- init repository
- add theme var for big view scale #65
- MComboBox: using MCompleter
- MSplitter: add animatable feature
- add MCompleter and MSplitter widget
- edit read_settings and write_settings
- edit read_settings and write_settings
- add search and scroll for MMenu
- add MPopup widget
- add delegate example
- add searchable combo box
- test ci
- test ci
- flow layout delete item; add clear method
- compat with PyQt5
- MItemView: fix header view order(sort) setting
- MItemViewSet-MItemViewFullSet: fix headerView state restore
- MTheme: fix MTheme.deco function
- MPage: fix MPage sig_page_changed bug
- fix MLineEdit delay signal not work when user use Chinese input method
- MPopup: fix PyQt5 setMask bug & clean code
- deploy fialed
- add all import
- delegate example rename for demo.py
- clean combox search code
- chinese input support
- MMenu: clean up menu code
- fix example application
- examples: use application function to launch example