diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 944e82c..2d3a0ee 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ |:----:|:----:|:----:|:----:|:----:| |1| [How to Read Image Video-Webcam](https://github.com/murtazahassan/Learn-OpenCV-in-3-hours/blob/master/chapter1.py)| |[Watch Now](https://youtu.be/WQeoO7MI0Bs?t=549) | Learn how to read images videos and webcam.
| |2| [5 Must Know OpenCV Basic Functions](https://github.com/murtazahassan/Learn-OpenCV-in-3-hours/blob/master/chapter2.py)| |[Watch Now](https://youtu.be/WQeoO7MI0Bs?t=1021) | 5 Must know opencv functions for beginners. Gray Scale, Blur, Edge Detection, Dialation and Erosion.
| -|3| [How to Crop and Resize Images](https://github.com/murtazahassan/Learn-OpenCV-in-3-hours/blob/master/chapter3.py)| |[Watch Now](https://youtu.be/WQeoO7MI0Bs?t=1651) | How to crop and resize and iamge. Resize could be used to scale up or scale down an image where cropping can be used to get a part of the image.
| +|3| [How to Crop and Resize Images](https://github.com/murtazahassan/Learn-OpenCV-in-3-hours/blob/master/chapter3.py)| |[Watch Now](https://youtu.be/WQeoO7MI0Bs?t=1651) | How to crop and resize an image. Resize could be used to scale up or scale down an image where cropping can be used to get a part of the image.
| |4| [How to Draw Shapes and Text](https://github.com/murtazahassan/Learn-OpenCV-in-3-hours/blob/master/chapter4.py)| |[Watch Now](https://youtu.be/WQeoO7MI0Bs?t=2052) | Learn to create blank images along with how to draw Lines, rectangles, circles and custom text.
| |5| [Warp Prespective/BirdView](https://github.com/murtazahassan/Learn-OpenCV-in-3-hours/blob/master/chapter5.py)| |[Watch Now](https://youtu.be/WQeoO7MI0Bs?t=2699) | Learn how to creat a warp prespective of a selected area of an image using fixed points.
| |6| [Joining Multiple Images to Display](https://github.com/murtazahassan/Learn-OpenCV-in-3-hours/blob/master/chapter6.py)| |[Watch Now](https://youtu.be/WQeoO7MI0Bs?t=3004) | Join multiple images together as one image for easy visualization of the workflow. Learn how to do it for smaller noumber of images and how it could be scaled up to have several images in the same image.