All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
v1.4.5 - 2021-10-16
- Simplify code structure
- Change adoc to md files
v1.4.4 - 2021-09-11
- Update dependencies
- Update [documentation]
v1.4.3 - 2021-02-21
- object module: implementation lodash to own implementation
- 4 spaces to indent instead of 2
- Refactor Makefile
- Changes md to adoc
- Badge on README
v1.4.0 - 2021-02-07
- object module
- object module: clone function
- object module: isEqual function
- lodash dependence
- Show functions grouped by modules in documentation
v1.3.0 - 2021-01-18
- date module: relativeTime function
- date module: Locale type
- Update README
- Update documentation
v1.2.0 - 2021-01-15
- New DateStringFormat
- New DateStringFormat
- date module: implementation date-fns to own implementation
- Choose issue template
- Update documentation
- Separate workflows for CI
- date-fns dependence
v1.1.0 - 2021-01-10
- array module: examples on JSDoc
- date module: examples on JSDoc
- date module: endOfDay with optional date (by defualt is current date)
- date module: startOfDay with optional date (by defualt is current date)
- math module: examples on JSDoc
- string module: examples on JSDoc
- string module: pascalCase function
- Update README
- string module: implementation voca to own implementation
- voca dependence
v1.0.0 - 2021-01-03
- date module: setEndTime to endOfDay (why? By having the name 'set' it implied that there was some side effect)
- date module: setInitTime to startOfDay (why? By having the name 'set' it implied that there was some side effect)
- array module: divide functions to import only function on use
- date module: divide functions to import only function on use
- math module: divide functions to import only function on use
- string module: divide functions to import only function on use
- array module: implementation lodas to own implementation
- ES2015 to ESNext
v0.3.1 - 2021-01-02
- Free side effect on package.json
v0.3.0 - 2021-01-02
- string module
- string module: camelCase function
- string module: capitalize function
- string module: firstLetters function
- string module: kebabCase function
- string module: lastLetters function
- string module: lowerCase function
- string module: snakeCase function
- string module: titleCase function
- string module: upperCase function
- Update documentation
- Unnecessary dependencies
v0.2.1 - 2021-01-02
- Update documentation
v0.2.0 - 2021-01-02
- math module: mean function
- math module: median function
- math module: mode function
- math module: multiply function
- array module: orderBy function
- math module: implementation to own implementation
- Update documentation
- Unit test folder
v0.1.2 - 2020-12-30
- math module: max function
- math module: sum function
- math module: implementation math.js to
v0.1.1 - 2020-12-29
- math module: module
- math module: min function
- build to cjs
- Unused vars on eslint interfaces
v0.1.0 - 2020-12-29
- Build project to esm (e.s. modules) and cjs (commonjs)
- Codecov
- array module: module
- array module: first function
- array module: last function
- array module: reverse function
- Update README
- Update documentation
v0.0.14 - 2020-12-24
- Deploy build and deploy project on npm
v0.0.13 - 2020-12-24
- Update README
- Update documentation
0.0.12 - 2020-12-23
- Pull request template
- Issue template
- Contributing page
- Code of conduct page
- Update README
- Update documentation
0.0.11 - 2020-12-21
- Git on docker container
0.0.10 - 2020-12-21
- Update dev dependencies
- Update README
- Update documentation
- Run test on pull request
0.0.9 - 2020-12-21
- Update documentation
- Update README
- Update dev dependencies
- Run test on npm update version
- Eslint commands
0.0.8 - 2020-12-21
- Update documentation
- Update make commands to develop
- Unnecessary dev dependencies
0.0.7 - 2020-12-21
- Github Actions workflow to deploy
- Update README
0.0.6 - 2020-12-20
- Tags
- Deploy on npm when change version
0.0.5 - 2020-12-20
- moment dependence
0.0.4 - 2020-12-20
- Update documentation
- Update dependencies
0.0.3 - 2020-12-20
- Dates implementation with date-fns
0.0.2 - 2020-12-20
- Some dates functions to test with moment
- JSDoc to documentation on Github Pages
- Implement all test
- CI with Github Actions
- Rename project
0.0.1 - 2020-12-17
- Create base project with:
- TypeScript
- Eslint
- Jest
- Docker Compose
- Make
- Some dates functions to test with moment
- JSDoc to documentation on Github Pages
- Implement all test
- CI with Github Actions