To deploy Cobra, you only need Docker Compose and a way of getting the repository onto your server (such as git).
For local development, you will need:
- Ruby 2.4.2 (or a Ruby version manager - e.g. rvm or rbenv - with access to 2.4.2)
- Bundler
$ gem install bundler
- Postgres
- Git
- Get the project
$ git clone
$ cd cobra
- Deploy
$ docker-compose up
- Get the project
$ git clone
$ cd cobra
- Install dependencies
$ bundle
- Set up config files
$ cp config/database.example.yml config/database.yml
$ cp config/secrets.example.yml config/secrets.yml
- Set up database
$ psql postgres
# create user cobra with password '' CREATEDB;
# \q
$ rake db:create db:migrate
- Start local server
$ rails server
$ rspec
Identities are stored in the database and can be seeded/updated by running a rake task:
$ rake ids:update
This rake task queries the NRDB API and creates/updates identities as appropriate.
Identities not in the database are stripped out of ABR uploads to avoid errors.