOnGeo(String geoString, NavitGraphics.MsgType msgType
- * Parse google navigation URIs (usually starting with "google.navigation:") and take the appropriate actions
+ * Parse google navigation URIs (usually starting with "google.navigation:") and take the appropriate actions.
* @param schemeSpecificPart A string containing the URI scheme, for example "ll=48.25676,16.643&q=blabla-strasse"
@@ -628,7 +538,7 @@ private void parseNavigationURI(String schemeSpecificPart) {
if (geoString != null) {
if (geoString.matches("^[+-]{0,1}\\d+(|\\.\\d*),[+-]{0,1}\\d+(|\\.\\d*)$")) {
- invokeCallbackOnGeo(geoString, NavitGraphics.MsgType.CLB_SET_DESTINATION, address);
+ invokeCallbackOnGeo(geoString, NavitCallbackHandler.MsgType.CLB_SET_DESTINATION, address);
} else {
@@ -683,15 +593,13 @@ private void runOptionsItem(int id) {
switch (id) {
case 1 :
// zoom in
- Message.obtain(NavitGraphics.sCallbackHandler,
- NavitGraphics.MsgType.CLB_ZOOM_IN.ordinal()).sendToTarget();
+ NavitCallbackHandler.sendCommand(NavitCallbackHandler.CmdType.CMD_ZOOM_IN);
// if we zoom, hide the bubble
Log.d(TAG, "onOptionsItemSelected -> zoom in");
case 2 :
// zoom out
- Message.obtain(NavitGraphics.sCallbackHandler,
- NavitGraphics.MsgType.CLB_ZOOM_OUT.ordinal()).sendToTarget();
+ NavitCallbackHandler.sendCommand(NavitCallbackHandler.CmdType.CMD_ZOOM_OUT);
// if we zoom, hide the bubble
Log.d(TAG, "onOptionsItemSelected -> zoom out");
@@ -702,21 +610,22 @@ private void runOptionsItem(int id) {
case 5 :
// toggle the normal POI layers and labels (to avoid double POIs)
- Message msg = Message.obtain(NavitGraphics.sCallbackHandler,
- NavitGraphics.MsgType.CLB_CALL_CMD.ordinal());
+ Message msg = Message.obtain(NavitCallbackHandler.sCallbackHandler,
+ NavitCallbackHandler.MsgType.CLB_CALL_CMD.ordinal());
Bundle b = new Bundle();
b.putString("cmd", "toggle_layer(\"POI Symbols\");");
- msg = Message.obtain(NavitGraphics.sCallbackHandler, NavitGraphics.MsgType.CLB_CALL_CMD.ordinal());
+ msg = Message.obtain(NavitCallbackHandler.sCallbackHandler,
+ NavitCallbackHandler.MsgType.CLB_CALL_CMD.ordinal());
b = new Bundle();
b.putString("cmd", "toggle_layer(\"POI Labels\");");
// toggle full POI icons on/off
- msg = Message.obtain(NavitGraphics.sCallbackHandler, NavitGraphics.MsgType.CLB_CALL_CMD.ordinal());
+ msg = Message.obtain(NavitCallbackHandler.sCallbackHandler,
+ NavitCallbackHandler.MsgType.CLB_CALL_CMD.ordinal());
b = new Bundle();
b.putString("cmd", "toggle_layer(\"Android-POI-Icons-full\");");
@@ -768,7 +677,8 @@ int showNativeKeyboard() {
Log.d(TAG, "showNativeKeyboard");
Configuration config = getResources().getConfiguration();
if ((config.keyboard == Configuration.KEYBOARD_QWERTY)
- && (config.hardKeyboardHidden == Configuration.HARDKEYBOARDHIDDEN_NO)) {
+ && (config.hardKeyboardHidden == Configuration.HARDKEYBOARDHIDDEN_NO)
+ && (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= Build.VERSION_CODES.P)) {
/* physical keyboard present */
return 0;
@@ -777,7 +687,6 @@ int showNativeKeyboard() {
((InputMethodManager) getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE))
.showSoftInput(getCurrentFocus(), InputMethodManager.SHOW_FORCED);
sShowSoftKeyboardShowing = true;
return 1;
@@ -793,20 +702,6 @@ void hideNativeKeyboard() {
- void setDestination(float latitude, float longitude, String address) {
- Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), getTstring(R.string.address_search_set_destination) + "\n"
- + address, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); //TRANS
- Bundle b = new Bundle();
- b.putFloat("lat", latitude);
- b.putFloat("lon", longitude);
- b.putString("q", address);
- Message msg = Message.obtain(NavitGraphics.sCallbackHandler,
- NavitGraphics.MsgType.CLB_SET_DESTINATION.ordinal());
- msg.setData(b);
- msg.sendToTarget();
- }
protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
switch (requestCode) {
case Navit.NavitDownloaderSelectMap_id :
@@ -823,8 +718,8 @@ protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
getTstring(R.string.address_search_set_destination) + "\n" + destination.getString(("q")),
Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); //TRANS
- Message msg = Message.obtain(NavitGraphics.sCallbackHandler,
- NavitGraphics.MsgType.CLB_SET_DESTINATION.ordinal());
+ Message msg = Message.obtain(NavitCallbackHandler.sCallbackHandler,
+ NavitCallbackHandler.MsgType.CLB_SET_DESTINATION.ordinal());
@@ -887,7 +782,7 @@ private void setMapLocation() {
public void onDestroy() {
- Log.d(TAG, "OnDestroy");
+ Log.d(TAG, "onDestroy");
NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE);
@@ -897,7 +792,7 @@ public void onDestroy() {
public void onStop() {
- Log.d(TAG, "OnStop");
+ Log.d(TAG, "onStop");
@@ -916,6 +811,7 @@ void fullscreen(int fullscreen) {
+ @SuppressWarnings("unused")
void disableSuspend() {
diff --git a/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitAddressSearchActivity.java b/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitAddressSearchActivity.java
index 3c0c489d15..9e851f2b14 100644
--- a/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitAddressSearchActivity.java
+++ b/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitAddressSearchActivity.java
@@ -85,8 +85,6 @@ static final class NavitAddress {
private int mSearchResultsStreets = 0;
private int mSearchResultsStreetsHn = 0;
private long mSearchHandle = 0;
- // TODO remember settings
private static String sLastAddressSearchString = "";
private static Boolean sLastAddressPartialMatch = false;
private static String sLastCountry = "";
@@ -107,10 +105,9 @@ private void setCountryButtonImage() {
// We have all images stored as drawable_nodpi resources which allows native code to manipulate them
// without interference with android builtin choosing and scaling system. But that makes us to
// reinvent the wheel here to show an image in android native interface.
- int[] flagIconSizes = {24,32,48,64,96};
- int exactSize;
+ int[] flagIconSizes = {24, 32, 64, 96};
int nearestSize;
- exactSize = (int)(Navit.sMetrics.density * 24.0 - .5);
+ int exactSize = (int)(getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density * 24 - 0.5);
nearestSize = flagIconSizes[0];
for (int size: flagIconSizes) {
nearestSize = size;
@@ -158,7 +155,6 @@ protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mCountryButton = new ImageButton(this);
mCountryButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
diff --git a/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitBackupTask.java b/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitBackupTask.java
index 567acb137b..cc81072d92 100644
--- a/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitBackupTask.java
+++ b/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitBackupTask.java
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
public class NavitBackupTask extends AsyncTask {
- private Navit mActivity;
+ private final Navit mActivity;
private ProgressDialog mDialog;
- public NavitBackupTask(Navit context) {
+ NavitBackupTask(Navit context) {
mActivity = context;
@@ -80,11 +80,11 @@ protected String doInBackground(Void... v) {
ObjectOutputStream preferencesOOs = null;
try {
/* Backup Files in home */
- NavitUtils.copyFileIfExists(Navit.sNavitDataDir + "/home/bookmark.txt",
+ NavitUtils.copyFileIfExists(Navit.sMapFilenamePath + "/home/bookmark.txt",
backupDir.getPath() + "/bookmark.txt");
- NavitUtils.copyFileIfExists(Navit.sNavitDataDir + "/home/destination.txt",
+ NavitUtils.copyFileIfExists(Navit.sMapFilenamePath + "/home/destination.txt",
backupDir.getPath() + "/destination.txt");
- NavitUtils.copyFileIfExists(Navit.sNavitDataDir + "/home/gui_internal.txt",
+ NavitUtils.copyFileIfExists(Navit.sMapFilenamePath + "/home/gui_internal.txt",
backupDir.getPath() + "/gui_internal.txt");
/* Backup Shared Preferences */
diff --git a/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitCallbackHandler.java b/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitCallbackHandler.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c3a3b3230a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitCallbackHandler.java
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+package org.navitproject.navit;
+import android.os.Handler;
+import android.os.Message;
+import android.util.Log;
+class NavitCallbackHandler {
+ private static final String TAG = "CallbackHandler";
+ private static final MsgType[] msg_values = MsgType.values();
+ static final Handler sCallbackHandler = new CallBackHandler();
+ private static native int callbackMessageChannel(int channel, String s);
+ private static native int callbackCmdChannel(int commandd);
+ static void sendCommand(CmdType command) {
+ switch (command) {
+ case CMD_ZOOM_IN:
+ callbackCmdChannel(1);
+ break;
+ case CMD_ZOOM_OUT:
+ callbackCmdChannel(2);
+ break;
+ case CMD_BLOCK:
+ callbackCmdChannel(3);
+ break;
+ callbackCmdChannel(4);
+ break;
+ callbackCmdChannel(5);
+ break;
+ default:
+ Log.e(TAG, "Unhandled command : " + command);
+ }
+ }
+ enum MsgType {
+ }
+ static class CallBackHandler extends Handler {
+ public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
+ switch (msg_values[msg.what]) {
+ String lat = Float.toString(msg.getData().getFloat("lat"));
+ String lon = Float.toString(msg.getData().getFloat("lon"));
+ String q = msg.getData().getString(("q"));
+ callbackMessageChannel(3, lat + "#" + lon + "#" + q);
+ break;
+ int x = msg.arg1;
+ int y = msg.arg2;
+ callbackMessageChannel(4, "" + x + "#" + y);
+ break;
+ case CLB_CALL_CMD:
+ String cmd = msg.getData().getString(("cmd"));
+ callbackMessageChannel(5, cmd);
+ break;
+ case CLB_LOAD_MAP:
+ callbackMessageChannel(6, msg.getData().getString(("title")));
+ break;
+ //unload map before deleting it !!!
+ callbackMessageChannel(7, msg.getData().getString(("title")));
+ NavitUtils.removeFileIfExists(msg.getData().getString(("title")));
+ break;
+ callbackMessageChannel(7, msg.getData().getString(("title")));
+ break;
+ default:
+ Log.d(TAG, "Unhandled callback : " + msg_values[msg.what]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitDialogs.java b/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitDialogs.java
index 8a9d6de655..4c506d70c1 100644
--- a/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitDialogs.java
+++ b/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitDialogs.java
@@ -64,14 +64,14 @@ public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
if (msg.getData().getInt("value1") == 1) {
- Message msgOut = Message.obtain(NavitGraphics.sCallbackHandler,
- NavitGraphics.MsgType.CLB_LOAD_MAP.ordinal());
+ Message msgOut = Message.obtain(NavitCallbackHandler.sCallbackHandler,
+ NavitCallbackHandler.MsgType.CLB_LOAD_MAP.ordinal());
msgOut = Message
- .obtain(NavitGraphics.sCallbackHandler,
- NavitGraphics.MsgType.CLB_CALL_CMD.ordinal());
+ .obtain(NavitCallbackHandler.sCallbackHandler,
+ NavitCallbackHandler.MsgType.CLB_CALL_CMD.ordinal());
Bundle b = new Bundle();
int mi = msg.getData().getInt("value2");
double lon = (Double.parseDouble(NavitMapDownloader.osm_maps[mi].mLon1) + Double
diff --git a/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitDownloadSelectMapActivity.java b/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitDownloadSelectMapActivity.java
index 8f816df602..4ee521c8c6 100644
--- a/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitDownloadSelectMapActivity.java
+++ b/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitDownloadSelectMapActivity.java
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
import android.location.LocationManager;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Message;
-import android.os.StatFs;
import android.support.v4.app.ActivityCompat;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;
@@ -60,7 +59,7 @@ public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
try {
- setTitle(getFreeSpace() / 1024 / 1024 + "MB available");
+ setTitle(NavitUtils.getFreeSpace(Navit.sMapFilenamePath) / 1024 / 1024 + "MB available");
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Exception " + e.getClass().getName()
+ " during getFreeSpace, reporting 'no sdcard present'");
@@ -73,10 +72,6 @@ public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
- private long getFreeSpace() {
- StatFs fsInfo = new StatFs(Navit.sMapFilenamePath);
- return (long) fsInfo.getAvailableBlocks() * fsInfo.getBlockSize();
- }
private void updateDownloadedMaps() {
@@ -234,8 +229,8 @@ private void askForMapDeletion(final String mapLocation) {
new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface arg0, int arg1) {
Log.d(TAG, "Delete Map");
- Message msg = Message.obtain(NavitGraphics.sCallbackHandler,
- NavitGraphics.MsgType.CLB_DELETE_MAP.ordinal());
+ Message msg = Message.obtain(NavitCallbackHandler.sCallbackHandler,
+ NavitCallbackHandler.MsgType.CLB_DELETE_MAP.ordinal());
Bundle b = new Bundle();
b.putString("title", mapLocation);
diff --git a/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitGraphics.java b/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitGraphics.java
index cd6ce69440..37ac92acea 100644
--- a/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitGraphics.java
+++ b/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitGraphics.java
@@ -19,14 +19,11 @@
package org.navitproject.navit;
-import static org.navitproject.navit.NavitAppConfig.getTstring;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.annotation.TargetApi;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
-import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
import android.content.pm.ResolveInfo;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.content.res.Resources;
@@ -39,9 +36,7 @@
import android.graphics.Rect;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.os.Build;
-import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Message;
-import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.support.annotation.RequiresApi;
import android.support.v4.view.ViewConfigurationCompat;
import android.util.Log;
@@ -66,6 +61,7 @@
class NavitGraphics {
private static final String TAG = "NavitGraphics";
private static final long TIME_FOR_LONG_PRESS = 300L;
+ private static boolean sInMap;
private final NavitGraphics mParentGraphics;
private final ArrayList mOverlays;
private int mBitmapWidth;
@@ -81,7 +77,6 @@ class NavitGraphics {
private int mPaddingTop;
private int mPaddingBottom;
private NavitView mView;
- static final Handler sCallbackHandler = new CallBackHandler();
private SystemBarTintView mLeftTintView;
private SystemBarTintView mRightTintView;
private SystemBarTintView mTopTintView;
@@ -90,7 +85,6 @@ class NavitGraphics {
private RelativeLayout mRelativeLayout;
private NavitCamera mCamera;
private Navit mActivity;
- private static boolean sInMap;
private boolean mTinting;
@@ -210,7 +204,7 @@ public WindowInsets onApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets insets) {
* @return An intent to start to view the specified point on a third-party app on Android (can be null if a
* view action is not possible)
- protected Intent getViewIntentForDisplayPoint(int x, int y) {
+ Intent getViewIntentForDisplayPoint(int x, int y) {
Intent result = null;
/* Check if there is at least one application that can process a geo intent... */
@@ -218,11 +212,11 @@ protected Intent getViewIntentForDisplayPoint(int x, int y) {
Uri intentUri = Uri.parse("geo:" + selectedPointCoord);
Intent defaultShareIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, intentUri);
- List customShareIntentList = new ArrayList();
+ List customShareIntentList = new ArrayList<>();
List intentTargetAppList;
intentTargetAppList = this.getContext().getPackageManager().queryIntentActivities(defaultShareIntent, 0);
- String selfPackageName = this.getContext().getPackageName(); /* aka: "org.navitproject.navit" */
+ String selfPackageName = this.getContext().getPackageName();
if (!intentTargetAppList.isEmpty()) {
for (ResolveInfo resolveInfo : intentTargetAppList) {
@@ -243,7 +237,7 @@ protected Intent getViewIntentForDisplayPoint(int x, int y) {
result = Intent.createChooser(customShareIntentList.remove(customShareIntentList.size() - 1),
- customShareIntentList.toArray(new Parcelable[customShareIntentList.size()]));
+ customShareIntentList.toArray(new Intent[0]));
Log.d(TAG, "Preparing action intent (" + customShareIntentList.size() + 1
+ " candidate apps) to view selected coord: " + selectedPointCoord);
@@ -276,27 +270,20 @@ protected void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu) {
public boolean onMenuItemClick(MenuItem item) {
int itemId = item.getItemId();
- if (itemId != MENU_VIEW) {
- /* Destroy any previous map view intent if the user didn't select the MENU_VIEW action */
- mContextMenuMapViewIntent = null;
- }
if (itemId == MENU_DRIVE_HERE) {
- Message msg = Message.obtain(sCallbackHandler, MsgType.CLB_SET_DISPLAY_DESTINATION.ordinal(),
+ Message msg = Message.obtain(NavitCallbackHandler.sCallbackHandler,
+ NavitCallbackHandler.MsgType.CLB_SET_DISPLAY_DESTINATION.ordinal(),
(int) mPressedPosition.x, (int) mPressedPosition.y);
} else if (itemId == MENU_VIEW) {
- if (mContextMenuMapViewIntent != null) {
- mContextMenuMapViewIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP);
- if (mContextMenuMapViewIntent.resolveActivity(this.getContext().getPackageManager()) != null) {
- this.getContext().startActivity(mContextMenuMapViewIntent);
- } else {
- Log.w(TAG, "View menu selected but intent is not handled by any application. Ignoring...");
- }
- mContextMenuMapViewIntent = null; /* Destoy the intent once it has been used */
+ mContextMenuMapViewIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP);
+ if (mContextMenuMapViewIntent.resolveActivity(this.getContext().getPackageManager()) != null) {
+ this.getContext().startActivity(mContextMenuMapViewIntent);
} else {
- Log.e(TAG, "User clicked on view on menu but intent was null. Discarding...");
+ Log.w(TAG, "View menu selected but intent is not handled by any application. Ignoring...");
+ mContextMenuMapViewIntent = null;
return true;
@@ -320,8 +307,6 @@ protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
Log.d(TAG, "onSizeChanged pixels x=" + w + " pixels y=" + h);
- Log.v(TAG, "onSizeChanged density=" + Navit.sMetrics.density);
- Log.v(TAG, "onSizeChanged scaledDensity=" + Navit.sMetrics.scaledDensity);
super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);
mDrawBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(w, h, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
mDrawCanvas = new Canvas(mDrawBitmap);
@@ -414,12 +399,12 @@ private void doZoom(MotionEvent event) {
Log.v(TAG, "New scale = " + scale);
if (scale > 1.2) {
// zoom in
- callbackMessageChannel(1, "");
+ NavitCallbackHandler.sendCommand(NavitCallbackHandler.CmdType.CMD_ZOOM_IN);
mOldDist = newDist;
} else if (scale < 0.8) {
mOldDist = newDist;
// zoom out
- callbackMessageChannel(2, "");
+ NavitCallbackHandler.sendCommand(NavitCallbackHandler.CmdType.CMD_ZOOM_OUT);
@@ -650,66 +635,6 @@ private void setmActivity(final Navit navit) {
- enum MsgType {
- }
- private static final MsgType[] msg_values = MsgType.values();
- private static class CallBackHandler extends Handler {
- public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
- switch (msg_values[msg.what]) {
- case CLB_ZOOM_IN:
- callbackMessageChannel(1, "");
- break;
- case CLB_ZOOM_OUT:
- callbackMessageChannel(2, "");
- break;
- case CLB_MOVE:
- //motionCallback(mMotionCallbackID, msg.getData().getInt("x"), msg.getData().getInt("y"));
- break;
- String lat = Float.toString(msg.getData().getFloat("lat"));
- String lon = Float.toString(msg.getData().getFloat("lon"));
- String q = msg.getData().getString(("q"));
- callbackMessageChannel(3, lat + "#" + lon + "#" + q);
- break;
- int x = msg.arg1;
- int y = msg.arg2;
- callbackMessageChannel(4, "" + x + "#" + y);
- break;
- case CLB_CALL_CMD:
- String cmd = msg.getData().getString(("cmd"));
- callbackMessageChannel(5, cmd);
- break;
- //buttonCallback(mButtonCallbackID, 0, 1, msg.getData().getInt("x"), msg.getData().getInt("y"));
- break;
- //buttonCallback(mButtonCallbackID, 1, 1, msg.getData().getInt("x"), msg.getData().getInt("y"));
- break;
- break;
- case CLB_LOAD_MAP:
- callbackMessageChannel(6, msg.getData().getString(("title")));
- break;
- //unload map before deleting it !!!
- callbackMessageChannel(7, msg.getData().getString(("title")));
- NavitUtils.removeFileIfExists(msg.getData().getString(("title")));
- break;
- callbackMessageChannel(7, msg.getData().getString(("title")));
- break;
- case CLB_REDRAW:
- default:
- Log.d(TAG, "Unhandled callback : " + msg_values[msg.what]);
- }
- }
- }
private native void sizeChangedCallback(long id, int x, int y);
@@ -717,8 +642,6 @@ public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
private native void keypressCallback(long id, String s);
- private static native int callbackMessageChannel(int i, String s);
private native void buttonCallback(long id, int pressed, int button, int x, int y);
private native void motionCallback(long id, int x, int y);
diff --git a/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitMapDownloader.java b/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitMapDownloader.java
index 51c362407a..e66840073c 100644
--- a/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitMapDownloader.java
+++ b/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitMapDownloader.java
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
import android.location.Location;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Message;
-import android.os.StatFs;
import android.util.Log;
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
@@ -47,422 +46,424 @@
public class NavitMapDownloader extends Thread {
- //
- // define the maps here
- // size estimations updated 2017-06-22
- //
static final OsmMapValues[] osm_maps = {
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.whole_planet), "-180", "-90", "180", "90",
- 23992258630L, 0),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.africa), "-30.89", "-36.17", "61.68",
- "38.40", 2070076339L, 0),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.angola), "11.4", "-18.1", "24.2", "-5.3",
- 127557789L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.burundi), "28.9", "-4.5", "30.9", "-2.2",
- 124049667L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.canary_islands), "-18.69", "26.52", "-12.79",
- "29.99", 133565815L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.congo), "11.7",
- "-13.6", "31.5", "5.7", 244228485L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.ethiopia), "32.89", "3.33", "48.07", "14.97",
- 153067406L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.guinea), "-15.47", "7.12", "-7.58", "12.74",
- 188047126L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.cotedivoire), "-8.72", "4.09", "-2.43",
- "10.80", 132187496L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.kenya), "33.8", "-5.2", "42.4", "4.9",
- 190073089L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.lesotho), "26.9", "-30.7", "29.6", "-28.4",
- 196189429L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.liberia), "-15.00", "-0.73", "-7.20", "8.65",
- 156257253L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.libya), "9.32", "19.40", "25.54", "33.63",
- 126046917L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.madagascar), "42.25", "-26.63", "51.20",
- "-11.31", 145210721L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.namibia) + "+" + getTstring(R.string.botswana),
- "11.4", "-29.1", "29.5", "-16.9", 248970987L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.reunion), "55.2", "-21.4", "55.9", "-20.9",
- 126008774L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.rwanda), "28.8", "-2.9", "30.9", "-1.0",
- 128267595L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.south_africa) + "+" + getTstring(R.string.lesotho),
- "15.93", "-36.36", "33.65", "-22.08", 307280006L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.tanzania), "29.19",
- "-11.87", "40.74", "-0.88", 253621029L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.uganda), "29.3", "-1.6", "35.1", "4.3",
- 179134521L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.asia), "23.8", "0.1", "195.0", "82.4",
- 5113673780L, 0),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.azerbaijan), "44.74", "38.34", "51.69",
- "42.37", 138346406L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.china), "67.3", "5.3", "135.0", "54.5",
- 1718108758L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.cyprus), "32.0", "34.5", "34.9", "35.8",
- 118472448L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.india) + "+" + getTstring(R.string.nepal), "67.9",
- "5.5", "89.6", "36.0", 601877877L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.indonesia), "93.7", "-17.3", "155.5", "7.6",
- 420741405L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.iran), "43.5", "24.4",
- "63.6", "40.4", 242016066L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.iraq), "38.7", "28.5", "49.2", "37.4",
- 160751805L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.israel), "33.99", "29.8", "35.95", "33.4",
- 155685778L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.japan) + "+" + getTstring(R.string.korea), "123.6",
- "25.2", "151.3", "47.1", 1029080156L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.kazakhstan), "46.44", "40.89", "87.36",
- "55.45", 407633007L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.kyrgyzsyan), "69.23", "39.13", "80.33",
- "43.29", 147997835L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.malaysia) + "+" + getTstring(R.string.singapore),
- "94.3", "-5.9", "108.6", "6.8", 168816435L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.mongolia), "87.5", "41.4", "120.3", "52.7",
- 153534851L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.pakistan), "60.83", "23.28", "77.89",
- "37.15", 217644321L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.philippines), "115.58", "4.47", "127.85",
- "21.60", 281428307L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.saudi_arabia), "33.2", "16.1", "55.9",
- "33.5", 242648303L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.taiwan), "119.1", "21.5", "122.5", "25.2",
- 1029080156L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.thailand), "97.5", "5.7", "105.2", "19.7",
- 185135492L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.turkey), "25.1", "35.8", "46.4", "42.8",
- 331087441L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.turkmenistan), "51.78", "35.07", "66.76",
- "42.91", 131045087L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.uae_other), "51.5", "22.6", "56.7", "26.5",
- 128934674L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.australia) + "+" + getTstring(R.string.oceania),
- "89.84", "-57.39", "179.79", "7.26", 782722650L, 0),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.australia), "110.5", "-44.2", "154.9",
- "-9.2", 348652900L, 0),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.tasmania), "144.0", "-45.1", "155.3",
- "-24.8", 253231890L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.victoria) + " + " + getTstring(R.string.new_south_wales),
- "140.7", "-39.4", "153.7", "-26.9", 241500829L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.new_caledonia), "157.85", "-25.05", "174.15",
- "-16.85", 115512336L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.newzealand), "165.2", "-47.6", "179.1",
- "-33.7", 239264192L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.europe), "-12.97", "33.59", "34.15", "72.10",
- 11984126789L, 0),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.western_europe), "-17.6", "34.5", "42.9",
- "70.9", 12648810717L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.austria), "9.4", "46.32", "17.21", "49.1",
- 898273634L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.azores), "-31.62", "36.63", "-24.67",
- "40.13", 112687225L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.belgium), "2.3", "49.5", "6.5", "51.6",
- 733035524L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.benelux), "2.08", "48.87", "7.78", "54.52",
- 1771971595L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.netherlands), "3.07", "50.75", "7.23",
- "53.73", 1191828033L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.denmark), "7.65", "54.32", "15.58", "58.07",
- 365606979L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.faroe_islands), "-7.8", "61.3", "-6.1",
- "62.5", 109377568L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.france), "-5.45", "42.00", "8.44", "51.68",
- 3907969744L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.alsace), "6.79", "47.27", "8.48", "49.17",
- 354249349L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.aquitaine), "-2.27", "42.44", "1.50",
- "45.76", 443715019L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.auvergne), "2.01", "44.57", "4.54", "46.85",
- 287663213L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.basse_normandie), "-2.09", "48.13", "1.03",
- "49.98", 262352354L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.bourgogne), "2.80", "46.11", "5.58", "48.45",
- 298868796L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.bretagne), "-5.58", "46.95", "-0.96",
- "48.99", 382770794L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.centre), "0.01", "46.29", "3.18", "48.99",
- 474224721L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.champagne_ardenne), "3.34", "47.53", "5.94",
- "50.28", 269947824L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.corse), "8.12", "41.32", "9.95", "43.28",
- 129902146L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.franche_comte), "5.20", "46.21", "7.83",
- "48.07", 324476070L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.haute_normandie), "-0.15", "48.62", "1.85",
- "50.18", 202782876L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.ile_de_france), "1.40", "48.07", "3.61",
- "49.29", 311052699L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.languedoc_roussillon), "1.53", "42.25",
- "4.89", "45.02", 380145667L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.limousin), "0.58", "44.87", "2.66", "46.50",
- 206696539L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.lorraine), "4.84", "47.77", "7.72", "49.73",
- 330777318L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.midi_pyrenees), "-0.37", "42.18", "3.50",
- "45.10", 462618363L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.nord_pas_de_calais), "1.42", "49.92", "4.49",
- "51.31", 368467511L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.pays_de_la_loire), "-2.88", "46.20", "0.97",
- "48.62", 499471143L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.picardie), "1.25", "48.79", "4.31", "50.43",
- 374308041L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.poitou_charentes), "-1.69", "45.04", "1.26",
- "47.23", 342125526L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.provence_alpes_cote_d_azur), "4.21", "42.91",
- "7.99", "45.18", 390306134L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.rhone_alpes), "3.65", "44.07", "7.88",
- "46.64", 510797942L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.luxembourg), "5.7", "49.4", "6.5", "50.2",
- 1771971595L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.germany), "5.18", "46.84", "15.47", "55.64",
- 3521359466L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.baden_wuerttemberg), "7.32", "47.14",
- "10.57", "49.85", 674361124L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.bayern), "8.92", "47.22", "13.90", "50.62",
- 860161150L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.mittelfranken), "9.86", "48.78", "11.65",
- "49.84", 203055195L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.niederbayern), "11.55", "47.75", "14.12",
- "49.42", 312924770L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.oberbayern), "10.67", "47.05", "13.57",
- "49.14", 382734883L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.oberfranken), "10.31", "49.54", "12.49",
- "50.95", 235258691L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.oberpfalz), "11.14", "48.71", "13.47",
- "50.43", 264536012L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.schwaben), "9.27", "47.10", "11.36", "49.09",
- 321141607L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.unterfranken), "8.59", "49.16", "10.93",
- "50.67", 303720890L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.berlin), "13.03", "52.28", "13.81", "52.73",
- 169019946L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.brandenburg), "11.17", "51.30", "14.83",
- "53.63", 323497599L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.bremen), "8.43", "52.96", "9.04", "53.66",
- 150963608L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.hamburg), "9.56", "53.34", "10.39", "53.80",
- 156284421L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.hessen), "7.72", "49.34", "10.29", "51.71",
- 432279328L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.mecklenburg_vorpommern), "10.54", "53.05",
- "14.48", "55.05", 213183908L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.niedersachsen), "6.40", "51.24", "11.69",
- "54.22", 819766939L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.nordrhein_westfalen), "5.46", "50.26",
- "9.52", "52.59", 967053517L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.rheinland_pfalz), "6.06", "48.91", "8.56",
- "51.00", 442868899L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.saarland), "6.30", "49.06", "7.46", "49.69",
- 157721162L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.sachsen_anhalt), "10.50", "50.88", "13.26",
- "53.11", 287785088L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.sachsen), "11.82", "50.11", "15.10", "51.73",
- 342620834L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.schleswig_holstein), "7.41", "53.30",
- "11.98", "55.20", 280293910L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.thueringen), "9.81", "50.15", "12.72",
- "51.70", 269428239L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.iceland), "-25.3", "62.8", "-11.4", "67.5",
- 124837162L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.ireland), "-11.17", "51.25", "-5.23", "55.9",
- 234750271L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.italy), "6.52", "36.38", "18.96", "47.19",
- 1610171395L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.spain) + "+" + getTstring(R.string.portugal),
- "-11.04", "34.87", "4.62", "44.41", 1039624918L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.mallorca), "2.2", "38.8", "4.7", "40.2",
- 137200636L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.galicia), "-10.0", "41.7", "-6.3", "44.1",
- 174549553L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.scandinavia), "4.0", "54.4", "32.1", "71.5",
- 1398661090L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.finland), "18.6", "59.2", "32.3", "70.3",
- 460997178L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.denmark), "7.49", "54.33", "13.05", "57.88",
- 321870414L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.switzerland), "5.79", "45.74", "10.59",
- "47.84", 552565332L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.united_kingdom), "-9.7", "49.6", "2.2",
- "61.2", 901724648L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.england), "-7.80", "48.93", "2.41", "56.14",
- 937728414L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.buckinghamshire), "-1.19", "51.44", "-0.43",
- "52.25", 142256978L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.cambridgeshire), "-0.55", "51.96", "0.56",
- "52.79", 142334001L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.cumbria), "-3.96", "53.85", "-2.11", "55.24",
- 144422460L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.east_yorkshire_with_hull), "-1.16", "53.50",
- "0.54", "54.26", 141518744L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.essex), "-0.07", "51.40", "1.36", "52.14",
- 162542730L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.herefordshire), "-3.19", "51.78", "-2.29",
- "52.45", 129368660L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.kent), "-0.02", "50.81", "1.65", "51.53",
- 145482562L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.lancashire), "-3.20", "53.43", "-2.00",
- "54.29", 148964975L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.leicestershire), "-1.65", "52.34", "-0.61",
- "53.03", 154199956L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.norfolk), "0.10", "52.30", "2.04", "53.41",
- 146017009L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.nottinghamshire), "-1.39", "52.73", "-0.62",
- "53.55", 147986548L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.oxfordshire), "-1.77", "51.41", "-0.82",
- "52.22", 142240992L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.shropshire), "-3.29", "52.26", "-2.18",
- "53.05", 136909363L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.somerset), "-3.89", "50.77", "-2.20",
- "51.40", 145186096L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.south_yorkshire), "-1.88", "53.25", "-0.80",
- "53.71", 145902650L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.suffolk), "0.29", "51.88", "1.81", "52.60",
- 143799697L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.surrey), "-0.90", "51.02", "0.10", "51.52",
- 157987139L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.wiltshire), "-2.41", "50.90", "-1.44",
- "51.76", 138652346L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.scotland), "-8.13", "54.49", "-0.15",
- "61.40", 258853845L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.wales), "-5.56", "51.28", "-2.60", "53.60",
- 193593409L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.albania), "19.09", "39.55", "21.12", "42.72",
- 146199817L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.belarus), "23.12", "51.21", "32.87", "56.23",
- 324470696L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.russian_federation), "27.9", "41.5", "190.4",
- "77.6", 2148314279L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.bulgaria), "24.7", "42.1", "24.8", "42.1",
- 109869373L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.bosnia_and_herzegovina), "15.69", "42.52",
- "19.67", "45.32", 187122485L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.czech_republic), "11.91", "48.48", "19.02",
- "51.17", 904838442L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.croatia), "13.4", "42.1", "19.4", "46.9",
- 460854751L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.estonia), "21.5", "57.5", "28.2", "59.6",
- 173378927L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.greece), "28.9", "37.8", "29.0", "37.8",
- 109435051L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.crete), "23.3", "34.5", "26.8", "36.0",
- 115985063L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.hungary), "16.08", "45.57", "23.03", "48.39",
- 350318541L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.latvia), "20.7", "55.6", "28.3", "58.1",
- 188188140L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.lithuania), "20.9", "53.8", "26.9", "56.5",
- 217852597L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.poland), "13.6", "48.8", "24.5", "55.0",
- 1464968657L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.romania), "20.3", "43.5", "29.9", "48.4",
- 347931565L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.slovakia), "16.8", "47.7", "22.6", "49.7",
- 420533039L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.ukraine), "22.0", "44.3", "40.4", "52.4",
- 793611912L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.north_america), "-178.1", "6.5", "-10.4",
- "84.0", 5601866516L, 0),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.alaska), "-179.5", "49.5", "-129", "71.6",
- 207746039L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.canada), "-141.3", "41.5", "-52.2", "70.2",
- 2635719651L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.hawaii), "-161.07", "18.49", "-154.45",
- "22.85", 115016656L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.usa) + getTstring(R.string.except_alaska_and_hawaii),
- "-125.4", "24.3", "-66.5", "49.3", 4060487198L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.midwest), "-104.11", "35.92", "-80.46",
- "49.46", 1145596450L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.michigan), "-90.47", "41.64", "-79.00",
- "49.37", 538247019L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.ohio), "-84.87", "38.05", "-79.85", "43.53",
- 277022336L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.northeast), "-80.58", "38.72", "-66.83",
- "47.53", 1017160709L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.massachusetts), "-73.56", "40.78", "-68.67",
- "42.94", 340055487L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.vermont), "-73.49", "42.68", "-71.41",
- "45.07", 139626067L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.pacific), "-180.05", "15.87", "-129.75",
- "73.04", 207090640L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.south), "-106.70", "23.98", "-71.46",
- "40.70", 1747935356L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.arkansas), "-94.67", "32.95", "-89.59",
- "36.60", 155658661L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.district_of_columbia), "-77.17", "38.74",
- "-76.86", "39.05", 129235755L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.florida), "-88.75", "23.63", "-77.67",
- "31.05", 224022108L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.louisiana), "-94.09", "28.09", "-88.62",
- "33.07", 210120605L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.maryland), "-79.54", "37.83", "-74.99",
- "40.22", 276462622L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.mississippi), "-91.71", "29.99", "-88.04",
- "35.05", 177858031L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.oklahoma), "-103.41", "33.56", "-94.38",
- "37.38", 200061473L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.texas), "-106.96", "25.62", "-92.97",
- "36.58", 430089141L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.virginia), "-83.73", "36.49", "-74.25",
- "39.52", 384187569L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.west_virginia), "-82.70", "37.15", "-77.66",
- "40.97", 220552071L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.west), "-133.11", "31.28", "-101.99",
- "49.51", 1152909162L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.arizona), "-114.88", "30.01", "-108.99",
- "37.06", 182826833L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.california), "-125.94", "32.43", "-114.08",
- "42.07", 586923326L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.colorado), "-109.11", "36.52", "-100.41",
- "41.05", 228623724L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.idaho), "-117.30", "41.93", "-110.99",
- "49.18", 170684507L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.montana), "-116.10", "44.31", "-102.64",
- "49.74", 176229800L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.new_mexico), "-109.10", "26.98", "-96.07",
- "37.05", 361793070L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.nevada), "-120.2", "35.0", "-113.8", "42.1",
- 200614482L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.oregon), "-124.8", "41.8", "-116.3", "46.3",
- 211462685L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.utah), "-114.11", "36.95", "-108.99",
- "42.05", 151590197L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.washington_state), "-125.0", "45.5",
- "-116.9", "49.0", 222553768L, 2),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.south_middle_america), "-83.5", "-56.3",
- "-30.8", "13.7", 958895383L, 0),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.argentina), "-73.9", "-57.3", "-51.6",
- "-21.0", 376857648L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.argentina) + "+" + getTstring(R.string.chile),
- "-77.2", "-56.3", "-52.7", "-16.1", 420275812L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.bolivia), "-70.5", "-23.1", "-57.3", "-9.3",
- 175937824L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.brazil), "-71.4", "-34.7", "-32.8", "5.4",
- 664872975L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.chile), "-81.77", "-58.50", "-65.46",
- "-17.41", 241657330L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.cuba), "-85.3", "19.6", "-74.0", "23.6",
- 129043575L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.colombia), "-79.1", "-4.0", "-66.7", "12.6",
- 212016580L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.ecuador), "-82.6", "-5.4", "-74.4", "2.3",
- 158857591L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.guyana) + "+" + getTstring(R.string.suriname) + "+"
- + getTstring(R.string.guyane_francaise), "-62.0", "1.0", "-51.2",
- "8.9", 123000072L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.haiti) + "+" + getTstring(R.string.dominican_republic),
- "-74.8", "17.3", "-68.2", "20.1", 149925689L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.jamaica), "-78.6", "17.4", "-75.9", "18.9",
- 113961998L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.mexico), "-117.6", "14.1", "-86.4", "32.8",
- 551307973L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.paraguay), "-63.8", "-28.1", "-53.6",
- "-18.8", 159498397L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.peru), "-82.4", "-18.1", "-67.5", "0.4",
- 212490557L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.uruguay), "-59.2", "-36.5", "-51.7", "-29.7",
- 157482719L, 1),
- new OsmMapValues(getTstring(R.string.venezuela), "-73.6", "0.4", "-59.7", "12.8",
- 167295729L, 1)
+ // size estimations updated 2019-10-28
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.whole_planet, "-180", "-90", "180", "90",
+ 35471336933L, 0),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.africa, "-30.89", "-36.17", "61.68", "38.40",
+ 3941558472L, 0),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.angola, "11.4", "-18.1", "24.2", "-5.3",
+ 224809554L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.burundi, "28.9", "-4.5", "30.9", "-2.2",
+ 201346208L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.canary_islands, "-18.69", "26.52", "-12.79", "29.99",
+ 191823973L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.congo, "11.7", "-13.6", "31.5", "5.7",
+ 558204116L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.ethiopia, "32.89", "3.33", "48.07", "14.97",
+ 249153700L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.guinea, "-15.47", "7.12", "-7.58", "12.74",
+ 290456408L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.cotedivoire, "-8.72", "4.09", "-2.43", "10.80",
+ 220210996L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.kenya, "33.8", "-5.2", "42.4", "4.9",
+ 402046406L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.lesotho, "26.9", "-30.7", "29.6", "-28.4",
+ 250430629L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.liberia, "-15.00", "-0.73", "-7.20", "8.65",
+ 220130148L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.libya, "9.32", "19.40", "25.54", "33.63",
+ 202766153L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.madagascar, "42.25", "-26.63", "51.20", "-11.31",
+ 231793632L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.namibia, R.string.botswana, "11.4", "-29.1", "29.5", "-16.9",
+ 355183133L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.reunion, "55.2", "-21.4", "55.9", "-20.9",
+ 170953086L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.rwanda, "28.8", "-2.9", "30.9", "-1.0",
+ 213213966L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.south_africa, R.string.lesotho, "15.93", "-36.36", "33.65", "-22.08",
+ 412557227L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.tanzania, "29.19", "-11.87", "40.74", "-0.88",
+ 659878114L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.uganda, "29.3", "-1.6", "35.1", "4.3",
+ 424948047L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.asia, "23.8", "0.1", "195.0", "82.4",
+ 8633755849L, 0),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.azerbaijan, "44.74", "38.34", "51.69", "42.37",
+ 208193716L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.china, "67.3", "5.3", "135.0", "54.5",
+ 3071225422L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.cyprus, "32.0", "34.5", "34.9", "35.8",
+ 178895753L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.india, R.string.nepal, "67.9", "5.5", "89.6", "36.0",
+ 1046746656L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.indonesia, "93.7", "-17.3", "155.5", "7.6",
+ 1182281967L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.iran, "43.5", "24.4", "63.6", "40.4",
+ 391459887L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.iraq, "38.7", "28.5", "49.2", "37.4",
+ 244896621L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.israel, "33.99", "29.8", "35.95", "33.4",
+ 236037295L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.japan, R.string.korea, "123.6", "25.2", "151.3", "47.1",
+ 1337474060L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.kazakhstan, "46.44", "40.89", "87.36", "55.45",
+ 661252271L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.kyrgyzsyan, "69.23", "39.13", "80.33", "43.29",
+ 215786962L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.malaysia, R.string.singapore, "94.3", "-5.9", "108.6", "6.8",
+ 339511849L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.mongolia, "87.5", "41.4", "120.3", "52.7",
+ 231652214L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.pakistan, "60.83", "23.28", "77.89", "37.15",
+ 316649335L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.philippines, "115.58", "4.47", "127.85", "21.60",
+ 417733117L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.saudi_arabia, "33.2", "16.1", "55.9", "33.5",
+ 374101149L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.taiwan, "119.1", "21.5", "122.5", "25.2",
+ 213310839L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.thailand, "97.5", "5.7", "105.2", "19.7",
+ 345327944L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.turkey, "25.1", "35.8", "46.4", "42.8",
+ 547969022L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.turkmenistan, "51.78", "35.07", "66.76", "42.91",
+ 197833565L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.uae_other, "51.5", "22.6", "56.7", "26.5",
+ 188885191L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.australia, R.string.oceania, "89.84", "-57.39", "179.79", "7.26",
+ 1767156679L, 0),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.australia, "110.5", "-44.2", "154.9", "-9.2",
+ 550526915L, 0),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.tasmania, "144.0", "-45.1", "155.3", "-24.8",
+ 377084650L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.victoria, R.string.new_south_wales, "140.7", "-39.4", "153.7", "-26.9",
+ 364316999L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.new_caledonia, "157.85", "-25.05", "174.15", "-16.85",
+ 164225513L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.newzealand, "165.2", "-47.6", "179.1", "-33.7",
+ 350750954L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.europe, "-12.97", "33.59", "34.15", "72.10",
+ 15902268761L, 0),
+ // Is more than 'Europe' from above where 'western europe' should be smaller than europe
+ //new OsmMapValues(R.string.western_europe, "-17.6", "34.5", "42.9", "70.9",
+ // 16879410713L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.austria, "9.4", "46.32", "17.21", "49.1",
+ 1184302570L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.azores, "-31.62", "36.63", "-24.67", "40.13",
+ 171415530L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.belgium, "2.3", "49.5", "6.5", "51.6",
+ 866194492L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.benelux, "2.08", "48.87", "7.78", "54.52",
+ 2075973265L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.netherlands, "3.07", "50.75", "7.23", "53.73",
+ 1388530557L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.denmark, "7.65", "54.32", "15.58", "58.07",
+ 552080821L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.faroe_islands, "-7.8", "61.3", "-6.1", "62.5",
+ 162933852L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.france, R.string.belgium, R.string.luxembourg,
+ "-5.20", "42.20", "8.20", "51.68",
+ 4575442134L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.france, R.string.luxembourg,"-5.20", "42.20", "8.20", "51.10",
+ 3984216361L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.alsace, "6.79", "47.27", "8.48", "49.17",
+ 457980795L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.aquitaine, "-2.27", "42.44", "1.50", "45.76",
+ 590247901L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.auvergne, "2.01", "44.57", "4.54", "46.85",
+ 404857899L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.basse_normandie, "-2.09", "48.13", "1.03", "49.98",
+ 350392952L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.bourgogne, "2.80", "46.11", "5.58", "48.45",
+ 429259997L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.bretagne, "-5.58", "46.95", "-0.96", "48.99",
+ 506377685L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.centre, "0.01", "46.29", "3.18", "48.99",
+ 620373774L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.champagne_ardenne, "3.34", "47.53", "5.94", "50.28",
+ 404110051L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.corse, "8.12", "41.32", "9.95", "43.28",
+ 196000318L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.franche_comte, "5.20", "46.21", "7.83", "48.07",
+ 448854594L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.haute_normandie, "-0.15", "48.62", "1.85", "50.18",
+ 291794192L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.ile_de_france, "1.40", "48.07", "3.61", "49.29",
+ 404250888L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.languedoc_roussillon, "1.53", "42.25", "4.89", "45.02",
+ 509739604L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.limousin, "0.58", "44.87", "2.66", "46.50",
+ 315805128L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.lorraine, "4.84", "47.77", "7.72", "49.73",
+ 433828147L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.midi_pyrenees, "-0.37", "42.18", "3.50", "45.10",
+ 609387039L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.nord_pas_de_calais, "1.42", "49.92", "4.49", "51.31",
+ 480042491L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.pays_de_la_loire, "-2.88", "46.20", "0.97", "48.62",
+ 638031978L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.picardie, "1.25", "48.79", "4.31", "50.43",
+ 480802771L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.poitou_charentes, "-1.69", "45.04", "1.26", "47.23",
+ 459723694L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.provence_alpes_cote_d_azur, "4.21", "42.91", "7.99", "45.18",
+ 491232080L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.rhone_alpes, "3.65", "44.07", "7.88", "46.64",
+ 656454467L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.luxembourg, "5.7", "49.4", "6.5", "50.2",
+ 207870816L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.germany, "5.18", "46.84", "15.47", "55.64",
+ 4258366162L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.baden_wuerttemberg, "7.32", "47.14", "10.57", "49.85",
+ 859363389L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.bayern, "8.92", "47.22", "13.90", "50.62",
+ 1089590692L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.mittelfranken, "9.86", "48.78", "11.65", "49.84",
+ 278839689L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.niederbayern, "11.55", "47.75", "14.12", "49.42",
+ 409234523L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.oberbayern, "10.67", "47.05", "13.57", "49.14",
+ 494705080L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.oberfranken, "10.31", "49.54", "12.49", "50.95",
+ 320127656L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.oberpfalz, "11.14", "48.71", "13.47", "50.43",
+ 345835711L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.schwaben, "9.27", "47.10", "11.36", "49.09",
+ 425231381L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.unterfranken, "8.59", "49.16", "10.93", "50.67",
+ 407153157L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.berlin, "13.03", "52.28", "13.81", "52.73",
+ 232299113L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.brandenburg, "11.17", "51.30", "14.83", "53.63",
+ 429938728L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.bremen, "8.43", "52.96", "9.04", "53.66",
+ 210480663L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.hamburg, "9.56", "53.34", "10.39", "53.80",
+ 215777707L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.hessen, "7.72", "49.34", "10.29", "51.71",
+ 549304606L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.mecklenburg_vorpommern, "10.54", "53.05", "14.48", "55.05",
+ 298273965L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.niedersachsen, "6.40", "51.24", "11.69", "54.22",
+ 973888436L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.nordrhein_westfalen, "5.46", "50.26", "9.52", "52.59",
+ 1121091906L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.rheinland_pfalz, "6.06", "48.91", "8.56", "51.00",
+ 562406978L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.saarland, "6.30", "49.06", "7.46", "49.69",
+ 223614951L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.sachsen_anhalt, "10.50", "50.88", "13.26", "53.11",
+ 380652800L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.sachsen, "11.82", "50.11", "15.10", "51.73",
+ 452296960L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.schleswig_holstein, "7.41", "53.30", "11.98", "55.20",
+ 375552150L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.thueringen, "9.81", "50.15", "12.72", "51.70",
+ 362501525L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.iceland, "-25.3", "62.8", "-11.4", "67.5",
+ 198263647L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.ireland, "-11.17", "51.25", "-5.23", "55.9",
+ 326472032L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.italy, "6.52", "36.38", "18.96", "47.19",
+ 2199756999L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.spain, R.string.portugal, "-11.04", "34.87", "4.62", "44.41",
+ 1442482175L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.mallorca, "2.2", "38.8", "4.7", "40.2",
+ 246286923L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.galicia, "-10.0", "41.7", "-6.3", "44.1",
+ 269729717L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.scandinavia, "4.0", "54.4", "32.1", "71.5",
+ 2545082361L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.finland, "18.6", "59.2", "32.3", "70.3",
+ 919020354L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.denmark, "7.49", "54.33", "13.05", "57.88",
+ 488352770L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.switzerland, "5.79", "45.74", "10.59", "47.84",
+ 731538216L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.united_kingdom, "-9.7", "49.6", "2.2", "61.2",
+ 1205714793L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.england, "-7.80", "48.93", "2.41", "56.14",
+ 1234829532L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.buckinghamshire, "-1.19", "51.44", "-0.43", "52.25",
+ 216717402L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.cambridgeshire, "-0.55", "51.96", "0.56", "52.79",
+ 216306889L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.cumbria, "-3.96", "53.85", "-2.11", "55.24",
+ 227066588L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.east_yorkshire_with_hull, "-1.16", "53.50", "0.54", "54.26",
+ 214532411L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.essex, "-0.07", "51.40", "1.36", "52.14",
+ 242803228L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.herefordshire, "-3.19", "51.78", "-2.29", "52.45",
+ 201746914L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.kent, "-0.02", "50.81", "1.65", "51.53",
+ 222224232L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.lancashire, "-3.20", "53.43", "-2.00", "54.29",
+ 231719236L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.leicestershire, "-1.65", "52.34", "-0.61", "53.03",
+ 231608922L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.norfolk, "0.10", "52.30", "2.04", "53.41",
+ 220583805L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.nottinghamshire, "-1.39", "52.73", "-0.62", "53.55",
+ 222001309L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.oxfordshire, "-1.77", "51.41", "-0.82", "52.22",
+ 215858382L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.shropshire, "-3.29", "52.26", "-2.18", "53.05",
+ 210489688L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.somerset, "-3.89", "50.77", "-2.20", "51.40",
+ 221498821L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.south_yorkshire, "-1.88", "53.25", "-0.80", "53.71",
+ 217566765L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.suffolk, "0.29", "51.88", "1.81", "52.60",
+ 218109848L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.surrey, "-0.90", "51.02", "0.10", "51.52",
+ 238058353L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.wiltshire, "-2.41", "50.90", "-1.44", "51.76",
+ 212963156L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.scotland, "-8.13", "54.49", "-0.15", "61.40",
+ 372486133L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.wales, "-5.56", "51.28", "-2.60", "53.60",
+ 281554024L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.albania, "19.09", "39.55", "21.12", "42.72",
+ 227718134L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.belarus, "23.12", "51.21", "32.87", "56.23",
+ 475885189L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.russian_federation, "27.9", "41.5", "190.4", "77.6",
+ 3368130201L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.bulgaria, "24.7", "42.1", "24.8", "42.1",
+ 162974147L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.bosnia_and_herzegovina, "15.69", "42.52", "19.67", "45.32",
+ 272871917L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.czech_republic, "11.91", "48.48", "19.02", "51.17",
+ 1100792845L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.croatia, "13.4", "42.1", "19.4", "46.9",
+ 718506859L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.estonia, "21.5", "57.5", "28.2", "59.6",
+ 239147853L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.greece, "28.9", "37.8", "29.0", "37.8",
+ 165328625L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.crete, "23.3", "34.5", "26.8", "36.0",
+ 174905198L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.hungary, "16.08", "45.57", "23.03", "48.39",
+ 499823508L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.latvia, "20.7", "55.6", "28.3", "58.1",
+ 272931650L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.lithuania, "20.9", "53.8", "26.9", "56.5",
+ 332328437L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.poland, "13.6", "48.8", "24.5", "55.0",
+ 1849496038L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.romania, "20.3", "43.5", "29.9", "48.4",
+ 497623904L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.slovakia, "16.8", "47.7", "22.6", "49.7",
+ 518251489L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.ukraine, "22.0", "44.3", "40.4", "52.4",
+ 1105659895L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.north_america, "-178.1", "6.5", "-10.4", "84.0",
+ 7727821782L, 0),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.alaska, "-179.5", "49.5", "-129", "71.6",
+ 309103093L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.canada, "-141.3", "41.5", "-52.2", "70.2",
+ 3564630901L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.hawaii, "-161.07", "18.49", "-154.45", "22.85",
+ 170132156L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.usa, R.string.except_alaska_and_hawaii, "-125.4", "24.3", "-66.5", "49.3",
+ 5533181627L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.midwest, "-104.11", "35.92", "-80.46", "49.46",
+ 1565753619L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.michigan, "-90.47", "41.64", "-79.00", "49.37",
+ 794434442L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.ohio, "-84.87", "38.05", "-79.85", "43.53",
+ 428282496L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.northeast, "-80.58", "38.72", "-66.83", "47.53",
+ 1391521085L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.massachusetts, "-73.56", "40.78", "-68.67", "42.94",
+ 438012615L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.vermont, "-73.49", "42.68", "-71.41", "45.07",
+ 206957907L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.pacific, "-180.05", "15.87", "-129.75", "73.04",
+ 309809468L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.south, "-106.70", "23.98", "-71.46", "40.70",
+ 2466350986L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.arkansas, "-94.67", "32.95", "-89.59", "36.60",
+ 223752575L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.district_of_columbia, "-77.17", "38.74", "-76.86", "39.05",
+ 201055647L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.florida, "-88.75", "23.63", "-77.67", "31.05",
+ 372359367L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.louisiana, "-94.09", "28.09", "-88.62", "33.07",
+ 290673534L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.maryland, "-79.54", "37.83", "-74.99", "40.22",
+ 409820479L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.mississippi, "-91.71", "29.99", "-88.04", "35.05",
+ 246036091L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.oklahoma, "-103.41", "33.56", "-94.38", "37.38",
+ 265042769L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.texas, "-106.96", "25.62", "-92.97", "36.58",
+ 625570538L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.virginia, "-83.73", "36.49", "-74.25", "39.52",
+ 546119530L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.west_virginia, "-82.70", "37.15", "-77.66", "40.97",
+ 319698480L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.west, "-133.11", "31.28", "-101.99", "49.51",
+ 1501540635L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.arizona, "-114.88", "30.01", "-108.99", "37.06",
+ 276838815L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.california, "-125.94", "32.43", "-114.08", "42.07",
+ 725286705L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.colorado, "-109.11", "36.52", "-100.41", "41.05",
+ 328730867L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.idaho, "-117.30", "41.93", "-110.99", "49.18",
+ 241725898L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.montana, "-116.10", "44.31", "-102.64", "49.74",
+ 246850772L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.new_mexico, "-109.10", "26.98", "-96.07", "37.05",
+ 542205524L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.nevada, "-120.2", "35.0", "-113.8", "42.1",
+ 269630259L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.oregon, "-124.8", "41.8", "-116.3", "46.3",
+ 290552225L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.utah, "-114.11", "36.95", "-108.99", "42.05",
+ 222549404L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.washington_state, "-125.0", "45.5", "-116.9", "49.0",
+ 323577562L, 2),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.south_middle_america, "-83.5", "-56.3", "-30.8", "13.7",
+ 1803470489L, 0),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.argentina, "-73.9", "-57.3", "-51.6", "-21.0",
+ 640249385L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.argentina, R.string.chile, "-77.2", "-56.3", "-52.7", "-16.1",
+ 713424629L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.bolivia, "-70.5", "-23.1", "-57.3", "-9.3",
+ 257531768L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.brazil, "-71.4", "-34.7", "-32.8", "5.4",
+ 1275564517L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.chile, "-81.77", "-58.50", "-65.46", "-17.41",
+ 400742681L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.cuba, "-85.3", "19.6", "-74.0", "23.6",
+ 190849399L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.colombia, "-79.1", "-4.0", "-66.7", "12.6",
+ 337606776L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.ecuador, "-82.6", "-5.4", "-74.4", "2.3",
+ 231183832L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.guyana, R.string.suriname, R.string.guyane_francaise,
+ "-62.0", "1.0", "-51.2", "8.9",
+ 123000072L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.haiti, R.string.dominican_republic, "-74.8", "17.3", "-68.2", "20.1",
+ 213013324L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.jamaica, "-78.6", "17.4", "-75.9", "18.9",
+ 168748968L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.mexico, "-117.6", "14.1", "-86.4", "32.8",
+ 829539696L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.paraguay, "-63.8", "-28.1", "-53.6", "-18.8",
+ 262841159L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.peru, "-82.4", "-18.1", "-67.5", "0.4",
+ 328138464L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.uruguay, "-59.2", "-36.5", "-51.7", "-29.7",
+ 227796557L, 1),
+ new OsmMapValues(R.string.venezuela, "-73.6", "0.4", "-59.7", "12.8",
+ 262760703L, 1)
//we should try to resume
private static final int SOCKET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 60000; // 60 secs.
@@ -473,7 +474,6 @@ public class NavitMapDownloader extends Thread {
private static final int UPDATE_PROGRESS_TIME_NS = 1000 * 1000000; // 1ns=1E-9s
private static final int MAX_RETRIES = 5;
private static final String TAG = "NavitMapDownLoader";
- private final String mMapFilenamePath;
private final OsmMapValues mMapValues;
private final int mMapId;
private Boolean mStopMe = false;
@@ -484,7 +484,6 @@ public class NavitMapDownloader extends Thread {
NavitMapDownloader(int mapId) {
this.mMapValues = osm_maps[mapId];
this.mMapId = mapId;
- this.mMapFilenamePath = Navit.sMapFilenamePath;
static NavitMap[] getAvailableMaps() {
@@ -539,7 +538,7 @@ public void run() {
if (success || mStopMe) {
- mMapFilenamePath + mMapValues.mMapName + ".bin", null, -1, success ? 1 : 0, mMapId);
+ Navit.sMapFilenamePath + mMapValues.mMapName + ".bin", null, -1, success ? 1 : 0, mMapId);
@@ -549,7 +548,7 @@ void stop_thread() {
private boolean checkFreeSpace(long neededBytes) {
- long freeSpace = getFreeSpace();
+ long freeSpace = NavitUtils.getFreeSpace(Navit.sMapFilenamePath);
if (neededBytes <= 0) {
@@ -575,8 +574,8 @@ private boolean deleteMap() {
File finalOutputFile = getMapFile();
if (finalOutputFile.exists()) {
- Message msg = Message.obtain(NavitGraphics.sCallbackHandler,
- NavitGraphics.MsgType.CLB_DELETE_MAP.ordinal());
+ Message msg = Message.obtain(NavitCallbackHandler.sCallbackHandler,
+ NavitCallbackHandler.MsgType.CLB_DELETE_MAP.ordinal());
Bundle b = new Bundle();
b.putString("title", finalOutputFile.getAbsolutePath());
@@ -649,7 +648,7 @@ && downloadData(c, alreadyRead, realSizeBytes, resume, outputFile)) {
private File getDestinationFile() {
- File outputFile = new File(mMapFilenamePath, mMapValues.mMapName + ".tmp");
+ File outputFile = new File(Navit.sMapFilenamePath, mMapValues.mMapName + ".tmp");
return outputFile;
@@ -691,14 +690,6 @@ private URL getDownloadURL() {
return url;
- private long getFreeSpace() {
- try {
- StatFs fsInfo = new StatFs(mMapFilenamePath);
- return (long) fsInfo.getAvailableBlocks() * fsInfo.getBlockSize();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- return -1;
- }
- }
private BufferedInputStream getInputStream(URLConnection c) {
BufferedInputStream bif;
@@ -720,11 +711,11 @@ private BufferedInputStream getInputStream(URLConnection c) {
private File getMapFile() {
- return new File(mMapFilenamePath, mMapValues.mMapName + ".bin");
+ return new File(Navit.sMapFilenamePath, mMapValues.mMapName + ".bin");
private File getMapInfoFile() {
- return new File(mMapFilenamePath, mMapValues.mMapName + ".tmp.info");
+ return new File(Navit.sMapFilenamePath, mMapValues.mMapName + ".tmp.info");
private BufferedOutputStream getOutputStream(File outputFile, boolean resume) {
@@ -888,21 +879,18 @@ private void enableRetry() {
static class OsmMapValues {
- final String mLon1;
- final String mLat1;
- final String mLon2;
- final String mLat2;
+ String mLon1;
+ String mLat1;
+ String mLon2;
+ String mLat2;
final String mMapName;
- final long mEstSizeBytes;
- final int mLevel;
+ long mEstSizeBytes;
+ int mLevel;
- private OsmMapValues(String mapName, String lon1, String lat1, String lon2,
- String lat2,
- long bytesEst, int level) {
- this.mMapName = mapName;
+ private void setMapValues(String lon1, String lat1, String lon2, String lat2, long bytesEst, int level) {
this.mLon1 = lon1;
this.mLat1 = lat1;
this.mLon2 = lon2;
@@ -911,6 +899,29 @@ private OsmMapValues(String mapName, String lon1, String lat1, String lon2,
this.mLevel = level;
+ private OsmMapValues(int id1, String lon1, String lat1, String lon2, String lat2,
+ long bytesEst, int level) {
+ this.mMapName = getTstring(id1);
+ setMapValues(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2, bytesEst, level);
+ }
+ private OsmMapValues(int id1, int id2, String lon1, String lat1, String lon2, String lat2,
+ long bytesEst, int level) {
+ this.mMapName = getTstring(id1) + " + " + getTstring(id2);
+ setMapValues(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2, bytesEst, level);
+ }
+ private OsmMapValues(int id1, int id2, int id3, String lon1, String lat1, String lon2, String lat2,
+ long bytesEst, int level) {
+ mMapName = getTstring(id1) + " + " + getTstring(id2) + " + " + getTstring(id3);
+ setMapValues(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2, bytesEst, level);
+ }
boolean isInMap(Location location) {
if (location.getLongitude() < Double.valueOf(this.mLon1)) {
diff --git a/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitRestoreTask.java b/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitRestoreTask.java
index 2e10e896eb..d5fe43afdf 100644
--- a/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitRestoreTask.java
+++ b/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitRestoreTask.java
@@ -58,18 +58,18 @@ protected String doInBackground(Void... v) {
ObjectInputStream preferenceOis = null;
try {
/* Delete all old Files in Home */
- NavitUtils.removeFileIfExists(Navit.sNavitDataDir + "/home/bookmark.txt");
- NavitUtils.removeFileIfExists(Navit.sNavitDataDir + "/home/destination.txt");
- NavitUtils.removeFileIfExists(Navit.sNavitDataDir + "/home/gui_internal.txt");
+ NavitUtils.removeFileIfExists(Navit.sMapFilenamePath + "/home/bookmark.txt");
+ NavitUtils.removeFileIfExists(Navit.sMapFilenamePath + "/home/destination.txt");
+ NavitUtils.removeFileIfExists(Navit.sMapFilenamePath + "/home/gui_internal.txt");
/* Restore Files in home */
NavitUtils.copyFileIfExists(backupDir.getPath() + "/bookmark.txt",
- Navit.sNavitDataDir + "/home/bookmark.txt");
+ Navit.sMapFilenamePath + "/home/bookmark.txt");
NavitUtils.copyFileIfExists(backupDir.getPath() + "/destination.txt",
- Navit.sNavitDataDir + "/home/destination.txt");
+ Navit.sMapFilenamePath + "/home/destination.txt");
NavitUtils.copyFileIfExists(backupDir.getPath() + "/gui_internal.txt",
- Navit.sNavitDataDir + "/home/gui_internal.txt");
+ Navit.sMapFilenamePath + "/home/gui_internal.txt");
/* Restore Shared Preferences */
preferenceOis = new ObjectInputStream(
diff --git a/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitUtils.java b/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitUtils.java
index bbdf6539ed..e163c55765 100644
--- a/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitUtils.java
+++ b/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitUtils.java
@@ -8,6 +8,12 @@
class NavitUtils {
+ static long getFreeSpace(String path) {
+ File file = new File(path);
+ return file.getUsableSpace();
+ }
static void removeFileIfExists(String source) {
File file = new File(source);
diff --git a/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitVehicle.java b/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitVehicle.java
index e8c43e4743..e72679c3ef 100644
--- a/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitVehicle.java
+++ b/navit/android/src/org/navitproject/navit/NavitVehicle.java
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {
mFastProvider = null;
+ sLastLocation = location;
vehicleCallback(mVehiclePcbid, location);
vehicleCallback(mVehicleFcbid, 1);