From f160b32e05b0bfbddb5d641b7c145ecd9d7a0e64 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Max Howell Date: Sat, 31 May 2014 13:10:27 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Thoroughly document all methods in YOLO.h Tag 10 --- LICENSE | 6 + NSDictionary+extend.m | 13 +- YOLO.h | 632 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- YOLOKit.podspec | 6 +- tests | 6 - 5 files changed, 641 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-) create mode 100644 LICENSE diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d8ab949 --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +I, Max Howell the copyright holder of this work, hereby release it into +the public domain. This applies worldwide. + +In case this is not legally possible, I grant any entity the right to +use this work for any purpose, without any conditions, unless such +conditions are required by law. diff --git a/NSDictionary+extend.m b/NSDictionary+extend.m index 5faf933..bb4b617 100644 --- a/NSDictionary+extend.m +++ b/NSDictionary+extend.m @@ -2,19 +2,12 @@ @implementation NSDictionary (YOLO) -- (NSDictionary *(^)(id, ...))extend { - return ^NSDictionary *(NSDictionary *key, ...) { +- (NSDictionary *(^)(NSDictionary *))extend { + return ^NSDictionary *(NSDictionary *key) { if (!key) return self; NSMutableDictionary *cp = self.mutableCopy; - if ([key isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]]) { - [cp addEntriesFromDictionary:key]; - } else { - va_list args; - va_start(args, key); - cp[key] = va_arg(args, id); - va_end(args); - } + [cp addEntriesFromDictionary:key]; return cp.copy; }; } diff --git a/YOLO.h b/YOLO.h index 034cd11..7ec99b9 100644 --- a/YOLO.h +++ b/YOLO.h @@ -8,151 +8,673 @@ @interface NSArray (YOLO) #ifdef YOLO_ALL +/** + Invokes the given block for each element in the receiver. Should the + block return `NO`, the method immediately returns `NO`, ceasing + enumeration. If the block returns only `YES`, the method returns `YES`. + + BOOL rv = @[@1, @2, @3].all(^(id o){ + return [o intValue] > 0; + }); + // rv => YES + + BOOL rv = @[@1, @2, @3].all(^(int d){ + return d < 3; + }); + // rv => NO + + Instead of a block, you can pass a `Class` object. + + BOOL rv = @[@1, @2, @3].all(NSNumber.class); + // rv => YES +*/ - (BOOL(^)(id blockOrClass))all; #endif #ifdef YOLO_ANY -- (BOOL(^)(id))any; +/** + BOOL rv = @[@1, @2, @3].any(^(id o){ + return [o intValue] == 3; + }); + // rv => YES + + Instead of a block, you can pass a `Class` object. + + BOOL rv = @[@1, @2, @3].any(NSNumber.class); + // rv => YES +*/ +- (BOOL(^)(id blockOrClass))any; #endif #ifdef YOLO_CHUNK +/** + Chunks the receiver into a new array of chunk-size arrays. + + id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4].chunk(2) + + // rv => @[@[@1, @2], @[@3, @4]] +*/ - (NSArray *(^)(NSUInteger))chunk; #endif #ifdef YOLO_CONCAT +/** + Returns a new array that is the receiver with the given array + concatenated to the end. + + id rv = @[@1, @2].concat(@[@3, @4]); + + // rv => @[@1, @2, @3, @4] +*/ - (NSArray *(^)(NSArray *other_array))concat; #endif #ifdef YOLO_DICT +/** + Convert an array of key/value pairs into a dictionary. + + id rv = @[@[@1, @2], @[@3, @4]].dict + // rv => @{@1: @2, @3: @4} + + id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4].chunk(2).dict + // rv => @{@1: @2, @3: @4} + + If you have a flat array you can call `chunk(2)` before `dict`. It was + decided not to allow flat arrays to be immediately converted as it can + lead to bugs when your array is not in the shape you expect, and those + sorts of errors occur more commonly with tools like YOLOKit since we + allow easy array flattening. +*/ - (NSDictionary *)dict; #endif #ifdef YOLO_EACH +/** + Calls the given block once for each element in the receiver, passing + that element as the parameter. + + @[@1, @2, @3, @4].each(^(id n){ + NSLog(@"%@", n); + }); + // => 1\n2\n3\n4\n + + `each` also supports two and three parameter versions: + + @[@4, @3, @2, @1].each(^(id n, int ii){ + NSLog(@"%d:%@", ii, n); + }); + // => 0:1\n1:2\n2:3\n3:4\n + + @[@4, @3, @2, @1].each(^(id n, int ii, NSArray *array){ + //… + }); + + @[@4, @3, @2, @1].each(^(id n, NSNumber *index, NSArray *array){ + // and automagical conversion between int and NSNumber + }); +*/ - (NSArray *(^)(id block))each; #endif #ifdef YOLO_FIND +/** + Passes each entry in enum to block, returning the first for which block + is not `NO`. If no object matches, returns `nil`. + + id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4].find(^(id n){ + return [n isEqual:@3]; + }); + // rv => @3 +*/ - (id(^)(id))find; #endif #ifdef YOLO_FIRST +/** + Returns the first `n` elements of the receiver. + + id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4, @5, @6].first(2); + + // rv => @[@1, @2] + + PROTIP: YOLOKit is forgiving if the array doesn’t have enough elements, + `first` returns as many as it can. +*/ - (NSArray *(^)(NSUInteger))first; #endif #ifdef YOLO_FLATTEN +/** + Returns a new, one-dimensional array that is a recursive flattening of + the receiver. + + id rv = @[@[@1, @[@2]], @3, @[@4]].flatten + + // rv => @[@1, @2, @3, @4] +*/ - (NSArray *)flatten; #endif #ifdef YOLO_FLAT_MAP +/** + Returns a new array with the concatenated results of running block once + for every element in the receiver. + + id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4].flatMap(^(id n){ + return @[n, n]; + }); + // rv => @[@1, @1, @2, @2, @3, @3, @4, @4] + + id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4].flatMap(^(id n){ + return @[n, @[n]]; + }); + // rv => @[@1, @[@1], @2, @[@2], @3, @[@3], @4, @[@4]] + + PROTIP: Useful over vanilla map followed by a flatten because flatten is + recursive, and you may want to preserve array relationships beyond the + first level. Also, `flatMap` is technically more efficient. +*/ - (NSArray *(^)(NSArray *(^)(id o)))flatMap; #endif #ifdef YOLO_GROUP_BY +/** + Groups the collection by result of the given block. + + id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4].groupBy(^(NSNumber *n) { + return @(n.intValue % 2); + }); + // rv => @{@0: @[@1, @3], @1: @[@2, @4]} +*/ - (NSDictionary *(^)(id (^)(id o)))groupBy; #endif #ifdef YOLO_HAS +/** + BOOL rv = @[@1, @2, @3].has(@2) + // rv => YES + +Short-hand for containsObject:. Provided because doing a map, then a +select and a few more chained dot-notations are commonly followed with +the need to then determine if a particular value is in the resulting +array, and then having to square bracket the whole chain is ugly. + +We decided not to override any or find with the capability to take an +object rather than a block and instead add this method. Rest assured the +decision was careful. In the end has() seemed the choice that resulted in +the clearest code. + +`has` was chosen over *contains* or *includes* because it is short and +clear. +*/ - (BOOL (^)(id o))has; #endif #ifdef YOLO_INDEX_OF +/** + Returns the index of the given object in the receiver or `NSNotFound` if + the object was not found. + + uint rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4].indexOf(@2); + + // rv => 1 + + PROTIP: `NSNotFound` has the value `NSIntegerMax` so you don’t need to + directly check for it, you can instead check if the returned value is + less than the count of the receiver. +*/ - (NSUInteger (^)(id obj))indexOf; #endif #ifdef YOLO_INJECT +/** + Combines all elements of the receiver by applying a binary operation. + + id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4].inject(@{}, ^(NSMutableDictionary *memo, NSNumber *n){ + memo[n] = @(n.intValue * n.intValue); + return memo; + }); + // rv => @{@1: @1, @2: @4, @3: @9, @4: @16} + + PROTIP: If you feed `inject` a non-mutable dictionary or array YOLOKit + mutates it for your block, and then finally returns a non-mutable copy. + + @see -reject +*/ - (id(^)(id initial_memo, id (^)(id memo, id obj)))inject; #endif #ifdef YOLO_JOIN +/** + Returns a string of all the receiver’s elements joined with the provided + separator string. + + id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4].join(@","); + // rv => @"1,2,3,4" + + id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4].join(@""); + // rv => @"1234" + + PROTIP: `-description` is called on all objects before joining them. +*/ - (NSString *(^)(NSString *))join; #endif #ifdef YOLO_LAST +/** + Returns the last `n` elements from receiver. + + id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4, @5, @6].last(2); + + // rv => @[@5, @6] + + PROTIP: If there are insufficient elements in the array, YOLOKit returns + as many as it can. +*/ - (NSArray *(^)(NSUInteger))last; #endif #ifdef YOLO_MAP +/** + Invokes the given block once for each element of self. Creates a new + array containing the values returned by the block. + + id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4].map(^(NSNumber *n){ + return @(n.intValue * n.intValue); + }); + // rv => @[@1, @4, @9, @16] + + If the given block returns nil, that element is skipped in the returned + array. + + The given block can have up to three parameters, the first is an element + in the array, the second that element’s index, and the third the array + itself. + + The second parameter can be a primitive (eg. `int`), or an `NSNumber *`: + + @"YOLO".split(@"").map(^(NSString *letter, int index){ + //… + }); +*/ - (NSArray *(^)(id block))map; #endif #ifdef YOLO_MAX +/** + Returns the element for which the given block returns the largest + integer. + + id rv = @[@4, @2, @1, @3].max(^(NSNumber *n){ + return n.intValue; + }); + // rv => @4 + + id rv = @[@4, @2, @1, @3].max(^(NSNumber *n){ + return (n.intValue - 3) * (n.intValue - 3); + }); + // rv => @1 + + NOTE: currently you must return an integer, we plan to allow you to + return whatever you like. +*/ - (id(^)(id))max; #endif #ifdef YOLO_MIN +/** + Returns the element for which the given block returns the smallest + integer. + + id rv = @[@4, @2, @1, @3].min(^(NSNumber *n){ + return n; + }); + // rv => @1 + + NOTE: currently you must return an integer, we plan to allow you to + return whatever you like. +*/ - (id(^)(id))min; #endif #ifdef YOLO_NONE +/** + BOOL rv = @[@1, @2, @3].none(^(id o){ + return [o intValue] > 4; + }); + // rv => YES + + Instead of a block, you can pass a `Class` object. + + BOOL rv = @[@1, @2, @3].none(NSNumber.class); + // rv => NO +*/ - (BOOL(^)(id blockOrClass))none; #endif #ifdef YOLO_PARTITION +/** + Partitions the receiver into two arrays based on the boolean return + value of the given block. + + id rv = @[@"A", @"B", @"AA"].partition(^(id s){ + return [s hasPrefix:@"A"]; + }); + //rv => @[@[@"A", @"AA"], @[@"B"]] +*/ - (NSArray *(^)(id blockReturningBool))partition; #endif #ifdef YOLO_PLUCK +/** + Returns a new array that is the result of calling the given method on + each element in the receiver. + + MKShape *rhombas = [MKShape new]; rhombas.title = @"rhombas"; + MKShape *ellipse = [MKShape new]; ellipse.title = @"ellipse"; + MKShape *hexagon = [MKShape new]; hexagon.title = @"hexagon"; + + id rv = @[rhombas, ellipse, hexagon].pluck(@"title") + // rv => @[@"rhombas", @"ellipse", @"hexagon"] + + id rv = @[rhombas, ellipse, hexagon].pluck(@"title.uppercaseString") + // rv => @[@"RHOMBAS", @"ELLIPSE", @"HEXAGON"] + + NOTE: This is a convenience function for the common case of mapping + (`-map`) an array to the result of a method call on each element. +*/ - (NSArray *(^)(NSString *keypath))pluck; #endif #ifdef YOLO_PMAP +/** + Map, but run in parallel. Obviously: be thread safe in your block. The + call waits for all elements to be processed. Typically not worth using + unless you have large arrays since the overhead of + thread-synchronization may be greater than the parallel savings + otherwise. + + @see -map +*/ - (NSArray *(^)(id (^)(id o)))pmap; #endif #ifdef YOLO_REDUCE +/** + Reduces the receiver to a single value. + + The usual example of reduce is to sum all values in an array. + + id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4].reduce(^(NSNumber *memo, NSNumber *obj){ + return @(memo.intValue + obj.intValue); + }); + // rv => @10 + + Generally `-inject` is more useful. Though, when appropriate, `reduce` + is more elegant. + + // find the longest word + id longest = @[@"cat", @"sheep", @"bear"].reduce(^(NSString *memo, NSString *word){ + return memo.length > word.length ? memo : word; + }); + // longest => @"sheep" + + @param memo initialized to the first value in receiver, but on subsequent iterations is the value returned from the given block. + @param obj the value for each element in the receiver, though never the first object. + + @see -inject +*/ - (id(^)(id (^)(id memo, id obj)))reduce; #endif #ifdef YOLO_SELECT +/** + Returns a new array containing all elements for which the given block + returns `YES`. + + id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4].reject(^(NSNumber *n){ + return n.intValue % 2 == 0; + }); + // rv => @[@1, @3] + + Alternatively pass a `Class` object: + + id rv = @[@1, @"1", @{}].reject(NSNumber.class) + // rv => @[@"1", @{}] + + @see -select +*/ - (NSArray *(^)(id blockOrClass))reject; #endif #ifdef YOLO_REVERSE +/** + Returns a new array that is the receiver, reversed. + + id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4].reverse; + + // rv => @[@4, @3, @2, @1] + + NOTE: Did you know about `array.reverseEnumerator.allObjects`? We don’t + use that in fact to save allocations, but you could do that on projects + without YOLOKit. +*/ - (NSArray *)reverse; #endif #ifdef YOLO_ROTATE +/** + Returns a new array rotated about the provided index. + + id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4, @5, @6].rotate(2); + // rv => @[@3, @4, @5, @6, @1, @2] + + id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4, @5, @6].rotate(-2); + // rv => @[@5, @6, @1, @2, @3, @4] +*/ - (NSArray *(^)(NSInteger))rotate; #endif #ifdef YOLO_SAMPLE +/** + Returns a random element from the receiver. +*/ - (id)sample; #endif #ifdef YOLO_SELECT +/** + Returns a new array containing all elements for which the given block + returns `YES`. + + id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4].select(^(NSNumber *n){ + return n.intValue % 2 == 0; + }); + // rv => @[@2, @4] + + Alternatively pass a `Class` object: + + id rv = @[@1, @"1", @{}].select(NSString.class) + // rv => @[@"1"] + + Convenient when searching for specifc subviews. + +; + + Though you may need an `allSubviews` pod. + + @see -reject +*/ - (NSArray *(^)(id blockOrClass))select; #endif #ifdef YOLO_SHUFFLE +/** + Returns a new array that is shuffled. + + NOTE: Uses the Fisher–Yates shuffle algorithm. +*/ - (NSArray *)shuffle; #endif #ifdef YOLO_SKIP +/** + Skips the first `n` elements and returns the rest of the array. + + id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4, @5, @6].skip(2); + + // rv => @[@3, @4, @5, @6] + + @see -first + @see -last + @see -slice + @see -snip +*/ - (NSArray *(^)(NSUInteger numberToSkip))skip; #endif #ifdef YOLO_SLICE +/** + Returns a subarray consisting of the given number of elements from the + given starting index. + + id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4, @5, @6].slice(2, 2)); + + // rv => @[@3, @4] + + PROTIP: Use slice instead of first, last, skip and snip… when you have + to. If you find yourself writing `array.slice(0, 4)` then consider + `array.first(4)` instead: it’s more expressive, more explicit and + shorter to boot. + + @see -first + @see -last + @see -skip + @see -snip +*/ - (NSArray *(^)(NSUInteger start, NSUInteger length))slice; #endif #ifdef YOLO_SNIP +/** + Snips the end off the array. Returns the receiver *without* the last `n` + elements. + + id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4, @5, @6].snip(2); + + // rv => @[@1, @2, @3, @4] + + @see -first + @see -last + @see -skip + @see -slice +*/ - (NSArray *(^)(NSUInteger numberToTrim))snip; #endif #ifdef YOLO_SORT +/** + Returns the receiver, sorted. + + id rv = @[@2, @1, @3, @5, @4].sort; + // rv => @[@1, @2, @3, @4, @5] + + We even try to handle mixed object types: + + id rv = @[@"20", @"1", @3, @5, @"4"].sort; + // rv => @[@"1", @3, @"4", @5, @"20"] + + @see -sortBy + + PROTIP: Internally attempts to sort all objects using `-compare:` but if + that fails, calls `-description` on all objects and uses `-sortBy`. +*/ - (NSArray *)sort; + +/** + Sorts all objects using the return value of the given block as the + sorting criteria. + + MKShape *rhombas = [MKShape new]; rhombas.title = @"rhombas"; + MKShape *ellipse = [MKShape new]; ellipse.title = @"ellipse"; + MKShape *hexagon = [MKShape new]; hexagon.title = @"hexagon"; + + id rv = @[rhombas, ellipse, hexagon].sortBy(^(id shape){ + return [shape title]; + }); + // rv => @[ellipse, hexagon, rhombas] + + id rv = @[rhombas, ellipse, hexagon].sortBy(@"title") + // rv => @[ellipse, hexagon, rhombas] + + id rv = @[ + @{@"name": @"frank", @"age": @32}, + @{@"name": @"frank", @"age": @31}, + @{@"name": @"bob", @"age": @54}, + @{@"name": @"zane", @"age": @1}, + @{@"name": @"frank", @"age": @12} + ].sortBy(^(id o){ + return @[o[@"name"], o[@"age"]]; + }); + // rv => @[ + @{@"name": @"bob", @"age": @54}, + @{@"name": @"frank", @"age": @12}, + @{@"name": @"frank", @"age": @31}, + @{@"name": @"frank", @"age": @32}, + @{@"name": @"zane", @"age": @1} + ]; + + PROTIP: You will need you to implement a compare: method for any custom + objects you return. + + PROTIP: Returning an array from your block will sort the receiver so + that the first object is the first sorting criteria, and the second + object is the second sorting criteria, et cetera. +*/ - (NSArray *(^)(id blockOrKey))sortBy; #endif #ifdef YOLO_TRANSPOSE +/** + Assumes that the receiver is an array of arrays and transposes the rows + and columns. + + id rv = @[@[@1, @2, @3], @[@4, @5, @6]].transpose; + + // rv => @[@[@1, @4], @[@2, @5], @[@3, @6]] + + PROTIP: `transpose` is surprisingly useful, if you think laterally about + your problem. +*/ - (NSArray *)transpose; #endif #ifdef YOLO_UNIQ +/** + Returns a new array by removing duplicate values in the receiver. + + id rv = @[@1, @1, @2].uniq; + + // rv => @[@1, @2] + + PROTIP: Order is preserved. + + PROTIP: Equality is determined via `-hash` and `-isEqual:`. +*/ - (NSArray *)uniq; #endif #ifdef YOLO_WITHOUT +/** + Returns a new array where objects in the given array are removed from + the receiver. + + id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4, @5, @6].without(@2); + // rv => @[@1, @3, @4, @5, @6] + + id rv = @[@1, @2, @3, @4, @5, @6].without(@[@2, @3]); + // rv => @[@1, @4, @5, @6] +*/ - (NSArray *(^)(id arrayOrSetOrObject))without; #endif @@ -163,18 +685,56 @@ @interface NSMutableArray (YOLO) #ifdef YOLO_POP +/** + Treats receiver like a stack and removes the last object, returning it. + + NSMutableArray *aa = [NSMutableArray new]; + id rv = aa.push(@1).push(@2).push(@3).pop() + // rv => @3 + + @see -push +*/ - (id)pop; #endif #ifdef YOLO_PUSH +/** + Treats receiver like a stack and adds the given object to the end of the + receiver. + + NSMutableArray *aa = [NSMutableArray new]; + id rv = aa.push(@1).push(@2).push(@3) + // rv => @[@1, @2, @3] + + @see -pop +*/ - (NSMutableArray *(^)(id obj))push; #endif #ifdef YOLO_SHIFT +/** + Removes the receiver’s first object and returns it. + + NSMutableArray *aa = [NSMutableArray new]; + id rv = aa.unshift(@1).unshift(@2).unshift(@3).shift(); + // rv => @3 + + @see -unshift +*/ - (id)shift; #endif #ifdef YOLO_UNSHIFT +/** + Inserts the given object at the front of receiver, moving all other + objects in the receiver up one index. + + NSMutableArray *aa = [NSMutableArray new]; + id rv = aa.unshift(@1).unshift(@2).unshift(@3); + // rv => @[@3, @2, @1] + + @see -shift +*/ - (NSMutableArray *(^)(id obj))unshift; #endif @@ -185,6 +745,9 @@ @interface NSSet (YOLO) #ifdef YOLO_EACH +/** + @see NSArray’s -each +*/ - (NSSet *(^)(void (^)(id o)))each; #endif @@ -195,22 +758,66 @@ @interface NSDictionary (YOLO) #ifdef YOLO_ARRAY +/** + Returns a new array of arrays of key, value pairs. + + id rv = @{@3: @"c", @1: @"a", @4: @"d", @2: @"b"}.array + // rv = [@[@"3", @"c"], @[@1, @"a"], @[@4, @"d"], @[@2, @"b"]] + // NOTE array order is undefined + + rv = rv.sort.transpose[1] + // rv = [@"a", @"b", @"c", @"d"] + // NOTE `rv.allValues.sort` would be more efficient +*/ - (NSArray *)array; #endif #ifdef YOLO_EXTEND -- (NSDictionary *(^)(id o, ...))extend; +/** + Returns a new, merged dictionary. + + @param higherPriorityDictionary The dictionary to merge with the + receiver. If any keys conflict, the values in this dictionary take precendence. + + id rv = @{@1: @1, @2: @4}.extend(@{@1: @9, @10: @100}); + + // rv => @{@1: @9, @2: @4, @10: @100} +*/ +- (NSDictionary *(^)(NSDictionary *higherPriorityDictionary))extend; #endif #ifdef YOLO_GET +/** + Returns the value associated with a given key. + + id rv = @{@1: @1, @2: @4}.get(@2); + + // rv => @4 + + @see -objectForKey: +*/ - (id (^)(id))get; #endif #ifdef YOLO_MAP +/** + Invokes the given block once for each key, value pair in the receiver. + Returns an array containing the values returned by the block. + + id rv = @{@1: @2, @2: @4, @3: @9}.map(^(id key, id obj){ + return @([key intValue] + [obj intValue]); + }).sort; + + // rv = @[@3, @6, @12] + // NOTE `sort` called illustratively because dictionary order is undefined. +*/ - (NSArray *(^)(id (^)(id key, id obj)))map; #endif #ifdef YOLO_PICK +/** + Returns a new dictionary consisting of the given keys. +*/ - (NSDictionary *(^)(id o, ...))pick; #endif @@ -221,6 +828,14 @@ @interface NSNumber (YOLO) #ifdef YOLO_UP_TO +/** + Returns an array of consequentive numbers from receiver up to (and + including) the given number. + + id rv = @1.upTo(6); + + // rv => @[@1, @2, @3, @4, @5, @6] +*/ - (NSArray *(^)(NSInteger))upTo; #endif @@ -231,6 +846,19 @@ @interface NSString (YOLO) #ifdef YOLO_SPLIT +/** + Returns a new array of the strings in the receiver that are separated by + the given separator. + + id rv = @"1,2,3,4,5,6".split(@","); + // rv => @[@"1", @"2", @"3", @"4", @"5", @"6"] + + If you ask to separate by `@""` or `nil` you will get an array of the + strings individual characters (as determined by `-substringWithRange`). + + id rv = @"123456".split(@""); + // rv => @[@"1", @"2", @"3", @"4", @"5", @"6"] +*/ - (NSArray *(^)(NSString *))split; #endif diff --git a/YOLOKit.podspec b/YOLOKit.podspec index d5a36bf..0d37363 100644 --- a/YOLOKit.podspec +++ b/YOLOKit.podspec @@ -1,9 +1,7 @@ do |s| - version = '9' - = 'YOLOKit' - s.version = version - s.source = { :git => '', :tag => version } + s.version = '10' + s.source = { :git => '', :tag => s.version } s.requires_arc = true s.summary = 'A delightful library for enumerating Foundation objects.' s.homepage = '' diff --git a/tests b/tests index 31eeb6e..c397b7b 100755 --- a/tests +++ b/tests @@ -60,12 +60,6 @@ int main() { XCTAssertEqualObjects(other[@3], @5); } -- (void)testExtendForm2 { - NSDictionary *dict = @{@1: @2, @3: @4, @5: @6}; - id other = dict.extend(@3, @9); - XCTAssertEqualObjects(other[@3], @9); -} - - (void)testConcat { NSArray *objs = @[@1, @2, @3]; objs = objs.concat(objs);