Software tools to build deep learning microscopy segmentation and analysis models with less training data. Pretrained MicroNet encoders are available for download. Leverages transfer learning from classification models trained on a large (>100,000 images) dataset of microscopy images.
The paper is available here.
A presentation of the work is available here on YouTube.
- First install PyTorch.
- Install this pretrained_microscopy_models with the following command.
pip install git+
If you have any trouble see requirements_frozen.txt for the environment that worked for me on Windows (and a similar environment was used successfully on Linux).
import torch
import pretrained_microscopy_models as pmm
import torch.utils.model_zoo as model_zoo
model = torch.hub.load('pytorch/vision:v0.10.0', 'resnet50', pretrained=False)
url = pmm.util.get_pretrained_microscopynet_url('resnet50', 'micronet')
model.eval() # <- MicrosNet model for classifcation or transfer learning
This example provides shows how to download and apply a MicroNet pretrained model for classification (after demonstrating the same for an ImageNet model for comparison).
import pretrained_microscopy_models as pmm
# setup a UNet model with a ResNet50 backbone.
model = pmm.segmentation_training.create_segmentation_model('Unet', 'resnet50', 'micronet', classes=3)
# See examples to train and make predictions with model.
This example demonstrates how to use a pretrained model in a segmentation model through transfer learning.
Any micrographs you can share to improve MicroNet would be greatly appreciated. Anything marked confidential in the comments will not be shared (and only used to train better encoders). You can group images in folders named after the material type and we can also make use of unlabelled micrographs. Thank you!
All data contained in this repository are lisenced under the MIT lisense (see LICENSE.txt).
Note: Annotated images appear black because the annotation pixel values are 0 (background), 1 (oxide), and 2 (crack) out of 255 possible values.
The pre-trained encoders listed here are lisenced under the MIT lisense (see LICENSE.txt).
This model was retrained. The code will default to the latest version.
encoder | acc1 | acc5 |
resnet50 | 76.630 | 94.667 |
This was the version used in the paper. These encoders were randomly initialized and then pretrained on MicroNet. The table shows the top 1 and top 5 classification accuracy for each model on MicroNet.
encoder | acc1 | acc5 |
densenet121 | 88.148 | 98.963 |
densenet161 | 87.815 | 99.074 |
densenet169 | 89.333 | 99.222 |
densenet201 | 88.407 | 99.074 |
dpn107 | 84.556 | 98 |
dpn131 | 84.593 | 98.296 |
dpn68 | 77.741 | 94.815 |
dpn68b | 69 | 88.704 |
dpn92 | 74.185 | 91.815 |
dpn98 | 85.519 | 98.407 |
efficientnet-b0 | 83.926 | 97.444 |
efficientnet-b1 | 84.111 | 97.815 |
efficientnet-b2 | 84.63 | 98.111 |
efficientnet-b3 | 84.889 | 97.667 |
efficientnet-b4 | 84.519 | 97.185 |
efficientnet-b5 | 83.148 | 97.074 |
inceptionresnetv2 | 90.926 | 99.296 |
inceptionv4 | 93.63 | 99.704 |
mobilenet_v2 | 83.815 | 97.815 |
resnet101 | 77.296 | 94.704 |
resnet152 | 85.63 | 98.185 |
resnet18 | 79.815 | 95.667 |
resnet34 | 77.259 | 94.444 |
resnet50 | 62.037 | 83.741 |
resnext101_32x8d | 87.556 | 99.037 |
resnext50_32x4d | 69.037 | 89.296 |
se_resnet101 | 93.37 | 99.741 |
se_resnet152 | 92.926 | 99.852 |
se_resnet50 | 93.222 | 99.741 |
se_resnext101_32x4d | 93.889 | 99.815 |
se_resnext50_32x4d | 93.741 | 99.852 |
senet154 | 94.037 | 99.741 |
vgg11_bn | 76.815 | 93.296 |
vgg13_bn | 77.889 | 93.704 |
vgg16_bn | 71.481 | 90.926 |
xception | 93.815 | 99.63 |
These encoders were pretrained on ImageNet and then finetuned on MicroNet
encoder | acc1 | acc5 |
densenet121 | 81.185 | 96.704 |
densenet161 | 85.963 | 98.111 |
densenet169 | 83.815 | 97.963 |
densenet201 | 83.741 | 97.593 |
dpn107 | 86.185 | 98.444 |
dpn131 | 82.778 | 97.074 |
dpn68 | 65.889 | 87.259 |
dpn68b | 52.148 | 77.519 |
dpn92 | 69.778 | 89.333 |
dpn98 | 84.037 | 97.556 |
efficientnet-b0 | 92.815 | 99.778 |
efficientnet-b1 | 93.259 | 99.741 |
efficientnet-b2 | 93.741 | 99.889 |
efficientnet-b3 | 93.889 | 99.741 |
efficientnet-b4 | 94.519 | 99.741 |
efficientnet-b5 | 93.926 | 99.778 |
efficientnet-b6 | 92.593 | 99.556 |
efficientnet-b7 | 92.63 | 99.63 |
inceptionresnetv2 | 92.148 | 99.63 |
inceptionv4 | 93.741 | 99.815 |
mobilenet_v2 | 80.556 | 96.037 |
resnet101 | 86.259 | 98.222 |
resnet152 | 85.111 | 97.296 |
resnet18 | 81.185 | 96.926 |
resnet34 | 90.185 | 99.222 |
resnet50 | 90.259 | 99 |
resnext101_32x8d | 92.815 | 99.778 |
resnext50_32x4d | 91.148 | 99.407 |
se_resnet101 | 93.185 | 99.778 |
se_resnet152 | 93.444 | 99.778 |
se_resnet50 | 93.222 | 99.741 |
se_resnext101_32x4d | 94.519 | 99.852 |
se_resnext50_32x4d | 93.63 | 99.815 |
senet154 | 93.741 | 99.815 |
vgg11_bn | 89.148 | 98.889 |
vgg11 | 1.37 | 4.556 |
vgg13_bn | 90.63 | 99.481 |
vgg13 | 2 | 7.407 |
vgg16_bn | 90.222 | 99.37 |
xception | 93.444 | 99.741 |