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OpenSCAD DSL for OCaml


This library provides an OCaml front-end to the OpenSCAD solid modelling language. All SCAD primitives and transformation functions are made available.

Notable differences from the OpenSCAD language

  • Angles are represented in radians (and converted to degrees when compiling to OpenSCAD).
  • The dimensional system (2D or 3D) each shape inhabits is tracked by the type system. This is used to restrict the operations that can be legally applied (e.g. linear_extrude can only be applied to 2D shapes) and enforcing non-mixing of 2D and 3D shapes during boolean operations.


open Scad_ml

let scad_logo =
  let rad = 5.
  and fn = 720 in
  let cyl = Scad.cylinder ~fn ~center:true (rad /. 2.) (rad *. 2.3) in
  let cross_cyl = Scad.rotate (0., Float.pi /. 2., 0.) cyl in
    [ Scad.difference
        (Scad.sphere ~fn rad)
        [ cyl; cross_cyl; Scad.rotate (0., 0., Float.pi /. 2.) cross_cyl ]
    ; Scad.color ~alpha:0.25 Color.Magenta cross_cyl

let () =
  let oc = open_out "/path/to/things/scad_logo.scad" in
  Scad.write oc scad_logo;
  close_out oc

OpenSCAD logo Generated scads can then be viewed with the OpenSCAD viewer as you normally would.


Online documentation is available here.

Companion PPX

There is a companion ppx, [@@deriving scad] for generating transformation functions for user-defined records and abstract types made up of the Scad.t and Vec3.t types provided in this library.


