- Project: Distrotron
- Source code: GitHub
- License: Unlicense
- Documentation: README.md gives an overview. Inline Rust documentation describes the contract API.
- Code format: rustfmt & Standard JS
- Testing Guide: TESTING.md tells how to use
targets to run all tests at the command line, including options to deploy the contract on a sandbox node or on the public NEAR testnet.
1: Distribution Contract
Distrotron, the Distribution Contract, distributes a single payment equally between all NEAR accounts defined as minters on a given Mintbase store contract. It makes a cross-contract call to the list_minters() method of a Mintbase store contract to fetch that minters list.
2: Mock Mintbase Contract
For testing the Distribution Contract, we developed a Mock Contract that provides the same list_minters() method as a real Mintbase store contract, and that can be configured to return arbitrary test output or exhibit various failure modes.
3: Fuel Economy
The Distribution Contract gas consuption has been analyzed and tuned to minimize gas-per-minter and maximize the number of minters that can be paid in one invocation, given the hard limit on gas-per-method-call built into the NEAR blockchain. Today the contract supports dividing a payment between up to 80 users in a single NEAR method call.