This project is a reporter for axe-core. When used as part of an axe-core run, it will produce results using the Evaluation And Reporting Language (EARL) 1.0. The reporter uses JSON-LD to serialise the RDF data.
Previous versions of this program were maintained at dequelabs/axe-reporter-earl.
To install Axe-reporter-earl, with NPM, run:
npm install @axe-core/reporter-earl
The EARL reporter can be passed to axe, either as part of configuration or as part of the run:
CommonJS Require Syntax:
const reporter = require('@axe-core/reporter-earl').default;
// Define the reporter through axe.configure
axe.configure({ reporter }); => console.log(earlResults));
const reporter = require('@axe-core/reporter-earl').default;
// Use the reporter in a single call{ reporter }).then(earlResults => console.log(earlResults));
ES6 Import Syntax:
import reporter from '@axe-core/reporter-earl';
// Define the reporter through axe.configure
axe.configure({ reporter }); => console.log(earlResults));
import reporter from '@axe-core/reporter-earl';
// Use the reporter in a single call{ reporter }).then(earlResults => console.log(earlResults));
The repoter format should look something like this:
"@context": {
"@vocab": "",
"earl": "",
"WCAG20": "",
"WCAG21": "",
"auto-wcag": "",
"dct": "",
"sch": "",
"doap": "",
"foaf": "",
"WebPage": "sch:WebPage",
"url": "dct:source",
"assertions": {
"@reverse": "subject"
"assertedBy": {
"@type": "@id"
"outcome": {
"@type": "@id"
"mode": {
"@type": "@id"
"pointer": {
"@type": "ptr:CSSSelectorPointer"
"@type": "WebPage",
"url": "http://localhost/",
"assertions": [
"assertedBy": {
"@id": "",
"@type": ["earl:Assertor", "earl:Software", "doap:Project"],
"doap:name": "Axe",
"doap:vendor": {
"@id": "",
"@type": "foaf:Organization",
"foaf:name": "Deque Systems"
"test": {
"@type": "TestCase",
"@id": ""
"result": {
"@type": "TestResult",
"outcome": "earl:inapplicable"
"@type": "Assertion",
"mode": "earl:automatic"
"assertedBy": {
"@id": "",
"@type": ["earl:Assertor", "earl:Software", "doap:Project"],
"doap:name": "Axe",
"doap:vendor": {
"@id": "",
"@type": "foaf:Organization",
"foaf:name": "Deque Systems"
"test": {
"@type": "TestCase",
"@id": ""
"result": {
"@type": "TestResult",
"info": "Ensures role attribute has an appropriate value for the element",
"outcome": "earl:undefined",
"pointer": "#foo"
"@type": "Assertion",
"mode": "earl:automatic"