Shade is a Neovim plugin that dims your inactive windows, making it easier to see the active window at a glance.
use 'sunjon/shade.nvim'
Plug 'sunjon/shade.nvim'
NOTE: Ensure that Shade's zindex
value is configured to be lower than any other plugins that you
would prefer to be shown higher than the floating windows Shade creates to dim your inactive splits.
For example, these plugins could clash (see this issue):
overlay_opacity = 50,
opacity_step = 1,
keys = {
brightness_up = '<C-Up>',
brightness_down = '<C-Down>',
toggle = '<Leader>s',
shade_zindex = 1,
table above shows available actions. No mappings are defined by default. -
The color of the numbers in the brightness control popup can be customized by creating a highlight group named:
and setting the attributes to your liking.
Copyright (c) Senghan Bright. Distributed under the MIT license