Here is a brief memo for how I automate my torrent download on PT server.
It (should) has the following features:
- automatically listen to RSS feed (No IRC support to the site I need)
- add seed only if have disk space left
- remove seed when ratio and seeding time meets requirement
So MT doesn't have IRC channel now. We have to use RSS based auto download client. Hence we choose Flexget over autodl-irssi.
schedule = watch_directory,5,5,"load.start=/watch/*.torrent,"d.delete_tied=""
schedule = watch_directory_2,5,5,"load.start=/watch_race/*.torrent,d.set_directory=~/files_race/,d.set_custom1=race"
There are many tricks about RSS seeds. For example, you can output only those starred torrents as a separate RSS seed.
It supports read from RSS, IRC or even from uTorrent. Check the list for its filters.
Finally I successfully install flexget with virtualenv and python 2.7. After that, we can directly call /home/user/virtualenv2/bin/flexget without activating the virtual environment.
We can use crontab to run flexget.
For updates at a custom interval:
*/30 * * * * /home/user/virtualenv2/bin/flexget --cron execute
where 30 is the number of minutes between executions.
Test execution
flexget --test execute
Check syntax in config file:
flexget check
First, you need to output the size of torrent in the RSS seed. Then you just need to set up the configure file for FlexGet. Try this regexp testing webpage.
For example,
[([0-9]){2,3}.([0-9]){1,3} [G][B]]
echo "Check Space"
SPACE_USED=$(du -d 0 /home/myt007/files_race | cut -f1)
echo $(du -d 0 -h /home/myt007/files_race)
if (( $(echo "$SPACE_USED > 500000000 " |bc -l) )); then
echo "Folder is bigger than 500 GB"
echo "Folder is smaller than 500 GB"
Free Space: This plugin will abort a task if free space on a given drive is getting low. space: Amount of free space (in MB) that you require for new entries to be allowed.
path: /location/to/monitor
space: 500
You can specify the ratio group in rtorrent to automatically delete the files. See explanation here.
If you wish to specify different ratio's for different watch directories, do the following:
rtcontrol from pyrocore is another option. It can Only start items that you have disk space for and Deleting Download Items and Their Data.
It's easier to use their script and install from Github:
rtcontrol --cull --yes 'path=race' ratio=+2.9
rtcontrol --cull --yes 'path=race' is_complete=yes completed=+5d
bluray tasks:
- \[([0-9]){1,2}\.([0-9]){2,3} [G][B]\]
limit_new: 1
download: /home/myt007/watch_race
*/30 * * * * rtcontrol --cull --yes 'path=race' ratio=+2.9 */30 * * * * rtcontrol --cull --yes 'path=race' is_complete=yes completed=+5d 14 13 * * * ~/virtualenv2/bin/flexget execute